#Ichigo gets an eyeful during their first meeting and wonders why he continues to be god’s favorite punching bag
kingofanemptyworld · 10 months
one of those soulmate AUs where your soul mark turns black when your soulmate dies and Ichigo’s mark has been black since he was born. you can’t miss what you never had so it’s never bothered him much. only, it itches sometimes, nearly burns, and he sure as hell doesn’t know how to explain that so he wisely doesn’t mention it to anyone, ever.
meeting grimmjow for the first time both complicates and simplifies things.
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Take a bite out of danger
When she moved into a new home her aunt laid out rules, the first rule was simple, “Stay away from the delinquents in this town.”
It was a simple rule at first, before she met him…
Part One: Kindness
“I wanna know. What is love~”
Her lips parted as she hummed to the tune of the song. The night was crisp and fresh, and Orihime couldn’t help but sigh in contempt as she looked up at the moon. She could get lost just gazing at the glowing illumination of the sky. So beautiful, and mysterious. 
She shook her head, and mentally reminded herself to stay focused on her groceries. Especially before the chicken and milk she bought got spoiled. After all she can explore the town later on, for now she just had to pass the bridge and put her merchandise in the fridge. Orihime felt her arms ache at the weight of the bags, “I should buy a bicyc--.”
Her words drowned in the sudden yells echoing from under the bridge, with a jolt Orihime paused in her tracks, and went to the edge to search for the origin of the noise. Below the bridge on a green meadow, a boy stood surrounded by four men. Never before had Orihime seen such bright orange colored hair, it was so mesmerizing.
“What? Too afraid to fight me alone?”
Orihime could barely hear his voice, the wind was interfering with his deep tone. Yet she stood against the stone railing of the bridge, and was transfixed with the hint of it. For a moment, she forgot the notion of asking for help, or going to the nearest police station to warn them of the unfair fight.
“You are just asking for a fight with that face!” One of the big men yelled in annoyance, his feet running up to the orange haired boy with a raised fist. Without warning the other three boys joined in, and with widen eyes she watched as the boy moved swiftly to avoid them. In a few seconds he had two guys double over in pain on the grass, and then he raised his leg high to kick another guy to his knees.
“Is that all you have, don’t make me laugh,” the orange haired boy glanced at the three guys on the floor begging to go home.
“Why you little scumbag!” The bulky man spit on the floor, and in a flash connected his fist against the boy’s face, “Don’t get so cocky!”
The sound of the guy’s fist on the guy vibrated in the air, and without flinching the orange haired boy brought his fist against the guy’s nose sending him flying back. “Don’t underestimate me,” he spat back as he began to clean the blood on his mouth with his sleeve.
Orihime couldn’t believe what she had witnessed, the fight was fast and exhilarating. She didn’t imagine that he would win against four men twice his size, it was truly amazing. He glanced upward to where she stood as if he read her thoughts, and she froze as the moon enveloped him in a warm light.
Who is he? She wondered with a growing interest.
“You…” he began to yell, and she was confused at the sudden conversation, “You should go home, it’s dangerous to be out at night!”
Orihime was surprised by his concern, he didn’t even know her and yet…
“I will, thank you! Please take care of yourself too!” With a wave of her hand she smiled and made her way back home. Forgetting about the chicken and milk dripping in her bag, or about the bicycle she needed. All she could think about was about his deep voice and vibrant hair. ---
The classroom was bustling with commotion upon settling on the new transfer student, eyes scanning her delicate features and odd hair color. Orihime glanced nervously over the students, before landing over her feet. Her mind was racing with thoughts on what they thought about her, hoping that she will make new friends here.
“I’d like to introduce a new addition to this classroom, her name is Inoue Orihime,” the teacher explained as she wrote the name on the board, “She just transferred from Tokyo.”
Orihime swallowed the lump forming in her throat and with a shaky tone bowed her head, “Nice to meet you all, my name is Inoue Orihime...and I hope to get along with every--”
She was suddenly cut off by the door sliding open, a tall figure entered the classroom his eyes carrying a seething glare that made her freeze in place. Inoue was transfixed as she took in his strong physique hidden under a button up white shirt and black blazer, his school bag tucked under his arm. He let out a tired sigh and looked at the teacher, “Sorry I’m late, Miss. Ochi.”
Miss. Ochi didn’t look pleased at his nonchalant tone, and replied bitterly, “If you are really sorry, then next time come to class before the bell rings Mr. Kurosaki.”
He nodded and went to a desk in the center of the classroom, his whole presence made the students near him tremble in fear. Bright orange hair? And now that she noticed there was a dark bruise near his left eye, and a cut on his lower lip…
It’s him, Orihime thought about the boy from last night.
As if he noticed her interested gaze, their eyes met and for a moment Orihime forgot how to breathe. His eyes were sharp yet warm, offering a glimpse into a sincere soul. She couldn’t look away from them, and that made her unsettled. “Inoue-san…?”
The teacher’s voice brought her back to reality, and Orihime swallowed the lump in her throat and managed to squeak out a, “Yes?”
“Sorry for the interruption Inoue-san,” Miss. Ochi said referring to the boy with orange hair, “Now where were we? Oh, yes I was going to tell you the assigned seat chosen for you.”
Orihime didn’t need to guess where she would sit, since there was only one available seat near the front window. It was just a few seats away from that boy…
“What do you think so far, Orihime?”
She smiled at her friend from middle school, Tatsuki had grown so much since then. “It’s different from the all girls school we went to,” she answered as she glanced around the classroom with curiosity. “I wonder if I can get along with everyone, since I wasn’t here for my first year.”
Tatsuki shrugged and sat on the seat in front of her desk, “Don’t worry, I’m sure everyone will want to be your friend.”
“Really?” She blushed and peered at that boy’s desk. Orihime wondered if he got his injuries treated, in the morning it looked like he hadn’t.
Tatsuki caught on to her friend’s gaze, and shook her head. “Except him.”
“Huh?” Orihime raised her brow.
“You keep staring at Ichigo’s desk,” Tatsuki smirked as she leaned forward. “But I’ll warn you that he is nothing but trouble.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Ichigo is a good guy. It’s just that he has the worst luck, he always gets hurt because delinquents want to fight him,” she shrugged and added, “and he does not warm up to a lot of people.”
Orihime looked down at her lunch bag and thought about her aunt’s warning. “Stay away from the delinquents in this town...or I won’t hesitate to disown you.”
“Kurosaki Ichigo,” Orihime whispered as she bit her lower lip in thought.
Tatsuki pulled out her lunch on top of the desk and asked her, “Anyways what did you bring for lunch?”
“I brought some bread from the cafeteria,” Ichigo answered as he leaned against the railing, his back feeling the fresh wind of spring. The sky was warm and bright, a nice setting to eat lunch outside on the roof as always.
“What about you Mizuiro?” Keigo asked as he sat down on the floor and pulled out what he got in the convenience store in the morning. Ichigo noticed that there was an unusual smile on Keigo’s face, it was more annoying than usual.
Mizuiro took out a homemade lunch box and couldn’t help but smirk, “The usual, some charming lady in my neighborhood made me lunch, in return I just had to give her my phone number.”
“That’s great,” Keigo smiled warmly as he gazed off into the distance, both Ichigo and Mizuiro looked at each other in confusion. Usually he would start ranting about how it wasn’t fair that Mizuiro was getting a homemade meal and was popular among girls, but he just sat there with a wide smile.
“Oh, I see,” Mizuiro nodded as he suddenly realized something, he turned to face Ichigo and said, “It must be because of the new transfer student, if I recall her name is Inoue Orihime.”
Keigo snapped out of his daydream and purred, “Isn’t she just an angel?”
“Huh?” Ichigo raised a brow, as he tried to remember the classmate’s face. But all he remembered was Ms. Ochi telling him to not be late, and the pain on his face from the fight yesterday night. His eyesight had become blurry last night now that he thought about it, all he remembered was...
“Inoue-chan is so beautiful! With that long flowing hair and innocent big eyes!” Keigo praised as he shot up and twirled around dramatically as he continued to compliment the new classmate as the sandwich slowly fell apart. The guys watched in disgust as the strawberry jam dripped onto the floor, their friend unaware of the mess he was making as he squealed like a young fanboy.
“You barely know anything about her,” Ichigo sighed as he drank his juice. “How can you say she is so great when she just transferred here?”
Keigo stopped and ran toward Ichigo, his face bright as he explained, “Not only is Inoue-chan gorgeous! But she is very smart, I overheard from a professor in the cafeteria that she had the highest score in the entrance exams for school. As you know it’s hard for someone to enter our school, especially when we are already second years.”
Ichigo grimaced and put a hand on Keigo’s forehead to push him away, “Okay, I get it. Now get off me.”
“What do you think about her?” Mizuiro directed the question to Ichigo, his eyes had a small glint of curiosity.
“Me?” Kurosaki blinked in confusion.
Mizuiro nodded and watched his friend turn his head to the side to think. It was hard to put into words on how to describe a girl he hadn’t properly met, but he couldn’t confess how his eyes kept trailing to where she sat during class.
“She’s just a new classmate,” Ichigo shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair, “...nothing special.”
Nothing special, is what he had initially thought.
But now that he took a good look at the transfer student, she certainly lived up to the rumors. Her small hand moved elegantly against the board, as she wrote down the equation used to solve the eight question. She turned around from the front and gave the professor back the chalk, smiling as he congratulated her for the right answer.
It was no wonder she was getting praised and everyone was watching her as if put under a spell. Even he felt like staring, but it was for a different reason...he felt like he had seen her before. But couldn’t remember from where, almost like a faraway dream.
“The next problem we will discuss is on page 58, question 15,” the teacher yelled from the front as they turned the pages on the textbook. But before the teacher could continue the last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of the day. “Okay, I want you guys to do the worksheet and turn it in by tomorrow.”
The class bowed and everyone let out a sigh of joy at being released, although he noticed Keigo was crying in the corner talking about how stupid homework was.
He rolled his eyes, stood up to put his things away, and carefully put his chair on top of his desk. It was days like this that he was happy that he could go home and not stay in a club, although he was thinking about getting a job.
He froze at the sweet voice calling out for him, and was surprised as Inoue came to his side. With sparkling doe eyes she looked up to him and smiled, “You dropped your wallet, here you go.”
“Oh,” he hadn’t noticed it fell, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome, have a safe walk home Kurosaki-kun.”
So she is kind too, he thought as he put his wallet away. He wouldn’t admit it, but hearing his name come from her lips made his heart accelerate. Ichigo swallowed nervously and shook his head at the sensation. 
Today was a fun day, Orihime thought as she walked home.
Everyone was extremely nice and caring, completely different to her old school where she was isolated among the girls. She didn’t want to recall her experience in her previous school, yet her mind flashed with old memories. Being taunted for her hair, getting ignored by everyone, and putting up with their endless bullying and violence.
She paused in her tracks, “Ah! What am I doing?” Orihime shook her head and let out a deep breath, “I shouldn’t think like this, especially when today was so much fun!”
Now she had her best friend back and even managed to make a few friends in her classroom, she shouldn’t be mopping around. Like a switch she regained her bright smile and continued down the path to her apartment.
“I wonder what I should make for dinner?” She hummed with joy as her mind scanned through endless possibilities of recipes, especially since yesterday she also bought red-bean paste. Just as she turned the corner her eyes caught the striking color of her classmate’s hair, he was walking a few feet ahead.
Orihime couldn’t help but stare as the tall figure knelt down to fix the vase near the street light. Although she could only see his back, she could tell that he had sincere feelings. Her heart bloomed as he replaced the wilted flowers with fresh sunflowers.
“There we go,” Kurosaki-kun sighed in contempt as he looked up, “I remember you said sunflowers were your favorite, right?”
She wondered who he was talking to, and couldn’t look away as he let out a small chuckle. It was like he was a completely different person compared to how he acted in school, she was also finding it odd that she kept bumping into him. Tatsuki was right though, Ichigo is kind…
“Kurosaki Ichigo,” a deep voice suddenly interrupted as two guys came up from behind him. They were all wearing another school's uniform, and had a dangerous glint in their dark eyes. “Isn't it our lucky day?”
Ichigo was un-bothered by the arrival of the guys, and proceeded to get his bag from the floor.
“Ignoring us, is that it?” One of the guy’s growled as he took a few steps forward, his hand reaching to touch Ichigo.
“I’m not in the mood. Why don't you save me the trouble, and buzz off,” Ichigo sighed in annoyance as he reluctantly stood up. He turned around to face them and Orihime noticed there was a fresh cut on his forehead. Had he gotten into a fight before this?
“Not after you beat up Takase today,” the guy pointed at one of his friends, with blonde hair. “It was this punk, right?”
“That’s right Joey, this is the guy that hit me,” Takase accused as he pointed at the wound on his stomach.
Ichigo glanced over at the guy and shrugged, “All I did was defend myself from the bricks he threw, I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
A brick? Orihime gasped.
“That’s fine we will just have to repay you back tenfold!” Joey took out a knife and without hesitation Orihime yelled at the top of her lungs.
“Help! Officer help, someone has a knife!” She screamed and was happy at the quick reaction of the two thugs running off with pale stricken faces. But her screams had worked and she saw an officer around the corner of her eyes running toward the scene.
If she got caught her aunt will certainly punish her, and if Kurosaki-kun got caught he could get expelled. “No, I’m not allowing that,” with a determined nod she ran toward Ichigo and grabbed his hand, “Please follow me.”
Ichigo blinked in confusion, it was happening so fast that he let her pull him. He couldn’t help but follow her, and feel the warmness of her hand.
They really are small, he noticed as she pulled him. He wondered where she was taking him, and without realizing it found himself smiling at her efforts to help him. She really is a kind girl.
Ichigo felt his face blush, it was weird he felt so mesmerized by her. All he could see was her...just her. 
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fardell24b · 5 years
Quinn’s Code - Cafe Geekdale - Part 2
During lunch, Daria sat with Jane and Jennifer at their usual table.
“What do you think is going to happen with Mr. O'Neill's idea?” Jennifer asked, wondering if an old style coffee house in Lawndale would be successful.
“Nothing,” Daria said.
“Nothing?” Jennifer asked.
“Ms. Li will not shell out for it,” Daria said.
“Are you sure?” Jane asked.
“Look at how stingy this Cafeteria is. It is obvious that the Principal keeps a tight rein on the purse strings,” Daria said.
The three teens looked around. They could see that the décor dated from the early '90's at best, with hints of 70's and '80s here and there.
“So this morning would be the last we hear of it?” Jennifer asked with a slightly dubious tone. 'It could be a money raiser,' she thought.
“Want to bet on it?” Daria asked.
“Sure,” Jennifer said
After school, the Anime Club met in the library.
After approximately fifteen minutes of talking about an upcoming convention at the beginning of December, the topic of the conversation changed to the events of the day.
“And so, I will be cosplaying as Ichigo at the convention,” Quinn said, referring to the main character of Tokyo Mew Mew. She then went back to her seat. 'The convention is going to be really cool,' she thought.
Jenna Schwartz stepped back up to the front. “Very good, Quinn. That concludes official business for today,” she said.
“Jenna? What do you think of Mr. O'Neill's proposal for an old style coffeehouse?” Koichi 'Rob' Robazaki asked.
“It sounds like a very good idea,” Jenna said.
“What is this about a coffee house?” Quinn asked.
“After hearing about the break in at Alt.Lawndale.Com last night, Mr. O'Neill canceled the lesson that he had planned on Romeo and Juliet to talk to the class about their feelings about that break in,” Jenna said.
“How did that lead to a proposal for an old style coffee house?” Quinn asked.
“The new girl in our Language Arts class, Daria, I think her name is, said something that inspired Mr. O'Neill,” Rob said.
“Interesting,” Jenna said.
'Daria! Oh no!' Quinn thought, pondering how her sister got herself into that mess. 'Possibly some snide remark that Mr. O'Neill misread,' she thought.
“What is wrong?” a blonde named Tania Kingston asked.
“That's my embarrassing sister,” Quinn said.
“Oh,” Rob said.
“Anyway, continue,” Quinn said, being quite anxious to know more about Mr. O'Neill's Coffee House idea.
“Right. O'Neill than says that it would be place to watch some performers and hang out with friends,” Jenna said.
“Interesting idea,” Quinn said.
“We could read episode reviews there!” Tania said, excitedly. 'Then they will know that anime is better than it sounds!' she thought.
“Or cosplay and read episode reviews, or fanfic!” Tatiana Olivova exclaimed, emitting a squee-like squeal.
The others just looked at her.
“What? There's nothing wrong with fanfic!” she said.
“There isn't if it is well written. Most of it on that ff.net site is not,” Jenna said. 'There is a reason why I don't go on there anymore,' she thought.  Most of her online fandom activities were concentrated on LiveJournal.
“Right,” Tatiana said.
“We didn't hear about the Coffee House in the freshmen class,” Quinn said, steering the conversation away from Tatiana's mention of fanfic.
“Really?” Rob asked.
“Yes,” Tatiana said.
“So you would like the junior class, and not just the sophomore class to be able to participate?” Jenna asked.
“Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be fair,” Quinn said.
“You can bring that up with Mr. O'Neill tomorrow. I will also talk to him about it,” Jenna said. 'Quinn does have a point.'
“That would be great,” Quinn said.
“Absolutely,” Tatiana said.
The Anime Club continued to talk about the idea for another ten minutes before breaking up to head home.
That night, after dinner, Cindy and Kristen visited Quinn.
“An old style coffeehouse?” Cindy asked, when Quinn had finished telling her and Kristen about what had happened at the Anime Club meeting. 'It would certainly add more variety to night activities here in Lawndale, that is for sure,' she thought.
“Yes,” Quinn said.
“What brought that on?” Kristen asked.
“What do you mean?” Quinn asked.
“How did Mr. O'Neill think of the idea?” Kristen asked.
"Koichi said that Mr. O'Neill was inspired by a remark that Daria had made," Quinn said.
“That explains that,” Kristen said.
“So, then I suggested that the freshmen as well as the sophomores can do performances there. That would, like, be rather cool,” Quinn said.
“It would be,” Cindy said.
“I know what you would like to do,” Kristen said to Cindy.
Cindy shrugged.
“Anyway. I could read some poetry,” Kristen said as she thought. 'Some of the audience would appreciate it.'
“It's not too angsty, is it?” Quinn asked, knowing that Goths often wrote poetry that was quite angsty.
Kristen looked away. “It really depends on how one defines angst, doesn't it,” she said. 'I don't think it's that angsty.'
“Sorry,” Quinn said, also looking away.
“Don't worry, she does get like that sometimes,” Cindy said. 'One thing I have learned is; don't judge Kristen by her appearance!'
“Anyhow. I would bring some of my more hopeful poetry to the first night, whenever that is going to be,” Kristen said.
“I would certainly listen to it,” Cindy said.
“I know that you have listened to some of it,” Kristen said with a smile.
“I really should listen to it, huh?” Quinn said, guessing where she had gone wrong in the last minute.
“Yes,” Cindy said, jumping in.
“Sorry about that,” Quinn said. Then the sound of metal music came through the walls.
“Who's playing that music?” Kristen asked, wanting to change the subject from the discussion about her poetry.
“Oh, that is just Daria, playing her music really loud,” Quinn said. “A good thing that her room has that soundproofing,” she said, quieter.
“It sounds a little interesting, if a little sad,” Kristen said.
“Of course it's sad. Daria's a misanthrope!” Quinn said.
“The question would be; why is she a misanthrope? Wouldn't it?” Kristen said, as she went to the door.
“I wouldn't disturb her, she's rather private,” Quinn said.
“I'll be back, after I ask Daria about that music,” Kristen said. She left.
“You think that Daria won't talk to Kristen?” Cindy asked.
“She will tell her to leave her alone and then slam the door in her face. Otherwise she will just ignore her,” Quinn said.
“Maybe Jane and Jennifer have had a positive effect on her?”
“The likelihood is remote. Jennifer says that she feels that her friendship with Jane is closer than that with Daria.”
“It's still possible,” Cindy said in thought.
“I guess so,” Quinn said, as she looked out one of the front windows.
Kristen walked up to Daria's room and knocked on the door. After a minute of the music continuing at the same volume she knocked again.
'Nothing for it, except to just go in,' she thought. She grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door, preparing herself to see whatever was inside.
However, she was not prepared to see what she actually saw. Padded walls like those in a psychiatric institution.
She looked around in slight shock, at the archaeological print, the wheelchair rail, the plain brown bed, the sawn off bars in the windows, the models of a slice of cheese and a human heart, the television on the trolley, the keyboard set up and amplifier, the set of drawers, computer set up, Kafka poster and book shelves.
She saw the short, auburn-haired, teen playing the music on a bass guitar with the lead plugged into the amplifier. She was reading the music off a handwritten sheet held above the keyboard and softly singing the lyrics. Kristen stepped into the room and listened to the sad metal tunes.
After another minute Kristen made another move. “Daria?” she asked.
At the sound of Kristen's voice Daria started “Eep!” and dropped the guitar on the keyboard. She swiftly turned around, causing her bleached bangs to fall across her face. She blew them aside with a harsh blow. “How long have you been there?” she asked, with a stern expression.
“Only about a minute,” Kristen said.
Daria thought for a moment “That's alright I guess. But you shouldn't just barge in uninvited and listen to my internal musings!” she said.
“I guess so. But you sound so sad,” Kristen said.
“You would sound sad too if you grew up in a town like Highland, and your younger sister hogged the spotlight constantly!”
“I guess so,” Kristen said. She was the youngest, but she did feel that Kelly did hog some of the spotlight in the eyes of her parents. 'She even dyed her hair the same as me. I dyed it this way first!' she thought. She shook her head, turning her thoughts back to Daria. 'She isn't telling the whole story.'
“Out!” Daria said.
“Wait!” Kristen said.
“What?” Daria asked.
“I would like to ask you about your music, besides the personal aspects, that is.”
Daria thought for a moment. “Fine. I write metal, it suits my mood. I also listen to metal, otherwise it would be punk or rock. Anything from any other genre would have to have an existential bent to it,” she said.
“That would include blues and country and western, wouldn't it?”
“What I like, is similar, but a little more upbeat. Also more Gothic in tone,” Kristen said.
“As I expected,” Daria said, playing an improvisational piece on the keyboard. She stopped, then flipped pages in the notebook and quickly wrote down the notes she had just played.
'She's quite talented,' Kristen thought. “What was expected?” she asked.
“The Gothic tones.”
'Of course,' Kristen thought. She would have said something more except that Quinn came into the room.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch3
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Chapter 2
After the fight with the Hollow, Renji and myself went back to where those other guys were, we went back into our Gigai bodies, I walked out of my room same with Renji, we were in the sight of Kai and Xiumin, we are starting to get concerned on if they found out about on what we do. Xiumin asked, "What would you guys do if we gave you jobs?" "Jobs? What kind of jobs?" asked Renji. I did a side glance at Renji, then looked at them while saying, "Just as long as Renji and myself stick together no matter what." "That's a problem, we know on how strong your friendship is with each other, but we thought it would be best if we separated you both," said Kai. Renji shouted, "Are you guys insane? I made a promise to her brother that I will always be by her side no matter what you do, we will always find a way to stick together!" Xiumin looked at him with a certain look, I elbowed Renji lightly letting him know that these guys are no pushover, we are so use to Soul Society's squad captain and everything else. It's gonna be hard to adjust for the both of us, I said, "Sorry, he did not mean that though it is true, we always stick together no matter what." "What we meant was, we have a situation and we need all the help that we can get," said Kai, "We are not recruiting you guys just yet." "Don't recruit us, allow us to be back up," said Renji, "Because we are a part of something that we are not telling you unless it is needed." I grabbed Shadow Phoenix again, Kai said, "You won't need that with you." "I only bring her when needed," I said, "Besides this sword is my good luck charm." "Alright," said Kai. Why do I get the feeling that he is starting to wonder that Renji and myself are not from this world? I thought, I went to Renji, he looked at me, "Looks like they weren't going to split us apart only during their missions." "Hey, what do you guys call yourselves anyways?" I asked Kai. He answered, "We are the EXO Mafia." That triggered both me and Renji, we looked at each other, Kris, Luhan, and Tao always mention people that they called EXO, these were the guys those 3 were talking about and I took their lives away from this life. Then again, they did thank me for doing that, Renji and myself sat right next to each other. Renji quietly asked me, "Do you think they know on what happened to those 3?" "I hope not, that would put them on the alert thinking that we are the bad guys but we are not," I whispered to him, "Until further notice, we are not saying a word about where we came from." "Just know that it's only a matter of time before they suspect that we have been only going to our rooms for not only napping but also fight Hollows to protect the innocent lives," said Renji. I looked at one of them, Chen, he was directly looking at us, oh no, does he know? I hope not. I looked behind me, there was Ichigo, just smiling like a creep, I punched him in the face for that. Renji asked, "Where did you come from, Ichigo?" "I thought it was only the 2 of us," I said. Ichigo said, "I thought I might help these guys as well, might thought they need some extra hands." "Oh, good, the more the merrier," I said. When we got to our destination, I felt vibes of Hollow activity all around, the 3 of us looked at each other, I asked, "What should we do?" "I know, there's no room to go Soul Reaper to find those Hollows," said Ichigo. I somehow ended up teamed up with Ichigo and Kai along with Xiumin, Renji went with Baekhyun, Chen, and Chanyeol, we followed Kai and Xiumin, us 3 can only see on where the Hollows are. We are on the alert, I'm hoping help is on the way, then a Hollow came and pinned me down. "Akari!!" Ichigo shouted, "Renji! Akari has been attacked!" This was when we lost sight of Kai and Xiumin, then we heard, "Roar! Zabimaru!!" Renji came to my rescue, Ichigo helped me up, I asked, "How did you manage to get out of your Gigai?" "I lost sight of those 3," said Renji, "So, you 2 come on, I called for back up, Hitsugaya and some others are coming their way." So, well Ichigo did, I almost did when Kai and Xiumin came to me, Kai asked, "Where is your friend?" "He told me to meet up with you guys while he made sure Renji was alright after I was attacked by small pebble," I said, "You see, I have a sensitive head." "Oh," said Xiumin. I can't transform now, Kai and Xiumin made sure that I was in their sight, I sighed, Xiumin and Kai suddenly stopped, something was blocking our path, I know what's blocking our path, it's a Hollow, I took out Shadow Phoenix and pointed her towards the Hollow, Kai and Xiumin looked at me like I was crazy, then I shouted, "Burst! Shadow Phoenix!" Then the sword magically turned into my Scythe, now they were looking at me like a mad woman, I told them, "I'll explain later but right now you need to trust me on this, I need to kill this creature before it kills you, you can't see it, but it can see you and only I and some of my friends can see these creatures." They nodded, then out I came. I took out that sucker with no problem whatsoever, I went back to my body, I woke up noticing that Xiumin was holding me, I told him, "You can let go now, I'm back in this body." "Oh alright," he said, "So, wait you can actually go in and out of this body?" "That's right but like I said I'll explain later for right now you 2 need to wear these," I said, giving them invisible glasses, "They are called invisible glasses, they were made by me, and they allow you to see things you can't actually see." "Alright," said Kai. They took them and they saw Renji, Ichigo, Toshiro, and Rukia, I asked Toshiro, "Where's Rangiku?" "She's on her way," said Toshiro. Kai said, "Whoa, this is very trippy." "We can actually see on who you are looking at," said Xiumin, "This is amazing." "Yeah but sadly they are just a prototype," I said, "I only made them because I want people on who I can trust to see on the people I'm around and not to mention a certain job I have." "Job?" Kai asked. I said, "My life job is a Soul Reaper that's basically everyone you can see and where I am from and that's all I'm going to tell for now." Since we took care of all the Hollows in the area, we went back to headquarters, I know that I'm going to be explaining a lot to Kai and Xiumin about the Soul Society, Renji said, "You told them didn't you?" "Like I had any choice," I said, pouting, "Neither you or Ichigo were near by so I thought what was the best thing." "She has a point, Renji," said Ichigo. Though I looked at Xiumin and Kai again, it looked like their memories were erased because they told each other that I had collapsed, I looked at Rukia and gave her a thumbs up because I thought I had to tell them on what we, Soul Reapers, do in order to protect the world of the living it is way too soon to explain on who we are and what we do, so Kai asked me, "So, what were you going to say?" "What do you mean?" I asked back. Xiumin said, "You said that you were going to explain something and you have us curious." "Now is not the time, I need to know that I can trust you guys with my life," I said, "I need to know that you guys won't turn your backs on me and Renji." "Just as long as you continue to doing on what you do then it won't matter," said Kai. "She's not yet ready," said Renji, "She'll tell when she's ready to." "We understand," said Xiumin, "Though our boss, Suho, might pressure her." "Not just him, also Chanyeol, Sehun, and Jongdae," said Kai. I have a feeling that I was never meant to be here in the first place, I never chosen this place, I've been wanting to stay with Ichigo so he can make me understand the world of the living more than what these guys are doing. Renji sees the look on my face, this was when Kai and Xiumin had left us alone, he kneels down and asks, "Are you feeling like you want to leave this place?" "I keep on feeling that we are not welcomed   here, Ichigo will welcome me with open arms without a problem," I said to him, "It's just these guys only sees us as nothing but toys to play in their eyes." "Which is why you wanted Rukia to erase on what those 2 saw," said Renji, "That was very clever." "Yeah, I think I want to stay with Ichigo for the time being," I said, "But I'll think about it." "Yeah, you should let that body rest and head over to the Soul Society so you can vent to someone that you always turn to," said Renji. We went to our rooms and we fell asleep, out we came then went to the Soul Society, I told Renji, "See you later, Lt. Renji Abarai." "See you later, 3rd Seat Akari Itsuki Hitsugaya," said Renji. I made my way to my barracks when I bumped into Shuhei, I freaked, "Oh, Shuhei, I didn't see you there I was kind of lost in my thoughts." "It's alright, I was told on what you are going through and my advice is to never show that you are afraid, that's how Zaraki always gets you to do everything he needs to do," said Shuhei, "Thankfully those guys have no idea on who you are." "So, how are Kris Wu, Luhan, and Tao?" I asked, "I'm asking because I heard that you are training them." "Nah, I was only there to supervise so that they wouldn't do anything stupid," said Shuhei, "Anyways see you later." "By the way, thanks for all those roses, Shuhei," I said, shyly. I never walked so fast from him in my life as a Soul Reaper, because I've never felt so warm in my heart before so I went to my barracks finally, Rangiku said to Toshiro, "She's here, Captain Hitsugaya." "Thanks Rangiku," he said. I walked over and asked, "Is there any task that you need me to handle with?" "I'll let you know when I find something, you can relax from being in the world of the living," said Toshiro, "Besides, you are handling a situation on your own and I don't want to put a brick on your shoulders." "I've been wanting to release Shadow Phoenix for all day, you have no idea how difficult it was to release such a powerful attack move when you have some people watching you," I vented. Toshiro asked, "Are you waiting for a battle to happen?" "Yes, I've been wanting a full fledged fight," I said, "I understand if that's against the rules." "Well, since you are very attached to her so I'm going to let you battle me since you've been wanting to fight me," said Toshiro. I stood up then nodded, "Just let me release my inner reaper." "You mean your inner Hollow?" asked Toshiro, "You need to have that inner hollow under control otherwise it'll take over you." "Which is why I wanted to train with Ichigo since he knows on how to control his Inner Hollow," I said, "I'm not that different from Ichigo other than different personalities." "Alright I'll let you release on what you were restricted from doing then I'm going to call Ichigo over so he can train with you so you can control your inner Hollow," said Toshiro, "By the way, have you confessed to Shuhei yet?" "No, I only thanked him for the roses he kept sending me," I said, turning light red. I couldn't help but after my fight with Toshiro I seemed to calm down a great deal, the fight only ended in 5 hours and I met up with Renji, he asked, "Are you ready to go back, Akari?" I nodded, "I mean we better wake up before they get suspicious on why are we still 'sleeping' I just want them to think that we are sleeping." "Yeah," said Renji, "Well, you can go, I'll meet up with you when I'm done, I just need to do a few things that Captain Kuchiki asked me to do so I wanted to see you off before I do them." "How sweet of you, Renji," I said.
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feelingfredly · 6 years
The Fox Guards the Wolf
Chasing Tails
Part Fourteen
Kisuke suppressed a sigh and picked up the pizza box.  It looked like Ichigo wasn’t coming after all.
He had to admit he was a little surprised.  He hadn’t expected Taka-chan’s brand of persuasion to work so well on the redhead, but then Ichigo didn’t have any history with the man. He looked normal enough.   Successful. An empire builder.
Unfortunately, he was also a psychopath.
Another sigh threatened. Was it really too much to ask to have one thing in his life that Okura Kagetaka couldn’t ruin?
Kisuke? Yoruichi murmured in his ear. Ichigo just arrived downstairs.
Apparently not. The pizza box trembled a little in his hand.
He was probably heading up to his apartment.  There was no reason to expect him to…
“Oh, thank God, yes! Give me that!” Ichigo exploded through his door on a wave of kinetic energy and Kisuke spun on his heel, holding the box up to grabby hands. “I am starving.  This whole super spy gig takes way too much effort.”
Kisuke stepped back from the table and watched Ichigo slip into a chair at his table and inhale a slice of pizza. “Super spy gig?”
Your heart rate has risen ten percent. Yoruichi said, but Kisuke ignored her. It wasn’t important. Ichigo had come.
“Mmmmm,” he moaned around the bite in his mouth and Kisuke shook his head. No one should enjoy pizza that much.
“Yeah,” he swallowed, “I had a bitch of a time getting rid of the Yakuza following me. At least I think it was one of Mamushi’s men, but it could have been someone else, I guess.  Whoever it was, he stuck to me like Yuzu when she wants me to buy ice cream.”
He ate his second piece slower, apparently now convinced that it wouldn't disappear if he didn’t eat fast enough.
“Once I lost him, I went to the gym. The cleaning guy knows me, and he let me in to call Renji from their phone.  Luckily he was studying so he didn’t mind the interruption.”
As the second piece disappeared, so did the edge of Ichigo’s frantic energy.
“He was already at the apartment, so that made the next part easier, but still.” He pushed back from the table a little. “I had to explain some of what was going on and honestly, considering how little I actually know about what’s going on, that didn’t go so well.”
He shrugged a little and didn’t meet Kisuke’s eyes, and the blond could tell he wanted to ask a thousand questions, but he wasn’t going to push.  Yet.  He wasn’t going to wait for very long, though.
“Okura-san told me to have the papers looked over, so…”
Kisuke interrupted. “I’m sorry. Papers?”
Ichigo’s eyebrows rose a fraction.  “Oh yeah.  You don’t know about that.  Huh.  I guess I’m too used to you knowing everything.”
That was a loaded statement if Kisuke'd ever heard one. It was fair, though.
“Focus, Ichigo, if you would.  What papers?”
Ichigo took an extra-large bite and stared at Kisuke challengingly, forcing him to wait while he chewed.  It had been a long time since anyone had been so openly defiant with him.  Probably since Yoruichi had left on her current mission. It was… cute.
“I am sorry, Ichigo-kun,” he bowed his head a little, quietly teasing the redhead in return, “whenever you’re ready.”
Ichigo swallowed and shook his head.  “Like I’m ever going to be ready for you.” He froze realizing what he said, and Kisuke couldn’t stop a grin from forming.  Ichigo apparently decided that ignoring it was safer than denying it, and rushed on.
“Well, Okura-san tried to convince me that you were a dangerous man who had broken in to their labs and stolen or destroyed his work.  He claimed the two men who jumped you at Como’s were over-zealous employees there to escort you to a meeting he'd arranged to try to get his property back, and they were only there as a safety precaution because you’re too dangerous to be allowed to come alone. Then he bemoaned the fact that I, a poor defenseless bystander,had been involved, and cried mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”
“He said that since it was only because of his employees’ mistakes that I was entangled in this brouhaha, he wanted to make sure that I had the financial wherewithal to escape  your clutches, now that you’ve decided I am a useful pawn.”
He put down the remainder of his pizza slice and Kisuke moved into the kitchen to grab a napkin for him.
“Thanks.” He wiped his hands clean and looked at Kisuke.  His eyes were well-lit by the overhead lamp, and Kisuke could just see the little golden freckle that sat in the corner of one of the warm brown irises. “He gave me a settlement offer of eleven million yen to ‘cover damages’ and then a potential future position within the Okura keiretsu that would pay my tuition to med school, when I decide I want to go back.”
The two men stared at each other silently for a moment.
“Then he suggested that I have someone I trust look over the papers, so I gave them to Renji.  He’ll go over them and make sure there’s nothing hidden in the legalese, like selling the guy my first-born son or something.  He seems like the type who’d do something like that.”
Kisuke felt something in his chest loosen at the words.  Ichigo hadn’t believed Taka after all.
“Children have never been Taka-chan’s currency of choice, but I learned long ago not to put anything past him.”
Ichigo snorted at that.  “Yeah, he did the whole song and dance routine with enough skill that it was clearly something he’d practiced long and hard.  Only people who have things to hide go to that much trouble.”
Kisuke wondered if he was that transparent to Ichigo.  He’d practiced dissembling even longer and, arguably, to just as troublesome ends as his misguided protégé.
“Stop that.” Ichigo stood and walked the few steps into the kitchen proper, grabbing a water glass from the shelf and filling it from the tap. “You’re not the same.”
Kisuke looked at his defender and shook his head with a sad smile. “How can you be so sure, Ichigo-kun?  I am not, and I’ve lived in my own head for quite a long time.”
Ichigo rinsed the glass and placed it on the drain board. “That’s your problem.  You’ve been stuck in your head with all this crap for years.  It’s no wonder you can’t see it.”
He started putting the leftover pizza away with the economical movements of experience, and Kisuke wondered whether it was a skill he'd developed during his time raising his sisters, or from bachelor life.
“Can’t see what?” Kisuke was almost afraid to ask.
Ichigo wet a dishcloth and moved to wipe down the table. “That you’re not Dr. Frankenstein, and if this guy, Okura, is a monster, he isn’t your creation.”
His face was unusually serious, the mobile lips held tightly as he stared at Kisuke, trying to make him understand.
“He didn’t tell you anything that was too far from the truth, Ichigo-kun.” He didn’t ever want Ichigo to feel like he’d lied to him. “I have broken into his offices and destroyed things.  I have thwarted him at every turn, and I have every intention of continuing to do so. I am not innocent in all this.”
Ichigo rinsed the towel and wrung it out, placing it carefully, and Kisuke could see the tension in the other man’s posture.
“The bastard knew about my dad.  My sisters.  He very carefully didn’t threaten them, if you know what I mean.”  His eyes darkened and Kisuke was surprised by the depth of anger he could see there. “If you hadn’t set yourself against him, I’d be very disappointed, anata.”
Ichigo spent the next hour recounting details.  Kisuke loved details.  Luckily, Ichigo had a good memory.
“The butler was impressive. I’m pretty sure she was armed—it looked like an asp like mine, maybe the shorter version?—and even Masuda-san was careful around her.” He shook his head, remembering the Yakuza’s warning. “When a gangster says to be careful around someone, I’ve learned it’s in my best interest to listen.”
Kisuke nodded. “Not a bad lesson to learn. How long did it take you to learn it?”
Ichigo grumbled. “I learned it.  That’s what matters.”
Kisuke laughed, the first truly relaxed sound Ichigo had heard from him since he’d arrived.  “Very true.”
Ichigo had felt more than a little bit of pride when Kisuke complimented his actions after leaving Okura’s offices.  He’d half expected the blond to laugh at his gleaned-from-fiction approach to things—ditching his tail, switching computers, changing his clothes—but he’d just nodded and said, Good, good.  Did you take a shower?
Ichigo didn’t want to think about why he might have needed a shower; he might never leave the apartment again.
“I don’t think she touched me, but with the backpack it’s almost impossible to tell.  I wasn’t thinking about trackers or anything when I first got there, honestly.  It wasn’t until I was on the way out that I remembered how she followed me into the building rather than leading me.”
Kisuke moved to put water on for tea. “Is that why you left your bag at your old apartment?”
Ichigo nodded.  “I figured, if I wanted them to believe that I believed them—can this get any more convoluted?—I couldn’t come straight back here.  I could have gone to my dad’s, but that’s the last place I want their attention focused.”
“So,” he said, taking his mug and looking over the rim at Kisuke and sipping slowly, “you’re going to need to put new trackers or sensors or whatever it is you use on my new stuff.”
Kisuke’s shoulders shook with silent laughter.  “I would normally deny such behavior in the most strenuous of terms. However, since you wouldn’t believe me and I wouldn't insult you by insisting that it was true, I will simply agree and thank you for trusting me.”
Ichigo reached across the table and squeezed Kisuke’s hand. “You’re welcome.”  He let the corner of his lip quirk up in a half-smile. “Don’t fuck it up.”
Kisuke met his gaze and then bowed his head . “I will do my best not to.”
It was late before they finished the impromptu debriefing, and Kisuke could see Ichigo’s shoulders slumping. He wasn’t accustomed to this sort of thing and as sanguine as he was pretending to be, Kisuke knew it was taking its toll.
“Kisuke?” Ichigo asked.  “This thing you stole. What was it?”
The blond twisted in his seat so he could see Ichigo better. “Taka-chan was working with me when I first came up with the idea for Yoruichi.” He laughed a little. “Maybe I’d seen too many video games, but I was convinced that I could improve upon the normal concept of a security AI. You’ve seen a little of what Yoruichi can do hooked up to a known system.  The complete version allows someone to embed her into a system on the fly so you can use your enemies’ security against them.   It then runs a scorched earth protocol cutting all contacts with the existent hardware except for those that Yoruichi is using.  It basically subverts any computerized security system, turning it into a zombie for me to use.”
“He didn’t want to stop there.  Taka thought that accessing the system during an operation wasn’t enough. He thought we should use it, attack with it remotely, and leave the original system’s owner looking guilty of an unprovoked attack.”
Kisuke stirred a little restlessly.  “He always believed that pitting targets against each other was the way to destabilize situations enough that someone could come in and take over with minimal effort.”
Ichigo stiffened a little.  “Like the yakuza turf wars?”
Kisuke nodded.  “Exactly like that.  It started small.  I think he was experimenting.  He engineered a falling out between two Onmi agents.  One was reprimanded and lost his position.  He…” Kisuke paused and tried to find the best way of explaining, “he didn’t take it well.   He figured out that Taka was behind the machinations but couldn’t prove anything.  He tried to beat a confession out of him.  Taka allowed him to do substantial damage, and then pressed charges against him.”
Ichigo frowned. “Allowed? You mean he could have stopped it?”
Kisuke nodded. “Absolutely. Taka-chan was better than anyone in the Onmi at hand to hand combat—including me. He could have ended the assault in less than a minute, but he didn’t.  He wanted the injuries as testimony. He also knew that the constant reminder of the agent’s loss of control would make everyone else uneasy. It is his gift, you see, the ability to read his opponent.  However, it is also his greatest weakness.  Once he has evaluated a situation, he becomes inflexible.   Predictable.  But never underestimate him.”
“After that, I kept a closer eye on him.  I was impressed with his ability to read situations and people, but I disliked how little he considered the consequences of his actions on others.  The Director, though, saw his indifference as an asset.  When it became clear that the local yakuza groups were choosing to organize amongst themselves against law enforcement, he sent Taka in to shake things up.  It was a perfect fit in many ways.  Taka’s mother worked in the soaplands in Nakasu. She died when he was young, and he worked his way up from the lowest ranks into a position of relative respect by the time he was in his early teens. That was when I found him and persuaded him that a life outside the yakuza would be preferable. It wasn’t hard.  He hated the men who took advantage just because they could, not because they were better, or smarter, or even stronger. He knew he was smarter than any of the people he had to bow and scrape to, and it burned.  The Director knew it, knew Taka’s hatred for the yakuza and his penchant for creating chaos, and sent him out anyway.”
Ichigo frowned. “So, you’re saying that the Director wanted a turf war?”
Kisuke shrugged. “Turf war.  Assassination. Anything that would stop the gangs from working together.”
“And it didn’t matter who got hurt in the crossfire.” Ichigo rapped his knuckles on the table. “Like my mom.”
Kisuke sighed and nodded. “Like your mother. She knew the locals—some more than others—and believed that she could reason with them, but once Taka got into someone’s head, it rarely turned out well.”
Ichigo sat back and rolled his shoulders. “Sounds to me like it is time for your Taka-chan to learn a lesson about messing with people’s lives.”
Kisuke gave him a sideways look.  “He isn’t my Taka-chan, you know.”
Ichigo didn’t look at him. “But he was. You still call him Taka-chan," he practically spit the name out. "Clearly he means something to you.”
Kisuke moved closer and put his hand on Ichigo’s arm until he acknowledged him.
“You’re wrong, anata. There is nothing between us. Yes, he was interested in pursuing a relationship at one time, but it was never more than a question of politics and power, and that was not a game I have ever had the time or inclination to play.”
“As far as why I call him Taka-chan, I do it because it gets under his skin. He hates being subordinate to anyone, but at this point he truly hates being beaten by me. If he had his way, I would cast aside my too-familiar ways, grovel and call him Okura-dono as he so clearly deserves, and then beg him to allow me to follow him into his brave new order where the last man standing is the only one worthy.”
Ichigo appeared mollified, but Kisuke made a mental note to try to reinforce the message when he could. The last thing he wanted was for Ichigo to think there was some twisted attraction beneath the animosity between him and Taka-chan.
“The only thing that Okura Kagetaka is to me is a threat that must be dealt with.” He wanted Ichigo to understand.  Needed him to understand. “I might not have created the monster, but I gave him skills that he wouldn’t have had otherwise.  So, it falls to me to make sure he doesn’t use those skills to sew more chaos.”
The redhead looked at him and slowly nodded. “I can see that.  Just don’t get too caught up in it, okay? I’ve seen you working. I don’t think moderation or perspective were subjects they taught you in spy school.”
“No,” Kisuke couldn’t muffle a laugh. “No, they weren’t.”
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes until Ichigo turned to him and raised and eyebrow.
“I wonder… was there a class in how to steal your boyfriend’s clothes? Or did that skill just come naturally?” The sparkle was back in his eyes, the dark brown shining with amber again, and Kisuke smiled.
“Oh Ichigo, do you really need to ask? It comes naturally.” He slanted a wicked grin across the table. “Plus, if I’m wearing them, you can’t be.”
Ichigo blushed. “You are so full of it…”
Kisuke stood up and started walking down the hall.  “If you want it back,” he stopped in the bedroom door, “come and take it.”
His Ichigo was never one to back down from a challenge.
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akaluan · 6 years
A Token, My Liege? Pt 6
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | ????
((Aaaaand the actual bit of dialogue that inspired this entire almost 9k worth of text is here at last. Enjoy!))
The courtyard is cramped, jammed full with every active knight, mage, and prominent fighter in the castle. It’s enough to make Uryuu uncomfortable, standing shoulder to shoulder with people he neither likes nor trusts, but there’s nothing for it. At least his tormentors usually leave him be during gatherings like this, not after the first time one of the elder Swordmasters had caught them at their tricks and called them out.
All three of their Lords stand atop the platform along with several others, every last one of them dressed for war. Even Urahara is there, missing his hat and looking uncomfortable in his scale armor and long overcoat.
Zangetsu-sama is speaking, extolling upon the war and their enemy and the troubles ahead. He’s announcing that it /is/ a war, not just border raids, and how they will advance to crush the enemy who thinks them easy pickings.
Uryuu is certain it’s a rousing speech. Something to sway everyone into a proper mindset — Zangetsu-sama is skilled at rallying people, after all — but Uryuu has eyes only for Shiro.
Shiro’s wild, snow white hair hangs free down his back, his golden eyes alight with anticipation and his right hand resting on the hilt of his signature black-edged sword. He leans over to allow his twin to whisper in his ear and his responding grin is wide and feral. He scans the crowd and for a brief moment Uryuu wants to believe the man is staring at /him/.
But no. He can’t be. Even after everything, he still remains a nobody to his Lords.
(Doesn’t he?)
(Urahara seems to believe otherwise…)
Little tongues of blue-black flame dance like foxfire over Shiro’s shoulders and down his arms, scattering from his fingertips as he turns back to Ichigo and gestures sharply. Red-black lightning ripples through his hair and brushes across his face, sparking over his circlet and across the beast fangs he wears as earrings.
He looks every inch the terrifying Dark Flier that their enemies fear, and Uryuu can’t help but /want/.
(’Be bold’ Urahara had said.)
(Dare he?)
Uryuu remains in place as Zangetsu finishes his speech and turns back to stand with his brothers. Everyone around him begins to mill about and group up, gossiping about the war and what they expect, boasting about their prowess and what will come, how thoroughly and swiftly they’ll beat back Hueco Mundo’s army.
He knows it for the empty talk it is. The boldest speakers are those who’ve not seen war, who don’t yet know the horrors that will greet them on the battlefield. They’ve hunted bandits or repelled small raiders, but Uryuu… Uryuu grew up moving from battlefield to battlefield. He knows what it’s like, knows all the ways it’s going to twist so many of those green knights up until they finally make peace with everything.
Uryuu slips through the crowd, making his way towards the platform where the royals remain. He’s surprised that they haven’t left yet, but he’ll take what luck he can get. As it is, he’s still not sure if he has the courage to attempt to /speak/ with Shiro-sama, not in the open like this.
He reaches the edge of the crowd and hesitantly steps forward, moving closer to the platform. He’s not the only one either; several older knights lean against the platform, heads tilted back as they speak with various members there.
Urahara catches sight of his and grins brightly, darting to the edge of the platform and crouching down to be closer to Uryuu’s level. “Fancy seeing /you/ here, Uryuu-kun,” he teases.
“So how much did you get bribed to dress in that get-up?” Uryuu asks, eyeing Urahara’s scale armor and heavy overcoat. The ankle-length coat is elaborate, with golden borders and deep blue shoulder-cape marked with several lengths of braided cord and embroidered sigils.
He’s /seen/ this outfit before, tucked away in a corner of Urahara’s private rooms, but he never expected to see the man /wear/ it. The armor looks custom made but the ankle-length coat is as much a uniform as Uryuu’s own gear is, announcing Urahara’s rank and position for anyone to see.
(He’d thought the man retired from military life long before Uryuu came to the castle.)
“Mou, Uryuu-kun is mean,” Urahara complains with an exaggerated pout. “I wear armor when I need to!”
“Of course you do.” Uryuu smirks up at Urahara. “That’s why you look like you’re going to discard it the moment you get off this stage.”
Urahara smiles wryly and shrugs. “I never said I /enjoy/ it,” he points out with amusement. “The opposite, actually. But our Lords want my expertise on the front lines, so… back in the armor I go.”
Uryuu’s gaze moves to the side to where all three brothers continue to talk. Another person has joined their circle, though he can’t quite tell who without being able to see their face. Whoever it is, Shiro looks restless, constantly shifting his weight and drumming his fingers against the hilt of his sword.
“You could speak with him,” Urahara suggests quietly, amusement dropping away and gaze understanding. “He won’t mind and neither will anyone else up here. Not even Asano-san.”
He wants to say no, wants to simply shake his head and retreat, but Urahara’s words — ‘be bold!’ — keep repeating through his mind. They’re going to war. They’re /all/ going to war and he knows what that means.
(Knows how easy it is for an enemy to get lucky. For either of them to never return.)
“Shiro-sama,” Uryuu calls out, loud enough to be heard by all of his Lords. “My liege, a moment of your time?”
The four pause in their discussion, distracted by his words. Shiro turns and stares at him in surprise and rising fascination, and Uryuu resists the urge to fidget under the man’s attention. Instead, he tips his chin up and meets Shiro’s gaze steadily.
(He wants to hide. Wants to blush and look away.)
(His pride refuses to back down.)
Ichigo laughs and pushes his twin towards Uryuu. “Well, go on! Be kind to my knight, you asshole, and stop staring like he’s a thing to devour.”
“Wh—aw, fuck ya too, Aibo,” Shiro snaps back without heat, a hint of pink coloring his cheeks. He prowls across the stage and hops down to stand next to Uryuu, putting them level with each other. “Here ya go, one lord’s ‘tention,” he says with an easy grin. “Cha want, Ishida-san?”
He… shouldn’t be surprised that Shiro knows his name, but it still stalls his mind for a moment. Around them people are beginning to fall silent, watching and wondering what’s going on. They’re becoming the center of attention and it’s /damn/ uncomfortable in Uryuu’s opinion, especially when everyone is waiting to see what he wants with their Lord.
Urahara catches his eye and arches an eyebrow, making a little ‘go on’ gesture with one hand. It’s enough to jolt Uryuu into action.
“A token, to wear into battle?” his mouth asks before his mind fully unfreezes.
Shiro blinks slowly, surprise flickering across his expression.
(Oh. Oh, he’s going to die. Of mortification if nothing else.)
A hush spreads through the courtyard as everyone waits for Shiro’s reaction. For the anger and frustration at being asked yet again by a random knight — worse, by someone who doesn’t wear the uniform or insignia of the flying division.
(By someone Shiro is unlikely to know.)
Uryuu already knows the sort of rumors his fellow knights are likely to spread, no matter how this works out.
Shiro’s surprise passes and he /smirks/ at him, hand raising to the bright red scarf wound about his neck. “A token, hmm? How ‘bout a scarf, m’bold lil archer?”
All he can do is nod, tongue frozen and cheeks /burning/ at the address. Shiro chuckles and steps closer, draping his scarf around Uryuu’s neck and tucking the ends into place with far too much fussing, fingers skimming Uryuu’s skin more than necessary.
“A token, that m’bold lil archer might r’turn safe ta me time an’ time ‘gain,” Shiro murmurs in Uryuu’s ear, making Uryuu twitch and tuck his chin down towards his chest, entire face feeling like it’s on fire.
Which just ends up burying Uryuu’s nose in Shiro’s scarf and makes everything /worse/.
(Better. Makes everything better.)
(He’s /wearing Shiro’s scarf/.)
(No, wait. Absolutely makes things worse.)
(He’s going to /die/.)
Urahara makes a noise that Uryuu recognizes as the man suppressing laughter. It’s enough to make him gather his wits. “Thank you, my liege,” he clumsily forces out.
“My pleasure,” Shiro says with a bright grin, taking a reluctant step back and letting his hands drop back to his side. Foxfire and lightning flicker and swirl across his hair and shoulders, wilder now than before.
(He did that. That’s /Shiro’s/ reaction to /him/.)
(Oh but he wants to reach out and /feel/ the man’s magic across his hands…)
“Maybe we’ll e’en get ta work t’gether,” Shiro says with a wicked smirk. “I’m lookin’ for’ard ta it.”
“Uh—” is all Uryuu can get out before Shiro has hopped back onto the stage and retreated back to his brothers. “Uhm—”
Urahara laughs and drops down, resting a hand on his shoulder and gently pulling him away. “Let’s get you inside before you pass out from all the blood rushing to your head,” he says softly enough that only Uryuu can hear.
Uryuu whines and covers his face with his hands, the enormity of what he just did crashing down around his ears. “I’m doomed,” he whines as Urahara guides him through a nearby door. “I— why did you /let me do that/, oh Ancestors I’m doomed, he— I—” his voice cuts out in another wordless whine, unable to articulate his emotions.
“Aww, that’s not true, Uryuu-kun! Look on the bright side, Shiro-kun likes you enough to give you his scarf!” Urahara makes a happy noise and ruffles Uryuu’s hair. “Why, just think! Next he might even take you for a ride on Getsuga!”
Uryuu shakes his head in wordless disbelief and bats Urahara’s had away from his hair. He doesn’t believe it. He /won’t/ believe it. Not until he’s standing in front of Getsuga and being allowed on her back.
Urahara just laughs.
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missstormcaller · 6 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Vol. II Part 5 Full Translation
This is about 1/3 of part 9 on the app (chapter 8 continued)
Somewhere in Seireitei.
"…Well, well. I didn't expect that one of the Espada would actually go to the trouble of leaping into the palm of my hands." In a dimly lit room encircled by numerous computer monitors, a man flashes a gleeful smile. At first glance, it could be mistaken for the observation room of the 12th division, however it was filled with an air that is far more closed-off than such facilities that exist within the Department of Research and Development. Tsunayashiro Tokinada, the absolute authority and sole presence in that space, watches the Reishi feedback on the monitors with great interest whilst muttering to himself.
"It's the Arrancar who made an appearance during the assault carried out by that Quincy lot, isn't it? Is this also perhaps an isolated coincidence? Or is it inevitable that he would drop in unexpectedly?" As Tokinada calmly stood up, he held his hand over a nearby candlestick. Then, he called out to someone on the other side of that candlestick which appears to be a sort of communication device. " —— Hikone." It was a simple call, but the flames of the candlestick flickered in a flash. "Yes, Tokinada sama!" An innocent voice that didn't match the atmosphere of the place, streams out from the candlestick. "You called!? Hikone's body has already been completely healed thanks to Yamada san's efforts! I think that I can definitely meet Tokinada sama's expectations this time!" "Don't talk nonsense. You have never betrayed my expectations. My expectations for you was that you would fail, and you failed for me precisely like I expected." "Tokinada sama?" "This previous defeat will become a source of nourishment for both you and 'Ikomikidomoe'. You may be versatile but you are by no means omnipotent. In order to avoid a mortal blow due to arrogance, you should remember the taste of defeat on some occasion at least once. That occasion was back in Hueco Mundo not too long ago, it's as simple as that." As he chuckled, Tokinada posed a question. "Do you despise me, the one who anticipated your defeat? Hikone?" "Not at all! I don't understand all too well since I'm not very bright, but if Tokinada sama says as such, then I'm extremely happy! I will continue to meet Tokinada sama's expectations from now on!" "I see, it's no big deal even if you did hold contempt for me you know. You are the future king after all. The likes of worthless noblemen such as myself, just looking at them, hearing their name, even being aware of their very existence will gradually become a pain. Compared to that, it would be a fortunate thing if I could simply remain in your memories whether or not you despise me." "What are you saying! I absolutely will not forget about Tokinada sama! After all, I wouldn't even be born in the first place if Tokinada sama wasn't there! Besides, it's Tokinada sama who once told me let's go with an equal relationship!" Faced with the words of Hikone which was not only denying the notion but also appears to be harbouring some sort of sentiment as if entreating him, Tokinada's sadistic smile distorted even further as he responded. "Is that so, thank you Hikone. It makes me glad to hear that even from your position you desire an 'equal' relationship." "That's right! Tokinada sa —— " But, at that moment… A completely different voice had interjected from the other side of the communication device by cutting off Hikone's own which was overflowing with joy. "……Don't make me laugh." Dark, solemn ridicule. "You don't actually think, even in the slightest, that you are equal to this child you wretch." It was a tone of voice filled with suspicion and malicious intent, far removed from Hikone's voice which was brimming with wonder and cheerfulness. "Hey! Ikomikidomoe! What are you saying to Tokinada sama!?" Soon after, the likes of some sort of collision sound could be heard for a short while —— eventually it settled down and at the same time Hikone's voice was transmitted across the room. "My sincerest apologies, Tokinada sama! I finally got it to be silent!" "It's fine, Hikone. After all, it's not like Ikomikidomoe is by nature a Zanpakutō that you had unleashed from an Asauchi. It's the same as my 'Kuten-kyōkoku' and the Ise clan's 'Hakkyōken', an article inherited from others. It will take a little more time for the sword to understand you." "It's not even a problem if I'm being misunderstood. However, if Tokinada sama is the one being misunderstood, that makes me incredibly sad!" "I see, Hikone is very kind. But, It's not like I'm the one handling Ikomikidomoe. Rather, it can't be handled by me." Tokinada spoke as if he were soothing a child, however the gleam of a merciless sadist dwells in his eyes, like he was preparing to torment a small animal. The voice only communicator naturally cannot convey that look, nevertheless, it continues to transmit a calm Tokinada's words alone towards Hikone who is in a separate location. "I dare say that you and Kurosaki Ichigo are about the only people who are capable of wielding that Zanpakutō… no……" In the middle of that sentence, he intentionally mixed in several other bits of information. "Perhaps, Ginjō Kūgo may also be capable of using it." "Ginjō san is it? I've heard that name before! Is he strong?" "Well if that is indeed the case, how about confirming it for yourself? As a matter of fact, that's also why I contacted you." Whilst reviewing the observation results of a section of Rukongai —— a maelstrom of Reiatsu which continued to intermingle in a disorderly manner even more so than earlier —— Tokinada encouraged voluntary action from Hikone.
"Actually, right now, the male Arrancar you recently fought against has made an appearance. And, Ginjō's group are also at the scene." " ! " "It's an opportunity to show that you are king. Make haste towards the scene, and I hope that this time, you will demonstrate that you have the makings of a king." Whilst concealing a smile overflowing with delight behind his words, Tokinada gently channels smooth talk towards Hikone. "I'm expecting you to win this time, Hikone." "Please leave it to me! Tokinada sama!" After relaying the location in question, Tokinada extinguished the flames of the candlestick which had become a communication device, at the same time his soliloquy resounded within the whole room. "…… It's good to know that… Ikomikidomoe… is being 'cultivated' favourably." Recalling the voice that interrupted the transmission a moment ago, Tokinada surveyed a number of measuring instruments and smiled, smirked, sneered. Then, when he looked at the apparatus that was observing a place completely different from Rukongai where Hikone was currently heading towards, Tokinada narrows his eyes ever so slightly and opened his mouth to speak. "There's activity in Karakura Town too? I see, that's a wise decision." A vast amount of data on Karakura Town, the Jūreichi (important spirit grounds) of the Human World, streamed in via the equipment belonging to the Visuals Department. While analysing the flow of Reishi in the whole town, Tokinada monologues even further. "…There is no better opportunity than this, to take control over that Jūreichi is there?"
. "Only now is Kurosaki Ichigo out of town."
Soul Society - Gotei 13 - Squad 1 Barracks. "Thank you for your report. We will immediately dispatch an investigation from our end too, Momo chan why don't you wait for captain Hirako's signal by stationing yourself near the scene." "Y-yes sir!" After watching Momo hurriedly bow and take off until she was out of sight,  the captain commander of the Gotei 13, Kyōraku Shunsui, calmly exhaled a breath of air whilst talking to himself. "This is a troublesome turn of events huh, quite so." As he finished muttering his habitual saying, vice captain Ise Nanao takes her documents in hand and issues her report. "There was indeed an in-advance request from the 12th division to 'conduct an experiment that employs the use of Quincy and Arrancar corpses'. I'm afraid it's likely that this is referring to the 'Kurotsuchi Corpse Unit'…" "Ah…that. The reality is questionable in a moral sense, but it's also a fact that we can't get by on lip service alone. The mere fact that Tōshirō kun and the others were able to receive medical treatment for their zombification was all that I could ask for." "However, in lieutenant Hinamori's report just now……" "Yes, I fear it's possible that it's an Arrancar who is different to those children employed by the 12th division. We are unable to directly sense the Reiatsu from here, so they're impossible to identify but… that aside, what purpose could this someone have to pay us a visit?" After speaking with what appears to be worry, Kyōraku hands down a set of instructions to his other vice captain Okikiba. "In any case, Okikiba san, please could you get in contact with Squad 2 and deploy an investigation team for me as soon as possible. If squad 12 complain, I see no harm in bringing up my name and forcing your way through on the orders of the captain commander." "As you command." Although it is a relaxed set of instructions made towards Okikiba who is his senior, in contrast to his tone of voice, an air of determination already revealed itself in Kyōraku's eyes as if to say that he will protect Seireitei to the end as captain commander. It is by no means a dazzling devotion to one side, rather there is a hint of preparing oneself to tolerate both the good and evil elements, it comprises of a determination to sacrifice certain things for the sake of protecting everything. "Good grief, only half a year since the end of the war, and yet I still haven't grown accustomed to this kind of thing have I." Since becoming captain commander, there are many things Kyōraku has come to learn anew. Topics covering various ground, perhaps regarding a dark side of Seireitei, perhaps the fact that sacrifices were deliberately made in a part of Rukongai in order to protect the balance of the world, as a result, Kyōraku has learned once more that the reality varies widely ranging from what he had privately predicted to events that went completely beyond the scope of his imagination. —— You mean to tell me that Yama-jii has been acting as an intermediary between us and the world for over a millennia in the midst of this kind of pressure? What was his frame of mind like when Kuchiki Rukia's execution order was issued? What was his frame of mind like when he declared that Inoue, who had gone towards Hueco Mundo, must be treated as a traitor? What was his frame of mind like when he sacrificed his own arm? What was his frame of mind like when he pointed his own Zanpakutō against Ukitake and Kyōraku himself who had both disobeyed the laws of Soul Society? It's something he'll never come to comprehend now, old man Yama's shadow was much too great for the imagination. He doesn't need to follow the same path as Yamamoto Genryūsai. However, as long as he is captain commander there will inevitably come a time when he will also be forced to choose for himself. In all likelihood there will be many things that won't even offer him the luxury of time to prepare himself. Just like in the past when he confronted those children who were Kurosaki Ichigo's school friends with Ichigo's potential future.
How much is one actually willing to cut down in order to protect the Seireitei or indeed the world? —— Yama-jii was serious to a fault huh. Maybe he was preparing himself everyday for that day to come. Behind those decisions which could be interpreted as cold-hearted, there were likely hundreds upon thousands of choices. Kyōraku who had inherited the things those choices have protected, smiled wryly whilst the awe towards his mentor swelled once more. "Just when I thought that succeeding the same position would bring me a little closer to you, it seems I'm all the more distant, you truly are a strict master to your pupils, Yama-jii."
Human World - Urahara Shōten "Kurosaki isn't here!?" In response to Hisagi's voice which held an open display of agitation, Urahara nodded with an unfazed air. "That's right, did I not mention it? Kurosaki san was on a trip this whole time since yesterday with all his family and friends." "On a trip you say!? He's not here for a reason like that!?" In the midst of the current situation where the town was being isolated by a mystery presence, before enquiring about the specific state of affairs Hisagi would propose to 'first of all, notify the Shinigami in charge of this area, furthermore… if we ourselves are the target, then we don't want to get those guys involved, but since the opponent's objectives are unclear, we may also tentatively initiate contact with Kurosaki's group', however that flow of events became doused in cold water by the fact that Kurosaki Ichigo was absent. "If anything, I'm surprised that Hisagi san didn't know? Kuchiki san and Abarai san should also be joining them right?" "Now that you mention it, it appears I haven't seen Abarai and co. these past few days…" "They went to one of the Reichi (spirit grounds) in West Japan. Although it's not at the same level as the Jūreichi of Karakura Town, it's around the 3rd most likely place in Japan for spirits to gather. At first it was only the younger sisters of Kurosaki san's household who were supposed to go on a trip to that place, however…" Perhaps it was preparation in response to those surrounding the town, that Urahara was briskly fiddling around with some sort of utensil whilst he continued to simply voice his explanation towards Hisagi. "Apparently some trouble occurred over there, though it wasn't like a sort emergency, hearing of a threat to the sisters, Isshin san manhandled Kurosaki san and together they took off. Well, if Kurosaki san had heard about it first however, he would also have rushed there of his own accord." "……He was a former captain right? Isshin san that is…" Having heard about the overly intense reactions of the former squad 10 captain, Hisagi broke out in a cold sweat as he inquired, Urahara on the other hand gave a shrill laugh as he replied. "Well, after all, he's a man of quick action, enough to flee Soul Society." "Can you be serious please?" "That aside, Orihime san and the others who have heard the news, are also pursuing the matter and I sense that they have already left for that Reichi. Therefore, I think Kurosaki san's gang won't be back here for a few more days. If he were aware of this state of emergency, then he would probably return, however in the absence of any spiritual tools or equipment, it's not a distance he can make it back from in ten or twenty minutes." "That seems like a……" Comparing the conversation just now with the current situation, his intuition as a Shinigami and as a journalist, aroused a certain suspicion in Hisagi's mind. And before he could even open his mouth to speak, Urahara had uttered the same speculation. "We should probably regard this as being planned." "That's putting it mildly…" "Although that place has always been a Reichi, it doesn't particularly mean that Hollows frequently appear in said region. If that wasn't the case, Isshin san wouldn't even have given the sisters permission to travel there in the first place. Then again, there is also the possibility that it was truly a matter of chance that trouble occurred over there, prompting Kurosaki san to leave town, and therefore someone had used this timing to hurriedly take action. However I think that probability is low, don't you agree?" "You have a point… it's more natural to assume that the incident over there is also the doing of our attackers." That the attackers were oblivious to even the fact that Ichigo was out of town and that this was all purely coincidental, it's not like this possibility was nonexistent too,  however Hisagi didn't think it meaningful to take the trouble of considering that scenario, he decided to set the notion aside for the time being. "But, Urahara san didn't think to go there himself?" "That's right, because today, I agreed to undergo Hisagi san's interview." "Err" In that moment, an indescribable sense of guilt sprouted within Hisagi. He considered the possibility that Urahara would have also accompanied them on the journey and settled this half-baked trouble already, if only he hadn't scheduled an interview. However, perhaps unable to just watch a clearly shaken Hisagi, Urahara readily gave the game away. "Just kidding. In truth, I thought there was something fishy going on, so I intentionally remained here. Given that the presence which lured Kurosaki san and the others out of town was much too strong, I thought that at least I had better stay in town." "So then, you knew something may happen today?" "If my guess missed the mark, then I'd be fine with that. But it's in my nature to be incapable of turning a blind eye to it when I consider the possibility after all." Urahara thereupon adjusted his hat, directing his gaze to face outdoors once more. "Well, I was nonetheless correct as a result, wasn't I?" About the same time as he had uttered that while taking a step towards the veranda —— A disruption just like the static noise of a television screen coursed through the air above the courtyard, the voice of a young boy streams out from the disturbed part of that space as if it were being transmitted through a machine. "It's been a while huh, Urahara Kisuke." "Oh my, I never expected it to be you, you startled me." "Don't lie. A person like you would have guessed that long ago from the nature of this isolation, isn't that so?" Confronted with the voice of the young boy which appeared exasperated, Urahara opened his fan with a snap as he replied. "Yes, of course I realised long ago! You can praise me some more if you'd like?" "A genuine expert in the art of annoying people, aren't you…" In response to the voice which was a slight blend of irritation and dread, Urahara narrows his eyes smilingly under the brim of his hat as he added insult to injury. "Then, while you're busy getting annoyed, you could save us some time and effort if you would please explain in detail what this is all about…" Although Hisagi was suspicious thinking "why does he have to give you an explanation of the situation on the basis of being provoked", he decided it must be the course of Urahra's negotiation style or something of the like and was thus compelled to accept it. However, the other party naturally did not give in to that provocation, instead of clarifying the state of affairs, the boy projected his form on a square shaped screen that appeared in mid-air. "Sorry, but I too have my reasons." Unable to recognise this face, Hisagi questions Urahara. "Urahara san, are you acquainted with this child?" "Indeed, I think even Hisagi san will recognise his name? Hisagi san did all sorts of investigations in his own way too with regard to Fullbring, isn't that right?" Whilst observing the face being projected in the air, Urahara posed his question to the boy once more. "So then… can you please give us an explanation? ……President Yukio Hans Vorarlberna?"
I’ll stop there because a) part 9 on the app is super long and b) I’m typing this out at an ungodly hour. 
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rougepetale · 6 years
Tale of two men (Iori & Hidetaka) (NSFW)
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Fandom: After School Affair & Scandal in the Spotlight (Love 365)
Pairing: Hidetaka Sera x Reader x Iori Enjo
Waring: 3some, choking, hair pulling, bj
Note: I bet y’all can guess who this is for ;D @iluvsexyvoltageguys Here are your two sadistic princes
This is a continuation of the celebrating 300 drabble~ 
You two had just come home from a VIP movie screening of a Hollywood blockbuster film that was a total click flick and you were gushing over it, Iori of course could care less about the movie, however, he knew you wanted to see the movie. Kota was in the film as well, as his big debut into the American film industry. You of course had to see it!
“Did you see how wonderful H. Sera did those translations?” you asked, Iori was driving you home. He was quiet during the first part of the drive, he hated that you were absolutely gushing over another man. “He used the proper translation for that one scene, made the entire movie! Don’t you agree Iori?” you asked.
“Do you want me to invite him over?” he asked, his sarcasm was thinly veiled. You looked over, your mouth open with one of those dumb looks you often showed him.
“You can do that?! Do you actually—“
“You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.” He threatened, he didn’t think you’d actually fall for that fake invitation. He would NEVER share you with somebody else, especially with somebody as cocky as H. Sera.
He had met Hidetaka Sera, and he absolutely hated the man, he was a two face person.
You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest, “You’re so mean Iori.” You didn’t know he’d be so jealous over a person who had never shown his face to the public. “What are you gonna do about it, we’re on the highway.” You were feeling ornery. You knew if you pushed his buttons just a little bit more you may be having some fun later at the house.
“If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.“ Iori warned, he was all too ready to pull over and put you in your place, Prince Iori was not so princely, especially when he was feeling a little jealous.
“Oh? Am I supposed to be afraid? Prince Iori?”
*click click click* came the turn signal.
Your face drained of color, he was getting off the highway, you looked to your sadistic boyfriend, a downright evil and dastardly smile graced his lips.
“Oh be afraid, be very afraid.”
You saw Iori pull on his phone and speed dialed some unknown number. He really didn’t like sharing you, but he knew that if he did indeed share you that you would forever be in his debt. If there was anybody he would share you with, would be with Sera…. He may have hated him but they had at least a small and brief past of sharing the same girl years ago. They both vowed never to speak of the incident ever again but it was also in their back pockets if they ever wanted a favor from the other. And it also showed that they were indeed compatible in the bed in pleasuring a woman.
“Are you still there?” ….. “Yes, would you mind?” …… “I have a dumb fan who would like to meet you”…. “Yes, like that.”…..”Okay, be there in five”
Iori hung up his phone and looked at you, “Just don’t drool over him, or I will have to punish you” he told you.
You sat there, staring at him for a moment longer, “….wait…. are we actually meeting H. SERA?!” your voice got higher, “Are we really seeing him?!”
Iori rolled his eyes, “You are such a nerd.”
You were bouncing in your seat, excited to see a personal hero of yours.
Iori continued to drive down a dirt road, soon it became gravel and then stone. Soon Iori came to a gated home, he pressed the button to ask for access and the gates slowly swung open.
You could hardly stay seated, “IORI!!!! Look!” you were so damn excited, making Iori a little jealous, you have only been this excited a few times with him. And here was a man whom you had never seen or met had you this excited.
He flicked your forehead “You’re gonna have to calm down orange breath. He is a reclusive man and won’t appreciate you bouncing in your seat like a horny hyperactive teenager.”
You could hardly contain your joy. Taking a breath you were able to calm your excited fidgeting but you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. Iori sighed and rolled his eyes, he would have to make you as his later in the evening. Having today be just a pleasant memory. He was still debating on doing what he came here to do, but he couldn’t help but image many dirty things being done to you.
As you two came upon the house you could make out a figure of a man standing on the steps waiting for both of you. Your heart beat was speeding up and you felt like it was going to pound out of your ribcage. “Is that him?” you asked.
Iori came to stop about a foot away from where the unknown man was standing. Your jaw dropped at the princely vibe he was giving off, so much differently from your prince Iori. The man opened the door for you.
“You must be ____” he said, he had the perfect smile on his face.
You looked back to Iori, wondering how this man knew your name. Iori motioned with his chin, you looked back and the man had his hand extended to you. You quickly unbuckled and accepted his outstretched hand. “Iori had spoken about you when we last spoke.” His grip was strong, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ____, my name is Hidetaka Sera. I am assuming you two were just at the V.I.P. showing?”
Iori parked the car and followed behind you and Sera.
“How did you know?!” you gasped, amazed.
Sera laughed, “Because, Iori bought you Hope’s new designer clothing, clothes that aren’t even out till next month.”
You looked back at Iori, unaware at just what you were wearing. “Really?!”
Iori rolled his eyes, “I know the designer, that’s all.” He replied, he came to your other side as he grabbed your hand and squeezed tightly. You kissed his cheek. He didn’t dare tell you about the heir to the Ichigo estate.
Hidetaka smiled, “Who would have thought the great Prince Iori would fall in love.” He opened his door and you could feel your breath being stolen away from you. Hidetaka’s humble abode was beautiful and you could feel yourself relaxing. “Welcome to my humble abode. This is my home away from home when I need to get away.”
You felt so giddy, “If you would have told me I would be in THE H. Sera’s home, I would tell you that you’re a liar!”
Hidetaka laughed, and in your mind it sounded perfect… well aside from Iori’s laugh, he was absolutely perfect.
“Would you two like something to drink?” Hidetaka asked.
“Please?” you asked, you really didn’t think you’d be having a nice time with Hidetaka. Especially since Iori was being so mean to you. Immediately you were on high alert, was Iori going to be mean to you right in front of your personal hero?
You eyed Iori suspiciously.
He cocked his head to the side and his princely smile came out, “Why are you looking at me like I have something up my sleeve.”
“You told me to be afraid.”
He smirked, “I don’t think I did.”
Hidetaka watched you two for a second, gathering information about you. He let his smile rest for a moment. Of course you were just like all those rabid fan, and just for once he would like to show the world just how different he was. He wanted to throw one of you fans to their knees as he shoved his manhood down their throats.
He could feel the blood slowly gathering in his dick, just the thought about it had him wanting to do everything to you. “Tea, ____?” he asked, trying to shake himself from his daydreams, “And coffee, Iori?”
You both accepted his request. He sat you both down in the living room, “Please, make yourself at home.”
Iori gripped your thigh as he pulled you to him, “You owe me big time.”
“Fine. Fine” you waved him off, your eyes going over every detail of the house, it was so, so H. Sera!
Sera came back with one mug and a tea cup, he handed your tea cup to you first, “It’s my own special tea.”
You eagerly took the tea cup, you couldn’t believe H. Sera was actually serving you tea! You blew gently on the piping hot liquid before you took a sip. It was sweet on your lips and you couldn’t help but make a sound of pure pleasure.
This was not lost on both male occupants in the room.
Hidetaka handed Iori his own mug of coffee, then he sat opposite of you. “Well, did you enjoy the film?” he asked, taking a sip of his own coffee.
You grew animated, “YES!” you may have said a little too loud, “Sorry, I mean, yes, it was amazing. With your translation and Kota’s acting, by far one of the best films I have seen in a very long time.” You took another sip of your tea, you could feel the beginning hints of arousal throbbing in your veins, “I loved when the hero pinned the girl to the wall… kissing her.”
Iori nodded, “Yes, we appreciated you sending us those tickets.” He took a sip of his own coffee, he exchanged glances with Hidetaka as you took another sip of your tea.
“This tea is absolutely amazing~” you cooed, you could feel your cheeks flush. Somehow the room felt hotter, and you fanned your flushed cheeks.
Hidetaka once again looked at Iori, and Iori nodded his head in agreement.
“____, I have a change of clothes you can borrow if it’s too hot, I know Hope’s new line is a bit thicker for winter wear.”
You could feel your heart racing, “I would hate to impose upon you.”
Sera shook his head, “No, it’s fine, they’re fresh from the dryer, probably still warm.”
 Twenty minutes later you emerged from the bathroom, wearing a white wife beater and black shorts. You had your hands crossed over your chest as you had no bra, the dress did not allow for it. Your once pleasant buzz had transformed into embarrassment. Hidetaka and Iori were now sitting closer and chatting.
Iori noticed you first and his gaze instantly darkened, you looked beautiful…. The wife beater left nothing for the imagination and your lowered shy gaze to the floor had his sadistic side coming out. He stood, Hidetaka quickly stood as well.
Iori grabbed your hand and pulled you to the couch, Hidetaka came up behind you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you to his chest, he whispered into your ear, “Tonight, Iori and I will make you moan even loud than that actress.”
You gasped as his hand gripped your left breast, you looked to Iori who also was smirking at you, “You wanted this ____” he said he came up to you and his other hand gripped your right breast, teasing it into the tight nub, “You wanted to meet him.” He kissed you harshly upon your lips.
Hidetaka, not to be outdone nipped at your neck, sending shivers down your spine and right into your vagina, you were already growing wet. “I already have a slave contract typed up, should we do this on more than one occasion.”
You couldn’t help but moan at the thought, having Iori and Hidetaka, it was your best fantasy come true. You surrendered to the already mounting pleasure the men were giving you. Iori nipped your lips, “Eyes open” he said, you didn’t notice that you had closed your eyes.
“Yessir” you slurred out. Iori’s fingers hooked under the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down, you helped removed the panties and shorts and tossed them to the side. Iori’s fingers immediately found your heated folds and stroked your puckered clit.
Hidetaka rubbed your ass and brought his hand down hard upon your backside, having you break your kiss from Iori to moan loudly. He smirked at the responsiveness that you demonstrated, he knew that adding certain berry extract to the tea would have you much more receptive. Hidetaka quickly removed your wife beater, leaving you naked between the two men.
You desperately gripped at Iori’s top, you loved how he was dressed to the nines and how handsome he looked but right now you just wanted him naked and pounding into your eager body. “Leave any wrinkle on this suit and you will be severely punished.” He warned. Your shaky hands obeyed as you eagerly unbuttoned his shirt, he was nice enough to remove his pants and boxers for you. When you glanced behind you, you saw that Hidetaka was already removing his sweater. When he caught your eye he stopped what he was doing. You gasped at his lightning fast reflexes, when he caught your chin he kissed you as best at the angle would allow.
Hidetaka didn’t like the angle he was at and forced you to turn more fully towards him, you tried to look back at Iori, nervous for not finishing what was demanded of you, “Don’t look away from me.” He grabbed your throat with one hand and squeezed lightly, “Tonight you will obey me.”
You nodded eagerly, Iori grabbed you around your waist and pulled you once again towards him. “Just don’t forget who you truly obey.” He whispered into your ear, his jealousy showing. His fingers snaked around you and delved into your fold. Rubbing and pinching your sensitive skin.
Your knees buckled at the sensation but Hidetaka held you up. “ah ah ah” he chastised, “No weak knees yet, we haven’t even giving you pleasure beyond your dreams thus far. Hidetaka peppered kisses over your chin and cheeks, until he captured your lips with his own, he gripped your throat a little stronger this time as he pressed his thumb into your jugular. His tongue invaded your mouth as he explored your mouth.
Your air was quickly running out, and you could feel a pleasant buzz and when you opened your eyes for a second you could see spots color your vision. When Iori spread his fingers within you, you moaned out whatever breath you had left. You were seconds from blacking out when Hidetaka removed his hand from your throat.
You sucked in much needed breath. Your breath returning to normal. He saw your cheeks flush, “Good girl,” he praised. “Now, take off the rest of my clothes.” He ordered. You sunk to your knees as you unbuckled his belt. Pulling the leather from the loops you quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper.
He was able to gather your hair into a ponytail. He loved the sight of a girl on her knees, it made him harder. You pulled his pants down and in his boxers were the only article of clothing left on him. The tent was prominent. “Show me how much you worship me.”
Iori watched you both, as soon as you removed his pants he pushed you down upon your hands and knees. You gasped, not expecting to be forced on your hands and knees. You looked back at Iori, he nodded his acceptance. You pulled Hidetaka cock from the confines of his underwear, he was large, hard and throbbing.
You took a tentative lick as you looked up at Hidetaka. The princely smile was not on his face any more, no, there was a slightly frustrated scowl, “Well? It’s not going to lick itself.”
You took the head into your mouth, bobbing upon his length. Hidetaka closed his eyes for a second and sent an evil smirk to Iori, who at the moment was just enjoying the sensation of his fingers inside you. Iori pulled your ass towards him, rubbing his engorged cock against your ass.
When you were pulled away from Hidetaka you were pulled off his cock. You couldn’t help but moan at the sensation as Hidetaka still had a hold on your hair and the pain only enhanced your pleasure.
“Impatient are we, Iori?” Hidetaka asked, a smirk on his face.
Iori glared at Hidetaka, “No, I’m just getting her warmed up for you, just a simple blowjob won’t satisfy this needy girl.”
You gasped, of course Iori would know exactly what would make you sing. You could feel your wetness beginning to drip down your thigh, you rubbed your thighs together to relieve the ache.
Hidetaka glanced down “Spread your legs” he ordered. You eagerly obeyed, letting your essence drip freely. “See, I’m a kind man, Iori. She smells amazing, doesn’t she?”
Iori wouldn’t willingly agree with Hidetaka… at least not out loud. He laughed, “You have no idea how beautiful she can be.”
You rocked your body back onto Iori’s cock, desperately wanting some sort of friction. “Iori” you whined out. He rubbed your ass, as his cock teased your eager cunt.
Hidetaka tugged at your hair, having you lean forward, “I don’t remember giving you permission to stop.” He said, you nodded quickly, you didn’t know how he was when he was angry, if he was anything like Iori you didn’t know if you’d survive two painfully dominant men. You grabbed his dick again and guided it back to your mouth. You redoubled your efforts to make Hidetaka happy. “Good girl.” He groaned out, the vibration of his moan sent tingles to your pussy. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment. He tugged at your hair, pulling you from your moment. “Eyes on me. The only time I want to not see your eyes is when they roll back in your head.”
You hummed your agreement. You knew that made him happy as his finger flexed in your hair, he snapped his hips forward, hitting the back of your throat. He delighted in hearing you gag. While you were preoccupied with Hidetaka, Iori smacked your ass hard.
You moaned as best as you could, you had to trade off breathing through your nose and letting the men know how wonderful you were feeling. Iori spanked you again, leaving a large and angry red handprint. He didn’t sooth the skin as he aimed for the same spot. His objective was to have your skin bruised by the end of this encounter. However your moans were doing him in far faster than he could smack you.
As much as Iori hated to admit it, he needed to be buried within your folds. He couldn’t last much longer. And he’d be damned if he finished outside of your body and before Hidetaka. He grabbed your ass, as he guided himself to his goal, with one swift snap of his hips he was buried to the hilt.
You desperately wanted to moan loudly but couldn’t. Your fists clenched as you moaned around Hidetaka’s cock. The feeling of being filled by two men that you loved was a deeply buried fantasy. Hidetaka moved his hips faster, hitting your throat again and again. He didn’t care if he finished first, it just meant that he got first blood.
He could feel himself swelling, and he could tell in your eyes that you knew it too. You grabbed what little was left of his cock and massaged the base. He couldn’t hold back as he came explosively in your mouth, he liked that your eyes rolled back in ecstasy. You knew you were to swallow everything, his sustained eye contact told you as much.
Hidetaka watched in mild fasciation as he saw his seed go down your throat. He sighed as he pulled out of your mouth. A single strand of saliva connect you both. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it, trying to go another round. Maybe this time he’d finish on your face.
Iori knew this was his time to shine, he was going to give you the orgasm you so desperately were chasing. He hated how your walls fluttered around his cock when Hidetaka, he hated how it felt good around his cock. Now that your hair was freed from Hidetaka’s grasp he was able to tug on it. Pulling you up against him.
You could feel his chest against your backside, his thrusts were quick and painfully good. He was successful in hitting your sensitive spot, you were a moaning mess. “I-Iori!” you cried out.
Iori glanced at Hidetaka, because your mouth was full, he didn’t get to hear his name being cried out. Iori smirked at Hidetaka who was halfheartedly glaring back at him. “Tell me who you belong to.” He commanded.
“Y-You, Iori” you gasped out. You could feel your body coiling up. Just another hit and you would be pushed into oblivion. When Iori hit is mark your eyes rolled back in your head again as your muscles clenched his cock in a velvety vice grip. You cried out his name as you temporarily blacked out.
Iori loved that he was able to make you cum harder than ever. He continued to pump into your body, seeking the release that he was now chasing. He orgasmed not but a moment later. He filled you completely. As he pulled out he saw your mixed seed leaking from your abused pussy. Your arms couldn’t hold your weight. As you collapsed, Iori caught you and cradled you to his chest.
When you came to, you were sitting on Iori’s lap. “I love you, Iori…. Thank you. This was a wonderful surprise gift.”
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loveofshows · 7 years
@lazeki So I couldn't get this Doctor and Bleach AU out of my head. Although this took me longer then it should have, here it is. ^_^ I hope you enjoy. This is my first Doctor Who fanfic so I hoped i did justice. And I realize I never specify which Doctor it is, but as I wrote it I was picturing 10. --- Orihime was walking out of her apartment and made her way to a park for some exercise. She was in her own little world that she didn't notice people running around. It wasn't until she heard an unfamiliar voice. "You need to be upgraded." Orihime looked up and stared in disbelief. Robots are real! And she's seeing them with her own eyes. She just wished her friends where here so they could see it. Before Orihime could walk any closer, someone grabbed her hand and began pulling her away from them. "But the robots!" Orihime moaned. "This aren't your typical nice friendly ones," the stranger said. "Then again, these are the only robots inn existence." "Awe." The Doctor looked at Orihime and wondered about her. But not having the time to ask questions, he stopped walking and told her to leave. "Are you going to fight them?" she asked instead of leaving. "Yeah. If I don't, then everyone in town will become Cybermen." "How are you going to do that?" "No idea." "How about the computer that their all linked to? If you destroy that, wouldn't they be gone?" "That's brilliant if they were linked to one." "Don't they have some sort of weakness." The Doctor thought and snapped his fingers. "Gold!" "Gold?" "Gold. Gather all the gold in town and meet me back here." With that, the Doctor began making a trap and Orihime ran around town gathering gold. An hour later, Orihime came back with heaps of gold and the Doctor put the finishing touches. "Orihime," she said watching the Doctor. "Bless you." Orihime giggled and shook her head. "That's my name. Orihime Inoue." "Ah. I'm the Doctor." "Doctor Who?" "Just the Doctor." Just as he finished, the Cybermen walked towards them. "You will surrender Doctor and leave this town," one of the Cybermen stated. "I'm afraid and I can't do that." "And why is that?" "You know as well as anyone that Earth is under my protection. So that means, I always win." With that said, the Doctor took out his sonic and pressed the button. Orihime watched as gold and water rained down on the Cybermen, which short circuit their bodies. The remaining Cybermen who weren't caught in the mixture of gold and water left the planet. When everything was clean and tidy, the Doctor turned towards Orihime. "Thank you for your help Orihime Inoue." "It was no problem. I had fun," she said with a smile. The Doctor shook his head but smiled all the same. "I'll see you around Orihime." Orihime waved goodbye as she watched the Doctor leave and entered a police box. If she hadn't watched it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that that particular police box disappeared. --- "I promise you I'm not lying!" Orihime exclaimed once she finished her story about the Cybermen and how she helped stop them with the Doctor. It's been a few weeks since the Cyber attack in Karakura Town. And Ichigo happened to be in the Soul Society during the attack. "It sounds like a dream Orihime," Ichigo said not budging. Orihime huffed in annoyance, she was going to prove Ichigo wrong. But for that to happen, she needed the Doctor. --- It was on her way to Ichigo's when she saw the Doctor. "Doctor!" she called and he turned around to see Orihime run towards him. "Is everything alright?" "Oh everything's fine. Well, as fine as things can be. How are you Orihime?" "I'm good! Although it's weird seeing everything go back to normal after the Cyber attack." "Yeah well sometimes people don't want to believe what they see," he said tugging on his ear, "but you're different aren't you? I've never met anyone as excited about robots as you." Orihime gave him a smile of innocence and explained her world and what she deals with. "Though it's nothing compared to your word." "How about we change that?" he said with a smile as Orihime's eyes grew with hope. "You mean I get to join you?" "Yeah why not? It'd be fun to have someone along." Orihime bounced on her feet excited. "Can I bring a friend? He claimed everything was a dream I made up." "Sure, the more the merrier. I'll be by the small shop," he said meaning Kisuke's shop. "I'll be right back!" With that, she quickly hugged the Doctor and ran to Ichigo's house. "Orihime where are we going?" Ichigo asked. Orihime has somehow manage to get Ichigo out of his room and dragged him out of the house. All without explaining anything. "To show you the Doctor is real." "He's your imaginary friend you made up," Ichigo groaned. He didn't want to do threw the same conversation over again. "He's not imaginary, he's real," she stated. Ichigo was about to say something but was cut off when he saw the look on Orihime's face. Sighing, he decided to humour her. They had finally made it to the place the Doctor said he'd be with the TARDIS. And as they rounded the corner, they could see a TARDIS blue police box sitting there. "Orihime, that's a police box," Ichigo pointed out. "I know it's a police box, but I promise it's a spaceship." Ichigo doubted it but continued walking nonetheless. As they approached, the doors to the TARDIS opened and Orihime couldn't contain her excitement. Letting go of Ichigo, she ran in. Eyes as big as saucers, Orihime looked around. Walking back out, she walked around the police box and tired to figure out how it works. She walked in and exclaimed, "its bigger on the inside!" The Doctor had a wide grin as he watched Orihime. "Never get old of hearing that," he said. Ichigo walked in and looked around slightly amazed. But he kept his expression blank. "This can't be a real spaceship," Ichigo doubted. The Doctor raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. "It is too, and I'll prove it to you. Where do you want to go?" Ichigo thought about it and turned to see Orihime almost jumping up and down. Shaking his head with a smile he said, "Orihime can pick." "Mars!" The word was out before Ichigo could finish his sentence. The Doctor couldn't contain his laughter and Orihime's excitement. "Mars it is." The two strawberry haired friends watched the Doctor run around the console pressing buttons and pulling levers. The TARDIS started making noise and the Doctor told the two to hold on. And in no time, the TARDIS landed on the planet Orihime suggested. Doctor gave the two his signature grin and ran to the doors throwing them open. Orihime and Ichigo followed and started at the scenery in front of them. "Wow," Orihime breathed. Ichigo couldn't believe his eyes. There in front of him where small blue and green aliens. "Welcome to planet Mars,"the Doctor greeted. Thought he was seeing it with his own eyes, Ichigo wasn't sure if it was real or not. About to tell them that there's no way this was real, Ichigo saw the look on Orihime's face. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree during Christmas and he's never seen her this happy before. "Well come on then," the Doctor said stepping out of the TARDIS, "lets have a look." Orihime gave Ichigo the biggest smile he's ever seen her give and smiled back. Deciding not to ruin it, Ichigo kept quiet, he took Orihime's hand and together they stepped out of the TARDIS and followed the Doctor. After their trip to Mars, Orihime and Ichigo decided to stay with the Doctor. And together they had the most thrilling adventures.
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darisu-chan · 8 years
The Lies We Tell Ourselves, 1
Chapter 1: The Meeting
“Each time you happen to me all over again.” ─ Edith Warton
Early May, 2001
Fifteen year old Kurosaki Ichigo was walking the streets of Karakura Town one Friday evening, when he got into trouble. It was a natural thing for him to happen. Since he had been born with a strange shade of orange hair, early on he was dubbed a hooligan, and was prone to ending up in fights he generally didn’t start. It just so happened that, as he grew older, his reputation had preceded him, and by the time he was done with junior high school he and Sado Yasutora, his best friend, were known as the fearful pair of Kurosaki and Chad. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Ichigo seldom started fights by himself, unless he thought a great injustice was being committed. Similarly, Chad only fought for two reasons: to protect Ichigo, and to protect others in need. It was a promise between the two friends, to always have each other’s backs. One would think that with this reputation, they were isolated from the rest of the students at Karakura High School, which wasn’t true in the least. Precisely because both liked to protect others, they had gained two new friends at the start of the year, Kojima Mizuiru and Asano Keigo, because they had protected them from two of their self-proclaimed “enemies.”
Well, even if Ichigo had a heart of gold, this same feature was the one that often got him into trouble, as it had so happened that fateful Friday at 7:13, when he knocked out a guy.
“What the?! You suddenly appear and kick over Yama-bro, plus you want to get us to get outta here?! What are you thinking? You wanna die? Huh?!” One of the other guys who were with “Yama” exclaimed, evidently angry that Ichigo had kicked his friend.
Ichigo, meanwhile, didn’t look the least bit affected about his own actions and the guy’s threats. “Say something, you…” The guy continued, but was interrupted by Ichigo kicking him on the face.
“Ah! Toshi-bro’s down!” Other two guys exclaimed, watching Ichigo at a safe distance.
“Don’t know what’s going on… but this is dangerous… I’ve never seen such irrational violence…” Another boy said.
“That guy’s certainly one of those… if we fight with him, we’ll be killed for sure…” Another companion stuttered, feeling frightened by Ichigo. And, as cowards as they all seemed, they had reason to feel fearful of Ichigo, because whenever he got angry, he was a force to be reckoned with.
“SHUT UP ALREADY!” Ichigo yelled as he stepped on the guy he had first kicked. “All you guys look over there!” Then, he pointed towards a vase with flowers, which had been knocked down, and was lying on the floor. “Question 1! What the hell could that be?!” He asked, seeming completely out of his mind. “Ok, you over there, the stinky looking one!” And then he pointed to one of the guys who was still standing.
“Huh? Me? Stinky looking?” The guy in question muttered before answering. “Umm… an offering to the kid who died recently…”
“Great answer!” Ichigo shouted as he kicked that guy too.
“Mit-bro! You ok, Mit-bro?!” The rest exclaimed at their fallen comrade.
“Question 2!” Ichigo continued with his interrogation. “Then why is the vase knocked over?” He asked calmly. The calm before the storm.
“That’s… that’s ‘cause we knocked it over…skateboarding?!” The rest of the gang said, each one shivering in fear of what was sure to come.
“I see.” Ichigo nodded to himself. “Then, shouldn’t you apologize to her?!” He yelled and pretended to point at something behind him. As it were, the guys thought he was seeing a ghost, and screamed in fear.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t do it anymore!” They screamed and ran away.
Ichigo shook his head. Those guys were as gullible as they come. The good news was that they probably would never come to this part of town ever again, and they would probably think twice before knocking over offerings for the dead.
“Don’t worry, they won’t come back here anymore.” He said out loud, as if he were speaking to the ghost of the girl who had passed away in that very place. “I will bring you flowers next time I pass by.” He added as he gently placed the vase in its previous spot.
If one knew Kurosaki Ichigo, you would know that his actions, as strange and unorthodox as they were, were justified. Ichigo had lost his mother at a young age, which had made him quite sensitive to death and respecting those who are gone. It was no wonder, then, that he had felt the need to punish those who had been disrespectful to a dead person, a child nonetheless, whose parents were probably still grieving her passing.
After fulfilling what he thought had been his duty, Ichigo walked home. He was deep in thought, thinking about a variety of things. Firstly, about the gang of skateboarders, and if they had learned their lesson. Then his thoughts changed and he thought about the dead girl, and which type of flowers would she have liked as an offering. Then, his mind went over the homework he had to do during the weekend, and whether or not his friends and he were actually going to go to the movies the following day. He was so focused on this, that he almost didn’t notice a limousine passing by before he crossed the street. The driver beeped, and that brought him back to Earth. He blinked once, noticed that he had almost been run over by the black limo, and he got angry.
“Hey! Watch it!” he yelled, but the limousine was long gone. “Stupid rich people.” He muttered.
Ichigo didn’t like entitled people, especially those who were rich enough to help others, but never did, and lived life as if the world owe them something. That was the very impression he got from the limousine, and whoever was inside of it. Although Karakura was certainly small, and nothing of consequence ever happened there, it was close enough to Tokyo that sometimes rich people traveled across town, or stayed at some of the summer houses on the outskirts of town.
Ichigo kept walking, until he reached his house. He lived at a two-story house, which doubled as his father’s clinic. There he lived with Karin and Yuzu, his younger twin sisters, and with his father, Dr. Kurosaki. They were definitely not rich, but they lived a relatively normal life.
“Tadaima.” He announced as he crossed the house’s threshold.
“You’re late!” His father, Kurosaki Isshin, exclaimed the moment he appeared at the door, and he kicked his son’s head.
Well, it was a normal life as normal as it can be for the Kurosaki family.
“What time do you think it is, you delinquent son?!” Isshin started scolding Ichigo. “You know dinner is every night at seven!”
“You! Is that how you greet your son who just returned from doing community service?!” Ichigo yelled back.
“Silence! No matter what reason, to he who disrupts this household’s iron harmony, only a punishment of blood can be rendered!” Isshin counterattacked. “Or what, are you saying you’re suddenly better than us for doing something for the community?! I’ll have you know I do more than you! I’m a doctor, I save lives!”
“Shut up! That’s your profession! I help people because I want to!”
“Oh, stop it both of you! The food’s getting cold!” Yuzu, the younger of the twins, said. Ever since her mother’s death, she had taken upon herself to help her father with some of the chores her mother used to do, such as cooking for the family.
“Leave ‘em alone, Yuzu.” Karin, Yuzu’s sister, said. Out of the two, she was more sarcastic, and was better at ignoring their father’s antics. “Another bowl, please.”
Meanwhile, Ichigo and his father kept arguing. “First of all, the rules in this house are too strict! In what world is there a parent that sets a curfew for a healthy male high school student at 7 pm?!” Ichigo exclaimed.
“What? Are you saying you have a girlfriend, Ichigo, and that’s why you want to come home late? Hmm, I’d never thought my own son as a pervert.” Isshin said, clearly with the purpose of making Ichigo angry.
“What the hell, dad?! That’s not it!”
“So you’re gay?”
“Ichi-nii is sure growing fast, Yuzu.” Karin commented as she finished eating.
“Karin-chan, don’t say that!” Yuzu whined. Although both sisters loved their brother, Yuzu admired Ichigo a lot, and as such, she was more attached to him than his twin.
“One of these days, he’s going to bring a girl home, Yuzu, so you better be prepared.” Karin kept on going as she munched her food.
“Who said anything about a girlfriend, Karin?!” Ichigo, who had heard the conversation, turned to yell at his sister.
“An opening!” Isshin had taken advantage of Ichigo’s distraction to pounce on him, but his son had managed to escape his grip.
“Forget it, I’m going to sleep!” Ichigo said, and then went upstairs to his room.
“Ah, onii-chan!” Yuzu said, trying to stop him, but was unsuccessful.
“Oh well, he’s gone.” Karin announced, then turned to look at her father. “It’s your fault, dad.”
“Me? Why?” The father asked.
“Onii-chan’s had a hard time lately! Since a lot of guys start fights with him, he hasn’t been able to study as much as he’d want to, and he’s worried about his upcoming exams.” Yuzu explained.
“What? He talks to you about things like that?!” Isshin exclaimed, quite surprised.
“I’ll take dinner to his room later.” Yuzu muttered to herself.
“That kid… he doesn’t tell any of his troubles…” Isshin talked to himself.
“Of course.” Karin interrupted his train of thought. “Even I wouldn’t talk about my problems to a father over forty who only has such childish communication skills.”
Her words terribly wounded Isshin, who turned to the poster of his deceased wife, which he had hung on the wall. “Masaki! These days it must be adolescence, because our daughters are awfully cold to their father… what should I do?”
“First start by taking down that ridiculous poster of mom.” Karin said and rolled her eyes.
“Hey, dad!” Yuzu suddenly exclaimed.
“What is it, my precious daughter?” Isshin turned to look at her.
“You forgot to tell onii-chan about the news!” She said with urgency. In the background, Karin face-palmed.
“Oh, that’s right! Maybe it’s not too late! Ichigo!” He started calling his son.
“He went to his room, of course it’s already too─” Karin started saying when a scream, a thud, and some yelling interrupted her.
The family turned to look at each other.
“Well, the cat is out of the bag, right?”
Ichigo dragged himself upstairs, while muttering. “Jeez, why’s everyone in my family like that?”
He finally reached his room, which was marked by a wooden plaque with the number “15”, and opened the door. “Huh?” Although it was dark, he managed to notice the silhouette of a person sitting on his bed. “Wha─?!”
“Are you room service?” The voice, which belonged to a girl, asked.
“’Are you room service?’ my ass, idiot!” Ichigo sprang into action, and kicked down the person.
“Eh! You’re a pretty confident burglar, by ‘are you room service’ do you mean to ask if I live here or something?!” While Ichigo yelled at the person, the girl looked at him in surprise.
“Don’t you know who I am… I mean, did you just kick…?” The person, still shocked, asked.
“Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Of course I don’t know you.” Ichigo said.
Just then, his father kicked him. “Be quiet, Ichigo! Don’t make a ruckus on the second floor!”
Ichigo retaliated. “You be quiet! How can I not make a ruckus?! Look at this guy! What the hell’s going on with the security of this house?!”
And then Isshin burst out laughing. Next thing he knew, his sisters had turned on the light of his room, and he could finally see clearly the person who had entered his room unannounced. It turned out that the burglar was in reality a girl about his age or younger, who had black hair, which reached past her shoulders, white skin, and impossibly big eyes of a strange color, which was neither blue nor purple, and she was wearing a black kimono with red butterflies on it.
“Son, this girl is not a burglar. She’s Kuchiki Rukia-chan, and from now on she’s gonna live with us!” Isshin announced with a smile on his face.
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Kuchiki Rukia.” The girl said and extended a hand towards Ichigo.
“EH?!” The boy shouted, feeling disconcerted about the turn of events.
The wheels of destiny started moving, and, from that day onwards, Kurosaki Ichigo’s life was never the same.
“Long time no see, Ichigo.” Kuchiki Rukia said, while she smirked.
Ichigo gulped. “Yeah, it’s been a long while.” He said, as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“Shall we sit?” Rukia asked, as she gestured towards the table.
“Ah, yeah, we should.”
They sat in front of each other, with the bottle of sake between them. It was then that Ichigo noticed that he was severely underdressed for the occasion, only wearing a pair of jeans, a black leather jacket, and a red dress shirt underneath. He had opted for casual chic, while Rukia was sitting there, all elegant. Like always.
“Do you want sake?” She asked him politely.
Ichigo nodded. “Yes, please.”
Rukia served them sake on their cups silently, and then she gave him the cup. They each took a sip of their beverages, without speaking.
“So, how have you been?” Rukia asked him, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.
“I’m fine. Thanks for asking. And you?”
“I’m good. Thank you. How’s everything at the clinic?” She continued with the small talk, probably fearing the two would grow silent again.
“Same old, same old.” Ichigo shrugged.
“So, you still barely have clients?” Rukia said, smirking. Ichigo understood the situation. She was trying to get a rise out of him, to get him to argue with her. That was familiar ground. That was their thing. He decided to humor her.
“Oi! I’ve already told you that that’s good! It means people are healthy!” Ichigo said, scowling at the woman in front of him.
“My, my, Kurosaki-kun, you don’t need to get so angry with poor old me!” Rukia said, speaking in a very high voice, as she had often done when they were young. It still annoyed him to no end.
“Stop that! You’re so annoying!” He scoffed and crossed his arms.
Rukia giggled. “You’re still so funny when you get mad.”
“Tsk. Whatever.”
“Hey, so how is your father?” Rukia continued speaking.
“Goat chin is as crazy as always. Still finding ways to mess with me. I don’t know how he does it.” Ichigo complained, while Rukia looked amused.
“That’s good. It means he’s healthy.”
“Yeah, he is. He’s gonna bury us all!” Rukia covered her laughter with her hand.
“And your sisters?”
“Karin already moved out to her own apartment, but Yuzu is staying with dad, because she doesn’t want to leave him alone. But both are quite happy with their lives. Yuzu is working at a new restaurant which opened a few blocks from my dad’s house. I see her often. Karin’s place is a little far, but we eat together every Sunday.” Ichigo explained.
“I’m so glad they’re doing well. Still no signs of them getting married?”
“God, no!” Ichigo said a little too quickly, which caused Rukia to laugh.
“I can’t believe you’re still so overprotective of them! What will you do when they decide to get married?”
“They’re my sisters! I’ll always protect them. And whoever wants to marry them, will have to prove they’re worthy.” Ichigo crossed his arms once again, while Rukia tried to bite down her laughter. “And speaking of overly protective brothers, how’s Byakuya?”
That question sobered her up immediately. “Nii-sama is doing well too. He’s healthy, and he still works for the family company. But I think he’s getting tired of dealing with the elders.”
“So those elders are still a pain in the ass, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, they are. Probably will always be!”
Both laughed, and suddenly Ichigo felt as if they were back in time, back when they were fifteen, and carefree. As if more than a decade hadn’t passed at all between them.
“So… how are Orihime and Kazui?” Rukia asked once they had quieted down.
Ah. She had finally asked the dreaded question. Ichigo took a sip of his sake before answering. “They’re good… how are Renji and Ichika?”
Rukia sipped her cup too. “Ichika is doing great, actually. She is currently fascinated with soccer, and so I bought her this pink soccer ball, and now she practices every day after school with it. She was going to try for her school’s soccer team, but then we moved and will have to wait a little bit to try out in her new school.” She gushed about her daughter, and Ichigo could see a light shining brightly in her eyes, one he hadn’t seen in her in a long, long time.
“That’s great. I’m glad for Ichika. And how’s Renji?” Ichigo asked, noticing she hadn’t mentioned Renji at all.
The light immediately disappeared from her eyes. “Oh… he’s doing ok, I guess. Ichika is with him right now.” She mumbled.
Ichigo raised an eyebrow. ���You guess?” Once upon a time, he could have been able to interpret her silences, and know exactly what she meant. But not anymore. Things had changed, and although he could tell she was hiding something, he could no longer tell exactly what it was.
“Well, it’s not like we talk a lot these days.” That was definitely unexpected. Ichigo kept looking at Rukia questioningly until she caved in.  She sighed, and started playing with some strands of hair that had become loose from her hairdo. “You see… Renji and I recently got divorced.”
Ichigo hadn’t counted on that. At all. “Oh… I’m sorry.” He felt stupid for forcing her to tell him such news.
“No, it’s ok, don’t be. It was a mutual decision.”
“Can I ask why you guys got divorced? Last time I saw you, you guys seemed to be doing fine.”
“It seemed like it, didn’t it?” Rukia chuckled darkly to herself. “Actually, it had been coming for a long time. We stayed together only for Ichika, but then those unresolved issues were too much, and we were hurting her. That’s why we’re not together anymore.”
Ichigo breathed heavily. “Is Ichika alright?”
“Yeah, she is. I’m taking her to therapy, though. You know, just in case. And she stays with Renji every weekend, and he calls her daily, so it’s not so bad.”
“And… are you alright?” He could only imagine what she was going through.
She smiled tiredly. “I am… or I’ll be… I’m, I’m trying to find myself again.”
“So… since you mentioned you moved, that means you don’t live in Tokyo anymore, right?” Ichigo decided to change the subject.
“Ah… no… actually, I moved to Karakura recently.” She said shyly.
That surprised Ichigo again. Rukia back in Karakura? How come he hadn’t seen her yet? “Oh. Since when?”
“Three weeks ago. I felt like I needed a fresh start, and this was the place for it. Renji moved too, to the neighboring town, so that he could be closer to Ichika.”
“Oh.” Ichigo nodded, and went to sip his cup when he noticed it was empty.
“Let me refill it.” Rukia offered, and he passed her the cup.
Ichigo observed her intently as she expertly filled both their cups. He felt that there was something that Rukia was hiding, and it definitely was not her divorce, or her moving to Karakura Town. He suddenly wondered why they were even in the bar. If she just wanted to catch up, why did she want to meet him at a bar? A coffee shop or literally anywhere else would have been better. No, there was something else going on. And he wished once again that their special communication hadn’t been lost through the years.
Stop pretending! His mind shouted at him, and he felt the impulse to scream and demand the reason for them being there, for making him leave his family to be with her, the reason why she wanted to meet him. What are you playing at?
He decided to call her, to do something which would make her look at him. “Rukia.” For the first time in a long, long time, he said her name out loud. It left his lips like the first breath of someone who is finally able to breathe. Like the breeze of the sea, as it softly blows your hair. It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. As if he finally were at home. He could finally speak normally to her. I’m getting to the bottom of this.
This caught her attention. “Ichigo?” Rukia asked timidly.
“What are we really doing here?” He finally asked, gathering enough courage to confront her.
Rukia sighed. “When I moved to Karakura, I started working at a firm. Last week I find out some, erm, interesting information, to put it simply, and I thought you should know.” She said rather cryptically.
“Rukia, you’re not making any sense.” He told her bluntly.
“I’m sorry. It’s just this is a delicate subject.” She murmured.
“You can tell me anything, you know that.” Ichigo said softly, and Rukia looked at him wide eyed. She then smiled.
“I didn’t know we still had that kind of relationship.” She wasn’t jesting. She was being serious.
“Rukia, come on. Nothing will ever change that, ok?” He locked eyes with her for the first time that night. She nodded.
“Ichigo… there was a rumor in my office which turned out to be true. I asked my boss to confirm this information with some people he knows at the police. It seems that a wanted criminal has finally been found, and the police has enough evidence to prosecute him for one of his crimes, but are still missing witnesses and evidence for other cases that are believed he committed. They are asking for anyone with information to communicate with them and share what they know.” After saying this she paused, and turned to look at him worriedly.
Ichigo knew what she was going to say before she even said it.
“Ichigo, that criminal is Grand Fisher.”
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Yachiru first met Kenpachi in one of the worst districts of Rukongai, the 79th district of the North Alley, Kusajishi, as a nameless child. She crawled over to him after he killed several other men with his unnamed Zanpakutō, and was completely unfazed by the violence she had just witnessed, or the blood on his sword. Even as Kenpachi warned her that the sword was dangerous, she reached out and touched it, giggling as her hand was covered in the blood of dead men. He adopted her after that, saving her from certain death in Rukongai. He named her "Yachiru" in memory of the only person he had ever admired. Her surname Kusajishi was given to her because she was from that district. Since that day, she has spent much of her time clinging to his back for transport.
___________________; PLOT ;____________________
Soul Society arc
Yachiru joins Kenpachi.
When the Ryoka break into Seireitei, she accompanies her captain as he begins searching the city for them. She directs Kenpachi through the city's streets, albeit badly, resulting in them becoming lost, though they blame each other for their predicament. After the pair unintentionally arrive at the 4th Division's compound, they visit Ikkaku Madarame, who, while recovering from injuries acquired from fighting Ichigo Kurosaki, was being interrogated by 12th Division captain, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. After Mayuri and Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi leave, Yachiru tells Ikkaku that she was worried about him, and they trade friendly insults.
Yachiru jumps on Ichigo.
Having learned what Ichigo's destination is from Ikkaku, Yachiru and Kenpachi decide to wait for him near his objective, where they eventually encounter him, Ganju Shiba and Hanatarō Yamada. Yachiru is surprised by how easily Kenpachi scared Ichigo's companions, jumping momentarily onto Ichigo's shoulder to get a better view. As the fight starts, she sits against the wall of a building. She tells Ichigo that he cannot cut Kenpachi with his sword. Later, Yachiru watches on from the rooftops of the nearby buildings, where she is approached by a messenger from the Reversal Counter Force of the Onmitsukidō, who attempts to inform her of the death of Sōsuke Aizen. Yachiru, however, is too engrossed in observing the battle, and orders him to tell her after it ends.
Yachiru with an unconscious Kenpachi and Ichigo.
After the fight, Yachiru thanks Ichigo for giving her captain such a good fight and says she hopes he survives so that the two can enjoy another fight in the future. She then lifts Kenpachi onto her back and jumps up onto the top of a building and calls for Retsu Unohana to heal Kenpachi. Kenpachi tells Yachiru that he lost, but Yachiru refuses to accept this, stating that it was not a fair fight as it was two (Zangetsu and Ichigo) against one. Kenpachi disagrees and laughs at her attempts to justify not winning, which Yachiru responds to by slapping him. The pair reminisce about how they met and gained their names, resolving to get stronger together. Kenpachi then loses consciousness again, worrying Yachiru greatly.
Sometime later, Yachiru finds Makizō Aramaki carrying an unconscious Orihime Inoue, whom he declares he had been bringing to her. Yachiru and Aramaki bring Orihime to Kenpachi and he tells her that he will help her find Ichigo. Orihime attempts to guide Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku, Yumichika Ayasegawa, and Aramaki to Ichigo, finding and freeing the captured Yasutora Sado, Uryū Ishida, and Ganju on the way. While searching for Ichigo, the enlarged group is confronted by 9th Division Captain Kaname Tōsen and 7th Division Captain Sajin Komamura, as well as their respective Lieutenants Shūhei Hisagi and Tetsuzaemon Iba. Kenpachi, Ikkaku, and Yumichika stay behind to fight the new threat, while the remainder of the group continues on towards the Sōkyoku Hill in search of Ichigo. As the execution ceremony of Rukia Kuchiki begins, she rushes on ahead to determine the situation. After Ichigo rescues Rukia, she waits in the branches of the trees on top of the Sōkyoku Hill for the others to arrive.
Hueco Mundo arc
Yachiru warns against cutting off all of Nnoitra's arms.
Yachiru accompanies Kenpachi when he enters Hueco Mundo, standing back while he fights Nnoitra Gilga. During their fight, Nnoitra injures Kenpachi and, believing that he has won, turns his attention to Yachiru. Orihime uses her Santen Kesshun to shield her. Yachiru, however, points out that he should look behind him as Kenpachi releases a large volume of Reiatsu and cuts off Nnoitra's arm. Yachiru warns Nnoitra that her captain will become angry if he attacks her. Kenpachi denies this, before stating that he will cut off Nnoitra's arms one by one. Yachiru points out that Nnoitra will not be able to fight him if he has no arms left, prompting Kenpachi to say that he will leave the Arrancar with one arm. Still protected by Orihime's barrier, Yachiru watches the battle draw to a close, becoming concerned about the level of Kenpachi's injuries.
Later, when Coyote Starrk takes Orihime, Yachiru is among those who hear Aizen's revelation of his plans via Tenteikūraas he departs to destroy Karakura Town.
Fake Karakura Town arc
Yachiru stays somewhere in Hueco Mundo while Kenpachi and Byakuya Kuchiki fight against Yammy Llargo. After their fight ends, Yachiru leaves Hueco Mundo with them. The two captains are greeted by a small group of Shinigami. Yachiru hangs out of the hair of one of them when they fail to greet her, before rejoining her captain.
Yachiru yells at Kenpachi's impatience.
By the orders of Yamamoto, Yachiru joins all lieutenants and captains of the Gotei 13 in donating a portion of her energy to restore Ichigo's Shinigami power.She then accompanies Kenpachi to the Human World to see the mission completed, during which the Shinigami encounter the Fullbringers. After Kenpachi effortlessly defeats Giriko, he becomes bored and decides to return to Soul Society, only for Yachiru to remind him Yamamoto wants them to go back together or they will be in trouble. After Yukio shuts down the chatrooms, she emerges with Kenpachi and meets with Ikkaku and Renji.
The Thousand-Year Blood War arc
Yachiru explaining the results of her Division's investigation.
While the captains are in a meeting, the lieutenants gather and discuss the situation with the Wandenreich and recent disappearances of Hollows and Rukongai residents. Izuru asks if any of them had investigated beyond District 50. Yachiru states that Ikkaku and Yumichika had gone to District 64 where they saw the same things noted in the 12th Division's report. Izuru asks what the footsteps they saw looked like and she tells him that they were a mix of bare feet and sandals. After Kenpachi goes to train with Retsu Unohana, Yachiru walks into the division's quarters to find Kenpachi's eye patch laid out on a pillow. She picks it up, solemnly calling his name.
Yachiru punches Guenael.
During the second invasion, Yachiru helps Isane Kotetsu heal the wounded, doing so through loudly venturing out into the Wandenreich city and bringing back supplies. As Isane apologizes for making her do such a dangerous job, she dismisses this and says she has nothing to do anyway since Kenpachi is not back yet. When Sternritter V, Guenael Leeconfronts them, Yachiru punches him. However, the moment Yachiru hits him, Guenael disappears, leaving Yachiru wondering if she was trying to hit someone and who it was. Yachiru is struck by Guenael, who introduces himself and explains his power.
As Isane tries to figure out why Yachiru is bleeding, Guenael appears again and introduces himself for the second time. Isane wonders if he is one of the Sternritter, which Guenael admits to by introducing himself once again as well as becoming very annoyed at how many times he has to introduce himself. Yachiru moves to attack him, but he disappears again and attacks her before reappearing, only to have to dodge her once again. When Isane scolds her for attacking someone based on instinct without knowing whether or not they are an enemy, Yachiru explains the feeling she gets from Guenael and why she reacts as she does. Yachiru retrieves her Zanpakutō and notes Kenpachi will not be angry if she attacks someone because he is not around at the moment. Guenael attempts to attack her from behind, but before he can, Yachiru counterattacks and succeeds in hitting him, much to his disbelief. When Guenael claims she could not have hit him because he is sure he dodged, Yachiru explains her Zanpakutō's ability before moving to attack.
Yachiru's arm is grabbed by Gremmy.
After attacking Yachiru starts playing with the two creatures manifested. When Guenael comes back, she expresses surprise at him still being alive. He again moves to attack, but this time a large wound appears suddenly on his shoulder. Another Sternritter appears and kills Guenael. Yachiru tries to strike him, but he effortlessly dodges and ridicules her attack. Being grabbed by Gremmy, Yachiru drops her sword. Noting how brittle her arm is, Yachiru is surprised by the Sternritter revealing he can turn imagination into reality and that he just imagined the bones in her arm being made of cookies. He further imagines all the bones in her body being made of cookies. They are then interrupted by Kenpachi arriving.  Seeing him, Yachiru notes Kenpachi's arrival. When Gremmy raises the ground they're standing on, Yachiru quietly looks on. After being told by Gremmy that she can't move now, Kenpachi picks her up and notes how Gremmy's power must have stopped working on her because of him shifting his attention away from her. Afterward, Kenpachi tells Yachiru to find Isane and get her arm healed, prompting Yachiru to gleefully scurry down the side of the structure in search of Isane.
Soon afterward, Yachiru watches Kenpachi leap toward the meteorite which Gremmy summoned and recalls their first encounter when she was still a baby. After Kenpachi's fight is over, Yachiru has disappeared, leaving her Shinigami uniform and lieutenant's badge behind.
When Kenpachi is lying on the ground after fighting Gerard Valkyrie, Yachiru appears to him, wearing her uniform and lieutenant's armband. She tells him that if he uses her properly, he can beat anyone. She touches his hand and Reiatsu starts emanating from it. She tells Kenpachi that this is the power everyone calls Bankai. He then activates his Bankai and attacks Gerard, but during the course of the ensuing battle, his arm is torn. Yachiru notes that she released too much power at once. She apologizes to him, noting that his body is not able to handle so much power.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch10
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Chapter 9
I went to the EXO headquarters because I need to clear my head, the guys sees me with a gloomy face, Baekhyun said, "Come on in, and tell us what happened." So, I sat down and I told them on what happened to me recently, Suho said, "Wow, that's a lot to handle on your own." "I can't help but being only a burden to Ichigo, that's why I must be stronger in order to fight my own battles alongside him," I said. Chanyeol asked, "How did that turn out for you?" "Chanyeol!" Suho snapped, "Be careful." "He's right Suho," I said, "I made myself more vulnerable for enemies to see me as an easy target to capture or kill." "I hope Ichigo finds that out so he can reason with you to drop the thought of being a burden to him," said Kai, "I mean, you are trying to prove yourself that you are not weak but most people have a lot of weaknesses." "Yeah, which I showed almost all of my weaknesses," I said to him, "I just hope Ichigo would allow me to fight alongside him for once." "He will one day," said Jongdae, "Don't give up hope just yet." "Jongdae is right, you still have your life to live," said Xiumin, "You can't beat yourself down too hard otherwise you will make yourself even more of a burden." From hearing all of this, I got the shock of my life when Ichigo said to me, "You were never a burden to begin with, Itsuki Akari." I looked at him, I can see the look of hurt all over his face, he came over to me and asked, "Why would you think that?" "You were drifting away, hanging out with your friends more, I never went across your mind unless I was in danger in the Soul Society, so I only hung out with Chad and Uryu because they included me in their conversations," I said to him. Ichigo says, "Shadow Phoenix opened my eyes on how old you are still, you should've told me from the beginning." "I'm sorry," I said, feeling the tears forming. Yes, I'm a crybaby, so what? I can't help myself, I'm only 8 years old still, Chanyeol asked, "How old is she still?" "I'm only 8 years old," I told them. Yeah, it went silent, Suho muttered, "Oh shit, we didn't know that either, you acted so mature." "I didn't want to be seen as weak," I said to him. I went back with Ichigo when everything was dealt with, Ichigo told me, "You know I never did say you can stop hanging out with me, I was hoping that you were noticing that." "You know on how closed up I am still," I told him, "Just give me time, I'm trying to adjust with the world of the living." With that I always stick with Ichigo but I always remained sitting in front of Uryu during school hours, Ichigo understood this decision because Uryu was patient enough for me to fully understand the ways of living in the world of the living, I told him that today was my birthday, Uryu said, "Oh, well, happy birthday, next time I'll try to find the perfect gift for you." "You being my friend is enough for me, Uryu," I said to him, "Don't stress yourself. I mean, I spent most my birthdays meditating because no one really remembered my birthday." "I understand your privacy," he said, "But, I want to match your standards of being your friend." "I don't have any standards, you practically swept my standards away," I told him, "My standards only mean for a love interest." "What are your standards as the perfect partner?" asked Rukia, "I never was told." "You never asked," I told her, "My love interest has to love me for who I am and what I'm so passionate about, Shuhei is strongly heading for that direction." "I see, so Shuhei is your love interest," says Uryu, "But that doesn't mean there can't be any competition." "There will be no competition," I said to him, "I confessed my feelings to him already, so we are getting serious." "I didn't know about this," Renji said, "Then again, you and Shuhei are always getting everyone were actually wondering if you 2 would end up together." "We are only testing the waters," I reminded him, "Shuhei understands that I'm always on the alert for anything bad." When class started, I kept getting a feeling about the 2 familiars I received from Shuhei, it feels like the Arctic Fox has a motherly touch and the Red Fox has a fatherly touch. We were in the middle of an assignment when I got sudden chills going down my spine, Uryu quietly asked, "Are you alright?" "I feel cold suddenly," I told him. I was already finished, I am that hardworking, then I felt a little sick, I got up and asked the teacher, "May I use the restroom?" "Sure, take the hall pass," said the teacher. I took the hall pass then went to the restroom, I called Renji out, he asked, "What caused you to get the feeling of being ill?" "I don't know, I first got chills," I said, "Is there any explanation?" "Trust on what your gut is telling you," he said. I said with my gut, "I think it meant Hollow Activity." "You are absolutely right but I took care of it," said Renji, "I just didn't want you to go limp in class when you come out of your body." "Thank you, Renji," I said to him. Then I went back to class, the feeling went completely away, I returned the hall pass, and went back to my desk in front of Uryu. I can't believe I can sense Hollow by sudden chills, I went to my bag and noticed a sketch pad and art pencils with a note saying, "I just thought you would enjoy this. Signed, Uryu Ishida." I took them out and started drawing away my worries and concerns. When school ended, I met up with Ichigo and his friends since I am part of his group, though I am very shy and closed up, he notices me, "Ah, Akari, I knew you would meet up with us." "Yeah," I said, softly. I kept up with them but I only kept to myself, then that's when I got the sudden chill, I went somewhere private, came out, Shikai Shadow Phoenix is out and I'm finding on where the Hollow is at, this is what I've been missing out. All the Hollow activity is always where Ichigo is at, I saw the creature and shouted, "Fire Burst!" I swung my Scythe and it dissolved when it got hit with the fire attack, Renji complimented, "Nice shot, Akari." "Thanks, Renji," I said, "But I'm sensing more so I'm guessing Ichigo and the others are probably wondering on where I am." "Nah, don't worry about it, I noticed when you went somewhere private that's why I witnessed Fire Burst for the first time," I hear him say. I giggled, I looked where Ichigo and the others were, Rukia sees us, I don't know about Ichigo, I can't see on where he is, then I heard, "Getsuga Tensho!" The attack passed me to hit another Hollow, I looked, he said, "You should pay attention more often, Akari, that Hollow almost got you." "Right, sorry," I said to him, "Fire Shield!" I surrounded us 3 with Fire Shield,  then shouted, "Solar Flare!" Then a Fire Laser went and killed 5 Hollows, I can only do 5 kills with the attack, but with Fire Shield and Fire Burst I can constantly use those without a problem. We took care of the Hollows with the help of Uryu, Chad, Rukia, and Orihime, I made sure everyone had Fire Shields though Uryu said he's fine without a shield circling around him, but I didn't listen and did it anyways, because not only does Fire Shield keeps you protected and warm, it increases the attack of what weapon you are using, I explained this move to everyone and they were surprised on how helpful I can be in battle, I mean, as far as I'm aware, there is no Pyromancer in Ichigo's group. Ichigo turns to me and says, "You know, you can turn the tables in battles like this, you always know what to do once you master a move." "Actually I've only learned that Fire Shield was suppose to be Super Nova," I told him. Renji and Ichigo were quiet for a bit, Renji asked, "Are you serious? The shield is Super Nova?" "Yeah, I was battling with Rukia and she allowed me to hit her with a Super Nova and I ended up with a Fire Shield," I said to them. Ichigo said, "Super Nova or Fire Shield, doesn't matter you can use it whenever you want." "Yeah, I guess so," I said, "I can constantly do Fire Burst and Fire Shield but I have to let my Scythe cool down whenever I do Solar Flare." "Yeah, you can only do 5 hits," says Renji, "Though, I think it's suppose to be a special move for Bankai not Shikai." "No, Faint Flame Beast Attack is Bankai, Burst is Shikai, Shadow Phoenix told me herself, you dumbass!" I corrected, "I know her better than anyone else." "This is true," agreed Ichigo, "Shadow Phoenix has been with her when she was 3 years old. Right?" I nodded, then everyone went back into their bodies and went to Ichigo's house. I hope I continue my path as a Pyromancer, Renji told me, "You will always be a Pyromancer, just don't go crazy with fire." "I've been training with Shadow Phoenix by myself, I know what to do and what not to do," I told him, "Besides, I've spent 5 separate years learning Shikai and Bankai. Even though it takes 10 years of training Shikai, and with Bankai, it takes 10 or more years to achieve Bankai." "Yep," said Renji, "Though Urahara and Ichigo learned different ways of mastering Shikai and Bankai." "Thankfully, I did it all on my own because fire works alone, I had to think like fire," I said, "I mean that's what Shadow Phoenix told me to do." Then I was left alone with me and meditation, I mean, it's all I can do for now since I feel much better. Then a single tear stroke down my face, I opened my eyes, to only finding myself looking at nothing, I looked around because what caused a tear to fall down? Beyond me, I guess, I'm so happy that I have a group of people to turn to when I need to vent without constantly waking up Toshiro or Rangiku. Though I always hate waking up Ichigo and the others because I don't want to get either a glare or get hurt, so I waited for someone to wake up, I found Ichigo asleep already because I needed his comfort for a while but that's too late apparently. So, I decided to sit in his living room for the night, then drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. I woke up to a blanket and pillow under my head, I looked to seeing Ichigo's father who was doing that, he asked, "Why are you out here sleeping on the couch?" "I was hoping for Ichigo was awake but I was too late for that," I said, rubbing my eyes. Isshin was his name, he asked, "May I ask on what about?" "It's only a topic that he would understand," I told him, "But I can go somewhere else I don't mean to sleep in your living room." "No, it's no trouble at all, any friend of Ichigo is a friend of mine," he said, "He's been talking a lot about you, you know, you are very dear to him, what he has been telling me, he is hoping that you can fully understand on what he is trying to do." "Well, he never told me," I said, sitting up. Isshin looked behind him, Ichigo was nowhere in sight, then he said, "He's hoping that you see him as a brother than this captain of yours name Toshiro Hitsugaya." "I was never told this," I said, "I was hoping Ichigo was going to tell himself." "You see, he was then you kept your distance away from him," he told me. I looked down, feeling ashamed of myself for being closed up, I said, "I'm just scared." "Scared of what?" we hear Ichigo ask. I looked at him, I said, "I'm scared of being alone forever but I'm also scared of losing myself and the ones I hold dearest to me." "You don't have to be afraid anymore," said Ichigo, "You have us to protect you because you are fragile." "Yeah, fragile," I said, hating that word. I hate the word fragile because it always means that I'm always going to be useless, Renji told Ichigo, "She hates being called fragile, it makes her feel the word I'm not going to say thanks to Kenpachi." "Oh, right, I forgot," he said, "I'm sorry, I meant it as you are just trying to keep the ones you love so much dearly that you don't want to let them go." I nodded feeling much better, I looked up at Ichigo and I smiled, "Thanks Ichigo, I really needed that." He smiled and asked, "Why don't you sleep in my bed?" "Do you mind?" I asked. He allowed me to go in his room so I can fully rest because I feel like I have a family now, Isshin told me, "Have a good rest, my dear." I couldn't believe that I felt like I belong here, I felt much awake when I was not woken up, I sat up, rubbing my eyes, Ichigo asks, "How do you feel?" "Much better thank you," I said, sounding like my old self again. Rukia said, "I see you are back to your old self." "It's because I was having a pleasant conversation with Isshin Kurosaki," I said to her, "He told me a few things for me to understand on what Ichigo was trying to do." "Yeah, I was trying to act like a real brother compared to what Toshiro was doing," I hear Ichigo say, "I mean, I get it you looked up to him like a brother but he's your captain, a captain doesn't act like a brother, so I'm taking his place." "Thank you, Ichigo," I said, "I hope Toshiro would understand." With that all said and done, we went to school, I've never felt so connected with Ichigo than before, though I rather keep having my name being Itsuki Akari Hitsugaya, Ichigo understood, Rukia told me, "You know you can add Kurosaki as a second middle name." "Nah, I'm fine with where it is," I told her, "I mean, I don't have to rename myself as a Kurosaki." "Yeah, Rukia, she's fine," said Ichigo, "Besides, we are not adopting her, Shadow Phoenix would hate us if we did." "Oh right," says Rukia, "Never mind, I forgot that she's eager to keep you as her own daughter for as long as she can." "Yep, I respect her wishes, I mean she gave me all knowledge I needed to know," I said to her. Then we met up with Uryu, Chad, and Orihime, there goes Ichigo talking to Orihime and Rukia while I stayed by myself, Uryu sees me, "Hey Akari, sweet to see you again." "Thanks," I said, softly. Though I feel something very off, I turned around and asked, "Uryu, do you feel something wrong?" "Yeah I do," he said, "Let's go and check it out." We went to the nearby playground, seeing nothing at the moment, then I looked up and saw 2 people who were giving me red flags. There was a guy who has blue hair and the other guy had black hair showing no emotion. We both looked at each other, nodded then went somewhere private together and out we came. We approached where they were, they were gone before we tried to confront them. I told him, "Be on high alert, those 2 could show up anywhere." We finally walked in class, the bell hasn't rung yet, Ichigo sees us with serious looks on our faces, he asked, "What's wrong you two?" "Nothing that needs to concern you," said Uryu, "Let's just say we've been studying early for a test." "I see," said Ichigo, not buying on what Uryu told him but never questioned me. I was looking frequently at the windows of each classroom I went into, Ichigo was trying to find out on what I was looking for. I kept looking at the windows to my left and to my right because they can show up at random times without anyone noticing that their there. When it was lunch break, I took the lunch hours to walk around the school grounds for anything along with Uryu and now Renji since I've informed him on what happened. We can see each other but no one else on the outside can see Renji, I asked Renji, "Do you see anything, Renji?" "Not from where I am, you sure that you seen these guys and not only seeing clouds?" he asked. I told him, "I know what I saw, I just need to be sure I wasn't seeing anything. Plus I was receiving red flags about these 2." "Oh, well then this explains everything on why you are high alert," said Renji, "It might've been you losing your mind." Then a voice pierced through our conversations, "Akari, watch out!" I looked up and nearly dodged an attack, I was now up against a tree, asking, "What was that?" I then heard a laughter, "Well, well, what do we have here? A Quincy and a Pyromancer Soul Reaper."
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch7
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Chapter 6
We went inside of the school and Ichigo led me to the front office then handed me a piece of paper, then he said, "You are going to be in the same classes as I am going to, so I can help you with what ever you are struggling with." "Thanks Ichigo," I said to him, "I hope I can sit close to you." "I'm sure Rukia would make sure that you are near me," he said. I swear this is a much different atmosphere on what I just escaped from, I went into his classroom, well, our classroom, I shyly followed behind him and sat right in front of him, then Rukia placed a beautiful flower in my hair, she said, "I hope that you would bring more sides of yourself so you can find on who you really are." "Thanks, Rukia," I said. Ichigo leaned over then tells me, "Don't worry my teachers here, I told them on how shy you are and I told them what your name was." "Thanks, Ichigo," I said, sounding like I am getting scared all the sudden. We were in the middle of a lesson when I began to shiver uncontrollably I was THIS scared, Ichigo was smart he knew what was going on, I was not comfortable wearing skirts, I'm more of a dress or pants kind of gal. So, he grabbed his jacket hands over to me and says, "Place this over your legs for the time being." I nodded, once I did that I felt instantly better, the teacher notices this and she says, "You know you can wear leggings." "Oh, I didn't know," I said, "It's only my first day." "It's alright sweetie," she said, then continues on with the lesson. Then I felt a couple glares at some of the students, most of them were females, Rukia and Orihime were not one of those girls, thankfully. During lunch period, one girl came to me and pulls me by my hair, then asks, "What makes you so special? Huh?" "What are you talking about?" I asked. She said, "You were on Ichigo's back!" "I'm a close friend of his," I said. She then lets go, "Oh, you should've said so." "You didn't have to pull on my hair, I took my time styling it this way," I said, fixing my hair. Yes, I'm sensitive when someone messes with my hair, I like to be professional looking, then she scoffed, "Whatever, you and Ichigo's friendship will never last if you keep this up." "He styled it this way," I said, "That's why I always hang out with him because it reminds me that he will always be my friend." She kept dissing my friendship with Ichigo, then I turned into total aggression, I snapped when she said, "You are going to be such a little play toy for him that's what you will end up." I strongly punched the glass window then grabbed the glass shard and pointed it at her throat, freaking everybody out. Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, and his friends were off somewhere else outside, they just witnessed someone breaking a glass window, when they came to see on who broke the window, the girl was freaking out, "Oh my goodness, please, don't hurt me!!" "You need to be careful on who you are dealing with!!" I said, in a very threatening tone of voice. Hichigo is not in me, but I've learned something from him while he was inside of me, I have 0 tolerance for bullshit like this, and he made me become violent when necessary, at least he did some good to me. I told her, "Leave me alone!" She fled from me, not coming close to me, then I seen Ichigo and Rukia, I switched by saying, "Oh, hey you 2." "Did you seriously break the window with your bare hands?" asked Ichigo, who was clearly freaked out by this point. I looked at the window, then asked, "Am I in big trouble for damaging property? I mean all I did was making a point to not mess with me." "We will make sure that you don't get kicked out of this school," said Orihime. Ichigo nodded in agreement, "I mean c'mon, you mean so much to me and Rukia." "Yeah, I need to open up more often to more people," I said, "At least I can open more sides of myself without thinking negative." "Yeah, we have your back if you run into trouble," said Orihime. I was about to say that I can take care of myself but then I noticed Ichigo giving me a stern look, I have never seen him giving me that look before, it's certainly new to me, I decided to keep it to myself. Then Orihime reassured me by saying, "But, since you can clearly take care of yourself then we will have your back no matter what." "Thanks, I'm just handling a situation still so give me a few days to adjust," I said to her. She obviously understood, I sat back down in my seat then looked at the window looking at the sky, Rukia had to snap her fingers in order to get my attention back to classes session but then she notices that I can multi task, I mean, my rank in the Soul Society is being the 3rd Seed Seat of Toshiro's squad. When school was over, I took my time gathering my things thinking on what I should do in my spare time, I can't go to the Soul Society whenever I want to. I sighed when this gentleman asked, "Do you need help?" "Hm? Oh no, I like to take my time," I said, "May I know on who you are?" "Where are my manners, I'm Uryu Ishida," he said, "Might I say that you are quick when it comes to things like that." "It's just natural instinct of mine," I said, "Are you a friend of Ichigo's?" "Yes I am but I was wondering when he looked at you with a stern look, are you familiar with the look he gave you?" he asked. I shook my head, "He never did that towards me at all, only towards the enemy." Uryu was very sweet with helping me understand Ichigo better, I mean I guess when it comes to Orihime he's switches just like what I did, then he asked, "Do you have a place to stay?" "Well, I don't know if I should catch up with Ichigo," I said, "I'm guessing that he didn't look if I was following him, this is very new to me, but I'll adjust." "Yeah, it's natural just so you know he has a lot on his mind, so please forgive him being a knucklehead," said Uryu. I giggled at his comment about Ichigo, "You are so hilarious, Uryu." "You think so? Why, thank you," he said, smiling. Then here comes the kill joy, Ichigo came over and asked, "Are you coming or what, Akari?" "Leave her be," said Rukia, "Don't be like you-know-who's, Ichigo." "Fine, whatever," said Ichigo. That was when I received a message from someone who I was not expecting to message me. It was Kai, of all people, he sent me saying 'Hey I just want to let you know that we truly miss you over here, we did some thinking and I think it's time that you show us on what you told us.' When I read that, my heart skipped a beat, Uryu looks at me and asks, "What is it?" "I just received a message from someone who I recently broke up with," I said to him. Then Renji approached, "Who was it?" "It's Kai, Renji," I said to him. Renji said, "He still has your number? Man, I guess that he took some time thinking about on what you said to them that night." "Yeah, in fact, all of them including Kyungsoo," I said. Then I messaged Kai back saying that he does realize that we were never truly boyfriend and girlfriend. After that, I was waiting for him to respond because my mind will always be focused on Shuhei and I being together, Renji and I made it back to Ichigo's house, I followed behind Renji trying not to show on how vulnerable I had become now, I was remained on Renji's side not moving from him, only looking at him, Rukia, not looking at Ichigo straight in the eyes. Renji had his protective arm around me while I'm trying to hold myself together, I was waiting for Ichigo to scold me for how I was acting, I never felt this lonely in my life it's like Ichigo stripped away from me when he gave that stern look. Ichigo asked, "What was wrong with you back there?" "I was defending myself against her," I said, "You and the others weren't there to defend so I had no choice but to do something that I knew that I was going to regret later." Renji held me tight, Rukia noticed a change in me, she and Renji knows that I'm letting my guard down. Ichigo sighed, "I understand." "This is what happens if Hichigo was stuck in me for too long," I said, "He was the one that actually inspired me to stand up for myself." "Don't bring him into this," he groaned, "He's a pain in the ass as it is." I was left alone for the time being, then I decided to go to the Soul Society by asking for Rangiku to help me go back, once I went there, she asked, "Is everything alright?" "No, I just need to be away from Ichigo for a while," I said, "Basically I'm going to my office for the night." "We understand," said Toshiro, who happened to be there. As I was walking in my office, I sat down in my chair and just cried my fears away, I can't believe that look terrified me, this somehow got to Renji and Rukia's attention and they felt their hearts break, mainly Renji.
Renji's POV: We got the most heart breaking crying from Akari, I was in total pain because she's over there away from us so she could do this in secret, I couldn't take it and snapped at Ichigo, "You moron! Did you realize on what you just did to Itsuki?!" "Why, where is she?" he asked. I answered angrily, "She's in the Soul Society, in her office, and crying her eyes out because you basically terrified her with that look that she is not familiar with!" "Look, I know on how protective you are towards Orihime, but don't forget that you are suppose to be Akari's sword," said Rukia, "She's not used to this side of you being against her." "I'm not against her," says Ichigo. I told him, "She doesn't think so, for all we know she might do something that we both saved her from." "And what's that?" asked Rukia. I told her, "Everytime she thinks that she can't take it anymore, without her thinking clearly, she always goes into danger blindly." "Oh no, then we better make sure she doesn't do that," says Rukia. Then Ikkaku says, "It's too late, we checked her office, Rangiku and myself, she was already gone when we looked into her office." "Oh no, damn it!" I shouted, "Way to go, you dumbass!" "I didn't know I frightened her," says Ichigo, "This is all my fault for not thinking about her, I'll go and take down what she might run into."
Normal POV: I was just wondering around, trying to clear my mind off of what just happened then I noticed that I was blindly walking into a horde of Hollows, great, I did it again, damn you Ichigo. Then I heard, "Getsuga TENSHO!!" Then out came a black with red aura lazer and kills most of the Hollows that have me completely surrounded, once the Hollows were taken care of, I was not done crying my fears away but the tears were still there so I could get to safety. Ichigo met up with me, I was not facing him because I didn't want him to think I'm useless, after I received that message from Kai, all of my aggression just flew away. He asked, "Who messaged you?" "Huh?" I said, looking at him now. He had his left hand out, I got out my phone and handed it to him, he sees the message then he goes, "Don't worry about this, it's probably just him trying to trick you into going back to him." "Yeah but read the current message," I said, "Not my message, the recent one." He read it, Kai messaged me back saying 'I will make you mine one way or another so you can forget on who you are thinking about going to be in love with.' Ichigo growled, "Let's go over there and settle things." I took another good look at his outfit, oh my gosh, he looks hotter than he does in his kimono outfit. He asked, "What is it this time?" "Why do you so much hotter than before?" I blurted out. I can't believe I made Ichigo blush after what I just said to him, I then said, "But, you can't counter Shuhei's handsomeness." "So, you and Shuhei are back to being friends now?" asked Ichigo. I answered, "We are working on going steady but I need Kai to understand my standards." "Of course," said Ichigo, "We are not going to kill him, dang it." "Ichigo," I said, "You have your fun, let me have my fun." "By the way, Shadow Phoenix is waiting for you to get her back from that mansion," said Ichigo, "So, let's go." So we went back to South Korea, so I can get Shadow Phoenix and to let Kai understand on who I'm going to end up being with. We remembered the layout of this place, I retrieved her at last, my confidence shot back up, then we went to see on where everyone was at. Ichigo was still in his outfit, I asked, "Do you want a quick match?" "I thought you would never ask," said Ichigo, "Let's go Pyromancer Itsuki Akari Hitsugaya." We remembered where the training room was located, no one noticed us coming out of our bodies, Shadow Phoenix didn't cast the barrier this time because we want to surprise the 9. I called out, "Alright you 3 come on out!" Then out came Kris, Luhan, and Tao, they looked around, "Nothing changed here, that's good." "Are they gonna watch us fight or what?" asked Ichigo. I answered, "They're gonna watching us." We got in our positions, I was swinging Shadow Phoenix around so I can get ready to attack Ichigo with all I got. I said, "No turning back once we start." "Got it," said Ichigo, "Cheap shots are welcomed." "Oh I'm going to give it all I know," I said. I went into my dress as usual, Ichigo complimented, "You look sexy in that dress." "Think fast!" I shouted from behind. Then I attacked him with a kick to the head, Sehun and Baekhyun who were down here with us notices the vibration movement that we were making. Those 2 cleared the area, then out came Xiumin and Chanyeol, all confused, back to our fight I was having so much fun, the adrenaline rushing through my veins, Ichigo asked when our weapons collided together, "How do you feel right now?" "Oh, I feel so much better right now," I said, "Now I see on why Shuhei likes the way I love fighting." "Just the passion you have for it, these guys were stripping that passion away from you," says Ichigo, "Do you really want to come back here where they can take it away again?" "That's why I want to set somethings straight with these guys," I said, then swept my feet to make him lose his balance. He managed to dodged and back flips like nothing, "I'm guessing you want to rematch Renji?" "Man, I told you, I'm not losing to her 51 times, I'm fine with 50 loses," I hear Renji say. After our match, I defeated Ichigo 15 times now, he says, "You can learn more magic than Fire, Akari." I snapped at him, "I'm fine being a Pyromancer!" "I mean, there's nothing wrong with learning Lightning magic, fire does come from many things and lightning is one of them," says Ichigo. I told him, "You are not talking me out of only learning Fire magic, I'm sticking to Fire magic and you can't say or do anything to stop me." "She's right," says Renji, "She can make her own decisions." Then we went to our Gigai bodies, Ichigo and myself went to the hallway to only see the 9 guys, Suho said, "I was hoping to see you and Renji, not Ichigo." "Shut up, why did you ask her and Renji, not me?" asked Ichigo, pulling me back defending me. I slightly smiled when he did that, Baekhyun said, "We were hoping that she would forgive us on giving her the wrong ideas." "So, I can keep being on who I am and what I do?" I asked. They all nodded but Suho did, Ichigo asked him, "Why didn't you agree with them?" "I'm not sure if I can believe on where she comes from is true but I respect her privacy, she can come to us when she has trouble with something," said Suho. Well, I went back to their place when I need to, for right now, I am sticking to Ichigo until I get done with my education, then Rukia said, "You know you can flash step between places. You have a natural born talent with it." "You are certainly right, Rukia," I said, "Thanks for reminding me." "No worries, just as long as you keep the passion to fight going strong," said Rukia. At least that kept me from worrying about what I am so passionate about fighting, I walked in class then felt scared again seeing my seat in front of Ichigo, then I looked to the seat in front of Uryu, I went to him and asked, "Is someone sitting here?" "Nah, the student who used to sit here recently moved classes," said Uryu, "You can sit here for now, Akari." I sat down, opened my bag to begin my new passion for art, Orihime came to me and asked, "Why are you sitting here instead of the seat in front of Ichigo?" "I switched seats, I'm still a little frightened on what look he gave me," I said. She walked back not saying a word, I went back to drawing beautiful foxes, I showed Uryu my drawing when I finished, he said, "Those are very good it looks as if they were real foxes." "I have an obsession of foxes," I said, sounding a little embarrassed. He chuckled then asked, "What music do you listen?" "Music?" I tilted my head. He allowed me to borrow his device and played the first song called Thunderstruck from AC DC, I was hooked on how good it felt, I asked, "Can I keep a hold of this?" "Sure, I have plenty of those, you can keep that," said Uryu, "Since I was told by Rukia that you came from the Soul Society." "Oh thank you," I said. Then I noticed the background photo was an Arctic Fox, that is my most favorite fox ever!
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darisu-chan · 8 years
The Lies We Tell Ourselves, 3
Chapter 3: Decide
“Every time he saw her he realised the reason why they always said humans are made of stardust.” ― Akshay Vasu
June, 2001
There were two things Kurosaki Ichigo didn’t understand about life: how his father’s mind worked, and Kuchiki Rukia’s entire being.
It had been a month since Kuchiki Rukia had come into his life in the most unexpected fashion: by sitting on his room in the dark. After having confused her for a burglar, he had discovered that, from then on, she was going to live with his family, and even worse, go to school with him. Apparently, or as Isshin had put it, Kuchiki Byakuya, Rukia’s older brother, had wanted his sister to attend a public school in a peaceful town, far away from Tokyo. Isshin, who somehow knew Byakuya (how was never explained to Ichigo), had suggested that Rukia come live with his family, and he could take care of her for the time being. Byakuya didn’t really know Isshin, for as it were he did entrust the care of his only sister to the man, and here they were. Rukia was to sleep with the twins in their room, while Ichigo was supposed to show her around school and town. This situation ended up with Rukia following him everywhere, which had started some rumors about them.
“Yo, Kurosaki, is that your girl?!” A guy had shouted one day when he saw them walking together home.
“Shut up!” The boy had angrily yelled back, turning bright red. Rukia had remained oblivious the entire time.
Their close proximity had facilitated their acquaintance, though. So far, Ichigo had discovered a few things about his new guest. Firstly, Rukia was spoiled rotten. This fact shouldn’t have surprised him, she was filthy rich after all, but still he was amazed by how she acted. It was not that she was impolite, or that she scoffed at the insignificance of his house as compared to her own mansion. She was spoiled in the sense that she seemed to have been sheltered all her life. She didn’t know how to do the laundry, or how to cook. She definitely had never even made her own bed! The good news was that little by little, and with the Kurosakis’ help, Rukia had been learning. However, it still baffled Ichigo how little she knew about mundane things. For instance, one day during lunch he had taken out a juice box Yuzu had given him in the morning. Rukia gasped and gaped at him the moment she saw said item.
“What is that?” She asked in amazement, her eyes shining brightly.
“This?” He asked, equally as surprised but for different reasons. “It’s a juice box.” It figures she had never seen one, and only drank fresh juice her entire life.
“I want one!” Rukia exclaimed.
The boy rolled his eyes. “Look into your lunch box, Yuzu packed you one as well.”
The girl looked into her lunch box and found what she had been looking for. “Yes!” She shouted in glee, and then blinked at the juice. “Ichigo?”
“How do you drink it?”
Ichigo had sweat-dropped, but he taught her anyway. The girl had watched him intently, observing how he put the straw on the juice box, making a hole in it. It had been a new experience for her. She had thanked him after that, as she happily sipped her juice. Ichigo just how to wonder how a fifteen year old girl could be so oblivious.
Her obliviousness transcended to her being unaware of the effect she had on the male population as well.
“How are you doing this beautiful morning, Kuchiki-san?” Keigo, his friend, would greet her every morning in an obvious attempt to flirt with her.
“Ah, Asano-kun, I’m doing well. How about you?” Rukia would politely say, inadvertently giving Keigo hope that he was being successful at flirting.
Keigo’s flirtations continued on during lunch, for Rukia had taken a liking to eating lunch with Ichigo’s group of friends, which consisted on Mizuiru, Chad, and, as previously mentioned, Keigo. This situation was troublesome for Ichigo. It meant that Rukia was invading every single one of his social circles. It also meant he had to spend lunch listening to Keigo’s jabbering.
“Kuchiki-san, you’re so smart!”
“Oh, Kuchiki-san, you look very pretty today?”
“Have I mentioned you have the most stunning eyes ever?”
The brown haired boy would exclaim his lame pickup lines every day, while the girl thanked him for his kindness. Mizuiru would laugh in the background at his friend’s attempts to win the girl over, while Ichigo only scoffed, and hit him when he went way too far in his advances.
Keigo, their class professed ladies’ man, wasn’t the only one that admired Rukia though. A few of their classmates had commented that she was very cute. Ichigo had also seen boys from other classes looking at the girl with appreciation. Even Mizuiru, who preferred older women, had blushed one time Rukia had, accidentally, gotten too close to his personal space. What was worse was that Rukia too didn’t realize a lot of rumors had spread about them, and the status of their relationship. Many people had asked Ichigo about it, and some, like Mizuiru and Keigo, didn’t disguise their comments about it. Yet, she remained unaware of these situations, much to Ichigo’s dismay.
Yes, Rukia was oblivious, but as Ichigo had soon found out, she was also very curious. She asked him a million questions on a daily basis, about everything and nothing. At first, the boy had thought she only asked to annoy him, for her first question had been “Why is your hair so orange?” But overtime he discovered that she simply was curious. Rukia asked him how to do the laundry, how to iron her clothes, why did he sit on the roof for lunch at school, why did he hit Keigo, why were people afraid of him at school, and many other things. He had acquired patience to answer to each and every question her mind would conjure, though. After two weeks, Ichigo stopped getting annoyed at her over her questions, and started encouraging. Asking always leads to learning… or at least that’s what he had always been told.
Kuchiki Rukia was also stubborn as hell, probably much more stubborn than Ichigo himself. Things had to go her way, or else she’d get angry. She was a short-tempered, headstrong girl, who often cursed when angered. This was amusing to Ichigo, since he had never imagined a member of the Kuchiki family could use such words. He often annoyed her just to hear her curse. Rukia also hit hard when mad. More than once she had kicked him on the shin, or hit him on the head for pissing her off. The first time it had happened, Ichigo thought it had been revenge because he had kicked her butt during their first meeting. But then, it started happening over and over again. He guessed this is what he got for angering her. However, that situation went both ways, for as it so happened, Rukia had developed a liking for annoying Ichigo as well. She tended to use a saccharine tone of voice to speak to him in public, knowing he hated her fake accent. The girl also purposely countered everything he said, even though he was right. Rukia also did her homework while sitting on Ichigo’s bed, knowing that it pissed him off. This led them to getting into argument after argument, most of them being particularly dumb and nonsensical. It soon became their thing, and people were surprised when they didn’t hear them arguing.
She was also incredibly kind and dutiful. One day, when the two were walking home after school, they passed by the park, and saw how a little boy, not older than seven years old, fell down and started crying. Rukia immediately ran towards him, and helped him up.
“Are you alright?” She asked him, taking a napkin out her bag, and cleaning the boy’s face with it.
“No, my knee hurts.” Then, she noticed that the little boy’s knee had been scraped, no doubt from the fall.
“Let’s cure it.” She told the boy, smiling. “Ichigo, do you have a Band-Aid?” The girl now turned to him.
Ichigo nodded and gave her one of the Band-Aids he always carried with him, due to the amount of fights he got involved in. “Here.”
“Thanks.” Rukia gently put it on the boy’s knee, who by this point had stopped crying. “Done! Do you feel better?”
“Yes! Thank you, onee-san!” He told her, and then stood up. He briefly hugged her, and thanked her again for her help before leaving.
Other instances of Rukia’s kindness had manifested when Yuzu fell ill one day, and Rukia volunteered to clean the dishes that day. Or when he was having trouble with his homework, and Rukia had stayed up with him late at night explaining him how to do it. Of course, she liked to disguise her kindness for him with sarcasm, or jokes, as if she didn’t want him to think she could be a nice person. Ichigo wasn’t fooled though.
Among other things Ichigo had discovered about Rukia were that she liked to read horror manga, but since apparently her brother had forbidden her from reading such things, claiming they would rot her mind, she read them secretly, and became embarrassed whenever Ichigo caught her reading them. Yet, soon they started trading manga, although Ichigo thought her taste in comic books sucked. She was also fascinated by a cartoon character called Chappy the Rabbit, which she drew everywhere and liked to buy his merchandise. And speaking of drawings, she was terrible at it. Ichigo liked to insult her drawings whenever he had the chance, which only led him to being hit by her notebooks.
The last thing he noticed was her beauty. Ichigo was not blind, he had known from the very beginning that Rukia was pretty, beautiful even, with her smooth skin, black hair, and doe-like eyes. She looked like a porcelain doll, or a delicate princess from a fairytale. However, her beauty wasn’t really traditional. Rukia wasn’t one of those girls who were charming and bubbly, like Inoue Orihime. Her beauty was a melancholic one. The sad heroine in a tragedy. Ichigo had noticed often how she’d have a faraway look on her eyes, when she thought no one was looking. How her eyes would become downcast, and her smile would disappear. The girl had built walls around her, probably to protect herself from the outside world. The boy knew only a great sadness could have prompted her to close herself to other people. He knew this for he had done so after his mother’s death. In this aspect, Rukia remained an enigma to Ichigo. Who was Kuchiki Rukia, really? A childish, oblivious, spoiled girl? A kindhearted girl? A stubborn and mean girl? A sad girl, barely hanging in there? Or a mix of various traits?
Fifteen year old Ichigo hadn’t known then that he’d discover more things about the girl than he had originally planned to. He also ended up finding more things about himself in the process, and how they all related to Rukia.
Their fate had been decided from the start.
August, 2015
More than a week had gone by since that fateful night at the bar with Rukia, and so far Ichigo hadn’t seen her again. He didn’t need to see her, though, she was already in his mind 24/7. Her words kept haunting him every second of every day. Grand Fisher, his mother’s murderer, had been caught. He was going to be tried for one of his crimes. If Ichigo sought out the police, the man could be tried for his mother’s murder as well. He would pay for his crimes. But only if Ichigo was brave enough to confront this situation. Could he even be? That was the question that plagued his mind.
Ichigo mulled over this situation for days, not sharing the news with anyone. Telling Orihime was out of the question. It involved telling her he had seen Rukia, which Ichigo knew wouldn’t sit well with her. It also involved opening up to things he’d rather not share. He hadn’t mentioned this to his sisters either. What for? They had grown up now, getting over the pain of losing their mother at such a young age, and forgetting their brother’s involvement in the whole affair. It wouldn’t do them any good to talk about their mother’s death. So, Ichigo kept it all to himself, bottling up his emotions like he was used to doing. Honestly, there had been just one person that he could have told everything he was feeling, but he didn’t dare to. It wasn’t Rukia’s place to be his confidant anymore, even if she had offered to do so.
The man decided to act like usual, or at least try to, for he was more distant than normal. If his wife or child had noticed this change, they didn’t say anything, and neither had his sisters the few times they had seen each other. His father, though, was different altogether. Kurosaki Isshin prided in knowing his children’s each and every mood by heart. He had memorized the way each of his children would look when happy, sad, or angry. So, the moment he had seen Ichigo the Monday after Rukia’s visit, he had known something had happened to his son. Ichigo was, truly, an easy person to read if one cared enough to learn his gestures. He was frowning more deeply than normal, his eyes had a far-away look, and he was jumpy, as if he had been waiting for something to happen. However, Isshin had the presence of mind not to push Ichigo to share his feelings. Isshin knew that his son would seek him out if he needed. But after almost two weeks had gone by with no change in Ichigo, Isshin grew worried and decided to confront him.
It was the weekend, and the Kurosakis had reunited at Isshin’s house for dinner. Yuzu was cooking, with Orihime’s help. Karin was playing with Kazui, teaching him how to play soccer, much to the boy’s delight. This left Isshin and Ichigo all to themselves. The father took this alone time to talk with his son. The two were drinking beers as they watched Karin and Kazui play.
“What’s wrong, son?” Isshin asked bluntly.
Ichigo blinked twice. “What do you mean?” Then took a sip of his beer.
“You’ve been acting weird lately.” Isshin answered, paying close attention to his son’s actions.
“Che. You noticed?” The younger man replied, deciding against hiding information from his father.
“It’s hard not to notice. I’m your father, after all.”
Ichigo nodded. “That’s right.”
“So, what’s wrong?” Isshin asked yet again.
The man sighed, knowing well he had to be honest with his father. “I saw Rukia.”
That single sentence made alarms in Isshin’s mind go off. “Oh?” He raised an eyebrow, silently questioning him.
Ichigo shrugged. “It wasn’t like that. She just wanted to tell me something.”
“Which was?” The father prompted.
“The police caught Grand Fisher.” Ichigo simply said.
Isshin gaped at him, then grew somber.
“I’m guessing by your reaction that you didn’t know.”
“No, I didn’t.” Isshin admitted. “Why did she tell you?”
“She thought that I had to know given, erm, the circumstances. Apparently, the prosecutor will take anything he can to make the judge give him the capital punishment. They don’t want Grand Fisher to see the light of day ever again.”
“So Rukia-chan told you in case you want to testify against him, right?”
Ichigo nodded. “That’s right.”
“So what are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know.”
Isshin nodded in understanding. “Who else knows?”
“Only us.” Ichigo said, confirming Isshin’s suspicions.
“Orihime-chan doesn’t know?”
“There’s no reason for her to worry about it.”
Isshin disagreed but didn’t want to push it. “Have you taken a decision already?”
Ichigo sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to get justice. Hell, god knows the world would be better if there was a possibility he’d never be out again. But it just comes to whether or not I want to open up past wounds.”
The father nodded in understanding. “Do you want to hear my opinion?”
“Please. Go ahead.”
“You should testify.”
Ichigo looked at his father pointedly. “Why?”
“I know you, son. And I know you’d never be content with knowing you could’ve done something to avenge your mother. If there’s even a minimal chance that Grand Fisher will be charged for your mother’s murder, then you should do it. Only then, you won’t feel as guilty as you do even now. Correct me if I’m wrong.”
The younger man sighed, and then sipped the rest of his beer. “No, you’re right. I should do it, if not for me, then for mother. I think… I think she’d want me to testify too.”
Isshin smiled. “She would, knowing it’d bring you peace of mind.”
“Then I will.”
“I’m glad.”
“Dear, Kurosaki-san, dinner is ready!” Orihime’s cheerful voice interrupted them.
Once Ichigo had taken a decision, he felt at peace. An anxiousness remained, of course, but he didn’t feel as restless as before, which could be noticed given his current mood. He was no longer moody or jumpy, but felt light, a weight had finally been lifted from his shoulders. Now that he was calm, Ichigo started planning his next actions. He had already contacted the detectives in charge of the case, and gave them the information he knew. His father had also decided to sue Grand Fisher for the death of his wife in any way he could. Father and son had both agreed that it was best if the murderer had enough on him, so that the judge would at least give him life imprisonment. It was up to the judge, at this point. Ichigo also realized he probably needed to tell Rukia what he had decided to do, given the fact that she had set this into motion. He should thank her on behalf of his family. But, that call could wait. It was a sunny Wednesday, and since the clinic had been empty, Ichigo had planned to go to the park with Kazui. Lately, he hadn’t spent as much time with his son as usual, mostly because he had been too anxious to play with the child. The boy had, probably, noticed that his father hadn’t been himself, and was happy to have his father back.
Father and son walked hand in hand to the park, the young boy retelling a joke he had heard back in school. Summer vacation was ending, and this was one of the last times Ichigo had to spend time with his child, before Kazui got busy with homework. They soon arrived to the park, where many kids and their parents were playing, no doubt having the same idea Ichigo had had. The man was about to ask Kazui what he wanted to do, when the boy suddenly spotted someone in the crowd, and started sprinting towards them.
“Ichika!” The boy shouted when he noticed a red-headed girl playing on the swings.
The girl stopped swinging when she heard her name being called. She stood up quickly, and, recognizing the voice, ran towards the boy. “Kazui!”
The sound of the girl’s voice alerted her mother, who had been standing near the swings, where she could watch her daughter. The woman turned around, her long hair was swinging with the wind along with her yellow sundress, and stared at the children with wide eyes. Then, she turned to look at Ichigo. Surprised was written all over Rukia’s face, matching Ichigo’s own shocked expression, both wondering how they had ended up in this situaton. Then, they turned to look at their children, who were hugging each other tenderly, no doubt having missed the other after not having seen each other for over a year.
“What are you doing here?” Kazui asked his friend, as they kept hugging.
“Mom and I moved back here.” Ichika answered.
“Hello, Ichika.” Ichigo said, approaching the pair of children, with uneasiness.
The kids stopped hugging. “Hi, Kurosaki-san.”
“Hello, Kazui.” Rukia said, as she too walked towards the children.
“Hi, Kuchiki-san.” The boy said.
“Mom, can I play with Kazui?” Ichika asked her mother.
“Of course you can, honey.” Rukia answered.
“Go on, you two, have fun.” Ichigo added, noticing his son’s excitement.
The children didn’t need to be told twice. Hand in hand, they walked towards the swings, chatting as if they had seen each other recently. Ichigo shook his head in amusement, and then turned to look at Rukia, who had been watching the kids.
“Fancy meeting you here.” He attempted to start a conversation. Rukia snorted. Dork.
“I’ll say. I’ve been coming here every Thursday since I moved back to Karakura, and I had never seen you once until today.”
The man scratched his head sheepishly. “I had free time, so I thought it’d be a good moment to play with my son. Too bad he ditched me for your daughter.”
Rukia smiled fondly, still watching the kids. “They sure missed each other, right?”
Ichigo nodded. “Seems like it.”
“It’s great to see Ichika so happy. I hadn’t seen her smile like this in a long time.” Rukia added, watching as Kazui pushed Ichika on the swing, the girl laughing out loud.
“Was the divorce tough on her?” Ichigo asked her.
“Yeah, but having to hear Renji and I fight all the time was worse for her. She started feeling better once we moved here. It’s like a fresh start. She made new friends in school, and joined a soccer team. And now that she has seen Kazui, her life has improved.” Rukia explained.
“I’m glad. She’s a kid, she should be having fun.”
“Yes. I guess this is the effect Karakura Town has on people. It brings back their happiness, and makes them feel at ease.” Rukia smiled lovingly.
The wind passed around them, disheveling their hair.
“What do you mean?” Ichigo asked.
The woman shrugged. “Well, that’s the effect it’s always had on me. Before I came here for the first time, I was really miserable. I didn’t like my school, and felt very lonely at home after my sister died.”
Ichigo nodded, remembering the Rukia he had first met, who at times looked gloomy and nostalgic.
“But, after I started living with your family, I became a different person. I started laughing more, I liked my new school, I made friends, and going home wasn’t something I dreaded anymore, because I finally had a warm family waiting for me.” Right then, she was the most beautiful woman Ichigo had ever seen. The way her eyes sparkled as she reminisced about days long passed, and that tender smile she wore. “Those were my happiest days, and it was all thanks to you and your family, Ichigo.” Rukia said honestly, making her companion blush. “I don’t think I ever thanked you enough.”
“You don’t need to thank us for anything, Rukia.” The man scratched his neck, a nervous habit his companion knew well. “It was our pleasure to have you in our house. You also made our days happier. Yuzu and Karin really liked having an older sister, and you know how goat chin is, the more the merrier.” He conveniently omitted saying he had also been happy to have her there.
Rukia laughed. “But I really feel like I should thank you, anyway. I found myself in Karakura, but…” She trailed off.
“But?” Ichigo prompted, feeling curious.
“It all changed when I moved back to Tokyo for college.”
Ah. Those were bad times, Ichigo remembered them well. A certain scene kept repeating in his mind, and the what-ifs which plagued him often. “Don’t go! Please, don’t do it!” Maybe if Rukia hadn’t gone away, if she had stayed… But there was no use to crying over spilled milk anymore.
“I felt pressured by the clan, holding up to their and my brother’s expectations. I also felt lonely. That’s when I started losing myself again, and I haven’t quite recovered from it.”
“Not even when you married Renji?” Ichigo asked.
“Especially when I married Renji.” The woman laughed without mirth. “I was too hasty in accepting his proposal, and I honestly married him without thinking things through, which is why we ended up divorcing. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I wasn’t. Of course I didn’t notice it until Renji’s work brought us back here to Karakura.”
“Wait, that was over a year ago. So you had been having problems before this year?” Ichigo asked, surprised. The last time he had seen them together, they looked happy.
“Yes, but I think it all became clearer when we were here. There’s something in the air of this town, Ichigo, which snaps sense into my head. I started wondering what I was doing with my life, you know? Why wasn’t I working anymore? Why was I stressed all the time? Why did I feel like I couldn’t really talk to Renji? And most important of all, why did I feel like such a failure as a mother? Before moving here, I couldn’t really connect with Ichika, mostly because Renji and Ichika have this father-daughter bond that I’ve never known how to fit into. I realized I needed to form my own bond with my daughter, different than the one she has with Renji, and for that to happen I needed to answer all the questions that troubled me, which led me to a path Renji didn’t quite like.”
Suddenly things were making more sense to Ichigo. “Is that why you returned to Tokyo?”
Rukia turned her eyes towards the ground. “He thought moving back to Tokyo would help our relationship.”
“But it didn’t.” He stated.
The woman shook her head. “No, not at all. If anything, it got worse. I had already changed too much for it to work out, I’m afraid.”
The man nodded in understanding. “So after the divorce you came back here, to start anew.”
“I thought that it’d be good for Ichika and me, to continue with my ongoing changes. Karakura always brings out the best of me. It’s the only place where I’ve ever felt free. I thought it’d be the same for Ichika, and I wasn’t mistaken. She is happier here. She has said so herself.”
“It’s great that you’re so happy, although I don’t truly understand it.”
Rukia raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Karakura has always made me feel trapped.” Ichigo confessed. This surprised Rukia.
“Like I don’t have a choice but to follow the status quo.” This admission surprised Ichigo too. Since when had he started feeling this way?
“Ah. I see.” Rukia said. “Perhaps it’s because you’ve always lived here.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Their conversation was interrupted by Ichigo’s cellphone ringing. It was Orihime wondering if they were coming back home soon.
“I’m sorry Rukia, but we need to go.”
“Yeah, us too. It’s late already.”
“Kazui!” Ichigo called his son.
“Ichika!” Rukia called her daughter.
“Let’s go!”
The children approached them, looking sheepish. The adults raised their eyebrows.
“What’s going on?” Ichigo asked.
“Is there something you wish to tell us?” Rukia added.
“Kazui and I were thinking…” Ichika started saying.
“Thinking what?”
“That it’d be great if we could play together again sometime.” Kazui finished the sentence.
Ichigo and Rukia turned to look at each other.
“It’s not a bad idea.” Rukia admitted, making her daughter smile.
“Yeah, I think it’s actually pretty good.” Ichigo nodded.
“So is that a yes?” Ichika asked.
The adults shared a look. “Yes.”
“Yeah!” The children cheered and the parents laughed.
It was then decided that every Thursday, as long as the children didn’t have a lot of homework, and the adults didn’t have work to do, they would meet at the park to play. Unknowingly, the children had set into motion a course of events that could not be stopped, even if they tried.
Destiny is such a fickle thing.
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