#me visibly crying leaning on the desk and panting for breath like i'm sorry. this is so embarrassing.
crimeronan · 1 year
getting to the hospital for lung tests but needing to walk uphill to get there and being in actual literal tears by the time i got to the information desk. EMBARRASSING.
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ilici · 4 years
kitty, kitty, kitty.
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Gogywasfound's 1K event here: click here !
Summary: You and Karl rarely argue, and the one time you do, he is streaming. So he punishes you, after he finishes his stream.
GN reader !
Warnings: Degrading, cat maid outfit, biting, gagging, choking.
Word Count: 2138
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Karl was already in a bad mood from Quackity and Sapnap teasing him about his relationship with Y/N. They kept repeating, "Karl is a simp", "Karl's the bottom in the relationship for sure.", "I bet Karl literally whines when he doesn't have Y/N's attention." Finally after a while, he snapped at them telling them to quit. They did, noticing he wasn't joking, although twitch chat thought it would be funny to come up with the nickname, 'Whiney boy Karl'. Y/N on the other hand was watching his stream from their shared bedroom, and they found it hilarious as it was all true. Karl was the bottom in the relationship, he would always beg for attention and would turn bratty if Y/N ignored him, and Karl was indeed a simp.
Taking it upon themself to go and bother Karl personally, Y/N got up out of bed and made their way to Karl's streaming room. Karl's fans have seen Y/N on multiple occasions, whether it was them giving food to Karl, keeping Karl company while he streamed, or even joining him on the stream, it wasn't abnormal for Y/N to just randomly pop up. When Karl's door open, he cautiously looked over as Y/N entered the room with a mischievous glint in their eyes. When the two would argue, it would be once in a blue moon, as they knew each others limits and boundaries. But it was never a pretty sight when they argued, as Karl is one to never truly show his feelings, he would finally let them all out when he was arguing.
He would scream, cry, and even go as far as to ignoring them for days on end. Y/N was a different story, they never really showed much emotion when arguing, nor did they show it when they were not arguing. Y/N was not the best at showing emotions due to childhood trauma, which Karl soon helped on, to the point where Y/N would only show genuine happiness around Karl. Now was one of those moments, where Y/N showed their emotions, which was mischievous. Karl already didn't want to deal with their antics as he was still a bit upset from Quackity and Sapnap's bit. "Hi bubba." Y/N greeted, walking over to Karl, and sitting down on the floor. Karl nodded his head in acknowledgment, as he pretended to focus on Minecraft.
Not liking his reaction, Y/N rolled their eyes and spoke up, "What's this 'Whiney boy Karl' ordeal about?" They asked, already knowing the answer. They just wanted to get a reaction from him, and Karl shifted trying to contain his emotions. "I don't know, something chat made up." He said dryly, hoping Y/N would drop the subject. "Obviously, but how do they know you're whiney?" Y/N asked once more, and Karl closed his eyes inhaling sharply. "Shut up." He muttered under his breath, Y/N hearing, but the mic didn't pick it up. Taking this as an invitation, Y/N shrugged and looked around aimlessly, "But it's true, why are you getting so worked up?" They said, which caused Karl to slam his hand down on his desk.
"You really don't know when to shut up, do you?" He said, deathly calm, which shocked Y/N as he was always one to yell during their arguments. "What's wrong with telling the truth? You shouldn't lie to your fans." Y/N argued back, and Karl threw his headset off, which startled the two people that were in a call with him. "What the hell is going on over there?" Sapnap asked, as the two clicked on his stream to see what was happening. Karl had muted on discord, but forgot to mute his actual mic, so the stream could hear and see everything. "Oh? Tell the truth? Okay, sure." He scoffed, moving his gaming chair away from him roughly.
Y/N rolled their eyes, and flipped him off, "You are an asshole, I was joking around and you snapped on me. What the fuck is your problem?" They said, now angry, and Karl laughed shaking his head. "You know what you were doing. You came in here to purposely anger me." Karl said, stepping dangerously close to Y/N, "Holy shit, this is getting good." Quackity said, and Sapnap laughed a bit as he has witnessed a fight between the two before. "So what if I did?" Y/N said, grabbing Karl's shirt collar pulling him closer with a harsh glare. "I bet you did it because you're wanting me to fuck the absolute shit out of you." He whispered, so that his mic wouldn't pick it up, and Y/N visibly gulped.
"What the fuck did he say to them?" Quackity asked, and Sapnap hummed, "You may be short, but that isn't the only thing short on you. So is your temper." Sapnap said, making up random sentences as the two whispered between each other. "What if I want you to?" Y/N asked, looking at Karl's lips as he licked them hungrily. "Go get fucking dressed you attention whore." He whispered in their ear, and Y/N walked out of the room red faced. Everyone assumed it was from anger, but Karl knew what it was from. "Sorry guys, I gotta go. Y/N is having a tantrum because I've been streaming for 3 hours now." He said, before smirking, "Whose the whiney one now chat?" He asked, before he abruptly ended the stream leaving the call without a word.
Quickly making his way to the bedroom, Karl swung the door open to see Y/N in the maid outfit, adjusting the cat ears on their head. He smirked, and bit his bottom lip scanning their body. "What an adorable kitty you are." He said, and Y/N scoffed flipping him off, "Bite me, bitch." Y/N muttered under their breath, and Karl raised an eyebrow walking to them. Grabbing Y/N by their throat, he glared at them, as he reached behind pulling on their hair to make them look up at him as their height difference was by a whole foot. "Speak up kitty." He said, and Y/N winced looking Karl in the eyes, "I said, bite me, bitch." They said, daringly and Karl just chuckled.
"As you wish." He said, removing his hand from their neck, keeping the other tangled in their hair so their head was angled. Leaning down, he harshly bit their neck as Y/N let out a strangled mewl. "Fuck, that hurt." They said, trying to get out of his death grip. Karl being a lot stronger, they were stuck in his grip, as he kept biting around on their neck leaving prominent hickeys. "So pretty." He said, looking at his work on their neck. "On the bed, now." He demanded, and Y/N quickly listened not wanting to be punished more than they already were. Smirking at this Karl, slowly walked over as he adjusted them so they were on their hands and knees. "Ass up higher." He said, and Y/N arched their back.
Karl, was indeed the bottom in the relationship, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to be dominant. "Good kitty." He whispered, pulling down their underwear, and walked to the front of the bed, and forced their mouth open shoving their underwear inside their mouth gagging them. "Not a sound kitty." He said darkly, and Y/N nodded in understanding. Moving back, he moved the skirt up, showing their bare ass. He rubbed it lovingly, and slammed his hand down on it harshly to make sure, the underwear muffled the sounds. Smiling as he heard a muffled yelp, he slowly pulled his shirt off, and unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. Pulling them off, along with his boxers, he stepped out of them watching as Y/N squirmed around impatiently.
Getting on top of the bed, he gripped their hips roughly, knowing he'd leave bruises on them. Making sure they were prepared, he slowly entered in them, and he let out a satisfied moan when he bottomed out. Not moving, he waited for a signal, and once Y/N moved back against him for friction, he took that as the signal. Pulling out completely then slamming back in, he heard Y/N let out a surprised muffled moan. Repeating this action, he made sure to keep his pace even until he himself grew tired of it. Picking up his pace, he watched as Y/N was slowly reaching their high. Reaching forward he helped them reach it, "Cum for me, be the little whore you are and cum for me." He growled out, now ramming into them.
Letting out loud muffled moans, Y/N felt themself cum at his words, and they would've fell onto the bed if it wasn't for Karl's death grip on their hips keeping them up. Keeping his fast pace, he finally came inside of them, and pulled out watching as Y/N helplessly fell onto the bed tiredly. Smirking as he saw the white liquid slowly fall out, he smacked their ass again, this time softer. "You think we are done? Fuck no, get your ass up." He said, and grabbed their hips again, making sure to dig his nails into their skin. "Cat's have 9 lives, so you have 8 more rounds to go." He told them, and Y/N whined out, digging their face into the bed as he slammed back into them without a warning.
By the time it reached 4 A.M. Y/N was worn out, and sore, while Karl was just tired. Falling down beside Y/N he was breathing heavily, "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He said, looking over at Y/N who was just staring at him in a haze. Chuckling he reached over, taking the cat ears off, "Now you know that I will bite back if it comes to it, literally." He said, and Y/N just let out a tired laugh, as they took off the maid outfit, limping to the bathroom to cleanse themself. Karl watched amused at their limping, "Seems like the cat couldn't land on all fours." He joked, and Y/N flipped him off from the bathroom.
"Will you shut up?" Y/N whined, and Karl got up walking into the bathroom, "Seems like someone didn't learn their lesson." He said, picking Y/N up, and walking into the bedroom throwing them down onto the bed harshly. "No- wait- I'm sorry." Y/N said quickly, and Karl looked at them, before he nodded. "Just rest up." He said, handing Y/N his shirt to put on. Putting it on happily, they laid down, Karl wrapping his arm around their waist. "Do you think they heard our argument?" Y/N asked, mainly thinking about if they heard the sexual parts or not. Karl chuckled, "I made sure they didn't hear those parts, don't worry. They probably heard everything else." He admitted, and Y/N nodded their head.
Y/N yawned tiredly, and soon fell asleep. Karl shortly fell asleep after, the two were soon awoken by a loud bang from their living room. Groaning, Y/N rubbed their eyes as they looked around confused, "Karl, someones in the house." They said, and Karl quickly got up walking out of their room to go into the living room. "Holy shit!" Karl yelled, and Y/N bolted out of the room, and found Karl on the floor, and a relieved Chris standing above him. "Oh my god Y/N I thought Karl murdered you!" He said, running over to you, and hugged you. Looking down at Karl confused, Karl shrugged in an answer, "I saw your guys argument, and when Karl or you didn't answer your phones for 12 hours straight, I thought one of you died." He said, and Karl laughed a bit.
Y/N scoffed and mumbled, "One of us did." Which Karl heard, and Chris looked at Y/N confused, "What?" He said, and Karl got up, "They probably got scared from you." He said, and Y/N nodded, "I thought me and Karl were going to be murdered, as it is 6 in the fucking morning Chris!" They yelled the last part, and Chris laughed sheepishly, "I was just worried about my baby cousin, alright?" He said, now embarrassed. "How the hell did you even get in?" Karl asked, and Chris pointed to the now shattered window, "Sorry about that.. I'll ask Jimmy to buy you a new one." He said, and Karl slapped Chris upside the head. "God you're so dumb, and you have a fucking son." Y/N said, rolling their eyes pinching the bridge of their nose.
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amimimi · 3 years
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dreams; kyan reki
synposis: in which you tend to reki’s wounds after his second beef with adam; second part to this fic but it can be read on it’s own! takes place after episode 11
pairings: gn! reader x reki
genre: fluff. just fluff. and caretaking.
warnings: mentions of injuries. swearing. brief nudity (?) sap, so sappy.
word count: 3.5k
notes: i loved the series so much! reki has suffered enough, so i decided to show his some love. i was so so proud of him during episode 11. again, i apologize in advance for grammatical/spelling errors. i'm pretty busy with school so i'm just churning fics out at this point.
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“i’m not letting you lift a finger for a month” you moan as you help seat reki on his bed. you’re both mostly dried from the rain, save for your hair and clothes. he only giggles in response and you can’t help it when you lean down to gingerly place your hands up to his face, kissing the bridge of his nose. “a month”
“ahh, i don’t think that’s gonna work” reki gives you an easy grin, before placing a kiss on the side of you mouth. “i got a shift tomorrow”
“i’ll cover your shift” you say, stone-faced. disbelief momentarily flashes across reki’s face before he breaks out into uncontrollable giggles—the kind that erupts straight from your stomach. your hands drop from his face. “shh! i’m serious!”
he hangs his head forward and brings a hand up to his mouth, attempting to quell his giggles. “you don’t even work there, y/n!” he manages to say before delving into yet another fit of giggles. reki must’ve curled in too far because his laughter is cut off by strangled cry. immediately, you surge forward, gingerly placing your hands on his shoulders.
it wasn’t unusual for reki to be banged up from skateboarding—everything from scrapes to fractures were all pretty common for him. in the beginning of your relationship with reki, it worried you to no end, and you even begged him to wear a helmet (he said no, of course). eventually you came to accept that injuries were going to be a normal occurrence for reki. but his injuries this time were slightly different.
reki had his second beef with adam earlier that night. technically reki had lost, but it felt more like a victory instead. he came so close, and he did so well. and he was happy. seeing him like that in his element, gleaming with joy, eyes lit a flame with passion—you felt like ten years was added to your lifespan. of course, reki took quite the beating but no where near the damage of last time.
“m’fine!” he wheezes, placing a hand over his stomach. “it’s just a bruise.”
you’re not convinced and it shows on your face because reki gently places his hand on the back of your head, pulling your forehead up against his. “i’m fine, baby”
you let yourself stay there, forehead pressed against reki’s and staring right into each other’s eyes. for the first time in weeks, you felt the tightness in your chest completely dissipate. because here you were gazing into his eyes—reki’s eyes, in his darkened room, knowing he was safe and okay.
“okay,” you whisper. reki gazes at you with half-lidded eyes and attempts to press his forehead closer (if that was even possible), brushing his nose against yours. “but i gotta patch you up”.
you wiggle out of reki’s grasp, who whimpers at the loss of contact, to grab the first aid kit he’d kept in his drawer. stumbling in the dark, you feel around for his desk, flicking on the lamp. reki watches you sift through the contents of his drawer, overtaken by a sudden wave of fondness. he loves you, always has. but suddenly, in this moment, he feels the love he has for you in a new way. it pools in his stomach, warm and fuzzy, and he feels so full, so content, like he ate a whole meal.
“i love you from my stomach” reki blurts out before he’s aware of what he’s saying. from over your shoulder, you glance at him quizzically and he feels a new sensation—mortification, burn all over his face. later, he’s going to blame his misspeaking on the fact that it was so late into the night and that every inch of his body was practically throbbing in pain. but right now, he can’t form any thoughts, let alone excuses.
“huh?” you’re facing him now, first aid kit in hand and your face twitching with the urge to smile. feeling his ears burn up, reki presses his lips and shakes his head, refusing to repeat what he said. “reki~! what did you say?”
he turns his head to the side as you make your way over to the bed. “i forgot”
“no you didn’t!” you whine, throwing the first aid kit on the bed and placing your hands over his cheeks. “say it again, please?”
“ahh, i meant it like—”reki pauses, thinking about how to put his feelings into words. “i-i don’t know! i love you, but sometimes i feel it in my stomach”
“oh”, you plop down right next to him on the bed, pulling your legs up to sit crisscross. reki follows your movement, pulling his legs up on the bed and crossing them. he’s looking at expectantly. “like butterflies, yeah?”
“no, not that. this feels warm—and kinda heavy”
“oh”, you tilt your head to one side and smile coyly. “so, desire then?”
reki rolls his eyes at you, his ears still red. “you’re so—”
“desperately in love with you?” you offer with a grin before leaning and catching his lips in a noisy kiss. you pull back, but not before kissing the tip of his nose just to see his reaction. reki fights back a smile, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as he shakes his head.
“j-just patch me up, please”, he sighs as his lips finally quirk into a smile.
“can I change first?” you ask. wet jeans felt like murder and your shirt was starting to stick in uncomfortable places on your torso. reki nods and points to his closet.
“i have clean shirts and sweatpants folded in there” he informs you, watching as you sit up and make your way over to his closet. reki’s not surprised when you grab his pink dope sketch shirt, shooting him a cheeky grin.
you start tugging off your jeans and reki looks away to give your privacy. “you’re so precious, reki” you coo at him. reki only smiles at the opposite wall and shakes his head. when you’re done, you drop your wet clothes in his laundry and walk over to him. “i’m decent!”
reki looks back at you and his heart twists at the sight of you, clad in his work shirt, hanging just above your knees and slightly hugging your waist. he prays he isn’t blushing and gulps.
“i have sweatpants if you want some, sweetheart”, he reminds you weakly, trying to stop staring.
you blink at him, lost and then you gasp. “oh, sorry! I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable!” you rush. “i’ll put some pants on—”
“no!” he practically shouts, before squeezing his lips shut. you both hold your breaths when you hear his little sister in the next room, groan and shift in her sleep. waiting, until he’s sure it’s safe, he continues much quietly. “i’m not uncomfortable. you look really good, i love you like this. i just want you to feel comfortable”
adoration surges in your chest as you watch your boyfriend clumsily and earnestly explain himself, a blush adorned on his face. “i feel the most comfortable when i’m with you” you admit with a shy smile, your face growing warm.
reki blinks up at you for a second, looking momentarily stunned before his face morphs into a soft grin. his eyes twinkle as he holds his hands out for you, sure and steady. placing your hands in his calloused ones, you sit down beside on the bed and sit criss crossed.
the both of you sit like that for a while, staring lovingly at one another and taking turn squeezing each other’s hands. finally, you bring reki’s hands up to your lips, littering his knuckles with kisses before giving them a quick squeeze.
“where do you hurt the most?” you question, sliding your hands out of his to open the first aid kit. you skim over his injuries, not even knowing where to start. there’s a line of dried blood and a bruise forming on the right side of his face, must be a small laceration under his headband. you know his back is cut up pretty badly and you hope it’s nothing too deep.
“my whole body is sore, if i’m going to be honest” he replies sheepishly. frowning, you gently tug off his headband to assess the damage. just as you suspected, a small cut right under his hairline. the area is beginning to bruise too. you remember adam repeatedly punching him at one point, as reki had locked his arms around him... maybe reki should go to a hospital?
“I promise you i’m fine”, reki assures you, having picked up on the mounting worry on your face. he takes your hand in his, rubbing the roughened pad of his thumb over the back of your hand. “trust me! i’ve had worse. i was jumped and hit with a car all in one day and i didn’t even get a concussion”.
despite reki’s face beaming with pride, you frown deeper and fidget at the thought of reki getting hurt like that. “please don’t remind me...” you sigh, sitting up off the bed to grab a face towel from his closet. “i’m gonna run this under water, okay?”
“alright”, reki answered, watching you step out of his room to make your way to the bathroom. you hurry back, the wet towel dripping water down your forearm, and gently seat yourself on the bed.
you arrange yourself so that you are sitting criss cross in front of reki. “I’m going to clean it, alright?” you say, before leaning into give him a peck.
“okay” he murmurs, placing his hand on your knee. reki squeezes hard when you gently press the wet towel against his wound. you do this repeatedly until you make sure there’s no visible dirt around the wound before placing the towel on reki’s bedside table. you’re quick to patch up his forehead before placing a gentle kiss over the bandage. he snickers through his nose at this, squeezing your knee once more.
“now for your back...” you purse your lips. “take your shirt off.”
you’ve seen reki shirtless a thousand times before and he knows this. still, he can’t help but squirm under your gaze as he works at removing the layers of clothing he’s wearing. he takes his jacket off fine but he struggles a bit with his hoodie, still damp from the rain, wincing as he tugs upward on the fabric.
“here, lemme help you”, you murmur, sitting forward on your knees to tug his hoodie upwards and over his head. you work at the white t-shirt he had on under his hoodie next. gently as you could, you peeled the shirt off reki’s torso trying not to disturb his wounds. but he still flinches, sucking a quick breath in. “sorry! i’m sorry!”
“no, no! you’re fine, it just stung a little” reki promises you, giving your thigh a squeeze. you tug the t-shirt over his head, grimacing. his torso is littered with bruises and a few scrapes, but nothing too worrisome.
“okay, lemme see your back”, you tell him, bracing yourself as you crawl around him get a full glimpse. just as you thought, his back is scraped up and still bleeding lightly—nothing too deep. you grab the wet towel on his bedside table and hop off the bed to go run it under the bathroom facet.
when you return, reki is sitting on his bed exactly like you left, watching you tip toe over to him. “do you wanna take off your pants?” you ask, folding the wet towel. “maybe change into something dry?”
“um, yeah actually...” reki mutters, fumbling with his belt. “c-could you grab me some sweatpants? please?”
with the wet towel in one hand, you grab a pair of gray sweatpants from reki’s closet with your other hand. you can hear reki shuffling out of his pants as you walk over to the bed, with your face turned away.
you hold the sweatpants out for him, your face turned to the side. “you don’t have to look away if you don’t want to”, reki tells you and you can hear the smile in his voice. he takes the sweatpants from your hands.
“you gave me privacy, so i’m returning to the favor—give me your wet clothes, i’ll put them in the hamper”
you trade off the wet towel for reki’s clothes, wheeling around to place them in his hamper. when you turn back, reki is sitting with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed, wearing just his sweatpants and holding the wet towel in one hand.
“whenever you’re ready, nurse y/n”, he smiles at you, showing his teeth. you squint your eyes at him playfully and shuffle over to his bed. accepting the wet towel from reki, you crawl behind him so that you have full access to his back.
“okay, i’m going to clean your wounds, let me know if i’m hurting you”, you warn him, folding your legs underneath you. he grunts in response. taking a breath to steel yourself, you gently press the towel against the abrasions. suddenly, reki gasps loudly. you squeak and pull back almost immediately, your heart in your throat. “what?”
reki’s back is shaking and to your relief (and horror), you realize reki is laughing. he turns his head around to catch a glimpse at your expression and laughs so hard, he snorts and it almost makes you laugh—almost.
“i’m sorry, i couldn’t help it”, he gasps between laughs.
you suck your teeth. “well, now that it’s out of your system, can you hold still? i seriously don’t want to hurt you” you reposition yourself, heart still hammering in your chest.
“sorry, angel, go ahead”, he stifles a giggle, holding still. hesitantly, you press the wet towel to abrasions on his back.
“that okay?” you question and he nods. taking another breath, you dab his entire span of his back with the towel, stopping every now and then to check in on him. once you’ve cleaned his wounds up, you dig around in the first aid kit for some gauze sponges to pat his back dry. “i’m gonna wrap you up for tonight but you should let it dry tomorrow, okay?”
“you got it, nurse” reki chimes back and you bite back a smile, reaching for the gauze dressing in the first aid kit. once you’ve placed the dressing over the worst of his wounds, you grab the gauze roll and begin to wrap it around reki’s torso.
at one point, your fingers brush up against his side and his breath slightly hitches. you freeze, giving him a concerned hum.
“i’m ticklish” he whispers sheepishly and you smirk, continuing to wrap the gauze around his torso.
“storing this information for later, thank you!” you tease causing reki groans. “i didn’t wrap it too tight, did i? can you breathe?”
“i can breathe fine, don’t worry” reki sighs, as you loosely tie the gauze. “you did great, thank you”
once you’re done tying the gauze, you place your hands on top of reki’s shoulders. “good?” you ask.
“good”, reki nods. you take in reki’s bandaged back, his slightly toned shoulders, his red hair pressed against nape of his neck, even the back of his head. he look’s so good with his hair down.
before you even know what you’re doing, you gently press your lips against the nape of his neck. reki freezes, his shoulder tensing before you press another kiss along the back of his neck. he shivers and his whole body melts. you kiss again, this time further up the nape of his neck and into his hair and he lets his head hang forward, sighing slightly. another kiss is placed where his neck meets his shoulder, and he has to bite back a whimper.
“i’m so proud of you”, you whisper into the back of his neck. he reaches around to squeeze your hand. “you did so great tonight—you’re always so great, you never fail to amaze me.”
upon hearing your words, reki feels a lump form in his throat. you always told him that, how proud you were of him for doing things he thought were exceedingly mundane. he remembers that night he was panicking in your bathroom, shaking on his legs like a newborn deer and barely managing to control his breathing. how even then, you were proud of him, for what exactly? he couldn’t answer.
but now, when you tell him that with your lips soft against his nape, in the darkness of his room, he believes you. he’s banged up and unbelievably sore, but he believes you. and further more, he’s feeling proud of himself too, for not disappointing himself, for doing what he had come to do at that beef.
reki shifts around, so that he’s facing you to see that you're smiling at him in a way that he could only describe as pure adoration.
“and...” you start, pushing his bangs back from his forehead. “you looked so fucking hot”.
reki eyes widened slightly before he blows air out of his mouth and rolls his eyes. you grab his face, forcing him to look at you.
“no, no! but you actually looked really good?” you giggled, squeezing his cheeks between your hands. “like, when you nailed that landing off that cliff? and when you dodged him like that? like, i knew you could move, but you were really moving, you know—?”
“y/n—”reki starts, grinning pretty hard as he tries to advert his gaze from yours.
“and you were smiling so hard, like you were actually glowing—beaming! i don’t know, something about the way you looked under those lights they have at S...i actually wanted to bark, like wow—”
“y/n, shut up!” reki is giggling now, flushed right down to his chest. he tries to wrestle your hands from off his face, but you kept your grip.
“don’t act all shy now, mister! you knew exactly what you were doing! when you were like ‘and you’d better remember it’, i was this close to dropping to my knees—”
“and every one was screaming your name and i was just like ‘yea, that’s my boyfriend! my man! my prince—!’”
suddenly, reki flips you over pinning you arms right beside your head, the both of you giggling.
“oh my god, why are you still going” reki half groans between giggles as you continue to cackle.
“my sweetheart, my baby, my sweat pea, my darling, the future of father of my children, my honey bunch, my sugar pie, the apple of my eye, the light of my life—” you list off, delirious with laughter, not even fighting against reki’s grip on your forearms. he hovers over you, laughing too, his eyes shining and his face beaming
“you need to stop” reki shakes his head slightly, his bangs falling onto your forehead as he leans in for a kiss. he pulls back and you're silent for a moment...until you start rattling off corny pet names again, but this time less giggly.
“my sun, my moon, my stars, my whole world—” you murmur before reki presses his lips against yours. he pulls away and kisses the tip of your nose, the skin slightly under your right eye, and onto your left eyelid.
“you’re so annoying”, reki whispers, letting go of your forearms to hold your face instead.
“you kinda are too”, you whisper back, placing your hands over his, rubbing your thumbs along the back of his hand.
“mmm, i guess we’re destined for one another then” he murmurs and you nod, fervently. reki kisses you sweetly and you hum against his lips. “i love you so much”.
“i love you too, baby” you sigh, putty in reki’s hands. he looks so pretty above you, the lamplight reflecting his eyes and his cheeks still flushed. he looks like the human embodiment of honey.
you turn your head over to glimpse at the alarm clock on his bed side table. 3:37 AM
“our sleeping schedules are so messed up” you groan turning your head back to look up at reki. he blinks, following your gaze towards the alarm clock.
“oh, i usually sleep around his time anyway” he shrugs.
“okay, but you have injuries...so you need to rest to heal” you reason while sitting up slightly, forcing reki to sit up with you. “are you still in pain? i can get you a tylenol”
“i’ll need one in the morning, but i’m fine for now”, he assures you with a grin.
you both climb under his blankets, but he wants for you to sit back against his pillows. already knowing, you hold your arms out for him and he lays between your legs, wrapping his arms around your torso. reki presses his ear to chest, taking in the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, as you smooth his hair back.
“goodnight, sweetheart” you whisper, leaving your hand in his hair.
“goodnight, baby” he murmurs into you chest, pressing a kiss there. “i love you, i can’t wait to wake up and see you tomorrow”
you chuckle tiredly. “i love you too, i’ll see you in the morning”.
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notes: this was also, long as hell. i apologize! this is honestly the sappiest sh*t i’ve ever written, idk if it can get any sappier than this (it probably can, and will >:3) .
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
Nobody really asked for this but uhhh... I kind of needed it 😶😇😂 Please excuse me for being self indulgent for this one time! ❤❤❤ But most of all, please enjoy! 😘
The Pillarmen (separate) with an s/o on their Period...
(Under the cut for length!)
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(Warning! This contains content all surrounding a Woman's menstruation cycle and all the absolute joys that come with it 🙃 like: graphic descriptions of pain and blood, more blood and lots of blood. Viewer discretion advised! In other words, you have been warned...)
• Chances are, Kars will always be long prepared for your periods monthly arrival.
• Even in the time when you were first getting to know each other, he picked up on your cycle patterns quickly.
• The first time you confided to him you were on your period he was prepared then too, pulling out a fresh pack of pads for you seemingly out of nowhere.
• The way you reacted, he'd swore he had just pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
• From then on he knows exactly when it will happen, he's done all the calculations and has the date marked on his desk calendar.
• When the day comes, he'll have a box of stuff already waiting for you by the bed; a hot waterbottle, some chocolate, pads/tampons, a bottle of Motrin, you name it.
• It's no surprise that even if you happen to be late or early he'll still be prepared; heck, he'll take one look at you and know.
• If you're cramping or feeling bloated and icky he knows some good teas to help you with that too.
• Kars is also prepared for the emotional and intensive side of things when you're undergoing your cycle.
The door creaked open quietly, a tendril of light cutting through the dark as the wrapped head of Kars poked into the room, ruby eyes settling on the lumpy form quivering under the pile of blankets covering the bed.
He had heard you crying from the hallway one his way back to his Office.
The Pillarman's lips came together, however, he didn't hesitate for a moment as he stepped further into the room. "My dear," he spoke, approaching the bed. Your shaking form visibly tensed right up. It was obvious you hadn't even heard him come in. "Is your back giving you grief again?"
You had started just a day ago and of course things were carrying out as usual; cravings, back pain, nausea, all things he expected.
What he didn't expect was your answer, which was a wet sob, words muffled as the blankets moved; a shake of the head was his only coherent response.
He only frowned, the bed dipping with a low creak as he sat down on the very edge right at your back where you laid curled on on yourself under the covers.
"Your stomach then? You feel nauseous, is that it?" He pressed.
Another shake of the head, his sharp ears strained to hear the watery response from underneath the thick layer of blankets, leaving Kars with no choice but to finally peel away the barrier covers between you and him. Your very red and very wet face was finally revealed to him, your lips knotted and quivering as you sniffled.
Your state was only worrying him further, it was plainly obvious you had been crying for some time and on top of things, you weren't even looking at him.
There was an unmistakably guilty look to your watery expression.
"What is it then?" He asked, a huge hand plucking the stray hair from your soaked cheeks and eyes. "What's wrong? I need you to talk to me, dear."
His pressing only made the tears come much harder, his hands instinctively going to your back and rubbing softly.
"I'm sorry, Kars..." came the staccatic whimper.
He blinked twice, "For what?"
"I ruined the sheets!" You cried, hugging yourself tighter. "I... I laid down because--because my back was hurting again and I f-fell asleep and when I woke up it was just... all over the place!"
Your Husband listened to you quietly, suddenly coming to the realization that the bed had indeed been stripped of the sheets beneath the blankets; you were only laying (probably not very comfortably) on the thin white plastic mattress cover. His eyes drifted to the far corner of the room where the ruined fitted sheet and the thin matching over sheet had been simply balled up into a big lumpy wad and thrown there.
"You ruined your pants as well then," he hummed, remembering that you had been wearing a particular pair; your favourite fuzzy lounging pants with the stars on them.
A nod was his only response this time.
Kars let out a sigh, leaning down to lay his head on your shoulder. "Oh, my sunshine, it's alright. We have plenty of sheets, one ruined cover is nothing to me."
"I know you didn't mean to." He cut you off, already knowing what you were going to say, his gentle ministrations unceasing. "It was an accident, I would not expect you to have control over something like this. These things happen. We can always get new sheets and buy you more pants and undergarments."
It relieved you to know he wasn't upset with you over this, or worse disgusted by the prospect of your mess, and you found yourself letting out a shakey breath you didn't know you had been holding.
The covers peeled away and you nearly yelped as you were suddenly hoisted into his arms, the Pillarman carrying you right out of the room without another word.
"Wh-What are you doing?" You squeaked, your confusion making the remainder of your tears ebb a little more.
"I'm taking you to get cleaned up." He answered without missing a beat. "No doubt you're probably still soiled, so you're going to take a nice hot shower. I'll leave you some fresh clothes and replace the sheets while you're in there and then we can crawl into bed and watch that program you like."
"I-- I thought you had work to do tonight." You said, watching him owl eyed as he set you down gently on the toilet and began to putter around the bathroom, pulling towels down from the cupboard and turning the shower on.
He hummed, "Oh, my work can wait until the morrow. My duties as your Mate come first, you know."
You felt a quivering smile tugging at your lips as he peered over his shoulder with a soft smile, cocking an eyebrow at you.
Kars was undoubtedly the only one in your life who could sweep up the shattered remains of a problem and fabricate it into something treasured.
He was the only one who made a this week out of every month truly bearable.
• Growing up, Esidisi had been around the Women of his tribe and his Family a lot.
• He's definitely prepared for something like this and even upon first getting to know him, you could talk to him openly about it.
• These kinds of things don't faze him in the slightest; you're a Woman and as long as you're healthy there was no issue.
• Esidisi will almost always be able to tell whenever your monthly cycle is approaching, being an intuitive man and all.
• He knows your behaviors and habits and he can easily spot your telltale signs leading to your period, like: any erratic sleep patterns, a shift in your overall mood, your eating habits taking a sudden change, any ofd facial acne popping up, etc.
• He'll definitely be prepared for the day it does hit because he makes sure to go out and do all the necessary shopping prior.
• When your period does hit, it basically hits both of you.
• If you get emotional, he gets emotional; when you're in pain, he's in pain.
• Half of the ordeal might just consist of both of you crying and holding each other.
• The other half of it consists of him doing his very best to help you feel better and alleviate any discomfort you happen to feel.
• However... his methods in doing so are very unconventional.
You did your very best to lay still as the calloused pad of a thumb swiped along bare skin, just under your navel, where you lay; leaving not only a trail of paint but a ticklish sensation that nearly made you giggle.
However, it was easy not to laugh while feeling nothing but waves of uncertainty and mild irritation rolling over you amidst all this.
The deep timber of Esidisi's voice thrumming out the tones of a mantra in some language you couldn't identify did little to comfort you as you laid there before him on the bed. You were dressed only in your underclothes and already painted with several other sigils along your body as he finished the one directly over your womb.
The room was dark, save for the light of two candles, one at each bedside table, allowing you to see him partially where he stood over you in the shadows.
His eyes, normally two sapphires glimmering, shined like rubies in the dark; animalistic and a reminder that he was something indeed inhuman.
You weren't really one to believe in rituals, especially not while you had some Motrin in a bottle downstairs that would fix up your prediciment just fine, but your Husband insisted on this instead.
You were starting to regret telling him you were still cramping with every sigil he drew and every stone and flower placed particularly around and over you.
"Esidisi," You whined. "Is this really necessary?"
The Pillarman's rythmic chanting fell to an abrupt halt at your words, his eyes fell on you incredulously.
"Of course this is necessary!" He cried. "You want the pain to stop, don't you?"
You grimaced, "Well, yes, but I just think this is..." teeth dug hard into your lower lip as your Mates brow came together, full lips twisting and arms folding over his chest as his gaze burned holes into you, awaiting the end to that sentence.
What could you possibly say that wouldn't hurt his feelings?
That is was a bunch of hoo-hah?
That he didn't know what he was doing or how a Women's body worked?
That the ancient medicine of his people that he was still using was something long outgrown in today's society?
That it most definitely wouldn't work and it was a waste of time?
"This is, what?" He pressed, chin raising as his foot began to tap quietly on the floor.
You could feel sweat sticking uncomfortably to your skin, or perhaps that was just you suddenly becoming increasingly aware of the feeling of the oil on your body he had slathered you with prior, as you fumbled to finish.
"Er... that is is... a little.... much?"
A bare brow cocked as he echoed you. "Much?"
"Well, I mean, you've painted at least 13 symbols on me now and you've smudged the air with so much sage my head hurts and the crystals and the flowers and... just the whole shebang here..." your hand went up to guesture to everything that was laid out, things both on you and on him.
His attire was something close to ridiculous in your eyes; he was even more naked than usual! Dressed in nothing but feathers covering his nether region and his usual hat, he stood before you covered in swirls of orange paint all along his body rather than just his cheeks.
"Isn't this just a little much?" You asked, unable to stop the frown from tugging on your lips.
Esidisi blinked owlishly, "Well, how else am I supposed to banish the evil spirits from your uterus and alleviate your pain?"
It had greatly surprised (and upset) him to find that the medicines and practices he was weaned on as a child had faded away into non-existence along with the name of his people.
Apart from Kars, who had taken to (ugh) more "modern" practices with those placebos and chemicals made in labratories, there didn't seem to be a soul out there who knew how to properly do these things!
Esidisi wasn't going to let you suffer or be harmed in any way shape or form, not when he knew how to stop it. He had learned early on how to cleanse the womb and heal it of any harmful curses or diseases that would happen to plague you. His Grandmother had been the one who had taught him and he had spent his youth putting them to much practice.
If you thought that this was much, you were definitely going to be in for a surprise for when you became pregnant one day; he planned to preform regular hour long sessions daily then.
You couldn't stop yourself from sighing, a hand reaching up to give a light slap to your cheek as you groaned.
You would just have to explain to him what really caused all the pain of menstruation. "Honey, there's no evil spirits--"
A finger pressed to your lips, stalling anymore words from falling from them. "Shh, beloved. You mustn't keep disrupting the ritual." The man chided softly, leaning down to press a dotting kiss to your brow as he swiped the final line of paint over it. "Now just lay there and let me handle this. Trust me, you'll feel better in no time."
Your lips turned downward as you watched him step back to fetch his singing bowl, sighing softly to yourself as you adjusted the bouquet of herbs and flowers that he had pushed into your hands.
It was hard to get comfortable when you could feel the mint leaves he had scattered in your hair scratching against your scalp and the orange peeling he had stuffed it on your bra was an entirely different matter all together.
You supposed that somehow it could've been worse and you had to be content that this was relatively harmless all in all.
At least the hollow ring of the singing bowl and the continuation of his mantra would put you to sleep while he carried out the rest of this ritual...
• Admittedly, Wamuu knew very little on the concept of Women and their monthly cycles; until you came along into his life that was.
• He knew how it worked of course and that it indeed happened but embarrassingly, he had sort of... forgotten about it in a way.
• Really, you supposed you couldn't blame him. This wasn't exactly something that was part of his everyday life, growing up with only 3 other Males the majority of it.
• The first time he happened to smell blood off you, it sent him into a panic and he immediately thought that you were hiding an injury from him; demanding to know where it was so he could treat it.
• Embarrassed, you tried to be discreet and prod him gently in the direction of what was happening. However, every code word for it just seemed to fly over his head; inevitably confusing him further.
• "It's high tide." "What? Beloved, we do not live by the ocean." "Er... the blood moon has risen?" "The blood moon isn't supposed to appear for another few months. And it is daytime, beloved." "Uhh... It's shark week?" "Why are you talking about a T.V. program at a time like this?"
• Finally, after a long, LONG session of going back and forth like that, you had no choice but to scream that you were on your period.
• Wamuu's beat red face and his impossibly huge eyes will be an image forever burned into your brain.
• After that, even though he wasn't exactly an expert on such matters, Wamuu did his best to at least be attentive to your needs.
• He does his best to understand your patterns and the entirety of what exactly you go through.
• He's always checking in on you every so often, sheepishly asking if you're feeling ok or if you need anything.
• Just say the word and He'll get you pads or food or water, perhaps even a distraction like a movie...
The wet sounds of sniffling hitting his eardrums was what caused Wamuu to be roused from his deep and comfortable sleep, the Warrior blinking in the dark of the room and instinctively raising his head to locate the source.
"Beloved," He breathed, eyes falling onto your form. You were also awake, your back to him and sitting on the edge of the bed, curled in on yourself. His lips fell into a frown as you continued to sniffle, now trying to stiffle the sound upon realizing that he too was awake now.
Wamuu slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position, "what's wrong? Why are you awake?"
It was still the dead of night, just a little past 1AM, he couldn't think of a reason for you to be awake and crying other than the possibility of you having a nightmare.
" 's nothing..." you hiccuped, scrubbing your eye. "Go back to sleep."
His frown only deepened, scooting across the bed to get closer to you. "No. What is it? What has you so upset?" He pressed, an arm encircling around your quivering form. "Did you have a nightmare?"
A particularly harsh sob cut through you as you shook your head, burying your face in your hands as if trying to hide from him, "No! Go back to sleep!"
Chartreuse eyes softened considerably, the massive man only hugging you closer to his body as he chose to press further.
"If it's not a nightmare than what is it?"
"Oh, you'll laugh!" came the moan.
"I will not laugh." He replied, quite matter of factly.
"You'll--... You'll be angry!"
His brow knitted together sternly, one huge and warm hand wrapping around your much smaller one, uncaring of the fact it was wet with tears.
"I will not be angry. Please, just tell me why you are awake and crying, my love."
You fell silent, save for the staccato of your hiccupped breaths, Wamuu waited with all the patience in the world.
"I--" you paused, swallowing thickly. Your expression contorted in an almost painful manor, a hand slamming over your eyes as you only began to sob harder than before. "--I want... CHICKEN NUGGETS!"
The Pillarman blinked in surprise, that confession had completely taken him off guard. You were crying over food of all things? At 1 o'clock in the morning?
Realization washed over him, making him frown deeper for only a second as he suddenly remembered the fact that you had started your monthly menstrual cycle yesterday evening.
You must've woken up craving and hurting, of course those things would drive you to cry helplessly like so.
If anything, the Warrior was relieved it was nothing serious.
Wamuu smiled softly, only hugging you tighter to him. "Will chicken nuggets get you to stop crying?" He asked softly, carding his fingers gently through your awry bed-head hair.
You coughed, sniffling as your whimpered response rose up from your throat painfully. "Yeah,"
He nodded, "Alright. How many do you want and what kind?"
You sniffed a few times, managing to calm down enough to tell him what would suffice enough to satisfy your hankering. Wamuu pulled on a simple hoodie and some pants as you talked, he even asked you if you wanted to come with him but you declined, not really in the mood to go very far.
He put the Television on for you, turning it on to a program and kissed your head, telling you he'd be back with an order of nuggets, a drink you liked and perhaps something sweet to enjoy after.
You felt guilty for troubling him with something like this, it was even worse that it was at an ungodly hour in the morning but Wamuu didn't care about those things, what mattered to him was your comfort, your happiness and your needs met...
• Much like Wamuu, Santana isn't very much educated on the subject of menstruation and your cycles when first getting to know you.
• However, he could tell immediately that something was happening to you even before your cycle started.
• He mentioned that you had a stronger smell to him, like your hormones were given a signifigant boost. He claimed he could also see that you looked a little softer somehow.
• After sitting him down (a little embarrassed) and explaining to him what was going to happen soon, the dots connected for him and he understood.
• You were his Mate afterall and he followed his natural instincts to care and provide for you.
• He doesn't really like letting you out of his sight when it does happen, preferring to keep you close to him and he'll help you out in any way you need.
• You have to be specific with him though. If you send him to the store telling him that you need tampons, he might just come back with the entire isle of boxes in tow.
• This whole thing is always a learning experience to him, even though he can't undergo the same thing he does his best to understand and at least be attentive.
"Oh c'mon..." you groaned, practically begging now as you curled in on yourself on the bed. "Kick in already!"
You had taken that Motrin over 10 minutes ago and still nothing was happening, your back was still aching and your stomach was cramping.
It was impossible for you to move now, you had laid down and there was no way in Hell you were going to get up again until all the pain was gone.
However, you were very much regretting not having the foresight to grab your heating pad on the way here, at least with that it would make it bearable but alas, it was all the way downstairs.
You couldn't even get up without fear of fainting or worse; ruining your pants.
Another wave of nausea shot through your gut, curling up in an icky tendril to your throat straight from the pit of your hurting stomach. All you could do was try to breathe; breathe, ride out the pain, hope it would be over soon and try not to vomit because of it.
A litany of begging was now falling through your lips like a prayer, pleading for anyone or anything listening to make it stop. Tears were beading at the corners of your eyes threatening to fall as your spine felt like it was being twisted, rung out like one would a wet rag.
"Please, please, please stop." You grit, hands turning to fists. "Please, please make it stop."
Little did you know your pleas didn't go unheard.
Santana watched you from the doorway where you couldn't see him, peering in with a thoughtful frown and a tilt of his head. Each quiet moan and whimper made his hands instinctively grip the door tighter, fingers digging harshly into the wood.
You were having a hard time. You were in a lot of pain and he hated to see you as such.
With only a moments thought, the Pillarman knew what he had to do, taking off quickly down the stairs; his feet barely making a sound on the steps.
Your back was hurting, he could see it in the way you kept trying to roll onto it. You used a strange device to help, one that emanated heat with a click of a button. His eyes scanned the living room for the familiar blue fabric with the white chord.
He snatched it off the couch, tucking it under his arm as he went into the kitchen next, finding himself opening and closing cupboards and doors without really knowing what he was looking for this time.
You had already taken one of those pills and he was certain you said something before about having to wait a couple of hours before you took another so that was out of the question.
The bright colours of your waterbottle sitting all by itself on the kitchen counter caught his eye. He didn't know how long you would be up there resting so maybe it was best to put it by your bedside for when you needed it. He also grabbed a couple of snacks from the cupboard, simple wrapped treats you enjoyed here and there.
He put the bottle under the tap, making sure to only stop until it was filled right under the brim with cold water.
Water... hot water. The red-head blinked, humming softly to himself as the gears turned in his head.
Your stomach had been obviously giving you grief as well, it didn't go unnoticed by him that you were clutching it; trying to curl in on yourself. You had something you used to help that too, he had seen you fill it up a few times before.
Waterbottle and heating pad under arm and snacks clutched to his chest, he went back upstairs. He went right past your room and straight into the bathroom, prying open the closet and digging around for the strange rubbery sack he could clearly see in his memories.
He pulled it out triumphantly, the object limp in his grasp like a pelt as he turned on the tap. He waited until the water was hot enough to make steam rise up from the sink before plunging it under to fill and corking it.
His arms now completely full, he shuffled back to your room with the goods; pleased his little scavenger hunt was successful.
There you lay, right where he had left you; from the look of it you definitely hadn't improved.
You were so consumed with your own discomfort you didn't even hear him or see him.
Santana approached the bed quietly, setting the waterbottles (both hot and cold) down on the nighttable with the snacks before fumbling with the heating pad, plugging it into the wall.
The massive hand being laid on your side startled you somewhat, eyes popping open with a shudder before being greeted with the sight of your one and only Mate standing over you at the bedside with a frown.
"Roll over." Came the quiet command, his hand pushing you further onto your side and slipping something familiar underneath you before easing you onto your back again.
"Santana, wha--" was all you could manage out.
Santana clicked it onto the medium setting, reaching for the hot-waterbottle next and holding it up for you to see. He draped the wiggly rubber sack over your stomach, an audible "bloop!" sounding from inside as your arms instinctively curled around it with a sigh; already relishing in its warmth.
The bed dipped as he crawled in next to you, the Pillarmen kindly pulling the blankets up around you both as he curled into your side protectively.
You could feel the heat seeping slowly into your back, the pain starting to ebb somewhat and the heated weight over your stomach was soothing; it all left you near to deliriously blissful.
You realized belatedly that he had brought you all of these things without you even having to ask, you turned your head with a sleepy smile, meeting the gaze of the red-head. He was so sweet you swore at times your heart would melt.
A hand reached up to tangle in his mane of wild hair, "Thank you, honey..."
The Pillarman nuzzled into your neck, almost purring at the gentle touch. He had made you better and that was enough to leave him content for now.
"I will always take care of you, my Mate..." he murmured, smiling softly as you closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep. It wasn't long after that he did the very same...
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Gavin - ‘We can't. I'm your boss’
For @ctaishy​ 
Prompts: Tie, Dirty talk, Office 
"For some reason, I'm attracted to you.", "We can't. I'm your boss.”
So in this the OC is called Luna, and is an employee of Gavin’s at the police force. Gavin x OC.
Smut and NSFW
"We can't. I'm your boss,” Rang clearly through your head. You had made such a fool of yourself! Gavin was your superior, how could you even make a suggestion to him. You just wanted to curl up and hide forever. This wasn’t Gavin who you vaguely remembered from high school, this was Gavin, your boss. Sinking into your office chair you lean your head against your desk hoping to be swallowed whole. 
You had been flirting with him ever since you laid eyes on him, at first it was innocent his cheeks blushing at each comment, until he started flirting back. You grew closer, becoming slightly more than co-workers outside of work. A sexual tension between the two of you burning or at least you thought it was, but his clear reaction earlier gave you everything you needed. 
You had asked him out for a few drinks after work, just the pair of you, hoping to have some one-on-one time with the officer. Only to be shot down with those five words. You nodded and dashed out his office before he could say anything more, furthering your embarrassment. 
“Luna?” His voice drawn you out of your self pitying willow and you looked up to see him standing over you. He didn’t even have to do anything and yet he seemed so handsome. His shirt clung to his chest as his muscles were visibly. traceable and you wanted nothing more to rip it off and lick them. 
“I have a meeting but can you stay after work, so we can talk about earlier?” He asks, oh shit he’s going to fire you. God dammit your lust had ruined your job. You give a nod before turning to some documents on your desk. Once Gavin was out of your sight you banged your head off the desk, you idiot, you utter idiot. 
You watched as the clock hit 5:30, the office was now empty and Gavin’s meeting should be finished soon. You took a deep breath and stood up from your chair, pacing the shared office space where you was currently residing.
“Do you want to come to my office,” Gavins voice said from behind you, you hadn’t realised he was there. You gave him a meek nod before following him. As he sat at his deck, you shut the door and took a deep breath.
“If this is about earlier, I stepped out of line I’m so sorry, please, please please, please don’t fire me,” You blurted out and Gavin stared at you shocked.
“Fire you? I’m not going to fire you,”. Oh thank god.
“Your not? Then what am I doing here?” And you take a step towards his desk, relaxing slightly.
“I’m in a situation and I need your help,” As he sat up leaning over his desk.
“Oh?” You took a step closer, the desk was the only thing between you.
“See I’m your boss,” 
“And even though I’m your boss, and I know it’s wrong, but for some reason I’m attracted to you,”. You face flushed at his words, he felt the same way about you as you did to him. The sexual tension between you was heavy, it could be cut with a knife.
“Your offer earlier threw me off guard, I crave you Luna, I really do,” His eyes were glazing over with lust.
“Well that if, we have one night together, no-one has to know,” You say a hint of red of your cheeks as you slowly undid your officer's shirt, revealing the candy pink bra underneath either. Normally you would never dream of being this bold, but Gavin was there, this moment would most likely never come again and you had to reach for it.
“Oh god, I’ve made a fool of myself again, I’m sorry I’ll-” You say in embarrassment to Gavins stunned silence. As you turned to leave, he had gotten up from his desk and grabbed you pulling you back into his chest. He doesn’t say a word and his lips meet yours in a passionate frenzy. Articles of clothes go flying across his office until you're both standing there in your underwear, your skin flushed slightly.
As his lips delved against your, his tongue forcing its way in your mouth as his growing erection presses deeply into you. His hands trace over your naked breasts, stroking before squeezing your nipples. You let out a little cry, your fingernails digging into his biceps leaving small moon crescents into his skin. One finger traces down your stomach whilst the other grabs the tie off his desk, bringing your hands together he binds them with his tie before laying you down on his desk, your bound hands above your head. His hands trace up your thighs before hooking over your panties and flinging them over his shoulder before spreading your legs and settling his head between them.
“So wet, so sweet,” He hums against you, pressing kisses to the top of your thighs before his tongue makes circular movements against your clit. You moan softly, engaged in the pleasure his mouth is bringing you, as your hands want nothing more to cling to his hair. Your fingers dig into your hands as your hips squirm around, almost riding against his face. He holds your hips still as he delves deeper between your slit, whispering sweet words against you.
“Gav-in~ I-I’m gonna~” You moan as your walls begin to tighten, the intense ball in your stomach tightening. Cursing heavily his movements become more desperate, determined to get you off. Your back arches off the desk and you crumble, releasing against his mouth, as you cry out with moans.
Your legs tremble and you shuffle slightly as he stands up dropping his boxers, a gasp leaving your mouth at what he is packing, this man is a blessing. He strokes himself a few times as he reaches into a draw, first subtly but then frantically.
“I have the birth control injection,” You whisper and you hear the sigh of relief in his voice. He lines up to you, and begins to push himself into you, inch by inch, you curse at the sensation still sensitive from your orgasm moments ago. He curses at how you feel around him, commenting how tight you are before he begins to thrust. As your back arches, his hands slip under your lower back and hold you there, allowing him a deeper angle to thrust with. Each thrust becomes more frantic, both of you chasing a high of pleasure, your legs thrown over his shoulders causing you to cry out from the sensation. Anyone who walked past his office would hear your cries of pleasure but you didn’t care. You was close, but Gavin was closer, your arms thrashed over your head wanting to reach down and help yourself achieve climax. Luckily he took the hint and moved a hand from under your back to make a zigzag shape over your clit, that warm sensation tingling through your body. The stringing cries of ‘yes’ fell from your mouth and you tightened once more before pulsing around him. He groaned, trying to keep his posture whilst you came around him but pulled out, pumping himself as he came on your thighs. You both panted and rejoiced in your afterglow before he undid the tie around your wrists. You was quick to clean up his spilled mess, now mixed with your leaking essence before dressing and sorting out your hair. You gave each other a sweet smile and a small lingering kiss, before he walked you home. 
(Spoilers for story from Chapter 13 below)
After your passionate night with Gavin, you kept a healthy working balance with subtle flirting through messages and notes. It made your race even time you saw his name and you thought things might actually go somewhere. That was until it stopped. The messages, the phone calls, the notes all vanished overnight, Gavin became less available at work, seeing him only rarely. Your texts were ignored, the man just disappeared, leaving you slightly heart broken. 
One day when you knew he was in his office you knocked on the door and entered and that was when you saw her… Bella. The girl Gavin had been infatuated with ever since high-school, standing in-front of his desk, giggling like a child at everything he said. The girl who made it very obvious he was in the ‘friend-zone’ but he still running to her with a click of her fingers. Your heart sank and you realised this is why he had ignored you because she was back in his life.
Brushing off the disruption making up an excuse to say you was informing him of leaving early today you quickly departed with tears beginning to well up in your eyes. You felt cheap, used and forgotten about all because of her. But you wouldn’t let this little tart get away with it, stealing Gavin away from you. You pulled out your phone, re-reading a message, ‘Black Swan is always looking for recruits’. You swallow before dialling a number, ‘Lucien, I’m in, the bitch needs to go’. 
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Unrequited: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: angst, fluffy ending
Word Count: 1492
requests are encouraged! please read my guidelines before submitting your request!
You never imagined that Baekhyun would break your heart. 
He had been your best friend almost as long as you could remember. He started following you everywhere sometime after he stuck that piece of bubble gum in your hair, but not before he immediately apologized when you burst into tears. And although nothing serious became of that kiss you shared when he took you home from prom years ago, you understood that your love for him was mutual although not yet fully recognized. 
Or maybe you imagined that he loved you. Now that you passed by his house for the first time since the rejection, you realized that the universe where Baekhyun secretly loved you but feared to ruin your friendship didn't make much sense. 
It was more likely that he had always tiptoed around your obvious crush for fear of hurting you. And when you interrupted that round of Mario Kart to tell him how you felt-- how you were in love with him-- he was forced to confront the issue once and for all. He was forced to confess that he couldn't see himself with you. 
"Y/N!" A voice much like Baekhyun's called behind you. Even before turning around, you recognized it as his younger brother's voice. Just now in his final years of high school, he ran to greet you with a smile. "You're home? Baek came back from college just this morning. If you wanna come over for dinner--"
"Oh, no," you shook your head instantly. To conceal your visible discomfort, you feigned a smile and clutched your backpack straps tightly. "Ah, sorry, I can't. I might be back from university for the weekend, but the work never stops, ya know?"
Your stiff laughter caused him to eye you cautiously. Although unconvinced by your story, he nodded slowly. "Right." He trailed off before asking, "Um, Y/N, did you and Baekhyun have a fight or something? It's just-- he acted all weird when I asked about you this morning, and now you're acting all weird when I mention him."
It was against your better judgment to tell him about what happened, so you explained shortly, "Uh, yeah, something did happen, but it was my fault. So maybe don't mention me for a while, alright?"
"Alright," he smiled sadly. Clapping your shoulder comfortingly, he said, "Well, take care, Y/N. I hope things work out soon."
. . . 
You had been home, tutoring your younger sister, for an hour when you heart frantic footsteps race toward your room. Before Baekhyun appeared, you anticipated that it would be him, so you rushed your sister across the hall to her bedroom. 
"Chin up, Y/N," she cheered in a whisper. "I'm sure he's here to confess to you."
Just moments before Baekhyun leaned against the doorframe, panting, you collapsed at your desk and slammed an open textbook onto your desk. 
"What did you say to my brother?" Baekhyun demanded. Just from his tone, you could picture his furrowed brow. 
You weren't angry when Baekhyun rejected you last week. In fact, you had been calm enough to finish playing Mario Kart before making some excuse about needing to study for a fictional biology exam. But something about how he stood in your house, hand on his hips and scowling, that pissed you off. 
So, briefly glancing away from your book to scan his aggressive body language, you responded with a question of your own. "Who let you in?"
"Your mom did," Baekhyun answered as if it were the punchline to a joke. 
You wanted to say that you couldn't believe your mother let him in after you called her from your dorm to cry about how he wounded your feelings, but you knew she loved Baekhyun as if he were her own son. She probably thought, like your sister, that Baekhyun was there to apologize or to invite you on a date. 
However, judging by his glare, Baekhyun didn't intend to do either. 
"I barely talked to your brother," you answered, rolling your eyes. "He said hi, he asked me to come over, and I said no."
"Why?" Baekhyun crossed his arms over his chest. 
 "Because," you gestured to your open textbook, "I have work to do."
Perhaps in an attempt to rectify the hostile atmosphere he created, Baekhyun teased, "Since when has work come before hanging out with me?" When you didn't laugh-- or even smile-- he thought aloud, "Well, I guess since last week. Didn't you weasel out of our Mario Kart tournament to study for some test last week?"
Your one-worded answer sent Baekhyun into a rage. Never before had he entered your bedroom without expressed permission, but suddenly he barged toward your desk, slammed your book closed, and barked, "Y/N, what's the matter with you?"
"What's the matter with me?" You snatched your book out of his hands before wheeling your chair away from his intense gaze. "You barged into my house, pouting and demanding to know what I said to your brother, and you want to know what's wrong with me?" 
"Yeah!" Baekhyun matched your volume and pressed his palms flat against your desk. "You're acting weird! You haven't' looked me in the eyes since I got here!"
At his challenge, your stomach flipped nauseatingly. Still, you couldn't meet his eyes, so you opened the textbook in your lap and focused blankly on the pictures as you argued, "Because I'm working!"
"Whatever." Baekhyun pounded a hand into the desk, but he looked at you apologetically-- eyes widened-- when you flinched and finally looked into his eyes. "I only came over here because my brother said you told him we're fighting, and I didn't know that we're fighting. When did that start, Y/N?"
You corrected, tossing your book onto your bed, "I didn't say that we're fighting. He said that we were acting weird, and I said it was probably because of what I said during Mario Kart."
Baekhyun seethed, "You told him you like me?"
It was the first time Baekhyun acknowledged your feelings since that day; he did so harshly that you gasped. Maybe to apologize, Baekhyun stepped toward you, but you refused to let him speak. 
"Of course I didn't tell him. It's none of his business. And why the hell would I want to brag about unrequited love?" You spoke through gritted teeth, glaring at him. "Besides, why can't I tell anyone I want? They're my feelings!"
"Because," Baekhyun breathed deeply, "he likes you."
"That's ridiculous."
Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he disagreed. "No, it's not. You're practically perfect, and even he knows it."
"No," you shook your head, "I mean it's ridiculous for him to think I could be with him. He just turned sixteen, Baek, and I'm in college."
"That's not the point. Don't you think he'd be crushed if I started dating you?"
With that question, Baekhyun broke down before your eyes. He leaned against your desk and looked away from you as he rubbed at his temples. 
"I don't know," you mumbled guiltily as you thought of being the cause of his brother's broken heart. Staring down at your lap, you said, "I guess that means it's a good thing you don't want to date me."
At that reflection, you must have broken down before Baekhyun's eyes. He dropped to his knees before you and reached up to cup your face, forcing you to look at him. "Hey, I never said that I don't want to be with you. I said it didn't feel right to be with you."
As you asked "How else am I supposed to take that?" a few embarrassed tears slid down your cheeks. 
"Ah, don't cry," Baekhyun ordered as he brushed the tears away. "I only said that because I feel bad that my brother likes you, not because I doubt how I feel about you. I've been waiting for him to move on to somebody else, but his other crushes are insanely short-lived."
 Blushing, you fixated on one detail of Baekhyun's explanation. "So you like me too?"
"Duh, dummy," Baekhyun laughed and playfully flicked your forehead. "Why else do you think I kissed you at prom?"
 You hummed, pretending to think deeply, before guessing, "Because I looked irresistibly gorgeous that night?"
"No, because--oh, wait, that's exactly why." And once you stopped laughing, Baekhyun said, "Look, Y/N, I'm working on finding my brother a girlfriend. You know, someone his age. And then we can be together."
Before you could agree and offer to help, your sister tiptoed into the doorway and drummed her knuckles against the open door. "Actually-- my best friend has a crush on him if you want to set them up." 
And while Baekhyun did cartwheels around the room and set to work on arranging his brother's date, you narrowed your eyes at your sister. 
"You get away with eavesdropping just this once," you warned, and she smiled. 
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anochuu · 5 years
I Told You So
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⤷Genre: Fluff
⤷Jung Hoseok x Reader
⤷Summary: Hoseok’s naivity is just too cute to handle
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"You're going to catch love-flu and infect it to us all,Hoseok.Grow some balls and ask her out already."
The mentioned member snaps from his little world and look up to see Yoongi leans against the railing just beside him.
"You're kidding right? I'm not ready to get rejected this fast yet." He snorted.
"How do you even know she's going to reject you? You never asked how she feels!" This time the oldest member piped in from the side. Impatient enough to see him again staring across the studio where her form is moving there and about doing whatever the crews told her to.
"I don’t," Answered he, "But i just know that she either likes Taehyung or Namjoon."
"I'm sorry, i didn't know you changed your name to Cupid now?" Yoongi scoffed earning a glare from him.
"Look at the way she talks and look at them. All starry eyes and ....shit." He uttered with frustration buried deep within him.
"Language." Scold Jin, "Why don't you ask her and find out?"
"Thought it's easy,huh." Hoseok mumbles,resting a palm underneath his cheek and stare at the certain (h/c) haired girl once again,her faint laughter that he could hear sounded so melodious.
"Don't even regret and come crying to us when Namjoon did ask her out first."
He shot up,eyes widening at Jin, "What?"
He shrugs his shoulders,"He can be so obvious i mean come on,who knows her longer than any of us? Him."
"And who introduced her to us?"
"..Him" Hoseok trailed off; "Ugh,damn it. I can't argue with you guys." His eyes diverted at her once more as if it always has been his habit for him to always search for her whenever they are in the same places.
Being an idol does not stop the almighty maknae to develop a crush on one of their song writer who is involved in most of their track lists every time they made a new comeback. She was there to help them get up to their feet whenever each of the members are feeling down,or ready to give up at the starter of their debut which could be called not that successful yet.
When he was still lost and absolutely new to the harsh reality of becoming a trainee to be an idol, he saw her as a supportive sister but now that they have stepped into the adultery world, there is a chance for him to like her.
"Don't squint your eyes like that,or else i won't be able to draw eyeshadows on you." (Y/n) laughs, the music bank encore show was about to start in a couple of minutes but for the young man he needed more time as long as he can spend with her being close to him like this.
"I can't help it! My eyes are getting dry because of these lenses." He complaint,couldn't help but to feel on cloud nine currently.
However his appearance, his heart beats very loud in his ears and ferociously against his ribcage. The other day he was persuaded by the older members that he MUST ask her out soon and that day is today. But how should he do it? What questions should he ask her first thing to not look dumb and nervous in front of her?
Hoseok ran his tongue over the top of his lip,watching her back who is tidying up the make-up desk.
"(Y/n)," He called,catching her attention back at him.
"Hm?" She responded,blinking her eyes with a smile which made him gulp down another lump inside his throat.
"Uhh, listen i uhm- wanted to you know...well,that is of course but—i mean,i know you are busy and all yet i'm still wondering if..well-if you have time—i mean..!"
She rose an eyebrow, "Hoseok,you're rambling again." She chuckles, "What is it though?" This time she stand straighter, "It's okay,what is it you wanted to tell?" Her voice gentle and that envelopes his heart in a warmth he has come to known since he knew her kindness.
It took him literally a couple of seconds of another fidgeting, eyes roaming around as if searching for the right words to utter yet she is willing to wait for him patiently.
"I was thinking...if you want your—Our!..day off,to have coff-"
Their heads in a sync looks to the side to see the leader approaching with a relieved expression as soon as his eyes laid on them.
"Namjoon? What's up?"
"I've been looking everywhere for you," He said with a sigh,grabbing her wrist where Hoseok’s eyes were burn on to.
"The production crews needs your help with the camera by the stage—" He then starts to drag her behind him without sparring another glance on the poor boy who was left alone in the dressing room,dumbfounded.
He works extra hard for today's stage show to conceal his dejected mood from earlier and deep within he curses himself for not being able to muster enough courage to spill those words out fast enough while he had the chance to. 
He gulps down a bottle of water one of the crews gave him after their stage show was done, panting heavily with sweats roll down from either side of his temples to the tip of his chin.
His eyes narrowed to the corner where he found her standing close to Namjoon once again. He frowns hard when she was wiping his sweats when all he got was another different women from the production team. 
"(Y/n)." He called her out,louder this time. He needs to get her,now or never.
"Ah!" Like a bulb just lightens on top of her head,her eyes widens. Excusing herself from Namjoon and grab a hold of Hoseok’s wrist this time after making sure no one is noticing them.
She pulls the male behind her back to the dressing room where they are now alone
"I forgot you wanted to say something to me earlier,what was it again?"
He turns flustered. He didn't expect her to remember that and with bold moves to drag him here just to speak about it; probably noticing how nerves-wrecking he was earlier embedded to the back of her head means he have something important to tell her in private.
He inhales a deep breath,biting his lower lip. Here goes nothing.
“Look,(Y/n) i— no matter how i reassure myself how you felt for Namjoon or the other way around...i just couldn't seem to let go of you." He began,studying her expression who is slowly widening her eyes after digestion.
"All i am asking now from you is that—is it possible, if i wanted to take you out for a coffee..? A dinner..?" His eyes pleading,biting the inner walls of his both cheeks when all he receives right now is just a silence from her.
"..Or maybe just a take-out back to our dorm might do for a date..?"
"Jung Hoseok.." She trails off, "Are you-asking me out on a date?"
"Is that not what i just said..?"
"H-hold on,you said—you said Namjoon and i—"
"I know,i know," He sighs, "I know how you two feels for each other but please,consider one for m-"
"Hold on i said," She raise a hand up, "You," She pointed at his chest with her index finger,
"Thought that,me and Namjoon likes each other!?"
Now it is his turn to grow confuse,the wrinkles between his eyebrows are now visible, "Are you not...?"
"Oh god.." She bursted out laughing.Hoseok watching her as if she had just grew another two heads on her neck.
"Jung Hoseok, Jung Hoseok..tsk tsk.." She sang nonchalantly, "Namjoon is my cousin! Didn't the others tell you that?"
Oh to hell with it...
His cheeks easily dominated by heat,trying to hide his redness, "N-no..but Suga and Jin hyung said—"
Of course you idiot,they lied to you!
He mentally slaps a palm over his face but then again why not do it physically,and so he did.
"..Please ignore the things i said today."
Her laughter grew louder, "Of course i can't do that,Hoseok-ah." She take a step closer,
"Are you shy now,hmm?"
"Stop looking at me." He mumbles behind his hands covering his face when she tries to peer into it.
"Aww you are! So my answer to that.."
She stand tips on her toes, placing a quick chaste peck of kiss on one of his cheek,catching him off guard. Almost in an instant his hands flails open; now she can clearly sees him blushing rather madly down at her.
"Wh-what was—“
"Yes,i would love to go on a date with you."
He unconsciously place a hand over his cheek where he just felt her soft lips smacked just for a second on his skin and (Y/n) couldn't help but to giggle while watching at his very dumbstruck movements.
"..C-could you...perhaps do that again?" He murmurs.
She lets out a small giggles,feeling butterflies inside her belly.
"As much as you want,honey pie."
"Look at him,all fidgety and stuffs. Have you actually seen a baby on a date?"
"Jin hyung,he's 25."
"I don't care,he is still the maknae!"
The six members stuck their heads out on one corner of a walls,spying on the day where the two couple is on their first date.
"See,i told you so he would believe in the lies we made." Yoongi uttered.
"Where is she? It's been half an hour!" Jimin hissed,looking around.
"Silly,it's Hoseok who arrives way too early!" Yoongi groans, still don't get it why he is here.
"He bought two coffees,i bet one's for her."
"Though she likes mocha better." Namjoon muttered.
"Shut up cousin-complex."
"I do not!"
"Oh oh! She's here,she's here!"
"Woah-she actually wears a dress!" Jungkook beams when they watch the (h/c) haired girl enters the café,surprising the nervous male inside who keeps on biting his lips,smiling idiotically with or yet with her in sight.
"Are they leaving? Where are they going next?" Taehyung blinks.
"Jin hyung,move! I can't see with your shoulders!"
"Holy shit!" Jimin curses loud enough than their whisperings causing the others to shush him immediately.
"Look! He is holding her hand!" 
"Shit,he really is!"
Just then they saw the male stops in a halt,running back inside to the café before they can get too far from it,seeming to forget something or left behind an item leaving the (h/c) haired girl alone. They watch her took out her phone,sending a quick message as seen she is typing on the screen.
Their face fell and some paled when almost simultaneously their phone rung a short notification ringtone inside their bags and pockets. Shakily,they take out  each of their devices and on the screen flashes a sentence.
When their eyes looks up in fear they already saw her staring at them with a smug smirk.Scrambling to get away fast and (Y/n) only shrugs her shoulders,looping an arm around Hoseok’s as soon as he came back again.
"Go home or i'll release all your predebut selcas."
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burnt-pastel-not · 5 years
after hours (chapter 2: aftermath)
(Chapter 1)
(On AO3)
tw rape aftermath, emetophobia.
nothing sexual happens but there are mentions of bodily fluids and references to the events in the previous chapter, so 18+ to be safe.
18+, grapefruit, etc.
What the fuck just happened?
Another heaving sob wracks his body. His teachers just-- and then left.
He's afraid they'll come back. He tries to push himself upright on a tingling, too-heavy forearm. As his abdomen tightens to pull himself up the rest of the way he feels hot liquid gush out of him.
”If you don't want to get pregnant…”
Midoriya audibly gags and chokes, his stomach tightening painfully before releasing and letting him suck in a breath so deep it makes his lungs burn.
He spots his pants, discarded near the door, and stumbles towards them on all fours, falling over himself on limbs that refuse to cooperate. His movements are exaggerated and clumsy. He manages to throw his good arm forward and tug them back towards himself, keeping an eye on the window in the door for movement.
It takes a few frantic tries to get his hand in the pocket to grab his phone. Then he pushes himself under the nearest desk, and pulls his pants closer so they aren't visible from the hallway.
It takes him five attempts to enter his PIN correctly. He opens his contacts (he doesn't even think about calling the police) and hovers his thumb over his most frequent numbers, mom and All Might. He's not sure which one to call, who would be closer.
In the end, he selects All Might.
He holds the phone up to his ear as it rings, and realizes he should probably get his crying under control before he answers. It's easier than he thought it'd be, each sob makes his head spin and pound even harder.
The dial tone cuts off. “--Hello?”
“All Might--” he doesn't even recognize his own voice, “--are you still near U.A.?”
“Sort of,” All Might replies hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
“How far away are you?”
“Just a few minutes. Did--”
“Will you come pick me up, please?” Midoriya takes a breath as his lip quivers, trying to maintain his composure. “I need to go to the pharmacy.”
“Yes, of course. Are you hurt?”
“N-- ...No,” Midoriya says, uncertain. He's not bleeding, at least. “I just need to pick something up before I go home.”
“...Alright,” All Might responds with his own hesitance.
“A-and will you come inside? To get me? Sorry. I'm in the teacher's office…”
“Did something happen, my boy?”
“I just…” What is he even supposed to say? He can barely comprehend what was done to him, much less put it into words. “I'm… having trouble getting my stuff together because of my arm. Usually someone's around to help, but…”
All Might pauses. Midoriya hears a sound on his end, maybe a sigh. “...Alright. I'm turning around now, I'll be there shortly.”
Midoriya relaxes just a fraction. “Thank you.”
“Do you want to st--” *click*
As comforting as All Might's voice is right now, he needs his good hand to get dressed. Plus, dodging his questions is stressful. He hasn't fully collected himself yet. He decides he can spare a few moments to pull his knees up to his chest and sob some more.
A stab of alarm hits him when he checks his phone and more minutes have passed than he thought. He has no idea if “a few” minutes meant 5 or 20 to All Might.
He pokes his head out from under the desk and cranes his neck. He spots the white ruffle of tissues standing upright and reaches up to grab the box. He wipes away the tears and snot running down his face, then the come, rubbing at his cheeks and the corners of his mouth and pulling a tissue through his hair.
He's more hesitant when he gets to the place between his legs, afraid he'll somehow make it worse and make it more likely he'll get pregnant. He just dabs at his inner thighs first, cleaning up everything that's dripped. He gets much more cautious as he gets closer to the space between his legs, tossing out the tissue he's using and grabbing another after a single touch or brush.
He contracts and pushes his muscles while kneeling, but it seems like the sticky white fluid never stops dripping out of him and onto the floor. His head buzzes and heart pounds rapidly in his chest as he observes it.
Mic's come. Mic's come. Present Mic's come.
He pulls the trash can closer and heaves over it so hard he's certain he'll throw up, but he doesn't. He gags again, even harder, enough that it makes his stomach and ribs cramp, but still nothing comes up. He coughs. He can feel his stomach pulsing. His ears feel cold but everything else is burning.
His body concedes for now. He wipes up what more has trickled down his legs and decides that it's good enough, slipping on his underwear. His pants are a little more difficult. His broken arm twinges as he tries to pull them over his hips, and his shaking legs don't want to help him lift his back off the floor to do it.
He wipes away the mess on the floor, too. He goes to check the time again to see how long he has to try to button up his shirt, but pauses when he catches sight of his neck in the reflection of the screen. Spots… on his neck…? He opens his front camera and, oh, he looks like shit. Reddened eyes, pale skin, disheveled hair and clothes… He looks like a zombie.
He angles the camera down to his neck. The spots are bruises. Hickies. Right. His stomach twists again, recalling how Aizawa's tongue caressed his neck.
He doesn't have time to sit here and heave, but that's exactly what he does. His phone clatters to the floor as he drops onto his hands. He can't even move enough to hover over the trash can this time.
Aizawa's hands groping his chest, Mic's head between his thighs…
He vomits. Not a lot, but some sickly yellow and white fluid comes up. He thinks that's it, until he realizes the salty taste in his mouth underneath the bitterness is Aizawa's come. He pukes two more times, each with less and less fluid coming up.
He shakily settles back onto his thighs, trying to catch his breath. He feels his broken arm starting to throb. He must have been leaning on it too much. He starts to lift his other hand, but quickly places it back down to catch himself when he starts to tip forward.
He gives up on trying to do this with some dignity. He lets himself collapse onto his side, then rolls onto his back. He lifts his head to pop the collar of his dress shirt, then, with some difficulty, buttons up the topmost button and hopes it'll be enough to hide the marks. He can't tie his tie correctly on normal days.
He fumbles with more of the buttons, and gives up one or two before most people would. Good enough. He mentally goes through all the evidence. He's got his clothes, cleaned up the c-- the mess off himself and the floor (not the vomit though. Sorry, tomorrow janitor.) His tie is… somewhere. Same with his slippers. Neither seem too suspicious to discard when feeling sick, which Midoriya definitely can't hide from All Might at this point.
With everything concerning the present moment taken care of, he can only consider the future. What is he going to do tomorrow? How can he ever come in to school and face Aizawa and Present Mic again?
His body trembles at the thought. What is he going to do? He can't take it if this happens again. Is it going to happen again? Should he drop out or transfer schools? Is it going to happen to other students? Would anyone believe him if he told them about it?
God, no. He could never speak of this. It's unbelievable, it's humiliating. What is he going to do?
He's hyperventilating. If he wasn't certain his stomach was empty, he'd sit up to puke again. He whines, tears stinging his eyes. He tugs on his shirt so hard he hears seams ripping.
Midoriya's eyes fly open at the sound of footsteps. Flooded with adrenaline, he finds the energy to pick himself up off the floor and cower under the desk again. He knows it could be All Might, but, what if it's not?
He hears the door open and holds his breath. He tries to push himself as far under the desk as he can without making it creak. For a moment, there's just silence. Then he hears the person crossing the room, towards the other set of doors, the ones Midoriya had entered through.
“Midoriya?” All Might calls out. For a fraction of a second, Midoriya is relieved.
Then he starts to question whether he's really safe. He thought he could trust Aizawa, too. And Mic. Will All Might see him here, vulnerable and broken, and decide to do the same thing? What if… what if all the staff is like this? What if they're all in on it? What if he just walked right into their trap?
He should have called mom. He should have called mom he should have called mom heshouldhavecalledmom--
Suddenly All Might's head pops into view as he ducks down to look under the desk. “Midoriya?”
Midoriya flinches. He's frozen, staring up at him with wide eyes. All Might seems equally shocked before his face twists with concern instead. He crouches down.
“My boy… What's wrong?” He reaches towards his shoulder.
“Don't--!” Midoriya jerks back, causing him to hit his head and elbow on the desk. He couldn't care less about the pain right now. All Might pulls his hand back.
Midoriya put his clothes back on but he still feels naked under All Might's gaze.
All Might looks to the side, probably to the mess he made, then back to him.
“You're feeling ill?”
What is he thinking? This… this is All Might. His hero, his mentor. He's had plenty of opportunities to take advantage of him and never did, never would.
…Still, it only eases his nerves a little.
“...Y-yeah.” Midoriya nods. He lets his gaze fall to the floor. “I… I didn't want you to know how much I was pushing myself. Sorry.”
“Oh,” All Might sighs, his face falling briefly before perking back up. “We can talk about this another time. For now, let's get you home.”
All Might shifts out of the way for him, offering a hand that Midoriya ignores as he crawls out from under the desk. He can't rise to his full height. He feels empty and light. He crosses his arms over his chest, trying to subtly cover himself.
All Might stands up with him. His hand starts to move towards Midoriya's back before retracting. Instead, he moves to pick up his tie, sling, and bring him his slippers, hovering a hand nearby while Midoriya shakily slides them back on, ready to catch him if he wobbles too hard to recover.
“Here,” All Might says, holding up the sling to slide over his head. Midoriya hesitates. That one extra second he'd need to pull his arm out of it…
He shakes his head. “I'm alright...”
All Might lowers the sling, brows furrowing. He looks like he wants to say something. Instead, he shifts the sling into one hand to be carried along with his tie.
He steps aside and gestures towards the doors. “Can you walk on your own?”
“I… think so…” Midoriya answers between breaths. Each word feels like it takes all his effort to squeeze out.
And so does each step. He can only hobble, taking tiny half steps. All Might's hand hovers near him once more.
“Would you like me to carry you?”
In theory, that'd be nice, but he really doesn't want anyone's hands on him anymore. He can't help but picture All Might manipulating his body into embarrassing and vulnerable positions, or his hands wandering.
Inhale. “No…” Inhale. “I'mokay…” Inhale.
All Might puts his backpack in the backseat of his car while Midoriya gets buckled in. He got in the passenger seat out of habit, but when All Might gets in he regrets it. They're too close; All Might could easily reach over and touch--
Midoriya sucks in a breath as his hand flies to unbuckle his seatbelt, nausea gripping him along with his paranoia.
“I-I don't want to get you sick,” Midoriya blurts as he climbs out of the car. All Might starts saying something but Midoriya is already shutting the door. He gets into the backseat, and All Might looks concerned in the rearview mirror.
He hopes All Might is really driving him to the pharmacy. It's dark now though, and it makes everything look unfamiliar. Is the drive to it always this long? Aren't pharmacies everywhere? All Might wouldn't kidnap him, would he?
…No, of course not. That would be a waste--he wouldn't have given him One For All if he'd planned on doing that.
He hopes they get there in time, that the pill works in time. He doesn't want to get pregnant. God, what would he do then? He wouldn't even be able to transfer to another school--
Midoriya shifts in his seat, tugging the seatbelt away from his abdomen. He's nearly panting. He groans under his breath, pressing himself back into the seat until it hurts. Anything to distract him from his oncoming panic.
All Might glances over his shoulder at him. “Are you going to be sick?”
“No,” Midoriya replies, voice strained and louder than he'd intended.
“...We're almost there. We'll get you some medicine, and you'll feel better soon. Just hang in there, my boy,” All Might assures.
Midoriya is relieved when the pharmacy finally comes into view, the warm lighting inside illuminating the parking lot from the windows. His hand hovers over the buckle release before they even start pulling in.
“You can stay here. I'll go get it,” Midoriya announces after they park, taking off his seatbelt.
“Wait a minute-- Midoriya!” All Might calls after him as he climbs out of the car. All Might quickly gets out and sprints around the front, stepping in front of him to block his path. Just climbing out has winded him--he hasn't even shut the car door yet.
“You should stay here and rest. I don't mind getting it for you,” All Might says. He has a hand on Midoriya's open door, trying to coax him back in.
“I'm fine,” he breathes, holding his stomach that feels like it's going to collapse inwards at any second.
All Might scoffs. “Look at you…! Just stay here--”
“I can go get it!” Midoriya whines, slumping into the seat. Somehow, he still has tears left in him. He rests his head against the back of the seat as he cries.
“My boy… What is going on with you?” All Might wonders. Midoriya cries harder.
He reaches forward, then hesitates, before continuing slower than before. He brushes Midoriya's bangs away from his face before pressing his hand to his forehead gently.
After a moment he retracts his hand with an unsatisfied hum, eyes scanning Midoriya's form. His brows furrow. He reaches towards him again, this time pulling Midoriya's collar away from his neck to peer under the fabric.
Midoriya startles, bunching up his shoulders and pushing All Might's arm away, but it's too late. All Might has a horrified expression, hand coming up to cover his gaping mouth. Midoriya pulls his legs up in the seat, curling up as he sobs.
They stay like that for a long moment, All Might staring at him, stunned, while he cries.
“What happened?” All Might mutters, seemingly to himself, his voice muffled by his hand.
He rests his hand on the door and leans down towards him a little, likely for privacy in the small parking lot.
Voice low, he asks him, “Did… Did someone… f-force you...?”
“The medicine,” Midoriya reminds. “Please.”
All Might glances towards the glowing pharmacy windows, then back to him. “What do you need?”
“P-P-P… P-Plan B, I think?”
All Might's breathing gets uneven for a moment before he straightens up and speaks. “I'll get it for you. Stay right here.”
He jabs his finger downwards for emphasis, and gently eases the door shut so it doesn't hit him.
All Might comes back with a small box, water and apple juice. He gets into the backseat beside him, handing him the pill box and offering the drinks. Midoriya shifts into a regular sitting position and takes the water. He doesn't think his stomach could handle the juice right now.
He drinks just enough water to wash down the pill. He knows he should probably drink more, but everything--holding the bottle, taking gulps, taking breaths in between--takes too much effort.
He sets the bottle in his lap, picking at the label. They stay like that for a minute, both silently staring into their own laps.
“Who?” All Might eventually asks.
Midoriya barely shakes his head.
All Might looks over at him. “Mi-... Izuku, I want to help you and keep you safe. You don't need to protect them. I'll protect you.”
“You wouldn't believe me anyway…”
All Might let's out a humorless snort. “I can already see something happened. Why would you blame the wrong person? Of course I'll believe you.”
Midoriya peels the label off the bottle. He stretches and presses his fingers into it, seeing if it will rip. His fingertips leave indents in the strip.
“Well,” All Might sighs, “you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, but I want to help you in any way I can. What do you need?”
“This is fine. I just wanna go home now.”
“Are you going to tell your mother what happened?”
Midoriya winces at the thought. “No.”
All that would do is upset her. He worries her enough as is.
They fall into silence again.
“...I could tell her for you. Would that help?” All Might offers.
...A little.
“I don't want this to hurt her…”
“Oh, Izuku… It's a mother's job to worry over her children. She would want to know, so she can support you,” All Might warmly assures.
Midoriya grinds the rubber edges of his shoes together. He's… probably right.
“No one's going to believe me.”
All Might pauses. “Did it happen shortly before you called me? Did it happen at U.A. today?”
Midoriya nods.
“Then, I'm sure that room is full of evidence the police can use to put them away where they can never hurt you, or anyone else, again,” All Might says, then leans in a little closer. “I'll believe you, Izuku, and I'll be with you the entire time.”
Midoriya finally pulls his gaze away from his lap to look up at him with watery eyes.
“I promise.”
He feels pangs of guilt for thinking he'd hurt him too. For probably the hundredth time this evening, tears roll down his cheeks. All Might carefully reaches out to put his hand on his shoulder. When Midoriya leans into it, he scoots closer and wraps his arms around him. Midoriya doesn't have the energy to do the same, but he leans into his embrace, drenching his dress shirt with his tears.
“Let's go to your mother's house first, and then we'll figure it out from there,” All Might murmurs.
Midoriya sniffles, burying his face against his chest. “Okay.”
 Even laying in bed, Aizawa is wide awake. Every part of him is so tense he finds himself sore. Hizashi is asleep next to him. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to ease Aizawa's nerves.
The hairs on his neck stand on end and he sits up, staring out the bedroom door. He waits.
And waits.
And waits.
And when there's a loud banging at their door, he isn't surprised.
”Police! Open up!”
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