#meguru hibiki
magiarecordhomescreen · 4 months
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Homescreen girl of the day is... Meguru Hibiki!
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bunnymajo · 2 years
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puellamagishowdown · 4 months
Round 2, Match 27
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magiamemoriareview · 1 year
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The Exhibition Will Open Soon! Please Pay Attention!
Obtainability: This memoria can be purchased from the Mirrors shop.
Single Effect: Redraw Discs
MLB Effect: Redraw Discs
Effect Definitions:
Redraw Discs will replace that turns’ discs with a new set from the available pool.
TLDR: “The Exhibition Will Open Soon” is a good niche memoria that is either extraordinarily helpful or completely useless. It’s worth keeping.
Review: “The Exhibition Will Open Soon” is a simple memoria with a simple effect. You either need it or you don’t. It can help shuffle disks if you get a particularly bad set. Of course, it won’t directly increase your damage or protect you in any way– but indirectly, it can help better set up a puella combo or a connect, which could give that effect.
Naturally you won’t always get a better disk set, even if you use this memoria. However, you can reset the game and try again if you’re willing to spend some time on it.
I’ve seen this memoria, alongside several others that also give Redraw Discs, in Kimochi to try and mitigate some of the RNG. If you need to make sure a specific characters gets at least one accele disc in a turn, you can equip two or three of these on different units to try and ensure that happens.
Of course, this means you are sacrificing potential damage by not using other active memoria. However this could be worth it if you’ve determined a good path for your gameplay.
Other Redraw Disc memoria include (but not including personals):
(Limited Welfare 4*) “The Duo's Entwined Path” Redraw Discs
(Mirrors Shop 4*) “The Exhibition Will Open Soon! Please Pay Attention!” Redraw Discs
(4*) “Garnish Everything Cutely” Redraw Discs
Lastly, I recommend keeping this memoria even if you already have other Redraw Disc memoria. You never know when you’ll need more than one or two, and this means you can equip two different Redraw Disc memoria on the same character.
Overall, a niche memoria but a decent one. 
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raposarealm · 2 years
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Some randomly-picked meguca sketches I did while trying to fill out the last couple pages in my sketchbook. Except for Ria and The Other Hibiki, I hadn’t drawn any of them before.
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pansexualkiba · 1 year
@panda-monium64 this is a little late but guess what. it's double length anyways.
Plot: It's been a long couple of years with these recent events, so when a period of peace rolls around, it gives Reimu, Marisa, and a couple other girls time to hang around the shrine and just chill for a bit. ...And then a vaguely-familiar girl has appeared at the shrine. Apparently, there's been a gathering of particular Youkai around separate locations - but neither have overlapping members, so she's feeling a bit concerned about an eventual turf war. So, once more, the girls head out to investigate.
Okay, so I opened with the plot so that I could deliver this, and then tell you a very very interesting thing: Around this time, I got into Len'en. So this is essentially BPoHC but Touhou. And with an entirely new cast and theme. Basically, it's this thing where you choose a route before you begin and this changes what bosses you fight. I think you'll quickly realize the theme here, but also know... That this was before WBaWC. So if there's some things happening in here that feel familiar... Well.
First up: Route A!
STALLIA PEGAZ Bearer of Thunder and Lightning Species: Pegasus Ability: Capable of finding sources of water A foreign youkai of the House of Damian. Originally from the Mediterranean, her useful ability and beautiful wings captivated the hearts of many humans. In the past, she was used to ferry lightning bolts across the heavens and carry heroes to fantastic destinations. Lately, she's been in a bit of a slump, but as a local celebrity, she's often busy anyways. One day, she was soaring through the heavens just for a bit of fun, when she was approached by someone...
Fun fact: the actual mythical pegasus created the Hippocrene, a freshwater spring, so that's why her ability is finding groundwater, essentially. She's one of the youkai that appeared in the first part of this series. Look at that! Continuity. :) Anyways, she's just Greek Saki that predates the creation of Saki. That's fun and cute, right?
SLIDRUG BURSTI Beast of Golden Bristles Species: Boar Ability: Capable of making anything glow An artificial life form who wandered into the Garden of Eternity by mistake and was transported along with the various flora. Normally a lazy individual, she's known to go berserk every now and again. Her golden hair glows in the dark, meaning that no space is ever dark with her nearby. As such, she can purify the darkness from someone using her hair. It's an incredibly dangerous ability, akin to brainwashing, but she's indifferent to any struggle, so she's safe to be around. She was minding her own business when she was approached by a figure holding a beautiful gemstone...
"If she's ideologically neutral why is she taking part in this war" I like to think she actually actively rejected the final boss. That feels incredibly funny to me. Just L after L. Anyways, this is just Gullinbursti as a cute girl.
DIANN FENGETSU Medium for the Cursed and Evil Species: Brahma Hen Ability: Capable of absorbing evil intent A long-lived chicken who absorbed a particularly nasty curse and evolved into the youkai before you. She has incredible foresight, and is well-known among other bird youkai for being particularly clever and smart. Her ability allows her to act as a magnet for curses, hexes, and miasmas. She can then neutralize these evil things and convert them into energy. Despite being an effective good luck charm, she'd rather not interact with others if she can help it. She was having a light snack when a girl in heavenly raiments approached her...
Again. This was before WBaWC. Kutaka hadn't existed yet when Diann was made. She's essentially the bird version of Hina who doesn't spin. These shorter profiles are because they were made in packs of two, which I have split along for the routes. Where did I get the name Fengetsu...?
INES SOURIS Broker of Information and Food Species: Rat youkai Ability: Capable of giving value to anything A tourist rodent who was called in to help find the Palanquin Ship pieces. Now that she lives in Gensokyo, she spends her days writing "foreign" novellas and selling them for exorbitantly high prices. Since she has no real use for the money and no one buys her work anyways, she doesn't care about profit. If she does make profits, however, she has vowed to donate them to the nearest religious establishment (coincidentally, the Myouren Temple). Her ability to give value to anything makes it so that everything she says is useful at least in a small degree, from nonsensical truisms like "soap shouldn't be filthy" to accurate statements like "I've figured out who's behind this event". She was coming back from shopping when she was approached by a small, yet regal girl...
French mouse. Rat without the Touille. The funny thing here is this was back when Nazrin wasn't relevent anymore. So. A Rat. I love that she's essentially doing the same thing Kouriko's doing, but since Kouriko isn't upcharging, people are buying her tea blends and going "oh shit this juice is banging". Meanwhile the only person who could possibly find the interest AND money to buy Ines's books is Kosuzu. And maybe Tokiko (she steals it).
FENNU XUE & TANLAN DAIYU Two Out of Three Evils Species: Tiger and Monkey youkai Ability: Capable of causing anger in humans, stealing abilities A pair of celestial bodyguards hired by Tatsuko to keep her safe while she strategizes against Serpentarius. Tatsuko, trying to keep her war discreet, only hired the two, with the third (a deer youkai) off working for someone else. They miss her. Xue is the power of the trio, and Daiyu is the speed of the trio. Daiyu's ability allows her to copy anyone's ability by sight, and Xue can instill rage in anyone who looks at her for too long. Recently, as word reached them of their allies' defeat, they were considering leaving Tatsuko to her own devices...
That's right! The two factions here are Tatsuko and Serpentarius! I'll get to them later because I'm skipping their bios here. Anyways, Xue and Daiyu have become my favorite recently, entirely because I recently actually made their third friend. She'll be in the next part. I don't know why I call them "Three Evils", because they're not really based on anything aside from just being animals. Daiyu, obviously, predates Biten, but I like to imagine that Daiyu steals Biten's ability and then they're just. At a stalemate. They're both monkeys. Biten's ability is controlling monkeys. What is the endgame here. Anyways, you can tell HSiFS hype hadn't broken its hold on me yet here.
Now, onto Route B:
SHINEN NAMINO Figure Standing in Seafoam Species: Umi-nyuudou Ability: Capable of changing water levels A follower of Buddhism and a mysterious figure often not seen on dry land. As an umi-nyuudou, she can move between water sources, though, so her pilgrimages aren't too arduous. She is a practical sort, and normally not one to fight, but she is also aware of the battle-ready nature of everyone else, so she has a few Spell Cards ready (not as though she fights well anyways). She was on her way to another session at the temple when she was approached by a strange figure...
Shinen :). That's my thoughts here entirely. I love how many characters I have that have water-based abilities. Rain, snow, floods, creating it, manipulation of water vapor, finding it... What's going on here.
HISAWA HEIKE Vengeful Carapace Species: Heikegani Ability: Capable of reading tides A crab youkai and a devout follower of Funka no Kamuy. Hisawa is the result of a particular species of crab living too long for its own good. On her back is the design of a samurai's face in ukiyo-e style. A samurai-in-training herself, she prides herself in her spear tosses and ability to quickly withdraw. However, she still has yet to master the art of actually fighting head on. By reading the tides of battle, she is able to evade many attacks. She was practicing her naginata stances when she was approached by a figure in scales...
Isn't Hisawa... Crabtivating? She's just a very fun little samurai girl. I didn't name Akkoro in her profile because at that point I was still referring to her as Funka no Kamuy (out of respect). I love how I describe her back as if you'll ever fucking see it. Do I mean it's a birthmark, a tattoo, or just a fabric pattern? Anyways, I'm actually proud I decided to give her a naginata. You think samurai and you think "katana" and "shotgun", but they used spears a lot. But you also don't think of crabs and think "naginata", so that's what I went with. Also, of course a follower of a god who uses a harpoon would use polearms. :)
KUURAN The Faceless Identity Crisis Species: Shiro Ukari Ability: Capable of stealing identities A soul from the very edges of Gensokyo. She has no real life story, but she has a cheerful, yet thoughtful nature. She is capable of perfectly imitating anyone else, to the point where it comes down to tiny details. She gets easily dazzled by the big city, so she often dons the identity of someone long dead and blends into the crowd. Sometimes, however, she accidentally copies a well-known figure, and then it's all over. While resting at a taiyaki stand, she was approached by a woman with a serpent...
What IS a shiro ukari. I know it's essentially just a classist depiction of rural Edokko, but like. Aside from that. What the fuck ARE they. I think that's what this ability became. She isn't really anything, so she's free to be anything. I don't know, she's kinda admirable like that. Anyways, be nice to Kuuran.
MEGURU MORINOKUNI The Laughing Aloofness Species: Harionago Ability: Capable of extending her hair A harionago that lives in the forest. Using her incredibly sharp hair, she entangles humans who dare to laugh at her. She spends most of her time, however, simply living among humans, otherwise harmless. Her general attack range is a good five meters. When she activates her ability, she has complete control over how prehensile her hair is. Due to her otherwise unremarkable appearance, she's privy to a lot of information. She was walking in the forest roads when she was approached by a tall, regal woman...
Yukako... That being said, she's really sorta Kazusa II. ...K... KazuMegu?
I really just sorta made her. I don't have much else to say.
IZUMO SEI & YONAOSHI KOKUJI Pair of Dangerous Sea Beasts Species: Ushi-oni and Namazu Ability: Capable of changing tides, leveling mountains A pair of hired muscle to protect Serpentarius as she plots against Tatsuko. They've been an inseparable duo for quite some time now, and were recommended to Serpentarius by their old friend Miyo. Izumo's ability lets her change the direction of her danmaku, and Yonaoshi's lets her shake the ground until the very mountains are flattened. Normally, Izumo and Yonaoshi keep each other from destroying everything in their wake, but since they've been hired, they've decided to start going all out. They really don't have any true loyalty to Serpentarius - they're getting ready to have some of their own fun...
Taisui Xingjun......... Urumi......... Again, WBaWC hadn't even been announced yet, so Izumo being an Ushi-Oni is a complete coincidence. I think it's incredibly funny that I establish with this profile that literally ZERO fucking people involved have any actual stake in Tatsuko and Serpentarius's spat.
Speaking on Tatsuko and Serpentarius, this is 100% Tatsuko's fault. Like, when we left them off in WBZ, Tatsuko was actively scheming to undercut Serpentarius, and Serpentarius is just. She's just fucking vibing. Like, I think what it is at this point is Tatsuko is just going completely rogue because she got grounded for the first time in her life and she's just throwing a tantrum. And Serpentarius is only involved because she heard about this and went "oh bitch" and she fully got prepared to fight this 1200-year-old.
Anyways, the Extra Stage is only available if you clear both routes. That's your replayability right there. The implication is you fucking. Attack them one at a time. Anyways here's the extra boss.
HIBIKI AKAYOROSHI Dealer of Good Omens Species: Tsukumogami (Deck of Cards) Ability: Capable of manipulating cards A herald of good omens. Although she is the tsukumogami of a deck of hanafuda cards, she was actually missing quite a few cards when she emerged. As such, she was beside herself with frenzy. Then she met Raiko Horikawa in the Tsukumogami Village, and was given the idea to fill in her blank spaces with cards from other decks. Through a combination of theft and sheer luck, she's assembled quite the collection of cards. Though she now has a full set of hanafuda cards, she sometimes "accessorizes" with her collection of varied playing cards. Currently, she has a job as a herald for the embodiment of Zodiac.
It's a card version of Kokoro! I like Hibiki but I don't do much with her :/. Anyways, she's kind of the Mugetsu of the game. That's right, noted PC-98 truther Chrysanthos has appeared once more to give you a Mugetsu-Gengetsu thing. You defeat Hibiki, and then immediately after the second, stronger Extra Stage boss flies in.
AMITA Beast of Fantastic Fortune Species: Kotobuki Ability: Capable of summoning the Zodiac A chimera of all creatures within the Zodiac. When Serpentarius and Tatsuko both began to gather their armies for their proxy war, Amita immediately knew precisely what they were doing. Being the embodiment of the Zodiac, she's always perfectly aware when the Zodiac converges. As such, she disguised herself as a young maiden and descended unto Gensokyo, looking for someone to help her stop this war before it even began. As such, she found the Hakurei Shrine, where a small party was being held. There, she enlisted a certain person to help her quell Tatsuko and Serpentarius. After both were defeated, Amita decided to finally appear in her own form, and sent her new employee Hibiki before her to herald her appearance. Unfortunately, such a procession, so directly after an incident, was viewed as a threat. By being able to summon the Zodiac, she can channel their abilities to the minutest detail. Her disguise ability comes from Kuuran, in fact. After all, it doesn't matter which Zodiac she's summoning, as long as it's a Zodiac.
Amita... Okay, so, I know Amita is short for Amitabha, but I actually... Did not know that when making her. What Amita's actually named after is Amidakuji, the Ghost Leg Lottery. I'm... Not totally sure why, but I think the theming here was Hibiki being card games and Amita being a different kind of luck-based game. Anyways, I love Amita essentially having twelve abilities but just. Not being able to use most of them because I didn't think that fucking far ahead. Anyways, yeah! Tatsuko and Serpentarius were gathering allies based on the Eastern and Western Zodiacs, respectively. It's easy to see which ones they are, I think.
These were my last Touhou ocs for a LONG time! A few years, in fact! Because after these were made, I essentially focused instead on other things. I just totally waned on my Touhou fixation - the last game I had played was AoCF. It's only when I got a new laptop and got UDoaLG that I got back into Touhou Gaming proper. And I decided I wanted to add in a couple more characters.
...And meanwhile, three girls prepare to wait warmly and photograph these new arrivals.
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bibururokku · 25 days
An Unofficial Comprehensive Age List of Blue Lock Characters from Oldest to Youngest
I made this because of this post I made here as a means to keep me sane, but feel free to reblog to keep it as a reference and stuff!
1. Buratsuta Hirotoshi — November 7th, 1957 (62) 2. Isagi Issei — May 1st, 1972 (46) 3. Isagi Iyo — January 4th, ???? (43)** 4. Bachira Yu — August 16th, 1981 (37) 5. Noel Noa — April 2nd, ???? (31)** 6. Jinpachi Ego — March 31st, ???? (30)** 7. Dada Silva — October 23rd, ???? (28)** 8. Leonardo Luna — October 31st, ???? (27)** 9. Adam Blake — September 30th, 1992 (26) 10. Pablo Cavasoz — March 7th, ???? (23)** 11. Teieri Anri — August 17th, 1996 (22) 12. Aiku Oliver — June 30th, 1999 (19) 13. Don Lorenzo — July 4th, 1999 (19) 14. Michael Kaiser — December 25th, 1999 (19)* 15. Yukimiya Kenyu — April 28th, 2000 (18) 16. Okawa Hibiki — June 12th, 2000 (18) 17. Baro Shoei — June 27th, 2000 (18) 18. Shido Ryusei — July 7th, 2000 (18) 19. Imamura Yudai — July 15th, 2000 (18) 20. Karasu Tabito — August 15th, 2000 (18) 21. Wanima Junichi — August 20th, 2000 (18) 22. Wanima Keisuke — August 20th, 2000 (18) 23. Sendo Shuto — October 7th, 2000 (18) 24. Itoshi Sae — October 10th, 2000 (18)* 25. Aryu Jyubei — November 3rd, 2000 (18)* 26. Kuon Wataru — November 16th, 2000 (18)* 27. Iemon Okuhito — November 19th, 2000 (18)* 28. Otoya Eita — December 3rd, 2000 (18)* 29. Ishikari Yukio — December 10th, 2000 (18)* 30. Gagamaru Gin — January 2nd, 2001 (18)* 31. Tokimitsu Aoshi — March 21st, 2001 (18)* 32. Nagi Seishiro — May 6th, 2001 (17) 33. Kira Ryosuke — May 23rd, 2001 (17) 34. Julian Loki — June 9th, 2001 (17) 36. Igarashi Gurimu — July 6th, 2001 (17) 37. Bachira Meguru — August 8th, 2001 (17) 38. Mikage Reo — August 12th, 2001 (17) 39. Kiyora Jin — August 31st, 2001 (17) 40. Raichi Jingo — October 11th, 2001 (17)* 41. Tsurugi Zantetsu — October 30th, 2001 (17)* 42. Hiori Yo — November 30th, 2001 (17)* 43. Chigiri Hyoma — December 23rd, 2001 (17)* 44. Kunigami Rensuke — March 11th, 2002 (17)* 46. Isagi Yoichi — April 1st, 2002 (17)* 47. Kurona Ranze — September 6th, 2002 (16) 48. Itoshi Rin — September 9th, 2002 (16) 49. Nanase Nijiro — January 1st, 2003 (16)* 50. Niko Ikki — February 5th, 2003 (16)* 51. Naruhaya Asahi — March 20th, 2003 (16)*
* As Sae has turned 18 after the Second Selection and Isagi has turned 17 sometime during or a bit before the PxG match, it can be assumed that every character with a birthday between was a year younger and has aged up to the ages currently shown on the list sometime in the series.
So basically: Michael Kaiser — December 25th, 1999 (18 → 19) Itoshi Sae — October 10th, 2000 (17 → 18) Aryu Jyubei — November 3rd, 2000 (17 → 18) Kuon Wataru — November 16th, 2000 (17 → 18) Iemon Okuhito — November 19th, 2000 (17 → 18) Otoya Eita — December 3rd, 2000 (17 → 18) Ishikari Yukio — December 10th, 2000 (17 → 18) Gagamaru Gin — January 2nd, 2001 (17 → 18) Tokimitsu Aoshi — March 21st, 2001 (17 → 18) Raichi Jingo — October 11th, 2001 (16 → 17) Tsurugi Zantetsu — October 30th, 2001 (16 → 17) Hiori Yo — November 30th, 2001 (16 → 17) Chigiri Hyoma — December 23rd, 2001 (16 → 17) Kunigami Rensuke — March 11th, 2002 (16 → 17) Isagi Yoichi — April 1st, 2002 (16 → 17) Nanase Nijiro — January 1st, 2003 (15 → 16) Niko Ikki — February 5th, 2003 (15 → 16) Naruhaya Asahi — March 20th, 2003 (15 → 16)
** The birth year and age of these characters are unknown because it is unclear whether these characters have aged into their listed ages or were these ages when introduced, so there is a chance that these ages are now off by one year. Thus, they may be either a year younger and have just turned that age or are all currently a year older because their birthdays have passed now.
In other words: Isagi Iyo — January 4th, 1975 OR 1976 (43 → 44 || 42 → 43) Noel Noa — April 2nd, 1987 OR 1988 (31 → 32 || 30 → 31) Jinpachi Ego — March 31st, 1988 OR 1989 (30 → 31 || 29 → 30) Dada Silva — October 23rd, 1989 OR 1990 (28 → 29 || 27 → 28) Leonardo Luna — October 31st, 1990 OR 1991 (27 → 28 || 26 → 27) Pablo Cavasoz — March 7th, 1995 OR 1996 (23 → 24 || 22 → 23)
Other things to keep in mind:
Blue Lock is supposed to be set in mid/late 2018, and the current events we see take place in 2019. Given that the series has an official setting and official ages with confirmed passage of time with people aging as their birthdays pass, characters should be born during the years listed above.
However, the birth years of certain adults (see above) can be iffy simply because there is a lack of information about them and the exact timeline of events occurring in the series. (E.g. it is known that Isagi turned 17 sometime around the PxG match, but it is unclear whether or not Noel Noa's birthday has also passed despite his birthday being the day after Isagi's.)
What is certain are the birth years of the U-20 players and the Blue Lock participants because U-20 players cannot be older than the maximum age of 20 in the year of the competition to qualify, so their oldest has to be born sometime in '99 to be able to play. As for the Blue Lock participants, the original 300 players were selected from a pool of high schoolers, so they have to be between 15-18, as Japan only has three years of high school, with each grade having a specific age range due to how the school year is arranged to start in April and end in March, as such, 1st years are always 15-16 years old, 2nd years are always 16-17 years old and 3rd years are always 17-18 years old, so everyone had to be born between '00-'03.
Extra things that came to mind as I wrote this:
— As it is currently April in Blue Lock, the 3rd year boys are technically graduated from high school, and the 1st and 2nd years should be the 2nd and 3rd years now. — Depending on how far into April it is, Yukimiya could be or turn 19. — The boys would be around 20-25 years old irl rn.
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portalcartoon · 2 months
Doppel drawing challenge!
Since end of the game already came, some girls didn't got doppels or even witch in color, so I want to see what doppels you could give to them
Aug 5 - Moka Megumi
Aug 6 - Maria Yuki
Aug 7 - Seira Mihono
Aug 8 - Temari Kira
Aug 9 - Hotori Yuzuki
Aug 10 - Rion Yuzuki
Aug 11 - Meguru Hibiki
Aug 12 - Hotaru Yura
Aug 13 - Kuro (くろ)
Aug 14 - Kagari Hinata
Aug 15 - Chisato Nishigiki
Aug 16 - Takina Inoue
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muffinrecord · 1 year
hmmm. what to watch next? I'm really starting to run out of event videos. I might rewatch some of the NA-translated ones, just to refresh my memory...
The ones I have left to watch (that are translated) are:
End of a Legend, Limits of Light
Christmas String
Memorable Flower
The Masked Student Council that Strikes Back
...Wow is that really it? Alright.
I'm not really looking forward to the Tart event. Maybe I should get it out of the way...? I know it's not going to be bad but I also know it's going to be boring as fuck (I'm sorry Tart fans, but Tart events tend to be kinda long and repetitive for my tastes). I know that the Masked Student Council is good so I'm kinda saving it as a treat for last.
Thinking about it, I also have these left for Magical Girl Stories:
Valentines Sudachi
First Sunrise Shizuka
Kazumi Subaru
Touka & Nemu (Holy Night ver)
Sudachi Sawa
Rion Yuzuki
Hotori Yuzuki
Meguru Hibiki
Shizuka Tokime
And like, a billion costume stories, and most of arc 2 main story, and arc 2 another story, and also actually all of mirrors, and then the special stories, and some quote videos that I need to catch up on, and--
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puellamagifashion · 2 years
Character Masterpost
Original series: Madoka Kaname Ultimate Madoka Homura Akemi Homura Akemi (glasses/plaits)/Moemura Devil Homura Mami Tomoe Sayaka Miki Kyoko Sakura Hitomi Shizuki Nagisa Momoe
Kazumi Magica: Kazumi Subaru Kaoru Maki Umika Misaki Saki Asami Mirai Wakaba Satomi Usagi Niko Kanna Kanna Hijiri Airi Anri ‘Yuuri’/Yuuri Asuka Ayase/Luca Souju Akane Sumire
Oriko Magica: Oriko Mikuni Kirika Kure Yuma Chitose Sasa Yuuki Komaki Asako Lina Hitomi Mio Miyako Saki Mai Akane Erika Mamiya Koito Asako Akira Namekata Miyuki Nagatsuki Futaba Chihana Masumi
Suzune Magica: Suzune Amano Arisa Narumi Chisato Shion Haruka Kanade Matsuri Hinata Kagari Hinata Tsubaki Mikoto Kanami Honoka
Tart Magica: Tart/Jeanne d’Arc Riz Hawkwood Melissa de Vignolles Eliza Celjska Corbeau Lapin Minou Isabeau Pernelle Fleche Lame
Magia Record: Iroha Tamaki Yachiyo Nanami Tsuruno Yui Sana Futaba Felicia Mitsuki Mifuyu Azusa Touka Satomi Alina Gray Nemu Hiiragi Ui Tamaki Rena Minami Momoko Togame Kaede Akino Karin Misono Kanagi Izumi Mitama Yakumo Tsukuyo Amane Tsukasa Amane Kuroe
Kagome Satori Yuna Kureha Hikaru Kirari Ao Kasane Juri Oba Shizuka Tokime Chiharu Hiroe Sunao Toki Himena Aika Shigure Miyabi Hagumu Azumi San Kagura Miyuri Yukari Lavi/Rabi Himuro Asahi Miura Alexandra Kurusu Urara/Ulala Yume Nayuta Satomi Mikage Yakumo Sudachi Sawa Yozuru Sasame Livia Medeiros Mikoto Sena Tsuyu Mizuna Chizuru
Asuka Tatsuki Kanoko Yayoi Natsuki Utsuho Hinano Miyako Sasara Minagi Nanaka Tokiwa Emiri Kisaki Shizuku Hozumi Akira Shinobu Manaka Kurumi Ria Ami Kako Natsume Meiyui Chun Leila Ibuki Seika Kumi
Mito Aino Kokoro Awane Yukika Nanase Hanna Sarasa Ayaka Mariko Himika Mao Sakuya Suzuka Aimi Eri Tsumugi Wakana Ren Isuzu Konoha Shizumi Hazuki Yusa Ayame Mikuri Masara Kagami Konomi Haruna
Rika Ayano Mayu Kozue Sayuki Fumino Moka Megumi Riko Chiaki Maria Yuki Mel Anna Mikura Komachi Seira Mihono Temari Kira Hotori Yuzuki Meguru Hibiki Eternal Sakura/Sakurako Ranka Chizu Rion Yuzuki
Ryo Midori Chika Aoba Hotaru Yura Kanae Yukino Yuuna Kaharu Jun Kazari Ashley Taylor Ikumi Makino Mitsune Miwa Sae Kirino Rui Mizuki Akari Mai Ryoko Natsu Kushu Irina Kuro Mabayu Aki
Other: Pia Undo Overall other characters
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magicalgirlagency · 8 months
Which Magia Record characters have the best designs?
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Haruna Konomi;
Kurumi Manaka;
Hibiki Meguru;
Nanase Yukika;
Yayoi Kanoko;
Ami Ria;
Utsuho Natsuki;
Makino Ikumi;
Subaru Kazumi;
Misono Karin.
There are others that I like too, but I just settled with ten because that's how many pictures Tumblr will allow per post.
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amaraplaysonwords · 1 year
[Show By Rock!] Yokazenohorizon - イメージノ / Images (Translation)
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This is my favorite Yokaze song and I am both appalled that no one has translated it before and also honored because that means yours truly gets to have a go at it. Tons of notes in this one because the wordplay in the original lyrics are beautiful and I can't convey it fully in TL. Enjoy!
周回する思考のキュービック Shuukai suru shikou no cubic 底のない夜 浮かべて soko no nai yoru ukabete 瞬間咲く至高のミュージック shunkan saku shikou no music そこに在るのは カタチなき soko no aru no wa katachi naki イメージノカケラ Image no kakera
Cubic thoughts flying in orbit [2] thinking of the bottomless [3] night In the ephemerally blooming music There, I find the formless fragments of images
めぐる めぐる 季節 そっと meguru meguru kisetsu sotto まわる まわる 思い もっと mawaru mawaru omoi motto 君に 君と 溶けあって 溶けあって Kimi ni kimi to tokeatte tokeatte
The seasons gently roll and roll Even more, my feelings spin and spin into you, with you, we melt together, we melt together
おいで おいで 夢に乗って oide, oide, yume ni notte 漕いで 漕いで 揺れて ずっと koide koide yurete zutto La La La 僕ら 漂って 漂って Lalala bokura tadayotte tadayotte
Come, come, aboard your dreams rowing, rowing, swaying forever la la la, floating, wandering
幾つもの夜 旅は続くよ Ikutsumo no yoru tabi wa tsuzuku yo 夜から 夜へと yoru kara yoru he to 吹き荒れ 吹き抜け fukiare fukinuke
The journey continues, for however many nights from one night to the next storming through [4], blowing through
予想より斜め右から左へ yosou yori naname migi kara hidari he 共鳴 共鳴 kyoumei kyoumei 予想より強い光を帯びて yosou yori tsuyoi hikari wo abite
More distorted [5] than conjecture, from right to left, it resonates, it resonates I bathed in light, brighter than expectation
旋回する思想のビューイング Senkai suru shisou no viewing 時のない詩 綴れば toki no nai uta suzureba 鮮烈なる至高のミュージック senretsu naru shikou no music 響き奏でよ カタチなき hibiki kanade yo katachi naki イメージノカケラ image no kakera
The view of my revolving thoughts Spelling out a timeless song music that is vivid and sublime let them dance and resonate the formless fragments of images
いつか いつか 言えるだろう itsuka itsuka ieru darou 不安がりの輝石だって fuangari no kiseki datte 磨き上げて 星になって 星になって migai agete hoshi ni natte hoshi ni natte
Someday, someday, I’ll be able to say That, if you polish it, Even a diamond in the rough [6] will become a star, become a star
ひどく ひどく こびりついた hidoku hidoku kobiritsuita 不満茸を焼き払って fuman dake wo yakiharatte La La La 僕ら 灰になって ハイになって la la la bokura hai ni natte high ni natte
Burn down the dissatisfaction clinging, clinging, terribly, like mould [7] la la la we become ashes, we become euphoric [8]
幾つ目の夢 澄んだ音色で ikutsu me no yume sunda neiro de 夜から 夜へと yoru kara yoru he to 羽ばたき 羽ばたけ habataki habatake
With the transparent tones of countless dreams from one night to the next, fluttering wings, flap your wings
予感より青い yokan yori aoi 僕らの時代の証明 証明 bokura no jidai no shoumei shoumei 予感より強い思いの中で
More naïve than premonition The proof, proof [9] of our era Inside these emotions, stronger than premonition
少しだけ泣いた sukoshi dake naita 凪いだ海のように naida umi no you ni 忘れじの恋のように wasureji no koi no you ni 所在なき泡のように shousai naki awa no you ni
I shed just a handful of tears Just like a sea after a storm [10] Just like a love on its last days Just like waterless bubbles [11]
周回する思考のキュービック Shuukai suru shikou no cubic 旋回する思想のビューイング Senkai suru shisou no viewing
Cubic thoughts flying in orbit The view of my revolving thoughts [12]
予想より斜め右から左へ yosou yori naname migi kara hidari he 共鳴 共鳴 kyoumei kyoumei 予想より強い光を帯びて yosou yori tsuyoi hikari wo abite
More distorted than conjecture, from right to left, it resonates, it resonates I bathed in light, brighter than expectation
永遠なる無慈悲の残像 eien naru mujihi no zanzou 底のない夜 浮かべて soko no nai yoru ukabete 深遠なる至高のミュージック shinen naru shikou no music そこに在るのは カタチなき soko ni aru no wa katachi naki イメージノガラクタ image no kakera
The eternal, ruthless afterimage thinking of the endless night The unfathomable sublime music There, I find the formless debris of images
TL Notes:
[1] This note is about the title. Yes. The title. The original title is イメージノ (imeeji no / Of (the) Images). Kudos to the SB69 wiki that lists it as just "Images" in english. Elegant and Simple.
[2] the first in a handful of math terms used in this song. 周回 (shuukai) has many meanings. For this translation, in order to make it sound more natural and lyrical, I chose the meaning "orbit". Although I'm sure the original intent was the meaning "circumference"
[3] 底 (soko), I chose to translate as "bottom". The kanji can also mean base as in numerical bases and base as in the base of a geometrical shape. The latter meaning was probably the original intent
[4] 吹き荒れ (fuki are) means "to blow violently", referring to wind. I chose to translate it as "to storm through" because I wanted to carry the original implication of wind
[5] 斜め (naname). I translated it as "distorted", but it's more commonly used to describe something "diagonal" or "slanted"
[6] I translated 輝石 (kiseki) as "diamond" but it's actually pyroxene. But unfortunately there are no idioms about pyroxene, so I took some liberties. This word is also a pun for 奇跡 (also read kiseki) which means "miracle"
[7] This is gonna be a long one. 不満茸 (fuman dake) literally means "dissatisfaction mushroom". But you'll only see if after reading the lyrics. When you listen you'll assume the line is saying 不満だけ (fuman dake) which means "only dissatisfaction". So the line would mean, audibly, "burn down only the/your dissatisfaction".
[8] the mushroom pun works to serve the next line. ハイになって (high ni natte), which literally means "we become high". Because. Burning mushrooms. Haha. But I chose "euphoric". I hope the "drug" nuance was conveyed.
[9] 証明 (shoumei) means proof, but also means proof, as in a formal mathematical proof
[10] the verb 凪ぐ (nagu) means to become calm, or to die down. I chose "sea after a storm" to throw back to the "stroming through" line
[11] 所在なき泡 (shousai naki awa) means "bubbles with no place to belong". It has an ephemeral nuance the way bubbles pop when the water in them evaporate, hence my choice in translation.
[12] I translated both 思考 (shikou) and 思想 (shishou) as "thought", but they're different. 思考 (shikou) is "intellectual thought" and 思想 (shishou) is more like "ideas/ideology"
If you read all the notes, I hope you found it interesting. If not then thank you anyway!
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lgbtqmanga · 1 year
New Releases Mar. 14, 2023
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Be My Love, My Lord by Adumi Nagano
This is a world where humans keep beasts and beasts obey humans. Born as the second son of a well-known family, the lonely Reiji has always had his beastman servant, Tsubaki, as irreplaceable presence since he was a child.
But one day his feelings turn to love, and Reiji playfully kisses Tsubaki, which invites his bestial lust. His sharp bite overflows with his own repressed feelings, but comes with a dark realization; they are different races, different castes. Can they overcome these hurdles and embrace their love?
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The Dragon's Betrothed vol. 1 by Meguru Hinohara
Troubled writer Chiharu Izunome reluctantly returns to his rural hometown, hoping some R & R will refresh his creative juices. Instead of finding respite, he’s quickly entangled by an old promise to wed a local god!
Rin, the water dragon god to whom Chiharu has been betrothed, can be disarmingly friendly and charming, but inside lurks an animalistic ferocity. Can Chiharu escape Rin’s protective embrace, or is his fate already written?
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Golden Sparkle by Minta Suzumaru
Himaru Uehara’s first year of high school is off to a good start, minus one problem - he keeps having "especially intense" dreams. With only his mom and sister at home - and having skipped health class in middle school - he thinks it means there’s something wrong with him. Thankfully, a new friend has just the remedy and teaches Himaru exactly how to deal with those pesky dreams! But his solution only leads to more confusion, and the two find themselves navigating feelings they’ve never felt before.
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I Didn't Mean to Fall in Love by Minta Suzumaru
Inexperienced Yoshino is about to turn thirty. He’s nearly given up on ever falling in love, let alone having decent sex—until one day he steels himself and goes to a gay bar. There he meets Rou, a charming, silver-haired college student who is everything that Yoshino isn’t: mysterious, assertive, and experienced with both men and women. Yoshino finds himself hopelessly attracted to Rou, as their awkward courtship simmers into something more. But is it love?
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JOY vol. 2 by Etsuko (digital only)
JOY is back with a heart-tugging, yet happy and powerful squeal from Etsuko-sensei! Straight shojo manga artist Goh Okazaki and 4-panel illustrator Yusuke Akune finally made it official and became a couple. Their lovey-dovey days show no signs of stopping, but Goh has a rather unusual problem in the bedroom... “I should be happy, so why?” Meanwhile, Yusuke’s ex and old flame, Hibiki finds a special someone. Their romance takes an unexpected turn when Goh and Yusuke get involved. Will they manage to find true happiness?!
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Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu vol. 1 (novel) by Meng Xi Shi 
Yan Wushi, leader of the demonic Huanyue sect, is a master cultivator, a brilliant strategist, and an incurable cynic. In his philosophy, every human heart is ruled by cruelty and selfishness. Anyone who believes otherwise is either a liar or a fool.
Enter the humble Shen Qiao, leader of the Daoist sect at Xuandu Mountain. He is both gracious and charitable, and exactly the type of do-gooder that Wushi despises.
When Shen Qiao suffers a shocking loss in a duel and is left for dead, Yan Wushi happens upon him and concocts a plan to teach him about the wretchedness of humanity. He’ll take Shen Qiao under his wing, test the limits of his faith, and lure him into demonic cultivation. After all, it is easy to remain righteous atop a mountain peak that touches the heavens. But a thousand autumns toiling on the blood-soaked earth will break any man.
The Seven Seas English-language editions of these novels will feature the uncensored text in deluxe paperbacks with exclusive new covers and interior illustrations. The ebooks will also be available on digital platforms.
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puellamagishowdown · 5 months
Round 1, Match 54
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imasallstars · 2 years
Information regarding the MOIW 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 11th and 12th of February 2023. This live will feature all five brands of IDOLM@STER on the stage together after 8 years.
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
DAY 1&2
IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALL STARS  Eriko Nakamura (Haruka Amami), Asami Imai (Chihaya Kisaragi), Akiko Hasegawa (Miki Hoshii), Azumi Asakura (Yukiho Hagiwara), Mayako Nigo (Yayoi Takatsuki), Hiromi Hirata (Makoto Kikuchi), Naomi Wakabayashi (Ritsuko Akizuki), Asami Shimoda (Ami/Mami Futami), Manami Numakura (Hibiki Ganaha), Rie Kugimiya (Iori Minase)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Triad Primus [Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Eriko Matsui (Nao Kamiya), Mai Fuchigami (Karen Hojo)], Eldritch Loreteller [Haruka Chisuga (Ryo Matsunaga), Chiyo Ousaki (Koume Shirasaka)], Cyber Glass [Mina Nagashima (Haruna Kamijo), Rui Tanabe (Hina Araki)], Foreign Seaside [Nao Toyama (Mizuki Kawashima), Miharu Hanai (Tomoe Murakami)], from U149 [Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba)]
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Strawberry Pop Moon [Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki)], TIntMe! [Eri Inagawa (Tamaki Ogami), Akari Harashima (Iku Nakatani), Keiko Watanabe (Momoko Suou)], HanaSakuya [Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi)], Cleasky [Asuka Kakumoto (Elena Shimabara), Chouchou Kiritani (Miya Miyao)]
IDOLM@STER SideM  DRAMATIC STARS [Shugo Nakamura (Teru Tendo)], Jupiter [Takuma Terashima (Toma Amagase), Daichi Kanbara (Hokuto Ijuin)], Beit [Shun Horie (Pierre), Tomohito Takatsuka (Minori Watanabe)], MofuMofuEn [Shogo Yano (Nao Okamura), Keisuke Furuhata (Shiro Tachibana)], C.FIRST [Yuri Ise (Shu Amamine), Masaya Miyakaze (Momohito Hanazono), Takeo Otsuka (Eishin Mayumi)]
IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS   Hokago Climax Girls [Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa)], Straylight [Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi)], noctchill [Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa)]
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Threat Sign [Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Teru Ikuta (Natalia)], Dimension-3 [Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)], flamme martini [Maki Kawase (Tsukasa Kiryu), Sayaka Harada (Miyu Mifune), Satsumi Matsuda (Syoko Hoshi), Minori Suzuki (Hajime Fujiwara)], HappyHappyTwin [Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Rei Matsuzaki (Kirari Moroboshi)], miroir [Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Rika Nagae (Hayate Hisakawa)]
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Chrono-Lexica [Yuka Saito (Subaru Nagayoshi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe)], Senkou☆HANABIDAN [Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayam), Nana Hamasaki (Noriko Fukuda), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama), Eri Ozeki (Minako Satake)], 4 Luxury [Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Minami Takahashi (Konomi Baba)]
IDOLM@STER SideM  FRAME [Kentaro Kumagai (Hideo Akuno), Kento Hama (Ryu Kimura), Takuya Masumoto (Seiji Shingen)], Café Parade [Sho Karino (Yukihiro Kamiya), Takuya Kodama (Makio Uzuki), Daiki Kobayashi (Saki Mizushima)], F-LAGS [Yuko Sanpei (Ryo Akizuki), Shunya Hiruma (Kazuki Tsukumo), Takehiro Urao (Daigo Kabuto)]
IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Illumination Stars [Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya)], L’Antica [Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku)], ALSTROEMERIA [Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama)], SHHis [Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)]
SPECIAL GUEST  ZWEIGLANZ [Minori Chihara (Leon), Rie Takahashi (Shika)]
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The Lovers' Library
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Here you will find my selfships nicely sorted by amount of lore, then fandom, and then character name. Will the rest of this blog be as nicely sorted? Probably not. But this is the one spot where I will put the effort in.
This list is subject to change depending on how my maladaptive daydreaming goes and what shows I end up watching. It basically has a mind of its own, so *shrug emoji* 🩶
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Note: Like 95% (99% currently) of these are gonna be anime men. These are largely romantic selfships, though plenty of these characters are platonic selfships as well, depending on the context/universe.
Note: If they have been crossed out, that means that they’re an ex-partner, canon to our selfship lore. If there is a semicolon ;, that is a separate selfship. If there is a comma ,, then there is some kind of progression within those included ships. If there is an asterisk *, that means that our canon selfship lore exists in the same universe as a different selfship and are canon to the second selfship. If there is an ampersand &, that is a poly-selfship. The plus sign + is used for one very specific, very complicated selfship—it does not need to be elaborated on here.
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In The Stacks: (the lore exists)
🩶Black Clover
Sukehiro Yami; Sukehiro Yami*, Fuegoleon Vermillion*, Sukehiro Yami & Fuegoleon Vermillion*
🩶Blue Lock
Hyouma Chigiri
🩶Bungou Stray Dogs
Michizou Tachihara
🩶Dr. Stone
Senkuu Ishigami*; Ryuusui Nanami*
🩶Fairy Tail
Laxus Dreyar; Laxus Dreyar*, Loke/Leo*, Laxus Dreyar & Loke/Leo*, Max Alors*, Hibiki Lates*
🩶Fire Force
Benimaru Shinmon
Daichi Sawamura; Koushi Sugawara; Daichi Sawamura & Koushi Sugawara*, Ryuunosuke Tanaka*; Keishin Ukai
🩶My Hero Academia
Shouta Aizawa; Keigo Takami; Shouta Aizawa*, Keigo Takami*, Shouta Aizawa & Keigo Takami*, Oboro Shirakumo*
🩶Obey Me: Shall We Date?/Nightbringer
Belphegor; Mammon; Mammon & Belphegor
🩶Ouran High School Host Club
Kyouya Ootori
🩶Tokyo Revengers
Keisuke Baji; Takashi Mitsuya; Keisuke Baji & Takashi Mitsuya; Manjirou/Mikey Sano; Manjirou/Mikey Sano*, Rindou Haitani + Manjirou/Mikey Sano + Keisuke Baji & Takashi Mitsuya + OC* (this lore is so fucking complicated)
🩶Wind Breaker
Jo Togame
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Entering Circulation: (lore in development)
🩶Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman; Jean Kirstein; Jean Kirstein & Connie Springer
🩶Buddy Daddies
Kyutaro Kugi
🩶Bungou Stray Dogs
Chuuya Nakahara; Sakunosuke Oda
🩶Fairy Tail
Mest Gryder/Doranbolt
🩶Fire Force
Takahisa Hinawa
Kei Tsukishima (I refuse to put him in the stacks); Shinsuke Kita
🩶Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojou Satoru; Kento Nanami; Toge Inumaki
🩶Kaiju No. 8
Soushiou Hoshina
🩶Log Horizon
Krusty (I refuse to put him in the stacks); Shiroe; William Massachusetts
🩶Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Rayne Ames
🩶Moriarty the Patriot
Sebastian Moran
🩶My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou; Katsuki Bakugou & Eijirou Kirishima; Hitoshi Shinsou
🩶Obey Me: Shall We Date?/Nightbringer
Satan; Barbatos; Simeon
🩶Soul Eater
Dr. Franken Stein; Akane☆Hoshi
🩶Wind Breaker
Kyoutarou Sugishita; Hajime Umemiya
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Available for Inter-Library Loan: (no lore, just vibes)
🩶2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Club
Subaru Mimura; Misao Aoki; Akito Kanno
🩶Ascendance of a Bookworm
Sylvester; Benno
🩶Blood Blockade Battlefront
Stephen A. Starphase; Zap Renfroe
Rensuke Kunigami; Meguru Bachira; Seishirou Nagi
🩶Buddy Daddies
Rei Suwa
🩶Bungou Stray Dogs
Osamu Dazai
🩶Dead Mount Death Play
Tsubaki Iwanome; Kouzaburou Arase; Tsubaki Iwanome & Kouzaburou Arase; Takumi Kuruya
🩶Deadman Wonderland
Senji Kiyomasa
🩶Dr. Stone
Kinrou; Matsukaze; Gen Asagiri
🩶Fairy Tail
Gajeel Redfox
Robin Hood; Cú Chulainn; Diarmuid Ua Duibhne; Gilgamesh; Waver Velvet
🩶Fire Force
Akitaru Oobi
🩶Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Roy Mustang; Major Miles; Jean Havoc
Akiteru Tsukishima; Yuusuke Takinoue; Issei Matsukawa & Takahiro Hanamaki; Hajime Iwaizumi; Yasushi Kamasaki; Koutarou Bokuto; Keiji Akaashi; Rintarou Suna; Osamu Miya; Yuuji Terushima; Tetsurou Kuroo
🩶Hell’s Paradise
Yamada Asaemon Shion
🩶Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojou Satoru & Getou Suguru; Kento Nanami & Gojou Satoru; Getou Suguru; Megumi Fushiguro
🩶Kaiju No. 8
Kafka Hibino; Reno Ichikawa; Gen Narumi; Iharu Furuhashi; Haruichi Izumo
🩶Log Horizon
Isaac; Soujiro Seta
🩶Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Dot Barrett; Lance Crown
🩶Moriarty the Patriot
Sherlock Holmes; Sherlock Holmes & William Moriarty; Zack Paterson
🩶My Hero Academia
Eijirou Kirishima; Tamaki Amajiki; Shouto Todoroki; Natsuo Todoroki; Denki Kaminari; Sero Hanta
🩶Obey Me: Shall We Date?/Nightbringer
Beelzebub; Beelzebub & Belphegor
🩶Ouran High School Host Club
Takashi Morinozuka
🩶Romantic Killer
Makoto Oda; Tsukasa Kisaki
🩶Soul Eater
🩶Tokyo Revengers
Shin'ichiro Sano; Shuuji Hanma; Kazutora Hinemiya
🩶Trigun: Stampede
Vash the Stampede; Nicholas D. Wolfwood; Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood
🩶Wind Breaker
Hayta Suoh; Mitsuki Kiryu; Ren Kaji
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© divider from @/cafekitsune 🩶
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