he-just-wont-die · 3 months
”I might have a pretty face, but I’m dangerous to the core.”
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I don’t post alot so enjoy some Psycho Girl art! I would say I knew her before Hacker, but I didn’t ☠️ Still one of my all time faves though
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ask-mcjamz · 1 month
Heyo, Hacks here :3!!
I’m kinda bored n shit, and I’ve always really liked tumblr ask blogs, so like, why not??? (I’m also batshit insane about mcjamz so)
Anyways welcome to my super goofy ask blog!! Where you can ask mc jamz characters stupid stuff!!
Just follow these rulez, please!
rules :3
Don’t ask the characters anything that could be/is sexual,, this blog is ran by a minor!
Currently, as of 2/5/24, (May 2 2024) I have lots of schoolwork and major tests, as it is the end of the school year, so if your ask/rq isn’t answered immediately please be patient! We’ll get to you eventually.
That’s about it for now, rules will be added as time goes on!
The character’s dialogue may be color coded! But since Tumblr doesn’t have many colors for text, some of them will be shared.
Red — Ruby Rose, Nameless, (Hacker’s friend, MV 5-6) Entity 303
Yellow / Orange — Psycho Girl, Hacker
Green — Little Square Face
Blue — Lilly Sweetart, Herobrine, Cody,
Purple — Herobrina (Herobrine’s daughter)
Pink — Queen Enderheart
NO COLOR — other characters, for now :p
That’s all for now!! (Cause idk what else to put.. ☠️)
(This will edit as time goes on! Thank you for reading)
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he-just-wont-die · 7 months
“Just wait until you hear about my NEXT plan!!”
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he-just-wont-die · 3 months
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They are boyfriends, your honor. (might ramble abt em in my next post??? who knows)
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he-just-wont-die · 22 days
hiyaa, blog intro!
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𓍢 💻 ׅ ⬞ ִ [ name(z) I use / prefer ]
✿ Hacker
✿ 'Hack', 'Hackz' as a nickname :3
﹟ pro · nounz ㅤ࣭ ㅤׂ 🗡️
☆ he/him
★ they/them
☆ it/itz
﹟ xeno / neo · nounz ㅤ࣭ ㅤׂ 🏹
★ ze/zir
☆ xe/xem
★ hack/hackzelf
☆ pix/pixelz
★ star/starzelf
☆ glitch/glitchzelf
+ more, idm !
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୨୧ ㆍ perzonal labelz / extraz ﹔ᘒ
✧ arolovic / demi(?)romantic + apothi (aro/ace)
✦ (queztioning) vincian / pansexual
✧ transmasculine, agender ??? idfk
✦ age regressor
✧ fiction/kinz of multiple characterz :p
⸝⸝ㆍ ♩  current / main fixationz / interestz ˃˂
✧ mc songz by mc jamz (yt)
✦ fnaf
✧ minecraft : ztory mode
✧ jawz (1975 film)
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( 。>﹏<) ﹒ 💤 ﹒ BYF !
— I ship rarepairz, oc x canon, and crackshipz!
— I alzo use typing quirkz!
🔌﹒ hell yeah ੭ ꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝
oc x canon, mcyt/mcsm, mainly any indie horror fan, creepypazta, space and ocean loverz, lgbtqia+, etc. !
ꕀ thin ice ⌑ ﹒ 🎞️
antiz of mainly anything unless the content itzelf is problematic, 13-14, 18-20 y/o
pro/com/darkshipperz, “maps” (ped0z), 20+ or NSFW accountz, TERFZ, basic criteria, g0r3
do not sexualize or flirt with me. art requestz are totally okay but absolutely NO fetish stuff, I will shame AND block you. also, please do not uze my art for anything w/o my permission, it makez me uncomfortable!
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enjoy my page ig :3 ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
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he-just-wont-die · 1 month
Bone spaghetti.
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iz thiz a threat, anon 🙁 ( /j )
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he-just-wont-die · 2 months
Got… got any ruby x lily headcanons.. pretty please :3
- Ruby and Lilly do one another’s makeup and hair (Ruby specifically likes doing Lilly’s makeup because she thinks that Lilly looks really nice in eyeshadow and should wear it alot more often, and because she gets to talk about random things and Lilly will listen.)
- Their dates are a very wide range of things, so it could be something as simple and sweet as a picnic, or something as complex and dangerous as sky diving, (totally not illegal…) car racing, etc. Surprisingly, Lilly will find any of these fun.
- They have nicknames for each other, Ruby will call Lilly “kitty/cat” (fun fact, this one is actually canon!! Ruby called her that to calm her down once :3) l and Lilly will call Ruby “rose/rosie”.
- They’d always been friends since childhood, so it felt kind of natural to the both of them that they ended up together. They didn’t know about their feelings for one another for such a long time, thinking that it was just the regular old platonic love they had for each other for such a long time, and finally figuring it out was more like an, “oh… damn.” Kind of thing.
- Lilly is MTF trans, but Ruby was the first she confided in that she was a girl, rather than a boy. Ruby was a little confused at first but was fully supportive either way, and she helped Lilly come out to everyone as well and medically transition <3
- They didn’t even start dating until after they’d met Psycho Girl.
- Lilly used to be very nervous about wearing glasses, so she hadn’t worn them for years, but Ruby would always reassure her that (even though she looks like an ENORMOUS nerd) she’d always think of Lilly the same, and a change as minuscule as that wouldn’t make her any less of the girl that she loves.
- They buy each other gifts every time they hang out, which is either usually flowers or a stuffie :3
- They often hyperfixate on different things together.
- Ruby confessed first, and in a very dramatic way as well. She’d been planning it out with Psycho Girl weeks beforehand, and everything was seemingly perfect… Minus the fact Ruby had forgotten to take safety precautions. So yeah, basically she caused a mild panic in Lilly’s backyard, but Lilly happily accepted!
- Lilly likes to take polaroids of girlfriend alot, she often tells Ruby that she is very photogenic
- Ruby is easy to fluster, and Lilly likes to tease her alot about it
- They have a height difference (Lilly’s taller)
- They also had an “emo” phase together, which Ruby grew out of (Lilly moved into being scene/softcore)
- They have matching purple phone charms, because their colors (red + blue) would make a purple <33
I think thatz about all I have,, I hope you like em!! :3
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