#meanwhile for lariska
coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Also, my RvB binge last night and my Lariska brainrot today are melding in interesting ways.
Cause like, I couldn't help but draw some parallels between Lariska and Carolina. Teal armor, super fast, highly-trained and hypercompetent killers working for a morally bankrupt organization, and having a decidedly... complicated relationship with the leader of that organization?
This, along with a post I saw interpreting TSO's rather... weird... form as a sort of raptorlike shape, plus my own interpretation of Lariska being quite obviously Velociraptor-inspired, got me thinking about the possibility of headcanoning TSO as like, basically her dad? Like the Director with Carolina. Obviously with Bonkle, reproduction doesn't happen and parenthood as we know it thus isn't really a concept, but regardless, the idea could sort of work, still.
Them actually being the same species, and TSO having taken her under his wing a long time in the past, essentially adopting her. Then time passes, she becomes more personally proficient, and he becomes the coldhearted dickbag we know today, and somewhere during that the Dark Hunters are founded, and their dynamic goes from father and daughter to boss and employee. And then it just, breaks entirely when he has her arm removed, and replaced with a bad prosthetic instead of being allowed to rebuild it properly.
And so there's just this sort of fundamentally broken dynamic now where any bridges between them are completely burnt and collapsed, but because of their roles they're still working together, seeing each other every day, seeing the ruins of the connection that once was there and mutually understanding that there's no repairing it, neither of them even particularly want to repair it, but they're just dealing with that because they're still boss and employee. And Lariska fully intends to kill him someday, and TSO fully intends to not let that day come, but they both know it's going to come sooner or later regardless. But it's because there was once such a strong bond there once that this is unavoidable now. There's nothing positive left to be found there, not even a sliver of remorse of "maybe we can go back", yet still the memory of the care that used to exist is why they're so unstoppably at odds now.
Idk, part of me feels like this is maybe a bit too... idk, melodramatic? Soap-Opera-ish? But at the same time I feel like it could really add some additional meaning and emotional heft to their exchanges, in a way that doesn't undermine the inevitability of their arcs.
And unlike Carolina, when finally given the chance to kill her father figure, Lariska would indeed follow through.
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kanohivolitakk · 2 years
In a modern AU, Lariska would either be an absolute disaster in the kitchen or surprisingly excellent, depending on the type of dish and how many spices are involved
Meanwhile Nidhiki is just kinda mediocre, but his time in the Mangaia frat house forced him to learn something other than just cereal. Thus he looked up a random recipe online and learned how to get good at that one specific recipe, and nothing else.
Krahka's issue is of context. Campfire cooking, she's your girl; will make the most delicious, perfect-textured medium-rare steaks ever. Same exact recipe on a stovetop? She has no clue what she's doing, to the point that there isn't even a comedic fire hazard sign warranted, that would entail knowing how to turn it on to begin with.
It's a household of people who thrive ridiculously well in specific contexts, but most of the time they just wind up ordering takeout.
Part of me feels Lariska should have better cooking skills since, well she's rather practical period so it makes sense for her to know practical surviving sklils. But like..I just love the idea of her cooking being extremely hit or miss. Feels very in character for her in a weird way.
Also "Nidhiki can cook only one specific recepie and nothing else" is honestly a fucking mood . Every day I relate more and more to this dumbass idiot baby.
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makutaservaela · 2 months
Timeline, Part 3
Kekek and Usall are at the Twisted Trees, when Kimunix flies overhead. They challenge Kimunix to a spar. Kimunix takes it too far and seriously tries to hurt them. They are saved by the Toa Ignika, with Menraz and Marcaz carrying the kids to safety while, but Kimunix summons Kirop and Vamprah to aid him, who join in without context and presume it’s simply a spar, and they blind and drain Menraz and Marcaz respectively. Kopaka witnesses the incident with his mask while on a walk with Reidak, and Reidak demands he grow a pair and do his job. He comes to the rescue, causing Vamprah and Kirop to flee and Kimunix to ramp up the fight until he damages Kopaka’s jet pack and arm and Kopaka freezes Kimunix. Reidak forces Kopaka to go to Po-Mata for healing, dragging him most of the way there, and threatening to break his legs if he tries to run away. The Spirit of Ice begins to panic and drive Kopaka into a fit of screaming “at himself”, prompting Menraz to disorient him with a sonic scream. Onua spots this and carries him by flight to the Toa meeting room, not wanting the Po-Matoran to see him in this state.
The Toa look over Kopaka, and Takanuva confirms his psychotic state is not caused by Makuta corruption. Despite this, Vakama speaks warningly of Kimunix, prompting Oohnora to stand up for her brother and demand that she can find him and talk some sense into him. Matau reminds Vakama of his own corruption as a Toa Hordika. Vakama explains the over-power corruption happening to Kimunix and forbids Oohnora from approaching him, but Matau, pointing out that he is the Turaga of Air, permits Oohnora as a Toa of Air. Takanuva permits Mikaua, Hahli permits Reykav, and Nuju permits Irika, to go find their brother. Meanwhile, Lewa and Onua discuss taking Kopaka to a hospital.
Roodaka, out of boredom, whines to Brutaka. He and Lariska convince her to give up her powers to the Order so she can make a game out of trying to get them back. Nokama agrees for the purpose of training up the Order’s defences, under the condition that Roodaka gives up her Crystal of Thieves, all of her elemental powers except for light, shadow, and a mystery 3 at lower level, and Roodaka adds the caveats that the Order cannot use her powers and that the Dream Guardians are reenlisted to keep an eye on Pohatu for her.
Nokama sends Brutaka and Lariska to find the other two Dream Guardians and Pohatu. Hahli rejects the request due to her new duties and potential pregnancy. Sahmad accepts. Sahmad, Brutaka, and Lariska realise that Pohatu is with the Phantoms trying to cure the Dreaming Plague. They also set out to find two new Dream Guardians (the guardians assigned to Pohatu).
The Toa decide to create a temple under the Twisted Trees for the Toa, as well as some temples around The Other Side.
While delivering information for Whenua’s medical research commissions to Mutran and Chirox, Onua and Chirox reminisce on the situation between them that Zemia had created.
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sepublic · 4 years
Part 4 of Bionicle: RaE
           The Shadowed One is dead- And yet Makuta still lives.
           Through a combination of luck and sheer force of will, the Mask Hoarder has clung to life, now taking the form of a revenant, a phantom made up of his own, vile soul’s energy.
           And though the leader of the Dark Hunters is dead, his legacy lives on, even brighter than before. Thanks to him, two worlds so different, and yet in some ways so alike, are together. The gap between the two worlds has been bridged, and now the islands of Xia and Okoto are right beside one another.
           Conflict between two such polar-opposites is inevitable. There are those Xians who greedily want to take advantage of Okoto’s rich, abundant plethora of resources and exploit it for their own. But some Xians are merely curious, hoping to scout out this new island ahead of them, and perhaps make a new life and opportunity for themselves.
           Meanwhile, the Okotan Alliance is scrambling. Not only has the survival of Makuta shaken them to their core, but the Toa are now gone, reduced back to their original forms as stars in the sky. For better or worse, there’s even a seventh star now, and in the face of so many potential threats, how will the Toa return? There is no Mask of Time to power the Inika this time…
           The answer is in the Elemental Deities; They remember dearly how the Toa went to their aid, in their dark times of need. Uxar remembers her friendship with Lewa, and Ketar recalls how Pohatu had forsaken the Mask of Control for her own life. The Deities originally intended to cease taking sides after they had returned to their original power, only returning when all of Okoto was threatened by The Shadowed One.
          But… in lieu of what the Toa did for them, perhaps it’s time they repay the favor. Thus, the Elemental Deities use their combined power to temporarily reactivate the Inika, summoning back the Toa; But excluding the Seventh Star, for fear of what it may provide. Some things are better left in the cold vacuum of space…
           But some things are present now, on this planet; Some Okotans want to be open to the new tide of Xians. Among them are those who have seen first-hand the hardships of the lower-class, and are sympathetic, believing proper support and a new chance at life will help make a difference. But some Okotans are naturally un-trusting of Xia and its greedy aristocrats and corporations, and that distrust has spread to the rest of the island’s population as a whole. Already, many Xians are polluting portions of the recently-healed Okoto, plundering its resources and gluttonously harvesting whatever they can find. They’ve heard the horrific stories, and now get to see them first-hand; How can they trust Xia? Perhaps Okoto should be adamant about separating itself from that cursed land…
           The situation becomes even more complicated, as amidst Anti-Xian sentiment, unrest is growing in Xia’s own society as well. With Okoto’s civilization as a blatant example of a good life that is fully possible, many are beginning to revolt against the Powers That Be. And in lieu of both a growing resistance, as well as Xian workers who are leaving their authority, six individuals emerge;
           These ancient warlords fought over one another for control of Xia in the past, only to come across something, a secret within the island’s core; The Codrex, an ancient machination of infinite energy. Through the Codrex’s power, these six warlords became immortal beings and have since ruled Xia from the shadows, collaborating to fuel its industrial revolution.
           They are the Barraki, conquerers who have long-ago taken over Xia. But in face of a new world with even richer resources, old passions flare to life. Now in the open, the Barraki hope to not only quell the uprisings against their authority, but also participate in a long-awaited conquest upon the island of Okoto! A Xian-Okotan War is on the horizon, and already beginning as Nature clashes with Technology, and two worlds so different and yet so alike meet one another. Will they realize the similarities, or the differences? Maybe even both…
           Knowing the threat of the Barraki, an organization once-hidden in the shadows, dedicated to leading the Xian revolution, has emerged as well; The Order of Mata Nui, a secretive organization led by the ancient Helryx! Its members include Axonn and Brutaka, the latter of whom has emerged and allied with the Brotherhood and Barraki, hoping to take advantage of the multi-faceted conflict for his own ends. The Order of Mata Nui is a ruthless organization that will sacrifice anyone in the name of the greater good, leading some Okotans to wonder if they are trustworthy, or morally-worth supporting.
           But that isn’t all- A new, powerful player is emerging onto the scene. Kralta, a native of Xia, has donned the Mask of Shadows, becoming Umarak’s Kaita and the Toa of Shadows herself! She leads the Kraahl, a group of darkened beings who were long-ago trapped in the Para-Realm; The dark counterpart to Okoto.
           Legend has it that in the Time before Time, there existed Light and Shadow; Two alignments of Life itself that fought with one another. Umarak was of Shadow… And the Deity of Light was named Nuva.
           Time and time again they fought and clashed, with Nuva achieving victory each time, banishing Umarak to the Dark World. But eventually, the aggressive, hostile Nuva became overzealous and went on a rampage, threatening to scorch all of Okoto with her burning light. The Deities of Okoto collaborated together and weakened Nuva, causing her to revert into the Mask of Light before that mythical artifact disappeared from the face of the island…
           The Elemental Deities want the Okotan Alliance to help them ravage the Kraahl and their leaders, Kralta and Umarak. But Takua is uncertain if conflict is necessary- She has seen into Kralta’s heart and knows that she isn’t evil. To complicate matters, the Brotherhood of Makuta has begun to join the fray as well. Not only are they supporting the Barraki’s conquest of Okoto through their own agents, ranging from the likes of Sidorak, to the treacherous Roodaka… But they also have sights on the Dark World as well.
          With the return of the Kraahl, beings of Light and Shadow who can travel between both worlds as a result of this dual-nature, Makuta hopes to make a new army, one identical to his son Yagavo, an army of Night Wraiths; Orbs of energy made from Light and Shadow, able to travel between the Light World and Para-Realm at will and access the world of dreams. The Night Wraiths are an intrusive, unstoppable enemy, capable of breaching any location, and to get the dual-nature he needs for his army, Makuta is harvesting the Kraahl to create his Night Wraiths!
          Takua knows the familiarity of this plight- Makuta also harvested the Okotans with his Skull Spiders, and still does. If she wants to help Kralta and Umarak save their people, then perhaps she needs to resolve the ancient conflict between Light and Shadow. Perhaps it is time to recover the Mask of Light, and fight off others who are also in search of it, such as the dreaded Zaktan and his fellow former Dark Hunters. Zaktan and his group have defected from the mercenary organization, which has now reorganized itself under a new leader; The sharp and cunning Lariska. The ‘Neo-Hunters’ hope to use the chaos to their own ends, and can be both an enemy and an asset for those involved.
          While hostility remains on both sides, there are those who see the blatant, fundamental similarities between one another and want to reach out. The history of Light and Shadow is one mired in opposites and the resulting conflict. A clash is inevitable between two separate, polar opposites, but can resolution be found? Xia VS Okoto, Toa VS Brotherhood, Barraki VS Order of Mata Nui, Light VS Dark, Nature VS Technology… Multiple conflicts will converge in Part 4 of Bionicle RaE;
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Mangaiswap AU part 1: The backstory
(Aka AU where Nidhiki is the last surviving Toa Mangai, while Lhikan is a disgraced former member of Mangai due to “committing” a crime.)
SO continuing on this AU I started here, I have some more thoughts. And what a better way to start than with the backstory.
Basically, at some point Teridax decides to refresh his memory on Toas destinies in order to see who could either benefit or hinder his Plan. During this time, he pays attention to Lhikans destiny in particular: to pass his powers to six new heroes and create a new generation of protectors to Metru Nui. Teridax sees this as a potential threat for the Great Cataclysm, so he decides to get rid of Lhikan before he can fulfill his destiny.
As such, Teridax decides to frame Lhikan of murder and banish him due to him breaking the Toa Code. He does this rather than outright killing Lhikan since 1) killing the leader of one of the most important Toa Teams could backfire on Teridax end in long run due to the possibility of others trying to fin his killer. 2) He could have use for Lhikan later, and can’t risk removing a piece out of gameboard until it has been used as well as it can be used. 3) This is Teridax we are talking about, Guy always goes for something extra. Because he decides to leave Lhikan alive, Teridax still attempts to switch the destinied toa teams. This is in case if Lhikan returns or one of the other Toa Mangai decides to give their powers.
So, sometime between Tuyet’s defeat, and the Toa-Dark Hunter war,  Teridax sends Lhikan on an important mission to meet an important figure on some remote island. While on the mission, Teridax not only kills said figure, but makes it enough evidence that Lhikan was responsible for the murder. When he returns to Metru Nui, Lhikan is blamed for the murder. He’s seen guilty (thanks to the evidence) and is banished from Metru Nui.
Now, this leads to the Mangai being leaderless until Nidhiki gets appointed as the new leader (due to the fact that Naho refused for whatever reason).This is also part of Teridax’s plan since he’s aware of Nidhiki’s destiny of betraying his toa team and turning into a monster. Teridax feels that Nidhikis actions could lead in splitting the Toa Mangai, thus getting rid of them before they could pose too much of a threat.
Then the Toa-Dark Hunter war happens. Due to Nidhiki being the leader now, Lariska does not approach him to betray his team. Otherwise the war happens p much like in canon, though there’s a lot more losses from both sides.
After the war things are pretty peaceful and boring. I don’t think much noteworthy would happen w Nidhiki and rest of the Toa Mangai between the 2000 years of the Dark Hunter war and the events of 2004. Or perhaps something happens but I’m not sure yet.
Meanwhile, Lhikan is living as a vigilante, on the run from authorities. While still heroic, him forcing to hide has taken a toll on Lhikans psyche, becoming much more vary and subdued. He swears to clear his name, and take justice on whoever framed him.
Eventually, Teridax decides to take steps needed in order to activate the next phase of his Plan. Like in canon, he vanishes from the public, kidnaps Dume and starts posing as him. As “Dume”, Teridax makes tighter security and forces the matoran to even harsher conditions than before. He unleashes the Morbuzakh plant in order to force the Matorans to Colosseum. Soon everything is in frution for next part of Teridax’s plan. He just needs a few more steps, before he can put the Great Spirit to sleep and awaken as the Matorans new savior and god.
However there’s still one large problem: The Mangai are still around. Despite Teridax’s calculations,Nidhiki hasn’t still betrayed or fuckedup so badly the Mangai were forced to split up. As such, Teridax decides to take it to his own hands.He hires three Dark Hunters: Eliminator, a killing machine capable of eradicating anything, Devastator,a bruiser with boisterous personality and Lariska, a stealthy and skilled assassin. Much like in canon, Eliminator is hired to finish each of the toa Mangai while Devastator and Lariska take care of smaller (and larger) tasks as well as act as his bodyguards.
And thus, curtain is set for the next step in the Master of Shadows plan. In order for Teridax to succeed, he needs most of every remaining Mangai dead except Nidhiki.
Because Teridax still has use for the arrogant toa of air. Afterall, if he can frame a toa for an atrocity once, he can do it twice. And perhaps make him even fulfill his destiny as a result
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Alrights so
Going to list all the major changes Im doing in my fancanon and my goals with it (things I want to expand on, work differently as well as make better hjan in actual canon). My main goal w my fancanon is to make the world of Bionicle as vast and complex as I imagine it to be and my changes reflect this goal. I love the world of Bionicle for having duch a vast and interesting world, but a lot of the issues I have with the overall story prevent the world from being as good as it could be. So my changes will mostly be about that than any major story fixes.
Worth noting out that this is moreso an extended headcanon universe with a spoonful of fix-it than a complete reimaging/retool of the canon(although some parts are like a reimaging, esp the Bara Magna stuff). Were it a reimaging I would do things differently and take more creative liberties with the source material. Also most major plot beats will stay the same. I cant go "Web of Shadows, Bohrok Kal arc and Brothers in Arms are removed because I dont like them". Same w characters. I may not like Lesovikk or most of the minor OOMN agents due to finding them pointless and boring but Im not going to remove them because of that, that would go against my Modus Operandi of making the world feel as vast as possible.
A more clearly defined world thats still vast and engaging but feels more cohesive.
More detail into worldbuilding, making the world feel more vibrant and alive. Trying to get the amount of detail the first four years had in its world into the larger world/the lter years as well.
Making the non Matoran species feel better implemented into the story and more clearly thought out tham in canon. (looks at my meta series that I still need to continue) Also making the Matoran world and the non matoran aspects of the worldbuilding feel more cohesive and in same setting than two different places pasted together. (worth noting that most of my rewrites are aimed at the non Matoran parts of the universe because tjey are simutaneously more interesting but also WAY MORE FRUSTRATING to me)
Making the world and story feel cohesive, streamlining stuff thats too convoluted or has contradictory information (cough the Barraki lore cough).
On a related note, making the Big Twist feel more natural and like it fits for the whole world rather than it feeling it only fits for half of tje world.
A rich history with lots of detail put into it. Some changes to the timeline either to streamline it or make it make more sense for x thing happening before y (ie TAKUA SHOULDNT BEEN THE FIRST BEING CREATED IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. He cam still be one of tje first if not first Matoran But not the first being)
Attempting to make the antagonistic characters/villains more complex than in canon and make them feel like actual individuals rather than just cliche bad guys w the same few archetypes pasted over and over again because Greg can only write one type of villain lmao.
Certain characters are utilized more than in canon (Lariska, Ancient, most non TSO Dark Hunters, Krakua,) Most notably Nektann is vastly more important than he is in canon.
Actually utilizing characters w good intro arcs who are tossed aside (yes this is about Karzhani, yes Im still bitter what tjey did to him)
OCs!!!!! Because I like making ocs.
More female characters as well as genderless and nonbinary characters. This includes both making new characters as well as headcanons
Love is canon to an extent (MU individuals can feel romantic love but are compldtely unable to feel sexual love dye to being made asexual.) SOME canonical romantic relationship (most notably yes, Im making hewiki/macku canon.)
Some plotpoints are slightly retooled to make more sense
Serials starting in 2006 rather than 07 and serials in 2007 that took place outside Mahri Nui. Serials should be gaiden stories that happen alongside the mainstory/meanwhile in another location.
Ancient isnt killed off/dies differently (also posibly he isnt an order double agent dunno yet)
Possibly having Icarax kill off TSO instead of Botarr since I really dont like how Destiny War made TSO a Teridax clone and Reign Of Shadows did barely anything with him.
Massive retool of Reign of Shadows to make it feel like the Destiny War/Dwellers in Darkness of 2009, feeling like this grand story of every major party fighting against Teridax.
Massive retool of the Bara Magna storyline, changing the tone to more serious rather thn the kiddy "power of friendship yay!!!" Legend Reborn was, making the Bara Magna storyline 2 years instead of 1 (one tjats setting up the world, second w Mata Nui stuff) and having the scrapped stuff w the elemental lords and robot dinos and what not. Mata Nuis charcter is also reworked.
The ending is MOSTLY the same, but slightly retooled to feel like a true climax and whole series coming together.
Either retooling or outright removal of the post canon storyline. Most of the stuff introducrd in this part can stay ((really the only thing I consider removing is the Golden Skinned Being as well as Velika having like 50 double agents on Bara Magna since that was kinda stupid)) not just sure Im gonna keep the actual events
But yeah these are my main goals/changes w the bonk
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Meanwhile, at a certain mercenary base in Odina
The Shadowed One, looking at his broken coffee mug, then at the group of Dark Hunters he asked to meet in his chamber: So, who broke it. I'm not mad, I just wannna know.
Senktrah: I did, I broke it.
The Shadowed One: No you didn't. Nidhiki?
Nidhiki: Don't look at me. Look at Krekka.
Krekka: What I didn't break it.
Nidhiki: That's weird. How did you know it was broken?
Krekka: Because it's sitting in front of us and it's broken.
Nidhiki: Suspicious that a fool like you would remember.
Ancient: If it matters, probably not, but Lariska was the last one using it.
Lariska: Liar, I don't even drink from that crap.
Ancient: Well what were you doing with the coffee mug?
Lariska: I use it to put my spare daggers in when I do target practice. Everyone knows that, Ancient.
Senktrah: Ok,ok let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Shadowed One.
The Shadowed One: No! Who broke it?!
Nidhiki: Shadowed One. Triglax has been awfully quiet lately...
Triglax: REALLY! Oh my Karzhani.
*The group starts to argue even harder as The Shadowed One turns to the Recorder and whispers*
The Shadowed One: I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I expect ten minutes from now they will be at each others throats with warpaint on their faces and a Muaka head on a stick
*The Shadowed One smirks*
The Shadowed One: Good. It was getting a little too chummy around here.
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