#megan 🕵🏻‍♀️
cafeacademia · 2 years
Imagine this!!!!
Steven wakes up early in the morning to go to work at the museum but he doesn´t want to ´cause he wants to stay home with you but then he´s sees your jumper that you where wearing the day before and he´ll be like... I need it to survive today so he kinda steals it and puts it on.
At first he tells himself it´s just for now at home while he gets all the stuff he needs to go to work. ´cause you´re still sleeping and he and marc might have made it a long night for you so he knows you won´t know he wore it. You´re still sleeping soundly ans don´t know that he´s wearing your jumper. Marc is softly laughing but he thinks it´s cute. Steven just glares at him and fineshes packing his stuff.
Then it´s time for him to leave and beforz he can open the door Marc says to him: "Um Steven, the sweater..."
Steven freezes for a second nit knowing what to do. He want to keep wearing it ´cause its warm and yours and smells like you but he thinks you might get upset with him when you find out. "But I need it." He wispers softly.
So he takes a deep breath and walks out the door. On his way to work. In your sweater. Trying not to think about how upset you´ll be when you find out. "She won´t be angry" Marc try´s to reasure him when they walk back home. Steven knows but still he´s worried.
Hmm I swear I was just gonna send two or three sentences hahahah 😅 oops hahahaha
"But I need it." Babyyyy 😭
But imagine you wake up and you're getting dressed and you try to find your jumper but it's not there. You know exactly where it's wandered off to and it brings a smile to your face while you dig out another jumper from your wardrobe.
Steven and Marc come home later in the day and I bet poor Steven is so nervous to walk into the apartment with your jumper on but as soon as he does, you just greet him as usual with a big hug and so many kisses which always makes him feel so 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
"Did you miss me?" You ask completely serious. "I hope this kept you company today." You say as you gesture at your jumper that he's wearing.
"A bit, well quite a lot actually, yeah." Steven nods.
"You can always borrow my jumpers if it helps, Stevie. Now, come and wind down with me."
And he just 😍😍😍 Marc laughs to himself like "I told you she wouldn't mind"
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sanhwaiting · 3 years
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cafeacademia · 1 year
Oh I forgot to flirt hahaha
Hiiii beautiful!!! Happy to see you here again! Got a little lonly without you 🥰❤️
Hii gorgeous, glad to be back 🥰 it's not a real tumblr experience if we don't flirt with each other 😌
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cafeacademia · 2 years
One last stop by Casey McQuiston
I just can´t
I pffffff
So gooooood
Can´t wait for you to read it!!!!!!
It's on my bookshelf, I'll probably read it next year when I'm looking for something that's not so gloomy haha 😂 I saw your review earlier and it must be good 💕
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Ready to go to the opera tonight!!!
Also been reading more of One last stop by Casey McQuiston and aaaaaah it´s so gooooooood!!!!!
OOH have fun!!! How far through are you now? I'm so happy you're enjoying it!!
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Okay okay let´s make it difficould love.
Why would you not date spencer?
And don´t come with stuff like you´re not good enough for him. It´s about what things about him would not work with you.
Like for me. I like spencer, I really do but hmm I think he would be a little exhausting sometimes and sometimes difficould to talk to without him responding like a doctor and trying to fix things or give explinations while you just want him to listen
Honestly, I feel a similar way about Spence too. But I think my main gripe with him would be me worrying about him analysing every one of my behaviours and my reactions to things. I feel like he might not quite understand that he shouldn't always dig for an answer or for a fix to something and you just have to listen or leave something be sometimes.
I think if I was in a relationship woth him, I'd have a hard time if he brought home work a lot of the time and tried to over work because he had an idea or a case is bothering him. Maybe it's because I'm super anti work/against the workaholic culture but yeah I think that would bother me a lot 😅
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Alright if I have to ship you with someone that's not me...
I ship you with a lot of people but for today I will ship you with Layla: I think she would love to look after you and protect you like did you see her fighting skills? I think she would find you adorable and sweet and that's maybe all she needs. Someone who will love her and make her food and cuddle with her, someone she can look after but knows looks after her too. She would love to take you on a ride on her motorbike. Oh and yeah she'll dom the hell out of you if that's what you want.
But I also ship you with Steven and Marc... Let me explain:
For Steven, I think you are the perfect person to read with and go to museums with, both of you nerding out over stuff. Your old sweaters you love to thrift shop, yeah he's stealing them, they are just so comfy and smell like you. Cuddling while both reading books is a must and wow, all the book shopping you two do it's insane. He also would feel so safe with you to explore new sides of him both in sexy times and not. He feels like he can tell you anything on his mind and be vulnerable with you and will do anything to make you feel safe too. And let's talk about the sexy stuff, why not? He's a bit unsure in the beginning about what to do but he for sure listens to what you tell him and takes notes. Oh and about who is in control? It depends. But he would love it if you take control, he will just melt. And after the sex? Cuddles and taking a shower together are a must for him! He would just love you so much!
Marc, this one is a little trickier. In the beginning, he was unsure. How can someone as sweet as you fall for him? But when you give him his room and understand that he needs his time and just look after him without touching him or forcing him and when he sees how you are with Steven he starts to be around a bit more. He lets you cook for him and starts asking what you read hoping you will ramble happily about your book and the stuff that happens in there. He will always join you on walks. He needs to be sure you are safe. When both of you slowly open up a bit more about what you have been through he swears he will never let anything happen to you and you do the same. One night he fronts and comes to you in tears and scared, he just had a nightmare and now he needs you close and feel safe in your arms, he truly trusts you and when you need him he'll always be there. He is not the best with talking but for you, he tries, he really does but most of all he will show you (yes that includes sweet lovemaking in the early morning while it softly rains outside). He would love to stay in your arms forever. He will also always find an excuse to hold your ass. You are cooking? he will help by holding you. You are trying to read something? Nice you can read while you sit in my lap. Wanna take a shower? Cool! He'll join so he can keep your company (And wash you) It took him some time to get intimate but once he trusts you? He'll never let you go
Sorry this was really long but yeah here you go! hahaha Love you sweety!
AHHHH MEGAAAAAAAAAAAN I can't tell you how excited I was when you sent this, thank you SO much for sending this to me and taking the time to write three personalised hcs 😭 I just love everything about this and I'm so so so in love with all three of them (and you of course) - totally saving this somewhere so I can enjoy rereading this in the future!
Okay now for you!
I ship you with Bucky Barnes, Derek Morgan and Layla!! - these are always the boys that come to mind when I think of you and Layla is also a recent person I can see you with!!
Bucky: I can see you and Bucky spending a lot of days indoors together. He would take care of you on those days that are just difficult and make you feel so cared for, but at the same time, he knows you'd be there for you for his bad days too. He begins to get a little less shy before you get into a relationship, then when you start dating he's really comfortable with you. I know for a fact that Bucky would absolutely adore making a blanket fort with you - it's a cold, rainy day outside and you just want to curl up in the warmth and not leave the comfort of your apartment, so he builds a fort with you. It's soft and romantic and if the mood is right, he makes love to you under the gentle glow of the fairy lights inside of your fort. You always feel safe and cared for with Bucky, he takes everything at your pace, emotionally and sexually and he's just the sweetest partner, but in the same breath - oh my god the amount of mischief you'd get up to together, Sam and Steve would not know what hit them with the amount of pranks you pull on them - not to mention the amount of times people walk in to find the two of you having some kind of nerf gun battle in the living room.
Derek Morgan: Oh he is just OOOF he's so in tune with you - he's so sweet and caring but in the same breath, he's extremely passionate. That man is very giving, especially in the bedroom. He loves taking his time and making you feel good - he lives for your reactions and the satisfaction it gives him to watch you enjoy the pleasure he gives you. He's definitely a soft dom, but he also loves the challenge of you taking control too and it's so playful and exciting to swap control. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic too, so you always come home to romantic gestures like date nights at home, pretending to be your personal driver while he takes you out to see a movie, trips to the museum or the coffee shop with an extra flair! Derek loves to treat you, but he also loves how much you are there for him too. He knows he can always come home to comfort after a difficult case. You usually make something like cookies or you try to bake something else if you know when he'll be home, but if you don't know when he'll be back, you just keep yourself prepared for when he does come home so even if you're at work or asleep when he arrives, there's a note and some comfort items waiting for him to wind down until he gets to spend time with you again later in the day or in the morning.
Layla: I can also see you with Layla!! She'd absolutely be so fun to spend time with. She definitely indulges your adventurous side - I know she'd LOVE going to the theme park with you and going on really fast rides and she loves the way it makes you all giddy afterwards! But, while you spend a lot of time exploring and doing really exciting and adrenaline inducing things, she loves having down time with you at home. Baking together? Layla loves it. Want to make dinner? Absolutely and if you're not sure how to cook a dish, she'll get adventurous in the kitchen and do her best to improvise it. Also, like you said, she'd definitely dom you if you wanted her too, but she'd also love it when you dom her too. Her favourite is the mornings when the sunlight pours into the room in golden streaks and she gets to be with you so intimately before the world is fully awake, there's something so magical about sharing that with you.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
🥺 🛒 🎃 😬
🧠 I can´t choose between derek or matt so you choose hahaha
Love you ellie!!!!!!
I love you too Megan!!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? Terms of endearment for sure!! I'm also a big fan of those quiet, gentle scenes where a character will do something innocent but super intimate like holding onto each other really desperately or reaching for the other's hand
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. I feel like I'm way too predictable with some of my writing 😂 nearly all of my fics incorporate some kind of friends to lovers situation. Hurt comfort is a big one too and you can usually bet (and win the bet) that there will be at the very least a little hint towards autumnal/cosy atmospheres all year round
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic? Sometimes!! I definitely did on my old blog a lot more than this one, but my favourites are spooky season and Christmas - but I don't think that's surprising at this point haha
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? Oh god... I think any of my smuts especially, but if there was one I REALLY didn't want them to see, it would probably be one of my threesome fics on my old blog - honestly if they found my current blog I'd block them but if they found my old blog, I would hide from them for a decade 😂 the Marvel fandom back then was something else
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. Oooh okay well since you're Megan, you get both.
Derek Morgan Derek is one of those guys that loves to boast about stuff his girlfriend/wife/best friend he shares an apartment with and has a huge crush on but won't tell her even though everyone knows anyway does. She makes him cake? He takes a chunk of it to work, boasts about how GOOD it is, how amazing she is LOOK HOW GOOD THE CAKE SHE MADE ME IS but you can't have any, it's mine, and proceeds to take the most exaggerated bites out of the cake. Cue hardcore "MMMMMM" right behind Spencer's head. God forbid you bring cake to the office when you stop by one day and he's all jealous because everyone's going to get some of your cake and it isn't his secret anymore and he will actually have to fight people when he brings cake with him in the future (Emily is coming for him the next time he brings cake with him to work).
Matt Murdock Matt loves you reading to him. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a description of an IKEA furniture instruction booklet and he'd still love it. But seriously, he loves it when you read to him. He knows how much you love to read and this is his favourite way to engage in one of your favourite hobbies and interests. There are nights when he comes home and he just needs you to read to him. The soft sound of the pages moving, your slow heartbeat as you read through a chapter of your book, voice calm and sweet. It's the best way to end a day, whether it was difficult, there were things he'd rather forget about, or he just wants to wind down and relax.
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cafeacademia · 1 year
Oooh (headcanons or fic whatever works best for you) foodshopping with matt and then after labeling it all togheter (you don´t know braille, matt doesn´t know wich box is what exacly so teamwork!) And putting it away.
Just some sweet domestic stuff! ❤️😍
Hi darling, forgot to post this last night, I'm still out of it 😅 I hope my fic captured your request well!
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Also I´m going to start reading Frankenstein (by Mary Shelley)
I feel like i´m just jumping from one genre to another hahaha
Did you read that one yet?
Ooooh you're going to enjoy that one and Dracula too! Let me know what you think of it when you've read it, not that I even need to tell you haha
Ah a mood reader at heart 😌
I did, years ago in school 😅 but I did intend to reread it again because I have literally no memory of it other than thinking it was really good haha
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cafeacademia · 2 years
I follow you because otherwise I´d get lost...
Oh well it's a good thing I can read maps... kind of 😅
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cafeacademia · 2 years
A moodboard for sundaymornings with spencer?
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The morning starts slowly. It's raining outside, but in your sleepy morning haze, the two of you decide to head out to your favourite cafe. Spencer brings his chessboard with him. You're the only ones that sit outside on a table sheltered by the canopy above while you play chess and enjoy the fresh scent of the morning rain, sipping on hot coffee, fingers touching, lingering gazes until the game comes to a close.
Sunday is Spencer's favourite.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Ooooh what about a moodboard for quarentining with derek hahaha
Show me the chaos!!!!
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Quarantine sounded like a drag to begin with, but when you realised that Derek was not going to let it even get close to boring, you began to relax a bit. He constantly had ideas up his sleeve of things to do, which included blanket forts to watch movies in (which totally didn't turn into a nerf dart tournament), going through old photos of you together and so many bets and games, you needed more than two hands to count them all.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Oooh what about a moodboard for bookshopping with spencer
Oooh and one with derek?
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Holding hands while you entered the second bookshop of the day, you breathed in the smell of old books. There was something special about the way it felt to explore old bookshops with Spencer. He had a keen eye for literature and you had a deep interest in anything he had to say. He spoke in hushed tones, his voice lulling you into comfort as you browsed the shelves, eyes landing on the spine of a beautiful book. "Let's stay here a while." Spencer said softly, watching as you sunk down onto a plush armchair with a book in your hands.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Oooh moodboards!!!!
Cleaning day with derek?
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You hadn't meant to spend the whole day cleaning, but pulling out boxes of photos and old trinkets from your early days as friends and then as lovers, you began to reorganise everything. Derek made it far too fun for it to really be a chore. Laundry was full of giggles, you tried to hand the clothes up but Derek just couldn't stop himself from messing with you and making jokes every time. You swore he was hanging things up badly on purpose, just so he could see you reach up to the washing line and leave you exposed for him to mess with you and lift you off your feet. Oh but it was days like these, where you did nothing in particular except for domestic tasks that Derek loved the most.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
You have a great ass 😊😉
Oh Megan, you really know how to flirt with me 😌💕
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