#they’re like relics now wow
lumosinlove · 7 months
Hi hi!!
As Vaincre begins to wind down (couple chapters left!!), I am getting so so excited to start posting Breakaway.
And…I am hoping to post it on Patreon!
This would be a big decision to make—I know many are looking forward to Breakaway especially, and I know that not everyone has the ability to partake in Patreon.
I ADORE this community!!! It is one of the most fun, cherished parts of my life. I’ll never be able to thank you all enough for your support. You’ve allowed me to grow as a writer! I’m now looking to take the next step as an author. I not only want to keep dedicating time to these characters and this universe, I’d like to be able to dedicate more time. A Patreon would go so far in helping me achieve that!
For anyone who doesn’t know, Breakaway is the Sweater Weather prequel! It follows Finn and Logan as they fall in love over the years they were in college together. The story will start at the first time they meet, the first time they’re on the ice together, the first inkling of there being something more between them…We’ll see them through adventures, injury, and heartache. We’ll end…Well I won’t tell you that yet :)
Don’t worry—Tumblr/Ao3 would still be going strong.
Here’s everything that is coming up on Tumblr & Ao3:
Thread of Gold
Zombie!au (Working title: KEEPSAKE)
Relic Keel (probably a bit of a re-write)
12 Days of Winterfics
& other stories to come!
I’d love to know who might be interested in subscribing to Patreon.
Here are what the tiers would most likely look like:
TIER ONE: $2/month:
General support
Posts about the real hockey world
Daily headcanons
Writing snippets
TIER TWO: $5/month: Everything in tier one plus:
Two chapters of Breakaway every month
Exclusive short stories
Exclusive artwork
TIER THREE: $10/month: Everything in the first two tiers plus:
Posts about my writing craft and process
Monthly Q&As
More surprises that I’ll come up with! I’ve always enjoyed evolving new things to create, and seeing what you all enjoy is a big part of that.
If you could please send me an ask if you’d be interested in subscribing! <3 <3 <3
As always, I’m so so grateful for all of your support over this last decade—wow I can’t believe it’s been that long!! I wouldn’t be where I am as a writer or person without ANY of you—thank you thank you.
Love, Haz
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clumsiestgiantess · 10 months
Chapter 16 of the Other-world Universe. Girls kissing? More likely than you think. Girls having a hard time moving on in life after traumatic events? Even more likely then that.
All chapters linked here
(A little bit of spicy stuff in this one; just some more passionate kissing now that they’re together and all)
[The smallest sensations]
Unfortunately, I didn't get much sleep even with Erica off my shoulder.  I just couldn't.  Every time I got close to dozing off, I'd get a pang of fear that somehow she had been taken again.  Then I'd get up and double check the cliffside.  Erica was always there, but I still checked every time.  Sleep did get the better of me eventually, and I was out like a light.  However, the moment the sun shone over the horizon, I was woken by the rapidly brightening sky.  All in all, I probably got two or three hours of sleep if I combined all the little naps I managed to snatch between anxious surveillance.
As the new day dawned, I continued my watch over the ruins.  There wasn't a soul in sight.  I wasn’t sure wether to be sad or relieved about that.  Once my morning scouting duties were complete, I made myself breakfast with the new box.  A plate of freshly made waffles and still sizzling bacon appeared at my very thought of them.  Wow, I really could’ve had this the whole time.  A few minutes later, Erica awoke, no doubt aroused by the wafting smell of my conjured breakfast.
Sleepily, she wandered over to the cliffside next to me.  "Can I have some of that?  It smells delicious."  I nodded, using one box to create the food and another to shrink it.  Balancing the tiny plate on my fingertips, I handed it off to Erica.  "Mmm.  No offense, Alexis, but I think the box makes better food than you do."  I chuckled and finished off my first decent meal in the other-world.  "I would take that into offence, but I have to agree with you."  As she smiled up at me, I couldn't help but wonder what was running through her head.  Surely anyone from her world would call her insane for even so much as befriending me, and yet, she'd had the courage to try the first kiss.  I was still baffled by the fact that she would rather live out in the ruins with me than in the secret little town I'd discovered.
After breakfast, we dug through the remains of the mansion.  Erica insisted there wasn't anything left worth keeping, but I proved her wrong after digging up her old dresser.  Most of her clothes had been mangled in the collapsed walk-in closet.  However, there were a few older pieces still laying clean in the drawers.  "Finally!  I can wear my own clothes!" Erica cried as she yanked open the first drawer.  "Ok, I take back what I said.  Maybe there are some useful things in there."  She ducked behind one of the larger portions of the house that was still standing, and returned wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a graphic tee with a logo I didn't recognize.  It was probably some random brand from the other-world.  "Damn, I haven't worn this in forever," Erica noted, looking herself over.  "Probably because I stashed it in there," she gestured to the dresser.  
We spent hours sorting through the leftover junk in the mansion.  Now, Erica was convinced we'd find more useful items somewhere in the wreckage.  Of course, I helped her search through everything.  Most of the ruins were too big for Erica to lift herself, but with my help, she managed to get to every last inch of space.  
"Hey!  I found something else that isn't completely destroyed!" she called, "Come get this piece of wall off it, will you?"  I happily obliged, easily pushing the three inch long piece of debris out of the way.  "Oh, it's.. that."  Erica's voice fell as she recognized what she'd found.  The infinite money box sat in the midst of the ruins almost mockingly — a relic of the time before I recognized the awful backlash behind what I was doing.  We both glanced at each other simultaneously, briefly making eye contact before quickly turning away.  "I.. should get rid of it," I stated nervously, reaching for the small object.  Erica watched in silence as I picked it up and pocketed it.  
"You seemed so horrible back then," Erica said quietly, unmoving from the spot where she stood.  "I used to think you were some invisible being from another dimension, playing god with creatures beneath yourself, using me like a character in a game to interact with my world.  Seems silly, huh?" a bitter laugh escaped her lips.  "I really believed I'd never have control over my own body again."  
Erica shuddered, then turned to me.  Her stony expression softened when she saw how distraught I looked.  Silently, she motioned for me to come closer.  I timidly knelt in front of her, resting my chin on the lawn where Erica stood.  "You were not the first person to make me feel so helpless like that.  However," she added, stepping closer to me, "you were the first to apologize for it."
I stilled as Erica walked the final few inches between us.  She closed her eyes and leaned into me slightly; her forehead came to rest on my brow.  "Thank you," she whispered, "for letting me rely on you.  Stay with me, please. Y- You probably want to go home by now, but I’m not ready for you to leave yet."  My throat began to burn with oncoming tears, but I swallowed the feeling back.  Pulling away from her embrace the slightest bit, I delicately kissed her cheek.  Being so big, my lips covered half her face.  It was so enthralling yet so nerve-wracking at the same time.
"I wouldn't trade your company for the world, Erica,” I promised her, “I’m not going anywhere."  Her eyes fluttered open as she stepped back in shock, hand raising to touch the place where my lips brushed her skin.  She gave me a thankful smile and pulled a few of my fingers into a small hug.  I folded the rest around her, trying to reciprocate it the best I could.
After a brief moment, Erica let go of me and moved away slightly to wipe her misty eyes on the back of her hand.  Once she’d composed herself, she nodded at the pile of various items we’d pulled from the ruined mansion.  “I’ll finish sorting this out, but once I’m done I’d like to practice balancing myself on your shoulder.”  Before I could utter one syllable towards talking her out of it, Erica held a hand up to silence me.  “Don’t ruin the mood,” she said with an air of authority, “Last night you promised me I could try it again.  How am I going to get better if I don’t practice?”  
I sighed; with Erica staying with me, her demeanor became fearless.  A little too fearless for her own good.  Now that I’d vowed to protect her, she’d been a lot less concerned with protecting herself — leaving that job for me.  On the one hand, it was gratifying to see Erica so unbothered for a change.  She needed time to de-stress and do whatever she wanted after so long being unable to.  On the other hand, it was tiring and slightly stressful for me to take care of both of us.  Then again, I was used to taking care of her.
In the mess that was once the mansion, we'd managed to find a few more outfits Erica had stashed away, as well as various other household items, though most were useless without electricity.  Erica's phone had long since been taken from her, but, much to her annoyance, her phone charger was found completely intact.  She was far too distracted by the promise of a ride on my shoulder to bother with many of her newfound items, however.  Soon, she stood close to the cliff's edge, waiting expectantly for me to give her my hand.  I was hesitant, but eventually I let it rest on the lawn so Erica could climb on.  "Hold on tighter this time, alright?" I asked as I lifted her up to my shoulder, "I don't want you to fall over backwards like you did yesterday."  "I know, I will," Erica responded absentmindedly as she settled into a good position.
I started by walking slowly over the empty suburbs, then swapped into a more normal gait after Erica practically begged me to go faster.  It took a day or two of walking aimlessly through the other-world with Erica before she could properly balance herself without a single mistake.  Unfortunately, her record didn’t remain spotless for very long.  
On our last day of training, Erica fell forwards by leaning too far out after I'd pointed to something in the distance.  Thankfully I'd managed to save her from falling very far.  However, I reflexively pinned her to my chest in order to catch her.  I held her there for a heartstopping moment, my brain still processing the fact that she hadn't actually fallen very far, until I felt Erica squirm under my grasp.  Carefully, I released my grip and let her fall into my open palm.  Her face was flushed as she sat stunned for a moment.  "Yeah, that's what happens when you don't pay attention to what you're doing," I commented, thinking her nearly deadly mistake must have been the reason she'd froze.  
Slowly, Erica lifted a hand and placed it back onto my chest, eyes widening with amazement.  Suddenly, I doubted she'd even cared that she'd fallen.  "Your heart's beating really fast.  I can feel it; it..  sounds.. nice," she added awkwardly, drawing back slightly in my hand.  Clearing her throat, she waved a hand nonchalantly and gestured to the cliff where we'd set our camp.  "I'm ready to go back now.  I- I think that's enough practice for today."  I gave her a curious look, but nodded in agreement and headed towards camp.  
The strange tension dissipated shortly after we returned to the ruined mansion.  Erica and I started planning a return trip to the house with the generator so we could use the small bit of power to get laundry done.  I’d have to leave for a while to wash my own clothes, or at least change into something different, but Erica let me go, understanding — at least somewhat — that some things I just couldn’t do in her world.
After dinner, Erica sat near the cliffside, watching me do my nightly check for the scientists or survivors.  The moment I sat back down, she shifted closer to me.  Noticing how she drew herself closer, I turned so my head rested on the cliffside.  Erica glanced at me.  Recognizing my silent invitation, she stood up, walked over, and leaned against my cheek, happily stretching herself out over its soft surface.  We hadn’t bothered making a fire that night.  It was warmer than usual, and we didn’t really need the light, so I was the only heat source available.  I closed my eyes on the darkness, focusing on the small yet wonderfully overwhelming feeling of Erica’s form pressed lightly against mine.  She gasped, and my eyes flew open, heart racing.  My concern was thankfully cut short as I watched Erica point at the lawn behind me.
The grass was dotted with tiny lights that lazily drifted between one place to another.  You could never tell exactly where they went, though; their presence could only be noticed in second-long bursts of yellow light.  For someone as big as myself, they would be impossible to catch.  I instinctively reached out anyway, shifting on the rocky slope.  All the lights disappeared the moment I moved, my hand quickly diminishing the amount of space they had to roam.  It took a minute after I brought my hand back for them to reappear.  I sighed, “They’re always so.. enchanting, aren’t they?  When I was younger, I would sneak outside past my bedtime just to catch them.  I’d always release them the next day, of course, but that night I’d have a little sparkling jar beside my bed.  I would stare at it for hours.”
Erica sat up and scrutinized me curiously for a moment.  A small smile drifted onto her lips as she stepped out into the field.  I watched in lovestruck awe as she paced around in the dark, clasping her hands over the minuscule floating lights in the air.  Stepping back over to me, Erica offered me her cupped hands.
“I got you something.”  “What is it?” I asked, playing dumb.  Her smile grew wider, “Hold out your hand and find out.”  Smirking, I slid my hand beneath her arms, gently brushing them with the very tips of my fingers.  A small gasp echoed in the night, and I could feel Erica flinch at my touch before leaning into it.  She gently opened her hands, releasing two or three little fireflies to float around my palm for a moment before darting off into the sky.  I watched them go without sorrow, my gaze drifting back to the small woman in front of me, who, instead of watching the lights, had been watching me.
With a gentle touch, I eased her open hands into the palm of my own, nudging them between my fingers.  “Thank you,” I whispered gently, guiding her closer.  “I have something for you, too.”  Easing my head down beside Erica, I pressed my lips against her cheek, breathing in the distinct unmistakable scent of her.  She stood frozen for a moment, pulse pounding in her neck — thrumming against my lips like life.  Moments later, it softened, and she turned to me.  
Gently, Erica pressed her lips to the bottom of mine, but after what seemed like the briefest moment in existence, she pulled away.  “I- I don’t want to sound greedy, but can I have a bit more?  It’s so.. big.  But I can tell you’re holding back.”  “I don’t want to hurt you…” I mumbled.  Erica shook her head slightly, reaching for me.  “You won’t.”
I exhaled slightly, my breath ruffling her hair.  “It’ll cost you extra.”  Erica rolled her eyes, but they widened in an instant when I caught her chin on the side of my finger, tilting it up ever so slightly.  We locked eyes briefly, and I was shocked by the hope I saw in them.  She was so small, yet she wanted more of me.  I thought anything stronger would scare her off, but looking at her — she wanted it so badly.  Leaning down, my lips drifted over hers, leaving a slight gap between them that was immediately filled with the smallest sensations.
Erica groaned slightly as my tongue brushed against her lips.  She stepped closer, her body pressed against mine for the second time that night.  I just barely let my tongue slide into her mouth, scared that anything more would be too much for her.  Erica didn’t seem to mind; in fact, she opened it wider and pulled me close.   I could feel her tiny tongue slide over mine as we locked strangely together.  Erica exhaled as I leaned in and filled her mouth easily.
At last, I fell away from the cliff’s edge to take a proper breath, and Erica stumbled back, nearly falling over before quickly righting herself.  Her whole face was wet with saliva.  “That was..” she paused with a breathy laugh, wiping some of it away.  “That was a really good gift.  Mine kinda sucks in comparison.”  I shook my head, gently reaching out to caress her arm.  With a bit of my shirt, I carefully cleaned off her face.  That look of hopeful longing came over her again once I let her go.  Suddenly, her eyes lit up with an idea.  
Quickly dragging over her sleeping bag, Erica caught my receding fingers and held one to her chest, sliding into bed with it tucked close.  I inhaled softly at the feeling.  I could feel her shifting around beneath the covers, twining my finger between her arms and legs as her head came to rest on the top of it.  Snuggling the digit closely, Erica glanced up at me, searching for my reaction.  “I- I know it’s not normal, but I uhh.. don’t think anything between us will be.  Not that that’s a bad thing!” she added quickly.  “You can have your hand back if you want-”  I shook my head quickly, “Keep it.  At least until you fall asleep.”
Carefully keeping my hand steady, I curled up beside the edge of the cliff, sliding her little sleeping bag over until it was nearly pressed against me.  “I don’t care what we have, as long as we have it together,” I told her quietly.  “I’m so glad you confessed, though I know it was probably hard for you.  I don’t think I ever would’ve said anything if it weren’t for that.”  “Why?  Were you scared of me?”  I laughed slightly and she frowned.  “Don’t take that the wrong way, but it was the opposite; I was worried you would be afraid of me.  I didn’t want to end up forcing you into something you weren’t ready for or didn’t want… again.  I do love you, Erica.  I never want you to feel helpless against me.  Not ever.”  My voice steadily grew out of a whisper, rising with meaning.  “If you ever feel like that, tell me, ok?  I’ll stop whatever I’m doing.  I promise.”
Erica jumped out of bed so suddenly she startled me.  I barely had time to react before she ran up to me, grabbing fistfuls of my shirt and pulling herself close — her face buried in its fabric.  “Thank you,” she said so softly I could barely hear her, “God, it’s nice to have someone I can trust again.”  Cautiously and gently, I hoisted her up into my hand, pressing the backs of her legs ever so slightly to get her to sit down.  
Turning over, I settled in with her tucked to my chest.  I felt Erica sigh and stretch, readjusting herself so she was curled up in my cupped fingers.  At once she seemed so much smaller and fragile.  No, not fragile, delicate maybe?  With my fingers pressed warmly around her, I could feel her chest slowly pulsing with miniscule rhythms — the rise and fall of her lungs and breath, the steady rhythmic beat of her heart thrumming so close to mine.  I could even feel the tiny twitches of her moving just slightly, getting comfortable in my soft grasp.
There were so many nights where I dreamed of this.  So many nights I spent wondering what it would be like if she loved me as deeply as I loved her.  With her resting comfortably against me, I finally got to feel what that was like.  And I didn’t doubt for a second that she was playing along just to keep me happy.  She wanted to be as close to me as I wanted to be close to her.  My heart stung, but not from longing.  I wasn’t sure what it was, but it filled me up warmly until I was grinning from ear to ear.
After a moment, Erica stifled a laugh.  “You look so happy for once,” she told me, straightening out until she was laying down.  “I am happy.  Are you?”  Erica nodded enthusiastically, “Never been happier.  You think we can make things work this time?  I’m feeling really good about all this, which.. isn’t actually normal for me.”  A soft throb eased away the stinging of my heart, replacing it with something tender.  I lifted her up to kiss her, but she stopped me, holding my face at an arm’s distance.  “Just.. stay like this,” Erica told me, resting her body on my lips.  She whispered something even softer that I couldn’t hear, eyelids sinking heavily.
I let her sit like that a long time, even after she’d fallen asleep.  Eventually, I guided her unconscious body back into my palm, thumb pressed gently in the space where my lips used to be.  Erica had been trusting me with her little unconscious self more and more lately — that alone was intimacy in itself.  I tucked her back in, making sure I moved her back away from the cliff’s edge before finally getting to bed myself.
Honestly, I don’t think I’d been happier in my life than I was over those few days after we learned we loved one another.  Apparently, Erica felt the same way I did.  The moment I got up, even before I could say or do a single thing but lean over the cliffside, she leapt up and hugged one of my fingers snugly to herself.  “Oh!  Erica!  Good morning.”  “Good morning, Alexis.  I.. missed you last night.”  Oh.  It’s one of those again.  
While we hung around the cliff as she recuperated from her time in the city, Erica had gotten into the habit of saying that phrase to me as her way of telling me she’d had one of those awful nightmare-memories.  It had started with her accidentally saying that phrase to me the first time.  After a bit of confusion, she’d had to explain her whole dream to me to get me to understand.  Not wanting to go through that again, she stuck to simply telling me that, and I’d understand.
“Are you alright now?” I asked, gently sliding a few more fingers around her in a strange-looking hug.  “Yeah…  It’s.. something that won’t happen to me anymore.”  I lowered myself down until my chin rested on the ground beside her.  Erica stepped back just slightly to make room.  “I’m here, Erica.  And they’re long dead.  So will everyone who tries to hurt you like that.  I won’t let them.”  She smiled, eyes quickly glazing over with tears.  Her expression crumbled into an awful grimace as I brought my hand behind her and gently pulled her into it.  I watched with deep concern as she tried to tell me something, but couldn’t make it past the tears choking her throat.
With her head buried in the pad of my pointer finger, she let out a shaking breath.  “I just want it to be over,” Erica whimpered, “It’s been over a month of nothing but you treating me kindly, but I-  The nightmares haven’t stopped!  They- They’re further in between now, but never gone.  Just when I think I’ve gotten rid of them, bam!  One hits me just as I’m starting to feel better for once.”  I sat and listened to her, stretching my thumb up to rub delicately over her back as she spoke.  Honestly, I wasn’t sure her nightmares would ever have a definite end — certainly not anytime soon.  Though I’d been trying my hardest to ensure she felt safe again, the events were still horribly recent.  It had been a month or so since I’d found her.  That was all.
“That must be so frightening,” I mused, coaxing her to take her face out of my skin before I could accidentally hurt her.  “I- It is.”  “I’m sorry those memories keep coming back.  I don’t really know how to stop you from having them, but I do know how to keep you from making more of them.”  Erica took a few deep breaths, then smiled softly up at me.  “For that, I can never thank you enough.”
The rest of that day was spent drawing up plans on what to do next.  I didn’t have to worry about food with the new box, so Erica eagerly began brainstorming ways we could hide away and live together.  Despite wanting to be with her in every single one of her little fantasies, I began to get melancholy over the whole thing.  Was I permanently going to stay in the other-world?  I don’t want to, though.  I just want to stay with Erica.  Her world is becoming too messed up with the weird scientists.  What about the weird scientists?!  What can I do about them?  How do I keep them from destroying everything?
All these questions refused to leave my head even long after the conversation on what to do ended.  By that evening, my thoughts were so jumbled that I found myself longing for my own world.  There were still plenty of things for me to worry about there, too.  However, they were normal, non-apocalyptic and life-altering things.  One crucial part of me would still be missing, though — a tiny part who would grow into an utter mess if I left her behind.  There she was, laying in her sleeping bag with my finger tucked beside her.
Desperately, I wanted to fall asleep like that.  No, desperately I wanted to fall asleep like that.  I wanted to be beside her, not just a single finger.  But it couldn’t happen, so after a moment, I cautiously slid my hand away from her until I was freed from her grasp.  A wave of heartache stung my chest as I watched Erica frown subconsciously — her arms grasping the empty covers beside her.  For a while, everything was blissfully simple and perfect, but I knew it wouldn’t last.  I’d have to return to my own world eventually.  I’ve already been gone for over a month.  
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Does Claude come around on Rhea in VW?
A common claim I’ve seen from Edelgard detractors is that Claude, despite initially distrusting Rhea, thinking Fodlan is better off with her dead, and getting livid at her for trying to keep secrets at the 11th hour before Zieja softened/fucked up his delivery of the line, comes around and decides she was right (or at least all right) after he hears her sad backstory.
But is there any truth in that claim? Let’s take a look!
After rescuing her from the Empire, Claude mentions Rhea sporadically up until the fall of Shambhala, but only in the context of wondering what secrets she still has. He doesn’t speak to or about her with any real tenderness or signs of a reconciliation in progress.
While he does call Nemesis’s slaughter of the Nabateans and the use of their body parts to create the Relics atrocious, he still doesn’t say or do anything to indicate he wants to forgive Rhea or that he believes she was right to withhold secrets. In fact, his reaction to her story can pretty much be summed up as, “wow, that was a crazy story!”
And that’s the last time Rhea gets mentioned outside Claude’s S support scene, so let’s go look at that and see if he’s coming around on her:
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I’ve actually seen Edelgard detractors using this scene is “evidence” that Claude’s opinion on Rhea has improved and he now sees her as a purely (or at least mostly) benevolent force for Fodlan, but there’s no indication of that here.
He says that people used to rely on Rhea as a source of comfort, but Claude isn’t saying he himself views what she did as a positive thing. He merely says the downcast people of Fodlan saw her as a proxy for the goddess that they clung to for support. Which makes sense, given she was the main oracle of the goddess for generations.
So, uhh, yeah, there’s no indication at all that Claude ever comes to forgive Rhea or view her more warmly than he did for the duration of the story. Edelgard detractors like to claim he does because Claude’s their designated good reformist (until Three Hopes burst their bubble anyways). For them, no “good” character can exist in Three Houses that doesn’t think Rhea is a misunderstood, mistreated force for good in the end.
So in other words, they’re not actually Claude fans, they’re just Edelgard antis. Or at least the Claude they’re fans of isn’t the Claude that actually exists: see them turning on him in Three Hopes when he actually showed some of that dark side of himself he was advertised to be but failed to live up to in Three Houses.
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justsome-di · 1 year
Nobody Ends Up Dead in a Bathtub, Everyone Keeps Their Organs: Chapter 27
Summary: Alex is an ordinary, highly-introverted office worker. He clocks in and out and goes home to his little apartment he shares with his younger sister. He hasn’t dated in years by the time his co-workers set him up on a blind date.
The only issue is he and his date are not on the same page. At all.
While Alex thinks it’s a normal date, Damián is under the impression Alex is a client who paid to be there. No-so-quickly, they realize something is up. It’s all a prank. Damián is a sex worker Alex’s co-workers hired as a sick joke.
After reassuring that they’re both okay, Alex decides he wants revenge for both him and Damián. The plan is to use the stigma of sex work and start a 6-week, scandalous fake dating scheme with a big finale at the office Halloween party. Alex’s co-workers will be too horrified to try to prank him again. At least, that’s the plan.
You can also read this on AO3. If you don’t want to wait for new chapters, the complete story is on Patreon for only $4 with bonus stories! If you’re enjoying the story and want to support me in other ways, consider dropping me a message in my inbox or reblogging this post!
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“Here we are! MoSex!”
Damián took Alex’s hand. It was sweaty, and Damián knew it wasn’t because the Uber driver kept his car boiling. He at least knew that that wasn’t totally why. He got their tickets scanned and got their pamphlets on current exhibits.
“What do you want to see first?” Damián asked, flipping through everything quickly. “They have vintage sex toys in the front.”
“Do you want to see the vintage sex toys?”
“I’ve seen them before.”
Alex smiled. “And you want to see them again, don’t you?”
Damián nodded. He loved the vintage sex toys. He loved seeing the proof that humans had always coveted heightened satisfaction. The relics that showed how deeply ingrained sexual pleasure was in all of mankind. Alex took his hand—and wow what progress that was. Damián’s tummy fluttered.
“If we go through the exhibit with the sex toys now, we can also cut through to their new installment. This says it’s on loan from a pretty big gay artist,” Damián said.
Damián waved his pamphlet stating so. Alex let him lead the way.  
It was like any other museum except all of the artifacts and paintings and sculptures were about fucking. Damián took them into a room with walls lined with glass cases. Inside each case was a different toy.
It started with an empty gourd. The label next to it said Cleopatra put bees in a hollow gourd to use as possibly the world’s first vibrator.
“It couldn’t have felt good,” Alex said. “And you’d think she’d worry the entire time about the bees getting out.”
“Maybe she was into it. Maybe it made it more exciting.”
There had to be a fetish for that, Damián insisted. Alex reasoned that a fetish for everything had to exist and bees couldn’t have been the weirdest thing that someone was into.
“It could be more like the fear of bees is what got her off,” Damián said. “Which makes sense. All that adrenaline. There are people into that. Just not so niche.”
He didn’t voice it, but he thought about how thrilling The Wicker Man would be for those people.
They looked at a steam-powered vibrator, a Victorian butt plug, and a recreation of a dildo that was supposed to be from the Ice Age.
Labels and a long timeline told them that the toys might have served other purposes in the beginning. The phallic-shaped stones could have been used for corpses while they were being prepared for funerals or could have been used to sharpen knives. There was no way of knowing for sure.
But Damián entertained the idea that they could have been used for multiple purposes. Humans were lovely curious creatures, and there was always some guy in every era that had to have looked at some everyday object and thought I want to stick that up my butt.
It was beautiful! Humans never changed.
Stepping forward closer to the present, there were more vibrators from the mid-century, clunky things with heavy batteries. Damián’s favorites were the vibrators that were sold as beauty devices in the first half of the century but were clearly being used for alternative purposes.
Alex commented on the marketing. Original packaging was displayed next to the products. There was a picture of a woman holding the device that was for “blood circulation.” It was large and had a wire that could be plugged into a wall. Alex wondered out loud if the people making it knew what it was really being used for. Damián said there had to be someone that had to have had a clue.
They hit the 1980s with the first modern-ish toys. Finally, people weren’t so prude. They accepted that women wanted vibrators and sold vibrators as vibrators. No more beauty bullshit just lovely, bulky, retro vibes.
Alex made a comment about the overlap of waves of feminism with the embracement of female pleasure. Damián thought he was so smart for making those connections.
There were newer models. The famous Rabbit of Sex and the City fame. A smaller clit stimulator that slid on your finger. Ribbed vibes that were designed for anal sex—that Damián was very pleased to know that he also owned for business purposes! After they saw their final strap-on, they hooked right.  
Standing eight feet tall in the middle of the room sat an erect dildo. It was painted with holographic glitter. The lights above it and below it made the gradient of rainbow shine.
“It’s a commentary on gay sex,” Damián said, looking at the plaque next to it. “And gay pleasure. This says, ‘The size of the dildo is intended to make the imagery of gay sex prominent and contradict its cultural taboo. The viewer is forced to notice it, representing how mainstream society cannot turn a blind eye to the growing acceptance of gay sex forever. The choice of the dildo itself is symbolic of the independence and detachment of swinging gay men.’”
Damián whispered, “It’s a bit on-the-nose. He could have added something. Like maybe some lube. Rainbow lube.”
“What’s the metaphor there?”
“The lube? There’s no pleasure in going in dry. I don’t know. I’m not a good art critic.”
Alex’s hands were shoved in his jacket. Damián tilted his head. He looked so tense and upset.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I don’t know. The detachment line. Sex for sex’s sake,” Alex said.
“Well, yeah,” Damián said. “Sex can exist on its own. It doesn’t need justified with stings attached to it. It’s a really beautiful thing that exists on its own. It’s pleasure at its most raw form.”
Alex nodded, but he didn’t look totally convinced.
“Think about the clitoris,” Damián said. “The only purpose it serves is to give sexual pleasure. It offers nothing to reproduction or the urinary tract. It exists only for orgasm. I think that’s great. I think it’s one of the greatest marvels of human anatomy.”
Damián loved the fleeting moments of orgasm, when climax was being approached, and then all of a sudden it hit. And then everything settled, and he collapsed on a pillow to gather his senses. The lingering sweat, sensitivity, the fading euphoria. It was all part of the brief greatness that was casual sex. Sex for sex’s sake. Pleasure for pleasure’s sake.
“But doesn’t sex also provide—I don’t know companionship?” Alex asked.
“But isn’t your whole thing about companionship? You always say you provide companionship to people.”
“I do. But sometimes it’s not that. I also have clients who hire me just to hook up for a night. I mean. My job is very no-strings attached. I can’t go around catching feelings for everyone I sleep with. That wouldn’t be good.”
Alex’s face was twisted. He turned back to the giant dildo.
“Can we leave?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Damián said. “I promised ice cream.”
“I think I’d rather just go home.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No! If you’re ready to leave, we can leave.”
They left the dildo and wound their way past the first editions of dirty magazines and yellowed photographs of nudes. They pressed their backs against the outside wall while they waited for their Uber, not saying a word to each other.
Damián wanted to ask Alex if he was okay, if he just got overwhelmed, if he felt any differently about sex and sex work now that he had been surrounded by shrines to sex. No matter how desperate Damián was to get Alex’s thoughts, he wouldn’t ask.
They climbed into the Uber together. It was freezing. The driver had his window cracked. The air had a crisp chill to it now. Damián shivered in his seat the entire drive back to his apartment.
Damián offered a goodbye to Alex and a promise to send Eve back home safe, but it was accepted with a quiet, sorrowful, “goodnight.”
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carpetcat2 · 2 years
Aw man I have so many thoughts on Drill and Scrap Knight. Copy n pasted pretty much word for word from a twitter thread bc I don’t want to resummarize them. Put under a readmore for dialogue spoilers up to Drill Knight’s boss fight.
I was fully prepared to be obsessed w any other Hexcavators, but Drill Knight was surprisingly delightful. You don't understand him like I do.
He has the vibe of someone who didn't really think of his life in the long-term but is also terrified of death.
He likes the infamy gained from his heists bc 1. He's an attention whore.
But like. On a deeper level I think he's desperate to not be forgotten. He genuinely is prepared for the possibility of dying young, but he doesn't want to be forgotten just as quickly.
It's said in camp NPC dialogue that, besides Scrap, the other Hexcavators were pretty new. It's not a group that was around for a long time.
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And just based off of the other Hexcavator dialogues, it seems they see it as a temporary thing too, or at the very least don’t plan on staying long-term. (Taken from SK wiki bc I didn’t want to go through screenshots again.)
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They just have to do this one heist and they're all set. So it's really neat to see Drill say this line. He cares about this seemingly temporary group and it is so interesting and sexy of him
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Anyways. That’s the Mostly canon compliant stuff here’s the fanficcy stuff I wrote about Scrap and Drill based off of their apparent unique relationship.
I would’ve put this under another readmore, but apparently you can only have 1 on posts so now you have to deal with my insane rambling.
I think Scrap is like. Pretty old. Like. 58 or something while Drill's somewhere around his 30s. They're equals for the most part but the age is important.  
She’s in no way the epitome of an adult who should be responsible for a kid let alone a teen. She’s like a wine aunt who's kind of a bad influence, but she still has valuable insight on life that Drill very much values.
They met when Drill was like. Some weird scraggly little teen and they've been pestering each other since.
Do you get where I'm going yes yes you do
 DK: There's no thrill in a heist without danger ScK: Well, there's no thrill without skill, you little shit. Lemme show you how it's done before you keel over or something.
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  So that day rolls around and she just wakes him up like ScK: Wakey wakey birthday boy! Or should I say... Birthday man ;D
And Drill is still trying to figure out whether it's a Tuesday or a Friday morning. 
ScK: We gotta do something big for your big day! Like... Or or like... Or maybe!!! Fuck it were doing all of the above. We're gonna have a busy day today so LETSGO And then they rob a couple sorcerers and one of Pridemoor's treasure vaults 
 And by the end of the day they're breathless. It's become dark by then and the only light they have besides the fleeting setting sun is the dim glow of the magical relics they stole refracted in the facets of gems they also stole. 
They're trying to keep their voices down, but the excitement is too much. It wasn't a big deal though. They were the best scavenger and the best thief! 
Their chatter finally slows down and they just sit there for a moment to appreciate the chilled air. "Oh shit wait. Gotta do this before I forget" scrap breaks the peace to go rummage through their loot and drill glances over, curiously.
ScK: Tada!!
She pulls out an expensive looking bottle of wine and a glass that somehow did not break while inside the bag. 
DK: Oh... Wow  DK: Let me guess. You plan on getting blackout drunk again?  ScK: What? No, this is the fancy shit. Obviously it's for you.  DK: Really now? ScK: Yeah, really! I know your standards are high and all so I made sure to get the best of the best for you! Why did you think I dragged you all the way to Pridemoor's vault? DK: The various magical relics? The ridiculous amount of gold? Really, I can't think of any other reason.😒 ScK: Those were also very compelling reasons, but this one's the big one!
And she holds out the bottle and glass for him to take.
DK: ... You do realize that the legal drinking age is 21, right? ScK: What?? Where's the guy who raided Pridemoor's vault with me just an hour ago? Here I was, thinking you didn't care about the law. DK: Obviously I don't. 
And then he takes the items from her. but like. listen. listen.
"I didn't think I'd live past 18" 
And he's now at that middle point and that fact is just sinking in.
Y'know that feeling when you're overwhelmed w emotion or whatever but you're in denial about it / trying to push it down bc it's stupid?
You're in conflict with what's going on bc by all means it shouldn't be happening, and you're trying to keep it together to not dour the mood bc it's supposed to be fun/happy.
He's like. frozen in place for a moment because everything's just setting in. 
"Holy shit. I'm an adult." And he's reluctant at first to actually try it bc he couldn't really fathom the possibility.
ScK: Aww, come on! Don't tell me you're chickening out on me! ScK: Hey.. earth to Drill? Yoohoo! ScK: .......Are you alright?
He then (tries) to chug the whole bottle to deflect the question, which is something you absolutely should not do if you want to be correct about drinking wine.
She knows something is up but just isn't sure how to handle it. She doesn't really bring it up but still tries to lighten the mood. 
And she's not exactly equipped to handle something like that bc she's very much someone who pushes down issues too.
Far from an amazing influence.
Recognizes an issue, but doesn't personally address it. “He's a tough guy.. He's not gonna want to talk about it with me and that's fine. He can handle it himself.”
Note: He doesn't, and now Scrap has to reconcile with the fact that she actually has to act responsibly because she does in fact care about this loser and doesn't want him hurt.
It's not going to be as easy as just repressing it and laughing it off later, because the weight doesn't solely fall on her shoulders this time.
Something something she acts mean and pushes people away because she doesn't want that responsibility over another person in that way again. She's fucked up in that position more times than she wished she did and doesn't really trust herself to be in that position ever again.
The convo is important for the both of them bc Scrap has to confront that shared mindset of not thinking about anything longterm and find reasons that would comfort someone about it + acknowledge that amount of responsibility she has over her friend and take that seriously.
And like. I talked about Drill's deal. Actually looking forward for the future. Starting to delve more into the long-term.
DK: The highest quality wine from Pridemoor's vaults... Honestly, I have no idea how I'll top that when I actually reach drinking age. ScK: Well, that'd be a problem for when you get to 21! We could rob Pridemoor’s Castle itself! DK: ....Yeah. Yeah, that sounds cool.
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I posted 357 times in 2022
That's 357 more posts than 2021!
112 posts created (31%)
245 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 193 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#silmarillion - 49 posts
#silm - 48 posts
#finrod - 31 posts
#finrod felagund - 27 posts
#turgon - 14 posts
#lotr - 11 posts
#maedhros - 10 posts
#aj's finwean ladies ask game - 9 posts
#elrond - 6 posts
#finarfin - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#elrond internally when they arrive in rivendell: this is a terrible idea but i can't just say that out loud to my great-grand father's face
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love that the most prominent trait that Turgon and Finrod have in common is that they physically cannot restrain themselves from assimilating more people into their found families. Leave a child unattended in Turgon’s presence for more than ten minutes? They’re his now, sorry. Made eye contact with Finrod? You’re invited over to his house for dinner on Sundays. They can’t help themselves.
257 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
So I was thinking up domestic fluff for the House of Finarfin (as you do), and I have come to the very important conclusion that Finarfin doesn’t do baby talk. He talks to infants as if they are simply small adults. For example:
Finarfin, walking through the library, running his hands over the spines of books, carrying baby Finrod in a sling: If there’s anything you want to read, just let me know.
Finrod: *happy gurgling*
Finarfin, pulling a book off the shelf: Excellent selection
Finarfin, carrying baby Galadriel on the beach
Galadriel: *points and makes interested noises*
Finarfin: Fascinating observation
Finarfin, holding Orodreth in his lap
Orodreth: *insistent babbling*
Finarfin: Interesting opinion. What lead you to that conclusion?
Angrod, listening in from across the room: Dad???
301 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I’ve always had this little headcanon that all the sons of Fëanor have necklaces with Fëanorian stars as pendants. Their father made them for them when they were born. Reminders that they were princes of a mighty line, and should carry themselves with that knowledge. They wear them every day. When Amras dies, Amrod takes it and wears it alongside his own, in memory of his fallen twin. When the three C’s are killed, Maedhros takes theirs before they’re buried, and wears them, too. He takes both from Amrod after his death, as well. And in the end, when he decides he can’t go on any more, he leaves them on the last ledge before the lip of the crater, lined up side by side, one by one, just like they used to be. And when Maglor finds them, he knows he’s found his big brother. Far, far too late. So he picks them up, and he dusts them off, and he puts them on, carrying his brothers with him as he mourns.
360 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
LotR fans: Wow, Elrond is so ancient and wise and powerful and truly a relic of times lost and--
Silm fans:
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445 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One thing that I find interesting in thinking about the Finwean siblings is that Finrod and Maedhros exhibit pretty clear drives to take care of and protect their siblings (or younger cousins/nephews/other relatives or friends that they’ve adopted). But Fingon. Doesn’t do that. He’s not keeping a close eye on his younger siblings like Maedhros and his siblings aren’t recorded as coming to stay with him or confide in him in times of distress like Finrod. Aredhel doesn’t even visit him when she leaves Gondolin. She goes to see Celegorm and Curufin. Turgon, on the other hand, is pretty much defined by his protective nature (see: the entire concept of Gondolin). He’s the one fighting his way to Fingon’s side and risking everything to help him rather than the other way around. Aredhel goes to him for refuge after leaving Eol. I know that the loss of Argon and Gondolin’s secrecy make things a little more complicated and murky than the Arafinwean and Feanorian sibling relationships, but Fingon was never even noted as noticing that his brother and his followers just started disappearing. Turgon seems to have usurped the role of Eldest Brother in his family and I want to know WHY
451 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mostspecialgirl · 6 months
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6 monsters doodles
as it usually tends to happen, some rambling under the cut
i’ve been revisiting the concept of 'straychildren', initially intended to be introduced in I AM GARY, being the potential product of the class of relics (is this the first time i’m actually talking about relics on here?) which are able to harbour wills of their own, (heirlooms) that hold the unique potential to subsume canvas energy by weaning off their user, all for the purpose of 'becoming complete' (seeing as relics themself are all but incomplete lumps of latent canvas energy able to manifest in a more meaningful form) leading to 'heirloom blossoming', a state where a relic is able to to 'properly come to form', typically disturbing fate and causality within a plane, much to the tune of sinai being birthed from primordial pools. straychildren are walking natural disasters whose very existence threatens the stability of their plane, sentient piles of existential irradiation who eat away and rewrite the very lines of destiny so cherished by the conductors. tldr; it’s cool shit!
on revisiting this concept, i was like, wow, straychildren are as cool as always, but they’re purely theoretical existence, seeing as rigel and spica are heirloom killers in the plane that holds the greatest abundance of heirlooms which are already a rare existence as is. Until i considered: what’s separating someone like Omecroth, a treasure automaton who has reached the peak of treasury, being classified as a Relic Automaton from being considered a heirloom? the answer? one was created by paris, and that’s it. there is NOTHING stopping omecroth from blossoming into a straychild. if anything, that’s probably what omecroth WANTS at the end of the day; if sheNs on the hunt destroying inferior treasures and relics, isn’t all that canvas energy she’s picking up on the way eventually going to cause her to undergo heirloom blossoming?
so, i think i’ve started to fully recognize the potential behind omecroth’s character arc within stories containing the 6 monsters. i think that’s neat!
i also wonder if i should change the name of straychildren seeing as the kpop group straykids is now a thing. I dunno! i’ll work something out, even if that 'something' is settling for nothing! thanks for reading this far why would you do that this is nonsense
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flyingcookierambles · 2 years
oh yeah some silly gpose i guess
under the cut
i have to learn how to screen record tomorrow when the game is back up bc static pictures cannot do the nirvana zeta (replica) justice. the thing changes colors! the gems are rainbow!!! its so pretty. my pride and my joy and my source of pain and suffering for about 1 year lol.
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the above were in my Off gshade setting. that is to say, my own setting. which is why it sucks and is so so crunchy. like. i really am envious of Pint (former WoW player, now a ffxiv lalafell streamer and machinima/animator/comedy guy/femboy kinda lol) and his gshade settings are so so pretty and cinematic and the DoF auto setting is good i really have to find the vod or something where he sets it up or answers a question abt it so i can copy. he’s only adjusted it a few times in his vods and i think the names of the settings were just like “Pint ____” so its custom i guess and everything uuugh will he release his settings publicly i need to knowwwwwwww ugh
anyways BLUE TONGUE AAAAAAAA RAEN ARE SO CUTE i can never fantasia to be a xaela or non-au ra race now im sorry the blue tongue is just so so cute and such a dumb little detail i love it lolgruhago
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on a shadowbringers train last night (im in a hunt linkshell for Jenova called Hunt VIOLENCE II but is 128/128/full so idk if the ppl running it will make a VIOLENCE III or what lol). someone sniped the grassman :( monke gone
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bonus silly adventurer plates
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played the piano for francel at the firmament and unlocked charlemend’s custom deliveries finally. loved this scene. on one hand i get that they’re just reusing npcs bc it probably costs money to make new ones or whatever the push of the randomization button is, on the other hand i love that they reuse npcs bc i can name ppl and ishgard feels lived in with your familiar neighbors :)
tbh pre-hw, i accidentally spoiled myself via the subreddit and twt, not on the plot stuff for hw, but the ishgardian restoration. and also a bit of dark knight. so. my impression was the gross communal salt rocks, the squishy beds of mysterious substance, the murder of the innocent orl tribe. so. my first impression, pre-hw, was...not great.....but now that it really seems like they’re trying to make it a better more inclusive place and moving more towards living with the dragons like letting ehll tol and her dragon friends live in the city, plus the machinist questline of the great equalizer power of gun uhhh i mean hilda and her hounds providing the brume and common folk safety in the streets instead of just the corrupt temple knights - ishgard just feels like home now. :) there’s also the crystarium on the first.
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anyways, visited another world after seeing a shb hunt ad on the centurio hunts discord.
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also, my crappy apartment in-game in the empyreum / the ishgardian housing apartments. im finally decorating it.
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saw a concert in gridania aetheryte plaza and there was a portgas d ace cosplayer lol.
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anyways i loved my co-healer cajun lettice here lol we all had brain fog. thankfully no full raid wipes, just...our team. lol
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slightly outdated, but heres my suffering inventory and relic grind. im on the stupid atma books rn, so kinda disregard the atma shown here rn.
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edit: realized i forgor to add the pics of the artemis atma oops. the colorful one is the gshade neneko x eorzea collection natural vanilla settings. the drab boring one is just the vanilla base game. literally. so. drab. even on my regular ps4 and whenever i borrow my sister’s ps5 to play, our tvs have built-in shader/color adjusting settings to make it look not. dirt. ugh. gshade really helps this game i swear idk how vanilla ppl do it anymore lol. its not even like cheating modding fluid aura type game mods like in world of warcraft, its literally just a built in instagram filter lol.
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just putting these here bc. uh. i was thinking of helping out that tracking site that’s been helping me not go absolutely bonkers doing these dang relics. they need a picture of it or something i guess. idk. its this website, it saves me so much time and hassle. > https://ffxivrelictracker.com/
ok and maybe the zodiac buddy dalamund add-on*winks*
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tess-talks-inc · 2 years
Tumblr is very funny to me because I deleted the app a few years ago when I was applying to college so I wouldn’t get distracted and I just never redownload because my life was shitty for so long and I just checked some likes and fucked off every few months. I’m now somewhat chilling and I feel comfy posting, but now I can’t do it on my old profile. It’s just like “oh I’m back” and now I can’t post on my first main account because I look at it and think wow I haven’t typed like that in AGES. My cadence of writing, my lexicon, it’s all different now. It’s like coming home to your childhood bedroom and noticing that everything feels just a little bit cramped after living away from home. So shout out to my old blogs I guess? They’re relics of some sort of past that I cannot escape and yet I’m no longer trapped by.
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arhvste · 2 years
girl who let me use emojis in my old writing!!!!! 😟😟
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art-the-f-up · 3 years
Miraculous (as above so below) kind of AU
Okay I’m finally free so I’m gonna start explaining the story I saw in my dream. Let me tell you that I hardly have dreams and for me to see an entire story and that too about the Miraculous characters, of course I had to write it down.
-It was a miraculous As Above So Below (sort of) AU. If you haven’t watched that movie you should it’s absolutely insane I love it.
-Nino & Alya were the main characters and were dating. Adrien and Marinette were side characters and not dating. They were a group of four friends who were discoverers and travelers, and Alya, being one of the main, was an archeologist. This role suited Alya so much oh my god. She was so dedicated to her work it was amazing to watch her.
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Anyways basically Alya found out about an ancient relic containing information about the whereabouts of the Philosopher’s Stone that grants life. The stone was one of the miraculous I think. It was the same lore as the movie, that Alya wanted to find that stone in order to save her fathers entire life’s hard work. So the four set off for somewhere in a country. Idk where it was, but the journey was them in a convertible like fucking Nancy Drew lmao as they drove off across a desert to find the cave where the relic was.
They found a hotel close to the cave (wow) and they all slept in a room that was big but had, like, three beds in line like you’d see in a hotel room.
anyways, they put their stuff on the floor like the messy travelers they were. Cameras, bags, papers, everything scattered everywhere as they had the room booked for the week.
Day 1, 
they set off for the cave. Long story short, found the base of the cave where the large stone relic was in all its ancient glory. 
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The info however, was in a language that even Alya couldn’t understand. Now if you remember the scene where Scarlett desperately tries to decode the meaning behind the words, that’s exactly what Alya tries to do. Nino has a hand on her shoulder as she tries to read it. When suddenly Adrien and Marinette hear the sounds of low sirens. You know, that deadass horrifying sounds like in the movie that make you pee your pants. That. Anyways.
Adrien tells Alya that he doesn’t think they should stay any longer.
Alya desperately shakes her head. She says she HAS to try. If they can decode it today they can move on to the next part of the mission. The sound gets louder. Nino squeezes Alya’s shoulder tighter and tells her that they REALLY should go now. She’s stubborn asf like Scarlett smh
The ground starts shaking and Marinette starts saying louder and louder to Alya that they really need to be alive if they want to continue and that they should run for now. 
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Suddenly the shaking gets too much and the sound gets so loud that they all clutch their heads and they faint.
When they wake up, they’re all in their hotel room. It’s the morning of the next day.
Day 2, 
They have no idea how that happened, and as creepy and sus as the experience is for them they’re determined to not give up and Alya says that she needs to read the thing from beginning to end in order to start making sense of it. She wasn’t able to do that because of the mysterious sounds and then fainting. The recording they made of the words appear blank. In all the videos it looks like there isn’t anything written on the stone at all. So they set off again.
Btw did I mention that I really liked the fact that Alya and Nino were the main characters? Idk but the vibe in the dream was perfect.
This time before heading to the cave they went into a market to see different cultural things and get inspired. It was a happy time. They were enjoying themselves. You know like that small happy scene the movie gives you before shit goes down? Yeah.
Finally the fun comes to an end (alya and nino are busy being couples the entire time. Adrien just keeps staring at Marinette because.
You know the side characters+ not dating =might end up dating somewhere along the way.)
Anyways the mood dampens when they reach the cave. They prepare mentally, take deep breaths. Grab each others hands and set off again. They reach the base again. Set up their equipment. Alya starts trying to read again. Marinette’s kind of scared and her hands are shaking this time so Adrien grabs her hands for comfort because side character moment (okay lmao I’ll stop).
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So while Alya is reading the relic, the sounds start again. They all tense up, but my kids are determined. Alya continues to read when this time, shadows start appearing around them. They all black out before they can even say anything about the shadows.
Again, they wake up, confused and scared, in their hotel room. It’s the same day but night time.
Day 3, 
They’re all shaken up but preparing to head out again. As they’re in the room, Adrien feels like he saw one of the bags move on its own. He mentions it but since no one else saw it, they let it drop. It’s important to mention that as the days progress, they start noticing more and more paranormal activity. And it always occurs in their hotel room. Nowhere else.
Each day they try to go to the cave, something more horrifying than the last happens. Each time they wake up in the hotel room they’re more shaken up.
Day 4, 
Marinette’s sick of this cycle. Nino is too, but every time he tries to tell Alya it ends in nothing but an argument and a lot of tears so he stops saying it. Adrien just wants to stay alive lmao.
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On day four, as it’s night time and they just finish dinner, Adrien finds Marinette at the back of the hotel building. There’s some sort of garden there, and she’s standing in the middle of it, looking at and touching the flowers. Adrien calls her and she looks up. He walks up to her and tells her that for some reason he feels like something’s not right. He confesses to her that he’s scared, and that he always had a bad feeling about this mission from the start, but with the way things are looking and with how tonight he wanted to BET an even intense paranormal activity will take place in their room because its day 4, he feels like he needs to tell her his honest feelings before it’s too late. He tells her that he loves her no matter what happens in the end, or if they make it out alive or not. Marinette smiles and idk why she doesn’t confess in return but like she smiles and nods and hugs him so I’m guessing she did say it back and stuff. My brain was just lagging to put that little info in.
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When they go back to the room they tell Alya and Nino about their confession. That’s the first good news Alya has heard in a week.
Day 5. 
They repeat the process. But this time there is a heaviness that wasn’t there before. They’re stiff, but Alya says that she’s pretty sure she’s almost gotten all of it. The same sequence happens all over again. But this time real shit happens.
The ground is shaking and the sirens are deathdifying but it doesn’t even bother Alya much anymore. She’s steadying herself as she reads it out loud, when suddenly Adrien shouts “LOOK OUT”
A figure appears from somewhere. Wearing a black robe that covers its face and body completely. The sounds that start now are more core-shaking than the sirens. It’s a really horrifying scene trust me when I say that.
A green flame come’s out from the chest of the figure, and when that figure looks up, it’s just a skeleton. Marinette screams. But then, and this scene is really funny to me, the flame says that this skeleton is the guardian of the stone. It was given a spirit by Hades to protect the relic and it’s information (I gues you can say the hades au really got to my head huh). And then the figure lunges at Alya and she tries to run from it, but she falls and it grabs her foot. A hole opens in the ground that very much looks like it opens up in hell and then the figure tries to drag Alya into it. They’re all screaming and holding onto each other for support as Nino grabs Alya’s hand and tries to save her. 
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They do end up freeing her from the guardian’s clutches, but then a piercing scream in the cave makes them all lose consciousness.
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As expected, they all wake up in their rooms with a jolt, this time looking at each other with wild looks, when the lights in the hotel room go out. And the scream from the cave erupts in the room. Suddenly there’s a lot of sounds, and when the lights come back on again, they find that every single thing in the room is destroyed or tossed around. The belongings and clothes are literally everywhere. The wooden beds are broken in half and flipped. The curtains are torn. Ngl it was very horrifying.
Anyways so while this was fun to write, I kind of woke up after this. Thank you for your time. If you have an ending in mind, please do let me know. I really want to know how it ends.
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sesamestreep · 2 years
Sam/Bucky for 28, "feeling for each other in the dark"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZAINAB!! here’s another small entry in that TFATWS/HGTV AU🏡 🛠❤️ (wow that’s a lot of acronyms!) that I keep promising to write for you and never do! i hope you like it and I hope you’ve had a wonderful day with absolutely no electrical issues whatsoever 🍰💖
Bucky finds this whole social media thing baffling, if he’s being honest. Sam would laugh—has laughed, when he’s said it before—and call him an old man, which is fine. Maybe even fair. He’s certainly not young anymore, and if this is the way of the future, he may have to make peace with becoming a relic. But for now, he’s trying.
He’s pretty good at being in front of a camera, though that’s less about well-honed skill and more about pure instinct at this point. When they were growing up, Steve’s mom used to call him a “charming varmint,” with the way he’d chase after girls he liked and sweet talk his way out of trouble with shopkeepers and teachers. Being on camera, he figures, is more or less the same thing, trying to charm people enough that they keep paying attention.
No, the thing that’s truly baffling about social media is the way you’ve got to film everything, and you’ve got to be on all the time, and you’ve got to slow down and explain everything you’re doing so that people can replicate it, because that’s apparently why they’re watching. (Except when it’s for something called ASMR, which Sarah attempted to explain to him once and he only felt more confused afterwards somehow.) Bucky’s good at what he does, but he’s not convinced anyone should be basing their life choices off of him, even just the ones related to contracting and home improvement, fields where he is ostensibly an expert.
Sam says this is all par for the course, that it’s normal to feel weird about all the attention, because it is objectively pretty fucking weird. Millions of people follow them now. There’s simply no other way to describe it other than bizarre.
Thankfully, today’s assignment is fairly light on the social media fuckery that Bucky doesn’t understand. All Sam has asked him to do is set up his phone to record himself pressure washing and sanding the back deck of the house. Despite his objections that it will be boring for people to watch, Sam insists that, once they speed up the footage, people will find the repetition soothing, and the transformation at the end will be impressive. All of that allegedly will turn into likes and shares and a bunch of other metrics Bucky can’t think about too hard without giving himself a stress headache. According to Sarah, who’d been sitting at the kitchen table with them and nodding along the whole time as Sam explained this, the video Sam is describing will “do numbers,” which is a haunting phrase and most of Bucky’s acquiescence was to avoid having it explained to him any further.
“We’ll put that Harry Styles song you pretend not to like over the footage,” Sam had said, with a wide grin. “People will love it.”
“If you say so,” Bucky grumbled, secretly grateful they’d returned to a metric he could actually understand. Liking or disliking something; that makes sense to him.
That had been a few hours and a trip to the hardware store ago, and he was finally getting around to setting up his phone to record. After double-checking the angles, and ensuring he had enough battery left to capture the whole process, he went to plug in the pressure washer so he could get started. When he pressed the power button on the machine, though, nothing happened. He tried unplugging it and plugging it back in with the same exact result. He cursed under his breath, worried that this brand new piece of equipment might be broken and he’d have to hound someone at the store about it, which would ultimately just set them back a full day on this project. Before he does that, though, he decides to plug in the sander, just to be sure it’s the washer and not to outlet. To his surprise, the sander won’t turn on either.
He doesn’t remember Sam or Sarah mentioning this outlet as one that doesn’t work, and once he thinks about it, he remembers using it for the leaf blower last weekend. He stands, wiping his palms on his jeans, and squints into the house to see if he can spot Sam. He can’t, but he does notice the overhead light above the stove isn’t on, which is odd. Sam is always complaining that Sarah and the boys leave that on all the time, even when they’re not home, which wears out the bulb. So far, his complaints about it have mostly resulted in his sister and nephews roasting him for being uptight, and the light will stay on all day unless Sam himself sees it and goes through the trouble of clicking it off (which he almost always forgets to do, which only compounds the roasting he receives from his family).
Now that he’s looking, Bucky can see that the clock on the stove—normally an alarmingly bright red LED display that Sarah hates but not enough to replace the stove, despite it being older than both of her children and always cooking chicken unevenly—is out, too. He goes to stop the recording on his phone, and can’t connect to the wi-fi, which confirms his suspicion that the power is out for the whole house. He knows Sam was supposed to be re-organizing some stuff in the basement, so he decides to go check on him before he tries to find out if it’s just them or if the neighborhood lost power.
Using the flashlight on his phone, he descends the basement stairs carefully. “Sam?” he calls out, into the darkness.
“Buck?” Sam calls from the other end of the room. He holds his own phone, also set to flashlight mode, aloft and waves it, to get Bucky’s attention.
“You alright?” Bucky asks, and he hadn’t really, truly been worried—Sam can take care of himself just fine—but he feels himself finally relax seeing him in one piece.
“Yeah…” Sam replies, but there’s something hesitant about it.
“Oh, god, you’re not hurt, are you?” Bucky asks, nearly tripping over himself to cross the room and get closer to Sam. In his haste, he drops his phone, which makes everything harder to see and he ends up colliding with a stack of boxes that he’s fairly sure contain Cass and AJ’s baby clothes. As he stumbles to avoid crushing the boxes, he reaches out a hand to steady himself and finds Sam already waiting, arm outstretched, to catch him. He clamors to grab his hand in the dim light.
“I’m fine,” Sam says, his voice gentle now that he’s up close. “You good?”
“Yeah, all good,” he replies, trying very hard to act like a guy who didn’t just absolutely embarrass himself in front of his boyfriend. He clears his throat, awkwardly. “Did the power go out while you were down here?”
“Yeah, while I was down here…”
“Do you think we should call some of the neighbors? You know, make sure they still have power, see if they need anything?”
Sam rubs his neck, looking nervously at the floor. “That won’t be necessary, actually,” he says. “I’m pretty sure it’s just us that lost power.”
“How do y—?” Bucky starts to ask, before realization dawns. He narrows his eyes. “Samuel, you didn’t!”
“I was just trying to—!”
“I know what you were trying to do, but what you actually did was fuck with the breakers! Sarah’s gonna kill you!”
“Woah, first of all, nobody has to tell Sarah anything!” Sam says, desperately. “And secondly, I know what I’m doing here, okay? Something just went wrong!”
“What, Sam?” Bucky asks, crossing his arms over his chest. “What went wrong?”
“I… well…I haven’t figured that out yet.”
“Uh-huh. So much for knowing what you’re doing.”
Sam pouts at him, which is, unfortunately, kind of cute. “Hey!”
“Sam, sweetheart, you are excellent at almost everything you do. It is, honestly, upsetting how talented you are,” Bucky says, with as much patience as he can muster. “That talent does not extend to electrical work. It is the one thing on earth you’re not good at. It’s your Achilles heel. Just accept that and stop messing with the wiring in your sister’s house!”
“I prefer to think of electrical work more as my white whale,” Sam says, clearly trying to be charming. “Like, I just need to keep at it and eventually it will all work out.”
“Spoken like someone who has absolutely never read ‘Moby Dick,’” Bucky replies.
“Whatever,” he says, with a shrug. “Are you going to help me with these breakers or not?”
“I will take a look at them on one condition.”
“Okay, name it.”
“I need to hear four little words from you, in exchange for my help.”
Sam looks back and forth between the fuse box and Bucky in confusion for a moment. “I love you…” he says, sounding unsure. Then, he takes a second to count it out on his hands. “…Bucky.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, trying to avoid the smile threatening to burst forth at any moment. “I love you too, but that actually wasn’t what I was looking for.”
Sam looks even more confused at that and appears to think even harder about the answer. Bucky raises an eyebrow at him, waiting. Eventually, Sam sighs, deeply.
“I’ll hire an electrician,” he promises, petulantly.
“That’s my guy,” Bucky says, planting a kiss on his forehead on his way over to the fuse box.
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Ok not young royals in the slightest so if that’s all you’re here for, move on.
As many of you know, my best friend Dani @the-navistar-carol is obsessed with top gun. So I watched top gun maverick today and she asked me to live react. Here is that:
Top gun maverick:
- “Despite your best efforts, you can’t die” OMG
- He really spent 30 years there and can’t get a promotion
- “Wasn’t a compliment” yes it was. You wanna fuck him.
- Did he just call Maverick an “old relic?” Omg
- Once again going to say that I adore iceman
- Iceman and maverick had a torrid love affair and are still in love and no one can convince me otherwise
- Can't believe after 40 years they’re still trying to convince me he’s straight
- Hangman and Rooster are also gay
- He looks just like goose omg
- I’m crying
- “What is with these two?” Trauma, hangman. It's trauma.
- They need to fuck right off and let maverick teach Jesus Christ
- Why is the boat sideways?
- Rooster and maverick show down oof
- I want maverick to punch hangman in the face
- “I need to see you” UM SORRY WOW THAT'S GAY
- Oh ok. Beach scene. I get it now.
- 40 years and they still never figured out how to wear a helmet
- Horrid sex scenes in these movies. Always.
- Someone tell rooster the truth please
- All that effort to still get caught
- This is like exactly what happened to goose omg someone better not have fucking died
- Ok maverick, show them up. I see you
- Why does this man hate him so much?
- “Talk to me goose” will always be the biggest “I love you” in this franchise
- I kinda want maverick to die even though I know it would make me sad
- Wait so rooster doesn’t have a back passenger either? Why is this not consistent? Shouldn’t they all have one?
- Come on rooster
- Come on rooster
- Come on rooster
- “Talk to me dad” OMFG
- Sad music suggests one of them isn’t coming out of this
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- a truly meme worthy reunion and I love it
- Rooster literally being goose is amazing
- That was too close. Never thought I’d say thank god for hangman but thank god for hangman
- I want another top gun movie about just rooster
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unohanadaydreams · 2 years
Just releasing my TYBW ramblings to get them out of the drafts at this point!
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I just love them so much OH MY FJXIANSHSLZHAIA
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Everyone helping the shinigami are just like ‘yeah we wanna keep our home so….’
Shunsui is scoring so hard ally wise, at every turn.
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Who would ever do that, Mayuri? Don’t worry, baby girl, we all know you’re the bestest
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First of all, Giselle is so cute omffgg you’re doing amazing, sweetie.
I see what they’re trying to do, making this seem historic, but it really isn’t anything deeper than what Shunsui says. Everyone just wants their world to not disappear.
Also, I realize that not one of these Sternritter seems to be aware that Mayuri did a genocide on Quincy and it seems intentional on Kubo’s part bc he just doesn’t wanna address it. Seems like something they, especially Yhwach, would know considering Quincy powers absorb back to him when they die. And they’ve been living in the shadow of Seireitei, besides.
Characters like Bazz B don’t really seem to care about when is the right time to bring something up either.
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Why does he say this like Grimmjow is a celebrity he’s meeting for the first time in an unexpected place. Like oh my god, you’re Grimmjow! From my favorite band, the Arrancars!
But my god, do you remember how people went insane when this chapter came out? Grimmjow has always had SUCH a hold on people. It was amazing. Like all you saw was this panel of Grimmjow until the next chapter came out and there were more scenes of him. People came back to the manga bc of this panel!!!
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Orihime was thinking the correct thing. And also, this wasn’t funny the first time in Hueco Mundo and it’s not funny now.
But yes, why not just fix her mask so she stays her correct form and be done with it? What advantage is there for her to even have a child form when it was something that happened from trauma to her mask and signified she’d been made helpless from her injuries??? Why keep it???
Just like the tiddy window dress, it just makes Urahara seem like a troll instead of helpful but that’s kind of schtick—troll ex machina.
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Like on one hand, it really is just as he says—he’s out of a home if Yhwach wins.
But also, Grimmjow has obviously still been thinking a lot about Ichigo and is hiding that behind what he’s comfortable with—a promise to kill.
Very cute. Ichigo’s like ‘you’re not the first friend I’ve tamed’.
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Here it is again. Duty transcends all.
This time, negated! Yukio asks Ganju if he plans on losing and Ichigo loves to tell people to stay back because he doesn’t want to see more people than necessary risk their lives.
The full bringer aren’t that strong and were bested by the shinigami easily, so he knows they don’t stand a chance against the Quincy let alone Yhwach.
Their strength lies in their abilities practicality, so there’s no need for them to leave their creation.
It’s nice that Ichigo has grown enough that he understands telling people to stay back makes them feel useless & isolated.
The way he’s grown with accepting Orihime and Chad’s help in particular really helps him navigate telling Riruka that she should stay behind by emphasizing his appreciation and her strengths.
Arrancar Invasion to now, you know.
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I like how the shinigami get so fucking mad at this. Like oh wow, so sorry your forcibly imprisoned relic of time and space isn’t housed the way you want it to be anymore, guys! They really do treat Soul King like a religious relic.
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How does she know what soul king’s spiritual pressure feels like?
How can Soi Fon pinpoint a pressure she’s never felt before? I know pressure can be used to identify other shinigami, but? Is it just process of elimination? She knows the other spiritual pressure she feels so it’s strange there’s one she doesn’t know?
Has she been up here before, even? Before the war?
She’s implying she should be able to feel it with ease so like imagine if Soul King wasn’t encased like an amber mosquito—his power must’ve been insane before becoming This.
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kradogsrats · 2 years
Rewatch Shitposts: Ep 5-9
I’m so bad at recognizing voices that I didn’t notice until watching with captions that the “previously on The Dragon Prince” intro line is a different character each episode
oh my god Viren don’t just leave your butterfly carcasses on the floor when you’re done with them, were you raised in a barn
also MAYBE tone down the ominous theme music, just saying
Rayla, trained assassin: apparently skipped the lesson on the mechanics of Moonshadow ritual assassin bindings
As someone who also gets violently motion sick, I have mixed feelings about Rayla being said to have a water phobia when she’s just… violently motion sick at all times on water transport, like she can clearly swim and swim well?
boat: /goes over waterfall, me: … and then they all died
Love that while Amaya can otherwise lip-read, Gren automatically signs for her when she’s facing away from someone speaking to her
Viren: I will task my own children with finding the princes, Amaya: With all due respect--which, I will note, is none--your children are idiots
Soren’s just so happy to be being mean with his dad, A+ father-son bonding opportunity
”I guess I was afraid of being afraid” yeah according to my old therapist, that’s “anxiety”
The artbook says they originally planned for Viren to eventually imprison Opeli with Gren and for her to find him really annoying, and ngl I think we were robbed by that not happening
Ah fuck, I forgot Claudia already knew about Viren’s secret dungeon?
Corvus: /falls off a cliff, me: … and then he died
Even in the secret mission conversation, Soren’s not dumb???
AND the mirror, jfc Claudia knows everything and I’m very annoyed on behalf of my AU
I guess Viren needs someone to narrate to other than talking to himself
Claudia: DEATH COMES FOR US ALL... probably? Maybe you’re immortal.
Harrow how did you not teach your children ice safety? Maybe the river by the Banther Lodge doesn’t ice over?
What did they do with the dogs…?
”This isn’t even my biggest sword” also also peak humor
ngl I hope the sunfire dagger mercenary guy reappears more
Seriously… where did the dogs go? I’m gonna lose sleep over this
”If I fail, I don’t know what Dad will do to me” hmmmMMM yeah
”Cute braid, though!” Claudia, please never change
Animal doctor honestly best character
Ava could have saved a lot of time by just telling Ezran from the start about Lujanne
Ava: also hasn’t had a bath in two years, actually
Claudia’s problem is definitely “18 INT, 6 WIS”
Hard to believe the entire Cursed Caldera sequence is only like two episodes, it felt like it took forever the first time I watched it
Ellis manifesting true weird little girl energy, love it
”This is my slish hand” ngl that is probably the single joke from this series that I just... think about a lot
Okay, answer to my pending question of “how does Runaan pee while imprisoned” (look just trust me, it has relevance, okay) is, in fact, simply that he’s so dehydrated he doesn’t need to
Which still leaves the question of “how does Gren pee while imprisoned,” but I actually don’t care about that because he’s 80% less likely to choke you out with his thighs if you look away for a second
We were definitely robbed of seeing Viren get the mirror down that tiny spiral staircase
“I’m just a guy who can draw and make wry comments from time to time. And they’re not even that wry.” WOW okay shots fired, I am in this picture and I DO NOT LIKE IT
Rayla, unlike Viren, reacts 100% correctly to bugs crawling on her
Nice callback in the credits sketches to Ziard’s relic staff right after Viren uses it for the coin spell--kind of feels now like I ought to be compiling spells that actually make use of the staff because that’s probably a subset with future significance
Yeah okay this sequence still feels like it takes forever
Again, Ava could have saved everyone’s at least one pretty boring episode by speaking up earlier
God the horrifying disintegrated mummy-corpse was just… SO unnecessary, Lujanne please
All giant fantasy spiders descended from the tarantula that bit JRR Tolkiens Georg
Always gotta break the dramatic scene for a fart joke, it’s storytelling law
Lujanne is the only bigger drama queen in this series than Viren (Aaravos is a distant third)
Don’t mind me literally tearing up when Zym hatches, whoops
And the circulation returns to Rayla’s hand, which then carried a blood clot to her heart and... yeah, she died
WOW spoiler of Aaravos’s hand on the inside of the mirror in the credits sketches??? did not realize that one showed up this early
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
“You’re just a pathetic little hypocrite, talking about friendship and honor and mercy as you slaughter your way through every single person that disagrees with you. Do you know how many times I’ve seen Aymr’s work, ‘my Emperor’? How many families I’ve comforted who didn’t have enough of their loved ones to bury, because of you! 
“You killed them all in the most brutal way you possibly could, just so that they would suffer... like a beast craving blood. I finally understand…what you believe is right. You believe in a world where your noble ends justify any depravity, any violence, in service of your goals. You murdered my family…you ensnared my friends in your schemes… I will rise up to meet you, Flame Emperor, and I will cut you down.”
Like. Honest to god, just a tiny bit of editing (only two words were changed) and you can easily take these sentences - all of which are either “wrongful” criticism of Woobiegard or “rightful” criticism of Dimitri - and make them out to be a hero monologuing about the evils of a villain they’re about to take on. Ignore that all of that lowkey sounds like the same person (those are quotes from four different characters) which is its own problem - none of this doesn’t apply to Woobiegard.
Being a hypocrite? Oh yeah, that’ll be delved into a bit further down. Slaughtering her way through everyone that disagrees with her? Definitely not untrue - literally everyone she’s spared so far had to agree that she was right first. Brutally killing her enemies, to the point of cruelty? Judith and Raphael, the latter of which would at best have to be fished out of one of Fodlan’s largest rivers if he’s ever found in the first place and the former’s body was literally completely shattered. Murdering Dimitri’s family? Well, now see, she didn’t do that - she just worked with his family’s murderers and let them get away with the murder of Dimitri’s family, his family’s knights, and the people of Duscur by never even attempting to rat them out, for years! Totally different and so much better. Ensnaring Dimitri’s friends? At this point, yeah, you can very easily argue that Woobiegard straight up manipulated not just his friends, but pretty much everyone around her. And the cherry on top is that everyone on Woobiegard’s side literally is justifying their depravity with their “noble ends” - remember, this war had to happen after all! They had no choice but to do all of this! For the greater good!
But that is not the intended message readers are supposed to pick up. We’re not supposed to think “huh, wow, Woobiegard’s kinda ass,” we’re supposed to genuinely believe that she had no choice, we’re supposed to think that these quotes don’t apply to her in any way. And it’s like... 
How can you honest to god write Woobiegard accepting Aymr for the reason that this Relic gives her more power to protect her friends and do better in her war, while shitting on Margrave Gautier for using that exact same idea to pick his heir and protect the border from invaders?
How can you honest to god write Woobiegard casually destroy Judith’s body, while shitting on Dimitri for being overly violent? Something that's never even actually shown off in the fic itself?
How can you honest to god write Woobiegard initiate the fight with Judith and then chase her down when she runs and brutally kill her after trapping her so that she can’t run anymore, while shitting on Seteth for chasing down the Rhodos Coast priests who were initiating the fighting and were hurting people just to steal land and weapons from his wife’s memorial site?
How can you honest to god write Woobiegard only spare Claude once he admits to causing the war’s strife and only spare Seteth and Flayn once they admit to being at fault for Fodlan’s suffering, while shitting on the Klone for daring to suggest that Woobiegard kills everyone who disagrees with her?
Like, this is what Cap’n left in. He deliberately wrote this. He took out Canongard taking Byleth’s credit during the siege, he took out Hubert telling Byleth that he and Canongard chose to work with TWS and that it wasn’t forced on them, he took out any mention of Hubert’s paralogue (as of Chapter 56) or Hanneman’s Chapter 14 CF explore quote (where he calls Demonic Beasts war assets), he wrote Kronya being an uwu baby bean who only did wrong things because Man Bad, he wrote Count Galatea as an omega sexist to justify Ingrid betraying everything she’s ever held dear to her, he gave Marianne the power to feel the emotions of humans just to make her join Woobiegard - he has shown that he will either leave out or deadass change shit that he doesn’t like if it means something doesn’t go Woobiegard’s way. 
But all of the other stuff I listed? And more? He kept that in. He thinks that’s fine! It makes reading this so wild man omg
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