#(which is good because while I was able to get Victor into that game
victorluvsalice · 10 months
Valice Calendar: Happy "Started Thinking Of Fanfic" Anniversary!
Hi everyone! We're back to acknowledging the final few important dates on the Valice( r) Calendar, and today could be seen as a real doozy -- it's the first date I could find in my old LiveJournal entries where I mentioned wanting to write Victor/Alice fanfic! Again, the entry itself is probably fairly incomprehensible if you weren't already familiar with me and my quirks back then (like talking to myself about my day in the guise of chatting with my fifteen million AU versions of Doc Brown -- yes, the whole "how many fucking AUs do you have" thing was well-established even then), but the gist of it was that I'd just completed NaNoWriMo, and was looking for a new writing project! And because I was already considering how to add versions of Victor and Alice to this LJ RP game I was part of at the time ("Beyond The Rift," where people from other worlds were falling into an alternate Chicago full of magic-users and demons and angels via "rifts" that gave them weird superpowers -- it was a bizarre, if fun, game), I found myself thinking a lot of how I might get them to meet in a way that didn't involve chucking them both into another universe. This was BEFORE Alice: Madness Returns was a thing, remember, so I didn't have "Victor getting chucked off to Dr. Bumby" as a crutch! I ended up just skirting the issue for my first few fanfics (such as the very first one, "Suffocating"), and then came up with "maybe Victor and Alice met as kids once" (leading to "By The Riverside"), and then started doing stuff with Alice having an uncle, Charles, who was a solicitor and thus might be involved with the Van Dorts (this is the origin of the Uncle Charles and Aunt Susan who show up in the Secundus Verse, which itself was prompted by me getting into steampunk and having what I thought was a cool mega-crossover idea for NaNoWriMo one year), and then A:MR came out, and I came up with the "hey, what if Victor got sent to Dr. Bumby because his parents didn't believe him about Emily?" idea (leading to the Forgotten Vows Verse) and then --
Um. Well. We can see how far I've come, can't we? ^^; (Though admittedly, the "fanfic" tag on this tumblr also includes non-Valice fanfics from me (generally gift fics for friends), and fanfics from other people, Valice-related (like "Beneath A Broken Sky") and non-Valice-related.) But yeah -- I think I've gotten over whatever mental hurdles I had before regarding finding a way to get them together for fanfic purposes. XD
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emptyjunior · 10 months
I haven't seen the movie yet but I hope they include my favourite thing from the book, which is Coriolanus Snow doesn't take a single action the entire time that a woman doesn't explicitly tell him to take.
What were some of the wins in the Coriolanus Snow political playbook?
-He was the only mentor that met his tribute early and built an actual relationship with them, which gave him a huge advantage over the other mentors who couldn't even get a name or birthdate out of their tribute.
-He was able to get a reporter to interview his tribute multiple times, gaining screen time and notoriety.
-His stardom rose when he attempted to save the Crane girl and was seen on camera looking heroic, calling for a medic.
-He wrote the proposal on the sponsorship system and basically invented the idea of sponsors, ranking and gambling that sustained the games for 75 years.
And guess what? Not a SINGLE one of those was his idea😭
TIGRESS tells him to go down to the train station that day, says that Lucy Gray is probably scared and vulnerable, his grandmother gives him a rose from her garden to take, and Tigress explicitly tells him to get on Lucy's good side because her trust will be a valuable thing.
LUCY GRAY tells snow to stop freaking out and freezing at the zoo! Because he just stands there, camera shy, terrified about messing up his reputation and she tells him to 'Own it' and act like any mistake he ever makes is a chance for a Performance, it is a chance to gain more power. SHE drags him over to the reporter and banters with the people of the capital, teaching him a lesson about being in front of the press that he will use for his entire Presidency.
Snow prides himself on looking rich even though his family is in in ruin and it is TIGRESS who helps them achieve this. The careful image he maintains, is maintained by HER, working her hands to the bone to make his clothes look new, their reputation stay untarnished.
The sponsors? The idea to bring food to tributes so they don't starve before they can even compete?? It's LUCY GRAY'S idea!! She suggests it on screen, she invents the idea of a Victor as an Idol, she sings and does fan meet and greets and asks for people to bring her a sweet thing if they can. And then Snow goes and repeats that in class and it's credited as a profitable Academy idea and not hers.
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There's a thousand moments like this! Of Snow letting all his smarts and tactics fail him, and Lucy Gray hissing the answer in his ear to get him to act. And he's praised as a hero after this, as the only person who did something in an emergency!
And after all this, our unreliable narrator heads home at the end of the day like, ah I really did that. Snow lands on top once again, that was for sure my idea.
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Featured the girl? You featured the girl snow? In her own plan that she did while you stood there frozen and anxious😭So generous.
Truly he's an absolute doofus, he's a silly little boy with Light Yagami energy, any mettle he gains as a Political Mastermind later on is due to the strategy and empathy of the women he's surrounded himself with
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ilguna · 4 months
Piano Sessions: Style + Finnick Odair -- reader x Finnick faking a relationship to gain favor in Capitol, but real feelings develop, maybe have them towing that line in the lead-up to Quarter Quell
☼ style (Finnick Odair) ☼
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warnings; swearing, use of the term 'good girl' kinda in a gross way, mention of gore, brief mention of the morphlings.
wc; 2.9k
notes; Piano Sessions: songfic, Style by Taylor Swift.
Finnick Odair is one of those victors that you have never been able to properly figure out, despite knowing him for almost eight years.
Every time you think that you’ve finally got a handle on his thought process and the way he acts, he strays, surprising you. Over the years, his impulse decisions have slowly declined, as his situation with the Capitol and District Four stabilized. However, with recent problems rising, it’s brought back his unpredictability. 
For some reason, you don’t have this issue with any of the other victors. In fact, you could read them like an open book, cracking their spines in the process because you can delve deep. It’s really not that hard to sniff out secrets in their seemingly perfect facades when you’ve been doing it for so long.
It’s a talent, really. One that not a lot of people appreciate. What happens is that they find it irritating when you know their intentions before they’ve had the chance to approach you. Most of the time, they have this look in their eye, giving it away. You don’t even need to search half the time because of it.
That’s why you can tell that Finnick is up to something right now, but you don’t know exactly what it is. From what you’ve gathered so far from the stolen glances in your direction, is that it has something to do with you. He’s just waiting for the right moment to talk to you.
Which is driving you crazy. You’re not sure what the right moment could possibly be, especially now that the two of you are on a train being shipped to the Capitol in their custody. This is not just another year of mentoring, where every thought can wait until you’re ready. You’re District Four’s tributes in the Quarter Quell, unspoken words could mean life or death. They can change the trajectory of the Games.
He knows this, of course. Probably better than anybody.
You suck in a breath through your nose, rolling your head in his direction, making eye contact right as he glances at you again. Instead of looking away immediately, the two of you enter a silent staring contest.
It doesn’t last for long. “Are you going to say it or are you going to keep looking at me?” You ask.
Finnick offers you a small smile, getting up from where he’s sitting on the plush train couch to go to you. Where you’re sitting at the dining table, enjoying the bottomless pot of sweet tea that the avoxes provide.
A laugh leaves him. “I was thinking, while we’re in the Capitol, we could fake a relationship to gain more favor.” He says nonchalantly. It’s so relaxed coming from his mouth that you almost feel ridiculous when you choke on your drink. “So that we have nothing to worry about with sponsors in the arena.”
You raise a napkin to your lips, clearing your throat, trying to get the burning pain to subside quicker.
“And it could work out in your favor too, you’ll get allies.” He continues. “Since we both know that you have a special talent for driving people away.”
You raise your eyebrows, blinking, absolutely speechless. This is exactly what you mean when you say that Finnick makes it so difficult for you to pin him down. And you’re not referring to the add-on at the end. You’re talking about the way he just casually suggested for the two of you to fake a relationship.
“Have you hit your head recently?” You ask.
“No.” He lets out a light laugh. “You can’t tell me I’m wrong, especially about the sponsor part.”
You know he’s not wrong. Your ability to anticipate intentions have lost you a good handful of friendships over the years, particularly in District Four. Your former friends saw you as an opportunity for money after your win, despite having plenty of it for themselves. So, you lost them. You told them to get lost. 
It’s stunted a lot of potential friendships since, and it’s because you’re entirely too suspicious to let new people in right away. It happened with Finnick, even though he was the one to really mentor you before going inside. You couldn’t quite place your finger on him, which makes sense seven and a half years later. He doesn’t have a consistent personality.
Still, on the other hand, your gut feeling has given you a chance to grow in other areas. Like with the Capitol, for example. You used it to your advantage during your Games, like when you interacted with the tributes around you. You knew what the Gamemakers were looking for with scoring, giving you a higher one than you deserved.
You simultaneously flattered the Capitol while talking about yourself during the interview with Caesar, getting you a step in the door. It truly isn’t difficult to sweep the Capitol off their feet in the first place, but you managed to do it so effortlessly that they held onto you. They cared about what happened to you in the arena.
When you won, it only continued from there. You became the Capitol’s favorite female darling, because Finnick was their male. It wasn’t long before you were the good girl, you couldn’t do anything wrong. Even when your tongue accidentally slipped and you showed some of your true colors.
So, while Finnick isn’t wrong about allies, he’s far off about sponsors. It’ll work more in his favor than it will in yours. Although, with his own fairly decent sized sponsor list, you two could blow the competition out of the water with your combined efforts.
But then again, you don’t really care about having allies right now. They don’t inherently matter until you’re in the Capitol, and even then with the chaos going on in the districts, you need to figure out who will be good to have around. You volunteered knowing full well you were signing up to go blind, which is why your whole plan revolves around analyzing the mindsets of the other tributes.
Especially when it comes to Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, but you know how difficult they can be. You’ll be looking at Haymitch for real direction when it comes to the rebels. His teenagers sparked the rebellion, and the rest of you will make sure that it gets set ablaze.
Finnick’s plan is almost meaningless. And so is he, to you, in some capacity. You don’t need him, you haven’t in years. If he’d been paying attention to that recently, he’d know that you’re self-sufficient in the Capitol, and you’ve never been afraid of approaching other tributes. This year will be even easier since you’re all victors, anyway.
Finnick’s proposition is just so bizarre. 
Here’s the thing—it’s been a while since you’d heard from him. The last time you held a genuine conversation beyond the formalities was a year and a half ago, when you’d decided that you were done with his whirlwind romance. He would suck you into his own personal vortex, and the only reason why you’d get spat out would be because he wasn’t interested anymore.
And it’s not like this happened once, it was multiple times. The reason why you kept going back was because your relationship before hadn’t been like that. It changed a couple months after Annie Cresta won her Games. One day, you two were stable. Next, there were more issues than you could take care of, which would be the beginning of the end.
Of course, you tried to fix every problem you had, but it didn’t feel like you were making progress. So, the next solution came to be an on-and-off relationship. You would get together, everything would be fine for a couple months, and then you’d break up. By the time he wanted you back, you’d be over the fight, and you’d go right back to him.
You thought that after the last time, he’d be done. Yet here he is, surprising you again.
“Come on, (Y/n), it’ll work out in our favor.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“It’ll work out in your favor.” You correct him. “I don’t care either way, and I think you knew that already.”
Finnick tilts his head with a knowing smile. “You caught me, but I meant what I said about allies. I have an in, and you don’t. You’ll be able to skip the processing time with me.” He winks.
He must be talking about the rebels. It makes you wonder how he’s been talking to them, especially Haymitch, or anyone else that might be involved in higher places, besides District Four. Your home has been making quite the uproar since the news of the Quarter Quell, it’s just gotten worse recently. They’ve basically flooded every possible open space with the Peacekeepers, afraid of the Mayor being overthrown. Or worse, joining in on the rebellion. Which is why they replaced the old Head Peacekeeper with a new one, and she’s a fucking bitch.
“Let me guess, I’ll have to follow your lead?”
He makes a face, “Not exactly. I can’t be in charge of an alliance that large, so I’m sure we’ll all be given a part to take care of.”
You squint at him as the realization that this is a terrible idea dawns on you. You have to admit, it’s a creative way to get you back into his arms after so long, but if it’s anything like the past ten times, you know where this leads. And you know that you should tell him to leave, but you won’t.
“Fine, I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend.” You emphasize.
Finnick gives you a dimpled smile. “I knew you’d agree.”
The Capitol has been eventful in its own boring way this past week.
In terms of training and impressing the Gamemakers, there wasn’t anything new. You showed up to the gym, you played around with their toys, and you’d go back to the apartment at the end of the day. From the outside looking in, no one’s been able to tell that there’s more going on in the background.
If they looked closer, they’d see that you’ve been conspiring with victors that you haven’t shown interest in the past. That you’ve been getting along with Johanna and morphlings, when rivalries and distaste haven’t been hidden from the public. That you haven’t been their perfect little darling all week.
With the Games quickly approaching, and happening as soon as tomorrow, it’s been hard to keep the anticipation from boiling over. Especially since Haymitch’s plan has finally been smoothed out, after days of working out the kinks.
At the beginning of training, you scoped out Katniss and Peeta. Truth be told, they weren’t sure about how they felt about you. After some proving, Katniss was able to admit to Haymitch that she knows something is off with you. LIke you can read her thoughts and act on them before they’re fully formed. All Peeta could say was that he thinks you’re nice and looking for peace.
This gave Haymitch an idea, which eventually led to him giving you a role—just as Finnick said he would. It’s pretty obvious how distrustful Katniss can be with Finnick, and so you’re expected to placate her, in hopes that Finnick will be able to keep control of any given situation. You told them that you’d try your best. 
If Katniss can already sense what you’re doing, it’s only a matter of time before she fully catches on and shuts you down. Once that happens, there will be no coming back. She’s stubborn, so she’ll go out of her way to ignore you and your advice. You can see it coming.
Until then, you’ll keep your promise.
“And you’re finished!” One of the prep team members sighs. He backs up, hands pressed against his chest with a dreamy look in his eye. “We’re right on time, too. They haven’t been waiting long.”
You get up from where you’re sitting on the stool, watching as your dress glimmers in the soft light. Immediately, someone jumps to fluff out the back, not wanting it to be flat. A floor-length mirror is moved to be in front of you, allowing you to see the iridescent dress. It’s primarily blue, sometimes purple, rarely pink unless you move a certain way.
“Like a soap bubble.” Your stylist remarks. “Clean.”
Of course, the colors were done with a purpose. To continue to project the idea that you’re the Capitol’s perfect darling. Maybe it’s done with the hopes that they’ll take it easy on you inside of the arena, but their opinions will change over time. They’ll smile through the gore and murder. They’ll be outraged when you try to escape.
“Thank you.” You murmur, heading for the door.
The boy seemingly jumps to open the door for you, and then he stops. You look over your shoulder at your stylist, face twisted, hoping he’ll tell him to get out of your way. Instead, you’re met with an open box, and laying right in the middle of black satin is a pair of white gloves.
They’ve got to be kidding, you think. As you force a smile to your face, you reach for the gloves, pulling them on one at a time. They’re foreign, material slightly uncomfortable against your soft hands. 
Now they open the door, letting you out.
You leave your room, going down the hall and into the living area to find Mags and Finnick. You’re greeted with a warm smile, Finnick moving across the room to hold your hand as you go down the few steps.
“Gloves?” He questions, rubbing his thumb over the material.
“I’m clean.” You roll your eyes, he lets out a breath through his nose.
“Of course you are.” He reaches to tuck a stray hair behind your ear, eyes fixated on yours.
“You’ve got that daydream look in your eye.” You murmur, stroking the side of his cheek with the back of your finger. 
It’s a look that you’re familiar with. It’s sexy, sultry. It’s what your mind clings on to when you think about him, when you dream about getting back together with him. You know that it’s a facade that he puts on for the Capitol, but he’s perfected it over these years. You can’t help falling for it, too.
“You have that red lip, classic look that I like.” Finnick murmurs. “My type in every way.”
Yes, you know. You’re Finnick’s type, because you started it. You’re the girl he loves so much that he can never get enough of, even when you’re not together. So every girl that he dates now has to have some quality of yours, because you’re the blueprint. And all the girls that come after are the copies, second editions. Clones.
But he never really needs them, because when you go crashing down, you come back every time. By your will, or the universe’s, you can never stay apart for long. You thought that the last break up was it, yet you’re here again, back to taking care of each other. You love him.
You think you love him.
“It’s time to go, we’re going to be late for check-in!” Your escort warns you two, coming down the steps. “To the elevator, let’s go.”
You reluctantly pull away from Finnick, offering him a small smile. He motions for you to go first, following behind you casually. Your escort is the last to leave the apartment, but she’s quick to enter the elevator first. She presses the buttons, holds the doors to ensure you all make it on, and then relaxes.
Once you’re on the ground floor, she loses interest in control, pushing you and Finnick to join the rest of the victors, while she takes care of the rest. This is the last time you’ll see your stylist, prep team and Mags for the night. They’ll be in the crowd, somewhere in the front row, where you’ll be able to see them when you’re on stage.
The interviews haven’t started yet, but they will be soon, judging by the giant clock on the wall, counting down from ten minutes. There’s victors scattered everywhere, friends having their own conversations. Johanna catches you two through a brief glance, waving you over to join her.
Your pace doesn’t change. You play with one of the fingers of the glove. “What’s your plan for the interview? I heard an idea going around, and I was thinking of joining in, but I wanted to hear what you’re doing first.”
“I wrote a poem.” Finnick shrugs, “For a girl.”
You blink, face twisting as you slow down. “Why would you do a poem for me when I’m with you?”
Finnick opens his mouth, and then closes it.
Your body warms as you come to a stop in the hallway. Finnick’s lips are pressed together, head slightly tilted. “It’s for Annie, isn’t it?” You ask. “I heard you’ve been out and about with some other girl.”
Some other girl, you mock in your head. It’s Annie. He’s been out with Annie, part of the reason why you think your relationship has failed in the past. It’s no coincidence it started after she won. You had a feeling there was something going on between them before you left District Four, but you were just going to ignore it because it couldn’t have been true. Finnick wouldn’t cheat.
“What you heard is true, but I can’t stop thinking about you and I.” Finnick reaches to take your hands, squeezing them. 
You sigh, “I’ve been there too a few times.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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lost-in-beacon-hills · 10 months
I think at this point everyone has different opinions on each of the Districts and honestly I love that. It's so fun to read people's thoughts.
(I'm sure I'm not the first person to think or say this but) I have a theory on why District One/Two win so many of the games beyond just being Volunteers in a game full of people going in blind.
It's something I've thought heavily about and even incorporated into my own fanfics.
But District One, I think, they win by raising their volunteers to be pretty. They train them to fight, yes, but I think they pull sponsors by making their kids "sexy." In both the book and movie, Glimmer is heavily sexualized. In the book, she's in a sheer gown that shows everything. In the movie, they tone it down but still show quite a bit of her body during the interview. Even the two victors we get to hear a little more about (Cashmere and Gloss) are mentioned to be pretty. Despite being a sibling duo, they're incredibly popular within the Capitol.
But even after they get 'popular' they don't turn down their attractiveness. She still dresses pretty with make up and smiles like she's been taught to do. He's still beefy and hot. You would think if they had any bodily autonomy they would start to tone themselves down in order to get away from the sex slavery.
I think sex appeal is what makes them a victor. Literally. People 'sponsor' them in the hopes of getting to fuck them. They get told that these people are who they're indebted to and most likely are forced into sex as a way to 'repay' them. Everyone says if Glimmer had won she would become the next Cashmere. Which is true. But no one points out how this is planned and a tactic that one consistently uses. Once they win they realize how fucked they are. They don't know they shouldn't want to win until it's over. It's too late to back out. Part of why Cashmeres life is devastating is because Gloss knew what was coming and he wanted better for her. But it happened away. And now they're stuck repaying the Capitol with their bodies.
In Two I think they raise fighters. They put all their effort into skill, endurance and survival. Out of all of the districts I think they do the best at giving them a chance. They make sure they send the best trained, the most skilled and the smartest. Clove is such a good example of this. She never missed her target. (Except for when Katniss moved the backpack making her miss). She was brilliant. Cato too. He was strong and a fantastic fighter. They only lost because the story demanded Katniss win. Hell there's so many moments where Katniss almost dies at their hands only to **magically** get away. (Thresh owing her, tracker jacker nest, not seeing her a few feet away) all of it. They weren't stupid meat heads. They were warriors. Children raised to kill.
I think they delbrately send plain victors. They don't want want to send "pretty" kids. They tone down any sort of beauty their tributes have. One of my favorite examples is Enobaria. She's pretty. And I think that's her downfall. It's mentioned in the series that she wins by ripping another tributes throat out with her teeth. (A popular theory is she was raped and used the very last thing she had in order to get away.) But she ends up getting her teeth filed down. While a lot of people think it was the Capitol, I believe it was her mentors. They filed them down, knowing she wouldn't be able to be raped again. I mean, who would have sex with her knowing one wrong move and you could be dead? She can bite your dick off in seconds if she wanted to. (Not to say she doesn't get booked) It would sway a lot of people away. I think much like Haymitch fighting against Katniss's breast implants, her mentors fought to get her teeth sharpened.
If they're able to I believe Two will alter the victors in order to make them less desirable. One plays it up, Two tones it down winning off skill and merit alone. Any sponsors they get isn't driven by sex.
It's why they win so much, and why the other districts have such a hard time getting sponsors.
I also think that District Four, the last of the career pack, has it's own way of creating victors. They send tributes like the rest but I think they do something different from the rest. My own headcanon is that they send orphans. It's fucked up but if I remember correctly they never mention Finnick having family.
I think they take the kids with nowhere else to go and put them in a training center. Whoever scores the best goes that year. Unluckily for Finnick, he was picked at 14. He was attractive, and part of me thinks Mags played into that to give him the advantage, thinking he didn't have family to leverage. It would have been fine, but then Annie happened. They use her as a control tactic.
I also think Finnick is the reason it was a one and done on leaning into the sex appeal. It fucked him over. Annie was pretty too but she wasn't used. (No one has ever said ah yes she's crazy let's just not rape her, fuckwads do it anyways.) But I think Mags learned from her mistake and played Annie down. Made her less pretty like they do in Two.
It's fucked. The entire system is fucked. But I think each 'career' district creates winners any way they can. No one in Four would volunteer they're disillusioned unlike one and two. So why not send the kids who have nothing, no one to come back to? In Two why not train them and maim them after to keep them safer? In One why not make them fuckable to win? They won't understand until its too late?
Maybe I've overthought this. Probably have. Idk. Just a thought.
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Other Parts: Part Two, Part Three (short version) Part Three (long version) and Part Four.
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You were the younger sister of Johanna Mason from District 7. You were her only remaining family and were put in the 73rd Hunger Games as punishment for your sister's behaviour after she won her games. They thought killing her only remaining family member would convince her to behave and stop being so reactive. It of course didn't work because you won the Hunger Games.
They'd underestimated both you and your sister. Johanna had suspected they might do something like this so had been quietly training you and teaching you survival skills since she got out. Then when your name was called and she became your mentor, she put every fibre of her being into making you win this. She taught you how to play the game, how to appear pretty, charming and get sponsors. Caesar commented on how unlike Johanna you were. "You're a lot more likeable than your sister" he said plainly and you smiled, pretending you weren't visualising pulling his tongue out through his teeth. You were exactly like your sister and proud of it, you just had to play a different game to her.
When you won and were let out Johanna was right there waiting for you. It was the first and only time you saw your sister cry and the trauma brought you both closer. You managed to form some life for yourself, you became friends with the other tributes and tried to keep your head down but you weren't good at that and neither was Johanna. Then Snow announced his stupid spin on the games and you were reaped...and Johanna volunteered as tribute instead of you.
There was nothing you could do as you watched your sister be submitted for the games again and you were furious. So it was of no surprise that when the rebels contacted you, you jumped at the chance to sign up with them. That's how you found yourself in District 13 at the end of the quarter-quell games. You watched Katniss, Beetee and Finnick come in but not Johanna. She'd been captured and while Katniss was freaking out about Peter you wanted to scream because nobody was bothered about your sister, nobody except Finnick.
He came to you as soon as he was able. "Y/n I'm so sorry" he told you "I went to look for her, I tried to find her I really did, I promise" he told you and you nodded "I believe you Finnick". He was the first person you cried with over your sister.
You found out after that, that Finnick had lost Annie. Apparently, she'd had a breakdown from all the stress and the drugs they gave her were too powerful. She'd overdosed the first night Finnick went into the games according to Heavensbee. You had no idea and hadn't heard anything about it but that was the capitol and you had been distracted with a rebellion. With your mutual loss, Finnick and you bonded. You'd always gotten along but you'd never been close which didn't make too much sense.
As soon as you became a victor Johanna introduced you to her victor friends and you hit it off with Finnick immediately. You were both social butterflies who could charm and flirt with pretty much anyone however after a few parties where the two of you clearly were the centre of attention, you felt him pulling away. You asked Johanna about it but she'd just shrugged and said she didn't know anything. So you'd remained civil but never been that close again, until now but in a completely different way.
You responded to loss a lot differently to Finnick, but then again your sister was alive while his love was dead. You could've argued your sister being alive and tortured daily was worse than being dead but didn't think that would help Finnick. The second he found out about Annie he fell apart. He had to be hospitalised and was a shell of himself. You'd responded to your sisters's loss by throwing yourself into work but everyone grieves differently.
You heard sobbing as you passed the medic bay and knew immediately who it was. You unlocked Finnick's door and he turned away before he saw it was you. He wiped his face and sat up. "It's okay" you told him "you don't have to stop". Finnick looked at you and shook his head "any news?". "No but that's not why I'm here, I'm not great at comforting people but I'm here for you Finnick. My sister would want me to look out for you". Finnick paused and then smiled. It was a sad smile but it was a smile. "It's funny" he said "because she said if anything happened to her, I had to look out for you". You smiled sitting down on a chair at the end of his bed "well funny how things change huh? Now, when was the last time you showered, ate or went for a walk?". Finnick shrugged "I don't remember for all 3". You nodded "well that's where we'll start".
And that's what you did for the first week. You visited Finnick for every meal between shifts. You took him for walks around the corridors and made him shower. You stood outside with a towel and clean clothes for him. You figured if he started acting more human it would make him feel like one again and it slowly worked. His appetite increased, he dragged his feet less, he cried less. There were still down days, one day you walked in to find doctors with him and heard he'd cut himself having nightmares so you spent the next few nights asleep at his bedside, ready to hold him down if he tried to hurt himself. Your life revolved around making him get better and you weren't even sure why, neither was Finnick.
"Why are you being so kind to me?" he asked one day when you revealed the sugar cubes you'd snuck into the kitchen and stolen for him. You passed him the cubes and looked at him "because we're friends and you'd do the same for me". He nodded "I would have but you aren't the most touchy-feely sentimental victor". You smiled, pleased Finnick was feeling well enough to poke fun at you. "That's true but I have a soft side to me, Johanna and I both do". Finnick shot you a look "see you I can believe but Johanna?" and you laughed.
It was nice to feel happy and you felt a sharp jolt of it, before remembering where your sister was. It suddenly hit you she was somewhere being tortured as you spoke. Finnick saw the look on your face and didn't have to ask what you were thinking. He gently took your hand. "It'll be okay" he told you "we'll get her back". You nodded and squeezed his hand "I thought I was supposed to be the one comforting you?" you said. Finnick shrugged "we're friends remember?" and for some reason that made you smile like a goofball.
Once Finnick was discharged from the hospital he began taking an active role in District 13 and you helped him settle in. He was moved to a room just across from your own for stability and even though you didn't work together, you sat together in the cafeteria and spent most evenings together. One of the main perks of being an ex-victor/murderer was you got special training with fun toys courtesy of Beetee. You were down there every free minute you had but you felt like Finnick wasn't using this to his full advantage.
"Can you give me tips on how to throw?" you asked Finnick one day after work. He blinked and looked up at you "as I recall, you have a pretty good arm on you already" and you smiled remembering the time you accidentally hit him in the face thinking he was Joanna. It was at a Capitol party, one you'd actually enjoyed and the memory was a good one. "Yeah short range but not long-range, I want to know how to throw a spear or maybe a trident. Know anyone who can teach me". Finnick did not look in the mood but you gave him your best smile and he couldn't resist. "Fine" he pouted getting onto his feet stroppily "but not for long, I'm shattered". You grinned "yay thanks Finnick!" and gave his arm a squeeze before pulling him down to the toystore of weapons.
You saw Finnick's eyes twinkle as he saw the trident Beedee had made for him and smiled. Finnick swirled it effortlessly around himself looking very hot as he did it and he knew it. He turned to you, his shoulders lifted and confidence risen "so, let's get started".
Finnick had you throw a few spears first and after observing he began to adjust your posture and angle. You got better with the spear but couldn't seem to get the trident anywhere near the target. "You've got good power which is no surprise" Finnick smiled "but this isn't an axe, it's bigger and heavier. That's why your aim needs to be better for the trident to find its mark". You nodded before a thought occurred to you "have you ever thought you could be pitch Pitchfork Boy instead of Trident Boy? I mean a trident and pitchfork are basically the same thing". "What? No they not! They're completely different!" Finnick said utterly flabbergasted by your claim and taken-aback by your sudden declaration. "But they are!" you argued continuing the fight "long stick, 3 spiky bits at the top!".
Your bickering escalated and your arguments became sillier until finally, Finnick couldn't stop laughing. You weren't sure if it was because of how strange your argument was, he actually found you that funny or a semi breakdown but either way, it was the most you'd heard Finnick laugh since this all happened. He had tears streaming down his face and he was laughing so hard he had to sit down. You sunk down beside him also laughing and when you both caught your breath he smiled at you. "Thanks Y/n". You looked at him "for what? Being so hilarious?" and he smiled again. "For reminding me there are still things to live for like having a laugh with you". There was a lot of weight in those words and you could tell Finnick had really been contemplating if there was anything worth living for. You should've suspected it but you hadn't and you were suddenly so thankful Finnick was still here. So much so you did something you never did...you hugged him!
Finnick was also surprised and tensed as you pressed up against him and wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you for staying here with me Finnick, I'm glad you're still here" you said into his neck and then Finnick relaxed and hugged you back. "Me too" he agreed.
Time settled and you stayed in the embrace before pulling back feeling slightly flushed. You were searching for something to say when Finnick spoke "I'm glad you got me to come down here and train, can we do it more often?". You nodded "as often as you want".
Finnick started smiling more after that and he was beginning to get back to his charming jokey self. Katniss commented on it one day when you and Finnick teased her for daring to change her hair up. Finnick smiled when she said how much better he was doing. "Well it's thanks to Y/n, she's the one who nursed me back to health and dragged me out of bed each day". You shrugged "nursed is a strong word but I did drag him around a lot". "Well good work" Katniss said "I'll tell Prim you might try out for nurse too yeah?". You showed her a finger and the 3 of you laughed. It was nice to hear your 2 friends laugh together.
Finnick kept you to your promise of training as often as he wanted and you tended to go every other evening after work. It was a stress relief in many ways but you also just enjoyed hanging out with Finnick. He was skilled and you learned a lot from him, as well as helping him master a few skills yourself. It felt productive, fun and you loved that you had something in your control. It was honestly the highlight of your week and Finnick agreed.
You'd had a really good training session so for the last part you got a little cocky. You were sparring with Finnick and decided to use the trident. You'd gotten a lot better at using it but still Finnick smirked as you picked it up "really?" he asked "baby you really want to use my weapon against me?". You felt a little fluttery when he called you baby but didn't let it show. You stood up taller and twirled it in one hand, the exact way you'd seen Finnick do "I certainly do pretty boy". The grin Finnick had on his face was delicious, so much so it was all you could think of for the first few seconds of your sparring match.
Finally your brain came back to you and you nearly knocked Finnick over with the staff of your trident but at the last second, he caught it. You knew the second his hand connected with it, it was gone and sure enough, he ripped it away from you. Finnick did it with so much momentum you stumbled into him and couldn't help but smile at how impressive he looked when he did that. Finnick grabbed your arms to stop you from falling and noticed the look on your face "why are you smiling I won?". "Did you?" you asked honestly thinking the situation you were in was pretty victorious. Finnick Odair standing over you, his hands firmly on your body while he stared at you with his brooding smoulder. Finnick chuckled as he got your point "I guess we're both winners then" he replied and let you go softly. "So that's a draw right?" you asked and just like that the two of you were back to bickering playfully.
After you talked at him until Finnick agreed it was a draw you headed to the showers for a quick wash before bed. You were only allowed a shower once a week so this was another reason you were both in such high spirits. "The way you hit the target without even looking was so cool!" you told Finnick as you entered the co-ed bathroom. Finnick shrugged "well I try, I've lost a lot of muscle mass over the past few weeks". "Well it looked pretty good to me" you smiled hanging your clothes and towel up. You pulled the shower curtain around you and got undressed. Finnick did the same in the cubicle next to you. You enjoyed your 5 minutes of warm water and totally forgot you'd not brought your towel into the cubicle with you. You peeked out of the curtain and sure enough, it was hanging across the room. You sighed, shut the water off and walked across to grab it.
It was late so there was nobody around and you had the towel in your hand and were about to wrap it around yourself when Finnick opened his curtain and saw everything. His eyes quickly took in your body before he looked away and you turned around. "Dammit Finnick" you commented and worked on getting the towel around you. You looked up and realised you were now in front of the mirrors and Finnick was staring at you through them. When he saw you'd spotted him he turned his back and you chuckled. You tied the towel and turned to him "if you wanted a look Odair all you had to do was ask" you smiled at him. Finnick's usual swagger had gone so you let it drop to not make it awkward.
You both dried off and gathered your stuff. You made conversation about how nice it was to be clean and Finnick gave you one-word answers. You said goodnight and stepped into your room. Your first thought was, it wasn't a big deal. You were friends and friends saw each other naked all the time! But then you thought about the way Finnick had been looking at you and there was no way of denying he was turned on. He liked your body and was attracted to you. You'd thought the two of you had chemistry back when you first met him but knew with Annie nothing would ever happen. However she wasn't here, it was just the two of you and Finnick could do whatever he wanted and judging from his eyes when he saw you naked, that was you. You debated your next move, should you just let it go? Wait for Finnick to approach you? Leave the moment and see if there was something there tomorrow too and build on it? You were never good at waiting so you decided to shoot your shot. You'd always wanted Finnick so why not go for him at the end of the world?
You crossed the corridor in nothing but your towel and knocked on Finnick's door. He opened it and looked at you "Y/n?". "I saw the way you looked at me when you saw me naked and I'm just going to be honest. I think you're hot and I want to sleep with you and I think you want me to. Want to do something about it?".
"Yes" Finnick said pulling you inside way quicker than you expected. He didn't even give it a second thought telling you he'd also been pacing his room thinking about you.
Finnick was just as eager once you were inside. He kissed you the second the door was shut and was so needy it was beautiful. He took control initially but as he got more and more heightened and his hands started pawing at you, you started to tease him. You pushed him down on his bed and held him down with one hand "hmmm is someone impatient?". Finnick made a noise reaching for you but you trapped his other hand with your leg "nope, I want to hear you say it. Tell me what you want honey". Finnick made a gorgeous moan and looked at you dead in the eye "I need you to drop that towel, jump on top of me and make that workout earlier look like child's play". You leaned back and loosened the towel "done" you said and let it fall to the floor before completing Finnick's other steps happily.
The next morning Finnick woke up and knew something was different before he opened his eyes. Then he did and he saw you laid next to him. You were facing the other way from him with your back to him and he started to panic. What had he done? Annie hadn't even been dead a year and he'd slept with another woman! He'd betrayed her in a way he knew she wouldn't have done to him. He felt like the worst person alive and then you turned around and he got it.
Finnick saw your face and couldn't help but smile. You looked so calm asleep. Awake you always had some guard up but asleep you looked so peaceful and naive. The lines the games had left on your face were gone and Finnick realised he felt happy just seeing you. You'd become the face he got most excited to see and it was almost instinctive now. He enjoyed seeing you peaceful and happy like this because he liked you. You were also so fucking hot. When he saw you naked yesterday his mind had nearly exploded! Your body was incredible, you had abs and your muscle-to-curve ratio couldn't be more perfect. So when you appeared at his door he realised he acted with sanity and clarity. He hadn't slept with you on a whim, he did it because he liked you and genuinely wanted to. He thought Annie would understand that and so he turned towards you.
He pulled you closer so you were resting against his chest. "Finnick?" you asked sleepily and he nodded rubbing your arm "yeah, don't worry is early. Go back to sleep" and you nodded. "Who knew your abs were so comfy" you sighed nuzzling into him and he chuckled. He kept his arms around you protectively and fell back to sleep.
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So guess who saw The Ballad of the Songbird and Snakes, went home and rewatched all the HG movies and fell in love with Finnick again?
This will be a four-part series and I'll be posting two more parts next week!
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ellisgirl · 1 year
Harrison Gray — I Want to Know Every Inch of You Collection Event
Harrison and Body Measurement
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I do not own any contents of Ikemen Villains. This story being uploaded in this blog belongs solely to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading their games and buying their stories. Both English and Japanese are not my mother tongue languages, please keep in mind that there will be mistakes and added words for my own preferences. I translate for my personal entertainment and for my own practice only.
My first time translating harry’s 😭😭😭
Harrison: "Crown's body measurement......”
Kate: "Yes. It seems that it also serves as a medical checkup."
When Victor asked me to take everyone's body measurements, I called Harry first.
In addition to basic information such as height and weight, the record sheet handed out also contains questions tailored to each individual.
Harrison: “Is that sort of thing within the purview of a Fairytale Master's work?”
Kate: “Of course. Because your growth is an important part of our record.”
Harrison: "...No, I won't grow anymore."
Kate: “You never know what the future holds, you know? Above all, I want you all to stay healthy."
Harrison: “Hmm…..”
(...Harry doesn't seem too keen on it.)
(Come to think of it, you also avoided going along with Roger's research.)
(...You don’t like being probed?)
Kate: “I'll make it quick, just bear with me for a minute. Okay?”
As if trying to convince a child who doesn't like injections, Harry took off his jacket.
Harrison: “Just so you know, it's not that I don't like being probed.”
I blinked at Harry's addition, as if he had read my mind.
Harrison: “I just thought you seemed to take on everything."
Kate: "Did you worry about me?"
Harrison: "I don't know....... So, how are you going to find out?"
(It's usual that there is no answer…, but it was easy to understand now.)
My mouth relaxed at Harry's apparent concern for me.
Kate: “Starting with height, weight....., and chest and abdominal circumference."
Harrison: "Understood."
Using a measuring tape, Harry's body is measured as he stands in front of me.
(If you want to measure properly, you need to be in close contact with him...)
If I put the measuring tape on Harry's back, he'll be in a position where I am hugging him from the front.
Even though I know that his body is masculine and robust.
I was strangely conscious, so I applied the tape measure while moving my body away from him a little.
Harrison: “Wouldn't we have to stick together more to get an accurate measurement?”
Kate: "T-That's right..."
He closes the distance when pointed out, but I’m too nervous to look at Harry's body properly.
Harrison: “Don't be shy, why don't you do what you always do?”
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Kate: “Always?”
I turn my head and Harry teasingly whispers in my ear.
Harrison: “You clung desperately to me naked when we were shagging and wouldn't leave me. Why are you so shy now?”
Kate: “E-Even if you give me examples of things like that...”
Harrison: “If you want me to recreate the scene, I'll do it.”
Harry pulls my hips closer, slides his knee between my legs, and pushes me up.
Kate: “Nn, it’s no good.”
Harrison: "What's wrong?"
Kate: "...If that happens, we won't be able to measure anything."
Even though I say that, the force with which I push back against Harry's chest is modest.
(......I know exactly what I need to do, I need to get on with measuring.)
(But if Harry comes on to me, I can't resist strongly enough ......)
Harrison: "Haha...your face is bright red. Now that I’ve seen your cute face, I'll be obedient and cooperate with the measurements then.”
Laughing teasingly, Harry took his hand away from mine.
I felt relieved and at the same time realised that my nervousness had eased.
(Maybe Harry was deliberately pressing me to get me used to it.)
I was also pleased to find Harry's teasing mixture of kindness.
In this way, the measurements managed to proceed—
Kate: “Okay, ….now the last item has been filled in. Thank you for your cooperation.”
Harrison: “.....By the way, are you going to do measurements on everyone from now on?”
Kate: "That's right. It seems that everyone is here today, so I'm going to do it all at once."
Harrison: “Hmmm...... Can I do that?”
Kate: "Thank you for your help. It was very helpful!"
Harry helped everyone in the Crown with their physical measurements because he had time.
He took the measurements with a tape measure, I recorded them. We divided the roles and the measurements were completed in no time.
(Hehe... Harry is mean, but kind and reliable.)
As I'm falling back in love with him, Harry looks at me with probing eyes.
Harrison: “So, whose body was the best?”
Kate: “Eh..... What do you mean?”
Harrison: “You've examined all of their bodies, haven't you? I'm asking you whose body you found most attractive.”
Harrison: “I'm sure you have your favorite body shape and favorite parts, don’t you?”
Kate: “Even if you say so...”
(I only thought it was good that everyone seemed to be healthy without any major injuries.…)
(......There was only one person I couldn't consciously measure well.)
Kate: “……Harry.”
Harrison: “Hm?”
Kate: “The only thing that made me nervous was your body.”
Harrison: “……..” 0_0
Kate: "Do you believe it's true?"
The heart is invisible, so even if you really mean what you say, sometimes you may not be believed.
But his ability to see through the lies is also his ability to believe. I can tell him how I feel without deception.
Harrison: *blushing* "......I understand. Your words are not a lie."
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Harrison: “I never imagined before I met you that there would ever come a time when I would use this ability for love.”
I'm the one who said the embarrassing line, but I feel that Harry, who exposed my heart, is more embarrassed.
Kate: “Hehe. I see you've found a fun use for it.”
Harrison: “......Come to think of it, I've got a record sheet for you too.”
Maybe he was embarrassed, Harry suddenly changed the topic.
Kate: “Yes. I'm also going to measure it later and fill it in.”
Harrison: “Heh...... Who do you let touch your body and measure every inch of it?”
At first, I thought I should ask someone who was available for my body measurement.
(However, after taking everyone's measurements, I realised that even if it's just a physical measurement, touching me is—)
Kate: “—Harry is good.”
After answering, I realised the mistake of my statement.
Kate: “....If it's not Harry, I don't want it.”
After rephrasing it, Harry smiles with a satisfied smile.
Harrison: “Fine. If it has to be me, I'll do as you ask.”
Harrison: “......But before that, I'll get paid for the labour.”
—After a kiss that is too sweet to be called compensation.
Every inch of my body had been thoroughly examined by Harry's hands.
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spiegelgestalt · 3 months
Timebomb feelings because of the Arcane trailer for season 2
So I just saw the arcane trailer for season 2. It's great. I'm so excited. (so sad that Victor and Jayce died in the explosion quite an apprupt ending for them i guess... /s)
but what i really want to talk about is these two pictures:
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Because it got me thinking. One of the interesting aspects of the Jinx/Ekko relationship is that they are able to communicate through other means than direct words. And that they are able to create a different image for each other.
Long and rambly explanation under the cut, which got away from me and can be summarized with: Jinx makes Ekko more violent and Ekko makes Jinx more heroic and they love each other your honor and i want to see a team up in season 2:
Jinx has a few songs (Guns for hire, goodbye, What could have been) but they are usually solos. They are usually melodic rock. And they usually concentrate on how much Jinx was wronged.
And than there is Dynasties and Dystopia. On first watch i thought it was an Ekko song. It's after all in his style (both in animation as in genre) but some words don't quite fit:
"I might just might kick your butt Go run amok then paint my nails Never learned to raise my hand Was too busy raising hell Everything I know I am You should go and save yourself Thought you had my number, huh Congratulations, you played yourself"
this just screams jinx to me. Ekko has yet to run amok. Jinx does it all the time. I don't even know what Ekko's nails look like, but we have several distinct shots of Jinxs' blue and pink nails; Ekko doesn't raise hell, if he's raising something it's paradise. And the line "you should go and save yourself" is a good continuation/rejection of the one thing Jinx says in this fight: Look who it is - the boy savior -> go save yourself! And it forshadows the way jinx will be able to get just a loss instead of a total defeat (look she was defeated- in the aftermath Ekko had a hurt leg, while Jinx needed to be revived with terrible magic drugs there is a clear winner here). Ekko thinks he has jinx figured out but he hasn't and thats why he will hesitate in the end.
But i would also argue that not all of the song is jinx:
Ooh, yeah, he mad I'm racking up white diamonds Throw me in the sky You would swear the sun shining Ooh, yeah, he mad I'm racking up white diamonds Throw me in the sky You would swear the sun shining
this verse is both of them: Basically they are saying: Look how great i'm doing (lie) Aren't you mad about it? (They will never beat the allegation that they are bitter exes.)
And I'd argue that this is Ekkos verse:
In this gothic underground city We all sin If I bring a couple rounds with me Then we all win I came back and brought the crown with me The king's den Break your nexus and your neck 'cause Everybody's on your head
and interestingly enough it's an offer. This makes sense with the visual. Encouraged through Vi who insists that Powder is still in there somewhere Ekko conjures a situation wich is similar to their old games. And it works: It's the only time Powder appears as her young self on screen. And so Ekko makes an offer he probably made before: Trust me, back down, i can help:
He starts with: We all make mistakes - one of the things that bind Powder to the Jinx personality is her guilt over having killed her entire family. But Ekko doesn't blame Jinx he blames their circumstances (something he also does in his Zaun-duet misfit toys)
If i bring a couple rounds with me, then we all win -> this foreshadows his timetravel ability. And even if he doesn't has it at this point this whole scene breaks down time itself so it still works in my head. Ekko brings the crown with him (the hextech-crystal) and he warns Jinx that everyone is going after her.
And the second refrain which I'd argue both sing once again:
Hold still while I bag that, uh Talk bad 'til I snap back, uh This ain't brown, this that dark black This that pitch black, jet black Snap yo' ex watch me give him flashbacks
Meaning: keep still, i've got this, just trust me dude!
This song shows that Ekkos and Jinx's disagreement is far more similar to the disagreement between Vander and Silco than to the disagreement between Vi and Jinx. Vi and Jinx' disagreement is personal. Vi rejects everything jinx has become and just wants her "sweet" little sister back - Ekkos and Jinx's disagreement is political. They disagree about the question what is best for Zaun. AND I'd also argue the Ekko is far less surprised by the jinx personality. He knew Powder was a bit of a shithead. He's just pissed that she's working for Silco.
Well let's finally get to these two pictures:
We see Ekko and we see Jinx drawn as hero of the resistance in Ekkos style* (compare the mural to the video of misfit toys) We know that Jinx gave Ekko a definition that didn't suit him by creating the firefly bombs and recasting him as a terrorist. And know we see Ekko who maybe drew this picture of jinx recreating her from a terrorist into a hero of Zaun.
(see me get proven wrong in the first episode of arcane season 2...)
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f0rlorn · 9 months
hi! i literally love your treech fics so much! do you think you could write a treech x mentor!reader where she goes to see him at the zoo the night before the games (a bit like coryo and lucy gray)?
kiss of life → treech
treech!tbosas x reader
notes → in which love and life are fleeting as you say your final goodbye to treech. (i stole dialogue directly from the book for this LOL)
warnings → not edited & uploaded via iphone.
     “treech?” you whispered out into the dark. faint hints of moonlight peeked in through the clouds, becoming the only source of illumination in the pitch black of the night. falteringly, you crept closer to the bars of the monkey house, eyes scanning for a sight of your tribute you had grown rather fond of.
     “y/n,” he answered, and you followed the sound of his voice, which had turned far more gravelly since the last time he had spoken to you. once you had located him, you scampered over to the boy, eyes lighting up.
     “thank goodness you’re okay,” you cried, placing a hand to his face. you hadn’t gotten to see him after the explosion in the arena, and you wanted to make sure that he was alright. “gosh, i can’t believe they’re still making you go in there tomorrow!” tense, heavy air settled between the two of you.
     “i’ll be alright. me and the pack got a plan,” he reassured you as your fingers snuck into his hair, which had become rather matted since his arrival in the capitol.
     “just… don’t trust them too much. keep a good distance, please. i have a feeling they’re just going to use you.” you cautioned him, voice unsteadied by worry. the pair from four scared you the most. they had fierce determination in levels you had never witnessed before. while it was admirable, it was rightfully daunting.
     “thank you. for what you’ve done for me. i really have a chance now, ‘cause of you.” although his expression was blank, you could see in his eyes that he meant what he had said. pangs of guilt struck you, as you felt there was so much more you could have done for him. nonetheless, a tender smile made its way across your face.
     “it’s my job. i can’t let you die in there, you mean too much to me.. not just as my tribute, but you. you matter to me. you’re the most incredible boy i’ve ever met.” you confessed, eyes beginning to brim with salty tears, devastated that you would have to part with him when the night came to an end.
     “don’t cry over me, y/n. especially because i’m going to win. for you.” treech promised with certainty. the immense wholeheartedness of his tone brought you an ounce of optimism, and you couldn’t help but add on.
     “i’ll be there in the arena with you. we’ll win together. and once you’re announced victor and i get the plinth prize, i can buy you and your family a way into the capitol,” you suggested. a rather farfetched idea, but desperation and maybe even love had clouded your vision and infiltrated your thoughts. you shouldn’t allow your fantasies to get the best of you, but they all seemed too real as treech became an honest contender to win the tenth annual hunger games. he humored your idea, even though it may not have been possible, as he reached for your hand, squeezing it firmly. his calloused palm, having seen years of labor and hardships, juxtaposed against your softer one. the feeling truly highlighted the difference in your upbringing compared to his own. never had your living conditions led you to have to get a job, or even consider it. you couldn’t imagine having to do so for years in order to make ends meet. it hurt you that treech was not able to make the most of his childhood.
     you and treech had come a long way since the first time you had met him at the zoo. two weeks may not have been that long of a time, but it seemed like an eternity to the two of you, as each day you grew closer to the boy. he seemed to warm up to you more and more with each gift and lingering touch you had left him. originally, treech was quite cautious of you. he didn’t think he could trust you, knowing you were capitol, supposedly endorsing the very systems that wanted to kill him, while still claiming to want to help him. but over the course of the twelve days treech had spent in the capitol, more vulnerable than ever, he realized that not every citizen there had as much ill intent as he once believed, or at least, you didn’t. you too discovered that the district people were not at all like the animals your family made them out to be. they were humans, like yourself. of course, you had been wary when your parents made claims of the district people drinking blood and turning to means of savagery, but it had always lingered in the back of your mind. that was, until you met your tribute. the boy like quality of his aura diminished any doubt you had left of the children being bestial, replaced by guilt that you had ever felt that way in the first place.
     as his hands entwined with yours, you managed to slip your silver bracelet onto his wrist, something you had been waiting for the perfect time to do. treech looked at you with confusion. “it’s my good luck charm,” you explained, as he inspected the jewelry. “it may just be like a placebo effect or something, but it helps me feel better. i want you to have it. as a loan. you can return it to me once you win the games.” you claimed, ever so confident of your statement.
     “you’re all i’m going to think about in there.” treech admitted. in that moment, your temptations overcame you, and you gave into the desire to kiss the boy. sure, it was rather uncomfortable for the both of you, necks strained as you both tried to reach the other through the bars, but none of that mattered the moment his lips met yours. the feeling alone sent sparks through your body. you felt reenergized, now more than ever as his kiss breathed new purpose into you. when he pulled away, you were left hungry for more.
     “we can pick this back up after the games,” treech promised you, giving you one last knowing glance before the two of you parted ways. the games would commence, but underneath all of your anxiousness, a flicker of hope had sparked.
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avaelangel · 10 months
Marie is an emotional drunk.
LiMoreau blurb. I thought, since Jordan has tolerance towards most abilities in terms of combat, they also might have an inhuman tolerance to any substance. Or spice, but this is another story. Anyway, Marie doesn't have than kind of tolerance, even though she might be able to control how a substance will affect her bloodstream.
Dimmed lights in Jordan's room would have been a good start to an intimate atmosphere, if Marie wasn't beating her partner in Mortal Kombat. It was newbie's luck consistent of smashing buttons and learning their position without looking down at the controller. Marie was torn on Jordan letting her win or at least letting her down easy. They did show her the ropes and activated the fatality the first moment they got. ''So not fair!'' Marie nudged laughing Jordan, that even fell over to make her feel better, while Sub-Zero showcased Mileena's crushed head on the screen.
''Sorry! Couldn't resist,'' they nudged her back, but much softer, ''Do you want a beer? Or like a gummie or something?''
Their thoughtful gaze and Marie's complete unfamiliriaty with all things perspective-altering. But she squinted, sighed and noded.
''A beer, please. Do you really have a fridge there?'' Awkwardness was overcome with curiousity.
Jordan laughed again, getting off the floor in front of the TV.
''You know NOTHING about me,'' that earned them an eye roll.
''To be fair, we are sitting in the dark of your...'' Marie trailed off, feeling Jordan's eyes on the back of her head, ''Very nice room,'' Jordan let out an exaggerated sigh, still smiling. They did clean! Very fast, because they ran back from class to get here before Marie.
''I do mean it, though,'' she said, when Jordan sat back down with with two bottles of beer. They opened one, handing it to Marie while feigning seriosness,''I like your room. It looked lived it. If it weren't for Emma, my room would look like dungeon,''
Jordan smiled in a way that made Marie want to look away. It made her feel too special. The way their eyes sparkled, their soft head tilt that made their nicely curled hair fall on the side of their face, but not too much to be a nuisance. Marie managed to take a huge sip of beer to stop herself from gawking.
''You'll get to it. I could get you a fluffy duvet to compete with Emma's. Maybe a plushie?'' Jordan, seemingly, only now remembered about their beer and opened the bottle.
''Make it the pinkiest and the sparkliest one, please. I want to be a worthy opponent,'' Marie chuckled turning to the screen.
''Deal,'' Jordan was proud for the idea to dim the lights. Because they felt their ears burning a bit.
Marie stuck to Mileena and nearly knocked down her beer, desperately trying to get to a fatality of her own. When she finally did, she watched in awe when Mileena became a flying murder spinning circle that eviscerated Jordan's D'vorah.
''Mileena wins!'' Marie threw her hands in the air, ''Finally!''
Now it was Jordan's turn to look at Marie in slightly offended astonishment.
''How dare you! It's not even the forth time and you won!'' They sounded fully upset, but they watched Marie intently. Jordan felt so happy that they got her this moment of joy from a video game. And then she laughed all her breath away, she swayed towards them and Jordan changed to reach a hand around her shoulders, while she finished her beer in a final sip. They both haven't noticed how easily their bottles got empited.
'Wanna go again?'' Jordan nearly stattered, looking into Marie's eyes.
Come on. You already kissed.
They didn't have much time to chastise themselves for being soft. Marie nodded eagerly.
''Yeah! I want the yellow one now,''
''Which yellow one?!''
Marie ment Scorpio and she also remembered his name. Another win went to her, Jordan sulked less each time, still enjoying full on weirdo screams of the victor. It was exhilarating to be liked by Jordan in any way, but sometimes just being slightly annoying was the most delicious thing of all. She knew with all of her heart that Jordan feels the same. They were almost competetively annoying. Also very cool, and strong, and...
''You are so beautiful, by the way,'' Marie felt warm and wobbly, but she didn't mind. Jordan stopped before loading a new fight. Their brows slightly furrowed, they couldn't quite pin point what was wrong.
Marie was actually tearing up.
''Are you crying because of my beaty?'' Jordan put away their controller, turning to face Marie.
''No,'' she giggles, wiping her eyes prematurely, ''Well, yeah, kind off. I think I got so happy with you that I went the full circle,''
''Awww,'' Jordan tugged her closer, wrapping their arms around her, ''You are such a light weight,'' but when she hugged them back, pressing her face to their chest, Jordan felt drunker than ever before. They weren't expecting to feel as tender as an uncooked stake today.
''I am really glad you don't hate me anymore,'' Marie murmured and shifted her face, so her tears wouldn't stain Jordan's shirt.
''You are very hard to hate, even for a hateful dick like me,'' they were totally joking, but it made her worry.
''Nooo,'' Marie raised her head and shook their shoulders, suddenly, ''You are so much more than just a dick. Shit, sorry, no. I mean, you are great. You so beautiful, you can literally slay a dragon and carry me like a princess. I mean, I had dreams, but I don't have that much imagination to dream up someone like you,'' she sniffled, another tear falling down her cheeck.
Jordan wiped it without thinking and quickly hugged her again, now much stronger. They couldn't stop blinking, their face hot and their heart heave and light at the same time. To be honest, changing into their impenetrable self didn't do shit. They stil were crumbling, because for some reason, somehow, they ended up with Marie as their girlfriend.
''Did you have a favorite princess?'' Jordan asked in a quite voice.
''Yeah. Mulan still the best,'' Marie was hugging them with all her strength.
''She wasn't exactly taken by a dragon,'' A smile spreads on Jordan's no longer trembling lips.
''Shut up. You know what I meant,''
They look at each other for a moment, hands touching at least the smallest amount of skin. Moving into the kiss was incredible natural, even though Marie grabbed onto Jordan's shirt, giving the moment a more dramatic flare. When they both pulled away, both sighed.
''Want watch Mulan?'' Jordan asked, then adding, ''I had a katana when I was a kid because of her,''
''I might cry more,'' Marie warned, averting her gaze.
''You are not getting another beer, then,'' Both laughed.
Jordan will be salty about ending gaming on Marie's win. It will lure Marie into playing again, so she could win more. It will be another nice evening and a night, maybe even weed-infused. But for now, they snuggled into Jordan's bed as the movie started. Almost putting their head on Marie's chest, Jordan pulled away, reached their hand under the bed and took out two full bags of chips Marie had never seen before.
She judged them so hard in this moment.
''I'm moving in with you,'' she said bluntly and shook her head, wraping a hand around Jordan's waist.
''I kick in my sleep,'' they retorted with a smirk, opening a bag of puffy tofu chips.
''I lived with worse,'' Marie shrugged and took one, cursing at how tasty the chip was. They legit could camp out in Jordan's room and never go out. But she stayed silent, putting her cheek on Jordan's head that was on her shoulder.
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nilboxes · 2 months
You're so right for toxic fubu aven, I wish people would stop equating him as someone who has no choice or control over what happens when in most scenes he's the one with the high ground and authority over the situation.
How do you think Ratio and Aven in his toxic fubu era would interact ?
Sometimes I feel like I'm putting the dial up to 11 a little too much, because Aventurine has always been a sweetheart on the outside, and toxic fubu is a little "one-facet" read on him but like, I just really am tired of him being characterized as a baby damsel uwu uke when he's actually a dudebro deep down. People are free to characterize how they like but like, I am also free to call it out as an interpretation that has gone a little too out there and it's not in the "spirit" of the character anymore.
My friend on twitter succinctly puts it— "Aventurine is always where he wants to be, whether or not he is happy about it is another question entirely" and I have been thinking long and hard about this, to ne he is "where he is most advantageous in position" such as being a Stoneheart in the IPC but whether or not he is happy to be there is irrelevant, he is where he would be able to do what he wants with the most effectivity etc etc. His cornerstone is literally "Stratagems" which is also turning a bad situation into a good one.
So regarding uhh how Aventurine would be with Ratio during this era— I don't touch upon this in fics because I am waiting for Diamond appearance, but my personal headcanon is that Diamond periodically sends moles as potential partners to Aventurine as a way to fuck with him and potentially gain more influence/control over him. I kinda want to explain his fuck boy-ness through this, he knows he's being lead on, he is being baited, and he's playing the game and using the people sent to him in turn.
If Ratio met him during this time, I do believe Aventurine would still like, fall in love with him at first sight (let's say the Final Victor LC and my fic shenanigans where I imply Aventurine influenced bringing Ratio over to the IPC/IG was a thing) he'd be so smitten... he'd realize he doesn't want any other partner except Ratio, he doesn't even get off properly anymore (he's still the best at fucking though) and all his thoughts is consumed by how he's going to have Dr Veritas Ratio in his bed and his life.
He would really start a courtship with Ratio, he would like, get advise from various anonymous places to figure out how to woo the Doctor. He'd engineer a way to meet him and have introductions made. Give flowers, write letters (commissioned ones but he'd also add personal touches) and basically do all that until Dr Ratio agrees to go out to coffee with him (Not even dinner ToT coz Ratio is so hard to get to know) and they'll build from there, all the while Aven wouldn't be doing the casual sex anymore (much to Sugilite's sadness :()
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fictionfixations · 4 months
honestly so happy that its easier to grind in hsr then genshin cause im actually able to properly build my characters instead of whatever mess i had in that game (i got the right artifacts but trying to get materials for anything was a bit of a pain to me)
also that the resin (i dont know what its called in this game im using genshin terms) can like. overflow into this other thing??? is. so helpful. (i stopped playing at one point so i just came back to both being full. and then when i realized what it actually did it was a godsend because it made it so much easier to fully commit to grinding. i know in genshin you can make the resin this little thing? condensed?? but thats a thing you have to do yourself i think)
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all im missing is leveling up the lightcones and traces
and im only missing the traces because i already used up weekly bosses. THATS IT.
robin and ratio have the same boss material so all i have to do then is get the other resources which isnt actually that hard (ill only have an issue if i cant material synthesis or exchange or whatever since i need to do it for the robin stuff that you get from enemies that can ambush you, i dont know what you refer to them as, but cause i havent unlocked penacony yet lol)
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and the only lightcones that might give me issue is because highlighted is penacony material stuff
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(yes i put final victor on ratio LMFAO)
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so YEAHH i feel like im doing pretty good in that department. also ive caught up to penaconys story i just havent started in-game because i wanted to see where it all leads up to and then go back to see all the foreshadowing and get a better understanding of what happened since it also confused me, so im waiting for a time i can just sit there for countless hours and focus. i even switched to eng vas so i dont end up misreading something
(anyway i only got to trying to max out my characters as much as i can until i can level them higher because before i got stuck on so many quests that required a fight 😭, yanqing, argenti, i hate battling you oh my god)
actually on that topic everyones relics arent fully maxed out.
ive only been leveling this cause 5 star dan heng is my main damage dealer
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and the healer because im fucked without them (its natasha, but im open to changing it if i find a better healer or shield 🙏)
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on that topic:
i returned to honkai star rail because aventurine. i focused on the story because aventurine. (got spoiled his story, realized 'what the fuck hes cool i like him' and watched someone go through the story) i came back in time for his banner but you know what? i had like zero wishing stuff because id stopped playing so i missed out unfortunately
i have friends who have aventurine as like one of the support characteres thingy tho? like the the where you can get support from other peoples characters
so thats been fun. but also auto is kind of bad with aventurine. or maybe because it thinks 'oh theres already a shield, so i wont e' which is pain. on the other hand actually playing instead of having it on auto is fun with aventurine. i like planning around it and thinking of who to have use their skills while keeping in mind when i should have him refresh his shield. i cant explain to you how it hurts seeing hp missing with a shield around it because i cant do anything about it (im the type of person who likes to keep my characters hp full ngl)
probably not the best decision to want shield over a healer but. i can make it work. maybe. i just want aventurine ok. (except for phantylia who as far as im aware is the only one who can just TAKE hp like that? without even affecting shields???)
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locallixie · 1 year
HellooOoO~ can I request a photographer!Yeonjun x model!reader angsty romance (like 5% angst but 95%romance/fluff hahaha) based on Tate Macrae's Song "she's all i wanna be". Thank you thank you~ <3
modeled beauty— yeonjun
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> summary . maybe this wasn't meant for you, how could you ever win against someone so perfect?
> genre . angst, fluff, romance, photographer!yeonjun, model!reader, strangers-to-lovers, gn!reader
> warnings . insecurities regarding body image, existential crisis, minor language
(wc) > 3.8k
(sunny's note) ☆ this took way too long as i was slacking off writing this fic. i want something sweet too but after listening to the song, it became so angsty. Sorry in advance!
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"Guess what?" Your manager barging into your room with most probably good news by the excitement plastered on his face.
You stared at him, lacking emotions on your face. "Beomgyu, can you please knock next time? Because I almost messed up my fucking eyeliner!" You yelled, immediately going back to lining your other eye.
Beomgyu paced around your room, the happiness not yet leaving his body. He began another one of his tangent, which would take a while for him to snap out of. And too, you needed to focus on getting this eye symmetrical to the other one, or else you are going to have a breakdown."[Y/N], you know how you told me you always wanted to get on the cover of the M.O.A magazine?"
"Uh-huh." You replied just to let him know you were still listening.
"And how it's the most competitive and difficult gig to get in?" He continued, reaffirming common knowledge in the industry you both were in.
M.O.A was one of the top fashion magazine globally. Usually featuring famous and upcoming celebrities, and on some occasions, professional models. The photoshoots were incredibly beautiful, the fashion were trendy and from high-end brands, the makeup were intricate and sometimes deceptively simple.
"I got you into the casting!" A black line slid up your temple in a sudden motion, the eyeliner pen shaking in your palm. Hearing those words that had just came out of his mouth felt untrue, because how?
"What?! How?!" You exclaimed, wiping away the smeared makeup on your face.
Beomgyu smiled, in a definitely not suspicious way. "Let's just say I have connections."
The casting happened on a random Thursday in March, there were models from all over the nation lining up from the casting place to the end of the next street from it. Filled to the brim with stunning visuals, you couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority while standing there waiting for the same opportunity. You hoped you get in, you really did. If you did, it would completely elevate your career for more and more.
"Look, there she comes!" Someone in line spoke up, gathering every attention and total spotlight. Yeah, there she walked, that beautiful girl with such grace and poised. You didn't stand a chance against her, she was always the victor in all the games. Jang Wonyoung, Gosh, she was so pretty. And gosh, did everyone wanted to be her. The 'it' girl, how could you even compete? As she came into the picture, outshining all the competitions with those elegant vibes.
Beomgyu leaned over to you, though his eyes were definitely looking at her—so were yours, because who couldn't? He quietly whispered, "I'll treat you to a five stars Michelin restaurant if you can get on this month's cover." Glancing at you, just to see an expression that was silently anxious. "But your chances look quite slim, is it?"
Of course, she would be here too. This was a huge, massive opportunity, it was a blessing to even be able to attend the casting. Your hands were shaking, they sweating all of your anxiety. Beomgyu was aware too of how much of a big deal Wonyoung was, he would always be on your side and supporting you. But he also had his own doubts, and one of them was about wether or not you were going to make it to, at the very least, the final selection.
Finally, it was your turn to impress the judges. The room was so bare, surrounded by four white walls, only a small table and a blank backdrop behind where the models would stand. There were three people sitting at the table—the other staff members were in the background. The pressure was real, especially in front of the young fashion powerhouse, Kai Kamal Huening—known professionally as Huening Kai. Ah shit! Beomgyu might be setting you up for failure instead of success.
"[L/N] [Y/N], under Bamtori modeling agency." One of the judges looked through your file, at the same time, reading main points out loud for the others. "Former calendar model, been on five runways, overall good profile."
Another one spoke up, "Alright, could you show us a few poses?"
You began posing, some casual poses that were suitable for fast fashion, some were more vogue-ish poses. They didn't say much, simply looking intently and nodding or shaking their heads. You saw one whispered to Huening Kai, he shot you a glance then returned. You hoped that was a good sign, but all of them were equally hard to read. Gripping the back of your shirt as a way of comfort, eyes trying to find your manager who was somewhere in the room. You were praying, praying on your last hope.
"Thank you, [Y/N]. Next!" That was it? That was all they were going to tell you? You could only nod, thanking them for their time and walked over to the door to leave. As soon as you stepped out of the room, Jang Wonyoung was the next to come. Peering over your shoulder, how the room practically lit up when she stepped in. As if they were expecting her presence more than all of the participants here. Who wouldn't? She knew she was winning, everyone's affection and attention were poured out onto the floor for her.
Such a gorgeous girl that Jang Wonyoung was. A perfect and slim body, a pretty smile that made hearts swooned, looked graceful at whatever she did. She wore the nicest clothes, has the most perfect makeup, has the greatest advances. She was everything that you wished you were, all that you wanted to be.
Beomgyu came by your side, "Good job, take it easy, okay?" You two left the casting place soon after, silent enveloped the entire atmosphere. He knew you felt down, since you barely talk during the car ride, but there was not much he could do for you.
"Hey, even if you didn't get pick, there are still many good gigs waiting for you." Beomgyu smiled, trying to stay optimistic despite himself losing bits of hope along with you. Thoughts flying across your head in a constant manner, Beomgyu's voice of encouragement slipped right into your ear and out the other. Nothing was going to help break out of that blank stare and offline state you were stuck in, he should just give you some space for you to process your own problems.
Beomgyu dropped you off in front of your apartment building, a small and slightly broken-down building with five floors—six if you count the rooftop. Beomgyu had a meeting back at the agency in the afternoon so he must drive back, that was when you two bid goodbyes to each other for the day. You felt bad for your manager, Beomgyu was always working so hard to get you places. He worked his ass out for you to fulfil your dream of getting on the cover of a famous magazine. And worst of all, you just had to burden him with you own internal problems. How could you ever thank him enough?
You sat down on the steps leading to the front door of your apartment building, not wanting return to the lonesome home of yours and drowned in your feelings, at least not yet.
As you were about to contemplate on giving up on modeling, someone entered your vision. Almost come crashing to the ground with their loads of stuff, you were quick to assist. Catching a few large scrolls, them filling up your arms quickly. Your empty hand held the guy to prevent him from falling over backwards.
"Thanks, I would've been dead if it weren't for you." The unknown guy said, his head peeking from behind the large box he was carrying by hands.
"No problem, where are you headed?" You offered to help him carry his stuff to his destination. Poor guy, carrying so much on his own, he was going to risk ruining everything in his possession if he continue like this. You might as well help out when you could.
He kept walking, while you followed behind. "Just a few blocks down."
You two didn't talk too much, exchanging general informations with each other but awkward silent couldn't help itself from interrupting. What was he doing with all of this stuff anyways? You couldn't see his entire face the whole time you have been walking behind him, he didn't turn around once. Not until he stopped abruptly in front of an equally small building as your place, there was an adorable jewelry store on the first floor.
The guy dropped the box onto the front step, finally facing you after the walk to his stop. The build-up to this moment, what was with you and constantly meeting beauts? This random guy that you just met only mere moments ago, had the face of a high fashion model! That outfit, he should be on the cover of ELLE magazine, or a celebrity stylist.
"Thank you, I'm so sorry to make you come all the way here." He apologized.
You shook your head, "No, no, it's okay! I live nearby."
He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, staring at you with strange concerns. Though that expression, he wore it well. Pretty people looked pretty in everything they do, kind of unfair. "Are you crying?"
Panic filled your stomach, what an embarrassment! Immediately wiping away stray tears that stuck on your eyes. To be honest, you didn't know you were crying until someone pointed it out. You probably looked like absolute shit right now, but you would rather gaslight yourself that you looked pretty while brawling your eyes out. Makeup? Smeared. Hair? Messy. Outfit? Wrinkly and full of sweat stains. God, you looked like you have already given up.
"Rough day." You simply explained, to which he could sympathized with. Shit happens, life was just not as easy as what the media might promote it to be.
Encouragement through a sweet smile, "Choi Yeonjun, nice to meet you."
"[L/N] [Y/N], nice to meet you too." You gave a smile back, ignoring the way you presented yourself in front of him.
Yeonjun happily asked, "Do you want to get coffee sometime? I know a really cute café down the street from here." Wether friendly or flirty, you weren't sure. Look at it this way, this invite that now just popped up after the situation you were in, was mostly a way of his to repay for your good deed.
A bit surprised, despite being a fairly well-known model, you didn't get asked out as often as you though you would be. Not to inflate your own ego, but a model should be in some type of high demands, correct? And too, how often does one person get asked out by hot people? Maybe they must have some irresistible charms for getting so many date offers on a daily basis, good for them.
"Yeah...Yeah, definitely!" You replied, your hands shaking once again. Luckily, not because of anxiety but excitement. Exchanging phone numbers, and quiet, awkward glances. That was how you got a date, or a date according to you, solely from how weak your dating game was. Big surprise, you could barely pull to save yourself out of your seasonal depression, especially bad during the month of February.
Beomgyu called you up early in the morning to tell you that you already got booked for a photoshoot, and he was coming over to pick you up in ten. When you received his call, you were still nuzzled in your bed and half-asleep. Literally falling out of your bed like the start of every high school rom-com, almost ripping apart your apartment to find your things. No time to make coffee, no time to make your bed, and absolutely no time to properly wear your shoes.
As soon as you opened the front door of your apartment building, the usual car was already waiting for you with its impatient demeanor. Rushing into the car, you were close to tripping over the steps with one of your shoes still hanging halfway on your foot. The vehicle took no time to began its run, faster than you were able to put on the seatbelt. How the fuck did your manager get his driver license? Beomgyu drive like he was in 'Fast and Furious', like who was he running away from?
"Slow down! Are you trying to get a ticket?!" You scolded, tying the undone laces back together.
Beomgyu glared at you, in the most judgemental way possible. "You are late! Beauty+ magazine is putting you on the cover, and they are waiting at the studio right now." He went back to the road, then at you again. "Did you not brush your hair?"
You pulled down the sun visor, there was a mirror on it for you to check your appearance. Yeah, your hair looked like a mess, bird nest kind of mess. What a mistake it was to immediately go to bed without blow-drying your hair, now those weird, unwanted spikes and curls kept making themselves known to everyone. You felt bad for the hairstylist already, they must hate working with you.
Beomgyu and you ran up three flights of stairs to get to the shooting studio, both having to stop in front of the door to take a breather after that near marathon run. Beomgyu told, breathing heavily through his mouth. "I think I lost my fucking vision."
You opened the door, "Hi, sorry we're late, we ran into a few difficulties on the way."
A staff member came over to you and guided you to the stylists to get you ready, while the others ran over the photoshoot details with your manager. They had put you in a very natural look, subtle makeup, a monochromatic outfit. Embarrassment filled you when you heard the hairstylist physically sigh when they walked into the room, putting down the curling iron and grabbing a spray bottle to wet the hell out of your hair.
Another staff member brought you out to the set, with makeup artist and hair stylist making final re-touches before shooting. It was a simple set-up, a blank cream colour backdrop and a single wooden stool in the middle. You sat down on the stool, flattening your clothing for the pictures. Props to the stylists, for being able to turn you from a seven point five to a ten and a half, trash to treasure with how you showed up to the studio earlier.
"Yeonjun?" You suddenly blurted out, seeing the one holding the heavy professional camera. "Is that you?"
The guy you thought was Yeonjun looked up from his camera, and sure it was him. Flashing the same smile from yesterday, as charming as you remembered, the Yeonjun you just met last night after a terrible casting day. "[Y/N], so you're my model, what are the odds?"
He came closer to get a better look at you, "Wow, you look lovely."
You blushed, saying nothing since nothing came to mind. What a coincidence, was it? The night before, you kept thinking about when you would get to see him again. 'Sometime', so vague, when is this 'sometime' going to be? No fixed date, no specific time period, no text message saying 'let's meet up tomorrow.' Maybe you might be giving yourself false hope, you two literally just met yesterday. Look at you, already obsessed with him. Slow down your heart, you idiot.
The photoshoot went well as per usual, a few snaps and editing, Yeonjun showed you each and every pictures until you were satisfied with how you looked on camera. The majority were denied by you, it was one of those days where everything was not to standard. Your smile in the third picture looked weird, you didn't like how your face practically expanded, that outfit made you seem to weight a little more than you actually did. Only five pictures out of the dozens that was taken got your approval, that was not a lot but enough for them to work with.
However, when you saw your magazine cover at the store next to hers, all the doubts about this career you chose to go into and about the perception of your self image. Maybe this weren't meant for you, not to discredit the amazing team that you worked for this photoshoot, and the talented photographer, but you hated this. You left, couldn't bare taking another look at that magazine cover.
"You look beautiful on the cover, you really fit this type of style." Yeonjun complimented, gazing at the magazine cover across the table from you. His iced Americano halfway finished, the coldness of the ice melting outside down the glass and onto the coaster.
"You think so?" You asked sadly, smiling over your emotions. "Don't you think Jang Wonyoung would fit this more?"
Yeonjun dragged his eyes towards you, thinking for a few seconds before giving his opinions. "She is really pretty, she can pull off tons of style. She does have quite a face and figure for modeling."
You gripped your drink, there weren't anything new about that opinion. Heard from hundreds or thousands of new sources and magazines, sometimes even luxury fashion designers, that she was one of the most beautiful person in the entire nation. No chance of winning ever, forever stuck being a runner-up to someone so great like her. For the next couple years, you were sure no one was going to steal her place anytime soon. It seemed that not a lot, or anyone at all, can surpass a unique kind of beauty such as Jang Wonyoung.
"Don't worry 'bout others too much, think about yourself too." Yeonjun smiled, one held a hidden layer of adoration that lit up in the glints of his eyes. Over a near hundred pictures he took of you last week, he loved every single one of them. There was something in your expression in some of the pictures, so sad yet strangely captivating. A tragic beauty, longing for something unreachable out there. He thought you were genuinely attractive, comparing both the you from the night you two first met to the one in the studio, you were an attractive person in his eyes. In whatever state you were in, regardless of how put together or rough you looked, Yeonjun adored how authentic you were.
You gazed at the magazine with her face on it, "I knew I wouldn't get in."
Yeonjun took the magazine from you over to his side, M.O.A magazine newest model in collaboration with the most admirable fashion designer of the era. He gazed back at you, "You went for the casting?"
Letting out a sigh, exhausted with yourself. "Yeah...Beomgyu went out of his ways to get me in. That's one more luxury dinner missed."
"I'll treat you to dinner." Yeonjun blurted out.
"What?!" You spoke out, dumbfounded in front of the date offer that appeared out of the blue.
Calm and acting like everything was normal, making you think that whatever he felt for you was completely platonic, it was his comfortable personality that acted up. "Do you like steaks? Or maybe you're a lobster person?"
"Wait! Wait a minute!" You interrupted him, feeling a bit overwhelmed with the all the things that was happening at once. "Are you asking me out on a date? 'Cause I— I really have to get that out of the way!"
Yeonjun held your hand, the same enthusiasm on his face. "Yes! Yes, I am asking you out! Was my intentions not obvious enough?"
Unsure if it was anger or bewilderment, or something else in between, were you upset or happy about his proposal. "I thought that was just how you are! I didn't know you took a liking to me?!"
He furrowed his eyebrows, absolutely flabbergasted by your assumption about him. "What do you mean by 'that's just how I am'?! God dammit, I like you, [Y/N]! I think you're such a beautiful person, and you make everything great when you're around, and I would happily choose you to be on the cover of M.O.A if I could!"
At this point, yours confusion had turned into a compliments battle. People in the café didn't know if they should be annoyed or happy for the both of you, they were quietly rooting for the two of you to get together, but was it necessary to be screaming at each others' faces in an absurdly loving manner? But whatever, go you!
You have never heard of this restaurant up until Yeonjun introduced it to you, getting reservations was quite hard as you heard from many of the wealthier people in your neighbourhood. You were wondering how he could afford to eat at an extravagant place like this, especially with a salary of a photographer. Well not to wage shame, it wasn't like yours was any better—could be worse, depending on the time of year.
You two had a good table, with the night view and the summer breeze on the balcony. Starters with a bottle of fine red wine, and some bread with rich oil dipping. Apparently, the restaurant here was given three Michelin stars, which was already an incredible title to have.
"I got a few things for you." Yeonjun began. First, giving you a small box the size of your palm. Inside was a minimalistic bracelet, chic and simple, with only a few teeny tiny white gemstones.
"Do you remember that jewelry store under my place? My friend, Soobin, made all of the jewelries himself. I got the bracelet from him." He explained the origin, helping you put it on your wrist. He has an eye for things, it was one of those accessories you could wear with any type of outfit and it wouldn't look out of place, and look how much it complimented your skin.
Yeonjun put his hands under the table, "And I made you this." He handed over to you a magazine.
This was so cute, using his talents on useless yet endearing gifts. In bold letter was M.O.A, and usual layout that the actual magazine used. The only thing was, it was you on the cover. An absolutely not illegal issue of M.O.A magazine, with one of the headlines being 'the nation's sweetheart.' The contents inside was filled with just pictures of you, from your instagram posts and past photoshoots you did, and even recent unseen photographs from when he asked you to model for his 'creative profile.'
"You're joking!" You laughed, "This is the confidence boost I need!"
Yeonjun placed his hands on yours, intertwining his fingers. "I take it that you want a second date?"
You laughed a bit louder, blushing in joy. If you got accepted into the M.O.A magazine that day, you wouldn't have met him. Yeonjun bombarded you with compliments on how breath-taking you looked,
"I'm serious, you're so beautiful tonight." He whipped out his camera from out of thin air, with the long HD zoom lens attached and everything, "Let me take a few pictures!"
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maidstew · 3 months
hey lily!! sorry i feel like you’ve answered this question before but i couldn’t find anything about it sooo..
do u have any thoughts on how the mentoring system operated after the 10th games? and/or maybe how the mentors from the 10th games reacted to the all the changes made over the years?
hello sol!!! thank you so much for the question because it’s actually not something i’ve ever really nailed down my thoughts on! so i’ll give you the different scenario’s i’ve considered:
they immediately went with the past victors as the mentors.
while it’s true that not every district had a victor (actually, i’m assuming the majority didn’t)- i don’t think the capitol would care that much. if anything, they would see it as a bonus way to 1.) punish the districts and 2.) make the games more of a spectacle because it would motivate the tributes to work harder so they’d have someone to mentor their tributes. technically, district 12 didn’t have a victor that could act as a mentor until the 50th games and i’m sure that they didn’t wait until them to establish the victors as mentors situation.
i think this would also explain why the stronger districts like 1 & 2 continued to have so many victors over the years because they started off on much better footing than the other districts by having the mentors on top of being well-fed.
peacekeepers as mentors
i’ve seen this suggested before and i suppose it makes sense. they’re already armed and trained so the capitol wouldn’t have to worry as much about them doing something stupid and getting themselves killed (looking at you arachne!). but honestly, i just find this theory to be kind of boring.
gamemakers (or gamemaker adjacent) as mentors
this could be interesting! and a good way to help make the tributes more of a spectacle. i don’t think active gamemakers, but maybe past gamemakers or people who have worked closely with them. they have the best knowledge of the games and would be able to help the tributes navigate the games unlike anyone else.
personally, i lean towards them immediately diving in with former victors. i don’t think there would be many of them but i think they would try to spin it like a huge honor to get more viewers (victors of the past- back again to prove they’re the best of the best!)
as far as how i think the mentors reacted- obviously i think that widely varies depending on which mentor. i think a lot of them would be relieved that students aren’t involved anymore because it was such a traumatizing experience (clemensia). some of them would feel special that no other students got to mentor (livia). some of them were possibly excited about the new changes and helping (festus). some of them were horrified to see the victors be brought back and essentially tortured more (lysistrata).
i think all of them were affected by their tributes on some level and i can’t help but think all of them had some form of guilt from it all- even if they don’t want to admit it to anyone, including themselves. watching the games over the years either made those feelings worse or it turned into such a spectacle for them that the feelings went away because they lost the humanity in it all.
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evita-shelby · 2 months
They didn't know we were seeds
Chapter 21
Cw: the usual so mdni
@justrainandcoffee @emotionalcadaver @call-sign-shark @peakyswritings
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The games are long, by the eighth day Eva’s tributes are both dead even after Polly Gray paid a fortune to send the boy medicine to have survive the fire and the infection from a wound he sustained in the bloodbath. And because she got the woman to spend a precious dime on a dead boy, Snow refunds Gray’s whelp with Eva on the tenth night.
The boy’s barely twenty-one, his first time here and being primed to betray Tommy because Snow knows a mother would do anything for her child.
Even betray the holy cause.
Not that Jack would blame her, if it was his kid on the line, he’d serve Plutarch’s head on a platter for Snow. Family was a weakness, but it was also their strength.
Jack’s sword could deliver the Heads of every member of Snow’s Cabinet to the elusive President of 13 if anyone even so much as breathed too hard near his wife and little boy. Campbell would die painfully, by his mother’s hand if she’s wants to beat Polly Gray to the punch.
“Wish I could just fuck off with you and come back when it’s over.” The victor admits pulling his wife onto his lap no longer caring who sees them now that the game is at a record breaking fourteenth day.
The rules have been changed to see which duo would take the other out first and face Thresh. The rules would be changed again because this would be a nice little trap to generate the drama that will keep the Capitol entertained a while longer. People don’t like the games when they last too long.
And after the alleged riots in 11 after Aveline’s kid died, Snow needs their tribute dead to keep him from joining them. So far Clove had died at the feast yesterday and Cato has been hunting Thresh for the past day and night.
The storm proves a good danger for both boys, somehow the girl from 5 evades everyone. Thresh has spotted her but gives no chase, he only wants one person, and that person is hiding in a cave faking a romance to keep them both alive.
Haymitch has no idea how right he was about her being like Eva. Sometimes he doesn’t see the girl and boy from 12 in a rainy cave, sometimes Jack sees his twin brother and Eva wandering a desert.
Enobaria can keep the night shift, he needs to be away from these screens if he wants to keep himself from seeing the 61st games repeat themselves before his eyes.
“I’ll keep you company like this every day if you like, handsome.” the witch gave him a sultry smile as she got comfortable and drank her champagne still wearing that fucking persona like a second skin.
Everything’s different, the touches, the words and all that only had the intention to seduce and make the recipient believe she was the real thing. But this was the only way they could get away with being this close in public and those false caresses held a tiny hint of the real thing to make it worth it.
“Shame we’re in public, doll,” he nuzzled her and kissed the side of her neck with one hand wandering under her short skirt. Jack had wanted to fuck her against the bathroom stall earlier, but with everyone betting on Haymitch’s girl after the sendoff she gave Aveline’s kid, there was no fucking privacy.
“My place tonight, Jewel invited Matty to a party and I’ll be all by my lonesome in my big and empty bed.” Eva plays the whore to perfection, discards her glass an lets her cold hand run up and down his chest with very clear intentions.
This one was genuine, with the new escort and Helvia fearing for her own job as well, they haven’t been able to be together as often as they are used to.
Last time they were at her place, Jewel had caught them red handed and couldn’t believe the rumors were true. Helvia had talked to the girl, but now Hel was fretting about blabbermouth telling Caesar any second and getting her put to pasture as well.
But whatever punishment they get will be set for next year, they got one fucking year to make it all count.
Who knows if the Girl on Fire proves to be the Victor in this game, they won’t even see the horrors of the Quarter Quell.
“'Baria can hold the fort for me, how about now?” He suggests when the blond kid in the cave morphs into his brother’s face.
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The last three days of the games provide enough entertainment for the Capitol for them to pass by unseen.
Jack tries not to show it, but he clings to Eva because he knows how that romance will end. He’s woken up from night terrors calling out for his brother, begging her not to kill his brother and, even worse, begging her not to kill him.
He’s drinking more, numbing himself in hopes the end of the games won’t fuck him up even more. It’s late evening when Cato uses Jack’s fighting stances to kill Thresh in Clove’s name and Jack pretends he is confident that the kid will win.
They’re on the couch again, Eva snuggled up on his side and his arm around her shoulders as the other holds his fourth whiskey.
“If you ask me, Katniss won’t kill him, she would’ve let him die in that cave instead of saving his life.” Eva tries her best to reassure him that her story isn’t playing out before them.
She has nightmares of her time in the arena and every moment after thanks to the star-crossed lovers. Just like Jack, she dreams she must kill him to win, to go home to Laurie with his father’s blood in her hands.
It’s not always her arena, sometimes it’s his or this one they are watching.
Eva is seventeen again, Jack is sometimes the teenage heartthrob she rolled her eyes at when he checked her out after her interview, and sometimes he is the man she loves and is a menace in the kitchen.
“You know the games won’t allow two victors, Evie. She’s got a sister and a mother who depend on her to survive, Peeta’s best chance is that Cato or the ginger take him out first.” He doesn’t look at her, his eyes glued to the screen as the cameras go to the ramrod thin girl from 5. The girl could win, hiding had helped the two victors from 6 and Annie Cresta as well.
But she is not the girl on fire or else Cinna would’ve picked her.
And sure enough, Marissa from 5 dies when starvation has her forget Peeta Mellark knows little about foraging like his fake girlfriend. She gorges herself on the things she stole and hesitates with the nightlock berries before eating them all in one bite.
An accident or suicide, no one will ever know. Marissa, with her foxlike character, dies after the excess of berries cause a violent seizure after the vomiting and sweating drives her to dehydration even at the edge of the water.
When her picture is broadcasted in the fake sky, the cameras focus on the girl’s blue eyes in the wolf mutt with the collar reading:5.
Eva cannot help but wonder what sort of creatures will be unleashed on them next year.
Neither sleep that night, even the comforting sight of Eva’s farmhouse in his ceiling cannot shake away the feeling that they will see her story play out once more. It was what Snow wanted them to see, to show them all no one can bend the rules and go unpunished.
Seneca Crane’s life was in Katniss Everdeen’s hands and the girl didn’t even know it.
“You don’t have to see him die.” Eva tells him in the afternoon of the 17th games when his student stops being the hunter and becomes the hunted. The boy reaches the Cornucopia by late evening and when he goes for the easy kill, Peeta Mellark, the girl’s last arrow sends him careening down to his slow and torturous death.
“I stayed the entire day like this in your games, I had hoped you’d be killed by Aveline’s kid because I knew Laurie wouldn’t do it.” Jack admits keeping his eyes on the boy being mauled to an inch of his life as a punishment for everyone watching. “Then I saw the snake in your hand when you went to him knowing he wouldn’t suspect a thing. They cut the footage of you killing yourself here too, they made it look like you didn’t care about him and only wanted to win. Heavensbee is damn fool for thinking his symbol exists, his symbol wants to live like we all did.”
And then on the morning of the 18th Games, Katniss convinces Peeta to commit a double suicide and forces Snow to change his rules.
Jack was right, Katniss wanted to live as badly as they do. Only she will have to live chained to Peeta and their false romance until the Games are no more.
The odds won’t be in their favor.
They never are for victors.
End of Part 3: Mentor
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welldonebeca · 8 months
the devil in the marble (4)
WC: 1.4k words Warnings: Flirting, fluff, first kisses, canon compliance.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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Chapter 3
You looked down as Enobaria passed by you with a look of recognition on her way out of the gymnasium, waiting for Cato out of the shower area.
Would he get in trouble because of you? You didn't want to risk his chances of getting into the Games.
"Elettra," someone greeted you by your last name, and you turned, ready to be properly greeted, but it was just a girl walking away.
Two of the guys walked out of the bathroom, looking at you and nodding stiffly.
"Elettra," they greeted, walking off.
You watched them go as felt a touch on your hand, pulling away and then searching back for it when you realised it was Cato.
"Sorry," you mumbled, taking his hand. "I didn't see you."
"It's fine," he assured you, tangling his fingers into yours.
Before he could pull you, though, you couldn't help yourself as you leaned in a bit to him.
He smelled good. Very fresh.
It made Cato chuckle.
"Do I pass the smell test?" he quipped, a playful tone colouring his words.
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment at realising you had been caught in the act of sniffing him, and you moved away quickly.
"Sorry," you mumbled, barely able to be audible, looking away.
You began to walk away, ready to rush out of the gymnasium, but he gently clasped your hand and pressed a quiet kiss on its back. Your footsteps halted and he pulled you closer again.
"Do I, though?" he persisted, his voice gentle yet insistent. "Because I scrubbed myself very intensely to get the stink out."
You smiled. Yes, you could scent that.
Cato smelled like wood and mint, a refreshing blend reminiscent of earthy outdoors. It was like fresh rain on the grass in front of your house, which was horrible to the touch but carried a delightful scent after being cut, mingled with metallic and leathery undertones - maybe from the objects he had been handling throughout the day, clinging to his skin and clothes.
It felt so personal to him, like you'd never smelled something so specific before.
"Yeah," you told him. "You do."
Cato looked pretty satisfied as you two walked off, and even took your bag from you as you left the school.
"I think I'm Brutus' favourite," he told you. "He watches me a lot."
Brutus was one of the trainers of your school, with Enobaria, one of the many victors of your district.
"That's good, right?" you squeezed his hand a bit. "It means you have good chances."
"It's great," he confirmed. "I'm doing everything right."
You watched him from the corner of your eyes, the question in your mind echoing through it again.
It was sudden, wasn't it? Cato volunteered as your model while he was so close to getting to the Games, and now wanted to spend time with you when he was so close to his dream!
But you didn't ask him, not yet. You liked holding hands with him, it was really nice.
Cato waited for you to open the door and let you walk inside before following after you, and set your bags on the couch when you left him to go to the kitchen, dinner already smelling good.
"Mum?" you called.
She turned to look at you from the kitchen, looking all amused.
"Cato is here," you told her.
Your mother washed her hands and took off her apron, letting her hair down, and walked after you into the living room.
"Mrs Elettra," he greeted, standing by the couch. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
She stepped up to him to shake his hand, and you watched them.
"I'm Cato Hadley," he introduced him. "I'm from Y/N's year. I posed for her statue."
"I’m Loba. And so I heard," she smiled. "Y/N said you got first place in the whole school. Congratulations."
He grinned happily.
"Yes," he confirmed. "And thank you."
She stepped back and rubbed your shoulder affectionately.
"Sit down, watch something," she told you two. "Dinner will be ready soon."
You tugged Cato along to the couch, and when you two sat down, he put an arm over your shoulder without mouth over a worry.
"So, what do you like watching?" he asked, taking the remote from his side and putting it on your lap.
"Documentaries," you told him. You loved documentaries. "About the world before, about... art and the countries... they have documentaries about medicine too. You'd be surprised by how brutal things were."
He seemed amused as he watched you.
"Brutal?" he asked. "Like what?"
"They had no technology!" you told him. "They stitched injuries together like clothes, with thread! And their antibiotics were really bad."
Cato seemed impressed.
"Wow," he exclaimed. "Ancient!"
"Yeah, I know!" you confirmed, turning on the TV.
Before you could change the channel, though, you recognised the face on TV. Wade Rankine, the last victor. You remembered seeing him in the regional fight that always took place in your town before the games, and he was really strong.
"The Victor's Tour started already?" he seemed surprised. "When's he coming here?"
You shrugged. You had no idea. It didn't seem like it had even started yet, it was just... some show with him. 
"It's gonna be me next year," he watched the screen. "I'll see all of the districts... maybe they'll let me buy things there."
"Like what?" you asked.
What would he want to buy from another district that you didn’t have here already?
Cato shrugged.
"Anything. Everything," he told you. "Pearls from District Four. Fish... have you ever eaten fish?"
You shook your head. Fish wasn't even sold in your district.
"Me neither," he told you. "I heard it's good. I could bring fish and you could try it. We could eat together while you wear the pearls I bought."
You chuckled. It did sound nice.
He looked at you again, expectant.
"Will you wear them?" he asked you. "The pearls?"
Your gaze fixated on his face, your proximity letting you see all the faint freckles dotting his nose, like tiny little stars and constellations. You wanted to reach out and touch it when your eyes lingered over the slight wonky spot on his bone, a very discreet mark on his face.
Cato had broken it when he was twelve during his first real fight.
It had taken you countless hours of studying his bone structure to uncover the hidden detail, but you liked it very much for some reason.
"Pearls are special," you whispered. "You give them to someone special."
Cato's thin lips spread in a smile.
"I don't know," he rubbed his nose on yours. "I think you're special plenty."
You closed your eyes, feeling your face hot and his breath just above your lips.
Oh, you really, really wanted to kiss him right now.
"Y/N," you heard suddenly and gasped as Cato pulled back.
The two of you turned back to look behind the couch, finding Juno staring at you two with murder in her eyes.
"Mum is calling you to the kitchen," she declared, arms crossed in disapproval. "It's your turn to prepare the table."
You exchanged a quick glance with Cato, then stepped back, gently tucking strands of hair behind your ears as you slipped out of the couch, leaving him behind.
You passed by Juno, who was still frowning very much at you two, but she didn't follow you into the kitchen, remaining in her spot.
Mum was already in the dining room when you got there, and you joined her quickly.
Tonight, you'd be using the dining room - the kitchen table could only accommodate four seats, which was the usual number of people in your house on most days - but the dining room table boasted eight. Mum, though, usually only put six chairs in, so it wouldn't look so empty.
It wasn't like you really knew enough people to fill a table with eight seats.
"You know," your mother hummed, setting the knife and fork down. "I think your dad might like him."
You perked up with the suggestion.
"Yeah," she put the napkins down. "Don't tell him, though. I will ease the idea into him in my next letter before he comes back, he'll have time to work his feelings out there in the district before coming home, and then your boy over there can come and ask him for permission to date you."
You frowned. Permission? Just earlier this afternoon, she had been talking about you being an adult who needed to learn how to be independent!
"Sure," you leaned onto the table anyway.
It was best to not fight them.
"Tell everyone dinner is going to be served," she told you. "Oh, and don't tell him to wash his hands. I want to see if he will do it without being prompted."
"Yes, ma'am," you walked out.
Chapter 5
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"the devil in the marble" was posted on my Patreon in June 2023! To read the available chapters and read the last arc of the story as it gets published, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and I promise you won't regret it.
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18 @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega the devil in the marble: @randomgurl2326
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daboyau · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
@friendlyneighborhoodterrapin oohhhh I love this question!! It is so fun. You always have the best asks. 💚💚💚
so I am going to take this time to ramble about both The Rise Hunger Games AU and the Leave AU. I tried to avoid any big spoilers but no guarantees!
RHG au: 
Okay so for a while there I was totally delusional and convinced myself I’d write a full length fic focusing on each individual brother. I had names and a very very brief plot for each. This is 100% not happening, so I’m going to share those names. They were actually supposed to reflect the previous brother who had gone before them. (Which is partially why Donnie, who is after Raph, has the fic title ‘Turning a New Shade of Red’)
Turning a new shade of red(donnie)
Shadows of us are still dancing(leo)
Coming like a storm into your town (mikey)
We don’t burn the way you’d expect (raph)
So this isn’t totally canon so much as just a fun little thing I have in mind when writing, but you might occasionally see brief mentions of a failed uprising/attempted rebellion. This is a reference to the Hunger Games canon books, but like an au where they failed really early on and the rebellion never got off the ground. This won’t have any bearing on the story but it’s just a fun little background thing I think about sometimes and call it the secret timeline. Canon THG characters will continue to never be mentioned or important to the story lol. 
Talk of SA here but.
Okay so you remember how Finnick was getting pimped out in the original Hunger Games? That is definitely happening. Nothing will ever be explicit but you’ll notice little things mentioned offhandedly, like how Yoshi refuses to let Raph come to the Capitol after he turns 18, or how Cassandra’s victor ceremony really put an emphasis on her transition to womanhood, so on and so forth…. And Yoshi’s whole…everything before he returned to District 4. It’s another way to show how the Capitol views their victors as commodities and playthings. A lot of interactions Donnie and his fellow tributes/past victors have with people from the Capitol are meant to make readers feel at least vaguely uncomfortable. (Iiiif I’m doing it right.)
Leave AU: 
Okay so in this AU, despite living with Draxum and getting training, they aren’t doing much with mystics. Why? Because right now Draxum is focusing more on teaching them ways to develop and deepen their mystic reserves as opposed to actually using them. (Think meditation and katas and stuff like that.) This is for a couple reasons. One, because he believes they’re too young to be able to safely handle that sort of power. Two, because it’s a power and control thing. Three, because he needs them to store up as much mystics as possible so they can recover when he extracts the mutagen/empyrean from their blood. This might get mentioned eventually in the fic, but basically they go through these monthly/bi-weekly blood draws because the compound they were created with is naturally occurring within them, so Draxum essentially has an unlimited (if slow to harvest) supply of it on hand to experiment with. (Hope that made sense!)
Fun fact, Draxum actually had a lot of potential to be a really good parent in this AU. It’s mentioned sometimes, how he was strict but kind and gentle with them when they were younger. This is because at first, he really did intend to raise them differently after he realized he’d made a miscalculation in mutating babies instead of ready-to-go older warriors. So he was reading them bedtime stories and tucking them in and allowing them to have toys, even though he did want to start training them as warriors once they reached teenage/adulthood. In this AU, though, the counsel of heads decided to take more of an interest in his work than they do in canon and start applying a lot of pressure on him to produce results. So his long term project had to shift gears and become more focused on results instead of childrearing much sooner than he would have wanted. He’s doing it for the good of all yokaikind, though, so even though he may not like it he is able to be cold and distant with his children experiments and view them mainly as weapons. 
Draxum absolutely has a favorite kid. I have many thoughts and reasons for this that I am resisting the urge to ramble about here. (Luckily @boots-with-the-fur-club lets me ramble to her when I need to get it out of my system!) So in order of most to least favorite, it is:
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