#me wanting to find non-LJ-RPG game ways to get them together
victorluvsalice · 10 months
Valice Calendar: Happy "Started Thinking Of Fanfic" Anniversary!
Hi everyone! We're back to acknowledging the final few important dates on the Valice( r) Calendar, and today could be seen as a real doozy -- it's the first date I could find in my old LiveJournal entries where I mentioned wanting to write Victor/Alice fanfic! Again, the entry itself is probably fairly incomprehensible if you weren't already familiar with me and my quirks back then (like talking to myself about my day in the guise of chatting with my fifteen million AU versions of Doc Brown -- yes, the whole "how many fucking AUs do you have" thing was well-established even then), but the gist of it was that I'd just completed NaNoWriMo, and was looking for a new writing project! And because I was already considering how to add versions of Victor and Alice to this LJ RP game I was part of at the time ("Beyond The Rift," where people from other worlds were falling into an alternate Chicago full of magic-users and demons and angels via "rifts" that gave them weird superpowers -- it was a bizarre, if fun, game), I found myself thinking a lot of how I might get them to meet in a way that didn't involve chucking them both into another universe. This was BEFORE Alice: Madness Returns was a thing, remember, so I didn't have "Victor getting chucked off to Dr. Bumby" as a crutch! I ended up just skirting the issue for my first few fanfics (such as the very first one, "Suffocating"), and then came up with "maybe Victor and Alice met as kids once" (leading to "By The Riverside"), and then started doing stuff with Alice having an uncle, Charles, who was a solicitor and thus might be involved with the Van Dorts (this is the origin of the Uncle Charles and Aunt Susan who show up in the Secundus Verse, which itself was prompted by me getting into steampunk and having what I thought was a cool mega-crossover idea for NaNoWriMo one year), and then A:MR came out, and I came up with the "hey, what if Victor got sent to Dr. Bumby because his parents didn't believe him about Emily?" idea (leading to the Forgotten Vows Verse) and then --
Um. Well. We can see how far I've come, can't we? ^^; (Though admittedly, the "fanfic" tag on this tumblr also includes non-Valice fanfics from me (generally gift fics for friends), and fanfics from other people, Valice-related (like "Beneath A Broken Sky") and non-Valice-related.) But yeah -- I think I've gotten over whatever mental hurdles I had before regarding finding a way to get them together for fanfic purposes. XD
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