rr-sheep · 2 years
Dave.exe (memory.exe) my art ,I'm curious to see what your theory is going to be on this.
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bleedingdesert · 2 years
Feferi comes to you and holds you gently. You look at her with confusion, and she smiles back at you.
She's an ill omen, but she is comforting nonetheless.
You ask her what you look like. She tells you. Considering her form you are not surprised. You are Eridan. Of course you are.
That's not quite right. Someone else is in you. Someone else is you. Desire is wrapped around your soul. Just like when it used your body to control your town of Desert Bluffs.
Feferi smiles at you.
You remember a memory you uncovered months ago. Doors glitching onto the meteor that shouldn't be there. You enter. It's your planet. No, not your home planet. Your planet. Old gothic buildings that are falling apart. Angels swarming and taunting you. Taunting you. Taunting you.
One of these angels holds onto your heart and you beg for it to let you go.
Your point of view changes.
You (Caliborn) are fucking with the gaming system. You have been given the opportunity to play god with these fucked up creatures and why not? You're bored as shit anyway. You cram sugar into the gaming cartridge and cackle.
Your point of view changes.
Feferi holds you, smiling. She's proud of you. You hurt.
What you have remembered is you "going grimdark." Not quite noncanon but divergent enough that it's alluded you for this long. But it makes sense. Angels. Possession. Destroyer of hope. God can you please stop being the destroyer of hope.
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holograph-tutorial · 4 years
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“..i, uh... ..mmh.. yeah, i.. i think i’m okay now...”
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Hiya I wanted to come say hi and see what you've been working on. Have you been well?
Hi! That's so sweet of you to ask, I have been well enough, not perfect but you know, not terrible. I've still been jumping between WIPs/stories like a show dog jumping through hoops and not really settling on any, but there's a few I've tried to narrow it down to to contemplate working on for Camp Nanowrimo. (Yes I know it’s already started but hey)
One is about a man with severe memory lapses who moves to his friend’s family cottage in his childhood hometown to get away from the stress of the city and clear his head, but soon discovers a bizarre and shadowy force creeping in from the edge of the woods.
It was brought about by 1. Me seeing a cool drawing of eyes carved into trees and 2. My own terrible memory and thus the desire to explore the links between identity and memory and etc. I may go further into detail on that if I ever formally introduce it, because there’s this really interesting concept I want to get into, but I don’t want to be going into spoiler territory on a WIP that isn’t even written yet 😅
The other thing I’m thinking about working on is barely even a half formed concept but brain decided to become fixated on a lil fictional animated man who I don’t even *like* but became intensely interested in and now want to make a deeper, stronger version of to yoink and place in another story... which at this rate will most likely be something with an alien virus terrorizing a small town—because it’s not a party till I’ve terrorized a small town in some way—and the team of very neurodivergent scientists tasked to figure out how to contain it.
In reality though, the one thing I’ve been doing the past couple days besides going to work is: drawing Moon Knight (again), my beloved 💞
Would love to hear how you’ve been and what you’ve been working on!
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iamthekimi · 6 years
Pros and Cons of Depression:
Pro: Any secret you tell me will be taken to the grave
Con: Your sercret will be taken to grave because I won't fucking remember in 5 minutes
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GTA V Scenario!
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Character(s): Agent 14 & Online Character!
Requested by: @fortzancudos​
Requests: Open
Scenario: Fluffiness time!
Additional notes: Thank you!
“No, no. We are not going to do this right now.” The voice of Agent 14′s partner carried over to him. Before he could react or even say a single word, the pile of paper in his hands were taken out and slammed against the nearest solid object. A flat one that is. And that happened to be a glass coffee table next to him. A frown written on his lips, which grew as a firm grip grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward.  The one thing that he enjoyed from his partner, but also hated about that too. She is strong and she isn’t afraid to show it either. Regardless, she pulled him to his feet and didn’t hesitate in pulling him forward. 
“Where are we going?” Agent 14 asked, startled by all of this. He tried to dig his heels into the ground, which is quite difficult when it’s a hard floor. Plus, again, she’s strong. She didn’t even seem to slow down or talk until they were out the building. Out the bunker and into the fields. He could already feel himself getting a sun burn from the summer sun. Then again, this is California. It’s been pretty hot. 
He opened his mouth to repeat his question again, but she had spoken up before he could. 
“We are going to go for a movie night,” his partner said. 
“A movie night!?” 
“You don’t remember in promising me that today? Urrrgh. You are difficult!” She said, groaning in displeasure. She flickered a glare in his direction, which he shrugged it off. He gotten used to the glares being given to him. He was also used to his memory not working on him. Memory.exe has shut down on him. 
Agent 14 promised he didn’t mean it. Work can catch up to him, making him forget. He did try and his partner knew this too. So, she couldn’t get too pissy at him. Luckily, they had discussed it numerous times and they both came to a mutually understanding. Something he’s so glad for. 
“I am sorry, alright? We’ll definitely watch whatever movie you want to watch. Your treat. Snacks, all the cuddles, everything.” That’s how he made it up if and when he forgot, which is not exactly on a daily basis of forgetting, but it’s common to happen. Regardless, he had saw a nod from her. An approval one that is. Well, in his eyes. It meant she wouldn’t be all too pissed off. 
By the time, the two settled down at his place with a movie pulled from Netflix with snacks laid out before them on the table with drinks, the opening credits rolled in. The title flashing across the screen. Agent 14 held back a groan at the title. Another Disney movie. Not that he had anything against it or anything. It meant that his partner would break into a singing session, matching every word perfectly but not on the right key. It’s okay with him though. She didn’t need to be a perfect singer for him to enjoy seeing her burst into a song, having fun. Even bug him to join in, especially if there’s a duet. 
Instead, Agent 14 straighten himself up, allowing a smile to touch his lip. One hand snaking around his partner’s shoulder, pulling her into his side and making them cuddle. Their eyes glued to the screen, which lit up their faces in colorful flashes. 
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mistaeq · 4 years
are you okay memory :( *hugs* i'll call jotaro
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Memory.exe/penis now erasing...
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zusplace · 5 years
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/// Silent Hill /// memory.exe
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rimeforge · 5 years
How many of your ships have ever been with another person?
Shipping Meme.
For Uriel, I believe…Four? But my memory is also shit. I think that’s correct. Maybe more accurately two and a half…Or even less than that since it’s still in development.
I have his previous relationship with Itillan ( @foxfictioncentral ) (Von’delar being my own toon)Then there’s the ship with Wrathion ( @blacktaloned )More recently, the one that’s still in development is currently an in game only ship as the writer for him doesn’t have a tumblr. But I’m still counting it.There was also a ship, way back when, with Uri and @elendeare ‘s Alamor before the mun retired from tumblr rp (if thats an accurate way to describe it /orz).
I think that’s it? But as I said, memory.exe has stopped responding.
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pannacottagiovanna · 7 years
hmhmm i woke up missing seeing giorno when i wake up in the morning,,,
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bleedingdesert · 3 years
So, Under.tale gets things with A just slightly enough wrong that I want to do a short memory log about her.
So in canon she does have a crush on me. Which is true. Just a little odd for me. The age difference between us made it to where when she did have a crush it was more like a student crushing on their professor. It happens. Just. Awkward. More so since like in canon she did end up in a long term relationship with Undyn.e. Who was my daughter. All in all it was fine, if not a little awkward between us at times. But hey, who isn’t awkward around people who you know had a crush on you at one point.
Alphy.s did become the head scientist leading the research on necromancy. She was an intern with Gast.er for a while before he passed away in his lab. Then naturally she became the head of the project.  
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damagaratsa · 6 years
me: I’m having such a great day.
me: People are inherently good!
me: I am safe and part of a greater community that will support me in times of need.
me: A few bad apples don’t spoil the bunch :)
memory.exe: ...
me: oh
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blusakura · 2 years
Wipe my existence away from your mind, memory.exe unable to load. All I want to hear is silence and my soul shattering
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the-music-keeper · 4 years
Happy almost Valentine's Day, folks!
We have one of our "replacement-for-spring-break" break days on Wednesday -- I might go take advantage of one of those post-holiday candy sales.
Or maybe I'll choose to be smart instead and choose a healthier snack to buy. We'll find out soon enough.
Jazz Improv
1. Record a test. (I made dang sure to fix my wrong notes, y'all.)
2. Learn and record something for another singer. (This was a very extremely creepy recording to make.)
3. Finish Time Zones. (Did I finish Time Zones? No. Did I finish one thing and nearly finish another thing? You bet your bottom dollar I did!)
4. Ravel sonatine. (I would like to get started on the second movement and start memorizing the first.)
5. Bach prelude/fugue. (I'm in the reading phase of the prelude at least.)
6. Debussy prelude. (Well, I did look at it. Once.)
7. Mompou canzion y danza. (So we took some things out, so I kind of need to relearn it.)
8. Haydn sonata. (I tried playing the third movement in studio and memory.exe crashed at the recapitulation. So I evidently need to stabilize that.)
Other Stuff
9. Word exec meeting. (We ended up not having it until this afternoon.)
10. Finish writing something for the Word Valentine's Day poetry jam! (And for the online chapbook, too.)
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memory below but it aint pretty
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