#mcwexler for life
mcwexlerforever · 2 years
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i want what they have 😐
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wexler-goodman · 5 months
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happy 20th anniversary to these losers who apparently only got married for legal reasons and weren’t head over heels in love with each other for well over a decade before this occurred.
also, happy jmm day to all who celebrate 🥳
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kimwexlersponytail · 1 year
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I don't see why it's so important to you that we work together. I mean, we're already -- Why do you need me for this? I don't need you. I want you. You've got me.
McWexler in Every Season
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normalmeatperson · 6 months
they were insane for this
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i-got-bad-knees · 5 months
One thing I love about Kim and Jimmys relationship is that from the start they have, like, the opposite of sexual/romantic tension. There’s literally no tension despite the fact they’re definitely not in a relationship, they’re just casually phoning each other late at night for weird robot phone sex that may or may not be a joke and giving each other foot massages and pedicures while venting to one another and getting drunk.
Their first onscreen kiss doesn’t seem at all to be their first actual kiss or their first night together, but it’s also not shown to have been a FWB situation or anything like that. We even see Jimmy on a date with another woman, but mcwexler still just explicitly Is from, like, day one and I like to think and wholeheartedly believe that was the case from when they first met. They just Clicked and didn’t even necessarily feel like they had to Do Anything with it, they were just each others person.
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sinceregalaxy · 3 months
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jetsetlariat · 1 year
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Tell me what happened // Tell me what you told the police
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bookishpower · 1 year
How did I miss this?
The moment that kind of spells the end for Kim and Jimmy, there’s a candle burning before them. It flickers, warning them of the coming danger and consequences, one of which is the dissolution of their marriage.
But years later, when Kim visits him in prison, she tries to hold the light for him, the open flame. It wavers, she’s afraid for him, trembling with the emotion of seeing him again after everything that’s happened.
He reaches out, checks with her, and steadies her hands with his own. The flame burns steadily. They then share the cigarette together, having figured it out at last.
Is Kim coming back to visit, to try to get him out? You bet. The cinematic symbolism is too strong!
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believe-the-lie · 2 years
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510 Something Unforgivable / 609 Fun and Games
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minecraft-java · 2 years
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hi tumblr what do you think about. this.
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aminta · 9 months
what's worse: I love you too but so what or the yup scene.
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i wish i had literally any expertise with editing software bc in my head there is an unimaginably cool edit of mcwexler to back on the chain gang by pretenders. like just imagine it...
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Remember when we got the script for the dentist chair scene and then we all just had to go on with life as normal afterwards
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thekimspoblog · 1 year
Sheepdog: "Elevator"
Kim continues to doggedly drag herself across the hallway of the courthouse. The elevator is still several yards away, and other people in suits have already packed themselves into it. Just as the doors close and the music begins to fade out, Howard’s voice pierces through the commotion like nails on a chalkboard.
“Kim! Kim! Aha! Was almost worried I wouldn’t catch up to you”
Our heroine just nods, counting the seconds that this exchange has to drag on.
Howard continues, “Wow… Look at you!”
“Look at me…” she parrots, praying the sarcasm is hamfisted enough that he’ll take a goddamn hint.
“It’s just… I had no idea!” the pompous little prince apologized.
“It’s a funny story. Neither did I!” replied Kim.
“How… How do you feel?”
“My back hurts, my boobs hurt, my feet hurt, nausea, dizziness, fatigue. All the hits; all the classics. Truth be told, I feel more beaten up than when I wrecked my car. Then again, they gave me Percocet when I wrecked my car…”
“Well you look great,” Howard had to push it, “You’re glowing”
“Wish I could return the compliment, Howard. But really, you look like hell. I mean you’ve always kind of looked like a wax mannequin, but lately it’s like you’re melting under the lights!”
“How’s the solo practice working out? No offense, but oftentimes even if pro-bono work can be spiritually validating, financially it can feel like a fisherman who’s limited themself to minnows”
“Well, that’s one reason we didn’t spring for a big ceremony” Kim responded through a gritted smile, “But I’ve found my own ways to still put bread on the table. Bootstraps and elbow grease and long nights, and all that”
“You know, I know how difficult it can be to quit smoking. Believe me, it took multiple tries myself. But I was recently reading yet another medical journal emphasizing the harm cigarettes and other tobacco products can do to an unborn child. You have no idea the stress it puts…”
This was a good point for Kim to cut him off, “Howard, are we friends?”
“What do you mean?”
“Because if we were friends, this level of concern would be very touching,” her eyes widened, “But if we’re not friends, this exchange could be interpreted as intrusive, and condescending, and overbearing, and… annoying”
“Well…” Howard’s face broke into a deep frown, “Chuck’s gone… If you and I aren’t friends… I guess I don’t have any friends…”
The elevator finally returned to the ground floor.
“Congratulations, either way…” Howard shrugged, sounding wistful, “Give Jimmy my best”
Kim lugged her heavy briefcase into the compartment and turned around. “This conversation was a treat. I’ll tell you everything, how about next Thursday? We can go over it over tequila shots!”
The doors closed before that life-sized Ken doll could get another word in edgewise.
At around 9:45 pm, over 13 hours and several scenes later:
Wexler-McGill are engaged in some blandly cute preoccupation; lavender swaying in the breeze, warm milk, and reveries, all that jazz, when the landline rings…
“Hello?” Jimmy answers, “Oh hey, Ernie! Long time, no talk. I'm going to put you on speakerphone”
“Hey Jimmy… Did Howard ever visit Alamogordo? Trinity Test Site? Was he ever anywhere near White Sands? You and Kim knew him longer than I did”
“Trinity?! Um, no. He never mentioned anything like that. Can you really imagine him mucking around in the desert in his Bontonis?”
“I just didn’t know who else to talk to,” sighed Ernie, “I’ve still got friends at HHM, and they’re all kind of panicking, because they know they’ve basically lost their jobs. But it’s all just so weird! The examiner keeps asking me questions, and nobody here knew him well enough to have any answers”
“Ernie, what are you talking about?” Jimmy tried to interrupt.
“At first, it seemed like a heart attack, or maybe the flu. He was in a cold sweat when he collapsed. Then, early test results were saying kidney cancer, and it went undiagnosed? But apparently - they can’t explain it - the body’s radioactive. Like he walked too close to a power plant. Or he picked up a piece of radioactive glass, or something? His hair was falling out; now the doctors are saying it was radiation poisoning”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down. You’re saying Howard is sick? He’s in the hospital?”
“I’m sorry!” Ernie stammered, “I assumed you’d already heard… Howard’s dead”
“That’s impossible. Kim talked to him this morning”
Kim averted her gaze.
“He refused to take a sick day, said he’d just sleep it off on the couch. He said he felt great afterwards, everything went on as usual, then just as they were all packing up, he was saying something to Marci when he just… dropped. The rest of the employees are fine, but the doctors called in some people with Geiger Counters, and their readings are over 5,000 on Hamlin. A-apparently that’s high…”
“Ripley's…” Jimmy mumbled, quite perplexed but still fundamentally apathetic about any loose threads involving his former boss, “I’m sure more will be in the news in the coming weeks. But needless to say, Howard and I weren’t close, especially not these past few years. I’ve got my own plate full, otherwise I’d offer to hire those poor mailroom comrades who are now out on their asses. This is real spooky. Keep me posted, Ernie”
After a few more patient nods, Jimmy put the receiver down. He looked over to see Kim running her hands over her middle, disturbed. Wasn't this what she wanted? Didn’t she wish for Howard to drop dead? Since yesterday, every obstacle in her path seemed to be courteously moving out of the way. And there was only so much that could be blamed on serendipity.
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maraczeks · 1 year
bcs s6 thread pt 6
#sept 21 2023#it's so freakin g full circle too the way he ends up in nebraska omaha beach where she came frim like#jerry from parks?😭#it is literally so terrible for me out here like first brad whitfield but only as josh lyman and then it got worse w will mcavoy but kind of#as a joke but not really but now this like this is the worst bc it's so recent so it's literally jimmy now ohhhh my god i can't help it that#still can't get over it ?????? the things they've gone through and then she LEFT?#like she had to but no nooooooboonobono the way they built them up like they are so forever#but it's okay i have so much bob rhea content and then so many fics <3#also it's so interesting that they chose to do the post brba scenes in b&w when that's usually signifying the past#the close up on heels i immediately assumed it was kim girl get a grip#i've never had a non endgame ship real breakup like i can't cope this is the greatest love story there's no way it ended#and they legally still married tho oh my godddddddddd ohh i have no wife i just whimpered so loud#wait i'm i don't think i can finish tn and i'm going to cv tmw oh no#i just wanna watch mcwexler edits and bob and rhea interviewssss#i think in a week i'll watch that scene again but i'm also just like. worm in my brain wants to watch the whole show again it was so insane#creasing over how excited jimmy is that kim asked about him as if he wasn't the great and only love of her life😭😭😭😭😭 im so miserable rn#yeah this is my first actual real non endgame tragic ship and they were so perfect OH MY GOD HES CALLING HER#AND KNOWS HER NIMBER !??????? WNDHHFBFNNSNDNBFBFJDNFJDJFHJ M SHAKINGGGGGGGGGG IH JDNFNDN#i cant believe he went to nebraska i cant believe he called her i can't believe she kept her name dude dudeeee what is going on i need to kn#staring into the distance dot gif simply cannot comprehend a workd where jimmy and kim are not attached at the hip#no okay there's the b&w gif of kim on the phone and them sharing a cigarette?#still using viktor😭😭 i'm so in shambles clinging and grasping it's slipping away#two episodes left we power through#oh now what the frick i burst into tears im sobbing#the divorce paperwork hit me out of nowhere i literally can't stop crying#crying so hard like ud think my parents died or smth i literally cannot#KIM#THAT UGLY BROWN IG PLEASD AINT NO Whhyy she's living with another man NOPE THIS ID NOT#AINT NO WAY BROTHER DHE SOULD NOG#THE SONF?babdbbdvfbdbdndjxbdbfnsndncncj u hate everything KIM NO OFNDBBABYYYSYDYDHFHFJSJCI CNANDJDJSNDJDJDJDJ EVERHTHINF HURTS AND I SCEAM N
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slayerscribbles · 1 year
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McWexler is my life. Will probably refine these, and draw more. But I’ve been at my work desk for 12 hours already today.
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