#men in tanktop
hommepieds007 · 4 months
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Manhattan Valley on Broadway…handsome…sexy…hunk…tank top…white Havaianas Flip Flops…
Source: HommePieds007
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specs-tacularmen · 3 months
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My glasses really bring out my chest, don’t you think ???
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rugtopper · 9 months
I Hate Butterscotch
By Rugtopper
I was beyond excited.  After making every excuse imaginable to see my dentist whenever I could over the years, Dr. Goldstein finally asked me out to dinner.  Yes, I guess I could have been bold and asked him myself, but he is at least 25 years older than me.  I have had a crush on him since I was a teenager.  He is so handsome and dapper.  He also has something else that most anyone, male or female, would find off-putting.  He wears a toupee.  It's not high quality in any way.  It doesn't even match the color of his real hair. You see, I have this bizarre problem:  I have a fetish for toupees.  Every time I'm in that dentist's chair, I get so turned on just staring at Dr. Goldstein's hard, fake hairline.  His toupee is a deep chestnut brown, very thick and full, with a traditional left-sided part.  The thing that makes it stand out is the upsweep off the forehead.  There are far better hairpieces on the market that he could have purchased, but for whatever reasons he went with a less-than-perfect facsimile of human hair.  I have never said anything to him about it, although I have wanted to.  
The night finally arrived.  I had changed my mind nine times over what to wear.  I knew he was taking me to a very upscale restaurant, so I knew I needed to wear a suit.  I had debated which of the three I owned to wear, and decided to wear the dark navy; then, there was the decision about the tie.  I had many in my collection that had belonged to older male relatives who had passed on.  Twenty minutes before he arrived, I finally decided on a bright floral.  My shirt was crisp and white.  My undershirt was taut across my pecs and clearly apparent underneath.  I had decided to wear these silly silk pink boxer shorts with red and white hearts on them - just in case.  I had gone all-in with garters for my socks.  I had worn them since college.  A fraternity brother had gotten me into them.
Dr. Goldstein arrived on time looking handsome as ever in a dark charcoal suit.  Like me, his shirt was crisp and white, but thicker than mine.  Still, I could see the faint outline of the scoop of his a-shirt.  I knew he had more traditional leanings in apparel.  When I opened my front door, my voice caught in my throat.  The way the porch light seemed to magnify the artificiality of his hairpiece took my breath away.  I didn't want to go to the restaurant.  I just wanted him in my bed with his hair on my dresser.  Still, I managed to find my voice and greet him.
"Good evening, Dr. Goldstein."
"None of that 'doctor' stuff tonight, Chris.  Please call me Jake.  Now, are you ready?  That restaurant won't hold our reservation."
"Sure, of course."
I'll skip over the dinner conversation.  It was pleasant, but pedestrian.  The food was excellent.  I thought that I had been fairly successful in avoiding staring at his hair, but I guess I failed because as we got to dessert and coffee Jake put his fork down and looked directly into my eyes.
"Uh, Chris, is there something wrong with my hair?  You keep staring at it."
I immediately crossed my legs and said, "I am so sorry, Jake.  I didn't mean to stare, or embarrass you.  I never would want to do that."
"Then why do you keep staring at it?  You seem to do it all the time, especially when you're in the chair for your checkups."
"I apologize, Jake.  It's just that . . . Never mind.  I can't say."
"Of course you can, Chris.  I've known you since you were 12.  You can tell me anything."
"Okay.  Uhm . . .  I don't want to embarrass you or hurt your feelings."
"You won't, Chris.  Now, just say it."
I took a sip of my coffee.  It tasted very bitter, so I added another spoonful of sugar and took another sip.  "Okay.  Jake, I really love your hair.  I think it is so beautiful.  There, I finally said it out loud".  After I said that, I tightened my crossed legs even more to keep what little I had from popping up.
At first, Jake got this slightly shocked look on his face, then he seemed to blush.
"You didn't hurt my feelings at all Chris.  In fact, I'm quite flattered.  But, I'm also somewhat embarrassed."
"I'm so sorry, Jake.  Now I'm embarrassed for upsetting you." I took another sip of coffee.
"Chris, I'm not upset, but I am a little embarrassed.  You see, this is very difficult for a man to admit, but I actually wear a toupee."
I crossed my legs even tighter, forcing my nuts to roll up inside myself!  I tried to keep a pleasant look on my face, but I was so excited.  I was also suddenly flushed and slightly dizzy.
"It looks great," I lied to him.  Actually, it looked great for someone with my issues, but it looked bad for someone who is trying to convince the world that his hair is real.
"I had to start wearing one when I was in college.  A lot of men are embarrassed about losing their hair, especially at a young age.  Are you okay, Chris?  You don't look well." What I tried to say was, 'I feel fine if a bit warm'.  What came out was some sort of incoherent gibberish.  After that, I think I passed out, but I really don't remember.
The next thing I do recall was the acrid smell of burning hair, and a coolness on my knees.  I slowly opened my eyes.  I was sitting in a huge barber's chair with a clear cape covering me, yet I could see my undergarments!  What was going on?  I looked up and saw my reflection in a huge mirror.  There was a husky man standing behind me.  He had the most exquisite black pompadour, clearly a full wig.  He was holding a tiny pen with a cord attached.  He kept touching the top of my head with it.  Each time he did, I felt a slight tinge and smelled burning hair - my hair.  There was only stubble on the top, but the rest of my hair on the back and sides had been trimmed very short.  I tried to talk, but was unable to utter a word.  In front of the mirror was a shallow ledge.  There were two styrofoam wig heads with a very dark ginger toupee on each.  At first I tried to think who I'd like to see wearing them.  As my mind cleared more and more, I realized that those toupees were for me.  As this reality became clear, I saw Jake via the mirror walking toward me.  
"Oh, good.  I'm glad you are finally waking up, Chris.  You know, I love the cute boxer shorts you wore just for me.  Still, it's a waste of all that silk to cover that little dicklet of yours.  I bet you sit down to pee.  Still, it's good to know you have some traditional leanings in your choice of apparel."
"What's going on, Jake?" It sounded somewhat slurred.  I must have still been hung over from whatever was in that bitter coffee.
The husky barber continued to denude my scalp while Jake spoke.
"Chris, you are very intelligent.  I think you have figured it out.  I am flattered by your schoolboy crush.  I even found the story you wrote about me.  Now, don't look so startled.  I recognized myself in the story immediately, even if you did change my name.  You see, Chris, you were very chatty a few months ago during that extraction surgery.  Afterwards, with Antonio's professional skills, I decided to help you become the mature man you have longed to be.  I think you need to know what it's like to have everyone stare at your hair all the time."
As Jake finished talking, he took a step back.  Antonio took one of the toupees off the styrofoam head and applied four pieces of tape to the underside.  Two of the pieces of tape were curved.  They were placed at the front and back of the hairpiece.  On the sides were placed two straight strips.  Antonio quickly placed the toupee on my head.  The perimeter was rather stiff.  The tape immediately stuck to my scalp.  When Antonio had my new hair on my head, I felt the curved tape in back adhere just above my occipital bone. I knew then that I was forever going to be a Norwood Six male patterned bald man in a rug. I could feel the light mesh foundation of the center of the toupee against my smooth, sensitive bald head.  The toupee was thick and full with a fixed left-sided part.  The texture was smoother than my own hair.  The contrast between my flat brown hair and what had been taped to my head was stark to say the least.  Antonio began trimming my new, fake hair with scissors. He used a small handheld steamer in the front. Suddenly I could tell he was giving me the same up-sweep that Jake's toupee had. I realized that apart from the color, I had the same model toupee as Jake did. The laser wand Antonio had earlier used had killed the hair on the top of my head. It has also destroyed the hair at my temples. Without that, it was even more glaringly obvious what I had on my head. My little dicklet decided to do a happy dance. I was enjoying my new look without a thought about the day-to-day life experiences I would certainly encounter.
I was mesmerized, humiliated, vulnerable, and thrilled all the same time.  I was also a little upset.
"It's butterscotch," I blurted out.  "I hate butterscotch."
"I know Chris.  You told me after that surgery as the nitrogen oxide was wearing off.  You told many, many things.  You told me about your crush you have had for me, and you told me one other thing."
As Antonio finished styling my new hair, Jake walked up behind me, leaned down beside my ear, and whispered, "you have a great toupee, Chris, but it's still just a cheap toupee."
The End
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"I'm not saying I'm the best athlete in the world, but I'm definitely in the top 1% of people who look good in athletic wear from WhiteyTighties.com." - Unknown
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oneguardian15 · 23 days
when i say. i audibly gasped. when i saw elektra!!! in deadpool and wolverine!!!! i fucking GASPED
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song-tam · 6 days
i WILL get into it eventually. love and deepspace that is. i just have 0 space can they make THAT a desktop game (JOKING it would be like 60 bucks)
YIPPEE i hope you have more space soon. there are rumors of a new love interest character dropping in dec/jan apparently and im kinda tweaking out
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bitchy-peachy · 2 months
Nurse: sorry you can't dress like that at the hospital.
Me (after noticing other women showing way more skin than me): are you gonna tell them that or did you only single me out because of my appearance?
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musingsofom · 2 years
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Let me take you on a drive
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hommepieds007 · 4 months
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Wegmans…handsome…tank top…baseball cap…Quickshark Flip Flops…
Source: HommePieds007
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random-senpai · 2 years
Creed's big fat American milkers appreciation post
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They're just so round...so grabbable
Tozuka the goat fr
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rugtopper · 1 year
by rugtopper
Ben had always been fasinated with hairpieces for as long as he could remember. His earliest recollection of this was when he was five years old. He could remember being in the dentist's chair and looking up to see the underventing of his dentist's toupee. As he got older, Ben never really thought much else about it until he started having strange nightmares in high school. At first, he could not remember the dreams. All he could remember was waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. By the time Ben was in college the dreams were occuring everynight; however, now he could remember them in total detail. In the dream he always saw himself enter a bedroom, cross to a full-length mirror, undress to reveal his boxer shorts, athletic undershirt, thick-n-thin socks, and garters. Afterwards, he would go to the bathroom and brush his teeth. At this point, his dream became like a slow-motioned action sequence. He would slowly move his hand to his forehead and gingerly begin to remove his toupee to reveal his perfectly-shaped MPB ring. This dream was a nightly part of Ben's sleep schedule. Eventually, the dreams stopped, Ben graduated from college, and found a great job as a low-level bookkeeper with a securities firm.
One day at work, Ben had some downtime so he decided to check his personal e-mail, and do a little surfing. About fifteen minutes later, he received an instant message from some guy. They started chatting about various things. The guy, Roger, sent his picture. He was wearing a rug! All of a sudden memories began to flood back that Ben hadn't thought about in nearly five years - the dreams, the dentist, and the guy he saw every morning in the elevator who works in Human Resources.
Roger and Ben continued to chat and exchange e-mails for three months. Ben revealed everything to Roger about his growing fetish. Eventually, Roger convinced Ben that now was the time to do something about his growing need to be a rug-ged man.
Ben did a little sleuthing and found a barber downtown who fitted toupees.  He ordered two toupees on-line and then contacted the barber, Phil. Ben was very nervous about setting up an appointment, but he knew he just had to do this. Phil was very understanding especially when Ben explained that he would have to remove some hair from the top of his head. 
"Just how much hair needs to be removed?" Phil asked.
"Well," Ben stammered, "I..."
"It's okay, we'll figure it out when you get here." Phil responded. Phil knew what Ben meant. He had seen this a few other times.
Ben arrived at the barbershop with his toupees still in the box. Phil was very nice. Ben still had a full head of hair. 
"Well, let's get started,"  Phil said. 
So, Ben sat in the chair as Phil began to transform him into the man he had always wanted to be. Phil got out the clippers and began by shaving the top and part of the sides of Ben's head. "That's the easy part, now comes the time consuming part." Phil got out the gel and the laser and methodically began removing the stubble from Ben's head. Ben's emotions were everywhere at this point. He was scared, nervous, excited, and a little shattered to be losing his hair.  Finally, after a very long time, Phil turned Ben around to look at himself in the mirror for the first time as a 28 year old man with male pattern baldness. Ben nearly started to cry and said, "I'm bald; Oh, God, my hair."  Phil quickly responded, "It's okay, Ben, your hair is right here." With that, Phil took the toupee off of the wig stand and applied tape to the tape tabs and placed it on Ben's head. Then Phil began cutting, shaping and blending the toupee into Ben's own fringe. He got a small handheld steamer to form Ben's new synthetic facsimile into the perfect businessman's style.  Again, after a while, Phil turned Ben around to the mirror to reveal the new Ben. It was perfect.  Well, it was hideous, but in Ben's estimation, it was perfect.  This flat brown piece of Dynel was taped to his denuded scalp.  There was just an eighth of an inch gap at the part to expose the mesh base foundation.  The style was off-the-forehead enough to allow anyone with rudimentary skills of observation to notice that it was not growing out of Ben's scalp.  At first glance, Ben couldn't believe his eyes, but his dick understood what was happening.  He could feel the throbbing down there. Ben didn't know how long he sat there just staring at his new hair, but eventually he did get up, pay Phil, and go home.
When he walked into the house, he immediately went to his bedroom.  He was about to see his dream come true.  Fantasy was finally reality. And it did.  As he stood there in front of his full-length mirror, he undressed to his undergarments.  He now looked like every middle aged man he had ever admired and always wanted to be.  As he slowly removed his toupee for the first time, he quickly grabbed his throbbing cock and proceeded to finish what he wanted to do at the barbershop.
The next morning, Ben got up earlier than normal to give himself some extra time with his new hair.  When he got to his office building, he took the elevator as usual only this time he paid closer attention to the guy from Human Resources.  It turned out to be Roger from the Internet.  Roger and Ben just stared at each other's reflection in the elevator's mirrors until finally Roger told Ben that he was happy that Ben finally got his new hair.  He told him he should be proud of his new hair. Throughout the work day, Ben got quite a few stares, a few giggles, and some double takes.  Ben made it a point to go to lunch with Roger that day.  As Ben had suspected, he and Roger had a wonderful common secret, and possibly even a future.
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apuzzledprince · 2 years
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[Image ID: A simple digital drawing of the artist's persona on a white background. They are shown from the middle of the thighs up and are facing the viewer. They have a surprised expression and there are question marks next to their head to indicate confusion. Their arms are held out, bent slightly at the elbows as though they aren't sure what to do with them. They have broad shoulders and a small waist, giving them a sort of hourglass shape. They are wearing a light blue sports bra and dark blue low-waisted jeans with red boxers showing. They have green hair. /.End ID]
when ur getting dressed and glance in the mirror, only to realize you are Shaped™️ and not masculine in stature. you are shocked, you completely forgot this fact. (I am very new to writing image descriptions, please let me know if there's anything i need to change)
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bat-luun · 1 year
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theevango · 2 years
The fact that these are stills.
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bunn13z · 3 months
currently struggling because i wanna wear one of my pretty sundresses today but if i get any bleach on it from my hair i might literally die.
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reigningcrane · 6 months
i need to measure my shoulders and compare them to the rest of my torso bc ik that ratio is fucked up to hell but i want to know how fucked up to hell it is
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