jannevinegarr · 1 year
Mmmm russian meeemz
О да какой же я кринж
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meeeeemza · 5 years
كتابات لن يقرأها أحد
في ليلة ظلماء باردة ، تهطل فيها الأمطار وتتساقط فيها حبيبات ثلج حزينة لفراق أخواتها .
كان الشتاء فيها فارداً أسلحته وكان قلبي الصغير بلا معطفٍ يقيه برد الشتاء .
حاولت الإتصال بك ، الهاتف يرن
كنت أريد أن أخبرك عن صوت المطر وعن برودة الشتاء
كنت أريد أن أخبرك عن تفاصيل حلقة اليوم من مسلسلي المفضل
كنت أريد أن أخبرك عن زميلتي التي أفسدت طاقم الأسنان الذي صنعته
كنت أريد أن أخبرك عن صلصة البيتزا التي لطختُ بها قميصي المفضل
كنت سأخبرك عن وحدتي وسط الناس وعن وجهي المُبتسم ظاهرياً لهم وعن كثرة نومي هرباً منهم
كنت سأشتكي منك إليك فأنت مهربي الوحيد وملاذي الأوحد
كنت سأخبرك عن توبيخ أمي لشقيقتي الصغرى لتركها ألعابها منتشرة على أرضية الغرفة
كنت سأخبرك عن قطتي المُتكبرة التي ترفض حتى المواء وتنظر إلي بكل تحدي ، يالغطرستها
كنت سأخبرك عن رغبتي الدائمة للبكاء
كنت سأخبرك عن فيلم رائع لبروس ويلز لتشاهده
كنت سأخبرك عن رواية جميلة تقضي معها عطلة الأسبوع
كنت سأخبرك بأن برشلونة فاز بمباراته اليوم وأستفزك بخسارة ريال مدريد بالأمس
كنت سأخبرك عن لون طلاء أظافري وعن أغنية وائل كفوري الجديدة
كنت سأخبرك عن أكلتي المفضلة وما أحب من المشروبات الساخنة
كذلك لو جرّنا الحديث كنا سنتطرّق للحديث عن الحرب في سوريا ووجهة نظري عما حدث في باريس
كنت سأخبرك بأني أحب مستغانمي لدفاعها عن المرأة ودرويش لدفاعه عن الوطن ومطر لسخريته من حكام العرب وصدام حسين لصلابته وقوة شخصيته وبأني أحب فيروز وجوليا بطرس وأديل وبيونسي و الأفلام الرومانسية والنهايات السعيدة وأحب الأغاني الكلاسيكية ذات الطرب الأصيل
كنت سأحدثك عن كرهي لأشعار قباني لبراعتها في وصف أجساد النساء ولفقرها في وصف أحاسيسهن ، وبأني أكره الباميا تلك الأكلة اللزجة ولا أستسيغ طعم اللبن وبأني أكره لحم الضأن والمأكولات البحرية ، وبأني أكره ليالي الشتاء الباردة وأكره الوحدة التي أقبع بها وأكره الظلم والإرهاب وأكره آل كرداشيان والأفلام الهندية ولا أحب العنصرية ولا بوب مارلي كذلك
كنت سأبكي - على الخط - مرارة ما نعيشه من تدهور أمانة نبيينا التي خصنا بها ، سأبكي هوان أرواح الأبرياء التي راحت هدراً دون وجه حق ، سأبكي موت الإنسانية في لحظة تجمد تلك الفتاة الصغيرة من شدة البرد والثلج يتلحفها كمعطفٍ من موت .
كنت وقتها ستربت على كتفي بكلماتك وتحتضن ألمي بصوتك الحنون وتمسح أدمعي بلطفك وهمساتك
كنت ستعيد لي إبتسامتي الحقيقية ببعضٍ من نكاتك السخيفة وسأضحك أنا ملء شدقاي لسخافة نكتتك وإمتناناً لمحاولتك إضحاكي .
كنا سنصمت سوياً ، فالصمت أحياناً أبلغ من الكلام ، وفي أثناء صمتنا سأبوح لك بصمت بكلمة لن تستطيع سماعها أثناء إبتياعك لقهوتك .
كنت سأعود للثرثرة وأخبرك عن طبق المعكرونة بالصلصة الذي أعددته اليوم ولأول مرة
كنت سأخبرك عن إمرأة كوميدية تصادفت معها في الكوافير منذ أيام ، تتحدث بصوت مرتفع وبلهجة مُضحكة ويداها مليئتان بنقوش الحنة وشعرها من كثر الصبغات لم أستطع تمييز لونه ، جُل إهتمامها ينصب على الحنة والحنايات والصبغات والميش ، جعلتني أضحك بشدة تلك المرأة .
كنت سأخبرك عن فشلي في إيجاد شيء أملء به وقت فراغي
كنت سأخبرك عن صديقتي التي تشتكي من ضخامة بطنها المحشوة بطفلٍ صغير وعن تذمرها بأنها لا تستطيع التقلّب أثناء النوم
كنت سأعترف لك بأني أتحدث مع نفسي في بعض الأحيان وبأني أمتلك صديقاً خيالياً إسمه بيتر * يشبه لعبة محشوة كنت أمتلكها عندما كنت صغيرة *
كنت سأخبرك بأنني أفكر بتعطيل صفحة الفيس بوك فقد أصبحت كأنني أقرأ صفحة الوفيات في جريدة بنغازي اليوم ، تزيدني إكتئاباً وألماً
كنت سأبوح لك بمخاوفي وطموحاتي وأجعلك ترى العالم من عيناي ، سأخبرك عن فينيس بقواربها الجميلة وعن شواطئ البرازيل اللذيذة وعن جمال البورا بورا وعن ضباب لندن وعن إرتفاع برج خليفة ، عن ازدحام ساحة التحرير في مصر والمعالم الأندلسية في الجزائر وعن المتحف الأثري في اسطنبول وعن روعة جبال الأرز بلبنان والليل على سفح الجبل المطل على الشام وعن روعة تصميم جامع الشيخ زايد في أبوظبي وعن فرحة قلبي بمدينة ديزني لاند .
ستستنكر لأني لم أذكر بلادنا فيما ذكرت ، وسأعتذر لك عن عدم ذكرها لأن بالقلب جرح لم يندمل على ما تبقى من معالمها ولم يُحرق أو يتساوى بأقرانه من البنايات ، لن أفتق الجرح ، سامحني .
سأصمت أنا درءً لدموعٍ متحسرة لا أريد نزولها وستحاول أنت أن تغير مجرى الحديث
ستسألني عن لون جواربي وسأبتسم ممتنة لك
كنت سأخبرك أيضاً عن ألام حلقي وبأني أتمنى لو أستطيع إدخال يدي داخل بلعومي لأهرشه من الداخل كنت ستضحك أنت على صوتي المنزكم وتخبرني بأنه " تحفة "
كنت سأبتسم كثيراً وأرتاح كثيراً وأتكلّم كثيراً وأبكي وأضحك وأغني وأهمس ، كل هذا بسببك ، فقط لو .....
* لا توجد إجابة * ..
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maxeroonii · 7 years
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as-be-low · 7 years
I got tagged by @impishnature! Thank youuu! :D :D :D
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they are working on. This can be anything!
Hmmm okay I have like FOLDERS UPON FOLDERS full of ideas for Gravity Falls alone that I’m gradually fleshing out, so I guess that can be considered “working on,” right?
1.) Currently typing up the first half of the next chapter for THCM! It’s hella long and I’m both excited about it and kicking myself over it. It’s super cute and there will be fluff, including:
The leprecorn
Ford cuddling babies
Bathtime feat. the leprecorn
I’m feeling a little bit stuck, because I know where I’ve planned for it to go since the beginning, and to plant the seeds for that, they’d have to be planted now, but I’m second guessing myself about it for some reason. IDK. I might be at an impasse, or I might just chug on ahead.
2.) Forensic Ford AU! This story feels like a crime mystery-type-thing, and I feel like I have to have COMPLETELY planned out, no winging it because of the nature of planting clues here and there to have to reference from. (…Does that even make sense?) So right now, I’m hammering out the clues our hopeless heroes have to work with. :B
I will say that Ford and Stan get into an argument and Stan storms out, ends up missing.
Ford would be so distraught and think it was his fault
A week or so later another body would turn up mutilated with the same build as stan
Ford would be inconsolable for like a month
He'd go back to work and be like "I have to analyze the body. I have to." And would like be ugly crying a little bit at one point and someone would try to pull him away and he'd fight them
He'd run out laughing a few hours later and they'd be like "okay he's lost it" and try to hold him down but he's just like "it's not him! It's a John Doe!" And grab fiddleford who was there as emotional support and like cup his face and fiddleford would fuckin faint because ford is still wearing gross ass dirty latex gloves
He'd have to calm down and prove it (dental records, a break on the bone that should be there but isn't, etc, plus decomposition denotes a time of death that doesn't line up with when stan went missing)
Also stan shows up pissed off eight days after that of his own accord. Ford punches him on sight and stan punches back and then spends the rest of the night grumbling about it.
he had gotten roughed up up a LOT and he had to break out AGAIN and then make it back to stupid assfuck Tennessee and then THIS was the hello he gets??
“Stan why didn't you just call”
It didn't seem reasonable at the time. I got kicked in the head a lot, okay? he parts his hair to show the large gash that may be getting infected. fiddleford all but passes out, the poor squeamish bastard. somebody probably says that as he leaves the room. “poor squeamish bastard.” stan is still pissed about being beaten and lowkey tortured only to break out and get punched in the face by his brother. his nose was broken and now it’s broken even worse. he has two fresh black eyes in the morning. ford feels bad for his “crime of passion” and stan just rolls his eyes like “next time just finish the job and get me with a nail bat, would ya? it’s more efficient.” “stanley, that isn’t funny.” “who said I was playin’, asshole?” that asswhooping really does a number on him, and mixed with the extra punches, they send him to the hospital, where they check over all of his other poorly-healing injuries (broken ribs, broken wrist, compound fractured foot (“and you WALKED here?” “what other choice did I have? Would you pick me up as a hitchhiker?”), bruised liver and lung, and untreated concussion. 
Poor Stan.
3.) I’ve also got the plans for a sequel to He Himself sitting on the backburner! I’d intended for that to be a one-shot, but someone made a good point and it kinda just spiraled, and ultimately the Stans are dweebs who keep messing with time and concepts they have no business fiddling with by going back and back and back, and yeah. They’re getting sentenced to Globnar. Of course they are. Whether or not either of them want any of the possible outcomes to come to fruition is debatable.
4.) I got inspired by Coheed’s Domino the Destitute and now I have the bones for something that follows in the vein of that song. I don’t know exactly what’s gonna happen yet, but I do know that it’ll likely be called “While You Were Left with Nothing.” It might just devolve into a collection of songfics for a genre I’m pretty sure no one in this fandom even likes but that also sounds like a problem I’m not particularly concerned with. It is SUCH a Pines Twins Classic song, so if anyone knows it, please come gush with me over it pleasepleaseplease
5.) I’ve also got this REALLY, REALLY angsty idea for a story where a Portal Ford stumbles his way into a parallel Earth dimension and finds himself heading for Gravity Falls, just for the heck of it. He doesn’t like what he finds in the least.
6.) I also have this long, drawn-out file that’s a compilation of ideas for a collection of one-shots that focus on different ways the A Better World universe(s) could have gone. 99.999% of them are just SAD ENDINGS BECAUSE THAT’S HOW I OPERATE, but one in particular (which is of course the longest outline/ficlet to date) has the potential for a happy ending, if you’ll forgive the messy formatting (I write and keep these on my phone):
Another stan gets into a yelling match with his ford, which stops after he tells him to do the first worthwhile thing in his life. Stan snatches the journal and storms out at that. Ford stabilizes everything after a while, maybe two or three years, and reaches out to his brother again, asks him to come again. stan comes, gaunt and nervous looking, expecting another errand. is stunned when no request is made. is itching to leave after a short time, “before… before I, y’know…” “before you what?” “Before I can mess something else of yours up.” He makes good on his own suggestion, and bounces soon after. Ford calls him again, but is met with polite noncommittal responses towards ever coming back. It’s like he’s afraid of ford. maybe he read the journal. maybe he should be afraid of ford. his calls get less and less frequent, and their tone becomes more and more stilted. Ford doesn’t know what to do. He calls him again to let him know shermy was having grandkids, that he’d expressed that he wanted stan to be there. “he doesn’t mean that, ford. Nice gesture, though.” “stanley, he does want you there. don’t say that.” “I’m a stranger to his son. he doesn’t want some stranger there with him ’n his wife at the birth of his first kid. Ma ’n Pa’ll probably be there, too, ’n we know I’m not welcome there then.” he calls back to let him know the babies are twins. stan hangs up. Extra angst if Filbrick’s dead at this point and nobody told him. Ford’s calls go unanswered. after a few  years of occasional, unanswered calls every few months, ford gives up. The kids go up for a summer visit. Mabel finds out Ford has a twin, digs through and finds the number and calls INCESSANTLY. Stan answers, but he’s not happy about it at all. Mabel works her magic and insists he comes to Oregon to meet her. They have a long talk about what went wrong. Stan finds himself surprised to be pouring his heart out to this stranger of a child, telling her how he messed up ford’s project and ruined his opportunity to get into a good school, and how he just made a big series of mistakes here and there down the years. He’s convinced Ford only talked to him or called him to be nice because he felt he was supposed to.
“I’m not anyone you wanna meet, kid.”
“And now?”
“what do you do now?”
“taxi driver.”
“Look kid, you probably shouldn’t be talking to me. I’m sure Ford doesn’t want you using his phone. Or talking to the likes of me. Aren’t you on summer break? shouldn’t you be outside or something? Aren’t you supposed to be playing outside?”
or better yet, ford’s like uhh kids how about a road trip? because they’re getting absolutely BORED and he wants to be a good summer guardian and let them have fun, I mean dipper’s happy to play DD&MD but mabel gets left out that way and none of her interests are anything Ford knows what to do with/about so she’s spending a lot of the summer knitting (Ford’s put strict stipulations on outdoors and w/e) so there’s not much she can really do?? she’s not allowed in the lab after a near-accident, though dipper still tags along. Ford notices the child growing listless and doesn’t know what to do about it, so by the point it’s reached a concerning high, he’s grasping at straws for ideas and some intern is like “my family always did road trips?” and he latches onto that. mabel’s scrapbook has turned remarkably dull, like she’s taking pictures of leaves and squirrels she sees on the porch and the trees and dipper’s pile of sweaty socks and everything is just so mundane but she’s trying really hard to make it sound exciting in the scrapbook and if ford ever finds it wow he’d feel so guilty
so they roadtrip and it’s hella awkward and since he’s doing this kinda for mabel even though she’s never expressed any desire to go on a road trip, he lets her kinda guide the itinerary? she picks wherever stan is living.
ford find mabel’s little cell phone or whatever and she’s been messaging stan and ford reads through it and is like “who is this G. S. with 9 heart eye emojis” and is ready to go kick some little punk’s ass but then he reads further and realizes it’s Stanley and he also seems to have no idea what she’s up to (and has said “kiddo, you can’t meet me. just cuz you know i’m your grunkle (ha! I like that name! Grunkle. it’s got a nice ring to it) doesn’t mean you gotta come visit. please don’t visit. I’m nobody you wanna see.” and she’s like okay fine I promise” though yeah that’s obviously a lie. he doesn’t know whether to confront her or not. obviously he should, but that opens the can of worms of why/how didn’t he even know where his brother was (stanley moved & got a new number and the last time ford tried to call the old number was disconnected) vs. how did SHE know “mabel, how did you find his number??” and “why won’t you let me meet my other grunkle?? HE’S SAD AND LONELY WHY DON’T YOU EVER VISIT HIM HE’S YOUR TWIN” etc
maybe mabel sent him a postcard right before they set off, so he’s texting her repeatedly like
“kid. kid, where are you? please don’t do anything stupid. please don’t be alone, I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt on account of the likes of me.”
and that’s as far as I got, but then yeah there’s gonna be a happy reunion of course.
7.) I also have thank you cards to write and mail and just regular post cards, and also pen pal letters that are like OVER A YEAR OVERDUE BECAUSE I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON WHY AM I LIKE THIS ALSO WHERE IS MY FANCY INK BOTTLE I JUST BOUGHT
8.) I’ve also got a little AU ficlet set after Weirdmageddon and Stan still has amnesia (Mabel’s scrapbook didn’t really work like they’d hoped.) Ford finds that he doesn’t have the heart to tell his brother the sad things about their lives so he just makes up happy, sweet little lies to fill Stan’s head with because he just can’t bring himself to hurt him and Stan doesn’t question it or think to wonder why after a certain point he’s no longer in any pictures.
Stan starts to remember his life via nightmares, which he just chalks up to being regular nightmares. He doesn’t want Ford to know he’s having them because they’ve always been such a happy, average family, right? It would be out of place for him to have…such awful, graphic nightmares. And it was bad enough that his brain was fuzzy and he couldn’t remember things so good, especially when Ford was so smart! 12 PhDs? Their family must’ve been so proud. He was so proud. It was bad enough Ford had gotten saddled with such a dumb…cousin? No, they were brothers. He couldn’t even remember he had a brother.
His nightmares get increasingly worse and at some point turn into flashbacks/night terrors and the most violent ones he relives send Ford into a panic. He didn’t know about THIS. Ford is wholly unprepared for firsthand experience of what Stan went through, and Stan is nearly mute about it all and refuses to talk because he’s ashamed of all the freaky dreams; Ford shouldn’t have to deal with any of this! Maybe he should just put him in a home, or something. He didn’t wanna hold him back, or anything. He’s not sure why Ford looks so heartbroken when he said that.
9.) This idea note’s just short and simple enough to stand on its own:
one-shot where Ford spends an evening demolishing the stan-o-war after the “incident.”
Call it “The Wind out of My Sails”
I imagine him having stolen a cigarette or something to watch the ship burn with.
10.) I’ve also got an idea for a sort of Southern Gothic AU where Mrs. McGucket is something of folk healer that may or may not dabble in the occult, which leads to all sorts of monster hunting shenanigans, with added kudzu action. Maybe the real monster was the friends we made along the way lol
...Hmm, that’s a lot and that’s super long, so I should probably stop right there while I’m ahead, haha!
I taaaaag,  @themindofcc ,  @thefaceofhoe , @icefeels , @vermeerdear , @ancientouroboros , @femmeofthesouthernwild , and anyone else who’s jonesin’ to do this! (Tag me back! I’m always curious about what other folks are writing! :D)
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blargensnorf · 7 years
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phoenixdoesartstuff · 7 years
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thedemonshade · 7 years
my brain: memes. meeeeems. meeemz.
me: stop
brain: meeeeeeeemzzzz. why is it pronounced that way?
me: shhhh... I'm working on something.
brain: is it a meme?
brain: hey... is it a meme? google memes.
me: no... *googles ... can't remember what I was about to google... decides to google "why are all the facebook memes videos lately"*
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healandconquer · 13 years
See he was all words, while I was all bout' verbs. Only thing I ever got was from what I heard.
Words use to be valuable til people added it into their minds only to subtract it's definition. We live in a world where actions come seperately. But honey, you gotta know that words don't mean jack without the act following through with it. Trust is rarely ever gained until proven.
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meeeeemza · 5 years
كتاباتي التي لن يقرأها أحد
رقدت ساعة ونوضوني 😩
راسي بيطرطش من الصداع وهما ساكنين ، هيا هيا 😤
مق قهوة ويالله يمشي الحال 😣
الطقس في الخارج رائع ، الحمدلله ان الطريق ما فيهاش مظاهر ضرب ، مع ان صوت الهاوزر يغرد فوقنا وصوت طيحته يهز في الدنيا !
لا تكاد تقف على " سيمافرو " حتى تنهال عليك علب المناديل من أفواهٍ جائعة ترغب بالبيع رغبةً في سد رمق الجوع .
تنظر ذات اليمين وذات الشمال حتى ترى الفواكه والخضروات مُفترشة طول الطريق ، صناديق سمك أكاد أجزم بأن رائحة " الزفر " تٓدمع لها العينان ويختنق منها التنفس .
انتظر لحظة !
أهذا حبل معلّق به عدد من التيشرتات والقمصان ؟!!
نعم هذا حبلٌ معلّق به عدد من التيشرتات والقمصان .!!
يوجد أيضاً سراويل للبيجاما ، رائع !
نحن الآن في طريق مزدحم مزدحم جداً ، أوه نسيت إنه الطريق السريع ، المنظر من الجهتين رائع بغض النظر عن الإزدحام ، قليلٌ من الخضار والجبل يلوح في الأفق ، أستمع لجارة القمر وأنا مُغلقة العينيين حتى لا يعكر صفوة اللحظة منظر بيت مهدم أو مبنى مُحترق !
أخيراً وصلنا .
هواءٌ عليل ومطعمٌ مزدحم ، يا الله أرجوحة 😍
تجلس بقربي فتاة صغيرة ، تنظر إلي بإستغراب ولسان حالها يقول " ما بال هذه المجنونة تلعب بألعاب الصغار " ، إليكِ عني أيتها المتطفلة لن أترك الأرجوحة 😒.
لا أعلم ماذا الذي طلبوه للغداء ، أرجو ألا يكونو قد طلبو لي لحماً !
لا يُهم فـ معدتي تؤلمني على أي حال .
الصداع سيفتك برأسي الصغير ، شريط البنادول قارب على الإنتهاء
الغدا كنتاكي 😌
وما لقيتلاش مكان ، بطني مليانة بالقهوة والبنادول 😷
مروحين توا ، الزحمة أكثر من امبدري وصوت الضرب المرة هذي شكله بالمدفعية ، قوي بكل
والناس ماشيين امبردين عادي جداً ، زينا نحنا مثلاً 🙈
سيارات الجيش والشرطة تملأ الأرصفة ، جيد هذا مؤشر جيد .
تجتاحني رغبة للبكاء الشديد 😞
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meeeeemza · 4 years
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healandconquer · 13 years
As much as we hate to admit it... we all got a ‘love radar’ that’s constantly on. We’re excessively using it day by day, consciously and even subconsciously. Even the most independent person uses it but may never admit it. Especially when we’ve all once loved and lost. When we’ve all been wrapped in someones arms and then kicked into the dirt. Especially when we’ve become so accustomed to a significant other's morning and nightly phone calls later to be on a withdrawal of waking up to nothing. We revolve our life around ‘love’. Searching for someone to complete the heart we make with our hands, with theirs. Like when a new person walks into our life out of nowhere? Adrenaline rushes through our veins automatically. Daydreaming and fantasizing, hoping maybe that this person will be the next one we can truly give our heart to. But then we are later disappointed to realize that this person had been only someone to past time. Don’t deny that you’ve done that. Because I know I have.  This disappointment leads us into roads of assumptions. To the point where out emotions are being bottled up then exploded in one swift motion, saying “All boys are the same” or “All girls are they same”. “They’re all full of bullshit.” This, that and this and that. What we fail to realize is that we are all the same. Not just boys, not just girls. Boys and girls. We are simply human beings. We are humans that hurt each other. No gender is truly to blame in the situation. Because it’s life. What would life be if we had no pain? Would we truly live up to our potential? Could we truly call ourselves strong? Think about it. I’m going to be honest and say, You will most likely catch me being hypocritical and ranting my head off about how much I hate guys and how they’re all the same. I’m sure you have too. But only because we miss the feeling of love. One thing you have to remember is to constantly remind yourself that you don’t need someone else to make you happy. Learn to love yourself first before loving someone else. Know that it will come your way when the time is right. Focusing on ‘love’ will throw you off realizing the other things in life of importance. Know that sitting around crying and waiting for it isn’t going to make time tick faster. Know that no matter how much doubts you have surrounding you, how much pain you’re going through… there will always be some one out there. There will always be the right person waiting, who will mend your pieces together again. For me? It’s hard for me to grasp reality every day and hard to repeatedly reassure myself, but I know in my heart the time will come. You should too. So remember that.
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healandconquer · 13 years
Too stubborn to fix broken up relations. Fearing tears, I put my heart on it’s vacation. Front this ‘tude like “I don’t give a shit” when I'm feelin' I might need you like a first aid kit.
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