fictionadventurer · 2 months
Would you ever write a biography? (If so, whose?)
I'm not academic enough to write an actual scholarly biography, but maybe I could pull off a Chesterton-style book where I spend 150 pages rambling about the basic facts of a person's life and how it ties in to a million other issues and how people have misinterpreted them. It could be fun to see a Lincoln bio done in that style, but because that man has an overabundance of books, it could also be fun to write about a lesser-known President or First Lady, or maybe apply that style to a well-known female saint like Catherine of Siena or Joan of Arc.
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usaonetwothree · 23 days
Ooooh, tell me about Kill Ari?
Thank you, @melliabee!!
I know there’s a lot of plot the writers had to cover in the Kill Ari episodes (replacing Morrow with Jenny, introducing Ziva, Kate's death and finding Ari), but Tony was one step away from death’s door a canon day ago, and that seemed to have been totally forgotten in the season three opener (I maintain bodyswapped, nice!Gibbs would have commented on his wet clothes with or without the plague history). I would absolutely not want that to be the focus of the episode, because Tony had that arc in Twilight, but I was scrounging for a reference from someone, even in passing.
So the fic covers Tim and Tony's time in the field locating the sniper's nest, with Tony breaking out into a coughing fit because exercise and heavy rain and plague-scarred lungs do not mix, with an additional scene extension of him and Abby taking fire in her lab where she also realizes he's not 100% yet/still wet from the rain. Basically an excuse for Tony to get some small, passing comfort from his teammates, that in no way steals focus from the main arcs.
Have a wonderful day!
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doctorhelena · 9 months
@melliabee tagged me to explain how I picked my URL!
So, when I first joined Tumblr (and a03), I'd been on a bit of a fandom hiatus, and it felt like time for a new username.
I didn't want a super fandom-specific one (both for versatility reasons, and because all the best Peggy Carter and Steggy related names were taken anyway 😂) but I'm also not great at just inventing usernames out of nowhere, so I ended up going with a character I liked from a more obscure TV show that I'm not a super focussed fan of, but have a lot of nostalgia for (because I have great memories of watching it in reruns with my sister when we were teenagers).
Meet Doctor Helena Russell, chief medical officer of Moonbase Alpha, from the mid-1970s British science fiction series "Space: 1999".
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Tagging: @buckywiththegoodhair86, @roboticonography, @behindthelabels, @invidiosa, @somewhereapart, @agentmintea, @theawkwardterrier, @geekynerddemon, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni (since I was a small child), but also fond of broccoli and olives!
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💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
"More Than All the Gems on Earth" still seems like my magnum opus among the retellings on this blog--which is kind of a pity, since it predates the creation of this blog, and I'd like to be able to say I've gotten better over time, but it is what it is. There's just something about that story--the way the prose and the characters and the story and the themes came together to make something really lovely that feels like the definitive retelling of that fairy tale for me.
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Captain America Fanfiction Plug
Just FYI, @melliabee has been putting out chapters of a modern AU Steggy fic:
As of this writing, there are six chapters.  Astonishingly, they’ve been updated daily.  Contrary to what one might think, this is not your average “meet cute” story.  This is done primarily from Peggy’s POV, and done very well.
So, give it a read!
(And @melliabee ? It’s OK to toot your own horn just a little when it comes to your stories.)  :)
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
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@melliabee: For the character cosplay: Alice in Wonderland (vintage twist is welcome if you’re so inspired)
Okay, it makes no particular sense for Alice to wear a dress with this pattern, but it was just so suitable a look I couldn't pass it up! The dress is worn as a jumper over a blouse as an update of her original frock and pinafore. The shoes tie on with black bows that echo her hair ribbon. And the key necklace was chosen as story-appropriate.
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beth-is-rainpaint · 2 years
Surprise!!! *jumps out with giant bear hug for you* hope you have a good day, friend!
Aww, thank you! Also I know this is not a gif of a bear hug, but it made me laugh.
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darylas · 2 years
Amber, fresh air, macabre, novel?
Amber - what's something you do every day?
Feed my cat, Ember 🖤
Fresh Air - what's something you're thankful right now?
Right now I’m thankful for my Pumpkin Clove candle! Something about fall candles alters my brain chemistry in the best way.
Macabre - you have peculiar interests?
None that come to mind, unless you count speech-language pathology! But I don’t think it’s peculiar, I think it’s awesome!
Novel - favorite book?
I’m not even gonna try to answer that so I’ll say my top 4 favorites that I read this year, in no particular order:
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson
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Hi! Sorry for the delay in answering! 🙈
❄ Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing:
I wrote this little bit between my outlaw-hunting cowboy and his young reforming outlaw sidekick the other day. These two just had a narrow escape... (non-graphic injury mention warning)
Sonny desperately wanted to brush off the injury with a brave declaration and say, "it's just a scratch," but his eyes stung with tears and he couldn't form the words. Realizing he was crying, and crying in front of the one person on the whole earth he needed to be impressed with him, only made the tears come harder. Lasater took a folded rag from his saddlebag and wet it with his canteen. He sat in front of Sonny and gestured for Sonny to show him the wound. "Here." Swallowing back the lump in his throat of pain, tears, and boyish shame, Sonny let the gunman clean and bandage the gash in his leg. Lasater's hands were clumsy at this work and he had to retie the bandage twice before he was satisfied; but, while he said nothing about Sonny's crying, his movements were gentler than they might have been. "Not much for doctoring, are you," Sonny said when he finished, hoping to make light of the whole matter. Lasater sat back with a last check of his work. "Haven't had much practice." "I guess I haven't had much practice getting hurt, either." "Let's keep it that way," Lasater said, and that was the end of it between them.
I love them a lot.
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rogers-the-musical · 9 months
Let’s Ramble About Steggy
Y’all, I’m really missing the emotional journey of Peggy’s in EG: last time we see her, she’s still fragile over his loss (and tbh, I know she let him go, but I can’t imagine she’d ever stopped loving him more than learned to move on, and there’s plenty of evidence to support that). I want to see the moment she completely falls apart. I want to see the shock, the surprise, the gentle way he comes back—and for heaven’s sake, I want to see him go back!!
Rogers: the Musical is my most favorite thing ever, and their reunion is so precious; but when I saw it in person, I was waiting for her to run up and hug him. I know it’s theater and they couldn’t do that with the buildup and the story they were telling; and I love it the way it is. But I do wish we could get an actual, realistic telling of it. …Hey Marvel, I know it’s a tender, private moment, but could you hire Marcus and McFeely back for just a moment to do a six episode series on Steve returning the stones? Ending with what led up to that dance? Please?
(Though honestly, you should probably go read Dancing at Last by @melliabee. Her telling so so precious and tender and loving, and even though she has an apartment instead of a house in this, it’s the most accurate and detail-oriented telling I’ve ever read.)
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authorangelita · 11 months
Oooh! 🌹
"Think, Jack, think," he muttered to himself, trying to figure out what Mac would have done when he realized he couldn't defuse the bomb. 
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kazoosandfannypacks · 1 month
New tag game! Put in "[your favourite character] core” into Pinterest, choose the first image that isn’t the character, and put a song that reminds you of them. tagged by @kanerallels ! thanks bestie!
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leo valdez core
[full playlist of leo songs here!]
tagging a few people who might have fun with this, but no pressure to participate! @silver-the-phoenix  @whaleiumsharkspeare @bookdragon1811 @laughingphoenixleader @melliabee @poptart-cat-78 @piraterefrigerator @jeru-skyrider @mortalnomore @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord @jessicas-pi @coruscantiprincess @sugarandice3 @skyofnostars @aintinacage @trapezequeen @thefinaljediknight and anyone else who wants to participate!
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doctorhelena · 10 months
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @melliabee (So long ago now, I'm sorry about that!)
Song stuck in my head: I woke up this morning with "Manic Monday" by the Bangles stuck in my head and it's still kind of in there (yes, I'm aware that it's Friday. 😂)
Last song I listened to: Inception by Robyn Sandhu
Favorite color: blue
My 3 favorite foods: I am so bad at coming up with favourites! Okay, so right now I'm craving chana masala with fresh, warm naan. Uh, I also like potatoes in pretty much all forms. And pie.
Last thing I googled: Whether Robyn Sandhu's first name is spelled "Robyn" or "Robin". 😂
Dream trip: World travel of unlimited length, as many boats and trains as possible.
Tagging (no pressure): I'm going to be lazy on this one and tag anyone who wants to do it. But I really mean it! If you say I tagged you, I'll totally back you up. 😁
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accidental-spice · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day, @melliabee !! Here's your Valentine's Day gift, I hope you like them!💖
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Masterlist time!
Flaws (fanvid) for nickelkeep by paperairplanesopenwindows
golden frost and silver fangs for sunlitroses by DelektorskiChick
hitters and hackers and thieves (and grifters and masterminds), oh my! for Silver_Cleo by tacewrites
More Than I Deserve for faorism by kiss_me_cassie
[Podfic] Eye Level for Fangirlshrewt97 by ShakespeareStoleMyURL
At the End of a Rope for MoonlightBreeze by Arithanas
The Overcoming Claustrophobia Job for CrazyT by musingmidge77
The Double Oh Seven Job for PunxsutawneyPhil by seraphina_snape
Discovery for kiss_me_cassie by mewCoyote
The Replacement Kitchen Job for Arithanas by icestar663
The Go Fetch Job for 4AcesofSpades by SleepySsnail
Connections for paperairplanesopenwindows by Rivulet027
Couer du Voleur for mewCoyote by nickelkeep
Lost Daughter for poppetawoppet by ladyjax
[FANART] warmth in a familiar place for meils121 by faorism
I don't care about much other than this. for tacewrites by PunxsutawneyPhil
A Confession of Want: Trying to Steal an Eliot for seraphina_snape for thegraceofebonee
brush off the dust (and stagger back to the start) for Rivulet027 by poppetawoppet
The Lean On Me Jobs for DelektorskiChick by Canon_Is_Relative
Operation: Save Christmas for SleepySsnail by MelliaBee
Truth and Love for thegraceofebonee by magnetgirl
The World Sucks, Use Your Anger for magnetgirl by Fangirlshrewt97
[FANART] tidings of a peaceful day for icestar663 by faorism
A Tale in Five Bowls for musingmidge77 by sunlitroses
[it's] never where you think you left it for Canon_Is_Relative by DelektorskiChick
The Art of the Grift for ladyjax by seraphina_snape
Close Call for The_Tomorrow_Road by 4AcesofSpades
Soft Launch for ShakespeareStoleMyURL by ladyjax
Middle of the Road for Babythor by SleepySsnail
The Nerf Noel for MelliaBee by serenelystrange
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