#me vs not spamming the tags with my thoughts about the episodes
Animator vs. Animation Franchise Hug Collection - Part 3
♥ Would you like to check out the first part? Then click here! ♥
♥ Would you like to check out the second part? Then click here! ♥
As we all reel in and get our thoughts together about the Season 3 finale of Animation vs. Minecraft, I thought it would be a perfect time to share another, as the title of the post suggests, hug collection throughout the Animator vs. Animation franchise.
A couple I missed (well... one which I didn't know whether I should count it as either a hug or not, but whatever...), and the rest from Animation vs. Minecraft - Episode 26: The Warden to Animation vs. Minecraft - Episode 30: The King.
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Okay, so long story short, I actually posted this compilation post a while ago, but for some reason, it wasn't showing up either on my dashboard or in any of the tags I placed. I tried reposting it multiple times using various methods throughout the day, but each time I did so, I had no luck whatsoever.
Just recently, though, I did a little bit of a Google research, and after testing it out, I found out the reason why I was having trouble: one of the images (specifically the Green and Purple hug image) wasn't registering, and that affected the whole post. Therefore, I retook the image again and tested it out to see if it was alright this time, and it was. So here we are.
That took so much longer than I wanted it to take, so if you were actually able to see me spam post multiple split-second hug posts, then I deeply apologize for that. I also deeply apologize to the ones who were actually able to see the post that they'll be seeing this again.
I'll be deleting the other one I posted and updating the links of the previous two hug compilations to include the link to this one. (Well, by the time you see this, everything will already be updated.)
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captainsspnanon · 3 years
C3E14 reaction
First half reactions in no particular order:
This fight feels like it’s trying to be Grog vs Kern.  Like, the C2 fisticuffs were vibing incredibly differently so I didn’t really feel the comparison, but this didn’t hold my attention anywhere near as well.  I do wish that Taliesin described what he was doing before rolling, and then saw if it succeeded or not, but the flavor to the combat was still pretty good.  
Also not a fan of the rage-spamming to get the effect that Ashton wants.  It’s 100% valid mechanically, but doesn’t make sense RP-wise to me.  If it’s a random effect, I want it to actually be RANDOM, not ‘oops I’ll try again’.
What the fuck kind of barbarian is Ratanish??  Is this another homebrew?  I also feel like he’s got to be a decently higher level, considering the hit point difference seems fairly significant.  Unless all of the 7 points and 7-reduced-to-3 points were actually even more reduced due to an un-narrated hidden detail.
This party has so many button pushers!  It’s both amazing, and worrisome.  Mostly just because I don’t really enjoy super chaotic episodes, and the main campaigns have always seemed to walk the line of having enough seriousness to balance out the chaos.  With a bunch of button pushers?  I’m slightly on edge.  On the other hand, there are a good number of calmer PCs, so we’ll see.
I still can’t tell if it was Sam or FCG who was showing ‘irritation’ and impatience. I’m really hoping it’s FCG, I just need some depth to the PC visible.  Yes, there’s a ton implied, but I’d like a bit more outright rather than just ‘friendly folksy healer with proverb malapropism’
Such shitty rolls outside of the combat bit!  It’s gonna be one of THOSE nights, isn’t it?
Also everyone is super ridiculous today and I love it.  I wonder what was happening when they were filming that had them all giddy and out of it?
Why is Marisha trying to kill me this episode?  *fans self*  I just get so THIRSTY some times!
Fun combat!  I feel bad for Taliesin for not really getting to be in the fight, but happy for Ashton that they don’t die because they were already super low on health!  Also glad that barbs get at least 3 rages at level 5, I had thought they only got two and they’d used them up!  (either that or they reset on a short rest, which Ashton clearly would have gotten)
I’m intrigued by the Green Seekers, I’m expecting them to be an ongoing ‘antagonistic’ force.  Not that I think that they’re bad, but just will most likely be on the other side of the party.
I don’t have too much to say about the rest of the episode.  I’m doing my write up after the fact, rather than while I’m watching, so most everything has blended together into feels.
I didn’t like Bell’s Hells at first (I actually got it spoiled before I had a chance to watch the episode), but actually hearing them toast to each other with it, it grew on me.  I can see myself liking it after a number of uses.  (also not going to tag this post with it yet, because it counts as a spoiler.  I’ll start tagging once they change the youtube names)
Ashley with her hair up is trying to kill me just as much as Marisha was.  The ladies are ROCKING IT this episode!!
I also got Robbie leaving spoiled, but I will watch the two part EXU story with him. Surprised it’s only two episodes though!
Cyrus saying Emoth Kade worked with someone she called ‘mother’.  What The Sheet has posited that this could be an ooblex, and with this reveal, I’m thinking they may be right!
I teared up when Dorian was leaving, and the goodbyes they shared, though lolling forever at him leaving the ship behind to get snatched up by a child.
Real talk – I’m in the minority here in the fact that I don’t mind Robbie leaving. I absolutely would not have minded him staying, he’s been a delight!  But eight PCs has felt a bit overwhelming to me at times, and while they’ve had a fantastic dynamic with Robbie, I do kind of miss just core cast dynamic.  It’s selfish, I know.  I AM expecting that they’ll bring on other guests to stay for like, 10 episode stretches at a time.  If they do so, I do hope that they have a number of episodes between, just for my own personal preference.
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dumbasscorn · 3 years
Exothermic : chapter ten
Amalthea vs the Fever
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"God no, Uley. I just wanted you to stay the hell away from me if you're sick."
previous chapter 
987 words 
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Amalthea Swan had been a student at Forks High School for a week when she finally received her first weekend to herself. She no longer had any unpacking to do, having done that all throughout the week rather than the homework assigned.
It was a Sunday afternoon and Thea was burrowed under a blanket, watching a cartoon on tv as she nursed a bowl of strawberry ice-cream. Her thoughts were turned away from how Jerry would piss Tom off in the episode when she received a text message from Trevor Uley.
'Hey I feel like ass. I can't make it to school tomorrow. Just bring me the papers the teacher gives us for the project after school. I'll text you my address in the morning, my brain refuses to think.'
Thea groaned into her mouthful of ice-cream, replying to the text message with 'if i get your gross ass sickness i will be beating your ass.'
Trevor then spammed her phone with heart emoticons, clarifying at the end that all of them were absolutely necessary in order for his illness to be cured.
Locking her phone and throwing it on the cushion at the end of the couch she laid upon, Thea remembered that Uley wasn't feeling well on Friday and probably isn't lying so he can ditch school.
In history, Amalthea and Trevor sat in the back of the class, bickering quietly about whether or not she would attend Jackson's first game at the end of the month. Thea claimed she was a busy ass person, as Trevor argued that Son deserves his parents love and support! To which Mal knocked him on the back of the head, earning a scolding from the teacher who spoke about due dates for the project they had been assigned on Monday.
Once Mr. Huber turned back to the white board, Amalthea turned toward the Uley boy with her two brows pulled together.
Discreetly whispering toward his ear, she had asked why his head was so hot, and if he had a fever.
"Worried 'bout me, are we, Mal? Awe! I knew you cared!" Trevor spoke aloud, - which earned himself a detention from the teacher who seemed to run out of patience- hand on his heart as he frowned in adoration.
"God no, Uley. I just wanted you to stay the hell away from me if you're sick." Thea spoke just as loud, causing for the history teacher to purse his lips together so tightly that they started to go white.
"Detention! Both of you! All you do is talk, hush up and pay attention! This project will be a quarter of your grade. You need to focus. Considering you both are partners, I suggest you two face forward and quit speaking to one another until I tell you to do so. Next time I hear a peep out of either of you, you're out of the room!" Huber spoke harshly, face going beet red in irritation.
"Gotcha, teach'. Just for you, I'll ignore the buffoon." Amalthea nodded, aiming a thumbs up toward the agitated teacher.
"Buffoon? Buffoon! I am not a buffoon, Swan!"
The teacher glared at the two students who had caused for his classroom to erupt in laughter rather than listen to his teachings.
"Out! I'm done with dealing with this. The both of you get yours things and go! Come back Monday for the papers-- leave my classroom!" Mr. Huber harshly spoke at the two teenagers as they both pretended to be sad at the news of being ejected from the room.
The two students left a giggling classroom, silently thanking the other for getting them out of there.
So no, Amalthea did not think that Uley decided to fake an illness. She just hoped that Uley also texted Jackson, not wanting to deal with his worries when tomorrow arises.
Feeling a headache come on from the two pigtails that she put in after waking at eleven in the morning, - her uncle refused to let her first weekend free of school be spent sleeping - Thea released the hair ties from her head of hair.
Running her hands through the scalp of her black tendrils, the teen kept her eyes glued on the television that showed Tom chasing after Jerry in a haste.
Hearing the engine of a car cutting off, Thea sat prepared for her uncle to come inside the door. Charlie entered the threshold with a friend in tow.
Harry Clearwater followed his friend into his home, immediately seeing the mans niece lounging on a small couch in the living room. Spotting the elder that she had never before, Amalthea turned toward her uncle and tilted her head, "You've got friends?"
"Wow Thea, you're so hilarious I almost forgot to laugh." Charlie exaggeratedly smiled widely, gently pushing the girls head.
"Harry, this is my niece Amalthea. Amalthea, this is Harry Clearwater. We stopped by so I could get my fishing gear." Charlie introduced the two, attention on the equipment he was there to collect.
"Amalthea? You wouldn't happen to be the young girl Uley's brother made friends with, would you?" Harry inquired, grinning softly at the girl.
Thea immediately groaned outwardly, hanging her head.
"Sadly, I guess so." She sighed, pushing hair out of her eyes, and met the mans eye line, "He showed me around on Monday so in his eyes we are now - and I quote - besties."
Harry chuckled at the girl, inwardly pitying the teen for having to lose her new friend so soon.
Charlie walked back toward the two, gear in hand. "Kiddo we're gonna head on out. I'll be back in a couple hours, Bella should be upstairs. Call if you need me."
The uncle patted her head, looking into her doe shaped eyes as they shifted toward Harry. The tribe elder nodded toward her, biding her ado.
"See you later Uncle Charlie and Uncle Charlie's fishing friend. Don't drown!"
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I watched the Tom and Jerry movie a couple days ago, have any of you seen it?
My spring break starts on Thursday, so I’ll begin writing new chapters then (except I’m gonna watch new moon first for a refresher lols).
Btw.... we're finally getting into things. ;) Are you ready?
Tag list; @ivettt​ @jjpogueprincess​ @demigodslut​
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please send me an ask or message me! Do the same if you’d like to be removed. :)
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
I Am Looking For More OP Blogs On Tumblr
I have been noticing that whenever I follow a Tumblr user (most of them are rebloggers), they disappear from my Following count (either they deactivated their account, or blocked me; but mostly their account gets deactivated).  Most Tumblr users want more followers; I want more blogs to follow, especially OP (original post) blogs.
I am not saying there should be no rebloggers (in fact, I encourage reblogging); it is that there are so many users that only/mostly reblog other users’ posts; I want to follow more OP users because I have a big thing for originality, creativity, and individuality.  Rebloggers tend to agree on what the OP (or other reblogger) says, and whenever I go to the tagged or search section/s, only the OP posts are apparent, and no rebloggers with their own creative tags (unless I go to their blog and search whatever keyword/tag they designate some of their posts with).
Yes, I reblog other users’ posts, myself, but I tend to add my own thoughts and tags whenever I do so; and since my reblogs are not in the tagged or search sections, these posts are not mine, since I am not the OP.  Even some OP users have reblogged posts of their own, as well (but they usually do not go overboard with them, and they usually have an equal amount of reblogs as well as original posts).  Because I promote creativity, talent and individuality, I do not reblog as much as most OP users.
I am looking for more OP blogs for me to follow (or to follow me so I can follow them) that are currently active and not defunct or dormant.  And whatever the OP user posts on their blog is their primary content.  Here are some content I am looking for:
- Transformers Generation One
    * The Transformers (1984-1987)
    * The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
    * Transformers anime and OVAs
- Transformers: Robotmasters (2004-2005)
- Transformers: Unicron Trilogy
    * Micron Legend
    * Superlink
    * Galaxy Force
    * Linkage
    * Armada
    * Energon
    * Dreamwave
- Bumblebee (2018) and other Knightformers media
- G1 callbacks in all Transformers media (besides G1, itself)
- Underrated characters
- Alt-modes
- Different planets
- Sub vs. dub comparisons
- Fan characters
    * Autobots
    * Decepticons
    * Microns/Mini-cons
    * Junkions
    * Planets
    * Vehicles
    * Other robots
    * Other extraterrestrials
    * Humans
Sonic The Hedgehog
- Classic games (1991-1997)
- Adventure games/merchandise (1998-2006)
- Sonic X
    * Sonic X (sub)
    * Characters
    * Soundtracks
    * Stock footage
- Sonic OVA
- Sonic, Shadow, and Silver (and sometimes Scourge)
- Terios The Hedgehog
- Underrated characters
- Zones/areas/habitats
- Different planets
- Sub vs. dub comparisons
- Fan characters
    * Hedgehogs (male, female, intersex, non-binary, other, etc.)
    * Hedgehybrids (like a peahedge (hedgehog x peafowl), for instance)
    * Birds
    * Reptiles
    * Recently discovered species
    * Fantastical creatures
    * Other extraterrestrials
    * Robots, machines, cyborgs, and vehicles
    * Villains (male, female, intersex, non-binary, other, etc.)
    * Humans
- Creatures
- Early Creatures
- Flora
- Cells (actually microbes)
- Vehicles
- Buildings
- UFOs (actually spaceships)
- Planets
- City Music
- Objects (including different color Spice, rocks and minerals, weapons, etc.)
- Landscapes
- Advancements (including moveable tails for creatures, doors for vehicles and buildings, and other planetary features)
- Gameplays
- Screenshots
- Your own creations
- Top Gun (1986)
- The Final Countdown (1980)
- 1980′s Sci-fi and fantasy films
- Stealth (2005)
TV Shows
- Knight Rider (1982-1986)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe (1984-1986)
- Any sci-fi/fantasy/science fantasy shows (including 1980′s shows)
Videogames And Computer Games
- Sins Of A Solar Empire
- Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution
- FlOw (2006)
- Osmos (2009)
- Space Dragon (3lb Games)
- Age Of Empires (1997-2018)
- Nomad (1993-present)
- The Saint Of The Braves Baan Gaan
- Any classic arcade games (1970′s to 1990′s) from most popular to most underrated
Anime And OVAs
- Beast King Golion
- Armored Fleet Dairugger XV
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Future Robot Deltaneous
- Star Musketeer Bismark
- Super Dimension Fortress Macross
- Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
- Genesis Climber Mospeada
- Dai-Guard
- Brave Fighters
    * Brave Fighter Exkaiser
    * Brave Fighter Of Sun Fighbird
    * Brave Fighter Of Legend Da-Garn
- Brave Express Might Gaine
- Brave Police J-Decker
- Brave Of Gold Goldran
- Brave Command Dagwon
- GaoGaiGar
- Betterman
- Robot Romance Trilogy
    * Super-Electromagnetic Robot Combattler V
    * Super-Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V
    * Brave Leader Daimos
- Space Runaway Ideon
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner
- Raideen
    * Raideen The Brave
    * Raideen The Superior
- Sukeban Deka (OVA)
- Starship Troopers (OVA)
- Queen Millenia
Books And Novels
- Dragonriders Of Pern series
- Literary Brat Pack
    * Bright Lights, Big City (1984)
- The Space Trilogy
- The Red Mars Trilogy
- Sci-fi books about/featuring dragons
- Robert Heinlein fans
- Space books
- Bird books
- Giant robot/Mecha books
- Books about different dimensions
- Books about time travel
- Action-packed suspense novels
- 1980′s
    * Electropop
    * Music videos
    * Instruments (synthesizers, guitars, drum machines, etc.)
    * Currently deceased musicians
    * “Flashdance” style
    * J-Pop/J-Rock/city pop
    * Lesser-known songs
    * International
    * Experimental
    * Soundtracks
- Film/TV/videogame score/soundtracks
- Transformers music
- Sonic The Hedgehog music
- Musical instruments
Fan media
- Transformers
- Sonic The Hedgehog
- Spore
- Voltron (1984-1985)
- Knight Rider (1982-1986)
- Brave Saga
- Crossovers
    * Transformers x Sonic The Hedgehog
    * Transformers x Spore
    * Transformers x Brave Saga
    * Transformers x Voltron
    * Transformers x Knight Rider
    * Sonic x Spore
    * Sonic x Voltron
    * Sonic x Brave Saga
    * Sonic x Knight Rider
    * Spore x Voltron
    * Transformers x Yu-Gi-Oh!
    * Brave Saga x Yu-Gi-Oh!
    * Spore x Dragonriders Of Pern
    * Sonic x Dragonriders Of Pern
    * Transformers x Dragonriders Of Pern
    * GoBots x Transformers
    * Gundam x Transformers
    * Transformers x Sonic x Yu-Gi-Oh!
    * Transformers G1 x Transformers Unicron Trilogy
    * 4Kids shows x Transformers Unicron Trilogy
    * Top Gun (1986) x The Final Countdown (1980)
- The Transformers (1984-1987)
- The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
- Transformers: Headmasters
- Transformers: Victory
- Transformers OVAs
    * Transformers: Scramble City
    * Transformers: Zone
- Transformers: Car Robots
- Transformers: Micron Legend
- Transformers: Superlink
- Transformers: Galaxy Force
- Bayformers films (2007-2017)
- Bumblebee (2018)
- AOSTH (especially the episode “Zoobotnik”)
- Sonic SatAM
- Sonic OVA (sub)
- Sonic X (sub)
- Beast King Golion
- Armored Fleet Dairugger XV
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Future Robot Deltaneous
- Star Musketeer Bismark
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe (1984-1985)
- Voltron: Fleet Of Doom (1986)
- Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs (1987-1988)
- Super Dimension Fortress Macross
- Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
- Genesis Climber Mospeada
- Robotech (1982-1984)
- Brave Fighters
    * Brave Fighter Exkaiser
    * Brave Fighter Of Sun Fighbird
    * Brave Fighter Of Legend Da-Garn
- Brave Police J-Decker
- GaoGaiGar
- Dai-Guard
- Any Raideen series
- Knight Rider (1982-1986)
- Knight Rider 2000 (1991)
- Top Gun (1986)
- The Final Countdown (1980)
- Stealth (2005)
- Challenge Of The GoBots (1984-1985)
- Fan videos
- Landscapes
    * Planetary landscapes
    * Nature
    * Cities and towns (featuring cars and other vehicles)
    * Futuristic landscapes
    * Space
    * Alien landscapes
    * 1980′s style landscapes
    * Memphis style landscapes
    * Technological landscapes
    * Room/hallway landscapes
- Cars (1965-1990)
- Fighter jets
- Birds
- Rocks and minerals
- Memphis patterns and other 1980′s and 1990′s style patterns
- Retro 1970′s, 1980′s, 1990′s aesthetic (including airbrush techniques)
- Images made by Microsoft Office PowerPoint shape tool
- Mecha robots
- Fonts and font art
- Space/universe related artwork
- Cars
    * Pontiac Firebird Trans Ams (including 1982)
    * Chevrolet Camaros (including 1982)
    * Supercars and sports cars from 1955-2004
    * Plymouth Roadrunners
    * Custom 1980′s sports cars (custom paint job, car costumes, accessories, etc.)
    * Dodge Challengers
    * Striped cars
    * Flying cars
- Planes
    * F-14 Tomcats
    * F-15 Eagles
    * F-16 Fighting Falcons
    * A-10 Warthogs
    * F-22 Raptors
    * F-35 VTOL fighter jets
    * Custom planes (including custom fighter jets)
- Seamless patterns
- Retro 1980′s themes
    * Synthwave
    * Retrowave
    * Vaporwave
    * Airbrush techniques
    * Fonts
    * Car paint jobs
    * Chrome (not Google Chrome; actual chrome gradients)
- Bird species of the world
- Space
    * Planets (including those outside our solar system)
    * Stars
    * Moons
    * Star systems
    * Nebulae
    * Galaxies
    * Asteroids and meteors
    * Comets
    * Clusters
    * Novae
    * Black holes
    * Recent discoveries
- OS
    * Microsoft DOS
    * Microsoft Windows 1.0
    * Microsoft Windows 3.1
    * Microsoft Windows 95
    * Microsoft Windows NT
    * Microsoft Windows 98
    * Microsoft Windows 2000
    * Microsoft Windows ME
    * Microsoft Windows XP
    * Microsoft Windows retro OS styles
    * Ubuntu Linux
    * Amiga OS
    * Underrated OS
- Old technologies
- Ask memes (usually for fandom related topics)
If anyone already has posts like any of these, feel free to follow me so I can check out your content (I usually follow back if the content a user contains satisfies me, but sometimes I choose not to; spam users, on the other hand...).  For those who have not logged in to Tumblr (and have content you chose to base your future blog as), please do so; the more creative individuals in the site (if not the whole Internet), the better.
That is all I will say for now.  Until I find such content that is ongoing for the 2020′s, I will explore what is available so far.  I am certain other users might have similar needs and desires like I do, as well.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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cuddlemonsterdean · 5 years
A little Supernatural question, fill-out, thing! Pop the questions into a text post and answer for yourself if you want!
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
October 2012, when season 8 was airing, and right around the time everything in my life was taking a serious nose-dive that was about to get much worse. honestly if i hadn’t found it then, i don’t know if i’d still be here at all.
i didn’t even have an account yet so i was browsing someone’s blog that had stuff from all kinds of fandoms on it. around that time i had been lurking in the batman fandom for a bit but it wasn’t really doing it for me so i was looking for something new to obess over. i kept seeing gifsets and stuff from spn, so i thought i’d give it a go. the first ep i watched was Lazarus Rising, and within not even 10 minutes i knew that this was it
2. Who is your favorite in TFW? 
I just love dean so much - he means everything to me. he’s taught me so much, he makes me happy, he inspires me. he makes me be brave when i don’t wanna be
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW? 
that’s a weird question??? i might not blog about them as much but i don’t dislike sam or cas. honestly it makes me sad when people (as in, fans) try to pitch tfw against each other
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs! 
i don’t follow a whole lot of people because i’m cautious of wank and stan wars and such but i love having @postmodernmulticoloredcloak @wigglebox @jensensitive @dotthings @occamshipper @mittensmorgul @deathswaywardson and @softcuddlydean on my dash :) (...that’s eight already. and i probably forgot someone. i’m not good with numbers okay!! o(>.<)o)
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
it’s so hard to pick one but - Donna!!! i love her so much, she’s so upbeat and fun too watch but she has depth too and layers and i’ve really enjoyed how they’ve developed her as a character. i kind of look up to her :)
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural? 
basically the same as above but - honestly all of the women are awesome
7. John or Mary? 
i don’t like this vs trend but Mary. maybe she’s difficult to love, but i personally really appreciate the decisions they made regarding her character and her character development, that she wasn’t this perfect mother dean remembered. i’ve never, ever, been able to relate to a mother child dynamic on tv before mary and dean. oftentimes mothers are portrayed as either perfect or evil, and to see this struggle, this gray area - it meant a lot to me, it was really powerful. i in general appreciate the message that it’s possible to both love and hate your parents at the same time, and that it’s something that’s just allowed to be that way
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack? 
i honestly don’t really remember. it’s also difficult because i already had half a foot in fandom and was also watching season 8 while it aired while also playing catch up on season 1-7 at the same time. with jack, i remember that i really appreciated alexander calvert’s acting choices, because he did this blend of innocent and ominous/threatening so well
9. What’s your favorite season? 
if you’d asked me this during season 13, i’d have said season 13, but now it’s definitely season 14 (for now, since 15 just started airing). the michael storyline was like my favorite ever (and inspired my to write what i think is, so far, my best deancas longfic), but also overall the season was so neat and fascinating thematically
10. What’s your least favorite season? 
i don’t really have one, though i’d say while rewatching the entire show over the summer i found season 6 the hardest to get through. not even because of everything that goes down with cas but like - the one and only good thing that happens to team free will there was getting sam’s soul back, and even that had painful repercussions. there is some really interesting stuff in there, but overall it was hard to watch
11. Opinions on Destiel? 
it’s canon. like - if someone tries to tell me it’s not i have to assume they’re being willfully ignorant on the subject (of course it’s perfectly fine not to ship it and stuff but arguing its very existence is kind of ridiculous at this point)
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits? 
no. honestly i kind of feel like that word gets thrown around so quickly and so frequently people have forgotten what queerbaiting actually is and what it is not, and that’s done some serious damage
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
again with the vs thing but - 8-14. dean and sam finally have a bigger family and an actual home, that alone always makes me gravitate more to the later seasons
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)? 
Michael (big surprise XD). i enjoyed him so much, especially since he foreshadows what dean’s going through in regards to chuck/god rn
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line? 
don’t know when this questionaire was made - i think it’s over, and they did well with it
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)? 
honestly, i think with trauma, we shouldn’t compare it like that. they’ve all been traumatized repeatedly - sometimes in similiar ways, but even then everyone reacts differently. it’s not fair to do comparisons, and it doesn’t help either
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode? 
i used to say i’m married to The Executioner’s Song, then Tombstone aired and i had the time of my life, and then Nihilism aired - and that ep was like everything i’ve ever wanted. i bet @postmodernmulticoloredcloak can still remember me spamming them via text while watching - which took me like two hours because i kept screaming about everything basically XD
18. Do you like case episodes? 
i love them
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW? 
dean. for all the reasons i already stated in 2., but also i’m the oldest daughter and had to protect my younger siblings as a kid (domestic violence situation, among other things). my younger “sister” and i weren’t blood related but i would have died for her, she meant everything to me. plus, dean’s really emotional but has a lot of protective walls that he needs to survive, and i can relate to that as well
20. Why do you like Supernatural? 
too many reasons to list them all. there’s dean, there’s the whole found family trope. the complexity of the characters and their dynamics, the deeply psychological themes than run through the entire narrative. i think you can really tell that the people - actors, writers, directors, crew - really love making the show, and put a lot of effort into it. it’s not a “perfect” show (which doesn’t exist anyway) but it’s made with love. plus we got this amazing cast that cares so much and gives so much, and it really makes you feel less alone, makes you feel seen and heard even if you never meet any of them face to face. it’s genuine, and it’s rare, and i cherish it, just like the show
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be? 
hm, i genuinely can’t think of anyone i’d kill off rn. who i’d bring back - benny was awesome and i miss him. also eileen, but apparently we will see her again in some way, so there’s that :)
@wigglebox i did this because you said you’re tagging everyone who wants to do this, so now i’m stealing your move and saying the same! ;D
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
all that reminded me to reformat my “liveblogs and post series” page a little. Look at how the post series are all categorized now!
In Depth Review Series:
FMA Reviews- Episode by episode review of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood with endless meta and comparisons to the manga. Done for Mark Watches.
Revolutionary Girl Utena Reviews: Episode by episode reviews and analysis of Revolutionary Girl Utena and all it’s patriarchy-smashing strangeness, and an analysis of the movie as well. The garbled sentences are Rot13. You can either look  that up or go to the unscrambled posts at the end of the tag. Done for Mark Watches.
More Review Stuff
Anime Overviews- My overviews of the anime I watch each season- usually plenty of thoughts from a representation perspective, but is basically about how I like them overall. Covers the Fall 2013 anime season to the present.
Nev vs Shitty Sailor Moon Review: Doug Walker’s Review of Sailor Moon was incredibly poorly researched and also condescending and sexist. I rip into it point by point with much passion. Thanks to firefaerie81 for compiling the links!
General Meta:
Ed and Winry otp explosion- I spam my thoughts on Ed and Winry’s relationship development, and how it was so good to me because it was about them learning to understand each other and Ed learning to respect Winry’s agency and right to know.
FMA Feminist Analysis- I analyze the Fullmetal Alchemist manga from my own (very limited) perspective as a feminist- this includes a post on each major FMA lady analyzing her character arc. Yes, I regret that I framed it the way I did, that was simplistic, see the disclaimer I added later on.
The Saga of Laila Seiren- Likely due to having multiple writers, Hero Tales was a mediocre manga (with some gems- likely provided by Hiromu Arakawa) but it had an AMAZING character in Laila Seiren. I post manga pages showing her arc and full final battle against one of the boss villians, and meta about why her character arc is so great to me. Check the general Laila Seiren tag for more manga pages and meta and adoration.
Also updated the description for the Natsume liveblog:
Nev Watches Natsume’s Book of Friends- my occassional commentary as I watch this lovely anime about cute monsters, cute characters, healing and feelings.Please note that the way this liveblog is ordered is fairly unusual- i do a few scattered posts talking about my feels about the series around when I was watching the end of the third season on, then do a more in depth liveblog as I watch the sixth season. THEN I went back and rewatched the entire series and did an in depth liveblog from the beginning. I like Natsume a lot, you can probably tell.
So if you want to read the posts in episode airing order, skip to the 5th post on the fourth page and read from there, then when you’re done, go back and read the first few pages.
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lazuliblade · 8 years
History of YOI fandom
As a YOI fandom grandparent, I felt it was my duty to write out all the fandom explosions for the newer fans who weren’t there to witness the big bang and gradual week-by-week creation of this universe. All the arguments, people blowing things out of proportion, blaming characters, death theories, awesome fans clearing up miscommunications, YOI breaking the internet... 
This isn’t a post to call out specific people on their arguments and theories - I’ll stay respectfully away from restarting flames and picking fights, thankyouverymuch. Rather, this is an overview of the topics and conflicting views that swept across hundreds and thousands of people and prompted strong reactions. I’m doing this now, because I know that 6 months later, 1 year later, 3 years later, etc. there will be new fans who will have many of the same exact arguments. We’ve been there and done that. I see fans now who say things without knowing where the spelling/quote comes from, or who don’t realize how much has changed, or don’t know why there are certain perceptions of characters. So here’s a little bit of passing down history.
I also don’t want to forget the crazy ride this was. Laugh with me at the silly theories; smile with me at how deeply YOI has impacted our lives. For those of us old-timers, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Remember when...
---------------- (Large arguments will be italicized or bold. Special thanks to @sachiro for reminding me of a bunch of stuff I missed, and looking over the draft in its various stages of being written and edited.)
Idea that there would be a love triangle (Yuri P.--Yuri K.--Victor)
Some fans started spelling Yuri Katsuki with two “u” in order to tell them apart.
Victuri ship name created for Victor x Yuri K. (in a comment to the PV)
The title
“lol ‘Yuri’ on Ice? Where are all the lesbians?”
“When it said Yuri on Ice, I thought we would get girls. Y’know what I mean?”
“Yuri on Ice? More like Yaoi on Ice! amiright?”
J.J. misspelling (English spelling “Jean Jack” instead of French Canadian “Jean-Jacques”)
you can see the remnants of this in the audience banners during the episodes, but it was corrected to “Jean-Jacques” on the official website and the in-show text
Phichit x Seung-gil ship created (there was more art for this than for Victor x Yuuri)
Episode 1
Victor vs. Viktor spelling arguments 
Although “Victor” is the official spelling and seen in-show, people argued that the creators are wrong and that we fans know better than them about Russian culture - thus the “Viktor” spelling was born.
People argued back that spelling is subjective and you can spell a name multiple ways and still be correct - thus transliterating his Russian name into English as “Victor” would be just as acceptable.
The YOI wiki held fast for a time on using official spellings and information from the official website, but the transition of power led to a new team that started using agreed-upon info rather than solely using official info. “Viktor” replaced “Victor” on the website.
this change from “Victor” to “Viktor” on the wiki happened around episode 2~3, but the arguments were in the page comments since episode 1 -- with moderators explaining their reasoning with sticking to official sources.
Victor is a flirtatious over-the-top character who will seduce Yuuri
Victor is the overwhelming seme and Yuuri is the shy whimpering uke.
People dropping the anime because Yuuri is overweight; people commenting that they don’t want to see an overweight main character
in addition, some people dropping YOI due to feeling that the series was “fat shaming” by using Yuuri’s weight as a point of comedy.
Conversely, some people praising that we have a main character that gains weight and actually has an overweight appearance. 
“Japanese Yuri” &“Russian Yuri” or “Yuri K.” &“Yuri P.” were used to differentiate between the two characters since they shared the same official English spelling “Yuri”.
Starting with ep1, “Yuuri” spelled with two “u” became more widespread due to convenience when typing.  
Japanese fandom simply used kanji for Yuri Katsuki and katakana for Yuri Plisetsky. 
Some fans argue that Yuuri is more correct because in Japanese his name is ゆうり(yu-u-ri). Other fans argue that “Yuri” is still acceptable transliteration because there are multiple spelling systems (Hepburn, etc.) and an alternative correct spelling would be with a macron (Yūri).
Fans point out that Yuri’s name would be spelled “Yuri” in official documents anyway due to lack of macrons on many keyboards.
Spoilers for episodes 1-3 were out because of the two Western fans who witnessed the first three episodes of YOI in a Tokyo preview screening.
fans relied on a certain blogger for info on YOI. 
“WHERE DID YOU SEE EPISODES 2&3???” was asked every 5-10 minutes (literally) and became an inside joke with us old-timers.
Yuuri = Yuzuru Hanyu, Victor = Evgeni Plushenko.
Some fans link characters with real-life skaters to encourage anime fans to watch real skating. 
Some fans saw these as one-to-one connections without considering that characters are a mix of various real-life skaters, and then went onto YouTube videos and spammed about “real-life Yuuri.” 
YOI fans being rude to skaters and sending emails to ship these real-life skaters (emails sent even to skaters who are married with kids)
Amazing researching fans:
find Victor’s apartment and the beach from the ending credits Instagram roll.
Love hotel
Makkachin’s name found in magazine Yuko was holding 
speculation starts on what “Makkachin” means and how it should be transliterated (Makkatine, Mocatine, Makkatin, etc.)
Comparisons of Yuuri to the main character from Parasyte due to similar appearances (Tadashi Hiramatsu, the character designer who adapted Kubo-sensei’s initial designs for animating, was the main character designer for Parasyte).
Speculation on the year in-series starts. 
Yoyogi for Worlds doesn’t match with Sochi as the GPF location.
Yuuri’s iPhone model is seen as a clue.
“Yuri on Ice” trends for 6 days on Tumblr
Episode 2
Victor is manipulative:
He’s a playboy and flirting all the time 
In episode 1 Minako mentions that he is desired by millions. 
His wink in episode 1 shows that he casually flirts with fans.
He will break Yuuri’s heart. He came to romance Yuuri, then drop him later.
He’s already pushing into Yuuri’s space with the chin-touching. That MUST mean he’s suave and planning to seduce and drop him.
“Victor calling him ‘piglet’ is so mean!” -- an extension to the fat shaming debate of episode 1.
Yakov’s angry comment to the press = more fodder about Victor being selfish and only there in Hasetsu for his own pleasure.
Victor is horrible because he broke his promise to Yurio x-number of years ago.
All of his happy smiles are a facade and he can’t actually be that nice. 
Counterarguments to trust the creators and wait to see more about these characters because it’s only been 2 episodes.
Koibito translation nitpicking (it’s not “girlfriend,” Victor is saying “lover.” It’s a gender-neutral term.)
people calling this queerbaiting
“It can’t get any gayer!” line starts to make its appearance.
Ship name “Victuri” cemented. “Victuri sounds like victory!”
Arguments about spelling it “victuuri,” because of the trend with spelling Yuri K.’s name as Yuuri to differentiate the two Yuri’s. 
Counterarguments that “Victurio” would be for Yuri Plisetsky, so therefore “Victuri” would be fine for Yuri Katsuki.
Evgenia Medvedeva starts watching around this time and posts comments on her twitter account.
The livestreaming IRC group is started. There were about 15 people tuning in (this grows to the hundreds by the last episode).
Mira makes her appearance (more of an appearance than the brief flash in ep1). Her name isn’t announced yet so some people nickname her “Natasha” (after the Marvel comics character Natasha Romanova/Black Widow)
Episode 3
Yurio was robbed. 
and all the counterarguments against this.
score calculating posts begin to show up.
“Victor is manipulative” evolves into “Victor is evil” 
“he didn’t keep his promise to Yurio”
people ignoring that he actually did keep his promise to choreograph a program
Eros story Yuuri tells Nishigori = parallel to how Victor will abandon Yuuri in the end. Victor is the evil playboy, confirmed!
People fighting this with meta about how Yuuri is the seductress keeping the playboy, and this was all Yuuri’s interpretation -- Victor may have had another story in mind and we’ll never know what it was. (<---until episode 10)
He forgot Onsen on Ice was about the competition and was there playing around as Hasetsu ambassador. He doesn’t REALLY care about the two Yuri’s.
“he didn’t notice when Yurio left and was having the time of his life with Yuuri on the podium”
Victor’s super-serious expression when Yuuri hugged him means he doesn’t care.
“Make a man pregnant” - the start of the ABO fic influx
“Katsudon ga daisuki da yo” is how we say “I love you” in YOI.
Boyfriend shirt has taken on a new level: boyfriend costume.
Yuuri and genderfluidity 
quite a few fics were spawned from this topic too
YOI is not yaoi -  how genre is not the same as tags. Posts clarifying what yaoi actually is and why Yuri on Ice doesn’t fit that genre at all.
Yuuri getting more confident by episode 3 already - initiating hugs and contact with Victor. “How much more gay can we get!? They already said ‘I love you’!”
Fanfic explosion 
due to Victor’s character being slightly more fleshed out, and the relationship between characters becoming more established
Top!Yuuri starts to make appearances
Going in blind to the episodes from here-on-out because the fan report from the screening was only through episode 3.
Real life skaters are noticing and posting on social media about YOI. 
Evgenia Medvedeva, Denis Ten,  Deniss Vasiļjevs & Stéphane Lambiel, Ashley Wagner, Danny O’Shea and many others from here on. 
Masterpost soon created to document all these skaters.
Kubo-sensei tweets about episode 4 being her favorite
Episode 4
Victor has cancer/is dying.
He was so dramatic and playful when he joked about balding. That means he’s hiding something. Balding = cancer. Therefore Victor is dying! (Note that cancer doesn’t cause balding, although it’s treatment with chemotherapy does.) 
Victor being that out of breath must mean something is wrong.
Victor’s comment about injuries = 
he’s hurt but hiding it
we can expect someone to be injured later
Rise of fanfiction featuring Victor with large past injuries he’s kept hidden.
Celestino getting annoyed at Victor = more fodder for Victor being evil. 
No coach likes him - that means he must be untrustworthy and there must be something that he’s hiding that we don’t know yet.
The Old Man in the onsen becomes a fandom celebrity for a while (captain of the ship)
Victor’s comment on Yuuri’s stamina = fic fodder
“You meet me where I am” - fans exploding at how meaningful this all is and how far they’ve come in four episodes.
“What do you want me to be to you”
---Victor said “koibito” but subs say “boyfriend”
---Daddy kink: “A father--” “Yes!” 
this is when we start to see this kink in fics and fanart/comics
Phichit makes his appearance. Fandom explodes with glee. People pointed out his appearance in episode 1 and more explosions of “no detail left behind”
Enter Lilia and her teaching Yurio.
Evil Lilia and Yakov
“Yurio should have stayed with Victor”
Kubo-sensei laughs at the rumors of Victor dying.
Everyone and their mother tries to learn to make katsudon - various recipes float around; Crunchyroll releases recipe (Nov 4). 
Jokes and critique about YOI dub (Gru!Victor; Russia(Hetalia)!Victor)
Episode 5
Victor obviously knows no Japanese at all vs. Victor obviously knows a little Japanese after living there for 6 months (about whether or not Victor understood Yuuri’s love declaration due to him commenting about the tie and not the confession)
Fan comics/art and fanfiction about burning Yuuri’s necktie
JARAN jacket (that one scene with Yuuri’s jacket misspelled)
Lots of flailing and dozens of gifs of the lip balm scene
awesome fans finding the exact Chanel lip balm
Yuuri’s confident walk = flailing and keyboard smashing moment (gifs with explosions behind him)
Hug meta (back hug; “do the hands on neck mean anything?”)
Minami is a chicken nugget (McDonald’s colors + being small)
First time we hear Victor’s thoughts - people discussing this
Victor’s image shifts away from “evil Victor” towards something a little more positive
Leaks of the Oh! Skatra!!! Tracklisting (Nov 6).
Duetto title makes people freak out
Speculation on who will skate what piece.
Speculation starts on who will appear in which GP series competition.
Pre-episode 6
Jealous/Possessive!Victor due to the ending image in ep5 of him wrapping his arm around a flustered Yuuri.
speculation on where that is and who took the picture
Dengeki, the website that posts teaser pictures and text of various anime’s next episodes, posted a teaser summary on their site that used quite a few innuendos.
Starting from here, YOI episode previews start to be released later and later. This becomes a running gag among fans who stay up to wait for previews. 
Episode 6
Chris makes everyone uncomfortable.
wet ice comments
People freaking out about the hand holding (“koibito tsunagi/lover’s hold”) then about the lip licking
Victor’s innuendo and lewd mouth animation
Victor actually is sexually attracted to Yuuri
Paired with Yuuri being comfortable with Victor clinging naked to him at the restaurant, and worrying that people would think he’s not serious about the competition = fans arguing how far they’ve gone
Queerbaiting arguments still continue ( “fujoshi bait” and “fanservice”)
“Ai ha katsu” (Love wins!)
Georgi is an Evil Witch
Leo = awesome representation (non-white character representing the U.S.A.)
Phichit meme ( “scandalized” with hand on mouth)
Phichit is captain of the Victuri ship
Kubo-sensei posts summary of The King and The Skater 
Pre episode 7
Dengeki, what in the ever living F is that preview summary (twitter)? Along with the shortened version.
Another preview summary wtheck comment - this time from a YOI animator, Itou Noriko
“Drastic measures”??? Will Victor hug Yuuri? Violence? Harsh words? Kiss on the forehead or MAYBE the cheek?
fanfics, comics, lots of speculation
Episode 7
Kiss vs. Hug
drawings/charts/tracings to prove it was a kiss
queerbaiting comments continue
Western fans ask Kubo-sensei for a direct answer; she’s amused that Japanese fans didn’t need confirmation yet Western fans did
Yuri on Ice trends on Tumblr for two days at #1 (previous episodes had trended in top 3 for about a day).
“Japanese censorship is what made them cover the kiss!” -- and the subsequent posts that stopped this misinformation.
“Victor is evil” continues - he was cruel in the parking garage and the queerbait lip hug was obviously just consolation
Chris, stahp! (more wet ice comments)
Guang-Hong is badass, Leoji ship sails further
Georgi is creepy, some people hate Anya, some feel sympathy for her
Georgi’s outfit = figure-skating Elsa (photoshopped pictures)
Head boop
Aired after the U.S. election - “episode 7 is the only good thing that happened this week”
“YOI singlehandedly saved 2k16”
Watchers dropping the anime because Victuri became canon.
some people liked the anime as long as it was still ambiguous. This kiss/hug scene made it much less ambiguous and left them feeling awkward.
some people liked it as long as the pairing was not mainstream - they liked being a niche shipper.
Conversely, more people started watching once they heard it was canon and not queerbaiting/fan service.
Johnny Weir homage with young Victor’s outfit and rose crown at European Worlds.
Johnny hears of this and adds YOI on his to-watch list.
Kubo-sensei tweets about a certain scene - confirms and does not confirm it as a kiss
pre-Episode 8
Will YOI talk about homophobia and LGBT hatred?
They’re going to Russia next - lots of fanfiction about Victor dealing with past and current homophobia, and how Yuuri and Victor would act during their stay in Russia.
Magazine had the titles for episodes 8 and 9 - “Victor returns to Japan” has people theorize about what could be drastic enough to have him return.
Kubo-sensei strikes again:
tweets about looking forward to Dengeki’s summary this week and ends up trolling the fandom.
being one of us and wanting them to get married already.
Makkachin’s name revealed to have no meaning.
Dengeki posts 5 hours later than normal.
Episode 8
Angry fans yelling “Why didn’t they use this chance to address hatred?”
People arguing about how this is nice because we already have so many other series about hatred and would it kill them to let us have ONE nice thing in life? Let’s just appreciate that we get a happy relationship with no prejudice or hatred from the world for once.
Kubo-sensei defending the hate-free world she created.
Seung-gil feather duster/parrot/swiffer comments and comparisons.
Sala vs Sara
official site and subs romanized her name as “Sala” but a more natural spelling would be “Sara.” (sala means living room in Spanish and Italian) 
wihin the week, the spelling was corrected on both the website and subs to “Sara.”
Mila Babicheva was also changed to Mira Babicheva at this time.
Makkachin-related tags and comments
#Don’t die Makka!
Speculation on what Yuuri will place - and who will make it to the GPF.
J.J. and the cross - many understood it as a religious motion, but it was soon linked by figure skating fans to Yuzuru’s cross motion to check body axis.
Kissing the ice - seen as “J.J. is so narcissistic and kissing himself,” then disputed by other fans as a sign of respect for the ice much like real-life athletes do with the ice, track&field, and court.
Yurio x J.J. shipping starts
Sub!Victor fanfic boom, BDSM, foot fetish, and other related body worship fics
YOI trends over Barack Obama (Nov 24)
Katsudon recipe released by Funimation on Yuuri’s birthday (Nov. 29)
Preview images for ep9 of Sara encroaching on Yuuri - some people worried that this would be in-series drama or that fans would ship it.
Dengeki still posting way later than they used to. This leads to lots of waiting and loss of hope for future episodes until…
Episode 9
Freaking out over the airport scene:
“What did Yuuri’s tears mean???” 
relieved/touched Victor cares for him and returns feelings? All the emotions catching up from their separation and the hard skating? 
guilt over hiding that he will retire soon? Sadness that this will only last 2 more weeks?
Clarifying why Victor brought up “proposal” (“Why does what Yuuri said sound like a proposal?”)
People “fixing” the subs (mis)translate the word “koto” as if it was the word “mono” and end up making Yuuri’s line to Victor sound super possessive/cheesy as a result.
Yuuri mentioning that he’ll win gold prompts discussions about “Does Yuuri need a gold medal to be happy? Is a gold necessary for his character?”
Fandom exploding over Yurio’s pure smile and friendship with Yuuri
People uneasy over Sara and Michele’s sibling relationship.
Mira x Sara ship gains steam and sets sail.
“Hug zombie” - the term given to Yuuri’s hugging spree
Johnny Weir planned to watch YOI “one episode per day,” but failed and watched two episodes the first day. Then binged the rest within two more days and caught up in time for episode 10 on Wednesday.
Naked Victor on the front page of NBC due to Johnny’s tweets
Crunchyroll releases Katsudon Pirozhki recipe (Dec 7)
pre-Episode 10
“Something round and golden” -- gold medal, wedding rings, cock rings, onion rings, golden snitch
Kubo-sensei fanning the flames
we were losing hope for teasers until... our saviors, Animate, took over for posting them. Dengeki still posted the identical teaser pics on their site, but did so at a later hour.
Preview lines about Yuuri recalling the previous year’s nightmare banquet.
Translation confusion led to people thinking it was a “nightmare bucket” “nightmare baguette” (and other attempts to find the correct foreign word) until someone pointed out that figure skating competitions have banquets.
Theories about what happened at the banquet. 
Episode 10
Yuuri buying one ring (with Victor buying the other) vs. Yuuri buying pair rings as a set 
would later be confirmed in a magazine post-series that Yuuri bought both rings
Are they really engaged or not?
Best plot twist ever.
The ending changes everything we ever knew about this series 
 people analyzing all the interactions since episode 1
“Poor Victor” comments and tags appear
“Victor was pining all along!”
Victor seen as super patient and willing to let Yuuri drive the pace (because he never brings up the banquet in order to respect Yuuri’s shyness). 
Victor flying to Japan with his dick out. 
Victor had a crush on Yuuri since the beginning.
“Victor is a dork who would do anything for love” mentality sweeps away previous malaise.
fanfic and fanart explosion of dorky, loving Victor 
This is when the loving!Victor image squashed any lingering remnants of evil!Victor 
Eros parallel re-interpreted as Yuuri being the playboy and Victor being the woman seduced and left behind. 
Victor is savage for making a program based on the banquet and thinking to skate it for a season. 
Pole dancers comment that the moves in Yuri on Ice reference actual moves (Yuuri is pretty good and has great grip strength; a couple of Chris’ moves are incredibly hard)
Otayuri (Otabek x Yurio) becomes a pairing
Beach scene discussion - was Victor angry or not, and why?
Hype for Kubo-sensei revealing that the GPF would have the most realistic animation of all the episodes.
Animate posted late (only a few hours before airing), but Dengeki even later.
Episode 11
“Scoring system is broken!”
Yurio’s score is literally impossible using the current real-life ISU scoring system (he’s about 5 points too high)
Yuuri scored low despite low number of technical mistakes
J.J. given a higher score than should be allowed because of his huge errors.
Discussion on Victor looking out at the ice during Yurio’s SP (“what was he thinking?”), and discussion about his flashback and burden
Chris’ mystery man ( “Chris’ boyfriend”? “Who IS that guy???”)
Half the fandom dies with Yuuri’s last sentence; half the fandom trusts Kubo-sensei (and comforts the other half)
Evgenia posts a tweet trusting everything will be alright
People’s view of J.J. changes - some sympathy and “??? I never expected to actually care for this guy!”
It seems everyone pitches their predictions about who will be on the podium.
“Phichit’s hamsters predict the podium?” theory
pre-Episode 12
We give up on teasers because they’re so late. Animate releases them a few hours before the episode airs.
Oh!SkaTra!!! Yuri!!! on ICE Soundtrack released about a day before the final episode aired.
“Spoilers” (but not really, because we had the tracklist since episode 5). We confirm the last two songs are the exhibition skates. People avoid Tumblr until the episode airs because of the “spoiler threat.” 
Episode 12
Breaking Tumblr, Crunchyroll, and Animate.
Crunchyroll released a statement on Twitter about YOI’s high traffic breaking it.
Tumblr crashed (traffic volume too high) right after the CR simulcast/subs came out around 4PM EST. It wasn’t fully fixed until several hours later.
Animate’s website crashed for the same reason as above.
“It wasn’t gay enough”
People feeling disappointed about the relationship between Yuuri and Victor because there was no second kiss or explicit “I love you.” People wanted something that could not be denied (wanted an “uncensored” kiss).
Others counter-argued that relationships can show deep love without needing an “I love you,” and point out how the relationship was built steadily throughout the series.
People feeling betrayed because Yuuri didn’t win gold.
“Otabek was robbed!” and “J.J. overscored!” complaints circulate
“I won’t kiss it unless it’s gold” prompted a legion of pictures/comics, and fics.
Gushing over the liberate use of ring flares
“History Makers” in the end credits - the extra “s” felt like an Easter egg to some.
Ice dance vs. Pairs - many fans mistake the final Duetto exhibition skate as Pairs when it’s actually based on an Ice Dance routine
How will Victor do both skating and coaching?
Will we get a Season 2? “See You Next Level” means a second season, right? 
After the series, we saw Oh!SkaTra!!! and the DVD/BD volumes sell ridiculous amounts - easily placing in either 1st or 2nd place on Oricon’s charts for DVD, BD, CD, and CD digital release. The Blu-ray and DVD volumes continue to hold high sales. Magazines continue to be translated. Some ideas/meta are confirmed and others become defunct.
It was a wild ride from way back when YOI was only a website and PV. Every week brought new ideas, writings, meta, art, and discussions. It was to the point where some weeks you would get in-depth meta and polished art just hours after the episode aired. In fact, there was so much made that you could easily reblog hundreds of posts in a day for the more explosive episodes, and meta would either get hundreds of notes or be lost in the current of new stuff appearing every few minutes. At the rate that it’s still going with new campaigns, events, and merchandise, Yuri!!! on ICE will be active for quite some time.
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elite-kunoichi · 7 years
Naruto Tag
Wasn’t tagged, but saw this and really wanted to fill this out!
Female Character(s): Sakura Haruno, Kushina Uzumaki, Tsunade, Ino Yamanaka, Temari, and TenTen (I feel like she’s really underappreciated), Konan
Male Character(s):  Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake (He’s tired of everyone’s shit), Naruto Uzumaki, Obito Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha (Fucking Uchiha Clan), Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, Gaara, Kankuro
Least Favorite Female Character(s): Ughhh This is tough... It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just they have certain qualities that make me like them less than my favorites if that makes any sense. Because I like Karin as an independent character, and Hinata had so much potential (as did half of the females in this series), but they’re not my favorites. 
Least Favorite Male Character(s): Danzo fuck you danzo i h8 u, Kisame (I’m sorry, fanart and fanfics I read when I was like 10 just made me uncomfortable xD), Kakazu (He creeped me out, ok) i hate video game Deidara, spamming piece of shit
Sensei: Kakashi, stick with the OG Naruto, but besides him, I’d have to go with The Legendary Sannin, they did really well with training NaruSakuSauce.
Team: Team 7, always and forever, and Team Minato, because, parallels.
Clan: Uchiha
Hokage: OBITO UCHIHA FOR HOKAGE Hashirama (//distant screeching from Madara) and my bby Naruto Uzumaki because he reached his dream.
Kage: Fuck me up, Mizukage, and ofc Gaara
Village: Konoha
Akatsuki: Konan, “Tobi”, Uchiha Itachi, Pein, Sasori
Jutsu: Yin Seal Release, Strength of a Hundred Seal, Ninja Art Creation Rebirth, Sage Mode, Susanoo, Summoning Jutsu, Amaterasu, Tailed Beast Bomb, Kushina’s Chains, so much more
Chapters: Oh boy, I don’t remember the specific chapters but: When Zabuza realizes how important Haku was, Orochimaru gives Sasuke the curse mark, Sakura protects Sasuke and Naruto in the FoD, Sasuke wakes up with the curse mark, Sakura and Ino’s fight, Neji and Hinata’s fight, Gaara and Lee’s fight, Neji and Naruto’s fight, Gaara and Sasuke’s fight, Sakura protects Sasuke from Gaara, Sasuke admits how precious Sakura (and Naruto) are to him, Itachi vs Sasuke (pre), Rooftop scene, Sakura’s confession (pre), Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Naruto and Sasuke’s fight (pre), Team 7 spar, Chiyo and Sakura vs Sasori, Chiyo giving her life to Gaara, Team 7 Reunion, Nine Tails vs Orochimaru, Naruto meets Kushina, Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke vs Team 7, Five Kage Summit, Madara reveals himself, Obito’s backstory, Jiraya’s death, Hokage are summoned, Sakura unlocks her seal, Team 7 Reunion (good), Sakura and Obito save Sasuke, Team 7 destroys Kaguya, Sasuke vs Naruto (final battle), Team 7 together again
Fight Scene: Naruto and Sasuke vs Haku, Both Naruto vs Sasuke fights, Kakashi vs Obito, Sasuke vs Itachi
Story Arc: Land of Waves Arc, Chunin Exam Arc, Destruction of the Hidden Leaf, Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Shinobi War Arc 
Filler: In pre-Shippuden, I liked the one filler where Team 7 tries to find out what is under Kakashi’s mask. That’s literally it, the fillers are absolute trash.
What is your…
OTP (explain why): SasuSaku; I’ve watched this series since I was like 6-7 years old (19 now). Sakura was my absolute favorite character, probably because I was obsessed with the color pink and I just thought she was absolutely beautiful. The FoD episodes are what solidified my love for Sasuke and Sakura together, seeing the concern he had for who harmed her and how she stopped his curse mark, and it just continued from there. I would get on YouTube and watch countless numbers of AMV’s between the two of them, one I can remember perfectly was an Everytime We Touch AMV with them and it had the FoD scene and I just absolutely adored it xD. From then on out I would google (or go to ask.com and Photobucket) and look up photos of them and watch AMV and Naruto chatrooms xD kill me.
NOTP(be nice): SasuKarin, I prefer Karin with Suigetsu tbh BROTP: NaruSaku, SasuNaru, InoSaku, KarinSaku FRIENDSHIP FOR ALL OT3: NaruSakuSasu and InoSakuTem Crossover Ship: Literally none. Now if we’re talking crack ships... ಠ‿ಠ I’m a slut for MadaSaku (lowkey hinting at marriage to @madara-fate), ObiSaku, KibaHina, InoShika
Do you have any headcanons: Just that Sasuke is a complete dork around Sarada and Sakura and they play cute family games like Monopoly and Uno and they’re just a wholesome family now that Sasuke is back from his mission.
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently?: Sigh. Yes and no. During the whole run of Shippuden, it was referenced, even by Naruto himself, that he and Sasuke would die during their final battle. Do I wish they would’ve? No, because then Naruto’s efforts to become Hokage would’ve been futile, and that would’ve been a huge dick move lol. Sure, have Naruto say that in order to build suspense, but I mean, come on. I also wish more people knew the true reason behind Itachi’s actions, but that’s just a personal feeling. Also, more Team 7, I love those fuckers.  How do you feel about the new generation?  If it’s anything like the Naruto fillers, we’re going to have problems lol. But, I find them adorable, spinning images of their parents and a good personality mixture of both spouses. Except, Shikadai, he is all Shikamaru personality wise.
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad: Female: Sakura Haruno. God Bless, I would go to war for her. Once I saw her in episode 3 of Naruto when it aired on Toonami, I was immediately drawn to her. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was absolutely beautiful, and she rocked my favorite color. Honestly, she became my role model and helped me become who I am today (as dumb as that sounds). I admired how intelligent she is and how strong she has become, all without a limitless chakra supply or kekkei genkai. She’s a relatable character, for me, and is proof of what hard work and determination can achieve. She is always there for her friends and spent years trying to help rescue Sasuke from darkness, alongside Naruto. I only wish Kishi would’ve made her more than a support character in the first series, as she would’ve been perfect with genjutsu and more ninjutsu. Also, SS is my otp, but tone it down a bit in the first series.
Male: Sasuke Uchiha. Ya boy went through too much shit when he was a kid and it fucked him up. He wanted to live a normal life with Team 7, but Michael Jackson’s twin had to come and fuck everything up. I think he was a perfect rival for Naruto, because ya know, fucking bonds, but dammit Sasuke you should’ve sent a letter every now and again, even if its just a drawing of you flipping off Naruto. Your revenge having ass got old every now and then, but you are still a precious child.
What would a child between your OTP look like?: 
Tumblr media
Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP: She cared for him and helped him, also helped deliver his child.
Say something negative about your OTP: Sasuke was lil bitch at times and Sakura was too focused on him at times.
Is there any way you could be convinced to ship your NoTP?: Nah fam, SuiKarin all the way. If I did ship them, it would be in a more Brotp. What would make you change your mind about the pairing? Literally nothing. They are good as friends. What makes you mad about the series? Studio Pierrot. Too many fillers, too many unexplained power-ups like wtf, and tbh Anko should’ve been more important to the series. If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? Asuma and Kurenai’s relationship, Choji and Kauri because what, Sarada find out more about her clan, Kakashi’s retirement lol What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance?  Thank you for everything! As much as I wanted to throw my phone across the room at the fandom and some chapters, I honestly couldn’t imagine a life without it. Thank you for making that aspect of my childhood well worth it!
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dewprisms · 5 years
Ok starting ReMind liveblogging now
please have your tags filtered
Ok....if ur on mobile sorry for long post?
😍😍😍😍😍😍 there he is, first again!
Xig: “oh my god shut up.”
the xiglux content I wanted
Honestly.....Nomura did always say Luxord was his favorite way back in Days....so no surprise he’s getting a bigger role too
OOOOO he’s so cute when he’s pouting 😍😍😍😍😍
So....this is Xehanort’s trip mentioned in his reports? But...
I’m so confused, this is Xehaort before he was “corrupted” but he’s.....is this taking place in the past instead? Why is the Master there in the past if he wasn’t suppose to be around til after the war?
Ooooh yeah that’s Christopher Lloyd alright...I like his voice more, sorry Hauer :/
It’s really weird just hearing them officially refer to them as “Riku Replica” instead of “the riku replica,” “young xehanort” and so on...
So we have a reason for WHY Xion was chosen but not HOW and also why SHE agreed to it...
*weird cat noises*
oh OH The. The Sleeping Realm theory got part of it right????
Oh they’re actually explaining THAT weird scene
oh shit, Darkness?? THAT Darkness???
The...Dark Inferno again?
This was much easier this time...
Oh shit we are! Why....is Xehanort and Vanitas there in Aqua’s but not Eraqus?
uh...Light Form > Darkqua...
Ugh...I’m gonna have to read a recap of this cause I’m still confused....
nvm he died :/ that’s extremely disappionting
Lemme....play as Mickey here....please...  :/
Whyyyyy are we redoing the fights? Most of us replayed the game just before the DLC dropped :/ I just finished it YESTERDAY
WHAT....Why do I get the option between Sora and Riku but not Sora and Mickey????? HE WAS PLAYABLE IN KH2!!
Wait...Xigbar’s dying phrase was different...I couldn’t hear what he said but I know it was different because it was shorter
Oh my god he has a gummiphone....from Ienzo....Zemyx is canon......
“If you damage Namine’s vessel I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”
Did...did they fix...oh my god they fixed Vanitas’s voice to be less gravely
I’m confused, so Vanitas isn’t really Ven? So is he actually Darkness then?
Aww I don’t get to play as Ven :(
Wow ok Terranort/Vanitwas was hard, mostly the former, wth
Oof Vanitas’s voice uses the old voice clip here :/
LOL I completely forgot about the earlier new terranort scene
Oh...yet again Eraqus is missing from a Station of Awakening??? that’s his dad! why is there so much Eraqus erasure? It’s kinda annoying
Ok so the Toy Story thing was connected to Xion after all.
So...is this a plan by Saix to bring Xion back then or just coincidence? Seems like it, Saix is getting mad that Lea isn’t remembering
Booooo fuck off Sora let me play as Lea now since Kairi is later
Riku is in Roxas’ Station but not Namine? Ok....wait why did Xion disappear from it just now?
oh shit Kairi vs Xemnas, no wonder he took her
Oh neat, Roxas is still OP
....So “Roxas” was actually Sora possessing his vessel? Or...
Oooooh the light is Sora possessing each of them
Man I’m getting a loooooooot of max MP increases, which is fine by me since I picked Mystic/Wisdom and spam Firaga in boss fights
They....redubbed Xehanort’s speech before the Nort Court but not Vanitas’s lines? The uh, lines by Lloyd don’t quite match up with the movements. Ok they even redubbed his lines during the fight too. Can they just...have him redub the rest of the base game lines too?
Ansem, you have depression
Still don’t care about Xemnas, it’s ya own damn fault you bitch
S....So Kairi didn’t die after all? If he just crystalized her then why do all this??
Doesn’t he still need 2 more hearts befre he can find Kairi though? He only has 5.
I thought I somehow missed this chest twice, but no, I get to actually explore Scala now
Oh no....they added like 10 chests....I must have their contents...nvm most of them suck
Lol....Sora isn’t even in Riku’s Station
This is interesting. Don’t like how the 2 girls and Mickey are relegated to Defense though :/
Oh god, Ven and Roxas talking to each other
Mickey in the with save!
the return of MickeyRiku
Donald and Goofy didn’t get to do anything huh
playing as kairi and roxas was super fun, riku and aqua not so much. the team attack sphere thing was kinda neat.
Chirithy: *Sees Sora and Kairi holding hands* “Uh oh, that’s dirty...”
But...does Ven even remember Chirithy?
Oh my god...they’re just going on a bunch of dates now 😭
This is so funny....considering I didn’t.. actually... do the original Data Fights 😥😥😥
i gave up on xion, so i know i wouldn’t be able to do master xehanort. only xigbar and marluxia were any fun. several, many, tons of times i came very close to breaking something. who in the hell thought making fights this hard on the standard difficulty was a good idea? if people want to have a rough time they’ll play fucking critical mode. don’t gatekeep the goddamn story behind rng bosses with ridiculous mechanics and a shitty camera.
the bad end of the secret episode surprised me. i don’t care one bit about yozora so....idc about this otherwise.
this wasn’t worth $30. Just go watch the scenes on youtube and spare yourself and your wallet. Most of the good shit was in the free update anyway.
0 notes
philipfloyd · 6 years
How Much Do Google Officials’ Tweets & Posts Affect Your SEO Strategy?
Google’s advice about SEO should be the best in the business, right? I mean, they pretty much created it, so they definitely know what they’re talking about, don’t they? Well, that’s pretty much true. But when it comes to such a big company like Google, even officials sometimes contradict themselves.
  Also, it’s understandable that Google often keeps things secret. If they told people everything about the algorithm, people would probably abuse the system and Google doesn’t want that to happen.
In this article, we’re going to cover some controversial topics and take a look at some situations where Google officials contradicted themselves.
  Doorway Pages- Is There Any Alternative?
Duplicate Content – Does Google Care Who Was the First Publisher? 
Multiple H1s- Are They A No-No?
Private Blog Networks – Do They Still Work?
Disavowing Links – Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
Content Pruning – Is It A Good Strategy Or Not?
  1. Doorway Pages – Is There Any Alternative?
  Doorway pages have always been confusing. Google’s official definition of Doorway Pages is the following:
  Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries.
  Aren’t those like… all the pages on the internet? Everybody creates pages to rank for specific queries!
    I know, Google is actually referring to pages that don’t really add value to the internet. People who just try to rank for anything possible and create a ton of spammy pages to achieve that.
  But many websites out there genuinely have multiple services or locations.
  For example, if I have a car rental company that rents cars in 25 countries and over 1,000 cities, what do I do? Do I just create a single page with the title “Car Rental Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, United Kingdom, etc.”? I highly doubt it. I will structure my site hierarchically and create thousands of pages, one for each city. 
  What about content? Do I have to write unique content for all 1,000 cities? We all know that’s not going to happen. The content will most probably be very similar, with different city or country names.
  Will Google penalize me for that? No. And there are a lot of examples that back this up. You can check out this detailed article about doorway pages, if you want to know more.
  You see… the problem with doorway pages isn’t the fact that they’re not allowed, it’s the fact that there’s no alternative, no clear explanation of the phenomenon!
  If you read the Google definition till the end, you can notice this phrase, which is at least ambiguous:
  Substantially similar pages that are closer to search results than a clearly defined, browseable hierarchy.
  If you want to read probably everything that’s ever been written about duplicate content you can check this link.
  2. Duplicate Content – Does Google Care Who Was the First Publisher? 
  Google cares about scraped and duplicate content but only in its own interest. It basically doesn’t want duplicate results in its search results.
  That’s why in its official page about duplicate content, it doesn’t talk much about cross-site duplicate content. We have to gather the pieces from where we can.
  If you have 100 pages that are exact copies of another site that’s been indexed for some years and has a good domain strength, you probably won’t rank with those pages. However, if you have a unique page that is well optimized, it will rank very well.
  However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be outranked by websites that ‘steal’ your content. Think of how Amazon or similar sites outrank a lot of their vendors’ websites, which have the same content and were probably published first.
  Google doesn’t really care who’s first. It just cares to not have the same result twice.
  So, when someone stole and got indexed with it first, John’s advice to me was that I should sue them.
  We just rank the pages, we don’t decide who owns the content. If it’s a legal issue, you might want to get legal advice instead.
— John (@JohnMu) September 22, 2017
  People have assumed that there’s some sort of duplicate content penalty. In reality, there isn’t. Unless you heavily scrape and some sort of manual action is applied, there’s isn’t such thing as a site-wide duplicate content penalty. It’s just Google ranking the result it wants or considers best.
  John Mueller confirms this, but it’s not an easy answer to find:
      There are many other confusions related to content. Here’s one example of how two officials have answered things differently.
  Gary Illyes’s Answer:
  In general yes
— Gary “鯨理” Illyes (@methode) April 4, 2017
  John Mueller’s Answer:
  I suspect we don’t have that hard-coded, but our systems can learn that fairly quickly.
— John (@JohnMu) April 5, 2017
  Gary kind of answered yes (but with adding ‘in general’), while John kind of answered no. I’m not sure whether they purposely answer things to create confusion (again, maybe it’s some secrecy conduct) or simply don’t really know all the answers because Google is so complex so they just assume them, but one thing’s clear: if you want to know if Google treats ‘and’ and ‘&’ the same, you’re going to have to test it.
  3. Multiple H1s – Are They A No-No?
  People often ask if it’s ok to have multiple H1 headings on your site. Why? Because most tools that analyze websites there have a feature to identify the pages with multiple H1 tags.
  Google has two official answers on this matter. One by Matt Cutts (Former Head of Spam) and one by John Mueller (Current Head of Spam).
  Matt Cutt’s Answer:
    John Mueller’s Answer:
  Ok, so from both of these answers we understand that it’s ok to use multiple H1’s.
  So where’s the problem?
  Well, as stated before, the fact that most tools still have sections that outline pages with multiple H1s.
  So, as John stated above, it’s not a problem with HTML5. But if you listen carefully, you can hear him saying ‘there’s a chance’ of your site using HTML5 correctly.
  Well, I’d say you shouldn’t take any chances and use a single H1 tag. Even if it’s not a problem, by using multiple ones you’re giving Google an opportunity to look in multiple places instead of stating one clear location of your most important keywords.
  4. Private Blog Networks – Do They Still Work?
  This is where Google actually gets to be cool. Why? Because it was one step ahead. One big step.
  The truth is that Private Blog Networks still work. And they’ll probably always work, as long as Google uses backlinks to rank sites (maybe even if backlinks become obsolete).
  When PBNs got popular, people immediately monetized the niche by posting PBN services on BlackHat SEO forums. Everyone was happy.
  Then, one day, this happened:
  Today we took action on a large guest blog network. A reminder about the spam risks of guest blogging: http://t.co/rc9O82fjfn
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) March 19, 2014
    So how is this possible? How could Google wreck an entire PBN network built by professionals? Well… it’s probably pretty simple. They bought the service.
  After this episode, everyone started to go crazy on forums and social media that PBNs are dead. Even big marketers, like Spencer Haws from Niche Pursuits and Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income killed their PBNs and said that they don’t work anymore.
  On the other side, marketers like Glen from Viperchill and Matthew Woodward, who figured what was going on, kept doing it. And guess what? It still works.
  However, we don’t recommend building a PBN. The risks, costs and time involved far outweigh the benefits.
  Just keep in mind what kind of sneaky things Google does when you read any of their content.
  5. Disavowing Links – Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
  SPAM is awful. Especially when you’re not the one doing it, right? I mean building spammy links is bad when you get caught, but at least you know you’re guilty.
  However, when someone else bombards your site with links that you don’t want, that’s a lot worse.
Back in the day, the only way to get rid of those links was to remove them manually.
Kind of hard, considering they were made by someone else with the specific thought of bringing you down.
  But Google comes to the rescue! Around 2012, Google introduced the Disavow Links Tool, where you can upload a list of spammy links and, supposedly, Google will ignore them.
  Except… it doesn’t. At least not always. We’ve had many encounters with websites attacked with negative SEO and after submitting the disavow file, nothing really changed.
  Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn’t, so Google still tells you to try and remove the spammy links off the web and use the disavow tool only as a last resort.
    I’ll tell you one thing, though. If you’ve been bombarded with negative SEO, will be very hard to remove those links. Just identify them (you can do this using our Unnatural Link Detection Tool) and submit them for disavow.
  A better way of getting your ranks back up is to focus on improving your profile with new, natural backlinks and also work on UX, technical and on page optimizations.
  6. Content Pruning – Is It A Good Strategy Or Not?
  Glenn Gabe asked this question in one Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout:
  “What’s the best approach for low-quality content?”
  John Mueller said that both improving content and pruning content are valid strategies.
However, this conflicts with what Gary Illyes said.
Gary Illyes said that content pruning is not a good strategy to improve overall site quality.
  You can watch the full hangout here:
    John Mueller said that it’s not uncommon for Google officials to give different answers in hangouts vs. conferences, but that doesn’t really help.
  Although content pruning did bring results for some people, from our own experience, content pruning does not seem to be a very efficient way of optimizing your content.
  We’ve spent a lot of time identifying what content wasn’t bringing any traffic to our site and redirected it to other relevant articles, but we haven’t seen any boosts in traffic. In some situations, excessive content pruning can actually be harmful!
  From the video above, we can understand that removing content from your site should be a last resort. Unless you can’t improve anything else, leave the content be.
  The conclusions we can draw from these things is that Google has become so complex and maybe not even their officials or creators can really understand how it works anymore.
  There’s a very interesting TED talk on this topic, although related to YouTube’s ads algorithm:
    Considering these things, listen to what Google’s officials have to say, but take the advice with a grain of salt. Research more and make sure you really understand the concept before you take any major action.
  Do you have any dilemmas regarding SEO issues? Maybe some contradictory information from Google that we did not mention above? If yes, give us a shout in the comments section and we’ll research it to find out more and add it to the list.
The post How Much Do Google Officials’ Tweets & Posts Affect Your SEO Strategy? appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
from Marketing https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/20315/google-officials-tweets-affect-seo/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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krisggordon · 6 years
How Much Do Google Officials’ Tweets & Posts Affect Your SEO Strategy?
Google’s advice about SEO should be the best in the business, right? I mean, they pretty much created it, so they definitely know what they’re talking about, don’t they? Well, that’s pretty much true. But when it comes to such a big company like Google, even officials sometimes contradict themselves.
  Also, it’s understandable that Google often keeps things secret. If they told people everything about the algorithm, people would probably abuse the system and Google doesn’t want that to happen.
In this article, we’re going to cover some controversial topics and take a look at some situations where Google officials contradicted themselves.
  Doorway Pages- Is There Any Alternative?
Duplicate Content – Does Google Care Who Was the First Publisher? 
Multiple H1s- Are They A No-No?
Private Blog Networks – Do They Still Work?
Disavowing Links – Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
Content Pruning – Is It A Good Strategy Or Not?
  1. Doorway Pages – Is There Any Alternative?
  Doorway pages have always been confusing. Google’s official definition of Doorway Pages is the following:
  Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries.
  Aren’t those like… all the pages on the internet? Everybody creates pages to rank for specific queries!
    I know, Google is actually referring to pages that don’t really add value to the internet. People who just try to rank for anything possible and create a ton of spammy pages to achieve that.
  But many websites out there genuinely have multiple services or locations.
  For example, if I have a car rental company that rents cars in 25 countries and over 1,000 cities, what do I do? Do I just create a single page with the title “Car Rental Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, United Kingdom, etc.”? I highly doubt it. I will structure my site hierarchically and create thousands of pages, one for each city. 
  What about content? Do I have to write unique content for all 1,000 cities? We all know that’s not going to happen. The content will most probably be very similar, with different city or country names.
  Will Google penalize me for that? No. And there are a lot of examples that back this up. You can check out this detailed article about doorway pages, if you want to know more.
  You see… the problem with doorway pages isn’t the fact that they’re not allowed, it’s the fact that there’s no alternative, no clear explanation of the phenomenon!
  If you read the Google definition till the end, you can notice this phrase, which is at least ambiguous:
  Substantially similar pages that are closer to search results than a clearly defined, browseable hierarchy.
  If you want to read probably everything that’s ever been written about duplicate content you can check this link.
  2. Duplicate Content – Does Google Care Who Was the First Publisher? 
  Google cares about scraped and duplicate content but only in its own interest. It basically doesn’t want duplicate results in its search results.
  That’s why in its official page about duplicate content, it doesn’t talk much about cross-site duplicate content. We have to gather the pieces from where we can.
  If you have 100 pages that are exact copies of another site that’s been indexed for some years and has a good domain strength, you probably won’t rank with those pages. However, if you have a unique page that is well optimized, it will rank very well.
  However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be outranked by websites that ‘steal’ your content. Think of how Amazon or similar sites outrank a lot of their vendors’ websites, which have the same content and were probably published first.
  Google doesn’t really care who’s first. It just cares to not have the same result twice.
  So, when someone stole and got indexed with it first, John’s advice to me was that I should sue them.
  We just rank the pages, we don’t decide who owns the content. If it’s a legal issue, you might want to get legal advice instead.
— John (@JohnMu) September 22, 2017
  People have assumed that there’s some sort of duplicate content penalty. In reality, there isn’t. Unless you heavily scrape and some sort of manual action is applied, there’s isn’t such thing as a site-wide duplicate content penalty. It’s just Google ranking the result it wants or considers best.
  John Mueller confirms this, but it’s not an easy answer to find:
      There are many other confusions related to content. Here’s one example of how two officials have answered things differently.
  Gary Illyes’s Answer:
  In general yes
— Gary “鯨理” Illyes (@methode) April 4, 2017
  John Mueller’s Answer:
  I suspect we don’t have that hard-coded, but our systems can learn that fairly quickly.
— John (@JohnMu) April 5, 2017
  Gary kind of answered yes (but with adding ‘in general’), while John kind of answered no. I’m not sure whether they purposely answer things to create confusion (again, maybe it’s some secrecy conduct) or simply don’t really know all the answers because Google is so complex so they just assume them, but one thing’s clear: if you want to know if Google treats ‘and’ and ‘&’ the same, you’re going to have to test it.
  3. Multiple H1s – Are They A No-No?
  People often ask if it’s ok to have multiple H1 headings on your site. Why? Because most tools that analyze websites there have a feature to identify the pages with multiple H1 tags.
  Google has two official answers on this matter. One by Matt Cutts (Former Head of Spam) and one by John Mueller (Current Head of Spam).
  Matt Cutt’s Answer:
    John Mueller’s Answer:
  Ok, so from both of these answers we understand that it’s ok to use multiple H1’s.
  So where’s the problem?
  Well, as stated before, the fact that most tools still have sections that outline pages with multiple H1s.
  So, as John stated above, it’s not a problem with HTML5. But if you listen carefully, you can hear him saying ‘there’s a chance’ of your site using HTML5 correctly.
  Well, I’d say you shouldn’t take any chances and use a single H1 tag. Even if it’s not a problem, by using multiple ones you’re giving Google an opportunity to look in multiple places instead of stating one clear location of your most important keywords.
  4. Private Blog Networks – Do They Still Work?
  This is where Google actually gets to be cool. Why? Because it was one step ahead. One big step.
  The truth is that Private Blog Networks still work. And they’ll probably always work, as long as Google uses backlinks to rank sites (maybe even if backlinks become obsolete).
  When PBNs got popular, people immediately monetized the niche by posting PBN services on BlackHat SEO forums. Everyone was happy.
  Then, one day, this happened:
  Today we took action on a large guest blog network. A reminder about the spam risks of guest blogging: http://t.co/rc9O82fjfn
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) March 19, 2014
    So how is this possible? How could Google wreck an entire PBN network built by professionals? Well… it’s probably pretty simple. They bought the service.
  After this episode, everyone started to go crazy on forums and social media that PBNs are dead. Even big marketers, like Spencer Haws from Niche Pursuits and Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income killed their PBNs and said that they don’t work anymore.
  On the other side, marketers like Glen from Viperchill and Matthew Woodward, who figured what was going on, kept doing it. And guess what? It still works.
  However, we don’t recommend building a PBN. The risks, costs and time involved far outweigh the benefits.
  Just keep in mind what kind of sneaky things Google does when you read any of their content.
  5. Disavowing Links – Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
  SPAM is awful. Especially when you’re not the one doing it, right? I mean building spammy links is bad when you get caught, but at least you know you’re guilty.
  However, when someone else bombards your site with links that you don’t want, that’s a lot worse.
Back in the day, the only way to get rid of those links was to remove them manually.
Kind of hard, considering they were made by someone else with the specific thought of bringing you down.
  But Google comes to the rescue! Around 2012, Google introduced the Disavow Links Tool, where you can upload a list of spammy links and, supposedly, Google will ignore them.
  Except… it doesn’t. At least not always. We’ve had many encounters with websites attacked with negative SEO and after submitting the disavow file, nothing really changed.
  Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn’t, so Google still tells you to try and remove the spammy links off the web and use the disavow tool only as a last resort.
    I’ll tell you one thing, though. If you’ve been bombarded with negative SEO, will be very hard to remove those links. Just identify them (you can do this using our Unnatural Link Detection Tool) and submit them for disavow.
  A better way of getting your ranks back up is to focus on improving your profile with new, natural backlinks and also work on UX, technical and on page optimizations.
  6. Content Pruning – Is It A Good Strategy Or Not?
  Glenn Gabe asked this question in one Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout:
  “What’s the best approach for low-quality content?”
  John Mueller said that both improving content and pruning content are valid strategies.
However, this conflicts with what Gary Illyes said.
Gary Illyes said that content pruning is not a good strategy to improve overall site quality.
  You can watch the full hangout here:
    John Mueller said that it’s not uncommon for Google officials to give different answers in hangouts vs. conferences, but that doesn’t really help.
  Although content pruning did bring results for some people, from our own experience, content pruning does not seem to be a very efficient way of optimizing your content.
  We’ve spent a lot of time identifying what content wasn’t bringing any traffic to our site and redirected it to other relevant articles, but we haven’t seen any boosts in traffic. In some situations, excessive content pruning can actually be harmful!
  From the video above, we can understand that removing content from your site should be a last resort. Unless you can’t improve anything else, leave the content be.
  The conclusions we can draw from these things is that Google has become so complex and maybe not even their officials or creators can really understand how it works anymore.
  There’s a very interesting TED talk on this topic, although related to YouTube’s ads algorithm:
    Considering these things, listen to what Google’s officials have to say, but take the advice with a grain of salt. Research more and make sure you really understand the concept before you take any major action.
  Do you have any dilemmas regarding SEO issues? Maybe some contradictory information from Google that we did not mention above? If yes, give us a shout in the comments section and we’ll research it to find out more and add it to the list.
The post How Much Do Google Officials’ Tweets & Posts Affect Your SEO Strategy? appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
from Marketing https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/20315/google-officials-tweets-affect-seo/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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wjwilliams29 · 6 years
How Much Do Google Officials’ Tweets & Posts Affect Your SEO Strategy?
Google’s advice about SEO should be the best in the business, right? I mean, they pretty much created it, so they definitely know what they’re talking about, don’t they? Well, that’s pretty much true. But when it comes to such a big company like Google, even officials sometimes contradict themselves.
  Also, it’s understandable that Google often keeps things secret. If they told people everything about the algorithm, people would probably abuse the system and Google doesn’t want that to happen.
In this article, we’re going to cover some controversial topics and take a look at some situations where Google officials contradicted themselves.
  Doorway Pages- Is There Any Alternative?
Duplicate Content – Does Google Care Who Was the First Publisher? 
Multiple H1s- Are They A No-No?
Private Blog Networks – Do They Still Work?
Disavowing Links – Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
Content Pruning – Is It A Good Strategy Or Not?
  1. Doorway Pages – Is There Any Alternative?
  Doorway pages have always been confusing. Google’s official definition of Doorway Pages is the following:
  Doorways are sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries.
  Aren’t those like… all the pages on the internet? Everybody creates pages to rank for specific queries!
    I know, Google is actually referring to pages that don’t really add value to the internet. People who just try to rank for anything possible and create a ton of spammy pages to achieve that.
  But many websites out there genuinely have multiple services or locations.
  For example, if I have a car rental company that rents cars in 25 countries and over 1,000 cities, what do I do? Do I just create a single page with the title “Car Rental Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, United Kingdom, etc.”? I highly doubt it. I will structure my site hierarchically and create thousands of pages, one for each city. 
  What about content? Do I have to write unique content for all 1,000 cities? We all know that’s not going to happen. The content will most probably be very similar, with different city or country names.
  Will Google penalize me for that? No. And there are a lot of examples that back this up. You can check out this detailed article about doorway pages, if you want to know more.
  You see… the problem with doorway pages isn’t the fact that they’re not allowed, it’s the fact that there’s no alternative, no clear explanation of the phenomenon!
  If you read the Google definition till the end, you can notice this phrase, which is at least ambiguous:
  Substantially similar pages that are closer to search results than a clearly defined, browseable hierarchy.
  If you want to read probably everything that’s ever been written about duplicate content you can check this link.
  2. Duplicate Content – Does Google Care Who Was the First Publisher? 
  Google cares about scraped and duplicate content but only in its own interest. It basically doesn’t want duplicate results in its search results.
  That’s why in its official page about duplicate content, it doesn’t talk much about cross-site duplicate content. We have to gather the pieces from where we can.
  If you have 100 pages that are exact copies of another site that’s been indexed for some years and has a good domain strength, you probably won’t rank with those pages. However, if you have a unique page that is well optimized, it will rank very well.
  However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be outranked by websites that ‘steal’ your content. Think of how Amazon or similar sites outrank a lot of their vendors’ websites, which have the same content and were probably published first.
  Google doesn’t really care who’s first. It just cares to not have the same result twice.
  So, when someone stole and got indexed with it first, John’s advice to me was that I should sue them.
  We just rank the pages, we don’t decide who owns the content. If it’s a legal issue, you might want to get legal advice instead.
— John (@JohnMu) September 22, 2017
  People have assumed that there’s some sort of duplicate content penalty. In reality, there isn’t. Unless you heavily scrape and some sort of manual action is applied, there’s isn’t such thing as a site-wide duplicate content penalty. It’s just Google ranking the result it wants or considers best.
  John Mueller confirms this, but it’s not an easy answer to find:
      There are many other confusions related to content. Here’s one example of how two officials have answered things differently.
  Gary Illyes’s Answer:
  In general yes
— Gary “鯨理” Illyes (@methode) April 4, 2017
  John Mueller’s Answer:
  I suspect we don’t have that hard-coded, but our systems can learn that fairly quickly.
— John (@JohnMu) April 5, 2017
  Gary kind of answered yes (but with adding ‘in general’), while John kind of answered no. I’m not sure whether they purposely answer things to create confusion (again, maybe it’s some secrecy conduct) or simply don’t really know all the answers because Google is so complex so they just assume them, but one thing’s clear: if you want to know if Google treats ‘and’ and ‘&’ the same, you’re going to have to test it.
  3. Multiple H1s – Are They A No-No?
  People often ask if it’s ok to have multiple H1 headings on your site. Why? Because most tools that analyze websites there have a feature to identify the pages with multiple H1 tags.
  Google has two official answers on this matter. One by Matt Cutts (Former Head of Spam) and one by John Mueller (Current Head of Spam).
  Matt Cutt’s Answer:
    John Mueller’s Answer:
  Ok, so from both of these answers we understand that it’s ok to use multiple H1’s.
  So where’s the problem?
  Well, as stated before, the fact that most tools still have sections that outline pages with multiple H1s.
  So, as John stated above, it’s not a problem with HTML5. But if you listen carefully, you can hear him saying ‘there’s a chance’ of your site using HTML5 correctly.
  Well, I’d say you shouldn’t take any chances and use a single H1 tag. Even if it’s not a problem, by using multiple ones you’re giving Google an opportunity to look in multiple places instead of stating one clear location of your most important keywords.
  4. Private Blog Networks – Do They Still Work?
  This is where Google actually gets to be cool. Why? Because it was one step ahead. One big step.
  The truth is that Private Blog Networks still work. And they’ll probably always work, as long as Google uses backlinks to rank sites (maybe even if backlinks become obsolete).
  When PBNs got popular, people immediately monetized the niche by posting PBN services on BlackHat SEO forums. Everyone was happy.
  Then, one day, this happened:
  Today we took action on a large guest blog network. A reminder about the spam risks of guest blogging: http://t.co/rc9O82fjfn
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) March 19, 2014
    So how is this possible? How could Google wreck an entire PBN network built by professionals? Well… it’s probably pretty simple. They bought the service.
  After this episode, everyone started to go crazy on forums and social media that PBNs are dead. Even big marketers, like Spencer Haws from Niche Pursuits and Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income killed their PBNs and said that they don’t work anymore.
  On the other side, marketers like Glen from Viperchill and Matthew Woodward, who figured what was going on, kept doing it. And guess what? It still works.
  However, we don’t recommend building a PBN. The risks, costs and time involved far outweigh the benefits.
  Just keep in mind what kind of sneaky things Google does when you read any of their content.
  5. Disavowing Links – Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
  SPAM is awful. Especially when you’re not the one doing it, right? I mean building spammy links is bad when you get caught, but at least you know you’re guilty.
  However, when someone else bombards your site with links that you don’t want, that’s a lot worse.
Back in the day, the only way to get rid of those links was to remove them manually.
Kind of hard, considering they were made by someone else with the specific thought of bringing you down.
  But Google comes to the rescue! Around 2012, Google introduced the Disavow Links Tool, where you can upload a list of spammy links and, supposedly, Google will ignore them.
  Except… it doesn’t. At least not always. We’ve had many encounters with websites attacked with negative SEO and after submitting the disavow file, nothing really changed.
  Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn’t, so Google still tells you to try and remove the spammy links off the web and use the disavow tool only as a last resort.
    I’ll tell you one thing, though. If you’ve been bombarded with negative SEO, will be very hard to remove those links. Just identify them (you can do this using our Unnatural Link Detection Tool) and submit them for disavow.
  A better way of getting your ranks back up is to focus on improving your profile with new, natural backlinks and also work on UX, technical and on page optimizations.
  6. Content Pruning – Is It A Good Strategy Or Not?
  Glenn Gabe asked this question in one Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout:
  “What’s the best approach for low-quality content?”
  John Mueller said that both improving content and pruning content are valid strategies.
However, this conflicts with what Gary Illyes said.
Gary Illyes said that content pruning is not a good strategy to improve overall site quality.
  You can watch the full hangout here:
    John Mueller said that it’s not uncommon for Google officials to give different answers in hangouts vs. conferences, but that doesn’t really help.
  Although content pruning did bring results for some people, from our own experience, content pruning does not seem to be a very efficient way of optimizing your content.
  We’ve spent a lot of time identifying what content wasn’t bringing any traffic to our site and redirected it to other relevant articles, but we haven’t seen any boosts in traffic. In some situations, excessive content pruning can actually be harmful!
  From the video above, we can understand that removing content from your site should be a last resort. Unless you can’t improve anything else, leave the content be.
  The conclusions we can draw from these things is that Google has become so complex and maybe not even their officials or creators can really understand how it works anymore.
  There’s a very interesting TED talk on this topic, although related to YouTube’s ads algorithm:
    Considering these things, listen to what Google’s officials have to say, but take the advice with a grain of salt. Research more and make sure you really understand the concept before you take any major action.
  Do you have any dilemmas regarding SEO issues? Maybe some contradictory information from Google that we did not mention above? If yes, give us a shout in the comments section and we’ll research it to find out more and add it to the list.
The post How Much Do Google Officials’ Tweets & Posts Affect Your SEO Strategy? appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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scheduledfor1fall · 7 years
Raw 3/22/93 Review
Well, this is it, everyone. The last episode of Raw before the big stinker itself: Wrestlemania 9! After sifting through weeks of Raw and watching the card come together, I’ve gotten it in my head that following my review of Wrestlemania IX, which shouldn’t be too much longer after this, I’ll be making a post with my ideas for improving the show. I’m usually not too fond of armchair booking, per se. I usually do it in terms of predicting where the booking might go and comparing it to my own predictions, but I just don’t have it in me to pull out booking ideas as a WhatCulture-esque “I could do it better” game. That said, Wrestlemania IX to this day has a reputation of being one of the worst, if not the single worst Wrestlemania of all time, and I think outside of large scale angles like The Invasion, would probably be a common target for rebooking. So, expect to see those two posts in the near future. But, for now, let’s get right into it; the go-home show for Wrestlemania!
 Raw starts with the intro and goes right into introducing our commentators for the night, Savage, Bartlett, and McMahon. After Bartlett’s tedious imitation of McMahon last week, I’m weirdly relieved to see the genuine article here at ringside. We’re back at the Manhattan Center, as they run down the card, which reads like any other mediocre episode of Raw from this time. Excitement! The Bushwhackers music hits for what I believe is their debut on Raw. Already in the ring is the awesome tag team of Damien Demento and Repo Man. After some delay, the Bushwhackers are seen parading around the balcony. Back from the break, as the Bushwhackers are still in the crowd, albeit in the lower level. They climb in the ring, and one of them plants a kiss on the larger ring girl, who seems to be a recurring character on Raw.
 Yuck. Awful, awful match. I’m aware of The Bushwhackers’ reputation as violent heels, but they were just abysmal here. Lots of biting, lots of deliberately missed spots, and just general goofiness that wasn’t even entertaining enough to laugh at. At least Demento and Repo Man tried. 1/4 *.
 After the match, Vince speculates that we may be seeing more of The Bushwhackers in the future, which I take as a threat. After the break, out comes Tatanka, for what feels like his ten thousandth match in the Manhattan Center. He’s squaring off against Reno Riggins, a longtime jobber best known for his work in Memphis in the 90’s:
 Your usual Tatanka squash. I’m not sure if the crowd’s just getting jaded on Raw in general, but they were deathly silent for this match. Maybe it’s a condemnation of Tatanka, or maybe they’ve just seen it all at this point. I know I feel that way watching Tatanka on Raw.
 After the match, Vince McMahon announces that a WWF Hall of Fame was recently formed, and the first inductee is none other than the recently deceased Andre the Giant. We get a nice video package highlighting Andre’s career in the WWF, officially signaling his induction. The story of Andre the Giant is absolutely extraordinary, and he’s honestly one of my favorite wrestlers to just read about. Classy tribute to the Eight Wonder of the World. After the break, out comes the Tag Team Champions Money Inc., as they get ready to face the team of Scott Rich and Jeff Armstrong. Before the match, IRS warns the crowd that the tax deadline is drawing near, advising them not to cheat on their taxes. I adore the one-track nature of IRS:
 Short, one-sided squash. I was actually very distracted here, as they cut to Rob Bartlett switching through channels at ringside during the match. Well, that’s a nice idea to plant into the viewer’s head. Actually, if I were watching live, I would probably just stick with the program, just so I could be doing the opposite of Rob Bartlett. Have I mentioned he sucks lately? Because he does. He really, really does.
 We get the last Wrestlemania IX Report, as they hammer home the big matches, as well as the thrilling “toga party” aspect of the event. Gosh, I wonder why people don’t look on this show so fondly. I should also mention that Mean Gene claimed his toga had less material than a piece of dental floss, so I would not be surprised if people were scared away from buying the show just from that one statement. After that, we get a plug for the main event, Kamala vs. Doink the Clown. Dear God. Out comes a newly afroed Doink, holding a present once again. Out next is Kamala with Reverend Slick:
 A sideshow main event that really didn’t do much to entertain. The finish came when Kamala started chasing Doink around the ring, until Doink offered him the present, which turned out to be empty. They awarded the match to Doink, I guess because he got in the ring first, but I believe both men were counted out at the same time, as they were both outside when the bell rang. Doesn’t matter much, the match sucked regardless. 1/2 *.
 Post-match, Kamala chases Doink once again, but this time, Doink crawls under the ring. Kamala follows suit, but Doink emerges on the other side, steals Howard Finkel’s chair, and hits Kamala in the head with it as he tries to emerge. Holy shit, Doink the Clown is actually a pretty great heel. Kamala eventually emerges from another side of the ring, sneaks up behind Doink, and chases him to the back with the chair.
 After a few commercials, we cut back to ringside, as the commentators are surrounded by 3 large ring girls. Vince McMahon announces Rob Bartlett as the winner of the 1993 Spam Eating Contest. I’m not going to touch that one. Vince refers to the ring girls as members of Bartlett’s fan club, possibly the sole members, one of whom proceeds to make out with Bartlett. Wow, if you thought Mauro Ranallo was mistreated, wait until you see this segment. It’s becoming more and more clear that they want Bartlett out with each passing week. The feeling is mutual on my end. They plug a USA Special that serves as the true go-home show to Wrestlemania, with Savage vs. Yokozuna, and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Undertaker. That sounds awesome, but I don’t believe it’s up on the Network right now. I should probably just stick with Raw and PPV’s for now, anyways. Raw goes off the air with Savage denying Bartlett a handshake, and Vince plugging the Rob Bartlett fan club. Gripping stuff.
 I thought that last week’s Raw was perhaps the worst episode I’d seen to date. I’d like to apologize for that hasty statement, as I now sincerely believe that this episode was even worse. I guess I can excuse the lack of proper build to Wrestlemania by acknowledging that they had a USA special a week before the show to do that. But that doesn’t excuse the half-assed matches and the insufferable Rob Bartlett segments. I was actually a little miffed that the Manhattan Center crowd was appearing to grow jaded, but now I think I get it. Week in and week out, meaningless squashes, half-hearted angles, and stupid comedy. Thumbs down for this miserable episode of Raw.
 Up next, it’s a review that I’ve been personally anticipating for weeks now; Wrestlemania IX!
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