#meda 💐
the lovely @always-andromeda tagged me to share five songs I've been loving lately! this is fantastic, because I love talking about music!!
Call Your Mom - Noah Kahan
Out of Your Mind - Misterwives
My Mistake - Jake Wesley Rogers
The Sun - JOSEPH
Blooming Strangely - Ginger & Pear
tagging anyone who would like to do this since I always love seeing what kind of music people listen to 🥰
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always-andromeda · 2 months
💐🌷spread the love to the people you’re glad you’ve found in this corner of the internet 💐
Hi Meda! I hope you’re doing well ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Sam 🥺 I'm glad to have found you too. And I'm doing alright-ish!! But it's okay; we take it day by day and we persist!! 😤
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abbysdolly · 1 year
Sending you all of my love, lovely Saia and hoping that your dreams are filled with hugs and kisses from our Abigail!! 🩷✨
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(And I’m throwing in a little question just for funsies!! What kind of music are you listening to lately??)
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Hiii Meda baby!!! It's always so lovely seeing you here in my askbox! Sending you so so much love too honey, how are you? Are you feeling better? 🥺💌
AAAA yes I would love to dream every day about our precious Abigail! Look at her smile in that pic, she is so precious I want to fill her pretty face with lots of kisses:(( 💌 also thanks for the bouquet hehe I send to you another bouquet with your favorite flowers! 💐
Lately I've been listening a lot of calm music? Like really soft and relaxing music because I listen them while I'm at work or when I'm editing or writing! I'll take the chance to leave here some songs that I've been listening on repeat these days, hope you like them! ♡
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Hey hi hello, Charlotte!!
I’ve been on a bit of a Noah Kahan kick lately so I was wondering if I could make another request to feed into it!! Could you possibly do Gentileschi for the album Stick Season (We’ll All Be Here Forever)? Very much looking forward to whatever you come up with!! 🫶🏻☺️
(Also here is me adding that I’m sending you my love and support always and that I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself, dear. Mwah mwah mwah, all of the warmest hugs to you 💛)
visit the art gallery
my dearest loveliest Meda!!
thank you so much for this fantastic request and for your super sweet message!! 🥰🥰 oh and also a huge thank you for your super kind tags on my joan/boygenius post - I loved reading them! ☺️☺️
my sibling introduced me to Noah Kahan and omg I am obsessed so I'm totally with you on this and I'm super excited to pick out some paintings for it! also do you have a favorite song from the album?? mine's "call your mom" but we don't need to unpack that rn 😅😅
sending you my love and support right back! I hope the school year's off to a good start for you since it sounded like you've got some classes that you're excited about - that always helps 💕💕
for your request, that album is deeply associated with autumn for me (also I know it's your favorite season 🥰) so all the paintings I chose are very autumnal. in general, there's this kind of beautiful sadness on the album that I visualize as wide grey skies and empty landscapes that you watch out the car window as you drive through the mountains when everything is dying. there's beauty but there's also loneliness and sadness, but the kind you almost enjoy - the kind you sit in for a while. idk if that makes any sense at all, but that's the general vibe I tried to go for when I picked out these pieces. also, in my descriptions of each image, I added a little commentary on what song/lyric it reminds me of ☺️
these are the paintings I would choose for the album Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever) by Noah Kahan (with images and more info under the cut!)
Avenue of Poplars in Autumn by Vincent Van Gogh
Autumn, Varberg by Nils Kreuger
Autumn Landscape by Charles Ethan Porter
Autumn in the Catskills by Jervis McEntee
The Times of Day: The Morning by Caspar David Friedrich
The Trout Pool by Worthington Whittredge
Avenue of Poplars in Autumn by Vincent Van Gogh (1884)
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"passed alger brook road / I'm over the bridge / a minute from home / but I feel so far from it"
this piece for me especially captures that kind of loneliness that I tend to feel in late autumn that Stick Season captures so beautifully. I absolutely adore fall, but by late autumn there always comes a time where I feel like I'm floating. the leaves have all fallen but it hasn't yet snowed. the sky is always grey and the air is cold enough to nip, but not yet strong enough to bite. there's this sense of both mourning something lost and anticipating something to come. idk if this makes any sense at all but that's what this piece brings to mind for me. of course, I loved that this figure is crossing a bridge - perfect for the "over the bridge" line - but I feel like this painting also captures the feeling of being a minute from home, but feeling so far away. we can see a house in the background of the piece, but it appears flat and distant, with the vertical lines of the trees seeming to push it back even further from both the figure and the viewer. also the light in this work is such a quintessentially autumn light that I can just feel it. like, I know exactly what it would feel like if I were to step into that scene. again, idk if that makes sense, but those are my unhinged ramblings on this piece lol 😅
Autumn, Varberg by Nils Kreuger (1888)
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"forgive my northern attitude / I was raised out in the cold"
I like this one because it has the same atmosphere of the We'll All Be Here Forever edition cover. there's a dusting of snow and frost, but not enough to make it feel like a "winter wonderland." we still see all the drab, damp browns of the foliage beneath, kind of breaking that stereotypical image of the "ideal" winter scene. I guess I feel like the album kind of does that too - demystifies certain things and experiences. also, this is exactly the kind of image I picture when listening to "Northern Attitude," which I why I chose these lyrics for it. as someone who was raised and has lived in a more northern climate for most of my life, I find this song super relatable, and the scene depicted in this painting is totally something I could see while out taking my dog for a walk in November
Autumn Landscape by Charles Ethan Porter (ca. 1890-1891)
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"I saw the end / it looked just like the middle"
this one I picked for the vastness of the spaces. that sweeping light grey sky and the field fading off into the distance are exactly the kinds of scenes that this album brings to mind. this is also a scene that I feel I've seen from a car window about a thousand times. I'm often traveling in late November (going to and from school for the holidays) so this image feels familiar and yet distant in the sense that I've seen it so many times, and yet never truly known it. I've seen it from a car on the highway, but never really stepped out into it. that's also why I picked this lyric for it - there's this sense of sameness and yet change that just resonates so much with both this album and just the general vibes of late autumn
Autumn in the Catskills by Jervis McEntee (1873)
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"the birds will still sing / your folks will still fight / the boards will still creak / the leaves will still die"
okay I'm so sorry I feel like all of these descriptions are just me weirdly rambling about late autumn 😅. but this one I picked to be a little more on the happier side, even if Stick Season is kind of a soul-destroying (affectionate) album. I do absolutely adore autumn foliage and there is something so calming about this scene for me. additionally, I adore the song "You're Gonna Go Far" and I love the sentiment that's kind of like "I know you left but I'm so happy for you and I'll always be here for you." this is a very placid, still scene that feels like a calming breath. I paired it with these lyrics for that exact reason - they are a reassurance that everything will still be as you left it, that you can come back and sit in this autumnal forest and just rest and breathe.
The Times of Day: The Morning by Caspar David Friedrich (ca. 1821-1822)
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"it's just me and the curve of the valley"
I also love "The View Between Villages" - there are so many emotions in that song, but I guess I always ultimately take away a feeling of coming home to yourself. there might be all these complications and messy feelings, but there's also a deep sense of comfort that weaves its way into your bones and pulls you back to wherever it is you need to be. so for another more positive one, I chose this image with mist rising from the water and blanketing the pines as the crest of the mountains rises behind them. it seemed perfect for this lyric, as it sort of literally depicts the curve of a valley, but to me it also feels welcoming. the sun is rising and turning the sky pale pink and yellow as you wind your way through the valley, the mist beginning to lift to show you the way back home.
The Trout Pool by Worthington Whittredge (1870)
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"we'll be waiting for you, love / and we'll all be here forever"
this image gives me similar feelings as Autumn in the Catskills, and thus I paired it with lyrics from the same song. this scene just feels so warm and welcoming, with the light dappled on the soft moss and calm water. even more so than Autumn in the Catskills, this to me feels like a place I could walk right into. I can hear the leaf litter crunch beneath my feet, smell the pine on the crisp air, hear the chirping of birds and skittering of squirrels, feel the warmth in the patches of sunlight and a welcome chill in the shadows. it's a moment you want to stay in, linger with. that's why I wanted to close out with this one. this place - whether exists in real life or just in your mind - is there for you, waiting forever. autumn for me is a season that lets me step back into myself, and one of the themes I pulled from Stick Season is a sense of homecoming - whatever that means for you. the seasons will spin on and you may wander far, but this place, these memories and feelings and experiences, are here for you always. the wind picks up, rustling the branches above you. a few leaves break free from their branches, spinning lazily to the ground below. you think you hear something on the breeze - a voice, a whisper, a song: "we ain't angry at you, love / we'll be waiting for you, love / and we'll all be here forever"
I hope that wasn't too ramble-y and/or based too much on my personal experiences/interpretations 😅 I really love this album so this was such a fun request and I had a fantastic time looking for all these fun autumnal paintings!
I am wishing you the best always always always 💕💕💕💕
so much love to you, along with warm hugs and yummy cookies,
charlotte 🥰🥰
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Congratulations so much on your milestone, Charlotte and here’s to more of them in the future!! 🥳🎉
Anyhoo, not to be entirely self centered but I’d love to see how you view me aesthetically. So for my first request of this event, could I get a Cassatt, please? 🥺
Just a little extra information about myself: my favorite season is autumn, my favorite color is yellow, I’m a huge lover of literature and history, and I’d say that design wise, I’m very much into maximalism. Hopefully that’s enough to go off of!! Thank you so much in advance and I can’t wait to see all of the wonderful posts that’ll come out of this event!! 💛✨
visit the art gallery
ahhh my lovely Meda! thank you so much for this request! 🥰☺️ I am thrilled to get to do a moodboard for you ☺️ and I must say I completely agree with you on the maximalism front - sometimes I'll see like one of those modernist minimalist homes and just gag lmao. I need to have all my things! my trinkets! my objects!
but without further ado, I present your moodboard! 🍁☀️📔🌼☕️🍂
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if you would prefer something different (like different vibes, different colors, etc), please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll be happy to make you a new one!
sending so much love always,
charlotte 🩵
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always-andromeda · 1 year
Hey, Meda! I wanted to shoot you a message off anon so you can respond privately if you want to, but I just saw your post about your nightmare. It's been 5 years since I last saw my ex and I still have nightmares about him too :( I wanted to reach out to let you know that I'm always here if you ever want/need to talk. I'm so, so sorry that happened to you, hon, you deserve the world! 💐💗
Thank you so very much, Soph. 💞✨ I’ve kind of had to distract myself all day to bleach it out of my mind. Because whoo boy, that one was rough. But I may take you up on that at some point. Either way, my heart is so warm and I appreciate you extending the offer to begin with. Thank you, hon. 🫶🏻🥺
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always-andromeda · 3 months
hi meda 🌸
we officially enter spring today—and what a lovely day it has been—so i just wanted to wish you a happy spring!!
here’s a little bouquet of flowers for you to decorate your blog in honor of the new season 💐
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i love you so, so much 🫂
anna 💗
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, this got buried in my notifications and I didn't see it until now. Thank you so much for spreading the love, Anna!! I hope you have a happy spring too, dear!! 💐💛
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always-andromeda · 1 year
hi meda!
thank you so much for the lovely response to my last ask - I always look forward to hearing from you! 🥰
and your experience with the titanic exhibit is absolutely relatable and you really articulated that kind of very strange feeling that I've also gotten in historic places. like, sometimes when I'm in a museum or something and I see an everyday object like a bowl or a needle or even the remnants of a textile, I just get so emotional?? like someone made that? someone used that?? someone loved that??? 🥹🥹 idk it just makes me feel this odd mix of both joy and sadness that you described so perfectly. oh and omg when there's like toys or dolls or like things people made for their pets??????? I'm such a goner. just, as someone who gets very attached to inanimate objects like my plushies I just think about the people who might have held and played with and loved them and how we share this connection across time of like, loving this thing. idk if I'm explaining this well, but basically I'm trying to say that I totally agree with you!! 😅 Also, the pictures are so cool - those room recreations are amazing!!
oh okay and also because I apparently cannot shut up about this: I've started collecting old photos from antique shops for similar reasons. like ahhhh I just can't quite explain it, but like looking at these people from the past who I don't know and likely will never know, yet knowing that these photographs meant something to them???? idk it just feels like such an honor to be the caretaker of these memories (okay I'll be done talking about this now 😅)
but how have you been doing, lovely meda? I hope your summer is off to a wonderful start! ☺️
and, finally, for the soft asks: paper, october, sapphos, plush, poppy, and/or roses 💐 (of course, only if you want, and please only do the ones that you would like to ☺️)
sending so much love always,
charlotte 🎨
Hey, Charlotte!! This last week I was actually at my mother's house, which was pretty nice since it's been a while since I'd seen her. I managed to get a decent amount of writing done and every night we made dinner and got to watch some documentary together and look at old photos. Those bits were really fun and I really needed the decompression. How has your summer been going so far?? ☺️
And oh my gosh, I absolutely relate with your description of how you feel about old trinkets and photos!! I get the exact same way!! You talking about those photos reminds me of when I started to kind of collect old postcards for a while? Mostly because I found this little museum that was selling them. And because it's entirely illegal to sell mail like that, the owner had half heartedly scribbled out the words on the backs.
But you could absolutely still read them. And it was always people just talking about what they had been doing in whatever place they'd traveled to and hoping that folks at home were doing alright.
I'm a huge letter writer so it always fills me with a special kind of sentimentality seeing the words of these other people. Like these people have these rich and complex lives that I'll never get to know but in those moments, I get a glimpse of it.
Humans are just so sweet and so adorable. And maybe it's the neurodivergence in me and the fact that I've always felt a little disconnected from most people, but getting to see those little bits makes me feel part of a greater whole, ya know?
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And lol, I answered all of your soft asks because I loved all of these questions!!
Paper ⭐︎ Favorite children's book?
Whoo boy, this sent me on a mini nostalgia trip. When my younger brother was little, I would read him bedtime stories almost every single night. And I think my favorite one to read to him was Knuffle Bunny. The story is about a toddler named Trixie who, while on a walk with her father, loses her precious stuffed bunny rabbit. The whole book is her struggle to communicate this tragedy to her parents and them rushing to search for her rabbit. It's part of this whole trilogy that follows Trixie as she gets older and I have such fondness for it. I genuinely recommend checking it out!!
October ⭐︎ What month were you born in?
July!! Specifically, my birthday is July 31st!!
Sapphos ⭐︎ Favorite poet?
I don't have an all time favorite poet exactly? Every few months, I'll just get super hyper fixated on a poet and want to learn everything I can about them? I've done this with Edgar Allan Poe, W.H. Auden, Walt Whitman, Louise Gluck, Ellen Bass, Wendy Cope, and so many more poets.
Plush ⭐︎ How many stuffed animals do you still own?
Too many to count!! On my bed right now...I'm pretty sure I have ten? Plus my army of eight Palm Pals? I just love all of them, especially since half of them are plushes that I've had since I was basically a baby? They're my favorite.
Poppy ⭐︎ Favorite pastel color?
I love a good mix of pastel pink and yellow together. It gives me strawberry lemonade vibes and I love it so much.
Roses ⭐︎ What flower do you find most beautiful?
Marigolds, all the way. My grandmother used to plant them in her garden every spring and being at her house for those plantings are kind of a core memory for me os I've always loved them.
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