projapotimusichd · 10 months
দুই ভাইরাল একসঙ্গে স্টুডিওতে নাচের ঝড় তুললো। বিয়ের গীত। ও দয়ার ভাগিনা...
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sohelbaulmusic365 · 2 years
কলা বাগানের নাচ স্টুডিওতে দিলেন DJ Megla Sarkar । নাচ কাকে বলে দেখুন । P...
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sohelmusicbangla · 2 years
কলা বাগানের নাচ স্টুডিওতে দিলেন DJ Megla Sarkar । নাচ কাকে বলে দেখুন । P...
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sohelbaulmusic · 2 years
কলা বাগানের নাচ স্টুডিওতে দিলেন DJ Megla Sarkar । নাচ কাকে বলে দেখুন । P...
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isame-allen · 8 months
Dreamswap x very random and very very incorrect quotes
Cross: wh- fuck you!
Error: ok dollar store coloring book
Error: I’m… what??
Nightmare: it’s your favorite word dude
[cross had then became stag head decoration in errors room]
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Fog in various Northern Italy regional languages.
by u/nickanc 
Map construction and sources for it:
Following the previous request post, in particular this recap. Some sources for words, some include the etymologies used (if not mentioned in the previous links):
Francoprovençal: Gnoula basa ( source Patoisvda )
Occitan: nèbia ( source english wiktionary )
Piemontese: nebia ( source piemonteis.com )
Ligurian: negia ( source 1851 italian-genoese dictionary )
Comasque: galivergna, gheba ( source 1845 vocabulary of dialects of Como's diocese )
Milanese: ghiba, scighera, borda ( source Milanese-Italian dictionary ), particularly scighera more than the others, at least to my knowledge
Pavese: louva, nebia ( source 1874 pavese-italian dictionary )
Lodigiano: burda ( source dialettolodigiano.it )
Cremonese: ghebba ( source 1847 cremonese-italian dictionary )
Cremasque: borda ( source 1852 cremasque-italian dictionary )
Brianzolo : scighera ( source piccolo dizionario brianzolo )
Lecchese : no easily accessible source found, supposed together with Brianzolo as usual.
Sondrio and Valtellina: ghebe, scega ( source dialettando.com )
Bergamasque: boa, borda and gheba ( source 1859 italian-bergamasque dictionary and 1873 dictionary of old and modern bergamasque dialects )
Brescian: gheba ( source Studies over vulgar dialects of italian Tyrol )
Tortonese: no easily accessible source found, supposed together with Piacenza and Pavia as usual.
Piacentino: lôvèra ( source 1855 piacentino-italian dictionary )
Parmesan: fumara ( source 1858 parmesan-italian dictionary )
Reggiano: fumana ( source 1832 reggiano-italian dictionary )
Modenese: fumana ( source 1869 modenese-italian dictionary )
Bolognese: nêbbia, fumana ( source 1851 italian-bolognese dictionary and an online dictionary )
Ferrarese: fumana ( source 1805 portable ferrarese-italian dictionary )
Mirandolese: fumana, caligine (dense fog) ( source 1876 mirandolese-italian dictionary )
Mantuan: fumana ( source 1827 italian-mantuan dictionary )
Romagnol: nebia ( source 1879 romagnan-italian dictionary )
Venetian: całigo ( source elgalepin )
Bisiacco supposed to be together with Venetian as usual.
Ladino: caligo (source italian-ladin dictionary )
Nones : it is a dialect of ladin, no source easily accessible, supposed to have to same words of ladin (likely false).
Trentino: gheba, caliverna (dense fog) ( source 1955 trentino-italian dictionary and Studies over vulgar dialects of italian Tyrol ), probably better sources would provide better understanding of this area, it is likely that it has to be split valley by valley.
Friulano: fumate ( source italian-friulan dictionary )
Slovenian: megla ( source wiktionary )
Resian (slovenian dialect): no easily accessible source found, supposed to be the same of slovenian
Cimbrian: Nebel ( 1763 book on cimbrian people containing the first cimbrian dictionary )
Tyrolean, Carinthian and Walser: I supposed them to be the same of German, I have not found sources confirming or refuting it.
Mòcheno sources not found, supposed to be together with German and Cimbrian.
For those odd etymologies from lupa, there is more in italian or german, among the aforementioned sources. As latin lupa was used by Romans also to indicate someone, often a woman, craving for something, often sex, hence the slang for prostitute, so the icy fog was seen as craving for crops.  There is something here talking also about regional languages, otherwise google books offer interesting results for "nebbia lupa".
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besedar · 6 months
beseda dne: nebo
etimologija: v praslovanščini *nȅbo, *nȅbese - iz indoevropskega *nébhos, *nébheses (vlaga, oblak, megla), ta pa pride iz korena *nebh- (moker, vlažen). prvotni pomen torej oblak, megla, iz njega razvit pomen "nebo". če se prav spomnim, na podlagi takšnih besed skušajo včasih določiti pradomovino jezikovnih skupin - če je bilo naše nebo = oblak, smo verjetno bili na deževnem, meglenem področju ...
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matejpocervina · 2 years
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Kranjska megla
Carniolan fog
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animallifebd2 · 7 months
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projapotimusichd · 10 months
ডিজে মেঘলার ডিজে নাচ | আসলে তোমায় বসাইবো |Ashley Tumai Bosaibo |Dj meg...
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gtaradi · 10 months
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radiogornjigrad · 1 year
Tomislav Ribić: VERBUVANKA
VERBUVANKA regaregaregaregaregaregaregaregaregaregaregarega rega-rega rega-rega meni ni do tega rega-rega rega-rega siti smo več sega vubili su drugič Jezuša na križu zaprli lunu vu dvanaestu hižu vu kesnome filmu navlekli su kmicu vlovili vu krletku plavu pticu rega-rega rega-rega vu senjah sem videl turenj goreč istinu iščuč zgubil sem reč trese se vu bludu črna hiža megla se zdiže okoli…
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goth-miss-piggy · 2 years
she megla my don till i … till i go extinct
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running on broken dreams
they take us apart at the seams
then forget to put us back together again
I'm scared of failure, affection and men
1. spotikam se ob svoje misli
2. mislim na lažne nagrade
3. preobremenjena s tabo
4. medtem zažigajo grmade
5. vse kar hočem je dotik
6. je poljub, ki utiša krik
7. megla ki vse odžene
8. njih ubija, reši mene
9. otroci mrtvi navznoter
10. droge, krila, pesmi, sanje
11. luknje, koplje jih življenje
12. mi, ki spet padamo vanje
13. vem da ni nikogar ki bi
14. resil me dol s te pečine
15. vse je v redu, malo mrtva
16. a prej al slej vse tu mine
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jacohernandezson · 3 years
Ljubljana's foggy Xmas
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jacospuknikson · 5 years
Ljubljana's castle way
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