#me a billion years later but Finally: im h
oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
OMG SJBDJ THE SOULMATE AU PROMPTS ARE SO COOL 🥺 can i request H with bakugou?🥺💖
soulmate AU’s are just 🤩
ask and you shall receive 😌 (i realized that Bakugou is the character i get the most requests for and honestly im living for it)
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
warnings: some swearing (bakugou ofc)
genre: mostly fluff, two seconds of angst
a/n: this is my take on the H prompt of the soulmate alphabet :)) enjoy xx💕
Heartbeats. The average heart will beat about 100,000 times a day. 35 million times per year. 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime. Heartbeats can be fast or slow, steady and smooth, excited yet nervous. The heart always seems to know how you truly feel, or in this case, how your soulmate truly feels.
The first time you notice that your heart beat didn’t match how you felt, was when you were about to give a presentation in front of your class. Usually, you would be shaking in your shoes but in that moment, your heartbeat was steady. It was calm. You aced the presentation thanks to your soulmate putting you at ease. If only you could have thanked them.
UA graduation was just a few days away. You were excited to see what the future held for you, and how it would hopefully lead you to your soulmate. That saying of “follow your heart” never seemed to be more true. You hoped to find that someone who shared your same beat.
“Y/N!” called Bakugou. You were headed towards the dorm showers.
“Yeah?” You turned around to face him. Your heart started beating faster.
“What are you doing later?”
“Uh probably sleeping,” you joked. Bakugou nodded.
“Meet me in the common area at 11,” he said. Before you could ask why, he had ran back off. You raised a brow but shrugged it off. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for you and Bakugou to hang out. You were pretty close friends...key word being ‘friends’. There was no doubt that you found Katsuki Bakugou attractive, and maybe you did have a small crush on him, but it didn’t matter. If he wasn’t your soulmate, you thought there wasn’t much of a point to fall for him, just for him to be saved for someone else.
You showered and went back to your room, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. It was almost 9 o’clock. You were pretty exhausted from the day and felt like going to sleep but you stayed awake, just laying on your bed.
Your chest felt tight. Your heart was beating much faster than normal. Your body was telling you that you were nervous but you didn’t have a reason to be. You shook it off, assuming your soulmate must be going through some mid life crisis.
Time passed painfully slowly, but it was finally close to 11 o’clock. It was past curfew so you had to sneak out of your dorm carefully, as to not get caught. You slipped on some shoes and headed to meet Bakugou.
You could make out the shadow of his hair as he sat on the couch.
“Boo!” You whispered. Bakugou jumped a little and hit your arm.
“Shit dumbass-“
“Alright so what’s going on? Are we sneaking out or something?” You asked. Bakugou smiled.
“Kind of...follow me.”
Bakugou grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. You both ran up the stairs quickly and quietly. He led you to the rooftop. He scrambled to open the door as you caught your breath.
“Won’t the alarm go off?” You asked.
“I turned it off earlier to make sure we don’t get caught,” he explained. You chuckled.
Bakugou opened the door and the two of you walked onto the roof. The clear black and blue sky filled with diamonds looked down on the two of you.
Your heart began to beat faster once more.
“What are we doing up here Bakugou?” You asked. Bakugou didn’t answer, simply walking over to the edge of the roof. He looked out to the dark campus before you.
“Don’t you hate it how your soulmate always knows how you feel?”
Your eyes grew.
“Well, no, I actually like it. That way I can understand them and hopefully one day when I meet them I can see what makes them feel all those things.”
“You don’t think you’ve met your soulmate yet?”
This time, your heart was pounding by your own doing.
“I don’t know if I have or not. I guess the only way to tell is to feel them.”
“Feel what?”
“Their heartbeat. Check if it matches yours, so you’d need to meet them face to face in order for that to happen.”
“I’m scared to check,” whispered Katsuki. Your eyes widened.
“You? Scared? I don’t think those words mix.”
“What happens if you check and you’re wrong? But you don’t want anyone else. You want this person but the stupid universe doesn’t want you together. What happens then?”
You looked up at Bakugou. He looked at you, a little distraught.
“My heart is pounding right now. Now, whether that’s because of how I feel of how they feel I’m not sure. What I do know is that this shit universe puts people together for a reason. So who ever your soulmate is, you’ll be happy in the end.”
“Y/N, we graduate in three days. I have to know...” Bakugou took his hands out of his pockets.
“Know what?”
“I have to know if you’re suppose to be mine or not.”
You bit your lip nervously. You gently took Bakugou’s hand, placing onto your chest, right on top of where your heart is. He did the same with your hand.
Now, your heart pounded a mile a minute. All you could think was how you hoped Bakugou was right. You wouldn’t have the heart to look him in the eye if you both were wrong.
You could feel your own heart in sync with Bakugou’s. Your hearts didn’t skip a beat, perfectly matching with each sound.
You looked up at him, your eyes a little watery at this point.
“I knew it-“
Bakugou moved his hands to hold your face, bringing you to kiss him. You instantly matched his passion, kissing him with every ounce of your being. He held you closely, never wanting to let go.
You broke away from his kiss, but rested your head against his chest as he hugged you. The beat of his heart was loud and clear, same as yours.
“I knew it...” he whispered again.
“I never doubted you.”
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twordytings · 5 years
Christmas Chronicles
Word Count: 2,148
Ah... Christmas Eve... the day before Christmas but also the most tempting day to peek at presents. Well, maybe just for you.
AN~ MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I don’t even celebrate but I just wanted to give a lil gift for everyone who’s taken the time to follow me, like any of my posts, or just shown any kind of support towards me or my blog. I came into this not expecting even half of the love that I’ve gotten, and I just wanted to say thank you so much. Hope you enjoy the fic:))
It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and all of the Avengers were gathered at the compound to finally take a bit of a break. None of them were planning on celebrating the holidays; it was something they didn’t think was important, not to mention there was never any motivation to celebrate. But being Peter’s best friend and all, you were practically family to all of them, and you were gonna make sure they celebrated Christmas if it was the last thing you did. So, as you sat on the living room couch, snuggled up with a blanket, you had a tender feeling inside of you knowing that all these Christmas decorations and the giant Christmas tree (not to mention the plethora of presents underneath) in the corner of the room were up because of you. Light shining ever so bright into the room making it feel so cozy, even though it was bitterly cold outside.
Natasha came into the room looking confused as ever, “Y/n, have you seen the wrapping paper with all those kittens on it? I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find it.” You were so surprised that Natasha, of everybody would be celebrating the holidays, but you weren’t complaining.
“Umm it’s probably in the storage room next to the elevator.”
“Ok thanks!” and she was off.
Just then Steve barged in. “Y/n. Where. Are. The bows. You know, the sticky ones that you can just slap on and call it a day?”
“They’re definitely in the attic.” It was Steve, so of course you had to mess with him a bit.
“Cool. Thanks.” Right about when Steve left, Tony came in. (With his Santa onesie on, of course)
“Let me guess, you either need wrapping paper, bows, or ribbon.”
“Nope. Just a cup of coffee.”
“Thank go-“ just then there was a loud crash.
“Just Steve.” you said with a chuckle.
“Oh ok. For a second there I thought it was someone important.”
You were both laughing your heads off as Steve came in walking heavy like a giant, covered head to toe in dust and debris.
“They weren’t... in... the attic” Steve said with a furious look on his face.
You threw a pillow at him as a form of defense, but obviously he didn’t find it funny since all he did was catch it and throw it beside him. You got another one ready to throw at him but before you could he said, “Throw a pillow at me again and see what happens.” You immediately put your hands up in surrender since you didn’t feel like being attacked at that very moment.
It was about eleven o’clock now and you were snuggled up in your sleeping bag but you weren’t going to sleep just yet. You were staying over at the compound for Christmas this year since your parents were out of town and wouldn’t make it back for Christmas. You were really upset at first but you were happy that you practically had two families: your real parents and the Avengers. You wondered what everyone got you. Could it be a new fluffy blanket? Slippers? A phone? Thinking about about all the possibilities made you extremely impatient, so you thought up a plan. While everyone was sleeping, you’d quietly tiptoe downstairs and give a little peek at what everyone got you. Then, you would go back upstairs as if you’d been sleeping the entire time. Perfect idea, right? Wrong But if you were gonna do it, you didn’t want to do it alone. So of course, being your best friend, you asked Peter to come along for the adventure. “Hey Peter?”
“I’ve articulated a master plan to do something extremely awesome! Are you in?”
“Your gonna look at what everyone got you when they all fall asleep, aren’t you?” You were in awe. How’d he know?
“How’d you know?!”
“You’re kinda my best friend y/n. Sometimes I think I know you too well.”
“Alright well are you in?”
“Nope. You’re gonna have to do your dirty deed without me this time. If anyone finds out we’ll be done for.”
“Awww c’mon. No one’s gonna find out. Please?”
“Goodnight y/n.” Peter said as he ignored your pleas. You’d guessed you had to do it alone this time.
It had been a good hour until you were sure everyone was sleeping. Waiting for the entire compound to be quiet was agonizing, and you obviously weren’t a very patient person considering the fact that you thought up an entire plan to sneak a peek at your Christmas presents. You made sure to bring your phone for its flashlight so that you wouldn’t bump into anything, and so the plan began.
You first very carefully pulled off your sleeping bag to leave Peter’s room and made your way downstairs. As you left his room, you saw that everyone’s doors were closed except for Tony’s, but you weren’t worried since Tony was a pretty heavy sleeper. Little did you know that Tony checks the security cameras every morning, so even if no one saw you now, Tony would find everything out as soon as he woke up.
You made it all the way downstairs to the beautifully lit up tree, and took a look at all of your presents. You were so happy! You’d gotten the best presents including that fluffy blanket and pair of slippers you pondered about receiving. You were satisfied with what you saw so you made your way back upstairs and went straight to sleep, as if nothing had happened.
Christmas morning came and you immediately got up and shook Peter awake. “PETER PETER GET UP! IT’S CHRISTMAS!”
“Ugh just five more minutes!” he said groggily and went back to sleep. Drastic times called for drastic measures so you stood up on his bed and began to jump up and down as crazily as you could so that he would get up.
“Good.” You made your way to Steve’s room and instead of jumping on his bed, you screamed in his ear, which probably wasn’t the best idea. “STEEEEEVE IT’S CHRISTMAAAAAS!”
“AAAAAH- oof.” He had fallen of his bed during your effort to wake him. But he was awake so you put your hands on your hips in satisfaction. You then eventually woke everybody else up including Natasha, Bucky, Clint, Sam, and Bruce and as of now were all brushing their teeth and getting ready for present opening. You were already ready so you hopped downstairs with the biggest grin on your face, knowing that today would be a great day.
You got to the last few steps and saw Tony at the bottom. “Good morning Tony!” you said as you gave him a big hug. Again, he saw what you did last night, and he had most definitely not forgotten.
“Good morning!” he hugged you back. “Did you wanna tell me anything?”
“Uhhh no? What do you mean?” There was no way he could’ve known, or could he have?
“I mean did you wanna talk about how you snuck out of your room in the middle of the night to look at all your presents?” Busted.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” you said innocently as you could with your crossed your arms over your chest.
“Oho really?”
“Hey y/n! Hey Tony! Merry Christmas!” Peter came down to greet you both.
“Merry Christmas Peter! You wouldn’t happen to know about y/n’s little doing last night, would you?” Peter looked at you in total surprise. He was terrible at keeping secrets, and if this one slipped, you didn’t even want to think about what would happen.
“Uhm...” you gave him a serious look. “of course not! I... uh... was... sleeping! Yeah I was really tired and... sleeping.”
“Sorry kid but you’re a terrible liar. And I didn’t even need you to tell me. I looked at the security cameras from last night and they showed me everything.” He had the most evil smile on his face. You silently cursed yourself since you should’ve known he checks the cameras.
“Y/n. You should run.” Peter said seriously. You would thank him for that later since you were in the midst of escaping for your life.
“Get back here!”
“No way! You’re gonna kill me!” you said while running. Tony could’ve easily caught you by now, but he wanted to let you enjoy the upper hand for a little while.
You had now ran around the stair case about five times, through the kitchen once, and almost ran straight into the fireplace at one point. But you knew that Tony catching you was inevitable. You thought running into one of the rooms was the best idea. Maybe you could lock yourself in there and Tony would forget about everything. But just as you thought you were about to get away you ran straight into Steve. “Steve! Help! Tony’s gonna kill me!”
“Well Merry Christmas to you too y/n. What’d you do this time?” Before you could say a word Tony grabbed from behind and threw you over his shoulder.
“Would someone like to explain to me what happened?” Steve said.
“Well, someone...” Tony said as he poked your stomach. “decided to sneak downstairs and peek at her presents last night.”
“Y/N!” Steve gasped dramatically, “How could you!?”
“Steve, I believe we should handle this in a civilized manner, don’t you?” Tony gave Steve a knowing look.
“But of course. I’ll help!” Tony brought you over to the couch and straddled your waist. Steve took the pleasure of holding your arms. So frankly, you were screwed.
“Ihihim sohohorry!”
“You don’t think you’ll get away with it that easy, do you?” Tony said.
“Steeheheeve pleehease!”
“No can do y/n. If anything, you deserve this.”
“What?! How? All I di- AHHAHAHAHAHHA TOHOHONY STAHAAP!” Tony wasted no time in tickling you to pieces. It felt like a billion ravenous spiders were crawling all over you. Not to mention Steve was also tickling your underarms, and there was no way of escaping. All you could do was stay along for the ride.
“You should’ve thought about this before sneaking around y/n.” You couldn’t even hear what Tony was saying over your own laughs. Just then, Bucky came into the room.
“Hey what’s going on here?”
“Oh hey Bucky!” Steve said. “We were just tickling the crap out of y/n! Wanna help?”
“Uh, yea!”
“Aw what’s wrong y/n? Afraid of a little tickling?” Bucky said as he switched places with Tony.
“I’m gonna go make a cup of coffee, anybody want one?” Both Steve and Bucky exclaimed a, “Me!” and continued with their attack.
“Now, where should I start?”
“NOWHERE!” you screamed.
“Y/n, that’s not very nice. We’re only trying to show you that what you did was wrong.” Steve said.
“By tickling me?!”
“Exactly! Now you’re catching on.” You were so furious so you stuck your tongue out at him. He obviously didn’t like that.
“Bucky. Go for her sides. She hates it.” Steve said as he grinned mischievously at you.
“Aye aye, captain!” Bucky’s fingertips instantly made contact with your sides and you couldn’t contain yourself. You were shaking your head, thrashing you legs every which way just in case there was a chance to get out of your predicament. Unfortunately, there wasn’t.
“Don’t what?”
“I’m so glad you asked!” Bucky said in excitement.
“That’s not what you... what? Sorry I couldn’t hear you. Can you speak up a bit?” Bucky said as he paused his attack. Steve on the other hand was still tickling your underarms.
“Ihihi sahaid thahats noohot whahahat I meheheant.” Steve finally paused his fingers.
Steve wasn’t tickling you anymore but he was still holding your arms just in case you tried to get away. “Are you sorry about what you did?” He said as his face was no more than an inch away from yours.
“YEHES!” you said as residual giggles poured out of you.
“And are you going to do something sneaky like that again?”
“NO! Now can you let me go?!”
“What’s the magic word?”
“Ok. Bucky. Release.” Bucky hesitated to get off but he did eventually and offered you a hug but you denied.
“Meany.” Bucky said with a frown as he walked away. Tony then came over and handed you a cup of hot chocolate as everyone else came downstairs.
“Merry Christmas Munchkin.” He said as he sat down and put an arm around you.
“Merry Christmas Tony.” you said with a huge smile on your face.
You’d realized that day that it was never about the presents on Christmas. It was about who you spent it with, and you didn’t want to be spending it with anyone else.
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clevercatchphrase · 7 years
2017 in review, and goals for 2018
If I had to describe 2017 in one word it would be... monotonous. Sure, there were plenty of ups and downs, but for the most part, especially the latter 6 months, I just felt like I was going through the motions, holding my nose to the grind stone, doing work and paying off student loans. 2017 blew by me, and I remember thinking each month passed by with unusal quickness. There's a strange sense of disociation with that, like I wasn't really connected to reality for most of the year, and instead watched it pass me by from a seperate temporal window. In a weird way it may have been a bit of a godsend as well. I hear 2017 was hard for a lot of people, but feeling so disonnected from the year may have protected me and cushioned the blow in a sense.
I lost a family member this year in early june. I knew it was coming ever since january as I hated having to watch them deteriorate and get worse and worse until they finally passed. The three months leading up to it and the three months after were particularly hard and left me feeling unable to write or draw or do anything productive. I still miss them terribly. I always will. But I hope I won't let it immobilize me as much this year as it did last year.
Anyway, Let's review my goals for last year and see what I've accomplished. I’ve a lot to say, so for brevity’s sake I’ve put it all under the cut.
GOALS FOR 2017 1) Finish my 50 billion fan fictions so I can get back to drawing Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. HAHAHAHAHA. The depression I got halfway through the year throughly put a halt on this. I haven't even finished one of the fics I've started in 2016. I got close, seeing as i participated in NaNoWriMo this year to try and force myself to finish, but I still need to revise and edit all that I've written and the motivation is non existant. GOD, I have so many stories too, all of them still undertale fan fiction because I'm still not over that game. I'll list them all when I share my goals for this year later below. 2)Draw in 2 pages of my sketch book each week so I'll finish a sketch book in a year. I was SO CLOSE with this one! I filled out 95 pages! But you know what i discovered in august? I realized that my 100 page sketch book.... was actually 150 pages! Oh well! I drew more this year than I thought i would! Just because i didn't hit 100 pages, doesn't mean I didn't accomplish something! 3) Finish 14 out of the remaining 27 lessons on my duolingo course I went fucking above and beyond with this one. I hit this goal back in may, and then I completely finished up the danish duolingo course by november. I also passed my 1095 day streak which translates to doing duolingo daily for OVER 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. I still practice daily to build my vocabulary, and I know I can't speak it for the life of me, or follow along with fast speakers, but give me a few minutes and I can probably read it for you. Funny how that works, where I can understand danish if it's written out, but ask me to translate from english to danish and I struggle like a butterfly in a tumble dryer. 4) Become passibly fluent in ASL I have this box of 600 ASL flash cards, and this year I practiced two of them a day until I got through the entire box. I certainly learned a bunch of new words but I wouldn't say I was fluent yet. I certainly don't know all the grammar rules yet. I HAVE been able to sign with people at my job, though I do rely heavily on fingerspelling still. Most everyone I talked with seemed to know I was trying and they seemed really excited that I could understand them if they were patient with me. I put more of my focus on Danish last year, but now that I'm done with Danish, maybe I can focust more on ASL. My sister told me about this site similar to duolingo called "memrise" that actually has an ASL course, so you can bet I'll be looking into that. 5) Read the entire dictionary I did this! I kept two spiral note books and wrote down any words I thought were cool or interesting! I haven't gone back and re-read the words I wrote down, but maybe I will this year! It was exhausting. It was weird. I still can't believe I spent about 200 hours last year doing this. 6) Read one new book every month Much like my sketch book goal, I almost completed this one. I kept it up every month until October, and then I just... stopped. I read more than I thought this year, though I ended up usually waiting until the last week of each month to read, and I also cheated by counting the dictionary as one of the things I read (hey, it's a book, ain't it?) I also re-read old books that I know I like, so not entirely 10 new books were read this year. Reading 1 new book a month isn't one of my goals this year, but I hope to read more new stuff reguardless, 7) Actually use the tutorials and references I reblog Seeing as I barely did any digitial art this year, I can't say I did this one. 8) Do more art streams I think my goal was to stream once a month. I clearly didn't do this. I DID stream in 2017, I just didn't tell anyone. Idk why, I just... went live for people to see but didn't let anyone know I did. I also only streamed like... twice? sigh... So... out of the 8 goals I set, I would say I accomplished close to half. I read the dictionary, I finished my danish language course (which I'm counting as two completed goals) and combining the "read 1 new book a month" and "draw 100 pages in a sketch book" I'll count that as one completed goal. I went through all my ASL cards, though I'm not fluent, OH! I also wanted to pay off 6k loan that I had. I want to count this one as a success because I DID FUCKING PAY OVER 6 THOUSAND DOLLARS IN LOANS THIS YEAR. I got a surprise loan I had no idea about in june that was 1500 dollars, which threw me off. I managed to pay it off in 2 months, BUT IF THAT LOAN HAD NEVER EXISTED I TOTALLY WOULD HAVE FINISHED PAYING OFF THE 6K ONE. I've got a little over a thousand left to pay on the 6k loan now, which I will complete by the end of January. I'm so close to being under 10k in debt... GOALS FOR 2018 1)Go from being 5 figures in student loan debt down to 4 figures in debt (pay off 2 out of 4 loans) If everything goes according to Keikaku I'll achieve this by the end of June. This has to factor in things like updating my car registration in april, oil changes, tune ups, tire rotation, gas and food expenses, but as long as I don't get fired I should be fine! 2) Stretch Daily Not exercise. I never exercise. But it would be nice to increase my flexibility. 3) STOP TOUCHING YOUR GODDAMN FACE/ find an effective acne treatment I also want to try washing my face daily. Im fucking 25. I shouldn't have this many pimples. 4) Do another song comic I made A lyrictale for Undertale at the end of 2015 in ten days. I want to make another. I already have it scripted, now I just need to do it. 5) Do at least one art stream a month. Hey, maybe I can stream the next song comic I do. Sure, it'd spoil the song and story for everyone, but doesn't that sound fun? 6)Practice ASL I just started looking into Memrise and their ASL courses. They actually have A LOT, AND! THEY HAVE SIGN LANGUAGE COURSES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES! This year is gonna be fun. (Also, the only reason I want to learn ASL because of Undertale. I'll let you figure out how they are connected) 7) Sew 4 stuffed animals I started sewwing a Hobbes plush in the middle of last year. His body is finished. I just never did the head. The other three stuffed animals I want to make I will keep a secret because I love to keep people guessing. 8) Make two AMVs There are two songs I want to put to Avatar; The Last Airbender, and Avatar; The Legend of Korra. I have about half the footage... I just... need to rewatch the shows and put the clips together. Hey, maybe after I find all the clips I can do a stream of that as well. 9) Last but not least, finish my many, MANY Undertale Fan Fics. a. You Monster (34 out of 37 chapters are written, but only 29 are posted) b. Finish the "Of Two Minds" series (it's explicit don't look) c. Color Theory (A chasriel one shot) d. Something Left Behind (Terrible AU Idea #647) e. Let's Get Real (Self insert, joke, parody thing that will also be explicit) f. Game Day! (something about soccer games with Mettaton along the same vain as Field Trip!) g. Would You Like Fries With That (Nicepants because there's not enough of it in the world) h. Science Fair! (something with Undyne and school projects along the same vain as Field Trip!) i. One that is so horribly dark and fucked that I won't even describe it here. Welp! Those are my goals for 2018! What are your goals for 2018? Whatever they are, I wish you success and improvement, health and wealth! Stay safe this year! I love you all~
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2k17bts · 7 years
Potato #1: Happy April Fools, Fools!
a/n ; for my one and only @luvmashedpotatoes otherwise known as @saintminyoongi.
im sorry in advance.
Rated T for This is a Sin and full of Crack goodbye
Pairing: Potato/Tater Potato x OC
Warning: I wrote this at like 12 am this is bs bye
Type of Writing: Crack through and through
Word Count: 601 words, 3304 characters
You were walking to school with your friend Jiyoon when they walked by. Everyone knew who they were.
The Bangtan Boys.
As they sauntered by, you made eye contact with Yoongi, who smirked at you and your friend.
As Jiyoon turned to squeal to you about how she made eye contact with Yoongi, known as the ice prince at your school, your eyes only followed him. The one you loved.
His awkward gait made him even more adorable. His cloudy complexion made him all the more good looking. You just couldn’t stop staring at him, glaring at the people who whispered, asking why a person as ugly as your one-sided love was even near the beautiful, flawless BTS.
There was no use denying it.
You, (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), were completely in love.
You swore on your life that as you stared at him, cherry blossom petals started falling down, and the world seemed to fade out.
You sighed as you pulled out the books you needed from your locker, your mind already on the notes you had to take last period, and walked without looking up from your notebook.
You were flung onto the floor, notes and papers scattered everywhere.
It was just your luck.
You had to bump into your longtime crush.
Tater Potato.
You blushed so ferociously that you could feel the heart emancipating from your cheeks. You quickly started to collect your things.
A hand appeared in your vision, shyly handing you your Geography textbook. You blushed even more.
“H-hey (Y/N).” you dared to look up. On his face was a light blush, reflecting yours. His eyes avoided your own.
“Y-yeah?” His eyes snapped back to look at you, mouth agape, and blush darkening.
“W-WOULD YOU LIKE T-TO GO ON A D-DATE WITH M-ME?” He yells in broken words. Your eyes widened, not believing that your crush liked you back.
“OMG YES” You screamed back. He smiles at you, and carries your things, not listening to your cries of protest.
“That was so b-beautiful” Jiyoon sniffles. You smile gratefully.
“Thank you for being with me all these years.” Jiyoon’s eyes begin to water again. She lets out a few watery giggles.
“Who knew that you would marry your high school sweetheart?” You grinned at your maid of honor’s words, ecstatic that this day finally came.
“So why’d you call me out here, Tate?” You grinned at your boyfriend of five days. He, on the other hand, looked at you very nervously.
“U-um, w-well, I just w-wanted to say..” He trailed off, leaving you to imagine the rest of his sentence.
“Wait, Tater.” You began. “Are you breaking up with me?” You yell at him, who has only been looking at his shoes. He quickly looks up.
“N-no, nothing like that!” He tries comforting you.
“Then what is it?” He suddenly starts reddening.
“Well, (Y/N), i know we h-haven’t known each other for a long time, b-but would you get married to me?” He gets down on one knee, and opens up a box, showing you a necklace made of ketchup and an onion ring.
Your eyes begin to water.
You smile at your children, all half potato, and half human. After getting married to you, Tate went grocery shopping with you in order to pick out your children. After deciding on an initial 36, you couldn’t decide who to take home and who to leave, so you adopted them all.
Your life was full of happiness.
April Fools, Tumblr.
a/n ; i regret this i have created a monster i am sorry i have sinned
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luvvvlydeannnn · 6 years
The ‘Hunting Club’ Ch. 1
Authors Note: Alright y'all, so this is my first time ever making ‘fan-fic’ so I am soooooo sorry if my writing is trash, but Im kinda new to this, so go easy on me please. 
Summary: Jess meets Sam and Dean Winchester, after attempting to join their dads hunting club. After helping Sam and Dean find John, they team up to find what killed their mom. 
Pairing(s): Not a single one 
Word Count: 2883
Warning(s): terrible writing skills (:
‘Hello, I’m Jess Colt, I’m 23 and I’m a hunter. I’ve been hunting for forever and a day. Basically since the day I learned to walk. I first shot a gun when I was three, and I killed my first monster at nine. My dad raised me alongside my two brothers, Axel and Van. We moved from town to town. Crappy motel to crappier motel. There was no ‘home’ for me, not then, not now, but i’m always working towards that. I’ve lost more than I’ve gained and all I really got now is family. Which I’d do anything to keep. My eldest brother, Van (24) is currently helping me keep up the ‘family business’ and my younger brother Axel (18) is away at college trying to escape the life. I understand you guys aren’t open to newcomers but i’d like for you to give Van and I a chance. No one really ever has. I understand if you toss this in the trash after reading it, but if there is even a sliver of a chance that we’d be right for your posey then please give me a call at 867-555-5309’
I re-read the letter I’d written so long ago to the people I now called family. I remember feeling so embarrassed after mailing it, I was practically begging them to let me in their club. I convinced myself that thousands of people probably sent them letters, and that mine would never be read, just sat in a pile with all of the others. But I was damn wrong.
7 years ago
“Jess, what the hell are you doing?” Van said asked me, as he watched me write the letter.
“I’m trying to get us into this hunting club, okay. Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Rufus Turner, The Harvelles, every legendary hunter is in the club Van. If we get in we might finally have someone to rely on other than ourselves.” I said hinting on the fact we hadn’t seen our father since the day we drove Ax to college.
“You do realize that they probably won’t let us in. We’re outsiders. Besides we’ve never hunted with anyone in that group other than Bobby, and that’s only because Bobby was working the same case we were. And Jess hunters aren’t very hospitable, hell if you even look at them wrong you’re as good as dead.” chuckling to himself, he knew that he could be considered one of those and he didn’t mind a bit.
“Well, I’m done anyways. I’m sending in this letter and we can get back to finding a case. If they call, they call. If they don’t, they don’t.” I said acting like I didn’t care, not even the slightest.
“Whatever you say dork, I already found a case by the way. Guess where?”
“Vegas?” He shook his head, while laughing. Vegas was always my first guess:
“Dallas?” He shook his head again.
“Where?” I had a snowballs chance of guessing where the hell he’d found a case, it was very quiet lately and we hadn’t been on a solid case in forever it felt like.
“Jericho, California”
“How the hell was I supposed to guess that?”
“Telepathy, maybe. I thought you were a hunter jess.” Van said pushing my shoulder while snickering to himself.
“Alright bitch, when are we leaving?” I asked rolling my eyes, shooting him the bird when he turned his back to me.
“If you want to, we can leave now. I really want to get out there and see what the hell is going on. We haven’t had a good hunt since… well you know.”
“Yeah, maybe we can convince the kid to come with us. The weekends coming up and we’re already driving to California. He told me he missed hunting when I called him last night.”
I knew he wanted to see our brother, hell I wanted to see him too. We practically raised the kid, fed him, taught him all the important shit and made sure he knew the ins and outs of everything hunting related. But we both knew we’d be over stepping our boundaries. The kid was starting a new life, an apple pie life. If we walked into it after the first six months and asked him if he wanted to go on a hunt he’d look at us like we were crazy. I knew he’d come with us, he loved hunting but he also wanted something we could never give him, a home. But selfish as we always were, we were still going to try and suck him back into our lives.
“Yeah he’s been telling me to call him if we get a hunt in the area”, he said packing his bag in an unorganized fashion.
“You ready to hit the road?” I asked happily, ready to see my brother after six months.
“Hell yeah!”
And like that we sped off. We finally got to Palo Alto the day before halloween. Of course like the idiots we were we had to sneak up on Ax as he was walking out of a class. We nearly scared the shit out of him, and Van ended up getting punched in the face, while I just got a hug and some brotherly love. We sat down and had lunch with Axel, we reminisced on the good times and everything under the sun, like we hadn’t seen each other in years. By the time lunch was over he was begging to know why we were visiting after just six months.
“We were rolling through California on a hunt, and since you were practically begging to jump back on the horse we decided that we could use an extra hand on this hunt.” Van said nonchalantly, like he hadn’t missed him.
“Plus we missed you. Vans been acting stupid lately and I have no one to out-stupid him” I said, lightly punching Ax on the shoulder.
“Well, I have been waiting to get back on the horse. It’s been a while and my skills aren’t getting that rusty, so I guess I could help you, I mean if you really needed it.” looking at Van who’d mentioned that we could use a ‘little help’.
“Alright Ax, we really need your help.” Van mumbled rolling his eyes.
“Then I guess I can help. When do we head out?” Axel asked excitedly, we could see from the look in his eyes that he was ready to hunt again.
“We thought about leaving tonight, but if you have something you want to do tomorrow we can head out tomorrow night.” I stated, knowing my brother had a life from all the late nights he’d called me talking about the girls he’d hooked up with.
“Yeah, my friend Sam. He invited me to a halloween party, and I sort of told him I would. But… I can call him and tell him that I’m going on a hunt.” Axel said lowly, almost mumbling it.
“Hold up… have you been telling people that you’re a hunter.” Van said in barely a whisper, almost scolding Ax.
“No man, Sam is the only person that knows I’m a hunter, and the only reason he knows is because he’s a hunter too.”
“Wait… what’s Sams last name?” I asked, wondering if it was the same Sam that I thought it was. “Winchester.”
“Shit, he’s John Winchester's boy, Van.”
“Alright, call Sam and tell him that you’re heading up to Jericho for a hunt and that you won’t be able to make it to his Halloween party then.”
Axel finally called Sam when we had left Palo Alto, Sam said that he’d hold down the fort and everything should be ‘aye okay’. We finally got to Jericho around 4 AM that morning, we checked into a motel not too far outside of town under the alias Leigh Foxx and began our search. We didn’t come by much other than a few ‘missing’ signs. We talked to the girlfriend of the guy who went missing and she told us that she talked to him not too long before he disappeared. And that he said he’d “be home shortly”, but she got worried when he never showed that night. The cops showed up at her door in the early hours of the day before and told her that her boyfriend was missing. They’d found his car on the side of the road, but it was like he was never even there. No blood, no signs of a struggle it was just like he took off. Van asked her if she thought he’d just take off and she said “he’s not that type of man, we were going to get married in two months, he was so excited for it.” So there we were, no clues, not even a smidge of evidence. So what did we do? We searched through local legends. Found anything that we could possibly find and start building a case off of that. By the time we had gathered a few local legends regarding the disappearance of men it was time to hit the hay. We woke up the next morning and headed towards town, when we noticed a group of police officers looking at a car. We got out to investigate what was happening grabbing our Federal Marshal badges.
“Who are you?” asked the officer there already, he was wearing a shit eating grin, probably about to bust us if we even looked at him wrong.
“Federal Marshals. Agents Corrleone and Vito” we each flashed our badges.
“No I mean, who is he? Kid can’t be old enough to be a marshal, looks like he’s fresh out of highschool.”
“Yeah, his father works down at the bureau. He wants to be a Marshal so, he gets to tag along with us.” Van said in an annoyed voice.
“Well I don’t know why you three are here, there are two more marshals up ahead.”
“Oh, well I’m sure they’ll fill us in later. I really wish the office would get this straightened out, it seems like everywhere we go there are a billion other marshals doing our job.” I said in a fake annoyed voice.
With that, we walked back to our car and waited to see who those ‘federal marshals’ were, they were obviously imposters due to the looks of the black impala they were driving, no way the bureau would approve of that.
When they began walking back Axel said that he recognized one of the men. When they began walking toward their car we got out and walked over. The one that Ax recognized must have recognized him too because he came jogging towards us.
“Hey Sam. You guys find anything out?” Ax said softly to the man so the other officers wouldn’t overhear him.
“Nah, not much other than another guy disappearing. This your family?”
“Yep, Jess and Van.” Ax said pointing to each of us as he said our names.  
“Sam Winchester right?” I said holding out a hand for him to shake, Van doing the same.
He shook my hand and smiled, “yep that’s me and this is my brother Dean” he said motioning to the man on the other side of the car.
I walked over and shook his hand, “Hi, I’m Jess.”
“Dean.” “You guys find anything out about the disappearances?”
“Not a damn thing. No evidence, no clues, not even a damn hangnail.” “Shit. Well were going to head on over to the diner in town and grab some grub if y’all want to tag along.” “Sounds good to me. I could use a good burger.”
Just then Van walked over, “Ax invited Sam to go eat, you up for that?”
“Hell yeah.” I said looking at Van. “Dean, this is my brother Van. Van this is Dean, Sams brother.”
“Hey man.” Van said reaching his hand out to shake Deans.
We all got into our cars and headed for the diner in town.
We all walked into the diner and sat at a booth in the back. The waitress took our orders and got them back to us quickly. When we finished our meal we began to talk about the case and the connections.
“We know that all of the victims were male, and were on centennial at their time of death. We found some local legends, some of them about women in white along the highway. You think they could be connected?” I asked questioning the guys
“I don’t know, we can look further into it” Dean said nonchalantly.
Well, we did look into it and it turns out they were as full scale as I’d always heard. We quickly wrapped up the hunt, there were a few bumps in the road though. Especially the almost dying part, apparently Constance also goes for unfaithful women too. After finishing up the hunt, we all hauled ass back to Stanford, because Axel was too much of a nerd to miss a class.
We finally pulled up outside of Axels apartment after around four hours of driving, when we saw a shit ton of firefighters exiting his building.
“Stop!” yelled Axel. We stopped and parked behind a black impala that Axel seemed to recognize. “That’s Sam” he said motioning toward the tall fellow standing behind the car, and that’s his apartment Ax said pointing to the top floor.
We all got out of the car and walked over to the two fairly large men standing near the impala
“Sam, what happened man?” asked Axel. “I don’t know, I came home and Jess was on the ceiling… on fire” Sam then broke down, so I pulled Dean off to the side while my brother talked his friend through what happened. What happened to this girl sounded like what happened to our mother, the story was way too similar.
“Who’s Jess?” I asked Dean.
“Jess is his girlfriend.” “He said she was on the ceiling, on fire?” I asked flabbergasted at the remarkable similarity between my mother's death and the death of this woman Jess.
“That’s what he said, he could be mistaken though.”
“No, I highly doubt that. Your mother died in a nursery fire, today if I’m not mistaken. Right? Well my mother died the exact same way.” “Yeah, how do you know that?” “Growing up I heard about the Winchester case nonstop. Why the mothers of children were spontaneously combusting on ceilings of nurseries, six months after their children were born. Why my mother was caught in the crossfire of demonic activity.”
“Shit, that is right, my dad told me about your mom growing up too.”
“I don’t know, but this does seem hairy to you, right? Two women that Sam loves dying six months after his birthday. I’m not saying it’s Sams fault but what if it’s after Sam?”
Van must have overheard the chat that we were having on the deaths of our mothers because he began walking over.
“So what were you saying about mom?”
“You know how dad used to talk about the Winchester case, whenever he mentioned moms death and what he thought was behind it?”
“Yeah, and what does that have to do with this?” Van asked confused
“Jess, she burned on the ceiling.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t in a nursery or six months after the birth of a child.”
“Yeah, well Sam’s birthday was six months ago.”
“Our mom died the exact same way your mom and Jess died” Dean chimed in.
“Shit…. Do you guys actually think..?” Van realized there were too many connections.
“I don’t know.” I said shrugging my shoulders along with Dean.
Van and I exchanged numbers with Dean and told him to call us if Sam and him needed help. When Van walked away I apologized for what happened to his brother.
“I’m sorry for jumping on you like that, when Sam said Jess was on the ceiling, on fire, it all just kinda clicked. And I’m sorry for what happened to Sam.”
“Jess it’s fine, I understand. It just shows that whatever killed our moms is coming back for something.”
“Yeah, I hope it doesn’t involve Sam. That kids already been through enough.”
“Tell me about it.” Dean said rubbing a hand over his face.
“Well now that Van and I have gotten a taste of what killed our mother, I know he’s going to want to go after it. If you want to tag along you can, we can always use help. I know that you’re going to have to look after Sam for a while, but whenever you’re ready to get some revenge on this mother just call me.”
“Alright, I will.”
“Take care Dean.” I said walking towards the car.
I got into the driver's seat and looked at Axell, “so what do you want to do man?”
“I want to kill this mother.” Axel stated
“Alright, so are you coming with us or…?” Van asked
“I sure as hell ain’t staying here.”
“Well let’s head out.” I said as we pulled off.
In a series of 3 days so much has happened. I got my brother back, but I knew things would never be the same, we’d gotten a whiff of what took our mother as well as our childhood and we weren’t letting it go. Not until it was gone. 
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