#forensic ford au
as-be-low · 7 years
Stanley Pines, Destroyer of Ciphers
“Alright. That’s enough for today, Mr. Decoder Ring. It’s almost one in the morning. Shit, you want Taco Hut or something?“
"Nah, I didn’t figure anything out today.”
“…Okay but I didn’t eat today and I’m pretty sure you didn’t either. Taco Hut is still open. Or maybe McDurland’s?“
"I didn’t solve anything today.”
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
Jones must’ve gone crazy. “I didn’t do anything today.”
“You’ve been hunched over those files all day. I’ve seen you. Were you sleeping with your eyes open?”
“What? No! No, I was trying, I swear!“ he pushed back from the desk, his palms outwards as he lifted his hands up towards his shoulders. “I just… didn’t get anywhere with any of this stuff. I swear.”
"It was a joke, Pines. Relax.” Jones held up a tentative hand, waiting for him to resettle before speaking. “But seriously. Are you not hungry? Because I’m starving.”
He shook his head, turning his attention back down to the photocopies he’d spread out in a semblance of order that made sense to him and him alone, most likely. “I didn’t get anywhere today.”
“Pines. That doesn’t mean you can’t be hungry.”
Stan felt his hackles rise. “Of course I can be hungry. That doesn’t mean anything. I didn’t work hard enough.”
“…Pines, are you telling me that because you didn’t make progress today, you therefore haven’t earned food? Because that’s not how this works.“
Stanley jerked his head in agitation, refusing to catch Jones’s eye.
"Pines. I’m not… you’re not with Rico.”
“Yeah, well… you’re not with an upstanding member of society.”
“Even prisoners get meals, Pines.” The little motel room was hushed.
“Not always.” Stanley shifted in the creaky chair.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Doesn’t matter. Go ahead and get your Taco Hut, or whatever. I’ll have a coffee, I guess, if you’re up for that. Or some water, if not.” He shrugged, turning back towards the stack of papers strewn across the shitty little motel table.
“You think I’m gonna withhold water? Shit, Pines, did you drink anything today?”
Stanley refused to answer for a moment. “ ‘Course. Tap water’s free.”
“Damnit, Pines…” Stanley heard a sigh and the sound of skin brushing against skin. A hand obscured the agent’s face as Stanley turned back around to scowl. “Just… Get some sleep, okay? I mean it.”
“Y'know what? Better yet, get in the car. We’re going to Taco Hut.”
“You can just leave me here, it’s fine. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
There was nowhere to go. They’d impounded his car and they were miles away from anywhere remotely decent.
“You know I can’t do that.“
Stanley huffed and stood, shoving the documents back into their Manila envelopes. He spread them across his lap and across the dashboard, his elbow resting against the window as he propped his chin on his fist. He squinted at the intermittent glare from the passing street lamps, choosing to remain perfectly silent in the passenger’s seat until they reached the drive-thru window.
“Alright, Pines. Whaddyou want?” He shrugged. “Pines.”
Stanley shifted with a small sigh, hunching forward to catch the red haze of light that spilled over the scattered pages from the taillights of the car in front of them.
“You know what? Fine. You’re getting the same order as me. I hope you like extra lettuce.”
Jones woke the next morning to find Stanley in the same spot, still hunched over the scuffed little endtable.
”Pines. Seriously? Did you sleep at all?“
"I got a few winks.” He dismissed the question outright. No. This would not fly.
“No. Get your ass in bed, Pines. You can’t function without sleep. You mind needs to be fresh. Take a break. You can’t stay sharp like that.”
Stanley snorted. “Sharp. Right.” He shrugged off the hand that grabbed his shoulder. “Hey, watch it, will ya? I’m almost onto something!”
“So help me, if you don’t get your ass in that bed—”
With a growl, Stan shoved a greasy-bottomed sack into the motel mini fridge. It looked untouched. Damnit, Pines. That was a fight Jones would have to pick after the man woke up again.
When Stanley finally managed to decode a line of the cipher that had been staring him in the face, he celebrated by tearing into the damp sack he’d shoved in the mini fridge. He let his eyes drop and his shoulders slump as he hastily unwrapped the cold taco. The tortilla was hard and rough and scraped the roof of his mouth as he shoved it behind his teeth, while the bottom of the shell had gotten waterlogged from the fridge and yielded against his tongue. The bland sauce tasted like heaven. He chewed, hastily, with the hopes that he’d finish his quick bite and shove the rest back into the fridge before anyone could see him.
It was just his luck that that damned federal agent had caught him in the act.
“Pines. What’re you doing?”
Fuck. Might as well get a sip of that coke in there. He glared as he stabbed the straw through the plastic lid, taking a quick gulp before shoving it all back in the icebox.
“What the fuck, Pines? That’s old. I bought that two days ago.” The cop leaned over to peer inside. “Is that the chicken sandwich from yesterday? You didn’t eat that either?”
Stanley snorted. “I may be dumb, but I’m not that stupid. You’re not gonna catch me that easy. I know a test when I see one.“
"Pines, food is a basic human right.”
“‘Pines, Food is a basic human right.’” he mimicked, his lip curled upwards into a sneer. “I’m a debt to society. My rights got revoked a while back.” he pushed the door shut with a dull whump. “You of all people should already know that.”
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asoulofstars · 4 years
The title of this is currently TBD, as I’ve yet to think of a witty title. Witty title will probably come from @niceofthenine‘s Artemis saying something fun in teasing Riona & Sawyer later. 
This is Part 1 of my Riona/Sawyer fake married AU that I absolutely fucking adore. This is all pre-crash, we’ll get to on Island stuff starting in Part 2.
           Riona frowned as a bar fight broke out. It was her last night in Sydney, and they’d just finished the conference, and she wanted to celebrate. But when the cops quickly arrived, they all arrested one man, and it was not the man who started it. Riona knew that the FBI had zero sway in Sydney, Australia, but she knew that self-defense was not a reason to get arrested. So, she followed them to the police station, even as the others from her group asked her where she was going.
           “Excuse me!” she called. “I was a witness to my husband’s bar fight!”
           “Husband? Where were you when he was throwing punches?” the officer asked.
           “I was on my way back from the restroom and passed some of my colleagues. I was part of the forensic science conference happening this week. And, I’ll have you know, my husband did not throw the first punch.”
           “Princess, they don’ seem to care,” he drawled. “Jus’ head back to the hotel.”
           “He is staying the night with us, Ma’am. If you would like to leave your hotel number, we will call you when we have decided to release him.” The officer handed her a notepad.
           She put her name and number down, and she frowned. “Is this how self-defense gets handled in Australia? The FBI handles things better than this.”
           “FBI? You’re FBI?” The officer snorted. “Come on, Ford. Let’s move.”
           Riona watched as the officer led the man away, and she sighed. Nothing left to do tonight, so she went back to her hotel. She packed everything up except for what she would need in the morning, and she went to sleep.
           “Mrs. Ford?” The same voice that had dismissed her last night was on the phone. “You can come pick your husband up. He’s leaving the country today, so apologies if you had another ticket.”
           “I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Riona threw the suitcases into the rental, and she headed down to the police station.
           “Are you okay, Cowboy?” she asked, hands going to his face to check for fractures from his fight last night.
           “Yeah, Princess. Jus’ fine.” He flashed her a small smile.
           She blinked at his dimples, and she flushed. His small smile grew into a smirk, and she rolled her eyes.
           “James Ford, don’t come back.” The officer looked at Riona. “Keep him out of trouble.”
           Riona snorted. “Sure,” she replied. “Come on, Cowboy.” She wrapped her arm around his, and she tugged him out the door.
           “Well, you’re quick on your feet,” he said when they were out on the street.
           “You shouldn’t have been arrested for self-defense,” she replied.
           “Apparently the other guy is some prime minister of somethin’. They were not thrilled.” He huffed and waved his hands. “Guess I should get my stuff. Got a flight to catch.”
           “So do I; Oceanic 815. I can drive you.”
           “Since I’m apparently on the same plane, I’ll take you up on that.” He climbed into the passenger seat of her rental.
           Riona drove to his hotel, and she followed him to his room. He threw a couple things into his suitcases, and then he shouldered a bag.
           “Ready to get to the airport, Honey?” he asked with a playful grin, dimples flashing at her again.
           Riona snorted, even as his dimples again threw her off guard enough for her to not respond to his lack of actual packing. “I think I like Princess better.” She walked back to the rental car.
           “Good to know,” he replied.
           Riona couldn’t help but smile. This man was something.
           “What?” he asked.
           “I just don’t understand you. You’re minimalistic; you’re belligerent, but you don’t fight until you have to. You’re…very flirty.” She glanced over at him.
           “Well, you’re very attractive, and you’re the one who said we were married.” He chuckled. “I travel a lot; it’s easier for me to just have everythin’ packed up and ready.” He shrugged.
           “You are…very flattering.” She flushed. “And law enforcement is similar pretty much everywhere. They’re not going to tell a random stranger anything. Wife, on the other hand, they’ll give leeway to.”
           He chuckled. “So, Princess. What’s your name?”
           “Riona Gallagher,” she replied. “I’m going to go ahead and assume that you don’t use your real name, because you didn’t seem thrilled that the officer used it.”
           “I go by Sawyer,” he replied.
           Riona could tell that there was a story in his name situation, but she decided to let it pass.
           “Do you really work for the FBI?” he asked.
           Riona grinned. “Forensic specialist,” she replied. “I’m a lab rat, and even if the FBI had any kind of jurisdiction here in Sydney, if they’d actually responded to the FBI thing, they wouldn’t have given me much more once they found out I wasn’t a real agent.”
           He snorted. “Well, Princess, you’re also just not that intimidating. But I’m sure you do a hell of a good job.”
           She glanced over at him. “I can be very intimidating, thank you very much. You’d be surprised at the amount of times I’ve moved the biggest FBI agents just with my voice.”
           She could hear his grin despite her eyes being focused on the road.
           “Mmm. Good to know.”
           Riona couldn’t help the smug smile in response, and she glanced at him again quickly. She chewed her bottom lip and tilted her head. There was something familiar about him, both in the nagging sense that she knew him from somewhere but also in their ease. She was comfortable with him, and she enjoyed talking to him.
           “What?” he asked.
           “We haven’t met before, have we?” she replied.
           “I think I would remember you, Princess. Why do you ask?” He turned in his seat.
           “This is just too easy. I mean, I like talking to people, but I’m always overthinking something. I don’t feel like that with you.” She shrugged a shoulder at him.
           “I mean, awkward went out the window when our first conversation was in a police station after a bar fight,” he replied.
           She made a small noise of agreement with her throat. “I just feel like I know you from somewhere. But Los Angeles is huge, so maybe it’s just my brain being weird.”
           “You don’ happen to live in Park Wilshire, do you?”
           “I do, actually. 1G.” She made a turn and eyed him as they came up to a stop sign.
           “2F,” he replied. “I’ve only been there for a couple months; I did a month-by-month lease, because I travel a lot.”
           “So you mentioned back at your hotel. What exactly do you do?” she asked.
           “Little bit of everythin’,” he replied. “I like havin’ options. I don’ wanna settle down an’ miss out on opportunities.”
           Riona eyed him out of the corner of her eye, lips pressed together. She knew that was a partial truth at best. “Alright.”
           “What’s that mean?” he asked.
           “It means that there’s definitely more to that story, but just because I will tell someone pretty much my whole life story when we met last night, doesn’t mean that other people will expand upon things, so alright.”
           Therapy helped her in some social interactions. She learned to recognize the cues that meant not to ask for the same amount of information that she might give. She still wasn’t great about her oversharing, but that was a different story.
           Sawyer let out a breath through his nose. “Fair enough. Thanks for that.”
           “You’re welcome,” she replied. “How about a totally innocent question?” she asked.
           “Shoot,” he said.
           “What’s your favorite color?” she asked, grinning at him as she came to another stop sign.
           “Green,” he replied. “Yours is purple, right?” He gestured at her outfit.
           “That’d be correct.”
           “How ‘bout your favorite song?” he asked.
           “Oh, that song that just came out a few weeks ago. Mr. Brightside by The Killers.” Riona’s eyes lit up. “God, I wish that song existed when I was in college. Perfect stage dance song.”
           “Stage dance?” Sawyer asked.
           Riona flushed. “I was a stripper to pay for school. Sometimes I miss it; it was a really fun experience, and it taught me a lot about myself. But those late nights killed me.”
           “Still got those moves, Princess?” He smirked at her.
           “Yes, I do,” she replied. “Not that you need to know that.”
           “Maybe not. But husband-me must be a lucky man.” His dimples were prominent on his face.
           “Maybe he is when wife-me feels like putting on a show.” She shook her head at him. “And we are here!” she exclaimed as the airport came into view.
           “Finally,” he said. “Been here too damn long. I am ready to say sayonara.”
           “It’ll be good to go home,” Riona agreed. “I miss my cat.”
           He snorted. “Your cat?” he asked.
           “My beautiful baby, Freyja. She’s a Norwegian Forest Cat, and I picked her out from the shelter. She’s my best friend.” Riona paused and chewed her lip. “Well, best friend besides Aislinn, but Aislinn lives out in Massachusetts. She has a cottage and a huge garden and a couple horses, and she is pretty much my sister.”
           “Sounds like a good best friend,” he said.
           “The best,” Riona replied. “You have pets or friends?” she asked.
           “You count as a friend, right?” he answered.
           Riona flushed, chewed her lip, and stole a glance at him as she parked. “I mean, yes, but…just me?”
           He gave a vague shrug. “I don’ really do the whole friendship thing. Don’ stay places long enough to make meaningful connections. But…you helped me out, an’ I know you a bit better than I’ve known anyone in a long time, so…yeah. You’re a friend.”
           She didn’t have time to respond as he got out of the car, shouldering his own bag and taking her luggage with ease. She didn’t bother to question him, instead wrapping her arm around his and leaning into him as they walked towards the gate to wait.
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duckfalls · 5 years
Duck Falls Au
Chapter 1: Into the rift!
Story written by @selwolf concept from @jasminechibipup
Dipper and Mabel were hiding. They looked around for the one after them. Hiding back against a thick tree.
"I don't see her.. How about you Dipping sauce?" Mabel asked her brother.
Peeking around the other side of the tree he shook his head.
"Nope. We must have lost her!" Dipper told his twin with a grin.
"Yes!" Mabel squealed, "We're gonna win!"
Dipper rolled his eyes, "Not if you keep yelling Mabs.."
"Oh.. right."  She giggled putting her hands over her mouth.
As they both talked something climbs out of the tree quietly behind them. A smile coming to its face as it crouched behind the twins. Slowly bowing its head to their ears.
"Oh indeed… Mabel.. Dipper.."  the figure chuckled right behind them.
Dipper and Mabel let out loud screams turning to the person, they were loud enough to send birds around them into flight.
Meanwhile at the Mystery Shack.
A black haired woman was teaching an online lecture of forensic science. Ford standing beside her as he helped her with her online lecture. Both blinking when they hear the screams. The woman then snorts some and is soon overcome with laughter.
"Well looks like they were found." The woman laughed and looked to an exasperated Ford.
"Yes it seems so.. though when she finds them why is it this happens?" Ford sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well.. you did teach Rhadaz the art of sneaking up on people." The woman smirked back at him. 
Said woman turned to him fully and takes his hand gently causing him to look to her blushing.
"Why don't you go out and check to make sure she hasn't given the twins a heart attack? I'll be fine with the lesson from here." She said looking up to Ford.
Ford looked into her eyes and smiled leaning down to lightly kiss the hand holding his.
"Of course Hamiko. Though I promise nothing if more yelling is heard." Ford chuckled softly before turning to leave.
"Try to be gentle Ford they all are only kids." She called out after him.
She loved her makeshift family. She really did. The kids having grown dearly on her, after her adoption of Mabel and Dipper, after the accident that took the lives of their birth parents when they were two. Sure she had had her own problems. Being a single mother, trying to get a good job with her best friend at her side. But when she had started her first big job ever at the orphanage. They had become hers. Plus her daughter had taken to them like they were her birth siblings. How could she not take them in.
Plus afterwards she learned they still had one relative one by the assumed name of "Stanford Pines". Though it soon came out he wasn't Stanford but suppose to be dead twin Stanley. It took sometime. But they all soon fell into a routine. But one day.. Ford had come back. Sure he had been a dark brooding man. But he was good with the kids especially the timid and shy Dipper. But not only had he won the twins over. He had won her daughter's heart too. 
Her daughter had been cold towards men. Even Stan was given the cold shoulder for a year before she finally warmed up to him seeing him care for the kids. But Ford had managed it in just a couple weeks. She had found out while she was getting ready to make breakfast when Hamiko had walked into the living room and did a double take seeing the teen sleeping soundly leaning against Ford's shoulder lightly hugging his arm as Ford seemed to have stayed up all night reading.
The dark haired woman sighed a smile gracing her face at the memories and softly shakes her head, "What am I going to do with them all?" 
Chuckling the woman turned back to her computer and continued on with her lecture. Purposely ignoring the class chat about her moment with Ford, and the worried questions about the screams. She would let them draw their own conclusions. It added spice to the class at least. The thought made her smirk with mischief and chuckle some.
Meanwhile Stan was giving a tour while everything was happening. The screams from the kids had startled the customers. He made a big buck off that claiming it was the ghost of some dead kids never seen again in the woods.
"Come back soon! We might even have some ghost kids to show off!" Stan yelled as people looked around fearful and got to their respective cars quickly.
"Ha! If I knew that would make them throw their wallets at me I would have set something like this up sooner!" Stan cheered as he counted all the money he made.
"Stan you better be joking." Another woman came out from the back room wearing a Mystery Shack employee uniform but a puma tail flicking irritatedly behind her, her green cat-like eyes narrowed at him.
"Oh c'mon Fejeus! Did you see their faces! That was priceless..!" Stan laughed loudly.
"Stan that was the kids! What if something actually happened to them!?" The puma tailed woman groaned face palming.
"I'm sure their fine Fej. Rhadaz went out there with them! She wouldn't let anything happen to her 'siblings'." Stan huffed with a light eye roll.
Fejeus narrowed her eyes at him before taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly. Rubbing her head and looks to him again.
"Then you wouldn't mind going to check on them right? I'm busy reorganizing the stock room you've been neglecting for.. oh.. 30 flipping years!" Fejeus hissed at him.
As much as she loved Stan, she was still irritated with his hoarding like tendency with the back rooms with both fake crap, and his knockoff nicknacks. 
Not only that but the young twins were like her kids in some way. When her best friend had come to her a decade ago asking for her help to adopt the young twins she had sadly denied her friend. But after meeting them despite their young age she felt the pull to them. Like they needed her just as much as Hamiko. 
To say she was protective was a bit of an understatement. She knew she was super protective over them and Rhadaz. Stan knew it too. From the way he sighed nodding even confirming it.
"Alright! Alright! I'll go! I'll go..!" He sighed, putting the money away and stands up cracking his back some.
"You know you worry to much Fej.." He sighed again. 
"Yeah.. I know.. but it would just bring me some peace of mind knowing it's just them messing around babe.." Fejeus sighed before hugging Stan who hugged her back tightly.
"I get it babe.. Don't worry I'll be back with the kids in no time!" Stan grinned and kissed Fejeus softly.
Fejeus kissed him back and purred slightly into it.
"Your distracting me.. go and get the kids you goof." She chuckled as she turned and walked away back into the back.
Stan sighed and chuckled softly before heading out and blinks seeing Ford walking to the front door as well.
"So Hami got worried about the squirts too?" He chuckled seeing Ford's face.
"Yes.. it seems I might have taught Rhadaz a bit too much or rather well about being stealthy.." Ford sighed, going outside.
Stan started laughing loudly, "Oh this is priceless! They got scared.. because of Rhadaz sneaking up on them?? Rhadaz the quiet lil dormouse? Miss couldn't hurt a fly?" Stan started laughing more. 
"C'mon bro. You know that she wouldn't do anything to even spook a fly." Stan grinned at Ford, who in turn glared at his brother. This caused Stan to just blink and look to him.
"Geez it was just a joke. I didn't mean it like that. Rhadaz is just the type of kid to kinda just sit back. Thinking she could sneak up on the twins IS funny though." Stan amended.
Ford sighed some and looks up as they walk deeper into the woods.
"That's why I teach her Stan. So she can handle any situation.. She is special to me just like Dipper and Mabel. Plus she asked. I couldn't say no to her after that." Ford explained.
"Yeah yeah… I get it Poindexter." Stan smirked to Ford some gently elbowing his side. To which Ford lightly shoved his brother before laughing and running some ahead.
" Oh now your gonna get it Sixer!" He laughed running after his brother.
Back with the twins.
Mabel was clutching her heart gasping for air, her twin mirroring her. Though they heard laughing and both look to the nineteen year old on the ground laughing hard.
"Oh man you guys should have seen your faces!" The teen cried out between her laughing fits.
Dipper looking to her glared half heartedly speaking up, "Sis really? That was not cool!" 
Mabel nodding her agreeance before looking to the girl.
"Rhadaz how did you even find us!? We were like ninjas when we were hiding!" Mabel cries out.
Rhadaz sits back up snickering and grins looking back to them.
"You both were pretty loud guys it wasn't hard to climb the tree and spook you from behind. Better pay better attention to your surroundings." The older girl advised.
She then stood up stretching and yawning, "Anyway we should head on back. Mom and the others might not have liked those screams you belted out. They may send out a search party after that."
"They wouldn't have to be worried if you hadn't scared us half to death!" Dipper huffed and frowned.
Rhadaz rolled her eyes and smiled a bit moving her hair out of her right eye. Then looks to Mabel and smirks.
Grinning Mabel got close to Dipper. Then yelled glomping him to the forest floor. 
"Tickles!" She yelled tickling Dipper's sides.
"Ah! Haha! N-noha! Mabel! Haha!" Dipper laughed as he and Mabel rolled around on the ground.
Rhadaz laughed some watching them goof around but blinked seeing a small light. Frowning she looked more to it her eyes widening. A rift was starting to open up.
"Mabel! Dipper! We have to head home now!" She said firmly getting the two kids attention.
"Huh?" They managed in unison before a loud rip sound was heard.
Gasping the twins felt like they were being pulled back. Looking back to where the sound occurred their eyes grew wide in fear.
Rhadaz quickly grabbed Mabel's hand yelling, "Mabel grab Dipper now!?"
The young girl with her free hand grabbed Dipper's hand, soon after the pull and wind picked up greatly from the rift as it finally gave way into its full force. Pulling in anything it could.
'Dad didn't say anything about this possibly happening again!' Rhadaz thought frantically keeping a strong hold on the tree she clung to trying to pull both twins to her.
Then it happened her eyes and head snapped up and looking back hearing Dipper's scream of terror. Turning just to see his hand slip from Mabel's and him fly right into the rift.
"NO!!" Both girls screamed in dismay.
Rhadaz shaking looking back and Mabel crying for Dipper as he reaches out for them screaming as he goes through.
Mabel crying looks back to Rhadaz. Rhadaz eyes widening and cries out as Mabel rips her hand out of Rhadaz's and flies back into the portal too.
"I'm coming bro-bro!!" Mabel yelled as she went through the rift.
Rhadaz screamed again. Her heart shattering. No.. no this isn't happening. She felt her world shaking. 
They were gone.. both her younger siblings. Gone. Tears blinding her as she looked back at the rift as a scream of her own came out louder than before. She failed her siblings the ones she was supposed to protect had just been sent to some other dimension! Possibly one filled with man-eating monsters. 
She heard yelling. She turned to the sound seeing both Stan and Ford running forward. Faces full of terror. Had they seen her mistake? Did they see her fail to save her brother and sister. She turned back to the rift. It was starting to close. Now it was just a matter of choice.
Looking back she saw Ford's eyes widening seeing her face. Seeing her make her choice. And then.. she let go.
She let go and actually started running towards the rift full force. She may have failed to protect her younger siblings from this rift. But she would be damned if she wouldn't follow them and protect them wherever they may have ended up.
Ford and Stan's instincts had taken over when they heard the next two rounds of screams. They had started running faster than most would think men in the late 50's to 60's would when they heard the familiar sound of a rift opening. Just like it had taken Mabel the one time the previous year after Weirdmagedon. But they knew that of all the kids were there there would be a bigger problem.
Getting there and seeing Dipper be the first victim of the rift hit both Stan and Ford in the gut hard. Seeing Mabel throw herself into it after her brother they felt their hearts shattering. But seeing Rhadaz look to them with a look of pure determination and pain. To see her turn and run to the closing rift last second. They both screamed out in agony getting there too late.
Huffing and puffing Stan fell to his knees where the portal had been. Ford frozen into a statue like state.
They were gone.. all three of them.. 
"Ford… Ford what the hell are we gonna do..?" Stan croaked out.
Ford still standing there in shock blinks and looks back to Stan. Then to were the rift was and anger burned through him. And he turned starting to walk the long trek back to the shack. Knowing both Hamiko and Fejeus would be angry and heartbroken too. But he knew what he was going to do. He was going to bring back the portal project. He was going to find them. And bring them all home safely.
"We're going to find them Stanley." Ford said his voice broken, tears falling.
"We're going to find them no matter what or when the dimensions. We're going to find them. And we're going to bring them home." Ford said.
'That's a promise. I will not let them see and deal what I had to for 30 years in that hell.' Ford thought to himself as he walked.
Stan got up and looked back to where the rift had been and looked away a few tears falling before he wiped them away and turned following his brother. 
It could take a while. But they were determined to find the kids. No matter what. They would die trying to find them if that's what it would take. And that was the silent promise both elder twins made.
"We will find them" Both Stan and Ford said with firm voices as they headed back to the Shack with heavy lead feeling hearts.
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karmafox142 · 3 years
Acon Digital Deverberate 2.0.2 Download Free
Working direct download link of Acon Digital Restoration Suite with resume support. Download at breakneck speeds for free only from Softpaz - https://www.sof. Acon Digital Verberate Basic 2 is available for both Windows (PC) and macOS (Macintosh). Both 32 and 64 bit versions are available for Windows and the version for macOS is 64 bit. The plug-in formats VST, VST3, AAX Native / AudioSuite and Audio Units (macOS only) are supported. Acon Digital Verberate Basic 2 supports mono and stereo audio formats.
Acon Digital Deverberate 2.0.2 Download Free Download
Acon Digital Deverberate 2.0.2 Download Free Windows 10
The new DeVerberate 2 — now with Early Reflections Filter
Acon Digital have just released DeVerberate, a brand new plug in that can dynamically adjust the reverb present in your recorded audio. FREE download!!! Steinberg,Waves,Native Instruments and more. AKAI / GIGA / Audio Samples almost for FREE!!!FREE download!!! Steinberg,Waves,Native Instruments and more. AKAI / GIGA / Audio.
DeVerberate is a reverb reduction plug-in that can attenuate or boost the reverberation that is already present in recorded material. The novel real-time algorithm works equally well with mono as with stereo recordings and splits the incoming audio into an estimation of the direct sound and the reverberated sound which can then be recombined freely. The improvement process can be monitored visually using the spectral representations of the input and output signal as well as of the estimated reverberation.
DeVerberate 2 introduces a new and unique Early Reflections Filter that works in conjunction with the late reverb suppression found in version 1. The Early Reflections Filter uses sophisticated statistical methods to estimate the so called impulse response of the early reflections. The impulse response is then utilized to calculate an inverse filter that cancels out the effect of the early reflections.
Use Cases
Improve dialog and location sound
Forensic specialists can improve speech intelligibility
Attenuate reverberation in existing recordings
Boost the natural reverberation in existing recordings
Change the perceived distance in a mix by changing the balance between the direct sound and the reverberation
Acon Digital DeVerberate is available for both Windows (PC) and OS X (Macintosh). There are 32 and 64 bit versions for Windows and the Mac version is 64 bit. The plug-in formats VST, VST3, AAX and Audio Units (OS X only) are supported.
DeVerberate 2.0.7 Win32 | Multilingual | Demo & full version
DeVerberate 2.0.7 Win64 | Multilingual | Demo & full version
DeVerberate 2.0.7 OS X | Multilingual | Demo & full version
Purchase Links
Full Version
$99.90 USD
$49.90 USD | From DeVerberate 1.x
Press Reviews
I regard DeVerberate 2 as a real audio life saver and one that I keep close to hand. Australian Videocamera – June 2019
I just tried DeVerberate on a line and I must say I am VERY impressed. Harrison Meyle, Warner Bros
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A quick introduction to the new early reflections filter in Acon Digital DeVerberate 2. Tutorial on DeVerberate 2 in Adobe Audition kindly provided by Andrew Ford at Photofocus Dr. David Smith from Australian Video Camera Magazine reviews our DeVerberate plug-in. Glowing DeVerberate review by Perry Lawrence.
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The Acon Digital DeVerberate 2 plug-in editor with activated emphasis filter.
DeVerberate 2 in early reflections learning mode. The estimated impulse response is visualized in the graph.
New early reflections filter
Improved automatic reverb time estimation
VST3 support
EUCON and full Pro Tools HW controller support
Platforms and Plugin Formats
Available as VST, VST3 or AAX plug-in on PC (Windows)
Available as VST, VST3, AAX or AU plug-in on Apple Macintosh (OSX)
Native 32 bit and 64 bit versions are available
Supports sampling rates up to 96 kHz
Acon Digital DeVerberate
Separate adjustments of the direct sound and the reverberation levels
Manual adjustment of the decay time of the original reverberation
Early reflections filter
Frequency spectrum representation of the of the following signals:
Input signal
Output signal
Estimated reverberation
Frequency emphasis filter for the the reduction level
High and low shelving filters with variable slopes (-3 to -96 dB / octave)
High and low peak filters with adjustable bandwidth (0.1 to 3.0 octaves)
Graphical representation of frequency response
Editing of filter settings through handles in the frequency response curve
EUCON and full Pro Tools HW controller support
PC Version (Windows)
Windows 10 / 8 / 7
Intel Core i3 or AMD multi-core processor (Intel Core i5 or faster recommended)
1366 x 768 display resolution (1920 x 1080 or higher recommended)
1 GB RAM (4 GB or more recommended)
1 GB free HD space
A host application that is compatible with (32 bit or 64 bit) VST , VST3 or AAX (Pro Tools 10.3.5 or higher)
Macintosh Version (macOS)
macOS / OS X 10.8 or later
1 GB RAM (4 GB or more recommended)
1 GB free HD space
A host application that is compatible with (64 bit) AU, VST, VST3 or AAX (Pro Tools 11 or higher)
Acon Digital Equalize 2.0.29 | 12.5 Mb Acon Digital Equalize is a parametric equalizer plug-in that combines unique features with excellent workflow and an intuitive user interface. Unlike other equalizers, you can freely adjust not only center frequency, gain and bandwidths, but also the filter slope for each band. The filter slope can be set anywhere from 3 dB to ultra-sharp 120 dB per octave.
Needless to say, you can operate Equalize as a zero latency plug-in when using the minimum phase mode or choose to preserve the phase relationships in the linear phase mode. Equalize goes one step further, though, and introduces the unique mixed phase mode that allows you to set the latency freely in the range 5 to 120 milliseconds while preserving the phase relationships as far as possible. That gives a unique control over potential pre-ringing artifacts which is a common problem with linear phase filtering. Latency values below 20 milliseconds ensure that any pre-ringing is masked by the temporal masking of the human hearing while preserving the time-alignment across the audible frequency range.
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Great care has been taken to provide a user interface that is straight forward to use. Band parameters can be adjusted using handles directly in the graphical representation of the frequency response, including bandwidths and filter slopes. A flexible real-time analyzer lets you monitor every aspect of the processing. You can easily switch between full, mid, side, left or right channel processing for each band and Equalize automatically routes the audio signal internally to ensure the best results and lowest possible latency.
Acon Digital Deverberate 2.0.2 Download Free Download
Highlights Eight different band filter types - low cut, low shelf, peak, tilt, bandpass, notch, high shelf and high cut Up to twelve independent bands Freely adjustable gain, frequency, bandwidth, resonance and filter slope Three different phase modes, including the novel mixed phase mode with adjustable latency Choose channel mode for each band independently (mid, side, left, right or full processing)
Platforms and Plug-in Formats Available as VST, VST3 or AAX plug-ins on PC (Windows) Available as VST, VST3, AAX or AU plug-ins on Apple Macintosh (OS X) Native 32 bit or 64 bit versions of all plug-ins are available Supports sampling rates up to 96 kHz Supports multi-channel formats such as 5.1 and 7.1 surround
Acon Digital Equalize Up to twelve equalizer bands Eight different band filter types (low cut, low shelf, peak, tilt, bandpass, notch, high shelf and high cut) Band frequency, gain, bandwidth, resonance and filter slope is freely adjustable for each band Three different filter modes, minimum phase, linear phase or the novel mixed phase Adjustable latency and pre-ringing time in mixed phase mode Zero latency in minimum phase mode Channel mode (mid, side, left, right or full processing) can be set independently for each band Multiple selection of bands Resizable graphical user interface Solo and bypass modes Optional automatic make-up gain Optional gain to bandwidth linking Two spectrum analyzers that can analyze the input or output signal from the mid, side, left or right channel Graphical visualization of the equalizer frequency response Preset manager and a large number of factory presets Save, load and categorize user presets
Acon Digital Deverberate 2.0.2 Download Free Windows 10
System requirements: A Pentium IV or higher Minimum 256 MB RAM (1 GB recommended) Windows 10, 8 or 7 A host application that is compatible with VST, VST3 or AAX (Pro Tools 10.3.5 or higher)
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marypsue · 7 years
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Nonny, I don’t have thoughts.
...I have an entire AU.
(Here’s a link to Hive, in case you haven’t already read it and don’t know what the fuss is about)
Dipper and Mabel leave without a fuss at the end of the summer. It’s best for everyone, this way. Fewer questions.
Each of the twins have been ‘the weird one’, at one point or another. They haven’t yet both been ‘the weird one’. There are whispers about flowers in the attic, about birth defects, about demons. At least they have each other, but the distance between Piedmont and Gravity Falls is excruciating, and grows more so by the day.
The forensic report, afterwards, says that the fire was started by a filmy scarf that Mabel had carelessly left draped over a lamp too long, too close to the bulb. Only the bones of the house remain, scorched black and warped with heat. Only the bones of the Pines parents remain, scorched black and fragile with ash. Nobody’s fault. 
The children’s great-uncles are already waiting at the hospital when the ambulance arrives. 
Gravity Falls is home, and family, and heart, and everything else that anyone could ever want, a perfect little sanctuary tucked away in the hollow of a valley in the middle of nowhere. 
Mabel is content there. Dipper is not. 
It’s - difficult - to want something for yourself, when you’re part of something so cohesive, something that is so good and warm and right. But Dipper’s very expensive camera equipment is gathering dust, and the anomalies of Gravity Falls still haven’t returned, and - somewhere, very deeply buried, he and Stan both remember Mabel’s carelessly-tossed scarf.
In the end, Stan takes Dipper’s side, and Dipper takes his first Bigfoot-hunting trip.
It’s only a day trip, a little ways down the coast. He can’t imagine being away any longer, any farther, not now. Not yet. But - it’s exhilarating. Like a salt sea wind to the inside of the head.
The world doesn’t have to be bound by the town limits of Gravity Falls. 
While Dipper’s becoming the darling of the online cryptid-hunting community, Mabel’s building a sweater empire. She’s manning (womanning?) her booth at the Bend farmers’ market when she meets Henry. 
Henry is six feet seven inches of gangly, freckled, bespectacled redhead, and Mabel looks up into his hazel eyes and has to have him. Not like she had to have the Princess Cornicorn playset for Christmas when she was eight years old. More like she had to have her brother when he was only halfway assimilated and there was a hollow spot in the middle of her and she needed she needed she needs -
It’s a year before she tells Henry what her family, her town is. Before she gives him the choice.
He chooses to stay, of course. By now he’s already practically one of them.
(Mabel doesn’t turn him. Not yet. But it’s not as though he’s leaving, not now. It’s not as though he has anything else left.)
Memory is a tricky thing.
Removing memories is an even trickier thing. And, while it’s possible to explain the existence of physical evidence left behind when the memories are erased, it makes it much harder to keep the dam from breaking.
Agents Powers and Trigger return to Washington uncertain of what they were doing in Gravity Falls in the first place. What they find in Washington only leads to more confusion. They were investigating Gravity Falls, but why? What was there that warranted so much surveillance? So much intrigue? 
They’re the laughingstock of the FBI. They’re pulled up before their superiors more than once for pursuing a will-o’-the-wisp. Chasing down an x-file. Following a hunch.
But there’s something in Gravity Falls. And eventually, the agents make their way back to the source.
The longer and the farther Dipper stays away, the more his mind feels like his own.
He’s a fixture at conventions. He joins other hunters’ videos and drops in on podcasts. He’s always chasing myths and monsters across countries, continents. So long as he always returns to Gravity Falls, nothing stops him. 
Her name is Mikaela, Kay for short. Her focus is ghost hunting. She and Dipper have run into each other at four of the five last conventions he’s been to. He’s sat in some of her panels. She’s insightful and brilliant and funny. 
The thing in the back of his head snaps and snarls, but the convention’s in Maine and Dipper, emboldened by the distance and the head-rush of defiance, asks her if she wants to get drinks. 
Mabel doesn’t assimilate Henry.
And doesn’t assimilate Henry.
And doesn’t assimilate Henry.
Sure, he asked her not to. Sure, his entire life is basically within Gravity Falls now anyway. But - Mabel wants him. She wants, and yet, it feels like...like she’s waiting for something. Like Christmas morning. Like the spotlight to come up.
It’s exhilarating when they both propose (on the same day, through an honestly hilarious twist of fate), it’s brilliant, it’s wonderful, it’s everything...except, it’s not time yet. Dipper comes back for the wedding and everyone is home and even Grunkle Stan seems happy, genuinely happy and not just background happy, when Henry leans down and kisses Mabel, and if ever there was a perfect dramatic moment to give him a lungful of spores it would be this one, but...she doesn’t. Even she isn’t sure why.
And then, there comes a day when one, two, three little brand new sparks tug briefly at the back of her mind, and Mabel realises, oh. That’s why.
They’re in Japan, and it’s the middle of the night, and they’re flying out at an ungodly hour of the morning, but Dipper wakes up and knows that this is it. This is going to be his one chance.
He leans across the bed and shakes Kay awake, grips her by the shoulders like he can embed what he knows into her flesh. The basement. Mabel’s scarf. The sickening, sweet, slow tug of contentment.
“Whatever happens,” Dipper demands, giving Kay another shake. Her eyes are wide, frightened, and he thinks good. She ought to be afraid. Of this, of him. “Don’t - don’t let me convince you to join.”
“What?” Kay asks, and Dipper shakes his head. It’s already creeping back up on him, driving its hooks into his consciousness. There’s nowhere on this planet far enough away to be free. 
“I’m going to try to tell you I’m happy. That we’re all happier, better, that you’d be happier and better too. Don’t listen to me. Whatever you do, don’t listen -”
When Dipper wakes up, Kay starts. She’s up, a toothbrush sticking out of her mouth as she throws the rest of her toiletries back into her suitcase.
“Hey,” Dipper says. “Was I talking in my sleep last night?” 
Stan hasn’t been himself, since.
Strictly speaking, none of them have been quite themselves, since strictly speaking none of them are separate individuals any longer. But Stan - Ford thinks he took it hard. Possibly because of his age. Possibly because he fought. 
A lot of things, Ford thinks, would be better if Stan hadn’t fought. 
But he had, and now the damage is done, and Stan’s...not unhappy. The hive supports him, of course, provides a hammock of love and joy and positivity even when Stan’s own inclination is towards a low. There’s something melancholy in him, something Ford almost wishes he’d recognised when they were still children. Perhaps then things would have turned out differently.
Perhaps not.
But whatever the melancholy, it seems to have been the thing that gave Stan his edge. He doesn’t joke, as much, anymore. Doesn’t laugh like he used to. Of course he’s content, no one could be part of something as wonderful as their hive and be unhappy, but - every so often Ford can’t help a traitor thought that Stan could be happier. 
So perhaps he has encouraged Stan’s tendency towards solitude. The taxidermy in the shed, the lone hunting trips - it’s all right, now. Stan’s one of them, part of them. Giving him his space won’t do any further harm. 
It’s only when Stan’s thoughts explode with fear and pain all over the inside of Ford’s head that Ford realises how wrong he was.
The site is an abandoned mental hospital, shut down due to flooding in the lower levels. Kay’s got a new EMF ‘ghost box’ apparatus that’s supposed to let spirits speak in real-time using electromagnetic frequencies that she’s been dying to test out. Dipper’s behind the camera for once.
The first floor is uneventful. There isn’t much by way of activity, and Kay seems disappointed. The second floor, though, is full of cold spots and eerie feelings, sudden inexplicable anxiety and overwhelming sadness. 
Kay’s in the middle of excitedly telling the viewers why these emotions might be transferred from spiritual residue when Dipper hears it. A bang, away down the closed-off hall to their right. He can’t help himself, he whips the camera away from Kay’s face to look through the window, and could swear he sees a flash of light through the dingy window set into the metal double doors.
“Did you see that?” he demands, pointing at the hall. Kay’s there in an instant, turning to mug surprise and excitement at the camera as she pushes open the doors and steps through.
And then she’s gone.
The forensic report, afterwards, notes that the damp from the flooded basement had caused the entire east wing to rot out from the inside. The first and second floors had both collapsed long before Mikaela ever set foot within its doors. She fell three stories.
Dipper stops going to conventions, after that.
The two government agents have cornered Stan, on a lone hunt. One of them’s shot him, while his mouth was open. One petal of flesh dangles limp, teeth chattering, from the bottom of his face. 
Mabel pulls him back, into the crowd, out of harm’s way as the townsfolk press in. The younger of the two government agents is still waving his pistol around, like it’ll do anything, naked fear in his eyes. The older of the two has his back against a tree and the look of a man condemned to death.
“Stay back, all of you!” the younger agent yells, pointing his pistol in Ford’s general direction. Ford wonders if he’s the one who shot Stanley. “I’m warning, you, I’m - I -”
The hive closes like a fist.
“Congratulations!” the nurse at the hospital in Bend says, looking from Henry to Mabel. Her smile falters slightly at the sight of Mabel’s eyes, but she recovers impressively, tucking a baby into each of Mabel’s arms and one into Henry’s. “You’ve delivered three healthy, happy infants.” She looks at Mabel a bit oddly, again, as she adds, “They’re certainly the happiest, calmest infants I’ve seen in a long time.”
Mabel beams at the nurse. The nurse gives her a strained smile, and pats her knee through the hospital blanket. “Anything I can get you...dear...before I go?”
“No,” Mabel says, looking down at the little bundles in her arms. “Thank you!”
Three healthy, happy babies, she thinks, rocking the girls gently in her arms while Henry stares with astonished wonder down at his son. Three healthy, happy little queens-to-be.
Very soon, the Gravity Falls hive will no longer be alone.
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fereality-indy · 7 years
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Those who follow my Gravity Heroes AU know that the team have refurbished The Bunker (under the care of Ford & McGucket) and are using it as their HQ. Here is a basic schematic of the base (this is why I wished my laptop could run a CAD program). Currently the entire team (including support members) could live in the base if needed. The current list of rooms are as follows: 1 Hidden Stairwell - The staircase that was seen in the episode “Into The Bunker” 2 Storage Room - The first room seen in the episode “Into The Bunker” 3 Hidden Passage - The trap passage way seen in the episode “Into The Bunker”, currently deactivated 4 Control Room - Former Control room for the Cryogenics Capsules. 5 Main Hall - Former location of the Cryogenic Capsules, currently the main meeting hall. 6 Cryogenics Room - New location of the Cryogenic Capsules, currently there are 40 capsules. Current prisoners include the Shapeshifter, a Kitsune, and a Siren. 7 Delphi's Computer Room - Custom built CPU, total immersion set up, playfully called Delphi's Temple 8 Living/Recreation Room 9 Tambry/Delphi's Bedroom 10 Alexa's Bedroom 11 Tsunami's Bedroom 12 Stan's Bedroom 13 Ford's Bedroom 14 Fiddleford's Bedroom 15 Dining Room 16 Kitchen 17 Thompson's Bedroom 18 Lee's Bedroom 19 Nate/Vaccine's Bedroom 20 Francis/Flux's Bedroom 21 Tony/Freerunner's Bedroom 22 Laundry 23 Grenda's Bedroom 24 Candy/Schematic's Bedroom 25 CHARGER Unit Laboratory 26 Pacifica/Charger's Bedroom 27 Mabel/Glamur's Bedroom 28 Dipper/Shifter's Bedroom 29 Wendy/Will O's Bedroom 30 Shifter's Study/Library 31 Combat Training Room 32 Training Control Room 33 Schematic's Laboratory 34 James/Yami's Bedroom 35 Soos & Melody's Bedroom 36 Testosteraur's Bedroom 37 Waddles Pen 38 Adam's Bedroom 39 Wildbill's Bedroom 40 Guest Bedroom 41 Guest Bedroom 42 Guest Bedroom 43 Guest Bedroom 44 Guest Bedroom 45 Guest Bedroom 46 Guest Bedroom 47 Guest Bedroom 48 Guest Bedroom 49 Guest Bedroom 50 Guest Bedroom 51 Natatorium 52 Woman’s Shower/Locker Room 53 Men's Shower/Locker Room 54 Pool 55 Wave Pool 56 Hot Tub 57 Gymnasium - Track, multiple weight machines, leg press machines, free weights, treadmills, exercise bikes, 58 Hydroponic/Green House Farm 59 Medical Wing 60 X-Ray/Radiology 61 MRI 62 Emergency Care Room 63 Operating Room 1 64 Operating Room 2 65 Recovery Room 66 Recovery Room 67 Recovery Room 68 Recovery Room 69 Arcade Room 70 Trophy Room 71 Gym Men's Showers 72 Gym Woman's Showers 73 Men's Sauna 74 Woman's Sauna 75 Forensics Laboratory 76 Ford's Laboratory 77 Fiddleford's Laboratory 78 General Laboratory 79 Generator Room 80 Office 81 Main Armory - Contains a majority the equipment used by the Gravity Heroes 82 Quick Access Armories - Contains a set of each Gravity Heroes members preferred weapons plus 6 stun ray guns.
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businessweekme · 7 years
Middle East’s Best Students Choose American University of Sharjah’s School of Business Administration
The School of Business Administration (SBA) at American University of Sharjah (AUS) continues to be the first choice for many of the region’s best students, attracted to its track record for producing some of the Middle East’s most in-demand graduates.
The employability statistics of the School are impressive, with many students securing employment with leading regional and global organizations before graduation. Students from this year’s graduating classes have been engaged by Standard Chartered Bank, Ernst and Young, and Proctor and Gamble, among others. Many of these job opportunities resulted from internships that all SBA students are mandated to complete during their junior or senior year. Previous SBA students have also shown great success in starting their own businesses, with the School boasting successful entrepreneurs such as Iba Masood, cofounder of TARA, an intelligent product builder that manages software builds from start to finish a clientele that includes Cisco, Ford and Orange, in its alumni.
Dean of the School, Dr Jörg Bley believes that it is the focus of SBA on providing real-world skills in tandem with academic excellence that gives graduates such a strong reputation among employers. He says:
“In addition to providing students with a solid theoretical foundation and the cutting-edge knowledge in students’ chosen business disciplines, SBA focuses on developing the skill set graduates need to successfully compete in today’s challenging economic environment, specifically the ability to think critically, solve problems creatively, and communicate effectively as well as work in and lead teams.”
SBA students are given plenty of opportunity to practice their new-found knowledge and skills, with the School boasting some of the most impressive on-campus facilities in the Middle East. A fully equipped Interactive Trading Floor (ITF) was opened in 2016, the first of its kind in the MENA region, providing SBA students with global access to financial markets and economic information through live data feeds, industry software and analytical tools via the Floor’s 24 Bloomberg terminals. The facility duplicates a trading floor found in a typical investment firm on Wall Street or the Dubai International Financial Centre and provides students with invaluable practical experience for their future careers in a range of business disciplines such as accounting, investment banking, economics, and statistics.
SBA offers a number of highly sought-after undergraduate and graduate programs. Undergraduate degrees include Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Majors in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing.
At a graduate level, SBA offers a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with concentrations in Finance and Human Resource Management and a Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) with specializations in Auditing, Taxation, and Forensic Accounting. MSA graduates meet the 150-semester hour education requirement to take the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination.
SBA is AACSB accredited and affiliated with the Chartesred Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), and a member of the SAP University Alliances Program. More information about the School and its programs can be found at: https://www.aus.edu/sba
The post Middle East’s Best Students Choose American University of Sharjah’s School of Business Administration appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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edenplantation · 8 years
npc post
1118,female,Arabic,Ms.,Alia,T,Ghannam,"Höhenweg 128",Hegi,,,9315,CH,Switzerland,[email protected],Prooped,xaet4Yoosi4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/600.5.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.5 Safari/600.5.17","071 325 92 22",41,Touma,7/30/1957,59,Leo,Visa,4716146492476443,624,11/2020,,"1Z 763 F41 45 4410 413 0",6847206330,42057122,Blue,"Derrick operator","Access Asia","1992 Mitsubishi Sigma",BankingBets.ch,O+,121.9,55.4,"5' 2""",157,558ced3a-3576-4100-a58a-ac0f241632da,47.616143,9.365718 1119,female,French,Ms.,Daisi,A,Chesnay,"Waßmannsdorfer Chaussee 3","Hamburg Altona-Altstadt",HH,Hamburg,22769,DE,Germany,[email protected],Runt1939,ee0eitie2iiT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8","040 36 55 76",49,Daoust,11/19/1939,77,Scorpio,MasterCard,5179561641876268,209,9/2020,,"1Z 888 A12 07 1105 389 4",1886298004,37005793,Green,"Purchasing director","Disc Jockey","2007 Nissan Almera",BaseballBracket.de,A+,196.5,89.3,"5' 6""",167,8f76358f-fcf5-4c54-a8c5-2541937f319d,53.557697,9.900775 1120,male,Thai,Mr.,ซู,ด,ยมมูล,"4 rue du Paillle en queue","LES ULIS",IL,Île-de-France,91940,FR,France,,Aved1978,Foh1waezaeng,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36",,33,เกตุทัต,1/13/1978,39,Capricorn,Visa,4916230613117561,663,9/2019,"1780175307614 09","1Z F31 E55 14 4713 292 9",0157683915,30269033,Blue,"Cruise ship worker","Realty Zone","1998 Lancia Kappa",StrictlyCards.fr,B+,220.0,100.0,"6' 0""",183,164980d5-58a0-4c8e-bc96-11f3170463e5,48.573937,2.206008 1121,female,"Japanese (Anglicized)",Mrs.,Masako,T,Moki,"Rua Caldeirão 105",Traz-os-Matos,LE,Leiria,3100-923,PT,Portugal,[email protected],Frim1988,ohMahcae0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","21 244 578 0531",351,Sugimoto,12/13/1988,28,Sagittarius,Visa,4929843438544499,363,10/2020,,"1Z 267 4E2 15 9647 551 6",8681378834,78556505,Blue,"Mechanical engineer","Endicott Johnson","2015 Cadillac ATS Coupe",MfgBlog.com.pt,A+,200.6,91.2,"5' 2""",157,9167ef84-e97b-4129-9893-1d073b4c68e1,39.952711,-8.486994 1122,male,Norwegian,Mr.,Håkon,E,Grimsrud,"169 Beach Road",Nicosia,NI,Nicosia,1455,CY,"Cyprus (Anglicized)",[email protected],Wasseen,Aephaushei0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8","96 865197",357,Lorentzen,11/13/1940,76,Scorpio,Visa,4916462183755377,711,1/2019,,"1Z 993 202 24 5850 508 2",9904767917,95819188,Black,"Rooms manager","Olson Electronics","1997 Volkswagen Quantum",YouExit.com.cy,O+,206.1,93.7,"5' 7""",169,4f5c3279-d843-4d13-b499-f8e38a026ab9,41.347787,-72.871948 1123,male,Vietnamese,Dr.,Đàm,T,Lạc,"Eybnerstrasse 70",RAGLITZ,NO,"Lower Austria",2732,AT,Austria,[email protected],Whinford,iewieD7Dai,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0","0660 264 27 37",43,Vũ,6/17/1968,48,Gemini,Visa,4485637249182440,429,1/2018,,"1Z 5A7 3V5 11 4451 301 7",7594867497,74295541,Green,"Surgical nurse",Playworld,"1994 Fiat Punto",CouchExchange.at,O+,196.7,89.4,"6' 1""",186,17f720d5-7a74-4a79-befa-125744b8066a,47.846734,16.112613 1124,male,French,Mr.,Éric,A,Lamarre,"Langestraat 291",Kaaskerke,VWV,"West Flanders",8600,BE,Belgium,[email protected],Witle1952,thie9eexie9Iu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","0493 22 22 53",32,Melanson,2/17/1952,65,Aquarius,MasterCard,5433513543049785,304,8/2021,,"1Z 503 290 58 5722 354 5",3844022718,32197333,Blue,"Flight service specialist","Tape World","2009 Hyundai i30",OnDemandMap.be,B+,185.0,84.1,"5' 9""",175,edbeacec-a116-4065-b673-a2a0130c7bd2,51.155942,2.990424 1125,female,Russian,Ms.,Iraida,O,Yudina,"48 Blyth Street",KARAMA,NT,"Northern Territory",0812,AU,Australia,[email protected],Sciah1992,ahchahlei9H,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0","(08) 8978 3270",61,,11/29/1992,24,Sagittarius,MasterCard,5521830566097688,919,8/2019,,"1Z 013 447 84 6469 392 3",0571094634,25559127,Blue,Technician,"Robinson Furniture","1999 Daihatsu SP-4",HardcoreFan.com.au,O+,201.5,91.6,"5' 2""",157,665eecdf-ee32-4a9e-afd8-cd5c729ab88f,-12.479344,130.83017 1126,male,Scottish,Mr.,Dexter,S,Sutherland,"Hariduse 87",Juula,RA,Raplamaa,79540,EE,Estonia,[email protected],Liviss,oaBo7ewour6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0","486 7603",372,Ritchie,3/19/1936,80,Pisces,MasterCard,5492432197536732,910,9/2019,,"1Z 90Y 033 15 6969 428 5",2572902110,83246428,Blue,Jailer,"Cuppy's Coffee","2002 Nissan Laurel",CellDistributor.com.ee,O+,219.1,99.6,"5' 4""",163,a5573450-da77-4a49-bd4a-901cf5e76598,59.027216,24.820401 1127,female,Slovenian,Mrs.,"Marija Antonija",G,Čigon,"Merkigerði 97",Laugarvatn,,,840,IS,Iceland,[email protected],Heyerinty,quohsa3pha9J,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.73 Safari/537.36 OPR/34.0.2036.25","426 9889",354,Kostadinovska,5/29/1993,23,Gemini,Visa,4556289559172886,930,1/2020,,"1Z E85 797 94 2488 593 7",1302499673,19035873,Blue,Anthropologist,"Gold Medal","1998 Nissan Cefiro",InsuranceZap.is,B+,177.5,80.7,"5' 3""",160,0cd685ab-e380-4910-bf97-3dbf5cb697c6,64.262068,-20.674629 1128,male,Japanese,Mr.,涼,陽,水島,"Norrbyvägen 29",MYNÄMÄKI,VS,Varsinais-Suomi,23100,FI,Finland,[email protected],Ouncoung,xoj6euS8ae,"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_2_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.79 Mobile/14D27 Safari/602.1","041 204 5210",358,鷹箸,5/2/1996,20,Taurus,MasterCard,5595601039210302,660,1/2020,020596-207S,"1Z 485 329 27 9443 490 4",8825052166,99690106,Blue,Surveyor,"Handy Dan","1992 Daihatsu Feroza",FraternityPhotos.fi,A+,200.2,91.0,"5' 9""",176,f1579607-e51d-450f-acd1-6d62e7c5147c,60.604356,21.96231 1129,female,Italian,Ms.,Lilla,S,Folliero,"Rasmus Sandviks vei 158",DRAMMEN,,,3038,NO,Norway,[email protected],Allagarl,ahz3Yi7ch,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","918 97 273",47,Udinese,6/6/1993,23,Gemini,Visa,4929263424220824,025,8/2022,,"1Z F92 064 06 2210 195 8",1751109128,09990706,Green,"Forensic nurse","Red Owl","1994 Ford Windstar",DotOffers.no,A+,203.9,92.7,"5' 8""",172,e25d80c1-0f13-44f8-9ffe-e5b0ad69483c,59.730031,10.286036 1130,female,"Russian (Cyrillic)",Mrs.,Галина,М,Логинова,"Van Hogendorpstraat 173",Amsterdam,NH,Noord-Holland,"1051 CA",NL,Netherlands,[email protected],Drusectur,Ieghii8oiC1,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0",06-10091034,31,,12/2/1932,84,Sagittarius,Visa,4539300501762377,144,4/2020,,"1Z 859 250 20 3606 225 4",7436836855,51187319,Blue,"Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agent","Crazy Eddie","2008 Renault Espace",QuietOptions.nl,O+,156.9,71.3,"5' 5""",165,3d63862b-c727-4a2d-8405-ddcef19426f6,52.285791,4.883364 1131,male,Norwegian,Mr.,Jørgen,A,Eriksen,"495 North Street",Newcastle,KN,KwaZulu-Natal,2954,ZA,"South Africa",[email protected],Youshe,ohFievae5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","082 900 3479",27,Blom,7/29/1993,23,Leo,MasterCard,5213665582437465,602,7/2020,9307296664089,"1Z V15 243 66 1653 401 0",1988285039,64429972,Blue,"Bonus clerk","A+ Electronics","2008 Kia Spectra",GolfProdigies.co.za,O+,204.4,92.9,"5' 8""",173,8eb858b3-6da6-4cd1-afd9-69eda81871a7,-27.681672,29.899668 1132,female,England/Wales,Ms.,Harriet,R,Gregory,"Rua Mauritânia 1156","Itapecerica da Serra",SP,"São Paulo",06871-320,BR,Brazil,[email protected],Chereappleas,Aitaehee4,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","(11) 7844-3040",55,Kent,7/23/1974,42,Leo,MasterCard,5452112187909903,600,3/2022,870.992.764-68,"1Z 723 637 24 3863 990 3",0696365581,99645576,Green,"Municipal court judge","Forest City","2014 Lincoln MKX",PaylessMortgages.com.br,O+,222.0,100.9,"5' 4""",162,b232edbb-0513-4a12-a8c9-67a323d03b1a,-23.76068,-46.902613 1133,female,German,Ms.,Maria,S,Eichmann,"Slåenhaven 19","Viby J",MI,"Region Midtjylland",8260,DK,Denmark,[email protected],Caushe,OhV8ga4Nei,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36",22-15-60-99,45,Keller,11/22/1978,38,Sagittarius,Visa,4539219370445676,333,2/2018,221178-2830,"1Z 589 451 10 6206 088 0",9234521952,77810502,Orange,"Safety engineer",MagnaSolution,"1993 Citroen AX",NicFest.dk,B+,128.9,58.6,"5' 7""",170,6dc0803a-aed1-4253-b965-14b34d123a70,56.130841,10.239543 1134,female,Arabic,Mrs.,Raha,S,Hakimi,"Postbox 107","Constable Pynt",SM,Sermersooq,3985,GL,Greenland,[email protected],Noteduckers,IeSoK7poogee,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","31 41 65",299,Seif,8/10/1994,22,Leo,MasterCard,5493504005144112,764,11/2021,,"1Z 929 F51 71 5492 698 8",5050519318,31027288,Purple,Greenskeeper,"Chief Auto Parts","1999 Ford 021 C",ParkingPromos.gl,O+,185.5,84.3,"5' 6""",167,f7b3817a-9ec0-4b78-8ece-4d745d5c7088,70.832218,-22.742989 1135,female,Japanese,Ms.,美咲,茂,石田,"Copacabana 2148",Montevideo,MO,Montevideo,12600,UY,Uruguay,[email protected],Hipay1962,Yienieroe0ai,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","9446 5850",598,置田,7/31/1962,54,Leo,MasterCard,5253181548021550,748,4/2022,,"1Z 54W V88 03 8358 155 6",2426957297,39611676,Green,Trader,Isaly's,"2011 Chevrolet Traverse",GotMaterials.uy,O+,160.6,73.0,"5' 7""",170,dd98cb8d-e7f7-44d9-a8c6-c7c104066941,-34.946537,-56.17542 1136,female,Vietnamese,Mrs.,Chinh,T,Vũ,"Hollander Strasse 82",Oberneisen,RP,Rheinland-Pfalz,65558,DE,Germany,[email protected],Huntudigh,Ohp8diehaex,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8","06430 91 08 13",49,Đặng,8/31/1975,41,Virgo,MasterCard,5332829188980254,890,2/2020,,"1Z V61 W95 21 6984 812 5",0729363327,38343579,Yellow,Boilermaker,Cavages,"2004 Avanti Sport Convertible",ARMExperts.de,B+,217.6,98.9,"5' 5""",166,1b7c1658-8137-44a1-9174-0dc112b62b01,50.428261,7.998822 1137,male,Dutch,Mr.,Ronin,L,"van Honk","44 rue La Boétie",PARIS,IL,Île-de-France,75017,FR,France,[email protected],Belince,ieChei0s,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8",,33,Koerts,6/9/1966,50,Gemini,MasterCard,5412398836934611,958,6/2021,"1660698487015 08","1Z 3Y2 134 10 2336 346 6",5751186930,79864576,Blue,"Computer scientist","Huffman and Boyle","2003 Infiniti Q45",DiplomatWeb.fr,O+,162.6,73.9,"5' 10""",178,2ca2ddf7-e027-45a6-b12d-51d7f99eb13d,48.830864,2.380967 1138,female,Croatian,Ms.,Gordana,E,Kolar,"Heiðarbraut 44",Kópasker,,,671,IS,Iceland,[email protected],Finglealems,juoh0uu1Ai,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","484 7951",354,Anić,11/7/1973,43,Scorpio,MasterCard,5279149356028363,617,10/2022,,"1Z 350 507 45 4823 966 6",5978949312,04641061,Silver,"Radio announcer",Netcore,"2000 Lada Samara II",TravelingCoupons.is,O+,137.9,62.7,"5' 7""",170,63598f13-88e2-4cfa-96c3-2fdf7ac21acf,66.370012,-15.888545 1139,female,Polish,Mrs.,Celestyna,B,Symanska,"Halseweg 27",Zelhem,GE,Gelderland,"7021 CZ",NL,Netherlands,[email protected],Perseent,ool7ePh5eM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",06-26615303,31,"Dąbrowski ",11/20/1995,21,Scorpio,Visa,4916946480495273,693,7/2020,,"1Z 465 292 63 9944 739 9",0248977118,10735711,Red,"Floor installer","Young @ Heart","2004 Subaru Forester",RadioProfiles.nl,O+,172.9,78.6,"5' 2""",158,df248dda-fe87-4667-af6a-29439ccff6c4,51.933228,6.25184 1140,male,Japanese,Mr.,蓮,桜,能沢,"Tiegemberg 469",Treignes,WNA,Namur,5670,BE,Belgium,[email protected],Suname,geibeew6U,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","0497 26 07 96",32,苅込,4/9/1992,24,Aries,Visa,4916430633846450,611,10/2020,,"1Z 1Y1 653 29 0571 423 3",9767453609,66263418,Blue,Artist,"Hanover Shoe","1997 Chrysler Grand Voyager",KansasCityNightClub.be,O+,135.3,61.5,"6' 2""",187,0b07d13f-4968-4d8a-a7f1-78c431f7bbc3,50.032735,4.754064 1141,male,Scottish,Mr.,Gabriel,S,Campbell,"Åmotbakken 237",PORSGRUNN,,,3911,NO,Norway,[email protected],Toor1976,Ox2zoceicae,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0","972 56 266",47,Wallace,7/27/1976,40,Leo,MasterCard,5105840560169890,285,5/2020,,"1Z 9E0 421 02 8697 630 1",4891312592,99774354,Silver,"Budget officer","Gas Depot","2002 Toyota MR2",RestaurantGreek.no,O+,176.9,80.4,"5' 9""",176,b3350324-0a6d-4597-8c6a-0507e6797f89,59.109931,9.718125 1142,male,Norwegian,Mr.,Thomas,V,Ramsøy,"Padre Caro 80","Las Labores",CR,"Ciudad Real",13660,ES,Spain,[email protected],Corant,je5laeWiec,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","671 499 528",34,Tran,8/22/1936,80,Leo,Visa,4539689963459922,786,9/2018,,"1Z 355 081 90 8743 653 1",2473794128,28414694,Red,"Trial lawyer","The Happy Bear","1994 De Tomaso Guara",DirtySofa.es,A-,213.2,96.9,"5' 9""",174,98fe7925-5d95-47ab-9787-18a65e839558,39.209019,-3.446055 1143,male,French,Mr.,Arno,D,Mousseau,"1799 Richison Drive",Libby,MT,Montana,59923,US,"United States",[email protected],Boyetled,oNooWo4io5,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36",406-291-1685,1,Boivin,4/23/1972,44,Taurus,MasterCard,5223367693620042,705,12/2018,516-96-4058,"1Z 905 W43 55 0685 238 3",7746019922,87590029,Black,"Media planner","Pro Star","2002 Land Rover Range Rover",agmacx.com,A+,163.7,74.4,"5' 8""",173,d5b74f1d-912f-42c0-b568-09bc2ccfff06,48.27735,-115.313944 1144,male,"Japanese (Anglicized)",Mr.,Takashi,N,Fukunaga,"Vejlebæksvej 87",Ranum,NO,"Region Nordjylland",9681,DK,Denmark,[email protected],Lonsed,Uxah3vei,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/55.0.2883.87 Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36",81-21-60-92,45,Kawahara,11/28/1932,84,Sagittarius,MasterCard,5294486327499765,582,10/2021,281132-4461,"1Z 5E3 090 11 6228 460 3",5363359795,46280341,Blue,Arborist,"Sew-Fro Fabrics","1997 Lexus LX",LacrosseProperties.dk,A+,132.0,60.0,"5' 4""",162,5ec099c1-0e00-4b2f-a2fe-65c0c8607c6d,56.944573,9.314132 1145,male,Swedish,Mr.,Otto,L,Larsson,"Tuulimyllyntie 23",JUVA,SV,"Southern Savonia",51900,FI,Finland,[email protected],Busly1937,eehooNgah0,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","044 674 3908",358,Öberg,1/16/1937,80,Capricorn,MasterCard,5458094058133348,035,8/2020,160137-1395,"1Z 852 V98 15 7435 260 4",4624811359,40870115,Green,"Chiropractic physician","Today's Man","2000 Mitsubishi SSU",WirelessArmy.fi,O+,141.9,64.5,"5' 10""",178,f147d165-4bec-462c-9e45-c35bd78c241a,61.97932,27.7943 1146,male,England/Wales,Mr.,Ellis,N,Marsden,"Del Monte 9314","Los Titanes",CA,Canelones,16303,UY,Uruguay,[email protected],Whany1964,Fie1wa1aiNoh,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8","9437 4605",598,Wyatt,7/10/1964,52,Cancer,MasterCard,5146434311320704,228,9/2022,,"1Z 95F 536 62 8208 251 7",2262804112,87042605,Silver,"Station agent","House of Gas","2009 GMC Yukon",SkateRates.uy,A+,243.1,110.5,"5' 8""",172,05ac4be4-ac52-46c6-8be3-bbf4dfe735aa,-31.762871,-55.943519 1147,male,Slovenian,Dr.,Misin,K,Štebe,"Dieselstrasse 51","LASSACH SCHATTSEITE",KA,Carinthia,9821,AT,Austria,[email protected],Washate,Oojae0xoo3b,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","0650 711 63 68",43,Kelhar,5/18/1986,30,Taurus,MasterCard,5326478971235993,312,12/2022,,"1Z 2A0 0F0 66 7710 080 2",1723695807,27912041,Blue,"Fry cook","Solution Realty","2009 Chevrolet Corvette",MortgageShuffle.at,B+,234.7,106.7,"6' 3""",190,a101edb8-fa3c-4329-af40-73b62dd21bcc,46.840928,13.120515 1148,female,Brazil,Ms.,Marisa,R,Pinto,"Gosposka ulica 37",Podbočje,,,8312,SI,Slovenia,[email protected],Swastento,ood5aiWaiqu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36",040-093-528,386,Martins,8/27/1969,47,Virgo,MasterCard,5407130470869077,742,5/2022,,"1Z 743 480 24 8329 667 5",0657149837,58783770,Blue,"Pest control worker","Big Daddy's Restaurants","2005 Nissan Pathfinder",ToyCarAuctions.si,A+,140.4,63.8,"5' 3""",161,0ab38f6b-4146-49b5-a2ee-e98bfdb88aa1,45.954762,15.41762 1149,male,Igbo,Mr.,Kelechi,U,Chukwuma,"Avenida República 115",Lisboa,LI,Lisboa,1800-330,PT,Portugal,[email protected],Lappency,ahc9ahw6Hu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0","21 210 400 1595",351,Chimaobim,3/4/1962,54,Pisces,MasterCard,5300652022250173,572,11/2018,,"1Z A75 475 39 6017 698 5",1971178464,89431882,Black,"Tax collector","National Auto Parts","2002 ZAZ Wagon",PropHolder.com.pt,B+,190.7,86.7,"5' 11""",181,841e622e-369c-43f9-a024-9d20e280dd78,38.79039,-9.214065 1150,male,"Japanese (Anglicized)",Mr.,Hironobu,R,Matsunaga,"Djúpivogur 68",Hafnir,,,233,IS,Iceland,[email protected],Camvintat,ohjaeg0uiM,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8","433 7290",354,Sakuma,4/4/1993,23,Aries,MasterCard,5453769666382479,976,5/2021,,"1Z 591 062 91 2614 768 2",2331560398,17582247,Blue,"Legal assistant","White Hen Pantry","2001 Nissan Moco",PetRetreats.is,A+,156.4,71.1,"5' 10""",177,d25acab8-6ff0-43a2-9584-ca11f3de1504,63.992112,-22.767635 1151,female,Ninja,Ms.,Rinkashikika,,,"Hakulintie 33",TURKU,VS,Varsinais-Suomi,20210,FI,Finland,[email protected],Glead1948,Jaesiyu6,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","041 427 0922",358,Zukukatetakuari,1/19/1948,69,Capricorn,MasterCard,5202298710095584,814,8/2018,190148-412R,"1Z 457 538 26 5261 185 0",4586497801,69741749,Red,"Housing relocator","Pro Property Maintenance","2005 Ford Fiesta",AccountingBuzz.fi,A+,223.3,101.5,"5' 5""",164,b1a7825e-7bcc-4ebd-b954-0548624718a0,60.407948,22.210733 1152,male,American,Mr.,James,K,Harvey,"Del Sauzal 9592","Mendoza Chico",FD,Florida,94006,UY,Uruguay,[email protected],Diumen,laegar8Ci,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.2 Safari/602.3.12","9735 0852",598,Collier,6/29/1945,71,Cancer,Visa,4539350837576041,216,10/2022,,"1Z 476 898 76 6357 584 2",6474016262,79469441,Silver,"Patient educator",TheBottomHalf,"2011 Lexus CT",AirlineFunds.uy,O+,182.4,82.9,"5' 5""",164,7e35c171-7d23-4c6b-b923-93bb648c3fd2,-34.129288,-56.153603 1153,female,Klingon,Mrs.,Grana,D,Malok,"57 Rue Habib Cheikh Rouhou",Nechem,34,"Governorate Siliana",6113,TN,Tunisia,[email protected],Olown1981,wefaiK0doo,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","78 810 295",216,Kenka,4/15/1981,35,Aries,MasterCard,5333926188755576,168,3/2022,,"1Z 7Y3 88A 58 5219 926 6",3948274822,51695076,Red,"Commercial pilot","Burger Chef","2005 Mazda Carol",VoiceScar.tn,AB+,126.9,57.7,"5' 1""",155,ca2cb465-71c4-4de9-9daa-478edda5c9d9,36.270914,9.408807 1154,male,"Chechen (Latin)",Mr.,Saidali,S,Usamov,"65 Dili Gianni Street","Pera Vasa",PA,Paphos,8624,CY,"Cyprus (Anglicized)",[email protected],Wompas1988,kee4ieGei,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36","97 941215",357,Khadzhiev,12/16/1988,28,Sagittarius,Visa,4532732487125426,481,12/2018,,"1Z 187 322 60 2488 092 4",0311764026,41179191,Blue,"Financial controller","DGS VolMAX","1997 Mazda MPV",SoberImages.com.cy,O+,184.1,83.7,"6' 0""",183,c968448d-c1e8-4cd2-831e-cbc22eacbe26,41.28185,-72.917453 1155,female,Russian,Ms.,Ruslana,E,Bazarova,"U divadla 1891","Teplice 1",US,"Ústecký kraj","415 01",CZ,"Czech Republic",[email protected],Higuen,Ij8Usan8aeQu,"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","479 171 677",420,,1/6/1955,62,Capricorn,Visa,4929499312646700,213,11/2020,,"1Z 571 802 26 1808 084 0",7623320179,68243727,Blue,"Precision instrument and equipment repairer","Rustler Steak House","2004 Nissan R 390 GT1",LuckyDames.cz,O+,187.0,85.0,"5' 0""",153,b6d4deaf-9a10-4671-9c3a-4266910db24d,50.690152,13.87291 1156,male,Japanese,Dr.,大和,愛,流,"87 Warren Avenue","CAMS WHARF",NSW,"New South Wales",2281,AU,Australia,[email protected],Shaterecer,weC9Inohdae,"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0","(02) 4928 8012",61,瀧田,10/8/1966,50,Libra,MasterCard,5482532201413786,650,10/2020,,"1Z 931 810 11 1920 724 7",3738966984,07228525,White,"General internist","Coffey's Market","2002 Ford Puma",OptionAlerts.com.au,O+,159.9,72.7,"5' 7""",171,521735a7-55d1-4bcf-8018-6c65e782cac9,-33.179892,151.669332 1157,male,Norwegian,Mr.,Brage,E,Ismail,"Eötvös út 51.",Jákó,SO,Somogy,7525,HU,Hungary,[email protected],Relithe,Chuoshef8u,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36","(82) 284-294",36,Øien,9/19/1986,30,Virgo,Visa,4485899177897569,850,7/2019,,"1Z 768 564 07 0199 311 9",5416929479,25581158,Black,"Inhalation therapist",Thorofare,"1992 Austin Montego",CelebrityLookup.hu,B+,219.1,99.6,"5' 10""",178,0b952985-2ff2-448f-895f-fb46bb22c564,46.415777,17.601091 1158,female,Arabic,Mrs.,Hafthah,A,Issa,"41 place Maurice-Charretier",CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE,IL,Île-de-France,77420,FR,France,[email protected],Sleasedgered52,Foox0jee5ae,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.76 Safari/537.36",,33,Boutros,3/8/1952,64,Pisces,Visa,4716944883987642,620,5/2020,"2520339488381 47","1Z 02V 691 98 9808 774 4",0535611780,97926424,Purple,"Drilling and boring machine tool setter","Helios Air","1994 Mitsubishi Magna",RandomVisitor.fr,O+,134.2,61.0,"5' 5""",165,27c948bc-0c3f-437f-9abd-82dd345fed8d,48.76292,2.590128
0 notes
as-be-low · 7 years
More Forensic Ford Headcanon
Stan's afraid to make friends.
The best friend he ever made was killed and he had to watch and dispose of the body.
Stan's such a charismatic person, though, so not making friends is  difficult. He finds himself laughing with Fiddleford or Jones–or even Ford, every blue moon–and when he realizes what he's doing he tenses up, gives an awkward smile, and withdraws from conversation and refuses to be drawn back in.
I'd like to think Rico used to say something about him being an “awful thing to be around,” because anyone he ever cares about he ends up hurting.
Stan thinks Rico killing his friend is his own fault.
Stan thinks most things are his fault.
Maybe when he blurts something about the way a body reacts to being burned and ford is like "how the fuck do you know?" And when Stan is just sitting there with a thousand yard stare, his friend’s death what he's thinking back on.
So Stan's afraid to have friends because he believes he's like a little black cloud that brings nothing but trouble and he’s tired of being the cause of so many people’s misfortune.
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as-be-low · 7 years
I got tagged by @impishnature! Thank youuu! :D :D :D
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they are working on. This can be anything!
Hmmm okay I have like FOLDERS UPON FOLDERS full of ideas for Gravity Falls alone that I’m gradually fleshing out, so I guess that can be considered “working on,” right?
1.) Currently typing up the first half of the next chapter for THCM! It’s hella long and I’m both excited about it and kicking myself over it. It’s super cute and there will be fluff, including:
The leprecorn
Ford cuddling babies
Bathtime feat. the leprecorn
I’m feeling a little bit stuck, because I know where I’ve planned for it to go since the beginning, and to plant the seeds for that, they’d have to be planted now, but I’m second guessing myself about it for some reason. IDK. I might be at an impasse, or I might just chug on ahead.
2.) Forensic Ford AU! This story feels like a crime mystery-type-thing, and I feel like I have to have COMPLETELY planned out, no winging it because of the nature of planting clues here and there to have to reference from. (…Does that even make sense?) So right now, I’m hammering out the clues our hopeless heroes have to work with. :B
I will say that Ford and Stan get into an argument and Stan storms out, ends up missing.
Ford would be so distraught and think it was his fault
A week or so later another body would turn up mutilated with the same build as stan
Ford would be inconsolable for like a month
He'd go back to work and be like "I have to analyze the body. I have to." And would like be ugly crying a little bit at one point and someone would try to pull him away and he'd fight them
He'd run out laughing a few hours later and they'd be like "okay he's lost it" and try to hold him down but he's just like "it's not him! It's a John Doe!" And grab fiddleford who was there as emotional support and like cup his face and fiddleford would fuckin faint because ford is still wearing gross ass dirty latex gloves
He'd have to calm down and prove it (dental records, a break on the bone that should be there but isn't, etc, plus decomposition denotes a time of death that doesn't line up with when stan went missing)
Also stan shows up pissed off eight days after that of his own accord. Ford punches him on sight and stan punches back and then spends the rest of the night grumbling about it.
he had gotten roughed up up a LOT and he had to break out AGAIN and then make it back to stupid assfuck Tennessee and then THIS was the hello he gets??
“Stan why didn't you just call”
It didn't seem reasonable at the time. I got kicked in the head a lot, okay? he parts his hair to show the large gash that may be getting infected. fiddleford all but passes out, the poor squeamish bastard. somebody probably says that as he leaves the room. “poor squeamish bastard.” stan is still pissed about being beaten and lowkey tortured only to break out and get punched in the face by his brother. his nose was broken and now it’s broken even worse. he has two fresh black eyes in the morning. ford feels bad for his “crime of passion” and stan just rolls his eyes like “next time just finish the job and get me with a nail bat, would ya? it’s more efficient.” “stanley, that isn’t funny.” “who said I was playin’, asshole?” that asswhooping really does a number on him, and mixed with the extra punches, they send him to the hospital, where they check over all of his other poorly-healing injuries (broken ribs, broken wrist, compound fractured foot (“and you WALKED here?” “what other choice did I have? Would you pick me up as a hitchhiker?”), bruised liver and lung, and untreated concussion. 
Poor Stan.
3.) I’ve also got the plans for a sequel to He Himself sitting on the backburner! I’d intended for that to be a one-shot, but someone made a good point and it kinda just spiraled, and ultimately the Stans are dweebs who keep messing with time and concepts they have no business fiddling with by going back and back and back, and yeah. They’re getting sentenced to Globnar. Of course they are. Whether or not either of them want any of the possible outcomes to come to fruition is debatable.
4.) I got inspired by Coheed’s Domino the Destitute and now I have the bones for something that follows in the vein of that song. I don’t know exactly what’s gonna happen yet, but I do know that it’ll likely be called “While You Were Left with Nothing.” It might just devolve into a collection of songfics for a genre I’m pretty sure no one in this fandom even likes but that also sounds like a problem I’m not particularly concerned with. It is SUCH a Pines Twins Classic song, so if anyone knows it, please come gush with me over it pleasepleaseplease
5.) I’ve also got this REALLY, REALLY angsty idea for a story where a Portal Ford stumbles his way into a parallel Earth dimension and finds himself heading for Gravity Falls, just for the heck of it. He doesn’t like what he finds in the least.
6.) I also have this long, drawn-out file that’s a compilation of ideas for a collection of one-shots that focus on different ways the A Better World universe(s) could have gone. 99.999% of them are just SAD ENDINGS BECAUSE THAT’S HOW I OPERATE, but one in particular (which is of course the longest outline/ficlet to date) has the potential for a happy ending, if you’ll forgive the messy formatting (I write and keep these on my phone):
Another stan gets into a yelling match with his ford, which stops after he tells him to do the first worthwhile thing in his life. Stan snatches the journal and storms out at that. Ford stabilizes everything after a while, maybe two or three years, and reaches out to his brother again, asks him to come again. stan comes, gaunt and nervous looking, expecting another errand. is stunned when no request is made. is itching to leave after a short time, “before… before I, y’know…” “before you what?” “Before I can mess something else of yours up.” He makes good on his own suggestion, and bounces soon after. Ford calls him again, but is met with polite noncommittal responses towards ever coming back. It’s like he’s afraid of ford. maybe he read the journal. maybe he should be afraid of ford. his calls get less and less frequent, and their tone becomes more and more stilted. Ford doesn’t know what to do. He calls him again to let him know shermy was having grandkids, that he’d expressed that he wanted stan to be there. “he doesn’t mean that, ford. Nice gesture, though.” “stanley, he does want you there. don’t say that.” “I’m a stranger to his son. he doesn’t want some stranger there with him ’n his wife at the birth of his first kid. Ma ’n Pa’ll probably be there, too, ’n we know I’m not welcome there then.” he calls back to let him know the babies are twins. stan hangs up. Extra angst if Filbrick’s dead at this point and nobody told him. Ford’s calls go unanswered. after a few  years of occasional, unanswered calls every few months, ford gives up. The kids go up for a summer visit. Mabel finds out Ford has a twin, digs through and finds the number and calls INCESSANTLY. Stan answers, but he’s not happy about it at all. Mabel works her magic and insists he comes to Oregon to meet her. They have a long talk about what went wrong. Stan finds himself surprised to be pouring his heart out to this stranger of a child, telling her how he messed up ford’s project and ruined his opportunity to get into a good school, and how he just made a big series of mistakes here and there down the years. He’s convinced Ford only talked to him or called him to be nice because he felt he was supposed to.
“I’m not anyone you wanna meet, kid.”
“And now?”
“what do you do now?”
“taxi driver.”
“Look kid, you probably shouldn’t be talking to me. I’m sure Ford doesn’t want you using his phone. Or talking to the likes of me. Aren’t you on summer break? shouldn’t you be outside or something? Aren’t you supposed to be playing outside?”
or better yet, ford’s like uhh kids how about a road trip? because they’re getting absolutely BORED and he wants to be a good summer guardian and let them have fun, I mean dipper’s happy to play DD&MD but mabel gets left out that way and none of her interests are anything Ford knows what to do with/about so she’s spending a lot of the summer knitting (Ford’s put strict stipulations on outdoors and w/e) so there’s not much she can really do?? she’s not allowed in the lab after a near-accident, though dipper still tags along. Ford notices the child growing listless and doesn’t know what to do about it, so by the point it’s reached a concerning high, he’s grasping at straws for ideas and some intern is like “my family always did road trips?” and he latches onto that. mabel’s scrapbook has turned remarkably dull, like she’s taking pictures of leaves and squirrels she sees on the porch and the trees and dipper’s pile of sweaty socks and everything is just so mundane but she’s trying really hard to make it sound exciting in the scrapbook and if ford ever finds it wow he’d feel so guilty
so they roadtrip and it’s hella awkward and since he’s doing this kinda for mabel even though she’s never expressed any desire to go on a road trip, he lets her kinda guide the itinerary? she picks wherever stan is living.
ford find mabel’s little cell phone or whatever and she’s been messaging stan and ford reads through it and is like “who is this G. S. with 9 heart eye emojis” and is ready to go kick some little punk’s ass but then he reads further and realizes it’s Stanley and he also seems to have no idea what she’s up to (and has said “kiddo, you can’t meet me. just cuz you know i’m your grunkle (ha! I like that name! Grunkle. it’s got a nice ring to it) doesn’t mean you gotta come visit. please don’t visit. I’m nobody you wanna see.” and she’s like okay fine I promise” though yeah that’s obviously a lie. he doesn’t know whether to confront her or not. obviously he should, but that opens the can of worms of why/how didn’t he even know where his brother was (stanley moved & got a new number and the last time ford tried to call the old number was disconnected) vs. how did SHE know “mabel, how did you find his number??” and “why won’t you let me meet my other grunkle?? HE’S SAD AND LONELY WHY DON’T YOU EVER VISIT HIM HE’S YOUR TWIN” etc
maybe mabel sent him a postcard right before they set off, so he’s texting her repeatedly like
“kid. kid, where are you? please don’t do anything stupid. please don’t be alone, I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt on account of the likes of me.”
and that’s as far as I got, but then yeah there’s gonna be a happy reunion of course.
7.) I also have thank you cards to write and mail and just regular post cards, and also pen pal letters that are like OVER A YEAR OVERDUE BECAUSE I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON WHY AM I LIKE THIS ALSO WHERE IS MY FANCY INK BOTTLE I JUST BOUGHT
8.) I’ve also got a little AU ficlet set after Weirdmageddon and Stan still has amnesia (Mabel’s scrapbook didn’t really work like they’d hoped.) Ford finds that he doesn’t have the heart to tell his brother the sad things about their lives so he just makes up happy, sweet little lies to fill Stan’s head with because he just can’t bring himself to hurt him and Stan doesn’t question it or think to wonder why after a certain point he’s no longer in any pictures.
Stan starts to remember his life via nightmares, which he just chalks up to being regular nightmares. He doesn’t want Ford to know he’s having them because they’ve always been such a happy, average family, right? It would be out of place for him to have…such awful, graphic nightmares. And it was bad enough that his brain was fuzzy and he couldn’t remember things so good, especially when Ford was so smart! 12 PhDs? Their family must’ve been so proud. He was so proud. It was bad enough Ford had gotten saddled with such a dumb…cousin? No, they were brothers. He couldn’t even remember he had a brother.
His nightmares get increasingly worse and at some point turn into flashbacks/night terrors and the most violent ones he relives send Ford into a panic. He didn’t know about THIS. Ford is wholly unprepared for firsthand experience of what Stan went through, and Stan is nearly mute about it all and refuses to talk because he’s ashamed of all the freaky dreams; Ford shouldn’t have to deal with any of this! Maybe he should just put him in a home, or something. He didn’t wanna hold him back, or anything. He’s not sure why Ford looks so heartbroken when he said that.
9.) This idea note’s just short and simple enough to stand on its own:
one-shot where Ford spends an evening demolishing the stan-o-war after the “incident.”
Call it “The Wind out of My Sails”
I imagine him having stolen a cigarette or something to watch the ship burn with.
10.) I’ve also got an idea for a sort of Southern Gothic AU where Mrs. McGucket is something of folk healer that may or may not dabble in the occult, which leads to all sorts of monster hunting shenanigans, with added kudzu action. Maybe the real monster was the friends we made along the way lol
...Hmm, that’s a lot and that’s super long, so I should probably stop right there while I’m ahead, haha!
I taaaaag,  @themindofcc ,  @thefaceofhoe , @icefeels , @vermeerdear , @ancientouroboros , @femmeofthesouthernwild , and anyone else who’s jonesin’ to do this! (Tag me back! I’m always curious about what other folks are writing! :D)
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as-be-low · 7 years
The Most Important Part of the Forensic Ford AU
Stanley grows up loving the Nancy Drew novels in secret.
If he gets caught with them while a teen, he claims he checked them out for Carla because she doesn't have a library card/hit her book limit
Carla plays along because she thinks it's sweet.
She also liked the books as a kid so she's happy to read them with him and listen to him gush about the series
Like, as a grown man, he could still probably tell you all about most of the books complete with a deep plot analysis because they stuck with him That Much.
He and Ford would both stay up all hours of the night, well past bedtime, just reading.
Ford would have his nonfiction Kid's Discover-type book on mummies or whatever criminology book the librarian on duty would deem "acceptable" for him to check out
Meanwhile, Stan is in the bottom bunk with his flashlight gasping at the plot twists, while Ford tries to shush him before they get caught
I really like bulleted lists, can you tell?
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as-be-low · 7 years
AU of the AU because I’m extra:
Stanley is an elementary teacher while Ford does forensics
Ford comes to Stanley’s class for career day
Ford RUINS career day by being entirely too descriptive about his job and bringing a slideshow presentation with pictures for a bunch of 7 and 8-year-olds
To be fair he’s just excited
Thankfully, no lawyer parents were present
Just an assortment of businessmen and one pilot who’d hoped to steal the show
Spoilers: He didn’t. Ford did. On accident.
Ford is permanently banned from career day for the entire school district
Stanley has to field calls from angry parents whose children have nightmares
For like three weeks
The day Stanley lets Ford live down ruining Career day is the day he dies
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as-be-low · 7 years
Hallo! I love your 'Stanley Pines, Destroyer of Ciphers' fic. Poor Stan. Could you do more with Agent Jones's experiences with Stan's abnormal habits and self hatred. Side Question: Would Agent Jones ever meet Ford in this Au, if so how would you think Agent Jones would think of each brother, which brother would seem more insane to him. Stan the extreme self hating criminal conman or Ford scientist who a little to over joyed examining a corpse (is that in this au?) Your Thoughts?
Hiii! Thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it! :D
Poor Stan, indeed.
I think the incident with Stan denying himself food is sort of one of the first few Really Rig Red Flags™ that stuck for Jones, and after this everything Stan grumbles about that seems like an off-color, morbid sense of humor suddenly makes a lot more sense and from then on out, all future grumbles get filed away in the noggin for future review.
Jones definitely meets Ford in this AU, and they all end up working together to try to solve a serial killer case. Something like that. Jones and Ford start off on the wrong foot, so that’s definitely an issue for the two of them. Ford mostly just comes off as an eager, over-enthused SuperNerd™ who’s fascinated with creepy research (I mean it’s true), who also happens to be kind of an asshole. Stanley comes off as a sad, skeezy grifter who needs to have an intervention with his jerk of a brother so they can work out his self-worth issues (and maybe stop trying to punch each other out in public before Jones does the honors for them both).
But how did all that happen?
In this AU, Stan can’t get out of Rico’s crime syndicate, and ends up getting caught by Jones and Company and gets enlisted as an informant of sorts. Rico’s case is ongoing, but a more high-priority case crops up, and Jones gets reassigned to that case. While everyone’s working to make the transition to shift cases, Stan’s stuck in custody/the back of a lot of FBI cars, and to whittle the time away he butts in on other people’s conversations to give (helpful) hints, and breaks into Jones’s stuff and messes with things and cracks random documents’ codes and whatnot or writes out notes on ways to try and solve them, then signs off on his handiwork with cheesy things like “you’re welcome pal p.s. these handcuffs are chafing” or “xoxo Stan the Man” or something like that. Stan’s as corny as can be.
He’d normally go into jail custody when the case shifts, but his annoying habit of helping in the most aggravating way possible makes Stan actually somewhat useful, so he also gets reassigned. It’s weird and he’s confused, but he’s not complaining about not being in prison again.
This case has a lot of strange deaths that keep cropping up in different parts of the country, and they need help figuring out the time of death/extra analyses of the crime scenes, which makes the body farm where Ford works the ideal place to go.
When they first meet, Jones initially mistakes Ford for Stan, assuming that he’d snuck out of the car and dressed up to be a goofball, and is like “For fuck’s sake. Pines!” Naturally, Ford looks up like a deer in headlights when he hears his name. “Jesus Christ, Pines, you’re like a puppy. An asshole puppy. Put everything you touched back where you found it, give whoever it is their glasses back, and go sit in the car like I told you.” Meanwhile, Ford is like “…Officer, do I even know you? I work here, these are my belongings. And these are my glasses?” and she just WILL NOT BE CONVINCED until those six fingers come into view (maaaybe only after all but frogmarching Ford to the car), sooo, that’s pretty embarrassing for everyone involved.
Jones mostly wonders how both of these goobers ended up on the case together, despite all odds, and doesn’t like how when the twins finally meet again after however many years, Ford’s first reaction is incredulous anger, and lots of it, while Stanley’s reaction is more like “oh geez oh fuck this is bad ‘Heeyyy, buddy! Let me do us both a favor ’n get the hell out of here, how’s that sound?’”  and keeps trying to get the keys and go hide back in the car. Whoops.
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as-be-low · 7 years
More Random Forensic Ford stuff
The twins never found a boat in that little cove. They found a dead body.
Instead of being traumatized, they’re pretty fascinated by the whole thing? Their flights of fancy involve them becoming SuperDuperCops™ and catching all the bad guys and robbers and what have you.
I’d imagine crime drama fiction becomes a favorite for both boys.
Stanford, inquisitive little booger that he is, keeps showing up at the police precinct wanting to be updated on the case.
Stanford, small child that he is, is refused by the police and repeatedly sent away, sometimes with a pat on the head. Since he’s such an I’ll Show You!™ type, he’s determined to one day prove them wrong and spends his library time looking up criminology and mummies and all sorts of things in that similar vein.
Ford still has an interest in anomalies, but it’s pushed back in favor of Proving What He Knows About Criminals.
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as-be-low · 7 years
So I just kinda sorta really like the idea of forensic scientist Ford. He’d be so into it.
Check, check, and CHECK. 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Stan would be something like a criminal profiler, or a detective. 
It’s hard to con a conman, after all.
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as-be-low · 7 years
I’m looking up puns to write a murder mystery. Please stop me.
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