#mechanical bits.. anthro.. muscles...
liauditore · 4 months
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he is so so tired please get off his lawn
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vexkader · 4 years
Solis, Part 1
Fires burned. Hazy and unfocused, my breath was slow and controlled. Screams heard the distance as mechanical demons fired purple from their rod arms. Burning the flesh from humans and anthros, indiscriminately killing with a seething hatred.
I aimed my rifle to fire as one of monsters, sleek and cool in contrast to the jagged design of my foe. Gripping and pulling the trigger, the recoil jutted into my shoulder. Yelling as I sent them back to Hell. As I fought, I felt a mass upon me. As black and as cold as space itself. It whispered to me with no signs of embracing me.
"Your existence is failure, we are perfection."
My eyes shot open as I drew breath. Groaning as I looked up to the cold silver and white of my ship. The sheets of my bed trying to lull me back to sleep, but I knew I had to wake anyways. Rubbing my eyes with a paw, I sit up on the edge of the bed. Not quite dressed for the days adventure.
Sitting at the edge and pondering random thoughts, I stared down at my paws. Till a voice spoke to me.
"You're awake, I wasnt expecting it honestly after you dozed off for another ten hours." The dry and albeit a bit sarcastic voice rang throughout the ship. Annoying me as I still felt half asleep.
Jumping to my paws, I sluggishly make my way to the shower. Across the tiled floor, yawning and dragging my paws. I made my way to the shower.
"No answer?" He asks, almost seemingly in a mocking tone.
"No." I say back. My accent cutting through the tiredness in my voice.
Turning the dial up on the shower, making sure it was nice and warm. Water sprays from the nozzle, wetting the glass and stone working. Taking off the only clothing I had on, I step into the waters embrace. Letting it run through my fur, relaxing the tense muscles after that dream.
Soaking the thick fur, that of snow leopards. I grabbed some shampoo and began to lather up. Whiteness contrasted my grayish fur, softening it up all the same. Bringing out the cyan colored spots on my forearms, calves, and tail. Rinsing my self off, and draping a towel over my waste.
Stepping up to the mirror, I look myself over. A blueish gray overtone, followed by a grey pattern starting from my chin down. Along with two grey ovals on my cheeks, bringing out my deep cyan eyes.
Grabbing my tooth brush from behind the mirror. I wet it down in the sink, dapping it with minty flavored paste. Going over my feline teeth, and my two odd saber teeth. Not exactly found in snow leopards, but not uncommon to a mix like me. Finishing up and spitting into the sink. I wash down the excess and begin to dry off my fur. Making it poofed up.
Stepping out of the bathroom I was assaulted by my AI's voice again. Showing an irritating concern.
"You can't do that again, your wellbeing dropped well below my comfort."
"I know, shut it! Please!" I beg with him, "I really do not want to discuss this."
"Fine, but I won't ignore it."
Rolling my eyes, I go to get myself dressed. Secretly I knew he was right. I was destroying myself, but I just couldn't.. stop. Taking a glance at the small bottle with little white pills inside. Feeling a deep regret.
Getting myself dressed up for the day, in a tight shirt and shorts. I prepare myself some breakfast as I listened to rain hit the ship. Creating a consistent pattern of drops. The pure sound of rain. Nothing beat it.
After my breakfast of sugary pastries, I clean up and head to the front of the ship. A small blue hologram, spherical in shape, appeared from the console of beaming lights and boards. All of it shining off of a brilliant cherry wood and white finish of my walls.
"BB?" This time I pester the AI. "Head for the Maxwell Mountains, far side preferably."
"Going to investigate those ruins again?"
"Yes, I need to figured out what those dreams are. What those things are."
"Have you tried other ruins in the system? You know theres some on Earth and Mars as well."
I nod, seating myself into a leather chair. Looking over the dashboard. "I do, but this one just." Pausing, thinking of how to describe it. "Theres something about the one here on Venus that has something about it. Need to head deeper into it."
"To Maxwell Montes then."
The ship whirred to life, the engine purring as if it was a newfound kitten. Soon me and BB found ourselves pulling out of Ishtar Port. Soaring high above the streamlined buildings and highways. The tropical sun beating off them, creating reflections in their material.
Zooming past them at great heights, the sky scrapers made way for suburbs, then the suburbs to grasslands. Guarded by a few walls then a dense tropical forest.
Trees and trees and nothing but trees made up the view of the ground. With the looming mountain range fast approaching, its foothills below.
Steadily, the ship slowed down above a clearing in the treeline. Declining down, landing gear exposed as it sunk into the soil. Taking in a deep breath, I exit the chair. Heading off to get ready for some exploration. Paws carrying me through the ship.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" BB asks me. "Those dreams have been wrecking havoc on your sleep."
"I have to know, they dont mean nothing. I only got them when I visited a ruin for the first time years ago."
In a small bit of silence, BB seemed to understand my wonders. That ruin on Io, it would've been my own ruin ironically. But somehow, just somehow I was able to interact with it. Then see a bit of our future, our not so far future. I had to know and to stop it all, cast my own issue aside.
"And Vex?" I stop, turning around to face the blue light. "Yeah?"
"Be careful out there." BB warned me, bringing a small smile to my face as I turned away from his holographic image. Heading down the ship to find my answers.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story, and I hope to see you around for the next parts! I've been enjoying writing this so far, and I'd like to hear your thoughts and comments on this. I've worked on my story and lore for a while now, so if you have questions I'm open to answer them!
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