A look at how Airbnb has changed the housing market in Victoria, Australia. 
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How To Contact A Clinic After Hours for GP Services
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What do you need when there is a medical emergency and you don’t have the option to leave the home? You need the nearest after-hours GP services. Now, it’s possible to do that if you simply go online and connect with one.
Doctors on Demand is one such app that can get you in touch with a registered Australian physician in a matter of minutes. After-hours health facilities are provided to ensure that you don’t have to drive down to the hospital ER in an emergency. It can also involve a situation when you may not be feeling well enough to drive yourself down to a clinic. Your regular GP’s clinic may be closed for the day and you need a multispeciality clinic.
If you can download Doctors on Deman on your phone or tablet, you can book an online appointment. You will be prompted to fill in a form containing patient details. You must state the reason for booking an appointment and provide all the necessary contact details. Once the appointment has been confirmed, an email is sent to your inbox. This contains a secure link to start off your interactions with a leading doctor in Australia.
Earlier, you would need to apply for an in-person meeting with your doctor to get a repeat prescription. Now, there’s no need to do that. You can simply avail of the 24x7 after-hours GP services. The app offers online prescription services which are available round-the-clock for an affordable price. It provides a brief video consult with one of the clinic’s doctors.
Similarly, if you need a medical certificate for applying for leave from work because of an emergency medical condition, you don’t have to physically visit an after-hours multispecialty clinic anymore. Whether it's a viral infection or an attack of migraine, you can get a certificate the very next day. Doctors on Demand can provide you with GPs for consultation. They will provide you with the necessary medical certificates anytime of the week.
So, instead of worrying about how to find after-hours medical help, simply download the Doctors on Demand app or visit their official website. Bookings are open 24x7, whenever you need them. With telemedicine facilities, now there’s no need to drive for miles to reach a doctor’s chamber or sit for hours in the waiting room patiently. The doctor can see you without you having to leave your couch. Virtual visits are both effective and convenient, and taking advantage of this facility can be in your best interest.
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something-rlse · 6 months
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lisasaadau · 1 year
Lisa Saad | Lisa Saad Photographer
Photographer Lisa Saad's creative process is defined as ‘inspired thought’, She is a phenomenal photography career and has produced excellent photo after photo, from her illustrative ‘The Anonymous Man’ series and project 11 to her architectural photography. Lisa Saad Photographer believes that Everyone has the right to a high-quality picture. To know more about her photography, you can contact us now.
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harrysfolklore · 8 months
jacob elordi and yn take a lie detector test | vanity fair
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MASTERLIST | MY PATREON | jacob insta blurb
"YN," the interviewer said, you and Jacob were sitting side by side with expectation shown in your faces, "Jacob."
"Hello," you said in unison, which made you look at each other and laugh.
"We're going to be taking a lie detector test today," the interviewer explained, "One of you will he hooked up to the machine while the other asks questions, and then you'll switch."
"Why are my palms sweating?" you said, making Jacob laugh and kiss the side of your head quickly.
"Who would you like to go first?" the interviewer asked again.
Jacob and you looked at each other for a few seconds before he winked at you and told the interviewer he would go first.
The video showed someone from the crew getting the machine ready and getting Jacob hooked to it.
"Do I look afraid?" Jacob asked, making you relax and laugh.
"You look fine, babe," you looked at the guy who was in charge of the machine, who give you the cue that you could start asking questions, "Okay, is your real name Jacob Elordi?"
"Yes," he answered.
"Were you born in Melborune, Australia?"
"No, I was born in Brisbane."
"Are you ready to take this lie detector test?" you asked, a smile playing on your face.
"I think so," he looked at you with a nervous smile and then looked at the camera.
"Okay, let's get started."
"So, you were born in Australia. Do you like LA better?" you asked, reading the folder in front of you.
"Right now, yeah," Jacob answered, a small screen on the top left showing the lie detector machine working.
"Would you say you've adopted the LA lifestyle since moving here?"
"Do you like going to yoga classes with me?" you raised your eyebrow, noticing a smile appearing on Jacob's face
"Absolutely." he answered confidently and you directed your raised eyebrow to the man behind the machine.
"He's telling the truth," the man said
"Were you doubting me?" Jacob said, an offended tone in his voice.
"Just confirming," you looked at the folder once again,"Do you consider yourself a heartthrob?"
"Yeah," he answered, but the look on his face said otherwise.
"A lie," the man said.
"I don't consider myself a heartthrob," he began, "but I mean I guess I kinda have to accept it."
"Yep, there you go," you said and a cheeky smile played on your face as you read the following question, "Have you ever felt jealous of any of my co stars?"
The room got quiet after the question, Jacob threw his head back and closed his eyes for a moment, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"Just answer the question!" you said and he shook his head.
"I wouldn't say that I'm a jealous person, specially not of your co stars because I'm an actor myself and I know how it works," he began, "I'm just protective, okay?"
"No reading, that was too close," the man behind the machine spoke, "It was a gray area, we could ask it again or we could just move on."
"Let's move on, he doesn't want to admit that he was jealous of Andrew Garfield on camera," you joked and Jacob couldn't help but laugh along, "Did you feel nervous during our first date?"
"Yes," his eyes widened at the memory, "I was about to piss my pants, actually."
"Oh I already knew that," you shrugged with a cocky smile, "If I asked you to move to New York with me, would you do it?"
"Yeah, definitely," he smiled, "New York is the shit."
"Alright, babe, let's keep this interesting," you said with a grin. The lie detector machine still monitoring his responses, "Have you ever borrowed my clothes without asking?"
"Of course, guilty as charged," Jacob chuckled, "Your oversized sweaters are just too comfy to resist, love, and don't get me started on your purses,"
"This shouldn't have been a question, everyone knows the purses you use to go out are mine," you rolled your eyes with affection,"Okay last one from me,"
"Bring it,"
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
You looked at Jacob curiously, and he took a moment before replying.
"Yeah, I do," he answered smoothly, "I mean when I met you, there was this instant connection, and I just knew there was something special about you."
"He's telling the truth," the lie detector confirmed, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Smooth answer, Elordi. Looks like we're on the same page about love at first sight," he smiled back at you, "Lord that was so cheesy, It's my turn! But, did at any point of this interview did you lie and we didn't catch you?"
"I mean, I don't know if you caught me," Jacob rested his chin on his hand.
"Did he lie?" you asked the man, both you and Jacob turning to look at him.
"He's not lying," He confirmed and Jacob gave you a smug smile
"I guess you passed the test."
You took your place in the hot seat while Jacob prepared to play the role of the interrogator, nerves kicking in as the crew hooked you up to the machine.
"Okay, YN," Jacob said, a smirk showing on his face, "Let's get started, shall we?"
You nodded and he sent you a wink.
"Is your favorite movie still 'The Notebook'?"
"Absolutely," you answered immediately and the machine confirmed your answer.
"Classic," he muttered, "Have you ever faked a compliment about my cooking?"
"Maybe once or twice, but it's only because I didn't want to hurt your feelings," you bit your lip, and Jacob gave you a surprised expression
"So, I've been living a lie?" he raised his eyebrow at you.
"No, no," you reassured him, "Your cooking skills have definitely improved over time."
"Truth," the man in charge of the lie detector said, and Jacob nodded in approval.
"Fair enough. Now, have you ever pretended to like a movie just because I wanted to watch it?"
"Guilty again," you covered your face in embarrassment,"But in my defense, no one wants to watch the Star Wars movies after a long day of filming."
"My feelings are definitely hurt," Jacob said and dramatically put a hand on his chest, "This test is making you look like a bad girlfriend, actually,"
"Come on now, give me more questions,"
"Alright, let's dig a little deeper," Jacob said with a smirk, "Have you ever considered stealing my phone to read my text messages?"
"Maybe once or twice," you said, "But only out of curiosity, not suspicion."
"Well, you know I'm wrapped around your finger so I would let you go through it anytime," he shrugged, "Do you think my Australian accent is sexier than your American one?"
"Oh, come on! That's not a fair question," you couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"Just answer the question, love," Jacob teased.
"Fine, fine," you said, still laughing, "Yes, your Australian accent is undeniably sexy."
"Truth," the machine confirmed, and Jacob playfully raised an eyebrow looking satisfied.
"Do you regret any of the roles you've played?" he asked, and you took a deep breath before answering.
"No, all of the roles I've played have been very meaningful to me," you replied, and the man operating the machine machine looked at you with a raised eyebrow."
"She's lying," he simply said, and you shut your eyes hearing Jacob laugh.
"I guess you have some explaining to do," he chuckled, shooting a playful glare at you, "Come on, spill it."
"Okay, fine," you admitted, "There was this one project early in my career that I took for the paycheck, and looking back, I wish I had chosen something more aligned with my values. It's not a regret per se, but more of a lesson learned."
"Fair enough," Jacob nodded, moving to the next question, "Have you ever stalked fan accounts dedicated to me?"
"Maybe a casual scroll here and there," you admitted, trying to seem cool about it.
"Casual scroll, huh?" Jacob raised an eyebrow and peeked at the lie detector, "The machine doesn't seem convinced, right?" he asked the man.
"It's a lie," he confirmed ad Jacob burst into laughter.
"Caught red-handed, love. What's next? Have you ever used my toothbrush without telling me?" he teased, making you laugh
"No way! That's just gross," you protested
"You hesitated there. Are you sure?" Jacob raised an eyebrow again
The machine signaled the truth, and you sighed in relief.
"I was just grossed out by the thought. I promise I've never done that."
"It's not like we haven't kissed before," he teased and you rolled your eyes but smiled, "Okay last question.
"Hit me with it," you said, ready for whatever it would be.
"Have you ever thought about what our future holds? Like, where we'll be in 10 years?" he asked, his expression turning serious.
You took a moment to contemplate the question.
"Yes," you answered sincerely, "I think about it quite often. I imagine us still together, maybe with a family, still acting and pursuing our passions and of course supporting each other."
"Truth," the lie detector machine confirmed your words, and Jacob's serious expression softened into a warm smile.
"Well, looks like we're on the same page there once again," he said, "Did you lie at any time and we didn't catch you?"
"Nope, I was an open book, babe," you replied, sending a wink his way.
"Did she lie?" Jacob turned to the man behind the machine,
The man hesitated for a moment, building suspense, before finally saying, "She's telling the truth."
"Told you!"
The video ended with both of you laughing at each other, and it became one of Vanity Fair's most watched Lie Detector tests.
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evvrpp · 5 months
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melborune museum titanic exhibition !
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ctandy12 · 24 days
Exploring the World of Suspension and Tyres: A Comprehensive Overview
A car's suspension repair system is crucial in handling and safety especially in Melborune. Unfortunately, many overlook its importance. Beyond ensuring a smooth ride, the suspension system is integral to vehicle safety. The system has four main components: struts, shock absorbers, springs, and tyres. These elements work together to maintain the car's balance, stability, and ability to handle various road conditions.
This maintenance is vital for car safety, mitigating excessive tyre wear and ensuring the driver and passengers' safety. Springs provide support, balancing the car's body and frame to minimise disturbances during the ride. In contrast, the tyres and suspension system support the steering-handling mechanism.
The Role of Suspension in Safety and Handling
A powerful engine and high horsepower are often associated with a smooth drive, but these features are rendered ineffective without an effective suspension system. Shock absorbers repairings are essential in controlling the vehicle, especially during sharp turns or sudden braking. Poorly maintained suspension can lead to excessive tyre wear and compromise the vehicle's safety.
Shock absorbers also contribute to a comfortable ride by reducing vibrations. Their stability and efficiency are crucial for overall vehicle safety and comfort. Regular maintenance and checks are necessary to ensure the suspension system performs optimally.
Why Choose Car Tyres and You?
Expertise in suspension and tyres
Specialisation in shock absorber repairs
Renowned for suspension repairs in Melbourne
Trusted car suspension specialists in Melbourne
For top-notch suspension and tyre services, contact Car Tyres and you today to ensure your vehicle remains safe and comfortable on the road.
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protog · 1 year
Best lighting-and-studio in melborune
Few things are more crucial to photography and videography than quality studio lighting. It can make or break a shot, and therefore, it is essential that you have the right studio lighting equipment and accessories. Whether your project is a professional one or a personal one, it doesn’t matter; having the right studio lighting for photography or video studio lighting is vital if you want your creative results to exceed expectations.
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wrongfuel · 1 year
Fuel Tank Draining Equipment
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skinsamra · 1 year
Hvor sikkert er Microneedling til revitalisering af huden?
Der er næppe nogen person, uanset om han er en mand eller kvinde, der ikke skal være opmærksom på sit udseende, og derfor er der ingen, der lader nogen sten uvendt, når det kommer til at passe på deres hud for at få dem til at se unge ud i lang tid. Men da aldring er en naturalistisk procedure, og det ikke er muligt at bekæmpe karakteren, er det usandsynligt for dem at skjule mærkerne eller signalerne af at blive ældre fra deres udseende. Men interessant nok er der i det nuværende scenarie masser af forskellige foryngelsesmetoder, som er nyttige til at øge gløden i ansigtet og også hjælpe ældre mennesker til at se yngre ud end deres faktiske alder. Et spændende træk ved disse procedurer er, at de alle er ikke-destruktive, smertefri og beriget med naturlige elementer, og dermed ikke efterlader personerne lider af nogen form for bivirkninger.
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Microneedling er en sådan foryngelsesteknik, som i den seneste tid har vist sig at være en af de enkleste og bedste måder at genopbygge vores celler på og fjerne tegnene på stigende alder milevidt fra væsenet. Faktisk ville det ikke være forkert at sige, at det beriger evnen til at helbrede på sin egen måde på en naturlig måde. Hovedformålet med at tilbyde microneedling-behandling til den person, der ønsker at forynge sine celler, er at fremprovokere hudens effektivitet i forbindelse med celleafgang og kollagenforandringer. Her er en ting, som skal fremhæves om microneedling, at da hele proceduren indebærer brug af en rulle med nåle i en afstand fra 1 mm til 3 mm, begynder mange at bruge de mindre ruller, der bruges til hår, til at rulle på den indtrykte del.
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Det kan være skadeligt, da det kan resultere i skader i stedet for at forbedre din hud. Måden at gennemgå denne behandling på er under ledelse af en ekspert hudspecialist i Melborune eller i hele verden. Specialisten er ikke kun godt bekendt med viden og proceduren for at anvende nålrullen på den indtrykte del af din hud, men han lader dig heller aldrig selv indse nogen form for smerte under behandlingen.
Nu kan spørgsmålet opstå i dit sind, at er behandlingen af microneedling for alle individer. Interessant nok er et svar på dette spørgsmål i enkle ord "JA", uanset om du er en allergisk person smerter fra enhver form for allergi, kan terapien være tyske for at genopbygge. Under needling, er den berørte del bedøvet, så patienten aldrig indser nogen form for smerte.
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Resultaterne af korrekt udført terapi fortsætter i næsten 12 måneder, afhængigt af typen. Men stadig vil de resultater, der opnås efter behandlingen, afsløre stram, tyk, glat hud, forsvinden af ar og endelig den sidste men ikke mindst øgede fugtighedscreme. Den eneste bivirkning, som kan bemærkes på nogen af de enkelte kan være minimalt hårtab og minimale belastningsmærker.
denouement: Kort sagt kan det siges, at i det nuværende scenario, der går gennem de dynamiske ændringer i hele verden inden for medicin, er de traditionelle procedurer for foryngelse som kosmetisk kirurgi blevet forældet, og nu er der ændret typer af højt definerede smertefri behandlinger, der er omsorgsfulde i at øge uden nogen hårde bestræbelser. De største overskud af vores needling kan sammenfattes som følger:
1.Hjælper med at fugte huden og forbedre dens tekstur;
3.Produktion af nyt kollagen;
4.Fald i forekomsten af rynker og dybe linjer i ansigtet; og
5. forstærker hudfarven.
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
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joshuathomas · 4 years
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An ice-cream van rings its song along my street, when placing an order it advises a 1.5m distance in regards to current social distancing guide lines. 1/04/2020
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tyriall · 5 years
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Went to bed yesterday morning with this Lion King-esque sunrise. I thought we would be in for a rather warm winters day... joke was in me! 🤣 #shiftwork #shiftworker #sunrise #sunrisesunset #melborune #home #victoria #australia #redskyatmorning #sleep #lackofsleep #bedtime #sunlight #vitamind #nofilterneeded #nofilterneeded #almostlionking #lionking #thelionking https://www.instagram.com/p/B14JIQFAO1B/?igshid=ctekck6tig7g
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aditya-k-balu · 2 years
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#cbd #melborune #tram #city #cycling #biking #photography #emount (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfG6MKWF08f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jurnaldeoltenia · 4 years
Tenis : Prima victorie într-un meci oficial pentru Simona Halep!
Tenis : Prima victorie într-un meci oficial pentru Simona Halep!
Simona Halep, locul 2 WTA şi cap de serie numărul 1, a învins-o, luni, cu scorul de 6-4, 6-4, pe rusoaica Anastasia Potapova, locul 101 WTA, calificându-se în optimile de finală ale turneului de categorie WTA 500 Gippsland Trophy de la Melborune. În primul set, fără să joace impresionant, Simona Halep a speculat toate slăbiciunile rivalei şi a luat toate cadourile. Sportiva română a încercat să o…
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archilovers · 7 years
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Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group's first announced property in Australia is expected to open in 2023. The mixed-use 185-metre tower designed by Zaha Hadid Architects will play a part in the ongoing regeneration of Melbourne’s Central Business District: http://bit.ly/2swHYIP
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