#maybe they don’t have the rights for twdg idk it’s just makes so much more sense to adapt that story
judyalvqrez · 8 months
I haven’t watched The Walking Dead in years but I just found out about this Daryl Dixon spinoff show and how everyone seems to think it’s just copying The Last of Us. While it does in fact sound similar to The Last of Us from the short synopsis I read, I do think it’s a stretch to call it “blatant plagiarism” considering there’s only one episode out so far. Time will tell I guess, but I’m surprised that not a lot of people are bringing up Telltale’s The Walking Dead game
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Badass survivor with a dubious past/trauma takes it upon himself to look after an orphaned child which he later comes to see as his own? Child later becomes a badass in her own right? Sound familiar?
It’s just funny that TWD is just sitting on this beloved gem of a story that predates The Last of Us videogame by a whole year and that could’ve brought in the gamer audience to their franchise as well, but instead they decided to put their money on Daryl Dixon in France lol
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What will you do when you leave this blog? are you still going to be on Tumblr or are you leaving everything? it's sad that we won't be able to speak to you anymore.
(This will be the last post I make on this until the day comes just so i’m not killing everyone’s Tumblr dashboard with my depressing stuff)
I was going to address this when it actually happened but since some people have been asking me things regarding it ever since it was brought up, i’m going to answer some common questions (hope you don’t mind me compiling them here on your Ask - I just don’t want to annoy anyone with me constantly talking about it on the blog ^^;). Here are some common questions:
When are you leaving?
I don’t know. I want to say after the Louis Character Study but I’ll see how it goes. I might be around for a short while after it in case people want to say anything to me but I can’t see me being here until the end of the year.
What does this actually mean for the blog? Will it be deleted?
I will still be on Tumblr - just not running this blog anymore. This blog will never be deleted, but I won’t be making posts or answering Asks anymore (though given how slow my queue is posting these days I won’t be surprised if it’s still posting even after I leave ^^;). I’ll most likely be using my main Tumblr to reblog normal things and maybe set up a new blog for DC related stuff or something idk.
Is there a way we can still talk to you after it happens?
If you have me on Discord or something then I will still be interacting with you - probably more so actually since I won’t be juggling something else on top of it. As well as that, I might come on here to respond to private messages people send me since I do have friends on here that I talk to.
Why ARE you leaving?
That’s...a very long answer which I don’t think i’ll go into right now. But I guess the simplest way to explain it is that my blog is no longer what it once was and i’m now at a crossroad where I either:
A) Cling onto this blog on the off chance that I have messages to respond to all while dealing with the depression i’ve gotten myself into over it.
B) Leave my blog and move on - helping myself mentally and also leaving my blog with some dignity left instead of driving it into the ground with random nonsense.
It’s kinda hard to explain but I feel like as much as I love this fandom, having myself still linked to it with how everything has changed is just doing more harm to my mental health than good? I don’t know if that makes any sense or not. 
My blog died when episode 4 dropped and arguably a little before then. And i’m not complaining - that’s just how things are. I started off in this fandom as a blog analysing the shit out of Louis, then became someone who analyses everything in the season as well as a source of TWDG news and updates.
Without all of the above as well as an audience, I’ve kind of lost my sense of purpose here. And to be someone who was so focused on the above to now no longer having any of that...is kind of depressing? right now I feel like i’m clinging onto old memories because i’m scared to leave them, but i’m not progressing either so i’m just stuck in this weird limbo, you know?
If I don’t leave this blog then i’ll just keep clinging onto it until I make myself worse. I need to put TWDG behind me and move on for my own sake. Which is funny because months ago i’m pretty sure I was all like; “I will never leave this blog until the day I die” lol.
But yeah, I hope people understand what I’m trying to say.
In Conclusion
I’ve always been a firm believer of ending on a high note. I applied that perspective onto TFS when I said that despite being sad that it’s over, I’m glad that Clem’s story ended on a good note and won’t be ruined by being dragged on until it loses what charm it had left.
Well, the same goes for this blog.
I want it to be remembered for the good it did and the joy it brought people - even if it’s ultimately coming to a close. Because the memories I/we had on here were real and i’m forever grateful for them. I don’t want to be remembered as that blog that faded out and just kept talking about depressing stuff until it drowned out everything else. I want to be remembered for what I was during the season when we were all having fun together and gushing over all of the wonderful characters.
Things change and and things end, but that’s okay. 
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wolfwhiteflowers · 5 years
Some thoughts and speculations (with comics) on Carol and Michonne in s10.
*I ship caryl and richonne and I think they’re endgame.
*kinda petty..anyways.., hate-watcher. When I talk about comics, it’s like specuations and a guide where the character might go. 
So, i don’t like how some fans would say ‘why Michonne/Zeke kissed when Michonne is meant to be with Rick, and Zeke meant to be with Carol’. im like wait what? Uhh no thanks. I just want Richonne back and I think these fans meant Richonne to be back. ( why is it like being a richonne shipper in the fandom~ therefore must be a Carzekiel shipper? lol no. shipping’s not like that. ukno we got out own fave ships. And I don’t like the whole thing with my ship must be #1 even though there’s no prize on it and why not have multiple ships. whatever.) I also think it’s not Carol’s dream or something Carol would be upset about. I think she’s done with him. Carol was the one who broke up with him and it seems like in the trailer she’s focused on vengeance.  So, ok I just want Zeke to go away and I hope it was one episode he interacts in Michonne’s episodes. Omg Idk how that scene goes. We don’t know what kind of relationship it is. Ugh Kang and her ship-drama. blah. It’s why I don’t watch the show..and “try” to not get invested in the show and read spoilers.
 Idek how many episodes Michonne is in s10. ahh. I think there’s five and they’re scattered in the season. I kinda wish it was all at once. But whatever make the story good. (..lol as much as they can.) (I hope there’s no dumb plots like Zeke going with Michonne on the boat or whatever..Idk what they’re gonna do with Zeke.)
I do agree that whole Michonne and Zeke pairing is so dumb and rushed (like they did with C/Z but worse). I feel it’s not needed unless it’s some angsty plot Kang wants to do, I guess.  M/E doesn’t make sense at all. The fandom hates it. There was no buildup and Michonne was not into being in a relationship during s9 (and those 6 years.)  But, she did start to open up to people in s9 finale ehhh which is like comic-Michonne with Rick...hmm,
 Some fans and critics or whatever, think it’s right and make sense “cos da comics say so”. Which is crazy, wtf where’s the story and the good adaption on it? That’s lazy writing. Anyways, so I don’t think it’s actually a comic adaption...it doesn’t feel that way, imo. I think CarzekieI was the comic remix of comic-Michonne and Zeke being in a relationship overall. It’s what I think when comparing to the comics. So, I think tv-Zeke was like ..just there and Kang decided to have him with her in that scene.  But, I guess Kang is up to something. (Zeke gets broken up twice)
So, on the trailer it looked like Carol and Michonne are using the comic-Michonne story at the same time...with the same storyline it seems. It’s confusing. Ok I’ll dissect it further. I guess it’s like with Michonne, the writers are showing the part in the comics where it’s BEFORE comic-Michonne break up Zeke and leaves to *find* her daughter (on the boat). With Carol, it’s AFTER comic-Michonne broke up Zeke and went on the boat or during the “pirating” times/TWDG Telltale games. And help fight against the whisperers. 
 I think Michonne is going along more like comic-Michonne recently. I’m kinda amazed how quickly they made them similar, emotionally. I didn’t think tv writers could do it and on anyone because for a long time it didn’t seem like anyone was really like comic-Michonne. Ok when tv-Michonne is with Zeke and ‘she’s like IDK if I can be in a relationship...I still feel unsure and have guilt or some angsty feels for so long because Idk where is my dead/missing husband is at?’ So, that whole emotional part feels very like comic-Michonne, IMO, and I think it’s something Michonne will breakup Zeke and goes to find Rick...because she needs closure or ..ukno she needs to find her lover! (With Carol, she’s similar with comic-Michonne,emotionally, but not quite as like it,imo.) So that whole M/E moment in the trailer ..very small to be comparing from the comics than C/Z. Idk what else Michonne does in s10, like how her exit from the show goes. She better lives!
 In some ways, it seems like Carol and Michonne’s plots could be what was missing from the comics and the games with comic-Michonne’s storyline. In the game, it went straight to depressed-Michonne “pirating” and so we didn’t really see that Ezekiel breakup and comic-Michonne wanting to leave. It was during the timejump and what other characters had said on what had happened. Uh ok comic-Michonne just went up and left everyone and “pirated”/Oceanside’s fishing crew, without telling anyone. So I guess on the show we see more explanation and depth on it, I guess. 
With Carol, it seems like she’s taking some comic-Michonne from the games, which they are canon to the comics, and I also think she’s taking parts of the post time-jump/whisperer war (and comic-Andrea storyline...or like a second leading character on TWD). Or it’s both. Idk most of s10 is so different in the comics then. I think the mains are gonna bounce back and forth with comic-Rick, Michonne, and Andrea’s storylines. I think Aaron is taking Dwight’s plot. Anyway, there’s moments in the trailer where Carol mentions of the boat and sees flashes of dead-Henry. She’s also dealing with anger and all that stuff. It reminds me of the Michonne games. Except, I don’t think Carol is or was on the boat...and Henry is dead, whereas comic/game Michonne was looking for her *missing* daughters and dealing with regret. So, there’s parallels but Idk much and I think it stops there. There’s this plot on Carol wanting to kill Alpha and she’s part of the main storyline by interacting with Daryl (and Negan I think). It’s like from after the timejump/pirating storyline and comic-Michonne was mostly being there to fight whisperers and support Rick and gang, which I think is like being there for Daryl.  It’s all main characters doing their thing and fighting in the whisperer war. I also don’t know what’s Carol’s endgame..or I mean comic-Michonne found happiness by finding Elodie, but what is Carol’s? So I think Carol’s story is gonna be different and not be adapted from comic-Michonne’s story anymore (it’s tv-Michonne’s then.)
-Oh that BFF scene with Caryl. lol It threw me off. Because I thought that remix/adaption moment already happened so it’s like they did it again but by the book. It’s weird and confusing with tv-Michonne’s story going on. Ok so that moment in the comics is right after comic-Michonne comes back from the pirating/timejump. So? Maybe Carol did “pirated” Idk.  I know people would argue Caryl is like comic R/M which they didn’t go canon. But like who’s comic-Andrea then for Daryl? (usually tv-Michonne but she’s not gonna be in the show that long) and like tv-Michonne is (im assuming) gonna search for Rick, who is always like comic-Rick. 
Ok whatever. Carol and Michonne are both going along comic-Michonne’s storyline and it’s bit remixed. They’re at different times based on the comics. I hope for the best for them. 
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piximiplays · 5 years
Take Us Back “Review” ig
Wow that episode was just... wow 😭 That was actually a really good ending (at least the one I got, I'm not sure about any other endings there might be) to an amazing series 😭😭
Also, if you haven’t blocked the twdg spoilers tag, I’ll put a break here but if you haven’t played the episode and/or don’t want major spoilers for Take Us Back, don’t read the rest of this long ass post. You have been warned. (That sounded super serious sksksksks 😂)
Ok so I’m just gonna start off with the beginning when AJ voiced the “last time on The Walking Dead” like damn that entire sequence put my anxiety (which was already super high because I was literally freaking out about possibly getting Clem or anyone else killed) through the roof. He was listing all the things I’ve taught him in the past and that shit honestly gave me ten different types of anxiety.
So, I got James killed in the last episode so I have no idea what he says in this episode or anything like that, but I’ve heard that it’s not great sksksksk
Anyway, the fact that we literally saw James as a walker broke me so much I was literally crying at that point.
And then when AJ said he wanted to be a firefighter damn that shit was lowkey kinda cute. At that point I was a little more relaxed because we were somewhat safe in the cave.
But then shit went so south when we left the cave and after we met up with Violet.
Of course I had to mention the tree house and omg I almost cried again just thinking back to season 1 when we met Clementine in her tree house 😭 (Even though I’m pretty sure she said she hated her tree house in season 2 abgsfhj)
And of course I had to rename Ericsons to Castle Violet who do you think I am
But the bridge OOF
Fuckign Minerva akajsfkjh I’m wondering if there was a way where she could have lived I highly doubt it but damn I wasn’t expecting her just die like that wow I was lowkey kinda hoping maybe she would get some kind of redemption but wow that whole dragged out death was so gruesome but not necessarily in a bad way, at least not for this series sksksksks
And damn Minnie just had to fucking slice Clem’s leg that shit looked like it hurt askdjashdg
I think if I hadn’t told AJ to make the tough calls then he wouldn’t have shot Tenn, and Violet probably would have died instead (or Louis if you saved him at the end of episode 2) Fucking hell
And when we split up and Vi went back to the school goddamnit that scared me because I had a feeling something was gonna go wrong  AND I WAS FUCKING RIGHT WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK
At this point I was fucking crying my goddamn eyes out because CLEM GOT FUCKING BIT WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT JFHJKSGHJGF
I was such a mess at this point there was honestly no saving me
The entire time I was shouting at Clem to just chop her leg off at that point because there was no way that Clem was gonna die in such a stupid way like damn. wait fuck that's how Lee died AKSFJKG IM SORRY LEE I DIDNT MEAN TO DISRESPECT YOU LIKE THAT FUCK
And then when I got that fucking achievement after that at that point like, first of all fuck you game, second of all fuck you. But seriously, I was genuinely wondering if there was any way to avoid her getting bitten but idk at this point it’s almost 1am I have school in the morning and I am way too tired to replay the entire episode even though it was a lot shorter than I thought it was gonna be tbh probably because I didn’t look around for collectibles as much and because I probably didn’t pause the episode as much as I usually do while making hard decisions sksksks
And then when we made it to the barn and we fucking started playing as AJ I was freaking out at this point
But when Clem was literally dying I was sobbing the entire time and just fuck, the parallels between that and season 1 when Lee died goddamn that shit hurted
I literally had to pause the game at this point because AJ was crying right in my ears and I couldn’t focus because I was also crying and only one of us can cry at a time buddy
Originally in episode 3 I told AJ to leave Clem if she ever got bit but fuck I didn’t think it was actually gonna happen so I changed my mind and told AJ to kill her because god damn I’m not gonna let her turn into a walker fuck that (even though that’s exactly what I did with Lee fuck) (Also I just looked and I’ve literally used the word fuck in this post like 23 times so far sksksksksks 😂)
And when it cut to black after that, literally all that was left was the sound of my sobs goddamn. And the achievement “final lesson” that shit just made me cry even harder
And the fucking ranch flashback right after goddamnit I was still mourning Clem you can’t just have me play as her again like that, shit. Also damn poor AJ 😭😭
And then when AJ was fishing and Rosie showed up damn she actually put a smile on my face somehow. I didn’t think that was possible at that point
Clem’s hatttt 😭 I was so scared I wouldn’t get it because I kept missing the quick time events but then Rosie got it thank god
And omg when we got back to the school and Take Us Back started playing I was even more of a mess I thought the episode was gonna end there but boy am I glad it didn’t
Also omg Ruby and Aasim holding hands damn that shit was adorable
I was so fucking glad that Clementine was alive I didn’t even care about the fact that she was missing a leg I was just so glad to see her oh my god I really thought she was dead
And they all lived happily ever after
But seriously, I was so glad Clem wasn’t dead and that mostly everyone was alive I seriously thought I was gonna get a shitty ending (But I’m also a little confused on how Clem survived the bite. I know she obviously cut her leg off and she did say something to AJ about she was glad he didn’t listen to her in the barn which I’m assuming was referring to when she told him to kill her, but if that was where Clem had her leg chopped off, I feel like the bite would already have spread to the rest of her system at that point? Idk I’m not gonna question it I’m just extremely glad she’s not dead)
And the very ending where we walked through the hallway and it showed all the names from the Still Not Bitten Team damn I loved that so much
And omg when we went into the room and were able to look at Disco Broccoli and his friends, I noticed that the option to look at Disco Broccoli kept popping up so I kept selecting it and ALKHASDFJKG I FELT LIKE I ENTERED ANOTHER DIMENSION WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT I don’t wanna spoil it but y’all need to see that if you haven’t already skskskkssk whether you replay the episode and see yourself or if someone makes a video of it on YouTube (which I feel like someone will eventually)
But omg the very ending with the “thank you for playing” that shit hurted 😭 I literally started crying again but not nearly as much as I thought I would tbh I thought I would be bawling my eyes out for hours but at this point I just feel kinda numb 😂 Like it hasn’t really set in that The Walking Dead just ended. Maybe because I can immortalize it forever in my Steam library and replay it however many times I want (and by reading fanfiction sksksksksks) 
(Also this post is gonna be put into my queue until more people play the episode so it probably won’t be posted until later tomorrow. So just know that this post was made at 1 in the morning a few hours after the release of episode 4 and I have to go to school tomorrow morning. Wish me luck)
Long story short, that entire episode was amazing (even if it did fuck with my head a little and was a little emotionally scarring sksksks) and I am so glad I was basically able to grow up with Clementine and this entire series
Also here are some screenshots because why not 😂
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sksksksk AJ’s face 😭😂
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This shit hurted 😭 (But it’s also a really pretty picture and I highkey want this framed on my wall or at least as my wallpaper on my phone or some shit)
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What the fuck when did I ever say it was okay to try and kill someone if they try to steal from you alskhjags (Update: I just realized that this was referring to when I attacked Abel aksjdhkhg AJ THATS NOT WHAT I WANTED YOU TO TAKE AWAY FROM THAT)
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This was actually really cool and even though it made me feel a little guilty because some of these choices I made weren’t the best, oh well
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And here are my choices because why not 😂
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And lastly, I want to thank Skybound from the bottom of my heart for saving this incredible game. If it wasn’t for this company these last two episodes wouldn’t have ever come out and Clementine and AJ’s story wouldn’t have gotten a proper ending. So thank you so much Telltale for starting and creating this amazing game and thank you to Skybound for giving it a proper sendoff.
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tevintermage · 7 years
Episode 5 of TWDG ANF
 Yeah I’m ready finally :D 
I sure need a replay because I’ve played right after release and the cloud was bugged and didn’t record my results (plus I want to get an ending I want and save a certain fave). But the episode was beautiful with all its unexpected stuff!
Let’s go in plot’s order: the flashback was pure gold and Rafael Garcia is the coolest one :D I loved all that dad jokes™ and his personality which we could see very good here.
I felt VERY uncomfortable when Kate came back and ran directly to Javier while not even looking at David. And he then noticed it and asked about it and I (as me, not Javier) was like dude, same, I didn’t even romance her. 
I didn’t forgive Eleanor, she was the most indifferent character for me during the whole season tbh. After Episode 4 I tried to explain her for myself that maybe Joan blackmailed her with Tripp’s life but then I realized Eleanor talked to Joan before Tripp and Ava were captured, so... And in her dialogue in Ep5 she made me distance from her even more. Like she says she had to put her priorities and I can understand it, because let’s be honest - she and Javier’s group are not that close to each other and she can have her own priorities over them and mind her own business whatever it is. So no hate, just separate ways, no one owes nothing to nobody ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
I don’t blame David on anything he did in Fern & Rufus scene, I’d probably do the same to protect someone of mine (like I’ve already did with Conrad pffffft). Our main characters group was my only top priority in this episode because I was too afraid to loose someone.
I just LOVED all the dialogues I’ve got in this episode so much, they’re all pure gold! David & Javier’s dialogue on the roof just opened whe whole David’s character for me and I’ve seen directly what I was always thinking he is. I was supporting him all the time and he confessed that he wants to change but doesn’t know how to do it and that’s why he was always trying to change everyone else. And when he says he don’t know any ways to be something other than a soldier, he can’t be father, husband, etc. and you can choose to say that he will always be a brother and there’s always a way to change, I literally cried. This is good that he understands his problem and wants to do something with it. 
I was also defending David in a dialogue with Gabe when he said that in his childhood David was telling him not to be like Javier. Because seriously, it was past when Javier was a very flawed one, so that’s it. Gabe then said David needs our help and I hope it was my impact from dialogue :’) 
And the dialogue about AJ!!! I was thinking there was something like that after the detail I noticed in previous episode - that David gave AJ’s drawing to Clem - but in game actually it all was even better than I imagined. We need a DLC about David looking after AJ while he lived with him, lol :D 
Tripp wasn’t alive in my main save but I watched his plotline in second one and despite I’m upsed he dead his death didn’t look like a waste and he was in his character until the very end. 
Everyone’s face expressions were priceless when Clem told them the thing with walker guts :D But I wonder how they didn’t noticed it themselves during all the years. 
I never did anything romance with Kate and I was hoping David will not fight my Javier buuut thanks Kate he did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t understand why she had to say that she loved Javier in front of David, like come on, we made everything clear in Ep4 please keep it to yourself and don’t make things worse BUT NOOOO! XD I understand it (and even like it) when Gabe called me out about Conrad because I was really guilty there and I don’t blame Gabe but in this case with Kate when I did nothing and it was only she and her feelings???? I’m not complaining tho because David’s reaction was absolutely in character and I said I love him all 3 times because I do. And I went for Gabe & David because they’re top priority. I didn’t know tbh how Kate was going to save Richmond but if it can help her with her guilt feels she can do what she wants.
AAAAND here we came to the most prank moment in my whole gaming experience :D When Javier found a car with Gabe & David (Clem went with Kate) I failed the last qte and he got bit. I thought it was just a fail but the game continued???? Gabe came out from car and got a heartbreaking dialogue with Javier???? And he dead???? And I get a heart attack???? And then you see YOU ARE DEAD which means you just failed a game and press X to restart????
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(I really think it was sort of a prank but a thought that it’s Javier’s possible plot death which was put away from the plot but the scene was left like that still haunts me lmao)
So I’ve got the ending when David got bit. His death scene was heartbreaking and his last words were about Mariana, Gabe and Javier :’)
Kate gone missing and I’ve got only Javier, Gabe and Clem in the end. I loved that memorial wall with photos in the end, it’s beautiful. 
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Clem/Gabe absolutely got me and that dialogue when Javier was cutting Clem’s hair was priceless XD As well as the detail when Javi mentioned he knows a team from Clem’s hat!
This was the first TWDG ending when I didn’t cry because it was so heartwarming! To know that Clem now has friends WHO DIDN’T DIE and a place to come back where they’re waiting for her, I hope she will take AJ back and come back to Richmond to her friends because she doesn’t need to walk around alone and homeless anymore :’) I was very skeptically about playing as another main character in the very beginning but what can be better than develop FINALLY A REAL FRIEND (and not even only one) for our beloved fandom daughter Clementine??? I’ve realised it and been talking about it long before, I love to see the season finale proving my thought was right. 
And it just blows my mind how many variations there are of how certain scenes can go in their details and how everything REALLY determines and impacts everything, and it’s not just some dialogue options right before the thing, it’s choices from the whole game, everything develops in process from the first episode to the last, and everyone gets something special. The developers​ did a giant work on improving their game’s system and making it the one we all always wanted, this season was the best one. @telltalegames you deserve all the hugs and all the best wishes for making it the way it was made, idk how to express all I want to express so I’ll just say that I love you one more time ♥ 
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wolfwhiteflowers · 5 years
issue 192/TWD comic thoughts
huge spoilers🙄😭🤠 
RIP comic Rick Grimes.
 It’s not the way I wanted him to die at all. I feel it shoulda done better. I know it’s “Carl’s story or he’s gonna lead someday” but it felt blah. ARGH asdlkfjdkla
 Does it still feel like a father-son story? Because it doesn’t feel that way....much or so. Idk I’m just shocked that it happened in the end of that dumb political plot/volume with CW and Pamela. Like it should’ve happened in the next volume or set the whole thing in the whole volume. ARGH. I’m more annoyed how this death was set up and rushed more than feeling sad that comic Rick died and didn’t get his final goodbyes like he would wanted. Comic Riiiiick :(
ok...I can see how it was like wrapping up Rick’s story. I liked those parts. I liked that everyone was basically there in CW (like Maggie) to Idk say bye to Rick,... I guess. I liked the moment of when he said “ we are not the walking dead!”
But what about wrapping up the Rick and Carl’s storyline? ehhh. ARGH.
Sigh I was hoping for Rick to mentor Carl and die in meaningful Volume; not in a few Issue and whatever Carl gonna do. I’m so disappointed how it was done. Seriously? Carl hanged out with Rick and said a few words or so for like 2 issues and it was just words (not actions) of like Carl’s gonna be a good man/leader. etc. I don’t mind how Rick dies, his actual death. I get it. It’s more like realistic or whatever. I just don’t like how bland it was. (And right after Dwight’s death. It’s weird. Like some rushed plot/arc. ) It's not surprising of this death cos Kirkman hinted about this big issue for a month.
Idk it feels weird. Rick wanted to die after Andrea and grieved/cried, but he did right when he found Commonwealth. K. It's seems quick. I’m just - sigh. If it was planned to have Rick die in 192, why not have Carl with him at CW and do stuff together? idgi. I want more father and son moments (actions and Carl learning; not Carl stuck in Hilltop)
It felt like a boring and rushed “pass the torch”-to- Carl plot.  Idk why Kirkman didn’t put it all...idk make it better for the farewell of Rick Grimes, his first leading character.
Another thing, Idk what he’s doing with Michonne, because I thought it seems like Michonne got it all, more than Rick, and yet she still lives. Idk what’s next for her. But um idk ..maybe she fades away in the story with Elodie in CW. 
Sigh idk..i always felt Kirkman’s writing is ok or not as good. And I feel bummed from reading the whole thing like last year i think and making the comic-richonne fanvid. All comes to an end now. ok. Imagine those who read it since the start. oof and Rick dies like that. umm. It just sucks when a fave character dies and when story’s conclusions suck.
So obviously comic-Richonne didn’t go canon but they have a good bff going on. But ukno Kirkman’s writing/comics aren’t that emotional-whatever and well I guess what we got out of Richonne is good enough, I guess, based on Kirkman’s writing. I would have hoped for more meaningful moments of them. (like Grimes meeting Michonne and Elodie and getting to know each other, etc. ) Same thing with other survivors. Anyway. maybe that’s comics style idk.
Geeze, why is TWD story takes forever to end. So far TWDG did and they ended it very well. comic and tv, meh.
k so im gonna think about the AMC show The Son, Fringe, tv TWD ...stories about fathers & sons. ....And blah writers. I’m tired of being disappointed from writers. :(
--- ~spoilers~!!!
I read the issue on youtube. It’s straightforward as usual. Carl puts down Rick. 2 days later Pamela told him it’s Sebastian and he’s in jail for lifetime. It’s all Carl’s POV, if u get it. He’s cries and all and tries to be a good civilized man. Michonne supports him a lot. A lot of people from CW are going to ASZ for Rick’s funeral which Rick will be buried by Andrea. Carl is scared of what to do next in his life.  
So yeah I just want more other character’s reactions (Michonne, Maggie, Eugene) and grieving but yeah...and it’s weird again how quick it was. We see Rick just in 4 pages and that’s it. idk that’s how comics go ..it’s so fast (and slow). I hate this lil plot. 
I still feel the same way. Still feeling disappointed. Like why so quick? wtf and all that subvert expectation trend going on with the writers. Not a lot of richonne moments  since their bff moment ...k yeah. disappointing. The whole thing is disappointing. Like can Rick die after Andrea did or.... just later on after spending time with Carl. sigh 😐😥
eta. after thinking about the issue., first here’s a link of some comments, cover art, Kirkman’s quotes. https://popculture.zone/threads/walking-dead-issue-192.6211/#post-85409
Okay so after thinking about it. I can see how it was like very planned out and it was how Kirkman wanted to go and all. He did had Rick die like respectfully, imo, like in his story with Rick finding Commonwealth and how it’s what Rick wanted to find this new/civilization. Kirkman, I guess, wanted Carl to lose Rick with NOT so much father/son +mentor/student trope of Carl being a leader some day. Like that’s what Kirkman wanted to do and planned to do. I don’t like that idea because I thought this story was also very father/son story so... And omg I didn’t expect to be like now-ish when Rick’s in his 40s(?) and close after Andrea’s death. And, again, how it was like 3 issues Rick was centered on and dies. 
 So I guess Carl will be freaked out about what to do in life now and learned about leadership skills with other people like Michonne (because she’s a lawyer and can help him with new civilization?) and Negan (he’s back in next issue i think. and knowledgeable leader or so).  I’m like uhh idk. I want Rick and Carl moments! Idc about Negan that much. (So if Carl and Negan are gonna team up or something wahtever, it reminds me of how Kirkman thought about having Carl being raised by Shane, the man who killed his dad.I think.)
It’s all annoying but it is interesting what Carl will do next (and maybe a time jump.) 
So im saying im kinda ok with what happened with this and not okay. But at least it was planned and kinda respected Rick’s story, even though I wanted a different direction in the story.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
ranting on TWD s9 again. :] ... other rants in #*twd or #*twd s9h
uh this is more about recent news, recent filming spoilers. Also FTWD deaths. -Carol, shows, pro-Rick. 
‘wait and see’ is hard. I guess I just want TWD AU to be good too and hoping/waiting is hard.
i guess i go rant till next year lol.
Lately im just waiting for more info on Carol. I wanna know what Carol will be like in s9, TWD AU or the fumbling dead...BUT the filming spoilers tho...it’s like rubbing salt in my wounds about TWD’s potenial runied/AL leaving over and over.
It’s all just a bummer. I should not read into the filming spoilers that much. ..and omg avoid forum drama.
 Like I wanna see spoilers and I can’t help but hope for good Carol spoilers. Like getting spoilers about Caryl (and answers about C/E), Carol & Henry, and Carick/TF. :((( But then I get sad again and again. Idk what’s going on. I guess I assume there’s no good Carol spoilers and no Carick. :((((  Actually it’s just seeing any Rick spoilers is just sad. Also this whole Rick (and Maggie) dying/leaving the show thing is like dragged out rubbed in our wounds all till like when the ep airs their death/leaving. Like November or December.  Ugh. I just wanna get it over with it and to know what’s canon. Cry and move on. :\ So then we can make TWD AU fanarts..or do it now. ......I think it’s good to know what’s canon so then we don’t wonder and worry about avoiding it. It doesn’t mean to watch the show live but just reading it and know it and then just let it go and then make fanarts. xP
I was gonna not watch s9 anyways but dang just learning about s9 or what is canon ...is hard. sigh. but in time we will be alright. ...
TWD s9 speculations ~
so some filming spoilers coming out sounds like the gory comic death scene will happen. The heads on the pikes, killed by Alpha. They’re gonna film a zombie herd soon and whisperers may be part of that, I guess. i think of FTWD s4A and the deaths of Nick and Madison and how it seems like cheap deaths. I guess Rick and Maggie will go out like that... boring. not moving,imo. Doesn't impact the story or..............I’m just bitter. I just really want a good ending for Rick (thee main character). Like he saved his people and he dies and everyones lives without walkers as a threat and they’re safe in a community forever. 
  Travis’ death was meh (k it was really bad. wtf). ..I know I just won’t like whatever will happen with Rick and/or Maggie. For some reason, I feel like some characters got a good death scene for the overall story. Like Glenn, Sasha and Carl,imo. Their deaths were like they brought a new chapter to the story/show. Idk I liked Sophia and Merle’s deaths too. Anyways, their deaths changed the story. ..Or I guess they changed Rick characterwise in his story.  sigh.
Dang it’s like three weeks and AMC still didn’t confirm it or anything about AL leaving news. It makes me think AMC/writers wanted it to be a surprise that Rick dies/leaves the show (like how Nick and Madison died). ugh that’s even more lame. 
Dang it’s like AMC/showrunners? doesn’t let fans to trust them or get them excited at all for the story. It’s like some writers/AMC don’t care about the story’s core story and the fans.   So blah. I know some fans were disappointed that they were ‘spoiled’, but like that’s way to hard for me to handle that. I’m glad it was leaked and for me to know ahead of time...though the waiting and the dread sucks. 
UGH Skybound mailbag thing makes this hiatus worse by dragging the unknown..rubbing the salt..with their vague spoilers. And saying it in a troll way too. It’s cos we don’t know what’s up with Carol and writers made it that dumb way on not making it clear in their lackluster s8 finale (s8 finale shouldve been like s2 finale foreshadowing timeskip and next arc-Michonne/prison). I just wanna know if C/E happens or not, or Caryl be endgame, or will Carol ever have romance, will Carol interact with TF/Rick/Henry, in this TWD AU. geez. ...I want spoilers. I want confirmations and then leave the show-canon alone.
Carol speculations in s9.
- uh it seems like Carol is in Kingdom and just hanging out with Henry and Kingdomers in 9A. idk about Carick but we got a lit bit of something from filming spoilers, in 9x01. meh. :\ Some Caryl moments but how Skybound answered it, idk it depends on how I see it (on tumblr). As long as Caryl still be soulmate-y. Sigh I miss Carol or I miss what the show used to be and the potential. 
AMC is having a bad year/June, huh? lol ..partly their fault, anyways. wtf TWD shows are like destroying itself and then now the Hardwick (TTD) news of him being an abuser. sigh. Damn we really got BTS drama. :\ With the shows losing their leads, is it part of the lawsuits and diverting away from Kirkman’s story or something? idk.
I just wanna say, poor FTWD fans who watched recently. Writers/Gimple/AMC? litterally just scraped off the original storyline of the Clarks family for to focus on newbies, Morgan. So it’s a spinoff show within the show. ( It’s like TWD in s9 will be doing...with changing to Daryl’s) Anyways that’s really awful to the FTWD fans to suddenly to change the storyline. That’s like ..probably something I would just quit the show ..It’s something to feel like I won’t the trust the writers. Gotta have trust in the writers and the writers gotta gain your trust.
I was thinking about fandom stuff..and reading some posts. i guess i let it slide that the TWD show was going downhill early on. idk when. most say s6 is when it got worse. i always say that TWD was not the best but it was just a fun drama ensemble show for me. Well thats what fandoms do..they want the very best of the show/media. Also fandom is all opinions...it’s best not to read into it too much.
s2 is my fave season...even when I didn’t feel the TF love like on other shows or when I got annoyed with Shane/love triangle. (why is everything relate to OUAT wank. I learned a lot from that show/fandom. maybe just being deep in the fandom. it hurts more.) Ok like s2 or other seasons compared to s6-8 is different.. Different style and stuff-writers/showrunners.., idk. There are some good moments. It’s also like based on the comics’ story. Most say s5 is the best is what comic fans say is loving the Hunters arc. (s3 and the prison arc-tho i dont like this season). So yeah ..kinda depends on the comics and it’s all show business. Kinda hard to compare or not idk, Kirkman’s comic story may be better because it’s original and flows better naturally. There’s more personal intimate moments with like 5 main characters but the show got other good parts too. (better medium story telling) idk. like the show has Carol and other plots went better, but lack TF moments and many dull characters. Also Kirkman isnt the best writer either so...idk what im saying. TWDG telltale game has the best storytelling. tho super depressing but also got realistic moments.
Just idk Oh well. I watched TWD for the main characters, Caryl, Carol. But lately things are not happening like I want or like it was in s5-6. There’s Less TF (like how the comics are..tho s9/after AOW was hopeful but AL and LC wanna leave.)Caryl and Carol/ TF interactions or Carol part of main plot haven’t happened since s6 and Idk if we come back to that. Like will Caryl’s relationship grow and does Carol and TF moment return-like will we have Carick moments? SIGH Waiting and hoping. It’s tiring. do whatever you want. I’m still a fan of Caryl, Carol/TF/Carick, Richonne.
Idk I’m just bummed and having a hard time with s9 and yet Rick and Maggie are leaving. Yeah ..I just wish I have an ending to just end it but I don’t have one. There’s no end...Idk it’s hard to make an ending to stop and to not hope or expect more. 
I want to not watch s9 yet I want/hope this TWD AU to end it right..blah. I guess till I get more info ..wait and see...
Whatever this rollercoaster ride continues and I probably rant again soon. :P
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
Comic-Michonne / Commonwealth
My thoughts of issue 175. #TWDSpoilers #TWDComicSpoilers ..so much michonne twdg feels!
(keep reading)
OMG Michonne! She finds out that her daughter Elodie is looking for her and she put a pic of Michonne on the wall of lost people. I’m guessing colette and ex-husband are dead? Elodie is still alive and in Commonwealth. 
This is like what i wanted in the story about Michonne. Her journey and her growth to being a mother again or finally dealing with her pain throughout the story. (kinda saying Michonne’s story is almost done or the comics is or just that “misery arc” is. Or it’s like GOTG2, she got closure but got another family back home she wants to be at. Or Kirkman kills the daughter soon. :P) So, I’m not really that..big of a fan of the comics but kinda am lalala and Michonne is my fave in the books. I want her to have happiness or some good wrap up to her arc and I think it means that she gets closure as being a mother, or being a mom again to a kid or Elodie. (Same with tv-Carol and tv-Michonne) So, it’s like important to me to see that,imo. More than like shipping Richonne /or friendship. idk like my expectation of the story is Michonne first, and then Michonne & Grimes.
   in the letter hacks of issue 175, someone wanted Rick to have a buddy while he’s grieving over Andrea, and i think writer guy or Kirkman’s answer was like he already has one. I’m thinking that person is young Mikey. Others are thinking Negan. (Carl is like an adult who is away living his life in Hilltop). So I think Mikey is gonna be around for awhile.
    Which makes me think of Rick and Michonne - “parents” in the story. And I guess Mikey and Elodie are probably around the same age too. hmm Idk what im saying. (There’s already Rick fathering Carl, and there’s mom!Maggie raising Sophia and Hershel Jr.) Maybe I meant new stories about the parents. adoptive parents..reunited families. And like idk it’s interesting with Rick and Michonne paralleling there atm.
   People kept mentioning a possibility of seeing Rick’s brother but in that spinoff comic book, the brother died..so. almost a parallel. 
If the tv show wants to adapt or remix this part, I’m guessing it would be to another character or they skip this plot. It could be Carol ..and Henry (Kingdom). idk. I don’t think this plot works for tv-Michonne cos Andre is dead already and she already went through losing Carl. Or like judith gets kidnap or something idk.
With this issue and the previous issues, it seems like the main characters are getting closures in some ways, I think, and that’s cos it’s a new chapter entering in the story now. Maggie getting closure from Negan, end of evil-Negan, Rick moving on..?, Michonne finding her daughter.
   I kinda think Kirkman was thinking instead of having Clementine from the Telltale games in the comics, he adds and makes it his own with Elodie. But, who knows what will happen cos ukno it’s the TWD.
  Michonne in the comics just found out one of her daughters is still alive(Jan.’18), and tv michonne just seen Carl, like her step-son, dying.(Dec.’17) Geez again this weird comic & tv writing parallels/coincidence. It’s been done before but it’s weird. lol.
    I’m kinda wondering who is looking after Elodie right now. Does this person looked after her for a long time or not. Is it Michonne’s ex-husband? Random guy later becomes comic-Michonne’s love interest? Or it doesnt matter?
 We still don’t know what’s Michonne’s last name. lol 
  I think Rick is the only one who knows about Michonne is/was a mother. (and Lori.) Idk if that mean anything or not. Like will Eugene be like uh WTF u a mom, Michonne?
   i stg sometimes my speculations on what’s next for Carol or Michonne on the show or  the comics, it’s like I end up figuring it out what’s next in the different medium story-the comics or the show. I was thinking what’s the next plot for tv-Michonne and Carol. The do I deserve happiness plot, is what i was thinking and then bam issue 175 happens. I was thinking how Richonne would work when comic MIchonne goes to Ohio or/and Andrea dies..then bam Carl dies and idk Michonne and her ptsd? Well, I mean both stories are similar and kinda in the same timeline..it’s bound to happen. Whatever the writers will do. I’m also just focusing on the MIchonne/Carol part too.
Anyways It was cool issue to set up this whole new story arc and it’s like a big game changer to the story, I think. The world’s getting bigger. I think it would be like Rick’s group going into ASZ first time. More political and civilization stories. I hope this arc is interesting but it could be dull cos possibility of less action stuff. Though having Elodie mention makes it more easy to connect to the new group. I’m wondering how Rick fits into this story. No more ASZ & other communities? Or Commonwealth will just know them and let it be...like counties / territory or something. idk Civil war stuff..? Rick becomes president? Rick’s group got bigger and then taking over the west side of the country like Clark and Lewis. idk but it’s like The 100 or Falling Skies’s stories.
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