#member: hyuk
kdramaspace · 1 year
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POTW: PICK YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS DRAMA (as voted by our members and followers)
WEIGHTLIFTING FAIRY KIM BOK JOO (2016) Starring: Lee Sung-kyung + Nam Joo-hyuk Dir. Oh Hyun-jung + Nam Sung-woo
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galaxymagick · 6 months
[#Mwave shop] This is how #VIXX Signed [CONTINUUM] Album 💿
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
k so just found out they're all married? like this is their ceremony they're signing the documents? congratulations to the polycule ig can i get you any rings or something like that any honeymoon funds
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theemptyspacehelmet · 2 years
Guys… c’mon.
Why does this always have to happen to actors who did nothing but give a genuinely fantastic performance. I mean, it’s no shock that his character was unlikable but the actor did nothing to deserve this. You only dislike the character because of the effort he put into to making him seem real. But that’s the thing; he isn’t real and you shouldn’t treat him like he is. Why does this dude have to get punished just for doing his job.
It’s time to rethink our priorities here.
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clemencetaught · 4 months
LDW's newest drama really reminding me that found family + crime really is the best trope of them all :'D aka yuri ( elise ) thinking like:
sometimes a family consists of you, your adopted brother, your paranoid adoptive father, his angry boyfriend who he kisses way too often for them to be just friends, the newspaper lady, a nerd, the coffeehouse owner who suspiciously knows a lot about weapons, an origami machine, and the inspector who feeds all of the above bc they're all more likely to fall over from forgetting to eat than from anything else.
bonus points for the coffeehouse regular couple who your father tries to stab at least once a week, but he's getting older, so it's been negotiated down to once a month now.
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bandhyukoh · 1 year
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221224 Oh Hyuk removed all of his posts and deleted his bio on Instagram...
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uristarrysky · 1 year
Old VIXX Fanpics
Mixed + Ships
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
tempest r so beloved 2 me
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binary5tar · 2 years
I hate twitter -_-
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galaxymagick · 7 months
It’s funny ppl over on the dead bird app were screaming that jellyfish half assed this comeback and rushed it and haven’t put money into it .. DOES IT LOOK THAT WAY NOW??? NO SO ALL OF YOU NEED TO
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twice-inamillion · 4 months
The Company
Peeping Tom
Smut and Story Building (Blackmail, Deep Penetration, Defloration, Creampie, Rough Sex, First Time, Choking, Light BDSM, objectification)
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Chapter 6
3,585 Words
(You encounter a peeping Tom as you have fun with one of your assistants. She tries to use her newfound information against you, but instead, you end up using her. By the end, you found yourself a new toy to play with.)
You return to your office with IU after a business meeting outside the company. The two of you talk about what just occurred during the last few days and how busy it’s going to get moving forward. 
“How does it feel receiving your first private jet, sir?”
“I’m excited; I remember riding on my father’s jet when I was younger and always wanted one of my own. Now I just need to get it customized, and I’ll be able to use it.”
“Before that, we need to hire a flight attendant.”
“That’s true.”
“What about asking your father for one of his?”
“No, I'd rather get someone that has nothing to do with my father. I don’t want them to tell him anything about my business.”
“I’ll try to put a post online to hire an assistant.”
“Sounds good.”
“Any requirements?”
“Someone not too old, eye candy. You know my tastes.”
“Okay, I’ll try my best.”
“Also, any news on Big Hit and JYP?”
“I’ve heard that they are suffering a bit money-wise, so I think they are going to accept your offer.”
“Let’s see what they say. I don’t want to buy them outright, but I do want to hold a good chunk of shares, especially Big Hit. Bang Si-Hyuk seems like a pretty cool guy. He gave me a tour of his small building and even introduced me to his debuting group a while back. I really want to help the guy.”
“I’m sure he’ll be happy with anything you give him, sir.”
“Let’s see how it goes.”
IU then hands you some documents and says, “This is some information I found out about JYP Entertainment. If you look at the third page, you can see that JYP was going to debut a new girl group under the name “6MIX,” but it fell through.”
“Oh, it seems like they had a hard time debuting due to one of their members leaving.”
“Yes, they added another member, Sana. It seemed like they were going to debut, but another of their leader also left the company, so they ended up scrapping the whole thing.”
“Poor girls, so much hard work and training to debut only to have it scrapped.”
“Yes, one in particular has been in their company for a long time. I heard she’s a very good singer.”
“Oh really? If JYP accepts the help, maybe I can ask him to release them from their contracts and send them my way.”
“I’ll keep you posted if there is any news, sir.”
“Thank you.”
“Would that be all, sir?”
“I have a meeting with one of the girls, so I’ll head to my office.”
“Actually, I’m going to grab a bite at the cafeteria, so I’ll walk with you.” 
The two of you walk towards the hallway, slap IU's ass, and walk the opposite from each other. Little did you know that you were seen by someone, the person IU was going to have a meeting with.
You get a message from IU that she has received some inflation about the deal with Big Hit and JYP as you are coming from the gym. It’s been a few days since you got any information, so you’re excited to see what’s going on. Without changing, you walk into her office, sit on the couch, and listen to some good news. 
You might not have noticed that Jennie has been curious about the relationship you and IU have since she’s a higher-up than you. She doesn’t know about your real position in the company and only thinks of you as one of the staff members. She was shocked when she saw you slapped IU on her ass and decided to follow you after that. 
Today, she had another meeting with IU and planned on having a light snack at the cafeteria before meeting up with her. Since she finished early, she decided to head up to the administration floor and relax on the outdoor patio before the meeting. She exits the elevator and makes it to the top floor. Jennie walks down the hallway and notices how quiet it is. She wandered around and found Irene’s and the CEO's office before hearing a faint noise coming from the hall. She quietly makes her way to the noises and gets to IU’s office from where the noise is coming from. 
Jennie tries to listen and places her ear by the door. She hears moaning coming from the other side. She tries to make up what the people instead are saying and can only decipher the male voices yelling that he’s going to cum. 
After some silence, she notices that the voices are getting nearer and runs towards the opposite side of the hallway to where the patio is. She peeks her head out and sees you coming out the door and IU fixing her skirt. 
“What the fuck, were they fucking in her office?”
“Omg, he’s getting it on with a higher-up in the company. Maybe I can use this.” 
Later that night, you get a message from Jennie from your staff phone. You read the message, and it is asking you for help moving some items around the house. You’re not in the mood to message her that you can do it tomorrow, but she is persistent. 
Somewhat annoyed, you put on a shirt and head down the elevator to the floor where their apartment is. You ring the doorbell, and Jennie opens the door within a few seconds. She wears a loose crop top and small shorts that show off her petite body. 
“You said you needed to move some stuff, right?”
“Yeah, it’s in the living room.”
You walk to the living room and see the items she was referring to. You spend about ten minutes moving the things, and Jennie is watching you up close the whole time.
“Is that all you needed?”
“Yeah, that’s it.”
“Alright, I’m going. I’m tired.”
“Okay, but I’ll call you if I need anything.”
“Please, don’t. The stuff wasn’t that heavy. Maybe try moving it between the five of you before calling me.”
You can tell that Jennie got upset by this based on her facial expression. “I don’t know why you’re complaining; it's part of your job.”
“It’s not. I was just doing this as a favor since you all just moved into the apartment, but that was a few months ago. You girls can figure stuff out,” as you grab your phone and head for the door. 
Upset, Jennie yells, “If you’re going to be a douchebag about it all like the CEO, you’re messing around with his assistant.” 
You turn around and see a grin on her face, blackmailing you. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“I know that the two of you were fucking in her office the other day.”
“I saw smack her ass a while back, and this time, you were leaving her office, and she was skirted and had a smile on her face.”
“If that’s true, how would you know?”
“I heard the two of you doing it.”
“No one is going to believe you.”
“Hmph, I wouldn’t be so sure. I have the CEO’s number.”
“You’re bluffing. You don’t have his number.”
“Yes, I do,” she said, holding her phone out.
“Alright, do it.”
“Okay, I will” and is about to press the call button but then says, “actually, he might be busy with important stuff. I don’t want to bother him.” 
You know she doesn’t have your actual work number, so you tease her, “I don’t think he’s busy. Why don’t we go visit him and tell him the situation? I think he would be more than happy to hear about it.” 
You can see her expression change, and she says, “No, I think we can just leave it like that.”
You grab her waist, “Let’s clear things up. I don’t want rumors that I’m messing with the CEO’s assistant.” You pull her hand, exit her apartment, walk towards the elevator, and press the button for the top floor.
Jennie looks nervous but tries to hide her expression. “He’s going to be upset that we’re bothering him.”
“I don’t think so, plus you’re blackmailing me.”
When you arrive at the top floor, the elevator rings, and you both exit and walk towards the hallway. You ring the doorbell, but there is no answer. 
With a faint smile of relief, Jennie says, “See, he’s not here, so let me waist go.”
“Hmm… let me try something.” You press the numbers on the keypad and hear a ring, unlocking the door.
“How did you do that?”
You pull Jennie and lock the door. “Seems like no one is home. CEO-nim! Jennie and I are looking for you!”
“Stop, he’s going to be made that we’re inside his home. Let’s go.” 
“No, I don’t want to; let’s have a bit of fun.” You walk towards the kitchen, open the fridge, and grab a beer. “He has some good taste, nice.”
“Leave it; he’s going to get mad!”
“No, he won’t.”
“Yes, he is. I heard that he’s mean.”
“Really? They said that?”
“Irene said that he makes them work to the bone.”
“No, I don’t. Wait until I see her tomorrow.”
Jennie’s reaction changes, and she says, “What did you say?”
“Nothing, forget about it.”
“You said something.” She stops, looks around, and walks to the living room. She sees pictures of you and freezes. 
Frozen for also a minute, she turns around and says, “Are you CEO-nim?”
You want to play it off, but know that the gig is over. Instead, you smile and say, “Dang, you caught me. Surprise!”
Many things go through her mind, like how she ordered you around the apartment, teased you, and even tried to blackmail you. 
“So what’s this about having my phone number and blackmailing me about fucking IU.”
Jennie gets on her knees, rubs her hands together, and begs, “I’m sorry. I was just joking around. I didn't mean it.”
“It wasn’t funny. Why did you do it?”
She bites her lip and tries to come up with a reason, saying, “I don’t know. I just wanted to tease you a bit and got jealous.”
“Jealous? What for?”
“You’re my type, and when I saw you and IU, I wanted to blackmail you so you can do whatever I say.”
“You know, that could have really gone bad and gotten someone hurt.”
“I’m sorry.” 
“If you’re sorry, how will you take responsibility?”
“You said I’m your type, and you’re pretty cute yourself. How about we have some fun?”
Jennie can’t believe what your words. She knows she said that you’re her type, but that was as a staff/trainer. Now that she learned you’re the one in charge of the company, she doesn’t want to do anything that might endanger her chance at debuting but, at the same time, finds it kind of hot. 
“What did you have in mind?”
“What do you think?” giving her a smirk.
Jennie knows what you’re thinking; it’s not like she hasn’t thought about it herself. You come close to her and grab her small behind, causing her to yelp.
She’s being this close to her. You know that she’s small and petite, “too, like a doll.”
Instead of replying, you pick her up, carry her to the guestroom, and toss her onto the bed. 
“Wait… what are you doing?”
“I’m going to fuck you.”
“I’m not ready yet.”
“I didn’t ask you if you were. I’m telling you what I’m going to do to you.”
Jennie is stunned by your words. The image of you has been turned 360 from ordering you around to the other way around. Deep down, she can’t help but feel small and submissive by someone so huge and powerful enough to change her life.
“Okay, I understand.”
“Since you do, then strip. I want to see what I’m going to be working with.”
Jennie gets off the bed and stands in front of you. She slowly begins to undress herself, taking off her crop top and her small shots.
Now in underwear, she shyly takes off her bra, revealing her small, cute breasts. She tries to cover them, “Don’t forget the bottom.”
You smile as she hesitates to pull down her panties and whines, “Do I really have to pull them down?”
“Do you want me to do them for you? Just letting you know that I won’t be gentle.”
“I…I’ll do it then,” as she slowly pulls them down until it drops on the floor and quickly cover her cunt. 
“Take your hands off.”
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
 Jennie removes her hands, revealing her semi-bare cunt. 
“Fuck, you have a pretty-looking pussy and a nice pair of tits. Lay down on the bed and spread that pussy for me.”
Jennie feels embarrassed but does what you told her. She lays on the bed and puts her legs up. She tries to spread her legs, but the idea of spreading them open and showing her pussy to someone for the first time is nerve-wracking. 
“Spread them more!”
She widens her legs until you see her whole cunt in view. With both her index and middle fingers, she slowly spreads her pussy lips, giving you a view of her unused cunt. “How’s this?”
“Hot. You’re making me hard.”
“Really? I’m making you hard?”
“Yeah. Want to see?”
Jennie has never seen a cock before in real life, only on the internet when she would masturbate while in the dorms. Seeing one in real life is making her both nervous and excited, “yeah. I want to see it.”
You undo the bottom and drop your buttons, leaving only your boxers and a large bulge in sight. 
Jennie can feel her heart beating faster as you pull down your boxers, which makes your cock springs out. “Wow, it’s so big. Can I touch it?”
“Of course,” you say with a grin.
Jennie, with her index finger, touches the tip of your cock and throbs, “Haha, it’s likes me.”
“How about grabbing it with your two hands?”
“Okay, but I don’t think I’ll be able to wrap my hands around it.” With her small hands, she tries to wrap her hand, almost touching her fingertips.
Turned on, you ask, “Can I take a picture?”
Jennie looks up at you and smiles, “Sure, you’re the boss, right? I have no say.”
“Glad to see you know your place.”
You grab your phone and take a shoot of Jennie handling your cock. “Try putting it in your mouth.”
“Like this?” as she uses the tip of her tongue to lick the head of your cock. “Yes, just like that.”
You record her slowly licking your length, your shaft, pulling the head in her mouth, and even her trying to take a bit of your cock in her mouth as she plays with her cunt.
“Fuck… I knew you were a slut” you say as she has your cock in her mouth. “Hmmm… I’ll be your slut, Daddy,” giving you a devilish smile. You grab her chin in between your hands and say, “We’re going to get along very well.” 
She stands and lays on the bed once more and willingly spreads her legs for you, spreading her pussy, and says, “Make sure you get a picture of this.” 
“You know how to turn on a guy, huh.”
“I just want to please you, Daddy. Plus, I want everyone to know that you’re going to be my first.” 
You can’t wait any longer; you need to fuck her now. You set the phone down, walked back, and spread her legs. She grabs your cock and presses it against her belly, and asks, “Is all of that going inside of me?”
“It’s going to go right in here and reach all the way up here,” as you trace your finger and her wet cunt all the way up to her belly button. 
“Fuck me already, Daddy. Make me a real woman,” begs Jennie.
You grab your cock and rub your shaft against her wet lower lips, spreading them and covering them in her sticky nectar. “I’m going to put it in; just relax.” She balls up her waist against her chest, “Okay.” 
Jennie nervously watches as you align your massive cock against her small entrance, waiting for you to be her first and only cock she’s ever going to taste. 
You press the tip on your cock and slowly insert yourself until you reach her thin barrier, which separates her from womanhood. You look directly into her eyes, signaling that you’re going to go all the way into it. She nods back and tries to prepare herself for what’s to come. 
You grab her small waist and, without mercy, put your weight onto her petite body and slam yourself into her fresh womb. “Fuck!!! I’m cumming; you’re too big; you’re making me cum!”
Jennie’s body spasms, and she tilts her head back as she feels her orgasm overwhelming her. 
“Haha, you just came from me putting it in? Let’s see how many times you cum.”
You don’t let her rest and put her into a mating press. She groans from not being able to ride off her orgasm, “Daddy, wait. You’re going to make me cum again. Let me rest.”
“A girl like you doesn’t deserve to rest; you’re my sex toy. I get to use you however I want,” slamming yourself inside her once again. 
Jennie cries as she feels her insides being rearranged by your cock, “Ahh, you’re messing me up inside! I won’t be able to with anyone beside you! Fuck…you’re stretching my small pussy out!”
Watching her becoming a mess is getting you more turned on. Even if it’s her first time, she’s a natural. You place your hand on her neck and firmly tighten your grip. Jennie panics when she feels your hand choking her, puts her hands around your arms, and looks at you in terror. “Shh… baby girl, calm down; I’m not going to hurt you, just something the both of us to enjoy. Trust me.”
Directly looking at you, she lets go of her hands and instead focuses on you, thrusting inside of her. “You feel so tight, Jennie; I feel like cumming already,” as you tighten the grip of your hand around her neck. 
You see Jennie trying to speak, so you loosen your grip, “Ahhh… cum… cum inside me, Daddy. I… I want to feel your cum in my tummy.”
You tighten your grip on her neck again as you fuck her roughly, only hearing the sound of both your flesh against each other. Little by little, you feel your peak approaching, a cold sensation in your back. 
“Fuck… I’m going to dump all my cum in your tight little pussy!” 
You feel all your cum shoot deep inside Jennie’s womb with your thick cum. Her eyes roll back from how tight you’re choking her as you pump a large load. Her body starts to go limp from the lack of air, so you let go of her neck and see the imprint of your hand around it. 
Immediately, Jennie gasps for air and comes back to her senses. “You’re such a good girl, Jennie. I think you’re going to be my favorite toy from now on.” 
She gives you a weak smile, grabs your hand, and places it back around her neck, “Keep fucking me, Daddy. I’m your dirty like toy.”
The two of you keep fucking all night long, every time you pump your cum in and on her body. At the end, you take a series of photos and videos of your work, Jennie’s body covered in cum and her cunt oozing out a mixture of both your juices.
You wake up the next day and see Jennie under your arms. You try to get up, but she’s holding on to you. Rubbing her eyes, she turned around and said, “Good morning, Daddy.”
“Good morning, Jennie. How are you feeling?”
“Sore. I can still feel some of your cummies in my tummy. I feel my pussy gaped. I don’t think I'll be able to get married anymore, haha.”
“Good. You’re mine, anyways.”
“No. I just got like sharing my toys.” You grab her by the neck with a firm grip and say, “Don’t forget that, okay? You’re mine.”
“Yes, Daddy,” as she feels your strong hand choking her. 
You let her go and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. Jennie looks at her phone and sees text messages from her group mates asking if she visited her mom since she didn’t sleep at the apartment. 
Jennie replies to them and immediately gets an idea that makes her smile excitedly, “Daddy.”
“Since I’m your sex toy, how about making the rest of us your toys?”
“You mean your groupmates?”
“Yeah, how bout it? Sounds like fun, right?”
“Doesn’t sound like a bad idea; I’ll think about it.”
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drunkdrazed · 2 months
hellooooo i was wondering if you’d be down for idol!mark x idol!reader texts? i feel like he’s the type to give you constructive criticism on ur choreo one sec then sext you the next y’know 🤣 ur works are amazing (i love the babygirl energy in ur hyuk and wooyoung posts)
daily texts with idol bf!mark!
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a/n: thank you soso much for saying that 🥹🫶🏻 i sometimes worry i get repetitive (esp with the babygirl members), so it’s really great to hear people like them! i LOVED what you had to say about mark bc it’s so accurate 😭 so i decided to use it as a text! anyway, i hope you like these <3
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ppeonppeonhan · 6 months
The Sexiest 2023 BL Scenes
I think we can all agree that there is an art to executing a sex scene -- and not everybody's an artist. This year, we (and, by that, I mean you) gif'd a couple of masterpieces that range from romantic to...educational. Here are the ones that live in my head rent free, in order of PG-13 to NC-17:
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If you had told me last year that incorporating cat ears into foreplay would result in one of the hottest scenes in BL, I would've given you bombastic side-eye. But James, the actor who plays Uea, pulled it off, and is probably responsible for a lot of Amazon orders till this day. (Episode 6)
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This entire sequence was so beautifully lit in golden tones, with soft touches, and romantic moments. It almost made you forget about the depression plot. Almost. (Episode 6)
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Joke yearned for Zo in a way that was borderline comical. From the moment Zo kissed Joke like he was trying to give him CPR and then promptly shoved him out of his apartment, I knew every kiss after that would have to come with a parental warning. I'm surprised Joke didn't move in. (Episode 8)
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DO-OVER SEX: Love Class 2
The music for this sex scene was so perfectly matched with the caressing and hand closeups. And the fact that it happened after the initially-ghosted Joo Hyuk got Sung Min to reconsider made it even sweeter. (Episode 9)
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BEST WET SEX SCENE: Kiseki: Dear to Me
I may have enjoyed Ai Di and Chen Yi's love story more, but Fan Ze Rui and Bai Zong Yi were helping us all live out our tall boy fantasies. When he mounted him with a soft bounce, I knew the gif Gods would giveth. (Episode 7)
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Ray looked like he reached nirvana when he made love to Sand in that sardine can of trailer, so of all their sex scenes, this was my fave. (Episode 9)
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Say what you will about Boston -- and the fandom has said a lot lol -- but if you had to choose a cast member to get you off, you'd choose him in a heartbeat. And yes, this scene was grimey. He f*cked his friend's potential boyfriend in the backseat of his car after manipulating him into believing he was cheated on, but can you blame him? He was probably tired of always having to give and never receive. Plus, Top did this vibrating move that made me wonder who told Force to do that... (Episode 3)
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GIF by wanderlust-in-my-soul
I'm still mad that this scene wasn't in the Youtube cut. It paints an entirely different picture of their dynamic and their personalities. But thank God for the gif'ers, otherwise I would've missed how ravenous they were when they weren't...wedding planning. 😳 (Episode 6)
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BEST WHIPLASH SEX: Be Mine Superstar
To be clear, WE were the ones getting whiplash. One minute, we were watching a sweet love story between an innocent college kid and his idol crush, and the next minute we were watching a masterclass on how to bang your one-night stand (consensually) until he agrees to date you. It's like...Sir, I'm on the train. Could you give a bitch a heads up? (Episode 8)
While I am generally envious of every single one of these experiences, I'm even more envious of everyone's knee strength and flexibility. I could never. Rollerblading has ruined me. If I tried half of these positions, I'd have to get physical therapy. 🙃
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dorayakichan · 8 months
hello, can i request nsfw hcs for the sabbath crew? (you can leave out red glasses + hyuk if you don’t write for them) thank you!!
Windbreaker nsfw headcanons: Sabbath Crew (Joker, Wooin, Hyuk x fem!reader)
"You know I'm one of the bad guys, right?"
Genre: headcanon, smut
CW: MDNI, nsfw, smut, oral, penetration, rough, fem!reader is aged up
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He had noticed you since the beginning of the tournament, in fact, it was impossible for him not to when you were so dazzling and attractive. 
Yet, you were enemies and the further the tournament went the more your crew and his clashed. 
Who would have thought that in between all these clashes, something more would have sparked something so wrong yet so good that both of you, were unable to stop now.
He grips your hips tightly as he inserts himself into you, nearly bruising your soft thighs, pushing all of his member inside of your swollen core. His grunts and your whimpers fill the room as he looks at your pleading innocent stare.
“More!....faster!” you are always giving those pleading eyes to him. Which is also his signal and his consent to do things to you a woman’s body like yours would have it hard to withstand. He slams hard so hard that his dick touches your clit, it’s wrong, it’s dangerous yet you love the feeling of pain coursing through you as he doesn’t stop at that.
He is rough fucking you as if he is possessed, molding the shape of your inside to the shape of his cock. He doesn’t stop nor slow down even when tears start coming out of your eyes, because he knows that's how you like it, he knows your deepest desires and fantasies. As he moves his arms up and down your body resting them on your boobs and squeezing them.
He sucks on your nipples and licks them as if they are the most delicious thing he has ever tasted in his life, as he comes closer to his release.
“I’m close.” He says waiting for your approval before increasing the speed, and releasing himself inside of you, obviously with a condom on. There is no way this man would risk having to take one more responsibility in his life.
He lays beside you as you snuggle into his opened arms, laying your head on his chest. You give him a peck smiling at him. 
“You know I’m one of the bad guys right?” he asks you.
“It’s too late to say this now after what you did…Hmm?” you give him a kiss, a more passionate and lustful one this time getting on top of him. “Wanna go for another one?” you seductively ask.
Once you had come to cheer for your friends and that’s when that day you happened to cross paths with this infamous guy. Another time you met him again in another race as you were cheering for your friends he approached you and asked for your number.
Here you are now, getting your face nearly sucked as he devours you. It happened once, and you thought it was all there was going to be. Then it happened one more time and another and another until you both found out you couldn’t stop it anymore whatever this was you would always go back to him and he would always call you and only you.
As he grabs you by your waist shoving you on his couch he unbuckles his pants giving you a full sight of his erect cock. “Are you sure you can take this baby? After all, you know I’m one of the bad guys, right?
Your hand wraps around the base of his cock, while keeping eye contact as you lick the tip of his member. Teasing him, moving your tongue in circles around it slowly before putting it all in your mouth.
“I guess that’s a yes then.” He smiles, pushing your head deeper making you nearly choke.
Your movements in the beginning are slow as you adjust your mouth to his length but they don’t stay like that for long as you feel your hair getting grabbed harshly. He starts fucking your mouth as if having been deprived of food and water for days. 
“Keep your eyes up!” He orders. Wooin loves the teardrops falling out of your eyes as you nearly choke on his member in absolute need of air which he deprives you of, until the moment of his release. And even then he keeps his dick on your mouth until he has fully released everything inside expecting you to swallow it all. 
He licks the tears on your face as he deviously smiles. “Guess I got hard again? Care to help?”
Hyuk/Hyeok Kwon
I don’t think you would have caught Hyuk’s eyes if not for those amazing tricks you had pulled that one early morning as you practiced with your friends for the tournament. He was walking alone when he noticed you and your crew. Your eyes were shining with excitement as you showed the others your incredible moves. 
He first came up to you when you were alone going home, then another time while you were biking around town asking for a race. After some time he asked you to teach him one of your tricks while he would teach you one of his. It kind of seemed like he was following you around just to learn those tricks. 
So you were not sure how you had ended up on the same bed, head on the mattress as you felt his cock push into the wet folds of your stimulated pussy. He moved into you from behind, thrusting slowly but enticingly as one of his hands was on your pussy playing with his fingers your overstimulated clit. 
His grip tightens as he starts to move faster. Between the deep breaths you both let out he says. “How can you be so wet? You know that I’m one of the bad guys right?”
“Oh God, is that what you are thinking right now?” his words kind of excite you but you try to act annoyed. “Kind of…” he answers.
“Well bad during the day but good during the night!” You say as his eyes widen. He pulls you by your arms as your back arches slightly getting you as close as possible to him, while his thrusts become faster and faster. 
He leans his head on your back as he moves hot breaths tickling your skin. If he lets go you are sure you will hurt your nose as your arms have become limp from the tight hold he has on them, you nearly can’t feel them anymore as he pushes more and more until his release comes closer.
He lets you go with no warning as he takes his dick out of you stroking on it for a few seconds until his cum comes out dripping on your back. Painting it all in white. You fall asleep fast after that, not even hearing the click of the door as he exits the room leaving you naked and spent on top of the bed.
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diogxnxs · 2 months
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Done with the last member of The Big Three for our Disneyverse TTRPG, GOOFY! He's the Rook to Mickey Mouse's King and Donald Duck's Bishop. I really enjoyed working on him and here's to hoping he looks great on a token.
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Bonus Donald Doodle:
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he4d-banger · 8 months
So, Kim Rok Soo knows how to sew. Imagine team members going to him with clothes to repare and some offerings, since I am sure they lacked materials to make new clothes at first.
Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk would definitely tease him by calling him sleeping beauty when he falls asleep while mending their uniforms.
I imagine them looting fabric stores so they can make new clothes.
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