#meanwhile grimmjow doesn’t even get a mark until he’s an arrancar
kingofanemptyworld · 10 months
one of those soulmate AUs where your soul mark turns black when your soulmate dies and Ichigo’s mark has been black since he was born. you can’t miss what you never had so it’s never bothered him much. only, it itches sometimes, nearly burns, and he sure as hell doesn’t know how to explain that so he wisely doesn’t mention it to anyone, ever.
meeting grimmjow for the first time both complicates and simplifies things.
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shadowsnlace · 6 years
Oooo about to jump in this train stages of relationships with mean sexy kitty grimmjow and manly baldy ikkaku 😋😋
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Sure thing, sweetie! :)
Stages of the relationship/him liking her?
Whatever Grimmjow sees and wants, he gets – immediately. He’s got no impulse control and gives zero shits for any boundaries. The minute he sees her, he’s going right over to talk to her. Once he’s caught a whiff of her scent, oh, it is SO over. His brain is screaming for him to mark her. Don’t think for one moment that he won’t try to rub up against her within five minutes of meeting her because he will. If it’s in a nightclub, he will full on do his best to get some dirty dancing going.
Asking her out?
Not going to happen. Wherever he meets her, that’s date #1. If it’s in a nightclub, that man can go through every stage of a relationship before leaving. (Except marriage, we’ll address that later. Also falling in love won’t happen either in such a short time, but we’ll discuss that later too.) Seriously, he can go from the meeting, to the first “date”, first kiss, first sex, first fight (may or may not be followed by make-up sex), and maybe even a break up before going home for the night. However, if she’s interested in him and he likes her then he’s really very casual about asking for more dates. All he knows is that he wants to spend time with her. Courting rituals aren’t a concern for him. 
Deciding to be exclusive? 
First kiss. Once he has gotten a taste of her and decided he wants her, she is now his. He will continue to “mark” her in any way he can until he gets to have sex with her. Woe be to any one that tries to make a move on his woman. The Jealousy is strong with that one and he can go from zero to pain & punishment in the span of one wrong look. Grimmjow takes exclusivity very seriously. 
First time?
This can happen at any point in the relationship. He will try from day one to have sex with her. She will be the one that decides when this happens. No matter when it happens, he is going to be all over her. Hands that need to touch everywhere, mouth and tongue need to go everywhere too – and I do mean everywhere. There isn’t going to be any part of her that doesn’t get touched, sniffed, and licked. If she’s got any hang-ups, she won’t once Grimmjow is done. He is a living, breathing, growling, purring, dirty-talkin’, licking, sucking, nipping, orgasm delivery system. And he can go all night.
When does he know he loves her?
Hard to call. Grimmjow falls in lust fast. Her pheromones can light up his brain like fireworks and he’s pretty much in a state of constant arousal after that. Love, that’s a whole different animal. (Literally) The more time he spends with her, the more something begins to feel different. He misses her when she’s away from him. He finds himself enjoying the sound of her laughter and the little looks on her face that happen at random. It isn’t until she tells him that she loves him that he has a word for all these churning, distracting things he’s been feeling. It’s like the sun has come out from behind the clouds – he loves her.
He’s not going to have the idea first. Chances are someone will make a teasing comment about “hearing wedding bells” and he’ll need an explanation. (I’m pretty sure arrancars have no concept of marriage) Once he has an understanding of marriage, he’ll ask her if it’s something she’d like to do. It won’t be a proposal per se, it’s more along the lines of his experiences in Hueco Mundo where hollows combine to become stronger. It makes sense to him and of course, he’s fully aware that he’s not to devour her to make a union….well, at least not in the literal sense, but he will be devouring her on the wedding night –  nice and slow.
Stages of the relationship/him liking her?
Two words: tunnel vision. The moment Ikkaku sees her, he is completely rendered immobile, incapable of speech, and unable to look away – everything else fades into the background. Once he snaps out of his stupor, he’s going to smile wide and go right over to talk to her. Unfortunately, he can come off very rude because he will gently push her friends right out of the way to get to her and take up all her attention. He wants to tell her everything about him – also rather rude because he will forget to ask her about her interests. After that first encounter, he will try to impress her by having her watch him fight. He’ll play out a whole overblown scenario in his head of how much she’ll be swept away with his fight skills. (Meanwhile, she’s sitting there, filing her nails and fanning away the dust the two combatants are kicking up.)
Asking her out?
IF he doesn’t get shut down immediately for his “me-me-me” approach, then he will most certainly ask her out for a date. She will need to be a strong lady. He needs to be scolded for his rudeness. (and oh, does he want to be scolded – over her knee with loud smacks on his ass echoing in the room) The more fiestiness and fire she shows, the more he’s going to want her. He needs a woman with a strong personality or at least someone that won’t put up with any shit from him. He’s all for the soft qualities of a female and what makes her uniquely feminine, but he also needs that iron fist in a silk glove treatment too.
Deciding to be exclusive?
Won’t really be something that is “declared”. Ikkaku just settles into a relationship really easily. For all his impulses and cockiness, he’s pretty easy-going on the domestic front. His long friendship with Yumichika has given him a good framework for relationships. He will treat a woman in his life a lot like he does Yumichika. She’ll be his best friend, he’ll tell her everything no matter how silly, stupid, or serious. She’ll get it all. And, he’ll fully expect her to hold nothing back from him too. 
First time?
Ikkaku is a very touchy-feely man. If he could drape around her neck all day like a stole, he’d do it. For all his physical affection (and wandering hands), he will be respectful and wait until she’s ready for sex. Once he gets the green light, look out! He will get so excited he will go into a bit of a brain lock-down trying to decide where to start. All his cockiness has flown right out the window and he’s just staring at her like she just grew another head. Her touch will jolt him into action. All clothing is coming off as fast as possible. If something gets ripped, he’ll mumble an apology around the lip lock he’s got on her. The second her soft body slides against his, he will give a deep sigh like the whole universe just aligned for him. She’s about to find out just how thorough Ikkaku can be. His attention to detail in the bedroom might come as a surprise to her, but it will become the norm for all encounters in the future. The man loves hearing his woman cum and he will wring as many orgasms as he can from her.
When does he know he loves her?
It will sneak up on him. He’s got that cocky shell and it will be his outward preset in most situations. He’s pretty awesome and he knows it. But, with his woman, it’s different. He cracks open that shell and lets his softer side show. He really loves to laugh and most of all, loves to make her laugh. The more they are together, it just seems to “feel right”. One day, after a particularly emotional and sensual session of love making, it will hit him – he loves her. His heart will squeeze in his chest and he will realize that he has set her above all else, and it’s not just his fierce loyalty. He’ll get a little choked up and probably hide his face in her neck so she can’t see the emotional tears making his vision blur.
It will cross his mind from time to time. He won’t want to push and will have a long talk with Yumichika about the whole issue of marriage. Once he’s made up his mind, it’s going to happen pretty quick. He’ll enlist Yumi in finding out her ring size and setting up the perfect proposal. Of course, Yumi will be observing it all from a discreet distance so she doesn’t hear him squeal or sniffle. For a man who never gave much thought to having a wife, Ikkaku takes to marriage like he was made for it.
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