#me: dont get attatched
bamsara · 5 months
So is the reason for Tyren getting more unhinged the side effects of the devotion necklace, or was this a downward spiral he would have gone done regardless of the necklace? I remember you talking about how the necklaces have consequences, and I'm curious if this is one of them.
Tyren would have been an already overly-doting and even jealous character on his own without the loyalty necklace, (and had been due to his crush on the Lamb even before recieving it, and what happens when you reject followers in-game) but his spiral into a unhealthy obsession and idolization was aided by the loyalty necklace.
If it was given to perhaps a regular, less devoted follower, the effects maybe wouldn't have had such severity. But Lamb got the materials/necklace from the mystic seller and isn't fully aware of the effects it might have on their followers yet.
So, dog is unhinged a bit on his own, but amplified by the necklace. He's originally friendly, caring and sweet. But you take good traits, too much of a good thing, and they can turn bad
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hpdfag · 17 days
logically i know its better for my mental health to not try to get into a romantic relationship for the forseeable future because i will get guilty about it and fold it into my psychotic hellscape but like also. im the most desperate man alive
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bendyy-blog · 2 months
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pneumonic-screamers · 3 months
I think my worst trait is that I need too much. and I don't mean in a "I'm needy" way I mean it in a want things so bad that I cannot discover it from need and it turns into a need when I start feeling ill over it
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mokutone · 2 years
Hey! Just checking in, wanted to say again that you're one of my absolute favorite blogs, and looking thru ur art usually helps me through whatever drawing rut I'm in (artblock who?). Anyway, i sent u an ask ages ago about trad art and I DID start doing sketches again in my actual sketchbook recently so thank u for ur advice!! Was gonna do a little thank you doodle of yam but I couldn't get his expression quite right so rain check on that
that's really sweet of you to share! and i'm really glad that my art is useful to u in that way!
also, i'm so glad ur sketching and i hope ur having fun in ur sketchbook!!! thats really the most important thing, having a good time!!!
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4giorno · 2 years
jeht and jebrael my beloveds
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
I didn't know you played flightrising. Unfortunately I don't have any halos, but I have a bunch of other stuff from circa 2016 if you ever want free stuff. My account is basically abandoned since I lost interest, would be happy to donate to help you rebuild!
Oops I lied, I apparently have a Spellwrought Halo and a Glitterfreeze Halo if you want those lol
jdhfbgsd my guy I am like 20x richer on my new account than on my old one so i kinda feel bad to take free stuff with 50kg in the vault that could feasibly buy back some things but also. a. if you REALLY are fine with tossing me any old fest stuff then i am also not going to throw a big protest there bc i hoard those things like a motherfucker. my un is HallowedKnight
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cinnabeat · 1 year
i fucking hate self portraits btw especially when my professors are like make it represent something about yourself 🥰🥰 like fuck youuuuuu
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dbssh · 2 years
like obviously i work hard on and am proud of all of my creations but characters like aja and kasey are culminations of YEARS of varying levels of effort and a lot of general failure and a lot of days they still dont really click the way i want them to or move through the motions of the story the way i need them do. nina as she stands right now is the product of a couple months of concentrated effort and im so happy with her and she feels so fun and natural to work with and she slots right into the clock exactly how shes supposed to and works exactly how i want her to yk.
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bamsara · 7 months
are you actually cancelling the shipment of the new laptop or was that a joke?
It's a joke but. What if I did auuugh
Making big purchases like this give me anxiety to a heavy level because low key I feel like I'm wasting money and that I don't need it because Arson, even though he's clearly not meant to last a lot longer in that shell and is corrupting and losing files, is still booting up and therefore I feel like I've done this 'too early' and that I don't deserve to get the new pc
Like I KNOW I need it and it will help me immensely but. You know
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nicodaws · 2 years
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raccoonfagdyke · 4 months
#i am legit so intensely exhausted emotionally and mentally#physically too but a bit less so#there is so much happening there has been so much upheaval all at once and i am honestly about to fucking lose it#i dont feel safe in my apartment anymore#and neither does my girlfriend so i havent been able to get the comfort i need from her#my system is all over the place#depressed parts are triggered flight parts are triggered anxious and attachment parts are triggered#everyones barely holding on rn#i knew my life was a catastrophe waiting to happen but fuck i honestly dont think i can handle all of this#i have no way to numb all of this#i have no outlet#i cant self soothe and my girlfriend cant give me the kind of support that would help rn#like i know logically ive been through worse#ive survived worse#but fuck man#everything in my life feels like its falling apart#the flight parts are telling me to drop everyone and that nobody is safe and i need to run#my attatchment parts feel abandoned and alone#barely any of my partners affection and kind words is breaking through and soothing us#i cant get a handle on whose having what problem#i dont know how to talk this through internally#everythings on fire and i hate it so much#im scared for myself im scared for my relationship im scared for my housing situation im scared for my finances#im just fucking terrified of everything happening and allnof these sudden changes and i can barely breathe#i cant do all this#i mean i can but its just so much#i hate that i married someone who treats me poorly and i hate that ive accepted her treatment for so long#im exhilerated that its finally ending#but it hurts . it hurts me it hurts my partner . its stressful on my entire support system and i dont know ifni can sustain any of it#i cant fucking breathe and im scared and i know ill be fine eventually but right now it feels like im dying
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feral-ass-raccoon · 6 months
seeing shit abt people's internetsonas being some cool fuckin guy with horns 'n magic or some shit and just. looking at mine, knowing she's a literal damn raccoon. look they can shift to a people!!!! and also exclusively wears hoodies.
like- fuckin creature!!!! whoo!!!!
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eternallys · 7 months
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4giorno · 7 months
omg the screenshots in this dream place are basically accurate 😭💖
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#its like im finally like i can see him i see my darling boy!!!!!#even if the side on our left isnt exactly right still#believe it or not its a big deal to me hkdxjjdfkfkf#anyway some more lore of him that i didnt yet share is that his instrument is the violin his subclass in college of lore#and he has the guild artisan background. so maybe that gives more of a picture of what hes like jdjfhdjjf#lmao SORRY for posting abt him again im just rlly attatched to him bc this game has consumed my brain#and ive played as him for over 30 hours now 💀 and im only at the beginning of act 2 which is crazy bc i didnt do nearly everything in act 1#(but im kinda like am i gonna get to a place over ground again? 💀 i dont like exploring places like the shadow lands or the underdark#in any game so i find it hard to find the strength to wander from the main quest. plus i have a vampire with me#and his bite is useless against the undead 😭)#speaking of which omg i obv just looked at my media gallery and bc the time i died from letting astari0n drink was the first time#that i had that event it gave me the trophy and the ps5 saves a clip of you getting trophies so i have it forever saved#when my character faded away and the 'oh no something terrible happened' comment and the clip KILLS me#also even tho this hair is perfect i have one regret and its that it hides his elf ears 😭#anyway have you seen my boy? now you have byeeeee#(EDIT i actually think i did already say his instrument is the violin....... whoops its too early in the tags to fix)
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espytalks · 1 year
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The best part of a birdfeeder is getting to see birdies all day.
The second best part is seeing squirrels eat the seeds the birdies drop on accident.
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