#melissa wolff
melissa-kenobi · 2 years
Remorse [Inqisitor!Cal Kestis x Reader]
A/N: yo amigos, I've had this in my drafts for yearsss and never got round to finishing it but I DID IT! had some random burst of Cal happiness and did it, so hopefully y'all enjoy, this was supposed to be a two parter, but like idk if I can even write it or not, so don't be expecting a 2nd part anytime soon, sorry guys! xxx
Word Count:
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It was a simple patrol. That's all it was supposed to be.
You watched from your own star fighter as your Master's ship was shot down. You immediately dipped down and raced after him, trying to see if you could salvage him before his fighter exploded. What you didn't realise was that the enemy was still after you and your Master. You flipped your craft around and started shooting right back at them before realising who you were shooting at.
It was your own battalion. Your own troopers. The ones you had considered brothers. Family.
They were shooting non-stop at you, you quickly commed and tried to speak to your Commander.
"Wolffe! Come in! There's something wrong with Jag!"
That was odd. Wolffe would always respond to you.
"Commander! Come in!" You tried again.
No reply. You grunted in frustration as you tried to get Jag off your tail but it was no use. He had called in back up and you were now surrounded by several other members of your own battalion.
There was no way you were going to make it out alive.
Your head turned quickly to your comms and you heard your master’s voice call your name. It sent a huge sense of relief as you looked to the left of you and you saw him signalling you to break left. He had given you an opening to escape which in result would leave him for dead this time. You didn’t want to leave your master, but with time running short, you had no choice.
Trust in the force my young padawan.
You were on the run ever since the events of Order 66 and the rise of the empire, you clutched the holocron in your hands tightly as you ran from a bunch of stormtroopers guarding a secured building for the empire. You had managed to out run them and made way to your ship, the holocron held tightly in your hands.
A bunch of thieves had stolen your holocron in hopes of selling to gain some fortune, there was no way you were letting them get their hands on your holocron. The last piece that linked you to the Jedi, it was your only hope.
Safely in your ship you activated your cloaking mechanism as you closed your eyes and opened the holocron.
“This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic, have fallen with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi.
Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple…that time has passed. And our future is uncertain.
We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.”
Your eyes flickered open only to see a figure stood in front of you, dressed in black from head to toe. They wore a black helmet that covered their face, and on their hip, they held a strange form of a lightsaber hilt. It was curved and almost looked as if was a double sided lightsaber. It held the form of a crescent mode; it certainly was no ordinary lightsaber. You quickly emerged from your spot and stood opposite the figure; your hand held tightly on the hilt of your own lightsaber.
“A touching message.” The figure taunted as they approached you closer, almost intrigued by your presence.
“Who are you?”
The figure let out a sigh before reaching up to remove their helmet. The first thing you saw was his bright fiery auburn hair. It was a huge contrast against his pale skin, his eyes were filled with horror and hatred as he slowly started to circle you, his eyes taunting your every move. What stuck out most was his outfit, the mark of an inquisitor. You instantly pulled out your lightsaber and ignited it.
You had heard of inquisitors, they were trained by Darth Vader to hunt down the remaining Jedi and all those that practiced using the force. They were brutal and ruthless, and showed no mercy to those who were Jedi. By pulling out your lightsaber you had made a crucial mistake by revealing who you were.
"A Jedi." The man hummed as he stopped right in front of you. He reached out and placed a finger on your chin as he lifted your head to get a better look at you.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you look like the padawan of Master Plo Koon." Your eyes widen in shock as this man knew of you and your master.
"A shame what happened to him. Shot down by his own men, it wasn't even an honourable death." The man taunted.
"What do you want?" You growled as you tightly held onto your lightsaber, hands tightening around the hilt.
"If you come with me peacefully, then maybe my master will show you mercy."
"Mercy? There is no mercy where you inquisitors are! Where was the mercy as I watched my fellow Jedi brothers and sisters fall as you struck them down?" You yell back, not realising that you were falling into the exact trap he wanted. You rushed at him with your lightsaber to which he quickly ignited his own and blocked you.
"How do you think it felt as I watched the children be killed before my very eyes? All while you, stood and watched proudly!" You aimed another hit at him only to have the man fall down on his knees as you pointed your lightsaber at his throat, his weapon discarded across the room while you stood tall towering above him.
"Yes Y/N... I can feel the anger rising through you! The hatred, use it. Kill me where I lay. Avenge your fallen Jedi!" The man laughed as she watched you struggle to get a grip on yourself. In that time, his fellow inquisitors had caught up and were now stood behind you, he signalled them to stay behind.
"No.. only the weak embrace the dark... I will never!" You scream before thrusting your hands forward, pushing with all your might as you forced pushed away all three inquisitors. You quickly saw your escape and ran for it, picking up the mans lightsaber blade and making your way far away from there.
The two inquisitors that had come after Cal were ready to rush after you but with a quick shake of his head they stopped. "Let her run. She won't make it very far. I can sense the anger, the hatred rushing through her. It will only be a matter of time before we find her again."
"I will soon see you again Y/N."
The voice of the ginger inquisitor rang through your head, his taunting tone, his laughter as he watched you struggle. You had made it to another one of your safety ships, the Jedi you were with had an idea to have these ships scattered across Kashyyyk. You slumped down in the cockpit, your heart racing as you held his lightsaber in your hands.
All of a sudden you were pulled back, a searing white blur flashed across your eyes as you blinked rapidly to clear it. It was only then you had realised where you were.
The Jedi Temple.
Or what it was before the war. Before the empire rose to success.
You glanced around watching the padawan rush around the temple, thier masters following swiftly behind, ready for training.
You turned around on the spot at the voice of your own Master. You remembered this day Master Plo was ready to take you on your first mission. The younger version of yourself stood there ready for it as your master lead you to your Commander.
You held in a sob at the sight of him. You had no idea where he was. If he was alive or dead. All of a sudden you were pulled out of your own memory and into another as you watched from the top.
A young boy, not much older than you were when you went on your first mission. He was training with his Master in the Jedi rooms. You looked over to his Master and instantly recognised him.
Jaro Topal.
How could you not? The guy was a legend, a Lasat. One of first Lasats you had ever seen before. You looked over to the young boy and studied him carefully. You didn't recognise him at first until the lights came on and you saw his face.
The inquisitor. The very same one who taunted you. Who tried to kill you.
What was he doing training with Master Topal? Unless...
No. It couldn't be.
"Cal. Concentrate, use the force."
He was a Jedi. A Jedi that betrayed the order, that succumbed to the dark side. He failed.
You dropped the weapon before falling to ground, eyes teary and wet, full of regret for your fallen friends and Master. Wolffe. The former Jedi, Cal.
You had found an imperial building that was holding Wookies hostage and you had to help them. The wookies were friends of yours and you couldn't allow them to suffer under the hands of the empire. Your mission finished off with a bang, you and the wookies had blown up the building, crushing it into pieces so that whatever the Empire was working on was destroyed.
Just as you were leaving the building, you felt a strong presence, a dark presence. Being the curious person you were, you signalled the wookies to go ahead while you checked something out. You crept around the side of the fallen building only to find a hidden compartment where you saw 3 inquisitors.
You had recognised all 3 of them, they were the ones that had ambushed you in your ship, one of them was the former jedi, the traitor Cal. You leapt up and hid behind one of the broken columns, listening to thier conversation.
"We have been instructed to find the holocron. What are you doing here?" One of the inquisitors hissed at the fallen jedi.
Holocron? Why are they looking for a holocron? You couldn't let the holocron get into the hands of Empire. God knows what they could do with it, the force sensitive children would be used for their means and you could never let that happen.
"I have business to attend to. I'll be on my way." The ginger inquisitor replied as he played with a droid on the side of a table.
The two inquisitors hissed before they left. You waited until they left before getting ready to make your own way out and back to base.
"You have something of mine Y/N."
You stopped dead in your position, your heart beating rapidly. You instantly moved your hand to your lightsaber clipped on your belt as you slowly got up.
"I would like it back."
All of a sudden he was behind you, his hand on your own that was holding the lightsaber. His grip was surprisingly soft, it wasn't harsh or rough which surprised you.
You twisted our of his grip before replying. "What? The Empire can't afford to get you another one, inquisitor?"
"Cal." Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"My name, it's Cal. But you already knew that."  He says as he points to his lightsaber clipped at the back of your belt.
"How could you betray the Jedi Order?"
"I was left with other choice but to join. I have seen the future and there is no Jedi Order."
"Y/N, join me while you can."
Cal held his hand out. You glanced it at it quickly, looking at his face for any sign that this was a joke, but alas you found none. You rolled your eyes before stepping back and pulling your lightsaber out.
"So be it." Cal slowly pulled his hand away before using the force to pull you towards him. You landed in his arms as you lightsaber dropped and your hands holding onto his arm for support before you quickly pulled away. Cal on the other hand had managed to unclip his lightsaber from your belt. He quickly used the force and pushed you to the ground, holding his lightsaber at your throat, the tip of it barely inches away from slaughtering you to death.
Cal was silent for a while. His eyes flickered around before focusing on your face once more. “I’ll give you one more chance Y/N. I have seen the future, there are no more Jedi. Join us. Join me.”
“You don’t take no for an answer, do you?” You spoke, getting annoyed with Cal's back and forth persona with you. Before you could attack him, you felt something coming. A sense of danger approaching, you stole a glance at Cal before you locked eyes, ready to run from whatever was coming.
His own eyes widened in shock as he channelled through force to identify what about to happen. Hands reached out to push you towards what ever it was, only it never came.
Within seconds, Cal had rushed forwards and pushed you aside, his own body collapsing on top of you, ultimately protecting you from the huge crash. The two of you groaned as you fell to the ground, the weight of Cal weighing down on you as you tried to sidle out from under him. His eyes were closed but his arms were wrapped around you tightly, his body seemingly taking the brunt of the drop.
“Where is she? The Wookies told us she would be here!”
“Shit...” You groaned, you were stuck, the both of you were stuck. The sounds of the troopers approaching was near, they were probably going to find you and the inquisitor and assume you had killed him. But why had he saved you? What was his plan?
Thoughts ran through your head, going millions miles an hour but one remained, you had failed your master.
"I'm sorry Master Plo."
The last thing you felt was the weight of a body being lifted off you before you succumbed to the darkness clouding your vision and mind.
“I know! I can feel her. If I can just...”
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“Hello you’re watching Simcity news Live from La Dame Grise Cathedral, covering the funeral service of Gunther Goth” 
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“For those of you listening in, you can watch the service on channel one at 10am” 
“Ugh. I didn’t think the broadcast would start this early”
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“And Sunset Valley’s Mayor of five years, Holly Alto will attend”
“Please can we change the radio station, Grandma?”
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“And it’s estimated all of Simnation will be watching”
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“We’ll also be covering the wake and interviewing old friends of Mr Goth.
“Change the channel, love”
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angelvings · 4 months
while i continue to slowly work through my drafts , please find my annual <3 thirst <3 post under the cut with faceclaims i would absolutely love love love to write against . heart this if you would like to throw any of them at me and i'll im you 🫶🏻
zendaya      ,      laura      harrier      ,      riz      ahmed      ,      callum      turner      ,      paul      mescal      ,      drew      starkey      ,      ryan      destiny      ,      pedro      pascal      ,      alisha      boe      ,      mimi      keene      ,      nick      robinson      ,      alex fitzalan , margaret      qualley      ,      manny      montana      ,      lily - rose depp , evan      roderick      ,      saoirse      ronan      ,      mike      faist      ,      mia      goth      ,      emma      mackey      ,      arón      piper      ,      andrew      garfield      ,      logan      lerman      ,      ashley      more      ,      megan      suri      ,      timothee      chalamet      ,      alexa      demie      ,      ayo      edebiri      ,      harris      dickinson      ,      dev      patel      ,      rachel      weisz      ,      taylor      russell      ,      oscar      isaac      ,      david      harbour      ,      sarah      snook      ,      elle      fanning      ,      zión      moreno      ,      charlie      hunnam      ,      odessa      a'zion      ,      odeya      rush      ,      lakeith      stanfield      ,      alex      wolff      ,      austin      abrams      ,      daisy      edgar - jones      ,      josh      heuston      ,      jon      bernthal      ,      nico      hiraga      ,      josh      o'connor      ,      rachel      sennott      ,      leo      woodall      ,      jacob      elordi      ,      melissa      barrera      ,      jodie      comer      ,     sandra      oh      ,      michiel      huisman      ,      courtney      eaton      ,      mark      mckenna      ,      yandeh      sallah      ,      charlie      plummer      ,      asa      germann      .
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NYCDA National Outstanding Dancers 2002-2024
Junior: Garrett Smith (Dance Impressions) and Erica Ross (Dance Connection 2)
Teen: Anthony Lomuljo (Dance Attack Sunnyvale) and Becca Henderson (Ballet Society)
Senior: Danny Tidwell (Denise Wall Dance Energy) and Melissa Hough (Dance Explosion)
Junior: David Gensheimer (American Jazz Dance Co.) and Whitney Jensen (CSPAS)
Teen: Travis Wall (Denis Wall's Dance Energy and Marilee Glazier (CSPAS)
Senior: Phillip Spaeth (Triple Threat PAC) and Carly Lang (DDK Danceworks)
Mini: Corey Snide (Eleanor's School of Dance) and Christina Spinger (Dance Motion Performing Arts Co.)
Junior: Nick Young (Young Dance Academy) and Kayla Radomski (Michelle Latimer Dance Academy)
Teen: Chuck Jones (CSPAS) and Jaimie Goodwin (Denise Wall's Dance Energy)
Senior: Jon Bond (Center Stage Dance Academy) and Ellery Baum (CSPAS)
Mini: Hogan Fulton (Bobbie's School of Performing Arts) and Tiara Keeno (Wasatch Dance Center)
Junior: John Manzari (Spotlight Studio of Dance) and Angelica Generosa (Dance Stop)
Teen: Garrett Smith (Odyssey II) and Dusty Button (Movin' South)
Senior: Teddy Forance (Hackworth School of Performing Arts) and Allison Holker (The Dance Club)
Mini: Ross Lynch (Artistic Fusion Dance Academy) and Catherine Hurlin (Westchester Dance Academy)
Junior: Corey Snide (Eleanor's School of Dance) and Christina Spinger (Dance Connection)
Teen: Ryan Steele (Dance Dynamics) and Kirsten Wicklund (Danzmode Productions)
Senior: Christian Denice (Bobbie's School of Performing Arts) Jamie Godwin (Denis Wall's Dance Energy)
Mini: Kolton Krouse (Tempe Dance Academy) and McKenna Ross (Tempe Dance Academy)
Junior: Alex Hathaway (Dance Dynamics) and Tiare Keeno (Wasatch Dance Center)
Teen: Corey Cox (Denise Wall's Dance Energy) and Taja Riley (Denise Wall's Dance Energy)
Senior: Crain Dionne (Donna Coco's Performance Plus) and Erica Ross (Tempe Dance Academy)
Mini: Brandon Chang (Dance Town) and Sarah Pippin (CC&Co. Dance Complex)
Junior: Kolton Krause (Tempe Dance Academy) and Kamila Shah (Westchester Dance Academy)
Teen: Mason Manning (Dance Industry) and Tiare Keeno (Classical Ballet Academy)
Senior: Richard Villaverde (Dance Town) and Ida Saki (Dance Industry)
Mini: Tade Biesinger (Dance Impressions) and Payton Johnson (Jean Leigh Academy of Dance)
Junior: Rae Srivastava (Independent) and Jayce Kalb (The Dance Centre)
Teen: Corey Snide (Eleanor's School of Dance) and Mattie Love (Dance Impressions)
Senior: Cory Barnette (Tempe Dance Academy) and Kaitlynn Edgar (Spotlight Dance Works)
Mini: Travis Atwood (The Talent Factory) and Jacalyn Tatro (Inspire School of Dance)
Junior: Niko Martinez (Dance Images & Music) and Sarah Pippin (CC&Co)
Teen: Ivan Kalinan (The Dance Zone) and Madi Hicks (Academy of Dance Arts)
Senior: George Lawrence (Dancemakers of Atlanta) and Kali Grinder (The Dance Zone)
Mini: Kyle Anders (Savage Dance) and Kayla Mak (Westchester)
Junior: Jack Wolff (Precision Dance Academy) and Payton Johnson (Jean Leigh Academy)
Teen: Kolton Krouse (Tempe Dance Academy) and Jordan Pelliteri (Plumb Performing Arts Center)
Senior: Joseph Davis (Draper Center) and Alexia Meyer (The Dance Club)
Mini: Justice McCort (Krystie’s Dance Academy) and Jasmine Cruz (Westlake)
Junior: Jonathan Fahoury (Artistic Fusion) and Sophie Miklosovic (Faubourg School of the Ballet)
Teen: Jake Tribus (CC & Co) and Jayci Kalb (The Dance Centre)
Senior: Alex Soulliere (Spotlight Dance Works) and Alyssa Ness (Northland School of Dance)
Mini: Luke Spring (Independent) and Charlee Fagan (Main Street Dance)
Junior: Matthew Spangler (Artistic Fusion) and Mackenzie Bessner (KJ Dance)
Teen: Rae Srivastava (BHumn DanceSpace) and Jacalyn Tatro (Inspire School of Dance)
Senior: Kolton Krouse (Tempe Dance Academy) and Jordan Pelliteri (Plumb Performing Arts Center)
Mini: Brady Farrar (Stars) and Madison Brown (Lents Dance Company)
Junior: Parker Garrison (Stars) and Jasmine Cruz (Westlake)
Teen: Harrison Knotsman (Studio West Dance Center) and Nina Bartell (Sweatshop)
Senior: Jake Tribus (Next Generation Ballet) and Sarah Pippin – CC & Co
Mini: Luke Barrett (Dance Attack) and Eden Galloway (Center Stage Dance Studio)
Junior: Jack Easton (IMPAC) and Mahalaya Tintianco-Cubales (Westlake)
Teen: Kele Roberson (Dance Institute) and Ali Deucher (The Dance Club)
Senior: Zach Manske (Woodbury) and Jacelyn Tatro (Inspire School of Dance)
Mini: Hudson Silva-Costa (Spotlight Dance Center) and Phoenix Sutch (Krystie's Dance)
Junior: Mason Evans (Performance Edge 2 and Madison Brown (Lents Dance Company)
Teen: David Keingatti (Columbia) and Sydney Revennaugh (CSA's Dancers Edge)
Senior: Michael Garcia (Dance Industry) and Kaylin Maggard (Columbia)
Mini: Sienna Morris (Westchester) and ???
Junior: Eden Galloway (WNC Dance) and ???
Teen: Aydin Eyikan (Kanyok Arts) and Jasmine Cruz
Senior: Harrison Knostman (Studio West Dance Center) and Jenna Meilman (Westchester)
Mini: Ian Stegeman (Woodbury) and Ivana Radan (Westchester)
Junior: Justin Padilla (Infusion Dance) and Rebecca Stewart (Spotlight Studio of Dance)
Teen: Luke Spring (East Coast Edge) and Madison Brown (Lents Dance Company)
Senior: Jamaii Melvin (Miami Dance Collective) and Madison Goodman (KJ Dance)
Mini: Eric Poor (CityDance) and Kynadi Crain (Jean Leigh Academy)
Junior: Jagger Effs (Miami Dance Collective) and Sienna Morris (Westchester)
Teen: Mason Evans (Performance Edge 2) and Mahalaya Tintianco-Cubales (Westlake)
Senior: Aydin Eyikan (Kanyok Arts) and Sydney Revennaugh (Performance Edge 2)
2021 (Orlando)
Mini: Spencer Parnell (Academy of the Living Arts) and Kiera Sun (Westside)
Junior: Michael Duvali (Centerstage Dance Academy) and Macie Miersh (All American Dance Factory)
Teen: Luke Biddinger (Touch of Class) and Eden Galloway (WNC Dance)
Senior: Jemoni Powe (Academy of Nevada Ballet) and Kayla Mak (Westchester)
2021 (Phoenix)
Mini: Ellis Khoundara (Tempe Dance Academy) and Skylar Wong (Woodbury)
Junior: Ian Stegeman (Woodbury) and Carolina Garcia (Miami Dance Collective)
Teen: Justin Padilla (Westside) and Erin Park (Westside)
Senior: Justice Wooden (Just Dance) and Charlee Fagan (Main Street Dance)
2022 (Orlando)
Mini: Mali Photnetrakhom (In Motion Dance Project) and Avery Gallenero (Dance Inc.)
Junior: Bryce Young (All American Dance Factory) and Eva Jimmerson (Renner Dance)
Teen: Luke Barrett (Dance Attack) and Phoenix Sutch (Krystie's Dance Academy)
Senior: Mason Evans (Performance Edge 2) and Kailey Woronstoff (Dance Universe)
2022 (Phoenix)
Mini: Levi Caicco (In Motion Dance Project) and Kensington Dressing (Evolve Dance Complex)
Junior: Avery Khoundara (Tempe Dance Academy) and Fiona Wu (Yoko's)
Teen: Keenan Kiefer (Academy of Dance Arts) and Georgie Weir (Miami Dance Collective)
Senior: Parker Rozzano-Keefe (Westlake) and Mahalaya Tintiangco-Cubales (Westlake)
Mini: Jonathan Macleod (Joanne Chapman) and Hannah Fogel (Dance Institute)
Junior: Lincoln Russo (Poirer Productions) and Kiera Sun (Westside)
Teen: Hudson Silva-Costa (In the Spotlight) and Crystal Huang (The Rock)
Senior: Jonathan Paula (Canadian Dance Unit) and Abigail Weber (Dallas Conservatory)
2024 (New York)
Mini: Marko Kokovic (Draper Center for Dance Education) and Maeve Olsen (The Dallas Conservatory)
Junior: Levi Caicco (In Motion Dance Project) and Aria Du (Yoko's)
Teen: Sam Gauss (Draper Center for Dance Education) and Evee Lee (CAP The Company)
Senior: Caleb Abea (Larkin Dance Studio) and Izzy Howard (Westside)
2024 (Phoenix)
Mini: Anderson Sander (New Dimensions) and Belle Marie Arauz (Dance Town)
Junior: Ellis Khoundara (Tempe Dance Academy) and Mali Photnetrakhom (In Motion Dance Project)
Teen: Maceo Paras-Mangrobang (Westlake) and Gracelyn Weber (The Dallas Conservatory)
Senior: Cameroon Janson (Creative Conservatory of Dance and PA) and Jordyn Sarmoen (Performance Edge 2)
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maximiliano-aedo · 7 months
What could've been Animaze ..iNC during the 2010s
Talent pool (Note: any voice actor marked with * is union-only):
Steve Blum*
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn*
Crispin Freeman*
Kari Wahlgren*
Johnny Yong Bosch
Yuri Lowenthal*
Dave Wittenberg*
Roger Craig Smith*
Laura Bailey*
Travis Willingham*
Cherami Leigh
J.B. Blanc*
Sam Riegel*
Liam O'Brien*
Amy Kincaid*
Troy Baker*
Matthew Mercer
Joe Romersa*
Fleet Cooper*
Dyanne DiRosario*
Jennifer Love Hewitt*
Brian Hallisay*
Spike Spencer
Amanda Winn Lee*
Jaxon Lee*
Kyle Hebert
Ben Pronsky
Bob Buchholz
Richard Cansino
Murphy Dunne*
Carolyn Hennesy*
Jerry Gelb*
Adam Sholder
Ezra Weisz
Cristina Vee
Bryce Papenbrook
Michael Sorich
Richard Epcar
Ellyn Stern
Tony Oliver
Kirk Thornton
Lexi Ainsworth*
Aria Noelle Curzon
Grace Caroline Currey*
Michael Forest
Erik Davies
Adam Bobrow
Joshua Seth
Junie Hoang*
Kirk Baily*
Tom Fahn
Jonathan Fahn
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Melissa Fahn
Stephen Apostolina*
René Rivera*
Deborah Sale Butler
Kevin Brief
Michael Gregory*
Riva Spier*
Cassandra Morris
Erica Mendez
Erika Harlacher
Erica Lindbeck
Marieve Herington
Kira Buckland
John Rubinstein*
Kim Matula*
Brittany Lauda
J. Grant Albrecht*
Michael McConnohie
Steve Bulen*
Dan Woren
Derek Stephen Prince
Wendee Lee
Edie Mirman
Jason C. Miller
Taliesin Jaffe*
John Snyder
Robbie Daymond
Ray Chase
Kaiji Tang
David Vincent
Christina Carlisi*
Christopher Corey Smith
Cindy Robinson
Rachel Robinson
Jessica Boone
Lauren Landa
Megan Hollingshead
Jalen K. Cassell
Doug Erholtz
Michelle Ruff
Gregory Cruz*
John Bishop*
Matt Kirkwood*
Lara Jill Miller*
Carol Stanzione
Steve Staley
Dave Mallow
Mona Marshall*
Darrel Guilbeau
Robert Martin Klein
Robert Axelrod
William Frederick Knight
Lex Lang
Sandy Fox
Joey Camen*
Randy McPherson*
Jad Mager
Richard Miro
Milton James
Anthony Pulcini
Douglas Rye
Patrick Seitz
Keith Silverstein
Jamieson Price
Skip Stellrecht*
Stoney Emshwiller*
G.K. Bowes
Alyss Henderson
Patricia Ja Lee
Peggy O'Neal
Carrie Savage
Melodee Spevack
Jennifer Alyx
Julie Ann Taylor
Sherry Lynn
Brad Venable
Christine Marie Cabanos
Greg Chun
LaGloria Scott
Steve Kramer
Melora Harte
Rebecca Forstadt*
Kyle McCarley
Mela Lee
Karen Strassman
Faye Mata
Laura Post
Kayla Carlyle*
Brina Palencia
Connor Gibbs
Brianne Siddall*
Barbara Goodson
Loy Edge
Jay Lerner
Jennie Kwan
Max Mittelman
Jessica Straus*
Alexis Tipton
Fryda Wolff
Michele Specht
J.D. Garfield
Debra Jean Rogers*
Julie Maddalena
Carrie Keranen
Tara Sands
Matthew Hustin
Cody MacKenzie
Bridget Hoffman*
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Grant George
Jessica Gee
Jeff Nimoy*
Peter Lurie*
Brian Beacock
Paul St. Peter
Chris Jai Alex
Dan Lorge*
Ewan Chung*
Steve Cassling*
Philece Sampler
Stephanie Sheh
Sam Fontana
Ben Diskin
Juliana Donald*
Michael O'Keefe*
Christina Gallegos*
Tara Platt
Keith Anthony*
Beau Billingslea
David Lodge*
Kim Strauss
Eddie Jones*
William Bassett*
Kim Mai Guest*
Caitlin Glass
Hannah Alcorn
Ron Roggé*
Camille Chen*
Ethan Rains*
Yutaka Maseba*
Joe J. Thomas
Michael Sinterniklaas
Erin Fitzgerald
Joe Ochman
Marc Diraison
Xanthe Huynh
Brianna Knickerbocker
Dean Wein*
Michael McCarty*
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justjams2003 · 1 year
p.s. I’ve been working on this damn list of characters for like 2 hours now (becasue I’m just in so many fandoms). And then Tumblr crashed and I lost everything.
Requests are open, but I do have some rules.
If I do accept your request do not expect it the next day, or even the same week. And if I do accept your request, do not keep bothering me (repeatedly) about the request. It will be published, but you must be patient. I am a person, I do have a social life as a young adult. I am also chronically sick and I have exams as well. This is not my first priority, it’s only for fun.
I will write for almost every kink, except: Piss, Spit, breast milk (any lactation), feet stuff (sucking, tickling, kissing ect.)
I’d prefer if you were to use the ask button on my page, if you want to be anonomys, use the annonmys button. My messages are not for requests, but if I do have a question, I’ll likely message you.
Characters I write for:
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Thor Odinson
Spider-man (Peter Parker (all actors))
Wanda Maximoff
Steve Rogers
 Moon Knight (All personalities)
Steve Rogers
King T’Challa
Matt Murdock
Agatha Harkness
Natasha Romanoff
Pietro Maximoff
Venom (Eddie Brock)
Yelena Balova
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Batman (Ben Alfick, Christian Bale)
The Joker (Jared Leto, Heath Ledger)
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Wonder Woman
The Flash (Grant Gustin)
Harrison Well
Supergirl (Melissa Beniost)
Braniac 5
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Dath Vader
Princess Leia
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padme Amidala
Poe Dameron
Din Djarin
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Henry Cavill
August Walker
Walter Marshell
Captain Syverson
Napoleon Solo
Sherlock Holmes
Geralt of Rivia
Henry Cavill
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The Sandman
Dream of the Endless
Death of the Endless
Desire of the Endless
Hob Gadling
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The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Triss Merigold
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The Sound of Music
Georg Von Trapp
Maria Von Trapp
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Phantom of the Opera
Erik Destler (2004 Movie)
Christene Daae
Megan Giry
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God of War
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Vikings: Valhalla
King Kanute
Harald Sigurson
Leif Erikson
Freydis Eriksdottor 
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Formula 1
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Pierre Gasly
Lando Norris
Toto Wolff
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Pedro Pascal
Pedro Pascal
Oberyn Martell
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Agent Whiskey
Javier Pena
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Rhea Riple
Dominik Mysterio
Damian Priest
Finn Baylor
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Basically any version of Elvis Presley.
Misc. Characters
Steve Abnesti
Khal Drog
Jack Sparrow
Dani Ardor (Midsommar)
Pelle (Midsommar)
Mads Mikkelson
If any more characters or fandoms get requested, I’ll add them
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scientistmp3 · 4 months
dropping my complete tbr below (over 100 novels) bc i neeeed someone to tell me what book to read next. reading strange sally diamond rn and it's too draining and cruel to continue atm. pls help me pick my next read ill love u forever!!!
specifically need a break from sally diamond's themes (csa, r***, p********a, on screen torture). my next read can still be disturbing in any other way that isn't the mentioned triggers idm
my current tbr:
a botanical daughter (noah medlock)
a sweet sting of salt (rose sutherland)
all's well (mona awad)
bad cree (jessica johns)
biography of x (catherine lacy)
birnam wood (eleanor catton)
black sheep (rachel harrison)
bridge (lauren beukes)
brutes (dizz tate)
cackle (rachel harrison)
carnality (lina wolff)
comfort me with apples (catherynne m valente)
dead eleven (jimmy juliano)
death valley (melissa broder)
diavola (jennifer thorne)
episode thirteen (craig dilouie)
goddess of filth (v castro)
her little flowers (shannon morgan)
home is where the bodies are (jeneva rose)
homecoming (kate morton) i think this one may be a bit too long for me rn
house of hollow (krystal sutherland)
how to solve your own murder (kristen perrin)
i cheerfully refuse (leif enger)
i keep my exoskeletons to myself (marisa crane)
in my dreams i hold a knife (ashley winstead)
jawbone (monica ojeda)
knock knock open wide (neil sharpson)
lapvona (ottessa moshfegh)
leech (hiron ennes)
lone women (victor lavalle)
looking glass sound (catriona ward)
midnight is the darkest hour (ashley winstead)
mirrorland (carole johnstone)
mister magic (kiersten white)
monstrilio (gerardo samano cordova)
mother thing (ainslie hogarth)
my murder (katie williams)
natural beauty (ling ling huang)
near the bone (christina henry)
no one's home (d m pulley)
notes on an execution (danya kukafka) probably not for my next read LMAO
penance (eliza clark)
revelator (daryl gregory)
ripe (sarah rose etter)
silver nitrate (silvia moreno garcia)
sisters of the lost nation (nick medina)
the burning girls (c j tudor)
the centre (ayesha manazir siddiqi)
the death of jane lawrence (caitlin starling)
the haunting of velkwood (gwendolyn kiste)
the husbands (holly gramazio)
the last murder at the end of the world (stuart turton) even tho stuarts novels hurt my head
the last house of the flower bride (roshani chokshi)
the missing years (lexie elliott)
the other valley (scott alexander howard)
the return (rachel harrison)
the skeleton key (erin kelly)
these fleeting shadows (kate alice marshall)
things in jars (jess kidd)
this thing between us (gus moreno)
tripping arcadia (kit mayquist)
unsettled ground (claire fuller)
wrong place wrong time (gillian mcallister)
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2000sfm · 7 months
any suggestions for roles or reboots that would fit 30+ muses well? either existing or new ones!
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we  would  love  more  older  muses  around  here.  some  ideas  for  older  muses  in  existing  reboots  are  listed  under  the  cut  since  it's  quite  a  long  list.  however  some  other  reboots  that  could  definitely  fit  30+  muses  are  :  13  going  on  30,  legally  blonde,  american  psycho,  mamma  mia,  how  i  met  your  mother,  the  office  &  desperate  housewives  !!
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the  vampire  diaries:  alaric  saltzman,  jenna  sommers,  john  gilbert,  meredith  fell,  sybil,  liz  forbes,  lillian  salvatore,  josette  laughlin,  isobel  flemming,  carol  lockwood,  abby  bennett,  pearl,  mikael  mikaelson,  zach  salvatore  &  esther  mikaelson.
the  oc:  alex  kelly,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  julie  cooper,  jimmy  cooper
one  tree  hill:  dan  scott,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  karen  roe,  quinn  james.
sons  of  anarchy:  jax  teller,  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  gemma  teller-morrow,  clay  morrow,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  tig  trager,  chibs  telford,  happy,  wendy  case,  half-sack  epps.
gilmore  girls:  sookie  st.  james,  christopher  hayden,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  max  medina,  michel  gerard,  mrs.  kim.
pretty  little  liars:  ezra  fitz,  melissa  hastings,  wren  kingston,  ashley  marin,  meredith  sorenson,  veronica  hastings,  ella  montgomery,  byron  montgomery,  ian  thomas,  tom  marin.
sex  and  the  city:  samantha  jones,  charlotte  york,  miranda  hobbes,  mr.  bing,  aiden  shaw.
supernatural:  dean  winchester,  sam  winchester,  jo  harvelle,  bobby  singer,  john  winchester,  mary  winchester,  ruby,  lilith,  castiel,  ellen  harvelle,  jessica  moore.
friends:  phoebe  buffay,  ross  geller  (ross  gang),  janice  hosenstein,  gunther,  mike  hannigan,  carol  willick,  emily  waltham,  susan  bunch,  kathy,  jill  green,  amy  green.
criminal  minds:  spencer  reid,  derek  morgan,  penelope  garcia,  emily  prentiss,  hotch  hotchner,  jason  gideon,  david  rossi,  elle  greenaway.
grey's  anatomy:  lexie  grey,  mark  sloan,  derek  shepherd,  amelia  shepherd,  izzie  stevens,  george  o'malley,  cristina  yang,  alex  karev,  miranda  bailey,  callie  torres,  arizona  robbins,  april  kepner,  jackson  avery,  owen  hunt,  addison  montgomery.
true  blood:  bill  compton,  eric  northman,  lafayette  reynolds,  sam  merlotte,  tara  thorton,  pam,  alcide  heveraux.
jennifers  body:  nikolai  wolff
resident  evil:  chris  redfield,  albert  walker,  jill  valentine,  ada  wong,  barry  burton,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham.
scream:  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley.
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simmysunset · 8 months
new books!!!
i got a bunch of new books yesterday for my birthday, thanks to my parents! they took me to 2 indie bookstores, so i got to pick out a whole bunch. i thought i'd share what i got in case anyone was curious.
Galatea by Madeline Miller
Mountains Made of Glass by Scarlett St. Clair
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree
Crave by Tracy Wolff
The Queen's Assassin by Melissa de la Cruz
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert
The Little Things in Life by Catherine Hapka and Mike Wall
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
i think i'm most excited for Legends & Lattes and The Queen's Assassin, but for very different reasons lol. i've heard a lot that Legends & Lattes is a very cozy and chill book, which i never read lol. i'm always reading very intense books with lots of high stakes, but i'm really excited for this because i've been really stressed lately and a chill book seems like exactly what i need right now. as for The Queen's Assassin, that sounds like it is really up my ally with a lot of intensity and action going on. it sounds great, so hopefully it lives up to my expectations!
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thefuchsianeko · 1 year
More voice claims, and more characters this time around
I was gonna try to do all my Olivia characters I have so far, but a handful of them were proving difficult to figure out, so I decided to go with what I already had. If I can figure out the rest, I'll have a part two for this one.
Voice notes under the cut, copy-pasted from the video link:
(sorry if some are a lot shorter than the others, I have more to say about some of them than the rest... just know I stand by my choices for the most part lol)
Olivia Wolfgang - Tara Strong (Unikitty - UniKitty!): This was another one that in my mind was "specific yet vague" (still don't know if that phrase makes sense but), but I kind of figured it out? The thing with Olivia's voice is that I don't want it to be too annoying, but it still has to be the right amount of childish/excited. A lot of possible voices were either too high or babyish, or not childish enough. Since one of my biggest inspirations for her as a character was Spongebob (who is voiced by Tom Kenny), I supposed that a voice done by someone like Tara Strong could probably work, and I've found that her voice for Unikitty is the best example so far. However, one thing I need to mention is that I do imagine Olivia having a slight lisp. (Another one of her biggest inspirations is Larry the Cucumber from Veggie Tales, who has a lisp-- and if I were to direct someone voice-acting for Olivia, I'd probably tell them "like Larry the Cucumber but more girly," lol.)
Kevin Hyenadae - Dana Carvey (Garth Algar - Wayne's World): Garth has always been the voice I imagine for Kevin, again since Garth was a big inspiration for him. A very specific, awkward kind of voice. He sounds exactly like this tbh.
Dusty Carol - Tara Strong (Raven - Teen Titans): Another instance where I've always heard an OC this way (though I don't think Raven is much of an inspiration for Dusty's character beyond "both of these characters are goth-girls with purple in their colour-schemes."). A good balance of uninterested-goth who can still show positive emotions (there are plenty of examples of "goth-girl" voices that are way too monotone for my liking, at least in reference to my character.) Also don't get distracted by the fact that the examples I've used for both Olivia and Dusty are the same voice actress (Tara Strong), these are merely examples, rather than, "this is exactly the people I would cast if this was a cartoon with full voice-acting." It is kind of funny that they're the same actress here, though.
Audrey Hyenadae - Fryda Wolff (Penny Crygor - Warioware: Get It Together!): She should sound confident, maybe TOO confident. Very determined, too, and a little rough perhaps? But still young (she's 12c LOL.) I also considered Pepper Anne's voice for her, but I thought it sounded a little too old.
Parfait Brulee - Toni Barry (Snork Maiden - Moomin): Parfait's voice should be very light and delicate, kind of feminine and very nice. Not much else to say!
Laramie Lemon ("Lemon") - Melissa Altro (Pippi Longstocking - Pippi Longstocking (1998)): I'll be honest, I had a lot of trouble finding Lemon's voice claim. I knew she should sound real friendly, with an air of confidence. A real go-getter! But eventually I thought Pippi Longstocking's voice fit well enough. (Don't be surprised if one day I come back and change this one LMAO)
Tami Kachiyama - Michaela Dietz (Amethyst - Steven Universe): Kind of rough sounding, kind of rude but not too much. I think I've always imagined her sounding like Amethyst.
Ellie Gibson - Olivia Olson (Marceline - Adventure Time): She should sound really cool, and pretty chill. She knows what she's doing! Another one where I've always imagined her with this specific voice! I did consider Wendy's voice from Gravity Falls, but I found that it wasn't chill enough. (btw I could've included a snippet for singing, since Ellie is a musician who sings, but I decided I wanted more attention for a regular talking voice. You can look up any Marceline song from Adventure Time if you want an example.)
Conner Oakley - Rickie Sorensen (Arthur - The Sword In The Stone): Another one that was harder to figure out. But, I knew he should sound a little friendly and very kind, maybe a little awkward. There were a couple of voices I considered, but found they were a little too loud, or rough, etc. But I thought Arthur from Sword In The Stone was a pretty good fit! The only thing is that he should have a southern accent, too... But it's surprisingly difficult to find voices with American-Southern accents that aren't girls, rude-sounding, or fully-grown men lol. (I'll also tell you it was a bit hard to compile the voice lines for this one because Arthur has like three different voice actors in that movie lol, but I think I found lines from just the one va.)
Sally O'Dylan-Gaterson - Jo Firestone (Annie Fantasy - Teenage Euthanasia): Nerdy, nice, shy-sounding, with a bit of a lisp (though I don't have a preference on the severity of said lisp.) I also considered Gretchen from Disney's Recess, but she sounded too smart/sophisticated? Sally is nerdy, but not that much academically speaking.
Danny Squiggles - Arin Hanson (Max - Game Grumps' Sam & Max playthrough): Ok uhhhh this one's kind of funny. The idea for his voice was originally inspired by Jon Lovitz's Tommy Flanagan character from SNL (I know very niche lol), especially since he was partially inspired by that character. But, I thought that, while it would be EXTREMELY funny, I thought Danny should sound less like a fully-grown adult. Surprisingly, when I was casually watching Game Grumps' let's-play of Sam & Max, I found that the voice Arin did for Max let's play would fit pretty well. I also considered Meowth's voice, but he just sounds too much like a cat, yknow?
Margot Nodarobutte - Stephanie Anne Mills (Lindsay - Total Drama Island): Margot should sound like a girly-teenager. Kind of air-headed, too. But not too much? And not like a valley-girl. I thought Lindsay's voice fit those parameters well.
Chloe Lovebird - Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Crystal Flowers Snagrash - Psychonauts): Somehow it was hard to figure out Chloe's voice, but I got it eventually lol. She's gotta have a high voice, and she should sound pretty annoying. I mean, her annoyance-factor should rival Olivia's, lol. Very excitable. She's a parrot after all, lol.
Debbie Xander - Brittney Karbowski (Black Star - Soul Eater): Debbie is LOUD and ABRASIVE. She tends to yell. Very in-your-face, but not exactly mean. Also, I think she might sound a bit androgynous? Idk how many people would consider this particular voice androgynous-sounding, but eh.
Cammie Kharma - Lara Jill Miller (Libby Stein-Torres - The Ghost And Molly McGee): Cammie was another hard one, though I thought she should sound kind of nerdy and a bit upbeat. Also a slightly nasally voice would probably fit, what with her little horn-nose 'n all, lol. My first idea for the voice was actually Juniper Lee, but looking up the voice actress I found this role she did in The Ghost and Molly Mcgee, and thought the attitude of Libby's voice was a better fit.
Edward Tennyson - Todd Haberkorn (Death The Kid - Soul Eater): Ed's got that anime-type voice yknow. He takes everything too seriously and is pretty sophisticated. My first consideration for his voice was actually Haku from Spirited Away, but I thought that sounded TOO serious (though a very deadpan kind of voice could be pretty funny if executed right.) So I remembered Death the Kid from Soul Eater and thought that could work pretty well, though I might want him to sound a tiny-bit less goofy.
Liz Lawrence - Brigette Lundy-Paine (Billie Logan - Bill & Ted Face The Music): This was another hard voice to find, though I still had a good idea of what I wanted her to sound like. I wanted to find a Pauly Shore kind of voice, yknow? (I guess you'd call it a "stoner-type-of-voice" but that seems wrong to say about a 14-year-old LOL) Though most of those kinds of voices you find are boys. Some voices I found were just really chill, TOO chill and cool in fact. While thinking of Bill & Ted I remembered Face The Music and the fact that their kids in that movie were basically copies of them lol, and I thought Billie was a very good fit.
Vic Kilgore - Nathan Sharp (Damien LaVey - Monster Prom): Ok so my idea for Vic's voice was just, "like Nathan Explosion but a kid." Rough, and like... metal, I guess. But he's still an annoying kid. Thought Damien LaVey fit, although I think Vic wouldn't be so loud. (as a bonus, when Vic grows up he sounds more like Nathan Explosion lol)
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louisegluckpdf · 2 years
no one asked for this but here are my favorite books i read this year :)
moby dick by herman melville
hummingbird salamander by jeff vandermeer
labyrinths by jorge luis borges
the books of jacob by olga tokarczuk 
lincoln in the bardo by george saunders
devil house by john darnielle
milk fed by melissa broder
carnality by lina wolff
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soughthope · 1 year
Mobile Muse List
The activity of each muse will vary depending on my mood. I get obsessed. I'm human. You get it 💕
Canon Characters
Dean Winchester, 26 - ??, Jensen Ackles
Jo Harvelle, 24 - ??, Alona Tal
Meg Masters, ageless, Rachel Miner
Rowena Macleod, 300+, Ruth Connell
Steve Harrington, 19, Joe Keery
Max Mayfield, 15, Sadie Sink
Eddie Munson, 20, Joseph Quinn
Jim Hopper, 47, David Harbour
Dustin Henderson, 15, Gaten Matarazzo
Alex Chen, 21, Lana Condor
Chloe Price, 19, Emma Mackey
Kate Marsh, 18, Eliza Scanlen
Courtney Wagner, 18, Malese Jow
JJ Maybank, 19, Rudy Pankow
Rafe Cameron, 21, Drew Starkey
Wheezie Cameron, 14, Ciara Bravo
Pamela Isley, 28, Bridgit Regan
Bruce Wayne, 30, Robert Pattinson
Kara Danvers, 27, Melissa Benoist
Tony Stark, 35, Robert Downey Jr
Peter Parker, 21, Tom Holland
Frank Castle, 33, Jon Bernthal
Cassandra, 21, Adelaide Kane or Emma Appleton
Elsa, 25, Ginny Gardner
Peter Pan, Ageless, Robbie Kay
Fawn, Ageless, Emma Stone
Korra, 23, K. Devery Jacobs
Zuko, 25, Ryan Potter
Adora, 23, Florence Pugh
Catra, 23, Lulu Antariksa
Noah Flynn, 23, Jacob Elordi
Maya Hart, 15 - 20s, Sabrina Carpenter
Joel Miller, 40, Pedro Pascal
Nathan Scott, 20s, Felix Mallard
Noah Foster, 19 - 20s, John Karna
Emma Duval, 19 - 20s, Willa Fitzgerald
Billy Loomis, 19 - 20s, Skeet Ulrich - AU
Jakob Toretto, Verse dependent,
Letty Ortiz, Verse dependent, Michelle Rodriguez
Suki, 20s, Devon Aoki & Hayley Kiyoko
Bella Swan, 18 - 20s, Diana Silvers
Emmett Cullen, ageless, Cody Christian
Leah Clearwater, 20s, Julia Jones
Billy Hope, 30, Jake Gyllenhaal
Rick Grimes, 30s, Andrew Lincoln
Glenn Rhee, late 20s, Steven Yuen
Rosita Espinosa, 29, Christian Serratos
Penelope Featherington, 18, Nicola Coughlan
Anthony Bridgerton, 31, Jonathan Bailey
Simon Bassett, 29, Regé-Jean Page
Stiles Stilinski, 19 - 20s, Dylan Obrien
Scott McCall, 19 - 20s, Tyler Posey
Liam Dunbar, 20, Dylan Sprayberry
Stu Macher, 20 - ??, Matthew Lillard
Fezco, 20, Angus Cloud
OC Characters
Allison Roe, 17 - 27, Leighton Meester - one tree hill
Joshua Scott, 15 - 21, Peyton Meyer - one tree hill
Grace Scott, 18 - 20, Sara Weisglass - one tree hill
Princess Bean, 15, Georgie Henley - Fandomless
Tessa Cameron, 23, Madison Bailey - Fandomless
Finnegan Cunningham, 30, Sam Heughan - Fandomless
Noah Wolffe, 23, Nick Robinson - Incredibles universe
Lexi Oneill, 25, India Isley - Fandomless
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accustiv-archived · 1 year
@4ger sent: 📔 / accepting
Entry 209 .
MOCA Toronto is hosting the showcase of Graham Hunter-Wolff’s private collection on the 18th of August. Including the den Uyl. I already have a buyer who wants it but need to confirm willingness to move it if it’s hot - no forger can replace in such a short timeframe - at least not someone who will answer my calls.
Insurers for the event: Arthur J. Gallagher. Security teams: MOCA staff, Hunter-Wolff’s personal team [NOTE: research from previous investigation suggests while GHW hires good muscle, not particularly focused on analytics. MOCA staff more likely to notice oddities.]
The Plan: Event night is an absolute no-go; even if I am lucky and no other crew has their eyes on a piece of the collection, security presence, guests, society page reporters and critics are all going to be present, security cameras notwithstanding we have a dozen dslrs, countless social media posts, a bunch of meatheads in suits trying to look like they know how to do their jobs, and a full shift of MOCA staff who might actually know how to do their jobs. I’ve also checked the security system itself and it’s beyond my own skills.
So: AJG is insuring, they will send adjusters out to check sec system and organise staff rotations ahead of time as well as catalogue the pieces being displayed and the transport company. HOWEVER - senior staff don’t stay at events after initial reports [see Entries 197, 168, 129] leaving behind junior staff members for clear out. Toronto office is small, but Boston office a lot larger and closer connected to HQ directives. Not beyond question that event for GHW would require an adjuster from Boston to be present for an event of this size; even a junior. [NOTE: Staffing mistakes easy to engineer, double book then send the more junior home - find delegation from Toronto before commissioning AJG ID and make sure I outrank.]
After the event it’s a simple smash and grab, the hard part will be making sure no one gets there first but once that’s done I would be responsible for cataloguing out - multiple shipments to avoid interception so marking the den Uyl as shipped is easy; frame not needed for re-sale, so removing and shipping concerns greatly eased; removing from site is the biggest obstacle but according to blueprints there is a camera blindspot following the east wing supply corridor. Avoid security rounds and it’s a clear run to staff parking lot. Once back at hotel, ship as standard to PO BOX in Boston & from there arrange handover.
Final Thoughts: Junior attendee from Toronto office is William Sobert; tenure: 2 years ; Collection being shown also includes van Eyck and van Gogh, high chance of interest from other crews, Melissa Adams operates in the area so possibility of recognition if don’t offer co-op ; GHW high value extortion target after government contract news broke, so need bailout plan for possible captivity or blackmail attempts.
Cover: Joshua Im ; 25 years old ; junior insurance adjuster @ AJG
Funds required: $800 travel & shipping, $350 hotel, $600 corporate ID.
Weapons: No - unnecessary ; if Recognised 2 or Co-op 5 need to be used, can contact Melissa for firearms?
Escape Routes: ID Discovery - Bailout 1 / Bailout 2 / Bailout 3 . Extortion Crew Present - Backout 1 / Backout 2 . Other Adjusters Present - Back up 1 / Back up 2 / Back up 3 / Back up 4 (inside man) / Back up 5 (reporter a) / Backup 6 (reporter b) . Other Thieves Present - Recognised 1 / Recognised 2 / Win back 1 / Win back 2 / Win back 3 / Co-op 1 / Co-op 2 / Co-op 3 / Co-op 4 (doublecross a) / Co-op 5 (doublecross b). [ALT FLIGHT PLANS HERE.]
Take: ~ $1.5 mil - cost = $1,498,250 (if no dent from esc plans).
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nofatclips · 5 years
Goodbye by Porches from the album The House - Directed by: Nicholas Harwood and Aaron Maine
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melissa-kenobi · 2 years
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1. Conspiracy Plot --- Fives discovers a plot to kill the Jedi.
2. Paperwork --- Fives is forced to catch up on his paperwork whether he likes it or not.
3. Kisses* --- All you wanted was some kisses from your boyfriend.
4. Lost --- Fives just wanted to spend some time with you, that's all.
5. Without Him --- Singing without him by Christina Grimmie while thinking about Fives.
6. Fun and Games --- A prankwar erupts between the 501st and the 265th.
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1. Danger --- Captain Howzer catches you and Hera spying on the Empire.
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1. Fallen Premonitions --- From a young age Y/N L/N was inducted into the Jedi Order. It had been foretold that this child would be crucial for the Jedi Order to survive. The future would lie in her hands and her hands only. Will she be their bearer of peace? Or will she be their bringer of doom?
2. Orders --- Captain Rex is furious that the General has disobeyed his direct orders and intends to find out why.
3. Barracks* --- Captain Rex is guarding the barracks for General Skywalker when a voice distracts him.
4. Trees --- Captain Rex saves his girlfriend from falling to her death. [Part 2]
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1. Scars --- How Commander Kiri really received the scar on his lip.
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1. Smiles --- Wolffe is irritated by your smile, but little does he know why you're really doing it.
2. Keldable Kiss --- Wolffe accidentally initiates a Keldable Kiss with the love of his life, but does she feel the same?
3. Cuddles & Rest --- Wolffe has been over-working himself too much, so you have to step in.
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[Sargent Hunter, Echo, Tech, Crosshair, Wrecker & Omega]
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wtflife01 · 2 years
Austrian GP looks 2/2
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