#mc x adrian
choicesfannatalie22 · 22 days
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Hello, I like the stories you create, especially the one about Bloodbound. Can you create a story about Adrian Raines, MC, and Zuri again? Thank you!
Hi darling! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm truly happy you enjoy them! And... Omg, it's like you read my mind! I just finished this piece of them and let me tell you, be ready for an overdose of cuteness! lol (Or at least that it's how it felt while writing it!) I just love them together! Here hoping you enjoy it!
First birthday
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Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC x OC Zuri (their daughter)
Warning: Just a tiny bit of angst but fluff fluff fluff!
Words: 1.133
As always, tagging in the reblog!
Amy turned around on the bed, surprised to see the absence of Adrian's arm around her and his side of the bed empty. She hadn't heard the baby monitor go off so she knew Zuri hadn't disturbed his sleep. She stood up and walked towards the baby's room first. When she pushed open the ajar door, a little smile blossomed on her face, watching Adrian attentively looking at their little girl. She tip-toed up to him and hugged his waist from behind, kissing his nape.
"Is she okay? I didn't hear her cry." Amy whispered as he turned, holding her back and kissing her forehead.
"She's fine, love. I woke up and took the opportunity to check on her." 
"And you? Do you feel alright?" 
"Everything is just perfect." She studied him for a bit before gently cupping his cheek, making him look at her. Zuri's first birthday would be in a couple of days and Amy was pretty sure what was going on in his mind.
"We are okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to her. Or me." Adrian paused for a moment with a serious expression, before sighing, his shoulders slumped a little and his brows knitting together. 
"It scares me to think that history repeats itself. To lose everything I love again."
"It won't." She knew that he had lost his son just a few days after his first birthday.
 "I will mentally torture anyone that even tries to touch her." His hands squeezed her involuntarily. "They can ask Gaius how that feels." He quietly chuckled, a bit of tension smoking away from him. "I promised you, when I woke up, that you will never lose me again. Let me add something to that promise." Their eyes fixed to each other, intensely and profoundly. "You are not going to lose her either, Adrian."
"It just… You two are everything to me." His voice was low but filled with emotion, directing his gaze back at Zuri, still asleep in her crib. "My whole world." 
"Do you trust me?" He turned to her, surprised at the question.
"You know I trust you more than anyone or anything, Amy." 
"Then trust me when I say that nothing bad is going to happen." 
"I'll try, my love." She brushed his cheek with her lips before detangling from his hold. "But it's not easy…"
"Of course it's not. But you have to try." Slowly and tenderly, she lifted Zuri from the crib, careful to not wake her, leaning her on her shoulder. Her little arms rested on her chest, her mouth slightly open while Amy gently patted her back. "You deserved to enjoy every second with her, to not be worried or scared." He kissed Zuri's small head.
"Believe me, I am." Careful to not disturb the baby, he sweetly took Amy's lips with his. "I love you, my eternity."
"Almost eleven years together and you still sound as cheesy as the first time." She said with a little smirk as he silently chuckled and leaned his head against hers. "I love you too, handsome."
"As if you don't like it." Adrian winked at her.
"Of course I do. I mean, there's a reason I married you." Zuri moved against her causing Amy to tighten her hold a little more. "Let's go back to bed. This lady can sleep with us for a few days." She moved to the door, quietly walking to their bedroom, Adrian turned off the dim light and followed her. Carefully, she lowered Zuri's tiny frame onto the bed, laying her down in the space between them. Amy smiled at her as she caressed her cheek with the back of her finger, getting comfortable beside her. "Having her in our lives still amazes me sometimes.”
"I know the feeling. She's positively extraordinary." He gently and protectively rested his hand on her belly, his thumb stroking her tummy below the soft light pink onesie with the print of a joystick and the quote 'Player 3 has joined the game' that Lily had given her. Amy moved her finger, leading it inside the tiny loose fist, holding her hand, and kissed the side of her head until she fell asleep once more, her face almost touching Zuri's. 
Adrian stood awake a long time, simply observing them, hearing their steady heartbeats and the soothing rhythm of their breathing. He knew Amy was right, after all it had been years since something dangerous had happened to them but no matter how hard he tried, the uneasiness was still there. Zuri gave a little kick with her right leg and he smiled at her. When they had decided to start the adoption process, he knew he would love them no matter what but he hadn't expected it would be this much. At that time, he had noticed how worried Amy had been for him, trying not to make him feel they were replacing his first family. And he loved her for that, even more than he already did.
Zuri's cry called his attention. He picked her up, activating the bottle warmer with the remote, going to the kitchen so Amy could keep sleeping. He checked her diaper just in case but it was completely clean. 
"Sh sh, beautiful. It's almost done." He rocked her a bit, waiting the last two minutes until the bottle was ready, kissing her forehead. He took the bottle, offering it to her, smiling when she vigorously drank it, her bright eyes glued at him. "You and your mom are equally enthusiastic about food." Her gulps continued like that for a little while, becoming gradual until it finally stopped. Adrian left the almost empty bottle in the sink and gently leaned her over his shoulder, clapping her back softly, waiting for her burp. The little belch echoed in the kitchen, making him smile, and wiped her mouth with the towel he was holding. He gently lay her over his arm, calmly passing around, until her eyelids flushered, beginning to close again. "Time for bed, little angel." He returned to the bedroom, grinning at Amy profoundly asleep. By the time he sat her down on the mattress, her cute snores had begun again. He took the hem of the cover and pulled it up, making sure that neither of them were cold. As he looked at them he thought of all the years of darkness and pain, all the times that he had felt empty or lost. Of course he would never forget those years but… If it meant being this incredibly happy again, he would definitely go through all that again. Because they are definitely worth it. As his own eyelids started to close, a smile curved his lips up, noticing how Amy's finger, somehow, was in Zuri's grasp again.
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beelsjuicytitties · 9 months
Somewhere Only We Know
solomon x gn!reader
warnings/tags: slight angst, emotional hurt/comfort, reverse comfort, established relationship, partial solomon backstory spoilers?
summary: You hadn't heard from Solomon in weeks, and you were worried. So you go out in search of him.
AN: haha... its been a hot while since i posted my own writing here..... wrote this in like june when i was extra emo about solomon lol. title taken from Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. read on Ao3
You were worried. You haven't been able to get into contact with Solomon for weeks. It wasn't exactly unusual for him to be somewhere he had no reception, but he'd always let you know beforehand. Everyone you had asked simply apologized, saying they had no clue where he was. And so, you decided to go and look for him yourself, remembering all the different places he's shown you, or told you about. You brought some provisions along, unsure of how long it would take to find the witty sorcerer you loved so dearly. 
  You spent most of a day checking around the devildom, teleporting from place to place without any signs that Solomon had been there recently. Settling down onto a large stump with a sigh, you pull out some of the food you had brought. All the teleporting was starting to wear at you, but you couldn't possibly stop now. It took only a few minutes to finish the food, the taste barely registering. You quickly packed up your things and stood. There was no time to rest, there was still the human world to search. You steeled yourself, before teleporting once again.
  Solomon wandered through a quiet field. The clear air helped to sooth his wrecked thoughts, but not enough. The sadness and grief he usually held at bay had overwhelmed him once more. In times like these, he tended to isolate. To run away and keep everything hidden from those around him. He hated this part of himself. The part of him that was a sad, lonely little boy. A boy that had lost anyone dear to him. A boy who curled up in the corner of the dark basement he lived in. His face was tense as he walked a game train through the tall grasses around him. The trail led him to a small ruin. A fallen tree that once stood proud and tall, next to a crumbling stone wall. He ran his hand along the once familiar stones, a deep melancholy gripping his heart. He sat gently on the fallen tree, and gazed up to the endless sky. Dusk had begun to settle in, the clouds painted in dark blues and saturated oranges. His tears were silent, slipping down his face and dropping onto his clothes.
The sky was growing dark as you finally felt traces of Solomon. Even without casting anything, his magic tended to seep out and stick to his surroundings. You followed the trail you were sure he had walked, steps quickening as you felt him more and more. Finally, after searching hell and back, literally, you see him. There's barely any light now, but you could never mistake his frame. You broke into a run, a sound of relief bursting from you. He looked towards you at the sound, surprised. He was less alert in this state, less aware of everything around him. The moment you reach him, your arms are around him, holding him tight to your body as you fall to your knees in front of him. It took Solomon a moment to fully realize what was going on. He looked down at you, seeing the way you clung to him as though he was your lifeline. The way you pressed your face against his chest, quiet sobs shaking your shoulders. 
  "How.. How did you find me?" Solomon inwardly cringed at the way his voice wavered. 
  "I looked everywhere. Everywhere you've ever taken me, or told me about. I was so worried Sol, I was so, so worried." You pulled back, just enough to see his face. His eyes were red and puffy, tear stains evident on his cheeks. He looked like he hadn't slept the entire time he was gone. Knowing Solomon, it was entirely possible. You raised a shaky hand to his cheek, cradling his face softly as though he might break. "I couldn't get in contact with you, no one knew where you were, I thought.." You swallowed back your tears. "I thought something happened to you." 
  Solomon's eyes widened, how long had he been gone? Everything was one big blur as he tried to recall how many nights had passed. "You know nothing can happen to me, I've always survived any mess I get myself into." A defensive smile tried to make its way onto his face, but it looked more like a grimace. "I'm okay, you don't need to be so worried MC." 
  "Please Sol… Please don't lie to me." You raised up your torso, so you could press your forehead to his. "You're always there for me when I need you, let me return the favour." Solomon took a few shaky breaths, tears threatening to begin falling once more. He raised his arms to wrap around you, leaning against you. The two of you stay like this for a while, just holding each other and breathing. Your legs were straining to keep you up but you didn't even notice. All of you was completely focused on Solomon in this moment. Without realizing, you began to hum. A gentle, soothing tune that Solomon had hummed for you countless times when you were broken down. A soft, sad smile made its way onto his face. 
  "My mother used to hum that for me. During the cold dark nights, when I would cry, she'd come down and hold me. When I was a very young boy."  You cracked your eyes open, and looked at him through your eyelashes. 
  "Is it alright?" He gave an affirmative hum, and you continued the tune. Solomon shifted his head down, nuzzling into your shoulder. You leaned your head against his. You weren't too sure how much time had passed, before he pulled back. 
  "Why don't you come sit next to me?" His voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sure your knees would appreciate a rest." You nodded, finally noticing how stiff you had grown as you moved beside him. You laced your fingers with his, and leaned against him. "... I'm sorry. I never wanted to worry you so." He squeezed your hand. "Thank you.. For coming to find me." 
  "Always, I will always come find you Sol." The promise warmed Solomon, helping him return to himself. "I love you Sol, I love you more than words could ever say." You turned to look at him, your eyes so full of love and care. Solomon had no clue what he had done to deserve you. His adorable little apprentice, who could calm his heart without even trying. Who warmed the forgotten parts of himself, that had been stuffed away by the years and years of pain and sadness. Who took the hand of that little boy, and brought him out into the warm sunlight. 
  "And I love you too, my Dear. more than I've ever loved anything. More than anything I've ever felt." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "I'll try to rely on you more, I promise. There are things I still can't bring myself to talk about, but I hope I can one day." A tired loving smile found its place on your face. 
  "I will wait as long as you need." This time, he pressed a kiss to your lips. It was such a tender kiss, so full of yours and his love. It was then that Solomon's stomach let out a growl. Come to think of it, he can't remember the last time he ate. He gave a sheepish laugh, worried he had somehow ruined the moment. "I brought some food, we could eat together?"
  "That would be wonderful, my Dear." You started pulling things from your bag, the meal was rather simple, prepared in a rush. Then you pulled out the soft blanket you had brought in case you had to sleep outside. You spread the blanket out in front of the tree and sat down. Leaning slightly against the tree behind your back, you pat the space next to you. Solomon sat down, pressing into your side as you passed him some food. You ate together in a comfortable silence, staring up into the starry sky. Solomon's hand found your own once more, the warmth welcome in the chilly night air. You stayed there til morning, pointing out constellations and talking. Solomon told you a bit more about his childhood, and you shared a bit of your own, before you both fell asleep against each other. 
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Adrian x Mc
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l-starlight-l · 11 months
Study Buddy
A/n: In honor of the new movie here’s a little fic with Adrien.
Warning: none
Summary: Adrien finds you trying to study in the library and offers to help.
Pairing: Adrien Agreste x reader
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After flunking yet another test you were stuck in the library praying to actually learn something from the old text books you were reading. Your head was resting in your hands while you looked down at the paragraph about some king that ruled thousands of years ago. You sighed and laid your head down over the open book to take a small break. “How am I ever gonna pass this class ” you quietly muttered out loud. You closed your eyes for a few seconds trying to recall the information you just read. After failing you got up and walked over to the history shelves in the library.
There were so many books full of the past that you struggled to find the specific time period you needed. You walked up and down the aisles searching. You found some books from after the kings ruling so you had obviously gone past it. You were at a dead end. You decide it was a lost cause and plopped down to sit on the floor. You were so tired, you just wanted to close your eyes for minute but suddenly you were in a deep sleep.
You awoke to a light nudge, looking up you saw a familiar face. “Are you okay” the blonde boy asked with concern. You blushed realizing the situation, “oh, uh yeah I’m sorry I must’ve dosed off”. He smiles and your heart skips a beat. You’ve had a small crush on Adrien for the past year. His kindness drew you in not his family or it’s fame. “You don’t have to apologize, I was just worried”, he sits down next to you. “Are you studying for the next test” he asks. You nod shyly, “I really need to pass this test” you say a little embarrassed. He doesn’t shame you at all, “do you want to study together” he asks holding up a history book. You smile at him and he smiles back. You wonder if he feels the same way about you or if he’s just being nice. You’ve known him for around a year and wanted to say you understand him and how he feels but you can feel there’s something he’s keeping from you. He opens the book and puts it in between you two.
You spend the rest of the day studying. At one point you both reach to turn the page at the same time and your hands touch. You had thought it was just gonna be a quick accidental touch but his hand stayed on yours for a few seconds. You looked at his face to see his eyes focused on your touching hands. He quickly moved his hand away realizing how weird he must’ve made you feel. He apologized and continued reading. By the end of the chapter you had fallen asleep again. Your head rested on his shoulder and he looked like the happiest boy in the whole school. He has liked you from the first day he met you. You were smart even if your grades didn’t show it and your personality was like a dream to him. He watched you sleep instead of studying, he thought you were the most beautiful person in the world. He was so in love with you and you loved him just as much, even if neither of you would admit it yet.
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bloodbound-selfship · 8 months
Adrian stumbling over his words as he gets down on one knee to propose to MC
Adrian holding MC tight to his chest during their dance at the wedding
Adrian helping MC decorate their new house
Adrian gently rubbing MC's baby bump
Adrian setting up the nursery so MC can relax
Adrian holding his baby for the first time in centuries
Adrian promising MC that he will protect her and their baby for as long as he lives
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stanathanxoox · 2 months
Be An Amazing Mother
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“I think you’d be an amazing mother.” - Adrian Raines x MC
As you looked down at your niece you thought of all the things that you had lost since becoming a vampire. Since being turned, you had thought you had lost the ability to be a mother, to birth your own little baby and watch them grow in the same way that your sister was getting the opportunity to do. You were happy for your sister and her husband, happy to meet the little girl, but you were jealous. It had always been your dream that you would be a mother one day. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and you look up to see your fiance looking down at you with an adoring look in his eyes
“I think you’d be an amazing mother” he whispers and you choke on air, feeling tears brimming in your eyes as you pass your sister her daughter back and quickly excuse yourself before rushing out of the room.
You were sitting on the roof, overlooking the town. You heave a sigh as you let the tears finally escape. 
“Oh my sweet Y/N” you hear the gasp of your fiance from the doorway before he races towards you and he wraps you in his arms.
“I am so sorry, I know what has been taken from you, from both of us”
“Adrian, love, I’m pregnant” you whisper and he gasps before clutching your hands and asking
“Are you sure?”
“One of the lab techs ran tests for me yesterday, I wasn’t sure what was happening and why I was feeling so off colour but turns out it was just the pregnancy and hormones. Because of the first and what happened I guess I am able to have children” you explain and he nods along
“It makes sense she was a lot more powerful than the rest of us and you have proven so as well. I am so happy, we’re going to have a little baby of our own” 
“We are” you say with a small smile.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Pixelberry fics: @cordoniaqueensworld​, @aworldoffandoms​, @desiree—1986​
Tag List for Blood Bound: @xmrsadrianrainesx​
Tag List for Adrian Raines: @krishu213​, @adrianrainesworld
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kinda-iconic · 10 months
Summary: Adrian makes a very big mistake...with heart-breaking repercussions.
Warning: References to infidelity
Tagging: @bloodboundismylife
Word Count: 4'400+
Pairing: Adrian Raines x F!MC (Amelia)
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On a cool, autumnal morning, Adrian awakens from his slumber, the stale aroma of yesterday’s bourbon reaching his nostrils as he reaches up to mask his eyes, the orangish hue of sunrise trickling in through a tiny opening underneath the blinds. He exhales softly, his arm stretching across the mattress in the hope of his fingertips greeting a familiar warmth; to his relief, he soon finds comfort, his gaze befalling a petite silhouette resting beside him, but his newfound comfort soon dissipates into dread as the figure turns over…
…it’s not Amy.
He sits upright, immediately removing himself from the covers before scrambling around for his clothing. He manages to locate his trousers and shoes, his expression paling as memories from the night before begin to flood his thoughts. He hurriedly dresses half of his body before a quiet mumble causes him to pause; the woman stirs, her voice groggy as she lifts her head, gazing sleepily over her shoulder at the commotion.
“Going so soon?” She whispers suggestively, “I thought that maybe you and I could-”
Her words fade away as she sees the devastation in his features, her brows furrowing in concern as she watches him fumble around for his shoes.
“Is everything okay?”
Adrian sits at the foot of the bed, struggling with his laces; he continues his attempt to untangle them, refusing to so much as glance in the woman’s direction, though it isn’t long before his panic and frustration get the better of him. He launches his shoe across the room, his head dropping into his hands in defeat as his fingers grasp harshly onto his hair, most likely inflicting pain to his scalp. The woman frowns, tilting her head.
“Are you late for work or something?”
He takes a shaky breath, his arms falling to his sides, knuckles whitening as he grasps a hold of the bedcovers.
“W-what…” his words come out in a broken whisper, “what did we do, Lena?”
“What didn’t we do?” She smirks in satisfaction, “we met up again…had a few drinks…and you did not disappoint.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but his words quickly dissipate into a strangled sob, his hand reaching instinctively to cover his face as he begins to tear up, the reality of what has occurred leaving a visibly distinctive impression on his body language. Lena’s previous grin fades; she shuffles forward, stopping only when she is resting beside him, the realisation as to why he has responded in that manner slowly dawning on her. Her mouth forms an ‘o’, her voice soft and gentle.
“Your girlfriend…”
Adrian sniffles, responding to her utterance with a profuse nod. She reaches for him, only to pause midway through the gesture, having no choice but to be a spectator as he shies away from her touch.
“What are you going to do?”
For a moment, the room is silent, the air suddenly becoming awash with unease. It is only after a couple of minutes that Adrian speaks, almost breathless.
“I…I need to tell her the truth.”
Lena’s eyes widen, the colour seeming to drain from her cheeks at his remark.
“You-you can’t!”
“She deserves to know,” he leans down, having finally spotted his missing shirt; he pulls it swiftly over his head, not even stopping to adjust the cuffs, “I’m not keeping this from her. I won’t.”
“Why ruin what you have?” She clambers off the bed, wrapping herself comfortably in her robe, “the truth isn’t going to help anyone, Adrian. This will destroy your reputation-”
He doesn’t respond at first, instead hastening over to the dresser to collect his blazer.
“Are you even listening to what I-” she huffs, running a frustrated hand across her face, “if you go public with this, you’ll lose business; you’ll lose credibility. Do you think anyone will want to remain associated with you if this gets out? You’ll be seen as a Playboy – it’ll ruin you.”
“Do you honestly think that I care how people perceive me?” He counters, shaking his head in disapproval at the notion as he collects the shoes and forces them onto his feet, “the only opinion I care about is my girlfriend's.”
Adrian regards her with a warning glare, but it doesn’t deter her from following him when he moves towards the open kitchen; she grasps his arm, gently yanking him into step with her.
“If you tell her, you’ll lose her. She will walk and you will never hear from her again.”
“I cannot lie to her, Lena. I love and respect her too much to put her through that.”
He removes himself from her grip before heading for the door, not giving his companion a second thought. It is only when he has left the apartment that he hears it; her voice calling to him from the entryway, her tone sullen and defeated.
“You’re going to lose her, Adrian. She won’t forgive you.”
Adrian tenses at her words, but he doesn’t warrant enough time for pause, making a hurried beeline for the elevator doors.
Adrian sits in his car for what feels like forever, staring emptily at the steering wheel as he rakes over everything that has brought him to this moment, all the while unable to form a coherent thought.
After a while, he manages to focus just enough to start the engine, putting the car into gear before reversing out of the parking lot. His gaze remains fixated on the road, the city lights soon becoming blurry as fresh tears cloud his vision.
He sniffles once more, hastily wiping his eyes to clear his sight, yet his attention is abruptly caught by his Bluetooth as an all-too familiar ringtone echoes through the car. He glances down at the dashboard, his breath hitching in his throat as he spots the caller ID.
He tries his hardest to collect himself, waiting for the hammering in his heart to concede before answering the call, plastering a smile in the hope that his feigned happiness will seep into his tone.
“H-hey, sweetheart,” he waits momentarily before continuing, “are you alright?”
“I’m okay,” her response is laden with giddiness, “Happy Anniversary!”
He swallows harshly, his previous upset threatening to spill over once more. Amy waits patiently for a response, the sound of her soft hum causing Adrian to choke up, his next few words cloaked with sadness.
Anniversary…our Anniversary.
“H-Happy Anniversary, my love,” he stutters, “I-I’ll see you back at home, okay?”
“You sound sad. Has something happened?”
He exhales sharply, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel, leaving an indent in their wake.
“N-no, I…” he hesitates, replaying Lena’s words in his mind, “actually…could…where are you?”
“I’m at the mall. I went to collect your anniversary gift.”
“Are you heading home soon?”
“Yeah,” there’s a brief pause as Amy thanks someone on the other line, “I just got myself a little caffeinated treat.”
“Have you already texted her about bringing you back?”
“Not yet,” she takes a sip of her drink, “why?”
“C-can I meet you at the pizza place?” He asks softly, “I…I need to talk to you about something.”  
“Okay!” Her tone is hopeful, the cheeriness leaving a sharp pain in Adrian’s chest, “did you want me to get us a table?”
“N-no, I…I…I’ll be there in 10 minutes, alright?”
“I’ll wait for you outside, but I can’t promise that I won’t bring some doughballs home.”
Rather than laugh at her humorous response, Adrian remains quiet, clearing his throat in preparation to speak.
“I-I love you, Amelia…so very much.”
“I love you too,” she replies gently, “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Goodbye, sweetheart.”
He ends the call before she can bid her farewell, releasing a shaky breath as his fingers skim across the dashboard, selecting another name in his phonebook. He waits patiently for the call to be answered.
“Hello, brother.”
“I need you to do something for me. It…it’s important.”
“What is it?” Kamilah asks, the sound of her nails raking across her keyboard filling his ears before she continues, “normally you would text or ask me to meet up with you to discuss the issue.”
“I don’t have time for that,” he sighs, briefly casting his gaze down to the screen, “I need you to ring Amelia tonight.”
“Why do I need to do that?” She pauses, “is everything alright?”
“It is for the moment,” he replies, “but it won’t be for long.”
“What did you do?”
He wastes no time in relaying the previous nights mistakes to Kamilah, who remains eerily silent throughout his explanation. It is only when he finishes that she speaks, her once calm and warm demeanour shifting into one of anger and disbelief.
“I honestly don’t know what to say right now.”
“I know I messed up, Kami-”
“Messed up is an understatement,” she releases an agitated breath, “how could you do that to Amelia? I thought she meant something to you.”
“She does. That hasn’t changed.”
“Well she clearly isn’t as important to you as you make her out to be. You wouldn’t do that to her, otherwise.”
“I wasn’t thinking…”
“You were certainly thinking about something but it sure as hell wasn’t your girlfriend.”
He takes a deep, pained breath, resting the back of his head against the headrest.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, Kamilah.”
“I should hope that you’re going to tell her the truth.”
“I am…” he pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head, “I just don’t know how I am going to tell her.”
“She needs to be told the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. Either way, this is going to upset her, so it doesn’t really matter how you deliver it.”
He nods in response, his voice seeming to crack as he talks, “could you be on standby should Amelia need somewhere to stay?”
“I am sure that she is more likely to seek out Lily’s company…but yes. I shall ensure that my guest room is ready for visitors should she need it.”
“Thank you, Kamilah. Truly.”
“Believe what you will, but I am not doing it for you. That poor girl is going to have her heart ripped apart tonight. She will need support as she tries to rebuild her life without you in it.”
He swallows thickly, his eyes beginning to brim with unshed tears.
“Y-you think that she will leave me?”
“You betrayed her, Adrian. The logistics of your relationship no longer matter. The trust and belief will be gone. If she cannot trust you, why would she stay?” There is a brief pause before she carries on, her tone sombre, as if telling someone about a loved one’s passing, “I need to end this call, now. I have a meeting in five minutes and I need to ensure that I am prepared.”
“Just promise me that you will not put her in a position that she feels as though she has no choice to forgive you.”
“I-I wouldn’t-”
“Promise me, Adrian. Forgiveness is to be earnt.”
“I won’t do that to her.”
“Good,” the sound of shuffling can be heard on her end, followed by the closing of a door, “I expect to hear from you after you have spoken to her. Regardless as to how I feel about this situation, you are still my brother.”
“Th-thank you.”
“Goodbye, Adrian.”
The call ends, leaving Adrian to contemplate his actions in silence, each second that passes by causing his chest to constrict further as he gets closer to his destination. He spends the last few minutes of his journey attempting to regulate his physical responses, not wanting to worry Amy further. He manages to get things under control briefly, but these feelings soon make their reappearance known as he sees her standing by the restaurant, rocking back on her heels as she looks down at the delicately wrapped box in her hands, her brows pinched in befuddlement as she studies the string. He pulls up alongside the curb before looking up her once more; she smiles brightly, giving him an excitable wave, but he finds himself unable to keep eye contact, his gaze swiftly dropping to his feet as she crosses the road to his car. The sound of a car door opening causes him to startle, but he settles once a familiar voice addresses him, her joyful aura resonating through the quiet.
"Hey!" She elevates the box, "I got the doughballs!"
He smiles softly, greeting her with a nod as she climbs inside.
“You really didn’t have to pick me up,” she speaks with gratitude, “but I am grateful.”
He nods once more, “not at all. I was on my way back, anyway. It made more sense than asking Lily to come out and collect you.”
She places the box on her lap, moving to fix her seatbelt.
“Here. Let me help.”
He reaches over, tenderly removing the buckle from her hand and clicking it into place.
“Thank you,” she beams up at him, but her happiness is short-lived, for it fades when she notices his reluctance to meet her gaze; she places a gentle hand on his arm, “Adrian?”
“Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing that we need to talk about right now.”
He returns his attention to the road; Amy frowns, her hand retreating to her lap.
“H-Have I done something wrong?”
He reaches down, collecting a small book from the centre console before resting it on her thigh.
“Kamilah came to the office yesterday; she thought you’d like to have this.”
She looks down at the novel, the pad of her thumb tracing the threading on the spine.
“It…it looks quite old…”
“Mid 1800s.”
“I can’t accept this. I might damage it.”
“No you won’t,” he speaks stoically, “Kamilah wouldn’t have given it to you if she thought that you would cause harm.”
She smiles faintly, placing her palm against its cover.
“You…you said that you wanted to talk to me earlier. What do you want to speak to me about?”
He visibly tenses, “it can wait until we’re back home.”
“Is it bad?”
“We’ll talk when we return. We needn’t discuss it anymore.”
Amy turns away, resting her head against the doorframe as the car presses forward, neither of the pair uttering another word until they arrive back at the penthouse. As they head upstairs, Adrian’s mind begins to roam to a destination that he does not wish to wander into, not breaking out of his thoughts until Amy’s voice carries from the doorway.
“I forgot my key.”
He wordlessly moves forward, forcing his key into the lock; the door clicks, opening just a smidge.
“Make yourself comfortable,” he repockets his wallet, “I’ll be through in a couple of minutes.”
She nods in understanding, greeting him with a timid smile before entering, her hand lingering on the handle as she lifts her head, trying to make eye contact.
He reaches towards her, wordlessly caressing her face with his palm, his delicate fingertips taking refuge in her sun-kissed hair. She leans into his touch, only for him to remove his hand, forcing it into his pocket before he inches past her into the living room.
“I couldn’t remember what wine goes with pasta,” he utters quietly, moving towards the fridge; he opens the door, retrieving several bottles from the shelf, “so I brought a selection. You can choose whichever you’d like.”
“C-can we talk now?”
His face grows ashen, his jaw tightening as he attempts to busy himself.
“Did you want the fancy glasses out tonight? It is a special-”
He regards her with a look of feigned confusion.
“I-I wanted to talk after dinner.”
“Why?” She edges closer, taking pauses once she is standing a couple of feet away, “you barely spoke to me in the car, You’re changing the subject whenever I so much as mention a conversation,” she smiles sadly, “I’m worried about you, Adrian. Y-you’re being distant and that isn’t you…”
“Talk to me,” she takes his hand between her own, giving his palm a compassionate squeeze, “please…”
He appears to dither, unsure as to what he should do; however, after reminding himself as to what he needs to do, he takes her dainty hand in his, “come with me.”
He leads her to the couch, gesturing for her to take a seat. She does so, watching nervously as Adrian perches tentatively beside her, his hand refusing to let go of her own as he lifts it up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“Do you remember what I told you? A-about last night.”
She nods, “you met up with a friend.”
“I did,” he confirms, “her…h-her name is Lena.”
“Did you have a nice time?” She asks, her kind smile brightening with every word.
“We went to the bar,” he casts his gaze downwards, his hands remaining clasped around her own, the pad of his thumbs tracing soothing patterns across her skin, “we talked for a while and had a few drinks.” He pauses for a moment, as if replaying the night’s events in his mind like a broken record, “then s-something h-happened.”
She tilts her head out of curiosity, unsure as to what he means by his remark, her brows furrowed in confusion.
“I…I’m not following…”
“We went back to her apartment, Amelia,” he manages to meet her eyes, the next few words that escape his lips spoken with sincerity and remorse, “we…did things. Things that I…that you and I…”
“Y-you…you didn’t…”
He hesitates…but then weakly squeezes her hand, revealing his guilt through the wordless gesture.
One that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“I…I’m s-sorry,” he carries on through a shuddery whisper, “I-I’m so sorry….”
A sudden movement causes him to look over at his companion, a sharp pain digging its claws into his heart as he watches her slump forward, her elbows colliding harshly with her knees as her fingers grasp onto her hair, tugging slightly as her palms cup her face. At first, there is no sound, but it isn’t long before she starts to cry, her tears left to fall freely onto her skin without interference. His chest tightens further at the sight, but he finds himself unable to look away, watching in despair as she retreats into herself. He reaches for her, but his hand is quickly shirked off.
“Don’t touch me!”
He startles at the tone of her voice, but complies, removing his hand.
“I-I’m sorry.”
She sobs, shaking her head rapidly as she tries to comprehend what she is hearing, becoming more breathless by the second as she tries but fails to regulate her breathing. Noticing her struggle, Adrian removes himself from the couch, instead moving to kneel in front of her, his hands ghosting her arms as he attempts to provide her with some comfort.
“H-how c-c-could…”
“Breathe, Amelia. I-I need you to breathe-”
She shakes her head once more, her eyes slowly closing as even more tears begin to fall onto her cheeks, only to be soaked up by the hems of her sleeves as she tries in desperation to be rid of them.
He swallows thickly, cupping his mouth with his hand as the other gently reaches around her, rubbing soothing circles into her back.
“P-please d-don’t-”
“You’re breathing erratically, sweetheart. I-I can’t just s-sit here and let you make yourself-”
Before he can finish, she darts past him, making a beeline for the bathroom. He stands abruptly, following on after her, just for the door to be slammed in his face; he intends to wait a little while, giving her time to herself as she processes his revelation, though it isn’t long before the sound of nausea soon fills his ears; without thinking, he enters the room, his eyes soon befalling a sight that he never thought he’d see. Amy is knelt in front of the toilet, her arms resting on either side of the bowl, her long hair sticking to her stained cheeks as beads of sweat form on her forehead; the aftermath of sickness.
She slumps back down onto the floor, her breathing laboured.
Adrian moves over to the cabinet above the sink, collecting a fresh flannel from the shelf and running the tap; he soaks it in the water, returning to her side in an instant. He starts to dab at her forehead, guiding the material across her skin. She lifts her arm, blocking his access.
“Amelia, please-”
“I-I’m fine.”
“No you’re not,” he settles down beside her, attempting yet again to wipe her forehead, “now let me look after you.”
She swerves out of reach, holding onto the counter as she lifts herself from the floor, not wanting to overexert herself. He observes her with hesitancy for a while, moving to stand by the door, his face falling as the room clouds with tension.
"You need rest, sweetheart."
"I'm fine."
"I-I'll go and get you something to-"
"I don't want a-anything from you," her gaze darts to the doorway, "not anymore."
He nods in resignation, lowering his head.
"I can't fault you for that," he admits, "and I know that I don't deserve your time, but...will you hear me out? P-please?"
She doesn’t respond, but eventually nods, her arms wrapping tightly around her midsection as she follows him back to the living room. He sits down on the couch, patting the cushion beside him. She tries to walk over, but finds herself unable to move, as if her feet are rooted to the floor. Knowing that she cannot bring herself to do so, she shakes her head.
“I understand,” he trails off, a deep exhale escaping his lips as he lifts his head to meet her gaze, a sudden tightness grasping onto his heart as he lays eyes on her downcast expression, her eyes swiftly glazing over as they begin to well with unshed misery, “I never wanted to hurt you, Amelia. Y-you mean the world…you’re my…my e-everything…”
She sniffles at his declaration, silent tears trickling onto her cheeks as she turns herself away from him, her long hair seemingly shielding her emotions from visibility; though it initially works, her pain doesn’t cease to infiltrate her words, “d-did you e-ever really love me?”
“Of course I do,” he smiles sadly, “I never stopped loving you. I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow – nothing is going to change that.”
“Then w-why did you…”
“I can’t answer that, my love,” he moves to take her hand, gracing it with a gentle squeeze, the pad of his thumb stroking the inside of her palm, “I can’t give you a reason because I…I don’t have one.”
She swallows harshly, her gaze shifting to rest upon her feet.
“I cannot take back what I did; I know that…but I…I want to make it up to you. I want to prove to you that you are the one that I want. The ONLY one.”
“Listen to me,” his tone softens further as he shifts on his feet, holding onto her as though his life depended on it, “I’m not asking for forgiveness. Not straight away. You are going to be angry…you are going to want to hurt me…to make me feel the pain that I have caused you and then some,” she shakes her head, this in turn causing his sad yet loving smile to return if only for a moment, “hell, you could call me every name under the sun and I wouldn’t argue back – I deserve all that and more.” He takes a breath, his eyes never leaving her own, “but please…don’t punish yourself for my actions. The choice I made…the man I became…that is on me and me alone.”
He gently caresses her face, pushing her hair back behind her shoulder, “you must not blame yourself for my choices. That is my burden to bear; it will never be yours.”
He begins to tear up again, becoming even more uncertain as to how this will play out.
“Just…t-tell me this isn’t over,” he sniffles, using his sleeve to quickly obscure his face momentarily from view, a strangled sob threatening to leave his throat, “p-please…t-tell me that I haven’t lost you.”
Their eyes meet for only a moment before she has no choice but to look away, her gaze drifting back down to her feet. She draws a shaky breath, folding her trembling hands within one another. Adrian shuffles towards her, resting a desperate yet hesitant hand on her elbow.
“P-please…” he focuses his attention on her face, fingertips trailing upwards to thread themselves in her hair as he tucks a stray strand behind her ear, “t-talk to me, sweetheart. P-please.”
She opens her mouth slightly in preparation to speak…
…but not a single word escapes her lips.
Instead, she turns abruptly, hurriedly retrieving her jacket before making a beeline for the elevator doors. Adrian is quick to follow, his voice hoarse and laden with despair.
Before he has a chance to finish, the elevator doors open; she shoulders her bag and walks inside, pressing the button for the ground floor. He calls her name, but when she doesn’t respond, he places his arm in front of the door, preventing it from closing.
“I’m not going to s-stop you from g-going,” he sniffles, shedding silent tears as he continues to plead, “just…l-let me call someone to t-take you home. It-it isn’t safe out there and…I couldn’t live with myself if something h-happened to you.”
The doors start to close and Adrian startles, the metal encountering his arm. He jerks back suddenly, not realising his error until it is too late for him to intervene.
“I-I love you, Amelia!”
She looks up at him then, but no words are spoken; instead, all Adrian can do is watch on helplessly as the doors finally seal.
Amy exhales slowly, releasing a shaky breath that she was seemingly holding; as the elevator begins its descent, she falls back against the metallic casing, sliding down the wall until her legs hit the floor. She instinctively draws her knees to her chest, her arms embracing them as she starts to sob, her head slowly burying itself into her folded arms.
Adrian calls for her , but his plea seems to fall on deaf ears, the whirring of the elevator as it descends drowning out his cries from above. He begins to weep, his forehead falling upon the cold metallic door, his legs a minute away from caving in on themselves. He retrieves his phone from his pocket and begins to draft a message, trying but failing to click send as his hands refuse to cease their trembling. Eventually, he manages to hit to correct button, refusing to glance down at the screen until the device vibrates, the colour immediately draining from his face as he sees the content of the message.
Amelia has already left the building.
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alucarddear · 2 years
Dinner & Diatribes
Against his better judgement, Alucard allows another human in his castle again.
Note: [She/her] He is kind, even when he tries not to be. P.S. This has been sitting in my drafts for a whiiiile now, mostly because I had to publish first quite a number of very similar plot drabbles—the usual she meets Alucard while looking for shelter type of stories, so this had to wait a bit. Haven't received much of those type of requests lately so it's finally time for this original.
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All this for fruits…
She knows she will essentially be seen as a trespasser, judging by the pikes that greeted her in front of this grand yet desolate-looking castle in the middle of nowhere. She really is lost, she realises. The map, before she lost it, never mentioned a castle. The forgotten Belmont estate, yes, but not a castle. Yet in front of her is very obviously a large castle of sorts.
But here she is now, and it’s nightfall. She has no choice in the matter really, not when the other option is to become dinner out there on the murky forest floor, most likely torn apart by night creatures. When she thinks of it that way, being put up on a pike by the castle’s obviously deranged owner actually seems like the more attractive option.
Gloomy, imposing castle it is then. She steps forward, shuddering as she goes.
If push comes to shove, maybe I can strike up a bargain, she thinks. Offer a service, perhaps? I don’t know, like clean the fucking bones off this deranged stranger’s lawn, maybe? She might snort if her racing heart would allow her to find genuine mirth in her situation. She just needs a place to sleep for the night, that is all. Surely, any reasonable person will understand.
She rubs her frozen hands together and continues past the pikes. 
She sets her basket down on the steps and is about to push the castle’s heavy doors open—an apology and explanation ready on the tip of her tongue—when a masculine voice rings out in the quiet, stopping her dead in her tracks.
She bristles, heart racing despite herself.
“Tell me,” he says slowly as if he's talking to a mere child. “Is it ever wise to enter someone else’s property uninvited?”
Somehow the question irks her despite the precarious situation she finds herself in. Obviously not, she wants to retort. The pikes’ message is quite clear to me: Danger. Death imminent. Abandon all hope. Flee.
“No,” she admits instead, voice measured yet small. Still... he's the sick person with the pikes.
She’s afraid, Alucard notes. Erratic heartbeat, shallow breathing, and… no weapon in sight. Good. 
He realises she’s no danger, perhaps just some luckless passerby—a forager by the looks of it—but she still needs to begone.
“Then?” he asks impatiently, voice clipped and mouth barely opening, concealing his fangs.
She seems to realise then that his voice is coming from behind her, so she turns around, and is immediately greeted by perhaps the most beautiful man she’s ever laid eyes on. She nearly gasps.
Alucard hears her heart skip a beat, or maybe a couple, but he pays it no mind.
“State your purpose here,” he commands. “The truth, stranger. Do not test me.”
Oh, I hadn’t the faintest desire to, she thinks.
“I… I—” she stammers, heat somehow rising to her cheeks despite the danger she finds herself in. “I need shelter. I’m just looking for a place to sleep for the night.”
She tells him about her failed foraging. How she had acquired an old map to the orchards surrounding the supposedly abandoned Belmont estate, intending to pluck fruits of all kind to sell the next morning. She’d heard from others how abundant fruits are around this area so she braved the long trip from her small village, intending to return well before nightfall, if only her map hadn’t blown in the wind, now lodged in the tall trees somewhere. If only she hadn’t gotten lost.
“But it’s not really abandoned, as it turns out…” she laughs a little, the sound of it apprehensive, almost sheepish. And there’s your castle which the map never indicated, she wants to add, but decides against it. Maybe she is still lost. Maybe she never even made it to the right place at all. Just how many abandoned places are there in this area? There are plenty of fruit trees around though…
“No, not abandoned,” he says. “Not anymore.”
She doesn’t press him.
“So,” she smiles nervously at him. “Will you let me stay for the night?” Please?
Alucard frowns.
He glances at Sumi and Taka—at what’s left of them—and reminds himself that there is no use in befriending humans. Not even when they appear docile with their long dresses and their fruit baskets and their nervous smiles. Humans can be terribly deceptive.
This one doesn’t seem particularly threatening though, and he can see her basket filled with stolen fruits from Belmont’s overgrown orchards, so her little excuse checks out at the very least. Besides, her elocution is strange. She really is not from here. It’s likely she does not even know who or what he is.
He looks up at the moonlight, at the dead of night. Shall I leave her to die? 
He realises he is taking too long to answer, and her smile is starting to falter. He hears her heart rate pick up again. She is so frightened of being left out in the middle of the night that he swears he can smell it on her.
He sighs, and then he is lifting the dead hare in his hand that, in her trepidation, she never even noticed. 
“For dinner,” he says, resigned.
Against his better judgement, he lets her in.
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vampirkit · 4 months
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LUCYY AND KAMILAH SKETCH (+ lily and adrian)
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 10 months
Meet My MC: Lyra Lexington
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I'll edit this to make it cuter and more detailed while I play the story but here's what I have so far!
Nicknames: Ly, Little Miss Valedictorian, Doc, Lady, Queen
Born/Raised: Singapore -> New York -> Los Angeles
Books: Ride or Die, Queen B, Nightbound/Bloodbound, The Elementalists as a well-known Historian, and Crimes of Passion I and II (again, I haven't finished all of these books I just thought of this MC on the go)
Face Claim: Alyssa Raghu -> Naomi Scott/shredz55 (Insta)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac: Aquarius
Fashion Style: "Girl Next Door" with a hint of Bohemian Chic
Love Interest: Trystan Thorne
Past Relationships: Logan, Colt Kaneko, Professor Ian Kingsley, Nik Ryder, Violet Hale (OC) Past Flirtationships: Mona, Cal, Vera
Education/Major: BA in History at UC Berkeley; MA in Anthropology and Ph.D in Archeology at Harvard University; Magic Training at Pendergast College of Elemental Magicks
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Desire and Decorum MC Great Great Great Grandmother: The Unexpected Heiress MC Godparents: Adrian Raines and Evelyn "Evie" Rouge Father(s): Lord Elric; Detective Antonio Lexington (FC: TBD) Mother: Lilavati "Lila" Solaris (FC: Nayanthara) Half-Brother: Tialo Maternal Cousin: My Queen B OC/The Elementalists MC Children (Twins): Amber Marguerite Thorne and Alice Nayeli Thorne Pet: Arcane (A Perrikin)
Lilavati left her extremely controlling family after leaving for college to major in Economics, where she met Adrian Raines, and the two became close friends (she was already dating Lyra's father and unknowingly pregnant). As far as her family knows, she's a Board Member/Head of Business for Raines Corporation. In actuality, she's a witch who eventually started working as a kind of supernatural diplomat to ensure peace between supernatural beings, which ended up being for the NYC vampire clans. She's under the vampire clans' protection (but she associates most with Adrian since they're the closest). She was extremely happy for Adrian when he met Evie and fell deeply in love with her. After Lyra is born, she asks Adrian and Evie to be her godparents. In my head, Evie shows up at some point during Nightbound in the Priya Lacroix scene and mentions how much Lyra reminded her of her mother (it took Lyra a second to recognize who Evie was because it's been a while but she knew Evie was a familiar figure). Antonio blames Adrian and Evie (and the rest of the BB crew) for his wife's death and ensures they stay away from his daughter by moving to a smaller home in LA.
Fun Facts:
She's a very talented Carnatic singer! Her extended family wanted her to continue but as much as she loves to sing, she didn’t want to pursue it as part of her future
She is fluent in English and Spanish but proficient in Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, and Dravokian. She learned Spanish from her father and Telugu, Malayalam, and Tamil from her mother. Her parents spoke those languages at home alongside English, but she became less fluent in the languages her mother spoke after she died. And after marrying Trystan, she obviously learned Drakovian
She’s from a wealthy family, or technically her mother was, but she left her old life to have her freedom before Lyra’s older cousins were even born. Lyra herself has an even larger inheritance after her mother died, but her father didn’t feel comfortable using her family money “irresponsibly.” She plans to use that money for her education.
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olive-wolive · 1 year
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I will be listing the fandoms I write for and the main characters that I focus on. I may add more in the future as I tend to get easily attached to characters. THIS TOOK FOREVER!!!!!! You can request <3 from the list or if you think I may know a character I can be willing to do it
Persona 5
Persona 4
Persona 3
Genshin Impact
Kingdom Hearts
One Punch Man
Oshi No Ko
Stranger Things
Our Life(coveeee<3)
Demon Slayer
Mystic Messenger
Fruits Basket
Re: Zero − Starting Life in Another World
Honkai Starrail
Assassination Classroom
Cowboy Bepop
Saiki K
Death Note
Red Dead Redemption 2
Life Is Strange
Komi Can't Communicate
Tokyo Ghoul
Lollipop Chainsaw
Chainsaw Man As for characters
Saki(you know by the name)
Ryuji(persona 5)
Kanji(persona 4)
Denji(chainsaw man)
Power(chainsaw man)
Aki(chainsaw man)
Chie(persona 4)
Ai(persona 4)
Ren(persona 5)
Goro Akechi(persona 5)
Yusuke(persona 5)
Yosuke)persona 4)
Sae(persona 5)
Shiho(persona 5)
Ann(persona 5)
Makoto(persona 5)
Rise(persona 4)
Yukiko(persona 4)
Marie(persona 4)
Aigis(persona 3)
Akihiko(persona 3)
Junpei(persona 3)
Shinjiro(persona 3)
Makoto(persona 3)
Haru(persona 5)
Spike(Cowboy bebop)
Naoto(persona 4)
Yu (persona 4)
Eddie(Stranger things)
Steve(stranger things)
Zen(mystic messenger)
707(mystic messenger)
Saeran(mystic messenger)
Jumin(mystic messenger)
Cove(our life)
Chole(life is strange)
Light (death note)
L(death note)
Najimi(komi cant communicate)
Tadano(komi cant communicate)
Arthur Morgan(red dead 2)
Jing Yuan(honkai star rail)
Dang Heng(honkai star rail)
Bronya(honkai star rail)
Gepard(honkai star rail)
Himeko(honkai star rail)
March 7th(honkai star rail)
Natasha(honkai star rail)
Sampo(honkai star rail)
Welt(honkai star rail)
Caelus(honkai star rail)
Yanqing(honkai star rail)
Serval(honkai star rail)
Yae Miko(genshinimpact)(mommy)
Juliet(lollipop chainsaw)
Nick(lollipop chainsaw)
Mariska(lollipop chainsaw)
Swan(lollipop chainsaw) (what he's hot)
Sora(kingdom hearts)
Namine(kingdom hearts)
Riku(kingdom hearts)
Aqua(oshi no ko)
Tanjiro(demon slayer)
Giyu(demon slayer)
Inosuke(demon slayer)
Obanai(demon slayer)
Tengen(demon slayer)
Mitsuri(demon slayer)
Akaza(demon slayer)
Kyojuro(demon slayer)
Zenitsu(demon slayer)
All Might(MHA)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic(one-punch)
Ken(tokyo ghoul)
Adrian Chase(peace maker)
Bye bye!
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Disembodied 7/8
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Warning: Mention of death // Angst // Fluff
Pairings: Adrian Raines X MC // Nik Ryder X MC
Words: 1.300
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
As always, tags in the reblog!
"Are you nervous?" Adrian asked, attentively looking at Amy. They were in a private room of his lab, where two beds had been set up for her and Alex. It was a small space but it had everything they could possibly need to assist them if there was a problem. 
"A little." He smiled at her, compassionate and supportive. 
"Everything will be fine. I promise." He tried to reassure her… And himself. "Even Ryder gave his approval." He added, with a slightly sarcastic tone.
"Because Nik is such an expert in the potion terrain,” Alex commented as Nik rolled his eyes while Amy let out a small chuckle.
“There are many things you still don’t know about me, rook.”
“If you say so.” Both women walked to the beds, looking at each other for a moment, before sitting on the mattresses. Amy took Alex’s hand, squeezing it. “I hope this works,” Alex said, her eyes fixed on the woman in front of her. Fixed on her own face. Alex returned the gesture.
“Me too.” Amy sighed. “Drinks on me if it does.” Alex giggled and Amy let a little smile out.
“You got yourself a deal.” They stood in silence until Adrian, gently clearing his throat, called their attention. 
“If you are both ready, we may start.” He pointed to the scientists in the door who were carrying two identical glasses with the potion. Amy looked at Alex again and she nodded.
“We are.” As the liquid ran down Amy's throat, Adrian closely observed her. Amy, from Alex's body, looked at him as she was lying down. She winked at him although her smile was small and nervous. He walked over to her. 
"I'll be right here." He knelt beside her and gently kissed her forehead. "Waiting for you."
"You've been doing that a lot lately." Adrian chuckled, holding her hand. 
"I don’t mind." His fingers softly caress her hair.
“A man who doesn't mind waiting?” She leaned on his touch. “How did I get so lucky?” He softly chuckled again and sweetly smiled at her.
“You are worth any wait, Amy.” She blinked slowly and heavily. “And, believe me, I’m the lucky one.”
"Debatable." His hand cupped her right cheek, softly brushing with his thumb the soft skin under it. “Adrian… If this doesn't work, if anything happens…”
“I won't let anything bad happen to you, Amy. Not ever again.” Her eyes slowly drifted close as the potion quickly kicked on. 
“I just don't want you to feel guilty.” She whispered as her breathing became shallow and her heartbeat slowed down drastically, her skin pale and a bit cooler as he tried to ignore the similarities with the night in the Met, ignoring his fear of losing her again. 
“I won't be feeling anything more than happiness when you wake up.” With a small move of her head, she nodded. “And you will wake up sound and safe, Amy.” He said, desperately trying to believe his own words. “I promise.”
"See you soon." She said in a barely audible murmur.
"See you soon." He repeated as her hand went limp in his hold. He kissed her knuckles and reluctantly freed her hand, standing up. 
Nik watched warily while Alex took the potion. He knew it was the right decision, and so far the only possible solution they had found, but, at the end of the day, he wasn’t ecstatic about it. He watched how her lips touched the glass and how in one fast motion, the liquid had disappeared. She lay on the mattress, and after one second of hesitation, he sat beside her. Amy and Adrian were softly speaking beside them so he just focused on her. “Alex…” With a little hesitation, he guided his hand towards hers, taking it as gently as possible. “I will be watching over you, rook.”
“Because you have to?” 
“‘Cause… You are important to me.” He noticed the tiny smile that lifted the corners of her lips and the light squeeze of her fingers around his. 
“Glad to hear it.” She sighed deeply, her head falling to the side as her eyelids felt heavy like she hadn't slept in days. “I know there's a lot we need to talk about… And that a lot has happened lately but… I’m glad you are here, Nik.”
“There’s no other place in the world I would prefer to be, Alex.” Her eyes were finally closed and her whole body seemed drained, looking vulnerable as the day that Thomas attacked her. He stood, almost at the same time as Raines, and walked beside him to the chairs in front of the beds.
A few minutes later, Nik cut the silence. "You know, I didn't know vampires could be so... sappy," Adrian smirked at Nik's words.
"Of course we can. We are not nighthunters after all." He crossed his arms over his chest, never looking away from the two women.
"C'mon Raines, I did my homework." Adrian turned his focus to him and lifted his brow. "Your past precedes you, pal." 
"It might. I won't deny that I have done … dreadful things in my past. Things I'm not proud of, but I deeply regret them." For a moment, Nik saw pain and regret in his face. He wondered if he had the same expression when he talked about his own past. “But I changed. I left all that behind me.”
"Does she know?" Nik asked with a head gesture referring to Amy.
"Most of it." Nik nodded, pensive. “She’s a Bloodkeeper. I wouldn’t be able to hide my past from her even if I wanted to.” He smiled, looking proud of Amy. "And I don’t want to. She deserves honesty." For a moment the only sound in the lab room was the distant noise of the machines from the other part of the lab. Both Amy's and Alex's heartbeats had slowed to a near stop. “Does Alex know about your private conversation with the Fate?” Nik narrowed his eyes with suspicion and Adrian smirked. “I did my homework as well.” He considered Raines' words, assessing his answer. 
“No. She didn’t say much.”
“I see.” Adrian looked at the timer that had been set up above the beds. Only forty minutes had passed and the nerves were settling in by the second. 
Nik stood, taking a few steps around. “Goddammit.” He said, frustrated, stopping in front of Alex's body. “This is torture.”
“I agree.” Adrian put his hands together, tightly, until he sighed and relaxed again. “But unfortunately, there's nothing we can do right now. Just wait.”
“I know that,” Nik said with clear irritation in his voice. “You seem calm, tho.”
“I'm terrified,” Adrian responded with such sincerity that Nik turned to watch him, surprised, as the vampire walked to the side of Amy's bed with a complex look in his eyes. “It's the second time that I have to watch Amy unconscious for hours desperately wanting that she will be okay. The second time I'm scared to lose her.” A deep sigh escaped him. “Feeling powerless to help her.”
“...I understand the sentiment.” Nik put his bow against the wall, near to him but lowering his ward for the first time. “If Alex doesn't wake up…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I really hurt her, you know? I need to fix it.” He trailed off, with regret. “I can't lose her. Not again.”
“It seems our concerns are similar.” Adrian took off his blazer and loosened the tie around his neck.
“Looks like it.” Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours as time slowly passed. According to Ivy, the minimum waiting time was five hours, and the maximum time was eight hours. If the clock marked more, the results could be catastrophic.
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karlenatheone · 1 year
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I always come back to this story.. wish there were more 🥲
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harbingerofdespair · 10 months
Top 5 choices books
Ride or die
Immortal desires
Blades of light and shadow
Queen B
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bloodbound-selfship · 5 months
This drabble was a request sent in by a follower
Adrian x TransMasc!MC (Ash)
I don't normally take requests bc it takes me like 10 years to start, but I wanted to give this a try :) I'm a little nervous since I'm writing from a POV I'm not too familiar with, but I did get help from the person who requested this.
Ash belongs to the requestor @will-is-full-of-woe :)
Ash sat at his desk outside of Adrian's office. After finishing up some work, he decided to take a break to play on his phone while Adrian had his meeting. He had been feeling a little nervous that morning, as his and Adrian's relationship had progressed faster than he was expecting. They've gotten a little close since starting the job, and he was worried that Adrian wouldn't except him when it's time to come out.
A notification broke Ash's train of thought. A text from Lily. He smiled a bit as he tapped the notification.
Lily: Heyyyyyyyyy doing some business stuff?
Ash: Not at the moment. Thought I'd take a break. What are you up to?
Lily: nothing much, really.
Ash: really? No zombie game?
Lily: nope. Feeling a little burnt out. Have you talked to Adrian yet?
Ash: uhhh
Lily: Ash. Come on, dude. You said you would tell him today. He deserves to know, you two are getting closer.
Ash: I know, but I'm nervous. What if he doesn't accept me?
Lily: you're getting yourself all worked up, Ash. Doesn't he donate like millions every year to LGBTQ+ organizations?
Ash: yeah, but he could be doing that to get more love and public attention.
Lily: or he's fully supportive! Or maybe he's apart of the community like us. You'll never know unless you do it.
Ash: I'm just so scared he won't accept who I am.
Lily: trust me. He will. I believe in you.
Ash: and what if he doesn't?
Lily: I'll punch him in the throat. You know I won't let an asshole hurt my bestie!
Ash: haha. You're the best, Lily. I'll go tell him. Talk to you later.
Ash pocketed his phone and stood from his seat. His legs were a bit shakey, but he calmed his nerves as best he could and made his way over to Adrian's office. He knocked, the sound feeling louder than normal.
"Come in." That deep, smooth voice. Adrian. Ash took in a deep breath and walked in. Adrian looked up and smiled. "Hi. Do you need something?"
"Uh...I needed to talk to you about something." He closed the door behind him as he walked further into his office. He walked in front of Adrian's desk, fiddling with his hands. He looked around for a moment, collecting himself. "Adrian. I've been working here for 6 months so far, and we've gotten to know each other a bit more since my initial hiring. But...I haven't told you something really important." Adrian raised his eyebrow, nodding lightly. Ash watched him for a moment, before ripping off the bandage.
"I'm trans. My name is Ash. I am a man." Adrian stared at him for a moment. Ash's heart was beating slightly faster, trying to fight the nerves. Adrian nodded.
"So you'll be needing an update on your files? I can have that arranged. You'll receive a new nametag for your desk, your name and gender will be changed in our documents." He sat up, typing on his computer for a moment. Ash's eyes widened slightly, but he soon relaxed. It's safe. Adrian is safe. He is safe here.
"Yes. That would be great. I haven't changed my name too much. It's just Ash now. Lee is my middle name." Adrian smiled as he typed a little longer, before leaning back in his seat.
"Your documents are processing. Thank you for telling me, Ash. It means a lot."
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