jasperxkeane · 6 years
Jasper looked up as he heard the door open and a new person walked into Moon and Sun Dance Bar. He held back an eyeroll as they took a seat at the bar, Jasper had just finished wiping it clean. “What can I get you?” He asked, preemptively reaching for a glass. 
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isaiahxcordell-blog · 6 years
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look! it’s DYLAN O'BRIEN! no, it’s just ISAIAH CORDELL, the TWENTY-THREE (638) year-old VAMPIRE. he is a BARBER at LIVE OR DYE SALON and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is POLITE and CREATIVE, but also RESENTFUL and VOLATILE. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: LISETTE | 26 | EST | SHE/HER]
Isaiah Joseph Cordell was born in a small god-fearing village where his mother died during delivery, something his father always blamed him for.
He was the youngest of six children, with two older sisters, and three older brothers.
Mathilda, the eldest of the six, took over the role of their mother, and essentially raised her five younger siblings whenever their father was away, which was often. 
Mathilda and Bartholomew, the second oldest, were the only two to understand that it wasn’t Isaiah’s fault that their mother passed during his birth, where their siblings all sided with their father. 
Bartholomew would keep Isaiah away from their father whenever he was home, as he was often drunk, angry, and looking for the little shit that killed his wife, only letting Isaiah out to meet him when their father was sober, which was a rare occurrence
He grew up rather shy, intimidated by most people he met, although Mathilda and Bartholomew helped him be a little more assertive.
As he got older, Isaiah met a vampire, a man whom he fell in love with after a few years of knowing him.
Isaiah left his family to be with this man, despite Mathilda’s protests, and left with the vampire, who became his sire.
They lived together blissfully for years, keeping to themselves as to not be caught by anyone, both for being vampires, and for being two men in love.
Along their travels, they had gotten a little sloppy, and were soon chased down by hunters. Isaiah got away, while his lover didn’t.
Isaiah searched for the group of hunters that took the man he loved, but he was never able to find them, and after a few hundred years of looking, Isaiah accepted the fact that he’d never see the man again.
Isaiah spent a few years with his humanity off before another vampire came along and successfully managed to convince Isaiah to turn it back on.
This new vampire came in and out of Isaiah’s life, always seeming to know when Isaiah was in a really bad place and needing a hand, without ever asking for anything in return, where he came from and where he’d go off to again, Isaiah had no clue, and he never asked. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
He picked up many hobbies and job throughout the years, settling on a love for hair styling recently, which also gave him easy access to potential meals. People tended to treat their stylist as a cheap therapist anyway, so Isaiah never saw any harm in it.
Hawthorne was a town Isaiah had heard rumors of many years back, but in a rut of boredom, finally decided to check out.
Mathilda: Isaiah’s oldest sister and mother figure. She was turned after Isaiah had run off, and she wants to find her baby brother. (FC: Any that could be related to DYLAN O’BRIEN)
Bartholomew: Isaiah’s older brother, turned after Isaiah had run off. Hates Isaiah for abandoning them after everything he and Mathilda did to protect him. (FC: Any that could be related to DYLAN O’BRIEN)
Other Siblings: Either Isaiah’s other sister, or either of his other brothers. Turned after Isaiah ran off. Resent Isaiah for not only being the cause of their mother’s death and their father’s drinking problem, but they also hate that he got away with all of it. (FC: Any that could be related to DYLAN O’BRIEN)
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look! it’s VICTORIA JUSTICE! no, it’s just MARIANA DE LA CRUZ, the TWENTY-THREE year-old MERMAID. she works as a VET’S ASSISTANT for THE VETERINARY CLINIC and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. she is SOCIABLE and CREATIVE, but also MEDDLESOME and SHALLOW. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: ASHLEE | 23 | CST | SHE/HER]
Mariana likes to think she’s a queen bee in town due to her beauty and grace. Being a mermaid has only boosted that ego of being perfect. 
She’s lived under the water for a majority of her life, though she’s been on land before for brief periods at a time, she has now lived on land for several years, and in Hawthorne for about 2-3 years.
The de la Cruz family is one that has a reputation, one that they are known for as being snobbish, vainglorious, and pompous. Their reputation often precedes them as they’ve seemingly isolated themselves from the “land-dwellers” because they believe their species is most superior.
Mariana was the first girl born under the newest generation of de la Cruzes. She took to the family just as she was supposed to, living up to their traditions and everything, seeing as she had no other choice, and not thinking much of it. But this was ultimately her downfall, as her family was arranging a marriage between her and another powerful family’s descendent so that together, they would be too powerful for anybody to stop them from ruling the underwater sea.
This was something Mariana despised, and so when she was set to be married at 18, she left her responsibilities behind and under the water, fleeing her family and finding herself on the shore more permanently than she ever expected. And upon learning more about the other supernatural creatures, she found herself in Hawthorne, where she has established her life and began making decisions for herself.
She knows that her family has made a complete ostracization from her, and anytime she goes in the ocean, she can hear the going ons that she left behind so long ago.
Currently, she is a vet’s assistant and doing an internship at the Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic and Animal Shelter, hoping to become a vet one day. She does find herself caring for animals much more than people, more specifically marine wildlife, but has a soft spot for land-dwelling animals too as they have been growing on her.
Fun Extras:
Mariana’s tail is a light blue, almost green-ish tint, thought she rarely lets others see it as she sometimes feels like it’s kind of a hassle. Still, she has to be in the ocean water once every 7 days, and often goes in the middle of the night so that she doesn’t run into anybody.
She secretly collects shells, to decorate her apartment, solely for the purpose of making it feel more at home. She also would have a pet fish, but believes that they should be free to roam in the ocean. Needless to say, she feels very close to the fish of the ocean.
Mariana doesn’t honestly believe that mermaids are superior creatures, but it’s been so engrained in her that she often has to remind herself of it. And, as abrasive as she is, she comes off, it’s mostly what she’s trying to break from.
She’s a glitter fanatic and probably more vocal about it than necessary.
More About Mariana
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Ex-Fiancé: The arrange marriage didn’t go through, but there was still the other party left by Mariana.
Family Guard: Because of the prominent position the de la Cruz family held, they had a guard that would probably be protective of Mariana.
Family: Older brothers and younger siblings that might be breaking away from the family.
Anything else you can think of!!
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eleorasenigma · 6 years
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look! it’s HAILEE, STEINFELD ! no, it’s just ELEORA MONTGOMERY , the TWENTY (FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY) year-old HALF-VAMPIRE. she works as a CLERK  for  GOLDEN AGE RECORDS and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. she is CURIOUS  and RESILIENT, but also BLUNT and DISTRUSTFUL they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: MARANDA | 22 | EST | SHE/HER/HERS]
Eleora is the daughter of Ben Montgomery ( @benmxntgomery) & his human lover at the time. 
She was conceived shortly after he was turned
When she was young, Ben left and she was raised by her human mother. 
Her mother hid her daughter's vampirism well, given her being able to eat food and survive and be in the sun longer it was easier.
Eleora was raised Jewish and is still somewhat devout now, but doesn’t actively attend temple. 
Eleora stopped ageing in her twenties. 
Her and her mother moved often to hide Eleora's secret. 
Eleora stayed with her mother until she passed away. 
After Eleora travelled the world, living on the wild side and letting her blood lust and lust alone lead her through one bad decision to another. 
In the early-1800’s she started trying to build a life for her future. She goes to school in different countries, getting various degrees, drugging rich people and stealing from them and accumulating a fortune. She did this until the mid-1900’s.
She restarted her life in America, drifting and seeing the country by car until a few years ago.
She enrolled in college and met a boy who changed her life. She was and is convinced he was her soulmate.  
They fell in love & had a novel like relationship. It wasn't perfect for that we'll put together, but at the end of the day it felt that way to them. 
They got engaged and shortly after he learned he was dying of an Illness. 
They tried to live as if he wasn't, taking what time they had left together.
When his health started to fail, she turned him and he did not survive (or so she thought) 
After his death, she caught wind of where her father was and moved to Hawthorne to find him. 
She is going to be moving in with her friend,  Lochlan ( @bevstboy ), & has landed a job she loves at the Golden Age Records. . 
Eleora can sing, but can only really play the drums but wants to learn the guitar. 
She prefers art, she loves painting, sketching, and even sculpting. 
She enjoys reading but mostly in the winter. She's always outdoors doing something, usually gardening or hiking. She hates sitting still. 
Eleora considers herself Pansexual. She has a high preference towards men. She has had intimate & romantic relationships with men, women, & in more recent years transgender people.
She is looking to settle down and begin a life in Hawthorne. She's not ready to begin dating or having any form of relationships outside of friendships due to her still not over her lost love. 
Wanted Connections: 
A Vamp She Used to Know: An old pal from her party days back around the 1600 & 1700′s. 
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julietterussx-blog · 6 years
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look! it’s CAMILA MENDES! no, it’s just JULIETTE RUSSO, the TWENTY-FOUR year-old HUMAN. she is a STUDENT at HAWTHORNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. she is RESPECTFUL and RESOURCEFUL, but also ANXIOUS and VINDICTIVE. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: ASHLEE | 23 | CST | SHE/HER]
Juliette is a young determined woman that didn’t know much about the supernatural until very recently.
She grew up in a pretty conservative household in Baltimore, Maryland, with her younger sister Jocelyn and her mother. Her parents divorced when she was 11 years old. And while her parents remained on semi-decent terms, seeing that they saw him every so often, Juliette found herself slowly drifting away from him as she grew older.
She lived a decently average childhood apart from the divorce, growing up and wanting to become an actress, then a model, and then a teacher. She had all sorts of aspirations, and succeeded in school in english, art, and drama.
She began college, created a whole life for herself, and during her junior year she found out that her younger sister got cancer, and her own grades rapidly declined, leaving her on probation. Juliette was going to try and make up for it within the next semester, but after a trip home led to her wanting to just spend time with her sister, she dropped out entirely and took up the responsibility for taking care of her mom and sister.
Her dad came back into the picture around the same time as well, as they tried to get through the whole thing together as a family. With both parents working, and Juliette finding a job as well, they had a chance to pay for treatment. Unfortunately, Jocelyn passed away when Juliette was 22 years old.
Juliette and her family mourned, and really were never the same since. Her dad moved back in with them, and they tried to make it work.
More recently, Juliette found herself with an office job, wanting to save up to go back to college. One night this past May, as she was walking to her car, she was stopped by a man. He was a vampire that was a part of a group hoping to gain power in the area as they spurred on their own supernatural movement. 
This man kidnapped Juliette and compelled her to do the dirty work of the group, so that their organization wouldn’t be traced back to any of the root members. And as the group caught word that her family was looking for her, she was compelled to go to her own house to murder her own family. And, as she killed her own father, her mother came home to find the scene and got away without speaking another word to her daughter.
For the past month, she had continued to be held captive, while torturing the supernatural creatures that the group has also kidnapped, which included Alister Belrose. This group has created a supernaturally charged drug that has also been given to Juliette as she’s grown dependent on it, while also issuing it out to the creatures they’ve kidnapped.
Juliette and Alister broke free during one of the nights that she was compelled to inject him with the drug after the group dismantled from that current hideout because they sensed hunters were getting close to tracking them. And, as they escaped together, Juliette stayed with Alister, having nowhere else to turn.
Currently, she’s living in Hawthorne at Alister’s boarding-style house, and trying to attend college to finish out her degree while also learning much more than she ever intended to about the supernatural.
Fun Extras:
Juliette is a student studying literature and will typically always have her nose in a book if she can help it. She also dabbles in creative writing, moreso now more than ever because of her experiences, as it serves as a release for her.
She’s still very much a wanted fugitive in the case of her father’s death.
Because of all that she’s gone through, she’s also become very anxious around anybody, especially in Hawthorne, and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
More About Juliette
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Some Wanted Connections:
College Friends: Juliette is still learning how to be her own, knowing that college was one of the most fun times in her life before everything flipped upside-down.
Teachers/Guides: Juliette has a million questions about the supernatural, and hates bothering Alister about it all the time.
Family Figures: She’s still learning how to navigate the world without her own family.
Anything else that you can think of!!
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look! it’s TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET! no, it’s just RUSSELL MONTGOMERY, the TWENTY-FOUR (488) year-old VAMPIRE. he works as a MANAGER AND SOMMELIER for SANGUE APETIT and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is INTELLECTUAL and GENUINE, but also OBSESSIVE and GULLIBLE. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: ASHLEE | 23 | CST | SHE/HER]
Russell has lived quite a life, seeing that he was raised in the 1500′s with his twin brother Benjamin Montgomery, and was turned after their older sister died, and both of them didn’t want to lose the other.
Russell was born first, and as the older twin, he never lets Ben forget it. They were born on a Friday the 13th, which was probably very worrisome for their parents.
Their older sister Laine, died when they were around their twenties, which spurred on this search on trying to not die. Ben fortunately found a vampire and convinced her to turn them both.
Russell was a bit apprehensive to the idea at first, because it didn’t make much sense, and because he had his own wife and kid to look after. He didn’t think anyone should have that kind of power and freedom of immortality, but he also didn’t want to grow old without his twin, so ultimately this only strengthened their relationship.
Russell did not think entirely of the consequences that he left on his wife when she refused to want to be changed because it just wasn’t natural. She left him before he could leave her, which left Russell in a more uncaring mood than ever before, and this theme of apathetic nature has transgressed throughout his life. It was becoming obvious that he nor his twin were aging after a while, and they had to leave before others became too suspicious. The last thing they needed was for their unnatural tendencies to get out and spread, so, instead, they went off their separate ways, vowing to come back every 10 years so they could at least catch up with each other.
Russell had managed to find nothing to fulfill his life, and instead found himself gaining knowledge that he didn’t necessarily care about. He is the aimless for a reason, which translates into just going through the motions of living. He has energy to do things, but he hasn’t found the right passion.
He is a huge history buff, after being able to actually witness key events that have helped shaped the modern world, and he finds it the most fascinating out of anything else, just because he knows people spend their wholes lives dedicated to learning about the past, when he experienced it.
He was also a part of the allies efforts during WWII, where he fought hard to remain free and help those that couldn’t help themselves. He managed to witness a lot of dark things during that time, but with his vampiric strengths, he was certainly no match for the other side, which helped.
During this relief effort however, his relationship with Ben deteriorated because Russell wanted to stay and finish fighting the war, and Ben did not. And, after seeing each other near the frontlines, Ben left to fulfill the promise of meeting back in France for their ten year reunion, while Russell stayed and continued fighting. This was something that Ben held resentment of, and since then they hadn’t seen or spoken to each other until Hawthorne more recently.
In the past several years, Russell has been expanding on his knowledge, as he’s pursued far too many degrees at this point. He doesn’t actually care about the degrees, but as he continues to find something he’s passionate about, he’s still been aimlessly wandering. And, at one of the colleges he attended, he met Emma Turner, whom he was actually interested in, feeling something he doesn’t think he has ever felt, falling hard for her.
While she was human, he became rather close friends with her, trying to get even closer to her, but at the time, she was seeing somebody. After seeing the guy she was dating cheat on her, he tried to tell her the truth, but that only ended in a fight, and that’s when Russell nearly swore off romantic relationships altogether. Until he ran into her again in Hawthorne, and finding out she was a vampire herself now.
Now in town, he’s tried pursuing a close relationship with Emma yet again, hoping things work out better, but he’s also working on himself, know that he’s been feeling a bit off lately, due to a more aggressive side to him that he’s been repressing for quite some time.
Fun Extras:
He prefers his blood as fresh as possible, and that’s mostly from the veins itself.
He considers himself the “good” twin, despite knowing that he and Ben are much more alike than he would ever like to admit.
Russell is a huge connoisseur of old things, like black and white movies, vintage era memorabilia, and anything that pre-dates modern technology. Though he does try to keep up-to-date on a lot of modern stuff, he’s still probably trying to figure out social media and other internet types.
Russell is an avid neat-freak, a trait he inherited from his own father, and he will not stand for disorganization.
More About Russell
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Wanted Connections:
Old-Friends: Russell is old, and he knows that. He’s probably made plenty of friends in his day.
Former Girlfriends: He’s definitely never felt the same type of love with different girls, as different times in his life he radiated a variety of feeling.
Best-Friend: Someone he’s probably tried to replace Ben with, as he went 70-ish years without talking to him, and had to find a brotherhood in someone else.
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grantwxsley-blog · 6 years
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look! it’s KEANU REEVES! no, it’s just GRANT WESLEY, the FORTY-EIGHT year-old HUNTER. he is an INSURANCE SALESMAN outside of hawthorne. he is METICULOUS and METHODICAL, but also FORLORN and INTOLERANT. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: ASHLEE | 23 | CST | SHE/HER]
Grant is a hunter who came from the depths of a supernatural attack, when an unknown creature attacked his home during the evening hours while he was out. This spurred on his entire persona, where he’s found himself caught in the middle of a raging supernatural/hunter feud, seeking vengeance for his wife and daughter.
He grew up around New Jersey, moving around the state lot as a child, and not really finding a stable home, something that he promised himself he would provide for his own family one day.
Jumping from school to school led Grant to keep his head down, not getting too attached to people, and just keeping up with assignments and learning. Graduating high school was a huge feat for him as his parents didn’t expect him to make it that far. He couldn’t explain what his parents did nor why they moved around so much, but he could now only assume it was something to do with drugs, which he got away from by joining the military after high school.
He gained a camaraderie with his fellow soldiers, as he served by their side during relief efforts during the 90′s, and he gained a respect for everyone around him. Leaving his old family behind for this brand new one served him well, as he managed to gain an insight on fighting and combat during his time there.
This would later prove to be a deadly combo, as his relentless nature leaves him to only seek out justice. And after serving his country, he managed to find solace in Philadelphia, where he began to settle down, find love, and even start a family. He became an Insurance Salesman because he had always been rather good at persuasion, and found himself being able to do the type of work they asked of him.
He had been with his wife for 12 years while their daughter was 9 years old when the house was under attack. Police investigated and only found the attack to be wild or rabid animals, but after Grant did his own digging, he found much more than he ever intended, and set out on a journey to find more about the supernatural creatures that killed his wife and daughter.
He’s been on and off the road for the past 3 years, finding a quaint little town next to Hawthorne, where he’s reestablished his life, hoping to get a peek of the supernatural and learn even more about them, while also seeking vengeance. And he’s not afraid to get his hands a little dirty, especially after learning about other hunters and being able to stock up on his own supplies.
Fun Extras:
Grant is a born and bred killer, and while he might not talk about this life much to others, he knows that he’s good at what he does.
He keeps a picture of his wife and daughter on him because everything he does, he does in honor of them. And he won’t stop at anything until he can finally be at peace that nothing will ever happen to anybody else like that again.
He found out about Hawthorne through an underground hunter group and keeps his tabs on the town, hoping to lead a mob of hunters into town one day to wipe it out completely. For now, he blends in by visiting, and always keeping himself stocked with vervain and wolfsbane. His hunting community doesn’t know much about other supernatural creatures or how to defend themselves against different threats.
More About Grant
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Some Wanted Connections:
Hunting Buddies: There’s a group that is slowly surrounding Hawthorne that Grant is close to.
Drinking Partners: Whether in town, or out of town, Grant tries to find out local information at bars, and it’s even better if he’s conversing with a supernatural creature.
The Family Killer: The person, or group of people that murdered his family, can be any supernatural creature(s).
Anything else you can think of!!
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years
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look! it’s CANDICE KING! no, it’s just BELLE SUMMERS, the TWENTY-SEVEN year-old WITCH. she works as a DENTIST for HAWTHORNE DENTISTRY and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. she is FORGIVING and ACCOMMODATING, but also INDULGENT and EASILY DISTRACTED. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: ASHLEE | 23 | CST | SHE/HER]
Belle is a sweet soul, one that relies very heavily on her optimism and generosity.
She grew up in Hawthorne, her family having a rather prominent magical presence in the community, seeing that they all had their special talents in one of the many areas, and using their abilities to help others. She has one older brother and both of her parents.
As the youngest daughter, Belle always dreamed about becoming a doctor, one who could utilize her talents in magic, and more specifically by using healing magic. She dreamt of creating a brand new world where the combination of modern medicine could be used alongside healing magic, and thus she found herself growing more curious about the roots of healing magic.
She found herself digging so deeply into the history that she stumbled upon darker magic linked to the healing magic, associated with life and death itself. And while Belle never seriously considered using the dark magic to perform ‘miracles’, when she was 18, one of her best friends had convinced her to help him get rid of his own dad because of the torture he had put their family through. This led to Belle finally grasping onto the darker magic she had learned about.
It took nearly everything within Belle to help kill her best friend’s dad, and there was a cost to it all. She had passed out, and actually fell into a short coma before waking up and feeling different, like a part of her was gone.
She still blames her best friend for the loss she received that day, and since then, she hasn’t been able to use her magic due to the dark magic taking over. And while she doesn’t know that this dark magic is what’s actually keeping her alive, due to it consuming her fully after using it to kill her best friend’s dad, she stills feels something bad as it continues to expand it’s forces.
After everything, Belle decided she wanted to get away from the supernatural, away from the constant reminder of her family that she can’t do magic, and away from her ex-best friend. So, she spent her early 20′s at an out of state school, before pursuing her doctorate in dental surgery, hoping to help people in a different way.
Moving back to Hawthorne wasn’t all by free will, though, she did want to be close to family again, but after an accident that her mother was in, she wanted to live in proximity so she could be there for her parents. She’s been back for about 2 years now, and has her own dental practice in town.
Belle is free-spirited and kind, one that always tries to find the good in things, which may make her seem a little bit more naive than she’d like to admit. And while she’s smart, she also has her moments, often being very gullible and very distracted by different things.
Currently, she’s looking for a way to get her magic back, as she has been for the past 10-ish years, and isn’t going to stop until she’s gained it back. She’s also just looking to enjoy her life again, rather than letting herself wither away alone forever.
Fun Extras:
Belle is obsessed with chocolate, and always carries around chocolate in her purse, mostly M&M’s because they don’t melt.
She knows a lot of strange facts, mostly ones concerning dental hygiene, but also random ones as well.
She is such an extroverted people-pleaser, and always wants to makes sure that everyone is okay and their needs are met.
More About Belle
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Some Wanted Connections:
Old Friends/Exes/Childhood Connections: People that grew up in Hawthorne.
Current Friends: Anybody that may hang out with Belle.
Yoga Pals: Belle is an instructor on certain evenings and weekends.
Anything else you can think of!
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garrettendured · 6 years
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Look! it’s TOM, HOLLAND! no, it’s just GARRETT SUTHERLAND, the TWENTY   year-old HUNTER. he works as a BOOKSELLER  for THE RAVEN’S CALL BOOKSTORE and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is BENEVOLENT and SHREWD, but also CYNICAL and BASHFUL . they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: MARANDA | 22 | EST | SHE/HER/HERS]
(Trigger Warning!!! Mentions of Violence, PTSD, Trauma, & other unsafe themes.)
Garrett has very unclear memories of his mother before she died given he was so young
He grew up in the hunter lifestyle and idolized his father & other hunters
While they grew up poor Garrett never saw himself as having less or for it or lost anything by living on the road or having a “home school” education. He loved being on the open road and travelling.
Even with the unconventional education he is a very smart kid, but is still unsure of what to pursue in college. He just knows he doesn’t want to stay a hunter forever. 
As he grew older he started to see what the hunters do may not be good after all after seeing them kill several monsters who begged for their lives. 
Last year his father's best friend took Garrett out on a hunting trip. He set Garrett up to be bait, without Garrett’s knowledge. Garrett was mauled by the werewolf. The hunter was unable to kill the wolf, even leaving Garrett behind to pursue it. 
Garrett had extensive surgery and while the werewolf gene healed him and lead to a quick recovery, he was in a coma for a week. 
Garrett knows what happened, but plays it off as if he has amnesia 
He had started seeing a therapist to get help with the PTSD and other trauma that has come from the event. 
He doesn’t like to be touched, in any way, shape, or form. He still flinches, getting tense with most hugs he gets and will shut down or become very awkward. Usually both. 
Garrett still helps with hunts, but from behind his computer or a books looking up lore and such. He’s the guy in the chair, but still combat trains with his sister to keep from getting slow or losing it. 
He is closest with his sister Sylvie. She is his best friend, she raised him. He tells her everything. And the only one he’s comfortable with having physical contact with. 
While Garrett is not looking for a relationship or someone to be physical with he is heterosexual and likes to think he’s smooth with the ladies.  He is very much not. 
He works at the Raven’s Call and spends too much time reading and dreaming of a life he could have had, escapism at its finest. 
During full moons Garrett goes on a camping trip, getting as far from town as he can so no one can be hurt by him. 
He doesn’t really do video games, but he LOVES movies especially those of the 80’s & 90’s. 
He loves to fix things from cars to bikes to anything. He likes to be handy. 
He also loves listening to tapes and records over his iPod but that doesn’t stop him.
Wanted Connections:
His Father: The man, the myth, & the asshole. He has a very tense relationship with him, but like a puppy he keeps going back to him just wanting to please him.
Childhood Friend: Someone he grew up with, fellow hunter kid, someone who could have been his best friend or a bully he kept with just because he had no one else other than Sylvie for a friend 
His Father’s Best Friend: For drama & angst, having the man who did this to Garrett in town would hurt him 
The Kid of the Father’s Best Friend: someone who could have stopped this,but lives with guilt and blames themselves because of them backing out he took Garrett instead. 
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atonedalister-blog · 6 years
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look! it’s THOMAS, BRODIE-SANGSTER! no, it’s just ALISTER BELROSE, the TWENTY THREE (THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE) year-old VAMPIRE. he works as a BOOKSTORE OWNER   for THE RAVEN’S CALL BOOKSTORE and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is INDOMITABLE  and AMIABLE, but also  TEMPERAMENTAL and RESERVED . they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: MARANDA | 22 | EST | SHE/HER/HERS] 
Second Oldest of the Belrose children 
Was out with friends, only to come home to find the house ablaze. He ran inside to attempt to save his family, but couldn't.
Escapes with his life, but his leg was badly cut by fallen debris. It left him with lasting nerve damage and a limp. 
Blames himself for the deaths of his family and thought they all were dead. 
He moved away with his inheritance and tried to start over by getting a job in a print shop. 
Three years later, he got mugged and was left for dead. He was found by an original vampire & her husband. They turned him to save him and raised him through his early years as a vampire. He still sees them every Christmas and writes them the rest of the year. 
He left with one of their other “children” and followed then to London and travelled with their coven for years. 
Alister has fought in all major  I before 1960. 
Alister moved frequently not to have people figure out who he truly is or what he is. He lived mostly in Europe after the Civil War. 
He returned to the US in the 70’s 
He was captured by hunters and extensively tortured, experimented on for a few years until they didn't properly tie down a Werewolf during a full moon. 
Alister struggled to get back to a normal life, but upon finding his sister Helena he was able to begin to heal and recover. 
He has stuck with her until the early 2000’s but recently found each other again in Hawthorne
Alister moved to Hawthorne in hopes of settling down & building a life. 
He opened the Raven’s Call Bookstore his first few months of living there. 
He has several Doctorate degrees in Literature, History, Anthropology,&  Archeology. Has a degree to be a medical doctor. 
He plays the guitar and piano. He can sing but never does. He isn't artist, but he enjoys wood working. 
He's an avid reader and has a good voice for writing, but will never write a novel asaid from the journal he's kept since he was turned. It's volumes long now. 
He has an extensive weapon collection hidden in his home and often will train with them when he’s bored. 
He keeps photo albums of past loves. He writes a passage about them and keeps it with their pictures along with their obituaries if they've passed. If the love has made news articles he will keep those too. 
He was apart of many affairs, all he knew nothing about. Because of this he has never married. Fearing the lover already was. 
If they weren't, he rather not tie them to an undying love that will age without him. But is open to getting married.
Alister considers himself Demisexual given he rarely feels the ache to have a romantic or sexual relationship unless he's developed a bond with them. 
He has only felt sexual attraction towards and held relationships with females. But has had romantic moments with males, but most of which never got further than a stolen kiss. He has never had sexual attraction towards men most of his relationships with men are brother like, father/son like, or enemies.
Alister sees feeding on humans as an extremely intimate act and it often leads or happens during sex for him.
Due to this he has three children who he keeps close contact with. They live with his Vampire Parents outside of London. No one except Russell Montgomery knows of them. 
He eventually learned to turn off his humanity to feed on humans when he had no choice not wanting any more wards or lovers. When he doesn't feed on animals he would pay off doctors to give him blood bags when blood banks were invented. He continues this practice today. He stores them in wine bottles. 
He opens his home to new vampires needing help adjusting. But does rent out rooms to anyone except hunters. 
Wanted Connections: N/A (But I would be amused of someone wanted to take up his biological father who was turned around the time as his children by a serial vampire.)
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milesxwheaton · 6 years
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look! it’s AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON! no, it’s just MILES WHEATON, the TWENTY-SEVEN year-old WEREWOLF. he works as a FIREFIGHTER for HAWTHORNE FIRE DEPARTMENT and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is AUTHENTIC and COMPASSIONATE, but also PESSIMISTIC and HOT HEADED. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding.
(tw: death, tw: drug use)
- Miles was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, growing up in the same town his parents had. He is an only child, never going out of his way to prove himself by any means.. He was smart, though, but not very athletic. There was never a need to fit into a crowd, feeling as if he didn’t really have a home with any one social group. Instead, he went where any non-conforming teenager would go, to the freaks section where he couldn’t be judged in his group of friends. Miles eventually got bored with school, leading him to taking up drugs as a pastime. But, it was only so long before the high started to dwindle, making him try harder and harder stuff until he found his drug of choice: heroin. Very few of his friends did it, but they became some of his closest just from the bonding of getting high in the woods together.
- One night, during the summer after graduation, while he they were getting high, a wolf came out of nowhere biting him before he could function enough to get away. The transformation had been brutal, the pain worse than any injury he ever had. Try as he might, he couldn’t get high anymore, no matter how strong of a dose he tried to give himself. It was never the same, and if he did succeed it only lasted for a few minutes. The first full moon was a complete shock to him, waking up covered in blood. He didn’t know what had happened, immediately wanting to forget anything ever happened. But, when it turned out to be a friend who had died close to the area they always hung out, it was too much a coincidence for Miles to not realize it had been his fault. He didn’t trust himself after that, trying to find ways to contain himself during full moons. It ended either him finding a place in the middle of nowhere, or locking himself in a room where he hoped he couldn’t break through. His temper became a problem, needing to keep it in check to not turn at random moments of the day.
- To help, Miles decided he needed to keep himself busy. College was out of the question for him, worried that he’d miss too many days because of his werewolfism. His mother was the one to suggest he become a firefighter after talking to a friend whose son was one. Mostly it was to get him out of the house. Miles thought he would hate it, but the structure and being able to help people made him love it. He was no putting to good use the newfound strength and senses that he got from being a wolf. It let him help people and not feel like a monster all of the time.
- He’s stuck to being a lonewolf because this wasn’t something he opened up about to others. His mother is the only one that knows, helping to keep the new mood swings and once a month disappearances from being too obvious. Research only got him so far, most of it seeming to be myth than actual facts. Everything he experienced was new for him, which only lead him to learning on his own rather than from another wolf. The concept of a pack is unknown to him, or how he’d even be able to fit into one since he never felt like he fit in at school. He came across Hawthorne on accident from website deep within a random search one day. As much as he didn’t want to leave the one person who supported him through all of this, he couldn’t turn down the opportunity to learn more from others like him. It’s been two years since he came to town. Miles has learned more than he ever thought he would, about werewolves and other supernaturals he didn’t know existed.
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emmaxturner · 6 years
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look! it’s BRITT ROBERTSON! no, it’s just EMMA TURNER, the TWENTY-FIVE (6 MONTH)  year-old VAMPIRE. she works as a NURSE for HAWTHORNE MEDICAL and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. she is FAIR MINDED and AFFABLE, but also AMBIVALENT and IDEALISTIC. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. 
(tw: torture, tw: kidnapping)
- Originally, her family is from Oregon, where she grew up before going to college at Ohio State for nursing. She has a younger brother who she is really close with, although now there’s some distance after she went missing. It’s hard for her to open up completely about what happened, and to make the confession that she’s now a vampire. The last thing she wants his her family to reject her for making a decision she felt like she had too.
- College had been the greatest time in her life. She was away from her family and could be her own person without any influence from them. They had always been supportive of her, but the town they lived in was small and there were so many ways she could explore finding who she was. A month in she met Kyle and fell completely head over heels for him. They became inseparable, Emma living in a bubble to what was really going on. He had been cheating on her since the beginning, but she wasn’t going to believe anything anyone had to say. It wasn’t until she caught him and saw it with her own eyes after graduation did she finally let him go.
- Russell had become a big part of her life in the last few years of her college career. Emma had grown close to him rather quickly, having feelings she pushed to the side because she was already in a relationship. She was committed, and no matter what Kyle had been doing the whole time, she couldn’t do the same. Instead, she opted for a best friend, one that shared some of her quirky interests without judgement. One night towards the end of her senior year, Emma had gotten into a fight with Kyle and ended up getting drunk with Russ. She’d almost given into the feelings she’d been having, stopping herself almost too late. She didn’t want to admit she had done something wrong, but after Russ admitted he was a vampire and told her about Kyle just as everyone else had, Emma pushed him away instead of coming to terms with what she already knew. She hadn’t seen him for years until about a week after moving to Hawthorne. The feelings were all still there, but after the kidnapping, it’s been hard to let herself fall like she once had.
- After graduation, she stayed near her college to work at the local hospital. While there, she started a relationship with someone who turned out to be the exact opposite of who she thought he was. A little over six months ago, him and two other people kidnapped her. It was something they had been doing for over a year, and she was the final target. It became a spectacle for them, torturing her while streaming it on a website. Their pride on making it this far became their downfall. The authorities found her before they could follow through with the rest of their plan of killing her. By the time of the rescue, she was in pretty bad shape and on the verge of dying. Alister was one of the paramedics called in, who saved her life and brought her to Hawthorne as a newly turned vampire. She’s been living with him and learning how to control all of the new found urges and abilities that she has. Animal blood has been something she can’t get quite used too. She’s trying her best for Alister, but has started seeking her own ways of getting blood.
- Emma had stopped working completely for about three months. Not because she wanted too, but to gain control of the bloodlust she now has. She didn’t want to risk hurting people when she had originally set her mind on helping them for the rest of her life. The hospital is rather small, so it’s hard for her to completely get away from all the blood. She will only work when she’s full and has some control over the bloodlust. One of the main reasons she keeps it in check for so long, is because she wants to be better. After the incident, Emma feels as if she’s not good enough to be happy like she was before. Doing what she loves helps her reconnect with a part of her old life that she was in love with.  
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knottstefan-blog · 6 years
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“ An apocalypse wrapped in wolf fur ”
look! it’s MICHAEL TREVINO! no, it’s just STEFAN KNOTT, the TWENTY EIGHT year-old WEREWOLF. he works as a PARAMEDIC for HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is LEVEL-HEADED and PROTECTIVE, but also VICIOUS and DESTRUCTIVE. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. 
Secret: He trained with hunters for a long time and takes down witches and warlocks without reason or remorse. 
Birthday: December 2nd 1989 
[ death tw, torture tw, child abuse tw ]
Birth name: Stefano Hernandez. When he was seven, Stefan was kidnapped by a witch & warlock couple who then ‘adopted’ him as a son. He came from a long line of werewolves who’s roots went back centuries. He has mild recollection of his life before he moved here but does not know enough to go looking for his family.
When he was brought to Hawthorne, his adoptive parents had other children in the home too, of different species, and to him they all looked weak and starved. They used the children in whatever way possible, hoping to extract their powers and by the end of the year only he and his (adoptive) younger sisters Ava and Sofia survived. They became very close and protective of each other, even though there was little they could do to make things better. 
At school, he was a clever student and a favourite of all his teachers and he made many friends, closest of whom was Belle, with whom he shared every little detail of his life. Apart from his sisters, she was the person whom he trusted most.
Stefan was often put through gruesome treatment by his parents, but the worst happened when he was sixteen and they forced him to pick a sister and kill her to trigger his werewolf curse. He was tortured when he refused and by the end, they had threatened that if he did not do it, both the girls’ lives would end, leaving him with no choice but to do as they wanted. Stefan unwillingly killed Ava, the older of the two, with her consent – the young girl was more than willing to sacrifice her life for her sister. He knew the exact moment when the light left her eyes and it still haunted him to this day.
After this, Stefan was left alone by the parents most of the time, except during full moons when he had to go through excruciating pain during transformations. They only made it worse by adding magic to it with the intention of extracting and bottling his powers.
He distracted himself by sleeping around, and without the knowledge of his parents, he trained with hunters to hunt and kill.
His main goal during this time was to keep Sofia as safe as possible.
He was studying to be an EMT and would later work his way up to being a paramedic. 
When he was twenty and he overheard his parents talking about killing Sofia for a blood sacrifice, Stefan knew he had to do something to stop them. He knew it was not going to be easy – they were both very powerful and therefore he asked Belle for help.
The two plotted together to kill them both and managed to killed his father, except that things didn’t go quite as they planned. Belle fell unconscious after she performed her magic and he had to immediately take her to safety. She had overexerted her powers, resulting in losing most of her magic. She blamed him for what had happened and while Stefan willingly took the blame, he couldn’t deal with the hatred she seemed to feel for him. She soon left Stefan and the town, making him feel more alone than he ever did in his life, for the only person with whom he shared his deepest secrets was gone without so much as a goodbye.
When his mother realized that Stefan would come for her next, she had quickly come up with a plan to save herself, linking her life with Sofia’s, making it so that if she was killed, his sister would die too. 
Stefan threatened her that he would kill her even if it kills his sister, just so the woman would let them go away. They moved away to the farthest part of town and Sofia applied for college and went away to study. 
When he was twenty two, he was already a fully trained hunter. 
Hunting witches had soon become a norm for Stefan. He usually didn’t use force, he was charismatic enough that he easily got people to sleep with him or trust him and then killed them when they had opened up enough and have their guard down with him. 
Kidnapping and torturing powerful witches to gain information on breaking Sofia’s curse as well as knowing more about Belle’s loss of magic was something he had come to do quite often and he rather enjoyed the pain he could put people in. 
He is working as a paramedic. He sees people as pawns he could use. He can be very charming and manipulative. His cruelty knows no bounds. As for those he cared for – and there were quite a few, Stefan was not scanty with his affections, it was quite the opposite – Stefan would do anything and everything for them, no matter the price.
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coffeycomics · 6 years
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look! it’s ARIELA BARER! no, it’s just ERIN COFFEY the TWENTY-THREE year-old HUMAN . she/they is the OWNER at COFFEY COMICS and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. She/they is FRIENDLY and PASSIONATE, but also PREJUDICED and SLOW TO TRUST. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding.
Erin Coffey is twenty three and considers herself mostly female. She grew up with nice parents and had a pretty decent, if a little bit lonely, childhood. 
-> From a young age Erin excelled in school, her teachers’ only complaint was that she always doodled on her homework, tests and coursework. 
-> As she grew she learned to keep her doodling to a separate notebook, and the teachers stopped complaining about it. 
-> In her early years Erin didn’t have trouble making friends. She was far from the most popular, but she always had someone to hang out with, and she was usually included. 
->The year before she started high school things changed for Erin. A new girl started in their class, and instantly gained social power. No one had minded Erin being a bit weird before, but before she knew it she was sitting alone during lunch. 
-> Through high school she struggled to make friends. She hung out with a group from the year above her, but never really considered them friends, they seemed more like people who tolerated her. 
-> After high school she took a year to work, so she could make some money to help put herself through college. Her family didn’t have a lot, and while she was offered scholarships she knew she had to pull some of the weight herself. 
->Just a single minimum wage job wasn’t gonna cut it though, so on the side she took a less legal profession. Luke, one of her high school acquaintances, hooked her up and soon she was dealing drugs. This started last semester of senior year and went on till she left her hometown for college a year after she graduated. 
-> College was nice, but she still mostly kept to herself. She started working on her comic, based on a story her uncle’s now dead wife had told her. Her second year she took up the drug business again briefly, to fund the publication of her comic book, under the pseudonym N. D. Plume. 
-> During her third year at college the aforementioned aunt’s parents died, and with their daughter having no children of their own their small shop in Hawthorne went to Erin, if she wanted it, along with a small sum of money.
-> She dropped out and moved to this small town she’d never been to before, to fulfill her dream of owning a comic book store. 
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look! it’s MARGOT ROBBIE! no, it’s just EVELYN VAN AMSTEL, the TWENTY-FOUR year-old MERMAID. she is a FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER & HERBALIST and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. she is CHARISMATIC and CLEVER, but also ENVIOUS and SELF-SERVING. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: DANNAH | 25 | PST | SHE/HER] 
(Okay, also read more is freaking out on my theme idk why, so if you’re on her actual blog there’s more, just open it up to read in a new window until I get the html fixed ughhh)
Evelyn’s a mermaid who has never even been in the ocean and more than anything she wants to go back to where her parents came from and live underwater. She has never felt like she belonged on land and has never even met another one of her kind besides her parents. She has limited knowledge on her species and limited knowledge regarding the supernatural, but she is definitely determined and definitely motivated to get what she wants. Evelyn wants to live with her kind and she wants to be accepted by her kind. As far as she is concerned, nothing is going to stop her from reaching her goal.
Evelyn’s parents left the ocean before she was born to escape persecution for the crimes of her father. The entirety of her life she has been aware that she was a mermaid, after all, it wasn’t exactly something that could be hidden, but Evelyn has never truly been able to take part in her nature or merfolk society. Her parents took up residence in southwestern Tennessee, far away from the ocean, and there was always an hour long drive every week to go hydrate in fresh water in the dead of night. Her life as a mermaid is far from what it should be, but Evelyn also doesn’t exactly know what normal entails. Her parents have purposely kept her sheltered from her kind and her nature to try and kill off her overwhelming desire to find the place that she is from. It never worked.
Although Evelyn has never met any merfolk outside of her family, she did grow up with the acquaintance of a few witches. Her parents originally connected with them in a way to protect themselves, but Evelyn also learned from them over the years. She wouldn’t consider herself a professional herbalist by any means, but she has learned a number of things over the years through observation and occasional teaching. Evelyn has also taken small amounts of ambergis for years after one of the witches mentioned that same vampires do the same with vervain to build up an immunity. Does it work the same way? Frankly Evelyn has no idea, but since she has never been allowed to truly use or explore her powers, she figures that it couldn’t hurt. 
Unsurprisingly, it hasn’t exactly been easy for Evelyn to find people like herself, and although she started college at the request of her parents to try and get her fully integrated into human society, she never finished. Instead, Evelyn dropped out to start tracking and trailing every lead on merfolk that she could find. There were many supernaturals that doubted their existence, especially where she was from since they were so far from the ocean, and it wasn’t like she could put up a billboard in every city that bordered the ocean looking for her kind, and it has been a journey to even get to a place where there are rumors of people like her. Evelyn isn’t a person to get nervous, but there actually is some anxiety in her chest about finally meeting people like herself--she just isn’t sure what to expect.
Her travels and determination have also gotten her into hot water over the years. There are people that she has used and pissed off in her trail as well as people that she never should have crossed paths with to begin with. Where she’s from, mermaids are a rare thing, and in her earlier days of searching she made a few mistakes along the way in revealing herself to people and supernaturals that she shouldn’t have. Even though she has gotten far away from them as far as she knows, there is always the paranoia in her mind that keeps her looking over her shoulder no matter how much time has passed.
Evelyn is new in town (like literally is moving boxes into her apartment the day before Halloween) and really has no idea what to expect. Hawthorne is a place that she is in solely because of the supernatural rumors that she has heard flying around, but she has no official leads to go off of. She’s never one for winging it, but it certainly seems like this time that that is exactly what she will have to do. She knows the merfolk society that she is from, but that’s about the extent of her knowledge. She doesn’t even know how to get there. Evelyn also knows that they aren’t exactly ones to welcome back in people that have abandoned, so she knows that although the first step is figuring out where to go, the second step is to figure out how to gain their acceptance.
Evelyn has learned about herbs her entire life from her friends of her parents that were witches. She’s no expert, but she knows her way around the basics, and she knows enough to keep herself safe. The last couple years have been a learning experience, but by this point Evelyn has gotten pretty good at surviving on her own even with the occasional danger, and it’s not the first time she’s had to use a little vervain or wolfsbane to survive another day.
Evelyn hasn’t talked to her parents in nearly a year after cutting off communication. She just couldn’t take the constant begging her to come back “home” when where they call home is no kind of home of hers at all. She misses them, she’s not too big to admit that she has left a couple voicemails from public phones to let them know that she’s still alive, but Evelyn knows that they want to stop her and she just can’t have that.
Evelyn has never touched salt water and though she’s finally in Hawthorne and ready to go through with that, it’s actually a super big and scary milestone. Even in the past when she’s been by the ocean when tracking down dead ends and false leads, she always made her way to a fresh water store because, even though she’d never admit it to anyone else on the planet, she’s kind of, really, very much terrified. Of what? She doesn’t know, but it’s a big milestone that she’s built up to be something that it’s definitely not.
Familial Connections: Evelyn knows next to nothing about where she is from or what her parents left behind when they fled. Her parents have told her that she has distant family, as most people would, but she knows nothing regarding names or anything else. Evelyn has been kind of pushed in the direction to believe that all relations are distant and that there is nothing notable, but there is a part of her that just doesn’t quite believe it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has an older sibling that was left behind when her parents fled or if she perhaps has a cousin or aunt/uncle that remained in the ocean after her parents ran swam away.
Supernaturals/Hunters from the Past: Though Evelyn is pretty slick now, she wasn’t as sly back when she first starting searching for leads and her people. Her parents told her basically nothing about her personal history or the history of her people, so in the past she was a bit too outspoken about what she was when she assumed that the supernatural all held a bond of trust. For some in the inland United States, the thought of a mermaid truly existing was a lot to wrap their heads around, and rumors and myths regarding abilities but her in more danger than she had anticipated. I could go for probably anything here, but some options off of the top of my head would be maybe vampires who thought her blood could do something special, witches believing the same for magic, or just hunters that wanted to claim they killed a mermaid.
People she’s Pissed Off from the Past: Evelyn is driven when it comes to what she wants and she has definitely used people for convenience and information in the past. I definitely see there being some people that she has probably hurt (emotionally or physically could probably work I’m sure), or people that she has lied to/taken advantage of that definitely wouldn’t be happy to see her conniving face again.
A Surefire Way into the Underwater World: Evelyn doesn’t know much about where she’s from, but her parents have certainly put into her head the idea that she would never be accepted by her kind even if she tried to go back. Thus, Evelyn knows that she needs a way to be able to gain their trust. Right now she is pretty clueless as to how she would be able to achieve this, but I could see her going as far as to plan to turn someone in that might have left or escaped for a bad reason that might be wanted back. She’d get the idea from her dad, but even she couldn’t bring herself that far to betray one of her only two family members (she’s not quite that desperate yet), but she’d definitely be keeping her ears open to try and find someone or something that might fit the bill as a bargaining token.
Merfolk “Friends” to Get to Know: Evelyn needs information and she needs to learn. Any person that she learns is a mermaid is one that she will want to get to know better to see what she can get out of them. At this point in time she wouldn’t understand any of them, if anything she’d be irritated, jealous, etc. because she wouldn’t be able to comprehend why they would leave the ocean for this, but in time I’m sure that it’d be good for her because she’d be able to see that the ocean isn’t the utopia she has built it up to be in her mind. She needs exposure to people like her since she has never gotten that before, and perhaps in time they would be able to steer her away from throwing away her entire life to return to the sea and an entire people that she’s never met
Friends, Loves, Enemies, Etc., Etc.: Just like everyone else, Evelyn is new in town and she’ll need connections with more than just those listed above. Right now getting to the ocean and living there is her main prerogative, but I definitely need more than that to completely flesh her out and figure out who she is and where she is going in terms of plots and development. Anything that you might have, please send it my way. I’m excited for basically anything and I love plotting, so please let’s figure out something angsty and/or awesome!!
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dxllxsfxllstxn-blog · 6 years
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look! it’s DACRE MONTGOMERY! no, it’s just DALLAS FALLSTON, the TWENTY-SEVEN (1061) year-old ORIGINAL VAMPIRE. he is the OWNER OF HAWTHORNE OCCULT AND ANTIQUES and makes hawthorne a better place to live in. he is CHARMING and SMART, but also AGGRESSIVE and STUBBORN. they’ve got a secret too, but only time will tell what they’re hiding. [OOC: CAIN | 22 | EST | THEY]
Dallas Fallston, An ancient being. He grew as Frey Aaricson. In the woods, with a mother, father, and five siblings.
He idolized his older brother silas. He was his favorite sibling. the others were all weak. El wanting magic like their mother, adelaide jsut wanting her life to herself. 
But his father and brother were strong. Taught him everything he knew. Though that didnt escape their wrath.
Dallas ran when they were turned. Forgetting the two children he had with a women whom he doesnt remember.
A daughter and a son is what he left behind. He kept an eye on the boy from time to time and was proud when his son got turned. By someone of his bloodline.
He was the one who gave his younger brother the information to find their eldest brother. Not knowing that Silas would end up dead. But now Silas had a home and a place to torture people.
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