#me: so there's this guy who sells chicken rice–
softerstorms · 2 years
me having to explain to my friends that the most tender, lovely, moving, gut-wrenching and heart-warming piece of queer asian media that i've consumed so far this year is called Moonlight Chicken
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octuscle · 1 year
Fuck man using this app whilst I'm currently so horny might be a mistake but please tell me this thing has a forced growth feature. I'm so bored of being small already I just want to become so fucking huge the only thing I can fit in is under wear, skin tight gym shorts at the most. I want my stench and B.O to instantly fill up a room and make lesser men fall to their knees.
I just wanna be forced to become a young insanely huge freakshow of a bodybuilder.
RIPPPPPP! In the middle of lunch, the seam of your jacket rips open across your back. The whole restaurant is looking at you. You barely look up from your plate, on which instead of a coq au vin there are now six boiled chicken breasts with rice. You struggle to free yourself from the shreds of your jacket without stopping to gulp down your food.
RIPPPPPP! Your biceps burst the sleeves of your shirt. With your mouth full, you mumble something like "sorry" and just rip the remnants of the sleeves off the rest of the shirt. You eat your food like a pig. The glass of Merlot is now a canister of protein shake. Your colleagues and business partners stare at you with open mouths. You pause for a moment and do a double biceps pose. Fuck, the bushes under your armpits stink like a horse stable. You take a deep breath and grin. PIIIIING! Two of your shirt buttons can no longer withstand your pectoral muscles as you inhale and fly through the air like projectiles. You stand up with difficulty, apologize again with your mouth full and spit food scraps around. On the way to the toilet, you let loose a huge protein fart. A quick look in the mirror… You can throw away the shirt. For the rest of lunch it must still hold out with torn sleeves and unbuttoned. While you first fart and then burp even louder, your boss comes in. Holds you a telling off, what that was for an impossible behavior on your part. He asks you to leave the restaurant discreetly through the back exit. And to report to him in the office tomorrow morning.You put your hand to your temple in an "Aye Sir". And you fart again as a farewell.
Your fancy Porsche convertible groans as you squeeze your body into the tight seat. Fuck, the car is much too small for you. The remnants of the clothes you're wearing on your body are much too small for you. You desperately need a change of clothes. In your gym there is a small corner where they sell fitness clothes. And the gym is nearby, so you drive the car there. The receptionist stares at you. This is actually a posh place for yuppies and influencers who want to keep fit. Not for the big lads like you. You ask if they have anything to wear in your size. The lady asks you if you speak English. You repeat your question with a heavy Russian accent.
The only thing they have here in your size are shorts that are frighteningly tight on your thighs. At least there are shoes and socks in size 14. You look good. You do another pose in front of the mirror. The passing visitors of the gym hold their noses. You smell your armpit again. Good honest pumper sweat. You want to go to the training area when you are asked for your membership card. You search for your wallet in the rags that used to be your suit pants. There it is. But Anatol Ivanovich is not a member here. Anatol is a member of Gold's Gym.
You love your Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. A car like you. Massive and bursting with power. And fortunately well ventilated for any passengers. As you roll into the parking lot in front of the gym, you and your car stick out. This is certainly a place for the big guys. But you're the biggest of them.
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After the third set on the leg press, you take a deep breath. Yes, this is what a gym must smell like. Like burps. Like protein farts. Like sweat. Like testosterone. Just like you!
Found the pic of your new you @muscleaddictza
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out of context @beanthebugboi quotes because they're very funny
(other friends we have for context are d (she/her) sd (they/it/he/she) and s (she/her))
(quotes that aren't signed were bean because this post was supposed to be about them before i started copy and pasting an entire document full of quotes. i dont take credit for any of this apart from stuff i said i just think its funny)
"i was going for "rotisserie chicken" and ended up closer to "roadkill""
"hell yeah i have a rice krispie spine"
"would you recognise my hands if they weren't full of bird?"
“I just found out that vegetables don’t exist, reality is crumbling, YOU EXPECT ME TO BE POSITIVE??” “Bean, Bean, Bean, Bear Grylls should have taught you by now, the three rules to survival are: positivity, positivity, positivity. How else will we survive in this crumbling, vegetable-less universe?”- @sarkylittlemonster
“….y’know I was just doing an impression of Hooty singing Wii music when….”
“For the last time, it is NOT cannibalism”
“AWWWW I love thatttttt it is absolutely perfect” “Ah yes beqn >:]” -D “I am going to hold your imaginary pet peacocks hostage”
“I saw it in your bass music” (in a dream that @forest-fairy-wren had)
“Do you have a lot in common with a pine cone?”
“GHOSTBUSTERS” "THOSE BUSTARDS” - @sarkylittlemonster
“Yay for not getting stabbed”
“How dare you insult my deep-fried root vegetables” “HA, vegetables don’t exist, and neither does taste, it appears” - @sarkylittlemonster “IT IS TOO DAMN EARLY FOR THIS” “IT’S TOO DAMN EARLY FOR ONION RINGS BUT THAT DIDN’T STOP YOU DID IT” - @sarkylittlemonster
“I’m so honoured I just choked on my own spit”
“Oh you play violin, that’s so cool!”- @sarkylittlemonster “*Screams in violist*”
“Good morning, fbi's most and least wanted! How are we all today? :D” - @forest-fairy-wren “…I need to know who’s who lol. Am I most wanted or least wanted” “You're probably right in the middle :D” - @forest-fairy-wren
“Why the heck are you talking like that :)” “Whatever do you mean? I have always talked in this manner” - @forest-fairy-wren “THOU MUST NOT ASKETH QUESTIONS CONCERNING OUR WAY OF SPEAK.” - s “…Alright I shall not asketh.”
“Please close your balls of sight and rest.” - @forest-fairy-wren “D o   n o t   c a l l   e y e s   t h a t   e v e r   a g a i n” “Very well I shall call them seeing orbs instead.” - @forest-fairy-wren “Yeah that works”
“I- she’s so pretty. So flippin majestic. *gay screaming*”
“I have no idea what conversation i just walked into but it seems interesting :)” “Whale reproductive organ size debate” - S
“Sleep is cool, Bean! It's like a free trial of death :D” - @forest-fairy-wren “Mhm really selling it there lol”
“OMFG GUYS I was listening to Will Wood (as one does, when one is trying to get through a stupid math project) and just as 6up 5oh Cop-Out started, an ambulance passed, and the siren went perfectly with the music nsafjhdsklfhdakshfg I literally had to pause the music because I was like “wait why does the siren bit sound different”
“Oh I’m sorry let me just-” *becomes ilikemenderman*
“...so his tongue is a breadstick revolver?”
“Hi, I’m back, also what the fuck”
“Is that the same as t4t but with cannibalism?”
“You’re averaging 120 children per wife lmao” “Who are you to judge, cannibal”- @sarkylittlemonster “If they were sour, you'd probably eat them :(“ - @forest-fairy-wren
“Witchcraft is talking* to my sage plant so it’ll be better at getting rid of bad vibes)” “*nicely, not the way Crowley does” “Well, you’ll never become Crowly at this rate, BUCK UP AND THREATEN THEM” - @sarkylittlemonster “Witch duties take precedence over gender envy rn. I refuse to put any negativity in my sage plant 😤”
“Wedding?”-S “For the last time S I am NOT marrying Ronaldo” “I- lol, what?” -D “Yesterday, when Uni and Wren decided to have a double wedding with Vox and Akira, S decided to make it a triple wedding and tried to marry me off to Christiano Ronaldo. I hissed at her, passive-aggressively played a country song about a girl and her bestie murdering her husband, and then ran away to live in the woods and become Squirrel Girl”
“……so I have to marry a football guy, an evil capitalist TV screen, and someone’s cat-eared OC???” “Sounds like a Tuesday”-me
“Is Ronaldo in hell?” “I’m the one who sent him there” -S
“...are you a writer or a serial killer” “I am a professional multitasker” -S
“Star why are you lobotomizing pencils”
“Rt54re4” (his cat)
“I have literally zero flirting skills, I cry when I get mad, and sometimes I sit on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night eating sliced cheese out of the packet. I am the opposite of simp-able”
“Fear not sib, for I am thick-skulled. Also I think it's currently Uni's turn with The Sanity so dw I didn't damage it.”
“Y'all I think I resurrected a fish yesterday. Also there are sooo many Hamilton songs stuck in my head rn (again), and I really really really want some chocolate rocks.”
“*scurries away with a slightly larger number of bones than the average human*”
“I just want to point out thstI sond a my bones, they wrre not stolen :D” - @forest-fairy-wren “I think Weeb is having a stronk”
“…I may or may not have just consumed a dead gnat.”
“I'm dysphoric AND disabled, Body is my comfort song”
“nOPE no no fuck no I will kick you in the kidneys” -Bean “Not my crunchy kidneys :(“ - @sarkylittlemonster “What.” - @forest-fairy-wren 
“Anyway, gonna go stick the lil fella in the microwave, brb :D”
“Every uterus should come with a free lavender-scented microwavable plushie”
“The goop is indeed goopy”
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neonponders · 2 years
Part 8 for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse 🌹🌹
~ Part 7 + ART!!! ~
~ on ao3 ~
• • •
Billy could not claim to have ever hung out at the Harrington residence. He had moved to Hawkins after Steve removed his crown and all interest in being Hawkins’ party king.
So the circumstances of walking into Steve’s house with two voices yell-singing out of a shoebox were not what Billy would have expected.
“Okay, little dudes. It’s food time,” Steve announced on his way to the kitchen.
Robin collapsed right onto the couch and turned the television on. Unsure what else to do with himself, Billy sat on the loveseat adjacent to the other couch. Then he asked, “Is it a good idea to have them in the kitchen?”
Robin answered, “They like having tasks. Little B, especially. Getting him to sit still is like a magic trick.”
Her gaze swept up with Billy standing to join Steve in the kitchen. “You antsy?”
He smiled venomously. “I think it’s rational to not trust anyone with a mini me.”
Her eyes rolled but her voice remained understanding. “If anyone’s capable of taking care of those little guys, it’s Steve. But by all means,” and she waved him away.
Billy navigated around the island counter to find his smaller self and the matching Steve standing on the pages of a cookbook. Larger Steve seemed to be trying and failing to sell them on mushrooms.
“It’s gway, Steve,” little Billy scolded over crossed arms. “Who wants gway food?”
“You don’t even notice it when it’s deep fried and covered in tomato sauce,” Steve reasoned, but the little ones moved out of his way to let him turn the page.
Large Billy leaned an elbow on the counter as they scrutinized the tomatoes stuffed with rice. “You’ll have better luck with that. Or Mexican food.”
Little Billy gazed up at him. “What’s Meckwican?”
“It’s colorful.”
“I like colwors.”
“I thought you might,” Billy confirmed with a smirk to Steve. “Who’s ordering?”
Steve took a deep breath and pushed off the counter to grab the collection of paper restaurant menus shoved between the refrigerator and the toaster. “Rob, what do you want?”
“Chicken sopes and a taco salad.”
“I’m not buying you two meals.”
“The salad is for tomorrow,” she reasoned.
“One bean burrito, coming right up,” Steve sassed, but his attention on the menu drifted up to little Steve and Billy climbing over the apples and pears in the fruit bowl like boulders. “Could you teach them how to swim?”
Big Billy’s eyes swung to him. “Excuse me?”
“I’ve got an old Barbie swimming pool - don’t look at me like that. Will you do it or not? It would save me the risk of a heart attack whenever they need a bath.”
Billy tipped his head to the side, not sparing Steve even a little bit. “What were you doing with Barbies, Steve?”
“This might not be relatable since you’re used to the ocean, but for a long time, I was the pool guy. The pool’s always been my ticket to making friends...or so I thought. Whatever. One summer, the only neighbor kids I had around me were girls. So I got a pool for their dolls. Are you a swimming instructor or not?”
Billy sighed and looked at his smaller self sitting on a pear like it were a horse and taking bites out of it. “I can get them started.”
Steve ordered their food and disappeared for a few minutes to get the small swimming pool out of storage. He cleaned it off in the sink, filled it with warm water, and Billy marveled, “You know, I would’ve said we could just use a casserole dish, but the slide and stairs are smart.”
Little Steve’s face lifted up to him, a blush making his cheeks go rosy as he smiled. “Smarwt Stevie.”
Big Steve waved some bathing suits in the air. “Are we skinny dipping or do you wanna change clothes?”
Billy’s eyes widened. “Where’d you get those? The sixties?”
Steve exhaled heavily. “We may or may not have a small doll collection, so what?”
“That’s such a rich people thing.”
“Yeah, well, they deserve a change of clothes and this is one less thing I have to explain to my mom when she looks at my card statements. Okay, B and Steve. Do you want the oranges or the flowers?”
He held up the swimming costumes for them to see and decide. All of a sudden, small Billy looked bashful as he tucked his chin and rolled his lips. Steve, meanwhile, hopped off the fruit bowl and pointed. “ ‘Wanges! Can I? Oh...Biwwy? Do you want the ‘wanges?”
He rubbed his tummy and admitted, “I want the fwowers.”
Large Billy’s brows pinched a little but he stayed quiet as big Steve encouraged, “You want the flowers one? That’s okay. It goes with your eyes.”
His lashes batted as he blinked up at him. “Weally?”
“Yeah,” Steve encouraged, “and they’re the same size. You can switch the next time you go swimming.”
Billy reached up for his swimsuit and they went to change in their shoebox. The larger Billy wondered aloud, “They have a sense of privacy?”
Steve shrugged. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see themselves first before us.”
When they emerged, Steve spooned water over the slide. The little ones climbed the ladder and went down it together as if they rode a sled instead of a slide. The pool was shallow enough for them to stand, providing big Steve the relief he needed to answer the door. Robin followed behind him to help carry the bags, and they set up their feast on the island counter.
Billy had to use his Rec Center ID card as a floating board, but it fit both of them length-wise as they practiced their kicks. “Good job, guys. How about another ride on the slide while I get my food.”
Steve only just got a dishtowel down so they didn’t slip on their way around the pool. Robin passed Billy his bag and he held a nacho chip out for the little ones to take a bite at the top of the slide.
Big Steve scolded, “Aren’t you supposed to wait thirty minutes between swimming and eating or something?”
“I think they’ll be okay,” Billy disregarded, crunching loudly on his chips. “Swimming 101 is just getting comfortable in the water. So...isn’t this supposed to be a movie night?”
“Movwie! Movwie! Movwie!” the little Steve and Billy chanted, thoroughly locked in chasing each other down the slide and back around.
Big Steve nodded over his burrito. “When they start to slow down...then the movie seals the deal.”
Billy snorted softly and kept providing a nacho station for them to run past. Eventually, the exercise and food did take their toll, and they collapsed on the dishtowel. Given their old school, linen swimsuits, they dried off pretty fast, but little Steve eventually sat up and started patting Billy’s hair. The larger Billy observed this as the smaller one whined a tired sound.
“Biwwy, don’t get sick.”
“I won’ get sick. That’s what Stevie’s always sayin’.”
However, big Steve seconded with a restaurant napkin in hand. “Gimme those ears.”
Little Billy sat up in a huff, but sat still for Steve to gently push the napkin against his ears to siphon the water out of them. Then he folded it to get into the nooks and crannies of his ears and jaw. “Thank you, B. Okay, you next.”
That rosy hue filled little Billy’s cheeks as he mumbled a weak, “You’rwe wewlcome.”
Little Steve, meanwhile, stood up tall, blissful in his pampering. “Stevie? Can we have the honey tea?”
“ ‘Course you can. Go with Billy to the coffee table. He and Rob will get the movie going.”
It was little Steve’s turn to blossom a pink hue as they climbed onto Billy’s palms. They planted their butts down and held onto each other as Billy magic carpeted them to the setup of plushies on the coffee table. Small Steve gingerly stepped off his hand with a bashful, “Thankwou, Biwwy.”
“You’re welcome,” he answered quietly - 
Only to glare at Robin, who sat on the couch behind him. “You’re allowed to like them. I won’t spill.”
Small Billy lingered on the hand as he exclaimed, “Spiww what?”
She segued smoothly, “Won’t spill that we got Indiana Jones to watch. That is, if it’s not too scary.”
Billy finally got off the hand with a scoff. “Scawy? We watched the wed buwll and that wasn’t scawy.”
Little Steve perked up from the fluff of an otter. “It was a wittle scawy.”
“We can fast forward through the scary parts,” Robin promised, and slotted the VHS into the player. But as soon as she turned back around, her eyes widened. “Uh oh.”
“I knew it!” cried Billy from the doll box that had been placed on the coffee table. Little Billy climbed out, grinning victoriously with the tiny whip in hand and the hat on his head. “I’m weady!”
Robin glanced up at Steve in the kitchen, too busy trying to mix a safe temperature of water and honey together. “Uh, B? Can I talk to you about that - No no nonono...”
“Hey! Wobin? What gives?” little Billy exclaimed when she pinched the whip to keep him from waving it around.
“B, I’m sorry, but Steve doesn’t want you to have that.”
“Well Stevie can kiss my ass!”
That got a rankled Steve to come out of his otter plush. “Biwwy. Be nice.”
Robin corralled, “Billy, these things are use to hurt people. They’re not toys. You’ll see that in the movie.”
The fire started to go out of those blue eyes. “Hurwt peopwle?”
She nodded gravely. “We know you won’t mean to, but the whip might hurt your Steve. Even worse, you’re more likely to hurt yourself. That’s just how whips are. Big Steve loves you too much to tell you.”
His little body deflated as the large Steve finally arrived with a shot glass of honey tea. Seeing the body language on the coffee table, he sent inquiring looks to Billy and Robin.
Little Billy replied sadly, “Does Indiana Jwones hurt himself?”
“No, but it’s a movie, sweet B. It’s not real. You’re real and your Steve’s real. That’s way cooler than Indiana Jones.”
Big Steve sank onto the couch next to Billy. “What’s going on?”
“What’s going on, is that I’m not sure I like being sweet talked by proxy.”
Finding that unhelpful, Steve leaned forward to intercept. “Hey? Little man? Are you okay?”
Little Billy was absolutely not okay, because his bottom lip pushed up, his eyes went big, and he dropped the whip in order to run into Steve’s hands. Steve glared at Robin and mouthed, What did you do?
I handled it, she replied, dropping the whip back into the box.
Little Steve dragged his otter across the table, or as much as he could with stuff in his way. “Stevie! Helwp!”
“Okay, okay, come here,” he soothed, picking up all three so small Billy and Steve could cuddle together against the soft fur while being held in big Steve’s arms. Little Billy bawled his eyes out during the opening of the movie, warranting big Steve to peek at the large Hargrove next to him. “It’s kind of wild how much their little bodies can hold onto. I thought you’d have stepped in by now.”
However, Billy’s mouth had been set in a hard line for a while now, and he shook his head. “I’m out of my element here, man.”
“No crying kids at your pool?”
“I put shit heads in line. Beyond that, it’s the parents who cause more issues.”
Robin leaned across her armrest to query, “Steve, I thought you were lifeguard certified? You really were the pool guy for years, after all.”
“Sure, but I think they like having Billy around.”
“I wike having big Biwwy awround.”
They looked down at little Steve, who was practically lying on top of small Billy, who blinked sometimes at the movie, but otherwise seemed too tired to really watch it.
“Biwwy does too. I know it. Biwwy wants to be stwong, like big Biwwy.”
But Billy shook his head. “I’m not the kind of guy to look up to, Harrington.”
Big Steve absorbed that in silence. For all of the Hawkins’ renowned lifeguard’s peacocking, Billy had never said anything like that before.
“Then wook down to us. My Biwwy’s smarwt, and nice,” little Steve smiled and finished, “Hawgwove.”
For a brief moment, Billy lost control of his face and his features crumpled, his eyes glossing over as his brows furrowed together. But he got a hand over his mouth, scrubbing his features clean. “Just watch the movie, short stack. He’ll feel better after he sleeps.”
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oozmium · 10 months
Ranking the smt ivf collab Cafe as someone who will never have the chance to taste it ft. probably inaccurate translations of their names
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Part 1 featuring the actual meals because I forgot tumblr has an image limit
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1. "Godslayer" Meat Platter
We got steamed chicken and duck meat with some salsa and salad... that sounds yummy but man idk why but this just looks so unappetizing. I mean at least I can stomach duck though so I'd totally be open to eating this. But also it doesn't look like a sizable portion so hm.
6/10: presentation kills this meal sorry Nanashi
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2. Dagda's Large Fried Rice
Good god this is a lot of rice... I'd imagine this would pair well with Nanashi's meal. Looks like a nice batch of fried rice but I have to take points off for the overkill on the sesame seeds... I want my rice not seeds... though apparently the seeds are inspired by Dagda's color scheme so huh.
7/10: it's rice. Too much seeds. I'd complain it's a big portion but the famitsu article notes this is meant for 2-3 people so that's fair.
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3. 阿修羅会御用達 悪ピザ (tls to smth along the lines of Ashura-Kai Purveyor Pizza?? I didn't trust the machine tl so I'm putting the kanji)
Now this is something I'd definitely eat. A nice piece of pizza bread will always make me happy. The famitsu article notes that this was the meal most recommended by reporters.
There is one other thing to note about this one: it's meant to be split between two or three people! ... like Hallelujah and his "Bro".... 😦
10/10: I'm not immune to pizza bread and reporters really liked it so I'm sure it was delicious
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4. Asahi's Energetic and Healthy Coriander Salad
This one is really cute, although I have to admit I've never tried coriander but there's a first for everything! The flower is a very cute touch too, but I'm a picky guy so the peppers are a bit of an ick for me... I can't eat them in salad it needs to be put in stuff like a sandwich for me to eat it.
7/10: unsure on if this would be tasty but the presentation really sells it!
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5. Flynn a la Mode (aka Furin a la Mode)
Ooo now this is a yummy looking dessert! Would absolutely demolish it (sorry Flynn).
They said the pun was unintentional; instead the idea was everyone's beloved Flynn wanted to make a dessert everyone loves (I hope I'm reading that correctly 🥺)
9/10: I'd give it a 10/10 (and it really deserves one) but I'm very picky on those extra gummies surrounding the pudding...
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6. Jonathan's Grilled Beef Tongue
Er. Apparently chosen for Jonathan for its elegant and luxurious taste ... anyway this looks very yummy and it gets extra points for the kewpie mayo 🤤. The onions are a nice touch too... guess I have to concede and agree this is really elegant!
9/10: I've never tried tongue personally but the kewpie mayo would be enough to get me on board with eating it.
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7. Father's Fisherman's Meal
They want you to think Walter's dad caught the fish that went into this meal... I laughed a bit ngl. Anyway I'm always down for poke-esque meals I guess it'd come down to the quality of the meat 🤔 though the amount of fish in there might leave me wanting more...
6/10: unsure if I want to give this higher bc I don't personally know how the fish tasted... also could use more fish.
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8. Fairy Forest Mushrooms
Maybe they're not appetizing to you but I absolutely LOVE mushrooms. They're so yummy to me and especially when you add some nice butter for extra flavor... mmm very yummy 🤤.
8/10: I'm biased I like eating mushrooms I'd devour this in a heartbeat
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9. Gaston's Long Skewer Platter
This was the 2nd funniest item on the menu (you'll see the funniest one soon). Other than that, skewers are always tasty with some soy sauce and lemon for extra flavoring... although apparently it was a guessing game to discover what was inside the skewer?
7/10: unsure if i wanna play skewer roulette with Gaston 😦
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chaletnz · 10 months
Amazon: San Rafael Rio Amazonas
To my surprise, the breakfast on my final morning at Maniti Camp was pancakes served with sugar cane syrup and butter, as well as the usual spread of bread and jam, oranges and bananas. I sat with an Australian guy for breakfast and he told me about how he was living in the Netherlands at the moment, I shared about my time living in Amsterdam. He was quite full of himself though so this 20 minute exchange was more than enough! I took a quick cold shower and got ready for my last little excursion which would be to San Rafael Rio Amazonas, a village just down the river. It was a functional “large” village with power from 6pm to 12am (so fancy!). They also had a school which taught from kindergarten to age 17-18, several shops, a butterfly breeding facility (which brought in the tourist/government money). Rodrigo told me how teachers can live in the village for free with housing provided by the school, earning around 2500-3000 soles ($650-800 USD) per month but trips to Iquitos cost 20 soles (about $5 USD) each way making it a very isolating experience if they are from the city and not used to jungle life. Rodrigo bought us a couple cups of an orange coloured juice that a lady was selling in the town centre. I was a little hesitant to try it at first but it was delicious and refreshing! We then walked all around the town, seeing trees with starfruit, coconut, more giant limes, and the ayahuasca root. When the root is cut, the pattern inside looks like a flower or rose. It doesn’t grow naturally, so the shamans will plant the root where they need it to grow and easily harvest for their ceremonies. We reached a water tap at the edge of the town, they have a communal filtered water tap where everyone can fill up their daily water allowance at 6am and 6pm when the tap is unlocked. Once back at the camp, I finished packing up my bag and had lunch of spicy fish nuggets with yellow rice, plantain chips, and watermelon then went to sit and wait for the boat back to Iquitos. I took my seat opposite the American couple and spent most of the ride judging them. She put on a baby voice and seemed very immature so I am not surprised they back out of the ayahuasca ceremony. He was still wearing his heavy black jeans, but had finally ditched the long sleeve shirt for a singlet. Besides us tourists, a bunch of locals rode the boat with us to the city, there was even a guy who brought a chicken with its legs bound and was laid down under the seat for the journey. Once back in Iquitos, Rodrigo arranged a mototaxi to take me to my next hotel, I bid him farewell and I could then enjoy my air conditioning and comfortable bed at last!
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊 ] ― sender is drawn to the kitchen by receiver’s cooking - Who's the best cook in the dorm? Paul has been drawn in by some tasty smells in the cafeteria ... 🌼 (@twst-the-night-away)
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Haven't Made a banner for Sai yet
𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊 ] ― sender is drawn to the kitchen by receiver’s cooking - Who's the best cook in the dorm? Paul has been drawn in by some tasty smells in the cafeteria ... 🌼 (@twst-the-night-away)
*Iwashi = Sardine Octavinelle gets sushi Ingredients with Exceptions.
Paul you  get  to  meet someone today.((sorry for any OOC )
In the   usually stuffy and musky-smelling halls ,Paul was happily  walking back  to  his   dorm   before he  caught  whiff of  something the  smell was faint but  somewhat fragrant along with Smell of rich  beef  ,Vegetables and a Hint of Fish as He Followed the smell  down to the cafeteria . As he opened the Door to See a Student in a White Cardigan an Green hair with a Strange Swirled Gem along with two other a blonde haired on along guy with Purple and red Hair  putting t who seemed to be packing up Bowls full of Rice , Meat and Various Vegtables
“ Donburi~ “ the Green Haired sang “ Hoshi and Shu Make the Best Donburi, don’t you think Lord Takeru ,Lord Yaoyorozu!”
“ Stop calling me Lord Yaoyorozu, Just call me Yaoyao 
“ Now Now Sai , Let’s not get Caught up  in the Wonderful Smelling Donburi To remember wer Selling this wonderful smelling Donburi.” The Purple haired man said  before Spying Paul in the Door. 
“ Hey , Its that Little guy who Shu-“ Sai was immediately surrounded  by Purple mist before hand covered his mouth .
“We don’t talk about that, Sai .” Shu said 
“ “ Anyways Hey there , * Iwashi”. 
“ Why are thier Royal Sword academy student in the Cafeteria ?” Paul said
“ Oh This on my Childhood friends , Sai and His Patron Takeru and Yaoyao “ Shu said moving his hands off Sai’s Mouth “ Sai this is Paul ,or Iwashi “
“Paul . that’s a Interesting Name “ Takeru said
“ Sounds Boring  and Generic to me.” Yaoyao said
“ Um don’t mind Yaoyao he’s old “ Sai said “we’re making Donburi and Selling them to Our Classmates.” Sai said 
Donburi what’s that ? “ Paul asked 
Oh , There  like Rice bowls and you can Put meat , Eggs , Veggies.” Sai said “ It’s a Customizable experience .”
“ Would you like to Try , Iwashi “ Shu said”  if it good maybe You can tell  Octavinelle , Who Got beef , Katsudon, Chicken Katsudon..”
Paul noticed Shu look at one of the Donburi before skipping it
“- Salmon, Tofu  “
“ Wait, what was the one you Skip?” Paul ask
“Cannibalism but it only applies To you. “ Shu Joked  as Pauls eye Wided suddenly getting the hint .
“ So come on Pick on we wouldn’t charge ya.” Shu Smiled as Paul looked  at his selection .
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sevicia · 2 years
i remember the only year i spent at a different school i was very very miserable. i remember spending days without talking, and following the guy i had a crush on until i overheard him calling me creepy (fair). i remember the long ride to and from in which id see strange people, like a man carrying around one of those big big bottles that had a chemical smell to it and drinking from it. it wasnt alcohol. like the guy who bought two candy bars from those people that sell candy on the bus? he bought them in front of me and offered me one. i said no. i remember getting dressed in the girls locker room in a corner away from everyone because i wanted none of them to see how chubby i was. by the end of the year they were asking me if i ever ate.
i dont know if it started as an appearance thing fully. i assume its part of it, but i felt the strong need to starve because i had this thought of being so worthless and taking up so much space that the only thing i could do to fix it (besides killing myself) was to become smaller. i still feel that way but now i go through days where eating feels near impossible because i gag whenever food enters my mouth (and i have to gulp it down because someone is always watching) and then days where i can't control how much i eat at all. i dont have those massive binges other people seem to have but to me a binge is when you eat until youre full and then a bit more.
like today i had 10 chocolate covered peanuts, three handfuls of chips, a quarter of a plate of rice, a chicken croquette (or whatever theyre called), lettuce, two cherry tomatoes, a manjarate (dessert i love. i didnt enjoy it today), and a chocolate covered muffin. its entirely too much and i wish i could go back to surviving on little more than a slice of bread every two days.
and i didnt enjoy any of the food i ate. or, i liked the cherry tomatoes. but the rest felt mindless and stupid and unnecesary. i wish i hadnt eaten anything today. it feels so stupid to waste calories on shit you dont even enjoy.
i dunno. i dont want to go back to "normal". i like it like this. i wish i could go back to that year and feel everything again. i hate it when people are kind to me, i appreciate it but i dont want to accept it.
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rickanderson123 · 4 months
Bite into Flavor: The Ultimate Guide to Biryani in Brampton
You know that warm, spicy, and comforting rice dish packed with flavors? It's kind of a big deal around here. And when it comes to the best biryani Brampton has to offer, there's one place that's an absolute must-try - Punjabi Meat Shop. Let me break it down for you.
The Chicken Biryani King
You want to know what makes Punjabi's chicken biryani so amazing? Two words: fresh and authentic. These guys don't mess around with shortcuts or bottled spice mixes. Nope, they use the real deal whole spices and herbs ground down into an insanely fragrant masala. 
Then you've got the chicken itself. They use juicy and tender pieces marinated in that heavenly spiced yogurt sauce until it's bursting with flavor. Well, they also sell raw chicken and mutton.  It all gets layered up with perfectly cooked basmati rice, saffron, nuts, and more before being steamed to biryani perfection. 
The result? An unreal aroma of their biryani Brampton will have your mouth watering as soon as you open the takeout container. Each bite is like a flavor explosion of savory and just straight-up deliciousness. It's no wonder this place has great sales!
What Makes Punjabi Meat Shop Unique?
There’s no doubt that Punjabi Meat Shop's biryani is amazing. But that's not all they have in their menu. Their butter chicken, for example, is mind-blowingly good. Tender tandoori chicken swimming in a rich, garlic-butter curry sauce is perfect. It is great dish for soaking up with fresh naan bread.
If you want to mix it up, their chicken samosa (samosas stuffed with chicken and other tasty ingredients) or seekh kebabs are awesome starts. And don't sleep on their mutton karahi or chicken curry either - both are legit comfort food winners.
So if you're going for a full-on biryani Brampton feast or just swinging by for a quick takeout fix, Punjabi Meat Shop is a no-brainer. It is perfect if you have those South Asian food cravings hit in Brampton. Simple dishes done right with real, quality ingredients - that's the name of the game here.  
Just be sure to order extra biryani Brampton because these leftovers are maybe even better the next day! You can thank me later when you're going back for seconds, thirds and...who's counting anyway?
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shop-korea · 7 months
AMAZON - BECAME - $49.99
NOISES - 8P - 5:30A
WAKE - UP - EARLY - 3:30A - 2 YES
I - NEED - 2 - GET - MY - EIN
$15 - 2 PROPANE - GAS - 16 OZ
EACH PACK - $2.97 - JUST - PUT
2 - BUY - MY - CHAIR - $12.99
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ashalaughs · 11 months
An Annotated List of Men's Tinder Profiles Part 14
Friends, it’s been a while but I’m feeling inspired. We could all use a laugh.
Blow me up with your stories, I will return the favour in a different way!: My stories are very violent
Hey, I’m [Name]. I like to stay active with home workouts and gym sessions: honestly, a level of laziness that I have to respect
I like it all and find it easy to get into conversation. Less politics the better though (mindfulness): is that what mindfulness is?
I must admit, I was born at an early age: yeah, we all were, man
I believe people take to many pictures of themselves, especially dudes. If you have more than 2 it’s too much. First should be DL and the last one: fellas, is it gay to gaze upon your own visage?  
If the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off: You cannot convince me that this is not what flat earthers believe
No I don’t eat chicken n rice. I only eat nachos tyvm!: So offended by the two most common foods in the world
No Low Vibrational Shit. Im impressed by almost nothing: I’m no vibrations expert, but surely never being impressed by anything isn’t the good vibes-producer you think it is?
If ur someone that wakes up in the morning and the 1st thing u do is eat food and then brush your teeth don’t match me plse: This totally mystifies me in a way I really love
I just discovered that I like sushi it’s ok if you don’t like it I will never ask you to go to the restaurant with me: will he just never go to a restaurant with me period or just that sushi restaurant in particular?
If you can climb me like a tree, then I will expose my flaws, and also…intelligence is a vivacious. Handle that, then we can get hands on…show me u can be a commander of chiefs: I have so many questions. Are the flaws a reward? A vivacious what? Which chiefs am I commanding?
Just a young 29 year old very energized young man Looking for a beautiful thick mature juicy cougar woman…I’m a young energizer bunny that goes deep for long hours: hey, do you think this guy is freaking out about turning 30?
Trust me I’m on job. I ain’t trying to blow my own trumpet but every time I meet up with someone, have sex, make love whatever they always say they can’t feel there legs I don’t get it is it a nervous system thing or something. Or maybe they’ve watched too much which chicks but anyways I’m apparently paralysing women: this just really cracks me up. No notes.
The current efforts are for the sake of not asking others for help in the future. Strength is the strongest foundation. Remember, life is not about winning sympathy through tears, but winning applause through sweat: I would argue that life is about neither of those things
Fat, lazy, nerdy, piece of garbage. Looking for will to live. I’ve been told I have a soothing aura: this can’t possibly be true
Sorry hoes u had ur chance but Ark Survival ascended is out its Game Time now: how ever will we comfort ourselves?
If swipe right = Okay with clothes ripped: inaccurate
Not interested in Norses, real estate agents, fitness sick girl’s, vegetarian, and women with children from different fathers: he wants to slut shame, but he also hates Vikings and people who want to sell him a house
I think the world of Canada. But Canada doesn’t provide women in return. Canada is a dishonourable citizenship: this man thought that he’d take his oath to the queen and then his nationally assigned wife would be like “let’s go”
Tired of endless swiping? Bored with ‘modern dating’? Sick of comparing and being compared? Fuck all that! Ler’s build a Sex temple, run by a robot mommy, that does all the boring decision making for us and leaves us to have fun. Like life is supposed to be, remember?: Dating apps are always a bit dystopian but this truly takes it to another, more terrifying level. Look, if I ever encounter an adult who wants a “robot mommy” in real life, I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.   
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jordanprice · 1 year
June 10 - Kinkakuji and Daitokuji
Today we visited the Golden Pavilion and Zen temples. The day started out with me realizing that the breakfast was already made, and that by me not showing up, my plate of food was thrown away and wasted. I felt really bad about this, but I couldn’t’ve known.
We then took a bus yo go to Mishima, the Golden Pavilion. Professor Smith and like half the group got on one bus, then Leina and the rest of us had to wait a while for another one. The bus was very jolty and was what felt like a very long ride. Already from being on two busses today, I can tell you that I much prefer Tokyo for public transport. The trains are just much easier and much more available and convenient there than the trains and busses in Kyoto.
When we got this, we went to go see the pavilion, and it was very pretty. I also really liked the pond it was on, and the weather was really nice for it as well. It felt like we were very rushed though, especially given a few students were still way behind.
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After that, I asked Leina to join Lauren, Bianca, and I for lunch. She seemed hesitant at first, but I really wanted to include her as I think she’s great. I got her to pick out where she wanted to eat as well, and we ended up going to a ramen place. I got fried chicken, gyoza, and a chicken bun, which were all pretty good (especially the first two). Unfortunately there wasn’t really anything for Lauren there, as she’s vegetarian, but at least we were able to get her a crepe after lunch. I really do hope Leina enjoyed having lunch with us!
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We then made our way to the Zen Buddhist temples. They were quite calm and I liked that pretty much everything was original. The rock gardens were kinda cool as well. One thing I didn’t exactly like is that the one felt really price gougey, even going as far as to have some priest guy come out and convince people from our group to but his autograph for like $25 as if he were a celebrity. Also they were selling literal stamps of writing on paper for like $100. I don’t know, I just felt that took away from the message and specialty of the place in a way for me personally.
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After that, we went back to the hotel, having to take another bus. Lauren and I then later went to get dinner, and tried out this one vegan place she found. We each got a Korean bbq bowl, and it was surprisingly close to real meat texture wise, but the flavor was still definitely not there. I thought it was okay personally, but Lauren, who hasn’t had real meat in years, thought it was like the best thing ever. I’m really happy she enjoyed it, and I ended up giving her a bunch of mine. I had to not eat it in the end once I realized there were beans and chickpeas in the rice, which I am quite allergic to.
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Lauren felt bad that I didn’t really eat, so we looked around to try and find something. Somehow I think we ended up in like a rich part of Kyoto, as the average price of a restaurant in the immediate area was over $100. Also, we got turned away from yet another restaurant that is reservation only, and by two that closed literally as we walked up to them. We ended up waking along the Kamo river, which is honestly so beautiful and peaceful at night. I would absolutely recommend waking there. The restaurant we then ate at was some French place along the river. The view was fantastic and so was the food! I just got a pepperoni pizza, and it was honestly the best pizza I’ve had in years. So good in fact that it convinced Lauren, who had already eaten, to get a pizza as well. A personal pizza, a drink, and a dessert as a combo was only $12. The pizza was so good I might have to go there again for it. They also had some very cute cats and a couple herons were just chilling there.
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I really wish the photos could do any of this justice.
Academic Reflection
Today I learned about Mishima, which is the temple of the golden pavilion. This was an ornate temple covered in gold leaf, which stood for centuries. It was a symbol of wealth and power shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. This temple has burned down multiple times throughout history, and was most recently rebuilt in 1955. Seeing the recreation of it today, it was a beautiful temple for sure. However, I feel it would have been much more special to see if the original one were still in tact.
I also learned about zen temples. These temples are less ornate and much simpler and modest. For Zen Buddhism, they don’t feel the need for exuberant buildings and carvings and decor and such. The focus more on meditation and peace and quiet. This was shown today with how quiet the area of the zen temples was, and there was the stark contrast today between that and the golden pavilion. Also, I learned that the term “rock garden” was not originally considered a correct or proper term, but has pretty much become one.
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fyexo · 3 years
211218 Baekhyun’s Twitter Updates
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Baekhyun: The shoe information was wrong you guys...
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, please give us the information Baekhyun: These shoes aren’t warm at all so I can’t tell you....
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, we don’t care about the performance of our shoes Baekhyun: Why are you buying them if you don’t care about the performance!!
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, if my shoes are the same as yours, can I get frostbite... Baekhyun: and these are slippery in the snow. I went downstairs to sort the trash and when I came back up, I slipped. I won’t (give the information).
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Fan: Won't tell us the shoes because they aren't warm, but will write Eri with his bare hands even though it's cold Baekhyunie... Baekhyun: That’s right you guys~~ I have to think the event out more!!
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah (oppa) I got into university today!!! Did I upgrade, did I do well? Compliment me and give the shoe information.. Baekhyun: You did well! haha congrats^^
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, I get it, you don’t have to tell us the shoes^^ Tell us what you ate for dinner today. Tomorrow, I will eat it too kekekekekekeke Baekhyun: Right now I’m eating boneless black mayo chicken... late dinner
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, then, can I Son Minsu/copy your favorite winter shoes? Permission? Baekhyun: Eung, I guess you could try going to the mall ... I also need one to buy (t/n: if he tells everyone, they will sell out and he won’t be able to find them)
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, then, are you still wearing these shoes??!??!!?!!???! Baekhyun: Eung.... It’s embarrassing but these are my favorite in winter
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, what happened to these shoes? kekeke Baekhyun: Those shoes that I wore once and never wore again because you all made fun of me..^^
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, A Kyoong Minsu/Copycat Person. So what happened to the shoe information..? Baekhyun: I’ve never taken a photo there, what! keke
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, do you happen to have a Teoraegi at your house? Baekhyun: Eung, there is .. at my parent’s house too and my niece and nephew’s house as well..
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, chew it well.. (t/n: acting like a concerned mom) and your bangs got really long...... how long are they now? Even if it’s difficult to take a photo, can you explain in writing... Baekhyun: About Candy?...
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, what's trending these days... is the perilla leaf debate. Baekhyun, Baekhyun's lover (Eri) and Love Light friend are eating together. If Love Light friend helped Eri pick up/separate their perilla leaves, how would you feel? Baekhyun: Where was the perilla leaf stuck?...
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Baekhyun: Isn’t it possible he’s just helping by grabbing it..? If I saw him take it off and put it on her rice, I guess I would say "What are you doing?"!
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, it’s not about where the perilla leaf is stuck kekekeke perilla leaves are hard to separate from each other, that’s what we’re talking about kekekeke Baekhyun: I was thinking it was stuck to her mouth, hair or something like that kekekekekeke so that’s it
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, please tweet in English Baekhyun: Exo-l from all over the world. I’m handsome guy BAEKHYUN. It snowed in Korea. Do you want to build a snowman?
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Fan: 백현아 내가 다른 아이돌 깻잎 떼주는 건 괜찮아?? Baekhyun-ah, is it okay if I help separate the perilla leaf for another idol?
Baekhyun: What are you saying? Cause I said it’s possible you are just helping by grabbing it^^ (t/n: it’s an innocent interaction)
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Fan: Baekhyun-ah, are you jealous?? kekekekekekekeke
Baekhyun: No~~^ ^ You didn’t get what I said^^ha
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Fan: It’s Baekhyun, right?
Baekhyun: who is this?
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Baekhyun: That's it for today!! ... Guys, calm down, calm down... let's quickly be quiet quiet!! Let's sleep!! Now, sleep well!!^^ The day the first snow came’s Baekhyun ~~ going to sleep!
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Shaw’s 2021 Birthday R&S
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an R&S which has not been released in EN! 🍒
Knowledge of Shaw’s 2020 Birthday R&S is highly recommended before reading this!
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[ This R&S was released on 16 June 2021 ]
[ Chapter One ]
This is the fifth month that Shaw is learning how to skateboard. The little buddies who started out with him had given up one after the other because they couldn’t endure the bitter taste of tripping and falling. In the end, he’s the only one left.
The wheels grate against the ground in a regular rhythm. Leaping over the obstacle, it makes a swerve, accelerates, and flips... the skateboard is lithe and graceful beneath Shaw’s feet, akin to a reed leaf as it brings him into the largest skatepark in Loveland City with a wilful rush.
“Shaw! Shaw!”
Shaw halts the skateboard and turns around.
A little fatty with a band-aid on his knee walks over, smiling and revealing his missing front teeth. “Finally found you.”
Shaw laughs scornfully. “Why’s a defeated opponent looking for me? Do you want to lose the remaining half of your front teeth?”
“You!” Little Fatty flushes red in an instant. He straightens his neck and points to an area behind him. “I’m not competing with you. Someone else wants to!”
Shaw looks in the direction of his finger. A boy who is obviously taller than him by a head smiles at him, the skateboard beneath his feet sliding back and forth. At a glance, it’s clear that he’s experienced.
“My Bro Zhou is in the Loveland City Qing Xun Team,” Little Fatty hugs his arms with pride, as though he’s the one in the team. “So? Dare to accept it?”
So that’s how it is. He’s a scaredy cat who only dares to call in reinforcements.
Shaw purses his lips. He steps on the tail of the skateboard, and it responds by flipping upwards, the the edge of the board landing steadily in his palm. “Why not? What are we competing in?”
Bro Zhou shrugs. “I won’t make things hard for newbies. We’ll compete in tic-tacs and going over obstacles. How’s that?”
[Trivia] Tic-tacs are a series of consecutive heelside-to-toeside kickturns where your feet remain on the skateboard. I copied this from Google and have no idea what it means LOL
Losing his balance for just a moment, Shaw falls heavily onto the ground. His knees, elbows... waves of pain bloom on every joint. It isn’t a good feeling, but what makes Shaw even more frustrated is the arrogant laughter of Little Fatty. t’s even noisier than the cicadas from afar.
“HAHAHAHA Shaw lost! Let’s see if you still have the guts to be proud!”
He has a lot to say despite being a noob. Shaw rolls his eyes. Enduring the pain, he’s just about to lift himself up by the elbows when Bro Zhou walks over to him, offering him a hand. “Not bad.”
The other party continues. “But at your age, it’s best to stick to the basics. There’s no hurry to learn high difficulty moves like the dolphin flip. You’ll definitely fall.”
Shaw’s expression immediately turns cold. “I don’t need your pointers on what I can learn at whatever age.” He doesn’t touch the hand, standing up by himself. Lifting his head, he gives the other party a look over. “Do you come here often?”
“The Qing Xun Team practises here every day.”
“Okay. Next time, I’ll definitely win against you.”
Shaw doesn’t bother about the expressions on Bro Zhou’s and the Little Fatty’s faces after hearing his words. He casually pats off the dust on his body, picks up the skateboard which is flipped over on the floor, and leaves the skatepark.
[ Chapter Two ]
The moment Shaw enters through the doors of the antique store, the Old Man’s uproar begins. “Little Ancestor, did you wreck havoc in the Heavenly Palace again?”
[Note] Here, the Old Man calls Shaw “小祖宗”, which literally means “Little Ancestor”. This term is used in an affectionate way to address a naughty child
“Wrecking havoc in the Heavenly Palace” is a reference to a novel called Journey to the West (西游记), which features a troublemaking Monkey King Sun Wukong
“I’m hungry. What’s there to eat today?” Shaw doesn’t respond to the shopkeeper’s words. Placing his bag and skateboard behind the counter, he reaches out to play with the silly parrot at the entrance - it’s truly silly. Even after teaching it for a month, it can’t even say “welcome to the shop”. It causes Shaw to wonder if the Old Man was perhaps duped of his money once again.
“All you know how to do is eat...” The Old Man sets down the ancient text in his hands and props up his presbyopic glasses. “Old Qian from next door boiled chicken soup today and is giving us half. I’ll stir-fry two dishes. You can ask if the chicken soup is ready.”
Shaw makes an “mm” of acknowledgement, then turns around and heads next door.
The shopkeeper gets up and takes a few steps towards the kitchen. Then, he abruptly returns to the counter, reaching out to touch the coarse scratch marks at the edge of the skateboard. Inexplicably, he sighs.
The chicken soup is a little bland, and the stir-fried dishes are a little salty. Mixing and eating them together is just nice. Shaw lowers his head and pushes rice into his mouth with chopsticks. In his left ear, he hears the news of how the GDP of Loveland City has risen. In his right ear, he hears the nagging of his mentor:
“...I’m not discouraging you from playing with this thing. It’s good to toughen yourself up while you’re young and your bones and muscles are sturdy. But don’t be too rash. This... this thing of yours...”
“Skateboard.” Shaw speaks.
“Yes, skateboard. I remember that it’s only been a month since it was bought, and it’s already tormented to such a state. You have such an impulsive temperament. You should be more level-headed.”
What does this have to do with temperament? If I were to truly be impulsive, I wouldn’t need a month. Just three days would be enough to break a skateboard. Shaw looks at the chicken leg in his bowl, not saying these words aloud.
“Also, remember to report to the shop early tomorrow. Old Qian and I are preparing to head to the neighbouring city to look for goods. You should come along to broaden your horizons.” The shopkeeper taps his chopsticks against the rim of the bowl, signalling for Shaw to pay more attention. “Isn’t it your birthday tomorrow? I could pick out a gift for you! Sigh, I actually had my eye on an agate snuff bottle, but the guy suddenly decided not to sell it...”
“I’m not going tomorrow.” Shaw interrupts the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper furrows his brows. “Why are you throwing a tantrum?”
“I’m not. I have proper business to attend to tomorrow. The school organised a visit to the museum.” Shaw lifts his eyes, and his thin lips curve upwards. “The things I see there will be much more valuable than those trivial things you fiddle with.”
“You little rascal!”
Shaw laughs, wedging the chicken leg between his chopsticks and sending it into his mentor’s bowl. “I’m full, so I’m heading to the back to do my homework. Chicken legs are really nutritious, so you should have it.”
“Tsk tsk, and you still said you weren’t throwing a tantrum. You aren’t going home again?”
“I don’t want to go back today. I’ll definitely go back tomorrow.” Shaw has already walked to the entrance. He suddenly thinks of something, and turns his head to ask a question. “Mentor, your shop will always be open, right?”
These words came out of nowhere, and the shopkeeper isn’t able to comprehend them. “What?”
“Nothing much. I’m just worried that I won’t have a place to have dinner if an old man like you were to throw in the towel someday.”
The shopkeeper fumes with a glare. “What do you mean by that? You only care about the food? Also, my shop can continue running for a decade or two. I’m still waiting for you to bring back a disciple or a wife to serve me tea!”
Shaw lets out an “oh”, and his eyes crinkle. “In that case, you’ll have to wait for another twenty or thirty years.”
The eyesight of the shopkeeper is no longer as good as before, but he can clearly see that the smile of this child didn’t reach his eyes. After Shaw leaves, he suddenly recalls the fortune that he drew for Shaw half a year ago: “What awaits this catastrophe is a new beginning...”
This child is will meet his predestined fate this year, so what’s left is to see how he endures through it. The shopkeeper shakes his head, sighing once again.
[Note] The actual fortune is “河图数九,洛书数七,脐于九陵,七日来复” but I don’t have the energy to explain it so what I’ve translated above is the overall meaning :>
[ Chapter Three ]
When Shaw awakens on the next day, the shopkeeper has already left to inspect the goods. The shop is empty, and he’s the only one left.
Westmoon Street is lined with old houses, and there’s no soundproofing. Lying on the bed, Shaw can hear the chirping of birds outside the window, the yelling of people on the street, and the babble of the Chinese opera from the old bookstore next door: “I’m just like a caged bird with wings that can’t be outstretched. I’m just like a shallow water dragon trapped on a beach...”
Shaw rubs his face, then sits up on the bed.
The school had set the assembling time to be 9am. Heading out now will give him more than enough time. Shaw quickly washes his face and rinses his mouth. Just as he walks towards the front counter with some rice grains from the kitchen for the parrot to eat, he suddenly discovers that there’s something on the counter.
Walking over, Shaw sees that there’s a cake box as well as a t-shirt which has been washed clean.
There’s a slip of paper on the shirt. The strokes are clean and thin. At a glance, he knows that this is the Old Man’s handwriting: You need energy and drive to participate in the school activity. Don’t wear yesterday’s dirty clothes. Change into this.
The shirt look slightly familiar. He probably changed out of it one day and forgot about it, leaving it in the antique shop. Shaw pays it no mind, turning his head to that small cake once again. The various calligraphy and writings in the antique store are considered relatively charming. Yet, why does he always buy such unsophisticated cakes?
When his classmates celebrate their birthdays, what they eat are high quality custom-made cakes - red velvet, matcha crepe, chocolate molten lava... such a traditional longevity cake is probably found only in a place like Westmoon Street. It’s clear from the light red and light green colours that the embellishments on the cake were made by hand. Eating it would definitely dye his tongue. If he were to speak later, wouldn’t he get laughed at by his classmates?
Shaw bunches up his brows, but the fork in his hand doesn’t stop. The cream is plant-based and tastes bad. He eats a small egg shell at the base of the cake and it tastes bad. The “Happy Birthday” was written using peach jam, and it tastes really bad.
The silly parrot at the side tilts its head, watching as the boy eats mouthfuls while shunning it with every bite, finishing the cake entirely.
Shaw wipes his mouth, then rinses it with the barley tea on the table. Picking up that t-shirt, he returns into the house and changes his clothes. 
[ Chapter Four ]
“...this ‘Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent’ depicts four famous scholars enjoying themselves. Students, do you know who the Seven Sages of the bamboo forest are?”
[Trivia] If you’re interested in seeing the actual painting, search for “高逸图” (“gao yi tu”)
“It’s such a waste that you didn’t watch yesterday’s episode. That scene where the main lead destroyed the opponent like a boss is unparalleled!”
“Aside from the both of us, did anyone else have fun at Anime City?”
“Are you done with the math homework? Lend it to me - I’ll find a place to copy it.”
The question posed by the museum guide is drowned out amidst the laughing and frolicking of the kids. He forces a smile while shaking his head. All of a sudden, he notices that a boy with bluish purple hair isn’t the same as the other kids. He’s staring at an ancient painting in the showcase, lost in thought.
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As though seeing a saviour, the guide quickly points at him. “Student, why don’t you give me an answer? It’s fine even if you get it wrong. Uncle will explain to you!”
“...” Shaw turns his head, opening his mouth to say some words, but his voice doesn’t reach the guide’s ears.
“Student, what did you say?” The guide raises his volume.
“I said that the four people in ‘Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent’ are Shan Tao, Wang Jie, Liu Ling and Ruan Ji.” Shaw’s face is pretty much expressionless, and there aren't many fluctuations in his tone. “The one sitting down with his hands on his knees at the far right is Shan Tao. The one holding the ruyi sceptre is Wang Tao. The one next to him and drinking wine is Liu Ling. A boy is serving him. The one at the far left needs no mention - he’s the first of the Sages, Ruan Ji. So this painting is missing Ji Tang, Xiang Xiu and Ruan Xian.”
The surroundings gradually quieten down, and only Shaw’s voice echoes in front of the showcase.
"The scholars in this painting evoke a refined and tasteful sentiment, and the lines are beautiful. This is an extremely precious treasure in the realm of silk scrolls. This is why the ‘Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent’ has always been kept in the royal palace. It’s a pity that in order for our predecessors to avoid taboos, only Si Ma Zhong’s inscription is left on it.”
The youth lifts his chin, shooting a playful smile at the guide. “Okay Uncle, you can explain the next museum piece now.”
“Shaw, you’re incredible!” His classmates flock over to him, bumping him on the shoulders. “You were staring at that painting for such a long time. Did you memorise the words on the museum label?”
“Tch. These’s no need to memorise the museum labels for such things. You’ll know it from a glance.” Shaw laughs. “Also, I wasn’t looking at this painting...” When he says this, he pauses for a moment, swallowing his words.
If he wasn’t looking at this painting, which one was he looking at? The students follow Shaw’s gaze, and realise that there’s a floral painting hanging next to the “Painting of the Elevated and Pre-eminent”.
“Painting of a Courtyard and Dayliles”, Northern Song Dynasty, Xuan He Imperial Art Academy, anonymous... The students read the explanatory note on the museum label.
[Trivia] If you’re interested in seeing the actual painting, search for “霜庭萱草图” (“shuang ting xuan cao tu”)
The painting seems to depict a corner of a courtyard. A few daylilies display the patterns on their leaves. One big and one small dragonfly are perched on the flower. Aside from that, there isn’t anything else interesting about it. This painting doesn’t seem to have a name or seal, neither does it have a detailed explanation. Even the guide skipped past it. Since it isn’t a rare and precious ancient painting, what exactly was Shaw looking at?
His classmates are a little puzzled.
[ Chapter Five ]
All the classes assemble in lines at the entrance of the museum. The teacher very patiently reminds the students not to forget to do their homework over the weekend, and to remember to write down their reflections about the museum. The students drawl out “got it”, but their hearts have long since flown a million miles away, ready to keep toys and snacks company.
“Shaw!” After dispersing, Shaw’s classmates wave at him.
Shaw walks over. “What’s up?”
“All of us know that you aren’t in a good mood because you lost to a senior in skateboarding yesterday. Isn’t it your birthday? Bro Lu bought the newest game, so let’s head over to play at his place.” His classmate smiles while putting an arm around his shoulder.
“Who told you that I lost yesterday?” Shaw speaks coldly.
“Who else but Fatty? He was so proud yesterday.” The classmate gives Shaw a pat. “Relax, we’re on your side. Don’t think about these unhappy things. Next time, we’ll have lots of opportunities to get revenge...”
“If I wanted revenge, I wouldn’t wait till next time.” Shaw purses his lips. “I’m heading to the skatepark now. You guys coming?”
Since it’s the weekend, quite a number of skateboard hobbyists are already practising by the time Shaw reaches the skatepark. Very quickly, he locates Bro Zhou from yesterday.
Shaw gets straight to the point. “I lost yesterday. Today, I want to have a race with you. Do you accept?”
A hint of shock is in Bro Zhou’s eyes. He has probably never met a kid who is this unwilling to lose. “You fell so badly yesterday but still want to compete with me? You should practise more!”
“There’s no need to practise more when competing with you,” Shaw says.
With this, Bro Zhou’s temper starts to flare. He tilts his chin. “Fine, come on. Just don’t cry if you fall and break your arm today.”
A short while later, the news of how a “junior high school newbie dared to challenge Bro Zhou from the Qing Xun Team” spreads throughout the skatepark. Everyone gathers at both sides of the race course, curiously sizing up the main lead for today.
“S-Shaw...” His classmate pulls on Shaw’s arm. Looking at the deep bowl in front, he gulps. “Are you sure you’re competing with him in this? It won’t be good news if you fall!”
“If I want to play, of course I’ll only play the fun stuff. Just watch.”
Shaw walks to the starting line and takes a deep breath. When moving his limbs, his hand subconsciously touches the hem of the t-shirt - there’s a small Chinese trumpet vine. The green leaves and red petals cover the hole which was originally on the shirt. It’s just that the stitches are crooked, and it’s incredibly crude. At a glance, it’s clear that it wasn’t sewn by someone familiar with needlework. 
[Fun fact] Chinese trumpet vine is 凌霄花 (“ling xiao hua”)
Shaw’s name in CN is 凌肖 (“ling xiao”)
Mentor is the best <3
He bites his lower lip.
The referee raises both hands. “The old rules apply. After getting past the Cola can obstacles, cross the bowl. The first person who reaches the goal will win. Ready... go!”
In the midst of a clamour, a bluish purple light rushes forward, taking the lead.
[ Chapter Six ]
The friction of wheels against the ground results in ear-piercing screeches. The skateboard brings Shaw forward at a high speed, and the cold strong wind accompanies the summer heat waves, brushing past his cheeks. The upright Cola cans aren’t enough to faze him. With the continuous twisting of his waist and a skateboard which moves naturally like flowing water, he and his opponent seem to bypass the obstacles comprising of twelve Cola cans at the same time-
There are three consecutive rows of Cola can structures in front of him. He has to use all sorts of techniques to jump over them. That way, he can rush down the bowl, and enter the final stage.
The arm he injured from the fall yesterday is still aching faintly. His feet seem to be protesting as well. He successfully jumps over the first row, the second row... Shaw holds his breath. He steps on the tail of the skateboard with his left foot. Gravity takes over quickly, and his right foot causes the skateboard to rise. The skateboard beneath his feet is akin to a flying fish jumping out of the water surface, creating a rotating arc above the Cola cans!
“It’s a dolphin flip!” Members of the audience exclaim.
Clack! Shaw’s shoulders wobble slightly when his feet return to the skateboard. When he finally stands steadily, he continues rushing forward. The final bowl is right in front of him. 
The moment the skateboard dives downwards, Shaw feels a brief moment of weightlessness. This feeling is reminiscent of being thrown out of the entire world, making one want to continue falling like this until they plummet into the bottom of the swamp. The deep bowl is like the trough he’s currently going through. If he’s unable to climb out of the trough, he will drown in hatred, anger, powerlessness, disappointment... and lose to that weak heart of his.
But he’s Shaw, and he won’t lose just like that.
With a rapid dash, he soars upwards without trouble - underneath the brilliant blazing sun, the youth leaps out of the bowl!
After flying out of the bowl, the inertia causes Shaw to stumble a few steps. He falls onto the ground, lying on his back while pressing the finish line.
At the same time, he hears a dull thud from the bowl - his opponent had fallen back into it.
“Shaw won!” “Shaw reached the goal first!” “That rascal actually won against Bro Zhou?” “This competition was so awesome!” ...all sorts of voices emerge in the surroundings in a disorderly fashion, and a set of footsteps walk towards him.
“Your name’s Shaw?” A masculine voice asks from above his head.
Shaw doesn't speak.
“I’m Coach Wang from Loveland City’s Qing Xun Skateboarding Team,” that voice continues. “I see that you have lots of talent, and will make a good young successor. Are you interested in joining the Qing Xun Team?”
While saying this, a registration form is handed to him.
The late afternoon sun illuminates the sheet of paper, reflecting a glaring light akin to snow. Shaw takes one look at the registration form, then shifts his lips slightly. “I don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“My shirt’s really expensive, so it isn’t worth tearing them.”
The coach is rendered speechless.
Just as he’s about to say a few more words to persuade the kid, he suddenly spots the small flower at the corner of Shaw’s shirt from his periphery - this is clearly not an expensive t-shirt. These days, few shirts are mended using embroidery. And the fact that he’s willing to wear it despite the clumsy embroidery...
This kid has family members whom he cares very much about. The coach seems to understand this. His lips open and shut, and he swallows back the lines he prepared. In the end, he simply says, “...that dolphin flip you did earlier wasn’t bad.”
“Of course.”
The coach laughs as he leaves. Amidst the cheers from the surroundings, Shaw lies on the ground. Covering his eyes with his hand, he laughs.
���I won. Happy birthday to me.”
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🛹 Shaw’s Date Prologue: here
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tk5150 · 3 years
Feliz Navidad
“Now boarding flight 455 to Mexico thank you for traveling AirUALines” the announcement was all over the speaker. Sero got up “Come on babes our flight is now boarding…I can’t wait to see my parents and mi abuela…oh my God y/n mi abuela make the best *champurrado* in town sometimes during the *Las Posadas* She sells it. “What is champurrado?” you asked inquisitively. “It’s a hot drink made of corn masa, chocolate, milk, and all sorts of things…believe me mi amor it’s really good especially during the Christmas holidays” Sero explained to you. Being seated you were so excited to not only meet his parents but going out of the country for the first time. Could he pop the question? You wondered. You were seated by the window excited that you could see Mexico. You woke up Sero to let him know that they are in Mexico air now. He smiled.
Waiting for your luggage you heard a deep but welcoming voice behind you and Sero “Aye mijo (term of endearment to a young man) I missed you!” you turned around and saw Sero hugging an older gentleman. It was his father. “And this must be your girlfriend…mucho gusto (Nice to meet you)” he smiled at you. “Nice to meet you too” you smiled back at him. “Here let me see your bags” Sero’s father said while picking up your bags. He turned to his son “Ella muy bonita (she’s very pretty)” he said in spanish. “Yeah I think so too” Sero smiled at his dad. It was a very long drive to the house. Pulling up to the house it was the evening and there were Christmas lights everywhere, the door was opened and the smell of cinnamon permeated through the entrance of the house. A lot of people came outside welcoming Sero.
“oh dios mío Sero te extrañé tanto (oh my God Sero I missed you so much)” Sero’s mother exclaimed. Sero took his mom in for a big embrace “I miss you too mom” he said with tears. Your heart melted seeing the heart felt scene before you. His mom turned to you with tears in her eyes “Bienvenida...entra (welcome…come in)” she gestured to you to come in. House felt warm and welcoming as you walked in and you saw an elderly woman sitting in the kitchen. “¡Abuela! Te extrañé tanto como estas (Grandma! I missed you so much, how are you?)” Sero ran to his grandma giving her a big hug. “Yo también te extrañé Sero ... ¿Quién es esta adorable criatura? (I missed you too Sero…who is this lovely creature?)” his grandmother replied, hugging him back. The mother welcomed Sero and y/n into the dining room where there was a feast. There were three roasted chicken, spanish rice, carnitas, homemade tortillas, beans, and 3 different kinds of salsa was displayed on the table along with different kinds of drinks. Your eyes widen with hunger when seeing the feast.
As they all sat down to eat dinner Sero’s father started a conversation in spanish. “Tu casa está lista para vivir ahora gracias a Dios que llegaste. Los planes de matrimonio se terminaron y todo está listo para que ustedes se casen el día 15 antes de Las Posadas. (Your house is ready to live in now thank god you arrived. the marriage plans are finished and everything is set for you guys to be married the 15th before the Las Posadas)” Sero’s father said. You kept on eating because you thought they were talking about Las Posadas. “Estamos aquí para quedarnos papá ... La voy a sorprender cuando la haga ver la casa pero, por favor, mantenlo en secreto. (We are here to stay dad...I'm going to surprise her when I have her see the house but, please keep it a secret)” Sero said to his father. “Sero, what are you guys talking about?” you asked. “Oh nothing mi amor we were talking about the activities for the Las Posadas” he giggled and began to eat.
After dinner the women gather y/n to the living room for dessert and coffee. Thank God the Sero’s sister spoke english and can interpret. Sero on the other hand started to call the moving company and made arrangements to ship all of their stuff to Mexico. He then proceeded to seal the deal by poking holes in her diaphragm and condoms. That night was pure bliss. They made love so passionately. After finishing y/n fell asleep while Sero was still awake wondering if it took. Waking up to the Christmas song Feliz Navidad and the smell of breakfast cooking. You walked out to see a lot of people in the kitchen and dining room chopping, mixing, wrapping, and cooking. It was really busy. One of Sero’s aunts saw you and introduced you and put you to work (omg speaking from experience I dreaded to see my aunts) with all this commotion you lost Sero. He went to see his newly built house. He built a small fire in the firepit. Mesmerized with the flames he pulled out y/n’s passport, Identification cards and threw them in watching them burn. “You're not going to need these anymore…welcome home mi amor” he whispered then went back to his parents house.
“Feliz Navidad…Feliz Navidad…Feliz Navidad…Próspero año y felicidad…Feliz Navidad…Feliz Navidad…Feliz Navidad…Próspero año y felicidad.”
“I wanna wish you a merry Christmas…I wanna wish you a merry Christmas…I wanna wish you a merry Christmas…From the bottom of my heart”
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bitegore · 2 years
ETA: local area lizard dumbass forgets to ping the person who tagged nem in this lmfao. thank you @disir-ex-machina
Rules: Answer the questions and tag nine people you want to know better.
Favorite Color: i don't like colors, i like high contrast, so i guess "black" or "red" but with a side of any contrasting colors are cooler than any color on its own. I like bright teal and red-orange.
Currently Reading: does fanfiction count? i'm reading Bibliotecaria-D's complete backlog. A little while ago I read through everything Ultharkitty ever posted. Being a filthy completionist about fic writers is easier than about published ones, at least, since they're all just there.
Last Song: The Night They Moved The House by Ten Strings and A Goat Skin. This song is so fucking funny. Imagine being Mr Joe Labelle, whose name lives on in legend because he was the guy what stole the house from the widow Victoria and betrayed her dead husband to steal her home. i want to be remembered long after I die too but like, lmao, no like that
Last Series: this is about tv? i think Transformers Generation One on the youtube. I don't really know, I haven't watched tv in literally two months. Probably longer. I don't care for tv.
Last Movie: Event Horizon (1997); latest victim of my extremely high bar for horror. Good movie! Great character cast; i liked it a lot. Not even a little bit scary though, but the director actually managed to earn their jumps-cares in my opinion (i am also a jump-scare disliker; they don't work on me so largely they just feel cheap lol) so i have to say i think the director was pretty fucking good even if they couldn't successfully knock any fear into me.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: i am what you may term "a fucking idiot" and therefore i totally thought that this was asking for a recipe first and which i liked second. so like yes? i like them all? preferably together? and if i had to pick one it'd be spicy but they're best together. but for a sweet savory and spicy meal i recommend poke sauce on chicken with rice. it tastes good. the poke sauce i use is Kikkoman's because i can't cook to save my life and they sell it at my local stop and shop; you put it on a chicken cutlet and stick that in an air fryer and then you flip it and put more on the other side and put it back in the air fryer and then you take it out and you put it on your rice and you add more sauce and then you eat it.
Currently Working On: eehhhhhhhhhh i'm less "working on things" and more "existing and things are happening". I guess technically my docket includes- a long running short story series i'm working on for a writing group (not posted anywhere), a buncha short fanfictions, and two separate texaid drawings i owe people. also like making money. i started doing adopts to make money, i want money, but i'm lazy so i'm just kind of vibing in the direction of quick cash, as you do
i don't usually do tags but these questions are fun so! @quetzalpapalotl @honestlyvan @mx-plugs @cleverthylacine @megatronismegagone @thisisfrenchhouse ...eh, i think that's enough tags. feel free to not answer OR to tap yourself in, i don't mind one way or another. also you don't have to give a recipe i am just a little bit silly
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