luvistqrzzz · 1 year
RIMRIM HI how are you how was your day your life your week your month girl everything
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MALLL LUVVV HIII <333!!! I LOVE HOW YOU CHECK ON YOUR MOOTS SO FREQUENTLY SO SWEET :((((!!! and im doing goood!!?? Had a holiday today but i have some weird class test tmrw ugh ://!! Also its so hot in my place like temperatures be touching above 40celcius and its not even june yet😬😬???
Currently getting bias wrecked my sunghoon way too much🙈! WBU BAE HRU DOING?? Honestly yea its all mexyou ;))
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
wdym jakexneytiri? its mexyou bae🤭
oh? 😏 this was such a cute msg to open omg :’) thank you cutie <3
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shreddedcarrots4 · 3 years
My thought on men
Gross, Icky, Mean, Terrible, Yucky, Useless
Don’t come at me because I am right♪♪♪♪♪♪♪(●'◡'●)(●'◡'●)(●'◡'●)(^///^)(^///^)
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✌✌✌me when I’m at peace
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airmyrhymz-blog · 7 years
@Regrann from @thereal_sesan - Musical!!! Anticipate this big tune from me! You know I never disappoint! #meXyou #sesanbaby #anticipate #madtune #isupportgoodmusic sic
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netbug009 · 3 years
"Relationship goals" 👀
(lol okay in all seriously you're sweet anon thanks ^////^)
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wine-anon · 6 years
Jackieboo hit me up with a ship ;) (other than mexyou because we both know one of us would have made that joke so here I am making it now) -Angle
Oh babe, you know for a fact that I ship us ;)))
I ship you with: The Phantom
He loves to watch you do your art and constantly tell you how amazing it is. The two of you are quite mysterious in what you do and he appreciates it like that. The two of you are pale babies. Watching Operas together all the time. He sings whilst you draw and paint so it's just an artist's dream.
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fyhsummer-blog · 6 years
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After promotions ended for MEXYOU’s “LIke Ooh Aah”, the first generation leader has not been spotted doing much media appearances. Instead having been travelling to and from between Korea and Australia for personal reasons. But of course still keeping her social media frequently updated so her fans don’t assume the worst.
But this morning the vocalist was seen departing from the Incheon Airport, and getting out at Hong Kong for the soon to begin award night hosted by MNET. Many assumed that she was only going to be watching as her label mates HEXA6ON - containing both her cousin Euigeon and best friend Kihyun - as they were nominated for “Best Male Group” for they year.
However fans were pleasantly surprised when Summer made an appearance on the red carpet, announcing she’d be an announcer for the awards tonight. 
S: “It feels so weird to be here alone tonight, I wish my girls were alongside me. But hopefully next year we’ll be able to be nominated for an award! But instead tonight, I’ll be helping out and announcing a winner you have all chosen for some awards so please look forward to it.”
Having announced the winner for Best New Artist (Male and Female), the group member and soloist could then be sitting in a VIP section to enjoy the rest of the show.
After the show ended Summer posted a set of photos with HEXA6ON for her social media.
No words have been mentioned yet as to what the next step of the group will be, but rumors have been speculating that Summer will be graduating in the near future. What are your thoughts?
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fymeyou · 6 years
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MEXYOU’s Wonyoung Officially Announces Her New Stage Name in a Handwritten Letter.
AUGUST 22, 2018 | 10.2K VIEWS | 1.3K SHARES | 232 COMMENTS
Wonyoung of MEXYOU (formerly A-WOL) officially announced through the group’s fan cafe that she will be changing her stage name on August 22.
Firstly, I would like to thank every single one of my fans that has been supporting me and MEXYOU since our first debut as A-WOL three years ago. You have shown me so much love, and I hope that one day I can return the same, if not more, amount of love to you all.
Since debuting as a member of A-WOL, I promoted with the name Wonyoung diligently for the past three years. The reason that I’ve stuck with the stage name so long is because that is what the fans were introduced to, and I grew fond of it as years past. When unfortunate circumstances happened, I was not able to hear fans say ‘Wonyoung’ anymore. I think I’ve grown distant from the name myself.
I am starting a new chapter in my life. As MEXYOU is reaching their debut, I want to show a different side of myself. It all starts with me changing my stage name. 
From now, I will be going by the stage name Joohwi. As many fans already know, my birth name is Jooyeon. I wanted to combine part of my name with the English word for ‘wish’ in a unique form. I decided on this stage name because it represents two parts of me: the normal Jooyeon that not many get to see, and the Jooyeon that is wishing to strive.
This may be a shock to some, but also a pleasant surprise. For a while, I thought long and hard about this matter. I hope you can welcome me with open arms as MEXYOU’s Joohwi.
Thank you. I love you all.”
The announcement came while MEXYOU was in the United States, reportedly filming their debut music video.
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cintaxtristan-blog · 8 years
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Ehem--- apakah sulit buat menemukan tumblr ini? Tehee ^ ㅅ ^ )🎀 hmm--- padahal cluenya gampang loh mas. IXU. mexyou. aku×kamu. I. Me. Aku = cinta x U. You. Kamu = tristan cintaxtristan 💕 gampang kan? Tehee. Aku nggak mau ucapin banyak, karena kalau aku udah ngomong panjang--- kamu pasti bingung gimana buat ngebalesnya nanti 😤 iya, kan? Heu. Aku mau bilang, selamat tanggal 6 untuk yang pertama buat kita berdua, Mas. Maaf kalau aku masih belum cukup baik untuk menjadi sosok yang bisa kamu sayang. Maaf kalau aku kadang terlalu egois sampai kamu bingung mesti gimana buat mengimbangi keegoisan aku ㅠ ㅁ ㅠ )💧 Hmm--- jujur sejujurnya, aku masih ngerasa amazing sama kita berdua. Ketemu lewat menfess doang padahal, hehehe. Kita berdua mesti ngucapin makasih ke SOC kayaknya. Makasih banget udah menghampiri aku duluan--- makasih udah mau jadi sosok yang bahkan rela tidur telat demi mastiin aku udah bener bener tidur (biarpun biasanya kamu ketiduran duluan--- heu 😤). Makasih udah jadi seseorang yang bilang, "uuuu~~~ pacar aku pinter." atau "emang aku kira aku nggak khawatir?". Kalimat itu bikin aku ngerasa special 💕 Maaf aku masih belum bisa bikin akun 2D buat nemenin kamu disana. Maaf aku masih bersikap sok dewasa padahal aslinya cuma dedek dedek cupu, hing. Masih terlalu banyak maaf--- tapi aku nggak mau kebanyakan nyebut maaf, ah. Aku mau ucapin ini--- yang paling penting dari yang terpenting. "Aku mau mencintai kamu yang bahkan nggak mau mencintai diri sendiri." Serahkan cinta yang ada di diri kamu ke aku. Semuanya--- biarin aku yang jaga dan aku simpan baik-baik. Sebaliknya, aku juga bakal kasih hati aku ke kamu. Terserah mau kamu apain--- 😔 asal jangan dipake buat mencintai cewek lain sih, heu. Hmmm--- selama hati kamu ada di aku, aku bakal modif hati kamu dengan berbagai hal yang terbaik. Kayak mobil atau motor yang dimodif, aku bakal hias semuanya dengan hal yang namanya 'kasih sayang'. Hati kamu--- aku bakal jaga dan isi dengan kasih sayang. Sehingga di saat aku balikin hati itu ke kamu (entah kapan, aku nggak tahu), kamu udah bisa menggunakan hati yang udah aku modif dan merasakan gimana caranya mencintai orang lain dengan kasih sayang 💕 tapi aku harap, kamu bisa mencintai diri kamu sendiri dulu. Karena bagaimana cara kita mencintai orang lain itu bisa dilihat dari cara kita mencintai diri sendiri dulu. Selama hati kamu ada di aku, kamu boleh bersandar ke aku. Biarin aku yang ngasih tahu semuanya-- tentang apa yang harus kamu lakukan. tentang apa yang sebaiknya kamu ambil. selama kamu percaya sama aku, biarin aku jadi mata, kaki, otak, tangan, dan hati kamu. Kamu bisa percaya sama aku, kan? Tehee 💋 Mas--- kamu orang yang spesial. Ibaratnya martabak, kamu itu daging sapi + seafood + 5 telor. Harganya berapa tuh--- di kampus aku aja yang 4 telor sapi itu harganya 50 ribu ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ )🔥 Mas bukan berbeda. Mas itu spesial. Tolong bedain antara beda dengan spesial. Jangan menganggap rendah diri kamu-- aku sangat amat teramat mengagumi kamu banget. Bahkan lebih dari itu, aku 'sayang' kamu. Aku nggak tau apa alasan kamu nggak bisa mencintai diri kamu sendiri. Tapi nggak tau itu bukan berarti nggak mau tau, ya. Aku masih menanti sampe kapanpun hingga akhirnya mas tau dari mana mesti bicara dan ungkapin semuanya. Hingga harinya tiba, aku berusaha akan tetap bersama mas. Mas mau janji nggak sama aku? Ayo jadi orang yang lebih baik kedepannya, bersama-sama. Hal sekecil apapun itu nggak apa-apa, yang penting kita mesti jadi lebih baik dari kemarin atau hari ini. Aku mau jadi seseorang yang lebih baik--- buat mas. Tapi mas pasti nggak suka kalau aku bilang "aku mau ngelakuin ini demi kamu". Nggak, aku nggak akan bilang begitu kok. Aku mau bilang, "aku mau jadi seseorang yang lebih baik buat kita." Kita. Boleh 'kan aku pakai pengungkapan itu buat mengekspresikan kamu dan aku? Tehee. Masku. Tristanku. Sayangku. Gantengku. Tukang ngambekku. Tristan Santosoku. Aku sayang kamu. Ayo, kita lewatin waktu barengan lagi buat menemui tanggal 6 di bulan-bulan lainnya. Ayo, bikin memori yang selalu bisa kita kenang dan kita simpan baik-baik di album kenangan kita. Ayo, jadi seseorang yang lebih baik ke depannya. Ayo, saling menjaga satu sama lain. Dedek emesh, Cinta 💕
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god-has-hiv · 6 years
If you can make me sad...
...can I talk about how you make me happy, too?
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comealongliz · 8 years
And I'll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind And I'll use you as a focal point So I don't lose sight of what I want And I've moved further than I thought I could But I missed you more than I thought I would And I'll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind
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raexbb · 11 years
Now Shipping: YouMe
I ship your self insert character and mine, i.e., fictional you from your stories and fictional me from my stories get it on in my stories. I think I'll call this pairing youme. Best fictional couple ever!
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semideuses-do-riso · 12 years
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