#men who are funny are like the pinnacle of attractiveness to me. its sense of humour above all else it doesnt even matter
wanghedi · 3 months
Saw james acaster tonight!! Second row seat! It was the closest ive ever sat to a stage and i see why ppl pay more for it cos it was exhilarating like he was in my phone and then he was there! within reach! I think this is the first time ive been properly starstruck bc ive never been that close to a person i watched on my phone before i could see the textures of his skin and creases in his clothes and it was a small theatre so it felt like he was looking out and make eye contact a few times even tho he almost definitely couldnt see the crowd with the lights and everything. Hes also taller than i thought he would be. Anyway he was amazing straight to the top of my power ranking of stand up acts ive seen live. Hes just so so so good at what he does he talks about hating doing stand up but its like bro u cannot quit this is literally ur calling. The show is called hecklers welcome and he did crowd work for literally half the show not even sure if it was planned?? Cos he started a story and never finished it bc he got sidetracked but hes so good that maybe that was also intentional idk. All the crowd work wouldve annoyed me if it was anyone else but it just seemed effortless for him idk. He made the unfunny heckles funny and it was so evident why hes the professional. Hes a guy whos already talented AND really studies and understands comedy AND i like his type of comedy 10/10 i had high hopes walking in and he did not disappoint
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things2mustdo · 3 years
When I first started learning about this thing called “Game”, it was all about getting the lay.  The all important f-close is the reason most men undertake the the arts of seduction.
Since we live in a culture which is hostile to male heterosexuality, most grow up with a drug induced haze of images from faggot made movies like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and other assorted dog shit which indoctrinates a young boy’s mind into a form of psychological slavery.  This form of bondage is collectively known as white knighting or male thirst.
Growing into young adulthood I seemed to have this idea that a girl who loved me dearly, fanatically devoted to my every need was the end all-be all of life’s journey.  As a young brainwashed fucktard I romanticized endlessly about how that scenario would play out or just how amazing I would feel with my very own pretty pretty princess.  This only served to raise that pedestal up even higher in my mind, putting women in the clouds while I gazed up worshipful from the unclean floor where all sinful males have to be.
Just a pathetic, unworthy chump who somehow deserves a miracle because I’m such a good guy at heart.  I would see girls at school with other guys and think, “He doesn’t deserve her.  I could treat her so much better”.
At some point I’m not sure when, this idea took over my entire thought process.  Converting to Christianity at age 21 after being a manic depressive for years was the nail in the coffin for me.  Now my beta bitch boy mentality received a monster steroid dose of delusion.  Attending churches and hearing all the spineless pastors praise women constantly was a lethal injection of poison into my highly contaminated mind and spirit.  What modern culture did to me was only exacerbated tenfold by embracing Christianity and the weak males who proliferate it’s fagged out congregations.
It was a constant struggle to wrest my mind and spirit from Medusa’s gaze.  The whole time I sensed this internal battle going on within me.  I couldn’t quite articulate it then but the struggle was between sincere belief in the paper thin facade of lies and the primal instinct in my gut screaming DANGER DANGER!
Enough is Enough
After 6 long years of spiritual slavery and cognitive dissonance I’d had enough.  I finally grabbed my nuts and said a big fuck you to the church and every fag within it.  I finally stopped believing in the lies which only caused me to bash my head against a wall constantly while every weak bitch around insisted I was on the oh so righteous path.  These “godly” men would always say things like “God has a special plan for you and He has the right woman already picked out and just around the corner” as the church tried to pawn off single mothers and used up whores as some kind of “blessing” to its lovesick, piss weak males.
I had all this pent up frustration for so long and I was so angry that I went in the complete opposite direction.  I became the biggest shitlord I could possibly imagine in a very short period of time.
So what does this have to do with having women on your own terms you ask?
Well the answer is very simple.  To have women on your own terms you simply must not care about them anymore. You must lay to rest in a shallow and forgotten grave the entire notion of romantic love. Now I know this is easier said than done but there is a plan of action to achieve these results but only if you are willing to go all the way and not hold back one bit.
Are you truly ready for that?
Find Your Nuts Again
In order to regain control of your mind, your life and become the tantalizing delight of the female hindbrain one must completely abandon all pretensions of care towards women and act in 100% complete and total selfishness.
“But Jack, I’m just not that kind of person.”
Well if a female’s petty love is something you truly want you had better change yourself and do it goddamn quick.  One of the best ways to become a master of pussy is having the inner power to turn down a piece of ass even when you have no other options.
“WTF Jack! Isn’t the purpose of learning game to get laid?”
While that may be the impetus which spurred you down this path, the destination is much much greater.  Now a lot of playa playa’s and guys in the manosphere might disagree with me here but the purpose of learning game isn’t just to get pussy.
The purpose of game and self improvement is to become a SUPERIOR man.  One whose thoughts, words and deeds are in a frightening, mystical alignment.
Pussy is simply a side effect of becoming a superior man.  When you the reach the point of total ZFG, women will find you irresistibly arousing.  Having been on the wrong side of those tracks for so long you will feel like you now have magical powers and your relationships with women will seem like one big hilarious joke which you entertain yourself with.  If you are like me you will maniacally laugh inside every time you see some retard female’s eyes light up with attraction when you are an arrogant, uncaring prick.
That is the point when your life will become something you live just for you.  Whether that be for your own entertainment or something more, all that matters is that your life and your destiny are now in your hands alone.
Violently Destroy Your Barriers
If you have never turned pussy away you should force yourself to do it on a regular basis until you don’t give a fuck.
Shortly after I made my exodus from fagged out Cucktianity I ran through sluts like a freight train and I got addicted to the momentum and the action.  For me getting the f-close was cool and all but the hilarious shit I said and did to get me there was the juice I began to crave.  Every time I did some crazy asshole shit I would tell myself
“Alright Jack, this time you gotta one up yourself.”
From making out with girls in front of their boyfriends, choking girls within 20 secs of meeting them and grabbing sluts out of groups of chodes to take them to the dance floor make out and finger them while the chumps stood by completely bewildered.  I was on a fucking rampage.
I remember this one blond I fucked and she must have thought that I really liked her or something because I enjoyed the sex.  She told a friend of mine that I was in love with her.  So the next time she called I made it a point to plan a meetup in which I stood her up.  After a bunch of missed calls and texts I finally simply told her, “Guess what babe?  No dick for you!”
Even though I didn’t have any other options for pussy that night I felt like a fucking boss telling some whore to get fucked (by someone else).  If you’ve never done this before, the mental and spiritual power it will give you cannot be understated.
Make women obey your commands rather than vice versa
Feed The Fire
When you get momentum like this it is essential to go harder and harder pushing yourself into the stratosphere.
Not for the faint of heart!
This is the path to forge a man out of steel.  Ironically my entire attitude and ZFG mentality ended up attracting a girl 10yrs younger than me who ticked off a majority of all indicators to be girlfriend material.  She quickly fell madly in love with me and honestly it was fucking funny to watch.
All this time I had been led to believe what I now had was the absolute pinnacle of a male’s existence.  I remember thinking after a lengthy period with this girl, “Fuck. This is it? Goddamn. I was happier single!”
Serious relationships in my experience just bring a man down, kill his ZFG attitude and obliterate his freedom.  The path of a superior man is one of climbing ever upward.  The only caveat is this.
When you ascend to the heights no one else dares go, you might find yourself all alone.  This is not a bad thing however.
Just takes some serious introspection and honesty with oneself to assess whether or not you have the fucking cajones to handle it.
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shady-shedinja · 7 years
Thoughts and ramblings
Today I’ve been thinking a lot about the past and how I feel about things especially my feeling about my old church the lds/Mormon church, and I just kind of wanted to put down my thoughts somewhere. Feel free to skip this if you want to. It’s not going to be very coherent just kind of thought vomit.
I saw a post by an ex Mormon blogger so I decided to look through the ex Mormon tag, something I’ve never done despite being an ex Mormon myself.
I found this one blog called Mormon rants that is basically the rants of a now ex Mormon about there feelings on the religion and it really got me thinking about how I felt. A lot of gay people say that growing up they always kind of knew they were gay before they came out to themselves. Turned on the light in the closet if you would. And I’ve realized somewhat recently that I can’t really relate to that, yeah looking back I can see signs of like “oh yeah that was really gay” and stuff but there was never a sense of that is me. For me it always more of a “oh my god is that WHAT I am? No no I couldn’t be like that.” So I’d repress it to the point I wouldn’t think about it for months. It wasn’t this internal struggle that went on for years that I slowly came to terms with. And maybe people mean something more akin to what I felt when they say they could tell, but I’ve always felt like for most people it was a lot more gradual realization than what i remember feeling. And I think at least part of the reason I felt that way is because I grew up Mormon. I repressed it so hard to the point of not even knowing because I couldn’t be gay, I wasn’t all those stereotypes, I was a good little Mormon boy that believed in Jesus Christ and god and god wouldn’t do something like that to a good Mormon boy. I mean how can a young kid rationalize being part of this church that says he’s wrong just by existing? He can’t or rather I couldn’t. So if I was part of this church and there was a loving god obviously I wasn’t gay. And that’s how I suppressed each time the feelings came up. Never letting them stay long enough to become anything more than a whisper in the crowd of my thoughts. I didn’t really realize I was gay until in between my junior and senior years in high school. My friend oicowlypta had gotten and shown me this app I’d never heard of Tumblr and I thought the things on it were funny so I made an account and followed them. The things I saw on here legit changed my life. I learned about feminism and the fluidity of sexuality and most important for my personal growth the fact that your romantic and sexual attractions can be separate. This is what finally led to my flicking on the light in the closet. Originally I identified as split attraction with sexual being towards men (my sex) and romantic towards woman. I realize now that I was just trying to keep some semblance of being straight, this way I could still have that happy Mormon life if been led to believe was the pinnacle of happiness. And unfortunately this is how I came out to my parents. I still feel kind of bad because I told them I still wanted to be apart of the church. I gave them a false sense of hope that I could still live the life they wanted for me, the life that in there eyes brought true happiness. Before I’d even thought about coming out to my parents I came out to my best friend. It was July 4th 2014 I want to say and I’d invited him to my family’s celebration since I knew his family didn’t do much on holidays usually. On the way home I was driving him home and I decided to tell him. We ended up talking for three+ hours about sexuality and other things until my parents texted me to come home. I’ll always remember that night because it was the first real time I’d ever opened up to anyone, not just about being gay but about anything. I came out to my parents a few months later I think around September and it consisted mostly of them being worried about me being told not to leave the church and turn my back on what I’ve been taught, despite me being sure to say that I had no interest in leaving the church at the time. It was so disheartening having to sit there for multiple hours that night with them focusing on the church rather than me and my feelings. Yes they assured me that they loved me and they’ve been very supportive but it still pains my heart to realize they cared more about me being in the church than they did about learning about me and my feelings and experiences. Within the next three months I left the church, I haven’t officially left but my family and my bishop know that I have no interest in having anything to do with the church so it’s good enough for me. The day I left I was freaking out. My dad had become my home teaching companion recently and was really pushing for us to keep up with our home teaching assignments and I couldn’t handle it with my anxiety. Originally I had planned to wait till college to leave but I knew that I couldn’t keep it up that long so I decided to tell them on the same fucking day as tithing settlement happened to be on. Unfortunately my sister had decided to visit my parents that day and I wasn’t ready to tell all my siblings yet so I ended up texting my parents that I was leaving the church. Unfortunately my mom was the only one who saw it so I ended up going to tithing settlement anyway and saying I was leaving in front of my parents and my bishop. I could tell the entire time up until than that my mother was upset and how could I blame her. I feel terrible about that day but I’m glad it happened. I really don’t think I could handle church anymore. Pretty much every Sunday I pretended to be sick to get out of church and just hid in my room the entire day. Since than I’ve come out to teachers, classes, friends, family, and Facebook. I’ve gotten a boyfriend and married him. I’ve had 2 threesomes (both of which I regret) and decided never to have another. I’ve started baking and loved it. I’ve let my interests flourish and thrive and my self esteem is better (still not fantastic but definitely better). I’ve grown so much and I don’t regret anything. However Its been about three years since I’ve come out and left the church and I still have doubts about whether I’m gay or not, laying next to my husband in bed. The man I married and (TMI) have sex with and I still question if these feelings are real or just some sinister force trying to damn me. I know with time I’ll be able to shed these harmful thoughts but for now I still have to live with them and remember that this is me and it makes me happy. Now more church stuff. One of the posts that got me thinking was about how this Mormon rants person still loves parts of the church including the sense of a community. And it got me thinking about how I never had that. The church never gave me a real sense of comfort or peace. I think part of this was me being nervous that if I got close to anyone there they’d realize what I didn’t even at the time that I was gay and that I’d be ostracized. So most of the people I was close with weren’t associated with the church even if they were members because I knew them from school. I think that’s part of why I liked school so much but that’s another story. My sense of community never had anything to do with the church. I might do another if these sometime but for now that’s all. Real quick I’d like to thank all the friends that have helped me along the way especially oicowlypta and badassgeezer.
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ellerevelle · 5 years
or is it just hookup culture
both exist. i dont think what im involved in is deep enough to be considered a polyamorous relationship, because i dont think this guy likes me enough to consider me a person he’s in a relationship with. I’m in that point where I’m afraid to ask him anything for fear of scaring him away. Which isn’t healthy at all, I realize. 
We went to a BDSM dungeon party friday night. I admitted to him that thats extremely intimidating to me. New places in general, new bars, new friends houses, new places freak me out and make me feel anxiety. So this was definitely, obviously, in that vein as well. But we went in, and my confidence felt normal. I wasnt buzzing with comfort, I didnt feel myself glowing (I miss that feeling) but it wasnt scary. If anything it felt neutral. And I felt okay because he and I were together. Hooking up with him wasnt frightening or anything at all, I felt safe because I felt wanted by him. It was liberating. Then again, there wasnt a ton of competition, he even said the next day that he didnt really think anyone else there was attractive. So I wonder if things wouldve been different had there been sexier women there. 
I have no idea how to feel right now. 
He just messaged me via facebook and didnt ask, he simply said “i'm gonna spend the night with my new friend Ali tonight,”
and continued on, “ does that make you feel any particular way to hear me say?”
And I hesitated in a major way. To be honest, my stomach dropped. Same way my stomach dropped when I was over there Friday night before we left for our event and found an open condom at the foot of his bed. I mean, I know we’re not exclusive, I’ve known that from the start. And have been down with it from the start. I had sex with someone else, too. And definitely dont hesitate flirting or carrying on with people when he’s not around. Which is why I’m not sure how I feel right now. Its a double standard, right? That I’m imposing? I want to be the apple of his eye, of everyone’s fucking eye... I want to be the only one, but yet I want to have the freedom to do what I want and not be judged or managed or shamed... 
But I like legit hate this feeling now. I hate that he’s with somebody else, that he’s excited to spend time with some new other girl. I’m trying to be confident, to know that humans are humans and we all have different things to offer and she’s not me and I’m not her, and that there are things about me that are very special and that him sleeping with her doesnt negate anything about how rad I am. 
But like, if he thinks I’m rad and likes me, why not just... ask me to hang out tonight? It makes my insecurities skyrocket. Like, am I not interesting enough? Not pretty enough, funny enough? Was I not as cool as I thought I was? Am I being TOO clingy now that he and I are getting more comfortable? Am I setting myself up as the hookup BDSM group party friend? Because although I am excited about exploring that without judgement or slut shaming, my HEART NEEEEDS so much more... I’m scared. Multi level scared, like... He asked “does that make you feel any particular way to hear me say?” 
I wanted to type YES YES IT DOES MAKE ME FEEL A PARTICULAR WAY AND I DONT LOVE IT. but like... fuck man, like... does that ruin everything? he wont reconsider hanging out with her if I dont like it. I feel like he’d just still hang with her and reconsider ME. 
I want to be special enough for someone to prioritize. I guess maybe him deciding to ask me IS showing me he respects me? But it kinda feels like a trick question sortof? I mean... he wasnt asking me if it was okay for him to sleep with her. that part of the message was a statement of fact. 
The question was, does it make me FEEL something. that feels like a trick question. Does he want me to feel jealous? I kindof wish he did... Like, if he felt jealous of some other guy I’m sleeping with, I’d feel flattered. And consider trying to be more monogomous to consider his feelings, tbh. 
So what if I’d said, yes that makes me feel jealous? 
And then like... what if thats bad and then my jealousy scares him off or bothers him or makes him worry that theres pressure on him now and all the other things women do to men and men do to women in relationships...!?! I know he’s afraid of expectations, he said so in a voicemail and has never brought it back up... which I find quite telling. Its clear he’s scared. Which is kindof what I considered, warp speed, before I typed my reply to him on facebook fucking messenger. 
Because, you know, conversations of the heart deserve a rich and immersive platform, LIKE FACEBOOK FUCKING MESSENGER -___-
I replied to him with two gifs. 
One was a “eehhhhh I dont knoooooowww about this....” squidgy eyed shrug sortof face. 
Then the next one was a “go for it girl” wink from The New Girl. 
Then I wrote 
“ i think polyamory is great, the experience with you has been my first foray into it and so while i have pangs of hesitation, all in all im confident in myself and fucking love our chemistry and feel a smoothness to it all“
I dont totally feel a smoothness to it all. What I really wanted to say was, “just help me feel special. as long as I feel special to you, like, you show me that I matter to you, I’m down with other women in your life. Just dont make me feel like I’m just a consolation prize or a second thought or like, a back burner sort of person.  Make me feel special, that you know I’m awesome, and I’m okay” 
But I dont know if that would have read well. 
With my ex, that didnt go well. I didnt articulate it in a manner he understood and I guess I came off sounding like a controlling diva princess. Which I still dont totally understand but, hey, we’re all biased to whats in our own heads. Our own words and opinions always make sense to US because theyre OURS, right? So yea. I didnt type all that. 
I tried to come off as cool. Hesitant, but confident. So I hope that he like... sees that and like, sees me being cool and KNOWS that I’m special. Because I imagine not everyone would reply like that? Fuck me man. FUUUCKK, see!? all this big long post... I’m not cool about this. 
Who is she? Is she hotter, funnier, cooler? better in bed? is it a psychology thing, like shes a NEW person so thats intriguing? Younger? Harder to get? I’ll never know unless we talk about it but I’m concerned talking about it I’ll slip up and say the wrong thing and lose this whole situation, then he’ll DEFINITELY sleep with other people and DEFINITELY put me on the back burner and OMG insecurities suck.
I just want somebody to see me as awesome as I feel, and say nice things and want to be around me the way I want to be around them. I want to share and make music and food with someone I love and tell them theyre great and make out and make love and be proud to hold hands at a party and have no one else because we’ve got all we need and aint nobody gon’ step to our awesomeness because we’re royalty. Like having a best friend. Like a beeeeeest friend. 
I asked him if shes coming to his New Years Day party. I’ve been looking forward to going for a few days now, but now I’m realizing I wont necessarily be the apple of his eye. I’m horrible at competing for attention, especially in a blatant way. Plus I think it puffs up men’s egos too much to like, fawn for attention. I know I just have to be myself and if he sees me and notices and comes over to give ME attention then thats great, and if not I’m still just present and being myself and thats as pure as it has to be...
But I have a knot in my stomach now. Im trying really hard to be cool while still dropping hints of like, Hey I want you to treat me like a lady and maybe kiss my cheek and tell me its all gonna be okay, so to speak. 
I dont want to need to be coddled. But I’m not that indifferent of a person. I want to KNOW how people feel about me. 
I guess it could be cool tho, to like... be sexy and sexual and know he’s into me but okay with me expressing myself with other people. That is actually pretty cool, if thats whats happening. 
But then why am I having such a hard time turning it around and being happy for him and confident for him and psyched for him to be with other people? 
I feel like, ideally, I want to be with someone super hot and sexy and JUST into me, but to have the same intentions of like... kicking ass and taking names TOGETHER. Like, having threesomes or group sex and dominating the room, having everyone love us and fawn over us, but KNOW that we’re a TEAM and that without a single down we kick ass TOGETHER and are only in love with each other. That we can be physical and enjoy other people but at the end of the day we’re the ones in charge, our love is untouchable and although other people are fun and part of the mix, that nothing can reach the pinnacle of awesome that is us. 
THAT would be tight. But I dont think he’s in that frame of mind. Nor am I sure that I’d even want that with someone I’m not in love with. And I’m not in love with him. Not yet any way. There’s so much more to learn first. SOOOOOOO much more to learn first. 
Our “relationship”? does feel more mature though. At least for me. I am (contrary to this journal entry) much more brave about saying things out loud to him. I feel like I can confess and be more truthful about my opinions and what I need. Not entirely, but definitely more than with my ex. 
uuuugh I feel sad and weird. Probably gonna clean my room and pirate some version of Spirited Away offline. 
He just sent me a last little thing, because I said “have a good time tonight, be safe plz (implying please use a condom) and I’ll see ya next year.”
To which he replied “I absolutely will. Sending love hunnybunch.”
So he’s sending love... 
Thats at least a smidge of ease off the knot in my stomach. I just wanna feel special :/ I hope she knows about ME. I want some manner of authority here. Although I dont tell other people I flirt or hook up with that I’m sleeping with him... But should I? Are we stepping into actual relationship territory? 
I feel like if I knew where he placed me in this then I’d have more solid footing. But how the fuck do I ask that without sounding like a total dweeb/ or Nazi / or chaperone / or old lady? 
FUUUCK I feel so dumb! 
How can I feel less dumb?
No one is gonna read this far. 
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Bad boys are over. Man-children are over. Lovable losers are over. The women of America are too busy being re-traumatized by the discourse of #MeToo over and over again to want to fantasize about doing the enormous emotional labor required to heal troubled men of their wounds and shape them from tortured frogs into perfect Prince Charmings.
No, instead, American pop culture has officially entered into the era of the wholesome bae. Which is to say that this is Noah Centineo’s universe now, and the rest of us are just living in it.
More accurately, it is Peter Kavinsky’s universe. Peter Kavinsky is the character played by Noah Centineo in Netflix’s breakout high school romantic comedy To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. He is the crush object of the summer, and like all great fictional crush objects before him — Jake Ryan, Jordan Catalano — he is known universally by his full name.
In the brief time since To All the Boys premiered, Peter Kavinsky has become iconic for his wholesomeness: his willingness to drive all the way across town to get Lara Jean her yogurt smoothies, his decision to drink kombucha at a house party because he’s driving and also it’s supposed to be good for your digestion, his instinct to keep the popcorn bowl from getting overturned in a middle of an impromptu pillow fight.
Peter Kavinsky is beloved because, unlike his predecessors, he is not actively a bad person, and that is still new and exciting in the world of teen movies. He is not performatively woke or intellectual or tortured or given to especially grand gestures, and that is what makes him appealing: He is most celebrated for reliably doing small things, for showing up, for exuding a sense of honest wholesomeness.
But Peter Kavinsky is fictional, and as such, his ability to spin out endless new content for the internet to sigh over is limited. Noah Centineo, on the other hand, is a real person who can fuel endless new GIFs, one who is taking full advantage of his rise to fame to energetically pursue the mantle of the internet’s most wholesome boyfriend. His media strategy since the premiere of To All the Boys seems to be pointed with military precision toward the archetype of the moment.
Like his most famous character, Centineo is not trying to be especially woke, or especially intellectual, or especially artistic, or especially cool. He’s going for a much more basic appeal, like a Tiger Beat cover star who is not entirely asexual: the emotionally healthy soft jock. The wholesome boyfriend. He is a hot guy who is also reliably nice. That is his whole thing, and it is damn effective.
When To All the Boys came out, Centineo picked up a million Instagram followers overnight. Within a month, he’d gone from 800,000 followers pre-To All the Boys to 9.5 million. Now he’s at 12.8 million. His fan base is so fervent that he had to devote part of an interview with Jimmy Kimmel to politely asking them to stop following him around in real life. “I love your love!” he said. “Just don’t follow me.”
Centineo’s rise to fame is a kind of case study in the appeal of the wholesome internet boyfriend, and why this archetype has taken on a particular urgency here in the draining final months of 2018. Here’s how you become the central crush object of the internet in record time, and where you go next.
The first stage in Centineo’s conquest of the internet’s collective heart was to create a certain slippage between himself and Peter Kavinsky. To All the Boys fans were all reliably swooning over the same three Peter Kavinsky moments — the time he has his hand in Lara Jean’s back pocket and then kind of twirls her around, the whole thing with the popcorn and the pillow fight, the time he bashfully splashes her from the hot tub — and within days of the movie’s release, director Susan Johnson had said in interviews that all three moments were Centineo’s idea. Peter Kavinsky might be fictional, the publicity narrative suggested, but the man behind his best moments was actually alive.
The To All the Boys press team also began to heavily imply that maybe Centineo and his co-star Lana Condor were in love in real life, too. (Lana Condor has been with her boyfriend for years and said so, but that didn’t stop a fun press narrative from building.) The adorable picture of Peter and Lara Jean cuddling that appeared in the movie was actually a behind-the-scenes picture of Centineo and Condor napping between takes, it was revealed. Centineo and Condor referred to each other as “the love of my life” all over social media.
“I love Noah. I think he’s the greatest guy in the world. I mean who wouldn’t?” said the prescient Condor to Elle. “He’s the internet’s boyfriend.”
BuzzFeed’s AM to DM morning show got to the heart of the question: Are people thirsting over Peter Kavinsky or Noah Centineo? “As a genius once said, ‘Why not both?’” responded internet thirst expert Nichole Perkins.
While the line between the Peter Kavinsky character and the Noah Centineo public persona became steadily blurrier, Centineo himself was busy on a press tour, giving interview answers that could have been mathematically calibrated in a lab as the perfect good-girl bait.
Asked to describe his perfect date, Centineo volunteered a story about a time he swapped books with a girl and just spent three hours reading with her.
how is this kid real??? like???? i mean???? i would die???????? someone take me on this date like today?????????????????? pic.twitter.com/jii46EQMPs
— Preeti Chhibber @ NYCC oh god too soon tho (@runwithskizzers) August 29, 2018
Asked how he got so good at flirting by Allison P. Davis for the Cut, he delivered this impromptu monologue on the nature of love:
“Am I flirting?” he laughs and leans and looks down at the floor. “I don’t know — I’m fucking so romantic. Like, such a romantic — it’s not even funny. I can’t help it. I swear to God, like, every day, the majority of my day is sentimental. You know, I’m thinking about past relationships I’ve been in, how I miss them so much or what I would do different, or why I wanna be with them again, or just moments I’d like to go back to or I know why I shouldn’t go back, and then you know, it’s just constantly love, love, love.”
Specific or even all that interesting? Not really. Kind of basic? Extremely. But that, after all, is part of the point: the wholesome boyfriend doesn’t have to rise above basicness. He just has to love love, without cynicism or irony. He’s the hot guy who is also consistently nice, who is aware of his emotions and unashamed of them.
Centineo kept hitting his wholesome boyfriend marks with the relentless force of someone who sees his route to superstardom and will not be stopped. He showed up shirtless to an interview and did it without coming off as a complete douche. He did a puppy interview for BuzzFeed, and a perfect boyfriend video for Elle that also had some puppies because look, why not. He became so relentlessly wholesome that not even a leaked nudes scandal could hold him back.
Currently, Centineo’s gone about as far as Peter Kavinsky can take him, and as with any star on the brink of overexposure, he’s facing a certain amount of backlash. The staff of Jezebel has formally dissolved their relationship with internet boyfriend Centineo — “Whatever we (the staff of Jezebel as a whole) had with Centineo (who has never met any of us, to the best of my knowledge), it’s OVER” — citing in part the extreme basicness of his social media presence (the boy loves an inspirational quote). In a recent New York Times profile, his single-minded push for attention was just on the verge of coming off as desperate rather than endearing.
At Lainey Gossip, Kathleen Newman-Bremang is reading the warning signs. “Internet Boyfriend is a designation you get on the come-up,” she writes, citing the previous examples of Michael B. Jordan and Tom Hiddleston. “You either leverage it in your favour (MBJ) or get so drunk off its power you try too hard and become a caricature of yourself (Hiddleston). Where will Noah Centineo fall?” Being the internet’s flavor of the month is not exactly a recipe for career longevity.
But for the moment, Centineo’s month is not over. He remains on top of the world, at the pinnacle of internet boyfriend-ness. The Cut has proclaimed him “the best thirst architect the internet’s ever seen,” lauding his “Stanislavski dedication” to playing “a simple, suburban-mall kind of crush.” GQ looked into what all the fuss was about and came to a simple conclusion: “America Is Horny for Wholesome.”
One of the side effects of the increasingly public gender struggles of the past few years is that they’ve made a lot of previously attractive romantic archetypes seem a lot less appealing than they used to.
How do you sigh over the Johnny Depp-like wounded bad boy when actual Johnny Depp maybe beat his wife? How do you swoon for the stalwart Mel Gibson-like action hero when actual Mel Gibson is on tape telling the mother of his child she deserves to be raped? How do you root for the sweet shy geek to get the hot girl to notice him when shy geeks are joining the incels because they can’t get hot girls to notice them?
In a time when the world is getting ever scarier, and a little romantic escapism would be a welcome refuge from thinking about whether we’re about to put a second man accused of sexual misconduct on the Supreme Court or we’re going to wake up to find that we are in a nuclear war with North Korea, it’s getting harder and harder to find a romantic fantasy that still feels safe.
That’s part of why To All the Boys, with its relentless tenderness and sincerity, became the kind of movie that people watch over and over again on a loop. (“I never rewatch movies,” people keep telling me, “but I watched it twice.”) Its entire ethos is that of nice, kind people working hard to be nice and kind to each other, and that atmosphere has immense currency in the Trump era; you want to live in it. And that’s the Peter Kavinsky fantasy: a boy who will never, ever do anything cruel and will always tell you that you look really pretty today. The hot guy who is reliably nice.
And that’s the fantasy around which Noah Centineo has relentlessly curated his public image. He has made an exact science out of being the internet’s most wholesome boyfriend, at a time when all people want is someone wholesome. So even if he isn’t able to parlay his current viral fame into career longevity, he’s still managed to be exactly what this moment in time needs.
Original Source -> Noah Centineo and the rise of the wholesome internet boyfriend, explained
via The Conservative Brief
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