ushijimacentral · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys Finding Out You're Pregnant
a/n: back at it again with the drabble inspiration
absolutely panics. like full-on overthinking mode. you end up having to calm him down. he probably needs more reassurance and support than you do tbh.
seems calm on the outside but is internally freaking out. what if he can't do a good enough job? what if something happens to you? what if something happens to the baby? does tons of research though.
YAMAGUCHI, Iwaizumi, Kindaichi, Akaashi, SAKUSA
full on excitement. starts picking you up and swinging you. wants to buy everything right there and then. you have to talk them out of buying them a bike already.
very supportive. like mr. perfect is that you? kisses you all over and wants to know what you want first. be prepared to constantly be checked up on though.
Daichi, Kuroo, MATTSUN, OSAMU, Tendou, SEMI, AKAASHI
doesn't show it but is very excited. holds you close while a few tears comes to his eyes. probably very nervous as well but feels overwhelming happiness more than anything.
KAGEYAMA, Yaku, Suna, Ushijima, AONE
excited, but handles it by going into checklist mode. what do we need? where can we schedule an appointment? what about names?
TSUKISHIMA, KENMA, Kunimi, Kita, Ushijima, SHIRABU
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Kuroo Headcanons
he badly photoshops you into his selfies when he's on a trip
snorts really badly when he laughs so he tries to correct it
smells like cedarwood
plays fortnite because it's fairly easy and he likes making little kids cry
cried during bambi
is definitely an art snob
absolutely loves your skincare nights
he bought matching headbands for when the two of you do facials
had a hot wheels phase
can't draw in general, but is really good at drawing hands
he definitely trolls you
like if your phone was on the counter, he'll move it for a moment
so when you look back and see it missing, you'll look somewhere else, and then he'll put it back
gets really passionate when he talks about something new he learned and it's so cute
has satin pillowcases to perfect his bedhead
he has a fake account just to chase kenma in games
actually hasn't gotten to kill him but it's highly unsettling to kenma when kodzuken_killer pops up on any of his games and starts chasing him
likes to kiss the back of your hand
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys as Date Ideas
a/n: low-key just a list of inspiration for my one shots
Study Date
KUROO, Tsukishima, IWAIZUMI, Mattsun, Shirabu, OSAMU, AKAASHI
Strawberry Picking
Museum Date
Sugawara, Yamaguchi, OIKAWA, MATTSUN, Shirabu, OSAMU, AKAASHI, Kuroo
Amusement Park
HINATA, Nishinoya, TANAKA, Yamamoto, Tendou, ATSUMU, Bokuto
Asahi, IWAIZUMI, Koganegawa, Kunimi, MATTSUN, Semi, SUNA, Akaashi
Late Night Drives
Movie Nights
Tanaka, Lev, KENMA, Oikawa, Kindaichi, KUNIMI, Tendou, Atsumu, AKAASHI
Dinner Dates
DAICHI, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, USHIJIMA, Shirabu, SEMI, OSAMU
SUGAWARA, Yamaguchi, KOGANEGAWA, Goshiki, Osamu, KITA, Akaashi
Lev, HINATA, KAGEYAMA, Yaku, Koganegawa, TENDOU, Bokuto
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
ushijima headcanons pt. 5
a/n: this is actually my weakest language but i think it's ushijima's strongest
Acts of Service
Ushijima loves it when you do things with him
You didn't notice it initially but one day you noticed he'd been very stressed and had absolutely no energy when he came home
He'd come home, shower, and sleep and rarely ate dinner
So you decided to get up early one morning before his 6:00 am jog and get his protein shake ready
You let it sit in the freezer for a bit while you prepared breakfast
He woke up early with an unusual set of bags under his eyes and reached for his running shoes
Then he noticed you up and about
After handing him his shake, you noticed how he seemed to liven up as he realized he didn't have to put his food together
It soon became a tradition
You would put his lunch together and he would give you this wonderful smile
It was the little things for him really
You offering to pick him up from practice if he didn't want to jog back
Running a bath for him if his muscles were sore
Placing the icy hot patches in the places he couldn't quite reach
Those little acts meant the world to him and he made sure to reciprocate
He'd do extra chores if you were out and he came home from practice early
Particularly vacuuming which you hated
He helps you do your hair
Bonus points if it's wash day
Overall, the two of you love helping each other out when possible
This makes your relationship stronger and it's honestly why it's lasted to this day
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys As You Nap
Watches you in Awe
BOKUTO, KOGANEGAWA, Kageyama, Asahi, Kindaichi, YAMAGUCHI, Lev
Whispers into Your Ear
NISHINOYA, Atsumu, Akaashi, HINATA, LEV, Tanaka, Yamamoto
Straight Up Harasses You Until You Wake Up
KUROO, FUTAKUCHI, Sugawara, TENDOU, Atsumu, Oikawa
Leaves You Alone
KENMA, Kunimi, Daichi, USHIJIMA, AONE, Osamu, Suna, TSUKISHIMA, Mattsun, Kyoutani
Gives You a Kiss
Iwaizumi, Aone, KITA, Asahi, OSAMU, AKAASHI, Yaku, SEMI
Naps with You
OSAMU, Daichi, SUNA, Aone, Mattsun, KUNIMI, Asahi
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
ushijima headcanons pt. 6
a/n: @/tesoromia had mentioned something similar to this and i wrote a little drabble about it here and here. also this is the end of the five love languages series and i'm a little sad now :(
Physical Touch
Likes it when you tickle him
Can you imagine this 6'2", 187lb giant of a man giggling because you started tickling his stomach
It starts off as a giggle and then full-bodied laughter as he squirms away from you
But you have been warned
He will get you back
Both of you will be completely tired and out of breath by the end of it
Likes to hold your hand
Especially before a big game
Right before his team goes onto the court to warm up, he'll reach for your hand and won't let go until you've squeezed it
It's become a ritual at this point
Oh and HUGS
This man is a hugger and you can't convince me otherwise
He didn't realize he was until one day you ran up to him and gave him a hug
It was like a switch flipped
Then he would hug you anytime he saw you
But after games especially
If he's won, he'll wait excitedly for you to come down and he'll pull you into a hug, sweaty and all
It doesn't seem like much, but it actually means a lot to him and he finds it stress relieving from all the adrenaline he had
Gives the best massages
Imagine it's a rough day and you've collapsed dramatically on the couch
He'll just sit down next to you and start rubbing your shoulders
He's got big hands too so he's really gentle at first
But by the end of it, you're completely relaxed and ready to cuddle
The type to reach for you in his sleep
Solidly asleep, REM, snoring, sleep talking, just a really deep sleep
But then he'll reach for you
He'll start stirring and won't settle down until he's touched you
Then it's right back down and he'll sleep straight through until the morning
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Random Ushijima Headcanons
So I feel like Ushijima expresses love for his s/o like an immigrant dad. If you mention that you like something, be careful because now there's no end of it. Have a favorite cookie? He'll contact the bakery and have 72 baked for you "in case you run out". Mention that you like a show? Now your house is full of merch.
Oh and his bluntness.
So I feel like he's headcanonned a lot as being completely mute which isn't completely accurate and probably fits Aone more. But we do know that when he speaks, he tends to be more matter of fact or blunt. I feel like this extends to compliments as well. If he thinks you look pretty in something, he'll just tell you.
"You are very attractive in that outfit, Y/N. I would like to kiss you."
Definitely strikes me as the type to appreciate acts of service the most and probably gifts the least. He seems to be very practical so he might not understand small tokens of appreciation for himself but would get them for you if you'd like it.
Can sing. I will not be taking criticism on this.
And it's also semi-canon that he can draw (Haikyuu-bu Chapter 12: Tendou Makes Manga)
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Pretty Setter Squad™ First Time on an Airplane
a/n: more unintentional kageyama slander
calm enough initially
enters a staring competition with the little kid in front of him
slowly closes the window in front of him bit by bit so the other passenger thinks they're going crazy
stupid i'm sorry kags :(
literally knows nothing about flying
probably thought there were sky lanes where planes flew next to each other
terrified at take off and landing
does not care
just wants to get on the plane and sleep
pretty chill overall
played on his psp and couldn't wait to get out of the tiny seats
so calm
if he was surprised by anything you would've never guessed
was really kind to the family next to him
gives his snacks to little kids to help keep them calm
got a drawing from a 5 year old as a thank you
settles down with no issues
was absolutely mesmerized by the view at your cruising altitude
listens to his music for the whole thing
just vibing honestly
a royal pain tbh
talked about flying like it was nothing
gets on the plane and can't handle the noise
though he was gonna die when his ears popped
fainted in the bathroom because the flushing sound is so loud
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
first date with ushijima
summary: surprise shawty, you're going on a date with ushijima
tags/warnings: first date, fem!reader, kissing, ambiverted/extroverted reader, general first date stuff ig?
wc: 1.2k
a/n: so i'm very extroverted but i keep getting attracted to people who are quiet? fictional and irl too. like they almost never talk and i'm like (doki doki). anyway this is a very selfish headcanon/drabble that's basically just me simping for ushijima as per usual.
this is in bullet format so it looks less formal and i can be very h word without too much backlash :)
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Alright so Ushijima definitely didn't expect you to like him
After all you're really bubbly and bold and he's just kinda 🧍🏻‍♂️
So you're actually close friends with Tendou and he invites you to see one of the team's volleyball practices
Once you get there, you see them practicing serves
It's Ushijima's turn and he spikes the ball straight into the car corner on the other side of the court
The speed was so fast and the power was so intense that the ball rippled and you heard it whiz through the air
oh to be a volleyball
So naturally you're shocked at the sheer height and power of this man
He walks over to the bench where you're standing with Tendou and looks you over with his intense olive eyes
"Tendou who is this with you?"
Ugh tall, strong, and a deep voice to boot
"This is Y/N. I invited her to watch practice since she's bored most of the time."
He turns to look at you again
"Pleased to meet you, I am Ushijima."
You gain your composure, and answer him.
"Likewise. It's fun to watch you play."
So after that it kinda became a tradition that once a week you'd pop in and watch ushijima the boys play volleyball
Coach Washijo also took a liking to you which is why you were able to keep returning
You even helped them out as an unofficial manager
One day as you were helping them pack up the equipment, you heard Goshiki talking with Shirabu
"I think Ushijima might actual like [Y/N]"
"Well duh, she's the only thing he's talked about other than volleyball."
"He actually talked about her, during practice. He never does that."
Naturally, this was good news for you since you'd pretty much taken a liking to him immediately.
And while you wanted to tell him, you kinda just didn't?
Later that same week you managed to catch him after practice
"Ushijima-san, are you free this Saturday?"
He looked at you with the same 😐 face he always had
"I am, would you like to go somewhere?"
"Um, sure!"
"Alright, then I will stop by your dorm at 7, and we can go out."
Then he just leaves??
And you have no idea where you're going
So you ask Tendou, and he tells you that Ushijima won't tell him either
Apparently he learned that romantic surprises are appreciated welp
So 7 comes and you're in a nice outfit that hopefully could fit in wherever he was taking you
He knocks and you open the door and he's wearing a charcoal gray turtleneck and a long royal blue overcoat
It turned out that the two of you had worn matching colors completely unintentionally
"Your outfit is very nice. I have somewhere special planned out for us."
And with that he takes you to the train
He stands behind you somewhat protectively the whole time and none of the guys that usually hit on you even glance in your direction
It's honestly a nice change so relax and enjoy the train ride
It turns out that your destination is a fox park
It's like a normal park except you get to foxes closer than you've ever seen
And naturally you want to see all of them so you stay a safe distance away and start snapping pictures
Ushijima is somewhat amused at your excitement and actually offers to take a picture to send to Tendou, as he believed that Ushijima could not go on a successful date
After about 20 minutes or so, Ushijima surprises you again
"This actually is not our only stop, so whenever you are ready, we can go on to the next destination."
You mean there's more???
"Sure thing, give me five more minutes."
So in the 5 minutes that you're watching the foxes, somehow this giant of a man disappears
And naturally that's a little bit scary because you're in an unfamiliar area and you don't want to look lost
7 minutes pass and you're beginning to panic since you can't see him at all
He wouldn't ditch you right
You try to mix in with a crowd so you don't look like an easy target at night when you smell something amazing
Wiggling your way through, you see fresh mochi being pounded
Suddenly, you hear a familiar deep voice call out
"I'll take 15, please."
You whipped your head around, wondering who in their right mind would purchase that much mochi when your eyes met with Ushijima
Pushing your way through the crowd, you accidentally tripped and began to fall before a strong arm caught you
"Are you alright?"
You look up and shake your head before burying your face into his chest
"I thought you left me and I didn't want to get kidnapped or anything so I tried to mix in with the crowd."
He looked somewhat surprised and almost offended at that statement
"I would never leave you [Y/N]. I was merely going to purchase from mochi since Tendou told me you enjoyed it. I thought it would make a nice surprise."
"Here you go sir," and the shop worker handed him the treats.
"It's alright, we can go on to our next destination."
The next destination was the aquarium
Since it was night, the glofish were all shiny and your eye was naturally drawn to them
You practically glided over to the tank leaving Ushijima with your purse and the mochi
Then you caught a glimpse of the goliath grouper and marveled at the sheer size of it
Then there were the jellyfish, their gentle bobbing in the water was very soothing and you felt your adrenaline begin to go down
"You seem tired," commented Ushijima as you leaned on him by the penguin exhibit
You nodded, watching the cute little birds waddle before sliding down the slope into the water
"We can head back to the dorm if you'd like, I suspect you would not like me to carry you out if you fall asleep."
You quickly shook your head and let him lead you back to the station
On the train, the two of you sat down, and you fell asleep on his shoulder
He made sure not to move a muscle as you dozed, carefully cradling the mochi and your purse
When you finally got back to the dorms, Tendou was up waiting by your room like an anxious parent
"It looks like you two had a good time," he smirked.
"I enjoyed myself." Ushijima replied flatly.
You rubbed your eyes and nodded
Ushijima handed some of the mochi to Tendou as a thank you present for helping him learn what you liked and the two boys said goodnight to you
You crashed on your bed and barely managed to get changed before drifting into sleep, absolutely exhausted from your first date
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Iwaizumi Headcanons
a/n: i headcanon a gym date even though i hate gyms. so there's that.
takes you stargazing
midnight drives with a special playlist
arm wrestling competitions
he lets you win 20% of the time
very enthusiastic about the idea of a gym date
he's cute but in a less traditional way so he'd do things like matching water bottles
definitely the type to tease you about liking a show but then buys you merch when it's on sale
leave's good morning notes if he has to go to work early
likes it when you play with his hair
you guys try new healthy recipes together (there's about a 70% success rate)
as a result, he actually likes quinoa
can't sleep with the closet door open
has a luxury watch collection
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Ushijima Trying Another Sport
Absolutely LAUNCHES basketballs whenever he tries to shoot a basket 4/10
This man is too tall for mini-golf 0/10
Probably really good at tennis once he learns to get the ball within bounds, would have a very very powerful smash 7/10
Good at weightlifting to nobody's surprise 10/10
Gymnastics is probably alright, he has good upper body strength 6/10
I want to say that he'd be good at rugby, but I just don't see him as particularly fast 5/10
Don't really think he's built for swimming but could probably manage alright 6/10
Good at beach volleyball simply because of his past experience 8/10
Ugh this man and boxing would be absolutely specatcular 8/10
Soccer is kinda meh again because I don't really see him as a fast runner 7/10
An absolute BOSS at rowing, I mean have you seen his arms??? 9/10
Probably pretty decent at equestrian, I feel like he's naturally pretty good with animals 7/10
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Soft Koganegawa Headcanons pt. 2
loves giving you a kiss on the nose whenever he sees you
got you a cute little promise ring with your birthstone in it ahhh be still my quaking heart
poor baby can't handle spicy food
likes to hug you from behind and rest his head on yours
he honestly gives me indie vibes
huge converse collection in all sorts of colors
but his favorites are the teal and yellow ones
matching converse for dates in the park
feeding ducklings i wanna do this with him soooo bad
the type of person to pick you flowers he sees and give them to you
like the little ones that people think are weeds?
he definitely plucks a couple if he's on his way to see you and spots you
loves it when you hold his face
has the biggest smile when you squish his cheeks
oh and if you have any younger siblings
prepare because now you have an extra
he's just bond with them so quickly because he's so gentle
wins their trust by taking a genuine interest in their hobbies
if you speak another language, he'd definitely go out of his way to at least learn a couple words
especially if your family speaks it
he'd want to communicate with them so he'd aim for fluency if that was the case
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
y e t h
I've seen many headcanons that Ushijima is touch starved and honestly same. So he's probably not going to be all over you when you first get together. He strikes me as the type to take you out somewhere and maybe get you gifts but touch just isn't on his radar. So naturally as your relationship progresses, you want to do a little more, the first step being holding hands. This happens one day as the two of you are out on a date. It's at the mall and it gets really crowded so you reach out and take his hand so the two of you don't get separated. This surprises him but he doesn't say anything. However, when it's less crowded, he doesn't let go of your hand. Now he's always holding your hand. Movies, chilling at home, on a walk, it does not matter.
He also likes how small your hand feels in his. He also does the thumb thing if he's kinda nervous but he doesn't realize he's doing it. Like if he's waiting to see his results on a test, he'll hold your hand and start rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Then you get to squeeze it and reassure him which he absolutely loves.
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
hugs with ushi hugs with ushi hugs with ushi
Ushijima is a big guy. I mean at 6ft 2 in Japan of all places, there aren't a lot of people his size, which is why he absolutely loves it when you give him hugs. People are usually intimidated by him so when you run up to him and just hug his torso koala style, he gets all soft. Doing something in the kitchen and you sneak up behind him and give him a hug? Spectacular. Lying down in bed and you squish him on top? Amazing. Just constant hugs. You'd have to repeat this for a bit though before he starts hugging you first. He'd also be really gentle hugging you because of his size and muscles so it'd be really light. Except when he gets excited. He wins a game that was really difficult? Squishing the life out of you. It's amazing really.
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
Hinata Headcanons
a/n: a teensy bit suggestive at one part
Tons of energy so he would take you somewhere really cool like an escape room
Not very observant though so you had to guide him through most of the clues
He tried three times to give you a kiss but chickened out each time before he finally did it
But when he did, you could feel the passion and desperation in it
Yachi helps him make your birthday cards
You can tell because it's this beautiful, well-laid out card, with his unique handwriting in the middle of it
Picks you flowers from his morning jog and puts the little ones in your hair
He thinks daisies suit you best
Kageyama keeps telling him to shut up because he talks about you on every single break
Loves it when you come to his practice
Always tries a jump serve when you watch and fails about 95% of the time
But he promises to get better for you
Actually enjoys study dates because he can spend time with you and pass his classes
Offers to walk you to the bathroom at all of his games because he knows how scary they can be
Tried baking you a cake and it was actually one of the greatest things you've ever eaten
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
I actually love plants and botanical gardens but I suck at keeping them alive. I literally have a succulent named Lewis dying on my windowsill right now
So Ushijima loves plants. Growing up in Miyagi, he's used to seeing tons of nature and agriculture since that's what the prefecture is known for, however, that's not necessarily why he likes it. Now his parents got divorced, but before then, he distinctly remembers a family trip to a botanical garden. His parents pointed out all the flowers to him and their scientific names. They even bought him a starter orchid kit from the gift shop. So naturally, he took care of it and it became a beautiful shade of purple. He's also an only child so it was probably nice for him to have something to keep busy with. But today, he finds taking care of plants really comforting and would definitely buy you flowers for special occasions and just because. Sometimes you'll come home and find a rose on your side of the bed. Or maybe he'll bring back a few wildflowers from you if he sees them at the end of his jog.
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