butchjess · 2 years
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yes i am still thinking about georgelucy and roryjess connections but this time i’ve been reading the book and these lines are knocking me out because of how insane they’re making me. it is just perfect to me, lucy behaving and building herself around the way she sees other people acting and deceiving everyone including herself, she bathed in the lake too until she was caught, if she lived the way she played life would be very interesting for her and them too indeed. that rory really doesn’t know what love is or how to define it, that throughout her entire love life she grapples with saying it and what it’s supposed to mean. her mom said she loved her dad and— what? she never gets to finish the sentence. he didn’t stay? it wasn’t enough? but she’s supposed to say it, and she’s supposed to love dean, and she’s supposed to love logan, and what’s the difference anyway. but she never tells jess she loves him, she gets close, i think i may have loved you, but its still vague. and isnt that more telling than i can’t help it, i’m in love with him! and i love dean and dean is my boyfriend and he’s going to be my boyfriend forever! and then you have george and jess far freer and independent but still lonely still melancholy still silent and dour. because the universe wouldn’t fit! i wanna be good life’s just not letting me! SAD BOY! WHAT’S WRONG?
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fandomstuckportal · 2 years
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((whats old is new again!
skiltaire are often cited as the furry fandoms oldest original species. theyre alien mustelid and fox-like mammals with antennae and remarkable telepathic abilities. they date back to 1971.
khromatai (singular khromat) are a color-changing alien mammal species which look like mustelids crossed with big cats and some other animal they may be based on/related to (as they can crossbreed with almost any other mammal), but theyre more like humans genetically than anything else. they date back to 1996.))
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Another droid. I seem to have an affinity for names starting with "M" for them all
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littlesparklight · 3 months
If you're like me and sometimes gets strange ideas into your head and want to make little lists, here's the (maybe not exhaustive?) list of the mortal daughters of the gods:
Poseidon Eirene (daughter of Melantheia, daughter of Alpheios) - Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae 19 Aithousa (daughter of Alkyone) - Bibliotheke 3.110, Pausanias 9.20.1 Evadne (daughter of Pitane) - Pindar, Olympian 6 Lamia - Pausanias, Description, 10. 12. 2
Zeus Helen (daughter of Leda) - lots of sources [Hierophile (daughter of Lamia) - Pausanias, Description 10.12.1 Keroessa (daughter of Io) - several post-0 sources] -I've put both Hierophile and Keroessa within square brackets because I'm half discounting them. Keroessa more so, considering her very late sources. Helen as Zeus' (only) mortal daughter has more relevance and is more weighted, I think, even if more than one source mentions Zeus' love of Lamia. Of course, one could keep that and discount Hierophile herself as a daughter of Zeus.
Apollo Hilaeira and Phoibe (otherwise daughters of Leukippus) - Kypria, via Pausanias, 3. 16. 1 Eriopis (daughter of Arsinoe, daughter of Leukippus) - Ehoiai 63; Scholia ad Pindar, Pythian Ode 3.14 Melite (otherwise daughter of Myrmex) - Harpocration, possibly Hesiod Parthenos (daughter of Chrysothemis) - Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 25 Phemonoe - Pliny the Elder [Eurynome (daughter of Iphthius and mother of Adrastus)??? Pamphile???] -The square brackets here are because Wikipedia only listed sources to myth compendiums of 1800-1900's, and so I have no idea what actual ancient sources make these women daughters of Apollo. (The Leukippides are most usually daughters of Leukippos, but I've included them here for completeness' sake.)
Ares Alkippe (daughter of Agraulos) - Bibliotheke 3.180 Amazons in general/unknown number of general Amazons - Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 2.989 Hippolyte, Antiope, Penthesilea[, Melanippe] (daughters of Otrera) - Bibliotheke 2.98+Epitome5.1, Hyginus, Fabulae 30, 112, 223, 241, Aethiopis Thrassa (daughter of Tereine, daughter of Strymon) - Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses 21
Dionysos Deianira (daughter of Althaia) - Bibliotheke, 1.64, Hyginus Fabulae 129
I rather expected Ares and Apollo to be at the top of this list. Ares in particular, even if we have only a small number of individual Amazons named as his daughters by a specific woman. But Apollonius' Argonautica is pretty clear and he must absolutely in general have fathered more than just a handful of daughters especially in the beginning, to "make" any Amazons worthy of a name as a people at all. I was surprised at the number of daughters Poseidon could have, honestly! Didn't expect that. But as we can see, the number of women here is very low - the absolute vast majority of demigods are sons, not daughters.
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0dde11eth · 1 year
Geralt got super Injured once. Which meant he had to stay at one of the temples of melite to heal
Jaskier took care of roach at his families estate, in the meantime.
Once geralt is healthy enough to travel he goes to pick up jaskier and roach.
He takes two steps into the barn and SCREAMS
Jaskier spoiled roach incessantly without geralt there to interfere. And she wasnt hauling around a heavy witcher and all his armor and stuff. So as a result she... gained a little weight
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(The horns are an aesthetic choice geralt, jaskier thinks they are rather fetching.)
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kalidels · 10 months
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🫒 💘 melite, matchmaker cleric of agaperis 💘 ✨
cmmission for the lovely @venaristriigas for their character in a greek-inspired dnd campaign! this was so much fun to work on and i'm super happy with how it turned out!
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simciety-ccfinds · 2 years
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#1 - The Sims Resource - Nala Hair
#2 - flora hair | dogsill on Patreon
#3 - beth hair | dogsill on Patreon
#4 - lennon hair | dogsill on Patreon
#5 - BEADIE by simstrouble | simstrouble on Patreon
#6 - WAVEGAZER SET by simstrouble | simstrouble on Patreon
#7 - STEVIE by simstrouble | simstrouble on Patreon
#8 - lucille hair | dogsill on Patreon
#9 - Shay Hair | aharris00britney on Patreon
#10 - jade - a sim download | Mandy Sims on Patreon
#11 - Cassie Hair - Updated | Aladdin-The-Simmer on Patreon
#12 - Karley Hair | aharris00britney on Patreon
#13 - Daisy Hair - Updated | Aladdin-The-Simmer on Patreon
#14 - Sim request: Autumn Brooks | PENCAKES on Patreon
#15 - tauriel braids by birksche in the historian | heartspice on Patreon
#16 - MELITE by simstrouble | simstrouble on Patreon
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moth-of-many-arts · 10 days
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THE QUEEN OF SLIME in the name of love and slime!
you may also have noticed the minion is kyubey! this is purely due to my love of madoka magica and there is nothing more to say.
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queersrus · 2 months
sweets theme
[sweets theme]
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for @seraphim-coinz 's event, prompt one !
partnered with our other blogs @dollilian, @objectumluv, @systiveboxes, @skelatomy
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ambrosia, ambrosios, ambrosius, ambrose, anoush, anika, aynabat, adoncia bonbon, baker, bonnie, biscuit, brownie, blondie
candy/candi/candie, cake, choco, cocoa/coco, chocolate, chocolotte, caramel, cream, creamy/creami/creamie, cookie, candace/candice, custard, cobbler, crumb, cupcake
dessert, desserta, dulci/dulce/dulcie, dulcis, dulcinea, dulcea, donut esti, estin, eclair fudge, flan
gummi/gummie/gummy, gum, ginger, glykeria, gello, gela, gelatin, gelato honey/honi/honie, hedylogos
jello, jelly, jellybean kandaja licorice, loly/lolly/loli/lolie
Madeleine, milis, maire, maple, meli, meline, melina, melita, melite, meliton, mel, meila, miette, mora, mattox nectur/necture, necturine/nectarine
pastry/pastrie, pie, pomona, pamela/pamella/pamila, pamelia, paniz, pudding
sugar, sweet, sweetie, sweetette, sweetetta, sweetelle, sweetiebelle, sweetella, sweetiebella, sweetine, sweetina, sweatiepie, sucrose, sadhbh, shirin, sive, sundae, s'more, sherbert, sherbet, sorbet
taffy/taffie, toffee, tart zis, zisel
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
bi/bone/bonbony/bonbine/bonbonself ci/cane/candy/candine/candyself ci/cake/caky/cakine/cakeself cri/cre/creamy/creamine/creamself di/desse/desserty/dessertine/dessertself hi/hone/honey/honine/honeyself pi/paste/pastry/pastrine/pastryself pi/pie/py/pine/pieself si/suge/sugary/sugarine/sugarself swi/sweete/sweety/sweetine/sweetself
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2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
bo/bonbor/bonbonrs/bonborself ci/cander/candiers/canderself co/caker/cakers/cakerself cro/creamer/creamers/creamerself do/desser/dessertrs/dessertrself ho/honeyr/honeyrs/honeyrself po/pastr/pastrs/pastrself po/pier/piers/pierself so/sugar/sugars/sugarself swo/sweeter/sweeters/sweeterself
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3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
bon/bon can/candy, can/dy, candy/candies, crea/cream, cream/creamy des/dessert, des/sert, dess/ert, dessert/desserts ho/honey, ho/ney, honey/honeys pas/pastry, pa/stry, pastry/pastries, pi/pie, pie/pies su/gar, su/sugar, sugar/sugars, sugar/sugary, swe/et, swee/eet, swe/sweet, sweet/sweets, sweet/sweetly, sweet/sweetness, sugary/sweets
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the sweetest of sweets, the sugar king/queen, the pastry baker, the candy maker, the sweetest dessert, the pie baker, the cake eater, the creamy dessert lover
*one who makes sweets, one who bakes the sweetest pastries, one who adores honey filled pies
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*one can be replaced with any pronouns
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kekiiro · 2 months
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oldmacykerenew · 7 months
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Csiga vagyok, mar van gazdam, de Meli nem posztolt rolam, mert meglepi voltam. 🐌😅 Mosolygok, mert ugye a csigak mosolyognak… es ezzel probalom a korulottem levoket feldobni, hogy hulye vigyor ul a kepemen allandoan🤪 Eddig bejott, mert mindenkinek tetszem🫣
Egyelore nehezen allok meg a sajat “labamon” ugyhogy a kertben kuszas-maszas-csuszas meg nem megy annyira. Mondjuk ugyis inkabb lazsalnek, mert az a fajta csiga vagyok. Nem is szaporitom a szot…
Csiganyalas puszi mindenkinek,
Ui.: ha akarsz csigat Te is, mas szinnel, vagy pont ilyet, akkoooor tudod hol talalod Melit. 😘 Ja es legyszi, ne tapossatok mar el a haverokat… tegyetek oket a fube inkabb, biztonsagba. 🥺Koszi
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rascalcurious · 2 years
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today i have 4 4t2 conversions of some clay hairs. these all come in either 5 EA colours or 6 simgarooped colours + @pooklet​ ‘s pyrotechnic. the simgarooped versions of the melina and charline hairs use simgarooped retextures as well.  the melina hair was requested by @kerxingme
okruee melina. CF-EF. 8.1k poly. animated
EA colours: SFS / MF
simgarooped colours: SFS / MF
laeska talita. CF-EF. 11k poly. animated
EA colours: SFS / MF
simgarooped colours: SFS / MF
simstrouble melite v2. TF-EF. 9.3k poly. animated 
EA colours: SFS / MF
simgarooped colours: SFS / MF
simstrouble charline v3. TF-EF. 10.4k poly. animated
EA colours: SFS / MF
simgarooped colours: SFS / MF
i hope you enjoy these hairs :)
credits: @laeska @okruee @simstrouble
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hazbin-mpreg · 5 months
First little fic I decided to write up for my blog, no real content warnings. Just something short and sweet to get my writing back! Story under the cut!
Antionette Melite Morningstar. The first born of the odd pairing of Alastor the radio demon, and Lucifer Morningstar the king of hell.
Despite her parents constantly reminding her to let Angel rest and not to crowd around him when he decided to appear in the lounge of the hotel, a small bundle cradled in his upper arms, she simply couldn’t help herself.
Being the only child in the hotel had gotten quite boring recently, so when the spider demon announced his pregnancy, Ant was thrilled to have a new playmate. Of course she knew that would be months away, but she wanted a peak at the new baby.
Angel could spot her a mile away, her firey red hair curling up in every which way. He was exhausted, barely sleeping over the last few days. While Venus was calm for the most part, she tended to have odd wake windows.
“Hey..” Angel smiled as Ant settled down on the lounge beside him. Leaning over to peer at the bundle in his arms.
She wasn’t entirely sure what she was expecting to see, but was delighted by the small bundle.
“She’s so small..” Ant whispered, not quite reaching out to touch the wriggling newborn, afraid she might break her.
“It’s alright, ya won’t hurt her-“ Angel shrugged, carefully settling the newborn into Ant’s arms. Still having a hand against her head and neck as Ant stared at her in pure wonder.
Watching as the small kitten demon peaked her eyes open, blinking slowly up at Ant as her ears twitched for a moment. Giving a yawn, she snuggled into Ant. Beginning to purr loudly as her little tail swished happily.
Ant couldn’t help but giggle, offering her small hand to Venus, letting out a gasp as Venus took ahold.
“Pretty cool huh?” Angel grinned, watching the two.
“Yeah..” Ant whispered, giving a small nod.
“Do ya like her?” Angel grinned, one of his hands ruffling up her hair as Ant nodded.
“Yeah- she’s the best thing ever-“ Ant spoke, watching Venus begin to fall asleep against her, still purring up a storm.
Almost immediately, Ant knew they’d be best friends, someone for her to love and protect.
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ifandra · 2 months
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Καλλιρόη, ( Kallirroe ) the mother
widowed by the time penelope was born, when her husband was drowned at sea, kallirroe raised three children on her own. by the time alkaios had grown up some, he stepped up to share responsibilities and presented outside as the man of the house. she is the one who taught penelope everything she knew about plants, artistry and cooking. even if she were distant at times, kallirroe held immense love for her children. she died of an illness with penelope at her bedside.
Ἀλκαῖος, ( Alkaios ) the brother
when he was old enough, he started working at their field. he always protected and took care of his sisters. even after making his own family, he looked after them. alkaios was the one who tried to protect penelope when the village turned against her, (while her own husband didn't), and he held her through, what they thought to be, her final breaths. he was the first to know about her immortality and raised her daughter as his own after she had to flee their village. penelope watched over him and his family until they died.
Μελίτη, ( Melite ) the older sister
melite always believed in penelope's gift and held a much closer faith to the gods. she was more secluded than her siblings, taking after their mother that way. she eventually devoted to her faith and went on to become an iereia (priestess) before penelope truly came to her powers. they met again many years later, penelope unchanged, and melite, visibly older. it was the final goodbye for them.
Πηνελόπη, ( Penelope ) the sorceress
penelope held much tenderness for her family. they always took care of her with her being the youngest. out of everyone, she was closest with her brother. her grief over their deaths affected her for centuries to come. even in the modern day, she still visits their home village, leaving certain flowers for all three of them.
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ancestorsalive · 8 months
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Sandstone Mother Goddess in high backed throne, from Iron Age Wales. She is holding a round native wild crab apple (Malus sylvestris) in one hand, with a pine branch (Pinus sylvestris) in the other. Her identity cannot be certain but she may be Modron, so ancient she was nearly forgotten even to the Mabinogian which names her in passing as the mother of Arthur's knight and hero Mabon ("Youth"), while a few other fragmentary documents give at least her name. Modron's consort, the father of Mabon, was Melit ("Lightning") not otherwise attested but likely the British Celtic version of Gallo-Celtic god Loucetios ("Lightning") whose consort was Nemetona ("She Is A Sacred Grove"), similar to Jupiter and Juno. Another old text identifies her with the supernatural Washer by the Ford, daughter of Afallach, and mother of twins, a boy Owain who became a Knight of the Round Table, and a girl Morfudd who is the same as Olwen the mother of the Britonic poet Talieson. Wherever she set her foot, white flowers (eirlys aka snowdrops) erupted from the ground. A Roman text says she was known as Dea Matrona. She may have been one of the Matronae which were worshipped as a trio of matrons who were variously shown with baskets offruit, loaves of bread, or fostering babies. At Hadrian's Wall was a shrine to Matrona and Maponos, the same as Modron and Mabon. The Romans identified Maponos with Apollo, so the Washer by the Ford legend of her birthing twins might well be Apollo-like Owain and Artemis-like Morfudd/Olwen, leaving us to conclude Modron/Matrona was the same as Leto Greek goddess of moon and sun, and her origin was in turn in the Arabian Sun-mother Allatu.
~ Jessica Amanda Salmonson
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artbyanca · 2 years
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The Delian family in Lycia, all based on this passage:
"Leto, after giving birth to Apollon and Artemis on the isle of Asteria, went to Lykia (Lycia), taking her children with her, to the baths of [the River] Xanthos (Xanthus). As soon as she arrived in that land, she came first upon the spring of Melite and wanted very much to bathe her children there before going on to Xanthos. But some herdsmen drove her away so that their own cattle could drink at the spring. Leto made off and left Melite. Wolves came out to met her and, wagging their tails, led the way, guiding her to the River Xanthos. She drank the water and bathed the babes and consecrated the Xanthos to Apollon while the land which had been called Tremilis she renamed Lykia (Wolf Land) from the wolves that had guided her. Then she returned to the spring to inflict a penalty on the herdsmen who had driven her away. They were then still washing their cattle besides the spring. Leto changed them all into frogs whose backs and shoulders she scratched with a rough stone. Throwing them all into the spring she made them live in water. To this day they croak away by rivers and ponds." - Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses 35 (trans. Celoria) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.)
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