#md: threads
starlightseraph · 2 months
i’m 99% sure that if you locked house and wilson in an empty room together they’d be fucking within 45 minutes.
like if they had nothing to deflect with and no way to prank each other. they’d have to talk, but they would never voluntarily have an emotional conversation.
45 minutes, absolute maximum. i doubt they could even last that long.
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jordblod · 5 months
!! crucial !! piece of hilson lore confirmed - they're fucking LOSERS honestly? so affirming to me. this isn't news i know but to get this explicit piece of interaction about being a lonely child and now being weird adults who don't know how to make friends or have "normal" conversations or connections like this is the shit i eat for breakfast, especially accompanied with the complete and utter sense of surrender to this fact that wilson displays. there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to defend himself or act as if what house is saying isn't true bc it is and they both know it and knows the other knows it even if they've never actually talked about this once which is very likely but they know cause they're the same and they only have each other and and and
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duinoelegies · 1 year
house and wilson are as close to perfection as a fictional relationship can get. they scheme they have fun together they understand each other they're obsessed with each other they're toxic they share food, apartments, and laundry they bicker they have heated gay arguments they listen to each other they inspire each other they profess their undying love for each other in a thousand different ways they DOSE each other. this couple has everything except being in a show that's good
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thankstothe · 5 months
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Concerned oncologist wants to know
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vitamin-zeeth · 15 days
Watching house I already love the medical malpractice squad theyre the most toxic found family in the world
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universaldonorbf · 30 days
house md might be the first television show to ever successfully polyamorybait me
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pastafossa · 1 year
The Plagiarist: Act 3, Return of the Impasta
So I woke up to a few eagle-eyed anons in my box who’ve spotted what appears to be my plagiarist, again. Even if this person’s not my plagiarist (though I suspect it is), I’ve confirmed this person stole a direct quote from one of my stories, the honey scented salve that Matt uses in TRT, and once again tried to use the same tag that gave the plagiarist away before. I’ve also confirmed that she’s following me on tumblr.
If you’re looking to catch up on this wild ride, you can find the first post about the plagiarist here, and then the second post when she reappeared and attempted this again here.
Now. Hi @spencerception​ (AO3 account here). Congrats for being obvious af by lifting a very unique line from my fic, which was a dead giveaway. You might have gotten away with the rest of this, but you just had to steal a quote word for word. My fic ‘Appreciation’:
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Her fic ‘Devil’s Advocate’ containing the plagiarized line. Note how the punctuation is suddenly different from the rest of her dialogue, indicating she just copy-pasted the line from my fic and deleted a few words:
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The above is the most blatant, tbh. The rest of this I probably would have let go but when paired with the stolen line, it’s clear this was taken intentionally. So two more: 
Anyone who reads my fic TRT knows about the tin of medicinal honey-based salve Matt uses. I’m not going to post every chapter link because I’ve used it a lot over 140 chapters but here’s some screenshots just to back it up.
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And now here’s her fic, where a jar of honey based salve used for injuries ALSO makes an appearance.
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And lastly, if you’ve been following the Saga of the Plagiarist Impasta, you’d know she has, in the past, given herself away by using a very unique tag I created (used by 3 fics on AO3 total, with mine being the first). I’m not sure how she thought a slight alteration wouldn’t make it noticeable but here we are again cause damn does she love stealing that tag.
My tag on TRT:
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Her tag on her Matt Murdock x Reader fic:
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Honestly the sheer, breathtaking audacity to try this not just in the same fandom but in the same ship (a ship which is not all that large) is astonishing, especially if this is indeed our plagiarist, which I believe it is. And the equally bizarre thing is, there’s enough story in those fics that she didn’t have to steal. There’s precisely zero reason to take this shit again.
As before, it’ll be reported to AO3, and I’ll send an update to tumblr staff. I’m going to leave the same type of comment on their AO3 - calm but firm, stop stealing my shit. If you’re going to comment, please do the same - no threats, nothing bullying cause I don’t want anyone banned or blacklisted on AO3 and tumblr. But yeah, here we go again. We’ll see how this one goes.
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coughdropps · 23 days
onde: corrida de dragões, festival de boas vindas. para: @theatrangel
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A Hermann já tinha perdido a conta de quantas vezes tinha voltado correndo para a corrida de dragões. A seleção estava sendo aleatória, e ainda não tinha sentido nada diferente com nenhuma das criaturas – um roxinho tinha lhe encarado por alguns segundos, mas ela tinha quase certeza que era fome, ela tava segurando um hambúrguer gigantesco na hora… enfim! Verona tinha decidido que quanto mais vezes tentasse, maior era a chance de encontrar sua alma… alma – gêmea? Alma penada? Não, alma-espelho! – entre os dragões ali. Bom, de qualquer forma estava sendo divertido. Analisava as pessoas da fila procurando por um bom oponente quando avistou uma jovem muito bonita, se aproximando dela com um sorriso. “Olá, bela moça! Se eu tivesse um chapéu de cowboy, com certeza tiraria agora”, imitou o gesto de tirar um chapéu e encostá-lo no peito. Apesar daquilo, seu tom era mais brincalhão do que de flerte, porque já tinha flertado com tanta gente casada naquele dia que estava optando por uma aproximação mais amigável, agora. Ao menos até que se prove o contrário. “Me concederia uma corrida? Eu ainda tô pegando o jeito, mas não precisa pegar leve não, tá! Eu acho que o melhor jeito de aprender é com emoção”, convidou, com uma seriedade teatral. “Ah, sou Verona, aliás!”, anunciou logo em seguida, levantando a mão direita para acenar e ponderando no meio do gesto se devia, sei lá, oferecer pra ela apertar? Ainda não sabia muito bem como funcionavam as cordialidades do mundo das histórias, e nem tinha certeza se ela era do mundo das histórias ou não – às vezes ela era uma perdida e ela só não tinha esbarrado com ela pelo C. C. C. ainda, vai saber.
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thebearfx · 1 year
rip gregory house rip james wilson you would've loved phantom thread (2017) dir. paul thomas anderson
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marc--chilton · 21 days
the twitter thread is way too long now so i'm gonna be liveblogging house md on here instead, will be tagging as houseblogging if you wanna block it (i have Lots of thoughts every single episode)
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braveisthename · 24 days
starter for @rcderick
at: festival de boas vindas; noite.
" Mãeeeee! " Merida resmungou, jogando a cabeça para trás. A história se repetia em quase todos os bailes: sempre na hora da valsa, Elinor começava a chantageá-la para que fosse dançar com algum rapaz, e não desistia até que a filha estivesse com os braços ao redor do pescoço de um possível futuro genro para ela. Nunca dava certo, claro! Merida pisava nos pés dos garotos ou os ameaçava durante toda a dança até que eles saíssem correndo. Não seria diferente ali, ela já tinha o discurso na ponta da língua enquanto a Rainha de Dunbroch a empurrava na direção de um homem alto demais para sequer formar um par de dança bonito com ela. Fala sério, pensou. 'É uma boa oportunidade para se conhecerem melhor!', Elinor sorriu para o rapaz e Merida franziu o cenho... Só então percebendo quem era o infeliz à sua frente. " Você. Ah não. " Resmungou, virando-se na direção da matriarca. " Qual é, Elinor! " A mãe não deveria estar feliz com aquela história nova, não mesmo. Ela morria na maldita versão! " Você não vai me convencer a gostar de você. E espero que não esteja tramando nada com a minha mãe também. " Voltou-se para o rapaz, cravando flechas nele com o olhar. " Posso não estar com o meu arco aqui, mas os meus saltos são bem pontiagudos. "
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princesasapatona · 5 months
ONDE: Autódromo de Fontenay.
COM: @lcurencc
Sabia que Laurence poderia ser difícil de agradar. A garota fazia parte da estatística de selecionadas que Antoinette conhecera ainda antes da Seleção, e sabendo como a modelo tendia a ser julgou necessário pensar em algo diferente... Ou, em outras palavras: uma experiência exclusiva. Ao descerem do helicóptero que as levou até o Autódromo de Fontenay, Laurence estava vendada. A produção chegara mais cedo para que não houvessem ajustes de última hora como da outra vez. Pelos trajes simples que vestiam desde a saída de Versailles, não daria para prever o rumo que a tarde tomaria, então Tony esperava que pudesse surpreender tanto a garota quanto o público que as assistiria na próxima exibição da Seleção. "Estamos gravando." A produção anunciou. A princesa anuiu com a cabeça e suspirou discretamente antes de segurar a mão de Laurence, conduzindo-a pela pista extensa. No centro dela, havia não uma, nem duas, mas cinco ferraris profissionais. "Eu li as suas entrevistas... Você fez uma campanha para a Ferrari, mas não te deixaram chegar nem perto de uma de verdade. Aí você reclamou disso." Tony ergueu as sobrancelhas, soltando a mão de Laurence. Ela parou atrás da loira, removendo com delicadeza a venda de seus olhos. "Pode escolher a sua favorita. Vai ser a sua carona pela tarde." Abriu um sorrisinho. A empolgação de Tony era palpável. Ela dirigia um conversível, claro, mas mesmo o melhor de seus carros não chegava perto de um daqueles. Tony chegou perto do ouvido de Laurence, deixando que a filmassem sussurrando para ela, mesmo que não soubessem o conteúdo de suas palavras. "Depois que eles pararem de filmar, podemos encontrar um lugar para ficarmos chapadas. Aposto que vamos ficar pilhadas."
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
@strawberry-barista​ asked: "Rune... I need your help," he'd hunted her down unannounced, showed up at her apartment without any kind of warning. "I... I wanna go to STM. Can you-- do you think you could, uh... Could you get that set up for me...?"
He didn't look her in the eye. He couldn't. All he could do is beg for help.
"I'm hurting everyone still... Even working as hard as I am. It's not enough. I need... I need to fix this. Can you get me in with those... With your therapists? And... Um... Joshua... Could you tell him that I miss him? That I wanna... That I'd like to talk to him, after I've been doing this therapy for a little while?"
Hope has just received a text from Haz and was packing up her bag, when Hanekoma came into the apartment, looking for her. There wasn’t even any time for greetings before he was practically begging her for help.
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It happened. It FINALLY happened. He was reaching out... SOMEONE had gotten through to him. Hope couldn’t help standing there stunned for a second, before she’s running over to her dad and hugging him tightly.
“Of course I can. I told you my offer would always be open, for when you were ready.” She can’t help her stiff and on-edge posture relaxing as she gave a small sigh of relief. “I can make calls, before I head out here, and arrange for an appointment. All you gotta do is let me know what day you want to start and I can get you to a point where our best can see you, as well as the address to the STM Terminal here in Shibuya. You just head through there and you’ll be able to access the main hospital, rather than just the one here.”
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“I can talk to Joshua too, yeah. I was planning on stopping by to see him on my way home, anyhow.” Another tight squeeze from the angel’s little daughter. “I’m so proud of you, for taking this step at last, Pops. We’re gonna get ya someone to talk to. I promise.”
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
me typesetting and printing a 400+ page book: oo hoo hoo so many pages!!!! it will feel So Good to hold in my hands :D :D :D
me stitching together a 400+ page book: WHY are there so many pages :/ :/ :/
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
open to: m / f / nb 30+ (staff member at PPTH or his date!)  prompt: without meaning to, he’d booked two events for the same night. 
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James brought his wrist up to look at his watch, displacing his crisp dress sleeve further up his arm in the process. Cuddy had put together this All Heads conference months ago, but James had spaced and booked himself a date for the same night, and he was sure he could do both. They hadn’t even planned on having dinner, just drinks, so if he got out of here by 9PM....surely he could make it. 
He offered a polite smile as the Head of Neurology sat down with him, Dr Cofield dressed with smart, new glasses and a damn cravat James make sure to compliment. What was this, the 1930′s? Honestly... 
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holy shit, losing my mind at the thought of matthew daddario cast as jason todd
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