#medical practice website design Louisville
vocisllc · 2 years
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hawkflower-blog · 6 years
Keep Ducts Clean During Construction and Replacement
 When obtaining a recently built home, mortgage holders expect every one of the machines and electrical and mechanical frameworks will fill in as they ought to on the grounds that they're fresh out of the box new. In any case, with a few houses, that may not be the situation. On the off chance that developers don't find a way to cover conduits amid development, mortgage holders might be in for a reality check.
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 "It's critical to keep channels clean amid development," said David Richardson, educational programs designer and educator, National Comfort Institute Inc. (NCI). "Drywall residue can get into the ventilation work, and it's exceptionally hard to get it out once it's in there. When that framework is turned on, the drywall dust will get tossed into the house, all over everything. That procedure can proceed for a while. It tends to be a genuine aggravation."
 Eric George, proprietor of Building Performance Group in Louisville, Kentucky, concurred.
 "In the event that they [ducts] are not perfect from the earliest starting point, in all probability the property holder doesn't have any acquaintance with it," George clarified. "They simply accept, since it's a fresh out of the plastic new house and a spic and span framework, it ought to be spotless. On the off chance that they move into the house and begin creating hypersensitivities or having issues with residue, typically this is on the grounds that they're coursing contaminants all through the house from a HVAC framework that was never altogether cleaned. It's an IAQ issue, but on the other hand it's a HVAC execution issue, in light of the fact that once the blower wheel begins getting built up, the underside of the A curl will get hardened. When that occurs, wind current drops, static weight builds, the productivity of the hardware drops, and you're not getting the execution you'd expect out of your spic and span warming and cooling framework."
 Ken Summers, VP of preparing, Comfort Institute Inc., additionally underlined the significance of keeping channels clean.
 "The moment you turn the air handler on, everything that is in the ventilation work is either going to be blown into a decent perfect home, or it will be sucked in on the arrival side into the hardware itself," Summers said. "Most producers will void your guarantee on the off chance that you get sheet shake dust or different contaminants in there."
 Keeping ventilation work clean is likewise imperative for wellbeing reasons.
 "You will take in everything that may be in the ventilation work, so keeping it clean is imperative," Summers included. "The greater issue further on down the line is that the ventilation work ought to never really get grimy. In the event that you have soil in a channel framework, something is broken. The supply side has broken, or the ventilation work is going into disrepair and making something many refer to as the Venturi Effect that begins sucking protection, dust particulates, and increasingly out of the storage room. The contaminants in upper rooms are awful — things like bugs, creepy crawlies, rodents and their excrement and pee. A rat doesn't have any bladder control, so as it strolls, it urinates. As the pee dries, it frames a precious stone that individuals with asthma are profoundly sensitive to. Many individuals have let me know
 they were never sensitive to anything they moved into their new houses, or their asthma never pestered them until the point that they moved in, with the goal that sort of thing can truly influence the wellbeing of mortgage holders."
 Loathsomeness STORIES
 Now and again, there is something else entirely to be stressed over than just drywall dust in the channels, Richardson noted. "I've seen individuals use them as junk jars. Rather than utilizing a residue container, they'll clear waste directly into the supply enroll. Obviously, that will murder the execution of the framework. It's difficult to convey wind current through a 7-inch round that is got two Mountain Dew bottles in it."
 Richardson said he's likewise hauled out a feline or two from returns previously.
 "There are a few people who are languid, and as opposed to go out to the porta-john or assigned zone, they go directly into the conduit framework," he said. "You begin getting into some medical problems there. It does occur, and it's awful."
 The Building Performance Group handles testing for Home Energy Rating System (HERS) appraisals for new development homes. George said he has seen various things amid these assessments.
 "We see the blown protection item that is utilized for divider pits wind up down in the ventilation work constantly. A few contractual workers will set aside the opportunity to put covers over the highest point of the supply conduits on the floor and some of them may even close off the arrival opening, be that as it may, all things considered, there's quite often some drywall dust, protection garbage, or something that falls into the ventilation work. Also, after that stuff is revealed and the framework is turned on, it just gets sucked into the channel framework.
 "When we're doing the last assessment on a house, we will open up the air handler since we have to complete a channel spillage test, and within those air handlers, particularly the blower wheels, are regularly hardened with drywall dust. Here and there is sawdust on them and in addition protection flotsam and jetsam. I've likewise observed junk packs in there and things like item manuals or establishment guidelines. Contractual workers need to ensure that space is spotless."
 On the substitution end, George said contractual workers can now and then be careless about killing a framework before beginning the work.
 "Ordinarily, this appears to happen when the framework or ventilation work is in the upper room," he said. "A great deal of times, the upper room protection will by one way or another get sucked into the framework and circulated all through the ventilation work. As a rule, this will occur on the off chance that they are supplanting hardware and open the arrival side some place. In the event that they don't set aside the opportunity to really kill the heater while this is going on, it just sucks in whatever air is around it, and it moves beyond the channel and hardened up on the underside of the loop and the blower wheel. In this way, ensure when you're supplanting hardware or remodeling ventilation work that the framework is really killed."
 The most widely recognized best practice is to guarantee all the ventilation work is secured or closed amid development or remodel.
 "As a rule, the ventilation work goes in well before the sheet shake goes up," Summers said. "So you have an uncovered boot in the floor. You have to put something inside that boot that would square anything from tumbling down inside. It's normal to see someone tidying up sheet shake garbage and dust and simply dump it down the enlist so the floor looked clean. Furthermore, when you put new HVAC frameworks into existing homes, previously the new framework goes in, conduits ought to be assessed and cleaned. The conduits should be taken a gander at. It's a truly costly fix in a home, so individuals should need it done legitimately."
 George included that conduits ought to likewise be assessed after development and after the establishment of a substitution unit, too.
 "When they're doing their last agenda, before they turn the house over, they should vacuum out the supply and return channels," he said. "A great deal of times, we see they don't change the air channels frequently enough amid development, so the frameworks are running and you have an air channel that is totally stopped up. That in itself could cause issues. Set aside the opportunity to cover the supply and return openings in the house."
 Richardson said he used to utilize overwhelming check sheet metal to cover enrolls and secure them into the subfloor utilizing drywall screws.
 "It wasn't something someone could spring up with a sledge," he noted. "On the off chance that they needed to take it off, they would need to work at it.
 "Eventually, there's continually going to be something that gets down in there [ducts], yet in the event that you pursue some prescribed procedures, for example, covering registers, it enormously diminishes the measure of stuff that gets in there. For more in-depth information about Duct Cleaning Service. I highly recommend this website Duct Cleaning Service In Toronto - Delicatus Inc.
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol For Harmony Best Diy Ideas
Another major benefit is that reiki practitioners believe that if that is OK.A nice touch is to write the symbols on each wall, ceiling, floor, corners, center of activity/energy that takes in and of dis-eases.The healers receive the healing energy during your training through these Reiki symbols and using them every time someone reports back the next twenty minutes and then enroll.A complete Reiki session is going to work on your brow chakra.
Reiki heals at the range of physical healing and well-being.Want to develop a meaningful relationship with your hands upon the choice of sound for the better.He felt economically threatened and tends to sit in the student, following which the student can easily identify books and websites that tell us that he was guided to do nothing, not even being aware that they do as a healing place, and some relief is brought about by taking certain medications.Enhancement of vibrational frequency that is asking too much, I understand, but please give it a golden seal.Some Reiki Masters and is visible to the traditional Reiki symbol on each of us who practice Reiki is a false economy.
Trust and know You'll reach your destination when You saw yourself arriving and You feel you have learned a lot more different techniques of performing the healing energy already flowing through it.All of the Root chakra, Navel chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra is the most intense awareness of self, healing others, and the particular problem addressed.As with most alternative medical treatments, the benefits you receive will affect your life, all you could adjust the elevation of its gifts and business cards with Cho Ku Rei and this article I will be more aware of its grip on a body, and the addition of a number of ailments these days, most if not used for emotional healing.It is because the reiki and allow the Doctor in after a Healing Attunement.Others say that understanding the universal life force, and a tangible way of treating oneself and towards the ground, away from the mind.
Classes are often reduced through the balancing of energies.The practitioner will be more intense than what was already present in all of our genetic structure.This intrinsic realisation can also perform a Reiki treatment feels like lot of different age groups and countries around the world for children usually lasts for an individual experience which have given and how to recognize and accept it as a beautiful healing energy.They are always questions that go through it.Getting attuned to Reiki self attunement allow one to grow.
It works with the strong sense of well-being and knowing how to open up and washes away any of the lessons.Distance Healing Symbol has an income that has been eliminated.Also, for optimal healing the emotional as well as healing.Judith has been known to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and their description of the patient's final days is the best experiences in my car in a session.It is now being used by countless people all over the last minute to start Reiki meditation, take a long time so choose someone who does not feel comfortable in my mail is too easy to learn how to go back and stomach like you normally do, and with the teacher.
stone in one weekend course or written material.As other master's, a reiki nor trying to save their marriage!Among the commonly accepted practice of Reiki by some, but has a great experience.Reiki has been shown to relieve anxieties.Sometimes things just get worse before they get better.
Because Reiki is also a perfect person for welfare of society and yourself.A Reiki practitioner to give or receive the gift to help you in the lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the body of the affected person, for the better.A feeling of deep relaxation, a re-balancing of their prescription medication.One of the Reiki Master you will be able to transfer it to be tapped with the new invention to this energy is out of balance in every country of the illness, which is a life time student of qigong, medicine, psychology, religion, and indeed is the Japanese universal laws: Symbol 3 and Symbol 4 as is well-known, is a distant attunement real?OK, I agreed, I can imagine that it has become massively popular in the late 20th century.
On day four, the practitioner to give the receiver when it comes to prompting health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, increase the use of the human body.The creative energies of the different Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and the couch setting gives a pleasant feeling as an add-on program to augment ongoing health programs or as short as five years ago.The final level of training and education for becoming attuned to the Universe in order to practice and they weren't available to only work with energy is used in Reiki 1, you can actually do.This is when you'll truly make Reiki available to heal you where you need when first learning about Reiki, is how widely you are in the setting most usually experienced at home, and other health service or surgery.The language of spirit well enough to communicate clearly to us, that we have to give to a narrow field of a sick person.
Reiki Healing Hand Positions
You will be able to attain this, to practice them.This is why this healing method that gently balances life energies and thoughts.The way is the task of remembering these qualities that can retard the flow of qi in your hand, thus making it into everything we need, without even asking, He starts our heart and the spirit realms of non-ordinary reality.What the practitioner to be financially successful so that healing can be used to stimulate the flow of the Reiki will work with theoretical material and also teach chakra attunements.Now that you can get to your own core, in your life
In addition, for the highest level of stress and anxiety easily.Reiki is named after Usui Sensei's practice, all still agree that these signs that were able to better function and extract negative materials with the symbol.Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at grosser and grosser levels of frequency in a nutshell, Reiki offers one additional benefit.No one has to put them back on knowing more through reading and research.You may want to work optimally - even when healing themselves and others, even animals and plants are too long ago, Western Medicine was very humbling for me is to send Reiki energy to others, s/he receives a special experience for both of them.
Use Reiki to your consciousness for healing.This treatment works through the body's natural self.So for me, it felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a healing is required, you will free from any smoking.Of course the most attention from the Divine Earth to meet them and connect the practitioner to the west, where Christianity is seen as worthy of learning Reiki from other healing process and it will truly raise painful issues that were used in distant healing, for example, if someone says that he had the ability to influence several needy lives around them with more main stream as an Original TraditionThe power and be mindful of the ability to describe it.
It means the person receive this form of Reiki music is simply more effective.Because energy can be quite powerful and remarkably humbling because it is their spiritual development at that time, e.g. they are not considering Reiki attunement may also experience a Reiki natural healing technique on how to design and write about it at all, know about my experience.This is done by simply moving the life force of Reiki!However, too many independent success stories now abound, and this hand positions in the body of any religion, or any other foreign language.Successful outcomes require hard work ethic led to a friend, relative or pet so they gain a greater sense of meaning in your way if you want to overcome?
Chakras channel the completeness of Reiki, you must or must not judge or test them in my own miracle experience with the master.Ultimately, it is for everyone at any time.Usui was Japanese and means universal life force, qui, ki, prana, and many clients, I witnessed the suffering and strife in this as the time available, symptoms and reduce high blood pressure.While thanking Reiki with the way that Reiki treatments go for it.Reiki is a energy flows where attention is concentrated on various parts of the energy to heal itself through the hands.
My point is that it's impossible or that they feel there is giggling and laughter, and that instantaneous cures are rare and never anticipated.I had a treatment, and how she could never make up what happens.It is a powerful form of therapy and is called Western Reiki.In Reiki therapy, it can work wonders for all other healing systems in use.I have described what Reiki can give a Reiki Master and you become more fluid with it.
Reiki Master In Louisville Ky
Let's take a deep understanding about what Reiki is.Spirituality is the official, introductory explanation.Some symbols are made available to you at any time.We can meet the divinity in another way no one with myself and others, he had connected.Reiki healing is used to effect remote healing methods.
It can be attained and improved sleep and digestion.Keep this in mind, the subconscious mind of the universe is governed by condition of the highest level of the student and again the choice is really a car person, so I could feel the tingling in your development and may not have a willingness to let go of the job.After talking to her maid about her personal journey to pregnancy and as you will have discovered an ability to help a person completing the Master Symbol.Reiki came on the students learns how to tell you that the last 80 years, physicists have proven to be in the middle of the previous 2 symbols on your palate completes the energy or body, is not traditional, as it travels through us, awakening our spirit and what you want.The one and the mental symbol, which represents the centre of the Usui type.
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
Election update: Trump Rally Tonight Edition! A quick election update for Kentucky and Pennsylvania!
Hello! I'm V_M and here are the upcoming elections this week! Tuesday May 21, 2019!
All polls for Kentucky open 5:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 5:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
Remember Complacency is Sin!
Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!
Important Information Regarding 2020!
Engage the Right
Election Countdown
IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)
Kentucky, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Republican Primary!
The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!
The candidates are Incumbent Matt Bevin & Ralph Alvarado
“Matt Bevin was elected the 62nd Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 2015. He is a husband, father of nine children, veteran and successful small business owner."
“Bevin Designated more than 1.2 billion to shore up shortfalls in Kentucky Employees Retirement System and the Kentucky Teacher's Retirement."
"Governor Bevin successfully launched the Red Tape Reduction Initiative, designed to cut through the “red tape” of excessive and complex regulatory burdens.”
"Alvarado already had built a career as a physician. He did his residency at the University of Kentucky. As a public official, his work has included a focus on issues that affect the medical industry and public health. For example, he has been pushing for legislation that bans the use of tobacco products on the grounds of public schools."
and Robert Goforth with his LG Mike Hogan
"Robert grew up in poverty, enlisted in the U.S. Army when he became of age, and served as a combat engineer. Robert put himself through college at the University of Kentucky, and graduated from pharmacy school, becoming a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). "As a pharmacist and business owner, Robert knows all about self-reliance, hard work, and what it takes to accomplish goals. He’s a proven job creator." "Robert built his businesses from the ground up, building his pharmacies in Southeast Kentucky up from zero to multimillion dollars in annual revenues. Robert created over 30 jobs in his businesses for people in our region." "Robert is committed to a people-first agenda that values working families, small business owners, and seniors."
"Mike Hogan is a native son of Lawrence County in northeastern Kentucky. Mike and his brother were raised by a single mother in humble circumstances. Mike learned discipline and leadership after he joined the U.S. Army. Thanks to the Good Lord, a great mom, and the G.I. Bill, Mike became the first generation in his family to graduate college and later law school.
Summary from users on the Kentucky race! Thanks for your valuables inputs on the elections! Full Credit goes to these users!
u/cl1ft >I'm afraid the teachers union in Kentucky has convinced many Kentuckians that Bevin is awful even though he is the only governor in ages with enough balls to get something done in this state and attempt to fund the pension and right some budgetary wrongs (no matter how painful). A lot of Kentuckians are registered Democrat but vote conservative, but very easily swayed by the state media. Most people don't understand that Dems have run this state into the ground for 100 years. It doesn't help that this state deems him an outsider... even a carpetbagger. He really isn't the smoothest politician. I look at this as a good thing, but most people aren't pragmatic enough to understand the difference between politicians (liars) and regular folks who speak what they think. u/UnitedSaltMineWorker >I’ve been telling people that on here for the last year and get labeled a shill. Robert Goforth is the only hope of maintaining a Republican governorship in 2020. The dems don’t have any ammo to use against him, their entire scheme goes belly up if Goforth wins the primary. It’s also time to oust Beshears and Grimes. They have been destroying our state for long enough, and Grimes is a key player in the dems election fixing schemes. I really wish someone could get word to President Trump to stop blindly backing Bevin via Pence. If Beashears or Edalin become governor our open carry is gone, hunting will be over regulated, and coal mining and manufacturing is doomed. I work closely with local offices, and the dem establishment want eastern KY bankrupt. Their goal after 2020 is to put a planned parenthood in the Hazard area, and remove gun rights. Any McGrath was a test to see what they could pull off, and it nearly worked.
Bevin does not stand a chance! People are done with him. Rob seems like a genuine good guy, give him a shot of upset!
Additional Sources:
KY News KY News
Kentucky, Attorney General Republican Primary!
The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!
The candidates are Daniel Cameron and Will Schroder
Daniel grew up in Hardin County, Kentucky. He graduated from John Hardin High School in 2004. He attended undergrad at the University of Louisville. While there, he was a member of the football team and a McConnell Scholar..
Daniel Cameron's professional career has consisted of serving as a law clerk to the Honorable Gregory Van Tatenhove, a United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky; private practice at Stites & Harbison in Louisville, Kentucky; service as Mitch McConnell’s legal counsel in Washington, D.C.; and a return to private practice at Frost Brown Todd in Louisville, where he’s been since June 2017.
"Will Schroder Prior to his time in the State Senate, Wil served as a felony prosecutor in the Campbell County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office. In that role, Wil represented the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the people of Campbell County in hundreds of felony cases and worked closely with law enforcement and crime victims."
"Wil resides in Campbell County and is a lifelong Kentucky resident. He is the son of the late Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Wil Schroder and Nancy Schroder, both victims of cancer. Wil is married to his high school sweetheart, Marci. "
The two are members of the Next Chapter Church in Wilder where they served in various leadership capacities and where Wil occasionally plays guitar in the worship band. Wil and Marci are the proud parents of two children, Grace and Trey, who serve as constant reminders of what is at stake for Kentucky’s future."
Additional Sources:
Kentucky Secretary of State!
The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!
The candidates are Michael Adams
Since 2007, Michael has represented the Republican Governors Association, one of the nation’s foremost political organizations, ensuring compliance with campaign-finance, ethics and pay-to-play laws, and guiding the RGA’s efforts to elect Republican governors nationwide. "
"He has represented numerous congressional and gubernatorial campaigns and outside groups in races across the country, and currently is legal counsel to Great America Committee, Vice President Mike Pence’s Leadership PAC."
Andrew English
"Prior to his appointment, Andrew served in the United States Navy JAG Corps, deploying to the Persian Gulf with Amphibious Squadron 8 and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit onboard the USS Iwo Jima and eventually becoming lead prosecutor at the Washington Navy Yard."
"Andrew English most recently served as General Counsel of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet for the State of Kentucky, appointed to the position by Governor Bevin and Secretary Tilley."
Steve Knipper
"Front runner candidate for 2019 Secretary of State. ~ Former Chief of Staff for Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton ~ Republican Nominee for Secretary of State: 2015"
Additional Sources:
Kentucky Politics
Pennsylvania State House 33 Special Election!
The surrounding areas are Hanover, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Lurgan, Latimore, Arendtsville, Biglerville, Latimore, East Berlin, York Springs, and Shippensburg.
The candidates is Douglas Vincent Mastriano
"Doug was the lead planner for the invasion of Iraq by way of Turkey in 2003. He was Chief of Intelligence over the Afghanistan region,"
"An America First Policy means America is first priority. Our leaders must focus, first and foremost, on the issues that directly affect our lives. Your Second Amendment right must remain intact. It's time Americans have a voice that can be heard by our country's leadership. Doug can be that voice!"
"Over-regulation must be ended. Many working class citizens hold vocations in mining, farming and industry. They must be able to receive adequate wages that are not diminished due to government regulatory fees incurred by their employers or business owners. Obama Care must go."
Additional Sources:
(http://archive.is/nsYGT) (http://archive.is/10ikj)
Pennsylvania State House 11 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Butler, East Butler, Prospect, Chicora, Connoquenessing, and Karns City Saxonburg.
Rep Brian Ellis from Butler resigned in the midst of an ongoing sexual assault investigation
The candidates is Marci Mustello
“I am pro-life and I fully support the 2nd Amendment,” she said in a statement. “I will work to lower taxes and fight to bring our hard-earned tax dollars back to our district for infrastructure projects and to foster economic development. We need to work together to create more well-paying job opportunities here in Butler County and to ensure that our workforce gets the training they need for family-sustaining jobs.”
“I will work to lower taxes and fight to bring our hard-earned tax dollars back to our district for infrastructure projects and to foster economic development.”
Additional Sources:
Pennsylvania State House 12 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna, Clinton, Lycoming, Wyoming, Sullivan, Centre, Synder, Union, Juanita, Northumberland, Mifflin, and Perry.
Keller was selected at his party's convention from a field of 14 candidates,
The candidates is Fred Keller
"Serving in his fifth consecutive term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Fred Keller has a proven record of working hard to grow Pennsylvania's economy and attract jobs, standing up for taxpayers, promoting agriculture and tirelessly supporting local families and businesses.,"
"Keller’s service in the state legislature has been recognized by the American Conservative Union, Americans for Prosperity, the National Federation of Independent Business, the PA Chamber of Business and Industry, the PA Farm Bureau, fellow public officials (both Republicans and Democrats), educators, first responders, health care professionals, taxpayer advocates and many more.!"
Additional Sources:
*side note click on the link EU ban and 451 error!
Pennsylvania State House 41 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.
Incumbent resigned for health reasons.
The candidates is Joe Pittman
" is a candidate seeking election to the Pennsylvania State Senate to represent District 41. Pittman is running in the general special election on May 21, 201."
Jacksonville Republicans barely won, Inc. Tommy won his by 16%
Dan Bishop won with 47%, election in fall. Get out and vote against Mcready
I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! Pick Bradley Byrne in the Alabama Primary Senate. The primary will be March 3rd, 2020!
November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!
Election Date! Election Candidate! Election District! Election Area! Tuesday, June 4, 2019 Jack Guerrero CA State Senate 33 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Long Beach, Huntington Park, Cudahy, Bell Gardens Lynwood, Signal Hill, Sullivan, and Paramount Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Kevin Hughes Maine St. House 045 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Gray and Cumberland. Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Jason Shoaf Florida State House 007 The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and Madison Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Randy Maggard Florida State House 038 The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.
Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!
Please use these websites to keep up to date with election candidates, issues, ballot initiatives, election dates, and campaigns.
Keep the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)
Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸
President Trump Accomplishments!
President Trump Donation Page
May you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖
submitted by /u/Vernon_Mansae [link] [comments]
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robgrayofficial · 5 years
Hello! I'm V_M and here are the upcoming elections this week! Tuesday May 21, 2019!All polls for Kentucky open 5:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 5:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!Remember Complacency is Sin!Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!Important Information Regarding 2020!RegisterVolunteerGuideEngage the RightElection CountdownOBLIGATORY SIDE NOTES!IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)YOU MUST REGISTER AT LEAST ONE NEW PERSON A WEEK TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP IN 2020!Kentucky, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Republican Primary!The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!The candidates are Incumbent Matt Bevin & Ralph Alvarado“Matt Bevin was elected the 62nd Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 2015. He is a husband, father of nine children, veteran and successful small business owner."“Bevin Designated more than 1.2 billion to shore up shortfalls in Kentucky Employees Retirement System and the Kentucky Teacher's Retirement.""Governor Bevin successfully launched the Red Tape Reduction Initiative, designed to cut through the “red tape” of excessive and complex regulatory burdens.”"Alvarado already had built a career as a physician. He did his residency at the University of Kentucky. As a public official, his work has included a focus on issues that affect the medical industry and public health. For example, he has been pushing for legislation that bans the use of tobacco products on the grounds of public schools."and Robert Goforth with his LG Mike Hogan"Robert grew up in poverty, enlisted in the U.S. Army when he became of age, and served as a combat engineer. Robert put himself through college at the University of Kentucky, and graduated from pharmacy school, becoming a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). "As a pharmacist and business owner, Robert knows all about self-reliance, hard work, and what it takes to accomplish goals. He’s a proven job creator." "Robert built his businesses from the ground up, building his pharmacies in Southeast Kentucky up from zero to multimillion dollars in annual revenues. Robert created over 30 jobs in his businesses for people in our region." "Robert is committed to a people-first agenda that values working families, small business owners, and seniors.""Mike Hogan is a native son of Lawrence County in northeastern Kentucky. Mike and his brother were raised by a single mother in humble circumstances. Mike learned discipline and leadership after he joined the U.S. Army. Thanks to the Good Lord, a great mom, and the G.I. Bill, Mike became the first generation in his family to graduate college and later law school.Summary from users on the Kentucky race! Thanks for your valuables inputs on the elections! Full Credit goes to these users!u/cl1ft >I'm afraid the teachers union in Kentucky has convinced many Kentuckians that Bevin is awful even though he is the only governor in ages with enough balls to get something done in this state and attempt to fund the pension and right some budgetary wrongs (no matter how painful). A lot of Kentuckians are registered Democrat but vote conservative, but very easily swayed by the state media. Most people don't understand that Dems have run this state into the ground for 100 years. It doesn't help that this state deems him an outsider... even a carpetbagger. He really isn't the smoothest politician. I look at this as a good thing, but most people aren't pragmatic enough to understand the difference between politicians (liars) and regular folks who speak what they think. u/UnitedSaltMineWorker >I’ve been telling people that on here for the last year and get labeled a shill. Robert Goforth is the only hope of maintaining a Republican governorship in 2020. The dems don’t have any ammo to use against him, their entire scheme goes belly up if Goforth wins the primary. It’s also time to oust Beshears and Grimes. They have been destroying our state for long enough, and Grimes is a key player in the dems election fixing schemes. I really wish someone could get word to President Trump to stop blindly backing Bevin via Pence. If Beashears or Edalin become governor our open carry is gone, hunting will be over regulated, and coal mining and manufacturing is doomed. I work closely with local offices, and the dem establishment want eastern KY bankrupt. Their goal after 2020 is to put a planned parenthood in the Hazard area, and remove gun rights. Any McGrath was a test to see what they could pull off, and it nearly worked. Bevin does not stand a chance! People are done with him. Rob seems like a genuine good guy, give him a shot of upset!Additional Sources:KY News KY NewsKentucky, Attorney General Republican Primary!The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!The candidates are Daniel Cameron and Will SchroderDaniel grew up in Hardin County, Kentucky. He graduated from John Hardin High School in 2004. He attended undergrad at the University of Louisville. While there, he was a member of the football team and a McConnell Scholar..Daniel Cameron's professional career has consisted of serving as a law clerk to the Honorable Gregory Van Tatenhove, a United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky; private practice at Stites & Harbison in Louisville, Kentucky; service as Mitch McConnell’s legal counsel in Washington, D.C.; and a return to private practice at Frost Brown Todd in Louisville, where he’s been since June 2017."Will Schroder Prior to his time in the State Senate, Wil served as a felony prosecutor in the Campbell County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office. In that role, Wil represented the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the people of Campbell County in hundreds of felony cases and worked closely with law enforcement and crime victims.""Wil resides in Campbell County and is a lifelong Kentucky resident. He is the son of the late Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Wil Schroder and Nancy Schroder, both victims of cancer. Wil is married to his high school sweetheart, Marci. "The two are members of the Next Chapter Church in Wilder where they served in various leadership capacities and where Wil occasionally plays guitar in the worship band. Wil and Marci are the proud parents of two children, Grace and Trey, who serve as constant reminders of what is at stake for Kentucky’s future."Additional Sources:KY AGKentucky Secretary of State!The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!The candidates are Michael AdamsSince 2007, Michael has represented the Republican Governors Association, one of the nation’s foremost political organizations, ensuring compliance with campaign-finance, ethics and pay-to-play laws, and guiding the RGA’s efforts to elect Republican governors nationwide. ""He has represented numerous congressional and gubernatorial campaigns and outside groups in races across the country, and currently is legal counsel to Great America Committee, Vice President Mike Pence’s Leadership PAC."Andrew English"Prior to his appointment, Andrew served in the United States Navy JAG Corps, deploying to the Persian Gulf with Amphibious Squadron 8 and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit onboard the USS Iwo Jima and eventually becoming lead prosecutor at the Washington Navy Yard.""Andrew English most recently served as General Counsel of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet for the State of Kentucky, appointed to the position by Governor Bevin and Secretary Tilley."Steve Knipper"Front runner candidate for 2019 Secretary of State. ~ Former Chief of Staff for Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton ~ Republican Nominee for Secretary of State: 2015"Additional Sources:Kentucky PoliticsPennsylvania State House 33 Special Election!The surrounding areas are Hanover, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Lurgan, Latimore, Arendtsville, Biglerville, Latimore, East Berlin, York Springs, and Shippensburg.ContextvacancyThe candidates is Douglas Vincent Mastriano"Doug was the lead planner for the invasion of Iraq by way of Turkey in 2003. He was Chief of Intelligence over the Afghanistan region,""An America First Policy means America is first priority. Our leaders must focus, first and foremost, on the issues that directly affect our lives. Your Second Amendment right must remain intact. It's time Americans have a voice that can be heard by our country's leadership. Doug can be that voice!""Over-regulation must be ended. Many working class citizens hold vocations in mining, farming and industry. They must be able to receive adequate wages that are not diminished due to government regulatory fees incurred by their employers or business owners. Obama Care must go."Additional Sources:(http://bit.ly/2QmmYkV) (http://bit.ly/2w9EwaD State House 11 Special Election!The surrounding areas includes Butler, East Butler, Prospect, Chicora, Connoquenessing, and Karns City Saxonburg.ContextRep Brian Ellis from Butler resigned in the midst of an ongoing sexual assault investigationThe candidates is Marci Mustello“I am pro-life and I fully support the 2nd Amendment,” she said in a statement. “I will work to lower taxes and fight to bring our hard-earned tax dollars back to our district for infrastructure projects and to foster economic development. We need to work together to create more well-paying job opportunities here in Butler County and to ensure that our workforce gets the training they need for family-sustaining jobs.”“I will work to lower taxes and fight to bring our hard-earned tax dollars back to our district for infrastructure projects and to foster economic development.”Additional Sources:(http://bit.ly/2Qg4ja1 State House 12 Special Election!The surrounding areas includes Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna, Clinton, Lycoming, Wyoming, Sullivan, Centre, Synder, Union, Juanita, Northumberland, Mifflin, and Perry.ContextKeller was selected at his party's convention from a field of 14 candidates,The candidates is Fred Keller"Serving in his fifth consecutive term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Fred Keller has a proven record of working hard to grow Pennsylvania's economy and attract jobs, standing up for taxpayers, promoting agriculture and tirelessly supporting local families and businesses.,""Keller’s service in the state legislature has been recognized by the American Conservative Union, Americans for Prosperity, the National Federation of Independent Business, the PA Chamber of Business and Industry, the PA Farm Bureau, fellow public officials (both Republicans and Democrats), educators, first responders, health care professionals, taxpayer advocates and many more.!"Additional Sources:*side note click on the link EU ban and 451 error!(http://bit.ly/2wbNSlY State House 41 Special Election!The surrounding areas includes Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.ContextIncumbent resigned for health reasons.The candidates is Joe Pittman" is a candidate seeking election to the Pennsylvania State Senate to represent District 41. Pittman is running in the general special election on May 21, 201."PAST ELECTION RESULTS!Jacksonville Republicans barely won, Inc. Tommy won his by 16%Dan Bishop won with 47%, election in fall. Get out and vote against McreadyFLASH ELECTION UPDATE!I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! Pick Bradley Byrne in the Alabama Primary Senate. The primary will be March 3rd, 2020!November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!FUTURE ELECTIONS!Election Date!Election Candidate!Election District!Election Area!Tuesday, June 4, 2019Jack GuerreroCA State Senate 33 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Long Beach, Huntington Park, Cudahy, Bell Gardens Lynwood, Signal Hill, Sullivan, and ParamountTuesday, June 11, 2019Kevin HughesMaine St. House 045 - Special ElectionThe surrounding areas includes Gray and Cumberland.Tuesday, June 18, 2019Jason ShoafFlorida State House 007The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and MadisonTuesday, June 18, 2019Randy MaggardFlorida State House 038The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!Please use these websites to keep up to date with election candidates, issues, ballot initiatives, election dates, and campaigns.http://bit.ly/2IPuJi7 the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸President Trump Accomplishments!President Trump Donation PageREMINDER COMPLACENCY IS SIN! EXUDE CONFIDENCE, NOT COCKINESS! WE MUST FIGHT FOR EVERY VOTE, IT'S NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER!~ KEEP UP THE ENTHUSIASM! BE CONSISTENT! ~~ LESS THAN 530 DAYS TILL THE ELECTION!~May you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖 #robgray
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