hongjoshua-ia-blog · 9 years
He smiled back and she figured it wouldn’t hurt anyone to say hello. It has been quite a while since she joined the academy, but that sensation of being the new one was still fresh on her mind, and as welcoming as this place has always been, she was going to keep up the good traditions. The pair of black boots scrunched the grass under her feet as she walked closer to the male and smiled again “Hi– I’m Melyria, nice to meet you…?” 
After the brief smile he had sent towards the female’s direction, Joshua had busied himself with the bow in his hands, admiring the traditional long-ranged weapon the school supplied them with. He was accustomed to using firearms most of the time but a little change wouldn’t be bad, for in the end they were both long-range weapons anyway. His ears picked up the sound of footsteps nearing his form and before looking up, he noticed a pair of boots headed towards his direction. True enough, the previous female he had smiled to introduced herself and his lips tugged upwards to form a small smile at her presence. “Joshua. Nice to meet you too Melyria. Have you been in this class for long?” he inquired, tucking the bow under his arm.
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nvh-ia-blog · 9 years
☺ ?
Send ‘☺‘ for my muse to write a friendly message
I see you around the campus from time to time, but I don’t remember if we’ve interacted in the past or not. If you have been here not too long ago, I’m sorry for not welcoming you. If not, I’m sorry for not noticing. I must have missed the opportunity a long time ago. Aside from that, I hope you well and take care. PS: You are really pretty so smile often ☺
Send ‘?’ for my muse to write your muse something random
I think I should know you. I think someone mentioned you in the past. A friend or perhaps-- a lover? I am not sure so I won’t specify. By the way.... I can sense fire around you. That must be the reason why I can’t seem to get too close.
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vitale-ia-blog · 9 years
She heard there was new sports professor around campus and she wanted to approach him before his class went full, since a lot of people have been waiting this type of teacher. Knocking on his office, she peeked in "Hello--?"
Professor would be a hard term to apply to Vitale who’d never gotten a proper education, especially according to today’s standards. But he did know plenty about the sport not that he was a fanatic. It was just simple for him to understand. You kicked a ball and had fun.
“Hello! I’m going to have to get moving soon so you’re going to have to be quick or walk with me down to the pitch,” he said in light greeting with a roll of his shoulders.
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yoonji-ia · 9 years
Came for the Ren, stayed for the Chan
Mun Channie when melyria-ia insta-stalks her
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taehyvng-ia · 9 years
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this:
1. First impression: “You were very observant.”2. Truth is: “You kinda are— but not as much as I had thought.” 3. How old do you look: “18-ish.” 4. Have you ever made me laugh: “Not yet, but I’m sure you will~”5. Have you ever made me mad: “No— of course not.” 6. Best feature: “Eyesssss.”7. Have I ever had a crush on you: “No…”8. You’re my: “Fri…end?”9. Name in my phone: “Uhh… Can I get your number?”10. Should you post this too? “Yasss, sure!”
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jxnhyxng-ia · 10 years
Archery at Midnight ➸ Junhyung & Melyria
Wind blew around him, coat swinging in the wind because he was too lazy to button it up. Usually the chilly air made him shiver and retreat back inside, but just for tonight he would bear with it a little longer. The sky was clear, stars glimmering up above, the silence a welcomed contentment. It had been a long day full of classes and faces he didn’t recognize and homework piling up as he tried to catch up with everything he had missed. He could kill his parents, for making him come, if it wasn’t for the fact that he cherished them dearly.
It’s funny to think someone like him, a dark Elf could have feelings of adornment and love, but he did have emotions just like anyone else, and his parents were above all else supportive and loving to their youngest son. Walking down the campus courtyard, he let his eyes trail along the frail looking trees, leaves strewn along the soft ground. Each time he took a step, the crunching of the dead plants, filled the quiet eve. It made him smile at the changing seasons, for he missed being with nature, even though he spent years and years in its bosom. Heading off the path, he made his way past the green house, heading north towards the area of the sporting area, for if he walked past it and beyond, he would find empty caves void of species except the animals he adored. However, in the distance, he could he the swooshing of something flying through the air, and the imminent thunk of its landing. Not being able to deny his own curiosity, he made his way towards the sporting area where the noise grew louder. The lights were out, making it harder to see, but it was merely like looking through sunglasses a little past sunset. Junhyung stopped in his tracks once he reached the entrance, trying to listen carefully. He could hear the crunching of grass and leaves, almost identical to the sound his own shoes made on the earth, except lighter and less spaced apart.
Finally entering, he slid himself along the darkened fall, eyes squinting to make out the faint black figure in the distance. No doubt they had a bow in hand, body posed and bow pulled taut as they aimed the arrow, fingers held tight with intent. Then they let go, they arrow whizzing and piercing into the wooden target some yards ahead. It was then he noticed hair curling along the collar of their jacket, body form slender and long. A female no doubt. Deciding it was time to play, he came out of the shadows, hands clapping together to announce his presence. “I’m impressed, not everyone could shoot so well in the pitch black.” It was true, many people were skilled in the academy, but to see in the dark that well wasn’t a common gift unless, you had some magical blood running through your veins. 
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jessica-ia · 10 years
Siting next to the girl's table at the cafeteria, Melyria smiled at her before sipping from her bubble tea; almost sure she has never seen her delicacy before "Are you new?"
She was about to start eating the sandwich that she bought just a second ago before an unfamiliar looking girl interrupted her. A soft smile left her lips while Jessica nodded in response “Yes, I just arrived.” Jessica stopped for a second as she thought about what to say next. “You must know the other students well if you recognize a new face that quick, or is it because I look lost?”  
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hongbin-ia · 10 years
The android topic is still tad lot sensitive for Melyria to handle, therefore she couldn't help to halt in the middle of the hallways and erase her smile, as the new face passed by her; her eyes nailed on the 80N681N written over his neck. Flashes of the humanoid of her past instantly flooding her mind and soul. She really wanted to be polite, to smile and greet him welcomes, but only could find tears sneaking out her eyes as she stood there paralyzed.
Hongbin had walked past her, and would of continued if not he heard someone’s feet halt in the middle of the hallways after walking past him. Likewise, his feet stopped, his body and head turning in a way that seemed too direct and quick to be exactly human. Dark eyes fell on what appeared to be a young woman, who seemed to be staring at her with a strange expression - which wasn’t new to Hongbin. All expressions were strange. Though the woman before her was looking at him in a way that Hongbin could not place as happiness or sadness or even anger, so what was it? He frowned in confusion a little when he had caught the girl’s vision had been directed at the nape of Hongbin’s neck when he had turned around, finding his hand cupping his nape in a fruitless attempt to hide his stamp. She probably already saw it, and the android heaved a sigh - a habit caught from his past care-taker. He didn’t know what to do or say, should he apologize? For being an android? He wasn’t sure. He was never good at these things. Maybe he should ask why she looks like that."Your expression is funny." Hongbin stated matter-of-factly, not knowing that his words might not be sociable. 
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taehyvng-ia · 10 years
She could have sworn she saw a shadow pass by her in the middle of the night, which it was normal for her now, thanks to the times she spent with Gackt, and speaking of him, she wondered who that shadow was and followed it curiously.
With his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, Taehyung walked during the night and around the darkness like usual, being unnoticed by the other people that were walking around during the night. He was feeling rather good that day, excited and energized as he liked the whole concept of being somewhere for more than two days. As he wandered around the campus, his eyes moving through trees and faces that didn’t acknowledge his presence, he heard the sound of dry leaves being crashed by the feet of somebody else behind him. He noticed a young female behind him, surprising him a lot. “Hello?” He asked, approaching the girl with a confused look in his face. She was not one of his, but then how could she spot him so easily? Was he so excited that he didn’t even hide properly? “How’d you see me?” He asked with curiosity, his fingers tugging the helm of his jacket distractedly.
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hweji-ia · 10 years
"Nice meeting you Hweji? Did I said it right?" She chuckled out, gently grabbing the female’s hand and giving it a firm shake "I’m Melyria, but you can call me Mely or Mel, or however you feel more comfortable." The night elf flashed a smile to the girl and nodded a few times as she spoke "If you need any help, this place is huge and it’s easy to get lost, just let me know. I’ll be glad to help."
"Yep! Hweji is my name~" The mermaid laughed and shook the girl's hand calmly as she sat bad on the chair she was sitting on. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Melyria~ Very nice name!" She hummed only to nod at the offer of helping her around the academy. "Oh, that would be just lovely actually. I do need to figure out where my classes are--"
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yoonji-ia · 10 years
melyria-ia said: Yah… are you implying something? -chuckles;
"Hey! I meant that as a good thing, chingu~!" /lets out a giggle/
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yoonji-ia · 10 years
melyria-ia said: [Text] Cancer what?? O.o Anyways, I’ll be down stairs in a minute…
[Text] My thoughts exactly. See ya soon~!
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