skippyv20 · 4 years
📺 NEWS UPDATE: The LA earthquake was caused when Ex-DuchASS Smugly McSmirky was dragging a trash bag, full of wine bottles, down her apartment staircase and they suddenly broke away from her, rattling doors and windows. A few car alarms went off in the area. Nobody was hurt but a few chicken bones were found on a sidewalk, along with two upper dentures and a blue bandana. 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍗🍷🍷🍷🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍷🍗🍗🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍗🍗🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍗 JGemoji
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Here’s a thought…
… At some point, if/after Horobi pulls a face turn and he and Isamu maybe start sort of getting along or at least respecting each other, there’s some scene that’s kind of like that scene in Geed where Kei was threatening Leito, w/ them (and maybe some of the others, too) and Gai—where President McSmirky Creepy Boy is being his shoddy self and harassing Horobi to try and provoke him into snapping/attacking to be like ‘oooh, see he’s not really changed’ or ‘HumaGear are still a menace.’ Horobi is just being all stone-faced through it like a champ, and has successfully ordered Jin to back down (bc in this we rebuilt Jin), possibly w/ help from Izu, and Aruto’s hands are tied bc he’s the President of Hiden and ‘reputation’ and something or other, and Gai is getting all taunt-y about how ‘you can’t do anything w/out making HumaGear and Hiden look bad’ or something…
But then Isamu is like ‘I can’ and socks Amatsu in the face.
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 6 years
I'm actually quite curious as to where the other anons are too, there was plane, bat, hammer, flame, wilted rose, turtle, smirky mcsmirk face, mouse and some more who I'm probably forgetting. I hope they're all OK - ❄️
Mouse and McSmirky i’ve seen, Balloon too at times
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mcsmokin-blog · 6 years
mickey ds
you either followed me on mcsmirky or you caught on quick to the mcdonalds reference. 
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jailbrcken-blog · 8 years
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   yeah, it has been a long time. color him surprised to see him. after all the days and eventually weeks bled past and out of focus, he’d started thinking of him less and less. after you’ve been on your own for so long, and someone pops up into your life, you get used to the idea that they’ll dissolve. it pisses him off that that pisses him off. his anger is an ouroboros, devouring itself in an endless cycle of idiocy. when you’ve lived a life where you deserve your loneliness, you’d think you’d get used to it. then some fucker with a shit-eating grin pops up and ruins it all.
   when he approaches, when eyes take in the sight of him and his stupid, outstretched arms, delsin experiences something that shouldn’t actually even be possible. people don’t have their heart leap in their chest only for it to instantly descend like a stone. he shouldn’t feel any semblance of excitement. because he got away. he really got away from him for a bit, if at least only for a short period of time.
   the sinister air this vulture always has around him like a thick, heavy cloak keeps delsin at bay, keeps him from stepping forward. making any move at all. he looks him up and down with a tired expression. being used as an entertainment device yet again doesn’t sound like a fun game to prop his feet up to.
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   “mm, you should’ve thought about that before you decided to run off to god-knows-where, buddy. i’m a complex kind of cannibal, and i don’t appreciate you doing the whole... you know, manipulation bullshit and fading out on me.” his words are clipped, and he turns on his heels. if anything, delsin can try to distance himself at this point. it’ll be easier than it was when they first met.
   despite everything. despite the rope that tugs when he thinks of their shared bloodlust. all these feelings, all of these... distractions that his twin had provided before--they’re the unwelcome family member who sleeps on the fucking couch, and they gotta go. self-preservation has always been his dirty little monopolization, and he’s gotta keep standing by it.
   // @mcsmirky
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electricterrorist · 8 years
mcsmirky replied to your post: all the delsins are coming back good
Washed and dried set on low
at least one of you is responsible
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Tonight (Monday) was suppose to have been the Met Gala! 😮 SOS TO McSMIRKY!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Please wear your Gala outfit with Archie so we can see your cutting-edge look!! 📷💥👗👠👠👘👛💥📷 No doubt, it would have been a "game changer"! Thanks! 💃🏽🎥 JGemoji
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amortean · 8 years
Snakes an arm and hooks it with hers and snags her in a direction of Thai food. "C'mon. I'm buying."
were it not for the promise of free food, she would definitely be considering the merits of investing in pepper spray right now.
(he’s lucky she already kinda-sorta knows him, otherwise the only thing he’d be eating is the front bumper of a city bus.)
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mcsmokin-blog · 6 years
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Previously : McSmirky Good karma ! DELSIN ROWE of Infamous : Second Son. by Papi / Nate
My rules are usually short. I leave things out because I figure, the crucial things are obvious. Y'know, the big taboo(s). I don’t need to point them out, but my god…let me tell you, my rules been broken on every single blog I’ve had in the past years. I even wonder if they were read to begin with. So, I’m gonna be extensive as I guess as I’m gonna have to be. I’ll try to keep it short regardless.
Please. Do not like for starters if I don’t follow you. …..I’ll be lenient on asks, but please don’t venture forth and turn them into threads unless I follow you.
If you’re really keen on writing with me, let me check you out. A lot of themes here. Dark and explicit. My tagging system is _____ // however, I can only tag so much. I can’t cater to everyone.
Icons used are mine own. bgs image: openguo !!
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lunarcries-a · 8 years
♡ for kissu if you'd like.
It was playful; teasing, flirting with the other conduit. He didn’t seem to mind, hell, he was soaking up the attention she was devoting to him, dumbass smile spread across his face as she continued to compliment him.Even when she’d closed the distance between them, Delsin had made no real effort to move, even when her fingers delicately held on to his jaw.She had to admit that she enjoyed the glint of confusion in his eyes when she kissed him, hand curled into the fabric of his vest until she managed to pry herself away.He tasted of smoke.
With a small hum of amusement, Sarah slunk from his grip, grin breaking out across her face as she turned to wink at him before continuing to saunter away. Not a care in the world."See you around, smoke boy! Keep that handsome face of yours safe, okay?"
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amortean · 8 years
"I'll take the lovely lady on the date."
Lovely? Lovely! That’s a record-breaking first.
“Wait, where are we going.”
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