#me looking at my minifigures on my desk going “if only”
ravenrambles6229 · 7 months
the primal urge to be a ninja in a world where instead you must pay taxes
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hoohoobeanie · 3 months
“so if anyone would like to hear anything that i didnt put into the fic, or only hinted at, pls come into my ask box.”
Pleaseee tell me things 🥺
aaa im glad ppl want to hear abt it
so here are some things that didn't go into run her hands through my hair (spourtney fic)
courtney has definitely many times before been very attracted to spencer but didn't realise because they thought people just have those thoughts about their friends
trevor picked up the way that courtney acts around spencer way before the tntl, he just didn't know if he should bring it up
going off of that, everyone at the office is aware of the way courtney flirts with spencer, but they've grown accustomed to it and kind of thought she was doing it on purpose?
i alluded to it at the end (and i may be writing a spencer pov sequel) but spencer has had feelings for courtney for years. the only person who he's told is kiana but everyone else has pretty much sussed him out.
spencer is freaking out through all of courtney's intentional flirting in the fic. they fix his hair and he almost dies on the spot. he offers them his jacket and he is feeling so cold after but it doesn't matter because at least courtney is warm and she's in his jacket and she looks so good holy shit
spencer is for sure texting kiana throughout the internal breakdown hes having all night. the morning after spourt kiss (and definitely more) he just forwards kiana the photo of them at the bar with "me and the gf" and kiana blows UP his phone.
courtney definitely brings up the fact that her awakening was the backwards hat. he wears it more often now just to fuck with her.
courtney keeps the lego minifigure on her desk
guys pls let me know if u would read a spencer pov sequel. i have such big spourt brainrot theyre so sweet.
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clutchpowers · 2 years
what Lego sets do you recommend because I wanna save up for some and I want something recommended that is a bit cheap and not to pricy but high quality and amazing! also love ur content
DAMB thats kind of a toughie!! it all really depends on what appeals to you!! if you like tiny one offs, sets that you can further customize down the line, whether you're more interested in the minifigure/pieces so you can set up your own mini display, etc.
BUT if you want my personal onions here are some sets i like/have!!! (also thank you :'^O)
VALENTINES PICNIC - though this one is pricy now if youre lucky to find it cheaper its def a cute set to have on display with your fav characters or OCs hanging out!!
CHRISTMAS TOWN SQUARE - another one thats gone up in price BUT any of the recent christmas tree ones could to as well if you wanna have up a little display for the holidays!! also goes great with the christmas train ride :^D i have mine set up with fairy lights so it looks like an actual festive tree during the season hehe
CITY ICE CREAM TUCK - dunno if you like building cars but i find them pretty relaxing! plus i like this one more than other ice cream tucks theyve put out because its so simple yet so colorful and cartoony. love the little ice cream on top of the truck so much
3-1 CREATOR SPACE SHUTTLE - not city i know but recent city has been space so ANYWAY if you like space/spacheships this is a good one!! one of the few 3-1s i like plus every alt build looks good too, and because of the alt builds you can totally change it up whenever you feel like it!
3-1 SWEET SURPRISES - again gone up in price but if you find one a cute little set you can absolutely expand yourself by adding more tables or setting it in a park like area!
TREE PLANTING VEHICLE - adorable little greenhouse set i love the detail on it plus its very vibrant.
J.B.'s GHOST LAB - the only HS set i have sadly BUT its such a good little set especially for the price and it was tons of fun to build!! i still have it set up on top of my desk and i love it so much
yeah i know me and my homies hate ninjago too
STREET RACE OF SNAKE JAGUAR - gone up in price BUT genuinely good set if you ever find one in the wild def one to snag up, looks so cool on display
LEGACY SAMURAI X MEC - i am a die hard nya samurai X stan and though the old classic set i love because of how chonky it is THIS ONE is so cute. i have this up with my other ninjago mechs and it fits in perfectly
KAIS MECH JET - another cool mech i love, its gone up a bit but still kinda worth it imo but really that all depends on if you like him lmao
THRONE ROOM SHOWDOWN - GONE UP IN PRICE but genuinely one of my favorite sets that i own if not for the throne and harumi alone its so fucking cool and i love it
WHITE DRAGON HORSE BIKE - this set goes hard alone for meis sick ass bike god i love her bike so much
and yeah those are some of the ""cheap"""" sets i can kinda recommend rn if only because others are either discontinued/theme is too old at this point, or expensive, and also i dunno your personal taste! i hope you find a set thats right for you!! sorry if my recommendations are kinda bad.. im a but more into getting minifig and set pieces so i can crate my own little displays or buy show sets cus its from a season/character i like but im also into polybags and those tiny builds! ALSO if you like some of what the sets have to offer (minifigures/pieces) but dont wanna shell out the cash for it i suggest going to bricks and pieces and looking up the set number and just adding it to your cart and going from there!!
and besides.. why save up for any of those awful sets when you should be buying the only set that matters on this earth ;^)
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melancholic-cloud · 6 years
I think we should rule out commitment for now, cause we’re falling apart | François | CHP6 Trial ATTN: ALL
He paused to at least break everything up, his throat was dry and he was still bitter and angry. He really wanted to be done with this already but pausing was necessary. “In VR there was the chapel, which caused physical sickness, and had a monitor in the cell Sachiko died in showing off her death. She was lying on the ground tied up in vines, covered in cuts and water and looking to be in immense pain. A shotput ball tied to a vine falls on her head. It stays on her like that for a second then loops. After we turned away from where her body was located the fake body fell down from wherever in the exact spot we found her. This repeats for all the rooms that we found bodies in, and also the game modders room where you can put your minifigure in the Observatory to activate Ochako’s death monitor and a minifigure of her body drops in her stead. The acting room also had the sickness there. But it was near the monitor for building sets, about right beside it, and like a fool I forgot to check it for anything. I just wanted out of there after the body appeared. On top of the fixer’s room’s desk was the contact card for Taro. Taro, strength hacking, weakness contained in the Game Modder Room. In the cabinets were more cards, some recognizable.”
Another short pause before a rapid fire. “Sasaki, specialties: hacking, information gathering; weaknesses doesn't work in person, difficult to contact. Katsumi Sakamoto, specialties heavy lifting, hacking, dagger throwing; weaknesses difficult to convince to help you, has difficulty being involved with death. Hozuki Sakamoto, specialties speed, sniping, has her own equipment; weaknesses child and stands out, bad for crowd stealth. Tatsuki Yanagi, specialties connections, dagger throwing; weaknesses old and retired from yakuza work, will not act directly. Sasaki Yuzuki, specialties hand-to-hand combat, disarming, and interrogation assistant; weaknesses easily angered, and has a hard time removing emotions from work. Takara Hiiragi, specialties sword-wielding and melee combat; weaknesses well-known, difficult for low-profile jobs, and is not good with public speaking. Kosei Yosano, specialties will do just about anything for the thrill of it, and is athletically capable; weaknesses does not reliably follow orders, is prone to backstabbing. Campana Suona, specialties thievery and stealth; weaknesses known for deserting, is distractible.”
“Moving to the the game modders room, the VR pod was open and running. The game inside was 'Taro Simulator', and playing the game revealed that the arch nemesis asked Taro 'their little hacker friend' to help them with a death game. From the sounds of it they may have lied to get their way, since telling the truth gets you a bad end. The informants room caused a little bit of sickness, and that would be because the dresser in there had this lock box-” he didn’t bother being gentle, practically tossing the locked box onto the floor. “It has an electronic lock. Being in the first aid room causes actual physical pain, not the sickness from the other rooms, but nothing else was in there. In the zoo keepers room you spawn in the middle of an enclosure between two cages. A cage with a black bear, and a cage with a bear and a rabbit. In the teachers lounge on top of the foosball table was what looked like a deck of cards. White box saying nothing but ‘outside’ on it, and inside the code cards. Double sided, one side red one blue. 'Where would your contacts put the curtain? - Anonymin Theatre' was the message. Inside with the cards was also the keycard to the lock box.” One again he opens the lock box, pulling out the gun. He considers tossing it out on the floor but it would be a shame if it went off and shot two people. “The gun has a barrel on each side, meaning shooting it would shoot yourself. It’s a handgun, and it’s loaded.”
Criss, he really wished he brought at water bottle, talking this much well this full of rage was taxing. It left his stomach unsettled, slightly more than the damn box and gun. “The art room also caused some sickness, being caused by the window in the back. You could open the window and walk right through. From there you’re in a white passageway and then it ends in a room. There is only a table and chair in the room, and under the table is carved ‘Chris Eades-Kiane King-Hisako Inoue-Isamu Kimura’. In the library we found these authors in the catalogues. C.E. Life and Freedom; K.K. Astonished, Picturesque, and Vanished; H.I. Those Who do not Study History and Thrice in a Lifetime; I. K. Always, All Ways. Life and Freedom is a memoir, and is in non-fiction. The other three are YA. The clue I got from the machine gave us the right names. Walking near the books they pours out a sick feeling, and opening them to the right pages caused clicking noises. Opening all of them to the right pages caused the secret room at the top of the library to open. You walk through a pitch black hallway and then are greeted with ‘the hell room’. The entire room, furniture included, were grayscale. There were a few couches sitting around a large coffee table in the center of the room. On the coffee table, there was a ransom note reading, 'Hell.' A flat screen TV hung from one of the walls, and some potted plants decorated the rest of the room. In one of the potted plants there is a pistol loaded with one bullet. A camera hung over the TV. There is a door and an access point in there. The TV screen once turned on had a slightly staticy black background with red comic sans text over it saying 'see you in hell'. The camera above the TV had a red blinking light on it, maybe meaning it was on. It was completely attached to the wall. Maybe that was where the  videos Xeno took were recorded, who knows. The access point was like the others except that we didn't have permission to use it.”
“In the waiters room if you turned on the button a simulation would start were two people there to eat a meal with each other both had nut allergies. Then they they both try to order each other food with nuts in them. Bringing them the food kills them. The poet’s room was set to the loneliness setting, upon entering. That cancels out all senses other than touch. In the theatre you could check the movie listings and find untitled 1 through 4. Xeno addresses the world talking about Reina's death. They say everyone should know that it's another killing game. They say they are the one behind the last two, and this one. They say 'I am the one that will destroy this world, and all living upon it. I am the one pulling all the strings, manipulating this world into its current state. The Despair Movement, the Resistance. Everything belongs to me. I am Xeno.' Then they same they won't just do killing games using HPA students, but with 'the rest of the world' until their demands are met. Then they cop out and don't say the demands. They say they want to know what people think their demands are and to offer them what they can. Then they start the next one with 'what's up bastards?  It's your favourite motherfucker Xeno' as if they were not trashy enough. They were like a different person in this one though, the first they were all ridiculously over the top but serious anime villain and this time they sound like some let's player or something. All high energy and 'hip' slang. 'The way the most of you ignored me earlier isn’t cool, you know?' Ugh. Then they yell violently Next Motive, and say the randomization motive. Then they get all lethargic and say it's a boring motive but say that they're a real deal and not 'a poser' and then they say 'Maybe next time, you’ll take me more fuckin’ seriously.' As if anyone could when they are speaking like that? Then they want people to heed their initial words and they say goodbye. Then next time they are also high energy but it's more childish and bubbly. Then they ask if everyone liked the motive and say ' saw how starry-eyed many of you were when the motive was revealed. It was so cute!' Ugh they even call the audience 'my lovelies' Then they say they have a present for everyone and they say it's a schedule. 'I’m thinking that just hosting a bunch of killing games would get boring, so we have to spice things up with a bit of variety, right? So you know that movie? Paw? The one about a dog in a clown mask named Jigpaw that kidnaps people and puts them into death traps that they have to escape from or else they die andhedoesitbecausehewantstorehabilitatepeople? I want to copy that idea.' Then they giggle. Then they say they're going to make their 'little despair lambs' join in on the fun. They'll be the first in the new game. Then a 'traditional one' then 'a sports one maybe' and they want Resistance members to be in that one. They they say they 'hope to see you all try to appease me' and give say 'Byyyeeee~'" He looks more and more angry and disgusted the longer he recounts the videos. “Then it opens up with them in the dented mask. They're acting all meek and shy or depressed, I don't know. 'I don’t know how to say this, but, thank you for the entertainment.' They say it makes them happy, but what everyone thinks of them is saddening 'but at least your moving right?'. Disgusting. Then they sigh real hard. Then they talk about how people are interested in joining them, and how they are flattered. That the volunteers made them think they should start recruiting people. 'f you want to join me, then please do what my first allies did, and, in front of any camera, hold a red piece of paper out that says you want to work with me. I have enough power to see those efforts, but I am only human, so I might miss a few of you.' They say not to let people see them do it, because they don't want them getting hurt. Then as an after thought they explain their motivation for this. 'Well, I’m just looking for entertainment. What’s more entertaining than seeing others fight for their lives? It’s… It’s so… inspiring, and it really gets you excited. I’m hosting all of these games in pursuit of that entertainment.' And that is it, that is everything I was privy to.”
"If you want my honest opinion before I am no longer a part of this for good, I had thought everything I found had pointed to Ren except the videos which seemed like Yuki, and I didn't like it. But I rid my hands of this trial. I refuse to be a part of this for any longer." He turned to glare at Max, raising one hand and waving sharply. “Good luck I do not want to say anything further.”
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