#megxit from the USA
Mind YOUR business Harry! Leave America & take the wife with you.
An American think-tank called the Heritage Foundation has launched a lawsuit demanding that the U.S. government hand over files relating to Prince Harry’s visa application in light of his having confessed to drug taking, enough to block his entry by law.
The Heritage Foundation has launched a legal battle against the U.S. government after it refused to release files relating to Prince Harry’s application for an American visa.
Officials at the organization are reportedly looking for the files in order to confirm whether or not the UK Royal admitted to past illegal drug use while applying for permission to stay in the United States, with the country often rejecting visa applications from people with previous convictions for the possession, dealing or use of illicit substances.
With Prince Harry having now repeatedly admitted to using such controlled substances in a variety of locations — including his memoir Spare published earlier this year — the Heritage Foundation made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the royal’s visa application, seemingly curious about whether or not he admitted to such drug use while applying for the right to stay in the United States.
All visa applicants looking to gain access to the United States are reportedly asked on a form whether or not they have in the past used illegal drugs, with those that admit to doing so more often than not having their application refused.
However, such a request for the answers provided by Prince Harry on these forms has been reportedly rejected by the Department of Homeland Security, prompting the conservative organisation to sue the U.S. government for access to the files.
“The requested information is of immense public interest,” the Heritage Foundation complaint filed in the federal court in Washington D.C. arguing for the release of the files seen by Breitbart London reads.
“Widespread and continuous media coverage has surfaced the question of whether [the Department of Homeland Security] properly admitted the Duke of Sussex in light of the fact that he has publicly admitted to the essential elements of a number of drug offenses in both the United States and abroad,” it continued. “United States law generally renders such a person inadmissible for entry to the United States.”
The document goes on to say that there is now “intense media coverage” over whether the department “improperly granted the Duke of Sussex a waiver to enter the Country on a non-immigrant visa” considering his past drug use, as well as whether his visa should be reconsidered in light of this drug taking.
The filing makes reference to “many prominent examples” of celebrities with known drug habits trying to enter the United States in the past, including Happy Mondays musician Mark Berry who was refused a visa, Libertines Frontman Pete Doherty who was turned around at New York JFK and put on the next flight home, celebrity chef Nigella Lawson, and even John Lennon of the Beatles.Since revelations about Prince Harry’s drug-taking leaked to the general public shortly before the publication of his memoir, questions have been raised over whether the senior royal should be permitted to stay in the United States, which has traditionally refused legal migrant status to those with a history of illegal substance use.
To make matters worse, not only did Harry admit to using illegal drugs in his home country, but he also reportedly admitted to using controlled substances while in the United States as well, at one point detailing in Spare his interactions with a talking toilet while doing magic mushrooms in California.
“He would have been asked [about drug abuse when applying for his visa],” Professor Alberto Benítez of  George Washington University’s Immigration Clinic previously said regarding the situation. “If he was truthful in his answers, he should have been denied.”
One official from the Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Centre for Freedom, Nile Gardiner, has now called on the U.S. government to ensure American law is applied evenly in the wake of Prince Harry’s admissions.
“The Biden administration must assure the American people that the rule of law is applied equally with regard to immigration,” he reportedly said.
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About Harry's comment that he was "literally" cut off financially -
This is just my speculation, but like you, I also assume that Harry still gets some sort of annual allowance from Charles and that he absolutely lied in the Oprah interview.
What I think he meant is that-
1. Part of their salary, their allowance from the Duchy of Lancaster (at the time, under the Queen) was stopped. Obviously, because they stopped working for The Crown.
2. Their salary from the Duchy of Cornwall (at the under Charles) stopped. Read somewhere that this was in the range of 3 to 4 mil.
3. Their official expenses for their staff, likely being covered separately by the Duchy/BP stopped.
4. Their upkeep expenses like travel, housing etc, being covered by the Duchy/BP stopped.
5. Their official security, being covered by the govt, stopped.
6. Whatever perks their diplomatic status afforded them, stopped. I'm assuming this is what Canada/Trudeau said he won't be covering post March 2020. And so they fled to USA.
7. Private expenses - household, lifestyle etc, being covered privately by Charles via the Duchy stopped. I'm assuming this included clothing allowances, holidays that weren't comped by friends, rentals or lease for homes anywhere other than crown property, like their Cotswold home.
Like you said, I do think Charles privately funds Harry. Either via a trustfund that may have been set up ages ago, and so Harry takes that for granted and it doesn't count in Harry's mind. Or, Charles gives them an annual lump sum.
Of course, he may very well be spending his inheritance from Diana or the Queen mother as well. But both harry and meghan live their life like they don't much care about where their money comes from. They also doy seem to much effort into their Netflix, Spotify deals. We know they don't have any brand deals. So the money must come from somewhere.
And Harry keeps going over the UK every year around the same time each year. It can't be as simple as just a layover enroute to Invictus. My personal conspiracy theory (I have no rational explanation for it) is that he goes to UK, and stays at Windsor, to sign whatever documentation in person, so he can recieve this money from Charles.
Maybe part of the deal is that he comes and sign for it in person. And staying at Windsor makes it easier to meet with the lawyers or staff that handles this for him. He usually comes around April or May. His megxit trial separation review was March 2021. In my mind atleast, his annual trips in April or May along with that review date.
Another thing is that it was around this same time last year, in 2023, that negotiations for Harry's coronation appearance were happening. The result of which was that Meghan was absent (disinvited?) and Harry, quietly, weekly, came and went and did not create much of fuss for the way he was completely excluded from the coronation pomp. I think he may have got some money back then as well, and likely, got a bonus due his dad's promotion.
Old ask from June 2nd
I suspect Harry was given some money around the coronation too, and I feel like there might’ve been a condition that required Meghan to be radio silent for the whole weekend.
We talked about it at the time, but it was *very* strange, and very noticeable, that she completely disappeared for Coronation Weekend, considering that her usual MO is to smother us in PR any time the BRF steps out as a family - like trooping, Remembrance Day, post-summer holidays, the Platinum Jubilee, The Queen’s funeral. (Yes, she papwalked the first second she could, during the coronation concert, but by then most of the official festivities were over and no one really cared.)
I suspect maybe Meghan had gotten some kind of money for the coronation too. Probably a “half now, half after if you cooperate” kind of deal as I think that’s the only way Meghan would agree to anything. Or maybe Charles’s letters she leaked about just before the coronation (the ones where she claimed Charles names the racist royals) actually worked and they paid her for her silence. 🤷‍♀️
But anon picked up something I hadn’t — Harry really does have a pattern of going to the UK in the spring and what if it actually is tied to him getting the allowance from Charles?
Let’s review:
March 2020 - Sussex “farewell” tour
April 2021 - Philip’s funeral
April 2022 - secret Windsor visit on the way to The Hague Invictus Games that Meghan leaked because no one actually saw them. They reportedly wanted a meeting with The Queen, but she required them to meet with Charles and Camilla first. Supposedly they were late and never got to meet The Queen. I think this is the visit where Harry claimed he was making sure The Queen was protected and had good people around her.
June 2022 - Platinum Jubilee visit
September 2022 - Sussex “revenge” tour, overshadowed by The Queen’s illness and passing, royal mourning, and the funeral.
May 2023 - Harry returns for the coronation
June 2023 - Harry returns for lawsuit hearing/trial. Conveniently he’s in the country the same time that Charles is traveling and named Harry as a Counsellor of State.
February 2024 - Harry returns to see Charles after cancer diagnosis. He tries to see Kate but William blocks him.
May 2024 - Harry returns for 10th anniversary Invictus Games service. He doesn’t see Charles because Charles didn’t read Harry’s mind that he wanted to be personally invited by him despite an offer being made through staff. He tries to see Kate again but William blocks him.
I’m going to have to remember this theory next spring to check if the pattern continues.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Hank's wife's is NOT unSussexful she's simply the victim of unfortunate circumstances. by u/KarenDelaneyWalker
Hank's wife's is NOT unSussexful, she's simply the victim of unfortunate circumstances. Our Saint is perfection personified. She's a heart-attack beautiful, whip smart duTchess who will modernize the BRF by creating a branch of the RF in the good ol' USA. She has been and is currently "in talks" to be a politician, a reality TV star, a global humanitarian, a celebrity friend magnet and the face of a major fashion house.None of these manifestations will come to pass, of course (except maybe the reality TV show), but it won't stop our gal from trying. Unfortunately, every time she tries to elevate her trash status in the eyes of the public, the universe smacks her down with a backhand.Obviously, none of these failed attempts were or are Hank's wife's fault. It's the fault of uncontrollable forces, whether it be the death of a beloved monarch, the media or simply jealous hoes. So let's clarify who is really to blame for Hank's wife's mishaps:​Megxit = QEII's fault, for not wanting to "collaborate" with the GriftersUnable to establish an extension of the BRF in the US = BRF's fault, and COVID, for making it impossible to "hit the ground running"Not knowing how to curtsy = Medieval Times' fault, because apparently how they curtsy and an actual curtsy are not the same (and no one told her!)Disliked by most people = Jealous hoes, and Kate's fault (Duh!)South Park's World Wide Privacy Tour = British media's fault, because the Prince of Canada and his ILBW never said they wanted 'privah-SAY!'Lack of incoming funds = Hank's fault, as he is incapable of finding a decent paying grift job, and the public's fault, because how dare we not donate to fund their grift charityNo US Senate seat = MObama's faultArchetypes = Spotify's fault, for failing to provide the Grifters a "formal lay of the land to kick things off," and consumers' fault, because why wouldn't everyone pay to hear a grating voice drone on and on about nothing?"Near-castastrophic car chase" through the streets of NYC = dump truck's fault for getting in the way and slowing down the high-speed chase​In summary, Hank's wife's failures have nothing to do with her. She's out here trying to live her best life, and things just inexplicably happen to her. Poor gal.​ post link: https://ift.tt/siTK5hj author: KarenDelaneyWalker submitted: October 14, 2023 at 09:46PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
Megan - we have to leave the UK because of the press harassing us
Photos of her at lunch once part of the royal family = zero
Megan - I didn’t know it would be like this. We don’t have paparazzi in the USA
Paparazzi photos of Megan or family since leaving Uk and going to USA = 12
1. Delivering food during lockdown for charity
2. Walking dogs
3. Archie on his push toy
4. Megan and Harry walking dogs
5. Taking Archie to school/toddler group
6. Christmas shopping
7. In LA with Harry (possibly at hairdresser)
8. Dinner with Eugiene
9. Both of them in car driving
10. Leaving dentist or doctor (who knows)
11. Drinking at bar New York
12. Having dinner with David Foster
The Uk papers even said they got offered photos and refused them as they have an agreement to not harass members of the royal family when out and about outside of royal events.
The more she gets papped the more she shows what a liar she is and how protected she actually was over here.
Thank you for putting together this list!
Although there was two instances of pap pictures of Meghan while a member of the BRF. This was when she went out to meet Christian Jones, but clearly had set up the pap. How do I know? She was looking directly at the camera from behind her sunglasses and smiling with satisfaction. The pictures were never pulled and she never filed a complaint over them. The second was her and Harry coming out of an apothecary.
PS: I don’t count count the set ups from after Megxit was announced. Cause they were so obviously set ups.
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celestialepiphany · 2 years
😭👸☠️ REST IN PEACE🙏QUEEN ELIZABETH 👩‍🦳 WINDSWHORE!! The sun🌞has finally set on our 💁‍♀️ LITTY💃TITTY 🍈🍈 LILLIBET, 7️⃣0️⃣ years 📆 after she first 👧👩‍🦱👩‍🦳 became QUEEF 👑💨 REGNANT of the 🍆 COCK-MAN WEALTH 🇬🇧 of the💂‍♂️ BRITISH FEM-DOM-PIRE 👯‍♀️. Over her LONG😩JUICY💦REIGN she saw PMs 👨🏻‍💼👨🏼‍💼 CUM n' GO, from SIR WINSTON CHURCHHOLE👨‍🦲 to WHORIS JOHNSON🤡, STEADFASTLY serving KWEEN 👠 and CUNTRY 👜 with her FAMOUS 💎 BROOCHES 🐦 and 💦💦 PEARL NECKLACES 🤪, given to her by her late 😔 HORSE-COCKED 🐎🍆 COUSBAND 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 PRINCE PHILL-ER-UP 🤴. Her GORILLA 🦍 GRIP on the CROWN JEWELS 👑💍💎 has HELD TIGHT through CRISES 🤯 like BREXIT 🇪🇺🙅‍♀️🙃 and MEGXIT 👨‍🦰🙅🏾‍♀️🙃. But now it's time for ELIZABETH II REGINA'S 🤭 FAMOUS 🏠 ABODES like 👊💦SANDRINGHANDJOB, 👄👅 BALM-ORAL, and of course 🥵😛🤤 FUCKING-and-SUCKINGHAM PALACE 🏰 to be DRAPED IN BLACK 🏴🏴 in MOURNING 😱 for the LATE ⚰️ GREAT 💪 LIZZY. STAY TUNED 📺 for THE ⛪ CORNHOLE-INATION 👑 of her 👎LEAST FAVORITE SON👩‍👦CHARLES, with his ADULTEROUS JEZEBEL💃👯‍♀️ CUMILLA PORKHER-BOWELS 💩 right by his side. 🗣️🗣️🗣️ OYEZ, THE QUEEN IS DEAD! ! 🪦🥳 JUSTICE FOR LADY D!! 👸🚗🚨
rip queen but it was necessary for the memes and the text posts 😔✊ USA USA USA 🦅
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“I don't see Harry not retaining his honorary military appointments as a punishment. He had the right to leave, it was his choice. If you're the president of Disney and you quit you don't get to give people cards saying "I'm the president of Disney". Because this will be another person's position. It's just the way it is, you leave your job, you lose your position. This is good for Harry, he can find a new purpose in the US, with his much beloved family.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Harry, Sir, you have the freedom you supposedly wanted now move on with your life at this point. Stop trying to make half in, half out happen!” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Just Harry wants to be a Prince, a Duke, and have military status while living in Hollywood,working for Netflix&Spotify, going to tv shows etc. you leave your work place, u lose the benefits. It’s how real life works, but he’s been sheltered from real life all of his life. Growing up with people bowing at your feet makes u feel like YOU know everything . Sheesh 😒” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Harry wants military titles and royal titles while living in LA and working for Netflix?!! He doesn’t want to work for the Royal family or the military, understandable, but drop the titles boy! It’s like being married and wanted to go out on dates, pick one! USA &Netflix aren’t part of the Commonwealth!!!!” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I do not understand why Harry is upset about losing honorary titles. He no longer lives here and cannot be there for the military. He truly lost them when he was here but chose the Lion King over a Memorial service. He was also booed at the next event. And the Queen specifically stated in her Megxit notice that they could keep all their PRIVATE charities. But they could not be patrons of the ones she gave to them. They are no longer representing the Monarchy. And Harry keeps his earned medals.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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Page Six''Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s first post-Megxit plans revealed''..Top British PR and branding expert Mark Borkowski told The Post that the pair could each expect to rake in at least half a million dollars per speech—and may even set up their own documentary channel..He said the pair is hopefully savvy enough to make themselves not look crass''LOL H&M are expecting 500K per speech,what! and documentary channel,Sentebale USA tour(documentary),Invictus Merching fest(documentary)
I love the contrast between these two paragraphs.
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“They can’t be seen to be taking money from oligarchs,” but they already are.
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mia-soufi2018 · 5 years
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Crédit/IG ......
💣💣💣New details merged in the media.
Harkly scare and blackmail the BCS with a possible shock interview, and they, in turn, launch heavy artillery !!! 👇🏽
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are hiding in the house of Canadian billionaire Frank Justra, whose close ties with the Clintons created international controversy. Harry and Megan refused to reveal the owner of the multi-million-dollar mansion on the waterfront near Victoria, British Columbia - the places where they planned their shock exit from the royal family.
The mansion on the seafront worth $ 14 million in North Saanich on Vancouver Island in Canada became the perfect stronghold of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle for a conspiracy to abdicate inside the Canadian fortress, where Prince Harry, Meghan Markle prepared # Megxit.
But numerous situation-aware sources told Page Six that the owner is 62-year-old Frank Justra, who made his fortune as a stockbroker, co-founder of the Hollywood studio Lionsgate, which produces films, including American Psycho and Michael Moore’s documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 ”- and is best known in the USA as one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. (Doesn’t such a close relationship bother? 😏)
Justra, the divorced father of two children, is not used to arguing.
In 2005, he and President Bill Clinton traveled together to Kazakhstan to meet with the authoritarian leader of the former Soviet republic. Days later, Justra acquired stakes in the country's three state uranium mines - an enterprise worth more than $ 3 billion. A few months after the conclusion of the Kazakhstan pact, Justrah reportedly donated $ 31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation and has since publicly promised to donate another $ 100 million.
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/02/19/meghan-markle-and-harry/
Meghan Markle and Harry
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Meghan Markle, 39, and Prince Harry, 36, plunged the monarchy into crisis by announcing their intention to quit as senior royals in January 2020. Since then the Sussexes have relocated to California and will be based in the USA longterm. Shortly after their bombshell announcement, it was agreed with the Queen they could keep the royal patronages pending a one-year review.
After mounting speculation Meghan and Harry could lose the honorary roles, the Palace confirmed on Friday that they would indeed have to relinquish their spots as patrons of several UK charities and organisations.
And that Prince Harry would also have to give up his honorary military titles for good.
A Buckingham Palace statement confirmed: “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have confirmed to Her Majesty The Queen that they will not be returning as working members of The Royal Family.
“Following conversations with The Duke, The Queen has written confirming that in stepping away from the work of The Royal Family it is not possible to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.”
READ MORE: Meghan and Harry: Will the Sussexes ever return to the UK?
Prince Harry is still sixth in line to the throne and Mr MacMarthanne described Megxit as a “brutal” move that in some ways echoed Edward VII’s abdication in 1936.
He said: “The withdrawal of the sixth in line, in brutal, monarchical terms, is an irrelevance when compared to say the abdication of a King-Emperor in 1936; or the separation and subsequent divorce of the heir to the throne as in 1992.”
Mr MacMarthanne claimed the Sussexes’ withdrawal is highly unlikely to affect the Royal Family longterm.
He explained: “If the institution of the monarchy could survive those, it will certainly survive the departure of the Sussexes irrespective of how refreshing and charismatic they might have been.
“That the monarchy is in fact less about the person and all about the institution is evidenced in the consequences of the Duke and Duchess’s departure.”
Mr MacMarthanne issued a reminder that working royals are all ultimately working on behalf of the Queen and so without her backing their work is meaningless.
He said: “Irrespective of whatever talents individual members of the Royal Family possess, if, working royals, they work on behalf of the Queen.
“Patronages and honorary positions flow to them through the Queen, and when given up, for whatever reason, they revert back to the Queen.”
Mr MacMarthanne claimed the removal of Meghan and Harry’s royal patronages “should come as no surprise” when one considers how the monarchy operates.
He concluded: “In understanding this, it should come as no surprise that there was no other option other than for patronages and honorary military positions held by the Sussexes to be returned.
“It’s simply the rules of the game. Thus, whilst the dressings of this present situation might be new, the principles behind it are not.”
A Sussex spokesman said: “As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role.”
They added: “We can all live a life of service. Service is universal.”
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yeskraim · 5 years
Harry and Meghan will stop using ‘royal highness’ titles and repay housing expenses, palace says
Morgan Hines, USA TODAY Published 2:19 p.m. ET Jan. 18, 2020 | Updated 3:29 p.m. ET Jan. 18, 2020
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan of Sussex announced after their royal time-off they plan to split time between North America and the United Kingdom.
Queen Elizabeth on Saturday announced details of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s future following their bombshell announcement that they were stepping back as senior members of the royal family.
As part of the deal, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will stop using their HRH titles (His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness) as they are “no longer working members of the Royal Family,” Buckingham Palace announced Saturday. They will be known as Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Harry will remain a prince and sixth in line to the British throne.
They will also repay the Sovereign Grant expenditure for the refurbishment of their UK home, Frogmore Cottage, which will continue to be their family home in the UK. The home was renovated with 2.4 million pounds ($3.06 million) of taxpayers’ money, royal accounts revealed last year.
“Following many months of conversations and more recent discussions, I am pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family,” the Queen said in a statement issued Saturday.
While the Sussexes will no longer formally represent the Queen, they will continue to “uphold the values,” of Her Majesty.
“I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family,” the Queen said in the statement.
The palace said Harry and Meghan will cease to be working members of the royal family when the new arrangements take effect within months, in the “spring of 2020.”
Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be beloved members of the family, the Queen added in the statement. She noted that she recognizes the challenges the young family has faced as a result of “intense scrutiny.”
“It is my whole family’s hope that today’s agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life.”
Saturday’s announcement followed Monday’s crisis summit at Sandringham with the queen, Harry’s father, Prince Charles, and his older brother, Prince William, plus their top staffers.
After the summit, the queen, who rarely issues statements about family matters, described the discussions on the future of “my grandson and his family” as “constructive.”
The couple dropped their bombshell announcement earlier this month. In it, they said they intended to step back as “senior” members of the royal family, split their time between the United Kingdom and North America and work toward becoming financially independent.
“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution,” the statement reads. 
They added that they would continue to support the Queen and that the new geographic arrangement would allow their son, Archie, to be raised “with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter.”
Since they shared their intentions, British tabloids have described the situation as “Megxit.” To some, it may have seemed surprising that the Queen has reacted in a calm manner. 
But some royal experts were unsurprised, such as Sally Bedell Smith, the acclaimed American biographer of the queen and Harry’s mother, the late Princess Diana. 
“People tend to lose sight of the fact that behind the queen’s devotion to duty and reverence for tradition, she is a broad-minded and careful listener who is adept at solving problems,” Smith said. “The queen keeps a laser focus on preserving and modernizing the monarchy, but she is equally committed to ensuring that Harry is happy.”
Contributing: Maria Puente, Associated Press
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gossipdepartement · 5 years
Prince William has a new title: Lord High Commissioner of the Church of Scotland
Prince William has a new title: Lord High Commissioner of the Church of Scotland
When Prince William becomes king – IF, I mean – he will become the Defender of the Faith, the “supreme governor of the Church of England,” making him “formally superior to the archbishop of Canterbury.” I’m sure history buffs can explain all of this in the comments, it’s something to do with Henry VIII and divorce and the split from the Vatican. But the King (and currently, QEII) is the symbolic…
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afeelappeal · 5 years
Actors at the SAG Awards sound off on the 'Megxit' drama | USA TODAY
Actors at the SAG Awards sound off on the ‘Megxit’ drama | USA TODAY
We asked stars at Sunday’s SAG Awards what they make of all the news surrounding Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry – and if the couple should make Los Angeles their home.
» Subscribe to USA TODAY: http://bit.ly/1xa3XAh » Watch more on this and other topics from USA TODAY: https://bit.ly/2TH8G1I » USA TODAY delivers current local and national news, sports, entertainment, finance, technology, and more…
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alfausanews · 5 years
Meghan Markle's estranged sister Samantha calls Megxit a 'gross breach of duty'
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Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister Samantha Markle appeared in a new interview on British TV and didn't hold back her opinion regarding the Duke and Duchess of Sussexes' decision to step back from royal duties.
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
I'm lost. If she had anything to back up any claims she would have used it to get her way in the Megxit deals..or months later..or with the review pre Oprah? She waited this long for what? They never got their security funded celebrity lifestyle or titles or sussex brand...so to me it means that other than vague emails or one sided texts she has nothing but hot air. I pray that the royals weren't dumb enough to get recorded but she actually sounds scared shitless and way too pressed over the BRF being silent/not giving her the statments she needed to continue her blitz. She's def suffers from paranoia but this time it's on the USA stage where she can't mess up and this time William sounds very very angry so.. I truly hope they will expose her with solid proof. They have to..i think they wait for the right time
It’s highly illegal to record conversations without consent. I know she is using it as blackmail, but she is going to end up doing time for felony instead.
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Everything from now on will be 'Diana Card',because it's the only thing left,Harry not only talked about Diana death,but''Harry also touched on Megxit,he does not regret their decision to step down as senior royals because he wants to protect his family'',my theory is that Megxit backfire spectacularly on them and SS(PR Team) did an USA Poll and they must be insanely low,especially MM,that's why MM 'spoke briefly about her 'love for her husband' than introduced him',Di Card for 'public sympathy'
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