#maybe tomorrow just to make sure my q is working before i ditch again
arhvste · 2 years
girl who let me use emojis in my old writing!!!!! 😟😟
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broadstbroskis · 5 years
surprises- pt 2 | mat barzal
back for part two! thanks for the love on part one! i would like to highly encourage you all to watch how i met your mother, which is referenced in this chapter, and is one of the all time greatest tv series (with one of the all time worst endings-does it count as spoilers if its this old??)
anyway, enjoy part two💜
part one
Mat rolls back into town a week after you’ve confirmed the results. So just when you think you’ve got your panic under control, you and Molly catch him walking out of his apartment as you’re walking out of the elevator back toward yours, and the panic flares up immediately.
“Hey!” Mat grins, walking faster to meet the two of you at the elevator, where Molly is holding the door for him. “Missed you guys!”
“You too!” Molly says, when it becomes clear that you’re incapable of speaking. “How was home?”
“Good.” Mat smiles. He looks lighter, happier, as relaxed as he always does upon his return from home. You almost laugh when you realize it won’t last long. “But it’s great to be back.”
“Always is, right?” Molly smiles.
Mat nods. “Yeah, and not just because you two won’t be killing my plants.”
“Oh shit!” Molly slaps her mouth over her hand and you freeze, eyes wide. In all the panic, you two had totally forgotten to even attempt to water, let alone replace the plants in his apartment.
“Oh shit is right!” Mat laughs, used to this particular brand of chaos from you and Molly. “Usually you guys at least pretend like you’ve done work and buy new ones! What happened?” You look down, avoiding his gaze completely, and Molly coughs out a string of words you’re certain aren’t English and definitely aren’t a real sentence. “Oh shit, did something actually happen?”
“Do you want to have dinner with us tonight?” Molly blurts.
“Molly!” You cry.
“Okay, never mind?” She hesitates.
You sigh. No, her first thought was right. It’s best to just rip the bandaid off. “No, tonight’s fine.”
Mat’s giving the two of you a weird look-well, actually, it’s directed mostly at you. Like he’s finally noticed you refuse to meet his eyes. “Is everything okay, you guys?”
“Yeah,” Molly assures him. “We’re good!”
“YN?” He asks hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
“Yep.” You squeak, eager to go take some deep breaths away from his presence. You’ve got some thinking to do about this evening. “All good.”
Mat eyes you skeptically, but shrugs one last time. “I’ll see you guys tonight then.”
Around fifteen minutes before Mat is due to arrive at your apartment for dinner, Molly pulls on a sweatshirt and starts to make her goodbyes. “Well, hit me up if you need me; Brian says his offer to beat Mat up still stands.”
“You’re leaving?” You ask incredulously, from the kitchen, where you’re filling a bowl of chips to snack on before pizza arrives.
She gives you a look. “I mean, do you really want me here?”
“Yes!” You huff immediately.
Molly presses harder. She knows you too well. “Really?”
You sigh. “No.” It’s definitely something you want to do on your own. Just you and Mat.
“Right.” She laughs. “I’ll come as soon as you call.” She promises, reaching out to hug you supportively. “If you want me back tonight, I’ll be here!”
“Thank you.” You squeeze her one last time and then let her go.
The next fifteen minutes rival only the time you spent waiting for the line to appear on that first pregnancy test you took just over two weeks ago on how high your anxiety is. UberEats buzzes your phone, notifying you that your pizza has arrived, so you slip down to pick up dinner, noting the slightly open door of your apartment when you come back up and pausing for a minute before entering yourself.
Mat’s arrived. This is it. No going back once you step inside.
“YN!” A voice that is decidedly not your neighbor’s shouts the second you walk in the door. “Aw man, and you’ve got pizza? A woman after my own heart!”
You freeze in the doorway as Mat slugs the arm of his teammate. Anthony Beauvillier just laughs. “Sorry.” Mat apologizes. “Just for his everything. I figured you guys wouldn’t mind if he came though.”
“Heh.” You say, unable to articulate a real thought. Under literally any other circumstances you wouldn’t have minded Tito being here. But now? This second?
“Where’s Moll at anyway?” Mat asks, looking around.
You realize that you’re still frozen in the doorway and start to make your way toward the two of them slowly. “Uhh she’s uhh at Brian’s.”
Mat frowns, like he’s trying to place his name. “The guy all over her Insta?” You nod. “Rude. Invites us over for dinner and then ditches us?” He pulls out his phone and starts texting. “I’m going to give her so much shit.”
“Heh.” You say again, looking for any subject to move on to. “Should we eat?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m starving.” Mat says, throwing his phone down after finishing his text.
You try to smile at that, try to keep things as normal as you can as the three of you make small talk while you get plates and pizza. You’ll just tell him later. Tito will go home and you and Mat will talk at the end of the night. Or tomorrow. You’ll go over first thing in the morning and tell him if you need to.
You’re so distracted by this thought you don’t even notice Tito. “Beer?” Mat nods and Tito chucks him one from the fridge. “YN, catch?”
“No thanks.” You say nervously.
Tito shrugs but when he comes over, he’s got two bottles in his hand and he slides one over to you. “Which one?”
“Uhh.” You hesitate. This was not how you wanted this to go down. “Neither.”
Tito laughs. “I’ve never seen you turn down a beer! What, are you pregnant?” He jokes. 
There’s absolutely nothing you can say to that so you bury your face in your hands, unable to face Mat, who’s now choking on a very poorly timed sip of beer.
“Holy shit!” Tito mutters repeatedly. “Holy shit, holy shit.”
And it’s that that finally gives you the strength to look up at Mat, tears in your eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“Get out.” Mat gestures to his best friend, voice still sounding absolutely wrecked from minutes of choking.
Tito’s already moving before he even says it. He’s got his beer in one hand and grabbing one of the pizza boxes in his other and practically running from your apartment. From the silence between you and Mat you can hear the door to Mat’s place slam shut and then Mat, who hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since you looked up at him, opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “I’m so sorry.” You repeat and then the damn breaks, the sobs coming uncontrollably.
Mat’s arms wrap around you, pulling you close the second he gets over to you. He presses soft kisses into your hair and holds you closer and closer but you’re fairly certain that he’s crying the same as you are the entire time.
It’s hours before you can lift your head again and you only know that because it’s dark outside your window. Mat has, apparently, moved the two of you to your living room couch at some point, because his arms are still wrapped around you and you’re both lying comfortably on the couch, instead of collapsed into his arms from the chair. He doesn’t seem to notice your arrival back to Earth, one hand just gently moving through your hair, and so you take a shaky breath and start. “Please don’t be mad.”
“Mad?” He sounds incredulous and his hand stops moving for a second, but just before you have time to mourn the loss, picks right back up. “I mean-” He lets out a deep breath. “How could I be mad?”
You shrug. You’re pretty sure you’ve hit every emotion on the spectrum since you found out, including anger, and you tell him so. “I’ve been a bit of a wreck for the last couple weeks.”
“Well I think you’re allowed to be.” Mat replies. “But weeks? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“About two.” You tell him softly. “I really didn’t want to tell you over the phone.”
He’s silent at that. “You could’ve...I don’t know. Told me to come home, or something. I would have been on the first flight back.” Yeah, he probably would have; you’re almost certain of it. But the time to process the news yourself was needed, whether you knew it at the time or not. “I’m sorry you were going through this by yourself.”
“You’re here now.” You tell him. “That's all that matters.” He drops another kiss into your hair. “And now we can talk about what to do going forward.”
He freezes. “What uh. What do you want to do?”
You pick your words carefully. “I want you to know that I’m not holding you to anything. Really! I just wanted you to know-
“I’m going to be here.” Mat cuts you off.
“Okay, but you don’t-”
“YN.” Mat says, maneuvering himself so he can look at you. “I’m serious. I’m here for this, all the way. You’re in, I’m in. Whatever you want to do. Okay?”
You nod. “Okay.” You repeat.
“Good.” He smiles at you, the first time since the news dropped, and you hesitantly return it.
“Brian did threaten to beat you up if you weren’t in, so I guess it’s good you’re sticking around.” You poke him.
“Skinny little Brian, all over Molly’s Insta?” You nod. “You don’t think I could take him?”
You shrug. “Won’t have to find out, will we?”
Mat laughs, lying his head back against the pillows and pulling you close again. “I’ll find something to throw down with him, don’t you worry.”
Your first official check up with your OB/GYN has you feeling so much better about the baby thing in general. Anxieties eased with your questions answered, you text Mat a picture of the ultrasound on your way home, captioning the picture we have a cherry.
“Where are you?” He demands, when he calls you less than a minute later.
“Walking into the building.”
“You went without me?” He sounds hurt, legitimately so, not like he’s faking it for the dramatism, and it occurs to you that maybe you should have let him know what was happening. But there were just so many weird things changing with you; you just wanted to be able to fire off questions to your doctor about everything.
“I’m sorry.” You suppose you could have just kicked him out of the Q&A portion of the day. “Really. I just-you can come next time, I promise.”
“I want to!” Mat says quickly.
“Are you home?” You ask. “I can come over right now.”
He is, so instead of going over to your place, you bump over into his, where he is, unshockingly, playing some video game with Tito. Mat shuts it off the minute you enter though. “Hi.”
“Hi.” You laugh, sitting down in the chair across from them, delighting in the look on Tito’s face as he looks between the two of you.
“I guess...I’m going...to go.” He says slowly, making no moves to stand.
You fight back a laugh. “Tito, d’you wanna stick around?”
“Yes!” He grins at you immediately. “How’s our little girl doing in there?”
“Our?” Mat parrots. “What do you mean our? What role did you play in this?”
“Godfather, obviously.”
“Oh, you think?” Mat grins.
“Actually, right now, you are one of five people who does know about this.” You tell Tito. “And I’d like to keep it that way until we get a chance to tell some other people we need to.”
His eyes light up. “Can we call ourselves Team Baby?”
“You can call yourselves whatever the fuck you want as long as you keep it between us three, Molly, and Brian until 12 weeks and you don’t get those stupid fucking t-shirts made, alright Ted Mosby?” He’s already texting; you’re sure he and Molly are already in plans to make shirts.
You look over at Mat, laughing at  his friend, but Mat’s just eyeing you carefully. “You’re okay?” He asks. “Everything’s good?”
You nod. “Right on track.”
Mat nods, looking more pale than you’ve ever seen him, and he breathes out a deep breath. “Right. So we’re having a cherry then.”
“Next week, it’ll be a strawberry.” You inform him.
That does absolutely nothing to decrease the worry on his face.
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
A few hours (and ice cream cones) later, Donna leaves to go to the Q's to play with Wiley and Ophelia. "I finally found a dress. It took three stores and way too many dresses that fit like crap but I've found one and I'm ready for the Ball tomorrow," Carly says excitedly when she finds him in the park. "I ditched the guards hours ago."
Of course she did. He rolls his eyes. She's going to get kidnapped again or something as a part of some new competitors revenge on him and she ditches guards. The mob is not a friendly business but leave it to her to forget that, less than six months after her kidnapping and rape. Only Carly. "Stop ditching guards."
"Well I've got you to protect me," she argues, smiling. When his expression doesn't change, she relents, "Fine. I'll take the guards when I'm not with you."
"Thank you," he says. "Donna's with Wiley and Ophelia at the mansion."
"So long as Nina's not there, I'm fine with it." Not this again. "Don't roll your eyes or tell me to play nice, Jason! She wants me arrested and she's acting like Nelle wasn't a terrible person! I don't care if she's Wiley's other grandmother."
Sometimes, Carly's exhausting to deal with.
He rolls his eyes again as she rests her head on his shoulder. "You know, Joss has been complaining lately she's feeling stuck in Port Charles. Which is stupid but it reminded me that I've never taken her to Florida, or any of the kids besides Michael and now I want to. So you coming with me or am I bringing guards?"
The last time they went to Florida, Michael was barely one. It was to officially bury Virginia and it was a very bittersweet experience to see Florida for the first time and also be packing up the house of a dead woman.
"Who exactly are you bringing?" Carly cheers when he agrees to go without agreeing fully.
"Donna, clearly. And I'll bring Joss and, do you think that Ava will let me bring Avery? Michael should go too, he spends way too much time cooped up in that house or at Aurora, so him, Willow, Wiley and Ophelia. Ooh, you should bring your kids! Scout and Danny will have fun in Florida and I'm sure Jake would love it. Well, of course, that involves Elizabeth letting you take him. Maybe if we bring Cameron too- well actually, no, that won't work because him and Joss broke up a few weeks ago and it's still way too raw for her. I'd suggest we bring Dante but he broke Lulu's heart so that's a big no, I don't care if he's my children's brother. Should we bring Brando and Sasha?"
She's rambling excitedly about this trip that seems to double in size each minute and he chuckles to himself at the absurdity of it. Somehow, within five minutes, Carly's built herself an entire vacation to Florida. Complete with exactly when they should go ("The third week in June! It shouldn't be too rainy or humid yet,") and how long they should stay (a week, she's decided). This woman owns an island and insists on going to Florida for a week so her kids can see her old home.
Before he can figure out what's happening, someone has taken him hostage, his hands inexplicably behind his back and he notices that another one of the surprise humans has taken Carly hostage. Fuck. No. He can't fight this guy, somehow he's too strong. And he can't reach for his gun because he's got his hands tied behind his back! Which means she's getting kidnapped and so is he.
Of course, the same thing is happening to Carly, but the dude who grabbed her is underestimating her gravely. She's got enough sense to try and kick him in the balls (so that's why she always wears heels) before settling for a good slap or two to wherever she can reach moments before her hands are tied as well.
He's basically fucked. And so is she.
"Let me go or so help me god-" Carly threatens before they put a gag in her mouth which she does her best to spit out. Fucking hell, these people are terrible.
"Let her go," he demands, feet unrooting themselves from the ground as he desperately tries to break out of this hold.
"How sweet, he's willing to sacrifice himself for his girlfriend. Touching, truly. Not going to work, however, Morgan. Enough of the touching goodbye, you better stop fighting if you want to see her alive again," his goon threatens. This guy sounds like one of Cyrus's old guys. Cyrus is behind this. Which means-
Carly comes to the conclusion at the same time he does and spits out her gag (impressive). "You better have a damn good excuse for this."
The goons don't even bother threatening them, they just drag them apart and Jason gets dropped in the back of some truck before he gets knocked out. His last conscious thought is where the hell Carly is and where he's going.
A few hours later, he wakes up, disgusted by the surroundings he's found himself in. He's handcuffed to a chair with his legs and his hands. And there's no blonde in here with him, he realizes. At the very least, he senses that they haven't took his jacket off or phone or gun from him. "Good, you're awake." Who's voice is that? He recognizes it from somewhere.
"Where is she?" He asks instead of worrying about his own surroundings.
"Your concern for her is really quite touching, but your girlfriend is fine," the dude says again, yet another voice he remembers but can't trace.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"Sure, you just sleep together, live together and act like a married couple. Oh, wait, is she your wife? That would make more sense," the voice says. Who's voice is that? It's on the tip of his mind but he can't remember.
"Very funny. We're not married. Now, tell me, where the hell is Carly?"
"Calm your tits," that's a stupid expression, "she's being well taken care of. Let yourself worry about you for a minute, please. Your relationship with her is..."
"None of your business. I need proof she's okay." Why the hell aren't his demands being met? Who is this?
"Protective, how sweet. Answer the question."
"She's my best friend," he answers calmly. "Got any more questions or do I get proof she's okay and alive?"
"You don't sleep with a best friend, Jason." Shut up, they're not labelling things and this has nothing to do with the damn kidnapping!
"And who are you to judge us?" Mouthing off to a kidnapper, great idea.
"Me? I'm just the messenger. Don't shoot the messenger."
What the fuck is this dude getting at? He's speaking in goddamn riddles of sarcasm. "Where is Carly?"
"Well, that's none of your business." This man is absolutely infuriating. He's a douche and dead the second he gets to his gun. Or, really, anything that can be used as a weapon. Maybe even a pair of handcuffs. Kill him with handcuffs, yeah, that'll work after he finds Carly's location out.
"If so much as a hair on her head is harmed-"
"Your threats are in vain, though your concern for her is adorable. Tell me, do you expect you're calling the shots here? You're not, dumbass. I am. Well, technically my boss, but you know what I mean." Infuriating.
"You lay a hand on her and-"
"Are you going to keep threatening me? You're the one tied up to a chair, not me. I can move whenever I want to, you cannot." Bile pools in his stomach at the thought of someone's hands on her, hurting her. Causing her pain. Doing what Cyrus did to her again, as often as they please because he can't save her. "But, for your information, no one's gotten handsy with her yet."
How relieving. "Keep it that way."
"You know, she keeps talking about you like you're some damn superhero. To be honest, I don't see it. You're so in sync though, she's worried one of us are going to hurt your pretty boy face."
"Careful, you don't want to show all of your cards at once," Jason teases. It's probably a bad idea but Carly's kidnapped too and he can't get out on his own dammit.
"Keep mouthing off and I'll make sure she's beaten up good. Bruised so bad it won't go away for months."
That's a damn good threat, he's got to admit.
Clearly enjoying his silence, this dude continues, "Your only chance of getting to her is playing by my rules. Then again, she's been mouthing off to us the whole time we've had her. Stubborn brat, that one is. She won't let anyone even give her food, she's just been saying that you'll save her because it's how you two work." That's his girl. He can't help but smile at the thought of her talking the ears off of a kidnapper. He might talk the dude into letting her go. "You two are adorably in sync, her fighting us using your name as though you're a hero. Tell me, what did you ever do that made her think of you as her hero?"
"I guess I've just always been there to save her," he answers. Looking the kidnapper in the eyes, he continues, "and I always will, no matter the consequences."
"Cute. Your whole hero thing is cute and I think it's adorable that you both love each other so much. She's already about to kill us if it means she'll get a single piece of information on her big hero who always saves her."
Sounds like Carly. "If that's supposed to surprise me, it doesn't. I've known her so long nothing she can do surprises me."
"And you love her enough you'll do anything for her. Touching, really. Never have I ever had the pleasure of having two hostages who are so helplessly in love with each other like you two are, yet they're apparently only friends. Tell me, is there anything you wouldn't be willing to do for her, if it meant she'd be freed?"
"Good, good to know. I think we're ready to discuss the terms of your mutual release, because she's pissing my guy off so much he's had to get a little handsy." Name, address, the whole nine yards. The second he gets them, that dude dies. "Calm down, it was only once. She won't even scar."
"The terms," he spits out in an attempt to control his anger. This is infuriating.
"In exchange for your mutual release, you will give approximately fifteen million dollars to my boss." Who the hell needs that much money? Whatever. If she's free, he'll do near anything.
"I don't have my checkbook on me right now, but I can make that deal." Donna. How is she dealing with this? He suspects he's been gone long enough now that she's been able to understand what's going on.
"Good. You will make a check for fifteen million dollars to Miss Fiona Svlankovich," the hostage holder says, handing his checkbook to him.
"Wait. This seems too easy."
"It's not, I assure you. Fiona's a bit of an evil lady, but when she says she'll set you free after you do something, you and your “best friend” will be released," he informs him. A bit of an evil lady? She's a lot more than a bit evil.
"I can't exactly sign this with my hands tied behind my back," he says calmly.
"Shit," the hostage holder mutters. "I'll uncuff one of your arms, but only because you don't have any weapons on you." Idiot. He can feel his gun in his pocket as he gets uncuffed and signs the check.
Before he can be recuffed, he pulls out his gun and fires a single bullet into the dude's leg. "Tell me where Carly is or I'll take you out right now."
"On a date or in a murderous way?"
What type of fucking question is that? "Murder. So, her location."
"Someone's horny," kidnapping dude chuckles before he gets punched. "Fine, fine. She's somewhere in this house. You figure out where, that's up to you. So, you gonna kill me now?"
"Thinking about it. You take me to exactly where she is, right now," Jason answers, gun trained at this hostage dude.
Without a witty remark, he gets led the way to Carly. Conveniently, she's screaming at that exact moment, "He will find me and you will die. I hope you look forward to death because he's been getting me out of messes for longer than you've been alive."
She's tied up in a pantry, he notes before kicking the door open. "I swear to fucking god-" she starts before noticing he's there and tearing up. "Oh thank god you're here."
Unceremoniously, her guards pull out their guns and he shoots them both before shooting his own guard, Carly yelping each time. She's not a fan of the sound of a gun going off, nor kidnapping, so he doubts this is fun for her.
He makes quick work of getting her uncuffed and she falls into him, embracing him in a tight hug and burying her face in his neck as he does the same. "I knew you'd save me," she says and he can feel her tears soaking his shirt, but it's okay. He's got extras at home (and, of course, the clothes she bought a few months ago).
"We've got to get out of here," he mutters and she pulls away, tears of joy and relief still flowing down her face.
A few minutes (and dead bodies) later, they make it out of the weird ass mansion they're stuck in. Now, of course, the big issue is how the fuck they get out of here. There's no cars he can see.
"I don't want to walk but I will," Carly says, frowning as she looks at her disgusting outfit. "I liked this outfit too."
To be continued hopefully after this headache clears up
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pledje · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let’s go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it’s been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It’ll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I’ll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we’re talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I’ll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What’s up, man? It doesn’t get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it’s incredible. I’m feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don’t know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you’ve bought in the last four years, and you’ll know what’s still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I’m doing great actually. Yeah, that’s great. So I’m doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I’m really excited. Yeah, that’s correct. So I’m really excited about that. And I’m really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I’m really excited about what Marco just share. So that’s it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It’s good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I’m still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you’re watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you’re in the right place. We’re going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you’re ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that’s where you can always go to ask questions. can’t join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you’re wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It’s at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it’s for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn’t just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that’s what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they’ll do part of the work. In other words, they’ll get the Battle Plan, and they’ll do one component of it. And then they’ll say, Well, I’m not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn’t put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that’s one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don’t have confidence because they’re always afraid they can’t repeat results. They don’t have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that’s where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don’t take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you’re going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you’re worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that’s really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we’re going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We’ve been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you’ve done that, and once you’ve already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it’s our mastermind, we love it. It’s something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you’ve got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you’re at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That’s where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you’re checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I’d like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool’s gold. And now you’re stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you’re right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there’s this heavier, right we’re here we’re still here and I can’t say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that’s way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it’s not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don’t, if you cut corners, if you just don’t want to do the work, then, of course, it isn’t going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there’s a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don’t and you’re doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn’t know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I’m still working Saturday, guys, I’m still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it’s rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don’t have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it’s rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we’re good for questions right? So let’s dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I’m currently doing I’m Excuse me. I’m currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here’s the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson’s attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don’t already have it. And not, don’t do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you’re going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you’re going to put up a new site, that’s great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you’re putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don’t have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don’t know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you’ll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we’re trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don’t cut corners. Don’t just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It’s really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that’s going to see but it’s going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they’re calling this guy. But it’s the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What’s working now answers. Thank you. You’re welcome. He says in Google console. So he’s talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I’m getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you’ve submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn’t matter where they show, I think it’s only the first 10 pages if I’m, if I’m correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there’s a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn’t recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let’s just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that’s a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What’s interesting is when you apply some of what we’re talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you’ll see that that’s one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you’ll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that’s because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you’re pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let’s say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you’ll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that’s fine. And I bought, you know, I’ve had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I’m getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that’s because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that’s still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you’re starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody’s got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I’m glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don’t just talk out our ass man. We know what we’re talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you’re seeing all of these different impressions for things that you’re not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can’t do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don’t think that we’re just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it’s just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that’s how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that’s one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you’re working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn’t include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that’s how you do it. It really is and it’s crazy because you’ll see those impression numbers go up and that’s a clear indication that what you’re doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he’s asking for the link to Marco’s charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it’s a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon’s up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it’s a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It’s not that you can’t still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it’s easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won’t rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it’s over-optimized. It’s like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you’re going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you’re targeting when you’re trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That’s part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it’s still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that’s how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you’re not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we’re in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don’t recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I’d be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it’s more like an authority or I don’t know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there’s a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it’s funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you’re it’s actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they’re looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you’re targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you’re using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone’s next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I’ll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can’t do before you claim and verify it? That’s a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can’t upload? Well, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one since that wasn’t already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you’re unable to do until it’s been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you’re okay at if what’s happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it’s been verified, it’s going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we’re recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don’t ever go back. I mean, you shouldn’t have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won’t allow you to get that short URL until after it’s been verified. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don’t see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don’t see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it’s Hump Day Hangouts. That’s what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you’re constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you’re doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you’re just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that’s a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you’ll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I’m not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I’m not 100% sure. But it doesn’t really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won’t matter because you’re not using the playlist URL for that video. You’re just if you’re going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It’s not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you’re trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it’s been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don’t know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don’t know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that’s way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I’ll create a playlist then it’s about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that’s still just a single container, essentially, that you’re optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that’s fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It’s the .be version of the URL. You don’t want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There’s a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it’s been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That’s awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that’s all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don’t know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that’s a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn’t really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it’s so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it’s completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you’re going to see incredible results. If you’re applying both SEO and engagement signals, you’ll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I’m staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he’s having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they’re getting away with it. So there’s no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you’re likely to get hit, but it’s not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn’t, don’t bother, but if it’s worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I’ve talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn’t like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don’t really do anything specific with stink bugs, I’ll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It’s not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn’t meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it’s been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it’s live and it’s back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what’s it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I’m a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I’m not doing it. Like, you know, I’m not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I’m staying the hell out of it for now. We’ll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don’t think there’s any way to determine exactly what it is it’s going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let’s see. I’m trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it’s within 30 days, correct me if I’m wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don’t wait longer than that, because you’ll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we’re not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That’s just how we’re doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it’s delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It’s not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what’s up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don’t spend much time for a client. That’s awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don’t spend 100 hours per month on them, then don’t deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I’m still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn’t be Muhammad. Here’s the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name’s Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he’s an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he’s really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you’re asking about here. He said something like if I’ve spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn’t. You’re not paying me for that one hour. You’re paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that’s exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn’t be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I’m trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I’d rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don’t really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I’m going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it’s about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I’m charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I’d be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I’m doing. You know, there’s no, I’m not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you’re hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you’re going to pay me this much because I’m going to get you results, period. That’s the story. There is no discussion. I don’t have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you’re getting better at that because you’ve asked these types of questions in the past. But you’re absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that’s what you have to be able to. I mean, I don’t think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you’re spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you’re not getting paid for your hour, you’re getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he’s not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they’re questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it’s always the same thing. It’s about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it’s all it’s the value that you provide. It’s understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you’re providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you’re being paid to perform. It’s a pay per performance, or you’re getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I’ve recommended this before, you’re going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you’re able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that’s the only way that you’re going to hone this to the point where you’re going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You’re paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it’s the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn’t get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he’s going to tell you fuck no, I’m not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let’s see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here’s the here’s where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you’re doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that’s fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That’s great. When you create your blog or when it’s ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it’s going if you connect that to the same network, which you don’t want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it’s on the syndication network, it’s going to look like the exact same post, it’s going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it’s just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can’t really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they’re coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it’s happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you’re going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that’s what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you’re going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they’re going to look, they’re going to be unique, right? It’s okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that’s what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it’s pretty much the same title. It’s just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There’s no footprint issues and there hasn’t been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that’s why I recommend if you’re going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they’re going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That’s a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn’t even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I’m,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I’m sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It’s still our recommended method. And the reason why and I’ve said this, you know, many times we’ve got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it’s even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they’ll be able to learn how to do it. But here’s the thing unless you’re a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you’re blogging about, then it’s hard to write anything original. That’s any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you’re hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you’re buying an article for it? No, it’s likely that all they’re doing is they’re scraping an article from the web. They’re putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they’re not writing original articles, because they’re not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it’s not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it’s been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that’s what you’re paying for. So you’re much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that’s really good, relevant content that’s written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that’s how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You’re in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don’t even I haven’t been I haven’t blogged in years because I haven’t had to, because I’ve trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I’ve ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it’s called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that’s perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn’t matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That’s it. There’s no difference guys, it’s just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don’t, but it’s all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn’t used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What’s The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we’ve talked about that and that’s covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you’ll find posts in there specifically about that if you’re going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don’t have to always have remember, remember, if all you’ve got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it’s just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it’s not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It’s not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you’re going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we’re going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I’m sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I’m going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that’s like negative SEO. I wouldn’t do it. I just I wouldn’t do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it’s the legality to so buyer beware. It’s negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you’d have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They’re really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that’ll pull up all of the other results with it that you’re trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn’t neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I’m sorry. I’m not your guy. You know, if you want. I’ll help you with you.
Seo but I’m not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that’s just my opinion, I just I’ve got to me that’s too much like negative SEO and it’s not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that’s my opinion. You know, if you if you’re okay with it, by all means, do it. I’m not telling you, you’re bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. That’s just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I’m going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There’s no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it’s it’s for the brand name search and that so it’s very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google’s not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don’t know. Marco, can you comment on that? I’m not sure what he’s I don’t know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I’m not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you’re only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It’s going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don’t see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it’s gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I’ve got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven’t seen that happen at all. And I’ve got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there’s most of them all run through the API because they’re connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven’t had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it’s through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they’ll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it’s our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It’s still going strong today. It’s been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it’s an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That’s the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that’s at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won’t see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I’m not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don’t know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don’t see that very often either. So, take advantage while it’s hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It’s up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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jenniferbowley · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let’s go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it’s been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It’ll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I’ll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we’re talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I’ll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What’s up, man? It doesn’t get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it’s incredible. I’m feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don’t know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you’ve bought in the last four years, and you’ll know what’s still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I’m doing great actually. Yeah, that’s great. So I’m doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I’m really excited. Yeah, that’s correct. So I’m really excited about that. And I’m really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I’m really excited about what Marco just share. So that’s it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It’s good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I’m still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you’re watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you’re in the right place. We’re going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you’re ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that’s where you can always go to ask questions. can’t join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you’re wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It’s at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it’s for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn’t just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that’s what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they’ll do part of the work. In other words, they’ll get the Battle Plan, and they’ll do one component of it. And then they’ll say, Well, I’m not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn’t put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that’s one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don’t have confidence because they’re always afraid they can’t repeat results. They don’t have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that’s where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don’t take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you’re going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you’re worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that’s really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we’re going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We’ve been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you’ve done that, and once you’ve already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it’s our mastermind, we love it. It’s something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you’ve got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you’re at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That’s where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you’re checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I’d like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool’s gold. And now you’re stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you’re right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there’s this heavier, right we’re here we’re still here and I can’t say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that’s way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it’s not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don’t, if you cut corners, if you just don’t want to do the work, then, of course, it isn’t going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there’s a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don’t and you’re doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn’t know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I’m still working Saturday, guys, I’m still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it’s rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don’t have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it’s rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we’re good for questions right? So let’s dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I’m currently doing I’m Excuse me. I’m currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here’s the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson’s attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don’t already have it. And not, don’t do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you’re going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you’re going to put up a new site, that’s great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you’re putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don’t have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don’t know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you’ll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we’re trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don’t cut corners. Don’t just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It’s really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that’s going to see but it’s going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they’re calling this guy. But it’s the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What’s working now answers. Thank you. You’re welcome. He says in Google console. So he’s talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I’m getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you’ve submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn’t matter where they show, I think it’s only the first 10 pages if I’m, if I’m correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there’s a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn’t recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let’s just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that’s a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What’s interesting is when you apply some of what we’re talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you’ll see that that’s one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you’ll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that’s because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you’re pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let’s say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you’ll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that’s fine. And I bought, you know, I’ve had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I’m getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that’s because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that’s still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you’re starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody’s got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I’m glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don’t just talk out our ass man. We know what we’re talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you’re seeing all of these different impressions for things that you’re not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can’t do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don’t think that we’re just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it’s just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that’s how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that’s one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you’re working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn’t include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that’s how you do it. It really is and it’s crazy because you’ll see those impression numbers go up and that’s a clear indication that what you’re doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he’s asking for the link to Marco’s charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it’s a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon’s up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it’s a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It’s not that you can’t still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it’s easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won’t rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it’s over-optimized. It’s like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you’re going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you’re targeting when you’re trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That’s part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it’s still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that’s how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you’re not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we’re in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don’t recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I’d be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it’s more like an authority or I don’t know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there’s a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it’s funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you’re it’s actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they’re looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you’re targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you’re using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone’s next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I’ll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can’t do before you claim and verify it? That’s a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can’t upload? Well, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one since that wasn’t already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you’re unable to do until it’s been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you’re okay at if what’s happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it’s been verified, it’s going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we’re recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don’t ever go back. I mean, you shouldn’t have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won’t allow you to get that short URL until after it’s been verified. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don’t see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don’t see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it’s Hump Day Hangouts. That’s what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you’re constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you’re doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you’re just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that’s a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you’ll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I’m not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I’m not 100% sure. But it doesn’t really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won’t matter because you’re not using the playlist URL for that video. You’re just if you’re going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It’s not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you’re trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it’s been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don’t know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don’t know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that’s way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I’ll create a playlist then it’s about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that’s still just a single container, essentially, that you’re optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that’s fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It’s the .be version of the URL. You don’t want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There’s a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it’s been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That’s awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that’s all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don’t know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that’s a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn’t really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it’s so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it’s completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you’re going to see incredible results. If you’re applying both SEO and engagement signals, you’ll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I’m staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he’s having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they’re getting away with it. So there’s no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you’re likely to get hit, but it’s not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn’t, don’t bother, but if it’s worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I’ve talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn’t like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don’t really do anything specific with stink bugs, I’ll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It’s not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn’t meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it’s been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it’s live and it’s back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what’s it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I’m a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I’m not doing it. Like, you know, I’m not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I’m staying the hell out of it for now. We’ll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don’t think there’s any way to determine exactly what it is it’s going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let’s see. I’m trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it’s within 30 days, correct me if I’m wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don’t wait longer than that, because you’ll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we’re not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That’s just how we’re doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it’s delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It’s not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what’s up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don’t spend much time for a client. That’s awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don’t spend 100 hours per month on them, then don’t deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I’m still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn’t be Muhammad. Here’s the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name’s Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he’s an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he’s really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you’re asking about here. He said something like if I’ve spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn’t. You’re not paying me for that one hour. You’re paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that’s exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn’t be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I’m trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I’d rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don’t really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I’m going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it’s about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I’m charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I’d be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I’m doing. You know, there’s no, I’m not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you’re hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you’re going to pay me this much because I’m going to get you results, period. That’s the story. There is no discussion. I don’t have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you’re getting better at that because you’ve asked these types of questions in the past. But you’re absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that’s what you have to be able to. I mean, I don’t think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you’re spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you’re not getting paid for your hour, you’re getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he’s not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they’re questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it’s always the same thing. It’s about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it’s all it’s the value that you provide. It’s understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you’re providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you’re being paid to perform. It’s a pay per performance, or you’re getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I’ve recommended this before, you’re going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you’re able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that’s the only way that you’re going to hone this to the point where you’re going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You’re paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it’s the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn’t get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he’s going to tell you fuck no, I’m not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let’s see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here’s the here’s where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you’re doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that’s fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That’s great. When you create your blog or when it’s ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it’s going if you connect that to the same network, which you don’t want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it’s on the syndication network, it’s going to look like the exact same post, it’s going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it’s just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can’t really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they’re coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it’s happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you’re going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that’s what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you’re going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they’re going to look, they’re going to be unique, right? It’s okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that’s what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it’s pretty much the same title. It’s just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There’s no footprint issues and there hasn’t been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that’s why I recommend if you’re going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they’re going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That’s a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn’t even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I’m,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I’m sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It’s still our recommended method. And the reason why and I’ve said this, you know, many times we’ve got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it’s even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they’ll be able to learn how to do it. But here’s the thing unless you’re a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you’re blogging about, then it’s hard to write anything original. That’s any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you’re hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you’re buying an article for it? No, it’s likely that all they’re doing is they’re scraping an article from the web. They’re putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they’re not writing original articles, because they’re not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it’s not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it’s been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that’s what you’re paying for. So you’re much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that’s really good, relevant content that’s written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that’s how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You’re in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don’t even I haven’t been I haven’t blogged in years because I haven’t had to, because I’ve trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I’ve ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it’s called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that’s perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn’t matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That’s it. There’s no difference guys, it’s just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don’t, but it’s all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn’t used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What’s The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we’ve talked about that and that’s covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you’ll find posts in there specifically about that if you’re going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don’t have to always have remember, remember, if all you’ve got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it’s just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it’s not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It’s not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you’re going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we’re going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I’m sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I’m going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that’s like negative SEO. I wouldn’t do it. I just I wouldn’t do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it’s the legality to so buyer beware. It’s negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you’d have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They’re really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that’ll pull up all of the other results with it that you’re trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn’t neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I’m sorry. I’m not your guy. You know, if you want. I’ll help you with you.
Seo but I’m not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that’s just my opinion, I just I’ve got to me that’s too much like negative SEO and it’s not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that’s my opinion. You know, if you if you’re okay with it, by all means, do it. I’m not telling you, you’re bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. That’s just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I’m going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There’s no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it’s it’s for the brand name search and that so it’s very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google’s not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don’t know. Marco, can you comment on that? I’m not sure what he’s I don’t know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I’m not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you’re only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It’s going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don’t see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it’s gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I’ve got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven’t seen that happen at all. And I’ve got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there’s most of them all run through the API because they’re connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven’t had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it’s through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they’ll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it’s our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It’s still going strong today. It’s been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it’s an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That’s the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that’s at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won’t see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I’m not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don’t know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don’t see that very often either. So, take advantage while it’s hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It’s up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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angelagiles18 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let’s go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it’s been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It’ll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I’ll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we’re talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I’ll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What’s up, man? It doesn’t get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it’s incredible. I’m feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don’t know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you’ve bought in the last four years, and you’ll know what’s still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I’m doing great actually. Yeah, that’s great. So I’m doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I’m really excited. Yeah, that’s correct. So I’m really excited about that. And I’m really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I’m really excited about what Marco just share. So that’s it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It’s good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I’m still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you’re watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you’re in the right place. We’re going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you’re ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that’s where you can always go to ask questions. can’t join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you’re wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It’s at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it’s for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn’t just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that’s what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they’ll do part of the work. In other words, they’ll get the Battle Plan, and they’ll do one component of it. And then they’ll say, Well, I’m not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn’t put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that’s one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don’t have confidence because they’re always afraid they can’t repeat results. They don’t have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that’s where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don’t take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you’re going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you’re worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that’s really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we’re going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We’ve been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you’ve done that, and once you’ve already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it’s our mastermind, we love it. It’s something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you’ve got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you’re at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That’s where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you’re checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I’d like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool’s gold. And now you’re stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you’re right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there’s this heavier, right we’re here we’re still here and I can’t say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that’s way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it’s not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don’t, if you cut corners, if you just don’t want to do the work, then, of course, it isn’t going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there’s a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don’t and you’re doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn’t know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I’m still working Saturday, guys, I’m still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it’s rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don’t have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it’s rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we’re good for questions right? So let’s dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I’m currently doing I’m Excuse me. I’m currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here’s the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson’s attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don’t already have it. And not, don’t do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you’re going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you’re going to put up a new site, that’s great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you’re putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don’t have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don’t know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you’ll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we’re trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don’t cut corners. Don’t just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It’s really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that’s going to see but it’s going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they’re calling this guy. But it’s the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What’s working now answers. Thank you. You’re welcome. He says in Google console. So he’s talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I’m getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you’ve submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn’t matter where they show, I think it’s only the first 10 pages if I’m, if I’m correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there’s a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn’t recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let’s just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that’s a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What’s interesting is when you apply some of what we’re talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you’ll see that that’s one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you’ll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that’s because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you’re pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let’s say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you’ll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that’s fine. And I bought, you know, I’ve had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I’m getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that’s because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that’s still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you’re starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody’s got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I’m glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don’t just talk out our ass man. We know what we’re talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you’re seeing all of these different impressions for things that you’re not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can’t do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don’t think that we’re just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it’s just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that’s how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that’s one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you’re working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn’t include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that’s how you do it. It really is and it’s crazy because you’ll see those impression numbers go up and that’s a clear indication that what you’re doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he’s asking for the link to Marco’s charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it’s a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon’s up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it’s a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It’s not that you can’t still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it’s easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won’t rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it’s over-optimized. It’s like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you’re going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you’re targeting when you’re trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That’s part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it’s still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that’s how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you’re not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we’re in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don’t recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I’d be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it’s more like an authority or I don’t know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there’s a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it’s funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you’re it’s actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they’re looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you’re targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you’re using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone’s next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I’ll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can’t do before you claim and verify it? That’s a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can’t upload? Well, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one since that wasn’t already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you’re unable to do until it’s been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you’re okay at if what’s happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it’s been verified, it’s going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we’re recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don’t ever go back. I mean, you shouldn’t have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won’t allow you to get that short URL until after it’s been verified. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don’t see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don’t see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it’s Hump Day Hangouts. That’s what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you’re constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you’re doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you’re just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that’s a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you’ll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I’m not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I’m not 100% sure. But it doesn’t really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won’t matter because you’re not using the playlist URL for that video. You’re just if you’re going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It’s not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you’re trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it’s been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don’t know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don’t know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that’s way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I’ll create a playlist then it’s about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that’s still just a single container, essentially, that you’re optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that’s fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It’s the .be version of the URL. You don’t want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There’s a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it’s been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That’s awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that’s all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don’t know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that’s a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn’t really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it’s so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it’s completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you’re going to see incredible results. If you’re applying both SEO and engagement signals, you’ll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I’m staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he’s having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they’re getting away with it. So there’s no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you’re likely to get hit, but it’s not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn’t, don’t bother, but if it’s worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I’ve talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn’t like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don’t really do anything specific with stink bugs, I’ll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It’s not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn’t meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it’s been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it’s live and it’s back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what’s it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I’m a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I’m not doing it. Like, you know, I’m not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I’m staying the hell out of it for now. We’ll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don’t think there’s any way to determine exactly what it is it’s going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let’s see. I’m trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it’s within 30 days, correct me if I’m wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don’t wait longer than that, because you’ll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we’re not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That’s just how we’re doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it’s delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It’s not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what’s up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don’t spend much time for a client. That’s awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don’t spend 100 hours per month on them, then don’t deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I’m still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn’t be Muhammad. Here’s the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name’s Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he’s an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he’s really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you’re asking about here. He said something like if I’ve spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn’t. You’re not paying me for that one hour. You’re paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that’s exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn’t be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I’m trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I’d rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don’t really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I’m going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it’s about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I’m charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I’d be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I’m doing. You know, there’s no, I’m not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you’re hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you’re going to pay me this much because I’m going to get you results, period. That’s the story. There is no discussion. I don’t have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you’re getting better at that because you’ve asked these types of questions in the past. But you’re absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that’s what you have to be able to. I mean, I don’t think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you’re spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you’re not getting paid for your hour, you’re getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he’s not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they’re questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it’s always the same thing. It’s about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it’s all it’s the value that you provide. It’s understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you’re providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you’re being paid to perform. It’s a pay per performance, or you’re getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I’ve recommended this before, you’re going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you’re able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that’s the only way that you’re going to hone this to the point where you’re going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You’re paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it’s the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn’t get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he’s going to tell you fuck no, I’m not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let’s see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here’s the here’s where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you’re doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that’s fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That’s great. When you create your blog or when it’s ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it’s going if you connect that to the same network, which you don’t want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it’s on the syndication network, it’s going to look like the exact same post, it’s going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it’s just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can’t really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they’re coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it’s happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you’re going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that’s what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you’re going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they’re going to look, they’re going to be unique, right? It’s okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that’s what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it’s pretty much the same title. It’s just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There’s no footprint issues and there hasn’t been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that’s why I recommend if you’re going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they’re going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That’s a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn’t even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I’m,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I’m sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It’s still our recommended method. And the reason why and I’ve said this, you know, many times we’ve got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it’s even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they’ll be able to learn how to do it. But here’s the thing unless you’re a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you’re blogging about, then it’s hard to write anything original. That’s any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you’re hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you’re buying an article for it? No, it’s likely that all they’re doing is they’re scraping an article from the web. They’re putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they’re not writing original articles, because they’re not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it’s not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it’s been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that’s what you’re paying for. So you’re much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that’s really good, relevant content that’s written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that’s how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You’re in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don’t even I haven’t been I haven’t blogged in years because I haven’t had to, because I’ve trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I’ve ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it’s called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that’s perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn’t matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That’s it. There’s no difference guys, it’s just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don’t, but it’s all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn’t used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What’s The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we’ve talked about that and that’s covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you’ll find posts in there specifically about that if you’re going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don’t have to always have remember, remember, if all you’ve got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it’s just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it’s not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It’s not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you’re going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we’re going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I’m sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I’m going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that’s like negative SEO. I wouldn’t do it. I just I wouldn’t do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it’s the legality to so buyer beware. It’s negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you’d have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They’re really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that’ll pull up all of the other results with it that you’re trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn’t neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I’m sorry. I’m not your guy. You know, if you want. I’ll help you with you.
Seo but I’m not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that’s just my opinion, I just I’ve got to me that’s too much like negative SEO and it’s not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that’s my opinion. You know, if you if you’re okay with it, by all means, do it. I’m not telling you, you’re bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. That’s just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I’m going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There’s no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it’s it’s for the brand name search and that so it’s very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google’s not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don’t know. Marco, can you comment on that? I’m not sure what he’s I don’t know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I’m not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you’re only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It’s going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don’t see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it’s gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I’ve got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven’t seen that happen at all. And I’ve got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there’s most of them all run through the API because they’re connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven’t had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it’s through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they’ll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it’s our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It’s still going strong today. It’s been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it’s an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That’s the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that’s at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won’t see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I’m not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don’t know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don’t see that very often either. So, take advantage while it’s hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It’s up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB September 01, 2019 at 07:13PM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let’s go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it’s been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It’ll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I’ll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we’re talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I’ll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What’s up, man? It doesn’t get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it’s incredible. I’m feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don’t know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you’ve bought in the last four years, and you’ll know what’s still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I’m doing great actually. Yeah, that’s great. So I’m doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I’m really excited. Yeah, that’s correct. So I’m really excited about that. And I’m really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I’m really excited about what Marco just share. So that’s it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It’s good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I’m still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you’re watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you’re in the right place. We’re going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you’re ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that’s where you can always go to ask questions. can’t join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you’re wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It’s at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it’s for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn’t just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that’s what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they’ll do part of the work. In other words, they’ll get the Battle Plan, and they’ll do one component of it. And then they’ll say, Well, I’m not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn’t put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that’s one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don’t have confidence because they’re always afraid they can’t repeat results. They don’t have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that’s where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don’t take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you’re going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you’re worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that’s really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we’re going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We’ve been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you’ve done that, and once you’ve already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it’s our mastermind, we love it. It’s something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you’ve got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you’re at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That’s where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you’re checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I’d like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool’s gold. And now you’re stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you’re right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there’s this heavier, right we’re here we’re still here and I can’t say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that’s way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it’s not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don’t, if you cut corners, if you just don’t want to do the work, then, of course, it isn’t going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there’s a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don’t and you’re doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn’t know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I’m still working Saturday, guys, I’m still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it’s rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don’t have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it’s rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we’re good for questions right? So let’s dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I’m currently doing I’m Excuse me. I’m currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here’s the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson’s attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don’t already have it. And not, don’t do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you’re going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you’re going to put up a new site, that’s great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you’re putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don’t have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don’t know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you’ll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we’re trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don’t cut corners. Don’t just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It’s really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that’s going to see but it’s going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they’re calling this guy. But it’s the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What’s working now answers. Thank you. You’re welcome. He says in Google console. So he’s talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I’m getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you’ve submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn’t matter where they show, I think it’s only the first 10 pages if I’m, if I’m correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there’s a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn’t recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let’s just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that’s a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What’s interesting is when you apply some of what we’re talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you’ll see that that’s one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you’ll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that’s because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you’re pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let’s say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you’ll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that’s fine. And I bought, you know, I’ve had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I’m getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that’s because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that’s still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you’re starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody’s got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I’m glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don’t just talk out our ass man. We know what we’re talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you’re seeing all of these different impressions for things that you’re not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can’t do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don’t think that we’re just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it’s just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that’s how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that’s one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you’re working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn’t include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that’s how you do it. It really is and it’s crazy because you’ll see those impression numbers go up and that’s a clear indication that what you’re doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he’s asking for the link to Marco’s charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it’s a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon’s up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it’s a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It’s not that you can’t still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it’s easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won’t rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it’s over-optimized. It’s like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you’re going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you’re targeting when you’re trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That’s part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it’s still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that’s how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you’re not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we’re in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don’t recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I’d be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it’s more like an authority or I don’t know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there’s a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it’s funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you’re it’s actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they’re looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you’re targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you’re using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone’s next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I’ll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can’t do before you claim and verify it? That’s a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can’t upload? Well, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one since that wasn’t already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you’re unable to do until it’s been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you’re okay at if what’s happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it’s been verified, it’s going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we’re recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don’t ever go back. I mean, you shouldn’t have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won’t allow you to get that short URL until after it’s been verified. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don’t see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don’t see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it’s Hump Day Hangouts. That’s what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you’re constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you’re doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you’re just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that’s a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you’ll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I’m not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I’m not 100% sure. But it doesn’t really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won’t matter because you’re not using the playlist URL for that video. You’re just if you’re going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It’s not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you’re trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it’s been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don’t know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don’t know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that’s way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I’ll create a playlist then it’s about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that’s still just a single container, essentially, that you’re optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that’s fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It’s the .be version of the URL. You don’t want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There’s a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it’s been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That’s awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that’s all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don’t know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that’s a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn’t really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it’s so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it’s completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you’re going to see incredible results. If you’re applying both SEO and engagement signals, you’ll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I’m staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he’s having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they’re getting away with it. So there’s no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you’re likely to get hit, but it’s not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn’t, don’t bother, but if it’s worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I’ve talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn’t like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don’t really do anything specific with stink bugs, I’ll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It’s not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn’t meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it’s been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it’s live and it’s back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what’s it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I’m a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I’m not doing it. Like, you know, I’m not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I’m staying the hell out of it for now. We’ll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don’t think there’s any way to determine exactly what it is it’s going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let’s see. I’m trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it’s within 30 days, correct me if I’m wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don’t wait longer than that, because you’ll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we’re not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That’s just how we’re doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it’s delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It’s not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what’s up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don’t spend much time for a client. That’s awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don’t spend 100 hours per month on them, then don’t deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I’m still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn’t be Muhammad. Here’s the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name’s Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he’s an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he’s really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you’re asking about here. He said something like if I’ve spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn’t. You’re not paying me for that one hour. You’re paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that’s exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn’t be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I’m trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I’d rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don’t really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I’m going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it’s about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I’m charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I’d be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I’m doing. You know, there’s no, I’m not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you’re hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you’re going to pay me this much because I’m going to get you results, period. That’s the story. There is no discussion. I don’t have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you’re getting better at that because you’ve asked these types of questions in the past. But you’re absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that’s what you have to be able to. I mean, I don’t think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you’re spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you’re not getting paid for your hour, you’re getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he’s not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they’re questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it’s always the same thing. It’s about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it’s all it’s the value that you provide. It’s understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you’re providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you’re being paid to perform. It’s a pay per performance, or you’re getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I’ve recommended this before, you’re going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you’re able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that’s the only way that you’re going to hone this to the point where you’re going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You’re paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it’s the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn’t get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he’s going to tell you fuck no, I’m not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let’s see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here’s the here’s where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you’re doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that’s fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That’s great. When you create your blog or when it’s ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it’s going if you connect that to the same network, which you don’t want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it’s on the syndication network, it’s going to look like the exact same post, it’s going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it’s just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can’t really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they’re coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it’s happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you’re going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that’s what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you’re going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they’re going to look, they’re going to be unique, right? It’s okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that’s what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it’s pretty much the same title. It’s just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There’s no footprint issues and there hasn’t been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that’s why I recommend if you’re going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they’re going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That’s a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn’t even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I’m,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I’m sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It’s still our recommended method. And the reason why and I’ve said this, you know, many times we’ve got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it’s even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they’ll be able to learn how to do it. But here’s the thing unless you’re a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you’re blogging about, then it’s hard to write anything original. That’s any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you’re hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you’re buying an article for it? No, it’s likely that all they’re doing is they’re scraping an article from the web. They’re putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they’re not writing original articles, because they’re not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it’s not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it’s been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that’s what you’re paying for. So you’re much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that’s really good, relevant content that’s written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that’s how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You’re in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don’t even I haven’t been I haven’t blogged in years because I haven’t had to, because I’ve trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I’ve ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it’s called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that’s perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn’t matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That’s it. There’s no difference guys, it’s just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don’t, but it’s all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn’t used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What’s The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we’ve talked about that and that’s covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you’ll find posts in there specifically about that if you’re going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don’t have to always have remember, remember, if all you’ve got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it’s just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it’s not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It’s not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you’re going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we’re going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I’m sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I’m going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that’s like negative SEO. I wouldn’t do it. I just I wouldn’t do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it’s the legality to so buyer beware. It’s negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you’d have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They’re really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that’ll pull up all of the other results with it that you’re trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn’t neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I’m sorry. I’m not your guy. You know, if you want. I’ll help you with you.
Seo but I’m not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that’s just my opinion, I just I’ve got to me that’s too much like negative SEO and it’s not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that’s my opinion. You know, if you if you’re okay with it, by all means, do it. I’m not telling you, you’re bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. That’s just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I’m going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There’s no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it’s it’s for the brand name search and that so it’s very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google’s not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don’t know. Marco, can you comment on that? I’m not sure what he’s I don’t know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I’m not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you’re only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It’s going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don’t see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it’s gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I’ve got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven’t seen that happen at all. And I’ve got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there’s most of them all run through the API because they’re connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven’t had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it’s through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they’ll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it’s our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It’s still going strong today. It’s been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it’s an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That’s the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that’s at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won’t see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I’m not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don’t know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don’t see that very often either. So, take advantage while it’s hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It’s up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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daynamartinez22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let’s go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it’s been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It’ll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I’ll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we’re talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I’ll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What’s up, man? It doesn’t get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it’s incredible. I’m feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don’t know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you’ve bought in the last four years, and you’ll know what’s still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I’m doing great actually. Yeah, that’s great. So I’m doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I’m really excited. Yeah, that’s correct. So I’m really excited about that. And I’m really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I’m really excited about what Marco just share. So that’s it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It’s good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I’m still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you’re watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you’re in the right place. We’re going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you’re ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that’s where you can always go to ask questions. can’t join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you’re wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It’s at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it’s for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn’t just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that’s what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they’ll do part of the work. In other words, they’ll get the Battle Plan, and they’ll do one component of it. And then they’ll say, Well, I’m not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn’t put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that’s one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don’t have confidence because they’re always afraid they can’t repeat results. They don’t have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that’s where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don’t take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you’re going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you’re worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that’s really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we’re going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We’ve been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you’ve done that, and once you’ve already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it’s our mastermind, we love it. It’s something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you’ve got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you’re at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That’s where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you’re checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I’d like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool’s gold. And now you’re stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you’re right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there’s this heavier, right we’re here we’re still here and I can’t say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that’s way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it’s not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don’t, if you cut corners, if you just don’t want to do the work, then, of course, it isn’t going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there’s a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don’t and you’re doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn’t know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I’m still working Saturday, guys, I’m still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it’s rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don’t have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it’s rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we’re good for questions right? So let’s dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I’m currently doing I’m Excuse me. I’m currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here’s the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson’s attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don’t already have it. And not, don’t do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you’re going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you’re going to put up a new site, that’s great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you’re putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don’t have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don’t know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you’ll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we’re trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don’t cut corners. Don’t just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It’s really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that’s going to see but it’s going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they’re calling this guy. But it’s the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What’s working now answers. Thank you. You’re welcome. He says in Google console. So he’s talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I’m getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you’ve submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn’t matter where they show, I think it’s only the first 10 pages if I’m, if I’m correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there’s a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn’t recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let’s just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that’s a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What’s interesting is when you apply some of what we’re talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you’ll see that that’s one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you’ll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that’s because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you’re pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let’s say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you’ll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that’s fine. And I bought, you know, I’ve had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I’m getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that’s because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that’s still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you’re starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody’s got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I’m glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don’t just talk out our ass man. We know what we’re talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you’re seeing all of these different impressions for things that you’re not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can’t do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don’t think that we’re just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it’s just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that’s how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that’s one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you’re working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn’t include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that’s how you do it. It really is and it’s crazy because you’ll see those impression numbers go up and that’s a clear indication that what you’re doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he’s asking for the link to Marco’s charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it’s a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon’s up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it’s a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It’s not that you can’t still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it’s easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won’t rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it’s over-optimized. It’s like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you’re going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you’re targeting when you’re trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That’s part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it’s still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that’s how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you’re not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we’re in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don’t recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I’d be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it’s more like an authority or I don’t know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there’s a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it’s funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you’re it’s actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they’re looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you’re targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you’re using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone’s next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I’ll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can’t do before you claim and verify it? That’s a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can’t upload? Well, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one since that wasn’t already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you’re unable to do until it’s been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you’re okay at if what’s happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it’s been verified, it’s going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we’re recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don’t ever go back. I mean, you shouldn’t have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won’t allow you to get that short URL until after it’s been verified. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don’t see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don’t see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it’s Hump Day Hangouts. That’s what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you’re constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you’re doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you’re just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that’s a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you’ll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I’m not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I’m not 100% sure. But it doesn’t really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won’t matter because you’re not using the playlist URL for that video. You’re just if you’re going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It’s not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you’re trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it’s been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don’t know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don’t know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that’s way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I’ll create a playlist then it’s about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that’s still just a single container, essentially, that you’re optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that’s fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It’s the .be version of the URL. You don’t want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There’s a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it’s been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That’s awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that’s all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don’t know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that’s a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn’t really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it’s so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it’s completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you’re going to see incredible results. If you’re applying both SEO and engagement signals, you’ll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I’m staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he’s having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they’re getting away with it. So there’s no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you’re likely to get hit, but it’s not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn’t, don’t bother, but if it’s worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I’ve talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn’t like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don’t really do anything specific with stink bugs, I’ll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It’s not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn’t meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it’s been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it’s live and it’s back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what’s it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I’m a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I’m not doing it. Like, you know, I’m not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I’m staying the hell out of it for now. We’ll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don’t think there’s any way to determine exactly what it is it’s going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let’s see. I’m trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it’s within 30 days, correct me if I’m wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don’t wait longer than that, because you’ll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we’re not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That’s just how we’re doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it’s delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It’s not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what’s up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don’t spend much time for a client. That’s awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don’t spend 100 hours per month on them, then don’t deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I’m still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn’t be Muhammad. Here’s the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name’s Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he’s an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he’s really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you’re asking about here. He said something like if I’ve spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn’t. You’re not paying me for that one hour. You’re paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that’s exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn’t be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I’m trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I’d rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don’t really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I’m going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it’s about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I’m charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I’d be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I’m doing. You know, there’s no, I’m not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you’re hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you’re going to pay me this much because I’m going to get you results, period. That’s the story. There is no discussion. I don’t have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you’re getting better at that because you’ve asked these types of questions in the past. But you’re absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that’s what you have to be able to. I mean, I don’t think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you’re spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you’re not getting paid for your hour, you’re getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he’s not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they’re questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it’s always the same thing. It’s about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it’s all it’s the value that you provide. It’s understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you’re providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you’re being paid to perform. It’s a pay per performance, or you’re getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I’ve recommended this before, you’re going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you’re able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that’s the only way that you’re going to hone this to the point where you’re going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You’re paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it’s the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn’t get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he’s going to tell you fuck no, I’m not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let’s see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here’s the here’s where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you’re doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that’s fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That’s great. When you create your blog or when it’s ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it’s going if you connect that to the same network, which you don’t want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it’s on the syndication network, it’s going to look like the exact same post, it’s going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it’s just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can’t really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they’re coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it’s happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you’re going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that’s what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you’re going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they’re going to look, they’re going to be unique, right? It’s okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that’s what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it’s pretty much the same title. It’s just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There’s no footprint issues and there hasn’t been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that’s why I recommend if you’re going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they’re going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That’s a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn’t even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I’m,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I’m sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It’s still our recommended method. And the reason why and I’ve said this, you know, many times we’ve got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it’s even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they’ll be able to learn how to do it. But here’s the thing unless you’re a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you’re blogging about, then it’s hard to write anything original. That’s any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you’re hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you’re buying an article for it? No, it’s likely that all they’re doing is they’re scraping an article from the web. They’re putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they’re not writing original articles, because they’re not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it’s not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it’s been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that’s what you’re paying for. So you’re much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that’s really good, relevant content that’s written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that’s how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You’re in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don’t even I haven’t been I haven’t blogged in years because I haven’t had to, because I’ve trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I’ve ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it’s called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that’s perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn’t matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That’s it. There’s no difference guys, it’s just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don’t, but it’s all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn’t used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What’s The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we’ve talked about that and that’s covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you’ll find posts in there specifically about that if you’re going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don’t have to always have remember, remember, if all you’ve got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it’s just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it’s not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It’s not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you’re going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we’re going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I’m sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I’m going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that’s like negative SEO. I wouldn’t do it. I just I wouldn’t do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it’s the legality to so buyer beware. It’s negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you’d have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They’re really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that’ll pull up all of the other results with it that you’re trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn’t neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I’m sorry. I’m not your guy. You know, if you want. I’ll help you with you.
Seo but I’m not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that’s just my opinion, I just I’ve got to me that’s too much like negative SEO and it’s not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that’s my opinion. You know, if you if you’re okay with it, by all means, do it. I’m not telling you, you’re bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. That’s just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I’m going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There’s no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it’s it’s for the brand name search and that so it’s very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google’s not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don’t know. Marco, can you comment on that? I’m not sure what he’s I don’t know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I’m not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you’re only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It’s going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don’t see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it’s gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I’ve got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven’t seen that happen at all. And I’ve got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there’s most of them all run through the API because they’re connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven’t had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it’s through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they’ll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it’s our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It’s still going strong today. It’s been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it’s an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That’s the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that’s at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won’t see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I’m not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don’t know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don’t see that very often either. So, take advantage while it’s hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It’s up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let’s go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it’s been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It’ll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I’ll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we’re talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I’ll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What’s up, man? It doesn’t get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it’s incredible. I’m feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don’t know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you’ve bought in the last four years, and you’ll know what’s still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I’m doing great actually. Yeah, that’s great. So I’m doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I’m really excited. Yeah, that’s correct. So I’m really excited about that. And I’m really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I’m really excited about what Marco just share. So that’s it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It’s good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I’m still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you’re watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you’re in the right place. We’re going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you’re ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that’s where you can always go to ask questions. can’t join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you’re wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It’s at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it’s for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn’t just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that’s what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they’ll do part of the work. In other words, they’ll get the Battle Plan, and they’ll do one component of it. And then they’ll say, Well, I’m not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn’t put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that’s one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don’t have confidence because they’re always afraid they can’t repeat results. They don’t have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that’s where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don’t take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you’re going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you’re worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that’s really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we’re going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We’ve been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you’ve done that, and once you’ve already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it’s our mastermind, we love it. It’s something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you’ve got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you’re at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That’s where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you’re checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I’d like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool’s gold. And now you’re stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you’re right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there’s this heavier, right we’re here we’re still here and I can’t say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that’s way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it’s not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don’t, if you cut corners, if you just don’t want to do the work, then, of course, it isn’t going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there’s a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don’t and you’re doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn’t know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I’m still working Saturday, guys, I’m still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it’s rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don’t have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it’s rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we’re good for questions right? So let’s dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I’m currently doing I’m Excuse me. I’m currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here’s the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson’s attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don’t already have it. And not, don’t do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you’re going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you’re going to put up a new site, that’s great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you’re putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don’t have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don’t know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you’ll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we’re trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don’t cut corners. Don’t just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It’s really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that’s going to see but it’s going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they’re calling this guy. But it’s the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What’s working now answers. Thank you. You’re welcome. He says in Google console. So he’s talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I’m getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you’ve submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn’t matter where they show, I think it’s only the first 10 pages if I’m, if I’m correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there’s a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn’t recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let’s just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that’s a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What’s interesting is when you apply some of what we’re talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you’ll see that that’s one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you’ll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that’s because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you’re pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let’s say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you’ll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that’s fine. And I bought, you know, I’ve had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I’m getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that’s because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that’s still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you’re starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody’s got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I’m glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don’t just talk out our ass man. We know what we’re talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you’re seeing all of these different impressions for things that you’re not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can’t do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don’t think that we’re just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it’s just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that’s how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that’s one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you’re working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn’t include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that’s how you do it. It really is and it’s crazy because you’ll see those impression numbers go up and that’s a clear indication that what you’re doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he’s asking for the link to Marco’s charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it’s a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon’s up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You’re welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it’s a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It’s not that you can’t still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it’s easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won’t rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it’s over-optimized. It’s like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you’re going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you’re targeting when you’re trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That’s part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it’s still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that’s how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you’re not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we’re in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don’t recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I’d be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it’s more like an authority or I don’t know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there’s a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it’s funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you’re it’s actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they’re looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you’re targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you’re using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone’s next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I’ll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can’t do before you claim and verify it? That’s a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can’t upload? Well, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in one since that wasn’t already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you’re unable to do until it’s been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you’re okay at if what’s happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it’s been verified, it’s going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we’re recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don’t ever go back. I mean, you shouldn’t have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won’t allow you to get that short URL until after it’s been verified. I’m almost 100% sure that that’s one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don’t see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don’t see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it’s Hump Day Hangouts. That’s what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you’re constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you’re doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you’re just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that’s a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you’ll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I’m not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I’m not 100% sure. But it doesn’t really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won’t matter because you’re not using the playlist URL for that video. You’re just if you’re going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It’s not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you’re trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it’s been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don’t know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don’t know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that’s way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I’ll create a playlist then it’s about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that’s still just a single container, essentially, that you’re optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that’s fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It’s the .be version of the URL. You don’t want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There’s a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it’s been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That’s awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that’s all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don’t know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that’s a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn’t really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it’s so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it’s completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you’re going to see incredible results. If you’re applying both SEO and engagement signals, you’ll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I’m staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he’s having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they’re getting away with it. So there’s no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you’re likely to get hit, but it’s not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn’t, don’t bother, but if it’s worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I’ve talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn’t like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don’t really do anything specific with stink bugs, I’ll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It’s not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn’t meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it’s been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it’s live and it’s back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what’s it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I’m a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I’m not doing it. Like, you know, I’m not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I’m staying the hell out of it for now. We’ll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don’t think there’s any way to determine exactly what it is it’s going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let’s see. I’m trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it’s within 30 days, correct me if I’m wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don’t wait longer than that, because you’ll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we’re not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That’s just how we’re doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it’s delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It’s not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what’s up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don’t spend much time for a client. That’s awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don’t spend 100 hours per month on them, then don’t deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I’m still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn’t be Muhammad. Here’s the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name’s Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he’s an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he’s really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you’re asking about here. He said something like if I’ve spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn’t. You’re not paying me for that one hour. You’re paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that’s exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn’t be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I’m trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I’d rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don’t really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I’m going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it’s about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I’m charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I’d be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I’m doing. You know, there’s no, I’m not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you’re hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you’re going to pay me this much because I’m going to get you results, period. That’s the story. There is no discussion. I don’t have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you’re getting better at that because you’ve asked these types of questions in the past. But you’re absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that’s what you have to be able to. I mean, I don’t think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you’re spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you’re not getting paid for your hour, you’re getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he’s not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they’re questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it’s always the same thing. It’s about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it’s all it’s the value that you provide. It’s understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you’re providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you’re being paid to perform. It’s a pay per performance, or you’re getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I’ve recommended this before, you’re going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you’re able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that’s the only way that you’re going to hone this to the point where you’re going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You’re paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it’s the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn’t get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he’s going to tell you fuck no, I’m not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let’s see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here’s the here’s where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you’re doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that’s fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That’s great. When you create your blog or when it’s ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it’s going if you connect that to the same network, which you don’t want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it’s on the syndication network, it’s going to look like the exact same post, it’s going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it’s just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can’t really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they’re coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it’s happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you’re going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that’s what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you’re going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they’re going to look, they’re going to be unique, right? It’s okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that’s what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it’s pretty much the same title. It’s just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There’s no footprint issues and there hasn’t been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that’s why I recommend if you’re going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they’re going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That’s a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn’t even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I’m,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I’m sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It’s still our recommended method. And the reason why and I’ve said this, you know, many times we’ve got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it’s even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they’ll be able to learn how to do it. But here’s the thing unless you’re a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you’re blogging about, then it’s hard to write anything original. That’s any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you’re hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you’re buying an article for it? No, it’s likely that all they’re doing is they’re scraping an article from the web. They’re putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they’re not writing original articles, because they’re not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it’s not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it’s been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that’s what you’re paying for. So you’re much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that’s really good, relevant content that’s written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that’s how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You’re in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don’t even I haven’t been I haven’t blogged in years because I haven’t had to, because I’ve trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I’ve ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it’s called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that’s perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn’t matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That’s it. There’s no difference guys, it’s just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don’t, but it’s all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn’t used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What’s The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we’ve talked about that and that’s covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you’ll find posts in there specifically about that if you’re going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don’t have to always have remember, remember, if all you’ve got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it’s just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it’s not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It’s not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you’re going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we’re going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I’m sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. I’m going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that’s like negative SEO. I wouldn’t do it. I just I wouldn’t do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it’s the legality to so buyer beware. It’s negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you’d have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They’re really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that’ll pull up all of the other results with it that you’re trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn’t neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I’m sorry. I’m not your guy. You know, if you want. I’ll help you with you.
Seo but I’m not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that’s just my opinion, I just I’ve got to me that’s too much like negative SEO and it’s not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that’s my opinion. You know, if you if you’re okay with it, by all means, do it. I’m not telling you, you’re bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. That’s just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I’m going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There’s no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it’s it’s for the brand name search and that so it’s very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google’s not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don’t know. Marco, can you comment on that? I’m not sure what he’s I don’t know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I’m not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you’re only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It’s going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don’t see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it’s gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I’ve got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven’t seen that happen at all. And I’ve got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there’s most of them all run through the API because they’re connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven’t had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it’s through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they’ll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it’s our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It’s still going strong today. It’s been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it’s an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That’s the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that’s at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won’t see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I’m not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don’t know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don’t see that very often either. So, take advantage while it’s hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It’s up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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oasisoptimization · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let's go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it's been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It'll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I'll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we're talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I'll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What's up, man? It doesn't get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it's incredible. I'm feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don't know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you've bought in the last four years, and you'll know what's still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I'm doing great actually. Yeah, that's great. So I'm doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I'm really excited. Yeah, that's correct. So I'm really excited about that. And I'm really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I'm really excited about what Marco just share. So that's it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It's good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I'm still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you're watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you're in the right place. We're going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you're ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that's where you can always go to ask questions. can't join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you're wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It's at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it's for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn't just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that's what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they'll do part of the work. In other words, they'll get the Battle Plan, and they'll do one component of it. And then they'll say, Well, I'm not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn't put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that's one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don't have confidence because they're always afraid they can't repeat results. They don't have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that's where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don't take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you're going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you're worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that's really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we're going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We've been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you've done that, and once you've already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it's our mastermind, we love it. It's something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you've got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you're at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That's where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you're checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I'd like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool's gold. And now you're stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you're right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there's this heavier, right we're here we're still here and I can't say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that's way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it's not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don't, if you cut corners, if you just don't want to do the work, then, of course, it isn't going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there's a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don't and you're doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn't know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I'm still working Saturday, guys, I'm still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it's rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don't have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it's rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we're good for questions right? So let's dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I'm currently doing I'm Excuse me. I'm currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here's the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson's attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don't already have it. And not, don't do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you're going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you're going to put up a new site, that's great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you're putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don't have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don't know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you'll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we're trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don't cut corners. Don't just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It's really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that's going to see but it's going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they're calling this guy. But it's the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What's working now answers. Thank you. You're welcome. He says in Google console. So he's talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I'm getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you've submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn't matter where they show, I think it's only the first 10 pages if I'm, if I'm correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there's a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn't recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let's just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that's a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What's interesting is when you apply some of what we're talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you'll see that that's one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you'll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that's because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you're pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let's say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you'll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that's fine. And I bought, you know, I've had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I'm getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that's because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn't mean that they're all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that's still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you're starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody's got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I'm glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don't just talk out our ass man. We know what we're talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you're seeing all of these different impressions for things that you're not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can't do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don't think that we're just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it's just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that's how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that's one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you're working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn't include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that's how you do it. It really is and it's crazy because you'll see those impression numbers go up and that's a clear indication that what you're doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he's asking for the link to Marco's charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it's a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon's up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You're welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it's a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It's not that you can't still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it's easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won't rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it's over-optimized. It's like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you're going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you're targeting when you're trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That's part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it's still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that's how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you're not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we're in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don't recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I'd be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it's more like an authority or I don't know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there's a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it's funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you're it's actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they're looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you're targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you're using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone's next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I'll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can't do before you claim and verify it? That's a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can't upload? Well, I don't know. It's been a while since I've been in one since that wasn't already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you're unable to do until it's been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you're okay at if what's happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it's been verified, it's going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we're recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don't ever go back. I mean, you shouldn't have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won't allow you to get that short URL until after it's been verified. I'm almost 100% sure that that's one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don't see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don't see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it's Hump Day Hangouts. That's what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you're constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you're doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you're just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that's a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you'll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I'm not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I'm not 100% sure. But it doesn't really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won't matter because you're not using the playlist URL for that video. You're just if you're going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It's not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you're trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it's been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don't know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don't know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that's way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I'll create a playlist then it's about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that's still just a single container, essentially, that you're optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that's fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It's the .be version of the URL. You don't want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There's a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it's been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That's awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that's all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don't know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that's a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn't really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it's so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it's completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you're going to see incredible results. If you're applying both SEO and engagement signals, you'll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I'm staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he's having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they're getting away with it. So there's no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you're likely to get hit, but it's not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn't, don't bother, but if it's worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I've talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn't like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don't really do anything specific with stink bugs, I'll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It's not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn't meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it's been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it's live and it's back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what's it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I'm a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I'm not doing it. Like, you know, I'm not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I'm staying the hell out of it for now. We'll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don't think there's any way to determine exactly what it is it's going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let's see. I'm trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it's within 30 days, correct me if I'm wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don't wait longer than that, because you'll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we're not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That's just how we're doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it's delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It's not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what's up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don't spend much time for a client. That's awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don't spend 100 hours per month on them, then don't deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I'm still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn't be Muhammad. Here's the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name's Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he's an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he's really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you're asking about here. He said something like if I've spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn't. You're not paying me for that one hour. You're paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that's exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn't be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I'm trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I'd rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don't really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I'm going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it's about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I'm charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I'd be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I'm doing. You know, there's no, I'm not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you're hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you're going to pay me this much because I'm going to get you results, period. That's the story. There is no discussion. I don't have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you're getting better at that because you've asked these types of questions in the past. But you're absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that's what you have to be able to. I mean, I don't think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you're spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you're not getting paid for your hour, you're getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he's not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they're questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it's always the same thing. It's about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it's all it's the value that you provide. It's understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you're providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you're being paid to perform. It's a pay per performance, or you're getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I've recommended this before, you're going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you're able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that's the only way that you're going to hone this to the point where you're going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You're paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it's the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn't get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he's going to tell you fuck no, I'm not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let's see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here's the here's where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you're doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that's fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That's great. When you create your blog or when it's ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it's going if you connect that to the same network, which you don't want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it's on the syndication network, it's going to look like the exact same post, it's going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it's just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can't really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they're coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it's happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you're going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that's what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you're going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they're going to look, they're going to be unique, right? It's okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that's what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it's pretty much the same title. It's just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There's no footprint issues and there hasn't been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that's why I recommend if you're going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they're going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That's a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn't even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I'm,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I'm sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It's still our recommended method. And the reason why and I've said this, you know, many times we've got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it's even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they'll be able to learn how to do it. But here's the thing unless you're a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you're blogging about, then it's hard to write anything original. That's any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you're hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you're buying an article for it? No, it's likely that all they're doing is they're scraping an article from the web. They're putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they're not writing original articles, because they're not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it's not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it's been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that's what you're paying for. So you're much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that's really good, relevant content that's written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that's how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don't have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You're in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don't even I haven't been I haven't blogged in years because I haven't had to, because I've trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I've ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it's called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that's perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn't matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That's it. There's no difference guys, it's just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don't, but it's all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn't used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What's The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we've talked about that and that's covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you'll find posts in there specifically about that if you're going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don't have to always have remember, remember, if all you've got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it's just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it's not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It's not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you're going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we're going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I'm sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. I'm going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that's like negative SEO. I wouldn't do it. I just I wouldn't do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it's the legality to so buyer beware. It's negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you'd have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They're really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that'll pull up all of the other results with it that you're trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn't neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I'm sorry. I'm not your guy. You know, if you want. I'll help you with you.
Seo but I'm not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that's just my opinion, I just I've got to me that's too much like negative SEO and it's not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that's my opinion. You know, if you if you're okay with it, by all means, do it. I'm not telling you, you're bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. That's just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I'm going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There's no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it's it's for the brand name search and that so it's very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google's not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don't know. Marco, can you comment on that? I'm not sure what he's I don't know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I'm not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you're only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It's going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don't see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it's gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I've got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven't seen that happen at all. And I've got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there's most of them all run through the API because they're connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven't had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it's through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they'll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it's our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It's still going strong today. It's been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it's an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That's the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that's at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won't see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I'm not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don't know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don't see that very often either. So, take advantage while it's hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It's up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We'll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
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semanticmastery · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 251
Click on the video above to watch Episode 251 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: Alright, with that said, let's go ahead and jump into the Hangout. So those of you that are just now joining for Hump Day Hangouts, we were the previous hour on an RYS Academy Anniversary Update webinar. It was four years ago, tomorrow, actually, but four years ago this month that Marco really turned the SEO industry on its head with using Google to rank in Google and it's been working ever since and we just showed multiple examples of that. So if you missed that part of the webinar, you can always go back and check that out on the replay. It'll be on the YouTube channel. Okay. But for that said, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Guys. This is Episode 251. Whoa. And you guys want to jump in and say hi to everybody real quick?
Adam: Yeah, definitely. I'll kick it off. This is weird because I never get asked that so well, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking. Now, welcome everybody. Yeah, this is kind of cool. Like Bradley said in case you came on and wonder what we're talking about. Definitely go back, check out the webinar, lots of good stuff. And then 48 hours, we got some special offers going for some really kick-ass stuff. So I'll leave it at that and pass the baton down to Marco.
Marco: What's up, man? It doesn't get any better than to have something on the web, which is fluid and ever-changing. That not only still works, but in most aspects work works even better than it when it was first released. So it's incredible. I'm feeling really good. Four years, right? A product, whatever you call training service, think about it. How many have come and gone during those four years and you and if you don't know which ones have come and gone, just look in your, you want to call it wherever you keep your ditch digital garbage for all the garbage that you've bought in the last four years, and you'll know what's still working and what is it?
Bradley: Yeah, go check your JV Zoo receipt. So Hernan. How are you, man?
Hernan: I'm doing great actually. Yeah, that's great. So I'm doing great actually. And you know having what Marco has over there on his desktop. I have this right here so. So yeah, I'm really excited. Yeah, that's correct. So I'm really excited about that. And I'm really excited about POFU Live coming up. And I'm really excited about what Marco just share. So that's it.
Bradley: Very cool. And last but not least, Chris. Chris kind of snuck in here just a moment ago.
Chris: It's good. Yeah, just come back home from the recycled tour was out all day, or 100 kilometers but excited to be here and agreed to finish to the office. Lovely Hump Day Hangout.
Bradley: Beautiful. So, Adam, you want to jump back in with any announcements? Before we get into questions. unmute first,
Adam: tell everybody that the mute button is very important. You gotta learn how to use that in order to do webinars, but I'm still learning after four or five years doing this. Now, I wanted to say, if you're watching us for the first time, thanks for joining us, you're in the right place. We're going to jump in, start answering your questions. For those of you guys returning. Thanks. Thanks again for posting your questions. And we appreciate you guys showing up here. If you're ever wondering where to go, just always go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. And that's where you can always go to ask questions. can't join us live you can always check out the replay on the YouTube channel but we certainly enjoy it when you guys show up here. And last but not least last few things I want to say was if you're wondering where to get started with Semantic Mastery, this is the right place to get started. Get your answers here. The next step is definitely to grab the Battle Plan. It's at https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com, not going to dive into the details here but it's for repeatable results, which is what we want people to get and this isn't just a tagline and a fancy catchphrase. You know, we were literally talking about this the other day, and that's what we want to give people, you know, and this industry is tough. Like we were just talking and joking about JVZ receipts and stuff that comes and goes and saying, you know, what people need and what we needed was, you know, a process that gives us repeatable results. And that is what the Battle Plan is.
Bradley: Yeah. Yeah. It just, just quickly, I just want to comment on that, because we get a lot of people that come to us with questions and you know, about, like, how to get results, or they'll do part of the work. In other words, they'll get the Battle Plan, and they'll do one component of it. And then they'll say, Well, I'm not getting results. And when we drill down into it, you know, what it is that they did we find out that they didn't put all those pieces together and we put out the Battle Plan for a reason because that is literally the step by step process that we use to get results over and over and over again. And that's one of the things that in consultation with a lot of our like mastermind members and you know, people that we talked to, as well as the surveys that we take, we hear over and over and over again is that a lot of people don't have confidence because they're always afraid they can't repeat results. They don't have any consistency and their ability to get results. And that's where the Battle Plan comes in. Because if you follow it and don't take shortcuts, I know mid steps are four components of it, you do you put the things together properly, then you're going to get results. And once you know that, you can get results over and over and over again, it builds your confidence to where you can, you can ask that client for that high-level retainer fee. Because you know that you can get the results without a doubt, instead of, you know, kind of pussyfooting around and trying to get $500 a month when you know, you could be getting 1500 a month because you know for sure that you're worth it and you can get the results.
And so I think that's really important that you know, the Battle Plan is something that we're going to be possibly doing some more with in the next few months. We've been talking about that my partners and I in just the last couple days about how to make it more of a central part of new members that come into Semantic Mastery and in any shape or form, and how to actually apply those things in a very orderly and regimented fashion to where you start to get results over and over and over again. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Adam: Definitely, no, totally agree. And just wanted to add on that, too, that, you know, after you've done that, and once you've already got your processes going, that, you know, we want you to join the mastermind for many reasons. One, it's our mastermind, we love it. It's something we started for ourselves and have grown. But that comes in once you've got the results once you know you can go out there and you want help from other people who are doing the same. You know, there are business owners in there. There are affiliate marketers, right, there are people who are growing their own agencies, and that is the next logical step for you to really take things up and start to run with it and where we can offer you know, a lot more personalized advice as far as what to do, but once you get those, you know, repeatable results, then you move on and come join the mastermind and in the meantime, at whatever level you're at, we do highly encourage you to get stuff done for you. Right, start getting that mindset of you to know, who can do this for me not how do I get it done myself. And for those types of services, head over to MGYB.co. That's where you get your syndication networks done, RYS drive stacks, press releases, link building, everything. So go on over there. And last but not least, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you're checking this out, please subscribe. Leave us comments, say hi ask questions, whatever you want and then just come join us live for Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I'd like to add just one thing before we move on to question. A lot of people are looking for that goose that laid the golden egg right and they get offered all of these services and software and all of these ideas that and then when you take a towel to that egg it turns out to be its fool's gold. And now you're stuck with the bill because you paid them a whole lot of money. And you're right back to where you came from only your pocketbooks lighter and there's this heavier, right we're here we're still here and I can't say enough. Syndication Academy is still working and that's way older than RYS Academy. Maybe it's not working the way that that it was originally put out, but it still works phenomenally well when you do it and you use it the way that we teach. As Bradley said, if you don't, if you cut corners, if you just don't want to do the work, then, of course, it isn't going to work the way that it was supposed to because everything builds one on the other. And that there's a purpose to our madness that there are rhyme and reason to what we do. And if we go for that final play, so that you can become that trusted, authoritative source in your niche. If you don't and you're doing it only partway. And what you might be even doing is confusing the box so that the buck doesn't know what the hell to do with you. And you just end up where you are right now. So no cutting corners, it takes hard work. It takes dedication. I'm still working Saturday, guys, I'm still working Saturday trying to make things better for you guys, so no cutting corners.
Bradley: Well God bless you for that because I quit working weekends man it's rare now that I work on a weekend but I also work seven days a week 12 to 14 hours a day for many years of my career to get to the point where I don't have to work on weekends anymore. And like I said, it's rare that I work on weekends anymore Marco does it because he just has the passion for it. So God bless you, buddy. Alright, guys, I think we're good for questions right? So let's dive into this
What Semantic Mastery SEO Products & Services Should I Purchase To Improve The Online Presence Of A Private School?
Alright, so the first one is from blazed eight. Hey, guys, I'm currently doing I'm Excuse me. I'm currently going through Syndication Academy. Bradley does say you are better off buying it and building it. So here's the question I want to put up a site for a private school that my grandson's attend. The purpose of this site is to expand awareness of the school and to get parents to inquire about sending their children to the school based on the products and service did you guys provide what would you recommend I do to really push the needle on this site? Thanks. Well, as we just talked about, really get the Battle Plan if you don't already have it. And not, don't do all the work yourself. The battle plan is going to lay out the components that the pieces that you're going to put together to get results for that new site that you want to put up. Right. So if you're going to put up a new site, that's great. Then syndication network, then once the syndication network is delivered, then order the drive stack and include the syndication network URLs and the drive stack order because they will be built into the drive stack. You want to publish some content to the blog or to the site that you're putting up so that it starts to populate the syndication network. Press releases are incredibly powerful, like Marco said, or earlier when we had the earlier segment of this webinar. We recommend four or five press releases, they don't have to do them all right, right back to back but you know, I try to I recommend doing at least two a month if you can, so every other week and you know doing press release stacking. If you don't know what that is, we talked about that on an empty YB webinar, you can go to our YouTube channel and search, press release stacking or PR SEO, and you'll be able to find that replay. You can also see it in the webinar replays at MGYB.co. I mean, guys, we're trying to give you the content and as many places as possible. So you know, press release stacking, then once you have all of that and again blogging consistently to your site, which will syndicate to the network is a component of that. Then beyond that, you can start doing a lot of the other off-page market off-page SEO stuff, which includes embeds and backlink building. And all of that is also available in MGYB. So, long story short, get the Battle Plan, follow the plan, but don't cut corners. Don't just do one component of it and expect to see significant results. It's really about following the plan all the way through and using all of the pieces as they are intended. Does anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, once you put it all together in that, that's going to see but it's going to seem like magic. Like you did magic and I get this. What is the Wizard of? I forget what they're calling this guy. But it's the wizard is somewhere in there because he just gets his clients results. And he gets them he follows the battle plan he gets done for you services from us. And then he goes and refills to his client that says wizardry.
Bradley: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Alright.
What Does The Number Of Impressions Mean In Google Search Console?
Next question is from Fitz he says good, a dense thanks for this form to get real, real results. What's working now answers. Thank you. You're welcome. He says in Google console. So he's talking about Search Console, there is a column for impressions. Does that reflect how many impressions I'm getting or the total impressions available to that keyword? No. that reflects how many impressions your site that you've submitted, the search console is getting from within Google. So when you look at impressions, it shows search queries that have triggered your site to show in the search results. Doesn't matter where they show, I think it's only the first 10 pages if I'm, if I'm correct it only, it will only register as an impression if Google has served your website or any page within your website. For the search query, shown within the top 100 results, I could be wrong about that. If they may, it may have changed. But it just means that your website has been given an impression in the search results for the query shown in the Search Console report, in the search queries report. That makes sense. So if you actually take a look, there's a button a tab called position, right or average position or whatever you click on that and it will actually show you the average position of your page or site where it was ranked for that particular query.
Now and then if you click on the pages tab, it will show you which page was being served in the or given an impression and the search results for that particular query, or pages if multiple pages have appeared for that same query. So it like I said, poke around in those Search Console results, because you can get a lot of insight about queries that you didn't recognize, or know were search queries that were your site was getting impressions for and then you can start to begin to optimize for those queries that your pages are getting impressions for, but maybe ranked on, you know, in 70 positions, right? Let's just use that as an example. Then you can start to work on an SEO strategy to push those pages or, you know, to get those to get your site to rank better for those search queries. And so that's a really good question. But the impressions on the number of times that your site appears in the search results for those queries.
What's interesting is when you apply some of what we're talking about here, like a drive stack, for example, especially a drive stack, you'll see that that's one of the metrics that I use to report back to clients as to show that the improvements are being made. Now, the once a drive stack has been built, and especially once things start to index, you'll see the impressions will start going up month over month for keywords. And that's because the way that we build out the drive stacks, and we include so many of the keywords like in the metadata, the files and all that kind of stuff. And so what happens is your site, wherever you're pushing the relevancy to from the drive stack, so let's say back to a money site, will start to show for many, many more different keyword or search queries, you'll start to get impressions for many more of those. Now, your average position, which is one of the key metrics on those Search Console report, may say, you know, 30, or 40, or something like that, that's fine. And I bought, you know, I've had to explain that to clients in the past. And they say, well, it shows my average, I'm getting more impressions, but my average position is falling. And that's because your app means that your site is being recognized for more search queries. But that doesn't mean that they're all Uber optimized for those search queries. But that's still a key metric in that your site is now being recognized. For more and more relevant search queries, because it means that you're starting to build relevancy to the overall site, the entity itself if that makes sense. I know somebody's got some comments about that.
Marco: Yeah, but by the way, I'm glad you mentioned that because we talk a lot about delivering real-world proven results, things that we have tested, things that we know. We don't just talk out our ass man. We know what we're talking about. And one of the things that we know about the relevance passing through the G site through the drive stack over to the website, is because of the number of queries right, which become available in Search Console. So we can totally see the relevance being pushed through so that now you're seeing all of these different impressions for things that you're not really optimized for. But then you can pick and choose which one you where the money is optimized for that and push for that. The way I just showed it in the RYS webinar so that you can start making money from all of this data because you can't do anything without data. Right? But and it has to be the right data, once you have it, then you can go, you can laser focus on that data and push into that, and go after that. So guys, don't think that we're just delivering the things off the top of my head think that had been four years in the making. And it's just constant with constantly in the lab trying to improve it, trying to make it better.
I agree.
How Do You Increase The Number Of Impressions Of A Website In Google Search Console?
He says if there are more impressions to be had, how do I increase that number? And again, that's how, you know, blogging consistently, you know, using various keywords. And that's one of the things like I said, use Search Console to help you discover queries that are relevant that you may not have thought of, like things that even a keyword report may not have revealed to you that would that are still relevant to your business and then or to you know, the project that you're working on. So then you can start to develop a content strategy around those particular keywords to blog about them. Drive stacks once again, when you find queries that you had didn't include in your keyword list when you order to drive stack for example, or built one, then you can go back and add additional files into your drive stacks targeting those keywords, which is what we were just talking about. So that's how you do it. It really is and it's crazy because you'll see those impression numbers go up and that's a clear indication that what you're doing is working.
Okay, next question from fit says he's asking for the link to Marco's charity. So Marco, can you post that in comments below? I already posted the link and thanks ahead of time to anyone who donates it's a great cause right education for the for children who would otherwise not have a chance to even attend school.
Why Is The Single Page Better Than The Separate Page Method?
Very good. So Gordon's up again he comes every week and asks questions. Hey guys, thanks again for your Hump Day. But is greatly appreciate it. You're welcome, Gordon, thank you for always attending and asking good questions. So he says, I know you mentioned previously that in ranking a local business site, you no longer need to create a separate page for each keyword with the location, you can now create just a single page with all the keywords and the location, and Google will rank that one page for all the keywords. But I was wondering if the single page method now ranks more effective than the separate page method, or if the ladder still works just as well but recommend using the single-page method only because it is easier and much less time-consuming. No, what I have found is that Google prefers the longer form content with more of the same as long as it's a related topical theme, right? That it prefers the longer-form content. It's not that you can't still get the results with the single page method you can. The problem with a single page, single keyword, after you know a single page optimized for a single keyword method. The problem with that is it's easy to over-optimize that page, that particular page. And then it won't rank well. And in fact, it can actually pull the quality score down the ranking score of your entire site. So can it can end up affecting the entire domain. Because it's over-optimized. It's like an over-optimization penalty, essentially, not like a manual penalty that you're going to get notified in Search Console for, but it will be like an algorithmic penalty. And that can happen very easily when you're targeting when you're trying to optimize a page for one single keyword. That's part of the reason why I prefer using a single page that has as long as it's still in the same keyword theme. In other words, you know, it would almost be like supporting keywords, you know, you can still divide your content up into headings or sections with separate headings, where that's how you can kind of like compartmentalize the page itself to make it more logical and everything else. However, you're not going to be over-optimized for any one particular keyword that way, if that makes sense. So you still can do the single page method. But you have to be careful because you can over-optimize a page much easier now than you could you know, four years ago, four years ago. In fact, it was probably five or six years ago. Now that was the preferred method was to optimize each page for a single keyword. And even in a silo structure, you would have multiple pages or posts depending on how you had your site, your, the structure of your silo built on your site, but either pages or posts would be optimized for individual pages and they would link to each other like either through a daisy chain or mono silo, or whatever the case may be.
They were still individual page, you would figure out what all your supported keywords and we're in a silo and you would optimize a new page or post for each one of those supporting keywords. And again, I don't recommend doing that anymore. You still can do it, but you got to be careful because you can easily over-optimize a page that way which can cause it you know, it can cause an algorithmic penalty to the particular page but that can also so, in turn, affect the entire domain. So I'd be I would be cautious in doing that I prefer using the single-page method. I feel like, you know, Google has for it for years now has preferred that method. Because, you know, it's more like an authority or I don't know if you want to call it Cornerstone content, but it becomes more of an authoritative page that way. And there's a bunch of it reinforces the overall theme of that entire silo or topic, if you will, on that one page, if that makes sense.
Marco: You know, it's funny, because I, I answered almost the exact same question and in RYS Academy Reloaded this morning, where yeah, Google absolutely recommends the long-form content on the same page. Because you're it's actually the same theme and they do belong on the same page, except that the page can get so long that the person will have to scroll through, right. It becomes a long scroll. So to avoid that, there are methods that you can use that like, like, skip navigation links, so that the person can jump to the relevant portion of the page, whatever it is that they're looking for. Not only that, if you get like a specific keyword that you're targeting with that long-form content that gets stuck, then that becomes a target for a blog post and says you're using skip navigation, you can skip from the blog post to the relevant part of that long-form. Yeah. But by doing that, you not only pushing at that keyword but at the entire content, because that blog post will support that section and the rest of that long-form page.
Bradley: Exactly. And you can use Table of Contents plugins to help you develop out that longer-form content and create those jump links or skip navigation links, that kind of stuff. So Marco is absolutely right.
How Can You Optimize A GMB Listing After You Have Claimed And Verify It?
Someone's next question says, By the way, this may be a dumb question, but I'll go ahead and ask it anyway. He says what if any things can you do to optimize a GMB listing after you have claimed a verified it that you can't do before you claim and verify it? That's a good question.
Is there anything? Yeah, you can't upload? Well, I don't know. It's been a while since I've been in one since that wasn't already verified. Are there certain things Marco, that you know, of off the top of your head that are you're unable to do until it's been verified?
Marco: I think you can get it to 80%. Before verifying we used to go and do the rest of it, after it was verified, but you're okay at if what's happening now is is that the if the penalty or the suspension is algorithmic, if you go and you make too many changes after it's been verified, it's going to get suspended. Because Google actually wants to get you on the phone now or on video. They want you to show your business, they want you to prove that you have a business and that the easiest way for them is to algorithmically suspend it and force you to call. You call them instead of them calling you. And I like it. I like the way that they figured it out. So so what we're recommending is to live as much as you can, before you send for that pin. So don't ever go back. I mean, you shouldn't have to go back in and mess with it. You can upload your images, you can upload your logo, you can upload your background image, you can do the description, you do a whole lot of things. I know that they won't allow you to get that short URL until after it's been verified. I'm almost 100% sure that that's one of the things that you cannot do. Do you mean like the page name they call it now? Yeah, the short the shortening, the shortening, but you know, I don't see that as being just one hundred percent and necessity I don't see why you need to have that.
Do You Recommend Using All URL Versions Of A YouTube Video For Syndication And Link Building?
Okay, so next question is hoping this is the right place to place to ask it is it's Hump Day Hangouts. That's what this is for. So keep them coming. Just getting started and have a question about YouTube video URLs for syndication, backlinking and use and drive stacks for each YouTube video, do you recommend using all versions, long and short URLs plus the long and short playlist URL version of each video and playlist? Also, if you're constantly adding new videos to playlists and rearranging the order, does that break those previously used long and short video URLs? If changes screw them up, what Then where should they be used and not be used so as not to create a playlist video URL problem down the road? Thanks. Alright, so the first part of that is long and short URLs plus long and short playlist URLs, versions of each video, the playlist, all right, to keep things simple. The long version of YouTube. So like the watch question mark equals URL on YouTube. So the full domain www.youtube.com/watch?=videoID, you know, that kind of stuff, those are the better URLs to use for SEO purposes. Anyways, there are multiple versions of a YouTube URL. And there was at some time where we would do all kinds of crazy stuff we get, in fact, one of the members of our mastermind, he had a Google Sheet that you could just drop the YouTube URL and and it would spit out, like, you know, and all those different rows, all the different versions of the YouTube URL. And it does make sense to if you're doing like a lot of mass link building to use different versions of the URL. But if you're just doing some traditional SEO stuff, really the best URL, use just the regular long URL of the video, the video watch URL, not the short share URL, because that's a 302 redirect. You can put that into a redirect checker and you'll see that all that does is redirect to the long version, the watch URL, essentially the watch page URL. So just use those now as far as the playlist. I'm not sure if when you change the position of a video within a playlist, if the playlist URL for that particular video changes, I believe it does, but I'm not 100% sure. But it doesn't really matter. Because think of a playlist is just a container, right? So all you really need to do is use the playlist URL. And then all of the other SEO work that you do will be to the individual URLs for each video within the playlist so that even if you rearrange the positions of the videos within the playlist, it won't matter because you're not using the playlist URL for that video. You're just if you're going to be link building, for example to the playlist, you just use the playlist URL, which is just a container anyways, no matter where those other videos are within that container. It's not going to affect the playlist URL, the individual videos within playlist if you're trying to use the playlist share URL for that video that may change. And you could easily determine that by just going into a demo playlist or whatever playlist you have right? copy in three or four, the links the playlist URL links for each video, right? So just copy three or four of them and go rearrange them and then copy the new URLs or the once it's been rearranged, copy the URL for that same video and put it in a notepad file. And look, has it changed any? If it has, then yes, it could change it. I don't know that it would break the previous URLs or if it would just auto-redirect or what I don't know. But honestly, typically, it sounds like that's way over-complicating things in my opinion. Typically, all I do for video SEO stuff, is I use the watch page URL, the longer URL for each video. Then I'll create a playlist then it's about the interlinking within the videos within the playlist and then does additional SEO to the playlist URL itself, or playlist embeds which is all so very, very powerful. But in either case, that's still just a single container, essentially, that you're optimizing. So does anybody else want to comment on that with anything different?
Marco: No, that's fine. I posted the URL not to use that. Somewhere down the bottom. It's the .be version of the URL. You don't want to use that as the share URL. Yeah. Yep. And those are the 302 redirects. Right. So Dan says, so yeah, just just to clarify, I would not overcomplicate this. There's a lot of SEO tricks that work, you know, temporarily that you can get some beneficial results from but really, to keep things simple and long, long-lasting. I mean, it's been like from the onset of YouTube, that the strategy or the method that I just mentioned, works, it still works today. So by the way, I still have that spreadsheet from Ovey. Yep. That's awesome.
Bradley: There was another tool that Damon Nelson had called vid Penguin, vid penguin. And it was a tool that essentially that's all it did was it would create a bunch of it would to create all the variations of a YouTube URL. And then it would create, put them into an RSS feed, and then beat them burn a feed burner feed from the RSS feed that was just an RSS feed of all the YouTube URLs for that particular video. And that was called vid penguin. I don't know if he still supports that or anything else. You could always just go search online for it and see and if so, that's a tool that does something similar to what we were just talking about. But again, I mean, I, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff isn't really necessary that you can get results doing what we talked about just doing traditional SEO stuff on the videos, and then sending engagement signals, guys, it's so powerful. And we talked about that many, many times. But just you can buy actual views from Google directly like and it's completely within Terms of Service. In fact, they encourage it and if you buy relevant views, you're going to see incredible results. If you're applying both SEO and engagement signals, you'll see really good results.
Is It Okay To Change Information In The GMB Dashboard As Of This Moment?
Okay, Dan says, is Google still on a rampage? Or is it okay to change the information in the GMB dashboard? I still am staying the hell out of them as much as possible. Does anybody else have anything different to say?
Marco: No, I'm staying out of them, except that we had our mastermind, our mini mastermind meeting, yesterday afternoon or yesterday evening. And then one of our members of the mini mastermind, he's having a VA go in there as a manager and make changes and they're getting away with it. So there's no rhyme or reason to what Google is doing, is it if you do too much, all at once, or within a certain time period, you're likely to get hit, but it's not definitive. My question to you is, how much is that change worth to you? Is it worth taking the risk of getting suspended? If it isn't, don't bother, but if it's worth the risk, and go in there and change it.
Bradley: Yeah, and I had a, I've talked about this over the past several weeks, I had a pest control client that has been a client of mine since 2014, maybe 13. I think 2013 actually, so like six years. And I went in hehe sent me an email one day saying that there was a stink bug showing on the profile, like in the knowledge panel images. So that was coming up as one of the primary images and he didn't like that. And he said, Can you change this? And I said, Well since you guys don't really do anything specific with stink bugs, I'll just delete that photo from your Google Photos, your GMB photos. And so I did that and then I deleted that photo and then I went in and for whatever reason, I had never published his GMB website it had been created. It had all the content on it, but for whatever reason, I just add overlooked it or whatever. And I never publish the GMB website, so I click the Publish button. It's not that I even created that day as I said, it had been created for well over a year, it just had never been published. And I click the Publish button. And right after I click the Publish button, it suspended his listing said, and so, you know, I appealed it, and I, you know, sent submitted a statement request. And there they kept sending the same message saying that there was a backlog, because of the high number of Google, Google My Business suspensions, there was a backlog and that it was going to be two to three weeks before they would get to it. Well, it took almost four weeks, and they sent me a denial request or denial stating that they were not going to reinstate it because it didn't meet their terms of service, the terms of their quality guidelines or something, which is total bullshit because it was a legit business that had been in operations got a lot of good reviews. I mean, it's been six years never did anything spammy. So again, as Marcus said, there was really no rhyme or reason to it. All we did was delete one Google photo, Google My Business photo, GMB photo, and then click the Publish button on the GMB website and it automatically suspended and I did that as a manager of the GMB, not the owner. So then, uh, you know, I told the client, my client, we were on a conference call about another issue or, you know, something else that he wanted to talk about. And I told him that I was like, Look, you know, you as the business owner, maybe you can get them to read and state your GMB if you submit the request, as opposed to me doing it as a manager. And so sure enough, I walked him through the process, and he submitted the reinstatement request and it within about two weeks, it actually got reinstated. It was just reinstated less about 10 days ago now. And so now it's live and it's back and all the reviews are back and everything else but like Marco said, what's it worth to you? Honestly, I try to stay the hell out of them if possible. And it was funny because right after I got reinstated, I got an email because I'm a manager from Google stating that it was you know, had was back live on Google.
And, you know, about 24 hours later or so I got an email from the owner and he was like, Hey, did you see this? And it was something about the GMB like, details that he wanted to change. And I reply back to him, I was like, Ah, I'm not doing it. Like, you know, I'm not going to go back in and make any changes for now. I'm staying the hell out of it for now. We'll just have to live with that. And he was like, agreed. So just keep that in mind. You know, I would stay out of it if at all possible. You know, I don't think there's any way to determine exactly what it is it's going to cause the suspension right now. Any other comments on that guys?
Adam: No, no, sir.
Bradley: Okay, so 42 minutes ago. Let's see. I'm trying to think to see where we should start now. Probably below my last post. Yeah, keep going a little bit.
Adam: Here we go. Austin. I think Austin
Bradley: I order is stack specials. Can I wait to start the orders until the syndication networks are done? Yeah, as long as it's within 30 days, correct me if I'm wrong Marco.
Marco: Yeah, you have to submit within 30 days, which gives us enough time to produce the syndication network. Don't wait longer than that, because you'll get refunded. You have to start the process over again. And not only that, if we refund the money, we're not going to honor the coupon. By the way. That's just how we're doing you have to buy at what the current price is at that time.
Bradley: So there you go. So what are the syndication network and as soon as it's delivered, place your order for the or, you know, submit the details for the drive stack order, and you should be good to go? It's not going to take 30 days to get your syndication network. So, okay.
How Much Time Should You Spend On A Client?
MohammadMakki, what's up Mohammed? Hey, buddy, he says, Hey guys, I have actually ranked websites doing nothing but done for you services from MGYB in the battle plan get results, it means that I don't spend much time for a client. That's awesome. But what would I answer when someone asks how much time I actually spend on a client? A lot of clients have an hourly mindset. Or if I don't spend 100 hours per month on them, then don't deserve the pay of 100 hours, but I'm still creating value. Why does it have to be tied to time? It shouldn't be Muhammad. Here's the thing. And I saw this from one of my, my first CrossFit coach, actually, his name's Parker, he quit coaching CrossFit. Now he's an arborist, he cuts trees like he, he works for, you know, a company that cuts trees for power lines and stuff like that. And anyway, he's really good at it. He loves it.
The point is that he posted a meme on Facebook that speaks exactly to what you're asking about here. He said something like if I've spent 10 years developing a skill, and I can come in and do something in one hour. It doesn't. You're not paying me for that one hour. You're paying me for the 10 years of skill development. In other words, and that's exactly how you have to treat it Mahamat. It shouldn't be based upon time. Like, for example, I just pitched a client, a prospect, excuse me, who is now a client, he agreed, which I'm trying not to take on any additional marketing clients right now, I'd rather build my real estate business to be honest with you, but I had a remodeling contractor contact me and I pitched him for AdWords Google ads campaign, because I don't really want to do SEO for him. So I just I sold him on Google ads, and I'm going to, I offered to manage a campaign for him. And my management fee is is a bit hefty for and but I told him flat out in my proposal, that I spend about an hour a week managing the campaign. So it's about four hours a month. But you know, I mean, and so what I'm charging, you know, if I were to get any shit from it, which I did, but if I was to get any questions about I'd be like, Look, I because I know what the hell I'm doing. You know, there's no, I'm not asking for an hourly wage. If you want to pay somebody an hourly wage.
Hire an employee to do your marketing for you. Right? you're hiring me as a specialist that knows how to manage AdWords campaigns for Local Lead Generation very, very well very efficiently. So you're going to pay me this much because I'm going to get you results, period. That's the story. There is no discussion. I don't have to explain any further and neither should you, mom. And I know you're getting better at that because you've asked these types of questions in the past. But you're absolutely right. It should not be tied to time. And, and that's what you have to be able to. I mean, I don't think you should even have to explain that to somebody. But that that analogy that I just use where you said, if you're spending 10 years developing a skill so that you can do something in one hour that might take somebody else 10 hours, you're not getting paid for your hour, you're getting paid for 10 years of skill development and honing that that skill. So it makes sense. I know other people got comments on that.
Marco: Yeah, if I may, what I think is it he's not framing the conversation properly, because this is a recurring theme, with Muhammed where they're questioning his work the amount of time why am I paying you and all of these things we had Jason in the mastermind group tell us you know about but the guy questioning him. And he might have a breakdown of what Jason was doing during the month to justify to the bookkeeper. And it's always the same thing. It's about you, framing your services in a way that the customer understands that it's all it's the value that you provide. It's understanding your value, being able to convey the value that you're providing to the client, and being able to put it in terms that you're being paid to perform. It's a pay per performance, or you're getting paid for what you do, not for the amount of time that you spend doing. So what you have to do is and I've recommended this before, you're going to have to go stand in front of that mirror, work on your script, first of all, and then stand in front of that mirror so that you're able to deliver this pitch in a way that someone can understand, practice with family, practice with friends. Practice, practice, practice, because that's the only way that you're going to hone this to the point where you're going to deliver the message to the client in the right way. You're paying me to get results, right paper result or paper performance, however you want to call it, it's the same thing. You get paid for the value that you provide, not for the could you spend 100 hours and not to produce a single result and still demand your payment because you work 200 hours, you know, maybe this client needs that. Well, if I worked 100 hours, and I didn't get results, would you still pay me? Because I worked 100 hours, he's going to tell you fuck no, I'm not going to pay you for not getting result London pay me because I get results no matter what, how much time I spend on it.
Bradley: Very good.
Do You Need Two Syndication Networks For The Website And YouTube Channel?
Okay, so let's see. The next question is Hey guys, I create real estate video tours and I have a YouTube channel that I posted all the videos to my website is in development Do I need to syndication networks, one for the website and one for the YouTube channel, like one of my website blog, like one for my website, blog content and one for the videos. I want to have the videos on my website as well Do I need to manually add videos to my website and embed them in blog posts? And how do I unify these two things? No, you only need one branded network. In fact, I recommend that here's the here's where I would recommend a second network or the at which point I would recommend having a separate network for the YouTube channel. If right now you're doing just the video stuff and your websites and development, that's fine. So a branded network is fine because you can you know you have a branded channel. That's great. When you create your blog or when it's ready and you start to post blog, Blog Post published blog post it's going if you connect that to the same network, which you don't want to do is just take your YouTube videos and create blog posts that are just the YouTube videos like another words the same title as the YouTube video as the blog post title, right? And then just the embed code, essentially. And then maybe the video description or whatever else, because then it's on the syndication network, it's going to look like the exact same post, it's going to look like duplicate posts on the network properties. So does that make sense? And really, it's just the blog properties mainly, did you have to worry about Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and any additional, you know, blog properties that you may add, most of which are you can't really syndicate to anyways. But my point is that it can create duplicate posts, what looks like duplicate posts, even though they're coming from different sources, and it can end up terminating for spam. You get the account shut down, essentially. And I know because it's happened to me in the past. So what I recommend is that you if you can still publish the same videos from your YouTube channel to your network, as well as to your blog, but for your blog posts that you're going to do include the videos in flush those out on the bit more contained more text-based content or various forms of content. We talked about curating content.
I saw a question somewhere about curated content that I feel like Scott missed somewhere. Anyways, you can curate blog content, for example, that's what we recommend. My point is on the blog, if you're going to use that video in a post, just flush the post out a bit more, have the title slightly different, more like a blog post titles, you know, most of the time YouTube titles are just focused around a particular keyword, right. But for blog post titles, I recommend more of a, you know, a more of a content-rich or more about, you know, more like a blog post title, right? I mean, it just makes sense. So so that way when they republish to your syndication network properties, especially the blog properties, they're going to look, they're going to be unique, right? It's okay to have the same video posted twice, but just in different contexts, in other words, so that's what I recommend. The only time that I would if you were going to just try to take shortcuts or make it easy and just post republish the videos to your blog, where it's pretty much the same title. It's just the video is the blog post itself that content body of the post and it may be like the description important or something like that then I would recommend tying your syndication network your branded syndication network to your blog. And in creating persona-based networks that would tie as tier one networks for your syndicate, your YouTube channel. And the reason I say that is because you want to start building the authority of your domain. YouTube already has inherited authority, so you can get away with it. There's no footprint issues and there hasn't been ever with using syndication networks persona-based syndication networks to republish video content, in other words, syndicate video youtube videos, but for your money site, you want to use that branded syndication network to complete the entity solidify the entity and also start to build that relevancy and authority. So that's why I recommend if you're going to use two separate networks, that the random network is attached to your blog and persona-based networks get attached to a YouTube channel. But again, I still recommend using one branded network for both just changing the content up to make the flesh the blog posts out a little bit more than they're going to look like you unique posts on the on the network. Anyways, that makes sense, right. That's a good question, though.
Adam: Hey, Bradley, real quick. There was a quick question from Don about curating. And he was just asking, does blog curating still work on website blogs?
Bradley: So I did miss a question somewhere.
Adam: Um, yeah, it was just right above where you started. I didn't even catch it.
Bradley: Okay, I remember reading that earlier. So I'm,
Does Blog Curating Still Work On Website Blogs?
so the question was, I'm sorry. Does blog curating blog content still work? Yep. Yes, absolutely. It still works. It's still our recommended method. And the reason why and I've said this, you know, many times we've got a training program called Content Kingpin, which talks tells you exactly how to do it, teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you not to do it and instead hire a virtual assistant to do it. You can even, it's even got the training in there for virtual assistants. So if you, if you, you know, take our advice and you hire a virtual assistant to do it for you, you can put them through the training and they'll be able to learn how to do it. But here's the thing unless you're a subject matter expert, excuse me a subject matter expert about whatever you're blogging about, then it's hard to write anything original. That's any good, right? And the same thing goes for writers, guys, if you're hiring writers like going to a content farm and buying content about any particular topic, do you think those writers there are really subject matter experts about whatever topic it is you're buying an article for it? No, it's likely that all they're doing is they're scraping an article from the web. They're putting it through a spinner and they might go manually read through the spun version of it and do some grammatical corrections and things like that. But they're not writing original articles, because they're not subject matter experts. And you can tell because when you get the content back, you can tell it's not written by Subject Matter Expert, if anything, it's been scraped from somewhere on the web and rewritten slightly. And that's what you're paying for. So you're much better off curating content from subject matter experts go find content that's really good, relevant content that's written by subject matter experts and borrow pieces of their content, give proper attribution, cite the source link-link out to them. With nofollow links, that's how I always do it. And that way, now all you have to do is you don't have to be a subject matter expert. All you got to do is inject some commentary in between the curated pieces of content that you include in the post, which curated content can be text-based, it can be visual, so it can be images or photos. It can be audio-based like mp3 is you can embed like mp3 players can be video, infographics, you know all of these different things you can curate guys to reinforce the overall theme of whatever the post is about, and you can use subject matter content for reinforcing that topic.
You're in it, all you got to do is inject commentary and you can train a VA to do that. Because really all you need to do is learn how to locate good content, organize it and then curate it. And once you can do that you can start banging out content so much faster. Again, I don't even I haven't been I haven't blogged in years because I haven't had to, because I've trained VH to do that a lot of ways to do that. And  you know, content marketing is a very big part of SEO for and for all of my clients. You know, they pay me on a monthly basis for content marketing, and I pay my VA to do it all all I've ever had to do is manage it really. So again, it's called content kingpin. By the way if you join mastermind you get that included in your mastermind membership. Anybody have a comment on that before I move on? Okay,
Marco: that's perfect.
Do You Use Physical Or Virtual Silo When Setting Up A Syndication Network For A Money Site Blog?
Okay, the next one says when you set up syndication network for your money, site blog, do you use physical silo virtual solid for posts and blog on money site. It doesn't matter. You know, I recommend using virtual silos now which just means that get rid of the category slash permanent structure, excuse me category slash post name, perma link structure and you just go with post name. That's it. There's no difference guys, it's just the difference between virtual and physical silo is the physical silo, you actually see it in the URL, the virtual silo, you don't, but it's all the exact same as far as how you stack your content within the category hierarchy, the category structure, and also your internal linking. So, you know, virtual side is what I recommend, because it keeps the URL shorter. Right. And, you know, shorter URLs are better in my opinion. Now, I didn't used to think so I used to always stick with physical silos. And for a while there was a there was a reason I did that but now and through much testing, it makes no difference whatsoever and I prefer the shorter URLs now. All right.
What's The Ideal Percentage Of Exact Match Internal Linking In Posts?
And what about percent of exact match internal linking in posts? I mean, asking because post going to blog to Dotto and point back to your to back using exact match keywords. Yeah, and we've talked about that and that's covered in Syndication Academy and you could probably find multiple examples on our YouTube channel where we talked about that also. Also, if you go to what is it support.semanticmastery.com and go into our knowledge base you'll find posts in there specifically about that if you're going to be doing a lot of blog syndication or blogging, this going to be syndicated out to a network, just vary your anchor text within you know internal linking you don't have to always have remember, remember, if all you've got is a branded syndication network with it, remember, think about it, it's just three blogs within the network that are branded. So it's not the same as if you were out there hammering link building from link building gigs with the same anchor text, right? So just keep that in mind. It's not something you really have to worry about that much. Just vary it up if you're going to be doing a lot of blogging varied up. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Rank A Website For A Negative Keyword On First Page?
Alright, guys, we got about five minutes left. So we're going to roll through these last one. This last couple says, Would you guys dances? Would you guys rank? I saw this one earlier. So Dan, I'm sorry, if we skipped over it. I thought that was part of the academy webinar. He says, Would you guys rank any keyword for a customer? I have an international, I have an international bank that a customer wants me to rank on page, one for name of the bank to get public notice how they are not to be trusted? I would I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. I'm going to let the other guys comment on this too. But curious what your thoughts are on this. To me, that's like negative SEO. I wouldn't do it. I just I wouldn't do it. What do you guys think?
Adam: Yeah, it's the legality to so buyer beware. It's negative on unless the customer has a legitimate gripe about the bank.
Marco: I mean, you'd have to find out more information. I would, and then it yeah, it would be really simple to get them in one of the websites that know where you have scam alerts and all that. Go. Those are powerful. They're really hard to get rid of. And then you push power to that. So you keep that. Maybe you could actually do a whole campaign for with one of those websites, and that'll pull up all of the other results with it that you're trying to push up. But be careful. Yeah. Because what goes around comes around.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that the thing. If it were, if it were me and somebody pissed me off, and I had a valid reason to do that. Yes. If somebody else came to me with a gripe and said, Would you do this for me, I would pass Just so you know, because unless I was personally involved in whatever the shit storm was, that caused them to be angry. I wouldn't neck do any sort of SEO campaign against somebody else, unless I was personally involved in that. And I just say that because honestly, I would pass on that in a heartbeat. I would, I would tell them I'm sorry. I'm not your guy. You know, if you want. I'll help you with you.
Seo but I'm not going to put you know, push things up that are disparaging somebody else or some other business unless I had a personal vendetta against them like in other words, unless I was personally involved in whatever it was just and that's just my opinion, I just I've got to me that's too much like negative SEO and it's not something I want to be associated with just so you guys know, that's my opinion. You know, if you if you're okay with it, by all means, do it. I'm not telling you, you're bad person for doing it, by the way, just saying I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. That's just my opinion. So, okay, if anybody no other comments, I'm going to keep moving.
He says, curious and see I already have live events on page one and I am working to rank website also, which is just a one page I was thinking the RYS Google Drive setup smallest package may make this very easy. Yeah, well, because you can rank for a brand name. Really easy with a drive stack or a G site for that especially. There's no doubt that works incredibly well, in fact, my newest business, my realty business, my Google Site outranks my landing page right now.
Right now and And so again, it's it's for the brand name search and that so it's very easy to get really good results with a drive stack for a brand name search. Okay. It is a one page WordPress website. Also Google's not showing the description supposedly because of the robots. txt file, although all that is on that is your basic Oh, so your basic robots. txt? So I don't know. Marco, can you comment on that? I'm not sure what he's I don't know him enough about that.
Marco: Yeah, I'm not sure about the way he has it set up how it would stop the box from Chrome. Just take out the allow. Because if you're only disallowing the WordPress admin, why would you need it? Why would you need to allow it into the admin hrs. It's going through the WordPress admin. Yeah, I don't see how that would stop Google from displaying the description. You know, try to try taking everything out. Try taking out the disallow WordPress admin go back into a Search Console and go through whatever steps they tell you to clear once it's gone through, put it back. Sometimes we just saw the issue on one of the websites that we today.
Bradley: Yeah.
h2>Are People Getting Hit For Posting GMB Posts?
I did miss another question. So guys, is it because we got two minutes left and I've got to go he says as far as GMB penalties and then punishing changes are people getting hit for posting posts in the GMBs i.e. your GMB Pro method? No, I haven't seen that happen at all. And I've got beat some VA is that actually do the PGMB posting publishing of posts from within the GMB dashboard as managers, work site managers.
And then there's most of them all run through the API because they're connected through our citation builder pro app. So they do it within an application that then publishes via API. And in either case, I haven't had a single GMB hit from posting. Marco, have you?
Marco: I, we had to happen for a video for one video one time, one video one time. Yeah. Other than that, no, all of our posts, whether it's through a citation builder pro through the briefcase, or as managers, they'll go through just fine. Yeah.
Alright guys, well, thanks, everybody for being here. Once again, let me just pull this up on site. Real quick, guys. We talked about this earlier, if you did miss the beginning of this where we spent the first hour talking about our YS Academy because it's our anniversary month this month, four years ago today, we launched the original version. It's still going strong today. It's been updated multiple times.
Is the Facebook group has a lot of additional content and training there. Plus, it's an active community. If you want to join our YS Academy for 1500 dollars off, which is a rare time that we ever discount this because it is so powerful. There you go. That's the link to purchase it, use this coupon code special RYX reloaded, or if you want to opt for the to pay method use special RYS reloaded to is the coupon code for that, if you want to join it, otherwise, do what we continually tell you to do, which is by done for you drive stacks, save yourself the time of having to learn and do it yourself. And that's at MGYB dot CEO, go to our store, select RYS and then you can get 35% off any RYS Drive stacks for the next 48 hours with the coupon code stacks 35 off to place those orders, guys. Any last words before we wrap it up? Yeah, you won't see 1500 off again for about another year. So if you want the training, just jump on it because I'm not
Taking that much off the training again. Another anniversary another I don't know the five year anniversary right? And 35% off drive stack you don't see that very often either. So, take advantage while it's hot, man. If not, then wait and pay full price. It's up to you.
Alright everybody, thanks for being here. We'll see you guys next week. Bye, everyone. Yeah
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