#me using ig like Facebook u know what whatever I like it and I’m literally wifey
limeade-l3sbian · 8 months
in regards to your social media and privacy reblog, i wanted to add my experience. i grew up on social media. it really started getting big when i was around 10-ish years old, so from then on, everyone shared their thoughts and feelings on facebook and gave pictures into their lives and intimacy on ig. obviously as time has moved, which sites are big has changed but it was the popular thing to do already then. i wasn’t one for sharing more than perhaps a selfie back then. then as i grew older i started using twitter and that’s when i was introduced to sharing literally every thought ppl have. whereas on facebook people seemed a bit more filtered, perhaps bc it’s potentially something family sees, on twitter ppl are completely unfiltered at times. it was cool for teenage me. but through the years, as i tried to partake in it, i just admit for some reason my anxiety really grew. i had a harder time keeping friendships online, i started being scared of saying anything, i started being paranoid. and none of this was bc i had experienced bad stuff due to this but i had seen it happen to many people around me enough times that it set enough of an example. social media was really a hassle for me for years. i used it bc it was expected but i was an anxious wreck. i would be overly paranoid constantly bc i felt like i had to constantly share myself to what was essentially complete strangers, even if i “knew” them. reality is i didn’t really KNOW them.
i’ve now completely stopped using social media with public accounts. i have a tumblr to browse. i have a twitter to browse. but i never write anything publicly. and it’s made me feel so much less exposed. so much better. i rest within myself now in a new way. i totally recommend everyone to just drop being active on social media. i’m not saying to delete apps or whatever bc nowadays so much happens online that u lose a huge chunk of current event if u aren’t online in some capacity(though it’s completely doable if u have a rich social life irl). but having stopped feeling the need to post and partake in this constant.. what felt like facade? is so nice. freeing
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joonsbagchaser · 2 months
I'm not tryna be rude I just hate how you came at me adding me on Facebook and shit like ???? Like what did I do to YOU ?? To be coming at me but once I returned the same energy you went and told on me saying I was bullying you when you Came at me FIRST
i genuinely think we need to talk someone else just to settle things down instead of a public ask box, the only memory i have of us is you adding me on snapchat and then we argued. i admit i went off on you the wrong way and i apologize for that.i got extremely defensive because of an ego issue and i see that. you don’t have to accept the apology either because i understand i made you go through a lot. i also notice that i was immature, i shouldn’t have been proud of the things i said. i know you said words don’t mean much to you, but i was 15 and REALLY didn’t know better. i was extremely immature and dumb and didn’t have knowledge nor social skills to justify what’s right and wrong. that can’t excuse any of my actions in the past but i’d like you to know that i do not think nor feel that way anymore. i’m just as tired as you are. i feel arguing is pointless especially for a guy i give zero fucks about. arguing for a situation that hasn’t had any issues happen for YEARS is pointless. i have a couple things to clarify but i’d like that in private instead. just tell me ur preferred messaging and we can talk things through if you’d like. if you don’t want to that’s also fine. i can’t force you to want to forgive me or forget as i understand it upset you and that u want to see me dead or whatever but i literally just want to hang w my friend normally. i’m not “appearing in your life” for the purpose to upset you or anything, we have a common connection through a friend and that is that. i don’t like having unnecessary drama. you can also chose to ignore this and i wont blame you. whatever choice you make i understand. there is no winning or losing an argument here, just something that should be mended. or not if you don’t want to that’s also fine ig… maybe im putting too much effort into this
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princesspandoranil · 2 years
I’m sorry I just can’t see Steve with Nancy. Like Steve is the mom. Nancy? A father? I don’t think so. Steve needs to marry a man (Eddie) or an absolute lumberjack emotionally distant (b4 they work on that) and sarcastic werewolf of a woman.
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nyakusan · 6 years
tagged by @lovekuramas ! ty :-)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 15 people
1. drink - tea :~)
2. 📱 call -  my mom probably
3. text - a couple of friends! (about hanging out i think)
4. song you listened to - no clue what the eng title is but its a vocaloid song cover by eve
5. time you 😢 - like this morning because the wind was blowing in my face
6. dated someone twice - no 7. 😘 someone and regretted it - :-) 8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - not really
10. been depressed - mmmm not really
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - underage drinking is bad!
12. any sort of. dark-ish red
13. uhh??? purples
14. jade? green
15. h i dont know!
in the last year have you
16. made new friends - yes sir
17. fallen out of 💛 - :-)
18. 😂 until you 😢 - oh yes 19. found out someone was talking about you - no
20. met someone who changed you - not really hm
21. found out who your friends are - like my friends are secretly vampires or something? :~) 22. 😘 someone on your facebook friends list - No One Uses Facebook Anymore
23. how many friends from your fb friends list do you know irl - No One Uses Facebook Anymore
24. do you have any pets - i sure do! i have one of those black and white cats (he has a big fat mole on his nose) and his name is zorro bc the pattern on his face resembles zorro’s (the old movie character) mask
25. do you want to change your middle name - dont have one
26. what did you do for your last 🎂 - well . i played some pokemon bc my dad bought me x as my present and he made a cheesecake that he thought failed but tasted pretty good to me
27. what time did you wake up today - 7:30 :-) thank god for later school times, i usually wake up at 6:30
28. what were you doing last night at midnight - listening to some cronchy asmr 29. what is something you can’t wait for - uh?!? getting my history final/ap exam over with
30. what are you listening to right now - world.search(you) by mili ! its a banger
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - perhaps i have
32. something that gets on your nerves - when people like.......walk really slowly and in the middle of a narrow sidewalk/path/whatever, especially if theyre walking side by side god i hate that so much
33. most visited website - tumblr(?)
34. hair color - a solid black 35. long hair or short hair - short?? its like. at my armpits
36. do you have a crush on someone - hm
37. what do you like about yourself - idk? there’s nothing that i particularly like but ig........i can read music??? lmao
38. want any piercings - i might get more on my ears?? i dont think anything else would look good on me
39. blood type - cool question? uh a+
40. nicknames - i. dont know! lets say anri is a nickname since its not my real name
41. relationship status - :-)
42. zodiac - aquarius
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favorite 📺 show - uhhh no clue, i dont really watch shows these days
45. tattoos - maybe. just maybe. but i already know my parents (or mom, at least) arent into that 46. right handed or left - left
47. ever had surgery - i have had teeth surgery, if that counts
48. piercings - just the standard one on each earlobe 49. sports - oh man i used to do tennis but then i Stopped lol im lazy
50. vacation - like where i want to go? south america :D
51. trainers - you mean the shoes??? no sir i dont wear them
52. eating - just ate some yum dinner
53. drinking - none ;-)
54. i’m about to watch - fnljsdljnflgjsd idk 
55. waiting for - uh spring break
56. want - those little moss ball things??? i Want
57. get married - that sure is a lot of commitment 
58. career - graphic designer hehe
59. kisses or hugs - hugs!
60. 👄 or eyes - eyes!
61. shorter or taller - no preference!
62. older or younger - just. literally anything that isnt too much of a gap
63. nice arms or stomach - i dont care about either one?
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker is cool but like, dont die
66. 😘 a stranger - no  
67. drank hard liquor - underage drinking is bad!
68. lost glasses - no
69. turned someone down - mnjlh? maybe not sure
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someone’s ❤️- i have no clue.?
72. had your 💔 - again i have. no clue fjkgbfkd
73. been arrested - no
74. 😢 when someone died - never experienced someone i know dying
75. fallen for a friend - hm
76. yourself - when im eating Good? sure
77. miracles - i suppose
78. 💛 at first sight - yes? maybe? like how do u know its Love but then again, i only know how i feel about things
79. 🎅 - no
80. 😘 on a first date - no
81. angels - no
82. best friend’s name - uh! idk man
83. eye color - very dark brown. like on the verge of black
84. favorite movie - princess mononoke! and also coco kshkfdsf
85. favorite actor - no clue! probably no one :-)
tagging @malmaratus bc she complained about me tagging all her mutuals 
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nostaligic88 · 4 years
!I’m not sure why I’m writing this, but I feel like I have the need to do it anyway.
I have my therapy appointment tomorrow, so I want to discuss about what I’ve been through for the past two weeks for preparation. 
I want to start off with what happened today (7/27) because it affected me in a way that made cry:
I came to work ready to do my thing but we all detected Citlalli was off. It doesn’t take words to realize that. Body language is inevitable and shows what the person is feeling. But long story short, Elliot talked to us at the end about what happened. I found out that I hurt Alisha because of my tone or something else. I take full responsibility for that because that it never my intention to throw her off. But i did. But a part of me blames Citllali for starting off bad because she does not allow us to help her out. And that ticked me off because when she gets like that she literally shuts down and work becomes unpleasant and harder. I told her that but she does not apologize at all. Instead she does what she always do, walk away in a bad note with the “fuck it i quit. bye.” that’s just so unprofessional because we will see each other all again on Friday and we just want to get finish our tasks the best way we can. Leaving on a bad note doesn’t allow that for happen. I apologized to Alisha as soon as I felt guilty. She said is okay but is truly not. I just want her forgiveness... but I also forgive myself.
On our way home Elliot and I discussed about our day and other stuff and we went home on a good note. Him and I tend to discuss and talk things out because that’s just the kind of persons we are for some reason. He said interesting things and I take note of them. Things like: I should eventually talk to my mom and my brother. Things like: Im my own person with my own opinions. Things like: He went outta pocket. Things like: He definitely sees that and that has almost everything with the way he treats me with violence. Things like: he has anger problems. 
I got home. I said good night to mother. Then it was just me thinking about Citllali and Alisha....thinking about my family... thinking that I have to face them....eventually. Thinking about why am I in this position....I felt so stressed about it that I cried. Sitting on the couch, resting my head in my hands, letting my tears pour over my cheeks, I surrendered to my feelings. I was asking for help. I found myself asking for Jesus Christ to come help me because I want to keep living. I have a future and I want to be in it so come help my lord and guide me through this turbulence for I know is temporary. I did this because I have faith...for my future ya know?
I was overwhelmed at that moment of surrender. I grabbed my laptop and here I am... typing, writing about my day because I want to go to work on Friday better than I have before. Please Lord I want this. Help me. 
Well that was today... but I want to write about one more thing. I want to write about what happened to me this, Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday. Just facts. 
Sunday afternoon, I asked if I can ride with Edgar and his friends (nothing new) and he said yes. As I was getting ready, putting on my clothes, grabbing my camera, and all that, Edgar tells me “come but don’t come here with your bad vibe.” I said “what? what do you mean?” I was hurt. “I don’t know” he said. “But thats what angel and charlie told me”
“About what?”
“They said you was mad at them giving them a whole nasty atttiude that day on the garage?”
“Because I was on the phone? thats my garage anyway I can feel whatever I want. In fact, they were the angel was the one giving me a whole attitude as if I cant act all surprise for seeing them in my garage?”
Edgar ignored me and walked away.
I stayed home and I didnt go. I was upset. I was angry. I was hurt. I felt betrayed. I was fed up. Home alone... I wrote a facebook post about it.
I wrote what happened exactly in two paragraphs with the intention of having my brother read it. 
He found out and sent me an very rude and abbrut text message, calling me childish for writing it on facebook. (right but lets not forget your hyprocite ass for writing a whole IG post about Saul xD but thats fine right because is you? no...) I dont feel sorry for chosing the way I express myself because after all I am a writer and you my brother are not a listener. You are not. Because I have SEEN it myself. In fact, you wholly admitted that you thrashed your bike in front of your ex just for “talking heavy” (that is a clear anger problem)
and yet, you demand me to talk to you. No brother. I deserved an apology for disrepecting me.
That was Sunday. 
Monday came and I woke up to Angel confronting me “hey you got a problem with me and edgar? wassup? whats up?” all confrontational and shit. Excuse me? what do you have to do with me and edgar? nothing. so shut the fuck up. yall are exactly alike. impulsive. emotional. act based on emotional state and dont use ur brains. your like little babies. fuck off. get blocked.
This proved to me that Edgar talks shit about me to his little teenage boys. I know thats true and i don’t forget that day you humiliated me infront of them and my boyfriend because I forgot my wallet.
I do not forget that day you demanded money aand interrp[uted my therapy session 
I do not forget thart day you fucked made me and amy whole fmaily sacred as shit because you broke th4e law lost 2000 dollars from my pops and you gegt away wit it!@!!!!!!!!!! AND I SUFFER FROM NYOUR DISRECXPECT. I9M FUCKING DONE!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU1!!!!!!
Let alone how you treated my brother luis over the uber accounts!!!~! I WAS NOT IN FAVOR WITH YOUR BEHAVIOUR BUT YOU ALWAYS GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING. is my family that made you like that but you must be blamed for it too. 
You betrayed me after all that i did for you, You talk shit behind my back because what? i dont pay rent? you claim you’re better than my family but youre a machista for saying that. because youre the breadwinner you entitiled to disrespect your sister=? you might have learned that from my father. but i wont let you do it again to me. 
i have endured phsyucal violance from ym father, my mother, my brother tony. and im tired of being bullied by you. im your sister. love me. respect me. u have a choice. 
Last thing, you disrespected me and my boyfreidn at the same time with that message. How dare you talk to him like that? You don’t even know him. When have you ever found me talk to you girl like that over our own problems? I never because I know respect. Would you like that to happen to you? Tell your girl about our problems? I don’t tjhink so becuase NO ONE DOES. 
In the end, “I’m thankful. Because now I know what I must do”.
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regulusarcblack · 7 years
Hi I'd like to say/ask a couple of quick tings. 1) Love your friendship with @twoghostsaccustic, did you really meet like that? Did you really have the idea for the HP au cause I 💙 it? Do you write other ships/ fandom's? what WIP did you post I can't find them on your blog and finally you have 15 fics going HOW THE FUCK does your ppl keep up,@twoghostsaccustic writes herself and your beta's mega busy with lots of writers where do they find time to check all dos fics? Keep being cool dear 💞
ok first things first: thank you for your lovely ask!!!!! :D gotta love those. anyway, no, right now i’m not writing other ships or fandoms but i have a shitton of fandoms so who knows haha. why? do you have one in mind? hmu if u do. dude i ask myself that as well haha but i have this list of fics i wanna write and i dunno man. i dunno. i guess steph and sammie @britpickerhl just really love me?? hahaha or maybe i force them you’ll never know
anyway here are my wips (they’re really wips i totally abandoned them lmao):
the p&p au that never was
steph’s gift (from last year)
damn i’m good with names (not)
and since u asked..... here we go......
HISTORY TIME: how did me and @twoghostsacoustic meet??? sit down people cuz we gonna go down memory lane
w e l l in case yall havent realized yet (i doubt it lmao) me and steph are polar opposite. like, she times the day and time she will do smth, i made 3 of my last exams in grad school with borrowed pens because i had forgotten mine. there was one day she was the only student in class, i literally failed 15 classes because of absence. she works hard, plays (QUESTIONABLE MUSIC) hard and is kind. i’m a lazy and mean bitch (WITH AWESOME MUSIC TASTE).
basically, this is a story about slytherin meets hufflepuff.
S O back in 2011 we both made the TERRIBLE mistake of chosing international relations to be our grad course and in 2012 we both passed for the same uni. yayy!! congrats past us for being nerds. so comes freshmen week and lo and behold!!!!! there she is, my girl steph, with her lovely curls and a purple shirt (I STILL REMEMBER OK) among other people i got to meet that first week.
remember the “i’m a bitch” part? yeah, she was the only one i kept talking to. everyone else i just forgot they existed.
so past this first week, there we are, classes from monday to friday, about 30 people in our classes. mind you that first semester i went to almost (almost) every class so we saw each other all the time, talked and all, but we weren’t as close as we are today. i would talk to her and also everyone else because, you see, my girl was the quiet type in class, very serious, work hard type. i barely had a notebook, so i had to do our group projects with my kind of people - the procrastinators.
((can you imagine steph doing a school project 4am the day we had to present it? no you can’t because she’s not this type. literally the only group work i didn’t do 4am the day it was due was the one i made with her LMAO))
so how did we get here?
drarry, my dude. it was all because of drarry.
you see, we were in between classes with a group of friends and we were talking about harry potter (all the friends i have are because of hp god bless u scarhead) and one of the people in this group was a high school friend of mine and she already knew i was a slasher so i just said “guys harry should have ended up with draco, end of discussion”
now, it may have been night time, but i swear the angels sang and there was a halo of light illuminating our table when i heard this voice say:
“yes, of course. always.”
ah no wait, wrong curly person.
anyway. she agreed. we looked at each other like BANG! HOLY FUCK I WAS RIGHT THAT EMO SHIT IS A FANGIRL.
and fangirl we were. basically we talked non stop about how drarry and sirem (wolfstar) were the main couples of hp and how everyone else was wrong. so the gateway was opened.
we exchanged tumblr urls, that’s how headfirst we dived after that day.
since then, we shared fandoms, all of then. tom hiddleston thirst? we got that. 1d? mate, we dragged each other to this hellhole. mcu? we watched loads of movies together, same with star wats, b99, whatever. 
we’re there. we reached that point.
besides all this fandom drama we also got involved with each others personal drama so mix those up and BOOM. friendship for LYF. 
she was there when i got bit by an ant and fell down on the pool like a victorian lady. it was awful and i wish i could forget that but @thiccstan doesn’t let me forget it.
anyway. i even bought her a hufflepuff pin and her 1d mug and she bought me my slytherin cup. we’re tight, my man. so tight. as tight as my-
and then i love to tell her about my headcanons. MY GOD have i told her about pwp plotbunnies, i swear if i havent made steph at least 13% kinkier i have failed my mission in life. so anyway one of those days i was talking to her (either at her house, at whatsapp, or tumblr, or facebook, or on one of our 3 shared gc, or ig) and i said “dude i have this hpau listen me out” and so it began. it’s been a year already lmao so yayyy happy bday m&w!!!!
so yeah. we’ve been friends since 2012. seen all, done all. so just to point some of the shit we’ve done together:
1 - written a 200k+ fanfic
2 - graduated together, from the literal first week of college to the literal last week
3 - ate poutine (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
4 - went to the movies SO MANY TIMES 
5 - dealt with each other’s depression cuz listen my dude it ain’t a homie if she ain’t telling u about those bad days
6 - i threw up at her house once lmao fucked up gallbladder am i right my dudes
7 - i literally dreamt about both of us getting matching tattoos lmao (also we woke up together to listen to sott no judgements BUT IT WAS 4AM OK WHO ELSE WAS GONNA BE THERE BUT US FOR US)
so yeah. she a cool one.
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imanes · 3 years
do you think that "influencers" and celebs should speak out about "political issues"? (putting it in brackets bc. it's clearly an understatement n not accurate but idk how to word it) re: palestine? cause i've seen a lot of people be like "yeah they shouldn't talk about it if they're not educated or if they're just doing it for the trend" (even tho at this point its been so all over social media that ppl cant use the "im not educated enough" excuse anymore) n all and i guess it's a fair point and all but also? idk when i'm on social media and i see ppl talking about what's happening in palestine, and then i scroll down and see ppl be like omg new haul uwu! vlog with my friends! and thats just so???? idk. idk what to think bc on the other hand ofc performative activism is bad ykw? (like....re: blm ppl just posting a black square on their ig....) but i don't know what to think about it and i would love to hear your thoughts!!!
inchresting question to which i have no concrete answer to provide (except a lot of ramblings) because it is a thorny subject related to the ubiquity of digital society and the social weight we give to a certain class of people who frame their existence as something that could represent us but actually doesn't at all. and everybody and their mother - including me - has an opinion on it but at the end of the day it's just an opinion, not an empirical fact to be presented, and not even one i think about a lot bc it isn't a primary concern of mine on a day to day basis. so i'm like not looking for a debate with some random tumblr user (not talking about u anon, but talking about whoever might care too much about my inconsequential opinion) bc this is a question i'm answering, not a question i'm asking so to anyone tempted to "well according to the encyclopedia of pfppspfpsp" me, make ur own post!
i guess we can start with "should influencers/celebrities/people who are famous by virtue of being well-known even exist and should we lend weight to their words?" the answer to that may vary from person to person but social media accounts with a very large following can indeed turn tides with regard to socio-political crises, such as demonstrated by bella hadid who single-handedly educated a whole generation of south-korean netizens through her posts on palestine so we can see the good effects of that. now obviously bella hadid is personally concerned by the ethnic cleansing of palestine and has a lot more at stake than say rihanna with her all lives matter bullshit statement (someone said "saudi dick must be potent" but i think it has more to do with her contract with puma who is actually on the BDS list) or even jameela jamil who has a terminal case of "everything must be about me always".
people can say whatever they want about what well-known ppl are allowed to speak about or not but i'll just remind that these "influencers" and whatnot are people and they're bound to want to talk about stuff, especially when it is relevant or when prompted by their own following, because literally everybody with an account on a social media platform expresses their opinions about smt at one point or another in time. that includes random ppl on facebook commenting under news with their stale hot takes. famous ppl or "influencers" are no different.
I'll also say that "influence" only goes so far so I'm not *particulary* concerned with whatever whoever that i don't take seriously says. let me take the queen of talking out of her ass jameela jamil as a case study for this. people who agreed with her bizarre and narcissistic takes are already bound to agree with her because people flock to opinions that are similar to theirs. in my opinion that is not influence, that is attracting similar weirdos in your sphere and consequently creating impenetrable echo chambers of idiocy. did her stale ass take become a "consensus" amongst the indecisive? i don't know for sure bc i haven't run a survey but my assumption is that people who have critical thinking skills were rightfully put off by her rancid take and called her out publicly for it, providing sources and information, which i think is visible enough for anyone 2 look through. and people who like her talk and think out of their asses were like "wow preach i've been saying!" so they are themselves inconsequential.
so in my opinion it is less about influencing - because at this point i think someone can be influenced by a single person into buying a product but your fave singer is not going to make you buy into their ideology just because they released one lukewarm-at-best statement - and more about signaling where you stand. when viola davis and idris elba (amongst many others) stated that they stood by palestine, they made it clear that they stood against apartheid and ethnic cleansing and people who already agreed on these basic principles saluted their stance. do i believe they changed anybody's mind? not really, that is the job of well-informed people such as activists disseminating information and other people sharing the info. do i think that mark ruffalo lost all credibility with his flip-flopping? absolutely, and it doesn't reflect back on palestine, it reflects badly on HIM. we're in an era where people are bombarded with so much information from all sides that one person saying something is a drop in a bucket no matter how famous they are. this is also why we say that israhell lost the PR war. we were and are too loud 2 be ignored now and a few celebrities showcasing how inane they are doesn't change anything. the famous-ppl-market is too saturated for their opinion to matter a whoooole lot. support is appreciated but not hailed as the second-coming jesus u know what i mean?
to address ur final point about finding it weird that some people flat-out ignore some stuff while you are neck-deep into it, I think it's an understandable situation to find yourself in and as subhi taha said, it just looks tacky. i think it should be your cue to just unfollow whoever doesn't align with your interest content-wise. i unfollowed a loooot of people lately because of that like I really didn't give a fuck about Michelle phan's cryptocurrency peddling (which was already yikes on principle) in the midst of real-time live-stream decolonisation and liberation struggles against apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and at this point I don't think I can go back to caring about using social media for frivolous things (except cats and memes account bc they bring me joy) and following bigger accounts that are trying 2 sell me some shit, because I've changed in the past weeks, one could say I've become more "radical" (lol) and I'm ready to sustain an online space that caters to my concerns and abandon all content that I indeed find tacky in between two posts that talk about some serious shit. it's not to say I'll never post a pic of the sunset on Instagram again or that I don't consume content that has literally nothing to do with informing myself and disseminating information on decolonisation and anti-capitalism (I literally watch study vlogs from med students to unwind lol), or that "everybody should use their account in this specific way because it's the only one that is valid" (it's not and i don't care what other ppl do) but u are obviously dissatisfied with ur feed for valid reasons and while some ppl may not share your opinion it doesn't mean that you shouldn't take steps to make ur user experience less jarring.
it's again just an *opinion*, not a to-do list or smt that i'd ever want 2 present as a "fact", at the end of the day everybody curates their online spaces the way they want to and if you find your current configuration to be distasteful, that's understandable. and everybody is entitled to believe that celebrities/influencers/glorified sellers of products and lifestyles and disorders talking or not talking about certain things can be harmful or beneficial, as there are arguments and examples for and against it and i am personally not interested in participating the debate even tho i wrote a long ass text about it akjdlkfjgd I'm sorry about this u might be regretting ever asking me this question. hope i made sense!
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Keke Palmer Responds To August Alsina’s Clapback Amid The Jada Pinkett Smith ‘Entanglement’ Drama
Keke Palmer and August Alsina got into it on social media during the aftermath of the Jada Pinkett Smith “entanglement” drama. Get it all inside…
The Internet has been in a frenzy since Jada Pinkett Smith sat down with her husband Will Smith to discuss her affair with R&B singer August Alsina on her Facebook Watch Series, “Red Table Talk.” After August revealed he had received Will’s blessing to date his wife, Jada announced she was bringing herself to the red table to clear up everything.
During the conversation, the Girls Trip actress admitted she did in fact engage in a romantic relationship with August, which she dubbed an “entanglement.” The Internet has been cutting up with the use of the word. And yes, we’ve rounded up all the crazy memes.
Before Jada dropped her ultimate “Red Table Talk” episode, Keke responded to Jada’s tweet about bringing herself to the table:
After the juicy episode dropped, everyone - and we mean everyone - had something to say.
As everyone was sharing their opinions and theories about Jada & August’s relationship, the HUSTLERS star also joined in too. After Jada’s “Red Table Talk” episode dropped, Keke tweeted::
The theme is boundaries. Everybody doesn’t need to know your business, that’s not fake it’s honoring one’s privacy.
— Keke Palmer (@KekePalmer) July 10, 2020
”The theme is boundaries. Everybody doesn’t need to know your business, that’s not fake it’s honoring one’s privacy.”
Now, she didn’t mention names, but fans assumed she may have been dropping subliminals aimed at August and his situation:
Protect your partner. Protect your privacy. Protect your peace.
— Keke Palmer (@KekePalmer) July 10, 2020
https://t.co/CX9wtwdMcq pic.twitter.com/w8drum8NHB
— Keke Palmer (@KekePalmer) July 10, 2020
August... https://t.co/7DwSUrJDVG
— Lord Terisa (@TerisaSmurf) July 10, 2020
— Keke Palmer (@KekePalmer) July 10, 2020
A few years ago, there were rumors that Keke and August were dating after she posted a picture of herself with August in the driver's seat letting her fans know he cooks some good fried chicken.
A Twitter user posted the picture (then deleted) and asked, "This you?"
Keke responded to the tweet, confirming August was never her boyfriend:
Yes girl. August was never my man lol. That’s why you’re still reaching to this day to figure out nothing. https://t.co/NBi5oKIaB3
— Keke Palmer (@KekePalmer) July 10, 2020
"August was never my man lol. That’s why you’re still reaching to this day to figure out nothing," the Brotherly Love actress tweeted.
August - who recently released his new album The Product III: stateofEMERGEncy. - caught wind of Palmer's response and swiftly clapped back with his own thoughts on the matter.
U absolutely right.I was NEVER ur man. You could possibly never shortie. It seems u mad u got curved, but ur “friends” r the reason 4 that.Dey showed me an endless thread of txt/pics of me dat u sent, wrry’d abt who i date &BEGGED me 2 not further disturb ur mental instability. https://t.co/8JATP8RVlA
— August Alsina (@AugustAlsina) July 10, 2020
"U absolutely right.I was NEVER ur man," he responded. "You could possibly never shortie. It seems u mad u got curved, but ur 'friends' r the reason 4 that. Dey showed me an endless thread of txt/pics of me dat u sent, wrry’d abt who i date &BEGGED me 2 not further disturb ur mental instability," he tweeted.
And he didn't stop there:
Imagine not knowing how to mind the business that pay you. I catch all the subliminals. (Not just about today) & you can call me whatever you like, Mess is constantly inserting yourself in topics you have nun to do w/. Go play w/ ya MAMMY! Not me!
— August Alsina (@AugustAlsina) July 10, 2020
"Imagine not knowing how to mind the business that pay you. I catch all the subliminals. (Not just about today) & you can call me whatever you like, Mess is constantly inserting yourself in topics you have nun to do w/. Go play w/ ya MAMMY! Not me!," he tweeted.
If you have something to say, say it w/ ya CHEST kids. It’s always very perplexing cause I real deal be showing people genuine love. Whole time that envy eating ya lil heart. Anyway, NEXT!!
— August Alsina (@AugustAlsina) July 10, 2020
"If you have something to say, say it w/ ya CHEST kids," he continued in another tweet. "It’s always very perplexing cause I real deal be showing people genuine love. Whole time that envy eating ya lil heart. Anyway, NEXT!!"
A fan accused August of going off on any female who "tries him" right now and he said that wasn't the case:
Nah, I’m literally not. I actually fucked w/ KeKe. So to see her covertly speaking subliminal shade around my name over the past week Is deeply perplex. I don’t and never have had a problem w/ the girl. It’s always been Virgo love! So to see that is a mind fuck to me. https://t.co/dPgTx8wJuH
— August Alsina (@AugustAlsina) July 11, 2020
"Nah, I’m literally not. I actually fucked w/ KeKe. So to see her covertly speaking subliminal shade around my name over the past week Is deeply perplex. I don’t and never have had a problem w/ the girl. It’s always been Virgo love! So to see that is a mind fuck to me," August tweeted.
The PIMP actress saw August's responses and seemingly decided to take the high road, noting she didn't want to attack him while he was already going through a rough patch.
        View this post on Instagram
                  I wanna be mean, but I can’t. I want to post screenshots, but I won’t. I feel attacked, but It’s not about me. It’s about so much more than that and as much as I want to defend myself against the disrespect I have received(cause I mean I’m not nice all the time) this is about something so much bigger. I wouldn’t feel good kicking someone when they are down because it’s so easy to attack when you’re in a corner, I get it. People be hurting y’all and most of the time it has nothing to do with you. I can’t fuck up my karma worried about my ego, though I’m human and I have one. Just know I am that bitch despite what my humility may make one believe. I don’t have to beg or be thirsty for a damn thing because my talent speaks louder than my looks. Let the cheek be turned pooh’s, my character is too strong.
A post shared by BIG BOSS (@keke) on Jul 10, 2020 at 7:16pm PDT
"I wanna be mean, but I can’t. I want to post screenshots, but I won’t. I feel attacked, but It’s not about me," Keke wrote on Instagram. "It’s about so much more than that and as much as I want to defend myself against the disrespect I have received(cause I mean I’m not nice all the time) this is about something so much bigger"
"I wouldn’t feel good kicking someone when they are down because it’s so easy to attack when you’re in a corner, I get it," she wrote. "People be hurting y’all and most of the time it has nothing to do with you."
Read her full response above. There's that.
Like we said, the Internet has ZERO chill and has been cutting all the way up with these "entanglement" memes. Get your laugh on below!
  Photos: Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock.com/August’s IG
Now This Is The Story All About 'Entanglement': A Collection of Reaction MEMES To Will Smith & Jada Pinkett-Smith Sit Down On The RTT!
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/07/11/keke-palmer-responds-to-august-alsina%E2%80%99s-clapback-amid-jada-pinket-smith-%E2%80%98entanglement%E2%80%99-dr
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