usnewsper-politics · 7 months
Why Putin's Crackdown on the Media Is a Danger to Us All #medinsky #NYTimes #opinion #Putin #Russia
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flamen1801 · 4 months
Maybe I should get out of the historical direction? I probably don't know shit. I was ridiculed by a teacher of Russian history, who said that everything I said about Peter III's mother was fiction and maybe I should write novels.I'm an idiot, I read Mylnikov in vain, I watched and read Medinsky in vain, I read Spitsyn's textbook in vain, I read articles on Peter the Third in vain. All in vain!
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
In Russia, a new textbook on history for senior classes was presented. In it, Ukraine was called an ultranationalist state, and Russia was called a country of opportunities.
Its author is the assistant to the President of Russia and former Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. In the textbook for 11th grade, the chapters on the period 1970-2000 have been completely rewritten, and a chapter from 2014 to the present has been added. A separate section is devoted to "special operation" in Ukraine.
Here are some quotes:
"Ukraine is an ultra-nationalist state. Today, any dissent in Ukraine is harshly persecuted, opposition is prohibited, everything Russian is declared hostile"
HAHAHA. Do you know how many Ukrainians - lawyers, doctors, teachers - still speak in russian, even when they hate russia? Do you know how many of them listen to russian music? Not even talking about the amount of vatņiki.
"The unprecedented and unthinkable happened again. The West stole the total assets of the Russian state, stored in their banks, for a total amount of more than 300 billion dollars."
In addition, Switzerland has been accused of insufficiently implementing sanctions against Russian oligarchs and of helping Russia by banning the re-export of war material to Ukraine.
"After the departure of foreign companies, many markets are open to you. Open fantastic opportunities for a career in business and own startups, don't miss this chance. Today, Russia is truly a country of opportunities."
Don't miss a fantastic opportunity to die in prison or as an occupier.
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mariacallous · 17 days
1,300 hours of brainwashing: Agentstvo Media estimates that Russian grade schools now devote 12 percent of their instructional time to state propaganda — up from 6 percent last year and just 3.4 percent in 2022. Two key components in the school system’s new curriculum: (1) a controversial history textbook coauthored by staunch conservative and presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky; and (2) special guidelines issued to teachers to present social studies as an endorsement of Russia’s greatness. (Agentstvo’s study is based on averages, and the outlet notes that different teachers handle the state’s guidelines differently.)
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mockva · 5 months
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Historical theatrical reconstruction according to the script of the historian Medinsky
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andiatas · 11 months
Russian pedagogy students are preparing to teach history, even as Russia tries to rewrite it. Since the beginning of the new academic year, high schools have started using a fresh history textbook, put together by Putin aide Vladimir Medinsky. Journalists have called attention to the textbook’s numerous blatant falsehoods, mischaracterizations of past events, and preoccupation with the present, and the book has become a prime example of the government’s efforts to manipulate historical narratives for its own ends. Independent outlet iStories spoke with history majors in Russian colleges to find out what they think about propaganda in history and teaching, and how they plan to talk to their students about the war. With permission, Meduza has translated the future teachers’ responses into English.
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Ukrainian Joan of Arc: Businesswoman leaves jewellery store to fight as a sniper
Emerald Evgeniya returned to wear Army uniform after 12 years to fight against the Russians, and is the only woman among 100 men in the special forces troop
Article published in March 16th 2022.
Translated from Portuguese to English.
R7 PORTAL - Journalistic scoop.
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Emerald Evgeniya holds weapon after returning to the Ukrainian Army
Before the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Emerald Evgeniya had a quiet life with her daughter
in Kiev, where she used to run her own jewellery store. The Ukrainian decided 12 years ago to leave the Army to become a “businesswoman”, as she likes to say.
“As soon as the war started, I quit my career and went back to the Army. Now, I work for the Special Forces intelligence and serve as a sniper. I’m the only woman among a hundred soldiers,” she says.
A sniper has a great responsibility on the battlefield and undergoes intense training to reach the rank. The weapon used by the soldier allows hitting targets very far away. Hitting an enemy with a lower risk of being counterattacked is one of the perks.
“I fight because it is my duty and I believe in Ukraine's great future. I feel like I have been preparing for this situation all my life. Also, I get support, people call me the Ukrainian Joan of Arc.”
Emerald is among thousands of soldiers trying to protect Ukraine as long as they face Russian Armed Forces. The Ukrainian population helps as much as they can, and even resorts to using mediaeval weapons to contain enemy tanks. Caltrops are made with sharp iron spikes and are scattered around Kiev.
Men and women with little or no experience volunteer to receive training and equipment to face the Russians. Currently, anyone who wants to serve must be between 18 and 60 years old and have an Ukrainian passport.
Emerald says the most difficult moment of the war was when she finally came across the Russian Army. “I started shooting again and realised I was face to face with one of their soldiers. This happened on the second day of combat, I was scared, but now I understand that this is my reality.”
The business woman’s life has changed radically in the last 21 days, in the same way for millions of Ukrainians. “I used to have a life of luxury, today I only live with my military uniform, mobile phone, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes. I have also made donations to many people who lost their homes. I think after the war, if I survive, I can earn that money back with my work.”
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Emerald during military training
Since the Russian invasion, more than 3 million people have left Ukraine, according to the UN-linked International Organization for Migration (IOM). Around 1.4 million are children, and among them is Jasmine, 10, Emerald’s daughter. When the war started, the little girl was sent to Poland. 
“I’m in the Army because I want my daughter to live in a free country. I won’t leave until we win this war. I want peace and freedom for my family and for all Ukrainians,” explains Emerald.
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Emerald and her daughter Jasmine
As the bombings advance and the soldiers try to prevent the capital, Kiev, representatives of the two countries are trying to reach an agreement. This Tuesday (15), Mykhailo Podoliak, negotiator and adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and Vladimir Medinsky, adviser to the Kremlin, resumed the fourth round of negotiations.
On the other hand, NATO members are spreading sanctions to increasingly isolate Russia. The sniper, however, believes that the way to contain the Russian advance would be the closure of Ukrainian airspace, which Zelenskiy has long requested. “We are strong in terrestrial space, but we are not safe in the sky.”
“I won’t leave until we win this war, and I believe Ukraine will be victorious,” added Emerald.
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baublefobbersleuth · 1 year
Pants, Shirt, Shoes, Socks, Skivvies & Hair on Fire
“Facts by themselves don’t mean very much.”(Vladimir Medinsky) Vladimir Medinsky is Vladimir Putin’s ghost writer. He writes texts about Russian history under Putin’s name. From the start, Mr. Medinsky’s work was criticized by real Russian historians. But he never hid that his work was not based on facts. They were not important to him; the real goal was to create a persuasive narrative. “Facts…
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antonio-velardo · 1 year
Antonio Velardo shares: El hombre que está detrás de la retorcida visión que Putin tiene de la historia by Mikhail Zygar
By Mikhail Zygar Vladimir Medinsky, exministro de Cultura de Rusia y asesor presidencial, ha ayudado a construir el edificio ideológico sobre el que se asienta buena parte del régimen de Putin. Published: September 20, 2023 at 04:01PM from NYT En español https://ift.tt/7LyQGxc via IFTTT
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michaelgabrill · 1 year
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usnewsper-politics · 1 year
Why Putin's Crackdown on the Media Is a Danger to Us All #medinsky #NYTimes #opinion #Putin #Russia
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flamen1801 · 5 months
I can't do this anymore! (about the historian student's sore point)
I study at the Herzen State Pedagogical University, to become a historian (not a teacher!) and I have accumulated a lot of unpleasant situations from my life as a student of the above-mentioned university.
The fact is that I am madly in love with Paul I, Arakcheev and Peter III.I'm ready to tell you everything I know about them: myths, tales, facts unknown to ordinary people, etc.I've read a lot of books about them, listened to lectures on the Internet (yes, and Mr. Medinsky's lectures too, purely out of interest).I love their history and sincerely want to better reveal them to ordinary people, which is why I enrolled in the historian.
But I have people in my course who came out of school with school knowledge, passed the Unified State Exam (so that it burns in hell) and enrolled in a historian.
Fuck, it would be better not to do it, please excuse me, but this is a nightmare!90% of my classmates are ardent politicians and I sincerely do not understand why the hell they went to the historian!? It would be fine if they talked about politics, but they did not look beyond the history textbook and Klim Zhukov's lectures (although I may be mistaken). But that's not the point.
In my first year, I told them about my love for the aforementioned historical figures. And then it startedI argued with them about the foreign policy of Peter the Third, about the personality and tragic death of Paul the First, about the character of Arakcheev and military settlements, and even about the domestic policy of Nicholas the First.
And now I am a laughing stock, loving men in the uniform of the 18th and 19th centuries, aggressively reacting to any ridicule of Paul I and Peter III (for some reason they only remembered them).
I don't want to prove anything, I just want people to open their eyes to these people.:Arakcheev is not a callous soldier. (Have you seen his Georgian estate!? It says a lot about its owner!)He was helping people,he commuted the sentences of the military, took care of the education of military people.Paul I did not deserve to be laughed at for his death (my classmates openly laughed at his murder).
I just can't keep quiet about it anymore. I'm tired of making fun of them.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] But who is he?Mr. Medinsky was born in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine in 1970. But he is not Ukrainian at all. His father was a military man and his childhood was spent traveling across the Soviet Union, from garrison to garrison. In this peripatetic environment, according to close acquaintances, Mr. Medinsky was brought up with very conservative values and as a sincere patriot of the Soviet Union. Education was important too — his mother was a schoolteacher — and, in time, led him to the Moscow Institute of International Relations. A model student, he excelled in the School of Journalism and was a member of Komsomol, the Communist Party’s youth organization.But by the time he graduated, the Soviet Union had collapsed. Mr. Medinsky had no difficulty adjusting. In 1992, with a group of classmates, he created his own advertising company, Ya Corporation. Its clients were mostly financial firms and tobacco companies. He soon became a P.R. man for the tobacco lobby — a bit like the unscrupulous main character in Christopher Buckley’s 1994 book “Thank You for Smoking.” Even so, he didn’t neglect his studies, continuing to work toward a doctorate.That’s when I met Mr. Medinsky, when I was as an undergraduate at the institute in the late ’90s. He was 10 years older than me, aloof, and had just started to teach public relations. It was a new and very fashionable discipline, and many of my classmates, who wanted to become “P.R. people,” dreamed of learning from him. Something of a star on campus, Mr. Medinsky was considered a successful businessman and willingly supported students, taking the best of them for internships at his company.In 2000, Mr. Putin became president of Russia, taking over from Boris Yeltsin. As any P.R. man should, Mr. Medinsky adapted to the change in atmosphere, parlaying a job in the civil service into a political career. By 2004, he was a member of parliament for Mr. Putin’s United Russia party. Despite accusations that he continued as an elected official to lobby for tobacco companies and casinos, Mr. Medinsky was a man on the rise.It helped that he started trading in patriotism. In 2007, this former tobacco lobbyist began to write books about history — or, rather, he began to create historical P.R. In a series of books called “Myths About Russia,” he set out to debunk Russian stereotypes and to put new stories in their place. There were volumes on “Russian drunkenness, laziness and cruelty,” “Russian theft, soul and patience” and “Russian democracy, dirt and imprisonment.” [ad_2]
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mariacallous · 1 year
Russia has put together a new history textbook for 11th graders which contains a section on the “special military operation” (the Kremlin’s official term for the 2022 invasion of Ukraine). Russian Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov presented the textbook on April 24 at the educational marathon “Knowledge. Firsts.”
According to TASS, the textbook will reveal the reasons for the start of the “Special Military Operation.” “The Special Military Operation aroused a desire among the population of the country to help and support its participants. A mass volunteer movement has sprung up in all regions of Russia.” TASS quotes the textbook as saying.
The book was written by Vladimir Medinsky, aide to the Russian president and former Minister of Culture, as well as MGIMO Rector Anatoly Torkunov.
According to Kravtsov, the textbook will be available for 10th-11th grades from September 1, 2023. According to the minister, schools will be able to switch to it gradually, if possible.
In January, the Ministry’s press service reported that the new history textbook would be used en masse in schools beginning in the 2024-2025 academic year.
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blogynews · 1 year
"Unveiling Putin's Startling Revelation: The Shocking Truth Behind Soviet Invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia"
In the month of August, a history textbook authored by Vladimir Medinsky, an adviser to Mr. Putin, made controversial claims about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. According to Medinsky, the uprising, which took place in Hungary, was characterized as a fascist-led insurrection orchestrated by Western powers. Additionally, the textbook asserted that the decision to withdraw Soviet troops from…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Unveiling Putin's Startling Revelation: The Shocking Truth Behind Soviet Invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia"
In the month of August, a history textbook authored by Vladimir Medinsky, an adviser to Mr. Putin, made controversial claims about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. According to Medinsky, the uprising, which took place in Hungary, was characterized as a fascist-led insurrection orchestrated by Western powers. Additionally, the textbook asserted that the decision to withdraw Soviet troops from…
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