#me and jihu are nothing but friends
shuxiii · 2 years
Good luck winning jihu over after these posts 😂
why do i need to win her over when i already have KIDDING!!!
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armpirate · 1 year
The Only One || JJK || Ch. 17
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Pairings: mafia!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, mafia, contract relationship
Warnings: Prostitution, torture, blood, use of drugs and weapons
Summary: You've always wished for a better life. Every single day at work, you were hoping something would change. Although you didn't think that change would come in the form of one mysterious man and a contract.
His controlling and selfish behaviour only wanted to keep you away from any other man that wasn't him, and you only had to wait for him.
Too bad you really thought you'd be smarter than Jeon Jungkook.
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Y/n woke up the next morning with an uneasy feeling, as if whatever happened last night was a big punch to her ego -which it was. He played with her, and she allowed him to, after everything that happened and that he did to her. Anger was already back in her system when she remembered the way his lips curved mockingly, and how his lip piercing seemed to shine even more after that.
Shit. She felt so pathetic.
Not only did he force her to come to a country she never intended to visit, he also wanted her to beg him.
A pissed groan left her lips as she sat up on the bed, thinking everything would get better if she complained out loud. The amount of curses she kept saying in Spanish -and that she had never used before- seemed to get his attention on the other side of the door. Jungkook didn't understand a word, but he for sure was convinced that neither of them meant anything good. Although he didn't bother to come in, he just walked past her door and welcomed a new day filled with awful duties.
—Be careful with her —he warned Jihu—. I doubt I'll be home tonight, so just make sure she doesn't do anything.
—Yes, sir —he bowed.
His head was so busy in the many ways he could find to please her, that he totally forgot the big event he was supposed to be holding that night. The fact that it was the only time in a year that the whole Bangtan clan reunited together. Each one of the members coming back to Korea, just to celebrate the day their parents decided to start it all.
Although Jungkook wasn't sure if that was something he actually wanted to celebrate at all.
As Y/n heard the door closing, she knew it was a safe time to get out of the bed and walk to the closet, waiting for a new message that could make her work easier. But there was nothing. She was all by herself on it.
And just as she left the phone back to where it was, she asked herself who could be Sanhyuk's source... It had to be someone Jungkook was close with, because it didn't make sense how they'd get any information otherwise -especially when it came to her and their story.
He definitely had more enemies than he probably thought. Not that it was her problem though.
Walking down the stairs, she was surprised to see no one around. Although her isolation was temporary, it only took her to take one step, look to her right and find Jihu standing next to one of the doors. He didn't aim a word at her, simply bowed and went back to his own thing: looking at some point forward.
—Will you stand there all morning? —she asked, standing in front of him— We're each other's only company, so it would be better if you stopped this formal thing. You always end up on the couch talking with me.
The man sighed, giving her an exhausting look before he tilted his head. Even if he had wanted to ignore her those two weeks, she always managed to get him to speak to her as if they had been best friends for years. He wasn't sure if it was boredom, or her bright aura, but she made it difficult to keep his voice to himself.
—You don't want to know what happened to Marina and Cris? —she temptingly asked— Yesterday you were left at the best part of the story.
Those two weeks, he barely spoke about himself, but she did speak about herself... well, about high school dramas she witnessed years ago. And he was surprised to realize they were a lot. Suddenly he felt scared for his teenage daughter, and was praying cultural differences would make it difficult for her, because everything that came out of Y/n's mouth made him regret ever thinking that being a father was a good idea.
Honestly, he never thought that Jungkook's idea of remodeling the library would work. That girl wanted company, and not much entertainment. He could tell by the way her eyes showed all types of excitement while speaking to him -or trying to. A book, nor a TV program, would give her that.
She smiled satisfied when Jihu's curious eyes landed on her, and she knew she found a new way to be entertained for, at least, a few hours.
Her idea wasn't far-fetched. They both had breakfast together, and then moved back to the living room, while she still explained the constant drama she had to see in her teenage years. High school was an interesting, yet fun, experience for her. At least until she turned eighteen, everything was great. So good that she caught herself wishing to go back then more than once.
As she kept telling the story, Jihu seemed to be more and more engaged. Ears totally turned to her when she started talking about a certain party that Marina's ex boyfriend also attended.
—Marina thought her ex was there to win her back —she started explaining—, but he only was there to fight Cris for trying to get with his cousin.
A loud gasp left Jihu's thin lips, engaged to the story as if he were hearing the best audio book ever.
—Marina threw her drink at Cris, he broke a table and spilled the drinks everywhere... It was a mess.
—That's a party, and not what Jeon does in his hotel —he scoffed.
She wasn't surprised at the mention of that. Jihu already slipped a few times about how Jungkook was the owner of one of the best hotels in Seoul, he went as far as adding they were there the time she wanted to have lunch with him. And she wasn't stupid, she knew that was a hotel just by taking a look at the hall, she just didn't expect it to be owned by him.
—Does he throw a lot of parties?
—Rarely —Jihu sighed, and continued—. Tonight's party is one of the few she throws in a year, he...
Jihu suddenly stopped talking, finally aware that he was giving too much information, dangerous information to the last person that should know about those plans.
—He's throwing a party and won't take me? —she arched her eyebrows.
Not like he was forced to, but it just kept making her question even more why he even wanted her there in the first place.
—It's not a party per se —Jihu explained—. He just reunites with other people from the clan —he explained.
He knew she wouldn't be able to use that information in any way. She knew Jungkook wasn't the only one in command? Fine. She'd have to be able to leave the house before she could even do something with what he said.
She nodded, twisting her lips, while a deep silence surrounded them. A silence that was so unusual from her side that Jihu was able to tell she was pissed. And even worse, he was certain she was planning something by the way her gaze was lost somewhere in the room.
It wasn't like she was planning to exchange many words with Jihu after that. The second she was aware of the type of information she had, she wasted no time on going upstairs and closing herself inside the room again. Just to close herself even deeper behind the door of her huge -and empty- closet.
—It took you some time —Sanhyuk chuckled on the other side.
—If your other source was good enough, you wouldn't have to be waiting for me —she rolled her eyes.
—Calm down. I was just messing with you —he laughed ironically—. What is the big news?
—Before we go on, I want you to promise me that I'll be able to go back to Spain, and my life will be as it was.
—I give you my word —he pretended to be offended by her distrust—. Once Jungkook is out of our way, you'll be completely free.
Although he was as shady as Jungkook -or even more-, he was offering something that Jungkook would never give her: freedom. She didn't even care about the consequences, she could only think about fast solutions and a valid escape, and Sanhyuk was giving all that to her.
He heard a deep sigh from the other side of the phone, smiling to himself as he knew that was the small introduction to a rant of information he -probably- knew already.
—There's a party in his hotel —Y/n muttered with her thin voice—. I'm not sure who's attending, but apparently it's people from his clan.
She didn't know what it meant, but he for sure did. That meant the other six members from his family would be in Seoul, all seven of them reunited in the same place together. Sanhyuk knew about the party and the -possible- presence of, at least, Namjoon and Jimin. His other source kept him well informed about that. But making Y/n aware of the party was only one step for what was to come later that night.
—You need to attend —he whispered.
Instead of giving a straight answer, Y/n laughed ironically. There was no way she'd dare to set foot in that hotel again, not after Jungkook tied their hands together and forced her to see something that she'd wish she didn't.
—I thought this was only about information —she tilted her head—. You got it, now it's your turn to do something.
—That's the exact reason why you should go —he almost interrupted her—. The other members need to know about your presence... That'd be enough for today.
Y/n shook her leg nervously, looking around as if the answers were hanging somewhere in those white walls.
—Jungkook won't lay a hand on you —Sanhyuk reassured her—. He'll be probably too blocked trying to explain himself to process what you've done —a sigh now came from his side—. He's always trying to hide behind those other six dudes. So, trust me, it's needed they know you exist and what he's done.
But he knew her safety wasn't assured at all. There were high chances that either Jin or Namjoon would take the chance to get her out of the way at some point, but it wasn't really his business. As long as she was useful, he'd keep an eye on her.
—Basically because it's not the first time —Sanhyuk whispered again.
Y/n found herself frowning at those words. So there had been more women that went through the same things she was going through? She knew Jungkook was a bastard for playing her the way he did, but the idea of more girls in that same bed was repulsing her.
—What do you mean?
—You're not the same one that goes through that fate —he hummed, before he started speaking again—, but you're the first one he bothered to take from a different country. Imma give you that.
The knot in her throat made it impossible for her to speak, even less to let the saliva slide through it.
—I will go —she said with a drowned voice—. But just know that, if I fall, you'll be coming with me —that threat wasn't as intimidating as she was hoping—. And your source as well.
—Do you even know who it is?
She thought he'd be intimidated just by the thought of being exposed by her, but isntead he was asking for a confirmation on who the person was.
Thick silence surrounded them.
Silence she used to think. A person that was close enough to Jungkook to know about her, a person that knew when she'd be in the hospital, and what her conditions were in that house. The only one was...
She expected a straight denial, but instead she earned a playful chuckle and silence again, two things that she took as the confirmation she was waiting for. Without wanting to hear anything else, she cut the call and hid the phone back to where it was.
If she ever thought that the life she had back in Mallorca was difficult and complicated, she had no idea of what was awaiting her in Seoul. As soon as she set foot in a different country, she was in between two mafia gangs, fighting her inner demons by trying to control herself, and finding out that the person she least expected to betray Jungkook was the one giving the opposite gang information.
She could understand why Sanhyuk was using him though. Jihu was the person that spent more time in Jungkook's safe place, apart from her. What she didn't understand was why Jihu was doing it. More money? Better deals? Anything could be at that point, and she for sure wouldn't be surprised at that.
—Take me to that party.
Jihu jumped at the sudden sound of her voice from upstairs, she was looking down at him with such danger in her eyes, that he thought of how serious she was actually being. But he didn't take her seriously, it was no different from the time she threw a tantrum when she refused to eat until she saw him.
—I'm being serious —she reiterated when she saw that funny smile on his face.
—Unless you want Jeon... —but the sound of her voice interrupted him mid speech.
—Unless you want Jungkook to know what you're doing, you better take me to that party tonight —she started walking down, step by step—. Trust me, your punishment will be way worse if he finds out who you're working for rather than letting me get away with what I want.
There was no sight of the funny and cute Y/n that was gossiping about her teenage years. That girl was long gone. She threw that threat, and it impressed him how cold and confident she sounded while dropping those words as if they were nothing.
Jihu was finally understanding why Jungkook was so adamant on having her.
—And before you take me there, I want a dress. So let's go shopping.
Honestly, that was more an excuse to piss Jungkook even more rather than being a need. She didn't know what she was going to do there, but she was sure she'd be able to do it with or without a dress.
Y/n didn't have money, and it wasn't like Jungkook was expecting her or Jihu to spend money on clothes for a party that he didn't plan her to attend -or, more like, he didn't want her to attend.
Jihu's full body wasn't covered in cold sweat only because of the fact that she was outside, planning on buying the most expensive dress after he had no choice but to give in. He didn't know how she found out about what he was doing -or maybe he was a little bit too obvious not to allow her to realize. He wondered if there was a way she was in contact with Sanhyuk or anyone from that clan, but the fact that she was completely isolated made him discard that choice. Maybe she just was that smart. He was worried about the fact that that girl was planning to spend a fair amount of money, not caring about whose it was.
And he wasn't wrong. That was her plan. She didn't care about anyone at that point. The fact that she ever felt sorry for Jihu completely vanished when she realized everything was probably an act. He was the only person she felt she could rely on, just to find out it was fake.
She was going all for it. That was for sure. 
Taglist: @kaiparkerwifes @sheylamc @amy2006jones
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
i found a map of mrs. kims on tuesday after i got the results back that i tested positive for covid and ever since then it’s been part of a source of comfort for me during my self isolation. the kims are such a beautiful family and i’ve devoured every single one of the asks on the amomk tag. i just finished reading the first full chapter and im just in awe of how you managed to work some of the asks into the story and weaved together the dynamics between the characters from the asks so beautifully. the humor was impeccable, i really enjoyed witnessing the kim brothers navigate their curse of being too gorgeous. i cannot wait to find out who the woman representing the black circle is because i have a feeling she plays a pivotal part in the story. last but not least, mr. and mrs. kim. witnessing them meet for the first time was nothing short of magical, like i was watching this big monumental history unfold. bongseon was a very captivating girl with her sassiness and no nonsense attitude and i could see both jin and taehyung in her, jin with her no nonsense attitude and taehyung with her cute impulses like sticking a rolled up piece of paper up her nostrils because i remember there was a drabble of taehyung sticking up something of mrs. kim’s up his nose. and jihu was so much like namjoon in his mannerisms from his slight clumsiness to his body packing up so much power and even his dimpled boyish smitten smiles. i loved seeing all of that and knowing that they both would pass those traits down to their sons in the future. im sorry for the long ask but before i send this thank you so much for this story
Hi, friend! I'm so sorry to hear you tested positive, but I'm also hoping that since then, you're feeling much better and have made a full recovery! I'm so sorry to respond so late. Thank you so much for your kind words! This story is for you! It has been so fun building this world with you, and if AMOMK could bring any kind of comfort to you, then I'm so thrill---
Jin: (saluting) Yes, Eomma! The jook is basically almost done! (grinning) And it smells and tastes amazing, if I do say so myself.
Mrs. Kim: Tae-Tae, you still good on the baesuk??
Taehyung: (eyes wide, stirring another pot on the stove) Namjoonie-hyung is supposed to be back with more gin---
Namjoon: (running into the kitchen, stumbling every now and then) I got it I got it I got it!
He tosses a small, clear, plastic bag onto the counter.
Taehyung: (grabbing the bag) OK!
Mrs. Kim marches over and inspects the ingredients in Taehyung's hands.
Mrs. Kim: Namjoon! This is garlic, not ginger!
Namjoon: Oh.
Mr. Kim: (walking into the kitchen) No worries, I got the ginger for the baesuk.
Namjoon: (sighing) Thanks, Appa.
Jin: You just anticipated that, Appa?
Mr. Kim: Kinda?
Namjoon: (embarrassed) I always get them mixed up in my head for some reason.
Mr. Kim: (smiling reassuringly) I do, too. (putting his arm around Namjoon's shoulders) That's why I anticipated it.
Namjoon smiles weakly.
Mrs. Kim: Well, don't just stand there! Yeobo, Namjoonie, go fluff up the pillows! Bring some water! Utmost comfort!
Namjoon and Mr. Kim diligently obey.
Mrs. Kim: (taking over Taehyung) And Tae-Tae, go get your camera! I want to get photos of you caregiving for the website.
Jin: (shuts his eyes in frustration, lets his head hang back, scalp almost touching the top of his spine) Are you serious, Eomma?!
Taehyung: (frustrated) Maaa!!
Jin: (frustrated) Maaa!!
Namjoon: (from the guest room, where you are staying, momentarily frustrated) Maaaa!!
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Read AMOMK here (updates coming soon!)
Read the AMOMK drabbles on the #AMOMK tag
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rhiezus · 5 years
          Speak Now by Taylor Swift as Our Ships, Characters & More
(disclaimer: i don’t really remember this album, except for a few songs so it’s definitely gonna be like a first listen after a long time so keep it in mind that i’ll probably change opinions a lot according to as it goes)
Man, this song is a rollercoaster of nostalgia. But... Looking as it is this song is like the march band song of Jinhwan and Bomin, because after all the hard work and stuff, the fact that both had parents who didn’t exactly lived a nice love and they didn’t knew exactly how to portray that once they found each other but they learned it pretty fast tho. Could be Nayoung and Keun? No because, even though she comes from a fucked up background this just... the vibe just isn’t. Oh my god, Danbi and Daehyun too...
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables Left a small town and never looked back I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts
I mean... This is exactly Bomin and Jinhwan.
Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing that's ever been mine
But this... It also reminds me of Danbi and Daehyun, so... yeah.
But we got bills to pay We got nothing figured out When it was hard to take Yes, yes
I’ll finish it of with this part: Reality is starting to set in and discourage her. Paying bills is one of the most common annoyances in life. Although they have these problems, when you truly love somebody, you don’t let anything get in the way of that. A relationship can be put to the test when real life sets in, and everything isn’t about romance. However, we can see from the song’s bridge that things turned out very well for them.
Sparks Fly
Because of Taylor’s description, I think this is Julie and Valak:  is about falling for someone that you maybe shouldn’t fall for, but you can‘t stop yourself because there’s such a connection, there’s such chemistry. Isn’t this exactly how they happened?
Drop everything now Meet me in the pouring rain Kiss me on the sidewalk Take away the pain 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Seriously? The pouring rain here is the booty call... And then I remembered Julie masturbating thinking about Valak kkjkjkjkk nO BUt c’mon, yeah. “haunt me when you’re not around”, also Julie being the only person Valak ever saw... It’s the connection.
My mind forgets to remind me You're a bad idea You touch me once and it's really something You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be I'm on my guard for the rest of the world But with you I know it's no good And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would
I talked so much about them on that urstyle look that I have nothing to say except just show it to you. Oh my god, this is Ruy to Hai too... Jesus! I don’t know the feeling of falling in love even though you shouldn’t because you know it’s probably not gonna lead anywhere... It’s there. It’s this two ships.
I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right And lead me up the staircase Won't you whisper soft and slow? I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show
I love genius on this: Again, a sexual reference. The original lyrics of “it’s wrong enough to make it feel right” were “gonna strike this match tonight,” implying that the two are going to have sex. SEE? SEE? It’s Julie and Valak, but also Ruy to Hai. And it’s rock enough gonna imagine Ruy covering this on a Coachella and everyone going like, wtf???? But everyone also jamming cause well it’s Taylor Swift.
Back To December
Damn, I so thought of jumping this but this is the song that started this all so I just couldn’t and I wanted to listen to it. This is also the song that made me do this in December, it was a must. I’m just gonna include a few genius things for this to keep confirming it’s identity to a particular situation/ship. But also, let’s appreciate the lyrics as always.
I'm so glad you made time to see me How's life? Tell me, how's your family? I haven't seen them in a while You've been good, busier than ever We small talk, work, and the weather Your guard is up and I know why
We all know how this went, Nayoung seriously concerned about his family and the fact that Keun was working a lot, it’s also incredible that we already been through their break up and that now they are officially reunited again, it’s crazy. The “your guard is up and i know why” is my favorite part in this. And: This is about a person who was incredible to me- just perfect in a relationship, and I was really careless with him. So, this is a song full of words that I would say to him that he deserves to hear.
So this is me swallowing my pride Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night And I'd go back to December all the time It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
That december night, actually it was not at night it was like afternoon-ish because I imagine it was a pretty sky and rained, so it was like very chilly which made Nayoung get sick for walking in the rain like that. But mostly because that day changed her for good, after that she was a different person, a more decisive and strong person... It’s very beautiful. AND THE “FREEDOM AINT NOTHING BUT MISSING YOU” YEAH. 
And then the cold came The dark days when fear crept into my mind You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye
Genius: Taylor reflects on the relationship as she wishes she could have pushed through her fears to make things work.
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile So good to me, so right And how you held me in your arms that September night The first time you ever saw me cry Maybe this is wishful thinking Probably mindless dreaming But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't So if the chain is on your door, I understand
We know pretty much everything else so, for last I’m gonna leave us with the genius explanation: About that “change my own mind” Taylor felt insecure about their relationship and didn’t trust TL (have to call him that or else it’ll be too confusing), so she broke up with him. Now she sees that he was trustworthy all along and wants to go back in time, tell herself to trust him, so they can be together again. Glady time passed, and they are happily together though, can you just imagine if Keun had decided not to get off the car that day? Or if Nayoung just didn’t try to leave for Busan? Or better, if Sanchan just kept his mouth shut? No? Me neither. I think somehow they’d still have met and would be back together because it’s Nayoung and Keun.
Speak Now
I had to read the whole lyrics and genius descriptions before to say I think this is Chihye and Lian, but like in a different sense, not a wedding one. This could definitely be Soonyi to Sanghee if they had met before he got married to Jihu, yeah because of the feeling of the song it’s much more her than Chihye. But the lyrics tho it’s Lian coming to Busan after being mia for years and Chihye is married to his best friend. 
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in On a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
See? Also I think Haneul probably did a cover of this when Hyuntae was all in those kdramas, maybe he did once when he got like married in the end and she sang this in an Instagram live and people died laughing.
This is surely not What you thought it would be I lose myself in a daydream Where I stand and say [...] Don't say yes, run away now I'll meet you when you're out Of the church at the back door Don't wait or say a single vow You need to hear me out And they said "speak now"
But the “this is surely not what you thought it would be” it’s definitely about Chihye and Pyongho’s, also Jihu and Sanghee marriage... Isn’t it? Both got married because a child was on this way and they thought they could really fall in love and at some point they really were in love, but it faded off and suddenly they had no idea how to carry that on or if so break it but how? Because there was a child on the way. Oh my god, how did I forgot Inna, tHIS IS TOTALLY INNA DREAMING WHEN SHE HEARD PYONGHO WAS GETTING MARRIED TO CHIHYE AND THAT’S WHY SHE DIDN’T WENT ON THEIR WEDDING JESUS CHRIST IM SO SORRY I FORGOT HER EXISTENCE, THIS IS HER!!
Fond gestures are exchanged And the organ starts to play A song that sounds like a death march And I am hiding in the curtains It seems that I was uninvited By your lovely bride-to-be [...] She floats down the aisle Like a pageant queen But I know you wish it was me You wish it was me (Don't you)
Jesus christ, this is Inna dreaming that Pyongho didn’t marry Chihye and actually didn’t went to the wedding because she was really afraid she would ruin it and she was scared to see that Pyongho could actually have feelings for Chihye. She definitely wished it was her and I think for a while Pyongho did too.
I hear the preacher say "Speak now or forever hold your peace" There's the silence, there's my last chance I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me Horrified looks from everyone in the room But I'm only looking at you [...] I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in On a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
I’m speechless, this is totally Inna even how the song goes... 
And you say "Let's run away now I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door" Baby, I didn't say my vows So glad you were around when they said "Speak now"
This is such a happy but sad song, especially knowing that she didn’t go and that didn’t happen, but that it totally would if she would say that, wouldn’t it? It would. And the genius just adds up: One of my friends … the guy she had been in love with since childhood was marrying this other girl. And my first inclination was to say, ‘Well, are you gonna speak now?’ And then I started thinking about what I would do if I was still in love with someone who was marrying someone who they shouldn’t be marrying. And so I wrote this song about exactly what my game plan would be. And lastly, Gok Inna here on: she “[lost herself] in a daydream” about objecting to her ex’s marriage.
Dear John
Yes I’m gonna make you listen to this whole song because there was a lot of time I cried thinking about this song and it’s meaning, and I’ve waited a long time to tell you about this. Okay so, this album there is a lot of sad songs involving Nayoung’s life what the fuck. First to explain let me begin with the lyrics:
Long were the nights when My days once revolved around you Counting my footsteps Praying the floor won't fall through... again
Nayoung was like 15 when she first met the nameless, and he was like this co-worker older guy he was almost like 25-30/so and he was really nice towards her, they played a few parts together of course not as a couple yet because of the age gap but he became a friend and because he was successful I think Chihye let her be around with him. That’s the age Nayoung started going up to parties with the actor's crew, Kim Yura (who I think is a few years older than her, yes like 1 or 2) and such... And such as any male predator he made her feel good for hanging out with them like it was a privilege, because of that she was obsessed with making him proud and making him notice her. First, she never had a father figure around, so she has daddy issues and second, she never had someone treat her like that, so she wanted to stand out to him. 
You paint me a blue sky Then go back and turn it to rain And I lived in your chess game But you changed the rules every day Wonderin' which version of you I might get on the phone, tonight Well I stopped pickin' up and this song is to let you know why
Literally, she was a kid and he was a really old man who got close to her. At first, he was really careful, he was just like a friend, he used to buy her gifts, take her to parties and then back at her home like just to gain her and her mother’s trust. Which he did, that’s why Nayoung though she was in love and he had such fucked up games just like her mom that she thought this was the right way to love. Once he would give her stuff and then she’d call him and he’d say she was too fat on her last drama, so she’d believe him and go on crazy diets to make him see she was like “the good girl” he and her mother loved too much. Then he’d reward her for that, he’d take her on a date or something... Fucked up, I know but keep up.
Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone Don't you think I was too young to be messed with The girl in the dress cried the whole way home I shoulda' known
I think they only went on a real relationshi-ish when she finally hit 17 to 18, because it was almost legal and he started giving her favors and more contracts to dramas. Yes, he was a very powerful man and I think that was the time Nayoung became really famous because he was favoring her and she was doing exactly what he wanted her to do. It was extremely toxic maybe even more toxic than with her mom, but because she was young and everyone was okay with it, she was too. Honestly, I think Nayoung even though she loved him, she really did, she thought it was the best relationship she ever had (because she never had any). 
Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong Don't you think nineteen's too young To be played by your dark, twisted games When I loved you so? I shoulda' known
Nineteen was the time they probably had sex for the first time, yes, she played her all those years just for that. And it was terrible, I think that was when Nayoung felt it was really wrong because she always saw him as a good person but in the end, all he wanted was for her to be his doll, to follow him up and give everything he wanted, including sex. I even imagined after they had sex, she really hated because it was no good and he became even more manipulative towards her, so she finally stopped caring for him, stopped picking up his calls and started to ignore him, not really go to all parties when he was there and stuff. So he got mad and wanted to cut her off a bunch of shows and dramas, but since Nayoung was becoming more famous than he’d thought she would he couldn’t, so that’s why he started aiming for someone else. 
You are an expert at sorry And keeping the lines blurry Never impressed by me acing your tests All the girls that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes 'Cause you burned them out But I took your matches Before fire could catch me So don't look now I'm shining like fireworks Over your sad empty town, yeah
Like I said, she stopped caring for him and started moving on with her life as an actress so she became really big at that time, she was at the peak of her age and everyone loved her for being “the good girl”, “the angel”. Even though Nameless was a really bad man who chased young girls, Nayoung got out before he really fucked her even more than he did, so that’s why she felt like shining at the time without knowing the consequences he left on the term “love” for her. That’s why it was always hard for her to trust people, especially men. Also, the reason I think she was never really best friends with Mark even though they did work together, they were just co-workers. Before that, she was also best friends with Kim Yura, but because she backed off their group of friends a little, Yura became really mad and they drifted away. But I don’t think that’s something Nayoung really had the courage to explain to anyone because she never knew how? The only time she did was to a psychics after she and Keun broke up like they were trying to understand all her trauma and he probably explained that what her mother had was not really a good idea of love, that’s when she understood that Nameless wasn’t too and they talked about it. And you knew that story, but I think you always knew as Keun like only from above that it was toxic, so now you have the real details and how it all came to me when I listen to Dear John. 
What a country twist, sometimes I forget this is Taylor’s old album. This is about someone that said she really couldn’t sing and trashed her performance, so she did this song and looking at this I think this is Sulji to everyone who says she is weird and didn’t really deserve to be in Attik. Also her to JYP when she was kicked off. I can’t really see any other reasons, you name it. 
You, with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again Got me feeling like I'm nothing You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard Calling me out when I'm wounded You, picking on the weaker man
And the way the song goes through is very Sulji alike. The genius, Taylor said something that literally looks like Sulji in an interview: Some days I’m fine and I can just brush it off and go about my day, but some days it absolutely levels me. All I can do is continue to try to work hard every single day and feel everything.
Someday, I'll be living in a big old city And all you're ever gonna be is mean Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me And all you're ever gonna be is mean Why you gotta be so mean?
Seriously? Yeah, that’s the only thing I can see for this song. Remember her crying in front of Keun? She went home listening to Mean by Taylor Swift, I’m kidding she probably doesn’t listen to Taylor but still... This song translates the feeling.
And I can see you years from now in a bar Talking over a football game With that same big loud opinion But nobody's listening Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing But all you are is mean All you are is mean And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
I love Sulji’s development, she came from criticizing people on the internet to being one of those people she probably already criticized so she grew a lot when she was about to debut because she realized for real how life was hard. Before she used to just brush it off as if it didn’t hurt her at all, but as she finally did something she was passionate about and had a reason for it, she didn’t wanna lose it so she worked very hard. That’s probably why Keun put her to debut even though she didn’t have a lot of time practicing with Attik, because she was open to every critique to work hard and develop, that’s why she did. She wanted people to change their minds about her, her family and ex-colleagues, but at some point, after debuting she just realized some people are just mean for no reason at all and after all that, she was a good person and very hardworking and if they couldn’t appreciate that it was really their lost. She just came a long way for her mom not caring about her existence, then being bullied, then kicked out of a company, just to debut and work to be better... So this song speaks a lot about the people who don’t deserve her time.
But someday, I'll be living in a big old city And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah
So yeah, there is that.
The Story Of Us
Damn, I love this song. I’m dying I was just reading genius and I hate how much Hyuntae and Haneul this song is. Congrats Haneul you have another Taylor song, really, rEAlly. 
I used to think one day, we'd tell the story of us How we met, and the sparks flew instantly And people would say, they're the lucky ones I used to know my place was a spot next to you Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat 'Cause lately, I don't even know what page you're on
Exactly right after they break up, I think there was always this heavy cloud between May-b and WNDR because everything was great and had this bunch of couples and because they were from the same company they always had to be around each other sometimes. Which was weird now because Haneul had no idea where Hyuntae minds were after he broke up she felt like she didn’t know him at all as she thought she did so, of course, she wanted to hate him, but she couldn’t because it was Hyuntae and they had to work together sometimes too. Just like Taylor said: is about running into someone I had been in a relationship with at an awards show, and we were seated a few seats away from each other. I just wanted to say to him, “Is this killing you? Because it’s killing me. But I didn’t. But I couldn’t. Because we both had these silent shields up. YEAH. LET ME IMAGINE WNDR AND MAYB IN THOSE KOREAN AWARDS ACTING REALLY WEIRD AND PEOPLE TAKING PICS AND STUFF. 
How'd we end up this way? See me nervously pulling at my clothes and trying to look busy And you're doing your best to avoid me I'm starting to think one day, I'll tell the story of us Of how I was losing my mind when I saw you here But you held your pride like you should've held me
This also remembers me when Hyuntae left his pride to apologize to her but this only made Haneul be even more angry towards him, because he made her feel like it was her fault or as if she didn’t know him at all when she did and he just twisted by being a total coward. She totally lost her mind over something she never thought she would, because Haneul always had this idealized idea of love, that Hyuntae didn’t know how to portray at first and perhaps that’s why he felt like he was not suited for her expectations or to his as well. And genius: Now, instead of experiencing a great life with him, she can’t even sit by him without feeling awkward.
This is looking like a contest Of who can act like they care less But I liked it better when you were on my side The battle's in your hands now But I would lay my armor down If you say you'd rather love than fight So many things that you wish I knew But the story of us might be ending soon
All those covers and acting shady like she didn’t care or like she cared too much, I think at some point Haneul just grew tired and realized how childish she was for doing this when Hyuntae didn’t even care and that’s why he broke up in the first place, right? So that’s why “The battle’s in your hands now”, says a lot. And “so many things that you wish i knew” is exactly what I said that Hyuntae said but didn’t have the courage to. This song is Haneul mad about everything but at the same time letting her guard down because she is curious about them and because she misses him, trying to know if he still does too. 
Never Grow Up
This song is so sad and so boring at the same time but here we go. I think this is for Yehjin and Kuen at the same time because I don’t know why... I feel like Yehjin would have this feeling for Kuen ever since she was born: listen up.
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger And it's so quiet in the world tonight Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret I'd give all I have, honey If you could stay like that
On genius, Taylor said: ‘Never Grow Up’ is a song about the fact that I don’t quite know how I feel about growing up. It’s tricky. Growing up happens without you knowing it. Growing up is such a crazy concept because a lot of times when you were younger you wish you were older. I look out into a crowd every night and I see a lot of girls that are my age and going through exactly the same things as I’m going through. Every once in a while I look down and I see a little girl who is seven or eight, and I wish I could tell her all of this. There she is becoming who she is going to be and forming her thoughts and dreams and opinions. I wrote this song for those little girls. Tell me if this isn’t Yehjin deep down to Kuen? 
Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home Remember the footsteps, remember the words said And all your little brother's favorite songs I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone
Seriously? Everything. Even though sometimes Kuen is a pain in her ass, since little it was her best company because Kuen was born when Yehjin was already a teenager so I think she tried to protect her in every sense even though when she was older Kuen made fun with her, still, they were always really close. I can totally picture ten-year-old something Yehjin holding baby Kuen and thinking how she wished her to stay that little forever, just like she wished not to grew older.
So here I am in my new apartment In a big city, they just dropped me off It's so much colder than I thought it would be So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on Wish I'd never grown up I wish I'd never grown up
This part is exactly how Yehjin will be in a few years with the same feeling.
I have many ships for this moment of meeting someone and realizing this could be something really big like love first: Hana and Mark, because ever since they met for a few seconds in the club it was exactly how Hana felt for a little while and then on the coffee shop again, it was the same wonderstruck feeling that Taylor describes, so it happened twice even though they had no clue yet it could be love at first sight thing. Second, Ella and John. Because? I don’t know, the vibe from the song and how they met and she is totally in love, sounds like Ella to John. Third, Jinhwan and Bomin, that’s exactly how it went since they first met at the market and he was just selling seeds... Yura and Chiyo, ever since they first encounter there was something in the air and Yura was enchanted to met her. Probably Yehjin and Chang too. Oh my god, Hyanggi and Hyunki. IS THEIR SONG SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy Vanished when I saw your face All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
Let’s go back to Hana and Mark for a second, because Hana hated being a model and when she met Mark over the coffee shop and they became friends it was different? It was like a grown-up feeling she had, he was different from everyone on the field and he was really nice, funny... So yeah. Bomin faking the rich life that her dad wanted for her, finding something real and risky for the first time ever. Yura also, faking it, even though she was finally openly gay she still had a long way to go towards life until she met Chiyo who opened her for so many things else. And Hyanggi, who finally would have a real love thing, even though she didn’t expect it at all.
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" Across the room your silhouette Starts to make its way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks Like passing notes in secrecy And it was enchanting to meet you All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you
There is a lot of ships, but you still can see it, yes? I can. I’m still speechless by Hyanggi and Hyunki though because it blew my mind. “like passing notes in secrecy”, isn’t that them exactly? There was a total spark ever since they first crossed eyes, yes.
The lingering question kept me up 2AM, who do you love? I wonder 'til I'm wide awake And now I'm pacing back and forth Wishing you were at my door I'd open up and you would say, "Hey" It was enchanting to meet you All I know is I was enchanted to meet you
This part “who do you love”, is very Hana when she realized she was falling in love head over heels for Mark and I think that’s how she found out. She was like “really? I care about who does he love? why?” that’s when it hit her off. The door part too reminds me of Hyanggi with Hyunki, actually wishing he would take action because she had a crush on him and for the first time didn’t know how to act around a guy. 
Please don't be in love With someone else Please don't have somebody Waiting on you Please don't be in love With someone else Please don't have somebody Waiting on you
Just to finish off to say how this song connects the feelings between a lot of ships. She whispering, this is so Hana... And the fact that she is so stupid and would rather wait on him than to actually say she was in love with him, it says a lot. Also, I can totally imagine this song in the background of their romance/story, you know when you put on a song, close your eyes and you can see all the keys scenes from a ship like on a movie scene? Yeah.
Better Than Revenge
This song is between Jihu and Soonyi because: “Better Than Revenge” is rumored to be about actress Camilla Belle, who infamously stole Joe Jonas' heart while he was dating Taylor. /// Also, this is Linlin to Danbi when she thought there was something going on between her and Mingyu.
The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and I had it all, I had him right there, where I wanted him She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause She took him faster than you can say sabotage
Right? Right.
She's not a saint and she's not what you think She's an actress, whoa She's better known for the things that she does On the mattress, whoa Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys On the playground won't make you many friends She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind There is nothing I do better than revenge, HA!
The “shes not a saint, she's an actress” is so Danbi to Linlin, maybe I think that’s why Linlin never liked Danbi in the first place because Danbi is such a good girl on everyone’s else’s eyes and Linlin always thought she is fake. 
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey You might have him, but haven't you heard? I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey You might have him, but I always get the last word
Also, this part “i always get the last word” I feel like is very Jihu’s personality. 
Stay with me alright? This is a long album, I just realized it now, for god sakes... I feel like this is about Chihye, literally everyone to Chihye, because:
I guess you really did it this time Left yourself in your war path Lost your balance on a tightrope Lost your mind trying to get it back
Although this song is Taylor to Kanye, yes again. The lyrics hit me about Chihye a lot and all her trajectory of being mean without even knowing it.
Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days? Always a bigger bed to crawl into Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything And everybody believed in you?
Yes, when she had a nice life with parents and friends, and lived it big thinking she’d be rich forever until it all breaks down and she had to live in the street, surviving to a be a completely different person but having no idea how. It’s like her whole life was destinated towards tragedy and instead of fighting against it, she just let it be. 
It's alright, just wait and see Your string of lights is still bright to me Oh, who you are is not where you've been You're still an innocent
I feel this speaks a lot of Hansol and Nayoung to Chihye, like she always acted like a big baby even though she was their mother. And only they are capable to know what they’ve been through, that’s why sometimes I feel like they’d protect her because it was toxic in a way only they could understand. Also, in some aspects, this is Lian like you spoke last time, the only one who remembers her in a nice light like the “innocent” one.
Did some things you can't speak of But at night you live it all again You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now If only you had seen what you know now then
I think as Chihye was getting older and with a lot of personality disorders, Hansol couldn’t get away from her because deep down he knew she was suffering too and that she only had him who cared about her in this world. It’s strange because even though both were raised by her, Hansol had more of an understanding of Chihye’s feelings than Nayoung ever did. So he knew how hurting she got on her last years alive, how sorry she felt and how she just wished it to be over even if she didn’t say it.
Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catching days? When everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you Wasn't it beautiful running wild 'til you fell asleep Before the monsters caught up to you?
Sad, I know. I’m not gonna say anything anymore, it’s just Chihye’s last years alive. What I mean is: Rest in peace, Chihye, you really do deserve some peace after all.
What a weird song, I didn’t remember this one. Anyways, this could be Kayn and Araki but mostly I think is Jihu and Sanghee (yes, I’m gonna insist in these characters, you will see why). This could even be Kyungri about her dad, seriously.
You and I walk a fragile line I have known it all this time But I never thought I'd live to see it break It's getting dark and it's all too quiet And I can't trust anything now And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake
Seriously? The only thing I think ain’t Kayn and Araki is because of the dark twist, is like she is pledging for him not to go and this isn’t them. 
Whoa, holding my breath Won't lose you again Something's made your eyes go cold
I think this is Kyungri and her dad now, nothing is gonna change my mind.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Something's gone terribly wrong You're all I wanted Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't turn back now, I'm haunted
Last Kiss
Oh finally this album is coming to an end, it’s been almost 3 hours on the row why did I decide to talk too much?! I love this song so much for no reason at all, is just a really beautiful song and a breakup song so it’s hard because there isn’t a lot of painful breakups that we talk much as the ones we talk much... But I feel like this is Bonghu and Sanchan. Could it be Nayoung and Keun, yes? But I think is too much of a melancholic feeling for their breakup. This is more like something that happened and went on for a long time, probably Seulgi and Hailey or even at some short period Sulji and Seth. Yes, I will take responsibility for everyone that I said. But mostly, Bonghu and Sanchan definitely. 
I still remember the look on your face Lit through the darkness at 1:58 The words that you whispered For just us to know You told me you loved me So why did you go away? Away
Now it feels stupid that they had to break up at that time, but weren’t they just trying to find a reason to be free for something that they thought it would be big when in fact it really wasn’t? 
I do recall now the smell of the rain Fresh on the pavement I ran off the plane That July 9th The beat of your heart It jumps through your shirt I can still feel your arms
Haneul also listened to this for the time she spent in bed sad about her breakup with Hyuntae, but it was just for a while. She probably cried a lot to this one. 
But now I'll go sit on the floor Wearing your clothes All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss I never thought we'd have a last kiss Never imagined we'd end like this Your name, forever the name on my lips
I hate this part because it reminds me when I listened to this thinking about Nayoung and Keun’s break up and I would picture her literally using Keun’s shirt and just sitting on the floor thinking about them and every moment they had together.
I do remember the swing of your step The life of the party, you're showing off again And I roll my eyes and then You pull me in I'm not much for dancing But for you I did
Suddenly this is Seulgi and Hailey, the difference between their personalities and how much in the period they weren’t together they missed each other, not much like lovers but more as best friends as they always were. Seulgi did, in fact, a bunch of things she never thought she would for Hailey and Hailey also did things for Seulgi she’d never thought she would.
Because I love your handshake, meeting my father I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions
This reminds me of Haneul and Hyuntae a lot, but also Bonghu and Sanchan.
So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe And I keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are Hope it's nice where you are
This part! This part right here is why I said Sulji and Seth, “life in pictures” and “hope it’s nice where you are”. I don’t believe Sulji had such a melancholic feeling of their relationship like this song, but she did have good feelings for it and that’s why I said this could be them too, she recalls it nicely like the only thing that lasted well for her. And how their friendship was something beyond young kids love, so they moved on quietly and nicely for it, they were real grown-ups in their breakup, I'm proud of them for it, there wasn’t bickering like there is in almost any breakup we have.
Long Live
I’m gonna used this moment to dedicate this song for our generations in general but most important for us and our imaginary world that somehow brought us the energy to keep moving forward in our hard times, which brings us joy and that just strength this friendship to be something I never imagined. Thank you, I love you forever bro.
You held your head like a hero On a history book page It was the end of a decade But the start of an age
I feel like this couldn’t be more right, the fact that I pushed this to be on the last days of the year, the decade. To where we met almost six years ago and how we became really best friends for almost 3 years now, just imagining things that never happened but that brings us something extraordinary. We still have a long way to live and hopefully always together, so this is to you, to us!
Long live the walls we crashed through All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you I was screaming, long live all the magic we made And bring on all the pretenders One day, we will be remembered
Long live to all our stories, our dreams, our plans, ambitions, and secrets we share so deeply. I sound so melancholic in this but I have to because I feel like things are about to change but not this, the connection we have is bound to be forever and I always have to thank you for that. We are exceptional.
Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life, with you
*peace sign* I love you, Happy New Year and that we keep this friendship forever, even if things get crazy and life steps in, I hope we can always count on each other and out great imagination because that brings me faith. 
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meaeris · 7 years
So Far Away
Tumblr media
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Series - Fluff, Comedy, will get Angst
Summary: You are a happy-go-lucky rookie director, and you couldn’t know that your new job in a visual and design agency would bring you to directly work with the famous idol group “BTS”. You couldn’t neither imagine that you would grow fond of one of the members, the hot-headed and peculiar rapper Min Yoongi.
A/N: Here we are! Sorry I’m really busy these days and I shouldn’t even be here posting and writing stuff but well... ;-; New comeback is coming closer and I feel more motivated now. I hope you enjoy! Please support!
CHAPTER 5 First Song
- That's it for today, people, we'll continue tomorrow. 
There is a sigh of general relief. After arranging the equipment, the crew got ready for dinner. Yoongi was looking forward for a cool fresh shower. Later that evening and after a big dinner, the whole staff was preparing to sleep.   - Hyung, good job today, - Hoseok said to him in their room. - I think it's going to be an excellent music video. - You too. Yes, I also think so.   - I've often seen you with (yn), what did you talk about? Yoongi looked at him, surprised. - What do you think? The video, of course.   - You sure? - his friend joked, - You seemed particularly into it. - What are you talking about? Of course I was. It's our job. Don't get strange ideas, Jung Hoseok. Bang PD would get mad if we get distracted right now. - Sorry, sorry. Don't jump into conclusions. But it's rare to see you talk to girls. Yoongi puffed. He wasn't gonna go back to that topic. There was a simple job relationship between them, nothing more.   - But you can't deny she's cute. - Hoseok... I told you to-   - C'mon, what's wrong with you? We are men, it's normal to appreciate feminine beauty every now and then. Especially if it is foreign beauty. Yoongi sighed. - She's not bad I guess. Somehow, she looks like you. Hoseok seemed confused. - You mean I'm cute?   - No, idiot. I meant that you two have similar characters. She could be your sister.   - Oh, seriously? - Hoseok exclaimed perhaps too happy. - Then I absolutely have to know her better. - I surely won't stop you, - Yoongi hissed, stretching his arm toward the bedside light. - Good night.   - Good night, stubborn guy. - Guess I am. In the dark room the two young idols fell asleep very soon, despite a relatively early hour.
Yoongi woke up not much later because of a dry throats. He got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen, when he was surprised to notice he wasn't the only one still awake. The lights were on and a feminine voice came from the room. He couldn't be wrong. Someone was humming a song. He approached silently to better distinguish the words, remaining more than surprised. It was that song. He knocked and entered the kitchen to be welcomed by a surprised look of a familiar face.   - Why are you awake at this hour? - Yoongi asked, scratching his head. - Oh, Min Yoongi-ssi, - (yn) said, putting the plate in her hand back in the sink. - You almost scared me. I'm washing the dishes, the house lady felt a little sick so I'm helping as I can.   - Just call me Yoongi, let's drop these formalities. - Okay... sure. - But why are you doing it alone?   - Right?! Jihu sunbae left saying he had to do something and Bora, too, has been on the phone with her boyfriend for hours. They abandoned me. (Yn) wiped a fake tear but kept washing without complaining. - Did you need something?   - Oh, yes, but ... what song were you singing before?   - D-Did I accidentally wake you up? - Not really. I just wanted to have some water. - Well... It's embarrassing, since it's a product of yours. "So Far Away". I'm sorry to have ruined it - (yn) laughed.   - No, no, why. It was not that bad.   - Sure. - I'm serious. I'm sincere when it comes to music. You have a beautiful voice. You just miss lack of training, but I heard you have good intonation. (Yn) looked at him for a moment and turned quickly. Yoongi seemed to have seen her cheeks flush.   - If you say so... I've always liked singing, but I rarely do it in front of people. - It's normal at the beginning. It's just a matter of habit. Taehyung at first was ashamed to sing in front of a microphone.   - That Taehyung? The Vocal God? Wow, you wouldn't say that.   -  "Vocal God"? - Oh, it's just a nickname I gave him. I really like his voice. Oh, but I love yours too. I love all of your guys' voices, especially the vocal line because it's more of my jam, but of course I like rap too, but among those I think I prefer yours, and now I'm afraid I'm talking nonsense. Yoongi noticed a hint of excitement and nervousness in her words. Was it his presence? He took a chair and sat facing the chair's back. - So... how is it, "So Far Away"?   - I told you this already, but it's my favorite so far. It has a really relatable message. Sometimes it's nice to hear songs that don't talk about love. Yoongi approved that statement with all himself. - Don't you like love songs? - he asked, curious.   - It's not that I don't like them, but... it's hard to figure them out and empathize with them, in my case. Yoongi understood and didn't want to deepen the subject. Not even (yn) seemed willing to talk about it.   - Right... some water? - (yn) repeated as she finished another dish. - Yeah. Who had the brilliant idea of leaving the air conditioner on, I wonder? - There's not air conditioner working now, maybe you're just thirsty from overworking. Yoongi went towards the glass shelf, but (yn) interrupted him. - Ah, wait! Get this, just washed, at least we won't use a new one. (Yn) handed one to him and Yoongi grabbed it, touching the girl's fingers. His body was filled with strange electricity. Even (yn) looked lost for a moment. "Maybe I'm just not used to touching girls, as much as I hate to admit it" he thought. - Thank you, - he said simply. He filled his glass, cleaned it and put it in the shelf. - Then good night. Don't stay up too late.   - Sure, mom, don't worry. He disappeared into the darkness of the corridor.
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puppetwritings · 7 years
It Isn’t Love || Seungcheol || Pt. 4
Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3 // Pt. 4 // Pt. 5 // Pt. 6 // Pt. 7 // Pt. 8 // Pt. 9 // Pt. 10 (Final)
Word Count: 2860
Genre: fluff, angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au
Summary: In order to solidify and further prove the alliance of two kingdoms, the Choi Kingdom had decided to arrange a marriage between their kingdom and the Lee Kingdom. It was a great plan! Now, if only the two parties personally involved were willing…
The small boy jogged to catch up to you, a large and proud grin on his face. “That was awesome, Your Highness!”
You turned and rolled your eyes, ruffling his hair. “Jihu, you have to learn to stand up for yourself one day. What will happen when I can’t be with you?”
“I’m your servant,” Jihu said, straightening indignantly. “It was Your Highness who took me in, I won’t be leaving you at all.”
You laughed at his childish response and nodded. “That is true.”
Jihu smiled again, relief washing over him. He hopped around you, carefully treading around your skirt. “Where are we going now, Your Highness?”
“Now,” you thought for a moment, pulling out your paper fan to replace your war fan again. You slowly opened it, allowing the breeze it created to call you down. You turned and smiled at Jihu, “Now we find a hotel. We can stay there for the night.” Jihu looked at you, perplexed, “Shouldn’t we just go back to the palace?”
“But it’s the festival,” you said, closing your fan and gesturing around. You looked at him, “Don’t you want to play around at the festival?”
Jihu chewed at his lip hesitantly, his fingers twisting the end of his shirt. You chuckled fondly and ruffled his hair again, “Well, I want to play around the festival. So we’ll book a hotel today and tomorrow. We’ll go back to the palace the day of the ball!”
Jihu looked like he was going to reject your suggestion but you threw an arm over his shoulders and pulled him into a headlock. He laughed, tapping at your arm as he nodded once you pulled away. “But only until then!”
You nodded, “Of course!”
Once you booked a hotel and got to the room, you turned to Jihu. You placed a hand on his head, “I’m going to take a nap but you can go wander. Don’t forget. This is the room, okay?”
Jihu frowned, “But…”
“You can go and visit your little brothers and sisters at the orphanage,” you said. Jihu’s face lit up. You reached into your pouch and pulled out several coins and a few sheets of the paper currency before handing it to Jihu. “Give this to them as a donation for me. Use the coins to buy candy for the kids.”
Jihu looked at it with a large smile on his face and bowed, “You really are generous, Your Highness.”
You rolled your eyes and waved your hand to shoo him away, “Go, go. Just come back tonight, okay?”
Jihu nodded eagerly, carefully tucked his money into his shirt, and ran off, stomping down the steps in excitement.
You laughed, watching as he left before you turned to the hotel door and slid it open. You stepped in, walked towards one of the beds, slipped off your shoes and pulled the blankets over you before falling asleep.
When you woke up, it was night. Outside, you could hear the festive music playing loudly and when you opened the window, leaning against the windowsill to look out, you noticed the small parade going by. It was nearly the day of the ball so by this time, the parade had gotten smaller. It now included a few of the floats and a few more musicians and dancers.
You rested your arms against the windowsill and looked out in awe. It had been years since you had last seen the festival and it brought back memories from when you were young. It was good to be back though.
You closed the windows and turned to slip back into your shoes. You made sure your war fan was tucked safely in your sleeves and you grabbed your paper fan before you headed out of the room.
You got out of the hotel as the lion dancers passed by. You watched them with interest as you began to head in the opposite direction. You were going to grab something to eat.
There was a teahouse that you had passed by. It had been newly opened. You remember it being owned by another owner with a different name but now it was refurbished and even had an open air stage set up. You stepped in, walked up to the server and he began to guide you up the stairs where you could either watch the festival or watch the play. You sat to the seat closer to the play. The festival was interesting but you wanted to watch a play. You hadn’t seen one of those in a long time.  
The server took your order for which kind of tea you wanted and whatever snack you had asked for and stepped off to prepare those for you. You turned your attention back to the play, your finger tapping against the frame of your fan as you watched and your head tilted against the palm of your hand.
The story was simple and done a million times over. It was about two kingdoms and creating a marriage alliance. The prince and the princess were reluctant but they unfortunately had a duty to their kingdom. They met as strangers, became enemies, and then slowly became friends until they became lovers. It was boring but entertaining at the same time. You enjoyed these stories. It allowed your brain to rest.
Part way through the play, when one of the characters had gotten stabbed, you heard a crash. You looked up away from the play and towards the noise.
The second floor had nearly cleared now except for you and a table nearby with three young men. Everyone had gone back to enjoy the festival after their rest. Unfortunately, this made room for troublemakers like the one that was sluggishly approaching.
It was the man from earlier at the market. He was brutish, still, but his clothes were disorganized. His oily hair stuck to his flushed face and he was sweating. He reminded you a little bit of a pig who had been through a struggle. You turned away, uninterested, and lifted the smooth brown teacup to your lips.
Another crash. You heard the sound of two chairs scraping behind you and then a pause and then a voice.
“He’s not causing any trouble. Maybe he’ll pass out before he gets over here.”
“Sit down, Wonwoo, have another cup of tea,” another voice said as the two chairs scraped back against the ground.
You chuckled at the first male’s statement. Maybe he would pass out before he gets over here. That would be hilarious.
He didn’t pass out though. Instead he kept stumbling and bumping into tables and chairs. Eventually, his bloodshot unfocused eyes fell onto you and a sleazy smirk came onto his face. You ignored him. He stumbled over, tripping over his two feet and falling against your table. The assortment of nuts you had been munching jostled and fell out of the bowl, your tea splashed against your clothes. You set the cup down and glared at him.
“You’re that woman from earlier!” the man shouted, his voice almost being heard over the loud music of the festival.
“Are you drinking away your sorrows because you got beat by a girl?” you asked smoothly. Your hand was slowly reaching for your war fan.
He spat in your face.
You heard the jostle of chairs but you didn’t bother to look back. You took a deep breath and glared at him, wiping aside the saliva from your cheek. “You should apologize. You missed the floor.”
“I didn’t miss nothing,” the man slurred, leaning against the table closer towards you.
You stood, pulling out the metal fan and opening it.
“That little thing isn’t gonna hurt me.”
He stumbled forward again and as you were going to slice him, someone stepped in front of you. The man grunted as he hit the young man’s chest. He looked up in complete displeasure.
“Who’re you?”
You took this moment to take in the young man’s appearance. His skin was lightly tanned as if it was done deliberately and he had large doe eyes. His lips were a natural pink and his hair was softly curled. His build was broad, almost like a soldier, but with that pretty face you couldn’t help the doubt that curled in your stomach. That was when you saw the way his hand rested against the hilt of his sword.
“A traveler,” he answered honestly, a casual tone weaving through his voice. He had been the first one that spoke. He was the leader of the other two.
“If yer just a traveler then you best get out of my face or I’ll—“
It was fast but you were able to catch what happened. It just took a bit to process after seeing the man fall to the ground. The young man sighed, sheathing his sword and he stepped back, looking you up and down.
“Are you okay, Miss?”
“D-did you cut him?”
“No,” he unsheathed his sword again. He ran his finger over one side, “I used the side that was blunt.”
A moment later he asked again, “Are you okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine,” you nodded, still in awe at his swift attack.
He smiled sweetly, “That’s good.”
You nodded, still absentminded and then turned to him, bowing, “May I ask for my savior’s name?”
He bowed in return, “My name is Seungcheol. You are?”
“Y/N,” you replied, rising with a smile.
Seungcheol’s face flickered in surprise, “Y/N?”
You nodded. “Y/N…it’s an odd name, isn’t it?”
“No, it’s not odd. Just,” Seungcheol stared at you for a moment. “I heard the princess’s name was Y/N so I was wondering…”
“Oh, no,” you shook your head adamantly, committing to your lie. You held up your hands, “No, no, I’m not the princess. I’m a vagabond. I wouldn’t dare take up the honor of being compared to the princess.”
“A vagabond?” Seungcheol looked at you with sudden interest. “You’re an orphan?”
“Not exactly,” you hesitated. “I…ran away from home. I’ll probably return soon though but for now this is where I’m at.”
“Ah, I see,” Seungcheol nodded. He smiled, “Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Miss Vagabond.”
“And it’s a pleasure to meet you too,” you paused and then, judging by his clothes, you returned his smile and continued, “Lord Seungcheol.”
“Your H—My lord,” the mistake was quick and was fast covered up. You hadn’t noticed. Jisoo awkwardly gestured at the unconscious man, “What do we do with him?”
“Take him to the constables’ office,” Seungcheol said, massaging the back of his neck. He turned back to you and bowed again, “We’ll be taking our leave now.”
You returned the bow, “Thank you.”
Seungcheol gave you another charming smile, made sure his men had the crook securely, and began walking away. You watched him until he left the building and you settled back down in your seat. You had never thought you would be one to be saved by a handsome young lord.
“Sorry you had to deal with that. You’re an honored guest in our kingdom after all,” Jihoon sheepishly stood beside Seungcheol as he finished filling out paperwork.
“It’s fine,” Seungcheol assured Jihoon. “I just happened to be at the scene. If I had ignored something like that, it wouldn’t have sat well with my conscience anyway.”
Once he finished, he handed the papers back to the constable, who checked them over and gave Seungcheol the okay to leave. Jihoon followed him, still a little guilty.
“Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you!”
Seungcheol looked over to Jihoon curiously as he fell in step with him.
“My sister is coming back. She should be back before the ball takes place,” Jihoon said.
“Oh,” a lump suddenly formed in Seungcheol’s throat. He had never met her but he was supposed to marry her. And the thought of meeting her so soon suddenly made him nervous. It wasn’t the good fluttery kind of nervous either; it was straight up nausea.
“Nervous?” Jihoon asked, his tone bordering on amusement.
“I wouldn’t say nervous,” Seungcheol shrugged. “Just…I don’t know what to expect.”
“That’s a form of nervousness,” Jihoon pointed out. Seungcheol gave him the side-eyes and Jihoon shrugged. He gave Seungcheol a reassuring pat, “Don’t worry too much about it. When you first meet, it’ll be at the masquerade. We won’t even be properly introducing the two of you.”
“That’s,” Seungcheol gulped despite himself, “very reassuring.”
“Speaking of which we need to get you fitted for a suit,” Jihoon said as moved past the crowd that was slowly dispersing for the night. “And a mask. Depending on what suit we’ll get you that type of mask. I kind of guessed your style so there are already a few out. We just need to get you fitted.”
“And what do you think my style is?” Seungcheol asked, amused.
His answer came early in the morning, after breakfast.
Jihoon and his brothers were also getting fitted for their suits so they had taken Seungcheol and Wonwoo and Jisoo with them too. Wonwoo and Jisoo were surprised that they were also getting a suit that was fancier than just regular black ones (“You’re guests!”). Seungcheol was surprised by the extravagance of the suits.
He had expected suits that were more westernized. Actual suits. With blazers and a white button up. But instead, the suits stayed true to their culture and looked a bit like the modernized traditional clothing they wear on a day to day basis—only fancier, glossier, and slightly more bedazzled. These “suits” varied in color from a pastel pink to shades of dark shimmering blue.
Seungcheol and his party stayed away from the brighter colors that were customary of the Lee Kingdom. Instead they leaned closer to the darker tones that shimmered mysteriously—the ones that Jihoon had picked out for them.
Once they had all chosen their outfits, several sets of masks were pulled out. There were extravagant masks, masks that covered the right or left side of your face, masks that covered the top half or the lower half of your face, and masks that were simple and didn’t stand out much. Wonwoo and Jisoo chose the latter, matching their simpler clothes. Seungcheol had a bit more trouble. He had Jihoon suggesting certain masks and Wonwoo, Jisoo, Seokmin, and Dino suggesting others. There wasn’t one that really stood out to him.
Seungcheol didn’t even think any of this was necessary and he was growing tired. He rarely attended the events and parties back at home. He spent those nights with his mother or he wasn’t even in the kingdom. There was never a time where he was forced to entertain aristocrats and going through something like this now made him all the less inclined to do it more in the future.
“This one!” Chan held up a black mask. Seungcheol walked over and held it up, looking at it curiously. It was made of metal and curled from the right side of his forehead down to his left cheek. The designs were extravagant, looking like the mask had been according to a crown or some type of lace pattern.
He held it up, looking at himself in the mirror.
“It looks nice,” Jihoon said with a nod. “Good choice, Chan.”
Wonwoo helped Seungcheol tie it and then he turned around, looking at the others.
“It suits you, Your Highness. You look like a knight,” Jisoo said with a chuckle.
The others nodded in agreement and Seungcheol took it off. “I guess I’ll use this one then.”
The workers assured the princes that their suits will be delivered before the ball.
As they were leaving, a familiar face slipped in. Jihoon paused and turned, “Jihu!”
Jihu, the small boy, stopped and turned, his face lighting up. He hopped down the stairs to where Jihoon and them were standing. He bowed and greeted each prince individually before pausing at Seungcheol and his party.
“This is the Second Prince of the Choi Kingdom, Seungcheol.”
Jihu let out a small gasp and bowed lower, “Forgive me—“
“You didn’t know it was me, it’s okay,” Seungcheol said quickly.
Jihu released a breath of relief and then smiled widely. “What brings Your Highness to our kingdom?”
“We became friends so he’s visiting,” Jihoon said. He looked around, “You’re here so that means…”
“Her Highness is resting right now. She said she had a long night,” Jihu glanced at Seungcheol and then looked at Jihoon, “We will be back in the palace the day of the ball.”
“She still wants to play some more, huh?” Jihoon murmured. He turned to Seungcheol, “This is my sister’s servant boy. She found him on the streets and took him to the orphanage but he said he wanted to repay her with his life.”
Seungcheol nodded, humming at the story.
“Give her a message that we’ll be waiting for her tomorrow,” Jihoon said.
Jihu nodded and bowed once more as the princes and Seungcheol’s men left. Jihu smiled a little to himself. “So, Crowned Prince Jihoon knows how to make friends too…”
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keuncats · 5 years
Rare by Selena Gomez os (mostly) Our Characters, Ships & More.
Hello, here i am again. still very weird. but also i said our characters in the title but as those songs is about empowering women and you have a lot of more than i am, which i love all of them and that’s just me praising them, so i will try my best to speak from my heart and as you advise me too: you just gonna have to take it. and even a spoiler: theres a lot of gays couples in here too.  but here we go.
Okay, first, i’m gonna be honest with you that i already listen to this song like last week because someone leaked but was with that alvin and the squirrels voice?you know those from youtube right?so when i was listening anyways cause it was a good song and i put in repeat and i was thinking who was this song. first i was like this could be nayoung or jihu or even danbi because she had a lot of fucked up relationships. but then my mind light up and i was like: oH MY GOD THIS IS MILK!!
Baby You've been so distant from me lately And lately Don’t even wanna call you "baby"
okay because i’m talking about your character and i’m not tried to godmodding in anyways, however, as my mind imagine those scenes as a telenovela of six pm from globo tv,  and as i watch a video one time about arranged marriage i think that at least in the beginning, as a young girl minkyung must at least had this figure in her head that in the end she would fall for this great guy who would treat like a princess or something, but it was not it and turn out really awful and triggered to see as she was cheating on and other more awful things she had going through
Saw us gettin' older (Older) Burnin' toast in the toaster My ambitions were too high Waiting up for you upstairs (Upstairs) Why you act like I’m not there? Baby, right now it feels like
you probably didn’t expect for the first track going in this direction, but this song is totally about minkyung in her marriage with the lee guy i always forget the name. and the way she literally left everything to go live and marry this man and she tried her best to make that marriage and family work, which as you said once it was at the begging when their son born, but still that man after all treat her like garbage.
It feels like you don't care Why don't you recognize I'm so rare? Always there You don't do the same for me, that's not fair
even if she didn’t care to go through hell with all those spank and betrays because it was better when it was suffering than her own son, she must feel awful or even worst she felt like this was okay to happen because this was, as you said once, the only world she knew was that one where she sort of locked in a house just to take care of her son and house and plants or even as she had to get permission for him to do stuff like her degree in biology. is even sadder to think as a jeju people, minkyung was the only person in that island even if a fucked situation she was not kissed by the sun and ended being great as she got older.
I'm not gonna beg for you I'm not gonna let you make me cry (Ah, nah nah, make me cry) Not getting enough from you (No-oh) Didn't you know I'm hard to find? (Find, hard to find)
well this part is when sanchan is already a grown-up living in another place and she finally decided to divorce that motherfuck pf her husband.
I don't have it all (I don't have it all) I'm not claiming to (I'm not claiming to) But I know that I'm special (So special), yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare (Ooh yeah)
in the end of the day, she is and has every aspect of a jeju person: she is strong, kind-hearted in every ways possible and well still smile that can save people. her ex-husband didn’t appreciate her but as myself there other people like her son and her grandson who both made her their safe place, theres also seulgi who well try to avoid her but thats just because of the trauma she loves her grandma, who couldn’t? even bonghu considered minkyung her mother because she acted like one more than her mother itself. and well, even getting into 60 she found lian, who became her good friend who was someone who understood her, however, he is lian even old he flirt with her just as a joke but also not because she is great and beautiful in every aspect.
Dance Again
As you can see by the title of the song is gonna be about a dancer and we have a lot of that, huh? At first when i didn’t read the lyrics just the song i was thinking this was linlin theme song, but actually turns out as julie. like this is literally julie. genius still doesn’t have a lot of description of the song but i search for what selena said about all of the tracks of the song and she said that:  “The purpose and the meaning of this song is that you can be vulnerable, you can have all these feelings, … but now I’m ready to let loose and it’s so cheesy, but I’ve gone my step back … and it feels good.”, and this reminded me of what you said in julie’s set for perfect. and this is a song that describes her even more.
Happiness Ain't something you sit back and you wait for Mmm, ah Confidence Is throwing your heart through every brick wall Mmm, ah
this is just lyric speaking of that chandler’s quote: if i’m going down i’m gonna bring everyone with me! because well, she didn’t regret getting that dick as we saw her when dispatch exposed them and when she was going against her father and saying she got married to him. she found a guy who was more crazy and wilder than her, c’mon.
Vulnerable Ain't easy, believe me, but I go there Mmm, ah It's like I'm ten feet tall I'm high off the weight off of my shoulders Mmm, ah
and this is about after 7sins disband and her fans like: fuck she is jobless, will she ever return again? and then she made a contract with keun and became a solo artist and believer was a huge success because everyone was wondering what the fuck she is doing and she turn out the tables even if there still people who hate her and others who workship her (myself included) she still the hot topic everyone likes to talk.
I kickstart the rhythm All the trauma's in remission No, I don't need permission
and this right here i could see julie since living in the states and had to got to korea with her father, and when she enter ong how her father made her get out of there to put in another agency and she uses valak to break up with kaili,  as  in general, she was getting older, and got that attitude of her that she don’t need permission to do anything from anyone even if she was kinda of scared if her father would kill her boyfriend.
Feels so, feels so, feels so good to dance again With my emotions undressed, I'm going in (Go in) With everything (Everything) To dance again Feels so, feels so, feels so good
and with that, i rest my case.
Look At Her Now
Well, as a said before that personally this could be Kuen song but being truthful this could every woman who was betrayed and how she stronger after all just as Nayoung, Kim Yura and i’m realizing now how this also totally about Soonyi and Jihu. I take responsibility for all of those.
They fell in love one summer A little too wild for each other Shiny 'til it wasn't Feels good 'til it doesn't It was her first real lover His too 'til he had another Oh, God, when she found out Trust levels went way down
I mean you can totally see that guy is nameless and how he abused of nayoung who was still young and didn’t realize this was abuse itself because she found him a good friend as she was working in dramas and made her feel good so she fell for him more than anything and would do anything for him to like her no matter what always until she discovers he was hooking up with Kim Yura too which i don’t know but as a male predator that he is he made her feel the same way even she was a lesbian and i don’t know about her other relationships but i know she fell for a lot of wrong people so that part of first real lover could be her crush on nayoung. And well, Kuen also had a nameless not exactly as nayoung, he was just a singer from a band that she mad in love with she even stop talking with her family and friends because she wanted to be with this dude and him well cheated on her but she did too but it was a back and forth toxic relationship. As Soonyi and Jihu both being about Sanghee but in different aspects, because Sanghee in the begging was like her best friend who would have sex with and with another person until a baby came and even she wanted to get an abortion, Sanghee assure her to not to that because he would take care of the baby with her so she did it and accepted to marry him because since college she had sort of feeling for him, she truly loved him and there a lot of good times in their marriage thats why she was not just sad but very much angry at him for had another one because he could at least talk to her about that as when they were going and she would be cool with that but no she went against her back and was with Soonyi, and this other is not a saint she knew exactly what she was doing but she got pregnant and well trust levels went down with Sanghee too she didn’t obligate him doing nothing that was main part of him.
Fast nights that got him That new life was his problem Not saying she was perfect Still regrets that moment Like that night Wasn't wrong, wasn't right, yeah What a thing to be human (What a thing to be human) Made her more of a woman (Made her more of a woman)
This give me flashbacks of that thread of Keun and Nayoung in the club when it was born the: Kim Yura i thought you moved to Japan. Also flashbacks of Kim Yura having sex with nameless. But i think this verse speak more for Soonyi than anyone, those nights she would have sex with Sanghee in the hospital and everything
She knows she'll find love (She knows) Only if she wants it She knows she'll find love (She knows) She knows she'll find love (She knows) Only if she wants it She knows she'll find love (She knows) On the up from the way down Look at her now, watch her go
And to finish this up. As i am the partner of those women, i’m happy of them being extremely strong and being a better a person and deserved to in the end deserve true love. yes, i was speaking this mostly to Nayoung and Kim Yura but also for Kuen. Soonyi, well, you made him sortar of a good man.
Lose You To Love Me
This is again a song about Nayoung. I don’t know if you want me to explain this, we know her history, you more than me since you wait to show me Dear John to speak more about her relationship with nameless. UPDATE: Hansol and Nayoung about her dear mother too.
You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah
Again this is about her and nameless and how she was so over hills to him to the point to make diets just because he told her she was fat. she did everything for him because it was the first person who showed affection to her (or it was what she was thinking it was)
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
And this is more about Keun than Nameless. Well, maybe the part of hate you more of being from Nameless but also how she used that to have the strength to broke up with Keun in that day.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me
Again more about Keun and well how she went to therapy after they broke up and she discovers her more about herself in there to become the person better much version of her we know.
I gave my all and they all know it Then you tore me down and now it's showing In two months, you replaced us Like it was easy Made me think I deserved it In the thick of healing, yeah
There’s no men who are worth it. I said this because both Nameless and Keun went out there giving their dicks out. Of course Nameless did it worst, but Keun attitude of making a whole album made her that bitch was maybe at the same level of make her think she deserve everything bad when she was just trying to healing.
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us
Oh FINALLY not a heartbreak song. so anyways, this song i will not talk to much (i believe) but when i listen to the song this could be any bad bitch but because this song remembers me of Kyungri solo when WNDR debut i’m gonna be selfish and say this is her song. She is your ultimate bias, so take it.
You all in your feelings, baby, all into me I'm one in a billion, baby, don't you agree?
Obviously, you know, I'm aware of that I'm breakin' hearts like a heart attack Got him right where the carats at
As Selena Gomez said:   “Ring is sassy. I don’t know if I can say the real meaning behind it [on here]. … The point of it is it’s a confidence. … It’s all about feeling good about myself and being able to kind of be intimidating to guys”, which is speak to me of Kyungri. It just made me remember how every male trainee was afraid of going into her even if all agreed she was hot.
Wrapped 'round my finger like a ring, ring, ring They just like puppets on a string, string, string I put it down, they call me up They doin' way too much So I'll just let it ring, ring, ring (Oh-oh)
THIS APPLIED ALSO FOR SULJI WOw that whore. Wait My miND REMINDE me of jinhyung going to ask her out and he was like: “i’m korean”. but this is about every guy ever kyungri messed with just because she was thinking how men are stupid and it was so funny. thats why not just jinhyung, but every guy who her mom made going to a date with or a random guy she met and she had fun with them, not names mention cause they really are that random of the universe even linlin and wndr didnt knew much about them imagine us. but we know even dating she made a pact with her boyfriend to flirt with other just for fun and not getting anything because it was fun to mess around with people. 
Yeah, I received your message, all twenty-three (Twenty-three)
You know I'm Jordan with it, G-O-A-T (G-O-A-T)
and this is about her birthday when jinhyung send those messages. it was funny. and sulji with dino probably.
Circlin' me, they just like satellites (Ooh) Circlin' me all day and every night (Ooh, yeah) Circlin' me, I'm sure you sympathize (Ooh) A-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Ooh) Oh, na-na
i believe this is also the song you thought sulji would listen to it, imma right? i just imagine she is the shit. which she is because well even stupid she made seth, dino, nurse guy and as you once said she made out with jack.
This song was the hardest to think of someone else. First, because i’m trying to find one for Linlin. Second, i was like: no, okay, this song is about Danbi. But in the very end i realized this about Minhye.
If I give you every piece of me, I know that you could drop it Give you the chance, I know that you could take advantage once you got it If I open up my heart to you, I know that you could lock it Throw away the key, and keep it there forever in your pocket If I give the opportunity to you, then would you blow it? If I was the greatest thing to happen to you, would you know it? If my love was like a flower, would you plant it? Would you grow it? I'ma give you all my body, are you strong enough to hold it?
As far from Danbi, i tought of her because, again, she had a lot of relationships and not very good one, especially that one who took her money, so it understandable of how she was one step back of being with Daehyun at the beginning because she had been through a lot since her family problems and her taking care of her dad and her sisters and already getting another guy who wouldn’t help her out with converted or at least easying her mind, it was worth? she needed it, maybe it was daehyun but she needs to take care of herself first.
If I show you all my demons, and we dive into the deep end Would we crash and burn like every time before? I would tell you all my secrets, wrap your arms around my weakness If the only other option's letting go
and about minhye, this is more her to jukan after college or any guy ever, as she could look bad at his point of view for just had sex with for two times and move on but still because she is got through a lot with her mom suicide and her whole life is a mystery but it is a fucked life she went so sharing those stuff is a hard and well jukan don’t look like the exact caring type of guy because he was an idiot back then but somehow him just love her helped and also how she overcome being this successful influencer with her business.
If I hand you my emotions, would you even wanna take it? (Would you even wanna take it? Yeah) If I give you all my trust, then would you fumble it and break it? (Mm, mm, mm, mm) If I let you cross my finish line, then would you wanna make it? (What you wanna make it, what you wanna make it?) I think I'm ready, won't you come and flip the switch and activate it? (Ooh)
Now this also could be Jinah because she is also someone who went trough some shit and we didn’t see her crying about even once. she is also someone who was very much strong and how she was a prostitute as object for a lot of men to find love even that person was bokyum was beautiful and also she gave up this life to go to college and became a psychology.
If the only other option's letting go I'll stay vulnerable
People You Know.
This song can have a lot of meanings, not just as lovers but as friends or even family too. Thats one of the reasons even if the song looks to me about Hansol and Chan-u, Anna and Kuen, this is mostly about Chihye and Inna and could be even also about Eleanor and her sister. Let me show you.
You were runnin' through me like water Now the feeling's leavin' me dry These days, we couldn't be farther So how’s it feel to be on the other side?
This is where i thought of the couples because well one of them got to move or travel to other places and the other just was there moving with life also but coming back and seeing how things changed.
So many wasted (Wasted) Nights with (Nights with) you (You) I still can taste it (Taste it) I hate it, wish I could take it back 'cause
This couls be Chihye over Inna seeing that she stop being friends with her when she got poor. This is also gonna become more Eleanor centered. Because those lyrics i believe was when she was fighting a lot with her sister or sort of when their dad died but also i think more when her sister decided to take those pictures of her and zeev making sex in the bathtub and show to the internet to make money from it.
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't
this is inna point of view i believe, when she discovers chihye ended up marrying the guy she liked and that person who runs away with her daughter and also the one who she loved was too and even put a detective to find her, isn't? woW
When it was good, we were on fire Now I'm breathin' ashes and dust I always wanna get higher I never know when enough is enough
This look to me Hansol and Chanu so, let me just add here.
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't
Personally, as i have an older sister myself i can assure that idolizing them and want to become like them is very real thats why i feel for eleanor when she asked keun to not made her sister going to jail. because even she tried to screw up her relationship, she was her family, she was one of the first people she interacts in the world with, she was her first best friend and how they went crazy drunk parties it happened with them. i actually don’t know much, because my vision is the same as zeev’s of it, i can just feel empathy from it and just think how much it felt for eleanor to have this big figure she loved to do something very mean. Thats it.
Let Me Get Me.
Okay, so as this song selena sings about overcoming her mental illness and feeling a sense of freedom of the thoughts of her heard. this could be also about Linlin? yes, but because the rhythm of the song i believe this song speaks more about Seulgi.
Like a prayer surroundin' us, movin' effortlessly Every word is relief I'm in dance floor therapy, all my babies and me But tonight, it's for free No self-sabotage, no letting my thoughts run Me and this spiral are done Burn this camouflage I've been wearing for months Tryna let a little happy in for once
This is much more about last year, which theoretically speaking in our minds was the year that her brother basically tried to killed himself, also days after she kissed her best friend out nowhere and even she ignored it looked like it was gonna be a horrible year for this girl especially with her depression but it was also the year of a lot of comebacks, and tour, and syrch. so it ended up being an amazing time for seulgi because not only she got the money, she got new friends, she got even the girl, she got to go to new places who wouldn’t made think of the tragedy part of her life, which made her try to be her she thought it went away.
Diving in ferociously, dancing intimately I'm so connected to me In the dark, I'm letting go, so anonymously I guess this is what it feels like to be free
this is you making badgalseulgi ans saying you were the most close to the real seulgi then ever before. but also i belive those lyrics hits harder if you think this is about moving on aside from wndr and her relationship with hailey and her archive what she wants more for her.
Don't get me down, I won't let me get me (Ooh) Don't get me down, I won't let me get me (Ooh) I'm good right now, I won't let me get me Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out
this is literally her fighting her depression and grow of it each day because she knows theres much more that the world can afford her and this is what her parents would be happy she would do. which they are but not just them or me but also every person she is close it cheers for her and is proud of her. even herself because of how depression sometimes can appear even in your best days but seulgi was strong and turn it inside-out.
Crowded Room
Is gonna start being a lot more romantic as now. At first, i try not to think of men but this song sounds to me like Clay and Allen, but this is also about Yura and Chiyo and oh my GOD now after i was saying about seulgi this is also the girlfriends. Before i think of other people let me explain those three gays couples.
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
This makes me remember of that party of when clay and allen met, actually the whole song remembers me of the day. plus, also them living together and being goofy idk. and how this song is repetitive this will gonna explain the others couples later.
It started polite, out on thin ice 'Til you came over to break it I threw you a line and you were mine
for me this is literally them texting each other and allen like: wanna sext xD. but this is also yura in japan and having this instant connection with chiyo and she just trying play cool but also flirting and chiyo doing the same. as from the girlfriends, this could be about when they were just friends and then the kiss happened and you know what went next.
Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe I guess that is our combination Said you feel lost, well, so do I
this right here i think its very much seulgi and hailey, its like their march band, you know? but this is also allen and clay’s march band and how they went dating and how clay was so in love with him even if has his first experience with a boy and felt so good with him that made thinking about himself and how he wanted to do with his future and with allen on it. and yura and chiyo because of how much homophobia they had to go through for those other gays can be free to love.
So won't you call me in the morning? I think that you should call me in the morning If you feel the same 'cause
exactly, in wich couple in there theres at least one foreign that live away or had to go to another place. so,,, this is mostly allen and chiyo after met and talking with their lovers and just wanted more because they like them. seulgi and hailey well because they miss each other even just as friends, isn't?
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
so now i  will explain more because for me this is also Yura and Chiyo, well they had to face a lot together because its a  new decade now but people are not open-minded as we thought they would, but it was worth getting to it and fighting for their rights because they were together in this, the two of them and didn't matter of anything. i'm not just talking about marriage or adoption but everything
Engulfed in the flames Engulfed in the shame Betrayed by your imagination In over my head, but that's alright
oh, this is hailey getting through stuff after the kiss but also seulgi when she figured out she was gay, same as kim yura, and this is clay in the dorm thinking about the harvad boy.
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room (Oh) Baby, it's just me and you
and now as for the girlfriends. i can totally imagine sonders making those videos with this song on twitter with all their moments together in the tour, in wndr tv, fansign or even just walking in the airport.  even if they were the couple that had more people surround them, they also were the last couple to have like the opportunity to be  open to the media, but they didn't care or even wanted that because the thing that matters was just that they would stick together.
The world keeps on spinning, but I ain't dizzy yet, yeah The more that you give, give, give, give, the more that you get
you know, all those three couples made each other feel like what they have couldn't be real because it felt so good and this could really happen to people like them (your muses mostly)? all of them feel free but also both of those three couples facing up stuff together in the relationship and thats beautiful.
You make the whole room feel slow-motion You make me feel like I'm drowning in a potion Closed off, tryna get a little open The more that I give, the more that I get So baby, I'ma call you in the AM You're down for my love, honey, say when I be waitin' on my time 'cause I'm patient
again, you can see how easy-going they made feel to each other, but this rap i believe is more my characters to you?? chiyo was there even facing nameless, she was with yura for everything and yura deserved somebody who would stick with her and love her, thats why theres the part of i'm patient. and this is hailey didn't care if they were together as friends or girlfriends but in the end she knew they would be together again because its their connection. and this is allen moving to south korea just to be more close to lay and date him for real.
Kinda Crazy
Another who was hard to think about but them it come to mind: This is Anna and Kuen, yes i warn you theres just gays in here. But also Linlin and Mingyu
Hey, you started out sweeter than hard candy Words were like licorice to the taste But slowly, all the sugar, it went to waste Went to waste Oh, you started getting funny with no jokes I started seein' through you like a ghost And now I'm pretty sure I can't take no more I can't take no more-ore
This is literally Kuen in the other side of the world had to be point out to be the person Anna was talking in her songs, such as Bbibbi, which was not very much lovable ones. Which i said that she could had feel sorry for messing with her but also she was very much angry with her because she didn't exactly talk to her she just decided her songs as she sings about her experiences. And this is clearly Mingyu and Linlin because of all the fights they had and Mingyu couldn't a lot with Linlin ways sometimes
I think you're kind of crazy And not the good kind, baby 'Cause you're actin' super shady You know it, you know it Been dodgin' phone calls lately But still textin' me, "Baby" Yeah, I think you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it You've been lyin' just for fun Luckily, no damage done But now I see you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it
This is about every chat of mingyu and linlin we had but also kuen still angry but both of those would still text each other like nothing happen ,,,, until,,,
Hey, you're the one who started talkin' to me Made the move, asked me to be your babe And now you're treatin' me like I'm insane You're insane
THIS IS ANNA PAYBACK IN THis song and how she had to take kuen changing her to those white dudes but still would play with her heart and going but you are my oldest friend :-(( and she had enough as she should #goanna. AnD ALSO LINLIN'S BECAUSE mingyu acting like mister right but always would come to her place still or even going to another country, yes men sucks my men are the same as the real ones.
I think you're kind of crazy And not the good kind, baby 'Cause you're actin' super shady You know it, you know it Been dodgin' phone calls lately But still textin' me, "Baby" Yeah, I think you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it You've been lyin' just for fun Luckily, no damage done But now I see you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it
they ended up marrying each other.
This is totally Chan-u and Hansol but i'm gonna be bold here and put one of the newest ships since i talk a lot about lesbians in here so this is also Gigi and Park.
This is just what the doctor ordered (Yeah) Put a gold star on my disorder Yeah, we've talked around every corner If I'm lookin' at you and me, we're on some kind of symmetry
Because you said Gigi took some medicine because she had some kinda of problem but she took and have cool parents i thought this is hit more than the bipolar of Chan-u.
I'm a sensitive situation (Mmm) You're a hot and cold combination Oh, we both know we got complications (Mmm)
No need to explain about chanu and hansol in here. and i know we have seven more new ships ver much new and stuff to think about it. i don't know if park has complications, she just a crazy chick who likes to do stuff and doesn't care about much, she is very much like chihye when she was young and rich, you know? she just reckless.
I try not to bother, not to bother you (Ah) But my kind of trouble likes your trouble too (Ah)
and this is just Gigi, because  Chanu is a brat he doesn't care if would bother or not, same as Hansol. Oh my god i realized now he is chihye's son too.
Can we keep it on a first name basis? (Ah) We could overcrowd each other's spaces You get me higher than my medication Take me to different places, let's face it, I'm gettin' impatient (Ah)
again, as you said about gigi having problems with her mental health it made me think, park wouldn't be like: stop doing, party, fuck, blabla, you know? i don't know even if she even knew but if she knows she would respect her as the same, she is very much feeling and just wanted to have a good time. ANd YOU KNOW ABOUT THE GAYS.
Cut You Off
Now, finally, as the album is ending, this is about Haneul and her breakup with Hyuntae but more specific when she decided to stop shadying him
Pull up to the mirror, staring at my face Gotta chop-chop all the extra weight I've been carrying for fourteen-hundred-sixty days Gotta, gotta, gotta clean my slate
Is a song about moving on and feeling better by yourself, which haneul did eventually after stage of crying, denying, songwriting, hate, all of that after one sex with john. i think thats is incredible. just kidding eventually she would do that.
And I might as well just tell you while I'm drunk, yeah The truth is that I think I've had enough Professionally messin' with my trust How could I confuse that shit for love?
and this is about that day hyuntae tried to talk to her and said he loved her and she throw champgne in his face, as she had a lot of reasons to react like that because she was heartbroken over a text message, his long-time friend who became her first real love doing this way? she deserves more respect for that. this also is about the date she got drunk in chinese with seth.
So I gotta get You out my head now I just cut you off You out my head now I just cut you off When I'm without you I don't overthink it, I just carry on, get You out my head now I just cut you off
this was written by haneul. haneul worked with selena.
Sweeter Place
OH MY FUCKIN GOD I WAS WATING FOR A SONG ABOUT THIS WOMAN AND IT WAS THE LAST TRACK? CRIST SAKEs. If you don't know i'm talking about Linlin and this song talks about Selena's struggle with anxiety, so yeah.
Is there a place where I can hide away? Red lips, french kiss my worries all away There must be a sweeter place We can sugarcoat the taste Sweeter place There must be a sweeter—
this is very much about i believe when she is alone in her own thoughts after a fight with mingyu maybe or someone else but anyways how her life is a lot of times upside down.
So lemme tell ya Ooh, got two feet on the ground and felt what real is like What it was like Livin' out of the scene, out in the wild Learnin' to breathe Up in the clouds, far from the crowds I can't believe I can be loud Holdin' hands with the darkness and knowin' my heart is allowed Allowed
This is again her and her discovering her anxiety in the medical field of her agency. i can't talk much about that because you know. but this is selena accepting it and being unapologetic about it and thats much very linlin.
As I fantasize So much to see, I'm in paradise, oh, I Always seems I'm new inside Deep, deep down in me, I go now, baby, born to fly, oh, I Now see, how could it be? We will find our way, we'll find the things we seek, ooh-ee You see, I'm mesmerized This is just for me and I am cuttin' ties, goodbye Ooh, no, no, no, no
oh this also could be feat chanu, cause this is the rapper part and the rapper also had struggles with even got into rehab for it? anyways, chanu and linlin are very much a like thats why they are friends and sometimes they could even talk about those stuff idk what i'm saying now. love those motherfuckers
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mvrtille · 8 years
@pyogus !
( god, is this the beginning of a childish’s tantrum? ) was Jihu’s very first thought, the very moment Iseul’s last word slipped past her lips. The man had asked one ( damn )  s i m p l e  question, one of those which was requiring a  s i m p l e  answer, something like a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. Nothing worth an entire speech of how  u n b e l i e v a b l e his request could be. But Jihu should’ve known better - chicks were known to be overly dramatic. Even more when boys were bringing up the ‘sex’ topic. The boy heaved a sigh, which sounded like it had been held in for too long, and his gaze returned to the contents of his plate. ( these fries are disgusting.. ) « Why are you feeling so  d a m n  offended, my other female friends simply answered, » if this wasn’t sparkling even more animosity ( and perhaps the wish to answer the damn question ) on Iseul’s side, the blonde male didn’t know what would. 
His reaction only threw her off even more and by now she was fumbling with the napkin that had been folded neatly and tucked beneath the rim of her own plate. Iseul was known to be rather straight forward with what she said and did, but topics such as sex and other intimate things; she had learned to keep quiet about, to the point she now felt shy if someone brought it up. So really, she wasn’t offended, she was just subtly embarrassed by how easily he threw out a question like that and expected her to act relaxed about it. The female reached up and rubbed her fingertips against the back of her neck in a timid manner, cleared her throat and remained silent for another brief moment. Then she looked at him, let her head tip to the side ever so slightly, her eyes now curious. ❝Okay first of all-- I am not just one of your other female friends, okay, you should know by now.❞ Just where did she think this was going? ❝Second of all-- good, fine, I’ll answer. But tell me first, why do you even want to know?❞
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