#maybe tomorrow will be harder maybe it will get worse but idc
3-aem · 1 year
want the haters and lovers to know i had a wonderful day with friends, got food i liked, bought books i wanted, and watched a good movie all while surrounded by people who love me. because i know how miserable the cycle of being a creator online can be. i know the stress and I know it’s universal. i know the mental state you have to be in from staring at a screen all day. i got to live a day where there was no obligation. art wasn’t a concern of mine because it couldn’t be a concern of mine. and it probably would have taken me years to get there on my own.
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You made it easy.
!!!! Haikyuu Manga Spoilers !!!!!!
Oikawa Tooru let out a sigh, watching his breath come out in a puff. He leaned on the railing of the rooftop, looking over Tokyo. He should be going to bed; he had to fly back him to Argentina the next morning. But there was too much alcohol in his system, and his brain was racing.
“You look lonely out here.” A deep voice spoke up, and Oikawa sighed. Iwaizumi joined him by leaning on the railing, their arms barely brushing. Oikawa didn’t look over at his best friend. He didn’t want to. He knew if he looked over, he would break.
“Shouldn’t you be celebrating? Or sleeping? You have a flight tomorrow.” Iwaizumi chuckled. Oikawa smirked gently, before the smile fell from his face. His heart was getting tight in his chest.
“Yeah.” Oikawa whispered, but his voice came out broken. A hand landed on his shoulder, and Oikawa felt tears burning in his eyes.
“Hey, are you okay?” Iwaizumi whispered. Oikawa took a deep breath before nodding, but he couldn’t look over at Iwaizumi.
His chest hurt. Sure, he won fair and square. But the look on Iwaizumi’s face when his team defeated Japan fucking broke him. Not because he looked sad. He looked so proud of Oikawa, and that hurt him more. There was a longing that was building in his chest. He wanted to run across the court and kiss Iwaizumi. But he couldn’t.
Not anymore.
“You’re still a shitty liar. What’s going on?” Iwaizumi squeezed his shoulder, and Oikawa felt something snap in his chest. He let out a gross sob and dropped his head on the railing.
He should be happy. Oikawa should be proud of his team, and happy with how far he’s come. He should be so fucking proud of himself and strutting through Japan like he owned the place. But he couldn’t. Not when Iwaizumi looked at him the way that he used to.
I’m so proud of you, Tooru.
“I got you, Tooru.” Iwaizumi whispered as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Oikawa sobbed harder, the pain in his chest only getting worse. He cried until the only sound he could hear was his own sobs.
“What’s going on, Tooru?” Iwaizumi said quietly in his ear. Oikawa sniffled before he slowly lifted his head. Without looking over at Iwaizumi, he reached his hand out. Iwaizumi took it and squeezed it without a second thought. Oikawa felt more tears slip down his cheeks.
“I want you to love me again.” Oikawa whispered. Iwaizumi squeezed his hand, hesitating. Oikawa’s head was filled with memories.
He remembered Iwaizumi kissing Oikawa’s temple when he was stressed. He remembered Oikawa rubbing the crease in between Iwaizumi’s eyebrows when he got too upset. He remembered late nights where they would kiss each other instead of study. He remembered Iwaizumi squeezing his hand as they walked through bakeries. He remembered their last fight. Oikawa could visualize the hurt on Iwaizumi’s face when he told him that he was moving to Argentina to play volleyball. It kept him up at night. All the memories kept him awake and haunted him for years.
“I know. I’m sorry.” Iwaizumi whispered as he squeezed Oikawa’s hand again, and Oikawa could feel the ring on his left hand that burned his skin.
Oikawa let go of Iwaizumi’s hand, resting his arms on the balcony. He dropped his head in his arms and kept sobbing until he felt nauseous. Iwaizumi squeezed his shoulder before he left Oikawa alone on the balcony.
Oikawa Tooru remained on that balcony for what felt like hours, crying out all the heartbreak that he carried around in his chest. He cried until he physically couldn’t anymore. He sniffed and rubbed his nose on his sweater, lifting his head before he looked over Tokyo one last time.
Maybe things would be easier when there were miles between Oikawa and the one thing that was holding him back.
Iwaizumi Hajime.
((idk where this came from and i literally just spat this out i just want to make someone cry today so i’m not alone lol if it’s not good idc i’m just sad))
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yoong-i · 4 years
this was supposed to be a fav D-2 lyrics post but it just somehow turned into me rambling my thoughts about D-2 in regard to life and what he’s said in the interviews so far
So I started this and then my computer decided to restart and I lost all of it. And then when I finally finished it and hit save draft one last time, Tumblr stopped working. So if you see anything formatted weirdly, let me know. The universe was against me on this one.
As always, all translators are linked. Check them out and give them credit, they’re great at what they do. Sometimes they update things, so I really do recommend checking out the links to see if they’ve made any updates since I’ve posted.
I love Yoongi’s writing a lot, so I tend to get a bit wordy. I’d say I’m sorry but really, me doing these lyric posts is entirely self-indulgent so, I’m not.
(OK. I wrote that part before I finished and YIKES this ended up being SO LONG I am SORRY)
I want to point out some of the obvious references first that I know everyone on the internet has already figured out, but as I’ve said, idc. I like to have things in one place so I can look back at it. These ones don’t need much explanation, I feel, so I’m just gonna leave them here. Credits for these are with their songs down below.
“If you think you’re gonna crash, accelerate even harder, you idiot” 
From Moonlight, but also Intro: Never Mind, which is just so Yoongi to me. I think that song gives you an accurate picture of him.
“I got a big house big car big ring, bring anything over, I’ll give it to you” 
From What do you think?, and then No More Dream, Home, and Interlude: Shadow. This gif set breaks the references down nicely. It’s interesting to see the different tones he takes when referencing this line. I think Interlude: Shadow is my favorite, but really, I’m just biased to that song and they’re all truly great.
“I’m a king, I’i m a boss” 
Daechwita to Interlude: Shadow (I am sorry that this song is all I ever talk about all the time). I can’t remember if he references wanting to be the king/top in other songs, and I’m too lazy to check right now. So I’m going to go with no unless someone would like to correct me, I don’t mind.
There’s also the Burn It/Outro: Tear references that are just too much to copy and paste, really. I’m sure an argument can be made that it’s the whole song being referenced, but to me, this is the obvious part being referenced from Outro: Tear:
“Right, it’s there, what are you hesitating for? This is the end you wanted I hope you kill quickly without hesitation Woo yeah yeah burn it, woo yeah yeah yeah burn it, woo yeah yeah yeah burn it So that not even ashes are left. This is the real you and this is the real me We’ve now seen the end and there are not even resentments left Awake now from sweet dreams, I close my eyes This is the real you and this is the real me“
While I didn’t list a lyric from Interlude: Set Me Free, I just want to say that I do really love this song, but there just aren’t many lyrics in it. Additionally, I’m not sure what exactly he’s saying he wants to be set free from, and so it doesn’t feel right to make an assumption about the lyrics. (Which is kinda bothering me, not in an annoyed way, but more or less just nagging at me.) But really, I love any interlude from Yoongi. Set Me Free sounds so beautiful and so calming and I wish the bird chirping didn’t drive my cat so crazy so I could enjoy it more.
“Changes are fated to happen to everyone, perhaps, how we change is what our undertaking is about.”
Moonlight. I’ve said this before, but I really do love a good lyric about growing and changing and this mixtape definitely has a lot of it. I think it is interesting that he talks about change like this in the opening song, and then he talks about change in Dear my friend, which is much different given the tone of that whole song. Here, in the very first song, he poses the idea of “change is good, depending how you change” and then delves into a mixtape that discusses “the present” of his life (he tells Billboard in this article that this mixtape is about the present), which I find interesting. I’ll try to touch on it more in Dear my friend.
“What’s after this?  Feeling a strong feeling of reality check, a situation where there’s no higher. I had only looked up, now I just wanna look down and gently land.”
Daechwita. Yes, Interlude: Shadow AGAIN (as your local Shadow enthusiast, it only makes sense I pick a lyric that connects.) Although he says don’t let me down in Shadow, in that song I take it more as “I want to come down but I’m terrified of what’s gonna happen.” Where Shadow is more desperate, the tone of Daechwita is definitely more confident. Plus he has that whole mad king thing going for him (and then the whole killing the mad king thing) which Muish discusses wonderfully in the translation I linked.
This is another thing I love about Yoongi and his lyrics. He’s discussing the same thing in the lines of these different songs, but you get to witness these two battling personas when it comes to the topic. And I guess that is the point of there being a difference between Suga and Agust D, but I do wonder where Yoongi falls between these two. He lets you see his struggle and that’s why I love his writing. (I also love that for this song he says focus more on the visual and auditory enjoyment than the lyrics. The video really does tell a good story.)
“Crazy that you’d think that my success has a connection to your failure.”
“I have no fucking interest in those who ask whether idol music is music.”
What do you think? The idol lyric may seem like a weird choice, but as a long time boyband stan I’m so over the way artists who were/are in boybands get disregarded for their talent. I’ve come to realize I just need to stop caring whether or not they are socially accepted by “others” and just enjoy what music they are choosing to share with me and those who support them.
I don’t have much to say about the success lyric. It’s just Yoongi being his usual self and I love it.
“Capital injects morphine called hope with dream as collateral“
The first time I read this I did a double take. Much to unpack here, but I think that is even beyond me. Interpret it as you please.
“The one who has his eyes open in the world that has its eyes closed — now they make him blind, isn’t it strange.” 
Namjoon has a similar lyric later, but rather than the second half of Yoongi’s lyric, Joon says “that he has his eyes open alone is so much more strange for me” and I love the contrast between the two. Very on brand too.
“But still, life goes on, somehow, just like this, everyone, in their own chicken coop, says they’re okay.”
Strange. I had to stop myself because it is very hard to just not copy and paste the whole freakin song. I love anything these two create together as they are two of the most wonderful lyricists I have ever seen. Going off of that, this song is very reminiscent of Respect for me. Do yourself a favor and just sit down and read through these lyrics (Strange, but also I always recommend Respect). Songs like these make me wish I was a fly on the wall for conversations between these two.
“People change, just as I have, there’s nothing eternal about life, they’re all happenings that pass by”
“Did someone say humans are the animals of wisdom? The way I see it, humans are the animals of regret”
People. I love this song a lot (and NOT just because he sounds like an angel in it...) Despite that, I’m not sure why but I found myself stuck on what he was trying to say with this song as a whole. I enlisted my best friend for help and she gave me some good insight and one of the things she said was “good can come out of living each day like it means something.” While I didn’t see this song as inherently negative, I don’t think I was viewing the song in a way that would have allowed me to see this silver lining. I saw it as more cynical I guess?
“Tomorrow will come and go once again, this kind of me, that kind of you are both simply enduring the day, I guess.”
Honsool. Time isn’t real. Am I writing this at 2 o’clock in the morning when I should be asleep? Maybe so. But time isn’t real and the days come and go and we’re all just enduring. I like the word choice there. Not surviving, or getting by, or living. We’re enduring.
“I grow older and become to know the world, and yet, would it have been better to not know the world?”
Ignorance is bliss. Kinda. This lyric actually reminded me of Nightmare by Halsey, one part specifically: “'Cause kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent, I could play nice or I could be a bully, I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be” And like. Yeah. Would I rather be ignorant to all the world’s problems and not give a shit about anything just to be happy, or should I let myself succumb to believing in cynicism for the sake of the world and caring about things? I used a different translation for this lyric than I did for the other two lyrics in 28.
“To live, live, live just one day without any worries, just one day without any concerns.” 
“I thought it’d change when I turned twenty, I thought it’d change when I graduated, Shit, if I’m thirty like this, this, And so, so, what’s changed with me?”
28. This was another one of those where I had to stop and tell myself, Ahna, please do not copy every lyric. But, just know that I wanted to. We spend so many of our days looking forward because we are so displeased with where we are currently at (reminder: this mixtape is about the present.) There’s the constant thought of “once I achieve this thing, it’ll be better!” We’ve all done it, I’ve done it, and I truly hate it. The difference here is you have someone like Yoongi, who is at the top, who has it “all” and he is still stuck in this mindset. Oh, also, hi he’s talking about change again. 
“[Always], the choice and decision is yours to make. I hope you don’t forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage.”
Burn It. It is now 4am and Burn It just came on shuffle and I’ve been staring at this lyric for a bit too long, hating my 2pm fully conscious self for choosing this one and leaving writing about it for last. This lyric is existential crisis content. I don’t think I’ve ever in my life heard someone talk about giving up in this way. Giving up can be so powerless, but thinking about giving up in this way not only restores power, but also praises you for being able to make such a decision bold decision for yourself. Makes you think a lot about Yoongi and how he turned out the way he has.
Yoongi reiterated a similar thought in the interview with TIME: “It’s good to know that it’s fine when things go in an unintended direction, because you can always start over again. Keep calm, take the next-best option and move forward.” And this translator also points out another instance, just a month before he dropped his mixtape, of him saying basically the same thing again to one of the listeners on his Live who said they gave up their dream: “I don’t know what circumstances you were in, but I think you must have had tremendous courage. Giving something up decisively takes lots of courage. And, you’ve worked hard.” Like, is he trying to make me cry? 
“Was it you who changed? Or was it me? I hate this flowing time, it's us who changed.”
Dear my friend. First, in regard to the lyric itself, there are so many friendships we look back on, ruined or not, and wonder whose fault it was. Maybe even blame them if it’s easier. While it does vary by friendship, I do think it’s important to step back and question our place in it all going wrong, and how we have changed as well. The “I hate this flowing time, it's us who changed” reminds me of how sometimes there truly is nothing you can do when it comes to changing and growing apart from people. It’s not your fault, it’s not my fault, we have changed in ways we both needed to and we are not compatible anymore. I do think the overarching theme in Dear my friend is different from this, however.
I was not expecting this song at all. I think a lot of stuff Yoongi writes is very open and vulnerable, but this song really took me by surprise because it’s a different kind of open. This song will make you miss friendships and people that went downhill, wondering what more you could have done for them. Why he gotta do me like this.
Going back to the thought I posed in Moonlight, in Dear my friend we witness a change that just... isn’t good. Aside from that, on an album which is supposedly all about the present of his life, this song is not. Maybe it is present because it is something that still clearly bothers him, and something, or rather someone, he thinks about a lot, but I still find it interesting. Maybe it was just a sentiment he felt he really needed to get out. 
He talks about change a lot on this album, yet when they ask him in the D-2 interviews (TIME/Billboard) about how he feels things have changed since the last mixtape, he says he doesn’t feel his life really changed.
If you listen to Intro: Never Mind, he says the only thing he feels that’s different about him is his height, and that he’s mature compared to people his age. That must be very grounding, feeling that despite the whirlwind of his life and fame he is still the same person he’s always been. And then again, 5 years later in 2020, the only change he mentions about himself is that he’s matured. I guess “matured” can be taken different ways, especially in regard to the way he talks about growth on this album. But I respect and admire him talking about himself like this. I appreciate the introspection and I take maturing in this context as a positive thing. I take it as him growing in good ways, becoming better versions of himself, which I feel shows in the art he produces. 
One more thought, and it goes back to the interviews. Yoongi told TIME “what’s good is good” is his philosophy. I think back to 28 and People, and the drastic difference between his life and mine, or as he would say, the difference between our ordinaries and extraordinaries, yet we both have the same bad habits and worries about the future.  
Yoongi seems like a walking hazard sign for wanting more or too much, warning of it not being better and it being lonely to have “everything” you want. Considering how simple the phrase “what’s good is good” is, I have spent too long thinking about it in relation to all of this. He uses it in People when talking about the average ordinary life. In the new Break the Silence docu-series, he talks about not being able to do ordinary things like go out for a coffee or to the movies. It is once again his reminder, things are not better up there. You will still struggle. Be content with what you have. If it’s good, its good, and what’s good is good. Let it be. 
This felt like a good ending note, and then I remembered Billboard asked him, “What is a line or thought you share on D-2 you want listeners to be left thinking about?“ And this was his answer:
“So what, if we live like that, so what My distinction is your ordinary My ordinary is your distinction”
I thought it was funny that I somehow ended this by talking about the one thing he wanted to leave us thinking about. Mission accomplished Yoongi.
In regard to raising questions about norms and how we live, Yoongi said he just merely wanted to raise the question mark - not provide the answers - and boy did he here. I will be thinking about this all for a while. This took me so much longer to write than intended, mostly just because I wasn’t expecting to feel so strongly about all the songs.  Thank you for the art honey my dude.
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