fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Spotify shuffle hit me with like five songs back to back I associate with different kintypes so to cope with that I’m going to be annoying for a second.
To my fellow travelers of the continent Orsterra, hello! I miss you, or something. I also love you, I guess. To my Darius, specifically, go fuck yourself. To my Alfyn, thank you for not giving up on me. - Therion (Octopath Traveler)
Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie Brock, from the Venom movies specifically. Hello! I love you. I am gnawing on you cutely and I hope you’re doing well without me around to protect you. Just let me know if you need anything, and I will materialize like a creature of the void in front of you to help. - Venom (Venom + Let There Be Carnage)
And finally, hello. My name is Daisuke Kambe, and I miss my wonderful beautiful very very stupid (affectionate) husband Haru. My love, my spring, my everything, I hope life is treating you well, wherever you are. I am not nearly as wealthy as I used to be, but I am still very flippant with my spending. You would be disappointed to know I spent $300 USD on pretty dice this past weekend. I love you! Sorry I was such a pain in the behind. Also, Suzue, I miss you bunches. You helped me through so much, and I feel as though I never really expressed how much that meant to me. I would not have made it as long as I had with all those feelings I harbored if you had not been there to support me when I felt alone. A couple more things and I’ll be done, I promise. All the MCPTF, I love you. You were all the worst and I mean that with nothing but affection. I am giving you all a little kiss on the cheek (platonically.) Chosuke, I’m sorry for all that happened. Saeki, I would do anything to have a seam bream gummi with you again. - Daisuke Kambe (The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited a.k.a. Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited)
That was long I just didn’t want to spam the box with 3 separate confessions. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience MPC!
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ayachannsstuff · 4 years
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Modern Crime Prevention Task Force!
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hopeless-aboutyou · 4 years
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MCPTF gang!!! I love them- and Ryou is part of the gang now, just sayingggg.
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xxwinterchillxx · 4 years
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We all know who the MVPs of this episode was 💆‍♀️
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fandomtrashgoblin · 4 years
It's 3:something AM, I cannot be bothered to look at the time even though it's barely a centimeter above my line of vision. I just finished watching episode 9 of The Millionaire Detective. I have Thoughts that are not going to sound coherent. Beware.
And spoilers warning.
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This. This looks like a family meeting and I was already dreading the conversation that's sure to go horribly bad with how Dai's been acting since episode 7.
And I was right.
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Is this what breakups are supposed to look like? I don't know. I've never seen one in real life. But it feels a lot like a breakup and my heart breaking.
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Cho-San is the coolest character in this show, dead or alive. Still not over him.
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Poor Haru is not having a good week with all the Kambe family drama. Exactly how much risk is his entire career in?
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Granny W U T?!
I had my suspicions. But she's knowingly holding knowledge from Dai? Exactly how involved is this lady? And she's still refusing to share info even though Dai's life could be in danger? Extra sus.
And this also brings in questions about the rest of the family. Dai's dad was the eldest son. What happened to the other sons (there are two others from what I know) and why do they not have access to HEUSC? And the question about Suzue's identity still remains.
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I can do nothing but applaud this man and his deceptive cuteness.
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My dudes, you are the cops and I love y'all.
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So, I am aware this is a pretty serious conversation and I should be focusing on Haru. But this boi is too fucking cute. I needed a minute to just pause and appreciate him.
(Rest in reblog if anyone's interested)
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aceme · 4 years
I was 100% expecting a cute/exciting first meeting between Suzue and Saeki (the whole MCPTF actually, but especially Saeki Mahoro) this episode but then the cat appeared and she arrived late and hurt 😓 feels bad
(we can still imagine they exchanged numbers after taking her to the hospital though )
EDIT: Imagine the first scene when Saeki says she might have a crush on Kambe, and then Suzue appears and she's like "nevermind, I have a crush on the other Kambe now" 🤭
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reiunnasaga · 4 years
Kamei: Trickster Extraordinaire
*In the Modern Crime Prevention Task Force Office*
Kamei, with a huge grin on his face: Hey Kambe-san! Can I borrow that bazooka you used during that one drug bust mission?
Daisuke, eyebrows raising in curiosity: That's such a sudden request. May I ask why you need it Kamei-san?
Kamei, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly: Ah! You see... I wanted to show it to Sacchan and show her how cool it is!
Daisuke, face settling back to his default blank expression: Is that so? Then, I'm afraid I have to apologize Kamei-san since what you are borrowing is not a toy for show, but real dangerous weaponry.
Kamei, downhearted: Ah I see... well thanks anyways.
*Kamei turns his attention to Haru who was too busy with paperwork to listen in to their conversation*
Kamei, clamping Haru on the shoulder: Hey Haru! Can I borrow that bazooka Kambe-san used during that one drug bust mission?
Haru, shocked: Huh?! Wait... you're going to show off to Motoyama-san again, aren't you?
Kamei, chuckling: Yup, but the details aren't that important.
Haru, rolling his eyes: Right, but isn't that a question for Kambe?
Kamei, scratching the back of his neck and trying not to meet Haru's eyes: Yeah well... he said no because, according to him, it's not a toy for show, but a really dangerous weapon that shouldn't be shown off.
Haru, remembering Daisuke shooting him with the bazooka with indignition: That hypocritical bastard!
Kamei, trying to calm Haru down: Woah easy there Haru! Remember your blood pressure.
Haru, looking back at Kamei while huffing and grinding his teeth: Wait a minute, why are you even asking me for permission?
Kamei, grinning: Well one, Kambe-san would definitely let me borrow it with a little prodding from you, and two, he's not the boss of you.
Haru, eyes widening and screaming internally: It's a trap. It's a TRAP. Don't fall for it. DON'T FALL FOR IT.
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helioptrixx · 4 years
Scream at me...
... if you’re pissed about Fugou Keiji episode 9. (minimal spoilers ahead)
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I thought episode 8 was bad, ending on a (semi-?) cliffhanger, but this one... Bruh, you can’t just leave it like this!
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I mean, yeah, that’s a pretty nice picture. But still. And THIS GUY
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Why is this bodyguard dude important?
At least there’s Haru and Hoshino working together and getting along.
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Look at that smile!
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This cracks me up. Kudos to Suzue for thinking of that, but still. It’s ridiculous. “What the hell” is right, Kato.
The whole dice thing was pretty neat. Not surprising, but neat.
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Also, too, having the whole MCPTF gang again’s pretty nice.
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I’m sorry, but Kamei dancing around on the roof is also pretty funny.
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Daiharu feels!
Well. That’s it for now. But, yes. SCREAM AT US if episode 9 left you in pain. I suppose it’s better than having it on an indefinite hiatus. (Is it, really?) But we can’t wait a whole week for this!! You’re killing us here, creators.
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harmless-cry-baby · 4 years
Still funny how these three dorks
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manage to pinpoint Shigemaru's location first despite the Kambe's technological supremacy
Yumoto's sharp hearing, Saeki's technological and tracking expertise, Kamei's gymnastic skills and this motherfucking FOOD TRUCK-KUN
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Kudos to this man too for helping them out despite being passive these past few episodes
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THESE MOFOS BE READY TO WHIP SOME ASS SO YEAH, I mean like literally, look at her tho
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onabikaa · 3 years
Popping back in from finishing 9 assignments for like two seconds
I’d like to announce that the stage play has compelled me to fuck everyone else except Haru . What the actual fuck. I didn’t expect it to be this angsty.
Ok going back in now promise to catch up on all the tags <3
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inanthesis · 4 years
How would Daisuke participate in a pocky game tho would he just look at the pocky and go :| sorry i dont eat convenience store snacks
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While Daisuke can 100% be annoying and pretentious about food, he’s not opposed to trying new things here and there and it’s definitely not uncommon for Saeki to want to share the snacks she buys with him and everyone else in the MCPTF ( especially since now using his tech she’s able to expand her reach for international snacks as well ). Daisuke also isn’t as inclined to be so blatantly rude to anyone else in the MCPTF, all of his stubbornness is primarily directed at Haru because he’s fun to tease and he’s generally less likely to act like a complete baby about shit in front of them the way he is with Haru who he deals with much more often on a daily basis.
But anyway as for how he’d get involved in this game? Someone around the office would have to bring it up as a childhood memory or something they hadn’t done in a long time because Daisuke was raised a filthy rich brat knowing nothing of commoner practices and games and that would spark his curiosity. Then, after hearing you may get to lock lips with whoever’s at the other end of the pocky if they’re too stubborn to pull away, he would spend his day trying to goad Haru into playing it with him because he’s terrible.
Haru’s probably not gonna indulge him though because Haru, unlike literally everyone else at the MCPTF, actually tries to do his job and stay focused at work.
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incorrectfkbu · 4 years
Haru: *exists*
Mcptf team: *blames everything on him*
Cho-san: *asks for his help then yells at him*
Fist Division: *uses him to investigate Daisuke*
Daisuke: *doesn't tell him anything*
Haru: I'm straight up not having a good time
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epickiya722 · 3 years
Would you do Haru kato? 😳🌸
OF COURSE! Out of everyone in Balance Unlimited, he's my favorite!
(I apologize it took a while for this to be answered, I had fell asleep and didn't see this until now.)
🌸Favorite thing about them: Everything! Oh my gosh, everything! From his design, his voice, personality, everything!
🌸Least favorite thing about them: I just want him to relax...
🌸Favorite line: The "You bastard!" line from the first episode with always get me because of the very long pause he has before he says it. Honestly, it's any time he reacts to Daisuke and his antics.
🌸BrOTP: I really like his relationships he has with everyone else in the MCPTF. They're just one tight knit family.
🌸OTP: You already know I'm going to say DaiHaru. You already know.
🌸nOTP: I don't think I really have one???
🌸Random headcanon: I believe that both Haru's parents taught him to cook. Not just his mom, or not just his dad, but both.
🌸Unpopular opinion: Okay, okay. Don't all you Daisuke simps come after me, but I think Haru is a little bit more prettier than Daisuke. His name couldn't be any more fitting for him. He's as pretty as spring flowers, okay? I firmly believe that if this man wears rose gold, no one could handle it.
Also, I do enjoy his subbed and dubbed voices. Maybe because I have a weakness for Ricco Fajardo and Mamoru Miyano. Fun fact, Haru isn't the first character they both voiced.
🌸Song i associate with them: Every time I hear the anime's opening song I immediately think back to my love for the anime and Haru.
🌸Favorite picture of them: 'Picture', it says. Like I don't have a whole collage of them. I'm just kidding! But I can't just choose one.
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Send me a character...
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1989nihil · 2 years
Potentially controversial opinion: how about instead of a second season of FKBU - as I have seen many people speculate about, and which imho, doesn’t seem to be likely a thing that’s going to happen, since the orignal novel’s story has been told in those eleven episode; how about a kind of a reboot?
I don’t mean a reboot in the classical sense of the word, but more like reusing the already existing episodes, and adding more episodes to them, thus expanding the anime, because, let’s be honest, it’s pretty obvious that it suffered from the initial hit of the pandemic. The anime feels like the characters and the plot weren’t given enough time to fully develop and ripen, though, on the other hand, the rest of the MCPTF characters (Saeki, Teppei, and Kamei) don’t appear to have moved at all in their characterisation from the first episode through to the last. They also feel a bit superflous tbh.
And there’s also the whole Adollium thing in and of itself, it’s a huge plot-hole imho: we are meant to believe, that up until Katō accidently pressed the “send” button, the material is mysterious and that not much, if anything is known about it by anyone who was not directly involved with it. But episode seven rolls around, and you see in Takei’s flashback, that the taskforce set up to investigate the murder of Kambe Sayuri is already talking about Adollium, and that Kambe Shuigemaru is the head-researcher of it.
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They even have obtained the chemical symbol and molecular formular for it:
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If it was supposed to be a well kept secret of the Kambe Conglomerate, or rather, of the Kambe family itself, with Kikoku literally willing to go over dead-bodies to keep it that way, how the fuck did the police even get their hands on intel like this? Wouldn’t you think that one of the first things Kikoku made sure of was that nothing, absolutely nothing would point to the motive behind Sayuri’s death being in any way related to Shigemaru’s research? You would think she had ordered Hattori to make it look like a break-in gone wrong, or whatever would apply in this situation. But instead it’s instantly clear to Kiyomizu that it was murder, because the execution of it was “too clean” to match the ransacked state of the apartment. Like... sorry for going all nit-picky about it, my orignial fandom is DetCo, sooo... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway, tl;dr: expand the existing anime with more episodes to give/show how the characters are developing, perhaps a filler or two for good measure,
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fandomtrashgoblin · 4 years
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Oh, you mean the best and the most badass group of people?
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burungputu · 4 years
Why daisuke moved to MCPTF, chosuke-san, and his father
Now that haru’s past already revealed and he’s gradually getting better, i think FKBU will be about daisuke’s past this time.
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Many times he was asked on why did he joined the modern crime prevention task force (MCPTF) instead, but the conversation would cut off halfway before he could explain. But there’re some little details that might be related to his reason.
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1. Unsolved case files 1998
In episode 1, haru brought this book (actually in ep1 there’s so many foreshadowing) and if daisuke is 27 this year, it means he was born in 1993 while haru in 1990, and in 1998 daisuke was 5 years old,
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2. Daisuke’s narrative on episode 1
He told his parents in past tense (did they died?). He said that he thought he had a happy childhood but everything changed after an “event” which led his life to become meaningless and boring. He also said that it took place way back in Japan (on his childhood maybe so....1998?)
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3. Mysterious silhouette on daisuke’s watch.
The hair is not haru’s nor daisuke’s either; or any character that has been introduced. could it be his father?
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Then it follows with another mysterious silhouette resembles child-like figure similiar to daisuke. Again, does it related with his childhood?
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4. The silhouette of daisuke and the member of MCPTF
Everyone is walking forward except daisuke, as if looking for something in the past. Interestingly enough, he walks towards chosuke, who’s the only one that stands still, waiting.
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Just like haru, Chosuke-san is a former investigation division I member but moved to MCPTF. judging by his age, he must be present in the HQ way before others in the MCPTF and the investigation division.
so did something really happened with his parents in 1998? and does chosuke knew something?
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