What are your thoughts on vee and Masha as a ship?
Very cute and I wish the show had more episodes so we could have moments with them together more.
Imagine if we had moments where Masha approached Luz with an inside Cabin 7 joke and Luz doesn’t know it but Vee did and responded with the punchline but then had to make up a lie that Luz told her, Vee wanting to tell Masha the truth because she wants to date them but doesn’t want to be lying about what she is and Luz and Camila and the Hexsquad try and do what they can to help, Lumity and Veesha double date, Masha admitting that she knew Vee was the Luz from Cabin 7 because of the eyes, etc etc.
Hopefully if we get comics/graphic novels that we get some moments of those two being cute together
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What do you think of moringmarks toy fan kids, I think they’re adorable and really funny
I've been keeping up with them as best I can and I agree.
I also find it funny that moring and I have run into the same issue of doing more content with the fankids than the original canon cast as of late
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Have you seen any of moringmarks comics, I always find them so enjoyable to read cause of how fun the scenarios usually are.
I've seen them, they can be fun and it's impressive the speed and quality they can churn them out.
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Do you think the collector trying to redeem Belos came off as a bit of a light jab to Steven universe, that was the first thing that came to my mind when he tried to comfort belos.
I could see how one would interpret it that way but personally I see it as the Collector being a kid and seeing that the people that his friend King used the strategy of “kindness and forgiveness” to make even more friends, even from enemies (like Amity and Lilith) that maybe he could do that too. Not realizing that Belos had more malicious intentions then Amity and Lilith did when Luz befriended them. The Collector has very little social skills and is very trusting of others so it’s no wonder that he thought that what worked for Luz, a “weak human” could work for him “a god”.
Plus I doubt that Dana and the crew would want to poke fun at SU since it helped pave the way for lgbtq+ themes to be more accepted within kids cartoons and doing so even got it’s show shortened and cancelled.
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I like how viney, jerbo, and barkus got to be part of the final goodbye, characters that were seemingly just meant to be one time appearances got to be there for the finale, and hey they’re working with the blight family too.
The funny thing is that they were supposed to just be one-off characters but because the fandom liked them (Viney in particular) is why the crew brought them back in S2 and 3.
(with Viney and Jerbo working with the Blights so closely now it does keep some hopes of Viney/Emira and Edric/Jerbo shippers)
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I’m happy that after everything Suletta and Miorine went through, they get to have a happy marriage and ending, it’s nice to see them get to be together at long last, even if the ending was rushed. Maybe in the future we’ll get an ova of what their lives are like, that’s really all I want after this.
with how popular the series has gotten, them not doing an OVA would be impossible (but not improbable)
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I’ve legit seen people say that Suletta and Miorine are over after the recent episode and all I’m thinking is do they not know that whole show is centered around their relationship? Like the opening and ending credits have them together, how could you possibly think it won’t end with them together?
It’s Japan so atm I’m not 100% confident in yuri being endgame but I can only hope that it does. That said tho’, it’s so obvious that Miorine loves Suletta. To think that this will be the end of their relationship is laughable at best. Sure Mio was using Suletta and Aerial as a way to get out of the marriage game her dad setup since Mio at first saw that while Suletta is strong, she’s also not seeking power like everyone else is who dueled for her hand. Suletta was pretty much the first person at that school who treated Mio as a person instead of a prize and it’s that what caused Mio to fall in love with Suletta. Now Mio is trying to do the same for her bride, to break her connection to her messed up and controlling mother whom Suletta is completely within the palm of her hand. Mio wants Suletta to become her own person, free from the controlling nature of Su’s mom.
We have to wait till next week to find out what’s next but I have little doubt that they’ll stay apart for long.
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Very curious to see where witch from mercury goes from here, but man what a sad ending, especially since Suletta had so many plans for how amazing the wedding would’ve been, but what miorine and Guel did was understandable and you can tell they weren’t proud of it
the worst part is that we're going to have to wait for 2 weeks till the next new episode to see what happens after this whole ordeal.
Like I get that Miorine was doing what she thought was best. To try and protect Suletta from both her mom and from all the fighting done in Aerial in an effort to make Suletta break free from both, that and become not only her own person but a happy one, someone who lives not just for the one's they love but for themselves.
But did Miorine have to break our and Sulettas' hearts to do this?
(I for one can't wait for all the apology kisses Miorine gives Suletta upon this being resolved, lol)
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Well, that episode was crazy
What’s even crazier is that the writers are expected to wrap it up in 3 44 minute specials and of course that crazy idiot who decided to cancel this show
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There is only so much they can do with three specials I’m sure they’ll be great but 20 episodes would’ve been so much better, I want to see earth shenanigans dammit, screw the people who shortened season 3!
I would’ve loved that slice-of-life date Luz promised Amity while they’re on earth but considering ppls reactions to Amphibia S3A (which I have my issues with the complaints but that’s a different story) I’m sure they would’ve gotten back to the Isles sooner if they had a full season. Still, with what we got from S2, I’m sure the writers won’t drop the ball.
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Thoughts on THAT moment in the new episode?
My reaction to That moment in 3 gifs
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What do you think about Yunan and Olivia becoming a couple?
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People really seem to keep making assumptions about luz and amity breaking up or the whole show ends with luz never seeing her friends in the boiling isles again, I know Dana said she doesn’t like happily ever after but I don’t think that means it’s going to end on such a depressing note like that.
While Dana doesn't like Happy Endings/Happily Ever Afters, I highly doubt that she'd make such a huge leap for lgbtqa+ in children's television and risked her show being canceled if she was just gonna backpedal and have them break up by the end.
maybe they'll split up, perhaps briefly, but not forever. I mean, hell, atm we've got Dana Terrance and Matt Braly both having shows where fans speculate sad endings for the main characters and idk which one will actually go through with it
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Looks like the ships finally got some interaction, as brief as it was, it was awesome seeing all the hexside students get the spotlight.
Most of them (Boscha seemed to be absinte that day) but I do like that the students we did see were all down to fight the cops.
Its also neat that Viney now share 2 classes with each of the Blight twins. 
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We’ll probably never know if this was the case or not, but I would find it funny if Dana knew about the ship between Viney and the blight twins and gave them healing and beast track as a response. Most likely wasn’t the reason for it, but just something funny to think about .
The Owl Crew knew that the Detention Track kids became fan-favorites and thus brought them back for S2, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility
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I find it kind of amazing how much popularity the vinira ship has gotten, I love it but it’s amazing how two characters who have never met each other and one of them has only shown up in one episode, guess their personalities are what fueled it.
Shippers don’t need a whole lot to ship (I still remember the early days of Friendship is Magic and ppl would make personalities for background ponies based on cutie marks and gags used with them). I can only hope that the crew knows of the fandom’s interest for EmiraxViney and have them interact in a future ep. 
Maybe an ep in S3 (if we get it) of Edric multi-tracking to Beast-Keeping Coven (since he seems to want a bunch of weird pets) and he and Viney hit it off. Emira however fell in love at first sight and is jealous that her brother and Viney seem to be close. Perhaps Emira tries to blackmail Luz and Amity into helping her win Viney from Edric but in the end of the ep its revealed that Ed was helping Viney figure out the perfect way to ask out Emira
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