#mechs rp
“Hello, captain, how has your day been as of yet?”
Asks a tall, thin man. His skin dead looking and gray, his jaw split along five axis. Every time he moves his bones crack and pop and snap.
- @bleedingviscera
Jonny is sat on the floor with his legs out his back pressed up against the wall surrounded by bottles of various fullness more empty them full in what looks like a common room.
He lazily looks up at the person and sneers as his hand moves form grabbing at a bottle to resting on his gun
How the hell did ya get in my ship
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I have heard a total of 3 people coming aboard and getting into fights with Jonny.
You should know that part of the reason he is so pissed is because he is a territorial bastard, as far as we can tell it is a species thing but we cannot get proof.
I would suggest getting permission form part of the crew, or at least warn him if any of you plan on pulling a stunt like that again.
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lyfedda · 3 months
So, what do you know about polyamory?
Isn't that a spell from the dungeons and dragons thing?
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Claws tap across the kitchen floor, a winged person opening the fridge and starting to rummage through it. This is not their house. Volare doesn't know where they are, or how they got separated from the ship.
But better to make the best of it, they guess. And that means raiding the fridge of the flat they appeared in. They turn their head and hiss when they hear someone at the doorway.
- @feathers-and-knives
Tim heard the rummaging and thought maybe it was Jonny, maybe it was Brian or Marius or anyone else. Maybe one of the octokittens. What she wasn't expecting to see was... he didn't even know what he was looking at. It looked human shaped, but it wasn't human.
Then they hissed and her and he pulled out the gun attached to her hip. "Hands up," he said, finger on the trigger. "I don't do warning shots, mate."
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hey, if you have a moment, you're that lyf on here's friend, right? you've told me to intervene a time or two when you thought they were doing stupid idiot shit. anyway, any tips on dealing with unexpected interdimensional travel when there wasn't a portal or anything? id ask them, but i dont want them to worry too much, and last time they helped they ended up getting a tail for their trouble. wouldn't ask anyone at all, except. well, this most recent travel between dimensions went a bit screwy?
-- @doctorbarontsct
[There is no response.]
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master-at-arms · 11 days
M curious, did jonny ever attempt to hide his immortality during the moon war or was he just an idiot like normal
Nope, just an idiot in general. It did take a while for me to realize though, I thought he was just stupid lucky.
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oneeyed-jacks · 2 months
Round and round the mulberry bush
The badger chased the weasel
The badger thought it was all in good fun
But pop! goes the weasel
Why are ya singin’?
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visceralfractal · 10 days
Carmilla knocked on the door to the flat where Pamela resided. She smiled softly when the woman opened the door. Exactly who she wanted to see. "Hello, Pamela. Doctor Carmilla, we spoke a short while ago," she said and offered her hand. "I'm afraid we must move fast. If my crew sees me, they won't hesitate to try and harm me. Do make haste, my dear."
{ @allthesemechanismsbutnocoping }
They've had a bag packed for a while. Just in case.
They take her hand and hurry out the door, looking back for only the briefest possible moment at the home of all her riotous roommates.
Mechanisms. They're called the Mechanisms. And she will very soon be one.
"Let's go."
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Why are there so many posts about having relations with trains here.
As a Transport Police inspector I can tell you that that's the last thing anyone needs.
I understand that it's probably joke but I fail to see the humor in it.
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researcher-4e69636b · 3 months
Nick didn’t like the message he got. Absolutely. And the screams were similar to... maybe Marius? If this is the case then Nick definitely needs to check on them, if it’s not too late. Well, yes, Mechanisms can regenerate but they still feel the pain. And Nick didn’t want Mechanisms to be in pain.
With all zir willpower, which was getting better and better, he sat on the edge of the bed and carefully, supporting zirself by holding tightly to the walker, the researcher got up.
Screams meant death. So ze, shaking a bit, opens the door.
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immortalarsonist · 1 month
Yeah immortality means technically not having to eat, but you’d be surprised if you found that out after seeing how many scrap pieces of sheet metal have fucking bite marks out of them.
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suuuuure, the most honest Captain in the universe
Everyone lies ‘bout somthin’
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nas-does-engineer · 2 months
fuck you nas for telling people shit they don’t fucking need to know ‘bout what I do when drunk
Did you only just find out about what I had said?
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lyfedda · 3 months
When they get to the cafe, Lyra was already there. She looked fairly alien. She had pointed ears, blue skin that looked as though it was freckled with glowing stars, and a long tail. She waves at them once she sees them. It was almost like she was pointedly ignoring the stares from humans around her.
“Hello!” She says, cheerfully.
Lyf was actually excited to be meeting with someone from Yggdrasil, even if they weren't necessarily from their own. Either way, seeing Lyra made them smile, and they sat down across from her.
"Hello," they greeted politely, taking in her appearance. It wasn't as if people on Midgard didn't look like her. Some of them had wings, some of them had tails, some had other characteristics that made them unique in their own way. Lyf themself was blessed with their mother's pointed ears and his other mother's specs, or "freckles."
"It's so good to see someone else escaped," they said, deciding to speak in their native tongue. It might be easier for her.
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"Oh murder dumbasssss number oneee~!¡"
Amelie enters Sinclair's apartment without knocking,like usual. They take off its platforms, making its way to the living room. Sinclair hasn't said anything,but maybe they were sleeping or something.
Lyf had their head on Marius' lap, sleeping soundly while Marius played with their hair. They were purring, the soft sound practically shaking the doctor in his seat. They looked up when he heard the door open. "Ah, new face!" He said cheerfully, keeping their voice quiet so as not to disturb their sleeping love. "I know you, I think. Amelie, right?"
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Standing in an empty alleyway, Lyf wiped their eye once again. They put the phone down with the rest of their things. In their hand, they held a picture. One that reminded them why they were doing this. It was for them. It was for everyone they ever cared about.
It was supposed to make it easier, but it didn't. They still hurt. They hurt so badly.
Opening the portal was easy, though. Taking that first step, that was easy, too.
Lyf closed their eye, walking through the portal and expected to hear the screams, smell the rotten flesh of the corpses collected throughout the years, feel the bitter coldness that the Bifrost offered.
Instead, they felt.. a warmth? They opened their eye and felt their heart sink. They weren't in the Bifrost.
(( @lyfedda
Laertes stands in the middle of a bedroom, an absolute mess of a place, with crafts supplies and various textiles scattered all about. They seem different since last they saw each other, with patchwork ears and a tail, and shattered kaleidoscope eyes. He’s drawing all over the wall in what appears to be chalk.
Laertes stares for a moment. Why are they here? They used her power, that’s not- how did they-
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