#maybe with the photos it's too big for the app to handle
camo1000le · 1 year
Angeleyes - Animatic !!
Oweddy once again because I CAN'T get them out of my mind!!!! Help!!!!!
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cinewhore · 2 months
Back in the Saddle
Pairing: Boone x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: angst, little fluff, tornadoes! more like one tornado but you get the picture. mentions of pregnancy - nothing described in detail.
A/N: you already know what it is. this is more angsty than what I planned but I enjoy it. I hope you do too. absolutely no beta. An alternate ending may be posted soon. Credits to the gif artist.
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The screams of amused thrill seekers followed by the sweet smell of candy apples brought more warmth to your heart than you’d imagine. 
A carnival camped out in the parking lot of your old community college felt typical of the town you left, resurfacing memories you swore you’d never revisit. You planned to stay in for the night, maybe catch a flick or catch up on some emails you’ve been avoiding but your little one insisted on coming after passing by one night on the way home. 
“Mama, can we go to the party? Gigi says I’ve been good.” she mentioned earlier that evening. It was true, you had been taking her to your mothers while you acclimated to your new job. At first you were worried, nervous that she would throw tantrums and beg to stay with you because you were all that she had known up until this point. You packed your bags weeks into the pregnancy and handled going into labor all by yourself. It wasn’t ideal and looking back, a pretty big mistake but your mother always greeted you with grace and patience, even if you didn’t extend it to yourself. 
Bailey took to her like moths to a light. They were inseparable and whenever Bailey left your mothers house, she’d always ask when she was going back. 
“Well, if Gigi said you were good then we can go. Maybe we can split some pizza and ice cream?” 
You’d never seen Bailey run faster to put her shoes on. 
The two of you cheered during the pig race, got dizzy while riding the spinning teacups and loaded up the photo app on your phone with pictures of her riding her first roller coaster. It was rewarding to watch her navigate this space, eyes aglow. You were working yourself down to the bone as the new executive assistant to a local lawyer but if it meant that Bailey could enjoy her childhood more than you ever did, that was a sacrifice you’d make. 
After a few hours of enjoying the rides, you decided it was time for dinner. You order two cheese slices and head to a quiet picnic table near the edge of the dining area. 
With the slice mere centimeters from your mouth, Bailey taps you. “You’re supposed to say grace first.” 
You sigh, setting the food down and crossing your hands together. Bailey watches you carefully, mimicking your actions. 
“Go on, then. Say grace.” 
Bailey squeezes her tiny eyes shut. “Dear Jesus, thank you for pizza. And Gigi. And momma. And piggies. Amen.” 
You show her how to fold the slice in half, making it easier for her to chew. You did your best to keep her clean, she insisted on wearing her new shirt tonight but children will be children. A big splat of pizza sauce lands on her shirt before dribbling down onto her jeans. 
You groan and dab your finger along the excess red liquid, licking it before it has time to set it. “Bailey! Look at that, now I’m gonna have to do laundry tonight.” 
“Sorry, mama!” The toddler attempts to help you but makes things worse. 
You grab at her hands to stop her. “Just-can you be a big girl and grab some napkins for me?” 
“From where?” 
You gaze around before your eyes land on a condiments table, a full container of napkins resting beside the ketchup. 
“Right there. Go on, I’m watching you from here.” 
Bailey nods and takes off, going as fast as her little legs can carry her. Halfway to the table, she bowls straight into a group of people, colliding into a leg,  landing flat on her tush. 
“Woah! You alright there little speed racer?” the victim asks her and you freeze. 
You knew this was always a possibility. Hell, the town wasn’t that big. You knew that at any given moment, you’d stop running from your past and run right into it instead. You just wish it wasn’t tonight. 
Bailey is more stunned than hurt and she doesn’t give the man a chance to help her before she’s barreling back to you. 
You stand and console her, hoping that if you don’t make eye contact with him that he’d disappear. 
Unfortunately, Boone wasn’t the kind of guy you’d ignore. 
He calls out your name in disbelief and you exhale softly, slowly lifting your head. There he was, in all of his tanned glory. Boone certainly had grown, muscles well defined and mustache thick. His hair was longer, tucked under a signature trucker hat. Crooked smile as bright as ever. 
“Holy shit.” 
“Hi, Boone.” 
You break eye contact to see that he was with his crew, the infamous tornado wranglers. They all stare between the two of you, the unspoken history of your relationship hanging in the air above them. The silence was fucking comical. 
Lily clears her throat. “Uh, guys, we should, um get in line for the funnel cakes. Before, ya know, it gets long.” 
She not so subtly pushes Boone towards you, herding everyone else off into the opposite direction. 
“This is the last place I’d expect to run into you.” Boone comments, attempting to lean on the picnic table across from yours but he miscalculates his reach and nearly stumbles into you. 
“Oh!” you exclaim, helping him steady his footing. “Still clumsy.” 
“You know I always fell for you.” He chuckles nervously. Bailey tugs on your jeans and you rub your hand across her head in a soothing manner. She stares curiously at Boone, who squats to meet her eye line. 
“And what’s your name, pretty little lady?” 
You look down at her as well, nudging her gently to let her know it was ok. 
“My name is Bailey.” 
Boone raises his eyebrows enthusiastically. “Well, I’ll be! That’s my favorite name. Did you know that? Are you a secret mind reader?” 
Bailey giggles, gaining more confidence as she steps from behind your leg and closer to Boone. “No, mister smarty pants! You’re silly.” 
Boone keeps the amused look on his face, searching yours for clarification.
“Ah, mister smarty pants is a puppet in this show she likes to watch. Everyone besides my mother and I are referred to as such. His pants wear glasses. It’s weird.” you explain. 
“Well, how ‘bout this?” Boone rummages around his many cargo pants compartments before pulling out a pair of sunglasses. He places them above his knee, balancing it with precision. 
“It’s me, Mister Smarty Pants!” 
You shake your head, pointing upwards with your finger. “Higher octave.” 
Boone tries out a number of voices, not giving up until Bailey laughs. You smile tenderly at the interaction. He gestures to your table and you all sit back down, Bailey going to town on her food. You had given up on trying to keep her neat, you would be staying up late regardless. May as well get laundry out of the way. 
Getting Bailey settled means your attention was shifted and this allowed Boone to fully take you in. It had been about three years since he last saw you in person, the burner instagram account he used to keep with you digitally proving futile, as you weren’t the social media type. Your face took more shape, body fuller. Your accent was masked, bits and pieces of it slipping out when you pronounced certain words. You wore an effective mask, a sure symptom of your failed relationship and attempt to acclimate to the city life. 
You look up to catch him staring. He blushes and bites his lip, toying with his hat. You prop your hand under your chin, tilting your head sideways. 
“What has Boone been up to all these years? Still risking your life for random people on the internet?” 
“You can say that. These folks aren’t random though, they are devoted fans of our crew! We’ve reached our million subscriber milestone. Look,” Boone pulls up his youtube channel and holds the phone up to your face. “Tornado Wranglers going global, baby!” 
“Wow, that’s amazing. I remember when you first started that. I’m happy you stuck with it.” 
Boone nods, reading in-between the lines. The youtube channel hadn’t been the deciding factor in you ending your relationship with Boone but it definitely was a cause. You thought it reckless, constantly begging him to consider getting a “real” job. It didn’t help that when he told you that he was going to work with Tyler full time, it was the same day you found out you were pregnant with Bailey. 
You see him in her all the time, it was sickening. Their off putting humor, lopsided smiles and unrelenting curiosity was enough to drive you up the wall. Bailey would ask from time to time about her “papa” and you’d always switch the conversation, redirecting her attention to something else. It had gotten to the point where she just ultimately just stopped asking. 
You’d always imagine having a family with Boone. Call it a teenage fantasy but it always felt like an endgame with you two. You met during your first year of college, both stuck as chemistry lab partners. Boone was the class clown, although it wasn’t like he was actively trying to be. He was off kilter and you liked that about him, it was a stark difference from everyone else you grew up with. It also didn’t help that he was the smartest one in the class. 
He became your tutor, then your friend and finally, your boyfriend. 
Boone studies Bailey as she eats. “How, uh, old is she?” 
You sigh deeply. “I think you can guess, Boone.” 
He nods gently. “You been in town long? 
“Uh, about six months. It got a bit harder juggling her on my own. My mom’s been helping out. I started a new job at a law firm, so I’m there for most of the day.” 
“That explains your clothes then.” 
You glance down at your corporate attire, pulling your blazer across your slightly exposed cleavage. “Had to grow up someday, ya know?” 
“You think I haven’t?” Boone asks, a hint of frustration in his tone. He rarely got upset and watching him wrestle with his emotions now was a bit unsettling. 
“Listen, I wasn’t expecting to have this conversation today, so forgive me if I don’t use the right words.” 
Boone hums, jaw ticking. “It’s just that, you know, I’ve been here. If you needed help or whatever, I could’ve done that. Especially seeing that she’s my ch-” 
You hurry to cover Bailey’s ears. “Can you not! Jesus, Boone! It’s just like you, never knowing when to quit.” Bailey watches keenly as the two of you bicker, voices muffled and mixed in with the ambiance of the carnival. 
“Just like you never know when to stop running.” 
It shouldn’t hurt as much as it does but Boone’s words seep into an open wound and cuts deep. You bite your lip to stop them from quivering and Boone’s facial expression gives way, aware that he crossed a line. 
“I’m sorry-” 
“It’s fine. It’s true, anyhow.” 
It was hereditary. Your grandmother left her children when things got too hard. Your mother gave you up for a period of time, passing you around from relative to relative while she got her shit together. Then there was you, getting knocked up unexpectedly and running off from the only man who truly loved you. After eighteen hours of agonizing labor, when the nurses plopped a pale and howling newborn on your chest, something clicked. You decided that for now, you were done running. You would be the mother to Bailey that your mother wasn’t for you and that your grandmother wasn’t to her children. 
Telling Boone was a part of your plan, it really was but between work and raising Bailey, there wasn’t much time left to ruminate on how to notify him that he was a father after all these years. Not after the way it ended. 
You were waitressing at a diner near campus during that time. You were trying to keep up with school but it proved more difficult than you could imagine. You and Boone moved hastily into a studio apartment, despite your mother’s warnings. The two of you were in love. What’s true love compared to anything else?  Boone dropped out after freshman year, promising that his work with Tyler would catapult you two into a better situation. Just give me some time, he’d say. You did. You met Boone when you were 19. At that point, you’d turn 22, become a dropout and nothing had changed. 
The straw that broke the camel's back was coming home after a long shift at the diner to find an eviction notice on your door. It had been Boone’s responsibility to give the rent check to your landlord so you were very shocked to find out that Boone hadn’t delivered the last two. 
When you confronted him about where the money had gone, fearful that he began using drugs or developed a gambling addiction, he reluctantly told you that he was developing a tornado tracking device and that the money was needed for a prototype. You ran to the kitchen sink to vomit, told him that you’d save the conversation for later and went to bed. 
You and your belongings were gone when he woke up the next morning. 
Bailey claps her hands together, signaling that she was done with food. She points at the paper plate. “Trash?” 
“Yes, baby, trash. You can put it in there by yourself, mommy can see you from here.” 
Scrunching her eyebrows in deep concentration, Bailey wanders back over near the condiments table, making sure not to run this time. 
“She’s pretty smart for a tiny person.” Boone notes. 
“She is! My mom has been good with her. I think she benefits from spending time with her more than I do. It’s like she gets a second chance at raising a kid.” 
Boone gazes at you, brown eyes pooled over with acute affection. “I’d like to maybe get a second chance at being there for you. The both of you. If you’ll have me, of course.” 
Remember, you’re done running.
You smirk and attempt to smother down the heat rising to your cheeks. Boone mirrors your expression before it completely drops. 
You frown, nervous that you said or did the wrong thing. “Boone?” 
He stands to his feet abruptly, eyes darting across the dark skyline behind you. The air becomes still, the miniscule hairs rising along your arms and neck. A sensation you were all too familiar with. 
You stand next to Boone on shaky legs, blinking your eyes rapidly to try and force them to adjust to the night sky, to see what he sees. 
Thunder rumbles in the distance, lighting illuminating the terrifying reality you were about to come face to face with. 
A twister. 
“Boone! We gotta move! NOW!” Tyler’s voice roars out from behind you. The crowds surrounding you all begin to panic and scatter, the warning siren screeching violently. 
You instinctively reach out to grab for Bailey but realize she isn’t there.
You spin in a circle, heartbeat rising erratically. Within a blink of an eye, your baby was gone. You could hear Boone repeating your name frantically, tugging on your arm, begging you to move but you couldn’t. You weren’t leaving without Bailey. 
“She’s gone.” you whimper, hands flying over your mouth. “I lost her, Boone!” 
He turns to look at his crew. “Go! I’ll catch up.” 
“You fucking better!” Lily screams. 
Boone turns to you, grasping your face with his hands. “Darlin’, we’re gonna find her, ok? We just can’t stand here cause if we do, we’re gonna die.”
You choke out a cry. 
“Ok, ok! Die may not be the best word to use but it will not be good!” 
He grabs you and the two of you run deeper into the carnival, calling out for Bailey. It felt useless, given the sheer amount of screams and bodies that were furiously scattering all around you. The wind picks up and scatters debris every which way, game stalls and food stands being ripped from the ground. 
“Watch out!” you shout, shifting Boone out of the way of a falling dunk tank. The water rushes towards you, sweeping away a few who were not fast enough to dodge it. 
“There!” he points and you follow the direction of his finger. Across the way is Bailey, standing by a water fountain, crying. 
You both push your way through the frenzy, dropping at your knees to assess your daughter. Outside of sporting a few cuts and bruises, she was fine. 
“Come on baby girl, we go to go!” 
Bailey shakes her head furiously, planting her feet firmly in the ground. “I’m scared!” 
You try to lift her into your arms but it’s no use, she won’t move. Boone tickles at her stomach to get her attention. 
“You ever heard of a spider monkey before?” He asks. 
Bailey shakes her head. 
“So, they’re these freaky little monkeys, you know, with long legs and tails. They run around on each other like backpacks. You think you can climb on my back and pretend to be a spider monkey?” 
Boone makes a few monkey noises, scratching underneath his chin. This elicits a small grin from Bailey and she gives in. Once secured to Boone, the three of you take off in the direction of the community college building, where people are taking shelter. 
The tornado is unrelenting as it closes in on the parking lot, cutting power lines and sucking up everything in its path. The forceful winds tug at the sloppily put together mini ferris wheel right in front of you, the metal groaning in weak protest before it topples over, crushing a family underneath it. It blocks your clear exit to the building. 
“We’re not gonna make it in time.” Boone announces. 
“What are we gonna do?” 
Boone scans the area with precise expertise, like a dog on the scent. It doesn’t take long before he’s taking your hand and leading you to a grassy area. 
“There!” He points to an adjacent neighborhood, noticing a ditch in front of a small house. It wasn’t the best idea but given the situation, it was the only choice you had. 
You dodge a few abandoned cars, trying to be mindful of your steps. Boone is gentle as he removes Bailey from her position and hands her over to you, instructing you to get in the ditch first. 
“Bailey, I need you to hold on to me and keep your eyes closed, understand?” 
You feel her nod against your chest. Boone hops in after you, shielding your body with his. The tornado whistles as it finally reaches you, the sound causing you to grind your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut. You don’t dare move until Boone releases his hold on you. 
The place was wrecked to hell. Overturned cars, ripped carnival games, fallen trees. Years worth of reconstruction that only took seconds to destroy. It was a reason why you wanted to leave, why you wanted to raise Bailey elsewhere. You didn’t want to have to constantly expose her to such harsh weather but let’s face it, you’re a southern girl at heart. If it wasn’t a tornado, it would be a hurricane, flood or worse. 
The best you could do is prepare her for this life and there was no one else better to help than Boone. 
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“You sure about this?” your mother asks you for the millionth time. 
“Nope,” you sigh. “But it’s his day, he’s a professional and I trust him.” 
Your mother scoffs, patting you on the back. “Lying to yourself. Like a good mother should. Bailey! Hurry up, your father is going to be here any minute.” 
Bailey comes rushing down the stairs, dressed in a similar fashion to Boone. You give her a once over, smoothing down her wild hair. “Are you excited?” 
“Mhm!” Bailey hums, bouncing up and down on her feet. “I’m gonna be a storm chaser!” 
“Oh, brother.” you mumble, voice drowned out by the thumping bass of country music, a signifier that Boone had arrived.
You open up the door to reveal Tyler’s truck, Boone hopping out the passenger side before the vehicle could even be put in park. 
“Monkey!” Boone yells, Bailey darting out from behind you and out the door, straight into her fathers arms. He wrestles her around, mindful not to overdo it while you are watching. 
The horn sounds off and Tyler pops his head out from the driver seat as he waves to you, Lily and Dexter’s coming out from the back. You cringe at the ear splitting noise and wave back, knowing you were definitely going to get shit from the neighbors. 
Boone walks up to you and presses a small kiss on your cheek. “Hey hot mama. I promise to have her back before dinner.” 
You stare at him sternly, lips pressed into a thing line. “And?” 
Boone groans playfully. “I promise not to let her ride shotgun, use Lily’s drone, have her within 1,000 feet of a tornado, alcohol or Tyler’s groupies.” 
“Very good, thank you.” You pinch Bailey’s cheeks, smiling at her fondly. “Behave, the both of you. 
“Yes ma’am.” they answer in unison. 
You lean against the railings of your porch, watching as Boone helps Bailey into the backseat. Your arrangement wasn’t perfect but for now, it worked. You were still trying to figure out how to best repair your relationship and you felt it necessary to take things slow, get to know one another again as you eased back into things. Romantic feelings lingered but you wanted to make sure that you put Bailey first. She’d be the most hurt out of everyone if this didn’t go well. 
Boone had adjusted quite nicely to being a father in his own way, full of quirks and surprises as always. It was nice having him around again after not seeing him for so long and you would do everything in your power to make things work. 
“Hey!” you call out to Boone as he climbs back into the passenger seat. 
Boone stops midway. “Yeah?” 
“...I love you.” 
Boone’s smile nearly splits his face in half. Tyler pretends to gag. He revs the engine and pulls out of the yard delicately, cranking up the speed down the residential street like a bat out of hell once out of your line of view. 
You weren’t sure how you felt about being back in the saddle with Boone but you knew you had more confidence this go round. 
Besides, it wasn’t like it was your first rodeo. 
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chasingmidnights · 10 months
13 Nights of Halloween: Campfire Stories; Story Eight
Title: Can You Picture It? 
Storyteller: Johnny Storm 
Summary: A story of a stalker taking things a little too far. 
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Warnings: First, this is 18+, minors DNI!! Some darker themes in this one: mentions of alcohol/drinking; minor cursing; if stalking makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this, it is the main theme for this story; angst; and I believe that’s everything. I apologize if I missed anything, but you are responsible for what you read and consume on the internet. By clicking, ‘keep reading’, you agree to these warnings and that you’re above the age of 18. I do not claim to be a professional writer, all mistakes are my own and nothing is beta read. 
Wordcount: 1,140
The rain continued throughout the day but by the time night fell, it had finally stopped. Flames from the fire flickered and popped, sending small embers into the air. You smiled as everyone talked and enjoyed themselves for another night around the campfire. Every story that has been told so far, you’ve enjoyed rather thoroughly, so you definitely couldn’t wait for tonight’s story. You polished off your third s’more with a smile on your face, washing it down with some hot chocolate before you spoke up. 
“So, who’s telling tonight’s story?” 
Everyone glanced around at each other for a moment and before anyone else could speak up, Johnny raised his hand as he took a drink from his beer. 
“I’ve got one, pretty bone chilling too.” 
“Bone chilling?” Ari questioned, his interest piqued. “This should be interesting.” 
“Go on, honey, tell your story.” Wanda encouraged Johnny with a smile. 
Johnny nodded his head before he started his story.
“Alright, so, this actually happened to a buddy of mine, and honestly, I do not know how he handled it so well. I probably would’ve killed the person if they had done this to me. It all started at the beginning of Freshman year of university, his name was Chase Collins, we had met on the basketball team. Chase had met this girl and she seemed normal, I mean she was relatively attractive, pretty smart, and on the cheerleading team. You know, as normal as a girl can get. In the beginning of their relationship, there weren't any red flags, at least none that Chase could see. However, as months went by, Chase began to notice a few things. 
“One of the things that he noticed was that a few things would go missing from his dorm room, nothing too big, just maybe a hoodie or a family picture. He also started to notice that if he didn’t reply right away to a text or call, she would become upset with him. This girl would also get extremely jealous if she saw him talking to another girl, even if it was just for work. He put up with it for a little while, but when things started to take a turn, he tried to end things. She would insist that he should have a picture of them on his lock screen of his phone, which originally he didn’t mind but then, it became more. Whenever they went out, she would take tons of pictures. Some would be of the two of them and others would be just of him, which didn’t bother him so much at first. However when he woke up to an Instagram post that he had been tagged in and it was filled with different pictures. He was a little alarmed by the post, especially when he saw the last picture of the post. It was a picture of him, but he was sleeping. He noticed that the picture was taken in his dorm room and just from looking at the window, it was dark outside. She had been in his room while he was sleeping, she hadn’t even stayed the night yet. Somehow, she had gotten into his room. When he exited out of the app, he noticed a notification from his gallery, so he clicked on it. He was in utter shock at what he discovered. 
“There was a new photo album on his phone and it was titled, “Our Life”. Chase felt the blood run cold in his body as he took a moment to think. He already had an idea on who might have done this, and he really hoped it was wrong. But when he opened up the album, his jaw dropped. The album was filled with pictures of him and his ex. Some of them he remembered seeing or being taken - like there was a picture of them at a Knicks- but there were others that he could tell were photoshopped; such as them at Cape May, they had never been to Cape May. And it got worse. There were some photos that were just of him. He was either on his way to class or out running errands, he was truly horrified. He shuddered at the images in front of him on his phone. 
“He couldn’t help but feel violated in some way, he had never had this happen to him before. Sure girls had been upset when he broke up with them but they were over it within a week. He had no idea how to handle this type of situation. He couldn’t even imagine what was going on through his ex’s mind. He quickly deleted the album on his phone and put a new passcode on it, also changing all of his other passwords. He could only hope that in time this would all just go away, but he was wrong. About three weeks later, he came home to his dorm and found a hand crafted photo album at his door. He carefully picked it up, glancing around as he did; he could feel his gut starting to twist. Terror filled his body as he flipped through the pages of the scrapbook, goosebumps prickled up all over his body. That was the last straw. He needed to do something about this and make it end. This was not the way he pictured his life would be going while at university. So, he decided to get out while he could and transferred to another university. Before he left though, he reported her to the police. However, by the time they went to talk to her, she was already gone. Chase could only hope that she had moved on and he could finally move forward with his life.” 
A small silence filled the night, nothing but the fire making any kind of noise. 
“That’s fucked up.” Ransom commented as Johnny finished his story.
“Can’t believe that there was a stalker at school.” Natasha said, a shiver rolled down her spine as she took in the story. 
“Yeah, she was a psycho and completely obsessed with Chase.” Johnny replied before he took a drink of his fresh beer. 
“Anything ever happened to that girl?” Kate asked, curiosity eating at her. “Do you still keep in touch with Chase?” 
Johnny let out a heavy sigh. “No, the police couldn’t find her, it was like she had completely disappeared. And as for Chase, we still keep in touch and he seems to be doing alright.” 
A cold breeze blew through the camp, causing the hair on your arms to rise up. You tugged your blanket closer to you and you made a mental note to not go berserk on Steve if things between the two of you ever ended. Even though the story gave you the heebie jeebies, you were ready for the next one.
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vampirevalentineblog · 11 months
October 25 2023
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ok! hello! back to regular blogging. if you weren't aware i'm now hosting the old blog on tumblr so this should be easier for me to update than manually adding to the html and dealing with archiving past posts. best part is you can barely tell save for the photos are handled a bit odd now o_<;;
so i'd like to catch up on errrrr Feb to October LOL a whole year practically. lets see what i've been up to...
did wondercon in Anaheim, uh then KawaiiKon in Hawaii. spent some extra time there afterwards as well, I always enjoy snorkeling ^_^ you regularly see many turtles but i even saw a pufferfish! honolulu is nice and walkable if you've got sun protection! plus lots of other people also walk around with a parasol so nobody heckles you for it (like where I live :|||) their bus service is decent as well. i had a pretty greasy plate lunch the first day i was there so it had my stomach upset like, the whole time ;_; did an escape room with friends for the first time that was pretty fun! unfortunately kawaiikon's moved to being juried and apps are not even open yet ??? so no guarantees i'll be back next year :/
also did another Las Vegas con, it was meh. i don't care for the organizers of this one they steal art for their advertising, overcharge for tables, and then put us next to a loud ass stage. don't like that! i'd already done Omegamart the year before but i was staying in Freemont which i've never visited. i'll be back very soon and hopefully get to Nevada early enough in the day to visit Goodsprings bc you know I am a New Vegas girlie ehehe. also did an Anime Impulse back in Anaheim. I usually don't care for them for the same reasons as those other organizers but at least the crowd is better! this past january one they stuck us in a leaky barn ;_; for the table price its pretty ridiculous but i always come back despite it all because the attendees treat me well lmao
left off with pins last time, but since then got shirts made! there's two designs, my "fallen angel" girlie and my cherubim design.
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you can see them off to the side there, this is my booth Colossalcon East in Pennsylvania this September. super fun! great con, lovely weeby people in PA! along the top you can also see some of my new big prints i made in like 3 weeks. just drawing drawing drawing -w-!! this con i also got to meet Grey DeLise/Griffin and she signed my Azula print for me hehe <3
my plane ride home got delayed for thunder which was stressful bc immediately after i had a flight to Japan! eek! this was my second time going this year. i had been in 2022 right when it reopened to tourists so it was a much different experience this time, wayy more tourists about. ended up arriving right at the peak of a heat wave i took it easy though just doing some figure shopping and enjoying the food. i love family restaurants there so much lmfao they're so good and cheap. also met up with a friend from all the way back in middle school who also happened to be in shibuya the same night ??? made her and her partner go to Denny's with us later on lol! also visited Odaiba and Hakone this time on my birthday! Hakone is where Evangelion's Tokyo-3 is meant to be based in so they've got their own EVA store. I got a Unit 02 strawberry drink thing, should have got the matcha-taro swirl Unit 01 soft serve icecream >:)
got back and did some house keeping up until i found out there's a halloween party! i made a very quick costume out of stuff i had lying around. only spent like 5$ for some plastic fake chains. here's my alice (sans chains ofc) i made that apron in like a day out of an old pillowcase -w-;;; i don't sew much!! maybe i would be good at it if i bought plenty of fabric and followed instructions but we'll never know because i only try it out to make something silly with no pattern using scraps all in 1 day and then i get fed up and start using hot glue and hem tape. as one does! its got a little bow in the back too but i had no interfacing so its just a piece of printer paper giving it shape. this is what halloween is about!!
please ignore the background i'm in the middle of painting my bathroom lol
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up next i've got Sin City Anime in Las Vegas and Kumoricon in Portland. i like these two, completely different vibe and size but Sin City was cozy last year (they've since moved soo well see ??) and Kumori has some interesting people lmfao. i will see you guys at the swap meet +w+!! for sin city they asked if i'd be interested in an extra free booth for the 18+ lounge event and i was like ok sure why not and come to find i'm like one of 5 tables??? i don't know how it'll go over but whatever its something to do! i will have my tres leches cows and some new ones...here's a preview!
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whole milk is soOoO popular i'm so happy lmfao he is for the girls and the gays <3 i've got to do some more boys....its what the people want. maaybe a whipped cream to go with whipping ? ^_^ <3!
alright that's all for now! ttyl!
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regionaltoday · 1 year
Threads App: Find Your Twitter Friends Like a Champ!
Picture this: You're like this big shot with a billion followers on Twitter. Now Meta, the bigwig company, has come up with a hot new app called Threads.
And guess what? It's blowing up, my friend! Mark Zuckerberg himself, the big cheese at Meta, says they've already got a mind-boggling 70 million sign-ups in just a few days. Can you believe it?
Excitement and Skepticism
Now, Threads might not be everyone's cup of tea. Some folks think it's too in-your-face with all that branding and Facebook stuff. But hey, let's not judge too soon. 
We're talking about a shiny new social media platform here, and joining it alongside millions of other users can be pretty darn exciting.
But hold your horses! Will Threads actually knock Twitter off its throne? Well, guess what? They're both just apps, not living beings. So, nobody's getting "killed" here. Plus, Threads comes from the same folks who are all gung-ho about the metaverse. 
So, who knows what the future holds? Let's wait and see how it all pans out. But hey, tons of folks are already jumping on the Threads bandwagon, sharing funny memes and hustling to get more followers.
Related News: Threads by Meta: 10 Million Users Join in Hours!
Tips for Rebuilding Your Social Media Following on Threads
Now, if you're up for reconnecting with your old Twitter buddies and maybe even showing off a bit, here are some tips to help you get back in the social media game on Threads. 
You can grab the app on both Android and Apple platforms, by the way.
Cross-Post Multiple Times
First off, don't be afraid to shout it out loud. Yeah, it might seem a little desperate, but trust me, it works!
Fire off a couple of tweets to let your Twitter peeps know you're on Threads and share your new handle, especially if it's different from your Twitter username. 
Go ahead and throw in some memes, humor, or even straight-up requests to catch their attention. Get creative!
Link Your Instagram
Now here's a cool move: link up your Instagram account with Threads. Picture this: you might have a different crowd on Instagram, but guess what? 
Lots of early Threads adopters, especially the big shots with huge followings and verified badges on Instagram, are shifting their community over from that platform.
So, when you sign up for Threads and follow your Instagram buddies, you'll have the option to automatically follow all your Instagram friends who also have Threads accounts. Sweet, right? 
And even if they haven't joined Threads yet, you can still follow them later if they decide to jump in on the fun.
But here's the deal: once your accounts are linked, you can't fully delete your Threads account without wiping out your Instagram account too.
It's a bit of a bummer, but that's how things are for now. Who knows? Maybe they'll change it up down the line.
Keep Your Account Public
Now, let's talk about privacy. If you're more into keeping a low profile, you can make your Threads account private. 
Just head to your profile, tap those two lines in the top right corner, go to Privacy, and toggle the Private profile switch to the right. 
But hey, keep in mind that if you want your posts to show up in the algorithmic feed and reach a wider audience, you gotta keep your account public.
Reuse Your Best Bits
Oh, and speaking of accounts, Meta collects personal info when you use Threads. So, take a sec to check out their data collection practices. 
It might be worth comparing them to Twitter and other alternatives, so you know what you're getting yourself into.
Reuse Your Best Content
Now here's a pro tip: don't be afraid to reuse your greatest hits!
Whether your account is public or private, it's totally cool to recycle some of your old photos, jokes, and topics of discussion.
Just put a fresh spin on 'em, you know? It's all about finding what works and connects with your desired following.
Consistent Posting
Consistency is key, my friend. If you're having a blast on Threads and you wanna attract more followers, keep those posts coming! Engage with content that makes you laugh or share insightful stuff. 
Since the platform is still in its early stages, people might be open to new connections and eager to grow their own following. So seize the opportunity!
Manage Screen Time
Now let's tackle the elephant in the room: screen time. We all know how addictive social media can be, right? Well, Threads has got your back. 
If you're worried about spending way too much time on the app, head to your profile, tap those two lines in the top right corner, and go to Account.
From there, you can select "Take a break." Threads will remind you to take breaks from the app after 10, 20, or 30 minutes of consecutive usage.
It's all about finding that sweet balance, my friend.
So, there you have it! Some killer tips to help you navigate the Threads app and build up your social media following. Now go out there, make some noise, and have a blast connecting with new peeps.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Tik Tok Leggings
Summary: Time to test these Tik tok leggings.
Warnings: swearing, Fluff, Cheeky Henry, Suggestive Themes, Plus sized reader
A/N: Just wanted to do something different thinking of maybe having a mini TikTok onshot series but unsure yet. Either way I hope you enjoy and happy Easter to those who celebrate  and those who don't? Have a brilliant Sunday xx
Taglist: will be in comment/reblogs
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You eyed the package wearily... just how the fuck were you meant to pull this off? Slowly but surely the confidence  and 'fuck it' attitude was waning. They looked small.... very small.
You huffed a sigh looking at yourself in the mirror eyeing your form. You swear you'd gained some more weight, just a few pounds maybe? But you felt huge. Slowly you unravelled the leggings, it had been a good idea at the time but now you wasn't so sure. They were expensive and even thought you bought them as a little prank you did hope they would boost you confidence or at least be comfy enough to wear around the house.
Being a larger girl it was hard finding comfy clothes and you had to be comfy now that your boys were running around the house like headless chickens. You thought the terrible twos with trainers were bad? Your four year olds had scooters!
You grit your teeth and decided to try the leggings on gearing up for an all put war with the waist band but was pleasantly surprized. The fabric was firm and tummy controlling without feeling you feeling caught by a bloody boa constrictor! A comfy tight not spandex tight. You casually wondered about seeing if the company did bras, this shit would stop the girls from trying to knock you out on the stairs!
You pulled the material setting the... elasticated seam in your ass crack and winced... Okay that's a little strange... but not unpleasant and almost thong. You spun around eyeing yourself in to mirror. You didn't look to bad, if you said so yourself. Sure you wasn't magically strim and fit, you were blessed with a nice thick ass... but unfortunately had the thick hips and large thighs to go with it. You'd never be petite or dainty, but then again henry was huge behemoth of a man so you didn't need to be. As he said on many occasions he wanted a woman as thick as him... and you definitely fit that bill. His thighs were only slightly bigger then yours.
You turned around a few more times. Fuck okay hello there~ you grinned. You may not be the perfect sized woman but fuck if your ass wasn't glorious in these leggings~ this just might work.
You grinned and pulled on one of Henry's tshirts, the grey marines one it was snug and would ride up a little over your tummy showing off your bubble but that you felt was your best feature. And then padded downstairs, henry. Was in the large garden trying to teach the boys how to play rugby... Wanting to start them young.
You pottered about the kitchen chopping up the salad for tonight. Contrary to what people thought you were not large because you ate to much or did little exercise, you had always been bigger and admittedly since having the boys you had gained a little more weight but not ridiculously, you wasn't dangerously over weight.
You hummed looking out the patio door seeing henry jumping for joy as his boys and Kal played 'rugby' darting across the garden to the tiny rugby post at the end. Moving to Jersey to raise the kids was a brilliant idea, you had a huge country house with the land to go with it. Flat and immaculate that spread around the house in nearly four acres the lawn was mostly to the back and side and cornered off with tall hedge rows then beyond it a cornered off veggie plot and greenhouse and a work in progress chicken coop. Soon there will be a decent sized pond and some ducks... Henry didn't know yet, but if he was allowed to have a stables built four god knows how many horses you were allowed your ducks god dammit.
You grinned watching as henry ran around both the boys with his phone out cheering them on as they tor across the garden wrestling each other for the ball. You had panicked when you were told twin boys but you should have known henry would be able to handle it. It was perfect, days like this when he was home and strived to make his sons lives as magical and fun as he could, everyday was a holiday when dad was home.
You shook your head seeing the boys both lay on the floor in the shade completely tuckered out from the mornings fun. Henry can into the kitchen and you held your breath quickly bending over the counter a tad more then normal hoping to get a favourable reaction from your husband. But you couldn't help the tinge of doubt  what if he didn't like them? Or thought you looked bigger then you were?
"Hey sweetheart are the boys fruit shoots in the fri-oh sweet baby Jesus" he coughed cutting himself off  and took a half step back as he came in the kitchen. You giggled and turned to him then nodded your head to the fridge.
"Yeah their in there love" you said smirking and blushing as you saw him eyeing your ass tilting his head slowly down trying to get a better look at your ass making you bite your lip.
"Err yeah yeah... I... hold that thought" he said snapping out of it holding a finger up at you and looked to his phone.
"You just stay right were you are- no nope over bend over again babe... fuck me how did I get such a sexy little mama~" he growled one hand swiping over his screen. You flushed and wriggled our hips a little as you leant forward feeling on top of the world as he openly gawked at your ass. For a second you thought he was taking a photo and made to move wanting to snap up right but he napped his fingers to you pointing for you to get back down and brought the phone to his ear.
"Henry what are you?-" you tried standing once more but he crossed the kitchen pressing himself up against your ass and rocked slowly making you mewl as his bulge pressed against your ass half hard already. Henry huge hand pressed you down on the counter before him and winked then he spoke as who ever was on the phone answered.
"Hey mum, hi can you come get the boys?" He asked and you gasped at him shaking your head at him laughing. He wasn't palming the kids off to their grandparents because he wanted a midday fuck! Not that Marie-Ann would mind, she loved hosting the kids and frequently showed up out of the blue and took them out for the day. She was adamant that both you and henry still had alone time.
"No, no everything's all right I just- somethings come up~" he smirked and you laughed loud shaking your head at him, he was a little bugger! He wriggled his brows at you and nodded then flushed stuttering for a few comments.
"I.. No no of course not mum... muuuum stop- well yeah... yes I know you were young once-oh shit no I didn't mean of course your still young! Your in your prime! Okay yes, yes I promise to try my hardest... yes okay, see you in ten okay love you bye... bye mum I will. Yes I will mum bye" he muttered slowly moving through being embarrassed, shy and strangely confident before hanging up.
"Soo the boys are going out?" You giggled finding the way he reacted ridiculously cute. It wasn't what you expected, maybe a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass. But not him shipping the kids off for the day.
"And staying over night" Henry muttered moving both hands to your ass and squeezed and rolled the cheeks about making you squeak and try rising on your tip toes but he just growled following pressing a kiss to your neck.
"And what have we agreed to for this mighty generous gift? What have you promised?" You said arching back into him with a teasing tone knowing Marie would make henry pay for the 'young once' comment.
"Oh you know nothing too big just another grandchild, which wont be hard with these in your closet" he chuckled pinging the fabric that clung to your ass like a second skin. You flushed gasping out at him batting him away slowly. But it was a hard fought battle, Henry won easily sliding the cutting board back then let you spin to face him. He quickly hoisted you up onto the counter top behind you and kissed your lips moaning into you before pulling back and pointed at you.
"Right you stay- right here. Don't you move a muscle Mrs Cavill" he said seriously and backed away from you still pointing making you laugh and kick your feet biting your lip before nodding. Henry backed up to the back door and called out to the boys.
"Boys come on! Your going to grandmas for a sleep over! Go pack a bag, jammies, tooth brush and clothes for tomorrow! Come on mush hop it or cop it!" he called you smiled hearing two high pitch excited voices squealing at the thought of grandma. She spoilt them rotten. They dashed into the house quickly running past the both of you giggle as henry tried playfully nudging them on the bottoms with his foot when they ran through the kitchen to dart up the stairs and pack an overnight bag. Henry slunk out of the kitchen following the boys but kept glancing back at you.
"Remember right there babe, been too long since we fucked in here~" he growled making you flush remembering the last time you'd made love in here. It'd been when you were pregnant, the day you moved in before you redecorated you'd had Chinese take out and then made love in every room in the house.
"I'll be right here love I promise, now... You might want to sort yourself out before answering the door to your mother~" you teased pointing to the large lump in the front of his shorts making him grunt and cup himself trying to reposition himself and left the kitchen to help the boys pack.
You can safely say, these leggings were a success. You were definitely leaving a five star review... You did however regret not filming his reaction for tiktok. Honestly you didn't even have the app your sister in law had shown you and you thought it'd be something fun to try with Henry. You may just get more than you bargained for though, not that you minded... You just hoped you had a girl this time, it was about time to try and even things out a bit.
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TWN: Witchers
So! I was minding my own business a few nights ago, playing a game on my phone, when I thought to look up the names of the actors who played witchers in TWN season two. My train of thought was as follows: "Oh, TWN didn't give us much personality for many of the witchers, maybe the actors that played them have had other, similar roles I that actually had personality, which I can use as a basis for their witcher’s personality. Alternately, I could stalk their social media so see what kind of a person they are." Lo and behold, IMDb had only officially credited the actors who had been credited by Netflix in the show. Said actors, the witchers they acted as, and their Instagram account handles are as follows:
Basil Eidenbenz - Eskel (basil.eidenbenz)
Paul Bullion - Lambert (paulbullion)
Yasen Atour - Coën (yasenatour)
Nathanial Jacobs - Everard (n.amosjay)
Jota Castellano - Gwain/Gawain (jota.castellano)
Chuey Okoye - Merek (chueyokoye)
Kim Bodina - Vesemir (doesn’t have one)
Henry Cavill - Geralt (henrycavill)
Now, that's all well and good, but in the wide shot in S2E2 where almost all witchers can be seen in one frame (here's a link to a tweet that has said picture, and some close-ups), we can see eleven (11) total witchers, and Eskel, who barges in right after said wide shot, makes a total of twelve (12) Netflix-canonical witchers. Didn’t Geralt say that there were 20 of them, when he last counted? What about the other 8 TWN? Turn on your location, I just wanna talk —
Speaking of Netflix-canonical facts, I figured refreshing my memory of TWN's page on the witchers who died in their sleep (Everard, Gawain (spelling discrepancy), Merek) couldn't hurt. Disappointingly, said page revealed no other information about said witchers.
So I went back to IMDb and saw that on the full list of credits, two more actors are credited:
Joel Adrian - Hemrik (Instagram, S2 wrap post)
Max Kraus - Tolbert (Instagram, Instagram post about 'The Good Part' of working on TWN (the few shots of using google maps to get to what i can only assume is the set is a Mood))
They're both uncredited for four (4) episodes, which is HALF THE SEASON. I am EXTREMELY angry about this. What the fuck.
Up to 10 named witchers, yaaay.
The tweet I linked to of the wide shot with almost all witchers visible in it gave the remaining two witchers the names of Diever and Vartok. However, google is unhelpful, as is instagram. And yet I persisted.
I swear to goodness I waded through IMDb for at least an hour trying to find names of stunt performers who were in both S2E2 (Kaer Morhen) and S2E8 (Family, in which there was a big battle at KM), but my search was unfruitful. Desperate, I went to Instagram.
Now I’d like to rant here a moment about how I Do Not Like Instagram. It’s hosted by facebook — sorry, “Meta” — and on the iOS app, you have to hit the screen Six Different Times to get to posts you’ve liked. That’s at least four times too many, in my opinion. So this was unfamiliar territory for me. I thought I’d be able to use IG’s search function, and it would work, and I’d easily find the actors’ names and wash my hands of the whole thing.
So you can imagine my disappointment when IG’s search function failed me.
Nevertheless, I stomped through the metaphorical swamp of IG, and I have emerged successful.
Just so we're all on the same page, I was trying to find the actors/stunt doubles who played the witchers labeled Diever and Vartok in the wide shot. Any sort of canonical confirmation. Their names would be nice, but not necessary. From the other images in that tweet, I was looking for an Asian man and a white guy with a beard. Can't be too hard, right?
lol NOPE
For those curious, my actions were as follows:
Jota Castellano has a picture on IG of him and five other witchers. (I’d post the pic here, but I’m on mobile, and I need to sleep but I need to finish this post more, let me live)
In the description of said photo, he tags all the TWN-canon witchers. #Vartok gets you literally nine results, so I decided to look under #Diever.
Before perusing said tag, I decided to go in reverse chronological order using the “Recent” tab, as opposed to the “Top” tab.
Y’all. I don’t think I can properly express the feeling of excitement that overtook me when I saw what I can only guess is a character poster for an Asian witcher. I was honestly about to jump out of bed, but I resisted and clicked on it.
Lo and behold, I’d like to introduce y’all to Nicolas Wang, who played Diever in TWN.
Since Nicolas Wang seems to care about giving proper credit, I was pleasantly surprised to see that he tagged a handle I was unfamiliar with.
Meet Lachlan Parkinson (edit: this used to say 'Peterson', I was wrong, his last name is Parkinson), who played Vartok in TWN. As of the time I’m posting this, their most recent IG post is of Peterson’s eyes blacked out with black veins around them, similar to the effect we saw on Cavill’s face when Geralt took whatever potion he took in I think S1.
So far as I can tell, neither of them has been credited on IMDb or in the Netflix credits. I don’t know if that was a stipulation in their contracts, but here we are: all twelve TWN witchers have names and actors.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I guess?
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She’s Creepy (Dream)
pairing : dream / clay x reader. 
summary : apparently being a huge fan of a big youtuber is considered being a creep, according to minecraft gamer, dream. and ever since he called you mean things, your world turned upside down. (ANGST) (TRIGGER WARNING)
a/n : i’m aware i’ve been writing all angsts, i just enjoy a little heartbreak. this is a two part story!
you haven’t been on social media as a public figure for long, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t been on social media before this.
you knew people, you had people you look up to, as of many other social media influencers or content creators. 
you grew pretty quick on youtube and instagram. your content mostly included room makeovers whenever you felt bored of your own home or your storytimes. you blew up from talking about your stalker. 
since then, your subscibers stayed with you and supported you, saying that you have a charm, and that you exert good energy and vibes. and those type of comments have always made your day.
you always shared with your supporters about your life, not too personal but enough for them to feel included. of course, you’re not telling them your phone number or address, but you tried to share as many details you can legally in your story times. 
that also meant that you would tell your supporters small details about you, such as what book you were currently reading or who you’ve been watching on youtube. 
even before you stated posting on your channel, you’ve been watching a minecraft youtuber, dream and his friends. 
some of your fans would tag them in some of your instagram posts, or tweets that brought no harm so you never really acknowledged it since it wasn’t hurting anyone. 
you weren’t “fangirling” you’d say. it was more of you supported them and found them funny and entertaining. 
coincidentally, you landed yourself on the dream team tiktok, which means that dream and his friends were all over you for you page. 
and to show that you were active and not dead to your followers on instagram, you’d post a funny tiktok, usually included the dream team. you thought it was harmless. to you, it was just a way to show support. 
but only a couple days later, hashtags about you and the dream team, more specifically, just dream, were trending. 
when you saw this, opening your twitter app, you immediately went to find out what this was about. your heart jumped when you thought maybe dream acknowledged you. 
in fact, it was worse. 
what was trending was a short video clip during one of the dream teams chill streams on the dream smp. 
the conversation between george, sapnap and dream went like this. 
“you guys heard about that girl who kept reposting tiktoks about us on her instagram story?” george asked the other two boys. 
“heard she watched us before she even started her channel” sapnap. 
“i don’t know about you guys, but i think she’s being a little creepy.” dream said. 
your heart sunk to your stomach. did your actions portray you to be a creep to other people?
“dream, you can’t just say that, especially on stream.” sapnap scolded him, george also mumbling something. 
“why can’t i? i feel creeped out by her, a public figure posting me all over her socials.” dream replied, tone serious. 
you clicked off the video, before it replayed again. you couldn’t get yourself to rewatch that, to hear those words again. 
almost crying, you told yourself to suck it up, that this wasn’t worth you crying. 
although they were who you looked up as minecraft gamers, this wasn’t worth your breakdowns. 
that was until, you opened your direct messages.
you shouldn’t have. you knew the dream team stans would easily hunt you down, to ask you to back off from creeping their idol off. 
but no, you still opened your dms. you expected a normal dm, ones that say they support you or some of your friends sending you memes through instagram. 
what you didn’t expect was to see a flood of threats. 
some said “kill yourself, you don’t deserve a spot on earth after what you did.” and “back off and leave my mans.” 
it got worse from there. you thought maybe it’s just the dms, but you didn’t expect it to blow up more, with people tagging you with photos on instagram and twitter. people “cancelling” you. 
you didn’t understand how this blew up like this. you were even more baffled to see some of your supporters sending you threats, too. 
was this what you deserved? 
you weren’t one to make rash decisions, nor were you a suicidal person. 
you felt stupid. just because you supported big youtubers, you get this type of treatment?
the threats, the dm, never stopped. for three whole months, you had to deal with the never ending mean comments on your social media. you thought it would die down. 
it came to the point of seeing your address and your phone number all over the internet. you never thought it would lead to this. 
you didn’t know what to do anymore. 
not long after, people started showing up to your apartment. 
sure, your apartment didn’t have the best of security, which you blamed no one but yourself for being a public figure and living somewhere with little to no security. 
they started with knocking on your door during ungodly hours. next was mailing weird stuff or sending stuff to your house. lastly, which tipped you off was that they would vandalize your apartment. 
they would egg your front door, pee, or spray paint your walls of the outside. 
you couldn’t handle it anymore. 
soon enough, you knew you had to stand up for yourself. you had to call the police. 
and that was exactly what you did. you called the authorities, which made the brave teenagers leave you alone. 
while they were egging your house and making your life miserable, you knew this was the only time for you to make a rash decision. to leave the country, to somewhere no one else would fine you at. somewhere unpredictable, that no one would expect you to go.
it took a lot for you to book a plane ticket, box up your belongings and move to a completely different country, away from your hometown, florida. 
you loved it in florida. though it was humid all the time, you enjoyed it. now that you had to leave, you only had a little while to cherish it before you leave it all behind. 
and your family, your friends. the ones you’ve grown up with, ones you’ve grown to love and cherish. you had to leave that too. and without telling them too much information. 
that hurt the most, needing to leave your loved ones behind, to start a new life, to start afresh. 
i didn’t know what was happening. one thing added onto another and soon it was out of control. 
i didn’t say anything at the start, not thinking it would go this far. i didn’t know to what extent my fans would go.
sure, i saw all the things happening, but i didn’t do anything to stop it. 
i saw her address and phone number all over social media, and did nothing about it. 
george and sapnap said something, and pushed me to do something about it, but i didn’t. i was stubborn.
speaking of, it’s been months since i heard anything about her from her herself, everything i see is from my fans or hers, wondering where she is.
should i be worried?
you left florida. the only people you told were your parents and your childhood friend, not trusting anyone else. 
what you told them was vague, that you needed to leave, away from the US. specifically, you moved to Australia. 
you made a decision to not live near the city, but the outskirts. 
you were lucky that you weren’t a spender and you made more than enough money to make the decision to leave so suddenly. 
lucky for you, you went to college and had a degree in law, so you didn’t need to worry about not having a job.
you never thought you’d make use of your degree this early in your life, thinking that youtube and being a content creator would last a little while longer. 
you had to change you hairstyles, your fashion in general since you had to be in a more professional setting. although it was hard transitioning from a casual wear and having crazy coloured hair to wearing pant suits or formal dresses and going back your natural colour. 
three years. it took you three full years for you to even think of visiting your parents in florida again. also, given the fact that you had a stable job and you couldn’t up and leave. 
but recently, you were offered to work at another law firm in florida. you were happy to tell that to your family back home but at the same time, you were hesitant to go back to your nightmares. 
but you braved yourself, since you missed your family dearly. 
now, you were sitting on your desk in your cozy home, finalizing up the last of your move, like getting a house back in florida, this time with a better security just in case. 
boxes of your clothes and belongings went first, to reach your new house there before you did so it was easier for you, not having to worry about your stuff. 
you asked none of your family’s help, not wanting to burden them. instead you told them to just meet you at a restaurant you booked for you and your family and friends for dinner about three weeks after you landed. 
although they protested, saying it was too long until they can see you again, you told them to not worry and that you were going to use those three weeks to start working at the new law firm.
you decided to take a straight flight from australia to florida, not wasting any time. although it was almost a twenty-two hour long flight, you sat throug and got to your hometown safely. 
you didn’t know what was going on with the three boys you used to adore, since you didn’t have social media anymore. 
but you didn’t mind it, it was peaceful. 
two weeks since you’ve stepped foot in florida again. it felt amazing to breathe your hometown air again. it was refreshing. 
you have fully settled in your new house, and workplace. you were glad to have met your co-workers. they were all super welcoming and made sure you weren’t left behind in anything. 
so far, your transition from australia to florida has been smooth, and you weren’t worried about anything. 
you got a car since you’ve arrived, so that you could travel easily from one place to another. 
not to brag, but. you were making enough money to live a lavish lifestyle. a big house and a pretty expensive car, and that didn’t even make a dent in your bank account. 
you were proud to see that you achieved all this yourself, and only within a couple of years. 
you were just excited to meet your family in real life instead of facetime. 
finally, the day of the dinner with your family came. unfortunately, you had to take a case in the afternoon, so you had to come to dinner in your work pant suit, with a turtleneck and a little late. 
they understood it and told you not to worry about it, and that they would just seat themselves by your name instead of waiting for you. you promised you’d pay their dinners and apologized once again. 
the sound of your heels comforted you as you walked from the valet to the restaurant. you were a little nervous to meet them again face to face after three years. but you couldn’t wait to catch up with them and tell them all about your work life that you could never tell them during the facetime calls. 
you smiled to yourself, thinking nothing could go wrong. and nothing could really go wrong anyways, it was just a dinner after all.
but you hadn’t expected the three boys you used to idolize to be eating dinner at the same restaurant you and your family would be at, specifically, opposite your table.
you walked in the restaurant, telling the front of the house that you had a table reserved under your name and that you were pretty sure the rest of your family was already there. 
she politely told you to walk alongside her, leading you to your family. 
you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings. you were solely focused on seeing your family that you didn’t know that there were extra pair of eyes staring at you. 
you smiled as your family saw you. your mum crying while standing up to hug you tightly, as she once did three years ago. 
you could hear your friends shout your name loudly, as if to tell the whole world that you were finally here. 
“don’t cry, i’m staying, no more going back to australia, i swear.” you told your mum, trying to reassure her that you were fine and that you were not going to leave her again, since she hadn’t stopped crying.
you moved to hug your dad, who had been patiently waiting for his turn after his wife. “you look great, kiddo.” you thanked him as he complimented your professional look. 
you sat down, somewhere in the middle, between your family, opposite of your parents so that everyone could clearly see and talk to you easily. 
with how noisy you family were, you were sure the entire restaurant knew your name and where you had just moved from. 
they asked you about australia, what was it like to work there, away from your family. you caught up with every single one of them. 
“don’t you live in that really expensive neighbourhood right now?” one of your childhood friends asked. 
you winked at her, discreetly trying to answer her question. the whole table shouted and congratulated you for making it this far, in only a matter of short years. 
you covered your face, shy, not wanting this part of your life to be told to everyone in the restaurant. 
there she was. the person whose life we practically ruined. luckily, we didn’t ruin it all for her. i guess she made use of her brains and is working a normal job.
“dude.” i tried to attract the other two boys’ attention. 
“i know.” both of them answered me. 
“she’s rich rich, huh?” sapnap almost chuckled but was totally serious saying that. 
“yup.” dream. 
ah yes, clay. the man dream himself. sapnap and i tried to persuade him into making it right for her, for you. 
sure, he had said those mean words, but he can take it back. three years ago, at least. 
she disappeared three years ago. vanished. no one knew where you went. some say you moved out of the country, which deemed to be true. couple of years later people started to find out what you worked as, but i tried my best to help get rid of the information 
but they just couldn’t pinpoint where. you basically uped and left everything. 
and there was time to apologize, but it had been to late. 
i thought she died, quite frankly. i didn’t want to be the cause of someone dying. well at least, not me, but my friend. 
now us three were seated in a pretty formal and expensive restaurant to eat dinner. and we did not expect to see her here. 
she came in a little late, wearing a very professional wear. seemed like you went to work before this. 
i knew you were a lawyer, we three knew that since our fans found it out. 
she looked completely different. hair not her usual crazy colours. just seeing her in heels baffled me. she was wearing something formal and that wasn’t what you usually wore, years ago. 
she’s beautiful.
not that she wasn’t before. 
but this version of her was different. her in her pant suit, in heels. a turtleneck under her blazer. 
she looked elegant. classy. rich. 
i mean, she is rich. 
her family screamed when she told them where she lived. and man, that neighbourhood only had rich people. it had one of the best, if not the best security you could ask for. 
it wasn’t easy to buy a house there. even if you had the money, you’d need a certain bank card to be allowed to even be shortlisted. 
and if i saw it correctly, she drives a bentley that was just parked by a valet kid. 
damn. she is one successful woman. 
i know, how could i think this much of her, how dare i when i didn’t even apologized. i didn’t even try. 
in fact. i did. even before she went MIA, fully on social media, i sent her direct messages everywhere. she never replied to any of them. 
and i knew no one that had her phone number. and soon enough, no one had heard from her in three years. 
and now she’s back. more beautiful than ever. 
i needed to speak to her i couldn’t live with the guilt that stayed for these past three years. 
my fans, my so called supporters made her life a living hell and i almost did nothing to stop it. 
i’m sure she hates me. but i have to try somehow, right?
question is, she didn’t have a social media anymore, and i can’t just speak to her now that she was sitting opposite my table. 
i kept on pondering as i heard a little bit of her conversation, about her life. 
i guess she moved to australia, and worked in a lawfirm in the outskirts. so unpredictable of her. no one would’ve guessed that in a million years. 
i watched as i see her smile as she listened to what her parents were saying. 
i cherished the smile since i didn’t know when was the next time i’d see her. 
she asked the waiter for the bill, covering the whole cost of her and her huge family’s meal. 
damn, this girl is too rich for her own good. 
she puts down the bill on the table, also leaving a generous tip for the waiter that served them. she stood up to walk after her family, needing to pass my table. 
since she had been oblivious to her surroundings, i didn’t expect her to spot us, to notice us. 
but i was wrong. 
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Female Led Relationship In Real Life
FLR explained, the woman has final say on all matters. The man accepts her wishes, her wants, and her punishments. This isn’t the FLR most men dream about in real life which is sexual in nature; I can promise in real life it is much different and more rewarding long term for both parties involved.
For us, yes housework is my responsibility and it started out with her lowering the normal standard that she kept up so that I could get down a routine. Overtime I’ve gotten better and worked longer in rooms and areas that did not meet her standards. I want to say higher, but they were only higher standards to me when we were vanilla. I see now the importance of daily, weekly, and monthly deep cleaning chores and tasks. They really do make the house ready for guests at a moments notice without worry and it really lifts a level of stress off of her which reflects back into us and our time together.
I’ve been timed and my daily chores I can do in 20 mins if I hustle. Normally it takes me an hour in between making her breakfast or getting ready for or after my work. Either way my “right” to ask permission to play video games or have screentime on my phone is once my chores are complete. The weekly tasks I’ve broken down into days to accomplish them easier (for myself), to not get behind, and make sure I meet her expectation of cleanliness.
My fav part of our FLR which has led to has been more love, time, and attention towards her is a phone rule. Dinner at home or out, regardless with friends I have to ask permission to use my phone. Needless to say no one bats an eye as they think it’s great we’re not on our phones. I like to check google reviews and see photos of different food options at a restaurant and it’s almost always a yes when I ask and then I put it away or it goes in her purse. I will say getting to that level of discipline isn’t easy.
In FLR I thrived with any new rules or expectations as soon as Goddess Amy figured out the best punishments that one changed my perspective and made me do risk/reward calculations before taking an action. What worked for her and didn’t cause her too much additional time away from what she enjoyed and was highly effective for me was corner time (30+ mins sometimes) and marking down in my shared chore app her grievances, which I too could see and were addressed with the paddle when she so decided. Unlike fantasy FLR there is nothing fun about having your pants around your ankles and being met with a firm paddle. She knows once I’m over ten that each and everyone will be remembered throughly. She has taken it a step further and makes me recite while I’m being paddled. Again not sexy but to make sure i know what I did and what I should do again.
Writing lines or the same thing over and over on paper takes a lot of time and she doesn’t except sloppy work. When that comes up I know I’m metaphorically fucked. It’s the equivalent of a cold shoulder when we were vanilla and I know a conversation is coming.
FLR isn’t all chores and sex. It’s a means to have a more loving and quality filled relationship. It’s non-standard but really does the trick for us. Of note when you’ve been met with consequences for falling short on expectations it really does change you behavior and moments vanilla you might want to give constructive feedback or argue a point of view. In FLR skip it and if you don’t like the point/topic/discussion try and bring it up at the end of the day or week, and if you really want ask if she wants feedback and if she says yes then maybe; otherwise wait until the end of the day or week.
In real-life FLR I can only give my perspective and maybe some of hers. For me I’d say the most important part is the man accepting she has the authority. Leadership isn’t all about being right, it’s about inspiring follow-ship naturally and accomplishing shared goals of the individuals under you and for the organization. Goddess Amy does that wonderfully and this is where you could say she understands my kinks (motivation) and pessimistic characteristics (frictions). She has a firm grasps on all things me and has goals for me, expectations for herself, our house, and our family. FLR works well for us because I accept and want her authority and she cares about all of the above to ensure each and everyday we move forward and improve. It’s not like the kink where things are expected to be absolutely perfect. She knows what I can handle and pushes the bubble little by little until it’s “perfect”, I look back and think wow what a difference I never thought this was possible.
Have you heard the phrase “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. If daddy ain’t happy don’t nobody care. “ That phrase sums up FLR. This ties in with communication and roles of FLR. She can easily say be ready we are going out and that means get in nice clothes and get everything ready to go or she can say she’s going out, which means I have the house to myself and if I’m lucky I’ll be given permission to watch TV or play games on my laptop. This ties in with staying on top of the routine she has set for me and other rules like no screentime without the chores being done. Most times I’m fortunate enough to get sceentime when I have the house to myself and sometimes it’s an opportunity for me to address a writing assignment she would like or an addtional chore. Rarely does it include me playing and sending pictures while she is out and about, but either way I’m always responsive and accept what she chooses as I know and believe it has a purpose. I just don’t sometimes fully understand it until later on down the road.
Real-life FLR the man only does what she wants and in ours she has retained meal prep for us and weekday dinners. The weekends I get to grill out and make her meals. Dishes are easy in our house. After a meal we clear the table, some things into rubber ware, some things rinsed in the sink and then into the dishwasher. We have a sign for clean/dirty and the dishwasher gets ran at night once full every couple of days and per my checklist is emptied or check daily.
A big benefit for her is me seeking ways to earn extra privileges ultimately by going out of my way to be on my best behavior, pampering her with love, surprises, and foot rubs. Some days she surprises me with the same to include paid massages and also breakfast in bed.
In public we appear vanilla, with the exception that I may secretly ask permission to have a soda or bend our diet plan a bit with a dessert. I’ve found asking before we go out with friends is better and also she has coded eye brows and looks which convey a silent approval or disapproval as I talk through what I might want when asked.
In addition to not meal prepping every meal since she loves cooking and helping us meet our fitness goals there are a few other things she retains control of. One is laundry, not because she loves it but because only she understands our walk in closet system for her stuff. Every morning I make sure everything is in the hamper and check the dryer- going through and pulling clothes tout of the dryer and separating out her dresses, tops, panties, etc in a way that makes it faster for her to put away herself, along with hanging and putting away all of my clothes neatly. Second the baby’s room there is a fancy rug which gets cleaned a certain way that’s off limits to me. I didn’t ask why and daily just make sure everything is clean and organized. Unlike fantasy FLR you won’t see me begging to do more chores, but you will see me finding areas which I add to my daily to keep off my monthly and deep clean routine to save myself time another day but just maintaining the area better. One example for this is dusting, yes the dreaded dusting. Once despised, I now prefer to address it per room per weekday versus all at once on the weekend. For me it’s less tedious when mixed in with picking up toys, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces versus a whole hour of it another day.
To end this long discussion one thing that I like most about our FLR is despite me, the man not having final decision is that she gets my feedback 9 times out of 10 before making the final decision. I always feel heard and understood even when I don’t get what I wanted on most big topics, this isn’t the case with little chores or screentime expectations.
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shoichee · 4 years
hello! may i ask some tips about the instragram acccunts the GoM + kagami could have? like of sort of post, amount of followers, stuff like that THANK U and have a great day !!
Kuroko Tetsuya
professional lurker
never comments on anything unless it’s to congratulate under a friend’s post or something like that
probably started using it because Ogiwara moved from letters and texts to just... instagram (technology advancements, jazz hands)
his account is on private, and he only lets people he knows follow him
all of his posts are pictures to commemorate something or just really wholesome group pictures
DEFINITELY has that picture of the GoMs at his birthday OVA
DEFINITELY also posted the big birthday picture taken at the end of the party
and also had typed very sappy BIG paragraph captions for both of these posts, talking about the journey and him being grateful… y’know, him being him
@momoiowo: TETSUU (ʃƪ˘・ᴗ・˘) YOURE SO SWEET REEEE
@a_daikiii: i stg quit being so corny no one died yet🙄 and @momoiowo relax smh
@shin_chan77: I suppose I can express some form of gratitude for being in my life despite you being a blood type A. (insert a giant paragraph after this)
@4k4shi: This was very touching to read, Kuroko. I’m very glad that our… (insert him going down memory lane)
Murasakibara has no comment LMAO
his entire Seirin team are his hype men under his posts
his profile picture is literally the gray default blank head because he didn’t even set up a profile picture for himself
he has like 20 followers max or something?
8 posts? like, he only posts on special occasions or big events
his occasional stories are always comprised of Nigou and blurry Kagami pictures/videos running away from Nigou UH OH (courtesy of @dust-of-fandoms)
@tetsuya11 for his user handle
Kise Ryota
uses his instagram account as a portfolio for his modeling career
majority of his posts are actually pictures he managed to snag from his frequent model shoots
it looks SO professional… but then you look at his IGTVs and his reel videos
his reels are either short clips of mini vlog series he does whenever he visits the GoMs or when he’s recording his Kaijō teammates doing tricks and dunks
his IGTVs are either skincare tutorials, fashion advice… or just… unexplainable, out-of-context shitposts of Kise running away from what fans assumed “a green-haired man” or some “captain”
follower account?? 124k
who wouldn’t resist a hot model?
@kiseryouta with an official verification next to it
people either love him or hate him
posts a casual selfie from time to time, and people praise him for “being real” LMAODOA AND HE’S JUST STARING AT HIS PHONE LIKE “??? IMIG BUT I JUST FELT CUTE TODAY”
his captions feel fake LMAO like: “Wow! today’s so pretty today!” as he puts a selfie post OR “What’s your favorite game?✨” under a professionally-shot model picture that does not correlate with the caption???
has posted shitposts on his stories and his fans are utterly confused… only the GoMs get it LMAO
Midorima Shintarou
ONLY reason why he has social media is because Takao convinced him that he could let everyone know the daily lucky items for each signs for every post he makes
so for the first 2 months of having instagram he just casually posts a “daily horoscope” report(?) for the day
his content attracted in all the astrology fans and people who are devoted to tarots
and he’s CONFUSED.
… Takao may or may not have played a hand in messing with the algorithms to expose his account to bigger audiences
once Midorima finds out he’s MAD LMAO *insert Takao pain noises*
either goes down two paths: just casually continuing to post the daily Oha Asa predictions without interacting with anyone OR deleting his account and making a new PRIVATE one just for communication/lurking purposes
so he can honestly have 10k followers if he chooses to be a horoscope account or like 3 followers on his private, take it or leave it
maybe he has two accounts if he feels that having instagram has its merits
definitely has a shit ton of random stuff/posts in his saved collections
boomer energy, like… what’s a “reels” feature?? people talk to their phone camera and record that?? he’s squinting really hard and scratching his head
either has 356 horoscope posts on his “main” or like 19 posts on his private
has a rubber duck as a profile picture for BOTH ACCOUNTS HELP HIM
@oha_asa_ for his horoscope account or @shin_chan77 as his personal because he doesn’t know how to change his username (thanks, Takao LMAO)
Aomine Daiki
he doesn’t give a shit about instagram LOL
it’s MOMOI who handles his account because he doesn’t wanna bother with it LMAOO
she would tease him and try to “encourage” him to stop lazing around by taking pictures of him whenever he’s snoozing and posting it
but he’s so damn good-looking that his sleeping pictures got some traction with new fans
Aomine is still sleeping
his account also has pictures of him eating at Maji burger or at a café, and of course Momoi is the one snapping these photos of him
he started caring about it a little more once Momoi told him that he can post videos of himself doing trickshots and one-on-ones to potentially find worthy rivals over the internet and meet up
so now his account (videos, reels, IGTVs) are all riddled with basketball/small parkour footage shot by yours truly, Momoi
so his fanbase is split between thirsty people and people who genuinely admire him for his skills… but I mean there’s also people in both categories, anywho
he’d totally follow his favorite Japanese idols on IG if they had one
also would follow any NBA-related accounts/players he admires
has like 2.7k followers (but growing really fast) with like 176 posts of videos and random pictures of him
his profile picture is literally a picture of him sleeping by Momoi
Momoi Satsuki
LOTS OF REALLY cute, playful selfies, and a lot of them are used with cute filters from the Snow app
sometimes would post herself doing a really cute Tiktok dance while in her school uniform
she doesn’t post too much; she’s actually more into posting IG stories and making highlights out of them and then making highlight covers have a coordinating theme together
very aesthetic theme on her feed overall hehe
definitely uses her account to comment on other GoMs posts, often commenting something snarky on Aomine’s and Kise’s
actually has 1-2 IGTVs on the Vorpal Sword’s big game against the Jabberwocks
doesn’t have much of full-body shots/outfit pictures other than mirror selfies because Aomine refuses to take good pictures of her
only when she sees Kise or Kuroko is when she can ask either to be a photographer
she’s definitely gotten a few small collab offers from small businesses, but she usually ignores them because it’s not exactly her thing
her profile picture is just a selfie with a sketch-line cat ear filter
uses a bunch of emoticons on her bio, captions, comments, everything
⌒(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)⌒ or ☆⌒(>。≪) or .₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇. you get the picture
967 followers… that looks way too specific, but it’s somewhere around there; a lot of them came from Aomine’s account after they saw who’s been taking his pictures, and they wanna learn more about her??
around 40 posts?
Murasakibara Atsushi
Himuro showed him how to use the app, but Murasakibara doesn’t find ANY USE FOR THIS LMAOO
he’d probably only get on it to look at food on the explore page and drool about the cuisines
keeps tabs on local places/restaurants/shops on instagram; those are probably the only accounts he’d follow tbh
it’s probably like ONE post and it’s an old picture of a dango on a plate he ate like 2 years ago
I have this image in my head that he has a really cute bento art as his profile picture?? can you imagine a Rilakkuma-shaped rice as his PROFILE PICTURE?
his bio is definitely: “hungry”
and that’s it
27 followers, and it’s literally just his Yōsen teammates, the GoMs and probably some other classmates of his
his captions are literally empty or 1-2 words
Akashi Seijuro
only uses instagram because it’ll be beneficial for his company and to expand social networks, plus getting those sweet business deals and engagement
he doesn’t mind seeing really wholesome videos on the explore page though
when he wants to relax, a cat video melts his stress away
laughs to himself while he reads all the shenanigans underneath the GoMs’ posts
DEFINITELY loses a few brain cells seeing trolls and idiots on the internet… especially on controversial or political ones LMAO
he at first had to REFRAIN himself and take deep breaths before he just scrolls on, but he eventually got used to them and can now easily ignore them as easy as he breathes air
he actually enjoys shitposts and meme videos?? like he may not completely understand the meme trends sometimes, but he’ll still find it amusing enough for a chuckle
he ends up being the one who uses instagram the most? like Kise posts a shit ton, yeah, but Kise doesn’t really sit down and just scroll endlessly; Kise releases out content, while Akashi consumes the content
he reasons with himself that it’s to study his current demographics for the company, and while that may be true, Akashi just enjoys social media, plain and simple LOL
he does get to study the behaviors of all the generations using the platform, young folks and old folks alike, and it does get him excited in using his analytical skills to try to figure out people BEHIND a screen rather than those in front of him
it makes a really good challenge for him when he wants a good mental exercise
he has a post or two about his horses, his manor, and a video or two on him playing his violin?? but most are business-related, them being advertisements or business contracts/offers… things like that
his highlights are all about Q&As regarding the company, his background, his skillsets, etc. like an actual resumé
actually links current world issue cards/petitions on top of his company website; he’s quite an advocate
he actually doesn’t post about basketball because that’s something very close to his heart since it reminds him of his late mother… having that mixed in with his company-related posts feels wrong to him
27k followers, most of them are business-related accounts AND some are some followers his father bought for him without Akashi’s input to inflate engagement, etc.
@4k4shi… oh he thinks he’s SO CLEVER FOR MAKING THIS USERNAME LOL with the 4 being his jersey number and the 4s looking like As… AKASHI PLEASE—
his profile pic is like a professionally taken picture, nothing less for our king
his grammar and syntax are impeccable on social media; after all, he’s still being judged for how he carries himself even on the media
Kagami Taiga
mukbang guy… DEFINITELY
hot guy eating nine plates of steaks
IGTVs are filled with mukbang videos because Kuroko said he could make a living off of his appetite
on his posts, he posts dishes he makes for the day/is proud of and talks about the dish and ingredients briefly in the caption
that, or he has pictures of his new basketball shoes LMAO
or all of his basketball merch
has a generic Jordan brand logo against a dark background as a profile picture
doesn’t have his face anywhere unless it’s in a mukbang video
279 followers or something
why do I have a feeling that he’ll accidentally blow up when Alex takes his phone to do a quick selfie on it?—
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
the exes
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lmfao guys i finally checked my taglist form and i've been missing a lot of you sorry :///
warnings: men that might remind you of your ex, brief mentions of sexual content
wordcount: 2.4k we're back to shorter fics unless you guys want to start waiting a month in between them
“I love you, Sophie,” he’d said, and then looked at her expectantly.
She was surprised when she heard herself echoing her first boyfriend, Peter, with an “I love you too,” even though she wasn’t sure she meant it. Her parents always said they fell in love after only two weeks, so Peter waiting two whole months to tell her was a logical next step.
Peter went to the Columbus College of Art and Design, and they’d met through a dating app after Sophie figured she didn’t want to have to meet another boy that was halfway drunk and put his hands on her waist when he shuffled past her in the dirty college bar. So she settled for the first nice boy she met, that looked halfway decent and kissed halfway decent too. He was two years older, twenty while she was eighteen, and always bragged to his friends about how mature she was, how smart she was for her age.
Her father hated him, but Sophie just figured it was because he was her first real boyfriend. Carter especially hated him, making a clear effort to ignore him and turn a cold shoulder when he’d pick Sophie up from the dorms and take her out to dinner, or on the few mornings he had to pick her up from Peter’s house when Peter would complain he was too hungover to drive the eleven minutes to campus to bring her home.
She quickly learned that I love you wasn’t necessarily love, it was more like an obligation. When she really was too busy with architecture homework, or she had a sorority meeting, he’d ask her to come over with a pleading “c’mon, but I love you,” and she’d huff to herself but pack up her things and go to his apartment for a couple hours. She’d hang out with him just long enough to placate him, then trudge back to her house, work on homework until three am, wake up exhausted, repeat.
She went out with him to the bars, more often than she liked, and he’d get way drunker than her every time. Sophie would sigh and drag him home, then make sure he was well enough to attend church the next day. She went once and was reminded of how her childhood was spent in church, every Sunday in youth group, and hated that feeling. One of the girls in his youth group led a sermon about saving yourself for marriage, sending several pointed glances at Sophie, and she realized he’d probably confessed to them about how she let him touch her. (He didn’t know that she faked an orgasm so he’d quit rubbing what was basically her inner thigh.)
He was never mean, just...boring. Something she had to deal with. She found herself wanting more, playing with the idea of what it would be like to ask out the cute boy in her sociology class, but then she’d shake her head and remind herself she wasn’t a cheater. Besides, he wasn’t that terrible. He’d dote on her and call her princess (which she hated, but figured as far as pet names went, it could be worse).
When he posted photos with other girls on his Instagram story - at a party, in class, out to lunch - Sophie found herself not caring a little too much. She kept waiting for a hint of jealousy, and thought that sometimes he was waiting for it too, but it never came. Julia and Allie would see and question those stories, ask Sophie who those girls were, but she’d just get defensive and shrug it off. (He’s allowed to have other girl friends, she’d say. Even when the photo showed the girl’s head on his chest and arms around his waist and his arm around hers, his hand on her hip.)
When he called her in tears, after five months of dating, she knew what was coming.
“I kissed someone else.”
“Oh.” She paused, gathered her thoughts, then realized she had none. Felt completely neutral. “Okay.”
Peter sounded like he was at his breaking point. She didn’t care. “It’s been going on for a while.”
“Is it Andie?” Sophie asked, growing annoyed. Did they really need to drag the phone call out?
“Yeah.” He let out some ungodly sob and she found herself feeling disgusted, wanting to tell him to pull it together. Andie was cool, a girl she’d met a couple times at the few college parties she’d been to with Peter, where everyone sat around and smoked cigarettes and drank IPAs, and fit the stereotype of art students so damn well it wasn’t even funny. Andie wore Doc Martens and had a buzzcut and gave zero fucks - and clearly didn’t give any about the tentative friendship Sophie thought they had.
She wrinkled her nose. “Did you do more than just kiss?”
Peter had never pressured her - ever - Sophie would tell him sorry with shaky hands, that she just wasn’t ready to go further, then felt gross every time she apologized. But if they went a little too far and she made them stop, he never stayed the night, only napped with her until she was asleep and slipped out just after.
“I’m so sorry, princess -”
She recoiled at the pet name. She’d never liked it but didn’t hate it enough to argue against it. “No, no, answer the question, Peter. Did you do more?”
“...Yeah. We did. I just - I had to find it somewhere, you know -”
“Oh.” She mumbled, her insecurities confirmed.
“Sophie, princess, I’m so sorry. Why don’t you come over and we can just -”
“I don’t think I want to see you again. For a while.” She added, chewing anxiously on her lip as she told him.
Silence came over the phone for a few moments until he finally replied. “Oh.”
A few more moments. “You’re sure? We can talk it out.”
“Um...no. And yes, I’m pretty sure. Okay. Um. Talk to you later, I guess.” She hung up, feeling more disappointed in herself for not catching it than anything else.
(They did not talk later, or ever again. Sophie figured that was best.)
Shortly after Peter, Sophie met Luke. He was sweet, a little boring too, but most importantly, he was easy. Easy to talk to, easy to hang out with, and she didn’t have this lingering fear in the back of her mind that he was going to go hook up with someone else. After a few months, Luke became a little less than easy - he was clingy and would walk her home from every class, he would ask her to come hang out when he studied in the chemistry lab, he would complain if she didn’t spend the night with him. She found herself lying to him that the architecture studio didn’t allow visitors, just so she could get a breath of fresh air.
One night, when Sophie sighed upon seeing Luke’s contact pop up on her phone and went to grab her overnight bag without even reading the text, Allie frowned. “Sophie.”
“You don’t have to do this, you know. Just because he says he misses you. You can be your own person.”
Sophie paused, considering. “I am my own person, just with him. Right?”
Allie hesitated before answering, wanting to phrase things carefully so Sophie didn’t get upset. “I feel like maybe you’re a little different with him. When I met you, you were confident and bold and...I don’t know. I think he’s holding you back.”
(You’re a shell of yourself,” is what she really wanted to say, but she wasn’t sure Sophie could handle that.)
“Oh.” Sophie uttered, quiet. Allie had just confirmed what Sophie had been thinking for months, but she didn’t think anyone else had picked up on it. “You think I should break up with him?”
“I think you need to decide that on your own.”
She just gave her a look, shaking her head. “Go over there, and say what you need to say.”
Sophie was clearly debating, stuck, until Allie pried her bag out of her hand and grabbed her keys from her desk. “Al -”
“Come on. I’ll drive you.” Allie guided her out the door, her arm slung around Sophie’s shoulders. She drove her to Luke’s house, waited outside while Sophie went in, and texted Julia to get ice cream from the store when Sophie walked back out only twenty minutes later with teary eyes.
Sophie slid back in the passenger seat, drawing her knees to her chest. “I did it.”
“I’m proud of you, Soph.” Allie reached over and hugged her. “You’re better than him. I promise.”
When they both returned to their room, Julia wrapped Sophie in a big hug. She held her tight as Sophie sniffled, quietly, then promptly handed her a spoon for the ice cream as soon as she let go. After a few moments of quiet, Julia broke the silence. “So when are you getting back out there?”
“Oh my god, Jules, give her a break.” Allie rolled her eyes as Sophie giggled through her tears.
“I’m just asking! Maybe it’s time for you to go through your hoe phase, babe.” She reached over and snagged a bite of the ice cream, twirling the spoon around thoughtfully. “Or do you have any guys in mind - oh, remember that cute Delt that’s from your hometown -”
Sophie fixed her with a glare. “If I’m doing a hoe phase, it’s sure as hell not gonna be with Rafe Cameron.”
“Rafe! That’s what it was. Okay, so he’s out. What about the bartender at Varsity Club, he always gives you the extra shots in your drink for free?”
“Can you give the girl at least a day to get over her breakup?” Allie asked skeptically.
“Can I just say something?” Julia asked.
Sophie sighed, nodding. “I know you’re gonna say it anyways, so go ahead.”
Julia gave her a sheepish grin, patting Sophie’s knee. “I never liked him. He made you kinda like a doormat, y’know, and that’s not you. You’re better than that. Plus, he was so needy. I mean, he had to have been good in bed for you to stick around -”
“Jesus Christ, Jules -”
“He wasn’t.” Sophie interrupted them both. “We didn’t do that much, anyways.”
“Oh.” Julia paused, thinking. “Well. I’m glad you broke up with him, anyways. Takes a lot of courage.”
The first time Luke called when he was drunk, it was only a week after their breakup. Sophie felt bad and picked him up from the bar to drive him home, and let him kiss her in his room before she pulled away and urged him into bed.
The second time, it was the next weekend, and she did the same thing, but kissed him a little more. She ignored Julia’s knowing look when she slinked back into their room, head down, with her lipstick a little smeared and hair a little astray.
He kept drunk calling and she kept going to rescue him, to pick him up from the bars or a pregame or wherever else he was. She convinced herself it was only because she felt bad about breaking up with him, that he wasn’t all that bad in the relationship. The fifth time he called, a month and a half after the breakup, the girls were all drunk at the bars, and Luke was drinking at a party. When he called, Allie snatched the phone out of Sophie’s hand and tucked herself into the corner of the bar to hear him.
“Soph - no, wait, Allie?”
“Yes. It’s Allie. Stop fucking calling her.”
“I just - I thought she could take me home -” He started, confused.
Allie huffed but forced a smile and gave Sophie a thumbs up from across the bar. “No. She can’t. And you can’t call her anymore, she’s not your girlfriend. Go find a friend or something.” With that she promptly hung up and blocked his number, satisfied. She’d regret it a little in the morning, but didn’t tell Sophie what she’d done.
It took Sophie about two weeks after Luke’s last phone call to follow Julia’s advice to ‘get back out there.’ The first time, she convinced herself it was way too easy - flirted with a frat boy at the bar with a few subtle touches, twirled her hair around her finger, and went back to his room after only an hour of knowing him. It was rushed, awkward, and she was pretty sure the guy came in his pants after a few heated kisses and a couple rolls of her hips.
The second time, she tried a little harder, going after a guy that approached her first with a smooth pickup line and a broad smile. They traded buying rounds for each other all night, until he kissed her around midnight and shyly asked if she’d want to go back to his place. When he escorted her into what she recognized as an off-campus Sigma Chi senior house, she didn’t dare inform him that actually, she was just a sophomore with a really good fake ID. She surprised herself when she took off her clothes first, then kissed him with a newfound confidence she’d pulled out of nowhere.
“I lost it.” Sophie announced with a slight frown when she came back into their room at two am.
Allie woke up from her spot on the futon where she and Julia were watching TV, rubbing her eyes. “What’d you lose?”
“Your...” Julia trailed off.
Sophie nodded, wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s not like everyone says. And I thought it would take a little longer. It wasn’t bad, though.”
Allie frowned, getting up to hug her. “Are you alright?”
Sophie accepted the hug, resting her chin on Allie’s shoulder. “Yeah. Just...I don’t know. I kind of hoped it would be a little more special.”
“He didn’t kick you out, did he?” Julia rose too, wrapping her arms around both the girls.
“No. I left.” She paused, sounding both deflated and a tiny bit hopeful. “They can’t all be like this, right? I mean, this is my fourth guy I’ve had...something with, and I’m starting to think there’s a trend.”
“No, no, you’ll find the right person. I promise.” Julia assured her. “Maybe you need to just wait, you know? Take some time for yourself.”
Allie hummed in agreement. “You’re more than just some dumb relationship.”
“I just…” Sophie sighed, quietly. “How am I supposed to know when he’s the right one?”
taglist: @drewstarkey @lemur46 @jjmaybanksbaby @edgeofgr8 @quxxnxfhxll @obxtess @hoodpankow @vtgirl802 @outerbankies @messagesinthesky @nicolecarsley @svechnikolan @ilovejjmaybank @obxtess @abbyj1822 @oopsiedoopsie23 @g4bster @jjmaybankzz @freddymaybank @dontjinx-it @illbesafeforyou @moniamaybank @tovvaa @jailcalledlife @sunshineitsfine44 @randomficsandshit @outerbankspreferences @outerbanksbro @karsinner @kkmaybank @whoeveniskendall
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undyingskies · 4 years
Just Fine
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Request: yes; “hii, could you maybe write an owen imagine where fans take pictures of his gf kissing a guy on the street so there is rumors and of course owen's pissed, but she was actually filming a scene so everything was fake please”
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy, I have a decent amount of requests I am working through! As well as a two part fic for Owen, they are going to take some time so if you requested please be patient with me! I promise I am working on them!
Warning: None
Your show, Charmed, season 3 was renewed at the same time as season 2 of Julie and The Phantoms. Which means you and your boyfriend Owen were both incredibly busy filming in two different time zones. You guys tried your best to talk when you were free and keep each other updated with what was going on in your shows, but it got more difficult as time went on.
You loved your boyfriend and you missed him but between your two schedules you felt like you were putting more effort in talking to him than he was you. You guys actually haven’t talked in a few days and you were the last one to text and call him.
You get he was busy, you were too, but it still felt like he wasn’t putting even a little effort into trying to talk to you.
So here you are today, reading lines sitting in your makeup chair getting ready for today’s scenes. This season they introduced a new character to play your love interest and today was the big scene between the two of you.
You were nervous, really nervous. Charmed was your first ever show that you booked and so far you’ve had no love interest so you didn’t have scenes like the one today. You were a professional and you knew you could do it but still you were nervous. It would be nice to tell your boyfriend about it, Owen is usually really good at calming your nerves but he just seems to be ignoring you.
“Y/N it’s your time to shine, let’s go!” You hear Tami your director yell.
You sigh at her words, stand up and shake your hands at your side; before you walk onto the street for your scene.
You think to yourself, you’ve got this, it’s only one scene. You’ve done plenty of other scenes in the past that have made you nervous before so it’s okay. It’s just why did this one feel different?
“Alright, you guys ready?” You hear Tami yell again.
Both you and Jake, your love interest, nod yes and get in your places.
“Okay, awesome. We’re gonna take it from the spot where you guys are talking about how you feel and you’re walking to Lily’s apartment” Tami tells the two of you.
She walks back to the camera and sits in her chair. Everyone on set quiets down as the lights flash, and you see her hands counting down from three to one.
Then one hits, that’s your cue.
“You know Steven, you really didn’t have to walk me back to my apartment.” You tell him and turn to smile at him, placing a hand on his arm.
“I know Lily, you can totally handle yourself but it was an excuse to spend more time with you.” He tells you.
You respond with a smile. The two of your characters walking through the street making small talk with one another.
Until the two of you reach the destination of where your two characters were going. This is when it’s gonna happen, just take a deep breath and it’ll be okay.
You stop and turn to look at Jake, who’s character is Steven. You grab one of his hands and say,
“Well thanks again Steven, I appreciate it. I liked having the extra time with you too.”
He smiles back at you and takes a step towards you. He places a hand on your cheek and you lean into it slightly.
“Me too.” He whispers out. You both just look at each other smiling and that’s when he leans in. The two of yours lips meeting for a kiss.
You two stay standing with your lips interlocked for a few more seconds until you hear Tami yell, “Cut.” At her words the two of you step apart.
“That was great the two of you really, perfect! Could have not gone better!” She tells the both of you. You send her a small smile.
You think to yourself that really wasn’t that bad, your nerves no longer getting the best of you. You grab your things and make your way to your trailer; it was a long morning and a nap wouldn’t hurt.
Upon making it to your trailer, you fling yourself  onto the bed you have in there. Almost immediately falling asleep, face first in your pillows, letting slumber take over you.
You have no idea how long you had been asleep for but the constant buzzing of your phone on your bed besides you wakes you up.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eye, you reach over to grab your phone. You squint at the sudden bright light from your phone reading the few messages you have. One catches your attention first. It’s from Owen, it reads.
“You should really check twitter. Thanks.”
You think to yourself that’s a lot of periods and does not seem good. You can’t help but panic a little that’s not a normal text from Owen, especially after not talking for a few days.
You close the message app and quickly open the twitter app. It doesn’t take long in your scrolling for you to stumble upon what seems to have upset your boyfriend.
It was pictures of you and Jake kissing in front of the building. The photos don’t show the cast or crew filming the scene, it really is just the two of you. Your heart picks up at the sight of the photo, it doesn’t look good. How did someone get this photo and how did it blow up so fast? You think to yourself, right now that doesn’t matter though. Owen is what matters.
You quickly call Owen wanting to explain to him the reality behind it. Your phone rings twice then it gets sent to voicemail. You scrunch your eyebrows and call him again, voicemail again. You call again and again, and then finally you get an answer.
“What do you want Y/N?” You hear Owen snap at you.
“I wanted to call you to explain what that photo was as I can only assume that’s why you’re so upset.” You tell him, trying to stay as calm as possible.
“Oh what you could only assume is what I’m upset by?? I actually loved seeing photos of MY girlfriend kissing another guy. It was actually really great getting to see that and hear about it from Charlie.” Owen snaps again.
“You don’t have to be so rude about it Owen, it’s not what it looks like. That’s Jake, not some random guy! It was for-“ He cuts you off.
“Oh great to know it wasn’t some random guy. You know what I really don’t feel like talking to you right now. I’ve got to go.” He says quickly trying to get you off the phone fast.
“You better stop that Joyner and listen to me for one second.” The tone of your voice making him stop his movements to end the call. He doesn’t say anything so you take that as your cue.
“First of all that’s Jake, my co-star, and that was a scene for our show. He is playing my character’s love interest actually.” Your frustration building as you take to him. “And you would know that if you took any time to actually talk to me instead of ignoring me for days on end. You don’t put any effort into this like I do, I know what’s going on in your scenes. I bet you could not tell me one thing that’s going on in mine!”
Your met with silence.
“Ya that’s what I thought Owen, so you know what goodbye, have fun learning about my show through the internet.” You tell him before you hang up, not letting him get another word in.
Tears slip from your eyes as you gather your things to go home. You checked the time and it was 6 PM. Your nap was a lot longer than you thought but you could go home now, they told you if they didn’t get you by 5, they wouldn’t need you for the rest of the day.
Tears continue to cloud your vision as you drive through the streets of LA to your apartment. You have music playing quietly during your drive hoping it would help calm you down but the tears still fall.
You feel bad, guilty even. If you were in Owen’s shoes and saw photos like that on the internet with no context you would be just as mad and hurt by it. You shouldn’t have reacted that way, you should have stayed calm but he didn’t give you the time to explain. Your hurt from not talking to him for days and feeling like he was ignoring you just built up and took over.
Once you reach your apartment you quickly shuffle into the building and into your unit. You didn’t want to be far from your bed much longer, the comfort of it calling you. You quickly strip from your clothes and into you pajamas, which was just underwear and one of Owen’s shirts.
You crawl into bed and check your phone one last time, nothing. No notifications, absolutely nothing. You lock it and put it on its charger. You settle into your pillows and pull the sheets over you, covering half of your face, letting sleep take over you and a few more tears slipping from your eyes.
You don’t know how long you were asleep for but a loud banging woke up you, déjà vu. The pounds don’t stop as you turn over and check the time on your phone. It read 6:02 AM. A lot earlier than you would have liked to be woken up.
You stretch and pull your shirt down to cover your thighs. You let your feet lead you to the door where the banging continued. You open the door not even thinking twice, getting ready to yell at whoever decided it was a good time to wake you up this early.
You stop dead in your tracks, the words lost in your throat, your mouth just hanging open slightly. Your face to face with Owen.
He doesn’t say a word, he just pushes past you to get into your apartment. Your left standing at your door alone, still shocked and confused.
“You know it’s probably a good idea to close the door Y/N, especially with the whole no pants thing going on.” Owen says facing you.
You blush slightly at his words, closing the door and tugging the shirt down hoping it would cover more of your skin. It’s not like it’s nothing he’s seen before but his gaze on you right now, left you feeling vulnerable.
“What are you doing here O?” You ask him, walking into the living room and going to sit on your couch. Owen follows your lead.
It’s so quiet, and the atmosphere around the two of you is awkward. It was never like this between you and Owen, neither of you liked it very much.
Owen sits next to you, leaving space between the two of you so he could turn to face you, putting one of his legs on the couch.
“Soooo...” You trail off hoping to start some type of conversation, anything was better than the silence.
“I didn’t like the way we left off on that conversation, both of us obviously hurt and it didn’t feel like something that should have been fixed over the phone.” He tells you, one of his hands grabbing onto yours. “I jumped on the first plane after that phone call, I needed to see you.”
“I-okay...” You say, taking your hand from his to rub your eyes and yawning. The mix of exhaustion and confusion not helping you put together words. You place your hand on his again.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I should have given you a chance to explain or even say something before I got so frustrated. I should have let you talk before trying to hang up on you immediately. I just, it was really hard seeing those photos and knowing nothing.” He tells you, leaning forward a little more. He’s able to catch your gaze.
“No I know, I’m sorry too O. I know I overreacted a bit just yelling and hanging up on you. It was just you called and yelled without giving me a chance to really speak, and that was the first time we’ve spoken in days. I let my own frustration get to me.” You tell him.
“If it was the other way around, I would reacted similarly too. I don’t even want to think how I would feel seeing a photo of you kissing a girl with no context.”
Owen lets go of your hand to push some hair out of your face. He lets his hand cup your cheek after.
“I think we both were upset and instead of talking it out we just took it out on each other instead.” You nod your head agreeing with him.
“You know I’ve missed you love, it’s not easy being so far away.”
“I know Owen, that’s why I was so upset. I feel like whenever I have the chance I’m facetiming you or texting you just to give us some time to be together in some way, but it never felt reciprocated. I know you’re busy, you know out of anyone, I understand that. But baby, I stopped trying and we didn’t talk for 4 days before yesterday.” You’re able to get all of that out without tears falling and you feel proud of yourself.
Owen’s looking at you as you tell him those things. He sees you gulping a little harder and the glaze over your eyes, he knows you’re trying not to cry. He still has his hand cupping your cheek.
“I know Y/N, I want you to know how sorry I am about that. We’re both busy but it’s not okay that I but you on the back burner just because I know you understand. It just work has gotten extra busy it feels like lately and then I’m exhausted, I know that’s not a good excuse but it was never my intention to make you feel not important or like I don’t care about what you have going on.” The tears finally slip from your eyes. His fingers brushing them away as they fall.
He pulls you closer and into his chest to hold you. It breaks his heart seeing you like this and knowing it was because of him.
“I get it O; I miss you so much and sometimes it gets super hard. All I wanted to do was tell you about what was happening in my scenes this week, especially because I was so nervous to do it.”
“I miss you too and completely understand that. You know how much I love to hear about what you’ve got going on in your scenes, especially this week’s scene I would have liked to know that one.” He tells you with a small laugh as his hands rub your back. You lean back a little and leave a small slap on his chest, a small chuckle leaving you as well.
“Trust me I would have liked you knowing what was going on too. I would have liked that a lot more than you finding out over the internet.” You tell him.
“It did get you here though, so maybe it wasn’t so bad.” You offer him with a laugh, him reciprocating.
“Oh whatever Y/L/N.” He says before leaning in to give you a kiss. Your lips meeting his, you melt into the kiss. Oh how you’ve missed your boyfriend and the feeling of his lips on yours.
You smile as the two of you break apart.
“We good now?” He asks you.
“Yes, we’re good now.” You tell him with a smile.
“Also I promise no more ignoring and I will put more effort in. I wanna know what you’ve got going on, that way I can pretend I’m here with you and the distance doesn’t seem so bad.”
You lean into his chest at his words, his arms wrapping around you and squeezes your hips.
“As long as we’re both in this together O, it’ll all be just fine.”
His lips meet yours for another sweet kiss. You lay happily in each other’s arms for the next few hours until you had to go to set. You leave for set Owen in tow, hand in yours, as you update him on everything you’ve got going on and answering all his questions. Both of you happier than ever.
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softkuna · 4 years
𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃-𝙰-𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳 | meian shugo
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𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃-𝙰-𝙱𝙾𝚈𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳! 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑... 𝙼𝙴𝙸𝙰𝙽 𝚂𝙷𝚄𝙶𝙾
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Meian settled into a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon that he rented from some fancy schmancy place. His date would be waiting for him not too far from that point. From her profile photos, she was cute. Small from what it seemed, but when you’re 6’5” most people were small. The profile was very obviously not written by herself seeing as most the answers included “my friend likes…”
He pulled up the map and sent an ETA through the app. He rolled the window down, letting an arm fold out while his hand remained on the wheel. Driving was his serenity and it was a damn shame he couldn’t drive as often as he wanted to. He was a humble man, not one to brag about his garage of cars. Not one to talk about how he liked to fix’em up.
It took all of 15 minutes to reach the meet up point. He saw you, but your head was down in your phone, hand along your neck and fingers tapping at the skin. He was supposed to be your boyfriend for the day. He had a date or two already to which he was tipped generously for his time. It was a natural thing for him. He was a relationship type of guy. He was always more on the natural air of things, confidence coming with age. With a face like his and a career like his, it could only grow with each person who approached him.
But for some reason, seeing you look so nervous while waiting for him made him want to not lay it on so heavy. Others he laid it thick with the ‘doll face,’ ‘pup’, ‘sugar’. (One date he didn’t even need to leave his room. It was a zoom call where he had his camera off. She had told him ‘I want you to piss my parents off.’ )
You looked up to see your date for the evening, Meian Shugo. He was in a black Jeep, high off the ground. His smile was broad, confident, gleaming. All the confidence you had built up from Shoyo had suddenly vanished. You thought you’d do so well this time but the butterflies swarmed in your stomach so violently you feared their wings would cut through your stomach.
There was a moment of silence, both of you staring at each other until he barked a laugh and hopped out of the car. Oh lord he was huge. Massive. You resisted every fiber of your being that wanted to ask him about the weather.
Meian placed a hand gently between your shoulder blades, guiding you to the opened passenger side door, “I don’t bite… much.” With a wink, he closed your door and sat on his own side.
“I-is this your car?” Your stammering was adorable.
“Nah,” he waved a large hand, “Rented it. I do own one like it back home.” He gestured a thumb behind him, pointing to a figurative ‘home.’ You nodded once and fluttered fingers to your cheeks, covering the blush when you felt his eyes on you.
He blinked at your non-winter-weather outfit; light wash and high waisted denim shorts with a thick belt. They looked big, but he figured that was the style now’a days. You had on some cream colored spaghetti strap tank top that cropped just above the belt. And a dusty pink cardigan made of…
“Ey, hon, what’s this fabric? Mind if I-?” He pinched a little between his fingers, rubbing the material. It was soft. Really soft. Nothing like he’s seen before.
“Polyester? I think??” You pulled it off and looked at the tag, “Yep! It’s not mine though. It’s my friend’s. They likes to dress me up.”
“Aren’t ya cold?”
“A little, but we’re in a car so it’s no big deal.”
His arm hung out the window, pulling back in to shift gears here and there. You stared out to the horizon, stiff as a board. You weren’t the easiest to talk to at first, often muttering single worded responses.
You couldn’t help it. He was handsome as hell. Shoyo had a boyish charm to him, especially with how energetic he was, but Meian. He was a man. A sharp edge to him that definitely couldn’t be read as anything other than comfortable masculinity.
Snapping out of your daze, you perked. You were going across a bridge. A beautiful one at that. You could see the sun just above the ocean. Probably an hour or two before sunset. Both of your hands gripped the car window,  “Meian,” you called with a slight pitch in your voice, “this is gorgeous!” You beamed at him a tad over-excitedly.
His lazy smile broadened, “Figured you’d like it.” It did say in your profile that it was one of your favorite spots to be at.
Within another set of minutes, awkward silence melted into comfort. The car stopped in an empty parking lot. It wasn’t like there were many people at the beach around 4 PM on a winter weekday. Your eyes were glued on the man as you watched his hand shift the gear to park and suddenly you remembered his proposition.
You were learning how to drive a stick shift.
“Alright pup, gonna teach ya a new trick,” He reached underneath the seat, craning it back as far as it could go. Not like it was far considering how long those legs were. Nervously you unbuckled, leaning on the console to peer at the petals.
Your heart stopped and your lips pursed slightly. Meian took one look at your expression and bit back his laugh. You looked up to him with a crease in your brow, “Why are there three petals?”
Soon enough, you were in the driver’s seat and he was in the passenger side. You searched for the lever to pull the seat up and blushed when Meian reached under to show you. At this point, it wasn’t even that he was uncomfortable to be with. It was quite the opposite. He was relaxed and maybe a little teasing. If people were colors, he’d be a serene seafoam. No, what made you nervous was how attractive you found him and how he so perfectly acted out the role of boyfriend.
“Let’s start in first, ‘kay?”
You nodded, swallowing down your anxiety. Push out of your comfort zone. More like shove you out the comfort window.
“Remember which one’s the break?” Meian peered to your legs, foot hesitantly over what you thought was the break, “Good! Now what?”
“Emergency break?” Now it was your hand’s turn to hover.
“Atta girl!” He was impressed at your memory. Most people would’ve forgotten that step if they only drove automatic. When his eyes met yours he could swear to god he saw the sparks light up in them. So you’re a praise learner, huh?
You glanced down, moving your left foot to the clutch and pressed it down. While still on break, your hand slid onto the gear shift. You waited. Picking up on the subtle clue, the captain nodded, “Yep, go to first.” His right hand hooked to the handle by the window casually.
You shifted into first. Feeling his eyes on you, you wanted to show him that you remembered his mini lesson and peered at the dash to the RPM, watching it move up before slowly letting go of the clutch. Just like that, the car began rolling.
Meian’s palm smacked the roof of the car as he hollered, lop-sided lips tugging up. You bounced excitedly, eyes switching between the gear shift, the petals, and the RPM.
You switched gears successfully not once, but twice. Each time, Meian showered you in praise. Your heart fluttered and it made you want to do more. When you turned the wheel, he encouraged you to go to the road. Anxiety crept up in you and you felt your palms sweat on the leather. He leaned the seat back, “Nothin’ta worry about. You’re a natural. Just keep doin’ what you’re doin’ and you’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” Your voice wavered with giddiness and uncertainty. Should he really be trusting your novice driving skills like this? You seriously questioned his judgment calls.
He peered at you from the corner of his eye, taking in the laser focus you had on the road. Hell, you even stopped gnawing your lip like it was the last food to grace the earth. He crossed his arms and tilted his head back, deciding to close his eyes, “Sure as I can be, pup. Gotta question for ya.” You hummed, leaning forward slightly to view the empty road better. He continued, “How’d ya get so good at multitasking?”
You took a moment to answer, making sure to shift appropriately as you picked up speed, “I do a lot of art – pottery and all. Professionally.” You really couldn’t multitask as well as he thought you could, but you wanted to impress him, “It’s kind of like a pottery wheel with petal and speed and hand things. That’s the closest I can get, though. There isn’t a lot of multitasking in the other art things I do, really. Not like this.”
The Jackal’s captain fully looked at you in that moment, a small ‘huh’ leaving his lips. He took in the bit of clay that lodged itself under your bitten nails and the small stripe of white paint on your thighs from propping up a canvas before the edges dried. Meian never dated an artist before, but he wanted to now.
Comfort came after driving a few circles. Eventually you found yourself on a strip of road that extended far out. Meian remained laid back, eyes closed. He never fell asleep and instead listened to you sing along to songs that played on the radio (which was turned on after the third circle seeing as you were deemed ‘good ’nuff’ for the minor distraction).
 You occasionally chit chatted about this and that. You learned that he was an athlete – like your last date. He learned that you’re supporting yourself alone. Your parents didn’t exactly vibe with you being an artist and skipping university all together. You didn’t tell him you had a date with Shoyo, though. Just like he didn’t tell you that he was part of a professional team with Shoyo.
He felt comfortable. You felt comfortable. That’s when three things happened.
1.       You passed a 15 mph speed limit sign.
2.       You saw that you were going 65 mph.
3.       You felt Meian rest a warm palm on your thigh.
Now, in quite literally any other context, that would be a pleasant boyfriend-like thing to do. He was simply acting his part’. Surely, he did the same thing with other clients. However. That combined with the other two made your heart, lungs, and soul try to jump out of your corporeal form and into the next dimension.
First gear. First gear! First gear!
Whipping it into first, the car decided you were the bourgeoisie and it was the working class. It straight revolted, a loud clattering was accompanied by you scrambling around in a panic. Meian sprang up, but his torso was snapped back by the seatbelt’s safety. He unbuckled (like a moron) and kicked your foot out of the way from its spot to press and pull both available breaks.
You sat in silence, hands over your mouth and eyes wide. A choir of ‘oh shit’ sang in your mind, commemorating your funeral with their harmony.
It took some shuffling, but Meian went back to driver’s side. You stood next to the car by the shoulder of the road. A burning smell tickled your nose. Your date came out, hands on his hips and lips pursed to the side. Coming to you, he sighed, “Transmission or clutch went awol. Damn thing won’t start back up. Nothin’s leakin’.”
You sucked your lips in and resisted the urge to scream. Throwing up was one thing. Breaking a rental car was an entirely different one. You bowed, “Meian, I am so so sorry. I should’ve been paying attention and I-I-“
“Woah, woah, girlie, calm yourself. Don’t need’ta do any of this shit,” He bent at the waist, peering at your squinting eyes. His hand rested at the curve of your shoulder into your neck, thumb stroking calmly at the spots you had tapped at before he picked you up. The effort brought near immediate relief, but anxiety made you wonder if he was masking his anger for the sake of his job. When he smiled, you knew it was genuine, “I’m damn near 30. This isn’t even the most expensive car I’ve had this happen to. Don’t worry about a thing, pups. ‘Sides, I shoulda been watching you closer. Blame the teacher, not the student.”
The words were like warm lavender winds brushing away your damp and dead leaves. You offered to pay for the expenses, not daring to mention how it would clear out your savings. Meian waved a hand, “Nah. I got it. I make more than enough to cover this plus some.”
“Then why are you a rental boy-“
“-Help me push it, will ya?” He interrupted, not wanting to admit that it was because of a bet with his troublesome teammate.
You tried to put the car into neutral as per his instructions the best you could, jogging to the back to join him in pushing. You had to admit, the view of his arms working and him pushing a vehicle was a sight to behold. 
All the two of you did was push it to the side of the road, so no cars could hit it. You leaned on the rail protecting traffic from tipping off into the waters below while Meian called the company to explain what happened.
When he hung up, he went to put the phone in his pocket, but the sight of you stopped him. You sat on the rail, facing the ocean at sunset. The cardigan you wore slid just below your shoulders and the cool breeze tousled locks so gracefully. A ghosting feeling went through his fingers as they yearned to be the wind. He snapped a photo in landscape mode.
You turned, brushing hair back around your ear and smiled to him. He snapped another photo and you gestured to him to the spot next to you. He did, leaning his forearms on the cold metal, “Hope ya don’t mind.”
“That you took photos? I mean… I thought it was against the rules. Just ahh…. Hm. Send them to me through the app? Can you do that?”
“Think so, yeah. You looked good. Cold, but good,” The words were said as the photos were sent. You saved them with a bashful thanks.
“Since the date’s almost up, my friend’s coming to get me. Will you be okay?” You glanced down to him, leaning forward as you added pressure to the bar at your toes, keeping you from falling.
“I’ll be just fine. Gotta wait for a tow,” He paused and moved to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you to lean into him, “Makin’ me anxious leanin’ like that.” His husky laugh was whisked with ocean breeze. You followed, reveling in the warmth. He liked that you were comfortable enough to accept the gesture. It’s what boyfriends did, right? Even if they weren’t real. Even if reality settled wrong in his stomach.
“The ocean’s so pretty,” You’ve always admired how the waves soaked up the sun’s colors. Oil paintings you’ve made throughout your life a testament to that love.
Meian glanced at you, then the horizon, “Yeah, but I’ve seen better.”
“If I rent you again, take me to ‘better’,” You giggled, missing the look in his eyes and the meaning of his words. Your phone rang, “Oh! That’s my friend, they’re here now - across the street!” Head tilted back, you looked up to him, “Thank you for teaching me how to drive and I really am sorry about the car. I wish I knew how to help.”
“Not a problem, pups. Rate me good. That’s help enough.”
His arms felt empty when you left them.
He checked his phone and saw that once the time struck, the contact was erased automatically. Meian sighed, scrolling through the next few clients he had lined up - his last few dates, he decided. With good tips, he still had a good shot at the win, anyway.
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“How’d this one go hot stuff? No throwing up?” There was nonchalant concern in the question. 
You sat back heavily, “No throwing up. I learned how to drive stick shift, though. Then broke the car..”
“You didn’t have to pay for that, right? Those cars are outrageously expensive, ‘specially from those rental places.”
“No, he said he made enough to cover it, weirdly enough.”
“Huh. Well that’s nice of him.,” You friend commented, “Wonder what he does.”
“Me too,” You thought about Shoyo and the up-scale restaurants he took you to, “Me too.” 
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“Wait, didn’t he offer you a jacket? That was the whole purpose of the shorts! What a dick!”
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Tag List: @flattykawadoorusmilkbread​ 
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hockeyisit · 4 years
Auston missing Amelia on the road 😩✨
Hi! So I asked from prompts awhile ago and then got really busy with school. I got this one finished and I loved writing it! I hope that this is what you were hoping for! Let me know if you have any feedback or if there are any other prompt requests. 
Word Count: 2,674
Opening up Snapchat I see that I have something from Auston and quickly tap it open. It’s a photo of him laying in bed shirtless hugging a pillow to his chest with a pout and tired eyes. No caption. I smile lightly before taking a screenshot. He was currently on a week-long road trip and we were only three days in. I missed him so much I didn't know how I was going to handle the rest of the week.
I double tapped so that I could respond and leaned against Felix as I took a picture of the two of us laying in bed. I captioned it Felix misses you, before hitting send. I watched as he opened it right away before a Facetime call came through.
“Hi babe,” he says once the call comes through. Felix picks his head up in search of Auston after hearing his voice.
“Aww Felix is looking for you,” I said flipping the camera to show him. Auston smiles gently through the phone as he hugs his pillow closer to him.
“I’m right here buddy,” he called through the phone. I smiled as Felix kept looking before giving up in defeat.
“Where’s your roomie?” I ask him. Auston tries to call me as much as he can when he's on the road but he doesn't really like to talk when other people are in the room. It was a feeling that I could deeply understand seeing as we were both pretty private people and he still made the time to call me so I never minded. It was pretty surprising to be getting a call from him so early in the morning though.
“He’s showering. I figured I would give you a call. I miss you,” he whined as he closed his eyes a blush appearing on his face. He then shoved his face into his pillow. I giggled as I rested my head on Felix's body, treating him like a pillow. He turned his head to me and gave me a look of annoyance but made no move to get up.
“I miss you too,” I said gently.
“I haven't done anything except stayed cooped up in this apartment with Felix besides our walks,” I continued as I looked around. He laughed lightly while he pulled away from his pillow with a big smile.
“What a smile,” I teased when I could finally see his whole face. He laughed again as a blush coated his face. I smiled feeling happy that I was able to make him look like that.
“What have you got planned today babe?” he asked. I heard the sound of a door open as Auston glanced away from the camera for a moment before returning his attention back.
“Steph texted me. Said she wants to meet at the dog park so that?” I said as I relaxed further into the comfortable bed. He gave me a small smile before sitting up in bed.
“Sounds fun,” he said as the camera started to become blurry due to his walking. Once he made it to the bathroom he shut the door and set his phone down on the counter.
“Are you stripping Aus?” I asked as I stared at the screen showing the ceiling. I heard him let out a light laugh as he picked up the camera.
“I gotta shower,” he said pointing to the shower that was out of frame.
“Wish I was there,” I pouted. A small frown came across his face before he replaced it with a sad smile.
“Me too baby,” he gently whispered brokenly. I felt my heartbreak at that. Auston very rarely called me baby. He mostly stuck to babe or my name and when it was something else it usually was a tell that something was going on. I had learned pretty early on in our relationship that baby was a keyword for I miss you. It was his way of expressing that he was feeling clingy, cared for, and missed me.
“I’ll be seeing you soon though and when you get home we can lock ourselves in here until you have to leave for hockey,” I said with a bright grin as I pulled myself into a sitting position.
“Deal,” he grinned holding his fist up. I held mine up and pretended to hit his against the phone.
“I should probably shower,” he hesitantly said. I gave him a small nod before waving.
“I love you, Aus. Have a good game tonight,” I said knowing that I wouldn't be able to talk to him more on the phone with how busy his schedule was going to be today. He gave me a small smile before bringing the phone closer. All I could see was his mouth and mustache.
“Bye baby. I love and miss you,” he said gently before puckering his lips at the camera. I laughed lightly before bringing my phone closer to my face.
“I just miss him so much,” I told Steph as the two of us sat on a bench at the dog park. She leaned toward me and put a hand over mine.
“I get it. Trust me I get it,” she laughed lightly. I laughed as well.
“I think he misses me,” I said with a small smile. She scoffed and picked up my hand and pointed to my ring.
“I’m sure your fiance misses you,” she teased. I blushed lightly while pulling my hand away. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket before pulling it out. I had received a snap from Auston. I quickly thumbed it open. It was a photo of him sitting on a couch with his legs spread a bit. The caption read, wish I was between your legs. I blushed tapping it quickly so Steph wouldn't see what it said.
“Oh my God! What??” she asked, tugging on my phone. I giggled while I tapped back to respond. We both posed and I snapped the photo before writing the caption, I’m with Steph!
“He’s been snapping me more on this road trip than he ever had before,” I admitted after a moment of silence.
“Like, we’ve always snapped, called, and texted but it wasn’t always a lot because he would be busy getting ready for the games or with someone. He’s private so he doesn't like to call when he's by people but this time it’s just been a lot more,” I trailed not knowing how to describe it. I loved Auston so much but when we first started dating and he would leave for a game he was very bad at communication. I always felt like I was missing him more. But this time I could tell that it was seriously affecting him. I knew that it did before but I was surprised by how much he was showing it.
“Maybe he’s just not afraid to show how much he misses you,” she said happily. I glanced around looking for Felix before glancing back at her.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he’s always been the one taking the lead in everything in your relationship. He’s been uncertain a lot during it. He said I love you first and you didn't say it right away. He proposed and you ran away. He asked you to move in. When he’s away how often do you call first or tell him you miss him?” she asked. I thought back for a moment and realized she was right. I never called or texted Auston first when he was away. It was mostly because I didn’t want to be a bother.
“Do you call Mitch a lot?” I asked, she laughed lightly before nodding her head.
“I call him all the time. Sometimes he doesn't answer because he’s busy but most of the time he'll answer for a minute or so and listen to whatever crazy thing I’ve come up with,” she answered while calling over for Zeus. I stood up and called for Felix.
Once I got home I unhooked Felix from his leash and he took off into the apartment. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages. I had a few from Steph telling me about some crazy thing she saw on her way home, one from Auston’s mom, and another snap from Auston. I clicked on Auston’s first to see it was a photo of his legs and it looked like he was laying on a hotel bed. Gathering all of my courage I close out of the app and pull up facetime. I click on Auston’s name and wait for it to connect. After a few rings, the call finally goes through.
“Hey baby,” he said. He was leaning up against the headboard wearing his Maple Leafs sweatshirt.
“Hi,” I said softly as I made my way towards the bedroom.
“What's up?” he asked, shuffling further down into the bed.
“I just got back from the dog park,” I said, setting my phone down on the bathroom counter.
“I thought I’d call you because I miss you,” I continued gently. A small smile lit up his face before he reached up to rub his eye. I pulled my sweatshirt off before turning the water on.
“I miss you too,” he said sweetly.
“Your mom texted me she said that you haven't texted her back about the dates,” I told him picking my phone back up.
“Sorry I forgot to text her back. I've been tired I can text her right now,” he grunted.
“It’s okay I can text her back. We were still thinking next weekend right?” I asked clicking her contact open. He nodded his head before speaking.
“Yeah next weekend,” he agreed.
“Are they staying at a hotel or ours?” I asked, setting my phone down after I finished texting Ema.
“Hotel,” he said, glancing at someone behind the camera before mumbling something to them.
“Okay,” I said, pulling my pants off.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Getting ready to shower,” I responded with a laugh. He groaned lightly before standing up from his bead and going to the bathroom. Once he had the door shut he leaned against the door.
“Show me,” he asked with a hint of lust. I smiled before re-angling the phone on the counter to show me in my bra and underwear. His eyes filled with want as he stared at me. He bit his upper look as he took me in.
“God I wish I was home,” he whined. I grinned before reaching into the shower to feel the water. Just perfect. I turned around to face my phone again and picked it up.
“Aus. I’m going to shower now,” I pouted sadly at him. He did the same.
“Noo don't go,” he whined, I giggled before taking off the rest of my clothes.
“Bye Aus. I love you,” I told him with a soft smile. He gave me one back before waving.
“Love you too baby.”
I sighed as the call went to voicemail. I guess I will just have to try again later. I pushed myself up from my bed and walked over to my clothes and pulling on a Leafs sweatshirt and some sweats before throwing myself back on my bed.
“Stop moping dude you look pathetic,” Mitch said, throwing a pillow at me. The pillow hit my back before falling off the bed to the floor.
“Shut up you whine about how much you miss Steph every five minutes,” I accused, wrapping my arms around my pillow and burying my face into it. Mitch laughed before turning to face me.
“Seriously what's up?” Mitch asked once the silence went on. I huffed before turning away from my pillow to face him.
“Just miss Amelia,” I told him honestly. I knew that Micthy wouldn't judge me. He understood the feeling as well as me.
“What's wrong with that?” Mitch asked locking his phone and setting it down next to him.
“It’s just been hard to stop thinking about how much I miss her,” I whined reaching for my phone to see if she texted me. I always felt like I was asking her for so much but I so badly wanted to ask for more right now. I wanted her here with me I wanted her in my bed right now. I hate that there is nothing I can do about it.
“I miss Steph,” Mitch said. I nodded my head.
“I get what you mean is what I’m saying I wish she was here and I hate not having her here,” he continued.
“At least you already locked her up,” Mitch said after a moment of silence. I laughed before sitting up in my bed.
I pulled my phone back out before sending a text to Amelia, what are you wearing? She immediately texted back, lol wouldn’t you like to know you perv and then only your jersey and that blue lingerie you love. I laughed lightly before a huge grin took over my face.
I sat on the couch as I waited for Auston to get home. He was supposed to fly home after the game they had played tonight. I had missed him so much that I was going to stay up and wait for him to get home. I glanced at the clock reading the time ten-thirty. Felix was waiting by the door like he knew Auston would be coming home today.
The game had ended twenty minutes ago and I now had That 70s Show playing quietly in the background as I scrolled through Instagram. It was one of my favorite social media apps. I had a private account that I let all my friends follow. I scrolled through and came across a photo of some of the WAGs out at the bar for the game tonight. I had been invited but told the girls that I was busy and couldn't make it. Truthfully I was just getting so anxious to see Auston.
I turned towards the front door as I heard something crash and sighed as I took in the scene before me. Felix must have knocked over the coat rack we had in the corner of the room in his excitement of the door handle turning. He immediately started barking and jumping at Auston. He smiled down at Felix as he started petting him and pushing his way into the apartment.
“Baby I’m home,” he called as he set his keys down on the kitchen counter and his bag on the ground. He then reached down for the coat rack to pick it up.
“Fuck Felix. You broke it,” he sighed as he picked up the broken piece and set it on the counter as well. I shoved my blanket aside and quickly made my way over to him making a jump into his arms. He was quick to catch me after his moment of shock.
“Auston,” I whispered, kissing all over his face before pulling him into a romantic kiss. He relaxed into the kiss and tightened his arms around my waist. I tightened my arms around his neck starting to kiss him a bit rougher. As I tried to deepen the kiss he pulled his lips away. I whined gently reaching forward to try to keep kissing him.
“Your in my jersey,” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. I grinned before pulling out of his arms and spreading my arms out and giving a twirl to show off the jersey. I sent him a wink once I was facing him again and he grinned back widely.
“Yeah baby. I missed you,” I told him and then I reached down to the bottom of the jersey and slowly started to pull the jersey off to reveal my blue lingerie which happened to be his favorite. His eyes hungrily took me in.
“I missed you so fucking much,” he said before pulling me into a rough kiss and leading me to the bedroom.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
could i ask a request? an aiko drabbles of she seeing reader and taehyung together. please? thank you!
perfectly wrong | drabble [9]: when you and taehyung run into aiko at the movies and she’s still bitter.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content, miss sassy pants y/n and we love to see it cause tae can handle his baby
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"Tae!" You laughed loudly as he carried you on his back, galloping like a mad man as you both made your way from the garage to the movie theater.
"I told you it was faster that way." You drop down from his back as you both come into full view of the theater box office.
"Look at you, all tired and shit now."
"I don't know why you're complaining when you didn't have to do any work, missy." You laugh as you playfully shove him to the side. Tonight, you and Taehyung decided last minute that you both wanted to head out and watch a late night movie at the new fancy theater nearby. This new and fancy theater was the kind of movie theater that served you food and drinks right at your seat, with the added bonus of comfy, reclining chairs.
The sweet, sweet life.
"What do you wanna watch?" Taehyung's puppy eyes are glued to the board with all the movies and times listed. There was a good mix of new and older movies showing.
"Moana." His lips are sealed into a fine, thin line.
"What do you actually wanna watch?"
"Did I not just name a movie?"
"Rise of Skywalker? Nice!" He says, raising his hand for you to high-five. You return the high-five simply because he was your boyfriend, but you continued to shake your head.
"Let's watch Knives Out." He nods in agreement.
"Actually, I'm down for that one. I'm a fan of Chris Evans." You laugh.
"Yeah, same." He looks at you with a blank expression.
"Mm, actually nevermind." You playfully hit him as he realizes that you'd be gushing over Chris Evans during the entire movie.
"Oh quit, I'm obviously not the only one who'll be gushing over him."
"Look young lady, if I hear one word about how big his muscles are, you're leaving and I'm staying." You laugh.
"Go buy the tickets, Taehyung." You stand aside, waiting for Taehyung to buy the movie tickets. The theater wasn't too crowded, either because it was still too new or because it was a little later in the evening than most people would like - either way, you were okay with it. You didn't have to talk to people from campus or run into anyone you or Taehyung knew.
Except, you realize you've spoken too soon when you look around and realize who's standing a couple of feet away from you.
She's standing around with two other friends, but it looks like she had spotted you before you spotted her. She's keeping her gaze on you as she talks to her friend, her friend trying to slyly look back at you but failing miserably.
Girl, I really wish you would try me.
You for sure haven't forgotten the way she came at you during Jin's party, like you were the sole reason as to why her world came crumbling down on her.
"Uh?" Taehyung furrows his brows as he holds out the tickets. "Babe, you alright? Why do you look so annoyed?"
"Ohhhh, it's nothing." You smile through the annoyance she had brought onto you.
"Funny that you think I don't know you well enough." He turns to follow your gaze, watching Aiko start to strut her way over. He sighs when he returns his attention to you and squeezes your hand to try and relax you. "Come, let's just go inside."
"Hey guys, nice seeing you two here." Aiko says, batting her eyelashes at you and Taehyung innocently.
"Uh, hey." He turns to you. "Y/N? Let's go."
"Aiko." You flatly greet her.
"Happy to see it's actually working out between you two."
"Thanks." You copy her tone and scrunch your nose, hoping she'd catch on to the attitude making its way through. Honestly, Aiko was still bitter about how things went down. She's bitter because for awhile, Taehyung made it seem like she was the one who could change him. He made it seem like she was the one he was dropping all his stupid games for. She thought this was going to her. That's why she was so quick to leave Jin because Taehyung was so fucking good at woo'ing her and making her fall head over heels for him. Just down to the way he touched her and fucked her. The familiar, over-used sweet nothings he'd tell her.
Aiko's bitter. She's triggered. She really hates the fact that she had to run into you both, together.
Yeah, and you hate thinking about it. You hate thinking about the time your man had spent with her and what that was possibly like.
It made your skin crawl.
"Y/N, the movie." Taehyung says, no longer saying another word to Aiko. They were treating each other like long time exes, almost like how he was with Hana. Maybe this was just Taehyung's way of pushing people out when he didn't know how to deal.
"Okay." You respond as you give Aiko one last look before you and Taehyung are walking off to head inside.
"You know you don't need to be like that right?"
"Like what?"
"Little miss sassy pants."
"She didn't have to say anything in the first place. No one was looking for her." You looked at him, confused. Truly. Why did she have to look at you like that? Why did she have to talk to you to her friends like that? Girl, you don't know me. This was not your problem to deal with.
"Baby." Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head. He wasn't even surprised, he knew you always had this fire in you and there was really no way to put it out. "Not even worth the energy." He grabs your hand and leads the way to the theater.
As you both sit down and take a look at the menu to order some things, Taehyung leaves you alone for a second to use the bathroom. You were texting your friends when you had seen Taehyung's phone light up next to you. Typically, you don't really care what's going on in Taehyung's phone. You weren't that girl. However, your eyes drifted towards the screen for a quick second only to see a Snapchat notification from Aiko and a text.
You didn't even know he still had her name in the books like that.
"Baby, the bathrooms here are—" He proceeds to sign chef's kiss, but then realizes you were just staring at him. "Huh? What is it?" He looks down at his phone and checks the screen.
"I didn't even know you had her number still."
"I wasn't gonna go out of my way to delete it." He catches himself. "Wait, that came out wrong. I mean, after everything happened, it wasn't necessarily first on my list." You understood what he was saying but you just shrugged it off anyway.
"This must be important, being that she was just mad as fuck at you." He sighs and quickly opens the app to check the snap with you. He presses the notification, only to show her in a very seductive selfie photo. Cleavage in full view, biting onto a finger and hair all arranged to look semi-messy?
"Beats me." He lets go of the box to remove the snap. "I just feel like things could have worked out better if we had a proper conversation." He reads her text out loud.
"She really wants you." He swipes left to delete the text from his inbox before smirking at you and putting you in a gentle headlock.
"Mm, but I want this lady right here." You giggle as he showers your face with tons of kisses. He had let you free once he realized the flatbread you ordered was coming your way. He clapped happily and began to dig in.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Whatever you want, love."
"Were you really interested in her?" He shrugged.
"For a minute, I really didn't think I would be able to work things out with you. I really, really wanted to be with you before Aiko even came in the picture, but I was scared and the whole thing with Jungkook at the time was making it hard for me." You nodded.
"I'm just curious."
"So, I guess that's why she's mad. I kind of did give her that false hope." He chuckles. "But also, I mean, it's me."
"Taehyung, shut the hell up. You caused so many issues." You chuckled as you bit into your flatbread piece.
"Yesssss and I apologized, right?" He elongates his yes. You simply nod and take a sip of your cocktail. "Okay, then all is well. We're past this and she isn't in the picture. You are." He was right, there was really no use of being bitter or getting sassy about it. No matter what Aiko tried to do or say, he wasn't here with her. It was you.
Aiko was just gonna have to deal.
A couple of days later, you were working a shift at Jin's café with Jungkook. It hadn't been too busy, but there was a moment where things picked up and all three of you were busting your ass to get orders out. As time went out and things settled, Jin was able to fix whatever he needed to in the kitchen, while you and Jungkook held the fort down at the front.
"Who uses snapchat anymore?" Jin comes out of the kitchen, fiddling on his phone.
"Why?" You and Jungkook were rearranging the pastries.
"Aiko sent me a snapchat."
"Funny, she sent Taehyung one a couple of days ago when we ran into her at the movies."
"You ran into her?" Jungkook asks, taking the tongs out of your hands. "How'd that go?"
"Kind of awkward? She came up to us out of nowhere just to be like waaaaow so happy it's working out between you two." You mocked her tone again.
"At least she said she's happy about it." Jin joked in typical Jin fashion.
"What's the snap she sent you?" Jin presses down on the box to show the same exact photo she had sent Taehyung.
"Yah! Look!" Jin laughed, Jungkook going around to look over his shoulder.
"She has nice boobies."
"Oy! Inappropriate!" You bop Jungkook on the head before quickly leaning over and taking a look again. "She sent the same one to Tae."
"Should I send her the eyes?"
"No, no. Don't. Send her a thumbs up since that's all you ever send people." Jin and Jungkook start cracking up, making you walk away from their chaos.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (d.s.) - 5
A/N Now the long chapters are really starting
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder so there will be graphic descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, possible domestic abuse (physical/verbal), crime/covering up a crime, shock/grief, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
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Avalon’s purse was left on the kitchen island right by the door. It was on its side as if it had been thrown there in some sort of haste when she came inside. I picked it up and ruffled through the small bag; pushing aside the tube of lipstick, small medicine bottle, few feminine hygiene products, and her wallet before accessing her phone.
Her lockscreen was a photo of me, taken on our honeymoon some time by the resort pool. If I didn’t feel the breath of shame and guilt on my neck, that certainly sealed it in. I typed in her passcode but was met with ‘incorrect pin’. I tried again, only to receive the same message. Since when did she change her passcode and not tell me?
We must ignore the fact that I changed mine a few weeks back without telling her as well.
The last thing I wanted to have to do was facial recognition, but it seemed that was my only option.
So I found myself back in the studio, patting softly over the blood soaked rug to the body of my wife to stick her iPhone in her face. Jonah watched from the doorway as I crouched down carefully on the balls of my feet and held the screen towards Avalon’s blank expression. The phone unlocked and the home screen appeared. I didn’t look at her for too long – honestly I couldn’t without risking being sent to empty my stomach again – and I simply took her phone over to the studio couch and sat down on the arm. Jonah stood beside me to watch over my shoulder as I opened up her contacts app and scrolled down to J.
You can imagine my surprise when the very first contact under that letter was simply the letter itself. It was too easy. I brought up any messages she had with that person and scrolled to the top of the reasonably short text thread. They had messaged her first,
Hey. Thanks for reaching out. I’ll have the stuff together for the end of the week as promised.
Great! Looking forward to it.
When’s your fiancé out next? I can drop by your place if you want.
He usually works late every day so whenever is good. Lunch tomorrow maybe?
Yeah, sounds good. See you then :)
There was only one other date that they had messaged – at least by text – and it was also a short yet cryptic conversation.
If you’re ready today I can come by. Daniel’s held up in meetings so I’m alone.
Yeah that’s fine. I’m at the Lincoln Motel in Pasadena. Room 19. Come by whenever.
1559 Lincoln Ave
Okay! I’ll head over now. I’m excited! :)
The green monster was never a kind friend, dear reader, and I couldn’t help but feel near sick again with the question as to if my wife had been cheating on me. Sure, I was no perfect man and I seemed to put a lot of my efforts into my work – maybe more than I should have – but never would I have dreamt about being unfaithful to her. Seemed as though she had thought differently. I locked Avalon’s phone and slid it in my pocket as I stood up, trying to act like it was something that just rolled off my back.
“What the fuck.” Jonah breathed.
I pushed a hand through my hair and rubbed the back of my neck tensely, ignoring his rhetorical question.
“You okay?” Jonah asked, setting his hand on my shoulder.
“Fine.” I nodded stiffly.
“Do you want to stop by the motel?”
I contemplated his offer for a moment. It was on the way out of state anyway and it would have been nice to get some answers. Maybe it would even help me figure out what happened to Avalon. This mysterious J person wasn’t necessarily in my good books at the moment.
“Yeah. We should.” I finally answered.
The first step before we could leave was to clean up the brutal scene that I had found myself amidst just in case anyone was to come past while we were gone. Our safest bet was to keep Avalon with us until we figured out what had happened; this was imperative especially if it came to the possible outcome where I had killed her. I grabbed an extra towel from under the sink in the studio and Jonah and I stood beside the body.
“Jesus Christ.” Jonah breathed as we stared at her.
I held the towel out to him, “You tuck this under her. I’ll lift her up.”
He nodded silently and watched as I stepped over my wife who was still laying out over the ruined rug. With one foot on either side of her, I bent down and slid my hands under her armpits and just around her back. She was terribly cold and I could feel it through the shirt she was still wearing. Ironic choice of words, but it was chilling.
Jonah slid the towel underneath her and the strain of me holding her limp body up caused more blood to trickle out of the gash across her neck and I looked away to keep from seeing any more. Waking up in it was enough. We moved down her body and I held up her hips so Jonah could tug the towel completely underneath her.
“Let’s move her to the hardwood.” I instructed flatly and we each took two corners of the towel to hoist her up off the blood-soaked rug.
Jonah and I shuffled across the studio and gently set her down on the hardwood in front of the front door to keep her off the rug. The knife still rested on the carpet, glinting teasingly in the late morning sun and I finally worked up the nerve to bend down and pick it up.
“I’ll leave you alone when you get it through your head what a psychotic bitch you’re being!”
“I’m psychotic?” she shrieked, whipping around to face me once we both entered the studio and I flicked on the light. The large collection of wedding gifts was piled neatly along the kitchenette counter and on the couch, the rest of the small single room building taken up by all of my music equipment. Avalon got right up in my face, pointing her finger at me behind furious brown eyes, and screaming until the minimal soundproofing almost muffled the edges of her voice, “Look at yourself! Screaming at me for simply missing my husband on our honeymoon! You’re so fucking psychotic it’s nearly goddamn comedic!”
“I’m not going to keep having this same argument with you, Avalon! I’m getting so sick of needing to defend myself against you time and time again! You just don’t respect me or my job!”
“Who even are you?” she scoffed humourlessly, “It’s nothing about respect, it’s about you being a decent human being – a decent husband – and actually showing me that you care about me!”
“Avalon, I swear to God if you don’t-”
“If I don’t what? Shut up? Be a good little wife and shut up and look pretty for you? Big important business tycoon Daniel Seavey is going to…do what exactly?”
With the knife in my hand, my eyes drifted to the stack of wedding gifts on the studio couch, the thin polished wooden box on the top capturing my attention. The lid was left open, revealing the velvet trimmed interior and the rest of the silver knives resting in a row inside. It was a wedding gift from my brother, the high-end knife set purchased and engraved with our surname on each dark wooden handle until they looked no less than ridiculously expensive and classy. The one empty slot in the velvet box had its assigned subject resting in my hand, the largest knife from the box weighing down in my fingers.
How strange and ironic it is; Avalon killed by a knife wielding her own surname. The surname only given to her a mere three weeks earlier. I had no time to stew on that, however, as I was sure that the fact she wasn’t at work that morning (and that neither was I) would start to raise suspicions. We had to get out of there before someone came looking for us.
I took the knife to the sink in the kitchenette along the far wall of the studio and turned on the hot water to rinse the blood off the blade. I found myself trembling slightly as I scrubbed, my hands struggling to keep still even under the warmth of the water. The red stained the water and flooded around the base of the stainless-steel sink as the drain pulled it down and soon my hands and the knife were left clean and spotless.
Jonah had the rug rolled up from the floor by the time I finished cleaning the knife and I thanked him quietly as I set the chef’s knife back in its slot in the wooden box. The handles stared back at me, twelve identical silver engravings of my surname staring back at me as if they knew what I had possibly done. I closed the lid and snapped the silver clasps shut.
“What do we do with the rug?” I asked my best friend.
Jonah exhaled deeply and brushed the back of his hand over his forehead. He thought for a minute before replying, “Bring it with us?”
I nodded in agreement, “Okay. I’ll grab my keys.”
I headed back into the main house quickly to grab my keys and anything else I might want to bring with me. My laptop case was an obvious and I tucked Avalon’s letter in my bag too just in case I might need it again while figuring everything out.
I was ready for a quick getaway but of course that would have been too easy. Another thing that drove my wife insane? The fact that I constantly was losing everything. My keys were usually the victim of my carelessness and this moment was obviously no exception. I couldn’t find them anywhere, along the front console table or in my laptop bag or on the kitchen counter.
Jonah stepped inside the back door again, “Are you coming?”
“Yeah.” I rushed back down the hallway to the master bedroom, scanning the side tables and the front pocket of our packed suitcase hurriedly.
Time wasn’t on our side and my tendency to misplace everything I own certainly wasn’t helping. On my way back down the hallway, I caught myself on the doorway to the walk-in-closet when I saw a glint out of the corner of my eye and stepped back to see my keys peeking out of my jean’s pocket. You would think I would have checked their first. Well, sorry to break it to you, but nothing was going as expected that morning.
I grabbed my keys from my blood-stained jeans and stuffed the hoodie and pants into my laptop bag too. I stopped to grab a baseball hat and set it on my head followed by my darkest sunglasses I had in my closet to try and keep some sort of physical neutrality for going into public before meeting Jonah back on the porch. I held my keys up to him as I walked right past him and around the side of the house to the gate. He followed right behind me with the expensive box of knives in hand.
The driveway backed right onto the side gate and I unlatched it and pulled the white pickets open to let ourselves through. Ah yes, my pretty expensive Los Angeles house and my white picket fence and my dead wife. Really living the perfect American dream, huh?
I unlocked my Tesla and yanked open the back door to toss in my overflowing laptop bag and Jonah’s heavy work bag while Jonah opened the trunk and tucked the knife set in the corner. We hurried back down the driveway towards the studio door and slipped back inside, stepping over Avalon to grab the rug first. We each took an end of the heavy rolled up vintage Persian and took it down to my car. I was lucky my car had been parked in reverse in the driveway which prevented any neighbours from possibly seeing us loading the trunk with questionable items.
The last thing we needed to take care of was Avalon but we couldn’t necessarily carry her outside in a blood streaked towel. We stood over her in thought of what to do next. We needed something to keep it discreet while still being able to keep her in one piece. There was no way I would be able to stomach cutting any limbs. I had gone through enough that morning as it was.
My eyes scanned my studio for any possible solution to our situation and quickly landed on one of the large travel cases I used for my production keyboard. I looked back down at Avalon’s body and then back to the long trunk. 
This was insane.
I stepped over her and walked over to the corner of the studio where the travel trunks were stacked up. I moved a few smaller ones from the top and Jonah came over to help me once he caught on to what I was doing. I flipped open the top of the trunk and made sure it was empty except for the thin plush padding that lined the interior. 
I refrained from making a joke about it at least being a comfortable place for her to lay.
Jonah and I each took an end of the towel again and hoisted her stiff body up and over to the trunk and lowered her in slowly. I made sure the towel was tucked inside and that her arms and legs were resting flatly before closing the lid and buckled up the case. Jonah and I met each other’s eyes over top of the trunk but didn’t speak a word before picking up either end and made our way out of the studio.
The walk down the side of the house to the driveway felt like forever. There we were, in broad daylight, on a regular Tuesday morning, carrying a dead body into the trunk of my car. The production case fit nicely into the trunk – I knew it would from the amount of times I had to bring it into work or over to Jonah’s house – and I shut the trunk over top of it. I let out a shaky exhale and Jonah and I glanced blankly at each other.
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @stuffofseaveyy​ @hopinglimelight​ @tempus-ut-luceant​ @br4nd1s​ @xkelsev​ @hiya-its-amber​ @sexyseavey15​
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