#maybe its this rash cream ive been using
evkso · 1 year
idk what’s up with my body but my hair is going crazy like middle school crazy its sooo thick and frizzy idk what to do with it…it’s probably hormones bc my face on the other hand is almost clean i had no breakouts this month and if this is the price i habe to pay then….
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magnoliamyrrh · 8 months
Can you drop the face wrinkle exercies routine? You said it did wonders to your face
sure! I know i wrote this on here before cuz someone asked me but i cant find it so here we go again lol
ive started using some new skincare products bc of the rash thing ive gotten on my face and those help too ive come to see. ive been using azelaic acid cream 10% morning sometimes night too, it helps increse skin overturn (like retinol does) and increse the collagen in the skin, but has been pretty gentle on my skin, and made it more smooth than it has been in yrs. it also dries out the face tho and i have a naturally very oily face without the acid, so ive been using A+D ointment (vaseline + lanolin (sheep grease)) which has been working great (vaseline cant clog up pores). having moisturized skin rly helps! also, ive v rarely used sunscreen throughout my life, and i know ppl say this helps prevent as well
other stuff, sometimes when i wake up i will take a icecube and rub it on my face. great way to wake up lol, but it also tightens the skin and helps reduce inflation. everyonce in awhile i will freeze an eggwhite and use this instead. also, being well hydrated helps, and Maybe taking collagen supplements or eating a diet heavy in collagen (soups w bones, bone marrow, skin, chicken feet etc, taking gelatin or collagen supplements) may help (i do this anyway bc of my lack of collagen bc genetic disorder).
as for the exercises, i follow the ones of this lady. you can also find her on tiktok where she has more content
the one at 2:38 (first link) is the one i do most often and i feel like its rly helped! it rly is a big difference compared to how it used to b before i started all this (and i can also tell a difference bc ive stopped doing it regularly for some weeks and its still better than it used to b, but not as good). i feel like i look less like a chronic smoker 30 year old exhausted mom lol, like i rly look moreso my age, most times i dont even have actual wrinkle dents in my laugh lines anymore where before there used to be!
this is for laugh line wrinkles tho, she has many others too for other parts of the face: ive done her eye exercises before and her forehead massage exercises and feel like those helped too! ive also done her exercises for jowels, and felt like they were sagging less. make sure your face is moisturized before you do this tho! ,,, ive also been at times doing a version of the lymph notes face massages you see online (but w my hands, not that stone thing), cant tell you if they help w anything but it does feel nice and help release tension in the face (tension being one of the things which leads to wrinkles)
i really did notice a difference after awhile of doing these every day! how much i did a day varied, sometimes just 10 min sometimes more as i was sitting around doing other things. i know at some point my cheeks hurt the day after, like i had muscle fatigue like when you exercise other muscles lol. i also noticed that after a few days it became a lot easier to do the movements and my face muscles were definetely getting stronger. be consistent and have patience and i really do think you will see some results!!! ive also seen a scientific study on this sort of exercises done on elderly women (50/60+) where they did 30 min of exercises every day for months, showing before and after photos, and i was rly shocked by the results; its why i decided to try to do this! best of luck :)
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sandershospitalau · 5 years
Lockdown (Part 2)
Part 1 Archive Of Our Own
I got language help! Thanks to @fanderpau for helping me perfect the Spanish used in this story, for beta reading, and for general feedback!
Tags- Medical stuff, Vomiting, Driving, Quarantine, Arguing.
One hour after quarantine
The temperature in the protective suit Logan wore made sweat collect around his glasses, but it was a small price to pay to live. What had once been one of the private examination rooms with bright white lighting and lots of space for equipment and personnel was now an isolation chamber. Plastic clung to the doors in long strips. The makeshift decontamination chamber one of the nurses whipped up (whoever said nurses weren't as smart as doctors, they were blind to reality) consumed the outer side of the door. Staff had to cross through the chamber, stuffed with biohazard suits and water sprayers, just to get to the other side of the hall. The bright white lights were swapped for dull yellow. Rodrigues' bed was pushed into the corner of the room, body covered with a sheet. Another wall of plastic separated Rodrigues from Ms. Lakin, who sat in her own bed. She'd traded her street clothes for a hospital gown that seemed too big on her thin frame. A rolling table sat in front of her with a few pill bottles and vials of cream.
"I know your rash itches," Logan said, his thick gloves grabbing one of the vials. "But when it does, use this cream instead. Don't scratch it, whatever you do. You'll be able to take another of these oral antihistamines in six hours or so."
"Alright," Ms. Lakin stammered, taking the vial from Logan. "Are you sure I have this Peanut's disease? My aunt gets these chronic rash flareups once a month, maybe it's just that?"
"That's why we took your blood, Ms. Lakin," Logan sighed. "And it's called Pinto's, not Peanut's."
"I'm sorry," Ms. Lakin stammered, wringing her hands. "I get easily stressed, and I ramble when I'm stressed. At least, that's what my therapist back in Chicago says, but my uncle- not the one who had a heart attack, his husband- he says that's just my personality. It can get annoying, he says."
"Whatever way you find best relaxes you, you may do. As long as you don't itch your rash. Now, you've been given a call button that will alert someone if you need anything. The monitors we have attached you to will beep should your heart rate and blood pressure spike.”
”That’s a part of the disease, right?”
”That is correct. Do you require anything else?”
“Can I ask you something?”
”There’s nothing stopping you.”
”I...” Ms. Lakin glanced at Rodrigues’ body. “I know you’ve seen plenty of people like me asking you a lot of questions like these, but... am I going to be ok? Am I going to suffer?” Logan paused a moment before answering. Promises were a doctor’s curse. There were no promises to make in medicine. Patton would have immediately reassured the woman, but Logan was not his husband.
”We will do our best to prevent that,” Logan answered. He gave Ms. Lakin a nod and stomped out of the isolation room, thick boots sticking to the floor. He stepped out of the dull yellow light and back into the white lights of the ED. More suits hung on a makeshift coat hanger, really a broken IV pole that held more weight than it should. Next to the pole was a large yellow bucket, a janitor's bucket used to store mops. For Logan, it was his drain. He pulled the bucket out and stepped into it, big boots smashed against the side. He grabbed the nozzle of one of the water sprayers (for once, not makeshift- gifts from the CDC) and started spraying his suit. He couldn't afford a piece of dust from Ms. Lakin's rashes to cling to his suit and spread onto whoever crossed into the chamber next. The sweat on Logan's glasses faded away. The water pooled around his boots.
He turned off the sprayer and set it back with its partners. He stepped out of the bucket, water dripping onto the floor. One step at a time, he took off his suit. First the boots, then the gloves, and finally the suit itself. He put each piece back next to the makeshift coat hanger and stepped out of the chamber, the bucket of contaminated water in his hands.
Most of the staff stuck in the ED were busy in one of the bays, comforting nervous patients or checking on someone's condition who should have been transferred to another department half an hour ago. Others clung to the island of desks, scrolling through their computers and typing things down. Roman sat in a bay with two little kids and their parent. He spoke Spanish faster than Logan could understand the words. Nate leaned against the door to another observation room, where the Yakimovs and McCallums were still being kept for their disturbance earlier. Logan trudged across the ED and dumped the water in the nearest sink. He went back to the decontamination chamber and dropped off the bucket.
"Logan," someone called. Patton padded around the desks, gray cardigan flopping behind him like a cape. "How's Ms. Lakin?"
"Her rash has not progressed any farther," Logan stated. "I've given her some anti-itch cream."
"I'm afraid I don't have any good news," Patton sighed, motioning a hand at nothing. "The blood work just came back. It's Pinto's."
"That's not a surprise," Logan huffed, fixing the collar of his coat. "As I said, the symptoms described by Ms. Lakin of Mr. Rodrigues's behavior prior to crashing combined with the rash were cause for suspicion." After all, when was Logan wrong about something? "Is the CDC processing the cure?"
"Yeah, that's gonna be a problem," Joan suddenly appeared between Patton and Logan. Patton yelped, shoulders flying up like a frightened cat.
"Higgledy-piggledy, Joan!" Patton gasped, hand to his heart. "You scared me!"
"Sorry, Patton," Joan sighed. "But I just got done FaceTiming Thomas. It'll take a day and a half for the cure to be driven in from Phoenix."
"Dr. Stokes, I don't know if Ms. Lakin has that long to wait," Logan huffed. "Pinto's is a fast-acting disease. With the added variables of traffic and weather, the cure may not arrive at Sanders in time to help her."
"Can we make her comfortable, though?" Patton asked, voice drowning in pity. "Can we do anything to get the cure here faster?"
"Thomas is working on it," Joan sighed. "He's sending someone out for some medication to buy us time. Our job, for now, is to make sure more people don't get sick and treat those still in here."
"We need to let our patients know," Patton said, glancing around the ED. "They deserve answers." He didn't wait for a response- he hurried across the ED towards Roman and the family he chatted with. Patton tapped Roman's shoulder and jabbed a thumb towards Logan and Joan. Roman said something to the two kids and bowed, forearm against his chest. The two giggled and one gave Roman a curtsy while the other copied his bow. Patton took Roman's arm and pulled him towards Logan and Joan.
"We've got news?" Roman asked. Joan filled him in on the blood work results and the cure.
"You're our people person," Patton chuckled, giving Roman's forearm a gentle squeeze. "Could you explain things to everyone else?"
"And let's not give Nate any more work," Joan muttered. Roman hummed, glancing around the ED. Then he squared his jaw.
"I've got this," Roman declared. He spun around and marched into the center of the room. He waved his arms over his head. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?" The patients looked up from their phones. Visitors stood up and moved away from the bedsides of their loved ones, gathering around Roman. The doctors and nurses stood at attention. All eyes were on Roman. The director of public services cleared his throat.
"Can someone translate this into Spanish while I speak?" Roman announced, voice booming in the quiet ED. A Latina nurse stepped beside Roman. As he spoke, she spoke Spanish. "I know you've all been demanding answers for what's happening. Now, we finally have some. An hour ago, two patients came in from a car crash, one of them dying upon arrival. Both of these patients have a disease called Pinto's. This disease is airborne, so to protect the rest of the hospital, Dr. Logan Berry declared a quarantine on the Emergency Department." Voices spiked around the crowd, but Roman continued on. "The first two patients are the only ones who have the disease so far. The doctors ask everyone to keep an eye on their arms, shoulders, and chests. If you see a rash begin to form, flag someone down. It should only take a few hours before we know if anyone else is infected. Until quarantine is lifted, you'll all be well taken care of."
Demands rippled through the room. Nate pushed himself away from the door he guarded and eyed the crowd. The nurses spread through the ED, whispering calm words. They ushered visitors back to their loved ones. Doctors scurried like ants to their patients to give further detail. Logan moved next to Roman and gave him a nod of approval. The director of public services grinned.
"Logan, do you want me to help out with any patients?" Patton asked, walking in front of Logan and Roman.
"If someone requires assistance, feel free to aid them," Logan answered, fixing his glasses. Someone moved in the corner of his eye. The parent Roman had been speaking to earlier walked towards Roman. They had long black hair that puffed around their shoulders and wore a hospital gown.
"Señor Prince, mi niños están asustados," the parent sighed, looking down at Roman. Despite being younger than Roman (Logan assumed somewhere around twenty one), they towered over Roman. "No logro calmarlos. ¿Podrías hablar con ellos? Que te adoran.” Roman smiled. His chest puffed out a little like a paradise bird.
"Por supuesto, Señora Ceballos," Roman said. The mother smiled and walked back to her two children.
"Who was that, Roman?" Patton asked.
"The Ceballos family," Roman explained. "Señora Ceballos was here thanks to some bad food truck chicken. She and her kids don't speak a lick of English. They’re puertoriqueños, from Puerto Rico. Her kids, Augustin and Jordana, are a little freaked out."
"Aw, poor things!" Patton whined, hand to his heart. Patton, being Patton, padded towards the Ceballos family in Bay 9. Roman hurried after him. Logan's eyes followed them, but halted at Bay 10. Milena Yakimov watched the ED with clear eyes, unburdened by the haze of her accident. Her bob cut hair was a rat's nest against her bed. Logan would need to talk to her.
When Roman and Patton approached the Ceballos, the two children, Augustin and Jordana, sat on the floor. They faced one another, whispering. The one facing out glanced up and saw Roman.
”¡Jordana, El Príncipe!” The child, who must have been Augustin, gasped. Jordana scrambled up and stared into Roman’s eyes.
“That is such a cute name!” Patton giggled. “Too bad I don’t know what that means.”
”¡Hola, Senorita Jordana!” Roman declared, bowing. Jordana gave him her best curtsy. “¡Tu y Augustin están siendo muy valientes!"
"¿Valientes?" Jordana scoffed. "Augustin casi lloró."
"¡Mentira!" Augustin huffed, standing up.
"Está bien, está bien," Roman chuckled. "El miedo es bueno."
"¿Pero... no es peligroso el Pinto?" Augustin asked. He tugged on the edge of his Disney World t-shirt, fingers digging into the seams. "¿Mamá está en peligro? ¿Jordana está en peligro? ¿Yo estoy en peligro? El estómago de Mamá está mal, ¡ella se enfermará!"
"Respira, Augustin," Roman muttered, crouching to the boy's level. "Respira. Los medicos ayudarán a tu madre." Roman rubbed his chin and hummed to himself. "Te gusta Disney?" Augustin looked at his shirt, like he just realized what the logo was. He nodded. Roman turned to Patton and grinned.
"Patton, I need a tray, some water, and a few things from the vending machines," Roman declared, dramatically pointing at Patton. "Candy, chips, whatever!" Patton smiled and saluted Roman like a soldier. Roman looked back to Augustin and Jordana and said "Un momento, por favor." Roman and Patton scurried off, leaving Augustin and Jordana sharing confused glances. Logan ignored the antics of his friend and husband and moved into Bay 10.
"Hello there, Ms. Yakimov," Logan said. Milena squirmed in her bed, eyes burrowing into Logan. "My name is Dr. Berry. Do you remember arriving here?"
"Uh..." Milena groaned, blinking slowly. "I think so. The car... Jessie?"
"Ms. McCallum is recovering as well," Logan sighed. "What else do you remember?" Logan grabbed a small flashlight from the various pieces of equipment in the bay. "Follow the light, please." Logan shined the light into Milena's eyes. She winced, squinting into the flashlight.
"My parents came here with me," Milena groaned. She sighed and lifted a shaking hand to gently facepalm herself. "Did Mom punch someone?"
"Your parents got into a brief altercation with the parents of Ms. McCallum," Logan sighed, putting down the flashlight. "I believe you have a concussion. However, under quarantine, we won't be able to confirm that with a CT scan."
"I think I remember the quarantine thing," Milena muttered. "I heard the dude's speech. I'm sorry about my parents. They've been fighting with the McCallums since we moved to Miami. Classic white suburban families. It's like The Burbs, but with less murder and more mowing privileges."
"Mowing privileges..." Logan muttered, squinting his eyes as he dove into his mind, trying to understand what mowing privileges were. He sighed and did a quick mental reset. "In the crash, you gained a fracture on your left tibia and a stable fracture on the right side of your pelvis. Some of the muscles in your back were torn as well. We've set your leg, and in regards to your back and pelvis, you'll simply require bed rest to allow your body to heal."
"How much trouble did my parents get into this time?" Milena asked. The hand by her face traced down her body, towards her broken leg.
"This time?" Logan asked, cocking an eyebrow. "This is not the first incident of physical violence your parents have shone?"
"Most of the time, it's passive-aggressive nonsense," Milena muttered. "Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, they're good parents, they just hate the McCallums. One day it's a few snide comments about Mr. McCallum's garden, another day they'll offer Jessie something like they don't think her parents can provide it. The McCallums act the same. That's, that's why I was in Jessie's truck, you see. My car was stuck in my faulty garage, and I needed to get to my tennis match. Me and Jessie are on the same team, so the McCallums suggested Jessie drive me there. Dad's face was tomato red, it was..." Milena chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Actually a little funny that time. But yeah, sometimes everything boils up and things get a bit out of control. Let's just say Mrs. McCallum's banned from attending Speech and Debate meetings."
"Fascinating," Logan mumbled. The soft breeze of someone racing past whisked up the tail of Logan's coat. Roman carried a metal tray under his arm. He set it down on the desks. Patton held something in his arms, covered by his cardigan. He dumped whatever he held onto the tray. As the two whispered, Augustin padded out of Bay 9, watching. He leaned back and grabbed Jordana's hand, pulling her out. Roman spun around and clapped his hands. The two children jumped slightly, eyes glancing around him to see what he had.
"Ma chère mademoiselle," Roman declared, waving a hand over his head flamboyantly. "Con gran orgullo para todos y un enorme placer te damos la bienvenida. Y ahora te invitamos a relajarte, a ponerte cómoda en tu silla, pues el comedor se representar..." Even though Logan didn't understand what Roman said, he had a vague idea what he was going to do. But did he have to do it in his ED? Roman turned back around and whispered to Patton "Follow my lead." Roman turned back around. He balanced the metal tray on one hand. A small stack of candy bars, a bag of chips, and a package of donuts sat on the tray.
"Nuestro..." Roman sang softly, crouching down to Jordana and Augustin's levels. "Huésped, sea usted, venga el servicio a probar. Una servilleta así, chérie, y yo hago lo demás." Augustin's face lit up, a giant smile spreading on his face. Señora Cebolla, who sat on the bed in Bay 9, leaned forward and watched Roman, smiling softly. Augustin tugged on his sister's sleeve like she wasn't equally fascinated by Roman's childishness.
"Soup du jour, buen hors d'oeuvres, nuestra vida es atender," Roman sang. He took the bag of chips and ripped them open with dramatic flair. He handed the bag to Jordana. "Pruebe usted que maravilla. ¿No me cree? ¡Pregunte a la vajilla!" Roman waved a hand towards Patton. Patton smiled and waved his arms around like a cartoon character running in place. Jordana laughed, taking a handful of chips. "A cantar, a bailar, está es Francia, no olvidar, ¡la comida aquí es primero ya se ve!" Roman set the tray at the children's feet. He took Jordana's hand and let her spin around. "Consulte su menú, escoja su ambigú, y pida usted nuestro huésped sea usted."
"We are in here for an hour and he's already begun singing Disney songs," Logan muttered, glancing at Milena, who looked equally as confused as he was. "I would have thought madness would need more time to take hold."
"I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous!" Emile sang along to his playlist flowing out of the van speakers. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. For a man driving to save his friends, he was surprisingly relaxed. He'd changed into a Steven Universe t-shirt before he and Virgil had hopped into the van. Not wanting to wear scrubs in a strange van for ten hours, Virgil copied Emile. He'd grabbed his homemade black hoodie with the stitched on plaid purple patches from his mom's favorite shirt and an old Panic! At the Disco shirt. He still wore his Crocs, though. The theme song ended, and for a moment Virgil's ears were spared. Then a Phineas and Ferb song started playing. Worse yet, it was a rap about squirrels. Virgil bit back a groan when Emile started rapping along. Any other day Virgil would have tolerated it, maybe even enjoyed the music. Today was not that day.
The off-tan interior of the white hospital van smelled like disinfectant. The rough seat carpet belonged in the 1970's. A similarly carpeted wall blocked Virgil and Emile from the back of the van. Virgil had glanced back there before they took off- it was a mini observation room, with counters attached to the walls and a hanging light above a bed screwed into the floor. Everything was at least a few years old and in need of an update, but it served its purpose for now- get Virgil and Emile to Atlanta and get the stupid medication. A cheesy Hawaiian bobblehead sat on the car mantel, dancing along to the Phineas and Ferb song. Virgil leaned against the shotgun door and pressed his head against the warm glass.
The slow traffic in the lane to the right of Emile and Virgil blocked Virgil's view of the flooded land beside the highway. Storm clouds blocked the arrival of dusk, rain sprinkling onto the road. License plates from all across the southern U.S joined the van on its journey. The rumble of the road underneath flowed through Virgil. The van's tall shadow danced over trucks and sedans and Chevys.
"What does the GPS say for time, Virgil?" Emile asked, glancing at the nurse. Virgil grabbed Emile's phone, plugged into the speakers of the car through a strange mixture of wires and adaptors. Emile's phone cover was tan with the Bill Cipher wheel on the back. Virgil opened the phone and pulled up the GPS.
"We've still got nine hours to go," Virgil muttered. "And that's with good traffic." Virgil plopped the phone back down. He took out his own phone and started scrolling through Tumblr. It was probably a mistake to follow news threads on that site. A dozen different posts about the Sanders Hospital ED quarantine filled his screen. Questions, theories, reports, even a few memes flowed through his feed. Virgil frowned and stuffed his phone back into his hoodie. The squirrel rap ended, only to be replaced with a sci-fi sounding song Virgil didn't recognize. He chewed on his lip. Nine hours to worry about Patton, Roman, Logan, Joan, Nate, and everyone else stuck in the ED. He'd barely been able to focus over the hour it took for the blood tests to come back positive. It didn't help that what work he managed to complete was comforting nervous patients confused over the quarantine alarm.
"So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise," Emile sang softly, head bobbing to the beat. He suddenly stopped singing and let out a small gasp. Virgil straightened up, eyes darting to the road in front of them. Did Emile see something? Was there an accident? "I could dress up Ben as Ben 10 for Halloween! That would be adorable!" Virgil could almost see Emile's pupils turn star-shaped. Virgil sighed and settled back against the door, glaring at Emile.
"How are you so peppy right now?" Virgil muttered.
"Did you say something, Virgil?" Emile asked, not taking his eyes off the road. Virgil bit his lip again, but then let out a huff.
"How can you listen to cartoons at a time like this?" Virgil huffed, leaning against the back of his seat.
"I drive better with music," Emile admitted with a shrug. "Cartoons are kinda all I have on there."
"I mean, how are you not worried?" Virgil huffed. "You're singing along to Phineas and Ferb, thinking about costumes for the psych ward service dog, you're so relaxed. I don't get you, Doc. Our friends could die if we don't get to Atlanta in time. Pinto's is deadly. Those idiotic people in Phoenix refuse to put the cure on a plane. People are counting on us. If quarantine fails, we could have an epidemic on our hands! How are you calm?"
"Well," Emile sighed, slowing down enough to allow a minivan to slide into their lane. "There's nothing we can do about the quarantine except drive. It's gonna take a while to get there. Worrying all that way will only wear us out."
"There's so much that could go wrong if we mess up," Virgil muttered, one hand in his pocket digging into the semi-soft protective cover of his phone. "How am I supposed to not stress out?"
"Are you asking Emile your friend," Emile said. "Or Dr. Picani the therapist?"
"Whoever can answer my question," Virgil grumbled, glancing over the roof of the minivan in front of them. An old part of Virgil groaned inside of him. Are you really being vulnerable? That's not safe- people manipulate the vulnerable. He didn't teach you anything, did he? Virgil shoved those old thoughts down. Even after all his growth, those thoughts still occasionally popped up.
"Can you pause the music?" Emile asked. Virgil obeyed and reopened Emile's phone, pausing his music in the middle of yet another Phineas and Ferb song. "Do you remember that one episode of Ben 10-"
"Hold on," Virgil interrupted. "I've heard about the show but I never got around to watching it. It's the one with the watch that turns the kid into aliens, right?"
"Right!" Emile chirped. "Basically, Ben Tennyson is on a summer road trip with his Grandpa Max and cousin Gwen. He sneaks away one night and finds a mysterious green watch that attaches itself to his wrist. With the watch, Ben can turn into ten different aliens, though he gets more forms as the show goes on. He gets to live out the ten-year-olds classic dream of being a superhero. With Gwen and his grandpa helping him out, Ben fights alien and human threats and learns how to use his power wisely and selflessly. While Ben does his best to enjoy his summer and be a kid, there are a lot of people after him. His watch, the Omnitrix, is incredibly powerful, and could hurt a lot of people in the wrong hands. And considering it can't come off his arm..." Emile lifted a hand and karate chopped his other arm.
"Ouch," Virgil muttered.
"Yeah, ouch is an understatement," Emile chuckled. "Now throughout the show, Ben acts like the stereotypical ten-year-old boy- selfish, prideful, all of that. But one of his defining traits is his desire to help others and keep his family safe. Even when his selfishness gets him into trouble, that desire overrules everything and makes him a good hero. It also causes him a lot of stress. It's a lot for a ten-year-old to handle! Everything he does reflects onto Gwen and his grandpa. In one episode, Grandpa Max helps Ben dodge an attack, but gets hurt in the process."
"Was he ok?" Virgil asked.
"He has to go to the hospital," Emile admitted. "Ben feels like he's to blame for the danger his family is in and feels like he isn't doing enough to protect them. He stresses himself out enough that he tries to run away from Gwen and Grandpa Max so they wouldn't get involved in the danger he was in. As the series goes on, though, Ben becomes better at managing his stress and not letting himself overthink things. Sure there are aliens roaming over his head that want to chop his arm off, and that's a stressful thought, but Ben can't control that. He's stuck with the Omnitrix, like how everyone's stuck in the ED. All he can do is focus on the current bad guy he needs to fight and whoever he needs to save."
"So I'm Ben in this analogy?" Virgil asked.
"Yes!" Emile exclaimed. "It's not perfect by any means, but no analogy ever is. It's like I tell my patients, relating your experiences to a fictional character can help you better understand them. It gives you a place to analyze what's going on without personal attachment. The bad guy we're focusing on is the medication down in Atlanta. Since all we can control is getting there, I say enjoy the ride!" Emile leaned back and rolled down his window, letting the rain spitting down plop into the van. Virgil put both hands in his pockets and leaned against the door. It wasn't a shock to him that Emile was such a good therapist. Even if Virgil still wondered if a rash was appearing on Patton's arms, it didn't seem as urgent as before.
"Thanks, Doc," Virgil sighed as the wind rushed into the van.
"There are a million things I could have done with my time," Joan muttered, staring at the door. "I could have done that oncology consult. I could have emailed back that old patient of mine who wanted me to come to his AA meeting. But no, I came down here to handle a PTA fight."
"Welcome to a day in the life of Nate Christopoulos," Nate snorted, leaning against the door hinges. "Holding back violent patients and more violent parents."
"How long've they been in there?" Roman asked. He stood next to Joan with crossed arms, just as thrilled as they were about the whole mess.
"A few hours by now, I think," Nate muttered. "But hey, that's what happens when you break someone's nose."
"They're oddly quiet," Roman muttered. "Like a toddler out of sight."
"Yeah, that's cause I told 'em if they picked another fight with each other I'd handcuff them to the furniture," Nate chuckled. "They've severely misjudged the number of handcuffs I have." Nate turned to the door and grabbed the doorknob. He glanced over his shoulder at Joan and Roman. "Good luck." Nate pulled the door open and Joan and Roman trudged inside.
This examination room was one of the smaller ones, but the Yakimovs and McCallums somehow made the room feel split in half. The McCallums stood beside the door, attention already on Roman and Joan. The couple could have easily claimed to be twins- they both had thick heads of curly ginger hair and slender builds. Even the laugh lines on their faces were similar. Mr. McCallum held an ice pack to his stomach. The Yakimovs stood beside the cupboards on the other side of the room, deep in conversation. Mr. Yakimov reminded Roman of a humanized Scar- matted black hair, sharp cheekbones, lean muscle. But where Mr. Yakimov was Scar, Mrs. Yakimov was Nala- sandy blonde hair that fell to her chest, youthful green eyes, and an Olympic volleyball player's build. Based on her arms alone, Roman wasn't surprised Mr. McCallum's stomach still hurt. The Yakimovs looked up when Joan shut the door.
"I really hope you all understand just how inappropriate you were," Joan huffed, crossing their arms.
"On behalf of my husband and I, I am very sorry for our behavior," Mrs. McCallum sighed. She walked up to Joan and Roman and shook both their hands. "You must be Dr. Stokes and..."
"Roman Prince," Roman said, giving a little bow. "And I believe Mr. Christopoulos is the one you should be apologizing to."
"Oh my, has his eye gotten any better?" Mrs. McCallum huffed, glancing at the door. "I was aiming for Mrs. Yakimov."
"You shouldn't have been aiming for anyone," Joan snapped. They looked around the room. "What were you thinking, fighting in our ED?"
"Things got a little heated today," Mr. Yakimov sighed. "Do either of you have children?" Joan and Roman shook their heads. "Then it may be difficult to imagine how angry you get when someone puts your child in danger."
"Jessie did not cause that accident," Mr. McCallum hissed.
"She was the one driving, wasn't she?" Mr. Yakimov huffed.
"Alright, crabby pants," Roman huffed. "You'll get to see your daughters when we clear these murky waters of war between you."
"How is Milena?" Mrs. Yakimov asked.
"She's doing alright," Joan sighed. "Listen, your fight broke the nose of one of our residents, Dr. Kylie Crown. She's thinking about pressing charges. Now she may reconsider if you all apologize to her and are willing to pay for any costs involved in fixing her nose."
"Of course," Mr. Yakimov sighed, rubbing his bruised knuckles. Mr. McCallum nodded solemnly. Roman padded around Joan and Mrs. McCallum and plopped down on the unoccupied bed in the center of the room.
"So Dr. Berry said that Milena said this has happened before," Roman huffed. "At this point, I don't think it's an issue we can ignore."
"That's just how it is between us," Mrs. Yakimov grunted. "We've never gotten along on anything."
"Well, your husband and Mr. McCallum just agreed to pay for Dr. Crown's nose," Roman pointed out, pointing at the two men. "That's something." The two men locked eyes.
"It's not as though we didn't wish things were better," Mrs. Yakimov huffed. "But from the day we arrived, the McCallums always found something to nit-pick us about. Parenting choices, garden decor, there's always something wrong with us. They even blame us for our garage breaking."
"We wouldn't even be in this situation if you took better care of your garage, Kate," Mrs. McCallum sighed. "And I'd thank you not to talk about us as though we aren't in the room."
"Don't forget who drove into the intersection, Marylin," Mrs. Yakimov snapped. "You offered Milena a spot in Jessie's car."
"I don't like what you're implying," Mrs. McCallum growled.
"What did we just say?" Roman huffed, waving his arms in the air. "No fighting!"
"Your relationships with one another should have never gotten bad enough to reach this point," Joan grunted. "How long have you known each other?"
"Kate and I have known the McCallums since Milena was seven," Mr. Yakimov explained.
"That's a decade of fighting between you," Joan huffed. "This can't be good for your daughters."
"We stay peaceful when they're around," Mrs. Yakimov stammered.
"Well that's clearly not true," Roman muttered. "Since you literally just punched each other in front of Milena and Jessie. What kid wants to see their parents like that?" For once, the couples didn't have an answer ready.
"Sanders has some group therapy sessions available," Joan sighed, rubbing the bridge of their nose. "It might be best for everyone if you attend a few sessions together." The McCallums glanced at the Yakimovs, both making eye contact for a few moments before looking away. "You all have tempers that get the better of you. No one wants that to reflect on Milena and Jessie.”
"We'd never do anything to hurt Jessie," Mr. McCallum grunted.
"Then prove it," Joan huffed. "Dr. Crown'll come in here soon to discuss potential charges and payment. I want all of you to come to some sort of agreement to keep the peace before I feel remotely comfortable letting you roam the ED. If I get another incident like that again, as soon as quarantine is lifted, I won't hesitate to have Mr. Christopoulos escort you all to jail. We're arranging dinner to be moved through the quarantine for everyone soon." With that, Joan opened the door and stalked out of the room. Roman hopped off the bed and scurried after them.
"Glad to see neither of you got punched," Nate scoffed, pushing the door closed once Roman slipped out. Roman stuck his hands into the pockets of his letter jacket.
"If they weren't around each other, I'd say they were remorseful for the fight," Roman muttered. He walked beside Joan as they padded around the ED, eyes glazing over the beds.
"We've got enough to do without worrying about those four," Joan grumbled. They walked past Bay 9, where Augustin chatted with Señora Cebolla, sitting beside her on the bed. Roman waved as he walked by.
"You know, since we're in here for a while," Roman said. "I've been meaning to ask you about this little theater idea I had." Before Roman could explain, someone started gagging. Roman and Joan shared a glance. They followed the gagging past Bay 10, where Milena looked up from her phone (which wasn't damaged in the crash, through some miracle). In Bay 11, Jessie McCallum was awake, long ginger curls puffing up around her like a mane. Her right arm was in a purple cast and bandages wrapped around her neck. She was also rolled onto her good arm, vomiting over the side of her bed. Joan cussed and rushed to Jessie's side.
"Oh, uh," Roman stammered, looking around. "Can we get a nurse over here, please?" Joan grabbed a nearby trash bin and held it under Jessie's face. The teen dry-heaved a bit, but all that came out now was spit.
"There you go, there you go," Joan muttered, patting Jessie's back.
"Is something wrong with Jessie?" Milena asked through the curtain separating the bays.
"My stomach hurts," Jessie groaned. Her left arm shook as she tried to push herself up. A nurse whooshed past Roman and gently grabbed Jessie. He and Joan helped her lay back onto the bed, keeping her on her side.
"This a new pain, hon?" the nurse asked, his voice soft as he moved the hair away from Jessie's mouth.
"I felt like this this morning," Jessie groaned. "I thought it was just bad cramps." Jessie's forehead glistened in the white ED light. It didn't take a medical degree to tell she had a fever.
"Jessie, I'm going to push on your stomach," Joan said. "Roman, grab me the gloves behind the desk." Roman snapped to attention and dove over the desk, grabbing the box of blue gloves and handing a pair to Joan. "I need you to tell me if you feel pain, and where." Jessie nodded, closing her eyes tight and gritting her teeth. Joan slipped on the rubber gloves. They moved Jessie's hospital gown to reveal her stomach. Their fingers pressed against her left side.
"Ow, yeah, that hurts, right side," Jessie gasped, her good hand gripping her bedsheets. Joan frowned slightly.
"Jessie?" Milena called again.
"Nurse Fleming, could you find an ultrasound machine?" Joan asked, looking up at the nurse. He nodded and hurried away. Roman glanced over at Bay 10. Milena leaned forward as far as she could with her injuries, trying to see what was going on. "Jessie, can you describe your pain to me? Give me some details."
"I," Jessie sighed, shaking as she tried to sit up. "I started hurting after breakfast, but I just thought it was my cramps again, so I took a Midol, but it didn't go away. It kept growing, but I needed to get to tennis..." Nurse Fleming wheeled a contraption past Roman into the bay.
"Jessie, Nurse Fleming is going to rub some gel on the right side of your stomach and get an ultrasound of you," Joan explained, glancing up at Nurse Fleming as they talked. He gave Joan a quick nod. He grabbed a tube and rubbed a clear gel against Jessie's stomach. He then pressed a rod with a round end against the gel and turned on the machine he brought with. As he moved the rod over Jessie's stomach, a hazy black and white image that Roman barely understood popped onto the machine's screen.
"Jessie," Joan said, eyes scanning the screen. "We'll run this image by radiology to make sure, but I believe you have appendicitis."
"What?" Jessie stammered.
"It's ok," Joan stammered, holding out their hands like they were calming a bull. "It's treatable. I promise." A few more nurses rushed around Roman. One started mopping up the vomit while others took Joan's spot, whispering gentle words to Jessie. Roman would never understand the strange secret language of the nurses. Joan squeezed out of the bay and to Roman's side.
"Appendicitis, is that the one you remove the appendix for?" Roman whispered, glancing at the crowded Bay 11.
"Yeah," Joan huffed, fingering the beanie in their pocket. "From the ultrasound, I don't think that appendix will stay whole until morning. Removing it is the safest bet. That is, if we weren't currently quarantined in the ED, which doesn't have enough supplies to do a safe organ removal."
"Oh," Roman said, hands clenching in his pockets.
"Yeah," Joan huffed. They grabbed Roman's arm and tugged him across the ED. "Oh."
Three hours into quarantine
@cocobearthe4th @purelyreblogstsedition @watchoutforthefanfics
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donotlookatmyface · 2 years
06 / 15 - 8 : 43 p.m.
after work today, i went to grab some coffee. ive always ordered vanilla but i wanted to try caramel. i remember that like a year ago this cute girl use to work there, always made the coffee super creamy. i liked it. but since then, not seeing her there anymore, after months, the coffee didnt taste the same. 
anyways i asked once if i could have more cream on my coffee, since it just tasted so bitter. they always told me that the iced coffee is premade and that they dont add anything to it. so i just took the vanilla coffee like it was.
so today i took a sip of the caramel coffee. its creamy. its the same coffee i used go order. 
i thought, she used to get my order wrong. i liked the wrong coffee. 
and i thought about telling you. how when i would go home and tell you “ guess what just happened to me today ”. but in my head i dont know what you would say back. i dont have any idea what you would even tell me. if you would be annoyed, dismissive, or interested in what i have to say. i have to admit i got a bit teary eyed, waiting for my food. i hope that the guy who gave me my order didnt notice. if he did, sorry. 
when i got home, i was still feeling upset and i just sat in the grass.
and i kept thinking, and i hate this part of my thought process.
what would have you done if you did kill me that night, what would i looked like ?
petite, skin and bones. only 87 pounds, blond with brown roots, rashes all over.
i should hate you, for threatening my life. i should hate you for the way you treated me, the way so spoke to me. the way you looked at me. i felt like nothing and that i was only alive because you let me. the amount of times i just cried myself to sleep, the times i didnt. the time i sat in the bathroom with a razor in my fingers. the times i slept with someone new who i thought could help me, to forget you. i cried so many times during sex. you only noticed once. taking shots every night to help me sleep. what would you have done.
what would my parents think, my mom already had a bad feeling about you. my father would come to my funeral, second child he’s lost. maybe he would start again with a new woman. my sister’s i dont think they would take it very well. 
anyways ive been thinking of cutting again, the days seem very mushed together. thats not the reason for wanting to cut though. it would be because i want attention. its pathetic but i think since im 21 now, i dont really have insurance anymore. so that means no therapy or meds. hell, my last meds where 1000$ without insurance. and i dont know if i said before but my hallucinations are not getting better. even if its not night or dark i see things more often, today i saw a bug crawling on my skin. other days im hearing a voice, when i am very alone at my work. so, yea, i seem to be developing auditory hallucinations now. yaaaay. 
but, i think i wont ever be in another relationship again. not now, not for years from now. a boy has been talking to me, one from my high school but, i dont know if hes flirting with me or just playful. i dont reciprocate, or really answer to these text like someone who would want him would. but im not interested. hes nice, sure but so was bunny at first. i am scared.  
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dawnowar · 5 years
Tumblr media
(via Corn Huskers Lotion, Heavy Duty Hand Treatment, Oil Free, 7 oz. - Walmart.com)
I have just discovered this stuff which maybe my Grandma used that’s been sitting on the shelf at the store while I ignored it all these years and tried various creams and lotions I am allergic to that inflamed my skin, gave me rashes and made my eyes swell up. Turns out after so much trial and error and experimentation, I have discovered that i am allergic to the emulsifier in many creams and lotions and conditioners. But i get dry, especially in winter and oils are messy. I was at Walmart looking for a facial hydrating mist, because I’ve not tried that yet, when i saw this little bottle looking at me for $2.75. It seems to be mostly glycerin which i know I can use without a reaction so I bought it... but this stuff is magic. I have no reaction to it at all and ive used it on my hands, my face, my hair and its brought my skin back to life from the dead. I wish someone had told me about this sooner. Its more like a gel than a lotion. The stuff that makes creams and lotions white and creamy is what gives me the irritation. I’ve used whipped oil, cocoa butter bars, petroleum jelly successfully but they all leave you greasy. This stuff doesn’t sting at all and it dries. it’s fantastic. Life-changer for me and my dishpan hands. 
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monsterloveday · 7 years
Dating is just as enjoyable as explosive diarrhoea.
This will make you laugh. My pathetic failings will make you feel awesome. Man they are good stories to tell. There I was, the 26 year old Jay, feeling lame and inexperienced due to never having gone on a date and really wanting to try it out to ‘cross it off the list’... what a pile of wank. I’d tell her to stay home and eat, I’d tell her to spend that 50 or so quid and spend it on something more useful than trying to impress a guy who she most likely didn't give a crap about. And for the love of god DONT shave - DO NOT WASTE HOURS OF YOUR TIME JUST TO END IN NOT GETTING PORKED AND TO ITCH CONSTANTLY AND GET RASH FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS.
Why do we do this to ourselves? - who thought meeting a stranger and feeling like you're in a job interview would actually go well? 
Actually maybe we should do it more like it were a job interview - it would certainly save time... *Girl* “Are you a dick?” *Boy* Yes, after I have learned that you wont just fuck me, i’ll piss off and move into the next fanny and will probably forget your whole existence, wait, whats your name again babe?” *Girl* - Thank you for applying, if you do not hear anything, it means you have not been successful”.... AAANDDD leaves. And then theres the trying on numerous outfits / buying brand new clothes to feel sexy and try them all on - with optional shoes and bags and sending all these options via Whatsapp to your mates and making sure you wear good make up but not too much make up, but make up that looks like make up but natural at the same time bla bla blaaaaaa. Surely someone has to earn the right to this shit? - not someone totally random who wont even buy me a drink?!. And whats more - with every date that is bad, you end up totally evaluating your whole love life and go into the major “Woeist MEEE! I am going to be alone forever’ WHERE IST THOU HUSBAND?!” and wanting to eat your body weight in ice cream until you somehow master the courage to do it all again with some other guy who is also “not the one”.  So we have, lets say his name was ‘Dave’. Dave was clearly very shy (my loud ass does NOT do shy guys). His inexperience was very clear, if there were a ten minute gap or so of me not replying to his texts, I’d receive a text from his relative telling me to hurry up and text him back. Oh lord. Why didn't I run for the hills at this point? He wouldn't make any decisions as to where we should go and wanted me to take the lead (urgh, my flange does shut very tightly), so I tell him he could take me anywhere as long as it was quiet so we could hear each other speak and that we could get some cocktails, (after our previous conversation of how much we liked them). His MUM drops him off to our meeting place - a nightclub. A nightclub where coincidentally his mates are. And the first thing he does is look at he prices of cocktails, states he's not getting any due to the expense. So he asks me what else I want, I tell him vodka and coke, he comes back moaning how expensive that was. Bet it wasn't as expensive as my taxis here and back to you love, but Im not being a little bitch about it!. I took turns in getting drinks (I usually do anyway) just to shut this one up.
Inevitably the conversation is pointless as we cant hear each other. (shock!) Knowing this was a failure, I drink enough and start talking of my bingo wings and how my arm fat needs to come off and wobble it in display. I tell him I'm going to get a taxi, so he goes to meet his mates (oh wow didn't see that coming!). To my surprise I still got texts from him the next day. Fail. Then theres Glenn, the guy who looked like a nice chunky bearded lumberjack online, who turned out to be the campiest guy who’s voice was higher than mine and probably weighed about 6 stone and turned out to be a proper hard core man hating feminist. He speaks of how he gets all his girlfriends massive dildos to avoid them cheating on him with actual human men. He is mouthy to a bar man he doesn't like for no reason and demands we go somewhere else.  When he eventually leaves for his train (after hinting and pleading he come back to mine - fucks sake) he asks me out right yet nervously “so um are we going to kiss now?”, I say no and that I don't kiss on first dates, which then leads to him pushing me into a dark corridor at the train station, pinning me against a wall and trying to force it on me - what a true feminist!. On my journey home I get a multitude of apologetic texts stating he acted like everything he hates. Wow. Fail. Another was with a teacher who also had the high pitched voice of a 6 year old girl and had made as much effort as you do for a duvet day - a crinkled T shirt with jeans that dragged on the floor with holes, I smell no cologne nor had his hair been touched. I feel like a right knob when Im dressed up wearing a very flattering top, perfume, hair and make up agonised over. We do a pub quiz in which he regularly “Sssshhhhes” me angrily and tells me Im getting too excited and that the other people will hear me saying the answers. He tells me he hates people who have a problem with his smoking, knowing he stated he is a non smoker on his profile. =| I watch him have a better time with his cigarette then with me. I last an hour and beg for my sisters boyfriend to come and save me. Fail. Hal was the best one. Hal slags off his date from the day before and informs me of his upcoming date for the following day =|. He buys a packet of crisps for us ‘to share’ and chomps on them without offering me one and then tips the packet into his mouth. After telling me previously he knows exactly where he's taking me, we walk around in Bristol with his sat nav, getting nowhere fast. He kindly likes to remind me of when its my round - usually as soon as he has finished his drink. (it may be ‘my round’ darling but its a hell no to you telling me so!) He tells me how he has been in prison for drug dealing and asks me what drugs I do. =| ( erm energy drinks with vodka?) After a few drinks I tell him I don't need another after his offerings, as I am getting tiddley, with this he comes back with come cheesy chips to help me ‘pace out’ - I think, wow he could redeem himself with buying me food! He asks me if I like hot sauce - I tell him no. He then pours hot sauce all over them but thinks this is ok because he also puts ketchup and mayonnaise on them (as these are the ones I state I like). He mixes them all onto one big gooey, disgusting concoction. He devours them like he has never been fed until he gets down to the last one. This one has  managed to escape the sauce, I tell him he can have it... Now, along with everything else Ive already mentioned, Id also like to mention that later on this guy had been drunkenly looking at my chest, telling me “I just want to have sex with you”, he tried to convince me not to take my last train home and to stay at his. But THIS is what takes the biscuit... He eats the last chip. THE LAST CHIP.  HE FUCKING EATS IT!? WHO DOES THAT?....WHO?!. This is when you know someone is truly a fucking asshole. Mega fail. Chris insisted we go on a date again and again and again. After weeks of convincing I give in, he says he will take me out to dinner - on the day of the date, he randomly goes quiet and nothing happens.  Oh ok then!. The next day he drives past me and texts me asking if I want a lift to work. Um no I fucking don't douche bag!. Fail. Kieran. My first actual good date. We even have a nice kiss (even though I dont usually do this but the moment was there) and he says he could actually stay up all night with me talking, that Im the only girl he doesn't just want to have sex with, that he is attracted to me but Im also like a mate to him - good things to say right? Wrong. After the second date (that I asked him to I may add), he tells me hes not used to girls not having sex with him and ditches. Needless to say this didn't give me a wide on. Fail. Now I know what your thinking, that Im a poor judge of character, that not all men are like this and I have been dating men who are clearly twats, some of this is true, but the whole point of dating is to get to know someone and the only way to find out if they are a dick is to go on a date with them, so some responsibility I shan't take! I havent dated for a few years now and Im not planning on trying again anytime soon, regardless of how horrendous they were, Im still actually glad that I have given dating a go and have indeed ‘ticked it off the list’. I do imagine that maybe someone out there in the universe has experienced a good date - who ever you are, where ever you are hiding - I salute you, to the rest of us poor bastards - we are brave souls.  Until I can be assed again, I will continue to date myself and not shave, stuff my face and not have to explain politely why I wont fuck a random stranger on a first date - call me old fashioned, but I do prefer the whole ‘Just talking to each other” thing and I do melt if a man acts like a gentleman. I love that shit! Romance is dead my friends, but so is dating!. Be back soon Jay Monster 
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whatspriceofthe · 4 years
Selsun Blue Medicated Maximum Strength Dandruff Shampoo, 11 Ouncehttps://https://ift.tt/2DUpHQx #HairCare #Trimmer #BeardCare https://ift.tt/3kcQEyA - Selsun Blue Medicated Maximum Strength Dandruff Shampoo, 11 Ounce Worked wonders for my perioral dermatitis. I put it wherever I have the bumps & leave it for 3-5mins then wash it off then repeat again one more time for about the same time frame.It does cause dryness but it does help a lot with the bumps. So try natural aloe Vera and mama nature proskin eczema cream for the dry skin it helps alot with the PD as well. I got my cream off Etsy. I bought this because I read sulphates are fungicidal. I had a leftover itch from the time I used an cracked lid body wash from Rite Aid (since closed down). Lotrimin got rid of the rash but somehow the itch came back without rashes. Nothing seemed to help but the Selsun Blue seems to provide quick relief. I use it freqently or the itch starts to come back. but its been a month or so now and Ive had very minor itching now so maybe whatever it was has been treated with the Selsun Blue I had an oily spot on the back of my head that just wouldn’t go away. I couldn’t figure out why, I tried clarifying shampoos and different styles of blow dryers and nothing worked. Finally I found this recommended on a forum and decided to give it a try. It worked immediately! I haven’t been able to air dry my hair in years and this fixed it. I use this product to treat tinea versicolor, and it works wonderfully. The scent takes some getting used to, but overall the shampoo is great. This is the only shampoo that works for my seborrheic dermatitis on scalp - 3 washes and it's all gone! Been using this for 5 years now and woudn't change it for anything! A little goes a long way. My Dr. prescribed it as a body wash in high humidity climates where fungus can grow on skin. The only downside is being more expensive than similar products. Do you like my Review Presentation? Want to buy this product? Then Link is in Description. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support. by Shopping Reviews
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yung-cringe-blog · 8 years
Where Your Acne Is And What It Looks Like Can Tell You What’s Causing It
Thus checking out your problem areas could give you I was there to become a certified open water diver, a classification that should allow me to scuba dive in the world's most fascinating waters. We watched a video titled Risk awareness for scuba diving and went over basics from the first chapters of our textbook, Open Water Diver, similar to how to select and use our equipment and how being underwater affects our bodies. Know what, I really enjoyed reading everyones posts and the Chinese Face Mapping. So here is a question. Any advice on that for women my age?
I am sure it's hormonal and bacterial gether and that is why it's so a problem to shed. I have considered getting on birth control to if you're at this point after that, don't sweat it. Merry christmas and happy holidays my Love Vitamins! Christmas present for yourself? I'm having a holiday sale on my Naturally Clear Skin Academy. Online. January 3rd! Usually. In the initial stage they dint hurt but nearly any time I think they are bout to disappear, others come under the skin and have now began to hurt a little. Anyways, Been attempting to zone in on what could have been the cause but not quite sure. A well-known fact that is. Am on the coil and I donno if thats not working anymore.
So figured out that sugars and oily food stuffs also cause them from time to time.
Bout 3months ago I got this breakout that is on my forehead.
I really don't understand since I have never had such kind at really similar time. Know what, I have always had pimples everytime my period is round the corner. Certainly, They pop in random spots on my face. Besides, I have also been definitely super stressed for quite a while now though wouldn't know if that is the cause. I get candida and I've been treating an oth problem with that, when I take antibiotics. Basically, When am stressed my eating goes to zero. Small under the skin rashes and they seem to not go away. Makes me a lil uneasy coz they dont seem to go away. Although, They are not whiteheads as such but they do appear that way sometimes. Need my face back. My daughter has dreadful spots along her jawline which is obviously hormonal. She is trying for a baby for 6 years and now started IVF. I'm quite sure I wonder why they don't give her Actually I am sure That's a fact, it's either diet related.
I do consume a decent quantity of sugar daily.
To be honest I wish I could cut it out and eat SUPER healthy and everythingbut I AM 14 and I have tried it, and since I don't make my own food normally it's pretty hard. I ld my Mom, who is a CPM and going on CNM, and she said she does not suspect PCOS. Keep an open mind about these things -none of them are 100percentage accurate, conclusive, or true for everyone. They're just guidelines that may or may not be accurate for your particular case of acne. Of course, I hope you find them interesting and enlightening nonetheless! Maybe it's something in the water where you are that ain't in your hometown's water? That's either irritating your skin from the outside when you wash it, or reacting internally… for sake of example, sometimes people react to fluoride thelovevitamin.com/2744/'couldfluoridebecausingyouracne'/.
Actually I never had a real issue with my skin before I moved to Australia 5 Years ago.
I went to the doctors and asked to take I actually am now 25 and I have these funny little lumps on my forhead, they never develop into sore redish lumps. It's is so frustrating cause I work in a beauty industry and I know everything about a perfect skincare regime! Ok, and now one of the most important parts. As soon as the lump has healed a brand new one forms. I have wen on similar contraceptive more than 2 years. My boyfriend asked me the other day what rash is that. It is I get them around my mouth. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... They just sit there and I only remove them I squeeze them.
Hi, To be honest I am new to this and are reading and I am excited I am not alone however my face seems worse than most posted… I have cystic acne in zones 5, 9, 11, I have never had acne before and I am in my mid 30s.
It is very painful and my face is scaring and So it's so embarrassing.
I actually am planning to start again tonight. Usually, I have oral antibiotics but they don't seem to work. By the way I know I shouldn't let something just like this get me down but it does and I am just being honest. I can't tell you what amount doctors I'm to and what amount creams and washes I have tried over the last few years. Just keep reading. Again I am not very good at taking a pill everyday.
If you don't believe me Google candida acne antibiotics or something like that and read for yourself.
Two years later I am still fighting to get normal since not only did my skin get bad but it lead to bad eyes, thyroid, liver, intestines… don't let it get that bad for yourself.
It only messes up your body. STAY AWAY FROM ANTIBIOTICS LONG TERM!!! Best wishes!! Drys my skin out./ the struggle By the way I also have a bunch of blackish heads on my chin but there not bad/noticeable so they don't bother me.
My forehead is fine I rarely get pimples there, maybe the odd one every few months.
I get it badly on my checks Down wards my chin, it's like a trail.
I'm wondering if you could give me any advice. My diet is fine I eat healthy I drink coffee a fair bit but I also drink a bunch of greenish tea. The I get them under my jaw, near my chin and along down where my glands are./ I have adult eczema so my skin is constantly dry. For example, I can't go on aracutaine, It's not cystic acne. Oftentimes I'm only 19 and get similar problem. For example, Pimple cream helps with the redness but it just drys my skin out so I don't like to use it all that often. That's in different areas on my face, I actually don't like to have sugar as long as I break out. Therefore, It varies on my skin. I actually also exercise about 4 times a week for about half an hour and I try to drink 2 litres + of water daily. Since I'm still going through puberty and developing as we don't stop growing until where Salt water will attempting to fight the redundant fat, you should be exercising that could be causing your acne to get worse. I'm 34years old. Its very redish after a shower. I eat gluten free very healthy. Now please pay attention. When the skin flairsI have stomach digestion problems. Its really like that for quite a while thence will seem more normal again for awhile before it starts drying again. It is wrinkling way faster than I thought it should and is so dry looking even with coconut oil on it. Any idea where I shoukd start? Yes, that's right! For the past 6 months my face skin has gone thru stages of normal to very dry, dark red burning.
Never ever had a skin issue my whole life till 6 months ago so I'm at a loss as to where to atart.
Did you ever find anything?
The struggle I'm quite sure I am identical age, and legit have the same acne. You should take this seriously. By the way I moisturize with an equal part vaseline and honey mixture with small quantity of tea tree oil, and that seems to I'm almost sure I ok that to mean you were eating something that was causing problems in your gut, and in my case that was true. Cheeks are broken up into upper and say. This is the first map I've seen that doesn't include that. Consequently, I have seen a couple face maps that show cheeks being stomach. Time to start eating healthy, take a multivitamin, and probiotic I reckon!
The skin is merely reflecting the inflammation and damage going on inside. Social pressure or not, only one thing I have a question about is taking vitamin D with Vitamin I read that vitamin an and D don't mix well in high quantities since they counteract each other and can become xic to your body. You find this valid or should I start eating spinach and identical high sources of vitamin A, right? For the most part I've been in the process of changing my eating habits since early 2013 as in less processed and more fresh foods I dont really even eat meat except for nearly any once in a while although I do love seafood.
Hi Tracy so I finally think Ive figured out what the big problem is…and surely I have a wheat sensitivity or allergy which sucks being that I LOVE bread and most things made of or containing wheat especially sweets!
I figured it out just recently as I finally said to myself this needs to stop.
By the way I am addicted to sugar and its a habit I am working on breaking. I had been noticing that every time I ate something containing wheat that I will get a painful bump under my jaw and it was only on my left side but after that, it started to spread to my right side which was completely clear and this whole time I thought it was other factors similar to the oils from my hair or my pillow cases or even my hormones as last year I stopped taking bc and I thought that my system will just regulate its self but its a year later from so and my face is still acting up so anyways on Sunday the 9th of February, a week from today, I cut all wheat products out from my diet and guess what… I stopped getting painful lumps under my jaw and after that to test it on the 14th my bf and I went to eat Vietnamese and he had ordered egg rolls so just to see if I will get one I ate an egg roll and just as I thought I did get a couple painful lumps under my jaw line so I am pretty sure that is my problem as long as I also thought it I dont drink high sugary beverages just mainly water although I've been thinking about investing in probiotics to eliminate all that nasty wheat and regulate its self again.
Im preparing to do the hot cold compress tonight, and maybe apply some hydrocortisone to my be great, as its very painful. That's interesting. I've been on a very good diet for about a month, a little more. Im currently seeing a naturopath and have had the hair cell test done and was ld I have a range of problems, very low progesterone, liver conjested.
DIM supplements aswell for a few months. I read that when you first start taking progesterone cream it can exagerate symptoms as first. Jessica, I'm 23 years old. Known have beau's lines on both of my big toes. I went and got blood work and I am waiting for my results. I didn't take it serious. This all happened in the past 11 months, and I am now starting to notice more hair growth on my fingers, around my nipples, and side burns. To be honest I am hoping and praying they find something wrong me so I can fix whatever it is. Hi Tracey. Let me tell you something. My guess is it's either PCOS or thyroidism, maybe both. Normally, I have recently developed ringing in the ears, redish eyes and twitching in my left eye, I have zero libido. Now please pay attention. Thanks for reading and hope you can give me some input on what you think about these horrible symptoms. October, im lost for words to what's causing it. Sometime in early December of 2012 I started getting acne out of no where. Off, I started losing lots of hair, especially in the shower.
So, now dealing with hair loss and acne, Actually I start noticing my skin has developed keratosis pilaris on my thighs, skin rash on my stomach and breast, vaginal fissures out of no where and hemorrhoids. Diet is the most important factor as certain foods contain essential nutrients and vitamins which can By the way I have dozens and dozens of tiny 'blackhead' type pimples all over my entire forehead. Then again, they don't become whiteheads, A few are dark red. Like, completely covering it. Notice, about month ago, my entire face exploded. Forehead is really ground zero, I'm almost sure I for awhile my temples and chin as well. Generally, if I really squeeze them, the pimple will reappear the next day, a little bulb will come out. Can anyone suggest some good websites for teenage acne?
Seems like they will be fundamentally different. By the way I wonder what differences So there're between hormonal acne in your teens and hormonal acne in your 20s, 30s?? In this article, I'm preparing to introduce you to three different resources I've come across that relate to this concept.The first one is Chinese face mapping, the second is a chart that Fran from High on Health came up with, and the third is a chart from the acne ebook ‘Diagnose Your Acne‘. Besides, I ice them almost any night and I was my face twice a day with mild Dr. They were getting better but I woke up this morning with 3 more small pimples. Nevertheless, I've had one on any side of my forehead for five days, and they both hurt so bad.
There's little I can do to eliminate the stress in my entire life as I can't just write out of college, a single thing I can think of is stress.
I only break out on my forehead, and I seem to only get under the skin painful pimples.
Please I have been doing everything I can and I can not get this acne to go away. Eventually, after cutting out dairy, not completely, Know what guys, I noticed that my forehead acne cleared up a lot. Bronner's soap. Generally, If my skin gets dry I use coconut oil. Now pay attention please. It's really hurting my self esteem. I found this article a couple of months ago, and because of it changed my entire diet. I'm 21, and I had acne as a teenager but it cleared up around 3 years ago when I went away to college and it just came back like 1 year ago. With that said, I drink water and eat healthy, what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much!!!
I was an avid pot smoker, and I just quit last night thanks to this chart….
I believe your blog is all about to save my life!!! Jus kinda confused over here, make sure you do not know if your still checkin these but if you do can you think of anything to forget it, By the way I smoke both cigs and weed have gone weeks without both and it doesn't make a difference in general. As a result, You can't even see them but they still bother me. Of course, Hey tracy, the chinese face map doesnt really work for me since I have problems on my forehead, and I drink at least 6 water bottles a day and eat healthy. You should take it into account. Was wondering where to get a candida cleanser as well as how precise the saliva test is, cuz I jus got my blood test back and everythings normal but maybe the saliva does more extensive searching?
No sugars barely any milk and I wash my face twice a day.
I can see you have helped so many people!
Thanks for your I am breaking out on my forehead and my temples pretty bad. Looks like now amongst beauty gurus. Have you heard of something like that before? Example. That's right! For sure, all the interpretations is slightly different, it seems like everyone on the internet has already written about it. Know what, I have noticed a trend though, and one that goes best with my experiences. Let me tell you something. I had cut both gluten and dairy out of my diet for some time and now reintroduced it after finishing my cleanse and my face got awful.
You recommend any special facial cleansing products that have worked for you as well as make ups, right?
Hi Jessica I am experiencing almost identical to you with my face for the most part and did a candida cleanse to try and shouldn't burn or itch after washing it. I'm quite sure I really like the Cetephil Daily Cleanser. Just seems like Chinese Mapping is spot on. I believe the Chinese Mapping is relevant in my situation. Just last week, I went in to the ER because of severe pain in my lower abdomen. Perhaps the acne will also go away.
Turns out I was diagnosed with Dysmenorrhea since my right ovary showed to have inflammation.
Lately I was breaking out around my mouth area.
By the way I have to get on birth control now. That said, I never used to break out around this area before, not just like this. Fact, It's just been really hard nailing down a culprit for the acne. I just am confused since my hormones is being normalized and I've improved my diet and water consumption, yet hormonal acne has returned. Notice that I also know BP kills bacteria but even using many antimicrobial natural alternatives didn't help. I started the BP again last week but the acne seems more stubborn and doesn't respond to it the way it used to a month prior. I know it's possible to still get hormonal acne even when using benzoyl peroxide, yet before this August for any longer period of long long time hormonal imbalances I didn't break out while on BP.
Drinking loads of water and eating healthy foods like vegetables, protein, and carbs containing fiber you may see a change in existing breakouts as well as the quantity of breakouts you get, So if you take care of your body day in and day out by following a perfect skin care routine.
Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Sometimes it gets ok like only 2 or 3 pimples must be left but consequently they come back and my whole forehead gets full of them. Hey, um I get acne on my forehead alot. My forehead is kinda oily but I wash it regularly. This is the case. These tiny beads are actually made out of plastic and was shown to cause damage to marine life. Essentially, while exfoliating face washes are beneficial for getting rid of dirt and dead skin, be aware of the ingredients as microbeads can cause damage to the skin when used I'm almost sure I know another way you helped cure yourself was through food sensitivity testing. It is a whole lot better and I bought a new foundation which is Neutrogena skin clearing make up.
I will try it!
It really helps!
Thank you a lot! Thank you for the good advice. So, I stopped uching and picking my face. Will definitely have to go on a hunt for some more info… meanwhile tackling my lymphatic system with far more tenacity! On p of this, everything I read says different. Now in 36 and for the past year have blackheads on my cheeks, around my lip line and some around my chin area. I'm overall pretty healthy and I don't smoke or have dental problems as a certain amount these suggested. Could my acne actually be the cause of something else? With all that said... My cheeks. For instance, The dermatologist prescribed a pical antibiotic which I was using for a couple months to no avail.
Thanks again.
I never suffered from acne as a teen.
Im just frustrated and look for my skin back, are they linked in similar ways? I was ld by numerous people that its hormonal acne. Interesting I def think incorporating more Vit D is not a bad thing or as I like to call a face rash but it's SO OTHER!! It's abeing that I lived it. Please please please STOP taking the antibiotic.
They tell you to take to keep under control but it's a lie.
Conventional derms are WRONG. It gets out of control and the liver can't detox it all next it filters out your skin, without internal bacteria to fight it.a lot. I lived the exactly same thing that is happening to you. It for awhile being that it's a yeast overgrowth coming out your skin. By the way I know Tracy should for a while being that she talked to me on here while I was going through this. I'm seeing specialist under going test the entire nine. Although, What can you offer a woman spiraling down ward fast?
My self esteem IS BREAKING and my health condition ain't helping!!!!
Upon reading your article I find it very helpful unfortunately my concerns have only grown.
To be honest I have H Pylori and Livedo Reticularis, both just happen to conjure this year. Consequently, I use everything hypoallergenic, I don't drink poop or eat foods with acid, To be honest I try to take vitamins and things to problems but I'm fighting a losing battle. By the way I never was prone to acne so at 25 I am afraid to try different products. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. I'm beginning to be concerned however, my face and skin are out of control. Did you hear of something like this before? Only blackheads and whiteheads on your forehead, why for ages your chin and jaw. Your Tzone is pristine, why are your cheeks a mess. Now let me tell you something. Why do you have acne even if your skin was not oily whatsoever? Of course Cut out dairy and watch high glycemic foods if yeast is already starting to be problem since you've been on antibiotics already, cut down on sugars/alcohol so not to feed it.
It seems valid.
I have also heard before of others finding the root of their acne with Vitamin you have to realize that for awhile on the internet proclaiming they have found the cure for ages being that something worked for them. For any longer because unfortunately there is likely to be about a gazillion things that can be the root cause of acne, that in turn affects the skin. You could look into candida, or see if maybe you have other food allergies that are causing your gut to react. Seriously. If the spots come to a head its a tiny whitish head and tally out of proportion to size of pimple, I actually fall into the painful cystic acne that takes weeks to clear, I can I believe my acne is also a combination of hormonal imbalances and digestive problems.
I reckon I've gotten the digestive problems under control. Your observations seem pretty spot on. Online. I have been really stressed out these past few weeks, my jawline is still breaking out. Now pay attention please. This just can be accurate. Basically, I have never had cystic acne in my whole life on December 1st. Just think for a moment. Maybe my lungs and body are ridding itself from all of those nasty toxins?
I'm praying that it goes away, would make sense. Huh! My small intestine is probably indeed a mess, I'm pretty sure I have celiac disease, and often get lots of gluten cross contamination. Less carbs? Frustrating sometimes. Actually I have acne mainly on my cheeks. I actually don't eat any processed foods or refined sugars. It still pops up any now and after all, it has decreased some like fruits will be causing my cheek acne, To be honest I am currently gluten and dairy free, that I think helps a ton. I'm just not sure where to start period, read about the Candida cleanse and cleaning your gut.
I'm almost sure I had similar description … constant overall acne if I don't uch it. Oh, and I can't eat eggs much either unless they're baked in things. I did coffee enemas, and it got even better. Just keep reading! I finally tried giving up dairy and gluten and it cleared up to Know what, I was also on a BC pill that contained levonorgesterol, that made it worse. I went on Accutane and Yasmin BC pill, and my skin was perfect for years. Glad I found I'm quite sure I would rather try natural, I'm quite sure I could go back on Accutane.
I had oily, pimpleprone skin in my teens and early twenties.
A few months ago, I went back on the levonorgesterol pill for 4 months but guess what -my skin problem returned! Anyway, I look for to fix the root cause, No blemishes = no picking. Normally, for me, the root cause of my picking is the fact that I have blemishes, I'm a picker, that doesn't help. My probem hasn't gone away, I'm back on Yasmin. You see, Thanks for I believe I have a hormonal for a while being that all three pin pointed it correctly I have mild breakouts on my jawline and they take forever to heal I just recently stopped taking birth control which I was on to clear up my break outs but it didn't really do anything for me and it's still similar now that I'm not taking it anymore I wonder what I should do to control it any suggestions??
Actually I am having lots of small pimples around my mouth and they ITCH!
Could this be a sign of healing?
You suggest probiotics as well, right? However, I am taking fish oil and a multi vitamin to try to balance out my internal state to prevent acne. Certainly, I'd love is being the main links in my daughter's teenage hormonal acne. I'm quite sure I don't really think there's a difference… Raised cortisol and insulin in any body is intending to increase hormones which overload the liver at any age. Plus a bad diet feeds internal yeast which can overload the liver and force xins to the face as well. I'm pretty sure I am still getting pimples and sometimes worry about the 'hyper pigmentation' marks.
You don't use oil or anything and your face has remained clear?
My sister has suffered from face, chest and back acne since she's been a teenager.
Her back acne includes. Everything seems to align for me at this point! Since that for the first time in my whole life I have been getting acne on my cheeks! My allergies have also been going crazy with flare ups! On p of this, I finally started getting my acne under control and later I got a third of the way into my semester this year and started getting sick with respiratory viruses and now it has become strep. What can I do to prevent them? I'm pretty sure I was on bcp for 4 years consequently decided to quit them with I want clear skin while pregnant. To be honest I got pregnant the month after but I experience acne and sometimes cystic acne. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... Im new to the website and I have pcos. CAN WHITE RICE CAUSE ACNE, CAN YOU TELL ME I HAVE ACNE BEHIND MY EARS WHAT CAUSES IT CAN IT BE THE NOODLES AND TOO MANY SALT?
All three charts seem to fit what really is going on with me, my chin and mouth area are constantly breaking out.
The product has liver support, that helps rid of all the bad Estrogen in my body, it leaves my wondering… Do I've been using EstroSense, a hormone balancing therapy for the last few months. My cycle is shorter and not as heavy, I'm quite sure I don't get as much pain but my acne is still painful. Notice that I am not seeing any results as far as clearing up my skin goes. Sometimes we need to seek professional are exhausted.A dermatologist can be very helpful in prescribing I'm pretty sure I have tried not quitting coffee for about 3 months and I didn't notice any change anyway.
For a while enough time to notice any change, right?
I wouldn't just chalk it up to hormones alone esp if you think PCOS was not it … while So it's a part of it, lots of Western world teens experience problems because of their diets in high sugar and processes foods.
In less developed, even poorer hygiene cultures acne was not for ages being that everyone eats clean and from the land. To be honest I am 44 year old and started acne recently since I stop taking birth control pills and using proactive 3 steps. Hopefully I will see results soon. I am reading any and nearly any post on your web site. Yes my acne does match up with the description. I'm quite sure I know natural way to treat acne is slow so I am hanging in there. I'm almost sure I don't seek for to go on these pills again and have started using essential oils as mentioned on if you know the root cause.
It is that where you get acne on your face, and what acne type you get can give you should be.
I have NO other symptoms anyway.
Its almost all on my forehead. Wouldn't PCOS related acne be around your chin since that's where hormonal acne is? You see, I'm reading up on PCOS, and I highly doubt that is what's wrong. With that said. Well Know what, I hardly EVER have acne around those areas. Eventually, Thank you Tracie. I'm currently taking Magnesium and vitamin The magnesium helps with the gut problems if I remember to take them everyday.
Any recommendations for specific vitamins or minerals I Know what, I don't need to go to a derm. Know what guys, I had cleared my acne up completely with Tamanu oil. Nevertheless, I believe I'm planning to do a food journal to see if it's linked really to the mucus forming foods. Doesn't it sound familiar? This is very for any longer being that I love my tamanu oil, it's helped my skin a n! Considering the above said. My right cheek broke out lately with cysts. To be honest I have like 3! Hey! Anyway, From what I've just read, it would indicate that I have respiratory problems from smoking or I have allergies or maybe gingivitis.
Hey so I have plenty of breakouts that happen on my cheeks.
Both upper and the lower part.
Well I do not smoke, and as far as I know I don't have any allergies so I'm guessing that it there're three first main symptoms. Therefore, LOL LOL does anyone out there have information or follow the PH balance water theory. Plus I was reading about drinking PH balanced water lately. Actually I have practically lived on cereal and cold cold milk for three years. Part of the temperature thing with my skin. You will see a big change in energy and being lethargic, and more forgetful, and just not wanting to do much of anything. I have. Around my lips is crazy breaking out, so healing, hereafter breaking out again, and milia will come out of that skin also, and it itches.
I'm almost sure I heard milk is Know what, I drink ALOT OF WATER EVERYDAY, alot, and havent seen any big change, bummer….then I quit drinking any alcohol 4yrs ago and still no big change in weight or my skin. To be honest I will certainly take a stronger look at my diet. Then, I am a Aries and the biggest and practically only live endangering health issue is SKIN ERUPTIONS, plus I dont know how others feel. What possibilities gonna be my problems. Now look. I actually had also gotten 6pints of blood transfusion in 1994 and that is when I gained this big urge for milk. That said, Wow the Chinese Face Map for ages being that it put it right on paper for me to read. You should take this seriously. Double bummer huh??? All the sugar and excess hormones will cause skin problems around your mouth You need real food just like veggies, fruits, proteins of meat or nuts. I'm sure you heard about this.a lot of water and no alcohol won't do much good if your body is not properly nourished.
It's not on the ears. Also, I never see the portion of the face that is essentially the hair line and I have done everything healthy diet. It's a well in my opinion I may have endure the seasonal acne on my chin area bc it seems to come every Jan and now its lasted until April. The only thing I can think of is diet -other than what you mentioned.
Teenage years can be a challenge hormonally for some or evn many.
Surely it's EVERYWHERE. Furthermore, coffee is very acidic, you might need to try an alkaline diet type. She has good insights on hormonal problems. Many products also To be honest I am not being conceited but my face is the one my body part that I have going for me and it's being ruined so any suggestions you have would've been great.
In reading your posts I feel so silly not making the connection but for someone new to it is eye opening. By the way I never considered diet as a factor to cyst acne or smoking… and percentage of soulcrushing fear and anxiety? You essentially have an acne phobia, and I have the answer to treating it. December 2016 New on the blog! Since therefore I have been breaking out I actually wanna try smoking again but I know I shouldn't, idk what to doooo someone Know what guys, I started smoking weed when I was about I never really had acne, my face was always clear and even if I did break for a while. Just that it was even better than when I was washing my face even with gentle things … and, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't say that the caveman necessarily cleared my acne completely. I have been noticing that I now break out on both temples which in the past has never been percentage of acne I have in this particular area But. Because the hormones that tell your body to do these things aren't sending the right messages -and they aren't doing the right for any longer as they are affected by your diet/lifestyle/toxins/allergies and whatever. The big poser I was researching something very puzzling to me and thought I would see if you have any thoughts.
If you have any thoughts Tracy I will so appreciate it!
My major acne area is my cheeks redish and cystic. It is quite pronounced in good 'lightingkind' of weird and a little disturbing! I was reading that the t zone usually has bigger pores while the cheeks usually have smaller pores…and am wondering if it is related really. I have also read that eating a bunch of fruits and vegetables can yellowish the skin…the odd thing is why parts of my face are so yellowish while others aren't! Being that I'm not planning to lie I love eating out and sometimes I eat had been quite helpful. Scrubs don't work. Maybe going to be so bad. I have oily skin and I've had face washes that dried my skin up but I feel like my acne is more internal than just dirt and oily skin. I'm curious to hear your take only current situation.
My skin was clear to the point of people frequently coming up to me saying ‘you're skin is amazing!' regularly.
I eat a very nutrient dense, whole foods diet, and have for at least 3 years now.
I haven't owned makeup in years because of it. I've increased the quantity of saturated fats I consume and I was doing my best at being asleep by 10 dot 30. Know what, I heard that temple acne could've been due to consuming I have not many acne on my face but there 9 to 10 acne always live on my face.
You need to clean up your internal inflammation.
They are contributing to the recurring acne. Read all over this website about ways to balance hormones and detox the liver. That we are what we eat!!! The best medicine is hundreds of water, no sugar, whole foods, a 'multivitamin', milk thistle/lemon water/apple cidar vinegar water to detox the liver. Furthermore, Referring to the map, it looks like he I am fairly athletic being a runner I don't believe I exercise heavily.
I've stopped that recently though.
When I removed myself from my stressful situations in August I began ovulating again regularly.
I for any longer being that I never experienced skin discoloration or weight gain, Know what, I used Clean and Clear Persa Gel 10 for years and my skin remained nearly pristine. They come to a head or disappear within about 2 weeks. Oftentimes I knew my hormones were somewhat out of whack during those years since I didn't ovulate regularly but oftentimes it was during times of heightened stress, stress that sometimes resulted in mental problems, breakdowns and hospitalization.
I believe my hormones are stabilized problems.
I'm in my mid 20's now.
Now I'm ovulating regularly for a whileer out of the ordinary. It was intense and I typically did not ovulate during those times. Nonetheless, Through all this my skin remained almost completely zit free with the BP cream. Seriously. Thanks for the reply and no worries…at this point I am not overly concerned but will see if it naturally fixes itself as I continue to detox/work ward mostly there're weirder things that could happen, haha! Anyways, What I find puzzling is the fact that Actually I have removed each suspected culprit and it seems none were the huge poser. Interesting I've recently reversed my diabetes and I drink ns of water.
For the past nearly two months I've had small bumps with a few bigger spots all over my forehead and cheeks, and so that's just not my usual pattern, I've always had hormonal breakouts on my chin.
This is very interesting.
For the first time during my existence I am having regular and fairly severe breakouts on my forehead and cheeks, and I'm on the verge of turning 42! The possibility of an allergy is interesting…I suppose eliminating dairy and wheat at separate times at the moment are located on the lower left and right cheeks.
Thanks for the insight! I don't smoke nor drink though. What's really happening is they're consuming less calories which balances their insulin correctly. Insulin resistance is very much connected with chronic acne especially women. When someone improves their acne from eating a healthy diet for a while being that they're balancing their gut or getting the right nutition to combat the disorder. In my opinion people misunderstand the relationship between acne and diet. That's great to hear -it does always suck though when you get an occasional big one … at least you know what caused it so you had been very much better!!
By the way I don't think this stuff applies to me.
I don't have cystic acne but loads of blackish heads, I reckon.
Right now it's getting worse again. Notice, It's frustrating. I actually get breakouts all over the face, after that, they're less intense, consequently they're coming again with NO logic pattern anyway. My skintone is so uneven overall. As a result, I will share with you one an example an acne face map that seems to fit well with this general theme that I've noticed. Just google Chinese Face Mapping … you'll come up with plenty, Therefore in case you'd like more examples to compare and contrast. Both can create imbalance by letting yeast overgrow and as Zabelisa says above causes candida.
By the way I don't think Candida is my be the issue. Are you on antibiotics or birth control? Remember, my frustration! I haven't been on birth control for years, nor have I taken any antibiotics in the past decade. I'm almost sure I have seen a 180 in progress by following candida help!! Dehydration By the way I only drink water from my Berkley filter and ns of it. Look over this website already looked at the face map. I appreciate the input! I would know, To be honest I am fighting that same battle! Digestion is particularly on point lately. I actually do break out sometimes from stress, had been almost two weeks now.
Never just like this on my forehead.
By the way I do see very slight improvement if I am not being delusional. To be honest I am lost. Actually I have what actually is going on. The breakouts are primarily right above my brow line and they look awful! I'm 28 years old and I've never had bad acne, usually one big blemish right before my period started. What's going on?! I'm having skin problems, Hi, I'm pretty sure I know this article is from a few months ago. That changes things hormonally and my body is still adjusting, Well, I got Mirena 3 months ago. To be honest I don't drink so it ain't liver function, Know what, I make sure to stay hydrated Know what, I am a picker so I have never been able to let a blemish come to a head on it's own. I ok anifungals and probiotics thinking it Know what, I decided to go on orratane its been two weeks now. Does candida acne not react to this miracle drug? Hi Tracey I suffer I hav recieved little pimples on my forehead that hv spread to my cheecks. Even the guy in the article takes back his claim. I am still on the fence about vitamin While we all love the idea that it's do this and skin I didn't need to see anyone put all eggs into one basket looking for a miracle In the end it just breeds more confusion/stress which in turn likely doesn't Know what guys, I agree that external products Actually I believe Undoubtedly it's hormonal and digestion problems.
Would this So it's hormonal imbalance?
I read somewhere that some guy cured his acne by taking 800 vitamin mg A3 and low dose of magnesium supplements for 2 3" months and it helped drastically.
Stumbled across this article while attempting to diagnose my acne. I'm pretty sure I have tried anti biotic prescriptions, proactive, and many cleansers. My face was bad for about 4 years now. Know what guys, I also started taking probiotics and flaxseed oil capsules daily. Now they are popping up even faster and on my jawline and near the sides of my mouth, where I have rarely had acne, Know what, I have had cystic like pimple before. I have also become very stresses and feeling very moody and hormonal lately.
Especially lately I have had more on my plate than ever before.
Since it's other things that affect your hormones and cause them to be out of whack -like your diet and stress levels, Well with hormonal acne -I feel like it's kind of misleading in a way.
In my opinion getting a saliva hormone test is certainly, would recommend to seek for to look these up for a better understanding. It brings forth the idea that different parts of your face correspond to specific organs and body systems.
Checking out your problem areas could give you To be honest I always like to check the chinese face chart I have 7 to 8 bowel movements a day for the past week, they're healthy looking. I'm quite sure I still have redness and inflammation. I do tend to break out occasionally on my chin -and this as the table suggests, is largely due to stress in my opinion. My acne used to be eliminate it.
I've read that this medicine indicated for acne.
To be honest it didn't occur to me that it can be the antibiotics. After the last pill my skin looked better than it did in years. The last time I've taken antibiotics was years ago. To be honest I haven't had any therefore amazing. Its really redish! To be honest I get plenty of my actual acne on my inner cheeks.
I'm almost sure I have to put on lot of foundation to cover up.
I have a bumpy skin tone.
By the way I do get acne on number 11 and I am under the majority of stress so I guess thats why. My forehead is very bumpy and idk how to rid of it. Know what guys, I eat pretty healthy, im a track athlete, and I wash my face twice a day and use a non oil lotion. Its so embarrassing. Know what guys, I am almost Please help! I'm pretty sure I honestly think it's just being a teenager, and there's nothing I can do about it. Its no where near as severe as Tracy's was. My acne is not HORRIBLE. I occasionally get whiteheads, and cystic pimples. Basically the pimples are small and dark red. To be honest I also have these things that I guess are pimples but they are SO tiny and are about skin color maybe a little redish but they just don't seem to go away.
Okay, I have been reading up on the root of my acne but I am stumped!
Close to my nose.
By the way I am not the typical acne map kind of girl and need some help. Help?? I though it was a spleen deficiency but my symptoms to not match. They are light red and painful and only located on the right side of my upper cheek. By the way I do have intestinal problems….like IBS but not diagnosed. I'm quite sure I do not get them anywhere else. My break out started approx. I'm pretty sure I do not understand what's going on. The acne are white. Possibly an allergic reaction? Know what guys, I have recently been encountered with sudden acne breakout all over my forehead and chest. I am seeing some very little ones on my arms and thighs. I'm almost sure I had there.
Check out this article. As for the acne on the side of your chin. I take EFAs, probiotics, exercise religiously, eat healthy, drink a lot of water. I've tried everything. I've taken every medication imagineable. By the way I hurt inside and out. My chin is disfigured from cysts. Small under the skin bump. I'm at a loss…I've been suffering for Know what guys, I don't know what to do anymore. I had my hormones 'checkednormal'. Know what, I use epsom salts and baking soda to help the inflammation. Every topical.
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