#meeting yuriko at the mall
yuriko-mukami · 10 months
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⭐️ An Open Interaction Call
⭐️ With Yumei Aiko || @therealaiko-yumei
⭐️ With Hoskiko Yuuki & Sakamaki Kanato || @hoshikoyuuki
⭐️ With Emilly || @emillydialover
⭐️ With Kauze Bridgerton || @kauzebridgerton
⭐️ With Sakamaki Destiny || @its-destiny
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enterenews · 2 years
The premiere of 'Ghost' became a sea of tears…
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It is the tears that evoked sympathy from everyone.
At the premiere of the movie 'Ghost (Director Lee Hae-young)' at CGV Yongsan I'Park Mall in Seoul on the 11th, Lee Ha-nui said, "It's still a difficult time for the film industry, but I'm so grateful that we can present the results of our life's efforts to the audience." “Cha Kyung was a character I loved so much. I was so happy throughout my acting,” he said.
In the work, the chemistry between Lee Ha-nui and Park So-dam shines brightly. Above all, Lee Ha-nui's first greeting after giving birth and Park So-dam's battle with papillary glandular cancer and being cured will be meaningful. Regarding working with Park So-dam, Lee Ha-nui said, "I met Park So-dam for the first time, and I really liked his lively spirit. He is a solid actor. He is firm no matter who he meets. A friend who was kind outside the camera changed drastically when he got into acting. Although he is a younger brother, there were many parts that he admired." I was satisfied.
In response, Park So-dam said, "I am comforted when I hear senior Hani's voice strangely. It was the same when I met Cha-kyung and Yuriko. It was the same when Lee Ha-nui and Park So-dam met. In the movie, Cha-kyung says 'live', but in reality, at that time, he said to me It was a word I really needed. I met such a nice person at a time when I was very confused by myself. The energy I received from my senior throughout the filming was so great," he emphasized.
Park So-dam couldn't hide her emotional feelings and shed tears as she confessed to Lee Ha-nui that she "thank you and loves her." It is no wonder that Lee Ha-nui shed tears at her colleague's sincerity. In addition, director Lee Hae-young shed tears, and the conference hall was quickly filled with laughter and tears. Tears are more understandable when you look at the work.
Director Lee Hae-young said, "I watched the movie 100,000 times while working on post-production, and these actors made me appreciate every shining moment in this movie. I had to shoot a lot of difficult scenes, but actually, actor Park So-dam wasn't in very good physical condition. I didn't know that at the time, so I cried because I wondered, 'Didn't I ask for the extreme and ask for too much?'
'Ghost' is a spy action film depicting the unstoppable operation of the real 'ghost' and the desperate struggle of the suspects trapped in a remote hotel in Gyeongseong, Joseon in 1933 as a spy ghost planted by an anti-Japanese organization. all. It will be released in theaters on the 18th.
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putschki1969 · 4 years
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2021/02/22 Community post by KEIKO
Good evening, this is Keiko. As the sun goes down, I m thinking that many of you are probably still working on this Monday but for the time being I would still like to say, good job everyone, please enjoy your evening.
It was very warm in Tokyo today. I realised that it’s no longer necessary to put heat packs all over my body when I am going out. Today, I went to Meiji Jingu, which I'd wanted to visit for quite some time now. Got there bright and early  ⛩ I guess that’s why there were only a few people around and I was able to relax a little... I also brought along my beloved Yuri-Yuri (Yuriko Kaida).
Last time I came here with Hi-chan (Hikaru) and I remember the weather was as beautiful and cloudless back then as it was today. I'm really happy that we all get the chance to sing together next month at Kajiura-san's event for the first time in a while. If I can't meet all the people I love it is really painful, the current situation has been very hard for me,  it feels like being pushed off a cliff into a world of endless suffering, it feels like having to keep on singing even though you are out of breath. It sucks. I hope I was able to convey my feelings and what I am saying makes sense🍮
Meiji Jingu has always been one of my favourite places. I personally can’t go there casually, I need to have a reason. Times such as this are a perfect occasion to visit so I felt like going...
Do you have a favourite place?
P.S I also really like live venues. Live houses, halls, civic centers, prefectural halls, classical halls, outdoor stages, rehearsal studios, recording studios, shopping malls ... As long as there is someone in front of me and I am able to sing there, it automatically become a favourite place of mine.  Yup, I guess that’s how it is.  🍮☺️🍮
Tweet by Yuriko
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businessliveme · 4 years
U.S. Cases Accelerate; Singapore Extends Lockdown: Virus Update
(Bloomberg) — The U.S. saw its biggest daily tally of new coronavirus infections in almost two weeks, though a senior official said most cities are seeing an improvement.
The U.S. Senate passed a $484 billion pandemic relief package and the House could take it up as soon as Thursday. Singapore, once a standard bearer for taming the virus, reported more than 1,000 cases for a second day and will extend its partial lockdown for four more weeks.
Recoveries in Italy almost surpassed new cases for the first time and Germany reported the smallest increase in infections this month. Still, Munich’s Oktoberfest festival was canceled for the first time since World War II, a sign that life won’t return to normal for months. The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, was also suspended.
Key Developments
Virus Tracker: Cases top 2.5 million; deaths exceed 175,000
China’s coronavirus handling aggravates European diplomats
Far-right social media helps galvanize U.S. quarantine protests
India’s young population could make herd immunity work there
Subscribe to a daily update on the virus from Bloomberg’s Prognosis team here. Click VRUS on the terminal for news and data on the coronavirus.
Tokyo Governor Considers Supermarket Restrictions to Curb Crowds (9:26 a.m. HK)
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said the metropolitan government is considering measures to reduce crowding at supermarkets, which it believes poses a risk of spreading the coronavirus. Koike said Wednesday she wants to implement measures quickly, and will look at asking supermarkets to limit the number of customers that can enter at once or observe social distancing when lining up.
While Japan has thus far avoided the explosive surge in cases seen in other parts of the world, a continued steady rise over the last month forced the government to declare a state of emergency. The number of confirmed cases in Japan stood at 11,135 as of Wednesday morning, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News.
Australia’s Bondi Beach to Reopen as Country Sees Slowdown in Cases (8:27 a.m. HK)
Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach will reopen next week for swimming and surfing. That’s after Australia’s government said Tuesday that lockdown measures have led to a “sustained and consolidated” slowdown in new coronavirus cases.
A month after being closed to the public, the local council announced it will lift the bans on Bondi and nearby Bronte and Tamarama beaches from next Tuesday, while limiting opening hours to weekdays between 7 a.m and 5 p.m, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported. Access will be restricted to water activities, with sunbathing and gathering on the sand still prohibited.
U.S. Health Official Sees Improvement in Metropolitan Areas (6:40 a.m. HK)
Almost all major U.S. metropolitan areas are seeing improvements in their outbreaks, said Deborah Birx, a top health official on the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force. She spoke after data showed that the nationwide infection tally had accelerated.
Cases appear to be flattening in areas including Chicago and Boston, while New Orleans is back to its baseline for infections, Birx said at the daily White House briefing. Philadelphia, Houston, Atlanta and Nashville are also among cities improving, she said. The Washington, D.C., region is one where “we don’t see a decline yet,” Birx said.
Trump to Ask Big Companies to Repay Aid (6:15 a.m. HK)
President Donald Trump said he’ll ask larger companies to return money they accessed from the federal stimulus package because it was intended to help small businesses.
Speaking at the same press conference, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin threatened “severe consequences” for those who take money from the program without meeting the criteria and fail to return it.
Trump also said Harvard University had received funds intended for small business and he would be asking the university to “pay it back.” A Harvard spokesperson denied the university had applied for or received such funds. Harvard said it got funds as part of the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, and pledged to use all the money for students facing urgent financial needs due to the pandemic.
Senate Passes Third Relief Package (5:30 p.m. NY)
The U.S. Senate passed $484 billion in new pandemic relief funds Tuesday to bolster a tapped-out small business aid program, pay for coronavirus testing and help hospitals deluged by sick patients.
The legislation, which the House could take up as early as Thursday, includes $320 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program designed to help struggling small businesses keep their workers on the payroll. The program has already committed all of the $350 billion allocated when it was created just weeks ago.
President Donald Trump said he would sign the legislation and then turn to the next round of stimulus for an economy that has ground to a halt.
South Africa Sets Up Aid Package (5 p.m. NY)
South Africa’s government unveiled a 500 billion rand ($26 billion) package to shore up an economy and support those who’ve been worst affected by the pandemic.
The plan will be funded by reprioritizing 130 billion rand of expenditure from existing budgets, and borrowing from domestic and international lenders, President Cyril Ramaphosa said Tuesday in a televised address. There will be 200 billion rand in guarantees for banks to encourage them to lend, 100 billion-rand to protect and create jobs and an additional 50 billion rand for welfare grants for the poor and unemployed, he said.
South Africa has been relatively spared the worst of the ravages of the pandemic — it’s had 3,465 infections and 58 fatalities so far. Still, the central bank expects the economy to contract 6.1% this year.
Netflix, Chipotle Gain on Lockdown (4:50 p.m. NY)
Netflix Inc. added nearly twice as many subscribers as predicted in the first quarter, cementing its role as one of the rare companies to benefit from the global health crisis. Netflix added a record 15.8 million paid subscribers during the first quarter, almost double the 8.47 million forecast by Wall Street analysts. The company also clobbered its own forecast of 7 million, with droves of new customers binge-watching “Tiger King” or “Love Is Blind” to ride out the quarantine.
Chipotle’s loyalty program is helping it connect with customers as digital sales grew 80%. It’s had to temporarily close about 100 restaurants, primarily those inside malls and shopping centers, as well as some locations in Europe. It withdrew its earlier guidance for the fiscal year, citing the uncertainty related to the virus. The company has enough cash on hand for over a year, so it doesn’t plan to tap the government’s Paycheck Protection Program, it said in reporting first quarter results.
U.S. Confirmed Cases Rise 5.7% (4 p.m. NY)
U.S. cases rose 5.7% from the day before to 810,561, the biggest daily increase since April 10, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News. That topped Monday’s growth rate of 2.7% and the average daily increase of 4.4% over the past week.
In New York, the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, cases rose 3.5%.
New Jersey reported a one-day record of 379 new deaths, bringing total fatalities in the second hardest-hit state to 4,753. New Jersey cases rose 3.9%.
California had a 7.4% increase in positive cases from Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom said. The state reported 60 deaths, a 5% increase. Hospitalizations climbed 3.3%, with intensive-care patients up 3.8%.
Texas reported its first bump in new cases in five days, with a 38% increase to 738, according to the state’s health department. Total cases are now just under 22,000.
Florida reported 27,495 cases, up 3.1%, from a day earlier. Deaths reached 839, an increase of 6.3%.
Panel Warns on Trump-Backed Drug Combo (2:28 p.m. NY)
A panel of medical experts convened by the U.S. National Institutes of Health recommended against the use of a drug combination touted by President Donald Trump for Covid-19 patients.
The NIH panel, made up of 50 doctors, pharmacy experts and government researchers and officials, specifically recommended against the use of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin. The malaria pill can cause heart issues, and the NIH panel warned of the potential for harm from the combination.
Trump has repeatedly backed the use of the drugs on Twitter and at numerous briefings of the Coronavirus Task Force, though some medical experts in his administration have cautioned about the lack of evidence.
French ICU Patients at Lowest in Three Weeks (2 p.m. NY)
France reported the number of patients in intensive care due to the coronavirus outbreak fell to the lowest in three weeks, while new deaths linked to the virus declined from a day earlier.
Patients in intensive care dropped by 250 to 5,433, Director General for Health Jerome Salomon said in a Tuesday briefing in Paris. The number of ICU patients, which Salomon has said is an indicator of the outbreak’s impact on the country’s hospital system, fell for a 13th day to the lowest since March 30.
U.K. Vaccine Trials Begin Thursday (12:49 p.m. NY)
The U.K. will give 40.5 million pounds ($50 million) to vaccine development projects, with human trials beginning Thursday, according to Health Secretary Matt Hancock.
Of that amount, 20 million pounds will go to the University of Oxford to fund clinical trials while 20.5 million pounds will go to development projects at Imperial College London, he said.
Italy Recoveries Almost Top New Cases (12:15 p.m.)
Italy reported an almost equal number of virus recoveries and new infections on Tuesday as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte draws up a plan to cautiously extricate the country from a nationwide lockdown.
There were 2,729 new cases of the disease, compared with 2,256 a day earlier, the first increase in five days, according to the civil protection agency. The number of freshly recovered patients was 2,723 over the past 24 hours, a daily record. Confirmed cases now total 183,957.
  The post U.S. Cases Accelerate; Singapore Extends Lockdown: Virus Update appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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helloimzerountamed · 6 years
Chapter 8
Into a Dragon’s Hot Springs
After finishing our blizzards and seeing enough of the Castro District for the day,She takes me by my hand and leads me to a Victorian styled 2-stories house.”Is this your house?”I ask her.”Yep,Nice looking one,too.”She gets her keys out from her pentagram themed bag and unlocks the door where I’m greeted by the sounds of little toes tapping the floor.
The sound is coming from two adorable animals in her house,a husky and tuxedo cat with yellow eyes.”Mamma’s back you guys and she’s brought someone to meet you two.”Kayako baby talks the two animals.”Ryu,that’s my dog,Carmen and my cat,Zero.”She says as her dog jumps up on me and Zero walks between my legs before going to sniff her penguin friend that followed us here.
“Wait,Kayako.Does he belong to you,too?”I point at the penguin behind me.”Cookie?No,no.He belongs to a friend of mine I made at the University;I’ve been babysitting him and tomorrow,I’m taking him back home.”She carries Cookie the penguin over to her living room where she plops him on a couch next to where I’m sitting.”So,Ryu.Tell me how you’ve adjusted to San Francisco so far?”She gives me a curious look as Cookie continues to do nothing but stare at me.
”Well.First of all,You were pretty damn right about the Fisherman’s Wharf;their clam chowder and bread bowls,well their pretty wholesome if I do say something myself.”I tell her as I’m petting Cookie on his back.”Didn’t I tell you that the food was good?As long as you got yourself a life supply of some of San Francisco’s divine seafood,you won’t starve during the zombie apocalypse.”Her seductive,red lips curve to form a smile as she pops the last of her Oreo blizzard on the tip of her tongue.
“Speaking of survival of the fittest,Where are you gonna be living at?”Kayako cleans off a chunk of blizzard that falls on her white tank top.”I’m gonna be getting a dorm at our university.I’ll be moving in there after classes on Tuesday.Im taking a literature class on Tuesday and Japanese on Thursdays.I’m free tomorrow if you don’t have any classes tomorrow.”I reply.
Once again,Kayako’s red lips curve into a satisfied grin.”Great,in the meantime.You can crash here for the night and since I don’t have Monday classes tomorrow,I’ll take you to the Pride Center at my...I mean our university”.
Meanwhile in Shimokitazawa,
Airi’s 3 children aged 13-16 wait outside of the headmaster’s office of their joint Christian school as Airi is talking to the headmaster.”What do you think mom’s gonna do to Ryu once we find her?”The 13 year old cousin,Mayu pesters her older brother,Daisuke while the 3 siblings wait for Airi in the school’s hallway.”I don’t fucking know.Go pester someone else.God,You’re fucking annoying,Mayu!”He shouts as he shoves Mayu away from him.She moves next to her 2nd older brother,Keita.”Kei.Don’t you think Ryu is gonna be grounded for life,you know for running like a bat out of hell at night?”Mayu whines as she continuously bumps Keita in the sides which starts to annoy him.”If you’re gonna ask me what Mom’s gonna do to the f**,Let me tell you this.Because only is she a fucking disgrace to this family,she’s a hypocrite.After all,her mom didn’t raise her to be a queer.Ryu will be off to fa**ot camp.”He answers her,hoping it will shut her up.”What’s a fa**ot camp?”Mayu asks.”What do you think?It’s a special kind of camp where she’s gonna be put in with all the other little gay fairies and all the little d**es who will get their minds fixed so that we don’t have to see them parading like ooo,look at me I’m so gay or hey look everybody,I’m a fucking fa**ot who is has fucking AIDS!”Keita then pops some earbuds in to tune out his little sister.Airi then exits out of the headmaster’s office with a serious look on her face that catches her kids’ attention.”Well,I’ve spoken to the headmaster and he says that you 3 will be excused for the rest of the school year so there’s no need to worry about schoolwork don’t think you kids aren’t gonna be doing schoolwork;I’ll be teaching while we’re on the road.”Airi sternly tells her children.”Also we’re leaving tomorrow night.Uncle Katsumi,Aunt Yuriko,and Honoka will be meeting us at the airport so you three better be ready.”She adds and the 3 siblings nod their heads in response.
San Francisco,
It’s really cool of Kayako to let me stay the night at her house;Beats having to spend another night in the freezing sea air.Since it’s been a long day with Kayako,I decide to take a hot bath as a way to destress.As Im soaking in my bath,I turn around to see that Kayako is standing in front of the bathroom door where her red lips seductively curve.”Should I add a dragon egg to this snapdragon soup?”She smiles as She removes her towel,revealing her her nude body.I could only stare as those red lips keep me focused on her and her soft,pale breasts that brush up against me as she leans next to me in this hot water.As she washes her face with warm water,I couldn’t help but stare as that tongue of hers licked her teeth.
Later that night,
As I drifting off to slumber in Kayako’s bed,I’m in the giant shopping mall again where I met Kayako in where she takes my hand and we are soon walking together in this giant mall,hand in hand.
Chapter 8/end.
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
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Holidays were approaching, and everything looked jolly when Yuriko stepped in the mall. Ruki had agreed to meet her there later, but somehow, she had a constant feeling of being watched. Perhaps by a familiar? She glanced around but couldn't spot anyone who would have seemed out of the place.
Heading toward the bookshop, Yuriko let her gaze travel around the wide bottom floor of the building. Decorations shined, and happy tunes filled her ears, but it wasn't only that. It felt like there was a distinct aroma of the season wafting from the cafés around her. Oh, how she wanted to taste some seasonal delicacies... but right now, she was on a mission. Cozy and relaxed moments must wait...
Humming, Yuriko hastened her steps a little and turned around the corner...
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
Events' Masterlist
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🌙 Kitsune Dreams
🌙 Summer Vibes by @bluebird-dolly-bride
🌙 Halloween by @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat
🌙 Happy Holidays with Yuriko
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🌙 Rukiko Wedding with @ruki-mukami-dl
🌙 Fox on the Beach
🌙 Once Upon Dreams and Nightmares by @bluebird-dolly-bride
🌙 Ballroom by @bluerosethornrp
🌙 Meeting Yuriko at the Mall
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🌙 Diabolik OTP Challenger
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